Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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1 HOsiA1M Uln mi
TI rMsol'H list I'llTldS.
p lty nitu iiiiiliiy , One lnr IIO "J
l-lt inonllix . . . . r W
fiiiuin ) Urr , 1'iie ' Ven'r. it 00
\\rcUl \ ) llii.Uni'ear . . 1 ( M
Otnnhn , Tin- HITIhlll.lliK
Hxtilli dm ilin. < iinior N nticl Wth MrooK
< oniioll Ilhilli. 12 IVttll. tr > il
Clilouo oniri317 C Iminlii-r nf CnniinnrrP .
r w ViitU. IIiHinn 1.1.14 mill l.Vrrltiiinc tltillutliR
\\iislilniiloii , MB ronrtt'i-nlli ttt'Pl.
Ml ( oiiitiiiinlcnlliins rt-l'itlna to news Mill
filltorlnl innttt-r should titi mlilrt'Wiil to llio
1 illlfirlnl liopiirtinpiil. 1.1. nT.lta.
All liiis'nnielli ! rs niul 11 mill inrp Mi < iuld
tic uldri' si < l In H In * Hi c I'liliiMilntt Company ,
onmlm llrift * . rlii-i Us Mini l > sliillli i > nrdui *
In ' 10 inntlipiynblt - to tin order of tbo com-
'flic ' Bee Publishing CdDaiiY , Proorlelors
Hvvoitv sr\fKMiN-p : or ciicui I.ATION
Miitonf Ni tirii-ihn , I ,
CViuntv ( if I'niiKlns I
Ocorco ll. I/HI luii'k. srciolnry ( if Tnr lint
I'nlilHiliitf i-iuiipmy , dm s Milt-iiiiilv swear
tlnit the in tiiulln iiliilloii ( if Tin : IHit.v HUE
fur tlio een i-ndlnx 1'obruury IN , JSQI. was as
( -multi ) . IVlirunrv S3
Jtnmlnv , I'rl fimrv lit. . . . . 51 ' - " " I
Tiu-Miav I oiirunry ! M '
\\liii-Filii\ ( l'i lirunrr S."i . . . Sl'.l M
Tl lmrxdnv. rVlnnarv " 0 51 I'll
I'rlilnv. IVIii-nnrj ST . . . . . . . 51 ( III
Hiturilny , I'dnnur ) UP . 5I.VJ
Avorneo . UI.7IO
OnOlICr II. T7.Ff'lUTK.
Pworn tn before inn nnd subscribed In my
pii-sem-o llils.Mli day of i'ohiimt v A 1 > . isJI.
N. I' , n it. .
Nolnry 1'iibllo.
fctnteof NobriiHkn , I
Count \ nf Donctiis , f
Oi'orui1 II. T/schiiPk , belnif iluly yworn , tlo-
10-.I-S mill says Hint IIP IssiM-n-tuiy of I'm III K
rillilMiiiv iiii > t > an ) . ll > notiml a > crime
ilaily clii iihiliiiii of 'I m : IHii. * , Hi r for tlio
nuitith of Murrli , ISIHI , wiis'Jiisn copies : for
April , ISKI 'JII.VU copies ; for Mil y. IS'n ' ) . ! MI0
topli's ) fin June , | s"0 211. Ill uiplev foi.lulv.
lk ( > . aJ.Ki. ' tuples : fill Anniist IS'K ' ) , . ' 0,7Veoples ) :
for Seiitninbi i , IS'W ' , SOTO enplesj fur October
1W. Si > ,7 ( o | > i > s. for Ni.MinliiT , 18"0 , ? ! .l B )
roplos , for llppiMiiliir , IM . ' - " , 11 inplis , fir
Jiitiuiirv. lk'JI , l.-MiGconlis : fnt I't liruuit. tb'll ' ,
2.\.llUnili | ) < H. ( iiiiiii' ( H. T/M iircit.
Sworn U > lipfnro HIP niul siilH Mlbed In my
p. this .Mb day of IVbnmry , A II . lo'Jl '
.N. I1 l > 'i ll. ,
Nol irv Piilille.
IT is Ihroo moio days and out for the
Siii\v.u.ic ) : reform display a
iiff vituHtyfoi'tm infiint.
Tin : revival of the county drug store
promises to stimulate tlio cifculiition
in the liiisoiiiont.
Tiinroijin of Uiiifj poker at the capi
tal calls for un early sliow of "hnnds , "
ulth jiolii-o clubs high.
iiiDS , the hurblngofs of sprlup ,
havoi'omo hi Now Ciijlnml. None have
thus far re istored. in Nebraska.
TjiXiAl.ipiaoUory is as reprehensible us
medical qimukory. Dispensers of both
deserve u tei m in the penitentiary.
Tin : politievl ; complexion of the Cali-
foriimlefjHlaturo insures tlit > eleution of
a republican to suceeod tlio late Sonntor
Tin : author of "A Texas Steor" ih
writing a now play entitled , "A Tom-
pornnco Town.Vo trust ho hus soon
\Viohita. \
Tin : weekly bank stalemontsho\\i tlio
resor\o has increased $1,713.000. The
banks no\\ hold $1JC30,000 ! in excess of
loyal icquli'oincnts.
N" an Iowa prohibitionist in-
ngaitiht the wickedness of high
lioonso in Omaha , the public is given a
practical illiibtiation of b.itan rebuking
, sin.
TUB Nebraska logislituro has boon in
Bossion - days , but tlio nuinbur of bills
submitted to the governor for approval
may bo counted on the lingers of ono
hand ,
IN the interest of common decency and
truth , Council Blutls preachers should
remove the beam from their own eyes
before magnify ing the mote in the optics
of their neighbors.
KMI-KKOU WII.LI VM is renorted to bo
BO angry with the French over the treat
ment of his mother in 1'aris that ho is
Boriou ly thinking oftrjing to heal the
I I broach \\itli a first-class war.
Mil. K1.1 : has arrivud \Viushington
with a loiter of introduction to Senator
Arthur ( iorman. No further discussion
concerning the political color of the
South Dakota nondescript ib nocossary.
Tin- : Douglas County Bar association
would do the profession as well ns the
public a splendid service by ridding the
city of the legal wolves pioy upon
litigants under tlio cloak of practicing
Tin : rumor unit Franco and Germany
had mutually agreed to lot bygones bo
bygones recalls thd action of the Sioux
hostites at Pine Kidgo. They burloil
the hatchet , but carefully marked the
spot. _
Tin ; Omaha Savings banks arc In a
flourishing condition , w ith total deposits
of U'-lO.JUl.To. . This indicates that
there is a largo class of thrifty wage-
workers in this city , which is among the
best symptoms of prosperity.
Mil. HAi.rom is enjoying a vacation.
The Ii ish party has been so busy with
intornccino warfare a > to have neither
tlmo nor ammunition left for him. Ho
is the real bonoflciiirv of the Parnoll
inlshan and is said to fully appreciate
his luck.
Tin : president of the United States is
reported to bo overwhelmed with work ,
with scarcely leisure enough for eating
nnd sleeping. And yet Grover Cleve
land admits that ho would bo willing to
again a.ssumo all the hardships of the
place , if the people really Insisted upon
TilK death of Senator Ho-irat oppor
tunely breaks In on the legislative mo
notony of California. Tlio ro-oloction of
Senator Stanford was too unanimous.
Competition was shut out at the fitart ,
consequently a legislative bitting did not ,
In California parlance , "p in out well. "
Tlio supply of millionaires anxious for
the vacant senatorohip provisos to im
prove the circulation in Sicramontoand
lend a golden gleam to the afternoon of
legislative life thereabouts.
, K I JsN 7' h IVs is
( Monition of nllliutco loulors ,
among whom nroJorrj bltnp-
Mii m il Mrs Mnrj Ucaso , lm\o boon
nliitij ; their iH > lltlc'al tlootrlaoa lo the
iiHtonlslii-il people ofVu hltii'lon during
tlu < pnHtuck. . Thi advocacy of ufrco
eolirifro of silver , Iho sub-treasury plan
mill Ihu slay law has boon uiToiniiauiod
by a Mni'tliiik' iloecrlptlon of tha tomll *
tian of the people of ICaiisi3 ,
Thi' i-psult of the missionary labors ( if
tlio o Kansas patriots Is a wlilo but most
umnInblo notoriety for their M.vto.
Thp eastern press Is full of it. Otioof the
moat uotiihlo zirtli'los evoked liy Iholr
porforiimiieo is iluit of a vu-ll known
W.iHhinjitoti conospoiulont , who'-o letters -
tors appear slmultauooiisly In several
journals nf tlio Inruost i-lreulatioii , Ho
l > o , 'lns with the olioorful reiiuirk that
tln > nlllatic'O nirttitUins "havo sot Kan
sas biii'k lit luast 'il jours. " ITo pro-
cx'otls to ooiislik'r llio o.istoiu iispoct of
tlio niullutlon | ( ofvestorn inorljiKO *
nml to show Unit there Is tiiiothor Hldo
to tlio pli'luro , iiuil ono qullu as pitiful
as that which the Ktuisus agitators luivo
A blow cllroc'toil at the castor n inort-
trngo-holdors , this wi-itor oborvo < , doi's
not full upon UK * mllHoimlroj , thu railroad -
road ivrecknrs , the proprietors of trust- * ,
or any othur clnss of oppressive i-apltal-
ists. It falls with criiHhiiitf foroo upon
n thrifty clnss of inon and WOIIUMI , who
have Jiuvusloil the savlujjs of a llfo-
titiio in tiio si'i-uritit s of loan compinies ,
Tiny luivo nought this ino tmont , not
bc-causu it return : ) an exorbitant intoroht ,
as they usually rocuivo not more tluin T >
or 0 per cont. They luivo invcstod in
western loans bpc-auso their ronsorvntho
Now lOiitflanil tratnliiH' lin-t tniifrht them
to believe that tbo bust popsiblo security
Is Unit oil ot oil by loans on roul osttito.
For these re'iions millions of castorn
money luivo gone H-ncllly Into vvestorn
loan companies In the past fovv jours.
It Is largely the money ofwntfoouinurs ,
trust funclti of L'stalos anil tbo small no-
cumulations of thrifty tradesmen. For
years the effort has bcon tooducito the
eastern public to believe that western
securities offered safe investments anil
largo returns. At last the fabric of con-
lldenco has boon woven , but how is it
alli-ctod by the fatuous policy of thu
western political boomers now at the
national capital ?
The first inevitable effect of the cal
amity policy is to shatter confidence in
Kansas investments , The no\t losult ,
if tlio repudiation of mortgage debts is
continued , must bo the failure of loan
companies , which has already begun.
Tills will carry distress to thousands of
humble investors , whoso small capital is
as precious to thorn as the homestead on
the prairie to the Kansas settlor. If
Mississippi has not yet boon forgiven
for the lopuUlntion , many years ago , of
state bonds hold by foreign capitalists ,
how long will it bo before Kansas is for
given for betiaying the confidence re-
po-ed in her hj the middle of
New Kiiglaud and the ist ?
It is deplorable that tlioso things
should bo true of any pTirt of the west ,
but the country should not fail to under
stand that they aio noltruoof Nebraska.
No inlluontial body of men in this state
ib advocating any form of lopudiation ,
Such laws have not been passed by our
legislature , and it has adopted a joint
resolution pledglner tlio public that
nothing of the kind shall bo passed. Wo
have had a touch of the drouth and con
sequent destitution , but the btuto and
the counties are meeting all demands
from that boiueo. We have the alliance
in polities , but It is not of that insane
-.tripo which i stabbing Kansas to the
heart. Tlio prospects of this st'ito uro
not endangered , except as they may bo
ind'rectly ' atlected by the maliirial breath
of our southern neighbor.
Lot tlio people of tlio United States
understand that Nebraska isn't Kansas.
Senator Sherman is authority for the
statement that there will bo no action by
this congicss looking to negotiations for
commoiciul reciprocity with Canada
The reason assigned is , that on account
of tlio large amount of business congress
should disproof , it will not bo possible
to ( wine consideration of the pending
resolution giving authority to the jire i-
dent to appoint commissioners to nego
tiate a now trade ticatj with the domin
ion government , in the event of that
government lignif.ving a wish to enter
into such negotiation. Hut this is not
the only roiMii ; for letting the matter go
by , there being , as Sjimtor Sherman
states , a fooling in both houses that any
action on the p.irtof congress , in view of
the impending election in Canada ,
might bo misunderstood as an effort to
interfere with or inlluonco the action of
the people of that country. The mis
take of the gentleman who bus been most
active in advocating the cause of recip
rocity between the two countries , and
who iloodod congiess with petitions in
fn\m nf ivismifn nf U'hrit is Iviiou'n im
the llitt resolution , was in urging that
the adoption of that piopoaition would
} > o an important help to tlio Canadian
libeials. Such might bo thocaso , though
it is by no moans certain. It is quite
possible that it might have tlio opposite
ollect. Hut at any rate it is the policy
of the United States not to interfere
with or attempt to influence the politics
of another country , and while it would
unquestionably bo a proper and legiti
mate pioccoding for tlio congress to de
clare the willingness of the government
to diuss the question of closer com
mercial relations with Canada. Ills per
haps wio not to take any action that
might be construed as intended to cxort
an influence at this time upon the
public opinion of that country. There is
no urgent reason why the United States
snould take the iniativo in this matter ,
and If the dominion government shall at
any time , after the election which takes
place this week , indicate a desire to
open negotiations , with the approval of
the British government , there is noth
ing in the way of tlio government of the
United States entertaining a proposal.
Meantime it is interesting to note that
as the campaign nears the close tlio con-
beivutivo party is reported to bo losing
confidence. Its leaders are fighting
hnrd , appealing to the loyalty of the people -
plo and keeping the bugbear of atmoxv
tion prominent in their discussions hut
it does not appear that they arc gaining
ground , oven if they are not losing. TIIO
intelligent frlindsof toilpnvit } In ( . 'an-
ndi are not dlsmayotl b.v llm charge of
tnavin which their \lows subject them
to , and liny uiulcrstntiil thnt tno Ameri
can people uo not want nnnoMitloti Tlio
ismtc will be determined next Thursday ,
and whatiMcr the result the people of
the railed Slates will accept 11 witli
complete equanimity.
The Minnonpollslsltois found hi
Omaha iiiiiuy Instructive object lessons
In immii'lpal cutorprUc * . In all tlio
cssontlnl cloinonls of ehj ( jovormiiout
Omaha Is distinctively in ailvauoe ot
tlio ollj by the fiitla.
Tbo total poncml ( nxos collected hi
Minneapolis lust join1vus \ iiit > nWll , o
eluslve of special Impiovcmcnt ami
school Uixos , which iiinounteil to $1,000-
000 In i omul numbers , making tbo tax
late ii fraction over $122 per capita. Tlio
total Ia\o8 paid last jcnr in Oni'ihn for
city and county purposes amounted to
$ ! , ! ! " 1.ill ) ; special improvement Vivos
amounted to $17 ! ! . 1 " , u { , 'iniul lolnl of
SIS 17,570 , or a fraction over $115 pur
Minneapolis is tivxod nearly f > 0 per
cent more than Omaha. Minneapolis
lias nceuiiiulated n bonded debt of
$7OMr , ) > 00 , against , s > ] ,1)00,0(10 ) ( in Oinalm.
For its bonded delit Omaha shows n city
hull nearly ccnipluted , ! " ( > mlles of
Kiiidt'd and ( i- miles of jtivcd htrecta ,
and So miles of Mjvvui1 * . Minneapolis Is
without a citj hall , has only -U milch of
paved 8lnc'ts , 75 miles of cmbiug nnd 80
miles of sowors. In oilier words , Onmliii
bus nioro to show for u debt ( if 1,1)00,000 )
tlinn MinniNijioHs for three nnd a half
times tlio amount.
In ono respect Minneapolis is decidedly
in the loud. Its piulc HI , stem is nimp-
moachablo , coniprisiiij ; iiuai-oaof Io00
actos , valued at JtKTiOO. ) (
Tlic-o comparative liR-uros illuslrato
the inapnilli-ont strides of Omaha ill
public inipioviMnents and the tipl'Midld
results ni'lilovud at iiioileralo cost.
i.i i ,
Before the echoes of the Galvuslon
convention have died away , Kansas people
ple have sot up a cry for another com
mercial coiigresi of western states ,
which it ia proposed to hold at Kansas
Senator IT. B. Kelly of Kansas , who Is
the father of the idea , explains the pur-
pOsOf. of the gathering in a recent inter
view. Ho says it is neoJuil in order to
give the vvoit an opportunity for an op
pression of its requirements regardinir
national legislation. He think * that for
the past twenty live years congress has
been legislating in the interest of the
manufacturing east and against tlio
agricultural west , and that the tinu hius
eomo to domind "a fair doil in the OK-
elmngoof the products of the soil and
the products of the shop , " IIo would
have the proposed commercial congress
demand swooping changes in the
economic policy of the country , with 10-
gurd both to ttirill and currency , and
also give voice to vigorous opinions on
questions of transportation , trusts and
irrigation "in fact , all questions af
fecting the material interests of the
west and southwest. "
Tlio idea contains attractive features ,
but there arc obstacles in the way of its
success. Tlio tariff and the currency
are political questions , and a convention
compos ! of delegates appointed by the
governors of Iho soveial slates would bo
likely to have an interesting time in
discussing them. The results of such a
convention could hardly bj sent forth as
the voice of the \vost. \ They would bj
largely the voicoof the faction that hap
pened to have the louilost lungs and the
most votes in the convention. The simo
comment would be true of ether sub
jects which it is proposed to discuss in
the congress.
The west has need of national legisla
tion to assist in the development of its
resources. It can only hope to obtain it
by united action , bat any convention
called for the purpose should rigidly exclude -
cludo all purely politic il quosUons if it
would avoid being wruukod on the rock
of party portion and prejudice.
AccouniNcs to the attorney general
of North D.ilcotn , the charter of the
Northern Pacific railroad is in the
untiltu of ncontiaut between the govern
ment und the comj ) my , and that the
piopoity of the company cannot bo taxed
by the btato. The attorney general
virtually holds that because the rail
road company agreed to transport gov
ernment stoics , tmops , etc. , and to in.iin-
tiiin a post toute , the right of way , load-
bed and buildings are subject to
jurisdiction only , and cannot bo taxed
by the stnto without violating the pro
visions of the federal constitution which
piohibita states fiom impairing the obli
gations of a contract. Kvory land grant
railroad churtorcoiit'iins provisions LUII-
cerning trnnspottatloii of government
supplies , tioops and mails , but even
where this is performed wholly or in
mrt without oomnonsition the riirht of
wu < uid land grant subsidy more than
olTsetssiieh service. In no instance 1ms
the government , in spirit or in letter ,
prohibited states from exorcising their
legitimate right to IIIK the proixn-ty of
federal corporations , and Iho assump
tion that they mo not subject to the lov-
oimo laws that apply to private proparty
is not likely to receive burious consider
ation ia the courts. The attorney gen
eral of North Dakota may not bo on the
pi } ' roll of the Northern I'.icitic , but his
romaikuhlo opinion subjects him to
grave suspicion.
SIN VTOK Hu.vusr of California Is
dead , IIo was an odd chiuaetor in tlio
.senate of the United States , but by no
moans a man without force of olmractor ,
knowledge of affairs and inlluonco in
legislation. Ho was not an orator or
statesman In the usual bunso , but ho
represented the business spirit of the
Pacific coast and embodied the valuable
oxporioneo and clear of a plonoor
and a succosiful man. Ills suceossor
will bo a republican , and will stand for
the only gain in thu semite the pirty
1ms enjoyed this year ,
WHIN : the Pacific Short Line was pro
jected Tin : UHU predicted a short and
piofitlcss existence. The plans of the
alleged company wore far-reaching ,
while Its backers weio practically un
known. The road proposed to 1111 along
felt want that did not oxibt and purnllol
otlu r ro.ids that vv ere not trotiMcil with
a Mirnlus of Utsluoss. U suits sliovv
that the road was piojoctod b ) adven
turers to llooco coimnunltlof ulontf the
ritrlit-of-vviiy , rope in stock r.pisculatorH
nnd jutnp the country with the pro
ceeds. It Is vrirthy of note that the
products nnd towns which accifod Till ?
Ui r. of jealousy 15 monthsn o uro now
forcllilv convinced of thu truth of lisas-
Stj Ic In > nlt
The ualvcrsitr l'aniiiot ) vvasusoro dlsap-
whit men t to Cliavllo Stnnton. lie wore a
Hod shltt Hint refined to uxuuul | In the
east , and tic mt scil tlio last live cour-sus
Kothlng could bo more ilillculous Umn tlio
p\trcino to whicli seine people have gene in
ho effort to be "nitistli1 , " but whicli ts vul-
; nrlsin of the \vorat
< ll\ * ll Up' . '
Atu TIIJ/I / Ti Itmnr.
An unfortunate orator , wliu delivered 200
Mujochos In last autumn for the
mi rs' iilliuico , bn boon ailJuclKod
It is not known whether It win u liumtliMUat
nuidu thn sp'-tolics ' or the speeches that made
a lumitlL- .
W lint IVopItKvpeot. .
Kolieit ,1. lluulL'tto , tbo InimoiW , defines
tbo superiority of the icotuin nuslness over
jonrnallsni In tbls innnnor : 'Thu public- ill
ncx-ept aliniwt iiiijlliincj li-oin the plutfoim
olil orne\v , but wben tboy pli'lc up the morn-
lair newsiiiK'r ) | tboy exjKJCt tolludovorjlliliif , '
fiosb and nuvvHj , cvorj day , nnd they gcuur-
nlly do , too
\Vnll 'I ill Itt-ucr Aciiiiilntoil. |
( fndiiiKifl ( iiinmnrltil ( littrle ,
TlioC'aniiillinisnro much moio interested in
tbo Unltod States tlmu llio pt-oplo of tlio
United Stntes are iti ( 'miacln Tlu-v seem to
bo thinking up north thai Ihcro is a foimont
\Vnslilnilm ; about Cnnad i , but it is ,1 mis
take. The liriior.mce and liulllToroneo of the
IINUIAKO Atncrlciin stalosmnti toudiing Can
ada Iw.iLs au.v tiling 13nllsh.
Jerry Comes Out lt r Iteolpi-ocjltj.
I'litliuHlililei nt.
"Is it irno tint you ilon't ' wear socks ?
Won't you let mo see , plouw1" snld a pic'tty
woniiiivlio Ihiis nclclressL-cl Socldess Jt-i-ry
Slmpvm nt the ctpilol m Washington hist
wcelt , iclaticliijr at tlio litter's feet
"M.idiiin , " lopbcit Simpson , Kr.ively , "I'm
n bc-llovor in reclprocllv , Uojou wcur soc-ks'
If you'll sliovv mo JOUH I'll shovv.vou iiiino. "
Tholudj slid "Oh my ! " and ilcil
Call 'I Inin '
AVii I'mli / Hume.
A newly elected western senator is nloasod
to call himself mi "indocrnt " The idea is
tajjablo of various ainplillt ition. TliBiiejit
man who wishes to repudiate tlio old p.nties
limy see ill to term lilmsul ! nn ""
or ti "deniodont , " or an "imlopubUc.iji , " or a
"deinocan , " or a "ropcnitunt , " or any onu of other combinations that cnii bo made
out of the three words It Is easy to start
now part icsof ono in that way.
"Holler llmnTluiii" FolkM.
If there bu aiijlhing mou soul-crushing
than the convocation of the bore it Is the
comDiiiy of a doj iniitio pursoii. Ho nooj not
even open Ills lips dogiiKittun is written on
his f.ieo so pliinly. Kvon the cnfoiced
r cliurcli uuos not extinguish him ,
and when bo rises for the creed , jou feolsuio
that ho is saying : " 1 believe in CJol , the
rather Alnii nty Who inado JI1' , hoavoa
and u.irth. " And his tone Implies that the
nuthoiity of the confession of faitn icsU on
his "I believe. ' '
Hcott'H JMiirmlmi IMoilormzt d.
Here is n cheerful soil of scene ns de
scribed in a report of the piocoedings in the
Arkansas legislature a fo\v dnvs aijo : Dan
iel A. Jones of 1'ulaslil tookoffonso ntMr
Otej's stuti'inonts , sayiutr they wuro aimed
nt him , and ho exclaimed pointing ins
linger at Otoy :
" 'If ttio ccntlcmau from I.eo will tnnlto thn
btnteniuiit direct that In this matter or ( my
othci my ni lions hive boon contiollu JL by improper -
proper motives , 1 vvonlil not hositiito to siy to
linn us Douglas Mild to Angus. 'Lord Angus ,
thou hast lied ! '
" .Mr. Otoy And I would say to the man
\vouldmukonchaigo of that kind against
mo that bo Is u cow ard.
' "Then I say to you , sir , that you uro a
liar , ' yallod Mr. Jones.
" 'Anil you are a coward,1 exclaimed Mr.
T niiynciii'H Iiatust.
In a Now Yoik paper was Riven on Fdduy
the tlrst publication In Aiiiorlcra of a now
poem Dy Lord Team son. It is cut it led "To
Sleep. " It is rather cuilous to note that had
his la'ost ' bit of vciso b en a liuriel of pnik it
could not nave been treated in a moiocom-
moiciil spirit. Lord Ton in * ou nnnnueJ foi
its snlo to n certain fiimous publishiiif ; hoiihO
in Knu'luml , wbuh suld the u lit to piml it
to a London ii.ipor , nnd scparattlv to each
luiKOcltyin ( Juat Hntain Austrulli also
purchased tlio piivilegi ) nnd tlio local piper
took tlio exclusive rinhl for llio Unltoil
States , A conservative estimate basal on
the sums pilil in nndnnd anil America indi
cates tlmt Loitl 'J'cnnvsou waspiiil for the
poem at tlio rate of aliuut ! " > u word. Ileiu
is the poem .
TO strii' .
To sloop ! to sleep ! the long , blight day is
done ,
And il.irluicss rises from the fallen sun ,
To sloop1 tu bleep1
Whiitci'or thy Jovs , they vanish with the day j
Wh.Uo'or thy Knots , in sleep they fade a\vay. \
J'o ' to '
sleep' sleep'
Sleep , mournful heart , and lot tlio pist lie
past !
Sleep , buppy soul ! All life vull sloop nt last
To sleep ! to sleep !
I'.ditnrial Aninnltics ,
Tills isn't from the Arl/onn Ilovvlor , but
from the I'liilliibtmrf ! Lcilfjer : "I'liondille-
iiatcd jnbbervoUc millets its idiotic
of tlioncllofontors'ovviliiiuuines ittho donblo
uL itllluil cssunruofittd lofor to the ixlltor
of tuU paper us 'thi' iMld-huuIed , ' etc Wo
admit that wo htvLli't as mueli cnplllar )
nilonimontns the liuinorist of the Nous , hut
thu little wo have Is , human hair ; it isn't ' hog
bristles. "
Hilus sung ti soup
l > ery day his WTiolo life loop ,
buiiK it Klndlt 'nentli tlio nloud
That lianas o'or titm Hkoa slirond ,
Or when sunbeUlhs ivllh tlu'ir play
U ten mud nnd Rlorltloil his way ,
Lllco a sliowcr of joy outllunn
Was tlio HOiiL"thiit Silas snug !
J-iOt the Uowli'is bowl ,
And thosetnvloM scowl ,
And the growli rs Krovvl ,
And thn K ult iraiiB BO it ;
Hut behind ttiunl ht
Tin-re's plenty of Unlit
Anil o\erythintr is all rl ht
And 1 know It.
I.iko thu hattlo drum to mo
Was the song of victory ,
Like thoHuto's oxultutit strain
'Mid the wounded and the sl.ili. ,
Like the ( jultk blooil-stlrring life
On thu liulllu ulalii of llfu -
Pur and fivutho ciiions inng
Of tboHoiiK that Sllus suni ; .
Silas's sou Hi is taken flight ,
Caused in music tlirouuh the night ,
i'hrouili ; tliuHiuidovr chill and gray ,
And cone slunliiBoa its way :
Hut the qu.Uiit . snug thnt was Ills
Chocistho sailUciiDil sllnices ;
Sltll glml tiiumph notes
IVotn the HOIIJ ; that Sllu. S
Clil'ngo Xcivs- The terms "plnj" anil
"woik" aio cnrliiusiylatt'rchnnp'iblo ( ' ! In thu
driumitlcniKi tntiitcnl prvfcisloiis. Workirs
In ( rciiwiil , however , inm no rW < of mixing
tlicinunli' tbriiiiKhPVorvvoik they tltnl tlioin-
nelvos "play oil" out.
1. Ct TOMlll' .
The oiiMuloui man has hl < sw.illowtall ,
Tbojolni'i Ids dmhummer ( jay ,
Tlio postman profcn u of mull ,
And the MUtfreon n cutaway.
ll.trpcts' ' Voting 1'eoplo. ' " .loliuuy , spoil
babv "
" ! ' a b , bab , v-o , lub.v. "
'Mltium ' , whit Is the ofbabyl"
"K I d' % kids. "
Puck : "I don't like hU teclinlqtic. Ito
pounds M. " "Thnt isn't ' technique. It's '
\Vuiiier. ; "
llInirhriiiiptonUopuMIcnn : The ninitvlio
was coin Icti'tl of stoiilluij furs siid hov.n
only la siMrcli of tlio luisMng Ijuv.
Diy Cioods Chroulclo : Whv U unhoni'U
bunkrnptlliu suno ns n dkltomvil one' ' Iu- !
CUIKO they both fail tn make money.
Korcstrr ncmocrnt' If the lebellloii nf
autivstus mill chorusltlsinmitisltlirliUpnno | ;
siu'cessful , and If it bo followed by an alHill-
llonbf the "tights" wluoli t.iUHlomoiM lorn ,
\\oim\it rofouns v\ln \ luvo boon .iccoin-
I'lilladi'lphin llccoid An c hmsteit cluJo
orilmnl "astlffsiirsuiurnin" lit nllro.ulsticit
ph.iimacj lust t.i hl , s i.s ing m I'vplanutloh of
his Ktate ( bat ho hail been ' iiuiplilliK a
of tiddly wlalis
Thcrov.ts an old nun of Kilnnrt ,
\Vliou\\ned a bund oiguu and bear.
He'd piny "Amilo Itoonoj"
' 'III nrulu j.'ollnoiii'j ,
And turned sonmr.smilts in the air.
Chlcnpo N'ews A mule vvouM nitlicr hoar
lilmsclf brav than listen to any ether music.
A ioHl ; ( many people uro built like him ,
Harpi'i's VOUIIK I'cuDlnVlij , how
you talk , llairj' ' " silil : i visitor
"Yes. " leturned the little follow , "I'vo ' hid
lotsof ptattice , I'm doing it all the time. "
Express Ga/ctla : t u nOditorof a certain
oxpivss illvisiun who is fond of playing
poker , uttundudiliviuo suivlto on a p.irticu- .
larSablnlh. He vvns iiu'ied ' nquiot , sloc-in
auditor until the minister used these uo'Ms
"blinllleoff tills nun till coil , " thei ho started
up , nibbed his eyes and exclaimed : "Hold
on I It's inv shulllo. "
Khould a iniiiisterof the
pospcl wish to rotlio finm the nctivitj of
clerical duties ho Ins only to stop oil a
baiunii ju'el ana ho will soon become a lay
Washington Star 1'ioni tlio National
Seilptuus K.ntti , hope and ehenytree ;
thi-iu tlneo , but tlio ( jieatwt of these is ulicr-
r ticu.
151 letter Seone , Coat A f i Ira
( An ol the express tiam at the cluif
town )
Tialn ilispnUher to tbo ongiiicciVlnt
does thlsinunnl 1 don't see any conJnctor
llngiiiLcr Nn , the Hist class passengers
ha. o eaten him up slne-u wo started.
filtiKb.nnton Hopublirnn. Join. son Did
youevci'M'ttlo th.xt old yrudpowith Hilk'ius
bcforo lie died'
Ilrownson No , but I got oven aftciwartl.
Johnson How !
IJrovvnson I wrote a poem to his 1110111017.
liuffnloKxiiross : Dctcrtlvo Catch om TIov ;
t3id you c\er \ git u confesbioii from Tough To-
bloa' DUuctivo ( jul/etti- I gavohJia a Con
necticut dj-'ar , anil after ho'd smoked it ho
ttiought \vnsgoingto die and told me all
ho ever did.
Texas Riftinp ? : Wlfo Vou didn't ' tell mo
thnt I'rol A lias bion struck dumbl Ilus-
band Yu , last Jiigtit. And ho vvasnuistcr
of soviii linignnKcsVlfoIs it possible !
And was ho struck dumb In all sovcnl
Hopublic.ui' MintiKcr You
wish to bo an actiuss. Have vou nnv diamonds
mends ! AppUniut N'o ; but I am well ac
quainted vitti the police authoiitica of tlio
vauous lilies.
Someivlllo .Tnurnnl Dolly -I lomo In of
ten , you see , Mr Cjimiut- , hull don't stir ?
long ( Jvmiue | Ves.l see ( Then , sotto vocu )
Quick letui-iisand smill profits.
Chicago Tnbuno "This , " said the poor
victim of strong dilute , as ho loolced atout
him at tlie inebriate's home , "is the house
that j K built. "
r.ittlo hatcliots 'inong ' the jouth ,
Help them to aJiiiiie the truth ;
Hut the bov wlu loves to He ,
Oftui Injs his hatchet by.
New Yoik Hernld Snnso All inon have
moroor less ctnritj la tlioir natures Boild
Yea , most nun hnvo a multitude ofsmsto
cover with it.
Milvvaukco Sentlml : "Women , " said Mr.
Smith , "are barn without consciences "
"Of course , " his wife replied , "and so
would mtn bo if they didn't need sono soil
ot moral guide.
Chicago TnlmnoFwcddy Uholly , I've
such an all-pone feeling in mv stomach , don't
y' know I"
Chollv Yes , your stonnch syinnithbes
with } our head , don't ' you know ! "
Homeivlllo .lournnl * Ills not tiuo that the
rain fulls on the unjust nnd tlio just nllko.
The rain f alls more ou the Just , because the
unjust lias stolen his umbnlhi.
Ham's Honr The -world is full of people
who tire themselves to death in looking lor
rest And of otliuso \ \ tire themselves out In
trj Ing to nv old tirrcst.
Harper's Uiuar : "Tticv saj Sinltlieis ,
Queen Anne house was beciusoof
Uisowti gross iipf ligtnco. "
"Yes. The liibutance people pioved thill
ho built a liii ) tight in tiie liiophce , . you
know Nonoof these inoilcni Queen AII'IID *
can stand that. "
Muusoj's ' \Voplclv In the bnsemont
I3ridcet-Is it the feller she's trvln' to m.iuo
think she's rich that s hi the parlor ?
'I honins Nmv , it's the feller she's tryin' to
make think slus j'ounj ; .
Ddlas News : If you bnvo nnvthinrto
pive , ( jivoit to the ' ( nil fdlow , vvoll mot , "
Jf jou have anything to lend , lend it to sonic
bud ) else.
Komervlllo Journal' It scoins to bo born In
some -women to lllrt if it wrro not , somu
men would havu to luuk toother souuus lor
Now Vork Herald. "Kocii-ty Is going to
the dogs" 'lliinU so } What kinu , ocelli
Now York livening Sun Poleji"y ,
hello , .von lira out o' Jail , 1'otlel lluw U'jo
trltoiitj jc lawyer illo objections ?
Polio Nu1 douo the liltn' '
( ! oed News : Mrs , HprucrVhcvv , the
thermometer is heluvvI'l'oaffiiin
Mr. Spiuco-lt t , oh' U'oll , Pin mlKhtv
luiky. LastRUininei 1 caiuu very neir ti ul-
ingmy Kceley motor stock for mi ice ma
Noiv York Weekly : .Mrs. Hunjflo-l'rof ,
Kdward Ilverett IlnlavauU omo cello o to
npinlnt n"I'iofcssorof Ainoriri to expound
Americanisms" 'luit iloth tint meant
Mr HuiiKle-It means a prulo or to c\-
plalii novupupcr jokes , ofiourou
Now Vork Weekly : Midden-It scorns tn
jnoboclety is useful only to people who want
to gat niuiricd ,
.Matron-you mistake , mv It H
< : < ] inltv useful to tieople uLo arc mauled nnd
want to forget 11
Iiidliinnpolis .louiiuil' "A mini should
uhvays thlnif tHloe bcforo ho speaks onu , "
roiii iVlceJ M i O'K u-iihtr.
"As n K-n-Kononil thliiK I do , " assonled
stuttering Simmons
Kluiir.i ( iitrrtto : A limn never fullj toallreo
the wealth of in format ion he doesn't ' | HH-
buss till his Ili t child begin1 ! to ask
tlons ,
111 Itl > lM !
It 10 Dlnvicnoo Itctwoen Nutluunl nnd
IHICII ! llctliii'd.
OMVIIV. ch , Mnrch i To the r.dltor ot
TUU HiK Inotluxl thn letter hi josU'iilay's
lln , vvilttciiby Mr OP llontlcv , of ( Imnd
Maud , on the subject of biilliline and hum
associations , eiultvivtiling todiMlnotlu' dliTor-
cnco liotvvei'ii loglllinalo und hotfus uonipnii-
U's. lly RlnnrliiKOVorthis ratniiuiiilonllnn 1
nm loud to bolleui tliat Mr Honllo.v Is on-
ilc.ivoiliitr toltupu'ss iiMii | the nilnds of the
pcoploof Nebraska that the MU'iillul Niillniinl
nssoolatlonsaixs bOUs ( i-iii ) corns , but luitflvivs
noroasoay \ \ hs thinks stich Is the ouse
The dllToionoo bi'twwu the iintliuinl and
tlio loo.U iissoi'liitlous be di'lbiivl In Inking -
ing tbe two dlfTeti'iit pi ins as thej mo A
local Hssoelttion l > established tluotiKli
scile.s , thnt K n ivituln nuinhi r of men mib
strlbo for n rcitiiln muniH'r of sliau's of
stock , which is know uas si'iii'-t "A , " within
this number of men - > r nn-mbiTs , the nwiio.v
must bo lout od , and the iimtmlty of stock depends
ponds largolj upon tlio aiuonnt of premium
they ruvive If thi'io uro no tiorrouers ,
tliero cm be no e linings , consequently the
mitiirlty of stock Is indefinite , then titfiln if
tin ) inonthlj or vvcokly pijmoiiti should
nmount to $100 orf.V)0 ) , and ono of tbo mem
bers wishes to boinnv W.OiW , of roursothu
tii'asuri'r has not tin loiiulied amount , and
the money lies Idle throe or four month"
and husno eirnlin ; power ; ino.invvhtiu thora
Is n call issued for nnollinr serl Mvlilih is
known us "II , " within this serlH all HIM
burrowlnjr meiiihi'is , the lick of funds of
roil MO inusos cadi nipinher who di'shos a
loin to bid allied | iivnimin. uhk-hliius attui
ilcncj lo innlmo tlio stniK iitaii oailv Uili1
Soiii's "i" is now fm mod , all of the mom
liors me tnvistors. there lielng no borrow In , ;
memboi's , thii vensi > iuenee Is hllo iniinoy
Understand , eac-li SI-IMIM' oninliig power is
wlthliiltsplf Seilcs " \ " wUlics to nmliO a
loin , aim Its monthly Inoomo Is not tMimiKti
InsoiUrt'Ml even one \vishns to boirow
Inst'ik's "i' ' nil an' Invi'stors iiml vvhh to
loin their 1110110 ' % . Any manuf mcinni > semu
can soelhut If s'eilei "A , " "II" nml "C"'pool
their issues and place Ilieir iniinov in nuo
iflininnu fund , tint thev cmild turn Ihoil
inoncj over more tlinos niul mike nioro lo ins
mid tlini'iirnliiK cipaiMtvould be
thus their btuck would mituro
Again , wo Ihul iliut in difletout
tluit It the number of series were poulott.
thi-v coulil not loan theii fund , owing to the
luck of borrow ITS
'I'ho llnildliig and l-mn nssoi in-
tlon w is foiniod torollivu the local ln\estors
fiom Just MIIh a piedioament , noting in the
i.ipnt ity of aLlo.uinf house l-'or instntico ,
miny ol the towns of I'eimsyluiuiuliavo
ulentj of money tn lonn , lut tboio are fuvv
birrovvcrs , ns the rillo-i arc old anJ llio
bulldinvuf homes iiatiii illy ( omplitod Tlio
N itionil iissiu iation , tlunughits agent , foi ms
n binnrli. the miiiuj being rL-initled to the
lionioonicociL'h moil tli rs'mv , vlio VIT.I ,
mui > towns in NVui.islca in o new , cone
iiui'iitl ) homes urcbc-im ; built , the nntlnmil's
form uriucl'iH hero uml loan the n.onei , ! < _
reivt'd from I'omiH'Iv.inla forlhoiuriHu | of
building homes , 'through thU inediuin our
westein towns nio Imllt up ami benclltcd
ami eastern lilvesturiviuivetbo 1 usest pos
sible * uirnings on their iiinnoy This , inflict ,
is then hole bulliliny mid loan sjstem tit a
nuts lull
1 call to mind ntlhr-picscnt time one west-
cm association tint has loaned * OWKXl ( , which
they hivi * leoeivel from iinc.tiiig inuiubors
in I'hllulelplnn alone * , now 1 consider this is
an I'xccllont thing for the western states and
that nitlonal associations : uo noiompllsluni ;
more good for thr prosperous western towns
than nn > other Hiunei.illnstltutioni of today
Ono national asviciatnni of Mtmicsoti has
loinedlii the stale of Nebraska $ ! iX > , OlX ) , and
Ireiittiio to say that not one-tenth of that
amount has been contributed bv imcstiiif.
members ofthisstato I et no erie who lias
the vulfaioof Uthor ilasi of associations
at heart lose cnnlldcnto or ilistoifrago lUo
piomoters ofoitber
Cver ) now undertaking has mot \\itli re-
VITOS , oven nrogressiveniovoment retarded
b ) legislation. The InnUing sjstein itsulf
bad to litrlit against distrust and live Uovvn
lottonness Iiisui.mco was a tailuic until it
demonstrated its success. I do not believe
jou can kill a popular mo\unoiit with liard
words Sound men sind souml ini'lioniitics '
will overcome cvciy obstacle to the success
of national co opciati\obauks
If thu national associations aio bogus , I
would line to have some ono tell mo whuro
they aic. that I may be enabled to Infnrin
some of my friends \vlio are cniinei ted with
similar institutions in Umahi , and I bolicjvo
that if they can boeomlncpd ihiilthoy h ivo
connortud themselves with bogib imtiUi-
lions , that they will re-sign theii positions
and enter the Hold with their heart set upon
clowning am movement that is unjust , uu-
sirupulous.or conducting its business upon
unsound and dishonest principles ,
The limitation of the expense fund of such
institutions in Senator Stevens' ' bill Is an
excellent tiling ; it does not set forth they
must use thountlie limit for then running
exncnsos , but it restricts them and limit- ,
thuiu to l-10of 1 per cent , -which isl 1-5 j > or
cent , ns Mr Henlloy lias said , and I would
like to know w hero theio is another class of
thmneinl institutions that cin successfully
conuutt its business on s.osnnU . a intio of
There is no reason in the world - whywo
MlUUlUUOb liaVU U'glSltlllUll III 11115 SClllU KOV-
eraing these institutions ; there is , or should
bo noionthctof interest whatever Tholocals
hive their Hold , ono of theii O\MI I'lioosiiifr ,
the nationals have theiis , they aio simply
dllTcivnl applications of Ihcsainecconoiiiii1
and lln incial problems , In either cliss of as-
soL-iatlons , only the snides or weak ones will
be unwilling to submit to such KUiirinitoes as
fair legislntion uemnnds. 'Hie n.itiir.ilist's
theorof tin-- > uiv ivalof the fittest" must
apply to all aliku.
\\'o tiust the piesontlepishturo will tulco
some action In this mutter , nnd hope thuj will
not bfl Inline-need by their constituents who
may be in lei e- > ted in either local or national
associations , but that they will study the two
plans and ciuicl laws that will gjvuin and
control each sopai itolv ,
Vourb vcrj trnlv ,
Ii S. IlLi.cmit.
Sa.eilln Splti > of HIP le\il.
nuntrCttu ir < i > 111/ .
SorgPint Honslnw anil I.iuitenant Scott
went loCoviiiLTton to \VurUns , and an-
nouiu-id a inuetmir tliero for i lew nlglits
during the v\cak The proprietor of a H.iloon ,
vvhilo the l.vls wcr > not thniUingof sueti a
thliiKi riimoup andstiiirk the se-ivnaiit , and
then went ii ; ht ovei and hit Lieutenant
hcott atornlilo blow , brniiuing liib nose.Vo
au < pr.iviii } . ' for Ciwl tOMvomiu.
Moml.iv night the corps went to Leeds ,
The Jovil was there , and toldonoof hisdu [ > cs
to put a lot of ciirtrnlKcs in thosttno , and
about , i duiiblo handful of c.ijenu pepper on
top of It , Ofcomso thodupoobo.Mjd. unit it
wmild have m.ido you lauch to IUIAOSOCII
iiuntMuiU sinners luni.iny for doois nnd win-
"Jn spite of Iheclovllvve me nicclj &a\ed. "
K nutnr huiaH.1 in Arjc VIKInitJt. .
ri of liuman ilestinli's am 1 '
ue , love und foi tune on mj fooutop *
vv lit.
and Hi-Ids \\.ilk. I . I iwnctuto
Desuilsandseiis iimoti , and parsing ; by
llovil and pilaoo , soon or Into ,
I knoi'K unblddui once at mury gito' '
If bleeping , WiiUu If feasting , riao beloio
' 1 tinn aw.iv H Is the hojrof fide.
And thev who lulkivv mo reiuh ivurysUito
Menials ilLilrouml ( nncium uvon lee
Sivo dc.itti , but llio-.o vvbo duubt or liOiltuto
I'onileiniu'il to fnlute , penury and \voo
Siek inn in vain and usilu.s-.lj impluiu.
1 answer not , uuil I rctiitn noinuro'
Trotl Tr.\oy \ nml Mrs. Lltulqnlat of lltiby
, Her Father'a Ilia tame , ( i
IMiitinblo I'.ITi'i'ls oT C Kr : l11111 /
TluoiiKlillio 1'nlM'isH ) I-'juiu S
ACapluii'd tincaJt'lhlof
l.iscoiv , Noli , Muvh 1. | SweIiiHo | Tut :
Hn | About inldiilKht last nl hl IVd
1'i.iry nml Mis Anna I.lndiiitst | , both of
Uubvto \ tuki'ii fiom tnlu No. 7 and vvuo
comluc'loil to tin * polleo station , Thu pur
ww neeompanled by twochllilion ami a sn
tor of Mrs. Machinist , Mrs. Mury l.umicv.
'I'ntcv only \v.u locked up , wbllo Iho tvv >
women und tlio children vvero taken lo thn
St. ninio hotel and ( juardnl 'I ' ho niriKt WHS
imdu on icci'lptof n telopani from Mr. .1 I
rnmiey ot Kuby , fnlher of tbo orrini ? yonnir
woman. The old catlonim olijuctivl tolii-r
leaving her tiiHbiiiiil and toolt this miMinil' '
Htophot 'I'hoehltiliou Mrs. Undipilst to > 1c
with her uro n > ; otl two nml six jours. 'J'l.u v
Is uol b.v tiny means nn ntlrautlvu lookliitffi-l-
iru i. woiiMNrt IIIF sriifMr.
Tlio sc'ioiuo ' to blsoi'l llio ( . 'ollc'Ko firm i
Hlill beliitf oiqorly worked up br umuliiir
real ottlnto speculators ami ollu-i- poisons who
own propcily not tlioist of the trad , 'llio
inntliiitlon of llio firnivvouMdocroaHi'tho
iltivliitrdlslattro botwien University
and I..ltinilii iilnuit 0110 inil iiiidiiiiiniti ] f
and tlu-ioforo n Htinnir Inltuciico It buliK-
bivuulit to bo.u upon Itio loytslutors to piwi i
bill to allow an illumed boulmnril l "
fecit wltlo til ifc'on.illy throiiKli the tra i
Tlili sploiulul piece ( if iirc pi'v ) '
belonns lottioslate , uad Iivoilh over in' '
OOO It It in i-iii ( Hi on tlv iiilaptoct for nv-i
tli-neo proper ! } , and in tlioiK-nrluluro ilvvi i
iloubtK".s i > o | ilitt < ! i1 and liocoiiio nn nddilm
to Lincoln A pionilticiit s > titu olllciiil iu
spc.iUiiiKof thi'inntlcr of iimimitr mlluK"1 > 1
boulovuul tliiouirh.ltsii\s
"If 1 the pioportj I would not liavi
Hint diagonal luicl cut tliioajjli It forSTtO.iKn
Ifni.illroid runs through n imn's farm , tli
company is compollcil to pay tl.mmpn for Hi
Halmns tbo und is mi amanti.'O to Iho
roiil conipmy and iiillsiiilviiutiyo to thf imi
ttnoii \\hoso \ fin m It pissei 'riiosnnii i
true of llio ovpi-ilineiitnl farm. It vvii
frit-illy bi-nellt tlio spocnliloriw ho .
r Milyin.nlc < fuiinnts in n fuiv mouths l > > s-i
incpropoity in ITulvursltv pl.'ie , but itvl i
ruin tlio saliof Iniiulii-ds t inocjulai j
shnpeit lots resulliintfrointlio cliii onul road '
< i MMI in : \ \ AS niii'iu n.
IMitor I.ittU'llolcl uf thn NVbi islc-i I.aboiT f
roiilvd a inosluiiinuivifnl slating Intho lant *
issue ( if the rjliuolu Wuoklr Ib'i.ild ami Ii *
declares Ills intentions of sultitf ffll STid'i '
damiLi--i. Onlv a week or t\\o slueo C'h t
Nflvvluiij of llio 11 ru ilopartmont swoio out i
xvuiiiiiit'iiKiinist I ittlolliilil on tlio tlinr t f
ciluiliiullloul , but it was iiovorsorvt-il.
c\niiiiiii AMI ( osi'i w.D.
} ' , M I.nschor , formorlv a mcmlM.r of Ih >
flroitopirtiiient , win ariwtotl by Uttortivi *
Mnlono jcslerJiy afternoon on a cliiirfjc f
prand larceny Onruday inoiniiiBi tlnof
en'cit'cl ' tlarUsoa's ( jrocory store , at the ( or
net of Twelfth and N sticets , and slolo.i ( )
Tbo robbcr.v was cliscovorcil i mined iutclv
and suspicion pointed to Luschor. llio | io
llcovveionotllled and uontnvcd to keoptho
allilr quiet until Luiuhorcouhl bo luptuu I
SlimUy after his arrosl hiibeher aJinitti.l
haviiiK-stolen the inoiiov and nccoiiipatik t
tDetcotivcMuloiio to llio old Hovynnl house ,
wlieie no bud hidden ttie money in nholo m >
t IiuciMllutr.
The oratorical contest botwcta represcnta
tivos of the leiitiiiKcollccea and uiiivorsilin
of NebiasUa , for tlio chiiapioiishlp of tin
state , will bo held in Lincoln , March ID , at
Ijohinon's hall llio contestants aio to hi
the vomit ; men \\lio have \\oa ttioliislu-.t
oi-itorit-al honors In the eolliwn thnt ihi-v
ropiespiit Five institutions am toboi'p
proscated in the contest. I'ho winner of tli *
pn/o \\ill reniesont Nohnislii in the urcit
intci-stnto contest , in which all tin-
stales from Ohio to Nevad.i will bo ropic-
The city central committee oftlioimlepcn I
out partv lias Issuoii n c ill for a city coiivou IKcdllio date Mirch 14 , Iwo \veui
from Mouclav 'I'hopiinr.ries are lo bo lull
on llio Uth. The nirl.v leailcraniiomii. . -
tlicir intention of patting a full tlcltot in the
liclil In the cit ) election.
oi > - > \vi \ > ISMS.
The ofllcors of the state fall recently ap
pointed aio as jollovvB. John Iciisoii , ( < ciicvn.
prcalclont. Kll A. Harucs , dniiid Island ,
lint vice president , IS. N. Uionuoll , Turt
Calhoun , second Mco-prcbident ; KJ Mcln-
tyie. Sevvard , tieubtuor.
, lohn Carson , who was arro-teil ycitoiihv
attemoon for stoalnif ; $ * > ( > worth of caipentor
tool- , , was sentenced to thirty days iu the
county lall byJusilco nroivii.
Ills a peculiar fact that It is the nnn who
lias plenty of push \0io acquiics a pull.
To lo "knocked out' ' ii pretty liul , but If
you live near a tinsiuith you will Had that
kiiockod tin isuorsu
Tliero aio three tliuiftliat ! bent a ilium
fornoiso-onois a sm.ill boy and the other
two.ire dm in stic ks
The dvni'iag nmstor onijlit to bo mvtty sifo
fromthosuaieiof this life Ho understand
all the ways of the whirled.
A red nose isn't i-ondusho oviileuco of
Incbiielv , but it imjuies upon its unfortutnto
poiic-ssor the burden of puxjf.
Servants' gossip is low , of bulvheu
it is about jour nciubbors ometlnies von
will ndmit Ihntil is uudiniabh intoicstfng
I'he cuvv-puncliors nf the western jiliinsnio
IO-.IIIB ; thuir "palnt-thc-town" chu-
nc-tiTislici , but taey aio still addicted la
"I hero's no use in my laving any claim t-i
it , ' said Noah , ns ho cateil himself oil the
( ruimol , "but I am the uiigiiial Aiktio ex
ploier. "
The ditTeronce between modesty mid bnsh-
fulncws is , of course , tliat you are moilc-t
wbllo the other fellow is b.ishful nnd hn %
ridiculous ho looks' '
Too iniich stuss Islahlupon the nbiUty f
public men to kei p thuir mouths slmt. \ii
vvbo ean beal thu ojstor. and nfter all -vTliat
iuod does il do him !
Philadelphii l i-dgor : A choir bisso in
Cincinnati , after bi'inp accvtitcj by theo
pnmo ami contiullo lospoi-tlvcir , hus nmineil
thoorKiuiist. iiasc wn till'
11 notice. , " haul the juilgu , "that n ( 11
fornln man bis al > MOiuli'dwith i' > iOiii ) i
other pioplo'a nionej " "A soil of I'millcJ
slope , oh " addi-il Ihe major.
His iindlsKueo tube ] Kvir , and .everyl K
agrees inn this is so , but that doeint pio-
vcnt rh b people from trolling poor pcoplo us
if it wuiv , nmo Unusual of tun
Human tuiiuro ia < nu er Ono would unl ir
ally think that a woman wouldn't eaio lo o
toafiishloaahlo partv or rowptlnn to wtnui
Hhewasuol thought worthy of an iuUtutimi.
"Too largo for bis trousers , " iavlui they
oinu suld
Of a youth whoso iMoem seomoJ to till Inn
\vliolo head
Hut now it is plil 11 to perception inntt aim
Tint the tailoi takes care that tbov'rctoo
lurnro for him.
Highest ofaU in T aveniiig rower. S. Gov't Report , Aug.7 , iSSg.