Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIT 13 fXMAIIA JJIUO : MONDAY , JUAia'M ' i i i ,
j'rllxtrid tiy Cnrrlir In tiny pnilof
n. v , . .
p , Nn.ll
Killtut , No Zl
.Jti.\ctt JU :
K V. 1' . Co.
fimiuil IHulT I nnlior Co . coil.
n rrnft'sil.nttcl loan1" " , .diSnppbloclt ,
( Joniilno Uocli SpiIng coal. 'llmtclior ' , 10
\ Mnln slrea.
'I'ho ' Lltv counell xxlll hold Its iccnlnr
monthly incetliii ; tbti ovunliiK.
. .1.V. . Sexton , u noxxspnpfr man of ChlcaBO ,
was In the cltv vesteidny , the guest of
Maiahal Templcton
'I' ,1 V.xanslms rctuineil from nil ostenslx'u
Routhorn tuii nnd linn becoino tin cnttiinlastlo
lubnuer nl tbeener'j ( and protfiess ot the
nexv south
'llio funeral ol Mrs Nlptis occurred jotter-
Oafoienoini fiom tin lesulencoof hot-father ,
Kiilhnnlel U'estnn , neiir MimiiXMi Tlio bin Id
took iiliue InViiliiut \ Hill ceinotoiy Uov.
I en.en . ofllciatcil.
sneied coniert xxns pixcn last evening nt
-AllKnlnts-chapel fnrthohcnellt of the mis
sion Tlieioxxnsa liujro attendance , and n
Hunt Sinn XVIIH i.ilscd , xvblili will bo used In
ilofiaj iii ( ; tlio expenses of tlio eliurcb
Mr. I'V. \ . Snxiler , forinerl.v editor of the
Ts'onti.iiell In thUi'ltx. retnineil en Sit unlay
evening fiom nMeelts' visit In tbo smith
Jlurliiir tliut lime ho visited mum of tlio
ptliH'lual southern cities and xvas hi hl )
jilrascil xx lib the pioplo nnd tbeoiitloulc
Mr Cv Mci'luie , nn cnglnci'i from
IXlarsbnlltoxvn , xxas In tboilty xesteulay and
ndiliossdl tbe niilioid nicirs'iinetinj ; nt the
Vouni ? Men's Lin isti in assoclatlnn loums In
tbonfternoon. Tbeie vxis ; a fair sizcil nt-
tendiinoanee of uilboail mon , and u very In-
tciestlnK meeting vxas held
Mnyoi Mncrie issued an order last ovenln
that all the saloons be ilosctt today until (5 (
o'lleek this exenliic Sexcial snechd police-
nun haxo been appointed todo ilutv at the
vnions : polling plaies , and iiudlurt xx ill hu
Hindu to hnvc as gooit older thiininhmit the
cltx as ills possible to linxe on election diij
'llie police leiolvcd word last evenlntf fiom
thu authorities at riomnnt. Net ) . to tlio
olfcet tlnit a lot of ilotliniR bad been stolen
tbi'io and thnt the thieves me noxx on their
vll } to this illy. 'Ihoj xxere lequosted to
Iteep a lookout for them and if possible inn
them in A peed description xxas nlxm , and
it thought that If the tbiexes shoxv their
faies Inside the city limits thoj xxill stay
Mrs. Aliny , who keepsa conferlonciy )
store on nppei Hro.ulxvav , had an altoication
\vllh ber daughter in law xesteulay mornlni ; ,
r * . The two families lixo in the samo"bouse nnil
Imxo nexor been noted for tbtir anilabilltx1 ,
althoyglilt has- been some time since they np-
pe.ueil hefoio the public as pugilists Yes-
tenlay , hoxvexir , thexvarhrokoout nnovv nnd
fora time It xxas haul to tell which xxas m.iU-
iiiK the most li.ilr ily At last.Mrs Aliay , sr ,
ran Into the house ' ) f ono of tbo neighbors ami
displumed a snatched and blocclin pait of
bands nnd a f.uo that bud seen bald usa o
Shestaxed in Hie house until her iliniKbter-
in-laxv's miner had subsided A for
the nriest of the txxo xvomen will probably ho
Issued lids inclining on the clnngo of disturb
ing the pence.
jtosioN siuiti ; .
Thlrtx-flvoi eases of spunir poods have nr-
rixeil , consislini ; of the 1 itest in diess floods ,
both in xx ash and xxool nnoils.
hi French xxnol heniiettas xxo stioxv tlio
latest spinitf shades -almost every shade one
could think of in tlio dress line
Our line of bl ick hi illiantnies , also the lat
est spiin , ; shades Tlio most conspicuous
union } ; them aio the prclty dellc.ites shades
ol pie.xs , tansahd xieux lose , open for in
spection Mom ! iv.
Our line of Indies1 spilac xxu ht Jackets
Is arriving ilallv , mid a ( 'ooct iiunv are on
bale noxv
'llio ' gieatest crae this season in the xxash
goods line is noitiK to bo lliinneletlus , line
Kingbams and piuo apple tissue. 'I ho latter
is n soft faliiic xxhich conies in plain and
fancy colors , and icsoinblns a line china silk ,
but the prlcco being within the reach of all
To stait tlie season lr > e is tbo price vxo quote.
In line ginghams the dlspluv shown by us
vxoulil almost in.iko one think thnt thov xvero
intended foixx holes lie ti.uto Instead of foi a
retail counter , but the moot and confidence
vx e hax u in their Kicat populaiity is bhovvn by
the linmenso stock dlsDlnjed on our counters.
Last season xx as a bicj season xx ith that pir-
tlculai makoof ( joods 'llils siason the sales
will bo txxofolil , belin ; a fablic that can ho
used foi so iiiiny different pai poses , such as
boxs' xxalsts , hoys'and gouts' sbhts , subts ,
diesbos , etc Of course the line of iiattoins
filiovvn for dresses vary very much from the
\\o shoxv ii bif ? line of loniniiiitsri anil 10
\ janl Ici.irths , 1'J' c qunlilx. the jnico lor a
btiutcr xxill bcsc. At lOeaiul 12' ' c xxe bhoxv
the nobby stxles.
IOTIIKIIIMIIHM. xxuirri xxx .x. ( o ,
Leadci- > and iironotcn of loxv jniecs-101 ,
< 0,1 anil 105 Ihoadxxav , CounUl Bluffs , la
Nexv Yoilc oflice. I" Ueunaul stieet.
A conlldenco Ljatno IIHS cometo light which ,
ns aix exhibition of nerxe places its iieriictra-
toi among the masters of ttio ait. Tlio xlc-
thn is tlio blato Six liij s bank und the svun-
cllcr is uinnnxvlio ( j.ivo his name ns A M
Moi i is nncl wild that be hailed fiom lianeor ,
We , mill xxas about to settle in this citv.
Ono day last xx-eelcMonis the bank ,
Introduced himself to the assistant cashier ,
mid handed him $ TiO which boxxanted to do-
jio'-lt. 'llio next d.ij bo called and deposited
n draft on the First Xatlonal binU of lianpor
for f."i5 ! on tbo Northwestern National
bmlc of Chicago. On Fiiday h
icturncd and drexv out tWO in
cash , but an hour later called npain nncl de-
iiositccl Another draft on the sumo hink for
ft,100 Ho said ho would taken certillcateof
ill posit fur $ 'M. Mr .A in it tlierenpoa Kavo
him the eerlllleate , nnd entoied the rcinain-
IIIR StilWoii hU blank 1'arly In the after
noon Moiris caino to tbo bank nnd drew out
fsX | ) in cash
In the meantime Messrs Bennett and Arnd
1ml becuii to proxx suspicious of the felloxv.
'Jhey iiccoi'dhiKly set about in\o-.tiiatinK , and
found that the il Lifts bail been fiaudulent ,
nnd thoj were in the bole to the amount of
$1,100 , nnd that if they Lilted to Intelcept the
cc'rtiticato befoiolt had nasoeil Into the hands
of Innocent thlid pit tics tlio amount vxould
boineieiseil tolt < H ) .
MoirU is dpscribcil ns bebif , ' about 5 foot
fi Inches tall , of rather daik complexion , vxitli
dark exe < and moustache Iloxveichs about
ono bund red and llfty pounds Ho xvoio a
dark suit , bioxvn , and blaelc soft felt
bat. The police have been put in jio'session
cf the faetsn \ tbe case and an effort has beui
in.ulo to llnil the culput , but so far without
mini. It Is stilted that a man xvho ansxxers
Morris1 description xx 01 lied the foiled check
panic In the HlutTs snmo time ao , but no
definite Infuuuatloii on the subject has been
roronovx'cek loneor xvo xxlll offer tlioso
beautiful band painted Chinese tenpots , each
contnlnitiLT a pound of tbo best sniuliieit
Japan tea , for t 0 cents The tea is superior
to any 75 cent tea sold in the citv , and the
jiots xvould retail nt from f 1.00 to $ , ' 00. Lund
llrotheis , 23Maln stieet.
Purchasing nnil sellhiB poods on the in-
Btallinent plan is in accordance xvith the
houndcst business principles. It Is a bles1- ;
lin ; to the people ot small iiieiins , for it ena
bles them to have nil comforts and luxuries
in their homes. The great installment house
of Mninlel \ Ixleln is the onlx ono In xvestern
Joxxa anil ono ot tlo largest You
can pet every household article x on want at
loxvestllKiircsand on cusy payments. a'JO
Colorado couijh and catarrh root , fresh
from the llocky mountains at UoHaveti's
clrup store. _
A visit to Drs Woodburx's ' noxv dental
rooms xvill bo pleasant M xxell us nrolitnblo.
rinust and most complete dental rooms In
the xvcst. _
Buy your coal nnil wood of 0. B. Fuel Co. ,
tJU Bioaavvuy. Tcleohono 1M.
Tbo D y for the Election of Council Bluffs
Oily Officers ,
A. M. MortU ol' llanuor , Mo. , IMoxes
too Much for a Pair ol' Coun
cil Illiills llaiiliCfs -
Cone ,
In splto of the fact that todny Is tbo day
which H to settle the fatu of the rindldito <
for munlelptl lionors vxlio are noxv before the
pulilio , thuro xx'iis not nuieb exeltemont xls-
nblo jestordiix' ox-er the affair. It wasIn
inatUedconli ist to tbo day before election a
year npo Still , the fact today li election
dax has not been foixotloti by nay me ins ,
tinil theio aio liidlr.illons th.U xx ben tbo tune
cornea theroxxill boa IIIIRO vote pulled.
.1 II. Pace , the candidate for aldermnn at-
large on the lopubllean ticket , is loifunlol fa-
voi ably bv n lar o number outside his oxvn
pittv , and thuro me prospoets of his maldtitf
( U'ood race .1 J Hioxvn , the dciuoei itio
nominee , h.n man ) supporter * , bnttheio nro
also in my xxho xxlll xoto against him , not
fiom any pcisonal dlsllUe , hut from the fuel
that he has the mlsfnrtuno to bo a contractor
Homo nf the old stage horse * of dcmoiiney
sa\ , that tbo ) xvlll never in ? ulu \ otu for a eon-
iiaciui lor nny enj oinre.
In the Thud there Is llkoly to be
something of a Ik-ht for tlio position of xxnrd
nhlei in.ui. Tlio deinouatfi mo represented
lV P ( jounojdo mid thoiepnblienns bv II II.
Vna Hiuiit. Moth aio xeij popular among
their lonstltnents , nnd U is haul to tell
vxhieh has the better chance for the election
In the I'out th xxnrd C5 I ) Hioxxn Is the
deinoiratie c.indii'uto ' and H U Ilailctho
icpulillcin. Foi the last sexeral jeais the
xxard hns cixen n repiiblicm imjoritx , but
xxliulher it xxill do so this v ear is hard lotell
Some aie opposed to Mi Hioxxn on account
of his nre , lint xxlictlur this will ent anj figiue in the Iliial leMilt leinidas to bo
'I'ho SKth xxard has heon deinociatic hy a
hngo niiijoillx exci' sineo it xxns dixidod Iiom
tlio Second , and it Is thought thnt this .xcnr
vx ill not change the recoid , altlioiiRli ( iiorgo
( ii.ivcs Is open to the snmo objection ns his
ciilteinnie In the Fouith , and A 0 Hauling ,
tlio noniinee , is tog.iided us a
stint. ) * ciimlh'nte ' hy nun of liolh paitles
In icK.ird to theeandldutes for the olllce of
paik eoiiiinissioiier the lepublicnn cunclldito ,
11 L SluiK.nt , seems , to have tlio odds on his
Mile C' U Mitchell is a eontruOtot and that
fact xxlll xvclu | .n-ninst him xvltli oiiie , the
same in in the ease of the democi itle candi
date for alderman nt lartjo. Mr. Shucait is
considered bx men of both parties as Just the
mail for tlio plnco and he xxill undoubtedly
recelxo u l.iiRe nuinberof votes.
riom all ptesctit iiiilleitions tbeio is lllcelv
to bo a great deal of M.ishinp In tno mutter of
xotos There aio manx xvho xx-111 xoto for the
candidates of their le peetlvo pirtHM , as
there idxva > s aio , bat bj fai tlio mujoiltx of
the voters nro trnlnir to vote for the men they
con tiller the most cliglulo for the ollkC ! . , ir-
rcsjieollvo of juitx1 distinctions
The polls xxill he open this moining at ( I
o'clock , and xx ill bo elo eil this cvenini ; lit 0 ,
at the follnxxltii named votlin ; places
First WindWestein house , Upper Htoad
Seiond Ward Dohnnx's old opcia house ,
llrviint stuit
Thud Wind M'l' ' M dii stteet
Kirst I'l nine t , Foailh WaulUlnk barn ,
Pi-ail street
Second I'lecinct , Fonitli Waul-JohnClau
sen's xxareliunso Mum street
Tilth U aid Charles Shield's. 1102 Fifth
Tlrst Picelnet , SKth Waul0 Bioad-
xx av
Second Precinct , Sixth Wait ! -Illuerioiit ,
on C'ut Oil island.
Tbo places for registration vxlll also bo
open at the sumo houis foi the icgistintlon
of all xoteis xvho were out of the citv at the
time the lobsters vvero open last xxeek , and
for Midi as maj have taken out the1' ! last
nnturali atioa papers since ttint time.
Call on D J. Hutculuson & Co. for choice
bargains in lots in Wilson Torr.ue. Special
Inducements for the next fexx' duxs.
.To-sio Conthoul appeared latelv in Boston.
Tlio llciald t.i.\s : "Hor bright dramatic
t'eiiius eieated the gtcatest entbusi ism. "
Slio xxill bo at the open bouse Piidav even-
hitf Hear her. Only 59 cents for tbo best
SnugaitS.Co carry largest stock of bulk
Hold , ( 'iirUen and lloxver suoJs in tboxxcst ,
Catalogue and bamplob by mail
Do jon xx'ant an oxpioss x\'at < on or bov i
Wii < r.ti tl , A M fP'n iiilnriltnun 170 'VM
11 Xoitli Main stieot.
J. C , Blxiiy , stoim ncatln ? , saattir en-
gincei , "UJ Moiitam block. Council Blurts
Tbo Xexv Pacific is the most ceiitially
located hotel in Council Bluffs.
'llio Ciluiinnl Dnclcct.
In tlie dibtiict court this moaning the trial
of tbo cases on the cinmnal docltiit xxill bo
begun- Mho llrst trial on tlio assignment
xxlll bo that of the state vs William lloart/ ,
chai Red xvith muulor in tbo Jlrstdepreo. A
special venire of twenty Juiymcn has been
ordered , and the extra men xxill bo on hand
this morning After the Uoartz ciso is Jin-
ishcd the tilul of Hank Hall on the charge of
muider in the Ilist depico xxlll ho taken up
Hoth of these eases aio assigned for today
The rest of the business of the torni
xxill bo taken up in * tbo folloxving
01 dei Tuesday , the states .1. II. Kinc , .loe
Puller and Hemy Honor , Wednesday the
state against H P Easloy. I' J McMahon
and (1 A Ilenrv , Thuisdav , tbo state
nL-ainst ( ! A Homy , P M Willis , John
U'eber , ( ieoigo Coulthard and P A Diivls ;
Priilax' , the state iiLjabiit K T Ibxant , h C.
Jnmcs nnd Hemy Ilesslcr , Saturday , tbo
state against Oxx en McCiUire , Thomas Skinner -
nor and Mrs John Dal ton The cases in
xx Inch tbo greatest inteiest centers mo those
of Hall and Hoait/ each for murder ; the two
eases against Willis , Weber , Coultbaid and
Davis , xvho nro charged with uttering forced
deeds nnd mortgages nnd the ease of J. P
McMahoa clnxrged with embezzlement.
Conthoul , at the opera house next
Pndax evening.
Call on Schurz-Smlth Co for chattel loans
and ical estate. 20 Pearl bt.
Kxans l aund'v Co , ' > JO Pearl street. Tele
phone : "JO. Deeds called for and delivered.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N ,
O'Biien. '
_ _
Coloietl Odill'i-lloxxs.
The African Methodist cliurrh , cornci
Klghtccuth and NVobster streets , xxas the
scenojosteiday afternoon of the anniversary
exorcises of the Omalia Lodge , No UJSO ,
Grand United Order of Cddfelloxx-s The
niombers attended in full regalia to the num
ber of 100 and the building xvas beautifullj
decorated xxllli ferns anil cut flowers in
honor of the occasion Hex' Mr Mooio in
voked the dlvmo blessinu The animal ad
dress was deUvcied In A W. White The
discourse dealt with historical facts con
nected with tno oiitrm of Oildfelloxvism The
gioixth of the order xvas minutely traced
from its Inception. Pivo hundred persons
vvoro pioscnt.
Do Witt's f.ittlo Early Risers ; only pill to
euro slok heudacho and regulate the bowels ,
Keporls'I Morses Stolen ,
I.lsboy , who lives ono mile xxest of
Pnpilllon , icpotts two horses stolen fiom his
burn last Situiday nisht. Ono hoi-bo is grey
nnd the other bav.
Dr. Birnoy cures catann. Boo blilg.
- *
Claim < Ho M'ns
Joslo flint was arrested yesterday upon
complaint of Joseph Jones , xvho claimed that
the K'I ' ! had stolen $ . " > from him.
i * Ocsslor's .Maglo Headache \Vafors. Curesa
bcaduclius In u'O miuutoj. At all
a.t/i\r.i : ,
A f.ilr sl/ed auillencogroelod tlioproihn tion
oflio \ I tPbo Hostel N'lfht. " n delightful
conipdx. at the Uormnn tlieatii ) last night
Mlsslda I'ordt , xx-tio took the leading part ,
xvas repealedlx applnuded 'Ihc auilleinv
xvns xx ell ploined , sbovxlnp that ( lorimui
comedy Is highly npprcd.itpil After the
jil.ij thf icits xxi-iv dpiired nvvav nnd dniii1-
IIIK'XXIIS tiuliiipvt In for a couple of lioxns
The iirocciMs d ( the etitertnlnnunt goto tlio
Dmilln Turnveieln.
' ' /.TIKA .
,1AA . > / IS.
The \ciy sucoeastul cnirnRcmont of the
Creole Hulesquo company will elosoattlio
( ! rand this evening. Dutlng the put txxo
dnvs they have simp and tlnneed theniselxet
Into the xeiy sreat fa\oiof txxo fair sized
niatli.ce mid txxovei.x lurgii iiiKht nndieiivri
I'/'HSOA.If , I11 it If. K.I/IIS.
1S llines of I'hadron Is nt the Casey.
U 11. Mosscn of Denver Is at tlio I'axton.
t ! H . .latitof Cincinnati Is at Hie Murray
P It. Smith of Albion Is at the Meiihatits
( iporfro W. hoxve of Long IMno Is at tlio
Case ) .
J i : Sheldon of Salt UUo is at the Mer
Prank I' I round of Nobr.isl nClty l at the
.1 P. . Coltonof IMttslield , Mass , Is at tlio
J. ,1 .loci of lloston Is hi the cltnt ) , llio
P. V. Sunderland of Xcxv Voik Is at the
C. II. Spiaguo ot Denver xvas at the Casey
last night
P 1 Stoxvoof St , UouU is In tbocity , nt
the Paxton
i : C. Stan foul and xvi foot Chicago are at
.1 O. Ulihaidson ofSt. Louis Is In thoclt ) ,
at the Mlllurd
U S. t'sher of Minneapolis vas tit the Paxton -
ton hist nigtit.
W D. Ail.inn of Cldeago xv.n at the Mur
ray last nl lit ,
I , S. Ostin of Norfolk xvas at the Mer
chants last night
C1 C Wtitihtof Casper , \Vyo , is In the
eity , at the Casey
It M. IlliiLclnin of Home , X. Y. , was at tlio
Millard last niuut.
W O U'bctler , ndx'nncenKont of the Patti
Kosa comp.inj , is at the Millaid
( Jcoivo Campbell , llopldnsvllle , K ) , sajs :
fluidock blood hltteis Is the best prepiratloti
for the blood nnd stomaeliex'ermanufactuied.
All UltlueiV Complaint.
"I don't see \vliy It is necessary for us to
como beio and sit around from 7 o dock In
tbo evening until 2 o'clock in the morning
with nothine todo. Wbj don't tlio com mis
sion adopt the eight hour shifts or else let the
men who are on dntv fiom 2 to 7. JO a.m.
s tax1 at homo until midnight : "
'I'hus ' spoke ono of the fourteen police
oflkors xxho sat ibonttbe police couit room
last night waiting foi the lingers of time to
point to " a. in
These foil i teen otlkors nroon xxhatls called
tbo "dog xvateh , " from ! ! until 7 'iO a in , xot
they are obliged to report at tlio station at"
in the evening ami icmain there with noth
ing to do and xxith no menus of amusemu.t
for seven hoins
De Witt's Little l'.arly Uiseu Best little
1)111 evei made Cure constipation every
timo. Is'one equal. Ube them noxv.
Condi nnt Ion SerHPH tit St. .lobn's.
St John's Episcopal thuicb , on North
Txxcnty-sixtb stint , Piaiildin , xxas
filled toils utmost upadty jestcrdav inoin-
ing , the occasion being the conflrinalion ser
vices of a elassof txxentx four communicants
Blslioo Worthington was picsciit and eon-
duilod the eouilrination ceicinouies
and dellvcied a veri oauiost anil ap-
piopriato nddioss. llov. Pnrns , rector of St.
John's , assisted in the. seix-icei Ht John's '
ehuich. has now about 100 communicants and
ib in a vciv piosperous condition
Special Lenten seirices xvill bo held in tlie
chinch excry night this xxeek. On Wednes
day evening Ilev. William' of St. Barnabas'
chinch xxlll pieacb to thepcoploat St , Jobu'a. '
whether on plcasuio bent or business , should
tnitcon every ti ip a bo ttio of sxrup of lies , as
it nets most pleasantly and clToc tually on the
kidneys , liver and boxvels , pivvvntini ; fovcis ,
licadiichcs and other forms of sickness. Tor
sale In Mi ! ana $1.00 bottles by all leading-
druggists. _
.V JUS XA TJ I K III ! * Til.
I'aniell KnllitisliiHtlcnlly
the : > : cii ol'.tlcutb.
Ii ) in IN , March 1 Rcplj ing to a deputa
tion at , Diogheda today , Mr Parnell suid he
rejoiced at the proof of suppoit evciyvvhere
accorded him
On miivlng at Kavon Mr Pamell ad-
diessed n meeting in the sciuare. Ho haul
pcihups some day in tbo distant futmo some
body would mise piirileircd toaddiess them ,
not as men of loyal Meith , but as
men of icpublicin Me.ith It xxas
Meath xxhlcb llrst gave him the opportunity ,
sixteen } ears ago , to serxo Ireland In public
life They bail xv on a hundred skirmishes to
gether , and noxx ho xx anted to bo alloxxeu to
vxin a bittle xxltli them. Alreidy tliov hail
put a snalllo in ttio mouth of the landloids.
] Jv and by , xx'ith a p.nhninent in CoIloL'o
Oicen , they xxoubl lit these same mouths
vxlth a bit and birdoon. [ Checis and laugh
ter |
In conclusion , Mr. Parnell oxnrcsscd a
hope that bis opponents xxould take xxarnhic
of the portents A popular stoun vxas likolx-
to sweep them iixxav. Instead of opposing ,
thoj should ially to his side. Let them fice
tlicmsulxcs fiom the entanglements and
English partx alliance woven around them by
"the grand old spider. "
of Impet noslty.
PXHIS , Maich 1. A poculhr ncclclcnlal
shooting Incident , resulting fat'Uly , is ro-
poited fiom Troxcs. The aff.iir occurred
near that city toniqht , In sonio xvoodj form
ing a part nf the domain of thoChntean
Cordelieie. Vicointo Hilnllos , armed with u
gun , vxas vxalking tbiougli the woods ,
when ho was is foaied fatullx ' , by
garao keepers The vliomto returned' the
lire killing ono game keeper and xxounilhiR
another The vicomte supposed the game
keepers to bo poachers , xxhllo they mistook
him for a trespasser ,
No 1'rlestn 1'iosent.
Dun IN , March 1 The McCarthylte fac
tion of the Irish party held a quiet meeting
at Itathkeale , County L.tmericlc , today.
There xvcro no priests at either thoMc-
Cortbjlto or I'nrnelllto meotlnc This Is duo
totho fact that Bishop O'Dxvxer had advised
the priests to abstain altogether from attend
ing political meetings.
A < l\ls \Villiiin ! ( o Keep Cool.
LONDON , March 1. impress TtodcrlcU
vvioto a letter to the kaiser Thursday night ,
begging her son to keep cool. She saw no
reason , she said , for shoitenlng her stay or
avoiding publicity , as every ono she met
tieated her in the politest manner , and she
felt giateful , in fact , for the attention she
had leccived.
A Iteeoptloii nt Homo.
ItoMr , March 1 The great event of the
season hero xxas- the reception given to the
American residents of Homo last night , by
Mr. Poitor , United States minister Soxcn
hundred Amoiluans weio pic-sent ut the re
ception , _
AiImltN Its MiHlakc.
Lovnos , March 1. The treasury depart
ment xxill diop tlio piosecutlon of Sailer ,
vx ho wns arrested on suspicion of bfing the
man who murdered "Cnuotty Nell , " in the
Whiteclmpel district tvxoxveclis ago ,
A gray beaid on a man under no make ; , him
look oldiT than bo Is , 'J ho best djo to color
broxvn or black Is llucklnghum's ' cljo foi tbo
1IUU II Wiiltor Karl , only child of Oeorgo
nnd l.llii It. llriisli. u cdS ! > ems anil I iiionilt.
1 nneral 1'ueMliiy. Mureh.l. ut 11) ) o'ulnolc fiom
rcjlclencu , IOI3SouthTxxcutyxcutliatriit. ) .
- 7T ? ' - r-
IIIH ii1:0 : : A 'ii Vii srvn.
\Vllllnins Unit In u rl lil
U Itli I nk 110x1,1,1 , I'eiHoni.
Last tiipht I'liarles Willlanu , colored ,
formeilj iilpht Jmltor at the clt.x Jail , be-
c uno Inx'olxeil in allRbt xx ith uiihimxvn pax1-
tics near the corner of XlnotpentlMireet and
SI. Mary'H nxeiiue , and recelxed n stab aiiout
thrco-qunrten of in iin'li deep In the' light
luc.iM The city plnilclan xvas culled and
dii'sHcd ttio xxound , vviildi , xxhllu painful , Is
not co'isldciOil dauseroin.
Sonio fjood tolophoimstoi'lo liavo boon
( 'olnt ; tlio ton nils rcieiitl.x. 1 cnn add
ono tothom uiioxpeili'iii'o of nrojiortor
for ono of the nroys assoclatioiis Uuiliit ;
tlio nilminlsU'Ulloii of 1'roildetit Arlhur.
DM Mr. Glmlstotm's lilrtliday nntilveisarj
llio iimniiKcr of llio London olllco of the
association cabled oxer asu c'sUon Hint
the state ( leinrtniciit , anioti other
place , bo xvntohod for lonyrntultilory
InluKiiiiiis. The i eimrtor culled nt the
state dopnilniont nnd lciinol : that xxliilo
nothing hml bceiidono , llxxasxory HUi-lx
Mime act ion would bo taken lulor in tlio
day , mid u protntfo xxus niiido thnt if
anything' NHH done lie xxoiild bo in
formed of it. Ivilo in the ovonliif , ' ,
no iiiosbiijjo liaiii ' como from tlio
state ( k'p.nttnent , Jio called up Secre
tary I'rolinfflinxseu's resldonco on tlio
telephone iiiul ttsKed if tlio seorotnr.x
\xn \ nt homo. The wvatil who unsxx'or-
ed tbo call replied that tlio Kscrettirv
HUH t lioino , but too busy tobdlc xx'ith
nny one nt that moment , nnd tlio re
porter said that \xouldenllup \ njjtiin
later. In llio coursoof nn hour ho tig-ain
called up the socrotiii'i 'a lusidcuco. 'L'ho '
Iiish liousoiiinld again nnsxxorcd tlio
"Ts tlio secretary in ? ' ' iisheil tlio ro-
poi'toi1 ,
"YK soir , ' ' aid the domestic.
" \Vlll ou nlea'-o usk lilin to stop to
Hie telophotioV Toll him a reporter of
the 1 'toss would 11 Uo to speak to liiin. ' '
"All right , wir. ' '
K\iilontly tlio sei'X'ant turned nnd
iiioUoto tlio secret my. r.vidcntly , also
she forprot to liniipup the oai-pioco of
llio telopliotio. For over the wire to the
KPUM fittontlvo e ir of the ro jiorlor caino
tlio follovxintr dliilogiio :
Kielingliuyttti ! "
' "i'liore's a { ; lntlcnun of thopr-cflihcio
xx'u'd lilco lo Hpako xxith xon , sorr. "
"Tell him I'm not In' ' ( rather lustily ) .
A Iniof ii.uise.
"Mr. Fiolineliuvsen. "
" \Voll \ , xxlmllsitV"
"If yo pl.i/.c , borr , I told tlio Rlntlo-
man jo xxero in. Do jo initul steppin' '
into the hull u iiiitiit BO I can toll him
jo ru OUL :
Tnero xxas a sound of ictrcatingfoot-
stt'ijs , Then a ricli IJlberniim xoico
cried in tlio mouth of the telephone :
"Hullo"answered ! the repoitcr.
"Is that the pros- , . ' '
"Yes. "
" 1 touldyo the secretary vx.19 in. I'm
soi-rx , but it's a mlbtiiKc , sorr. tlo's
out. "
And the reporter had not tlio heart to
ask her to call the wretary i'l ' from tlio
hallway , lie Mint oil the telephone xvith
a ( jinot lutigh nnd left thu tfirl sccuro , as
bho tliought , in her bti'ati'fy.
UH il tt Jlonse Tor Healing ,
"Tlioro have been oxli.iordlnary \
stories told of the ingenuity of thioxes in
the pursuit of their iiefaiiousc.illing but
a ease which occiined xxhilo I xxas at
t hathani lecctilly beats anj thing I over
heaui , " leinailfed n noxxly nrrived lin-
glishman , in the Phlliidelphia lilnqnirer.
"A girl xxns biought before the police
louiton the chtirgoof robbinginillmors'
sho)1' ] ) ' . She VXMS onlj lotirteun years of
affo and of vciy itmocoiit nppeatance.
What pulled the manistrato ; was that
noiioof the witnesses over BIIXX- her taKe
anytluiiR , at least they xxould not sxvear
lo'it , although after feho had loft a shop
xx hero she had boon making purcha&os ,
articles of value xxero missed. When
arrested nothing xxas found upon her.
The magistrate said ho could not convict
tlie ( , 'lrl on meio hucpicion , and then he-
pan lo otoss-o\atnino her liitiib'lfin a
kind , fatherly xx ay xx hich touched hei
hoait and she hroUodoxxn and confu&secl
that she xxas guilty and explained her
methods to thu astonishment nnd nratiso-
meiitof the court and spectators. It
fcoemH that she hud n tame xxhito
lat xxhich she carried about xxith her in
n mulr. She xxould outer a nhop full of
girh and \xotneu \ and ask tlie puce of
berne article , nnd wlulo lookinpr at itcon-
trivo to diop the rodent on tlio lloor.
Anyone can imngliio tlio result. Thoie
neiir the door diiHlietl into tlio btroot ,
\\hilotlioomployesjumpoil \ on the coun
ters and chaii vvtapping' their petticoats -
coats tight aiound their ankle1ami
'hcreamed lilco mad , ' as ? the misoncr o\-
pressed it. amid the laughter of tlio
com ! , in spite of her assurances thiit the
uit xxas quite tamo. In tlio surimiuago
she xxoiuil quietly help hoi' elf to xvhnt
( lie \\iintoil \ \ , catch tlio rat , put it in lici
mull , tipologi/o and xvulK oil. 'J'ho mug-
i-itrnto said that on account of her xonth ,
and as she had voluntarily confessed to
tbo thoftf , he xi'ould give horono 111010
chance , nnd bound her oxer in the sum
of jtSO iiof our moncx to como up
for judgment when called upon. Of
com be , her friends soon ontoied the 10-
quiicd bonds , and Maty Burton will
have to find homo ether plueo to pinetico
on the weakness of her SOY. The tame
nit dod"o won't vvoilc in Chatham any
more. "
Mormons Opening Tholr 13you.
A gentleman who is building some
houses in the oastoin pait of toxxn has
for his vis-a-vis , as It woio , an old Moi-
mon lady who oxxns a little brick cot-
tapro diieclly opposite tlie liouso ho is
building for hlinbdf , sajs the Salt Lake
Trihuno. Shecaino over a foxv dnxs ago
and inquiied if slio might have a foxx
blocks ami htinviiigs for kindling xvood
"C'oitainlx , " xxas. tlio reply of tlio owner
of the lioiibo. As She xvas picking up
tho&tnfTho inquiioil xxhoro she lived.
"Just acioss tlio struct , " was the loplx
"i3o you xviint to foil jour property . ' "
"No , hincoxas ! \ the icsponso. " \Vliy
not ? " inquired the gontluinim. "XVell ,
it's too Milunbli * to soil noxx , Jt is in-
crcat-lnfj in pi ice overj day und xxill bo
xx'Oith moio money next full. " "Hiistlio
price advanced nny binco J built
the o lioiibcs l oroV "Jllo s you ,
yus ; it lias douWpd. " "Then you
don't think us ( Jcntllosaro as bad as xxo
are pninted , Feeing that xvohelpxou to
get more money forwliiitjouowni1" "O ,
niyl"oxcliunieil the old 1 uly , "I think
your coming here is lielpingovor.xbody ,
Before tliat Mr. Cannon and 1'iosidont
\\roodrulTanda foxx others vvoro making
oil the inonoy , and tlio lest of us xxero us
poor as xxo could be. That's xx hat maUos
them talk as they do , I guoss. 1 for ono
am glad things luuo chunked , and I nm
notalono In mj belief. It xxiis not only
a benefit for everybody in general , hut u
blusblng for us xvomon I am not near us
good a iMornion as I vvaubefoio fluid my
eyes ojionod , " anil then the old lady
went liomo to cook dinner.
Dr. SussdoilT , 1SOI Piunuin , troalB dih-
oaboaof thu iddno sbladderluuiicotum.
Put on a Smiling ; Fare.
Phipps The Shaliois never ninny , do
they I
J'hnpps I bellovonot. U'lnl
I'lilpps-NothliiK iimch , onlx my girl has
ilvi'ii ; inn the bhiiHii and I'll bet shu'll end up
juBtllko tbo rest of 'cm. '
TIII ; \MOUS \ CAirmtoini IHDUED
'I ho Runt cnltlo hooni is n thrllilncnff \ \ in
UMli'i'ii hut MX It U nl o mi Impirtiiut fui1
tOl III tllfl eOlHtllelMIIOn Of till' JllfWMlt lOW
pile os ami tlioontlonU foi'tlio fittum.
HoproMlim U tlio Inexitabli' liyiii'v of In-
Halloa I'nll Armour xxm tnuluuliU'ill.v rlxht
whin ho Mxul ovof nnultietloti and tlie consentient -
sentient frantic oiTnrts to unload xvoto refer -
for tlieinaef lo\\ jirli-M II 10-
foi lilnito demomtr.Uo , hoxxovei1 , Hint
tlio tmslneHs Ins not noxx outllxod the * leffltl-
m.ilo coixociuiiiiccs of tli MO evils , ami that
his OMilnimtlon of llio dapreulan III twit
not the producer * * Just llli'.it Ion of it claim for
a Ih in nmrlcot mul ( 'ood pilee * toiliiy.
'I ho ChlciiKO stoeUyimls hid enjojed a
ikwn Kirs of moderate piojpeiltv botoro
tin * boom began. Itviw In b8 thiit a Imxo
seetion of the Inxcstlii } ; public beeaine lw-
pu'ssiul with the Idea tliut a iMttle rixneh was
a nilao oflncxhaustlblo xxe.ilth. The notion
\vni ooutnirhm * . ntul tlio nioxeinetit which
folloxxed has hud no parallel liefoie or slneo
in the history of thoMt , iiixe iml.v
the dill fat ula eri/o of Mil , In
\\hlili Phil Aiinotir plajoil n hum bio p irt as
a womboi of the Inmimeriblo of ar-
\\lientlnj \ rattle boom bo pan the1 oxp.insho
plains of western Nobniika anil Kansut , the
lollltiK plait l"s ofl'oloiailo \V.\oiiilniUiu .
p.nks. xallcxs and footlillls of New Mi-vieo
anil I'tnli , spinni ; | ls ' } niriRli1 Into Rieat
ratifies , coveted vxith iiiniiiiiinei'od herd *
'I lie lltst uisli vvas lo obtain the nueleiis of
tin so henls Toxin , then as ex or , tlio pieat
heiilltiir ground , \\.is piessed haul to fuinlsti
stink foi tlio uexv iniiifi'H , and ea cr timers
srouroil loxxii , Nehr.iski , 'IV\as and other
well settled st ite- * for xenrlltik's. Tlioumnh
ini'd stock was sent west to riuxv up with the
oountrx nnd lend tone to tlio grades In an
InuediLilx short time the now mngiMcro
pom hiiftnolr product into the Cliii'.iiro mar
ket and the boom falilv on its foot.
As the leeelpts lolled UD.tholxHim in juices
kept step , and all xxent meny as iiin.iin.iuo
bell Millions ol capital , much of it fiotn
rCtiKland , Si'otlutul mid otliui foii'luii loun
tiles , nislied Into the business. I'tospi'iitx
ran riot tlmmirhniit the western eountrv
SpefiilutoiH tuinbli'd oor 'o.ieli other in their
in.ul uisb lo xx 01 ship the golden i.ilf
IAu turns xxoro niado anil s < | iiaiilci ( oil
anil nnulo again. Tlio boom brought pi on
pci It > not enl > to ttio ram of cattle lilacs
which 11 had bioil , but to many ether olissos
of people , t'.ud to ox cry tuxv n and clt.vhoso .
shot 0-4 the tideof xx'caltli 'ouhl reich Poit
\Voitb , Denxer , Silt Lal > o and inatij oilier
points onjoxed ItbonilHs , but pcili.ips
Cheyenne. vv'ns the capital of the cattle em-
Ulicxcnno fairly icielcd with the Intovlea-
tlon of ] iroiKiitv ] In those d.ix s Tlioiotho
cattle kins lo.irod his pil.ico and droxo bis
tciiiti of tlioioiiplilnuils inn bio.ul , mil level
uvraues Time the hiyh sulined ropiosont-
atnos of foirlK" fupitilist * lix-cd in \et\l \
spli'iidorniiii sluiteil upon toius of ln p& lion
in astounding oninp cnuipii. - . , ilraxxn b.x
four hoisos and piloted bx llx ciloil attend
ants. There xx'as lllustiatcil all the oxtr.u
fiiroiir > < t .mil tii urt * tinil ilnlima rnoil liltlf <
vvlilch attend a vvllil xxoitern boom
As It xvas in Chovinno , so Itxas in
&omo mcuiuio thii i | ht the rouutr >
Jlxoryboily xvas mailing. inonov and
nearly oxervliody bpoiulinv itas last as niado
Appurontl.x nobodx kncxx 01 e.uvd wlinn the
onil xvouhl coini' It cnou li to Know
that the great markets \xi-ro absoiuia stork
asfabt as tbo xxcit could load it upon thoiais.
ami thai it bion ht uricot bu'Liioiih ) ; touiei
tlio broul inaiRin of nci'oss.m anil neeilloss
cxpciiha iiiul letnin a handso'iio piolit liuiido
Ihtsc xxoro tlio conditions \\hu-li atti icti-d
so mam people and snoli vast sums of moaox
to tbo business , xxludi suddi'iilx dcvilopod
clant markets in tlnee xxo-iteia iltiiM ,
and laid tbo fnundalion for
the lonpt nerloil of d"icssion ] xx hu h folloxx'cd
the lull ition us nn'bt follox\s il.ij
The u'cord of iCL'eipts and pi Ices at Chicago
cage dniliifr tho-.o oiKbl joii-i of
piospciltx- tell the sanestoix in a dilTeii'iit
way In ISTli , just before tlio inroptinn of
tiiu boom , the C'lmniro maiket took llin,7-"i ( )
hi ul of i-attlo 'llii ! ilginvs for P < * r shoxxa
pojitixo fallinjr ofl of dll.OiU he.ul In ttio
next jear , l Tt * , the boom lnviti. 'Jlio ll urus
lese to l.OSi.Tpl , xxltlun 1 ) , ! ) of llio ici'ord
of ISTti Then tin1 receipts be an to innunl
by tiomciidous stiules I'hc ici'oiil lei tbo
w\t fexv yens xxas as folloxxs. l T'.i , 1U1.- , ) ,
7.U ; IhSO , l.liSJ " ; 1 81 , 1,1'lvViO , li > vj ,
lBVJ.o30 18M l.STS.UI 1SSJ Isl7li')7 ) 1SVN
, . , , . , ; , , , ,
l.TO.sii . ) l&y'i , 1,011.1,000 , IbS 'J.Ilb'J.OOs . , lbb > ,
2lil 1 , WI
The peroonta'50 of incioaso nt 1C msas City
and Sojth Omaha , after tbo establishment , of
the latter tnailcot , x\fas exun ii eater The to-
celpts of lies s kept pai o \ \ ith cattle
I'riLOs rose xvith tbo boom and loicdcdxvitli
it , us the follow nip axeia ps on Texas anil
Indian i attlolll shim KS , s. ) UJ , 1S7' ,
.100. ISbD , $1 10 , Ibjl , > IT" ) , b-'J , J"'t)0 ) ,
isys , ? r > o ( is i , Mii'i ' , ivc > , i"i , ihM > ,
$100 , wr , ? ITO , issx , $ iri , i 'i > . ' o
The hljrh tldo ol the boom xxas in 1s1- 1 , but
it xx as not until issr ] iriLi's \xent to
pkues , and not until l ss that they dionpud
doix-n to tbo Hollies of the anti-boom pen d
binen that date thex li.uo been steaililx drop-
jilntr and .110 todax loxxci than oxer befoic.
jt is a fact , noxcitheless , tliat nil the i on-
dltlons xxbicli londoied depiessinn inexiti. ilo
in IS S hivpiluiaeed slneo date i ho
vxlld marUotiiif. > t suiplus c'lttb1 Ills leduied
the supply on the i.nifos ( The home and
foreign inaiUot liax o roxxn enm i/ouslj
'I ' ho toil of pi eduction has Inn eased
Tbo boom brunch t exil ennseqnenies. as
Alt' Armnnt demo istritcd In his ni uinent
to the senate committee Lint baxoiiot tlioM1
exil consequences IJLCII' If nut ,
\\hon bhnll xxo pass bexond them )
These aio the questions xxhuli pi'odiiceis
dcsiio to h.uo diibwitod 'J'hoj \\ant to
know hoxv eon the conditions of the mil Ket
\\ill bo siieli us to jnstifj the hope of a Inn
ictiirn on the in\e-.tmeiil of i ipital and laboi
mxolxeil in the i.nsinirof tiecf cattle Aio
they not entitled to be faoiablj dealt xx lib )
. - - .
No gilplnp , no nausea , no pain vxhon Do
Witt's Little Hailv Kispp , aio taken. Small
pill. Safe Dill , liest pill.
H I lie \\ay.
"I do not bollovo in prohibition , " said
a gontloin.ui vxlio hails from a neighbor-
iii county that loccntly luliirned to
liquor after a cold xx-ator jioriod of n
vear , lopoits tlio I'lttsbui'fi Disp itch.
" \Vhotithohotolb lusiiincil the s lies of
alcoholic bovor.ijjo , 1 mot a friotul on
tlio stieot xxho ib rather fond of the lloxv-
inp boxxl.
iioxv many uiupiy jiif s no you suj ) .
1 found in my collar ; " ho nhkud 11113.
" 'O , 1 hiivon't the allfhtobt idea , ' I
loplicd ,
" ' ( Jness1
" 'Can't. '
" 'Why , 12S. '
" 'What ! l S 1-gallon jugs of vxlilsky
in u .veili1 ? '
" 'No , by OeorRox'oi' ; = o than thai
Thoj held txxo gallons apiece , Mini 1
bou < jrlil it nil from tlio distiller. I vx'iis
ono of hi.s lojjful'ir cuatomoih. '
Hero XXMS a man xxho wouldn't ' po
xxithout bin bitlors , and bctxx-oi'ii his
fuondb and him-elf thox Irul punished
quite a hu'co quantity of the stall. If
lie bud bought his ilrinKs at a bar I
don't holioxo ho vx'ould luuo made hiuh
a record. "
M. TJ Ulalr , aldermnn. 1'lfth ward , Scranton -
ton , I'll , stited NoviMiiber 0 , ls-i Ho bail
used Ir ) Thomas' ' oleUrio ml for sprains
burns , euts , bruises and rheumatism L'uied
ox cry tlino.
Don't Pool onrselfl
Nolxx'tlhstuiiillnj ; nil ruinoiM to the
contrary , the Chicago , AlilxvanUoo & St ,
Paul lly'b noxv stoain hoatoil nilaco
hloopliif ? curs , xx'ith "eleetrio litjlits In
oxori bortli,1' i-lill loaves the Union do-
iwt , Oinalia t t bill ) p. in. daily , iirrlv-
iiitf at Chicago at ililiO a. ni. , in iiniplo
time to inaKo nil ciistarn connui'tions.
Ticket oUIrp , 1MI1 Fiirtwin st ,
J. i : . Punvrov , lA NASH ,
U. 1'tibs. A't } , Gen A't. {
Sax'lnpa IninliH arc iiistiiutioiiH In
xxhioli inoimy cim ho dupositcil in Hinall
Buniri and uarn an ini'renso. In the truest
and bust hunso mx'ln h banliH xvoio intended -
tended to ho iiHtitutiiins of ptai'tical bo-
novoleiK'o , anil xvlionuvorthovliaxo boon
coiidiielc'd on that idun tlioy liuvo boon a
bluhsln'to ; tliolr dopobitort. mul lo the
communities in which they xxoro located ,
bayn the Baltimore ! Muiiufuuluroib
ord 'I'hoir mode of oiiorallon li xtinplo ,
ousilui ili'i'ilotid , utiil s.ifo licjond nil
jO slbllit\ ( if foi'lous losses If the tnilli
HOIN are ( oinpotent mul IIOIH si \n ! > \
Hinplo xxill iliiHtrnto Mn- SIIMII In IMS
the li'usli'i-M of a reei-nll.x i liartcn d H.IX
incs bank itiCnmiccttrul niinoiincrd Unit
their liooKs xxould bo opened fordopiHltH
on n I'oi'tuin daTlie , llrnl to appeal1
lit the tlino siicrilied xxiHii yoitlii ; tno-
ohiuilc. xxluulcposited $ liMd the eri'dll
of his Infant ilunuhtor. I'loni tlino lo
timexx hen lie had a foxx dollais lohjinrc ,
ho put them to the HUHIO neeoniit ,
Dtlier p.ircnlM did | ll < ov\i > > o. N'ccdlo-
wottion , Mii'vant > jlrls , xxiitfo earners ,
I'hlldroii xvlio xxoro inlliicncod by their
imu'iitn to wno a part of lliolr poi'lu-t
money , fiirmcrs xxllh n fexx dolhiM for
xxhich they had no ininiodinto nenil , bo-
I'limo ftoquoiit dcposltoi'M. NVlii-nexcr
thi'80 dimes and dollars iik'tfri-i.'iitod
onounh of a sum for tlio purpose , It xxas
loaned on llr > t class socuritj xxlth a
larjjo ninrfiln for safi'U. Mxerv H\ !
inontliM the not jirollts of these accumu
lated axinns xvoi'o distributed pro inla
amoiifj the depositors , and , unless xxlth-
draxxn , xxas plaeed to Ihetr cicdit and
mnde n part of their capital. As ( "irs
nnssed and population tiUMoasod deios- |
iloisxxeto more mid inoro inmunous ,
mill noxx the bank has mom than
$7tlOlllll : : ( to the credit of ItsJ oVI ) de
positors and u Hiirplus siiniciont to mnl\o
f oed iinj iio-siole shrliilnio ; ofxaluoin
the sin-iiritics uiion xxhieh Its nione.v ib
loined. A loiiiiuKablo fact in Ibis con-
neition Is thai fullx' foui1 of these
more than box en millions of dollars
lars ioplo onts the savings of
servant niils and oilier Hinnll xxitf'o-
oiutiers Thoqo banKs luixe been aiming
the chief factors of Nexx r.ii laiid'H | ) io i
polity. The enornunm sums that linxe
Kono'into railroading , minlnir'nml man
ufiu'tui In 1 oiitorprlses in tlio xxust could
nexer liiivuhcou Hpaiod from Noxx 1'nu
land but for these b inky , 'lliolr iijrjiv-
trated millions of dollars hiivn bei n the
solid lesei-v c fund from vvhicli cipitallsts
could bori'oxx xxluil the.x neudud upon
yilt-ednud scciulties. Tliey hnx e mui
plied inaniifiictutorsaml inorehiiuts xx ith
IIIIIIIL\X xxhou thex needed it , at times
vvlieii'lunUs of discount nnd eM'han i
could not neconiniodato lliem They
luuo famished the facilities that en
ablo'l tens of thousands of Ihiiflx' people
to oxx n llieii Iminos xxho xxoulii idher-
\xisohaxo noeii lent p.ixcrs nil then
da.\s 'J'hi depoiits ill the i livings buiUs
of Nexx I'ngl.iiid , N'exx Vorli , Xcxx .lerse
and 1'cims\l\iniii ! during I1- ' ) ! ! n ( , ' re-
pated the enormous sum of 1 > I.2T1).OOII ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) ,
an lucre iso oxer ISS ! ) of $ ( ' ) , ( , ( ) ( ) ) 'Phe
depositors mmibeied 'lo , ( ) , nii ( ) , n jiinil of
11(1,000 ( for the jcnr. equal tea
a sa\'iii < ; of 'H'por ' capita for the 17MIO- ,
OdO population of tlio o nine bl.itey.
It rei'iiitlj li.ipin ned Mi ( ' . .idstone
and Mad inu > I' it ll xxeu Msliln I'dltiluii.'li nt I
tin sum Him , anil tln < rirnl nrtl'-t nn I tin
Kieil st ilesm in A iin | si Inn of tlie nit itist
] ) I am i' to lli < oni > as isin ii nnil i hi
( itlui ain 01 it M , xis M i ut MHO , *
It n it n hx 11" in I In I'lui''i ' ' tiifin ir1 "i ( "t nn I I
pi i -i l \ it Inn i if t hi x nl i i It \v.i- \ , i tn i I lie-
t\x 11 ti tin in III 11 tin - di M I" Ml Hi > 11 em In si
xxi le i if tin en nti' l hi in III lo tin in , nut i n I x
usi x tti i Iniiie hut is i ti'inidv fut i onclis ,
c'ulils .mil li i IIM in > Siillettiifnitn .isllitiia
, , lid il | vi > IM-S of tin Ihloil Mini liltu's III i No
llnil Ihini ( if tin1 Dualist s l\hi I'lhu cO
ei nts
" \\rANI'ri > Uitrido lniiinxd | ( ntnpitty In
> ' l nunrll Hln'lxxlth ' stn ill hn niiilit mi i ,
f ii liorsi - , mulls mill j mi ii , ' i.ittlu .No lUJi
I'liiii Hi slri'i I
" "
J"1lt | ( ) HI NT-Tbt1 MeMilmii hliii-l , , 1 story
hrh k vxlth liasiinent and olev.itoi. JV
i-qiilte , 101 I'c ul sin-el
TJ7\XAXIIMtlie \ : ( orolialed ) MHMiall I'mni' .
li nnd t 10 Nexx st. | U > CroXMi I'lnnos , ( toun
and cJuiM u Or nn Sold fore ish ni on hist ill
mi nts , bv M.n llniiili Ins , iniisl1 ttnehn , 111
Stiilsiu in street , Counell Illull- . li
" | > AKiAIN ( r < > r liar'mis In liuusi Ints
1 ' C,11 inuii'l ludins an 1 a lai.'i' I M In M-
1 < t f l nm. iill on . ' ( illusion & Van I'.tltcn
LxiMi-tt I link , Coniicil Illntls
| ? OU M.I. A burp.In ( , nexx modern liou.i-
-IL ? XX I III lilt thO Illln linlUOXI'IMI Ills , seven
roomxvlll -ell on ciy | i i. mi nts , locMtrd on
tin' I Iftli uxi nne inutoi line I ) . J Iliitcliln-
son til ? llr iilxxa >
IJ'OIJAI.F ' Klulil-room buiisi1 nnd txxo loH
DM lliirlsou st A nioltni lioii-t mil a
coed liotno cheap l > -I. lliilc'hhi-oii , till
hVLB or Hunt- ir Ion Un I. xvlth
- bousei , by J. U Hie , ) , ll ) : Miin bt. , Oouuoll
MOO nnd 1411 Docle-e St. , Omaha , Neb.
-111 II.Ill IIS Ol-
First Glass Carriages ,
The I e.idbutiles Thu l.ovxist rnccs.
Idli 1 jilill-OM X Dr liilucs IVnoilUal 1'ills
the Irtn.h I.IIUN | > at I on the iniiiMiriuil t * > iti > ninn
curu Hiipptolon Iiom nliutiuvr lull * ! * lionii lo
iiiini'triiittl.iti 1 h < * ? o | > I1H | tilunil I not In1 luktn dur
I Hi. . .ruimu ) Am I'lll lo Ito ) ill > rr M" s1n-
| ) ( lu ( ii'niilno tiv siurinanX Muiinoll ( ,
1 unco ( noir I1 o Omnlm ( A Xlclilur soiilli
Dmiliu XI I1 tillsCouiKll Illiills J' . ' , 01 o lor jo
llurtni : hh foxcrnl in mils hu i lion unit pricrtlrot *
Omiilin llr llllliu' ) I I'm lu it in i fulniilii ri'piitu
Unit i ( In * hiiiutrc l i f i il/fii- liti ui'i'll.'il in
him iiliunM Hi ti Ink ! te MI mul u.iin.l m hlxuklllllul
mlnlHtuitlciim llu < full i nlUntlili ol loin lulu ; ilu
llo Is iiuriniiiii'iilly loritnl mul him the lint ni- |
lolntcil li ml moM ci mliiitl > I r.itul ( ilnrli Inn n
iiltiii' nnil rin'ptlon iooiu < ID ( iinahii
' 1 hi'tli k III llnil In in Illlllni. * n trim i > li ) ) > htnii
unit u > > ) iiiph Uli' lilt nil mul inhl-iir
I or I hu trpaln mitt f lie lullonlnv liiiinul illMam
Pr DUUuim linn lnuvi'ii lilnni.ll uuttu c.'tl of
miuouiil klll
\\clil iltau mul tuildon I'lu i of
tempi inline
lin nut discard jonriiitia lnterebithllirt
too noon ItHlotti't1 to sutiern llttlo incuu-
x enlriice tlmn lo ( like cold.
Itetneiiihcl that une U i - perl ill v liable ( O
ronti iot a bud iold or chill at tbls iiKon of
the jo ir.
A pimtili or eotd nnnlMicli'il bi'txxi n tbo iPtl
mit Is Hie IIKNI iiiuinj Inn l.tiid , linn limy last
( hrmivth the siuiitinT
If you fet I n I'ouuli or cold eonilii ) , ' on , tnko
n iblnl. of luile xxbNI.ex' nt once , It xrlll l.i < pp
tinliliinil In I'lrenliitliui nnd H tbo best pru-
xcntnllxi iiunlnst ( hi1 dl i 'vsesnf Hu > si nson ,
Hi tueiiil i r Unit nnlx n in : xxlilsKix slunibl
In t , n I'nlfx s I'nnMult WliNUrj himilio
st icuciI n . limn mini Inns fimn t lu1 leudlliK
si it nilsi- inl in. ill , ul ni n It Is UK > only
> ( iiiiihinl nx ill liuil HliKUi X Tul.e in
fimn \ .MIT ilr\n.l-i ! , if tr ir
GOLD MEDAI , PAIU3 tvPOSiriON , 1809.
Winslow Wilkcs ,
The la list t xi'.ir-nl.l iiiiluu stallion In tin *
World ,
HiMiinl'.1 II I V nl I iMliiklmi I\T I ) | iin | \ > \ Illnrk
XX Ilki s , ilinii I. ) Xliii. ia vi Hill innke tin ni'ii iiii of
Is'll nl lull X Int. n iniiihii .Nch si > nM 100
w llh ui u 111 IMI it pi u Hi ci s
I I ANSI n\ X(01 I nl'V.
All Ultiils 'if ' l > \ in : in I ( leaning dun . ID the
Holiest -Ij U of tin \rt , 1' iilml and st ilnoil
I i in , . i i ul < In Inoli is KOI ul 11 n.'Woik \ \
l > n > 'n ' ] > tx ! il. ni ml ilrllM'rril In u | | puts ot
the iiuiitij -i ml fin inliolltl
I \ XlAl'IIAN. I'l in ,
leu llmilxx n Nt ii NurtliHi'siera ljpa ) !
( ol MIL II1 1 kn U
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
rillif. TOIH-I A Mlllnr , P O Oloisn i ; U
Miinrurl K I' Hurt , I I ) Kilniuiulson I'liiiloi
C Iliiiinnii Inuisict general biiikl-it biisl-
iidis I/truest enplttl .mil surplus of any
bank In "iiilhiTuslurii I iwi
] \K 1 All VIM XM1
'IIIIIOA I sf | | U.l-l
C'liuiull Illulti H
All ill ( ii o < ol the I X V
1'Alt NO1-1 nnil I IIIH X 1
iri-UPil It thu Broil
hkllla id nm1
t X I AUK ! ! XSIIIXt \
anil If XX I i\ : I It tr nul
ultli i inlni'nt HU . IM <
M IIUII XLol' ' V1ION-1 when1 tiuTi-.irj pnln.
li * ! > iicrT'irniu I v , Ith llio titmniL i ire uu I Hitill , us-
i iirliu in'rli'i t rctulH riSlsl ( it.AS. | ) ic iir-
nd'lx iiriMirllt I imr.ilhi nil ri'trnillTJ tr tutilui ,
in XIi.ipl i llyperupln inn ! A-tU'Ui itUin t'nii ' ri'ii-
ilirln tl.'ht ci \ . I-ir iui I inlnlixi i I IIIS'IO
M I It XI. ,1 X in I sll K III XI ) X 1117xfti'i JTPlM
ol ti'rillili. iifferlni ; no rolmf nut i ly i ur. I OltlcA ,
lu nn I siiik'iiL 11 ut , over HenoCo A store ,
Cuiuicil lllulTs la
Oxer C 11 I ie < | in inln .V C'o Jexvelry gtorj
PinloyBurke.Geo.W. Eevntt.Thos , E. OaaaiAj
Hurkc &
, Ilcwitt&Casaily ,
I'llACUCi : IN Till : Sl'ATK AND ni : > r.UAIi
( Of It I's.
Olllees J. J Ilroxtn llulldliiB , C'ounell llbilTs ,
Corner Miln anl Hroidwixr.
tie , ill rs in for-iin unl do uostlo -liin *
Collection madu and Intoiesl pjiiil o i tliui )
( ' ( Illlicil ItlllfTs , lo\X.l. \
1 1 N irth M.iiu S ret ,
rnncral Din dor an 1 limb iliucr ,
1 carry n full line of Beekeapors
supplies , including comb foun-
demon honey knives , smokers ,
sections and nil supplies foi
he Dplnrv. M. S. ROOP ,
620 East Kr oadvvay , Con cillilulls , In.
CATA11H1I All < ll onsp * of llio thront nnil note CB
nrrli tniioM | > rl lioi thu tiloml anj imr\o proiluctilff
li'lillltilicix mil iloit i
) \ | ' | | ' Vml all tlicp'ii'O * of IndUMion.
.Ivor troulili' ImiMTfict niJlinlliiUun mil nulrltluil
KIDM.X 1)1-1 ) X-C > -Vro nuin ilini-lriiu mil Ini
I.IIIOIM sj in ) tomi Inril to rcco lllro by th ? | > allciil
Ilin Inul lu Intul litlk'lif illii-aiour illubt'loi
> usn\sis : ( iimi : niooi ) - niooii roi onti
trr. full , LrBli > olnn nnj dljeasai luculioncd her *
AM. 'KIV m ! -\s | " -lY7 ( mi < ftltr'ii > iin Vnrl
oln nil * r iiilurrliM H.T.ifula. litp M ni'i.l I ) color
iftli' kln | ilraili'i | mul illseiilOJ uf tUo fOilyara
curuil 1 > ) tr ) Dlllln i *
MIllVOI l > l i\ r.S-I.on oflcor lo t min > ill I lilt * proitr illon iloMponiloni y prnptloil
onthcfnit * lu - nt inoinnrv ilriMil uf 11111110,1)10.
AIH\V Irilitliu'iit Hint Ni.X iil : I Xll , >
Illll'l XI V llsXI AM ) Mtl'llAI. ilA \ro cura4
lylir lillllm- when nil < tlu'ri liaxo fnllol
I I M xl.i : XXiIM : s t ; > , Tin lnr < h Irrntlon *
nnil nun iliirnl uiotlioU usirilly o n 0 ire t nru ri34
t ] iii il > lt > ti > r full ) throe foiirttiH of tlio MinTurln/
IMIH ( iidtiriMl l. > VMIUU n InvoilUnti ) HID noffi
In mo tri'itnii'iit ' i > f Di litlllns *
Tills A 1.1. Itri IA1. lIlOl'llt.K * I'ltoi Kt\
tula iil ( it i Mrlituio niitl all illieiiiM of roclutA
inn1. ! wllhoiit the knlfo liuitoo ur nn 1 our ileU/
In in nork .irlii-lni'i.1
Al 1. IIHADXC UK * rue quickly euro !
X I'M UP xl , DlhllXsr.1 ; Itcronl or lone Kfxmllm
) | | fonurrhd'a Ktrluiirti nm ! nil ro utlhiii nf
f ( ( il. Mil nro i uri'il t criiiniuntl ) mul funuur ntttiuul
inn nn n fry ur minor il in iiliiioiiU
vinltl'MIM : llAllir - yuloklr. jiOJlllVL'ly nn4
I nlnlm ! ) curul
I Xl'K XVciHXIinki - > with lioul ronipldto In on *
li. ur nlth ono tiMipuouf ul o5 iilv'x nnt nui Ililno No
f llliB
ol mill III1 * ! : xsi ; < -Hln ( | , 0i | , on- <
ul , IM < tuiiiori nuii.Ti hciit troilliliM , iD
i'l > ! ! o | " ) si X Hu. il HIIInillklo rlironlo con
tl n uinl chrniili illnrdtii'i pro euro I
'llli : inMI'l.KMON ' Tlio mosl niut
IKin'rt ) roiuilo\loii | qulrkly f ro'lH'n.'il nn I lii
Kill di 1 I Nsiv 1' inn ; XTH V iM'nimuiU euro
i oxx nn s i in i : coNsui.i.xTioNi
1101 Its ti Un m to 6 [ i m i\uiihui : , 7 to 3 3J
biiluliiF''to I p m
1'ntlonts TroitPil Hy Corroapaadeuo * .
Midicino Sent Kvoryvvhora.
322 outh Fifteenth St.
Or. nilllnzs iiroywros mul his
oxvu medicines , which nro laruely
Irani n.ituro'a Uunlln pUinti , barlti , roou ,
muu.sliruui , eto , No muioral ordra. ; *