Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1891, Image 1

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miAIIA. MA WII Il 1S91.
Thoec on tLo North Sulo Go to the North
AMiiittlu * Ajji-ii nil inn ) \iuoprlnllnii | |
I'lotldcsIjiinil ImrKs In OU In-
tiniiin ftiiiKfi'viliiuitl Coiu-
mldoc World
Mm oh J Mr Pmey's reso
/utloii. nlojitcil by tlio seaato Sitiiiday , hav-
int. ' for Its olijucltlio pi'iMinu'iit ' soitloinonl
of Ihn Mill of bottler * In the iioithoaitorn
pirt of North Dnltotit. is of Kieit import moo
'I hoSt Vitieent oxtenslnii of the \IunltoUi
mid Inll olihtis totliuliiido'i ' bolh nidoi of
ItsionstiurUil roil botrtoon St , Cloud anil
Si Vincent This extension , liouevor , tuns
mirth from reruns PiU's ' , often at n distill co
of loss than tlio ten miles ulloued bj tlio
fnni ) lint lid ! Hhor of the Noith
rthcluss tbocoinpmy cldincvl the full
tin miles , notwithstanding it would iiuhulo
n liirfjo tract aci'Dis the liver la North I la
" ) Jwlii. 'Jliis was disallowed bv tlio Interior
depirtnidit on thogioiind tint tlio load was
Mllhin llio limits of Minnosotn
'Jho ' nipix-ino court , lio\\e\er , In n. subse-
quint decision , illsrcKiided tbo boiimlarv
limit of thu stittonnd the ruling In that ease
vlll ijomn In thopiosent ouso
No KI mts tip tothollinoof tint cleclsion
Innlnybeon ivuognl/od in North Dilcoli the t has disposed of and p.itcntod
liirso tiaets of thcie lands , vlilch unilci this
decision must bo held to ha\o \ Iniliod to the
nllioad cotnpuiy Thcso liiuls , it is said ,
incliiclo paits of IVaitfo , (5rand I'oi Us
anil other Impoitmt towns 'Jlio ilicls
Ion roiulurcd toliy bv the sumeine
couit In the in ittci of o\oi l.iuiin | < . '
Kinntod hiinh , Ins piiotlcdlv lendeunl it
impossible \\holK sitisf.s the ( jiuittotbu
JSlinitobi fompaiuithin itsliinlts
If u sell Ic-niniit Is possible thorofinc. it will
bein thelinuof .Mi Cisoy's resolution , di
iritliif tlio scuotaiy of the Intc'tlorto nej o
thin \\lth tlio railio id ( oniiny ] ) Milh i \io\\
tn seciulliLr its consoiit to imlco llio settle
inent of othei public hnd in lion of thcio in
Isorth DiUoti
CoiiiinltteiWo tl > .
WAMIISO rev , Much . ' The c-ouforoct on
the diplomatic and consular nppinpiiition
billha\eaniced. 'Ilic IliuMllin ciblcpropo
sllion Isiiinonded to pro\idc \ for the pajment
totho ciblo conipinj ofnotnioio than c-l'O.OOO
pci niitnnn for fifteen > etrs b ) tlio io\ern \
mint , with the rc < iiiltonrnt the
Him ail m ttotoriimcnt slid ! niv also , i mini paiii utne
X'nlti-d State" .
Hie- senate provhloii looUinjr to tlio dhision
of Ihc L'onli d Aiaoiluiii mission ami the
rnisniKof theMo.xii.iu mission to the llrst
pi iiU * wns rctiitned
'Iho conloiies on tholofjishtivo bill have
npucd nu nil but l\vo or thieo iiomts Tbo
cl'll sen ice loin mission KOCS onvlthoiit anv
chniKO The scnuto pioposltlon foiMOdis
tin tliiif Utah is still opt,1
'Iho ' house confeiws ncceplcd Iho senate
piovisionKivln r the mint ami txssiy ofllioia
ntithoiitvvith thoapinovalof thosocietarv
of the treason , to ovclinitfo Kold b.ns for
Kold coin , thosocrelnrv boinj ; Khen disrro
lion to Impose for such exchange a chnrto ;
vhlch , In his judgment , shall equal tbn cost
ot manufacturing tlio iinrs.
'Inoconforces ' on the liiuinu appiopilition
lilll bavo failed tonuiee llio conferees on
thosumliy dvil bill hive leiehcd an agree
incut , loncciidiiK the piia iaph lol.ithiK to
the ivoiId's fdr , which Is amcndul to appro
junto WiD.dOil as proposed bv the house in
htcid off.HXiOOO pioposcd b\ the seiiale , foi
the oxpciisesof llio Ko\cniment \ exhibit , and
foi the world's Columbian < oniimsslonn
f > OOIs iippioniiali'il , of which f..CUOO . , is lei
the bond of lidy
iiltni d
WAsins . .roMni'hJ - Ilic clni oi made
h ) Iho senate coimnltteo on 'i propnutions in nppropiiatlon bill were few
in millibar , the ino > t import nit belnp tlio ad
dltloiiofu piovision tilloiviinj the in imirac-
tuiors of sorghum sugir to remove ) from
liono illstilleil spirits , of not less tlmi It ) ) pel
tent stieiiKth , frecof tixvheu used In the
iniiuifiictnieof soiclium snir and to le
rovcrtlic bpiutsby rcdibtilliiiff , under suita
bio bonds und i oj-ulat ions.
The ethci now Items me To enable the
seerotniv of iiRi'lciutuio to oontlnuo iinosti
Rations concerning the feasibility of extend ins
the ci Oman ds of foioiKii imikots for L'tiitci'
Btitcsiigriculturil proilacts , -Ji'i ) ) , to un
nhle thosccietaiv lo collect and illssciniuato
infornntion loganliu ) ; silk cultuio , to pur
d miilboiiv tiecs and ( onduci
cxpoilnienlslii silk rulins m the Distilct ol
Columbia. $ ' 'it)00 , ) , tortho puiohiso of ilistii
billion of seeds to the drouth stiflei ors vves
of t lie Missouri il\ei \ % ir .OiK ) 'llio couimil
tee innoascil from J4JIOOO to ST.iT.OJO . the ap
propiiitioi for airrkiiltiml evpoiimonti
stiitions , nml troniilWO ( toKlH.OJO tlio nn
pioprwtion for experimental sugn inuuifac
1 II.Ip I aoltlo KDIIN. |
\V \ niNiTov ( , Maun . ' Senitor Prvo ,
chairiuiu of the senate commltteo oil P.icill
railroads , toiluj wpoitod to the son.Uo .in
hid reiommittoda hill for the settlement of
the indebtedness to the -rmnrnmeiit of tl.o
Union iiutC'eiitiiilPticlllc i ulro uleonipnilo ?
'Jho ptovisions of the bill , m inlet , aio. In
the casoof tlio Union 1'icllloco npmy then ;
Uanextonsloii of the ilebtof tint compa.ii )
to cover a term of I00)oai-s ) , to biar inteivst
for the tli t ton jeaisnt't \ ' poi cent , ami
for thoiennludci ol the period at Jj pu
eent. In addition , thocompiny Is to piy un
miall ) u sum iMiiBiiiKfiotn I''o of J pel cent
to 1 per ctntoi Its Indebtedness
The roqiihonienls in the nso of the Centrd
Pacilic are Dial its debit , sh ill bo o\tomlel
to c-ovcr 10D\car > , ben Ing in Iciest for the
first ten \cirs all pei cent ind thereafter at
2 pei icnt , with a provision foi adilltiotnl
jiij u cuts as 111 the ca e of the United btotcs
I'nblie Debt Inn oasod.
WiMitMHov , March J.I'ho public debt
statement given out todav showsAggro -
pito of Interest IwMiliiff debt. e\cluslvo of
t'nitcil Stitos bonds is. > u 'l to I'acille
l-dlvvajs , jsir ! > , .r > OI , ! ' > > sO , debt o'l which Intorjst
has ceisedsluco maluiiOi ? l , < UI , t > "inggre-
gate debt beiilnp no lutewat , lucluil
jug national li.viik funds , deposited
in tlio tioasuiy uudei Iho mt ot
July H , l&W. ? IJOsl.Ui. nifirropato
of certlllcates ortsct bv cash In Ueisui ) ,
Jj'.Ti.UI.OTl , au'K'ioglto of debt , imluding
ccrtilie.itcs , Februaiv , 's , is'd , $ , " U.IO'J , sM ,
itccTO.iso of bondul debt dining tlio month ,
flr. < ! TW > , total cash In tre.isui ) , < ii.l'i'ii- ' ,
Oii'Juobt loss uish In tivasur ) IVbrimv
"s ly'U ' , $ slt.l/i > ' 1,7' < . | "i. debt U'si cash in the
treasury on .laimar.v .11 , $ > li.Vi,04.-i ( ) , not in-
ci-easeof debt duilngtbo month , f-'JJI,7T > 0
hihomo ot da ml S
\VA niNOTON , Miiuhrho secretary of
Iho Interior hi3 : received infornmlloii that
parties in flutluio ami Aiknnsii City have
InrRoquuntltlosof boldei-a' declai.xtot ) btato-
mcnts , aiv lilting an opportunity to llio them
on the land to bo opened to settlement In tint
ternitorv It U stated t'at ' ttwt o parties
liavo visited the soldiers. ' homes In dlirorenl
parts of tha rounti ) and obtilned from a
jt urge miiiiber of votcnius iww cm ot attornev
L'I o locuto for them lindi In OUIi-
hoiua So surcessful has Uils schcmo
been thut thousands of acroa hue
been omciod. ostensibly by old soldieis.
when Ii > fact It was n schcmo toilofrauil
ken l selllers. Wbou any of tUo latter set
tled upon n i > lei'i ) of land the allot-el "nltnr-
nevi \voiillv\ult until the Mttlir built n
dine or fenced bin Imd ll > ( > tii : > t > him ami
lemuid noonslili'r ihlo suai to iollni | nsh the
"snl Her title 'liu liitrlu-di piiilint nt will
institntnitinihml pioi eidin.M agtmst an\
anil all pei sons wh i havi1 llli I th'io deilar
iitun spltjoini'iitH. and \vlii ) can hi shown to
huu hail ilireit oi-liuliivrt intiTOit In them
( iciicia ! DellcleiK1)
WISIIIM , TON M ii'i li . ' Tin1 inoit import-
nut chatipe in i lo tn the semite < M nmittco In
thoRiMieril dellclt'iii ) nppropriution bill repelled -
polled lnhw is the lul.l'tlnn ' of the fiench
spoil it Inn i lamis. carr.vintf nn appiopri illon
of JIMIoiX , ! , ) , with a promo in Iho ese
of bialtruptcyof the orlirmal sttlTorcrs , the
avuirdsslnll baiiiilu on liolnlf of the next
of kin , lustful of tli ( > aidsjnivs I'ho com-
inlllc'f nlso uttaehod to llio bill Mr IMumb's
utnendtne'iit , pmvluing for tholrainfeiwllh -
out oxamlnatl ui f the clivdllul depirt-
incntiil seiv leu of the cleilcal forcoof tlioicu-
Otlierdianires nmlo bv tlipeottitntttcowero
as follows 1'or a custom house nt 1'ilro ,
III , $ fi.iKX ) , i-lv 111itlon and suppoit of the
SlijiA. < lpilOlM ) , widows of l.ltel'hlef .Imtico
\V ilto and .Justice Millci , * HI , 1)0 ) ami SIOOOO
'I lie coiiiinlttie atticheda piovision diu'ct-
Ingtliosierctiry of the troasui ) to examine
and pa ) iliiuiH that ire ihc'iiH i oporto I to
comiioss foi si iv loci poiforuu'il foi thopov-
oinmcnthv I'acille lalhuads , nnd
imieased from " > n lodO pei cent the i.ito paid
bv prlvnlo parlies , the amount to ho pud to
the niiled I'ailllc i.ulrouls for somec's per-
toiuiou fir ti msporting Hoops and supplies
'I lie bill , as agreed npin , nppiopililos $ l , -
r > 0ill : l. bung < lr > iil l"ili-ss Him asit pissed
tbn seiinte , and . , ' ( ) ( ! , ' ) moio than us II
nassed llio house , fT 7"lls | nioielhan llio
imiciil luv and fl , ll "I'l loss than esil-
miles 1'orn public bnllillngnt Ihiiliiiglon ,
I n , the house iippiouu ition of * IO , 'lHi was
iniie-ased to t'l ' > , to < ) by the sen ito nnd so re
tained The nppiopil ilion of Jli.iMK ) tor
rolniloer to be liiipm ted Into Alaslti , * , ) ( ) )
fin a mllit irj stoicliouse it Omihinnd $ . ' 0.
( Kill for Inigallnii investigation v\eic struck
out The nppiopil it inn foi cndm-iin , ' the
I'hinesu exclusion net was toduied IioinLiO-
0 10 to
.Sii | > i I'liiiCo IIP I l > ei Uliina.
WiiiMnoN , > I uch -TlioLJnltcd Htitos
supreinoiouit lo 1 aunouncoJ ndcolsioi in
u conttmntionof thoMii ( ! dno litication
agiinst Iho clt ) of Now O tie ins Thevor
diet is In fnor of tlio dallies ostito on all
points at Issue
'llio ( oiirt nfllrmoil the decision of the
United Slues circuit couit for Mlnncuoti In
thcc.isoof tboSt. 1'aul .v. I'acille rallioad
iigilnsllho rx'oitliein I'aiiflcin a sul' ' involv
ing llio title vvhcte indemnity RI mts over
lapped. The use involved the ownership of
imnv thousand acn's of hnd in the neighborhood -
hood of ( ! 1 > ndon , Minn . which , undui the
decision , leni iln with tlio Noilhein L'.ieillo
KelVirin that \\ill lEoform.
\VviilMn \ , Mnuh -The committee.on
rofm ID In tlin i K-il soiv ii.iv In siibndttinL' to
the house todn the bill outlined intlioaedis
patches Situiiliy for the looignnizntlon of
tlioeivllservieo commission , siya in pail
"Ono objection totho present 1 in Is tbat
am poison appointed to i portion iftei li iv
ingpnssul tliui ivilsc rvlco c'ximinilion , innv
boilischugod h ) his superior o\en without
causo. I Ins U not llio Inlont and s | > ntt of
tin' 1 ivv , nnn the loinmittuo has concluded
tint u icmodelinif is dobli iblo In ouloi that
the duties of Iho commission and of the ap-
Doinlingolticois may bo Lleail > stitud and
d ( Imod "
_ _
\ Xioilrd i'oiri'i'tlnn.
\ VvsmrsToMmch J Iho amendment
totho Indian appropi i itlon bill acloptul.tiv
thusenato Siturday oveniup , aptiopriating
'W.OOO to pi ) the fi loudly Sioux for piop-
oitv lost or destroved durinctlio late troubles
\Mstiitiolucoilandadvocitea by Mr Man-
dei-bon , not Mi KoiKanasorioneously stitod ,
Ktt.i.Knni t\ti.i.i\i SI..I-IK
Ihieo IOMII Minds SlietVltb a
'lei-iiblc Ucatb.
OrriMtt v , In , Mu eh. ! - 1 Special rolegi.iin
to lui Hi i l-.Mnos Noithvvuwis ciiurht
bv falling slita at the I'lnllipseoil miiio
todiy mil iiistinth klllel Ho hut lustre-
covered lioinan injury iccoivul in an acci
dent in which his ion vv is killed.
L'i vrnrv nn , la , Mimh „ ' | felo-
jiain to I'm 111 r 1-Toiliy at the Koliu coal
inine-s , near hue. William and Thoinis Sulll
\an vvoio Iclllcd b ) falllin , ' t-lato.
lima Mmileipd I'.l
CurnoN , la , Mirch -fSnecial Toicn'rain
to I'm HrH 'Iho cil ) election to J.i ) was
somewhat lively , the issues being purelv
loeil , except , poihips , the question of the
cit ) licensing saloons bv a svstemof inonthlv
lines. The sdoons are rinming wide open
ami have been ever slnco Iho ciiictuicnt of
the piohibitoiv laiv , nnd tlio iniin ( { iiistion
articling thu Ihjuor tiilllc was , Shall the
siloons ho taxed 01 shall the ) he let alone I'
The dcmociits favoied tax ition or liionso
ami tboiopubllcaiis iho enfoiceniont of the
limior hvv Don , democnt , vv icKcled
over II mm , republlcm , for mivor by a
nmoritv ) of lid The leiiiihlieus elected
tie'ismei , citv attorncv and tno out of tivo
aldorinm 'ilie vote vv is very close on al'
IIMVIh , Much ' -Spocii' | ' rcle.'ram
to I'm Hri ] Thcio wis consideiihlo intoi
est inaiilfcbtcil in Iho cil v election toil u am
npiett ) full vote was pilled 1'iiestlj , ileino
ei it , w is ro ilectul foi in.ior bv a inijnrit.v
oft.2 mid tins lepublloain elected tbo ticas
tiier , assessoi and two lounillinon in the sei
end naul and thodemoii.itstboiilv nttornov
and ono emincilnmn in the Fustnnl and
me in the Second The moposition to bond
the oil ) foi .111 electi le luht plant ciuncd b )
Jlmajoiiiy I'lohi'jitiin cut no 11'iin m the
eieetionand mostof tboti ht wn tmJo on
the dls < atisfi'ction ailslni ; finm tlio lepubll-
can convention of a week at-'o in vvlilihsoino
of our nspiimg polititiins thoutjlit the ) vveie
Booxr , Ti , Much ' . ' iSnocial Telegram
toTill Hr.iBoonois ] redeemed Tim pco
plotodu oveiwhelinimly ; voted to shut up
the town con , \\hleh has lonhul It over the
eitv foi these m in ) yens. Tor mi ) 01 , Haw-
lc > Muinvasoloclod bv a majoilly of 'Jim
over I1 vVc IN , the present mc'ii nihunt S. 1
Mooi owns elected eitv tieisiiier It I' Jor-
dm altornev anu.ionnrs i. rooui assussui
The nlJormen oleited won ) t'bus Diering ,
ilohn h SuloxVdlimi \ lleiiulng and Hum
MiBlimo I'ho lichels wcio non paitibiu
and the contest exeitintr
Mis-oi HI Vn in , la , Much 2 fSpeilnl
Telefilm to rii H-M | ( Jeortro Ko.vci , llio
populn ClKliorn ex conductor , was elected
inivoi by mi ovei .vliclniliu' iinijorit.v The
question'of llocnso was not involved , the con
test being puel ) local
Di M ir , h , .Mirch J. [ Special Telegram
toTm 111 i IAt I the city election today n
strong ticket wis elect'd. headed bv l\ A
Jennings furmavorVhiletlionowo1lciils
ovpiess themselves favorablv to tlio enfone-
mon t of ullluvs Ills loiiLOilod ( hat it Is u
high license council.
CKIMU Ilu'in- . .Mirch , ' Joliu II Ilcii
den-son democrat , was ted iv oloitod ma.vm
overJosouh " S. Anderson , icpiibllcnn , byJ'lt
mijoiit ) . The Hvoalder-
mon niiit the lopublkins lour.
'lioiiblo In 1'io-poil.
DCS M ) ix- ! > , In , M lull - | Spoilii !
Telcgiain to'L'iit UKI ] 'iheie isllkcl ) tohe
trouble between tlie Ktat < j Business Men's
association nnd tlio funnel * ' nlllmco , grow
inij out of the establishment by the litter of
co opeiativo stoic's Jo this the businessmen
mon object , and huvo notilled Jobbois tint
they must cltliei stopsollliiff KOOIs toibo nl
liaiunor the mcinbursof the State llusincss
Moil'siissoilatioii ulll boc-otl tliuni 'Ilie
iilllaiuo threitcns to rotallato by lufiisliit ; to
pitronUo inembcis of the Business Men's '
association ,
His Utterances Snil to O.mseti General Feel-
lag of Uncuiucui
Pleach rjiulii'i Meet mid Kesolvo to
Dunce \ \ ithCcimaiiM no Moro
-VltdOllt SpCI'cllOS III
March 'J Tlio JXchaiiRO 'I'olo-'.s llorlhi correspondent tele-
ho liiuliuil In fonii it Ion from Uio high-
us t sou i cos to tlio effort that n fooling of gen- uncisineis pievnili In tOtMr.1 to Kin-
pororilliuin's \ utterim-os Tlio sumo cor
respondent n Ids tint fh moollor Veil Ciprlvl
has slgnillod to the cmpoioi u doslioto 10
sign linnii'tl Intel v upon tlio teiinin itlon of au-
tuinn iinnouvies I'lio chancellor , It Is tin-
il'jtslooil , noes not appro- of the imperial
idcis mid plain connot toil w Itli recent o\cuts
It Is foaied the emperor will dctormlno upon
the totil of Ills filoinllj attitude
towirds I'ranco
A MollicxlVnnt Ml to Mitigate Ilio
1)1 ) IIS ( > liOlllIim I'OKH ,
IiOMiox , March J [ Spoohl C'.ibloiriam to
TillHII | Sir .l.iinoa Poigiison , pnllt'cal
sedftiiiv of tl.o foii'ljin ollloo , In tlo house of
commons todav snld the government did not
assnu 0 that Ilio uholo ol tlio Sondi.ii be-
loinruil to ICpopt , but no milled Hint ho did
not intend to dollno tlio limits of
ngvptiin sovereign t ) 'Iho oeenpition
of ToLir did not linpl.t an incioaso
in tlio aiinv forces of I'pjpt timl
L.nlMiithcro nskcd If the hhcillvolmd not on
doiiod Iho abindonmentof the Soudan To
tills question lA-iguson lopllod that. In the
opinion of tlio government , tlio withdiiwal
of the \ 'gptliu t loops fioin the Hand in did
not constitute tlio abandonment of thosov-
oicignt ) of tlio Komtmi lllcar , hear j Mi
I-.iboiuhete thi'ii asked.
1 Then , does the govcininent iceoKiiijo In
thoeo\eiciriitv ; of llcrjpt ovoi thoSimdni hci
sovcioipntv over Kassili anil Kli iitouin' "
Hut I 'CIKIISOII declined to dial 111010 spool
lie-illy with the question
Viscount Wolinoi suggested that tlfo gov-
eminent appoint a commission to upoitiipon
spcrllic inuthoiK of inillgntimr the focfs which
I-icvail in I.onilon , adding thov weie
cuilnllmi ; noticing hours. The Hist loid
of tlio Ire.isurvVilliain Iloiuj Smith ,
doubted tlio abilitv of such n eommissio i to
ilnil \\ith ! lid iniltlm * A r-nnilnitli.n nf tlio
house of Jonls hud alio.uh link * an o\-
himstivo inquiry into the subject and hud
loioniincndoil the use of no'i bituminous coal
as n possible mitigation of tlio density of the
IjOnilon fflK- Tint anil other lueismos in
the direction of abithijthe fog nuisance weio
embodied In i 1)111hieh ) wns no\v before
tlioliouso of lords and in duo tonne of
tune the members of the house of commons
v.otild hive an oppoitnnitv to discuss tlio
snlijoc I o ( Ijomlon fotrs mid tlio best moms to
bo tnkcn to lesson then intonsltv
In tlicUeln'o onthoinvv iatinnt < s Sir .1.
CoUoinb moved that hencefoi tb the
vnil budget miibl stuto the total
inimbor ofvai ships in eniuinls ion ,
in lesono anil building , the ii ie utn ton-
pnicd with tint of foielcrn powcis , besides
contidnlng simllir returns fiom the
colonies IIo dilitol upon tbo triovvta
of colonial commence and tlie uuioaso
of Biitish losponsiullltles Mi William
Vemon Hareourtdesciibed llio speech of bir
.1 Colcomb M similar to the not < a of Harm
which naval ixpolls atoaccustomed to issue
to i iilui c the 13ii to bolievu Hint the n ival
anil military expemlUiues. ciiorn ous us the )
aic , xvould'bi > in idemiite in llioovent of
war Xot a single Ion of impoits ot
oxpoits llio spc ikor continued , vvo'ild ' be
thieatcncd liv the declaialion of Pnus the
whole ti ido of"a belligerent was nbsolntelv
snfe Noi aqu.utci loss of corn nor ivvaul
less of cotloii would bo pieveilol
fiom coming to Uii'luiil , foi it
would come under a nciitia ! Ihg. LiOid
GIOI-LJO Ilnmilton , llrst loid of the
admir.iltv ( lissouled fioin the views of Kii
William Vemon llaicmut 'How could
xv o , ' ho asked , "suddenly tianMci oin ton
IIIIKO all ovci the woild to a Hag'
line li ul been decl.ued contiabind of vvui ,
what ifvhoat should bo deilarod con
tnib.uiil ! Illeai , bur ) Knr'lisli ship
owners vvoulii bo uuvvlso to liust ovei
much to the docliration Vails Turn must
mnint lin thona\v so is to hold the lighting
supioiuiev inoverv put of the vvorid The
Ljovornmonl would mint the Infoimalion
asked for. Sir ,1 Colcniub tboicupon modi
lleil the form of his uiolion , but it v % as nega
lived wlttiouta division
\\lll Deniaiiil No Uxpl ui'ition. '
LOMIOS , Mirch J [ Spend ( Jibkvrun lo
Tin 13n 1 'iheeinpeior his , It is stitod in
a Horlin dispitch , decided not to doin md am
explan itlon fiom I'r moo .u to the tro itinent
of his mothoi IIo will ic-noio the insults of
the Chiuvmists , actio-iis con
leuied , but continue Ids cliniKOof policy In
icgml lo Alnue lri line und I'lone'i ' Intoi-
ests ponornllv No ofloit will bo spiio.l to
imko the Hcdin art exhibition a success
'Ibcpitrietismof ( Jeini i'i ' ) isnppoiled to ,
and ovciwhi'linhu olfer * alioidv ueolved
leivn no do iht tint Cl'iniin n't
ists will bo much mo.e fullv
leprosentod than tlio ) mi ht have been hud
Fiance not t.ikei such a hotile stand
Sweden , \vhosO u lists Invo of late bc'cn
nnUiiii , ' their vvav totho fi > nt i ink , noi th
cm ait being unite the fad just noiv In 1'aii , ,
will lestifUs ( 'ood will to licraiinv bv some I
of Its b > st pioluctiuns r.iigliilnl U pledged
to inalro tin ) b'st displiy no-.slblo , and bnth
the pope anil Ultig in llal.v will do vv li it the )
can to please the Itaiscr The Austrian pi ess
expresses w inn sxinpatbvitli Ciiimanv
and undoiiblodlv lellects the sentiments of
VieninnrtUts Heilin urtUts oponl ) cliingo
tint jeiloaiv Inl as m lib todo witu the
comse of tinTionch as pitnoti < m. tint thev
. .mifi ml of iho L'l-owin el dins of Ileilin to
iko thu hil of I'miM i center or ait
llotli aitists and linp iial ( 'o\ciiitiient ate
therefore in no tosohed to pio/otliat rionih
Jcalousj is not without oauso
Tlio Meet and K MIV | \
LONDON , March i -Si"iid | ) Uililogiaiu to
Tin : Hit ' Ai unuetliiff of the friends of
M Ociouloilo last tiU'ht , cillcd for the pui-
pose of conn'i.itulitin , ' til" luonlo of 1'ranco
upon tlu outi-D ii'of thu puilotle lU'ltatlon ,
it was rcsoHod to ruosi'nt sll\ei niedds to
Cassaenac , Uoihotoit and othciAt ttio
lull tolloweil the nioutinjj the Indies
pioscnt ploJijod iliuniiolvu ) no\er to iluiue
\\ithnnoiiiun. At tlio conclusion of tin-
bill .M DjiouloJo a military pwjm ,
ending with the ttouU ' Sonne ; la uhaifc
nous los vanuroiH " A ihai oMIS
then bouinlod upjii mllitiry busies
unld the uddc'it o.ittiusinni. 11 ir
inu the ovot'ln-c M. Lilts int miilo
a \iolcnt bpcoih , enilliiK with the words
' Down with thoullic'sof ( ! ormin.Com
moutini ; uiioii Iho a.'itatloii leiulting fioin
tlioWt of Hnipioss 1'ivilericu to I'aiis , tlio
lomnil deslljOits leprohonds Ihoiolenio \
of a sect Ion nl llio I'ails pio-s for Its false
intiiotlsm rthkh tun loss olTeet in I'l.iiue
ilnin It wonia lu\o hid twoiitj yoir * im'o'
Too much Mh'nillainie th .lonniil iys , U
ittached to such in.inlfostillons ubinad.
hlliMl \ \ hit tlio Ho-pIuilUy.
LIISIION , Mai eh 'i [ Sjioelal Cuiilo iMiii to
I'm : HIM ] M'tiu Vienna conospoiulont Of
the 'limos snvs "Thu Cieriuan Ljo\cniintnt
IMS Instructed Count vou Muustor , Uernun
to Pwncw , tn refr.iln from an\
Initiatlvi1 ulinn nnd moivlv to ropl < If
i u'st loncil In Mcrlbot , Hint ( lermaiu liusno
itpio.uh to nuiUe , but II is quite natl'ticd
uith tlieinannc'i' In wlilih the I'len. li ( jov
c'l'niiicni has ondeivored tn ni.iintaln the
lights of 'lospllalitj. "
llaidon PuMicli
l'iiii , MuiiliThe poopto heio me lit
tt'iisoly aelta 1 oxer tlio suppression of bet-
tlni ; bvllio IVuch poveriunoit This u 111 ,
it Is clivliiicd. losiilt In thiMlfith of l iclni ?
in IViiiiii1 ami bo ono of the Kioitost dctii-
inents tolioiso bivcillni ;
Spain's Pi ol I'd I vc Tn i IllV
AUnuii ) , Miiivlr.TlioSpmish eortozivi
opened lodaTlu queen logout , in her
speech , announced tint tlio comnioicliil
tuMlIcswi 111 foreign u itlons will not bo 10-
unwed nnd tint itiis found nocessiy to < s-
tablisii iiistoiiis relations in sound ficsii
cases with fori l > ? n statw
i i it fi v m' i fciiMiin.
r.rsnns , flitch i ! iSpoclil Cablnctriii to
Tin tin | As polling day In Cnniulu up-
pionches , intciost 1 : > tno election incii isr > s
heio iNovov buforo his n cninpalmi In
Canada boon so eloselv followed or A\idolj
disiusscvl 'llio piCsj tiidaBeiiendlv I'oin-
inentt on the stiuu > ! ! o T'no Dally Ninvs
apiin points out the hollowness of Sir John
.Mai Don lid's i ry of liaison and declares that
unlc < s he inake-i aploposHl foi the abolition
of ptoteilh odntkaon Uritlsli roods P.iik'lish-
men must ugim ! his cxulnulon of himself
and his ittiu ts on Ids opponents ns a llims.v
and tuinspaicnt iloJtro.
on ( lie Olil JlatiV Mind.
I-osnos , MiichS. [ Spucial Ciibleifrnin to
Tin Hit .J-l.oul Kamlolpti Churchill Is
slio ltiR\Qr > RroitlndllTuruiKO topirllimou
trtrj aflalrs lie acts iw if ho hid sonic
tiling on hia mi ml Tint something
unites him very unlmppj. Ho n\olda
the piinc'O of Waifs nnd only
boenis anxious to ( 'ot n\vnj \ from lZuyind \
llli ttip to Ji 'ipt In ? not imile his case ntij
bettor and now ho proposes n pioloiiKOil
plnng-einto Afilci His Hadilln ton constit
uents clout cue and the govoniiiiottill not
object tothoaosonco ot a. "ciiulid filond "
Holil stnrt for Africa some time next
I lie Prcno'i-dpi'inan Mtuidliin.
Hi ui IN , Mirch -S.TH-iil [ U ible ram to
Tin HII J 'llio action of the government
in lecf.iul to the pusporti in Alsace L.OII duo
is 111 rccaivoJ by so-u.3 toiseivativof , as vvoll
ash ) the freisslnniijepartv. Ttio Holchbote
hnpos tint the puibort UIOMUIC h duo to
other reisons than the conduct of Ihc riencb
HiinvinUts I'ho KrouMcltung speculates
upon thopiohibilit ) of vvftrxvith rrancc.and
niter upbraiding iho Germans for being of
toopuiuit and 'du'ilsh u.toniporunein aiul
e\picssinir douutsot ttia frkniisl ip of Itil *
and ICngland , It sivs ( Jerminy , hiviii ;
falleil tosi'i mo tholovoof 1'utope , ou ht to
c-mleiurt to obtain her vospeU 'ihc Jouinal
do St Po'cishiirtf ' liopos Uiitoffoits lbo \ \
mule on both sides to leitiovctho shadow on
tlieiolations bet e ; n Franco and Uciminv
\Vestcia I'eoploi in ( Iiicn o.
CIIK * ( . ( > , Mirch J fSpeolal TVlojnn to
Trn Hit I Among tlio western pcoplo in
Chicago toilawcio the followms
At the Palmer-Mrs 0 X Dietz , Onmhn.
CJeorjio l < Knifr , DOS > Iolnos.
Atthodiand Padllb-Mrs Lee Ilie , Miss
Mittio 1'ord , Omaha ; 42 ; Iluilbut , Jr , Lin
coln. Colonel Charles A 'Moiton ' , I'lr
At the bliornun In. L > . Stu ior ,
CIiovo , In ; Chillies I' , lloHrbiiolc ; lloone , la.
At thoTivmoiit-M. II Daj , liplu City.
At the Goio Mr , aiidjJrj. D. banders , It.
C °
, U thonrlRjs H Beitsch , Mr. and Mrs.
.T 1 ! riiomiis , rliieoln
At the Commercial J. P. Mairiott ,
Om din
At thor.rico-.I S Scott , Oinahi
At theUravoort-CJ. H Andrews R Ham
ilton , Oinahi , .Mi. . Chiist ) J D.mfoith ,
Mis .losbn , ( ouni 11 Bluffs
At thoCault II .1 \\Voks \ , Or mil Island.
At tlioBaiitoga M Kuinhut , Lincoln.
TJIK if nt/v. :
< -At Springlleld. Ill , nothing now developed
joitcnliv J lie farmers s.iy the ) will fence
Ihc fli'ldlng this week
At C'liuiiKO dlsnission Dv the le'u'islituo
committio of llio worlds , fair laboi tioubloa
was putuxoi lei I'lula ) ,
In the teuihle no which swept the low or
Jumes uvei I hurida ) ulght lat
foai ovsteiincn. moitlv Colouvl , cliovvned
In .lolmson county , T niic.ssoo , the moon
shlueisnii' piirudnir'a fc id with a oal that
pioinlsi'4 the OKtermimllon of the pirtioi-
lloniv C Ido of Veimoiit ivis nimcil to b'
land cdiiimissioncr at Samoa insteil of
lliniv H Atheiton , who decli'icd the ap
lliepielnninaiv sUitementof the Pcnnsjl-
vania sstem for last year showsiross
eunliiKs , SlUftl ! 0 ) D , net { ll"ilV , j"i the
Ir.igeat the ( Oinpmv over mndo.
Kepoits tiom the lloolod dull-lets thioush
out An/ona iliHiea'o til it the water is i ipidlv
luediiu No fiutli.'i-lo s of lifois rcpji ted
Atl'banlx WO families aio homeless.
At itsincctiiiBetei.lay the Kmsas Citv ,
live stoilc exchange pinvcd Hint the Ai'icn-
( in live stnc-U loininUKion company crave
lebatos to shipiicia and expelled it fiom
Lieutonnnt Colonel Moriovv of the Sixth
civ ah v , has boon n uno I for promotion to lie
lolonUof eivaln , ami Lientcnmt Colonel i
Con i ad ol the Tvventj second Infaiiti ) , to 1)0 )
colonel of infanti ) . 1)0at
The pioduct of the beet sugar factory at
\Vatsonville , Col , dining 1V'K ' ) AV.IS J.K's teas ,
which netted ill ) ! pei ton Thu profits foi
tlio yen-amounted to MD.UOO , vvhlell will 01be
expemlc'l in inipiovemeatb beml
I'ho Mci'lersoii , Kansas Second atioIlal
Innk dosed its dooi-s jesteulav No state-
inoul is jd ulvcn. Ju-.t bofoio the b.mlt
dosed President ( . ' J Iloggelund .shot and
fatalh vvomuled hinisdf.
Mr. Council introduiod In the house of
rcpiesintatives ( bv rcimo t ) a bill to piovido
a system for the creatlftn of money and to
niDvidotoi its loiuiii ? to states and tenl-
tot los , nan irom ui siw iu c-uuunua ui v * uj
the counties to iltUcns
lu tlio Ilcnne-sv inunlevtrial at Now Oi-
leans the lla.ian , Polit ? , 6i do u D.II liil con
fcssinn > osterd n IIo safil ho knew , but did
not niiiio tlni inmilou'ii'of thodiief of po
lice. A ne ro put on the Muni claimed ho
suv the sliootiiuand ideutlliccl by sight the
piibonirs as Uio nun doiors.
ICleitions for inetnbeei of the lowei house
nf tbo Austiian iclchiath roinmonced vestci-
iliv ( ! icitlnteio > t is tultan In the icsult
invniRlo the slienuois effnrts ot I'leimei '
laafolo losloiohls vviiuingpovvir Tluough-
out Holiomu thojounifCw'Olis mo vliUnions
and il scorns corlain th it' J'nafo will get a
woiking nmjorit )
Avoiding to 1'i.uiif Mc(3r.ith ( president of
the Kansas faunoiV aillnneo , tint oigam/n
Him conUinplatfV the foimaiion of u
huge Brain and llv o stoclc tin .t In il w ill bo
in. . Indod Xebi iskn , Iv'u.siis , Missoml
and eoloiido. Colil stira , ' " and gi lin
iloncils mo to ho built In every
longussiomd distilet in the states
miincil , to ho controlled bv the alliunee .No
member will benilowed to soil liibcuunot
stocke\i ept totho alliiiuce Clnsc li.ult of
Ilifiimhu and demindwlll ho kept , and
onlv " siillli icnt i'tidn or stoilc tonuppl ) lutinl
nc "ds v\ill bo market ed it n tiuio If nn
Indlvlilvalls loicca lo sell , Iho iilliame will
buy his pioJueo. Aftci iisieitalnliitf the
exact cost of pioductlrn , a fair prolli added
will nmUollio price die producer receives
Steams-hip rival * ,
Atl.ouionTho Sundh and Ocean fiom
N'ovv V'oik , the Amciican fiom Uultlinoro.
AtClasovv The Missouil from Ualtl-
1OH )
At Hamburg -Tbo Ituxsl i fie a Now Yoik.
AtNew Voik-TlioAlhn fiom Uieinon.
At Anl\\ern-Tuo \ \ WciU'riila-id fiom New
x'otli ,
IVLJllLHi u UlllV li >
Tbo Postal Subsidy Bill nt Last Pushotl
Through the Senatci
( * - - L
Scmitoi 'Miiiidcison Chosen I'losldoul
l'i d Tcinpoi-c and Insults Oven
a \otc oriliankM I'm Coiir-
tes ) and I-'alritess ,
\V suisnios , Much 2Tho postal snh-
sidv bill has at last roooivoil Ilird nrtlnii tu
congress mid now gees to tlio president for
his sigmtiiro Thu piovislotis ol the bill mo
In substance in follows :
llio podimiitor gcnoial Is autlioibed to
conti.ict for tot ins ol not less thin Iho ) ens
noi iiioiotbiin ten .vcnis , with Amciican clti-
7cns for caiitng tlie malls on Auieikan
stounships botwien tlio noils of the
t'nllc'd States and such foiolifti polls
( e\ettidlng Cuindi ) us In his judg
ment will best piomote the postnt
and coimueiilil liiteicsts of the United
States. The null service will bo dlslilbuted
equltnblv among Atlantic , Mc\lcm , ( iulf
and I'aclllc iinrts. The vessels aie to bo
A tn it ili * in Itn 11 ( ulifm f\tnr(1 n nil < inii > iiti i1 lit *
Amciicnn dti/eiis , and tlio ciovv to
bo composed piinciinllv of Ainodcui
citin'ns The vessels are to ho constructed
after the latest nnd most npptovcd tvpes , di
viii"d into four classes Vessels of tlio Hist ,
seioml nnd thlid class will bo consti uiloil
vvllli pnrticnUr icferenco to prompt nnd
C ( onoinie il ( onveislon into nuxlllaiy nival
ciniseis on plans nppioved bv thosccrctaiy
of the mivy
' 1 he compensation to bo paid for mall ser
vice Is us follows Piist dass , 51 per inllo ,
second-el tss , } ! per mile , b ) the shot test
piaitleablo louto , for eieli voyage , third-
class , $1 ioi mile ; foirth-class ,
tvotldids of n ilolhn per milo
for the iiumbir of miles icquiud b ) the
ixistoftlc'Mlcpiitmeiit to bo tiaveledon each
oulvvanl vovago
Provisions me mule for deductions on 10-
cotint of mnlltodova < res or delays , foi tin'
trai spoil itlon of mail mossenireis on eioh
vessel , for ciirvinir appientices or ca
det * of Amoiii m birth ( for eich thousuid
tons ) ; for the use of vessels by the lTnited
stales us tinnsDoits m c-iiiiseis iipoupiv-
inont lo the o.vboM of the actual valuu at
the timi' ot liking , and foi nssignmcnt to
diitv on vessels under fiitlongli pav of nival
ollleers who mi ) volunteer their sei vices
Wsiuxi. rex , Mulch 2 The senate met at
U-10 The Koiicr.iI dollcioncy bill was re
ported. Mr. Hale give notice that he would
ask its eoiisltleiatioii today. The nmicul-
tural appropriation bill was also icpoited
with like notice
Iho eieiloiitiids of Renatoi elect Ixxle of
South UiKot.i weio presented nnd Hied.
Mi. Fie cillel up the house ninoiiduient
to the tonnatjosuijsiiU bill and moved to non
concur in the mm nl ncnt anil tbo con-
fcicnco asked b ) llio house bo granted.
Mr Hcagan oxpiossocl tbo wish that tbo
house amendment ? bo coucuiied in rather
than thodangci of a more objectionable bill
fiom the coufeioneo commiuoo should bo in-
cunccl. Subsldbingshipj , ho bold , was not
going toincroiso commurco. The only way
waTslmplvauTiuikediy a plft * .1 Thif'hir
owners of the eountiv. * *
Mr Morrlll moved to concur in the house
amendment foi postal subsidies
Mi- Vest oxptesseil himself as oposed ) to
nil manner ot subsidies 1'hesiibsid ) did not
applv mciiJlv to x-essols to bo built hoieaftor ,
but to those ahead ) built Iho He I Stir
line , with loin Amciican ships running fiom
Phihdolpliia , would reel Iv e a lai ire subsidy
\xithoiitc\pcndingisinglo dollar even for
i op ins and the Pacllic M ul companv would
i c * li ( ) t.OOO a v car without author es-
nenililure Tliese coinpiuio , weto mak
ing enough monev without any
aid fiom the tieasiirv , but , nt tlie
xiskof appeailiiR inconsistent ho was will
ing , if It would teimln ito the mittor md
Iicventit beui ! ? woi-.e , lo agieo to the house
After voting down hilf a dozen aii.uid- .
incnts offcie 1 D ) Messis Vest. .McPhcisOii
and Moiiran , a vole was taken on .Mr.
Moinll's motion , which vv is agreed to
'J he bill now pees to the piosident
Mr Sheunan olToied a resolution eleetinit
Hcnaloi Mamlersonof Nebr.iski ns president
pie tcmpoto , to hold ollko dining tbo
meet the senile , nnd Mr Gorman olTuul a
losolutlon tendering the thanks of the
senate to Mi. InsnlU for the "eminoitlv
couitcous , dlgnlli" ! , abl and nbsnlutelv
imp u till m inner in which he piosidcd over
Its deliberations and performed theilutin of
president | iio tempoie" loth ! lesolut.ons
xvcio ngioed to and the o itli of ollice was ad-
ininisteied to Mr Mindciaoii
' 1 lie house bill iditing to thctieity of re-
ciprocilv witli the Hnvvaihii islmds was
pissed , aj was also t'u ' ) house Joint losolutlon
appiop'n iting HooiJ.OOO for the iinpiovomciit
of the Mississippi liver , to bo immeiliilcly
Mr Pugh was appointed on the conumttcn
toattondScnitorlleai t's funeril in place
of Mr Mivves , excused
'll.o postollico nppiopil itlon bill was then
talion up ami Mi 1'ive , in plnco ot ttio
ainendment vvbu h ho had offeted Satuid.i )
night olTei ed ono appiopri ulng > IIOU,000 for
Uu trinspoitilionof foielgn mails
Mr Morgan moved to amend Mr Iive's
amendment by substituting a pioviso that
the postmastci Koneral in ly emplov am ships
owned oxcluslvclv b.v citizens of the United
The eonfeienco repoit on the bill as to
cliims for Indian dopiedatious was heio pic-
bentcd ind ngieod to.
Mr Carlisle inovJil to nmeiul Mr. lives
motion bv leducing Uio amount fin the tia is-
poititlon of foielgn mails to $1J'.0,000 . at d it
was agiced to
The question being on Mr Morgan's
amendment allowing eontricts to bo made
mill \ns < s lsn\vmd exclusivelv 111 thornlted
, Mr Plumb mined to mm to u uio
words , "nnd constiuwted in tlio United
States. "
Mr Morgiii then withdiow the amend
meat , lomarkiaii thai the vote jjst liken
Ind annulled the purpose ho hail In view
Mr l'iye's amendment as amended was
Viced to md llio bill pissed
A resolution w is offered coiitlnuInR the
select committee on 1'iollle lailinut debts
luinii ; the lecessof thosenito , with povvei
osit \VnshiiiKton. . a'ieod to ,
rhohonato ihcn ( J p. m ) l o eoded to tlio
toiiMihiation of Iho mriculuiral appropili
tion lull
Mr f'l.lislo undo a point of onlor acalnst
the committee amendment allow liu ; soiihum ;
siitfai manufacluiois the u o of distilled
spiiils fioo of tax The p > lnt was submitted
to Iho son lie and tbo aniendiuoni was mini
to be in older Ye is , ' , " 1 , navs , ' . ' 3. Tlio
ameiidiiii-nt was then luroul to
Mi Stowait olfeivd nn aniemlment appro
piiatiiiK $ 'ii.HOO for tlio colleition and publl
e ition of infoi in itlon as to the bo.t metboiU
of cultlviiliiiK tbesoil liv lui ation and u\
tend lui ; t lie limit of tun > fiom July I , b91 to
.lannaiy 1 , Is'i. ' .i''iool to
Mr Paddock moved to amend b ) inieitiii ) ;
his purofnad bill -OM lulled on point ofordoi
I'lio bill was pissed nnd the sunate pie
ccedod to lonsiiioi.ition of tlioKonoral dotlci-
ency I'ill ' ( ' > lilui.illoii was tomiwiaril )
suspended and a losolutlon authoii/lnif tlr >
iinnmltleo on niK-s to sit dining iccoss
was iiilupleil and unload to with
nn amendment off neil by Mr Iloir
Instiucting tbo commlttco to consldoi md ic-
lunt ih.uiKOs , If an.v , oiifjlit to luinalo
In thoob ervauioof the senate In icpnid "
piv mu honor to its deieaiod incinbors.
Tim message fiom tno | iiesidenl lotuinliiKi
ultboui uppiovnl , the sonale bill confoi'rlni ,
juilsdletliiuon IhiKomt of ilidins to Impilm
Into and determlno how mucli thehullsof the
United States "doublo ondots" ARAVV mi am
I'outoosuc cost C'outiac'.or Ueoigot , L\\t \
icneeabovo the continct puce nnd nllmv-
atues for extta work and to enter Judgment
foi llio amount In favor of the ailinlnistiatiK
of l.nwivini' I'ho
ground of the piosident s
votnls ilut It would establish a dingcums
p" " cut foi the Hcnorntnont to doihuo It
w s inalio uji to a iimtiietot anj loss ho
liu tnlned brc.iion of the low ness of Ids
liiu the subsequent .inexpcited nilv mie'o
hi t - lie of miitciliil
Ti * j i lie ihon took a icross till s p m
In c. sunale nt tlio oxoniiiK session the
vote ? idch the seiinto last week passed
the li z. bill to pi\ the Judgment of Iho
( ( mil I ins for in ui.v siipplio * Minder the
llowm t ) was iceon flileuiil on motlo i ot
Mr Ha 'Iho sciiito amendment was dls-
auiced i IKI bill was jnssid without Iho
niuondin | he ) UMHOU nsst lied w is in u
tboI'Dii \ t lie note I on in tin' house , and
If ri'luliiu ' whole bill would lull
t'onsldoi itlon of the dellolimv bill was
procooilod with It was moved lo piv the
widows ( ifI'llief Jiistlcalto \ and .ln tki )
Miller one .vcn's silai.v , lnl ) Ibis was op
pusod by Mr Hoir.x is an iinauHmii/od ; ift
of tlie people's innncv. and iul\orated bv Mi
Illaeldiuui as a settled pru tno of con ioss
l''lnill\n vote VMIS t ilion , Jnml the Hem ,
agioe'il to Yois , Ui.navs , 10 Ilic ten neg
ative votes \veio Hate , Moiiv , Caillslo.
( oi'Ktoll , Loke , deoip' , .loiios ol Ailtunsis ,
I'luinb , HniKH'i and WiMt
The next subject that movolcod discuss
Ion was the pioposltlon to u'vo ' a
month's evti i n iv to tlio olllieis and
omplovos of the luitiso Mi I'lumh
spoke of Iho uiiioiiscloiinlilo o\liava'inco ( nf
the two house * , and said while tbo piy of
sen itors amounted to * 4ik,0M ) ( a veu , the
pav of thoio vvlio w alted on them amounted
to &JVI ( Whl 'I'lin liiin i. ! tiiril\l.l < t MtllliMf nut
of the bill vcns , 11 , tints , 'Jl
Mr Paddock Intiodueod Into the discus
sion a now subject -tlio Conger laid bill , but
It wnssoo ! wouiiil up bv the decimation , on
the put of Mi Vance , that the Conger laid
bill was di'id
All amendments hiv Ing been disposed of ,
the bill was repotted to the senate , but tin il
aotion vv is tosi ived until tomonovv morning
The conference loport on tlie legislative
bill was agiced to and a fiiither confoiciieo
in doled.
The conference icnort on the suiiihy civil
hill wont over with jut action.
The semite joint icsolutioii piovldlng for
Iho Hist meetliiL'sof the suv oral clicuitLouits
of the t'mtoil Stales uiidoi the new act on
tbo tl ud'Inobdav in June , Is'M , was passed
The house amendment to the sennto bill ( bi
lbo inspection of cattle , etc , was concuiicd
A finthei confeierne was onleiod on the
hull m nppiopd ition bill.
A moss 1,50 finiii tlioliouso in i elation totho
death of Kepiesontutlvo I'lielaa ( if Tennessee -
see w is I ml bcfoio the semite , and after
eulogistii lomiiks , as a fminer mule of ic1-
spoit , the sonHe at 1 . .Vi a m. , adjoaiiicil
until momlng.
In I he eloiiH" .
WvsiiiNOTos , .March 2 In the bouse the
senate amendments to the Indian nppiopii i-
tion bill weio non conenried in.
On motion of .Mr. I'avson of Illinois the
eonfeiencolopjit on the olll to tepeal" the
tlinlui culliiK1 luv vv is iigieed to
Mi C'titiheiin of Miohi.'im moved that tlio
house non loneur in the senate amendments
to the .mm icoiirnul/itionhill , nut on n point
of 01 lor i liseil bv Ah llnlmin Iho bill was
seiittothOonunltlei'of I hi vv noli , and n motion
made to go into committee foi its consiitua-
tiou was ilefcatid Subsequent ! ) the spunkti
stated tint an cil > i hid In on undo in rofu-
iingtbe hill to the coimnitteo of ttio whole
It sliould Invo been scut ID tbr > loinmiltco on
inditniy alTiursnnd would bo so lefoiied
The sonite bill wis pis od grantli ir the
Missonla .S , Xoillicrn uiilioid the lij-'hlnf way
through the Flithead Indian useivfitiou in
Mont inn
Alter the mssaec of u number of unim
portant bills , the rules weru suspended and
the senate hill passed for the erection of ft
now " mint ' " building In iHo rlmliUvii a cps } .
- -
- - , ] , „
. „ , Soiitclls of Miino asked unanimous
consent for the passigo of the senate bill
grantincj a pension of * . ' .500 to the widow of
Admiial Potter Mr IJunn of .NoithCiro-
lim objected Subsequent ! ) Mi IJunn
vvitluliew his objection ii'id the bill pissed
Yeas. Wl.mws , , . ,
A senate lull vv is also pas = ed Kranllng a
pension of fllXI a month totho widow of
Major Ixllp.uuck
Mi Shnouds of Coiiiiciticut submitted n
conference icpi it on the eop.vdr'ht bill He
os.pllined tnat the ( Onfi tone-e had agreed in
nil points except the Shernian ainendnient
Tnoiopoit was adopti-il and a fuithcr cim-
foicnco was agieod to
The [ io-.toniioappioprntion bill was sent
to conteicnco and the house then took a ic-
ce > s
hi the house at the evening session Mr
Hairis moved to suspend the niles and piss
( \\ItliiiineiidincntsUho senate bill to pio-
vule for an inspjction of live eiltle. hogs and
cauisscs and piodticts thoieof , which aio
subjects of iiitoistnto lomnierco
1hc < motion lo suspend Iho lilies and piss
the bill wis ngieed to Yois , lid , nas , TO
On motion of .Mr Punston iho confoiciuo
repoil was adopted on the bill pioxldlng for
publlshhiu ofiopies of the lopoit on ills-
ea-os of the horse | It appiopriatcs * "iOOU
foi prinling 1 < M,000 copies |
air I 'erkins called up Iho coiifereneo report
on the Indian aiipiopiiatlon Dill , disigieemg
with the semto on the api lopuition of
$ „ > 'ilJ.OOO ' to be puil Die Choi taw and L'bick-
ns-uv Iiiillins for their title and Inteicst in
ceitain lands now occupied bv the Cbojomics
mid Aiapihocs _
.Mr Cannon offeied a lesolutlou instructing
theionfiiofs not to agree to thenmendn.onts
Tlioiesolution was dfloited , the ( Oiifercnco
lepait agieed to and n fuilbei eonfeienco01-
'llio cnnfeionco icport was ngrocd to on tlio
mil mt hoi i/nig the societnr.v of the ticasui IV
to suspend foi 0110 jcar the piovislons of the
act iciuiiln < ; ste.iincron lake * and inlinel
w.iteis to cat iv life line piojeitllos
' 1 he ho iso thou , at 1 o'clock , took a recess ,
until tomoi row
< . \ < i n t "i vi , . 11 / . % < - . " . " > / > Kit s .v.
The Nebraska -en itor Complimented
on Mis Now lionipis
WvsmxiiroN , Much , ' -Speclil | Ttle-
gramtoTnr HIM I Telegrams mo pouilnu
in upon soimtor Manileison congiatnlatuiB
him upon his selection by llio lepubiicin caucus list night to succeed ben-
aioi instills as ju u iuuiiim * iv. . j'uv w. * ho
sen ito It is indeed a gloat inmplimont the
hlu'ticst that cm no paid a in m bv anv Iixis-
InlUobod ) nnd ono that rollicts ciedit upon [ >
the western stain ho lopicscnts Senator ,
M itideison was not a candid ito for the place
in llio seuso of soliciting suppoit , and the
compliment is thcieforo all the crieiter IIo
UN von often been called to pieside over the
.eniite . and ho has boon giv en this pionilncnt
lositionon account of his Illness and general
It is cinrout gossip toihu thatManilersoirs
selection as picsidmcr ollh 01 foi the senate
menu 111 it the u public ins. tailing advantage
ifthodeiths of sonutoi- , Wilson of . lim -
1 ind and lleusiot I'difoinii ( its ) ,
\villcall up tin ) ck'i lion bill nnd pass it t by
havini-'tlio chair iciuso to iocognl/e deino-
i uts to spjMk bv choking olT deb ito , us it
weio II is well khf wn that Maiuleison lias
beoii in fa01 ot iiiinnlng this incasmo to a
vote b ) HID mocossot the iluir icfiisliig to
iciouiii/o an ) one except n lopnhilcan , and
liu to submit a motion to vote Tlio senator
Ins nothing to siv upon the subjoit at this
time , and it cannot bo dotlnitely a > ceit lined
If ho has such a notion in his head.
T Jio Weillu-r l-'ureo.iHf.
Tor Omaha and vieinlt ) Ulsjlit snow ,
Mlghllv wiumor.
Per Iowa bnow , colder ; noi'llieily winds ;
cohl wave.
Tor Nebiaska mid Kouth Dakota Snows ,
coiaer , iionhurl ) vviudbj cold wave In No-
The following tclugiam 1ms been ieicclvcd
from the signal ofilco \Vashlngton :
\V\siu\oios , March'.1. , On -Observer ,
Omaha ! Hoist iod ! unvo siirnal Tomitorn
tuio will fall to ahont alx dotfioos bolovuio \
by WcUnosdiy moiiilmA \V , ( JiiKm i ,
CUIuf sib'nnl olllcor.
The South Dakota Smtnto Discussing tha
of Prohibition *
'I he Ciiliiinlttco Iti-poi t Adopted \VIli (
( Mil Much '
Opposition - I'l-cpui-luc ;
Itu llio I'lnnl \'ole on
Hie I ill.
Pii-inir. 's P.Miuvh J ( Spu'liU 'IVlo
giam to Tin tin | It is still nip and tuek
on MID losuhiiiisslon qnostloa mid who will
bo v Mm Ions when the bill conn's up for Html
pnssngo cannot bo s-dd foi ooitaln. lloth
sldos sconi to bo out It eh conlldeiit The 10-
subml < isliiiilstH have Ihsl blood this iiftrinooi )
upon the adoption of the tn.ijoiltv teporlof
the Judloiniv commtttio that that ulll as It
pissed the house , do piss Nlmtoon voted
for and thirteen ngali st tbo adoption Thu
( Oiiiluit of the matter was asuipilso i
i tow ds thai had gnlbcied , and as ;
fiom the in occ'cdiiigs In the bouse as could
be It was summed upas follows Tlio pro
hibitionists laid down , but vv hot hoi thoyvvlll
do so llio next time ) leinntns to bo seen. lly
ngieomcnt this morning the m itter was
nude a spec lat older for II o'clock
this nftornoou. When tlio tlino an hod
.Melville , iho leader of the piohltiltlnn fcncfa
on the Moor nnd who heulod the minority ic-
port , cilled the lattei up Klttiedge , the
li'iilei of tlu ) lesnbinissionists , moved that
the sen ito proceed to consider joint resolu
tion No it , the losubmlssion of piohlbltlon ,
together with tlio majority and inltiotltv ro-
polls , which c-aiiled IIo then moved the
adopt Ion of tin ) m ijoillv lepoit 'llieio was
no ilonito 'Iho piosident put the question ,
llioro vvoro jeis and nuvs on a v iva voce
voto. Calls lor a division losulied In the
following voting for its adopting Austin ,
Iloint/ , Motion , llv rno , ricncli , Ivittioduo ,
0 Urien , Schmidt , Schollcld , PotteiVasha -
liuign , Stewait , V'lckhiini , Mi Kailano ,
Slicafcbitc. . U'lhodtimnicimaii ID ,
Against -Siott , ( 010) , Major , Ston us , l' ( tor-
man. Mathovvs , HiioilViirnoi - , Ci aw lord ,
( iuen Uixon. ( .Y.iiier , llliidmiin I'l.
Hotliuin slid ho was paired with Drew nn
the iUL'.Hlnm | othervviso lie would luivo voted
aiMinst Its u'optlon Molx illo stntod tint ho
was pih ( ! with ICe ineiiy and othciwiso
would have voled aeainst it This loft seven
nu-onloi-s , , ( . 'I irk , Jollo ) , Und , Abbott.
Smith > nnd 1'io-ton Of tbeso ( loan and
Clirlt aio Kniivvn lo bo icsiibmlssioiilsls.
Hi an md .lullc ) me In atlondniiio at ttio
funciiilnr Hipiosontatlve Austin mid will 10-
ttnii tonight I'l nk is sick , but will bo able
lo ; bo out tiimuiinvv The olbci members
woio nbsont onlv In harmony with
luulilnitui'iL-tt s plan to allow tlio
matter to come liofoio the senate upon
the adoption of tlio lepoit Klllicilgw
tin u staled that , tbo agieemcnt hud
I Ins mm unit ; fourteen membei- the Judle-
liu oiiiinnittoo was that Iho bill should now
have ils second le.idmg , and , u-i oidlugly
rilled It up The bill was placed upon its
second reading mid will como up in logular
outer probably dav after tomorrow lor final
pisHiige. 'J bo question tiaturaiU unset , vv by
did the prohibitionists lay down anil allow
Iho majority loport to bo adopted unless they
vvcie compelled to It Is claimed that some
piohlbltiomsts xotcd for It In order tola Ing
tu ) uattorbcfQralha. ] houso.vvithnnt.ii. fl ii
\ ntM. ttii'-ianip vay ( i atn. AmoaR thosecon-
Pail me Among oilier uoubtlul ones me
Siott ami Co ley
U'hcn the bill was bcfoie the house the
flirht c line on l ho adoption of the minority i o-
tioit , which , it will bo remembered , cuileil
bv a vote ofiiii to Is lut ! in the si'iiatotoday
Dm nloption of the ioioit went though
without a inurmii , and ) cttlm pinhibltlon-
lstmo claiming that thov still hiivo n llght-
liu : ( hniiio , ind that it H bv no menus do-
ciileil vet II seems muro piobablo that the
icsubnnssioiiists will have at lent twenty-
live voles when ttio bill comes up for
Hind pissiyehnt in ikes this moio
mob ible still ts the fact that the piohibjtion-
ists b ) moio sticks on vvhat tbov teim tbo
imeoiisiiUitioualitv of tbo Joint lesolnllon t
than nn their defeating it , claiming that It
will no to the supiemo courl and fiom Iho
tiost lig.u light thov hive Deen able to got on
it , willnevei bo submitted to the people.
'Jhen point is thai tbo constitution contem
plates two tilings in bubinltllng an amend
ment Fust , tlni it shall bj proposed by
both hou * es , vv bhh is In the nuturo ot a Joint
resolution , second , tbnt It snail bo submitted ,
w huh is in the nuturo of a bill , that it do-
daios something and piovldes a iienaltv ;
that is. legislates , ami tberefoie leqiiires. the
signature of tbo goveinor Thov state that
should the in ittcr pass th" senate in Its pres
ent shape thov will make the first light on this
line Hesubmissionists aio peifeitly calm
on lids phase of the question 'llioj , too ,
h ivo consulted what they consider most emi
nent legal authoiit.v , am ! are sitlsilod that
the bid is in piopor shipe nnd will hi ing the
question of nn amendment to tbo comtltutioii
bofdie the people at the next election 'Po
b u K diem thov hiv o the precedent of the
thieo amendments which were submitted nt
tbo 1 i-t election and biougbt foi ward In sub-
stiintiall.x tbo STUD fnim as the proposed
amendment ami were without the goveinoi's
signature UosubmlsslonistH scorn to bo in
no Inn ly about ie.u lung a vote , and tole'iams
fiomsenatoi-s' nuistituents nio pomiiiK In
in nppuontlv liu'easing nuiiibeis even day.
Kesubniisslotnsls claim tint boicln
lies then vuloiv , that the mlsorabla
enfoicomont 'f ' the liw in 110.111 > every
pait of the stito has tuincd oven wain )
prohibitionists m their favoi TUN his boon
alino-a tlio entire ai'uineiit ( of the icsiibniH-
sloinsts , piohiuitlonUts claim tint the law h.n
nut hid .1 fall chiiue Tliov arousing ovoiy
effoit to hold lepublicans in line and to the
decl nation of their pi Ufoini in support of
piohibition , but so fni without avail llicia
wore moici loptiolicaiis who voted for icsub-
mission toduIliau nv other p.utj , theio
beniK' ton lopubliL.ins , seven domooiats anil
t i\o Independents Tins U'Rislatuio his boon
full of sui prises , and this Is ono of tlioni At
the UvlnniiiK of the session thoio seemed to
bo llttio hope foi icsiibinlsslon It has been
crowinp steadilx anil it must bo said
that the leaiilt Is not so iuui.h what
the poisonal eoiuittions of the mom-
beis weio on the start as the voices
ot their constituents There Is no doubt but ,
indhidiwlh prohibitionists had qulto ilaiijo
majoilt\ the members , but evidently the
people line been he.uM fioin. and llioy demand -
mand resiibmlssion. It is nliiu lopmlly cer
tain that when it comoi to aoto , piohlbltloa
v111 bo defeated by as lar o a in ijorltj as It
uiriied a little over ajoara'o A trial of
the sv slcm hi. 10 his been pudillntion's do-
foil It was 1 u olj a cuilo ltj to know how
it would work c uncd It It ha > bo n a
I'oiind Dcad in Ills Idiom.
MiT ( iin i , S D , Maich 2. ( Specinl Tclo-
pram to I'm Iln. | H I1 Palrclilld.a farmer
living neu Mount Vciiion , this cajntyvW !
found he.ul on tlio lloor of his tiodroom Sun-
dav moinliiK' h > his wife , who scorns to know
nothing of the cause of her hush mil's death.
It is ictfiidod as a straiiKO case and lira ) bo
, l V Mohii , a lostioctod farmoi iiearMltcu-
oil dlod of consumption vostouUy
Tlio iiomtnniion of Hr U'llliim HruMi to a
consulship to Sloil.v w ill o.wso a vac.iuo ) In
the proslilonov ol the Dikotn unlvonlty located
catod at Mitchell.
Austin Ilniiod.
Vi KMII.I ION , S I ) , March -Special [
Tilognim UiTui Uir.l Tlio fuuoral of lion.
II ,1 Austin , who dlod aH'iorns liwt
of piicumonln , tool ? place in the Ha
chuicli ) cstcrdn > nftoruoon It was tlio InrR-
nat tlinl over took iilauo In tltU cltj. Tliopro-
cofc loii to llio ccmulorytn ever a mtlo loin , ' .
Ho wnsn vc ) popular nun ,