Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    TIIT3 OMATTA DAI1YY HE * ! MONDAY , MAKOir 2 , 1801 ,
They Must Be Made to Work or Tlioro is No
Hope of Tnoir Gomplete Reformatiou.
> ntll Vli'tlini Am AIilc to Take Ciuu
til''llii'inxclvoi Itiry SlitmltlXoi
Itu 'liirni'it IjtmM * in
Soilrt ) ,
llostoti Harold : 1'ubllc opinion Is sot-
tlotl us to the punl-miiR'tit uf the crim
inal , but \vo \ luivo yet to learn how to
iuslot'0 him to his phioo In socloty , or to
onfoipotho opinion thit. If hols ihin-
( joions to tlio coininunlty , lie slml ! bo
placotl uiuloi' pciiimiicnt mrost. The
iut inlvniu'o in nilson ( H&ciilino | will bo
thu reform ol tlio criminal iltn Inuhls
( otillnemoiit. anil , on this point ,
Homo froth lijlit is tlnovvii by tt'urdim
Hi'tish ol the rilntf SUIR prl'-oii , who oiin-
ti'ibutos to tlio L'iiilstinii Union , a p.ipm *
n "How to 1'rovoiit t't'lniu , " In vvhlfh
ho tioals the liiiiiillin of thu cilmlmil
in mi enlightened mid cnmlUl fivf-liion.
'J'lio objci't o ( the stiitu is to miho Iho
pi'Kons [ my for theni'-ohcH , but Wanlun
Hiush tnKos the ijiouiiil tlmt "u ] ison
rannot bo itfornmtoi ) without boin < j
Ml-8U8laliiiiir ) ( | 11 honostlj iniiimuLtl. '
llo puts the whole emu in those \\oids :
* ' ! ( lliou niuii aio vvoikud the MUIIU as
they inooiloil outxlilo foi the puiposo
of toforiniitlon and nU'iiitf them
n I'hanio , tholr vvoiK will nui.c"iMiiil.y
innUo n llnaiu'ial sui'iu s of the ptl'-on ,
nnil pot form the double olllro of roform-
intf the m'tMiiifrs and supposing the
inl'-on" . In his v low privon nianiij o-
iiK'tit is not ( imiplt'to iinioss it ( , 'ivcs tlio
InnmUM n fullemiration , bat lie holds
that punishments should bo in pinpor-
tion to i/i hue , nnil that IIM iplmo cannot
ln > too sti irt or ' evtMi1. At tlio s-amo
tinio ho lioliovos Unit , to a veij Im o
extent , the torn lit 11111 ho so dull t with bis refoi million i ; in bo seuired , if
thu sentence Is loiifr enough to fuinish
tlmo for It With him reform mul labor
must { ; o hand in hand , and u hut the
family , the sohooLornooil bOiMut } should
lia\o doao for him must bo supplied In ,
the ollofts inado for lilb loform in
piNon.V.udcn Uiusli Ins not \\rittun
o.xlmustlvolv on tliif , subject , but bo is
working on the light lines at
Slnir Suitf , and is in aicord
with Supoi intemlent HrocKwaj of
llinir.i ] la the motho'la ' of
ii'form.itoi , * , tre.itinont. Doth men bo-
llcvo that tlio suppl ) of ( ornicts ionics
Inrtfolv from positively b.ul homo life ,
and that it is not too late to undo SUM im- lifo and stait upon a right bisis
nftor 0110 hns bi'i'onu1 n conv lot The best
piisonaiilfiisof tlio ilnj nioboliovoi's
in UicsoGihii'atlunul , uut ii-foimatoij of-
foils , nnil the jiiL'sontI'lloit forthiMMTcc-
timl lObtoiation of dibi'haiKod criminals
tosodoiy is in Ki opingllh tlio inform
olloitMtbln the pnsonalN , and , in
fai't , is its iiucos-,11' toinploinont. Thtno
ib oni ) point , howuvur , on hu'h too
much bus not \ot hoc'ii Miid , and is ,
" toquoto The C' Union , "no
man , \\liato\t-T his ollonso , ought over
to lie dl ihar < * cd fioin n traiut oscopt
upon loasonabloi'Vidoiu'o thatho isiaor-
ally , mtolluctnally and plijt-icall mpi-
Wo of earning an lionc"-t livelihood. "
Hero the great leiKngo in society is
foiiml. Wo aio continually rostorin ; , '
inon to soek-tj \ \ ho-o only ) itnc s to
ontorit JH the fact that they liavo faith
fully borvcd out a ciiininari-cntenilo , but
vhoso habits and purposes of lifo are
piui'Isoly what thoj were bofoio their ar-
lost and"conviction. Tlio rofonn ollorts
in tlio prlhon are not Mic-fciisfiil with
those person , and jot \ \ ono not pio-
ilol any legal means for their porm.t-
nent lotiiomont from society. But o\en
if the lofoim tioatmcnt should ro toro a
largo propoi tion of our com lets to = o-
olety aw decent inon , and the in-
eorri iblo criminals should bo legally
kept in ponnanoat io& ! , Iho ciiini
nal class will not bo cMonniintod The
olomontm.v conditions of oilminal lifo
o\ist In nuidoi n ' ocioty in splto of uvorj
cITort to olnninato tliom , and t ho onlj
lesult of our boat laboiHwill bo to con-
line ciiminal conduct \\ithin clo-or lim
its. The union of | .unisliineiit and ic-
form in handling thoeiiminnl is the oat-
{ jiowth of an Intelligent study of the
prison pioblom , and it is in pi easing the
tieatmentof piisoneis to thatthej shall
KO out of prison as tiuo men that wo aio
using our pemtonturies to the best ad-
\anttiio. | I'rof Thoodoior. . Dnight
jiuts the O.I--0 in the light light : % ' \Vhen
htatesiaon , " s.nd ho , "taUo hold of it
[ the prison managementIn ] enino twith
u diiobciiso of \ahtdangois that con-
fiontiib fioin the stientrth and power of
rombiii'ition of criminal classo'j ho prob-
loins that now perplex and \ex usill
bo ne.iror thoii solution. "
The modern pricon leform does not
roiitonipl.ilo oxoinptinn the piNonor
fioin arduous toil , bat of imorpot.itinp
with such government a hum mo sjstem
calculated to work in I'liimnxls at
bomo dogieo of icform.ition , t-a\s \ the
Tro.1'rens. . . Such in olio ft are the in
tentions of the Kiif-ett law enacted in
18S9 by the logMatino of Now Yoik. It
was intomled as the highest pi Isoa legis
lation that hnsevei boon passed looking
to the loformatioii of Imprisoned crim
inals. Tlio law assumes tliattho natiuo
of a convict ditlois from that of a dis
honest citi/on not only in depi oo , but In
kind and quality. Were the former
furnished with tlio same moral equipment
mont as the latter , ho might have often
w vvoll lomaincd athboity : but ho ib in
tellectually delieiont , and hence his ca e
dosoi v os attention nlong that line The
statute looks also to suiiounding pri&on-
rB , o far ns possible , with the same
stimulants to oxeitioa that obtain out-
frido the prison walls , thus doinij away
with the mental enervation that must
ensue upon oxeesslvo toil for which no
acknowledgement of thanks or of remuneration -
noration is to bo expected. To develop
in a pei on unused to anj continuous oc
cupation a habit of steady industry , and
to icpay him to fcoino oUont for merito
rious beh.u ior , mi 'ht , la many or most
cases , secure his por&ovoranco when ho
tihnuld bo sot at liberty. At any uite lie
would have the pilwlojjo of accumulat
ing a sum of mono ) sulllciently largo to
leave him no oxcu o for committing
crime upon leaving prison to gain
a moans of subsistence. Other sic-
tions of this enactment vvcio intended -
tended to provide for the secur
ing of the histories and foimcr a-t-ocla-
tions and surroundings of piieonoif , that
their mental treatment mabo \ intelli
gently directed. It makes mental ,
moial and indiibtilal education lompul-
eoi y. The pri > onor is constantly
fccrutinlzeil with aviow of taking ad van
tage of an.v opportunltieii which Ills
dally lifo ma ) dit-t.lo.-o of improving and
building him up to the moasuroof honorable -
orablo cltl/eiishiix The Fassott law has
notable weakness , but it Is herald of the
daj when the oriminal shall roali/o in
the rod of justice notonij the inflicted
pain , but shall also appreciate and tnko
advantage of the substantial pi oof of
kindness with which it Is accompanied.
Some uidical changes should bo miulo
in the pilvato and reformatory institu
tions' of this countiy , says the i'ittsbiirg
Dispatch. Our so called reformatory in-
tttltutions , with borao few oxcoptlon8aro
not rofornntor ) at all. It l ? a mattrr of J
u c oid that people "ci nt op * for nunor
olTciiH's raiolv benodt fioin the warning
ofgioator punmhinunt , hut loturn In
time for another fxMitoncc. It In the
almo't unl'orml tcHtiiuoay of persons
oonnpcU'd with penal Institutions , and
of tliinc who havn made an ) study of
the suhjeit , that jiil-ionein me not bono *
IIted hi. lommitini'iit. lint instead hogln
ngaln to jnoj upon the community as
soon as they aio libei add. Theio me
two explanations of thl * full ) authenti
cated fact. The ono im > st frequently
homd is that tlu > o pei"-ons aie naturally
depraved and not ameiriblo to corrcc-
the Inlluoiu'c' The other Is that our
\V stum of dealing with criminals H rad-
tcalh Mnmg 'ind lovvois their uioiiil
tone liisto-id of I'nislag it. Them nuy
bo ' oiiH'tlilng In the lime-honored claim
of n.ilural dopi.i\ , nodnulit itapplks
in soaio i.isos ia the fullest degree. On
the othei hand , observed fails leave no
doubt of the dofectivencHs ol our ) s-
teni These with depiavod tastes aio
glM'ti tlio fullest opportunity to de
velop them Instead of being subjected to
Inllnonces whii'h tend to weaken siuh
taste * . Solitary conllnement Is pie-
scribed In the vvoiat eln < t of eriinis ,
onl.v , In the cak < > of these ont to tlio
penitentiary These conviclcd of
minor crimes aio herded tnjether.
I'AOII tlio candiditu is
put in the muni ) prison to
luvnlt tilnl. with the prisoner arrested
\H > oii suspicion of Iriving crttnmitti d seine
minor olloii'-o against the law. Tlius lar
it Is all tight It Is piununcd thnta mm
Is limoiuiit until he is piovon guiltv.
1 Jut Innocent and jj'iilt ) , jomigand old ,
ma'e ' and female , are thrown Into ono
common soeiotj in the count ) jail. Hero
is whevo the wronu is done. -olit'ny
conlmomeiit was tlio rale at thli end of
the criminal scale seine good might 10-
suit from the penal system. Hut the old
and haidened eiimlnal is permitted to
polion the compai.itUol ) innocent youth.
\Vhatevcr of natural dopi i\ itv thmo
ma ) bo in the young \iitiiunm.v be thtro
planted with the seed of vv icUedness that
v\ ill inevitably bilng tlio culprit b.icK to
the bar of justleo with a graver crime to
answer for. I'ven If no o % 11 bo done dur
ing the term of continument , in the way
of instruction in ciime , theto aicboiious
possibilities contingent upon the asso
ciation and acquaintance of tlio prison
ers. An innocent foov , aircsted upon
suspicion , niiij bc(0ino ( acquainted with
desperate uiminals while confined in
jail awaiting the trial whioli shall \ indi-
eato him. A few mouths after his liber
ation , in want and pih.ition , ho ma ) bo
tempted by the-o acquaintances to the
commission of crime ll\en without
siuh possibilities it Is an injustice to
an ) innocent mini or woman , who
ma ) oo committed to jail through
on or , to bo Known by the other
inmates Piisohs are growing.larger in
this country , and vet only a smillpto-
poitionof the ciiminal classes is ion-
fund. C'rinio is iiicre.isinginoio rapidly
than poiilatlon. | ) This a ] > e.iks ill for the
piesent s ) stem. Then \vhv not mil : o a
change ? It ma ) cost soinothing at Hist ,
but it will bo cho.ipot to piy Iho money
to ill-event ciime than in the coaktiou
of the
Tlio sin in iso of Hip Van Winkle when
aikoniiiK fiom bis lone slumbci coulil not
li.iva lit i a fioatu than tlio consiiinptlvc s
\i\iou \ Hi iliiiK liini'-tlf onliiel ) teliovcil b ) Ur.
IJiill s I'uMgli SMUP 'J'ltts'
A pi city niL'tine- sumn-hnliod child
cming the Js'i'w loiindlaiul'b cut lootvHti bal-
\ntlou Oil.
I\\\IM Mi\
Corn planted in lows , three or three
and a half ftet amut , with the koinels
dioppud eight to txvdxo inches ap.nt in
the row , -will fuiiiish a lingo amount of
choice feed , sas the Kansas Faimci.
The advantages of this closer planting
aio munv. A much larger yield can bo
produced than when planted in the. cull-
nary way. On thu college faun in IbM
coin planted in the oidinaiy way gave a
jioldof lift-soven bushels of corn and
bno and a half tons of fodder per acio ; a
total ) leld of nc.irlv thico and a half
tons ; while thickly-planted coin , of tlio
same variety , gave &ovont-tlno3 ) bushels
of com and and th ice tons of foddei per
aero , a total ) leld of live and a
hdf tons per acie. These ligures
sluw a laigo ineie.iso fioin Iho thick
] ) Unting , and thu incrc.ibo In quilit )
fiom the close nUnling was ninch gieat-
or than the gain in v ield. The k'.i\es
nnd OiHs" fomi the valuable put of coin
fodder. C lo-o planting icducos the si/o
of thostalU , thuiob ) Incteabing tlio pro
portion ot lea\os nnd oais found in the
fodder Our fiedmg e.Mioriinontsshow
that fiom 10 to Ml per cent of the coin
fodder made in the u-ualvvaj is uneaten ,
while enl ) from 5 to 5 ptr Lint is lost in
feuding fodder i.iised for feed In plant
ing coin for fodder another largo gain
can be made b ) eleiting for M.od .1 tall ,
leafy , slender stalked v.uietv. At the
sunn time 'elect a late m.itiiimg sort , as
over ) week's giovvth incieases the ) ield
that i.m bo 'eiiired , and the late toils
legist drouth better than the eirly Kinds
A vauel ) called Mo bs 1'iohllc has
been found especially valuable on the
college fa i m. Planted in lss ( ) , for grain ,
it gave a viold of 1 10 bushels per aero of
small ears In 1SUO , thickly planlid foi
fodder , ij gave tbico and a. n.df tons of
corn and fodder per acio , wMlo coin of
lommoii varieties planted in the usual
way did not ) iuld one-half lib much.
To ni.iko the best fodder coin must bo
cut when gieen. l'iobably the gie.itest
amount of feed tan bo sectn od bj cutting
when Iho kernels just begin to harden.
Reputed experiments havoshown ns
that v.hen cut la this stage thcioisa
loss in jiold of gialn of from -o to Hi
percent. lj\enwhon the stalks aie loft
until the husks and b-aves aio diying
up , there Is a loss of fiom 10 to 12 j > or
cent in yield of corn over that left stand
ing1. On the other hand the longei com
Mauds bufoio cutting the greater the loss
of fodder in handling and feeding. This
loss fiom the late cutting is double or
more than that of the c.irlv-cut fotldor.
A fanner , by making fodder la the
usual vvn\ , loses ono-fonith to ono thhd
of his com for the siko of getting a poor
quallt ) of fodder , that is known to waste
10 to liO per cent in feeding1. Thoinfci-
cnco is plain. Ifvo want coin for foil-
iler it vv ill pa ) best to plant u solely for
that purpose. Select a variety es
pecially adapted for the pt eduction of
feed ; plant It thickly , so as to produce a
largo yield ; cut ii while tri con , s ot in
largo snocu-s and leul without husking.
The pioduet is a magnificent food slen
der stalks with a huge pi open tion ol
leaves and rich in grain. Coin handled
in this wnv on good soil , in an average
season , will pioduco rsoio feed , and of a
bettor qualit ) and olieapor than any
other fodder ciop.
For the past thieo years wo have test
ed corn on stubble ground as soon as the
grain could bo removed. Tor two sea
sons a piolitablo fodder ciop has been
raised ; and in one (1SOO ( ) the planting was
a total fall u 10. Ilurly vaiietics woio
planted , with the koinels dropped six
to twelve inches apart la the rows , anil
the fodder fiom tills late planting was
vorv good ,
lso\t in % aluo to corn for a fodder cioj
I would place sorghum. It will stand
drouth better than coin , and yield moio
on poor land , although not neaily equal
to coir under favorable eiicumstances.
It is needless to write of sorghum bovu :
broadcast and out and cured as hay. All
are familiar with the value of this feed.
In this section of thostatoa good crop
from 12 ily Amber seed can usually bo
obtained If sown us a second crop aftoi
wheat , and Ibhould ulwus ruisu U In
this vvnj , i the profit will bo greater
than If' the land boglven to it for the
whok" < ea on. In the sorghum plant tlio
giain socms to doNolop In Inveiso
propoillon to the sugar in the
jnlcc. Some of the non-facclmrlno MI-
tlotle < of Mirglmm have pioved voiy
valuable for fodder crops. The ) will
give a good eiop of both grain nnd fin-
age In , \ ear todi v for torn , and In n
favoiiihle jour will ) leld a very largo
crop. Thothico best varieties grown
on the college farm aio icd Kalllr coin ,
white milo innl/u and white Kaltlrcoin ,
valuable In the order given. The seed
"hould be planted in rows two or thieo
feet apart and four to MX indies apait
In the low , and cultivated the same as
orn. C'uland shock as soon as the
ced are hard , and the fodder a s soon
s dij ibiead ) to feed. In ISS'I ' these
lireoailutic * v ieldcd ns follow x Ked
valllr corn. 1) ) tons di ) fin ago and 71
nishcls seed ; white milo mal/o , lii tons
ry forage , and 57 bushels seed ; white
valllr coin , 7 Ions di ) forage nnd
0 hiiMielt seed. In Win all \aiietlts
\orekilleil b ) the earl ) frost ( Soptem-
icr 1'J ' ) . The v ield of dry fodder per
crow as .11 follows. Ked Kalllr coin ,
our and a half tons ; white milo mai/c ,
ivo tons ; white Kalllr uirn , tnreoand a
mlftons. The red Kalllr emu was tlio
only variety that ripened much wed bo-
01 o the fuist , and gave a j leld of about
'i ' bushels per acre of matuio Heed. The
vhito milo mal/e will uxuall ) give the
jreiitest total v ield per acre , hut ripens
o late ills almost sure to bo hint
by ftosts.
Millet is another piofltahlo fodder
rep Inn favorable season the ( lernmn
nillet will , \ khl much mote thin thu
> thu vmlet'cs ' , butin seasons of ilionth ,
> r when lioubled b ) chinch hugs , I have
eon thoiomimm millet and llungaihm
rl\egood crops , when the lator-iiponing
ernian millet totall ) destroyed ;
mill think , as a iiilo , the best clops
hiough a series of , v > ais can bo raised
ly sow ing the common Hungarian.
AVe have tiled cow peas , soj.i beans ,
uiins | , vetchcM , soiadella , poail millet
mil I a pan mai/e.but so far none of those
invo given u naming ciop The only
) ther foiago plant that \\onld I lecom-
iiend foi trial IHcoslnte. . This plant
escmblus coin ; the stalks are blunder
indveiy leafy. Troiii tvvehe to llfty
stalks giow fiom cai'h bcod. The plants
lo not luioli matiiritv , in our i-casons ,
) ulontlnuo ( to jjiow until harvested or
tilled b ) frost , It stands drouth well.
Wocuttho sttil Us when the pastures bo-
jin to fall in the fall and feed tricen.
Phocattle oatthoontno plantstalk and
, ea\cs , without waste. The weight of
.hogroon eiop per aeio was su\entcoii
onsiii issstblrt-ono and thrco-fouiths
on iii ISSi ) , and tvv only-tin oo tons in
1810 , or an average of twenty-four tons
lor aeio ] ) or year. ( ut and shocked
-his year It gave a jiold of four and
seven lumdicilths tons of diy fodder per
icie. The feed from suih innua'uro
naterial , of ionise , is not equal , pound
'orpound , to thut fiom the 111010 mature
0111 or sorghum ; but the whole ciop is
eatenwhile with bothtorn and sorghum
: hoie isalvvajs wnsto. What the ichi-
tivo value of the three is his not been
lotcrmlncd , but I believe that /cosinto
ib worth ) of a on a small stale.
Sheep ISrccini | ; .
The sheep bleeder has reached a
dangerous point when ho icsts 1011-
Lented with his own success , vviites
CicorgoV. . P rank I in of Atlantic , la.
When , afteroar- ) e.uefulbi ceding , ho
rc.ili/es mat no has the ido.U HOCK , ana
that his aim in the future will bo to pro-
sene tint ideal , he has before him some
seiious questions for umsuloration. Up
to this tlmo his breeding has been for
improvement , now It will bo to main
tain a uiven standard. Not a few luu o
had to face these questions , for in many
Hocks the ideal sheep does not possess a
veiy gtcat airav of line points.
In bheop bi coding there is but ono w ay
of keening1 tlio ideal sheep , and that is
b ) trying toimpiovo it.
Sheep aio either improving or they
aio dctuiorating. And there in o legiti
mate ways of doing this. If our lleecos
aie not ns hc.ivj as wo wish , there aio
other vvajs of incioibing its \\eight
than by the addition of dirt and
gieiiRe. Let the weight bo Ineieased
bv adding1 to the length of the. staple.
This not only adds to the weight , but
also Inci eases' tlio intilnsiu value of the
wool. When our aheap are as largo as
wo would wish , wo should jiaj attention
to the lotumlit ) , compactness , vitalit )
and only maturity. "When we leach
our ide.ils , wo often Find them imper
Tlio best principles of bleeding must
bo ariangxd for each locality accoiuing
to the environments and the object of
the bicedei , whether ho is bicediiiL' foi
mutton , wool or a stud Hoik. The selec
tion of a i am should ho of gioat impoi-
tii'ico. When ijood lamsc.inbo had for
u fraction of their \alue , theio is no o\-
cnse for blooding from a poor lain. The
in in who , in the selection of a r.iin , con
siders no question but of the hrst cost ,
will never inaho much of a mark as a
sheep breeder.
Man ) fanners think they sliould not
purchase a good ram unless they hao
high gtadeovvcs. This ib a mistakefor ,
as has been pointed out , there is a
gicattr return in bleeding thoiougb-
bicd i.imson common owes than on high
guide owes. A good tarn vv ill add moio
to the offspring of owes shc.ning four
pounds than ho could add to the lambs
of sbeop shearing seven pounds. Tliero
can bo no necessity in brooding a poor
i.ini unlo'she possesses seine point not
to bo found In a hotter bhcop. llvonthon
there is dangerof domgnioroharm than
good. However , it will bo found in all
instances wheiotvvoor moro rams aio
usetl. that seine of thorn will bo the host ,
oven when none of them could bo tailed
indifferent. An uneven flock of good
sheep is worth moro than an oven Hock
of poor ones. And by nlvvajs blooding
the best , tain to the best owes , in n vci )
few years wo will IHIAO enough goo ]
liunbs to tnko the place of the pooi ones
of the original Hock. Then wo will have
not only an oven Hock , but an impioved
Hock as vvoll.
How to Mate I'oulti } .
There are all .sorts of theories ad
vanced pa this subject. Mail ) of them
are iidiculous ones. The old English
iiilo and I'nglnnd has much to boast of
in her poultry-Is to put a stout , ) oung
and livolj inalo with twentv-four lions ,
if the eggs are moioly intended for table
use. Hut If wo wish to obtain strong
and thriving chickens there should not
bo more than sh liciw to ouch male. If
the object IH to impiovo a wornout and
degenerate biccd , Ihreo are hoiit. Hut
in all cases the male must bo In perfect
health. Last jear , sivs the Ciormaiitown
Tolcgiaph , wo tiled an oxpciiment
which pioves that the Ungllsti idea is
correct.To mated a pair of light
Hrahmafi live hens and a cock and tlio
chickens hatched were hard ) and gave
excellent losults. Later on wo added
seven moio hens to the pen , nnd whllo
thoiovvasa lommkablo foitllit ) of the
eggs , the chicks produced were voiy
weak , and the ehiuifcablo weather wo
have had has killed almost all of them.
Thin year wo will follow the r.ngllsh
iiilo much moio closely , and bollovo our
success will bo better.
Do not stint v our her o in the use of
salt , Is the Sporting World's advlco to
hoiso ovvnor.s. Homes as aiulodonot
got half enough salt. It is a irreat thing
for the promotion of health. Hoiscs
crave Bait , but thousands never got It on
account of their umbtcib' Ignoianco or
caiolc toin ThO' will llok white-
\\niH for the Make of the little
wit in the lime. T'l , " > o things which n
horpecoiiMliiers Utxuilesnie all sltanlo ,
and aie all good for him. A horse dear-
1) loves a lump Of sugar , sweet apple
ma cat rut , and the hornet , faithful fel
low will bohemlllj grateful to the kind
master who tr.vcs them to him. It Is
well worth while til win the gratltudo
and allcetlon ol your hoi so , If enl ) for
selll- consldeiation *
Piumers should keep bees oven Ifthe\ \
can buv a pound uf hone ) cheaper than
they cm piodueo It , sivs the Oiango
Juifd I'linncr. Paimers need bees bo-
i.mso the.v perform servhos which man
i .m ntlthci do nor hlie done. Stop liv
ing chlell ) on hog and hoinlii ) , andhavo
on join * table at all seasons , juicy fruit
to eountei.ict the cITect of fat meats and
L'ia\le . How desolate Is a farm with
out tin orchard , and mall fruit gmdeii
It is tine that la ninny localities of the
west , trees have been ileslrojod b ) cold ,
heat and d ninth , and that these
which passed through the ouleal , ha\o
been shy bearcis ; but the c.\clos of fruit
homing may soon occur , anil faimeia
should heid t lie ad vice of the old Stoteh-
man , who s.iiil to his son , " 1'lant a tree
Joeh , for It vv ill bo growing at nights
while sou wlocp. ' ' K\on if the farmci
has ( nut tiees which bloom almndaiitl ) ,
thoj ma3 not be loaded tit hni vest time ,
unless the beeshavet'aiiled the fortill/-
Ing povvtter from llnwor to llowor. Crops
of gialn and gi.iss , such as coin , wheat ,
oats , rye , barlo ) , tlnioth ) andblucgrass ,
have the fortlll/ing powder dlstiibuteil
b.v the wind ; but bloom of clovers , fruits
and of many \cgetnlilesaro depiiident
upon insects , chiolly bees , to peiform
this work for them Spring Is t he-best
time to pmeluiso bees , and the touting
one they can umloubtullj be bought
cheaply , ns little loss has occurred , ex
cept by starvation , because the heasou
has boon so mild , The colonies to bo
chosen should have their lilves boiling
over with bct , and contain enough
stoics to hist until llowois bloom ,
'lllf Mill I Kill.
In selecting a stallion says an exchange -
change , Ihst look at his logs ; If the ) monet
not up to the standard don't look am *
further at that hoiso , for a horse with
out It gs is no horse. The logs should
bo huge , ilat , boii ) , free from llcsh and
pullsof any kind , not too stinight at the
pasterns nor jot sol too far bade a fault
with seine tl'iaft horses. A good Ilat
loot , with the ability to lift it up and
place it shaight foiwaid the proper dis
tance , is a desideratum. Kc\t , took at
hobiek Itshould bo shoit , stiaight
unl closely coupled. Next , the head ,
tequfbites bioad between the eos and
cms , clear , mild oc , not showing much
vhlto ; jmv thin. If the horse bo full
) otween the o.ves , head sloping backw.ud
ind a iiauovv Voll , that horse has no in-
olligonco , and will bleed that \\iiy.
ihonldeis should bo huge , sloping we'll
back ; wide mint ) ; longhips , not punched
ip in a knot lilco join list doubled up.
Wide between thefoielcgs. rhiuthioit
Jitih. l > ek long and onlaiging to the
) olnt where It is s-el on the shoaldus.
f the hoi e pos-oqscs the necessiry in-
liviilual met it , his bieetllng in ly bo
ooked up Hut though the hoiso iiad a
> odigieoa mile long , don't Inocdto him
mlcss he has ii'dhidual meiit.
Howaie of Hands He &mo you
freiiulno Dr. 'ihoina ? ' electric oil It ernes
olds , cioup , asth 111.1 , dc.ifness unct rheuma
OI' AiltiiuBiR nnd All Points Snutli.
Take the Wabi h , the best and cjulck-
cstiouto. OaU 1(8 ( liouia to the Hot
Springs , 40 to l o\v \ Oilojxns , .12 to .laek-
sonvillo , KJ to Tampa , with eoi icspond-
ing fast tlmo to nil points south. Re
clining chair and Pullman bullet sleep
ing cais on all trains.
Hound trip tickets now on sale at
le.itly leduced iat > s Foi tickets mid
'nil information call at the Wab.ish
ticket olllee , 1502 r.irnam sticet or
wuto G. N. CIAY10.V , Agent
Ifofttnurnnt Dialect.
The chief hash-slingor in a Silt Like
short-older house faniy knocked out a
pation , says the Tribune. A joungdry
tjoodb elork s.a down opposite him and
oulored a chicken n.ito and 'a glass of
milk. "Nary singoi loft , " said the
waiter , "Make it bacon tlion , ' said the
cleik. "Ilollereoiit rooster and diixuiho
c'ow , " veiled tlio man to the cook.
"What s your countiv.J" turning to a
gi coti-look ing lad who had just sat
down. "L want n dish uf tiipoand some
onions , " was the response "Vaid of
towollin' and " "Coinln'
up , " veiled the cook " \Vhatdojou
want ? ho Inquhcd ( if the lle.ud on the
Side in in. "Coin bed hash and a cup
of colleo , " was thu iepl ) . "
smasbup and killan Aial ) , ' ' ho ro.uod ,
and taking an eider for liver and eggs
ho howlcil out , 'Sot a guinea on a pin
cushion" 'ihena in in oideied < al\es
and a ginsof hot water , and the jimth
shouted for tla Turkisn bath and a stack
of whites. " Tlio tle.ud on the Side man
then AVI nt .iwav just in time to hear him
howl , "SI ulo 'tho steer with some glue
in the bowl , chop 'emllno with seine hot
stull on the side. "
DoVltfs I.ittlo i : . rlv Risers ; ccstllttlo
pills foi il > bpcp-iln , sour sloinicti. bid bieutb.
Xrt Prills in Aineiic.i.
Thisstoi ) is being told in tboOciman
clubs of Now Voik : When liiron von
Scidlot/'Leipe , Hrewor Hhrot's ' son-in-
law , m lived at the Ilobokon plor of the
Is'orth Oennui Llo.vd steamship coin-
pany leeontl ) ho was mot by Captain
lliinelinan , foimorl ) of the steamer
" \Vorraand now in charge of the com-
panv's pieis.
" isyonr nainoV" asked the cap
tain of the nobloHtranger , preparing ; to
enter the reply in hlsrecoid.
Tno bin on began to enumerate his
various titles and Chiistian naincB , but
had only got half thioiigh when the cap
tain intin'i iitcd ] him with ;
"Oh , hang it , you left all tho-o in Ger
many , Vou'i o in AJIIOI ica now. What's
jour last iminoV
The baron , who wus o.xccedingly taken
abaci : , gave the desired Information and
hastilj passed on to meet his fiiends.
Van Houteirb Cocoi Pme , soluble , eco
Cirant'H IMiiiiati ) ol Moulo.
The following n.xtinet fiom a letter
written to Iho Philadelphia. Inquiior bv
the late Admiial 1'oiter liasa partkular
Intortst at the present tlmo :
ATLANTA CM rv , .luiy h , 1R80. Dear
bir ; * * * Ono night at C ity Point ,
just before the surrender of Hichmond ,
while talking with Gonoud in his
tout , I asked him how lie estimated CSen-
cial Meade as a military man. " "Why , "
ho aimweicd , "I esteem him highly and
second enl ) to Sherman , unl but for his
quick temper he would have noHuporlor ,
and , "ho added , "with that quick tem
per gees his quick poicoption of what is
i cumuli od on a Hold of battle and makes
his Judgment so unexceptionable. '
* * * This was almost voibitlm vv hat
VVHH said on thin occaHion * * * J x-
cuso mo for using a pencil.
Mrs Wlnsiovv's sootliint , ' syiup for chll
drcn tccttilni ; ( 'lvos quiet helpful rest. L'5
cents a bottle.
An Kiirlicr Ulan
Colonel Alo\andor U. Itotoler of
Shepiirdstnvvn has in innniiscilpt , unless
he has published it within u ) car , u
book which o't ibllshe beond n
tion the claim of Mr Human' to th 11n-
\entlon geiioraliv acciedltcil to KidUm.
sa.vs tlio Norfolk i\n. , | I.aiiduuuk.
Amongdthoi lellors [ mmHUIUM\V while
ho was In I.ondeii , referring to his in
vention and his almo-tt ceitain success ,
in one which was w rltton just before the
author's dt-alh , speaking of a now ac-
tpiilntance formed with a .voting Aniori-
can iull t sttd.vlng there , ono Uoboit
1'ulton , w Ith w hoin ho had made some
pleasant excursions , nnd to whom he
11 ml imparted his coiilldomo about the
Of course Iho world has long ago ac
credited t'ulton with the honor of this
invention , and numumontsof biass have
been elected In testimony of It , but
novei'llu'lo" , theie ism existence pi oof
that Kiuniennd \ not 1'ulton cieated the
steamboat. Pulton becaino aceldonlall.v
tno heir to Hunisc ) * s idea , and it Is for
tunate that he did.
U > -OIMIUI ivu
U U a 1'nlliire Itecaiisc It MaUeH ttllo
\ \ ( Illlfll III' illHISOU IVIM ,
The I\l.v housekeepers tif r.vanston ,
111 , v\ho \ essaved co-opoiitivo houseKeeping -
Keeping , and dischaiged ( heir cooksaro
still stiuggllng with ( Unicnltloi which
cause the iinrogoner.ito put of soc'lotiod
to Indulge In jeois. The main dilllcultj
is stated b ) one of the critics as follows
Thi'io is a de id cold void in the ho irt
of the house , and the ) Had the expanse
of a common kitchen greater than the )
hid anticipated Thou thmo othei
diawbieks In spiteof hiut < < d hampt'rs
the food Is of ton cold whim 11 reaches
them The bill of fine , too , is uniform ,
not indh idual. Theio aio least beef
dii ) s. when the whole sixt ) families
must cat lo.isl beef.'t chicken
div s , when , nolens volem , all must
mast chicken.
'JMus Htatoinent makes Htheiovorso of
strange tint the attempt should fall As
toils lieailng ont'o-operatlvo housekeep
ing , the failuio is of no moment , oo-
cause the attempt was not In thu line of
ro-oppiatlvo housekeeping at nil. It Is
an adapt itlon of thu plan of solving
meals by c iteiers , which was tried in
man ) cities .v i-ns ago , ami failed on ac-
lountof imonveiiiomo , lack of ectmomv
and dllllculty of keeping the food warm
in transit , tnnnnontb thu I'tttslmrg Dii-
pitch Anothui reason of failure is ap-
jiiiretit in the uxpULt.itlon the bill
of faio is to bo varied and piofuse
llvei ) pi hate family much below the
standard of the millionnlio's has it"
iotislda.\sand its chicken dajs , and the
oriiinary mass of minkind has it- > hash
and slow da v s. an cxpcriinont of
this kind should fail whoio extravagant
ovpect'itions aio entortidnod is not sin-
gnliu , but natural. However , intelligent -
gent iittenipt at co-opoi utlv o housekeep
ing to orgmi/e and divide the domestic
labor of se\oiil famillcf is another
thing. Tor the families in which house-
wi\es can nlloid to be kejit
in a purd ) oni iinental position ,
tlio funilv hotel , or thu iiji n tinent house
with rostiiirant attached , fmnishes u
moro economic and -atisfiu'toiy IC-.OM
Hut for the glut miiiiit.v ] whoso \M\C- "
must do tholr share of the woik in keep
ing up the homo , itiomuhis u v ital qucs-
tionwhether the workof a number of
families can not bo united and sjsienm-
ti/cd so as to soeuio a voiv gieat ad-
vance over the present state of allahs
C'eit.iinlv there have been as jot no e\
perimontfiof such char.ictor as to imposn
a negative to the probihihlios vvhuh
leasoa sbows , in favor of such an idea ,
In nonrl ) ovei ) dup.ii tmunt of mii'-ciiliiio
ofTotts the orgmi/ntion aim division of
work has been smcessfullj c.uiicd out
with the lesults of far yiuatoi utlluono
than otherwise ] ) osslhle. Ono ninn will
build houses , another soil giocoiics , another
ether sell haidwaio , anotboi i > ave the
streets and so on , but the division docs
not stop there In building a house , for
example , ono sot of men will do the dig
ging , another lay the found itions , n
thiid la ) the biickwurk , u font Hide
do the ear pouter woik , .1 fifth the
plastering , a sixth the painting and so
on. The losiilth aio well known to bo
hotter not onlv beeiiiso ono man m.i )
natuiall ) ho bcttei at cnipentornig and
anoth"r'it stone work , but because if
the capabilities aio equal the man who
gi\es .ill his attention to iirpontering
can leatn to do better work than if ho
splits his uttorts up among h.ilf .1 do/en
tr.ides. Itisllkt 1) that the failuio to
apjil ) this h.nno division of labor to
household allalrs as an inhorit'inco from
theiigriiultiiuil life of tlio n ition vv lieu
thosc'.nation ] of honiotitoads m ido ( o-
opeiation impossible ; but foi the com-
II1IIII1C1C3S I1UIU pC.0lC ] ) ! UV O 111 ClO'O Jl'\
taiositioa | the paiitj of the case indi
cates that tliOLO-ouorativo ide.i , suppl- )
intr thu division of lab ir , would jiold an
great an enhancement in icsiilts as it
basin other work. Lot us take the average -
ago familv living in houses costing 'fii)0l |
apiece. Of a group of ten housewives ,
itjscurtiin their i ipacitiesfor dllleiont
kinds ofhou-ewoik will v.irj as ono sti
dilTeroth from another , bo'mo will bo
bettor cooks than ' o.unsties cs
plher.s will ha\o an espec
ial knack for diessniakui1. ' ,
and Homo w ill possess an espo-
cinl art for ironing linen in the best
stvlo. The division can bo pursued
further ; but the Illustration indicates
ono of the gams from intelligent
orgini/ition and division of tJio labor
of , say , ton households. Ills cloir , too ,
that such a combination should develop
other marked advantages. A huge
pat t of Its supplies could bu bought at
wholes ile. When tentative exp ii-
ments had demonstrated thopratticabil-
of the plan , a great economy could bo
secured by abolishing the kitchen p.ut
of each dwelling house , and giouping
the individual home about a eential
kitchen , stoicroom , collar and lanndiv.
Ofcouiso the dilllcult ) would bo , lltst.ln
ovoicoming- prejudices infavoiof
of the pu'sent state of alTaiis ; and , second
end , in Inducing women to adapt them
selves to the work of organi/od house
hold labor. Uoth of these dillleultios
aio lil.ely to bo so great as to doom all
eaily attemptR to failure. The advan
tages must bo demonstiatod and loaincd
step b.v stop bofoio the fumalo half of
society can undoi stand how to work together -
gothor an men do. Whether such or-
gnni/atlon will over bo possible or not
wo can icst nssuiod all attempt ) ) at
co opoiativo hou keeping which tij to
mike Idle ladies of housovvUos will
i 113 bo economic faihnes.
Many Clergymen ,
acturs , and juililtc sjieakois ma
Ajcrs Clieirj 1'utoral It Is tlic favorilo
rcnuilj forlio.usincss and all allictlons ol
the vocal organs , thrtiat , and lungs As an
naodjno and ixpcctniuut. tlio dli'cts of
this preparation am inomptl ) iiillid.
" .Ajer's Cherrj 1'ei toi il Ii.riiltmt'inu ( jroit
pixnl It Is u spldullil unuil > ( or all ills-
t.iscs of Iho thru it ami IIIIIKS. and I liuo
luiRli pleanurc In losllljlng tn Its merits "
( UeC. ) . N. Nichols , .No Tlslmi > . Mass.
"In in ) | roft'sslon of an auctioneer , an >
aflcctloa of the voice or thro it Is seiioi.s
m.ittii , lmtat ( u'hathck , I luvo been ic-
llo vi d by , i f < u ilo > iiH of Vjcr's ( hury This riiae'ilj wltliorillmr > cin1 ,
lias worked sui liiiiiilial ) ; illict that I Into
eiillorttl vtry lllllu Innuivi'iilinco I tu\u
also used It In in ) family , with vtry excel
lent u suits , In toughs , tolds , , U' " Win II ,
Qn irtljr. Mlnlutuii , So Australia
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. C.AYEH & CO. , I.owoll , Miua ,
Bold by all Uruvil'f. 1'rlcu 1 1 , elt t&uka , ( i ,
ThciBrnnswick-Dnlko A. II. I'orrigo & Co.
Oollcndor Oo.
lllllhril turn li inllin -MlVlnkoi Vltl'rkK Ml
nlooii flttiiroi I'ntH
10' 409 n lUtbMroot ,
Omnlin. nil Doi1o"lriot (
Ointha Republican Printing Co. ,
l nw brief ! , Imnk nup | > llo , nut trcrjlhliu In the
printing llmi
10th ninl lioiiKlu nlri > i > l <
Ackiritmtm Bros , ft , Hointzo ,
lrlntcr , binders , blink book nnnu-
'lllltllonnrl lnI I Onihi
Olmrlca A , Ooo & Oo , , Kirkmidnll , Jones & 0o ,
Mnmifni turcr mil J U- Win loulo Mtniifn l ir
tor Ul'IltH flir IllXlnll Hull-
lir- < | i f f.i lltl" IIUI ,
anil lltx. Iliirni'v
William ? , Van Aor- W. V , Mono & Oo7
tiain & Ilnrto , fllifo 1'iclory tornrrlllli
mul liuiuN * 'I' llmi
121. llimit'j Mroot ,
( in Vli i bnnlN Inrlluit
Omnlia , Noli to , all an 1 i\nmltu *
J30XB3 , _
John L. Wilkia , Louis llellor ,
ninlui p u or linv fa I iry llutrhori nnd Pac'i" !
in ? mi n < ii < tii < IlK.I V npplbM lit I
lini ; V Mioop iti'tiui
Onlor * | < runiill7 | illlol Illi. Ills JmkvMi St
Oolninbui Bue.v OJ.P W , T. Seaman ,
rnrn Oninlmi I nrM''tarli ty
O H lpil nr.l Mnnikor WAt.oNS AM )
311-Ih Sunn , | i tli ( VIIHIVDKS
Omaln Carpet Oo. , Gilinoro & Hubl.
Carpets ol ! clotln , mit VlmiufnPlnriri , V VVIiolo-
link. " ciirlnltiMioili ct3 rnli > Clnlhl.'r *
1511 Honshu slnut lll/i llnrnir ft.
West & Fntsolior ,
Mnniifnrliirrra line clirir
Jobbnrs of Ic.if tub tofoi
1011 Inrnnni Mri'ot
CO At , , COKE. BTO.
Omaha Ooal , Ooko aud Oontant & Squires ,
Lnno Oa. llnrilanil pnft conl Bbtp-
Hnrrtnnil nfl rnM | itr ,
B i : Kir litlli tint lwu - nrnim reel ,
las nlruoH
Hulbert & llhun , P. U. Mabonoy & Oo.
"unlTr"vTlnnt"bnll ! : H.nt-Coil-f-oft.
Mrwni-l nu mitliratlto , on'ocsSII ' V irtb nn I cor
Otli niut DuiiKlna Pts
Amtrican Fuel Oo , llowell & Go , ,
ShlppoM nml Motion IT
untlinrlto iin I bltn- 5i ; l4lhstrpe
inlnoii in il
Oinnlm N"b
211s IStli'lri > 3t
JoLuEon Bro , ,
Nebraska Fuel 0) ,
til 1-Trnmii trcat ,
2IJS tllSt oJ
Omnln N'ob
Onnln , Vcb
Mount & Grifih , 0. B. Havens & Co. ,
213S Htlistray KK Tnrnnm street ,
Omtbn , Nob. Oiniha.
Jobuson Bros , ,
(14 1 iirnaiii ntrcot ,
Omnlin Ni'b
Eagle Cornice Works | F. Eiierapin ?
MaiiufnctiiicMof Cilran Onlvanl/cd trim c irnlcp <
l/i d Iron lornlc , liurnipr window , ilonr
VV Iniluwrnp.'ruotillc ky. i cnps llnliil * oti1 lln
Ilk-lit' He I11U mil lllj Irunnnil vlutu roofer
li < il.-i'St I I'll ' hnrnini M
M. E , Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Dry poort furnishing GoQ&l Oo. ,
ci uiN notliini i Dry ( .noilH nnlloim Konti
* ' | furnlslilnz ifoolt
Cor lllli nnd llowarl i > ti r < rm-r lllli iin I Ibirnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrntod Lntiloxuo
Ifll Cnplnl Avennp
Parlm , Orcudorff & T. G. Nortbwall ,
Martin Oa. , Ocneral western nuun
Corner lonu mid 9lli * ! < I'lowCo ,
Omnln Neb 1143 Mil ihprmmi n\u
Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo , , C O Umlcrwool ,
Oniconnd Mnniccr nt Omilii
lUI..S lli Cor Stli nnl Jnckson nti
S , F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
'firof revly to rnl a
10HV lethitro't. -lap Jim Moil tlnuit
< iik < " < In Urn worl 1
C K Ilhelc , Mmmsor IJUMJljS JUtli-ilrupt
Dewey & Stoua Fur- Ohas. Sbiverick & Oo.
nitura Oo. , I'uniltilro and Cnrpoli
Knrnlliire ami rarpot
lllS-lll'i Knrnim Mreot , IW.-lSIOfarmm ' t
Schneider & Looiuis , J. T. Robinson Notioa
Oo. ,
Jobbers and Importers of
fiiniNblne pee Is
uotluna nnl fiirnlslilnz in f X ct'lilir itol bninl
cowls , * llurknltlii o v o r till *
pant * fililrl1 * eoat tie
lilt Howard street. Cur ith in I lion ir.l ti
Keuuard Glass aud J. A. Fuller & Oa. ,
Paint Oo ,
1403-1IU llnrnoy ulroot.
Uniiiln Nub ,
Wilhaip Oummmgs , Blake , Bruce & Oj ,
J17 miJCl'.i HutitlilMh SI
Onuilia Nib Oniutm Neb
Piuton & Gallagher , Meyer & Riapko ,
7W-T1I b 10th ( Ireot , 1(03.1403 HirneyBtron
Oninln Set ) Oinabn , Neb.
D. M. Stcelo & Oo. , Sloin , John ° on & Oj.
Vlli nnil U'nreuworUi
itrcot ,
1201-I.U ) Jones
fin I'ti ,
Omalia , Net ) Oiiuiha , .Neb.
Allou Bros , , MoOonl , Brady & Oo. ,
1111 llnrnoy Mrcot , IStlinnd LonTi'iiworlh ,
Omaha Nil ) Oniitlii Nolra kn
G. Olark.
nnnl lICTIl AtfPIlt
DuiHint'H bpo
pi > wiU > r Allni .
llti.lllu'llnui i tn o
l.MH tliirmy
Rector & Wilbolmy Oo Leo-Olark - Androesea
llardwaro Oo.
Cur , lOlli n I Jackiou it
1K .111Q llnrnor
Oiaubt. UuiuUu .NgU
Goo , Obomo A Oo. , J. S. Smith & Od , '
HJS tilll 1403 UIJ l.ri rrnworlh lV
Oniilm Onnilix
Ptixton ft Viorlitig Oinnlm Safe ft Iron
Iron Work- , ° Work " , /
Wioimlit mi.l iKl Iron
Inill linn itiirk , i'iinliii. < niinfr' flro nn I Inirnlvf /
of nitix mull" lull J
brass mirk ui'iii'rnl | H
fiMiiulr\ nun hliiK nnl nurk Iron Kliutlor iinJ
lilnrK < iiiillli w.irh U I1 IIin mini1" '
lly iinilUI'ist , tintti Mill V J
Acme Iron nnd Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Work ? , M 11 Uil'uHr Hno fits
'ron wlro nn 1 brut tr'ks lint luillor I nn In old.
SUM IllhMroi-t
iV lloi'lil , I'roptlolor IMcnvnnl 19th slrcoll
Consolidated Tank A , Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Oy lors , ll li nnil cunnoil
Itcflnoit nnil lubrloitlaT -
Omaln Rubber GJ. ,
Miiitifnrlnrln- )
tLr all kin li rubbi-
irn i n it-oil.
Ennrson So 103. ,
"i" I urn run doil'I I
ninlM c us urilnia
trc-o sol.
til ill - mth 1Mb
M. A. Disbrow & Co. , Bohu Sash & Door Oo.
Vlmiiifncliiror * of snsb Vli mf u turori of mi'.ilj
d.inr4 blind * , nnil \nft \ tilliili do irs ,
Moulding llrin li jf c
Uio l.'tb nnl Unrlili I H.tb nn 1 I lir < -trii'ti
Farrell & Oompiuy ,
> ) rui | niolioot an 1
liu'k ir VH l lfit ir t
217 313 South Sib ntfot. l > vi pip
12H-1515 Ix'ivonn irtti st.
Oompauy ,
1111 nnl Hid llirno/
tumba ) Nui >
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L , StruiT & Son' ,
Pump Oo. ,
llnlllliy wind mill' 8H 10J2 IJJI 1 irn im stroji ,
nnd "M I.HUM t I , K
timber Oinnlii , Nob.
H. & Co.
. Hardy ,
TyrOritor3. .
Toyn fnnc ,
buiiiofiirnltblnj fr > nn1f.'l A II 1'nrr'ja
A l " < nt iK uuo froj
Kixids , clilldroiu cur
rliiku UIJ I iirntmit. lllj liuilgo inut
A. D. Boyer & Co Martin Ilro3. ,
41 oJ \ilinnei II u , ima
W-l'J ichanio : llutlilliiit I hi , na <
h I \i bin jo ilti l tint
houlli Din ilix
i n li nil , i
S. J , Coffnnn , Sui loy HuuUr & Green ,
& Uo , ,
iU I vi'n i.o lluilj at
201 ulmim'i' llmi im
bi uili i mum
N.W.HAiRs&cofrpANY.Bankers ,
101-105 Denrhorn Ulroot , CHICAGO.
15 Wnll Street , HEW \ HK.
70 fatoto St. . BOSTON. .