Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUB OMAHA JXA1LV Jllflli ) : MONDAY , JM/UIHI / 2 , 1SOI ,
Why Greedy Speculators Waul to Bisect the
ElMo Pumpkin Patch.
Jlio Siipoi hit I'lidtMil t r llii' Home for
till1 I'lllMlllll'Ms KullllcM'O llO
l.nuiunki'j-M to ( let an
pptopihn inn.
' , Xe-b.Mn.rdiI. ( Rpoi-hl to Tut
l RTlitro | ! has bocu n grout deal of Job-
Mlnjjon tlHipatt of superintendent * of pub *
In hosiillHls and asylum * tlins farthlssos-
nloiior the purpo oof peltlninipv < > | " ' 'a'
lions uMclithoy thoiiKht no sssaiy for the
iHiptMnt of their several Institution1) ) In
in'.irly every hislnnco , however , tlioy have
failed of mn cess , nltnost over ) ' uinaunt
nskrd for hi'itifr ul down bv the house coin-
llnnnoo. WBVsimd mcntu
ThlstnothNl of poltili * ? n * istanco , how
ever. was nntlhooiu * cmplojeil Ijy the tnnn-
nfi'tnenl of Iho Homo of the t''rlem1lM < In
tliis ollj. Tliny got titia r-ouplo ofiutlisox-
rnrslons. In tlio ilrsl plan ) Mr. P.mmll
floated Hi rough lliohnllsor the rapitol ami
oniotlv prcpircd h'frishlors whom ho knew
thut they -would shortly bo Invited to ( line jit
Hi" HDIIIO nf the I'Vlrndlcss ami that under
no c ircumstatiees must they I.itl to attend.
Then from Iho desk of em li house \vn rend
acioiicinl Invitation , mlir.hii , ' tlio prophesy
o' Mr Darnell.
Thou M rs 1 1 all , the matron , appeared upon
the SITIIO iiml jitter truing been Introduced
to n number of the inem bors for the third
Ilino rein I mlcU them ot Uio fact that tholr
presence * -was do Ired to jhe : to the
What could -tusrepUblo und pnlintrxlc-
Juj ( legislators do liut nn-out the Invitation !
Tlioj iliit tiotstopto mushier that the Homo
[ ! IhoIYh'iidlussliau ' Imi mi futitls ntipruurl
llucl to Uii'.o nnvbod.v snxi' ininattss , luiuh
Icsi iKMsiblva hundred leinslators
On the Hi's t d.iy of i he lif--slitivo | feast
About llf t y iiicniU'rs illoiiduu , Ittin hauled
tu the homo In niouploof Imlitull cars .An
ppoti/hiK spread h.iJ bieu picpuied anil
r 1th most gracious snilles the solom woiv
liskod to do itiustlci ) ' 1'lu're was noliusl
Innevlii complying wllh tlm lonuost. Utulci
the smile.of somaiiy briiht ovesntidla the
jroseneo ol so miny'Relt'sirrlficitiK lad 'us '
rnf3igcd in llio cause of ctiauty the was
dlscnssi-tl and cvory hungry legislator became -
came happy
Tlio ill's I tnblo over , n second followed , and
ill or tlm t cnno llio wet I ; . 'Jho building ivni
Inspected. It wns shown to bo toosmnll ,
thut the ngi'd people now Ilioro oiiR-ht to lie
kept In an Institution denoted spoelallv to
their own class ; that a morn commodious
l I'fidtn vvils t Hint innr-n rnot
for nuixerv pniposes was needed ; licit the
instiliition hud no piolurllou ngainst fire ,
that tlio ImlUliiigounlit to bo lighted with
pis or eleilricitv ; thut a combined now
school buildlnii anil chapel was the f-roatest
want of the home , that the list * of the upper
floor of the boiler house as a dm mi lory was
Inconvenient ii ml dangerous , that tbu cloth-
hip repair fund was exhausted and money
would not to nvailalilo until April 1 , anil ,
Huiilly , that thobe-st Intesests of thohonic
would bo subservetl If the institution could
bo ren.ox-ed . to nhu-Kcr tract of j-iound.
But nil the scnatois ami reiui'seiitativos
did not h.ii'13 a chance * to hear thosoai-f u
launtsntid plens Anonlingiv , a seccnil hij
vvushc't nsiilo for imother ilinnur , and those
who had not ponobofmo mailed themselves ,
of tlicopiioitutiiU then Nuiio of them not
culx went themselves , but cscc > rted bomo of
tlit * lulv emploji'sof the capital.
The dinner was of eotir-.oeMJovod anil the
IpjrHntorsieuimed totbeir vvoikat the cap
Itol with tli"ir lifcirta tilled with charity ,
tliQirstoinadis xvilh uslaludhiuoraiid their
minds with Iho uyin , ; needs uC the Homo ol
llio friendless.-
The tongues of some nconlonroanrl the
eapitol havonotTCt stepped wagging about
The point o the inauaKius , liowover , was
rained , hcc.nibo almost Iho day after Iho lust
JimierMr Nichols of the house committee
cm llnaticevnjs nnd ineaiis tnlroducoil the
follow In K bill :
An net to provide f 01 the selection of a
tiiiel not exrcedlni * ; forty acies , out of the
lands belonging to the stnlo mid commonly
known ns the oolieRO farm , for the occupa
tion iiiid un ! of tlio flomo for thoFricnillons ;
to piwirte for thourcitloii of a num. building
for said home , a hospital , school house , qunr-
latitlne cottag-o , hirn , boitcr house and elec
tric light plant , and tonpnropriiitu money to
pay for the same , to uroxliln foi the sale ol
tlio bulUluigs anil cromuls nuwoicupicd uiu !
used by said home , and to rmoal all uit am !
parts of acts in conllktwilh the
of this art
Thpro aR'txvoromaikahlefoatmvy ,
to thosiirfnco in this hill. Ono Is the fact
tliHt It proposes to Kivo tlio inanngement an
entirely new outllt , nnd next , Ihat U pio-
Dosesto enable the stiuctureto ho erected 01
a plat of ciouud which a bust of land shurlis
iiov * wish divided to seix-o Iheir seltish aimi
Then * is still anotlirr rc.itur-1 , and Unit Is
that for thcpuiposo of iniliicnin Iho legislature -
turo to allow these shmlis to cut a roai
through the univ orally fiirin they niaku
use of the Homo of the l/ilouulcis us
a blind to unit1 eal theh selfish motives. This
purpose is to diagonally blicct the most cast
orly quarter section ofthr- farm In questicn
by nrond 100 foctwido The thoiouphfarc Ute
to run from Uiu main road through the fain
to i point Im mediately vvost of LTnlvor-silj
place , Obteusibly to give ashmt cut to the
\\'esleynn campus , t > ut In jeality to euhuneo
the value of tlio real ( xstato which thcio
ihmkiovviilu tint vicinity. This road wil
icquiio live acres of ground , valued atfiUUii ,
which the sharks want jjlmi tint they jn.iv
malte tvO.OiX ) more ou Ihoh-lanil beyond
As if the land of tho"proposiv
drive would ho of no value , Iho schemeis sa )
that It might -with pniprict ) t.e set nsido on
whleli to eiect ttio piopo od Homo of the
rricndless. It Is to this heliemo that Mr
Nichols nf the homo nf rt'iireseiitativts ,
through his proposed bill , has agreed It is
'o ttiU scheme that tl.omen wlioiliiictlut the
homo u > committed , and u Is to this hij-b-
handed rutihorylhey will itlroct themsoUes
unless they open ttiolr eyes to the trap wliUh
lias tieoii laid forttiom
Tuo fourth annual report of tlio institution
has Just mudo its appearance. As may uo
expected , it lucks the information which
DUKhtto l > e lacluiled in it. aud would bo , if
the lustituhou was in the hands of jiooplo
with business qualifications , IV Instance ,
the laxptucr Is told that thu legislature np
propriatedi.71 J cents per capita for the sup
port of the institution , "bat the board of
managers for Uio post two years have to-
BOi'led to devices Io make 0110 dollar do the
work of two. " The help aio paid frowir > to
J50 iwr month , "hut ills impossible to make
an exact estimate of employes' wacrcs , as the
amount vailes from uionth to month. "
In this lopoit tliero is nothing to show
whnt the'ast ' appropriation xvasor how It
wns expended save that 'Mho clothing repair
fund Is exhausted , the salaries of servants
run from Sl.r > to f.iOanu the sttncrliitondt'nt
receives ST.'i , theassislaut and phjsician ench
$ " > O and the m.itron J,5.r > pop month " The
names of these ottlcials oven do not appear In
the report , with the exception of that of Mrs ,
A. W. Clark. Iho cloru , as If Iho owners
were ashamed of them in the connection ,
Nevertheless this imlelinllo board of mana
gers complacently makes the following esti
mate of salai hi , employes' wanes , current
expenses , building improvements ,
for the next twoyeaiss
Pei am uiri. Total.
OfllccrH f > ,04) )
KniDloyes' \uijjfs \ 5.000 1U.UX )
hiving expenses drugi and food
forMock 1S. 10
llftllts fi.t J
ami linprovciuents . , lyjw
btiitlonory , prlnthis , books tulo-
praih | , telephone , ivitufo and
Ol'othiaii. biildlnK nnd ttirnltn r o & , ( * 0
Laj'ln.i out grounds snd Kruilln ; . 'M
Ittvrn.outhoutis' vtltli so\ver con-
nectliuis . . . . . . . . 1.9H
Oluiiel. | Hliool bulldliiK , heitinu
aii | > aralii > , ( a < pll > c itnd furiil *
tuiefor same 15 , < W
Total MVH )
These two dlatiors fit tlio Homo of the
Krlumllessttro likely to bo the most expen
sive given iu tbo state by a public Institu
Jtcd Vtlhboii Hall Meet inn.
LINCOLN , r ob , March 1 , [ Special to Tin
.U-'riio m tf'.lQB t the Hod UibVoo hall
t \tt \ > wto c niii irili\ t ly tarnoanOe.xtiiro /
t A I'lio ( in IK in * viuu nf llio press h.n
i.In wholesumi * tti'i't Uioii | the more null
.il eli'inont. nlul hi' * bruiiclitulK > ut better
nh'r nndgrentir i-egard for llio rights of
Senator Horn repeati'd the * t anio rcRutnllua
! * 'ivh tiodoilM'rcd on a former occasion ,
Hiid'l'njlor of lIutlerponfMsed hK fmlh. ami
xilh these execution * Hie speaklnx uii-s con-
liied ui their mvii tnembers.
MIR. lllgulow took mote of LbosunriMk-o
idponly and when about oai fourth or tno
\tdtilH went up in ix * .pou n in her appeal ,
\visd.v rcfralnlnif fumi puttiiitrthu other slilc' ,
\ % uliLHl the t > ros t itako notlei'tbaia innjor-
tj of those pixsont were In favor of muni-
final oulTiajjo.
lllshopSklnnur dined the - ii-lo < M by ox-
lollltiK tbo pmiuheis Bin ! Iho chtmh uiem-
IH-M to < : ome to Hod Hihbon hull and get
Knllroail I e
I.ivtiiiN , Keb. March I ( Special to Tim
L3tt. ] 'Iho icntito IIIIH nindu thoStoveiiH
muxliiiuni rnto bill the spedil onlni * for
Ihicsilay at y o'clot-k
Tlic Nrwherry or housoblll on tliosamo
Hiiuiect Ims ; iliciul.beoti . iund n second tliao
in llio stnato and referrcj. In the ordinary
COUHO of events it cmnot come up for con
sideration for .some tune yet , ami It Is not
likely that it will ho ronclicd until the
Stevens bill .shall have bun done awny xvith.
The feeling Is Inr.vasinfhere Hint the
latter mcasuro will go through tbo senate ,
nnd for tills Uliof the MoaiittirsolTera variety
of reasons Aniotii * these it the fi t thai llio )
hill does not ti'lul so IIMK h to injure llio roads
IIH dn < s the hoiiso niiMsiue Hctwcinits ro-
( uilonitMiti and thnse of Newhcny'ts hill
tbi'ii'is per > iaps n ililTtiivneo of U ) pur cent
in fax or of the roads. The rates In
the house bill are similar to these
of Iowa. rair-'uincled independents say
that this Is lee gient nn cMtcHon 'llio
freight Inilllrof jNcbra'ka ha < been tlfjurcd
out as about one-third of that af Itnva , mid to
miucu the rate * in lids stiitu to tbi'lni-iisof
thrr.iti's ' of a Rt ito which docs thrin ) times
its i.iilroid basinois xvould , thex thin U , net
iiijnrinusly ami bo unjust to the roads.
The ailioiiof ttui house Thursdav last ill
alniDst imssitiirtha resolution censuring Iho
senate biv.iu o the latter chose to act for It
self ha mot bicn xvinnly appreciated by thu
higher house \Vlnle the resolution did not
pns it catnu so near passlntr tlmttho senn-
tois fot'l that they have been insulted. Some
of ihurnarKUO Ihnttlii'j are not obligated to
pitta fcithe rln the house cap by passing It3
tn ulintini rate bill whun they hive a measure
origiiialmgllli themselves xvhlcb Isjust as
pond if not btltor. Tlicro are some senators
who xx-illnot vote for either hill , while1 tliero
aie siiinn ( Icinociatic senators * , xho would
.roitly nrofcr to vote for Is'ewhcrry'H hill
beciuscit Is praetlcdly tlm orlc of a demo
crat Mom of Dakota county \vlio has ,
tnuirht for the bill with a i reat deal of por-
si tc-iicy. How many will he left to vote for
tic ! lull ciniiot bo lolit. although the railroad
in makers Hay Hint neither mc.isuro will pass
the seiu'e. The railroads hixo withhehl
thoininoiity lepoit 011 the bill so as not to
Kive their opponiiits H view of theli1 hand.
This report \vlll be madoevident in the aigu-
nii'iits which will bo Inlrodurod whenlho
subject Is discussed.
) la nl l' ' 'lliu ; . ti i-reil t'p.'oi.v , rs'eb. . Marchl. ISpocial to Tin :
Dir.l Thoiehas boon considerable foelinit
stiircdiip in Iho house conimilteo on I111 mice ,
wajs and mu.ni3 by the discovery of a clause
in Iho sl.apo of a rider attached to Uiu geii-
eial appropriation bill passed two je.irs ago ,
which reiuiie.s | thesnpcimtcndentsof public
Institutions and e\orv"pablie ollicer to Hie
x.lth this coniinitteo an itemized slatonicat.
The following is an exact copy of the law
bee. .1. IC.uh state olllccr and each hoard
entitled to draw against the appropriations
provided for m this act shall Keep nniteiri/cd
account of nil ox i > enrtitnres tnadu hv them
and reiwrt Ihe sumo with vouchers to the
tiiLincoiotuinitteoof thono > t legislature , and
all o Ulcers and institutions , and thai no state
ofilcor shall Incur anv indebtedness bcvuad
tlm amount ai > proprintud except Io prevent
> 'oxv unless the repents muilo out by those
oftli nils can bo considered nu "itomlied state-
niout , " lids law has been wholly ignored in
that respect ami no vouehorsluivo been Hied
and a dcliciency of greater or extent has
boon llio rule r.ithcr than the exception. No
special penally has been provided for a vif -
lalion oftbisiequliemenlof Iho law , hut it
is likolv tlio committee will take some ehj-
ciilcd action at its next mooting.
liver * attempt to cut down any estimate
hns been met with tbo stcieotyped reply :
"Woll , it is Immaterial to xis whether j ou ai-
lovv the amount or not. The dollcleney next
jcar will crilv ho so much tlio ijrualor. " It
is quite nponaltv will bo at
tached to this section nnd moro stringent
piovisions iimio to compel its obscivanco in
tlio futuro.
A Soft Stinp.
I.ivtoi.v , .Vob . Mtirch 1. ( Special to Tun
IhE. J - The softest snnpabout llio legislature
isaclcikshipfor Iho cominttlco on enrolled
bills. No bill Is over enrolled uu til It posses
tl.e house on tlnnl reading , but the clerics nro
npjiointed in the beginning of the session aud
put on the inj roll at SI per day. When the
loitioth day of Hie session was reached ihu
tjxpoissofor nialiitainiiigllio ouinincntal oti-
i-ollinn clerks footed up about us follows :
Fire clerks , 40 davs each , Si-40 ; ono clerk , 0
dajs , ? ui ) ; three clerks , IU2 days each , JJO :
ono cleik , : UI days , { ! K > ; ono cleric , L'O days ,
- Jiii ) . total $ T10 IJuriiif-this time thcso clerks
em-oiled Just llireobillb , ax-eraging perhaps
lfl , ( ) ( ) words ench , nnd which labor
could hive been procured l > xa privalo indl-
xhlualfor 510. It is bul justto the clcik- ,
liowover , to state that they ate not responsi
ble-for this condition of ufl'alra. They per
form allthoservii'otocpaired of them ami are
apparently always ready to assume their
duties or to assist the ongrosslnprclerks when
haul guessed. The whole fault lies in tlio
vinous system of "Hiuling Dlaces" for
dauehlers ofiaombers ami other supornumcr-
aiies Only ouo enrolling mid ono uugross-
itn ; dork U nccfifd until tlio session is well
! iK'ii n < fill n hi ! t It n.n w Vi mil r 1 itnrltf tflUo/ltAnu-
slst the haul working force in llio chief
cleric' j , room till til Ihe bilU begin toconioin.
A icforni along this line should * bo an issue
in the iext campaign.
TlieMtinU'lpal Sullrjigo " > re.iMtne.
LINCOLNXob. . , Murcti 1. ( Spcchl to TIIF
JJLE. | Tbo woman sultiastsUs niter a care
ful count of nose-s ndiiiittbal ttio niuiildpal
suffrngo bill will be defeated in the bouse ,
and ti proposition hut been mii'lo to Mr.
Vaxon to allow liis bill lo bo reform ! haik tc
fie cpnimitlcoof lUc x-holo uncl soninciuleil
that its provisions will only nppU to cities
hiving nl I.IHX ) inhabiUnls. Mr. lax-ou
has taKtn thoiualter under advisement iiiul
will likilv uccedo lo the request on the hope
ofsavim , ' the bill by tlio votes of the lural
incnihersvhoso eoustlluenls.ill not bo
affected by thu passage of the measure.
Some Vulimlilo N ; linii-.ka ACIOM Dint
ire in Jai > "iur.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Feb. lii to Tin
lirr. . ] Tim U is it sex-era ! ilajs ago pave the
substance of house roll tiiJP , Introduced bj
Mi Sumclcr. The pullluation attracted so
much utlun lion and has caused so much dis
ctission that the matt ris again refoned to
for thcpjrposo ot sbediilnitnoro light upon
ouo ol thu blgjj"151 stcils wlilch has hecn i n
traduced during the present session of the
legislature. The bill provides iu substance
ns follows :
That nny lessee or any person who mnj
hereafter heooino n lessee of nny of the salin
lauds of the sin to ( excepting the salt spilngs
may npply in writing to Iho commissioner o
public lands and buildings to have the lain
included in his lease appraised for sale. The
commissioner shall thereupon instruct thi
county commissioners or supervisors , ns tin
case may bo , of the county iu which tbointii
b situated to nppralso the land for
siilo. xbo applicant for purchase inaj
thuii pay thu appraised value and receive i
deed tothosatno , paying not loss than on o
tenth of the said appraisement in c.isb , giv
lug notes for the remainder. Upon the pay
ment of the value of the land a dec ! shall Ixi
given Iho purchaser , the latter pnyintr W per
day and 5 cents JKT mlle for every ml to trax-
C'lcd by the appraiser in so Uiu tbu prioo of
the laud. Iu dotnult of payment Iho lands
shall roert to tbo state , The money dcrivod
tiom this sale shall hcoxpendud in the sinkIng -
Ing of wells for the purpose ot soarohini ; for
salt , cod and water , owe of-wmca wells shall
bo sunk near the Industrial homo at or near
Kearney ,
It is a well known fact that the only unllno
Uids tu thiistuto are locatfd in Luncastor
county and adjacent to tliu city of Lincoln ,
The hit.Is vv' ' uhnro sou { lit taho
ill.icr the alien c iu t nro tinne loss than them )
same salt liimls , coiniirtalng nil nt section
31 , well Known a- llio "bijj cult b.i-lti , "
llu iinrtli hnlf of lection IS , the north-
vvi'st ipinrtcr of si-t'tlon , " . ' , the n.i'-.t half of
the northwest qiurtcrof the s line sect ion ,
nil in township in , r un * < ( I.e.iHtol thi'pi'ltii'l-
pul tni' 'Ilii * * * tdenllctil trails a se-
li'ct coininlttee of m-vou iiKMiihei-M of the
house romrt | , "ttii thut body at the SC H-SOII |
of ttio Ic'gMaturc ! Mulch il , IS.ST , OM follows ,
the > sum * being found In IIOUHO Journal , page
UW.of that ycMi1 :
Mr Ihillard , from thi ) sin'cinl o < inmittt'e : ,
uhniltteO the following report :
Mr * peil.i < rWe. . t lie n uili'tslmied piiiiiinlt *
< < . ni | | ) , lintiul to i-xainliK' the ninth hnlf nf
iv t inn Nn 1ft , tb < niTtheast 'i ' uf "eelloil
anil the ' : i l ' , nf tinnorttixM'it Vi uf
rot Inn 2J , nil lntii\vii > lilp lOiitirlh nf rumen ,
M t nf tbesKthlirliiclp.'il In l.aii-
istcr count v. Ni'l > . I'd ' nt tinMini'thai Is
IMIplXI'll fur | | | | | | llllllSl' Hill Nl . | M. ll'lM !
ui l Ilin same under omnlderallmt nnd lii'
< 'i M > tn inali ) llio ( | | | IIK ivnoit , toMll :
I'lii * vouili liulr lit silil M'ctlim
* > . llh ilic i xci'iilliiii of iiliiuil rnitv
ifrc < . Is all \ nlnal > li' ' land , tlio niii-tb putt Is
is Him tioiiiitlftilrollliiR land nsMn thi-coun-
i-y. Ihe soulli part lino. li'M-l ' iMtloin Intnl.
> ak cieel , inns llirmijli It , fu riil li lir,1 pleiitv
if .iti r Htiil iilso vcrv \ iilnabie wntfi pn\\er \ \
fiii ; running tnni'liltinn.
Tliu fort ) nerosas ini'iit limed nliiixo Is said
, o eniituin exedli'iit day pmilucls. sultnhle
nr the inantifiuliiiln. * ot brick tile , totni
oiln , i > tc
Tlip three elchly acre ti els t etitlnno < 1 In
eetlim tuontv-lno | "Ji nrc .ill line bottom
nnilivrltli llio ixceiitlnii if iitxint liflvaiirs
< i\\ nr Ii uln I'Hiil. nnd Is Iliniiiilit h ) suinoto
tuit iln siinie sallsprhms nr basins.
Tlic basin lamli nn tins put ate ilsin'onsld-
11 I'd vti In ilili1 ( nr cl.iv pi iiilnrl" On the iioilli
if uinl a < ljiilnlnis-il < | stint him I ( of sivilon llf-
et'iilslln lownslli * oVnsl ( l.lin'iihi.ln vvlili U
i > t H ' - vi feet lit oiH'liiinilu'il und fur
y-two feet arc si-lllnir ( or ( mm } Ml i to
liiwi eiieli On tin * mil I lines ! end mill con-
ii'i'lliU "Illi snlil trail of hind tht' lilb-r of
aiul is inioled ill fi-iim ? 7lilti > $1,0 to per am' ,
and taUini ; nil tbin.'H Ititu citi > .lilerati . ii as
'iiiiiiin'iliHinlliiTliuidsIn | tin'vicinity wn
lulti'Vo ' tint tlic iiliovc ili " -iTlli'il In i id \\iirlh
on nn iiMtratin $ 10 JH-I aire for tinenllro
li act. Ko'.lifi.'tfiilly submitted.
,1 U. 1UI.T. Mil ) ,
. I. i'VNNOV ,
\ \ .1. lll.s rill' .
I' M.l'TI \ < HIAt.ll ,
.1 I' . ,
( ii.ii. ilri.viiioti.
I slotted this repot'l iiKriclitK with my col-
eumies wltli only t bH'\ci'ilion ( | tbut Ihellevii
th > iiiltictiiictof r > 'iOiii'resnf Hilln > hinds Is
nut th not niorolhaii tiOU pir ticrc.
( Ill , 1 ll'IMHDH.
'J'ho lands described by this loglslativo
'otnmlttce , o.\ecpb section SI , are now held
Ijy the Is'ebrask.i stockyaids company , who
ire tlio ovvnen of the piosent to\vn siteof
\Vosl l incoln. These sUl l.inds onibiaeo , 'ili < )
acres nmler a lease of lltty years , < ifvhiLh
only six years have elapsed Upon tlieso
only a nominal annual rental is paid to tlio
state. Itlsclai'nod ' oa good authoiily that
this eonipiny Ins even defaulted in its piy-
nientof this lease tnonoy.
As mny bo seen from "tho nppr.iispincut of
the lands In question , thi-v weiuwoitli when
been by the cotiiini tire at t SsKH' ; ' . That
was llvo jears ago. Since that time 'he vnluo
of real estate has pieatly increased in tins
city and the vnluo of tlie lands in ( jtie-stion
hushi'on enhanced in proportion , so much so
that on a fair estimate thelands would reall/o
if solil iisntR \ not loss tlinn jk.MHl.IMHl. 'Phpiii
need bo little reason , therofom , to wonder
Hint the property is so eagerly sought ,
especially when , if this scheme nhouhl be
come successful and tlio lull pass , the ) would
bo knocked down to designers and schemers
for a mote bafialelle.
The leaders in this move to raid the treas
ury lire tioless than Siihilles Joe Tinhoff and
Sun lUliotl and the notorious Tom Kennnid ,
whoso record in the is so foul that his
rtecits have almost smelt to hciven These
names of course do not appear in tlioliill. On
theconti.iry. the measure is soctrnwii as to
lead the unsuspecting legislator and citiroti
to believe thutlt is in the interest of Iho gen
eral public , in f ict , that every riti-cn , richer
or poor , miv hive an eqnd chance In secur-
itiR a part of the lands. Hut such is not the
case As previously mentioned these
men have already leased Iho
lands , and , under the provisions ot Iho hill ,
would tethe tint pntitleil to apply to have
them uppiaNcil lor sale Is'ot only would
thev he the Jli4 to appij , but they would
also load iu securing appraisers wl.o would
farcically appraise ttio land , not in the inter
ests of the state , butln the inteiostof a few
Mncoln laud sharks and speculators , nuiont ;
whom would bu the schemers above referred
to , who only seek to 111 1 their jioelcets from
the proceeds of the public domain ami help
boom their real estate in Ihodireotionof their
former investments In West Uncoln
If Shvadnr'shill inssos , wbye.irrvout the
faivo of selling It at public snlol Why not
lot the stock y.uds company piico and take
it * It the land or sehemo Is to benollt
Ijlncoln , as some say , why not give It lo
l..lncoln instead ol to a close corporation ?
IIo-v are the people benefitted ' What return
do thov get for their limits'
These aio sorao plain cpicstionsvhloh the
pcoplo ask of tliclr leprescntutlvi's and
seiiutors now in ttio legislature nndwhom
they will i all to account if they allow bouse
roll 'J2' ' t introilucod by Mr. Shrader , to
beco'no a la\v.
Till' Xevvriny till Puinislics 1'ros-
I id.'Is of.Many I'roinot inns.
" \Vvsin\r ro\ , March -Tliero was rejoic- the war department toii.iy whoii the
news reached tlieio ttiat the srnato had
passea tlio hojso hill to increase the artillery
arm with an aiiioiidmenl rooig.ini/ln } * ; the
whole line ofthoaimy With thoHawley
suhstltutoaclopu ? ' ! it now becomes possible
to gel thotor.g-ilesiiod tlneo battalion organ
ization for infantry nnd the number of en
listed mtn increased from : iUOO to HO.iKK ) ,
which , next to the iticicasoln tlio number
of artillery refjimonts , arc consideied
by the war dopaitmont as the
most important project for the
Improvement of the personnel of the army
now pending heforo contriess.Viththe suu-
stilule bill in llio hands of the conference llio
ucpinnicni nopes LO secure LIID nuopuoii oi at
least these ttnon features , hul rather than
have it lall nltoKother the senate con fuei-t ,
will probably back down trom the senate
amend nient and allow the artillery bill pure
and simple to become a law. The effect of
tbo bill as It i.ow stands will be to make a
three battalion oriani/atlon for each of the
three aims , thoMiuious in all foroigu armies ,
to increase thcimtnhur of artillery refjiiiK'nts
Iromllvolo seven , nnd toieliino the stagna
tion m promotion , especially in the artillery
ana infantry. Kach lugiinunt of m-
fantiy , artillery , and cavalry vould
tieicaltcr bo composed of twelve coinpinios
in akin r thrco battalion ? each of four com
panies in time of peace aud ot oiphl in lime
i > fwar. The purpose is to Iwvo two of llio
baltalions ( eight couipamosi of cich iCKi-
inctit inalntainocl on nerfecl war footiui-
while the other batlillon ( four oompanius )
\\lll bo a nicui skeleton for orjjranU.ition in
time of war. About ! ! U vacancies in tlio
frado ; of second lieutoiiuit will Ijo created
und about 11)0 ) captains , "iU tlrst lieutenants ,
in id 00 second llouleiinuls promoted Shoult
the iu cillery feature only prevail twolieiitea-
anl colonels would bo promoted to colonels ,
tvo majors to lloutminnv colonels , six cap
tains to 111,1on , , two'itv-four ' liut lieutoiiimts
to inptnlns , and twenty four second lieutoa-
nnls to llrst lieutenants , loiving t\vimt.-
varan cics Iu Iho j-iado of scion d nontenant
tohofillod fiom the f raduatea oflhoauid
ony , the ranks of the iirmv , or civil lllu.
His Heart llu i'st by a Iv ielc.
Xr.w YOIIK , March 1. Porayonr Miehaol
KatzenbcrK hottled weiss beer for \Vellmai \
Brothers In n building in West Fifly-fourtl
street , t'hailes Bubhj * drlvos the one-hor-to
wagon , llubhy wnsi'iirrjinjjlils horse whou
Katzenbci'K ontorod. 1'icklng up u brush
Kiitzonbe.'g stcpjioJ behind Iho horsonnd
touched him on the back The hgrso lei on
ouco with his left hind leu. The lion-shod
hoof struck KaUenberg ou the left bnast
rlfe'lil over the heart. The blow soul thu
man spinning through tlie open door , am
ho foil lua heap on the ( Hiving stones of ttio
couii. Ilubbyllfuxl him up. endeavoring to
stuud hlui ou his feel "Mike , Mike , utehei
sioauf , " ho shouted. Tin * iimn's It'Khwerc
limp. Mi's. Enijolhardt heard the drlvei't >
cries , opened \vliulo\vaml aslcudu hut Uio
niattor was. Hubhy rojihed that Mike hud
hoen kicked. I'ligollinrdl crabbed a vini'gai
botilo and caimo out Ho thwv vlaogar in
Kntreiiberg's face , hut that did nn good.
They carried the body Uito ISiiKOlhardt's
rooms and laid Unit on tliosofa. ICuglohardt
after losing some Miua trying to find ape
Ik-eiiinn. at 0 o'clock In Iho morning ran to
the Uoosovelt hospital , half a do/on clucks
nvay. luit/cuborg wus dead , though. AVhot
tbo amhulanco surgeon cot tho-o ha said the
man's heart hai been burst by thu Idele
KaUcubcri ; hail a v\Uo \ and tluvo children.
n I1 - *
An English SailoVfPStorj of the Methods of
ls Nnvy ,
Vt'iillar pcrhMUT : of uVrit Indtiin
'JL'inilei' \ \ Itli ii I'uv ; iiiicloiiM ICchol
OTTIWV , Out , Mmvh 1. The foltoxvltiR
ntoivollii ) ; story rxMctiod here todnj from
'Ictorlu , llritiqliColuiiibiu , relative to tlm
\t > crlviic of Captain Scott of the llritish
tcainship st Indln , with the CliUiaa
cboli lit Coroin'l , Clillt. during the rci'ont
loinlui-diiicat of that eltv. Captain Scott
Kvcry Chilian crnft , from n tlshcrnmn1' )
loop to n inoicluuitiuuu , which ventiiivd
roinsliorowiispdutu'Cil UJWH , It c.irtottiUi'ii
hcnt toalittlo h.iy hold
iy ono of the mon-of-\vni' . I'vory civilian
.tvoralilo . to thor.iusnof the so * force \\M
akonon lou\l aii'l tlio nrcpir.itloiiH for the
trucglij contiitticj. 1'i-oiu llio ship c'ouhl Iw
ooii tlio inovotnciits of these luhoro llin-
lands and fathers saw llti'lr wives and
liughtors i\hliiped \ in the ] > hu7iis by the
Iruiikim solilloijvhllo tliclr oflk'ora , foast-
nij and rovelini ; , paid no nttontlun tu the
ii'iilM coiultti't of the inon. 'L'iiN loil to the
loniiiu'diiient of Uorouol , and also caused
ho insurgents to UiUopDHsetsioti of Iiiulijul ,
vith tlio intt'iitloii of marohliiK on the cap-
till anil oxccutini ; I'loddont llalinacodii and
the In-ids of the KOMH'iunont. Tlio Chilian
niiii-of-\var Ulancho IjiiiK t Vnlpiraiso ,
\\ith the Intent l a of holding Unit
own , lioii her majosH's ship
Wanpito arnvoil. The Hritlsh llislil | | )
wiitnboiitiishoic , pieintn.ibly for mall , and
his belli JT iiilst.iKi'ii for ono of the robi'lt
\as Hied upon as it puseil the lore. No ono
was hurt , but the Hlnnco aecoiitetl the shots
is a , rlinlleiiBO , and steuniiiR in between the
joat and the fort opened lire on tlio hitter ,
li tlieinoiutitno llothain had com-
itiiili.iU'd with tinlliitisli consul and do-
nandcd anexpl.iimtion fro'ii the Chilian ov-
cniiiient , whoso apologies for the uiUtuko
woroat once foitlicoinln . This satisfied the
lU'ltlsh cointnundor , but not thu captain of
Iho Hl.nicovtio said tboy wore nil sailors to
gether ; the KiiflNhmaii had ucca insulted
and lie \vm hound loii'scnt it.
Kinally llio NV.irspito's si'iialstostopllrniK (
wcroobo.M'il bj the llhinco nudhorinptnm
was Imbued to let the in.Utcidrop , as j\U- Ilothitni assniod him ho uus qulto ci-
[ labloof ll'litliiliis ( ) own b.iltloaif thcmxvcm
my to bo foURht. Hcforo the \Vost Indii
could obUiin coal &t C'oronclsho was requiivd
to i\o bonds to the uxtutitnf $ H,000 thut she
would ncithor sell nor jrivi'anj thing from
icr iMfpoto tliorcl.ols An Kiipllsh finn fui1-
lishud tlio nociShai ) hoeuilty and tlio West
liutiitrot her conl.
Ontho Sundainouiinptliat Coroimlai
joinhnrdod UioVcst \ hulia's hid ) nassoiiKOis
worn all ondocknuininn tlio be.iutic'sof the
andscapo. Itaa \ nqulut peaceful morning ,
and there nas not the slightest sign of dun-
; er to bo noted. A couple of fisherman in
itioir Httlo boat weio ne.iriiiL' . the slioio
when a joiing ofllwi1 of the l.uid . i arrNon
h-od u icvoHer nt thoin , though its bul-
ct fell short pf its marie A second
jutlet was liroil. Tlio next instant , and as
.hotii.'h. it had Iwn tisiirnal , thojurdsct thii
i'tiili.ui men of wiiv txvuino bl.ictcvith -sail-
irs , the guns \\oro niannod , and a moment
atortho ( .Mptainqf tie | British
: iuaut the tlitttulcr of a longirun nn j tlio null
of tlio projectile imst him and iinplcis.uitly
eloso Tholndlovi > io sent boloxv lit onto ,
and seeing Ihatllo Was dliuctl ) in line bo-
Ivvoea thu war ship nnd her Uugot , Captain
jeott lifted ant-hor and sought n more healthy
HnvinKfmdlycormilotcd his business at
the fort ho started out , but was followed by
n -small stciiacr that bad boon impressed by
Iho rcbols , and which signaled him to hoa\u
to. The captain took no notice of the coin-
mnnd , ami n fu\v nnnutos Inter the man-of-
war Ksnicinldit moved out fioni hnr inoorlnu's
anU started after him under full steam.
The AYest Indian crnudod on all steam ,
too , but wii not out of range when the Ks-
mor.ilda'sbiK ( \\ero opened on her The
HaKof Knglandhad U'eii run up to the peak
when thoiliasolirrfteoinnu'iicod , and it win
living paily when tlio Indian dropped anchor
with hoa'Ho SIM. hoatwiis at once lowered -
orod by tlio pui'Micr , niidnn oftlocrlth mi
tinned party ciinio on liouinl.
UlUli L -11 T U Lll.lV J I'tp lll. t l..t V Itjl-
tain Scott of their loader , as ho pointed to
thu Di lnl ) color"Wliatdojou inuan by
llrlngut us' "
"Oh that's a very good llnfr , " was the 10
spono ( inhioken English , "butwotMnlt
you h ivo pot ono of our onciLios on boutd. "
The c.ipt.iiti assured him that such was not
the case , and , having nothing to conceal ,
compiled with the hoarder's reouest to bu
shown the ship's papers. Tlio visitor glanced
overthoniquickly until Imovofoll upm the
item in the inaniroaloC dynamite and gun-
"Wo must have , " lie exclaimed , pro-
ceedlnp to ex plain how they \vould malcoil
toll Captain Scott flrmlv lint cuilo'l r informed
them that they would not get it. The rebel
otllcer inslilodnnd the J''ii-'lisli captain still
remained linn. Four times the cargo's value
for all or any pirt ofit as offered in K oa
( Told and H'fused , and the captain explained
the lutuie of the bond ho had Riven. The
visitor suggtMti'd that ho could take thu
monov and Kay tlint the goods ila , | boon
wroitlod fi'iun him witlioul ills lonsent. 'Jills
Captain Scott refused to listen to , and tlio
rebel oDUur then aniiouiicod that they would
takotho car o without . or permission.
"Nutvhilo tliero aie 1 miisunion auo.nd'1
wjvi , tlio icply ; "thorn me onlj forty of us ,
well urincil. buto \ will iiuiko a mighty
lively lluht. "
This at struck thoman of-\'s man
< : s ajoko , and ho iniiiireilvli.itloity | men
co'ilil do against a v.'nr siiip.
"Uo can Itlllyou Just as fast as you como
on board , " was Iho leply.
"Hut ve liUNobiy guns ; \vo can Wow } 0'J
out ot tlio water , " silil the naval man.
"Well. " replied the Knjjlishnmti boldlv ,
decidliifjto work a big blurt , "if you open on
us I will get up full steam und chiugo into
von. I have got a stout little ship ; slio
draws thirty foot \\nteratntslio is hea\y ,
nn < l if wo don't sink you I am n liar. "
Hero was a supgestion that fairly sta.r-
cored the Chili in. He looked at the captain
to .see if lie was uoUiffluug Hosoomod to lie
von far from II Thou lie rem.irUed. ' "Hut
you will all tM'killQdlhon"
"J'liat it .ill iltrht , " rcturnc-d the P.iigllMi-
innn ; "wovlll all go to the bottom lo-
Mliis was somothhi'f. that the young o nicer
did not npprnvuj' in ho tlimlly decided to
apologue to theolllicirs otthoVe.t liiilia for
iletainiin : her iiail.ulluw IILC to nrocvvd. and
BO the ICnsllsli stiiHajjr at last got aw.iy from
Chili and hhapol horcoui so toward Viulou.i.
Tint Si'iciilli rCiiVcrliiiiiH a Hunt in
l rleiidsat 'jii't ' Itilcy , Kim.
MISHVTTVN , 1Cnn , ,4March 1.-\\hoa Uio
Seventh UiiitoJSMttciv.ilry ) wore return-
ItiK f 10111 Pine JWio iiRoncy after the
\Vonuded Knoollfchtitho | iooplo of Manhut-
tan propticd toplvutheni a Mipporand u-
coptiun on tlielr way to i'ort itiloy. 'llion
thcro iimt > the r.illixnl collision , ullh
loss of hfo and injury to homo luein-
bcrs of the rojimunt. The Manhtt-
tun peojilo helped to mttiistor to these in tlio
wrecl : , und liuda biealcfnst at I o'clock instead -
stead of the Huppor propoiecl The tmlUut
Souuth : were anxious to si ow their fjiMtl-
tudo for the kindness oxlcmled to them , mid
Invited the Manhattan people to a concert
and banquet at Tort iilloy List evtMiini ; .
Neaily six hundred per.ons ai'cuptud
the invitation , nnil \\iut on a
Hpeciul train. The inosi hall at
l-'orl KihnIs the largest In the Uitlh'U
Suites , and l,10ii men can bo seated at OIIIM.
Uusl night this threat hall \\ns iinolv onui-
int-ntcd by Hags , ,1111 ! biilli.uitly lighted ,
and some oltht ; liuudrcd person * * , sit down
to a splendid hamjuot Tlio novcnlh
bund c-uo un elegant conceit duriti ( ; and
nflcr tlio supper The Aliiitli il'un ' il'lotrt '
( Ion , nn Icr llio tlliootlou o < MUN i U iu < rt ,
ndopted H vonu'llniontai.v paH-r | mi Miouuvor
of the Se\Lath. pnp.uvd bUi'iirgn 1-
'lit.i . IIP-.OU , editor of the \ittitviI'itt ' , and a
lir r iiildros * uUHitn Ulu Ui-v Ur Munor
Many of Uioi'iiosn tvtiiiniil at midnight , but
the roil ivinaiiifHl for Iho lull Tin * affair
\uis ti.iiiinp'il by llio iion-i'omml'.loiit'd oftl-
ivi-s und ntddlers. witti thi > ap | > . 'ii\al > f ( Jon-
cril Forty tin * Hit ) the ntbor nfHivr1 , and ro
llcct-H great uxtllt nn nil eoncotned 'J no stol-
illiMs snv their kind trc.itniotit ut Manliattun
liHoniollilng not ixtininon In Uio rolntlon of
the people to the iVKiihir iirrn ) .
r.\/l STM *
An Anu-rlciiu Sciili'iK-cil ton liixlni ;
Dcnlli in Allci > .
CiiKviio , March I. M. ( " * . llornard , a nilii-
liiB onglneor \ \ ho ban jimt rctuinod from Mexico
ice , avs that n .outiK Ainotlcau named Urn-
ham Is in piHon at ( Jn.maju.ito iindur a sen
tence of twenty jcarson an niiju'dc'oinli'tloii '
of inurdor. It .seems that Ur.ilumvai at
tackodon thosttvets ofLaiisby a Me\ican
and ncrniiin ! , who woio duinlc , and that ho
shot the ( iCimnti In self-defense rierntu'il
> ( , iys luMvniimvivitnesH ) of ttio nlTair and
testified as to tlic lucts on the , hut ton
Mo-vicans , who did not too thu light , testilled
that ( imhutii stuiteil IL Uvrnnnl udds
"C iih in n inlfjlit Just asvoll Ittixo been son-
ten cod to death , for Si" will never llvo lliron
\earsln pilson siKiunnaJiintii. Tin * ponitcn-
tliry Is the Illthiost institution in the tvpttti
lie. There iiro TiOil prliom-rs In n tihicu tbut
\MIS m.iilo toni'coinnindntc. ! liD ) , TliolctiitH
die entry wci'lc , Moiiirtlinos twoor tlnee in
that time. Kiiicldos , 1 havn , nti nf
fivqiieiit oiviirronrtv The cells ate ill Ivo with
\eriiiln nadllltb abounds uvervwhere Mon ,
\\onun \ and ehlldron are all piled into the.
s.iine place , and tuny one lieivines co\i'ted
with vermin soon niter bihm put ttioro.
Then diet consists thu vear round of corn
and pppporn , with a little tv.i ' \
"It Is a difili'iilt inatlcr togaln adnilttnaco
to tlio pe1 Iti'iitliry , but some influential
Iiieuds ilmllv succeeded in socutini * for mo a
pass. KnoMiiif * Unit prison laivls not the
best , on several occasions liefnro helng nb'o
toroiiih the prison I sent Cirahainn few deli
cacies. They never liim , ho said.
Tlio enl > wav togot ninthing of the kind \ \ M
to pay the kcopertobuv it 1jao 1 \ him two
Moch'in dollars , and ho s.ild . ono of them
would hnvo tn he given to tlio keeper in order
to bo nblo to procnio HomuthliiKlth ttiu
other dollar. It six inonths after tlio
sentence when 1 siw the Jill < hij-ati boy. Ilo
hail channed terubly in that tune Krom a
IIIR robust tcllow ho had become notbhiK but
nslcek'ton. Ho pravod to ( tie , tind snid he
wished ho had been sonli'iiced U > death
instead ol Imprisonment This is death , ' ha
said tonic , 'but ' ills nloiifr tlnio coining.1 "
Cecillia i * IteliillniiMiir t In.M ovleitn and
A list Mliiistci-s.
W.xsiiivorov , March IThcro I exists a
\ciitahlo deadlock in Ihe rliplomatle corps ai
letrards the Austrian and Mexican in inlstors.
'Jhis Is duo to the btunil taken by thoAus-
tiian government , which asserted that the
in I ion of the Mexican govcintnenl in recard
to Maximilian was so beyond the of forgiveness -
givoness that should the envoy uxtraonltnary
of the foimer upon any occasion afford
oflicial recognition of the existence of
the hitter's minister plenipotentiary , that
will furnish siiflldcnt grounds for an immedi
ate recall. This state of atlairs , as tiny be
imagined , lias given liso to some awkward
position- ) especially when , as not infrequent-
h occurs , llio Mexican tiiinister , In tln > ab
sence of liaton Tava , is called upon at state
tec'eptions lo asinine the duties ofdoanol the
tort's It has once or twuo b.ippened that
the two ministers h.uo bcui f-uusts at tlio
saino table upon the ocausion of dinner
parties , and once in crossing the oo'.in the
two \\cic passenger- the same steamer
The ilexiean minister is a born diplomat and
11 would bo Impossible from hlb outwanl do-
meaiioi'upon suili occasions to Judge what , if
nnj , iiilRht bo his Inwiitd foellnns of annoy-
nnco. A map or more unrn Hied bearini. ,
more quiet dltrnllj than is poss"ssect hv this
punctillouh scholar , it would be itupossiblu to
tind. If the action of the Austiian ( 'ovorn-
incut annoys him heics no sign , and il ho
feels his mlnistcrinJ , clijjnltv Insulted ho
never permits such ferliny to interfere with
\\hato\orttiploiiutic \ ctltiucUo is moot for hli
JlCi'If I.SITO JII.1l ,
A CniivietPiI "tliii'deroi' I jimd to lin
the Ownei'ol' it Valnnhle Mine.
\\"rsr SriHiini ! , Wu > , Islarch 1. Stranco
experienccslMvo boon the lot of Pat Cor- !
man diiiniL'the last few months. November
2 ( > he stubbed to death a fellow limited Sulli
van. It \\as hewn that tliero wu a meas
ure of provocation and n Jmy returned a ver
dict of inatiblau'liter in the third depi-eo ttie
next diy. Yesterday a prominent iron min
ing onenilor called at Uio county Jail to sea
( iorrmn , whoso chief thought at that time
wai witli lelerencc to thu piohablo length of
his sentence. The mine operator undo a
handsome offer for hisiion claim on the Vor-
milliou range. As Goiman appeared in a
proper -stato of mlml to do uusinesh
the opoiator left him after uinl :
inc n iliito for utiotlior conference , Gor
man's counsel , Heed , liraco * c Kock , upon
hearing o ! his offer , maclo nn investigation
and today found that the oliim owned bj this
umvlitod murderer is valued at almos't any
sum fiom 8100.1HKJ tolOOliOuO. rollowing
upon this weio evidences of insanity on the
p.irt . of Herman. Ilo could not talk upon any
subject in an intelligent man tier for more
than a moment or two at a time. Ho would
suddenly change to some other sjlijoct alto
gether foieia. ( A motion for a si ay of proceedings
ceodings will bniiuido 011 the Kioutid of his
present nicntnl condition , ami it it is grint < ! a
acoiiiimB.sion delunaluo iinuirjiido | will ox-
.iintiu'into bis condition , ( iurinaa is single
Ilo never dre.imod of the wealtliof hia ii-on
claim , and it is possible that hi > mind has
been turned by ttio sudden unnouiicoincnt ,
conploii with a Keen .sense ot his hopoU'as
liobhrd in a C'lini-eh ,
bi'AMNiiirii : < , Kan. , March I. This city
has keen the scene of many hon > obreakings
and rolbc'ri < M lately , but noriosobold and
i.icrileplous as the ono pcipfltraled Saturd.ij
night. Bmpluis some time tin line ; the niylil
cntorod tlio Clcrman Catliollc church , on
Hroailway , and dc.spoiled the editieo by
taking away nearly all the line liUurcn ,
Among tlie things laUoa weio a
golden thalico , a eiboilum , two sil-
\er casUcts and some morn highly
pii/cd artides. The burglars left tracks in
Hie snow on poiiijj to nnd leasing the ihurc-li ,
lint they worn insufficient to trace them to
their attodo The pnc , t In chiirira of the
rhurih nnd tlio eonpivgntlon are horrified at
tlu * sacrilege , and will spate no oflmt to of-
feet the capture of the perpot tutors Kob
borsnlso liroko into thi , icsiih II.MI nf llr
Hroclt last inirht and .secuivil siherwnrc and
diamond oiiiamentsnlttod at $ t , ( ) > ) ( i. This
rohlioryas otlocted by some ono familiar
with llio pietuisis.imd'.vhilo llr Crock's and
family wcro at the opera Tlio police aw
piittinp fr-rth overv effoit to c.ipluro tlio
bnrphrs who fcem to bo opei.itingso snc-
ce.isfully heio. _
thc ' > . a AYni'lfl Heater.
NIAVoiik , March 1 The new tmnboal
liomiiiiKton bad her seeoiid oflklal trial yoi-
torday and made a record which oxi-eods that
rennuod by tno spociflcailons nnd places her
In t ho front rank of lio'iti of her class. ly )
Iho oxi-o-ss ol sc'venty-ono hinso power her
roiitiactoi.s are entitled to n iireminiu of
* fTl < * l. Mho Jicnniuglon did tboliost liino on
uxmd in stopping ; at full itpnud and reach lug
lull speocl b.icinuinl , using butli un iiios.
St. Louis' | , | < > | it ,
ST. U < MI , Mo. , March I.Tho by
which the La ( 'lode g.ib Hunt conip.uiy lie-
coniOM Iho aolo possessor of the Mltsnttri
elcctilc light company and tlm mnniclpil
electilc light oompanj will ho eonsutuiniited
at a nicotinenf the stockholders of llio l.u
CledocoTtiiuny May 'J. Tire pmchuso pricu
is i 'l.lXNI.tJUO.
\VCSIMII | MiicliaiilH.
VOIIK , Marcti I. A man giving Hits
tiatnouf Max HotliKcldhl is under arrest In
thin city lor defrauding dry iood $ inerchtuiU
In Mmesl Tin' ptlsoner \\lio tin . mi ofllco
ot ) llro.iilwax , ha i M illti'nii i r liavt lln , abmil
thiM\unlr\ ring to sell cotton gooils M
perrotil chonper tlmii th"c \ > uld ho pntohiKed
'KIIII oilier homes The drummer iiiiiioutued
t h il In * teprescnleil William Uollischlld \ Co ,
huge i ottnii mill owners In Maine. The plan
\\iis tu a < h foi inouc ) lip fore the goods ordered
weio ctelhorcnl
\ n ii i .v/'ir.v.
A itll'Aiii'il at ( linilron.
l'iiAnin > \ , Neb. , .Mmvh 1. | Spi > clal Telo-
Ktaui to Tin. llir ; I Another bll/.inrd Is la
Tlimo inches of snow has lalleu
A o'clock nnd il is still mowing The
Kale is from the noithwest uinl It Is growui ) , '
Intensely c'olit Simll.iroitliar \ Is tvported
til Uonlon , Vnlontino , LtiskVyotnltii \ ; and
the Hlack 11 His , Train1 are .still runnliu ; on
time. If tlio Ktorm i-otitlntius a general
blockade will uncloi.hlodiv . lollow.
. " ( ins til' \ elciiins ( > riaiil/ed.
HiKti'Lii , Neb. , March 1 [ Special to
the HIK ! i ast tilf-hl at the ( ifnnd
Cif.ind Annv of the Uopuhllc hall la tills
t-jttti , Sherinaii ( "amp Jso ll'.i. ' Suns of Voter-
tins consist Ing ol scvoativn ini'
ninstctvd In by' seven inomtK'rs of ( li'ttjs'
burcL'nmp No. 7t. ; t' . S. Olds neUnir as inns-
tuilnjr ollleor. Tlio follow IIIR univrrx worn
elided and Inslallcd Ctiptiiln , (1. \ \ ' . llulne ;
llrst lientitnant , .1 H. Heine ; .second Hen-
t'Miant , ( lenrgoKrli'liol ; c.iinp council , I ! I * .
( icHert , 11. ( ] . llrolr , II I ) . Uodondorf.
The following stall was appointed and In
stalled 1' Mirt-eanl , A 1 . llo\\ill ; -juiit-
teimaster setgoaut. John Liuior : sin
of the Kiinrd , , l'ii < d Kldppor , ohaphiin , John
C'oiless , prim | il mnsii Ian , II 1 ( iolseit.
Shnrimn ramp promises to soon mint
iimoii the Hist camps in tlio ntale.
A Xcw Supci'lnleiident Appointed ,
Neb. , M.irch 1. | Special Tele-
to Tin. Htr. | Superintriident T. 11 ,
Scelov oftlielllnck Hills division of the Fic-
niont , Klkhoin .t Missoutl Valley rallw.iv ,
who resigned his | xdlion ) some tht'oo wuoks
ago. was today succeeded by I' C. Harris of
Nm folk , Nib Mr. Seelcv will depart In a
few days for an extended tour of tlioctt
and south , after which ho will again engage
In raihoid worlt , line' It is iiinioied a still
Inoro Incnitivo nnd iTspDtisihtu nosiUou
awaits him He will lonve Chiulrnn witti the
host wishes of her cltl/ons and llio coiinianv's
employes , to whom lie has endeared himself
b1 , his fmr aud ( ontleiiiunly tiuntiniitil.
l-jiinn < ili toi'ai'i'y llicin Th
Sriiivo lt\\ti ( , Nob. , March 1 . [ Special
toTnr. Hi r.Tbo ] thnwinir of the hc.i\y
banks of snow lllled the stieauis hereto
oMTilowinn , breal ni ( * the dam on Pawnee
eieolc , constrnctod by , Ioo Xeodhatn for Ice
pniposei. IjUclcily the ice harvest was o\er
Most of our fanners will bo supplied with
seed for Ihb coining season near home , as
tlieio was plenty laised to carry them over
thiMvinter and a nuiill Miiplus to spni-o Tlm
Kixiund is now thoroughly wet and a feeling
exists of good crops the coining season.
\Viinl the r.lll Stopped.
NrnnikCur , Nob. , .Maoli -fSpoc-hl
Telegram to Tin : Hri' . ) - At a mooting of cit
izens held at the board of trnde rooms last
night a petition wn pro.iented , signuct bv
about sevonU-ilvo ropre-seatativo busliia s
men , nshintr Senator John Mattas and lnpr"- {
sontnthc John C. Wiitson to let the hill to
legali/n precinct bonds co by default. Thu
bill AIIS mtmilm uil by Malfs to leK.ili/o
5-HHHi ) ( ( In b uids voted' ttio Nebraska City
highway bridge company.
Scarlet l-V\cr nt liidiaiiola.
INDI ' .MII \ , Nev > , Match 1. | Spoehl Tcle-
( rram toTm. HKK.Mr ] Kerch's child died
todnv vith scarlet fever. Tliero are several
cases in town and ttio schools ha\o huen
closed to prevent farther spread of it.
cfin ttv M'tn'hin"i\
T'lii1 .Millet Inn of Anna DiuUinson Al-
trilnitcMl to i'rlvation and \\iint.
\Vii.KiNii\ina \ , I'n. , March l.-MIss Anna
Dickinson occupies loom VA in llio female department -
partment of the Danvillu insane asylum. A
i-eporter called at the institution and was per
mitted to see Iho unfortunate lady. Slio re
fused to talk at ilrat , a-ut Dr Sliulty , the
superintendent , refused to allow the reporter
to ply his questions.Vlion the scribe turned
on 'us ' heel to letraco his stops , Miss Dickm-
" 1'akome back to Pitt * ton , won't you ; nnd
if jou haven't time , won't you got somebody
to do it' They have fet mo locked up , aad
iiic.iu to iKiison mo. I shall not eat a thlii as
long at. I'm hero. " At this point Ur. bbulty
haul :
"Xo\\ , Miss Anna , listen to me. ( .io quietly
with the lady attendant , and get something
to eat. "
"I won't doit , " ionded Anna , and she
stamped bur foot hard on the tllud lloor.
"I > eive her alouo then , " said Dr Sliulty ,
"she wants lest. "
When the Doctor rotmned to his iirivato
ofrtec , ' ho was nskd by the roportcr what ho
thought of r liss Ilickinson's 0.10.
"It is too eaily yet ID make a prediction , "
was the replj. 'M shall have to llrst ascer
tain something about the patient's eirlv bis
torv. I havoscnt a blank p.ipcr to Dr Ulle-
iiim , the family physician , requesting him to
fuinish me with n history of thu c'isa
That is the first thingvo do after
receiving a pitietit Tlio most linport'tnt
fact to bo learned in treating cases ol
insnmtr is : (1) ( ) Is the diso.iso heredltnr * . '
( ' ! > \Vliat is the physical condition of the
liatleiu' ( : t ) Did tlio nervous sjhtcm .suitor
a sudden shock duo to excitement , etcI I
have made an examination of Miss Dickin
son's physical condition , ami find lint slio Is
bioken ilown Shn U Pin.iciateJerv nuiill.
J haveprcseiibed n cert tin kind of food. If
s.he eats well the next ten dujs I will bo able
to m.iUoa Rood diagnosis of the case. At
present her bodih ailments appoir to bu
nl'ont as us her mental ono.Vhcn she
wns admitted to the institution on Wodnes-
dav OVCII'UK ' last slio ate a lioarty supiur.
AUer finishing shu sc'eniecl to collect her
houses all .it once and said 'What am I
doltnr line' Take mo out of here Who has
M'heinod apninst me tins vvny'1 Kor awhilii
she wns qiiitodrntnatli * On i'liuridnr morn-
ingshii was in exciciHiijljood ( liumor and
nto well. Today she seems sullen ainl
morose. "
It is now lc > lined that Miss Dickinson xva *
gicatly impoverished , but she was too piouJ
to make nor condition known. Kvcr situc
her fallout with Kinnj l" ) . venpoil hho lias
earned halo or nothing. When slio lookup
her residence In 'West Pittston she was esti
nutivltoho wortli ? , Vl.i)0 ) > . Toroars S.IID
live I luxuriously and pave a irivit deal of
money awa * , to chin dies and < > liarilalii ! or-
gani/.uioui. tk > r Imnkif MIJS she did nut
know tinx.ilne ot nioni'y Ilettig a woman of
high hpint , she oonld not uecoininoilato liei1-
self to the ri'ducoil eircumstanei'.s she found
Inr-.olf in II.ul thuy onlv knovMi her c'ondl
tion , hundreds of well to-ilo people would
have come to her assistance. The poor tioard
of IMttston had todcfrav Miss Dlikltison'b
expenses nt thu iiuano iisyluni
Poi-Kcil n AVill.
AIIUM , N. Y , Match I. - \ \ llham M.
Thompson , an Albany lawyer of very unsav
ory ropntation , who crc.Uod a sonsatioii on
tlio advent of the Harrison administration by
liavlng a vituperative correspoiuliMiciJ
Seirel.uv Ts'oble , vvhic-h published till it
was dtM'oveied that ho was writing Imtli
Noble's letters and his own replies , and who
also deserted his vvifo to no west with 'us '
tjpuxvnti-r about a > oar ago , \\ound up hi ca
reer today liy hoiinr convletod of fmg
ing the will of dim .lames Denny , an aged
Iruhman. Thonipsoa drew up tliowill in llio
inlertiblof Iho iloieasod's hiother , Thomas
Dennv. who was a pirtv totho fi.nul , 'ind
whoniTtiompson bh'il until ho became en
raged and confessuil that his brother never
m nlo a will. The will signed hv Thomp-
aoa while the old man was uiu'oas.'imis inul
d.vuiji m anoth > r rontii. The niiaiiiinia sen-
lineiis. . ton > cars , and wlien the prisoner
heard the verdict ho nniko down uml lost all
the uraviulo which has charaetoruod him
thioughout the trial ,
1'imtillriil All vice 1111
UIIMI , March 1.A alloc'iition is ex
IK ( sled to bo iiindn public tomorrow , dealing
with the Uavlgorlo policy In Franco , and
with affairs In llrtwll. It ivcoimnends Cath
olics to unite and net oiitslilo political paitlds ,
ulndngsoloi } to u' uin tlio IMKIIIIU of Iibort ) .
Ill lift , P\'P i T/lPK /
The Woiitlurful Incnmai ) in Tliia Bnsincas In
Thruo ottrs Past.
ItiMiiiirluihli * ind ' * Ill-milts
: < JrntH'.vliL ! :
I IIV ( I' ( 'rOUndl ( III * IjllborH 111 *
Mana i'i * ItiilM'iicU and llio
Ijlvi' Stock I1.
The narvelniis ttowtli ; , of the hiiJincss nl
thu t'nlrm Stoi-U .Mints dm Ing the last three.
) ears , uinl putictil.irly . Iho Browth durlnc
1MV , has been as much a nmlter ot pihlo lo
clti/ens as giatlllcatliiti to thu management
nnd members of thu company.
TliunmliiusulToitiur Malinger Hitlirock to
teach the \vestern nnd Hoiith-wosloin Hiock
trade' , liuvo boon urallfylngly stircesHfnl
Hut the must work was to ho done nnd th"
most has been accomplished , In the Held east
of the river. Iitinicdlntelv ou liL'Oomlntf cog
nl/anlof Dm shipping iniiudliiients | , aftur us
smiilnc * iiianagoinont of the Minis , Mutineer
llnbcock turned his attention to the Town
tli'hl nnd his Jmllrnms and iinlliii'iftni * offoils
toward lunini * the | irohihiliirv shipping
obstacles removed and securing the best pen
slblo ti.inspdrtation from -.hipping points
cast of hero.
At Hint time scarcely n shipping point In
western Iowa , twcnUllvn tulles or nmtorivsi
of this city , conlil s'liip stock to this niai
vvltli as nnnh toiiM'iiiiMice as toL'hlcago , mill
In niiin.v cases It iviiuiivd inure time lo mar
hut Mock huie than In ( 'lilr.iuo.
Hcsidi's the lacu of in'opcr train servloo on
the vaiinus i.illroads , with minimum iloluvs ,
tlio pi ictlco of tlio I'nion I'liclllc In fidlinr
to tr.insfor Moelt from llio Council IJlufls
transfer till Into in tliu clay , innj
often too Into for the ilnj s
market , nude shipping to this nu.ii
iiiarUi'l so unpleiisaiil and utisallsfnelory t'
Iowa shippers Hint scarcely any of Ilium conlil
bo induced to consign their Mode to Omaha
The inline cmliaiio , as far as shipments on
through lines was umt'oiiiccl , was the brldim
tolls und Ini'Illi'ieiil anilv holly iniidpqimtn
service by the 1'nloii I'.uillc. tjctvveen Counul
lllniTMiliiil tins city
The Joint lahors of JvlannKor ISubcoclc nnd
the livestock exclianire , after ti > in ( p.itlenio
ami pusovoraiice , woio largelv sincessful ,
ami of Uiu tiaii'iforintr has been I'enerally ef
fccted without inexcusable dcliiv. Tholabois
of the same ( eallcnieu i cached fait her for
tlie benollt of the jaids and wore
croditiiblo to thi'insolvi's ' us successful
In oiionliicr convenient shipping
avenues lather schedules I'onvciilent fin
shippers \veio nrraiiKPil or trains run hv
lo.uls Ironi western points in Iowa till most
points on the through lines nto within easv
across nf this niaiket ,
Thii followlni * inti'ilisting and stnrtlltiK ta
bles tell the growth mid present mapilllido ( if
the Iowa livestock shipments to this market
and are as ei itifyiiif ; as tliey 1110 Intelligible
and unqncstionablo
isssfsSO. .
The in-eipts by toads InuarloU duiincj 18ss
anil isb'.l ' were as follows ;
Tot.ds O.biW 1.4U7
A liater foinpurison.
A bettor and moro sifiilllcant iiidej ; of this
marvelous and gratifying growth , because it
is later , Is ttio stock receipts in carload lot- .
during the inoiitni ot Djcombar , Is i , and
January , IS'A ' ) , with December , Is''O ' ' , nnd
January , IbOl.
Hall roads. Is-sl-ftl , ls-n-OI. , Ineroase. I'or Ot.
t'.M..x ht. P. It..1 ) IW ? 83 M I'l '
\\abasli \ \ . . -S" ) ! * < , . .
f .V NV \ ( U : tn dec. 49 dec. 13 AI
r. , It Ag JO i fits an 01 in
U , K. 1 .V I' 210 : 77 107 TU Y !
Totals l , " > 'js ' l , ! > 7i 4J7 > < n i
This increase of W carloads , or.1.0. . " ; JHT
centduring the lii-il two months of the Union
stooliyards lisiMl joarovei thecorrosiwnding
inontlu a year befoie shows that the inure is > '
Iras bern iialuril mid contltnious , and from
II it in.iv be inferred Unit the shipments from
iowa nnd other points east of the Mibsoun
will continue till this mart-shall receive Its
full proportion of .stock Mapped
reeling that 111010 might be done to faoih-
late the stock sin nnents from east ot th
liver. Manager Hibcock , bus nox-er ccast d
Ills labors in tliat diiectnm The success m
failure of one object stnipl * . caused tdtn t < 1
Juviso another At the present time nogot
nlloiis are pending , with Haltering praiui i s
of success , to have an engiao and crews put
on to handle stuck I'xi'ltmvelj from Council
lllulTs to the stuckiirds and block and pack
ing house products fiom this point going
cist. if these crewiue jnit on and thev
may bo any day , they will bo stationed at
the Council Hhills transfer niul as soon is
e\ea a slugl.1 > * ir of .stock arrive it will i > "
he hauled ovi without any delay. When
this is accompli * -d Mr Uabcock will have
lo'iioved tin * anil almost the last
gloat obstacle to convenient llvo stock bhlp-
phig from c.i > t of tl.e . Missouri liver.
I'l'itt. jir.isTti's .INII/ ; . * ,
KtM'iioM ol1 a l alili fully
Nl w VOIIK , March 1.A coinmlttco of four
from the Htalen Island Schut/en corps , ap
pointed to carry o-it the re < iuost of lleniy
Meyer , proprietor of the 1'uci ; hotel at Poit
Richmond , that his ashes ho scattered to tin'
winds irnni the topof the statue of Llbotty
on Hedloe'.s island , fulllllod tlioir iiussum
today After a hi. or address by the mast. -
ot i-eiemonics , each man , holding a paper hag
coiitniniiiir tlio ashes of Meyer in his right
hand pronounced those worcis together :
"Heie goes tlm last of 1'uek Moyci'.s linppv
< lav s , " .mil then suitteiod the iishw totho
four winds
Pi-.MV oj'lhe loua Sated.
Xrw Yoni. , M irch 1. The pilot boat , 1'
U. Uarrott N'o. S icpoi ted that at noon 0:1
Tebruaiy in latitude 10 degrees W niin-
ulis. , longiludo ii7 degrees -J7 inbiutcs , she
IK ) niled tbo tank steamer I 'hosier , having on
boanl ttio ciew of sloamsh.p Iowa , bolero
reported abandoned Slio vv ill probably reaUi
port eaily in thu morning
1 ha Importance of purlfj Ing the blood can.
not b ovoiestlmatcd , for without pur *
blood ) oii cannot enjoy good health.
At this season iieiuljr e\ cry ono needs a
Cnodiiicdlilno to pniify , vitallte , undciirlcH
tlm blond , and lloud'Hiiira.iparlil.i Uvvor..iy
your ronfUk'iirc , It Is ] > oculUr in that It
.itrciiKthi'iis anil builds up l ho > > ) tiiincieatr * )
an iippotilo , .ind toned tlm digest ( onvluli ) X
it c radleatcs illsc-ase. Hive It , i trial.
Hood's baisapatlll.i Is told li > all ilnipclsK
1'rip.iroil by 0.1. Hood & re. , J.o'll , Mas-i.
IOO DOBOS Ono Dollar