Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 T1IR
N. It. l"nli'oncr.
On Monthy nioiuinn vvo commence the
jjrcut wile ol'oinlitoidiu'lo'S to
vltlto ( 'ooiU , lin lct v mid wintltp
o ( which vveliad jrixoii jm'\ loin
Thorn lire Kt'oali't' b.ujraliH in this lot of
1'iHKls tliini n lathing wo lnuo over
ollored before.
A t.1lc , Iko diilntv patterns vvoilh Cc
to So.
Al"linlai'RO assortment of different
jwttoiim worth Ifio tollOc.
AtlOt ? , narrow line pntlorim and \vido
hliovvy patterns worth loc to l0c. !
Atlfie , a lniio | varietj ol different
jiittutiB xvoi'th aiito Me.
Atfl'e , bountiful ih" > liis | ! In narrow
niul wklo tnttoniHnrth i.Oo toll5o ,
At.'ie , n laitfc vnrlot ) of beautiful
] ) lltCIIH VOI'UlilK * to 100.
At I'o. n luipo n-'oitmont of wide ,
thovxj ilo lins ( worth 7. c.
Atd'Ic. ' 27 and lo inch lloutidnKorth \
At 11.10.15 inch lltnindtisorth \
At Hli1 , uuululy o ( line designs worth
0o.At Ilk * , licuutlful line patterns worth
23e.Al2oc , fine dtaxvnvvoik pnttot'nworth
At'ioo , vuH'th .Mie , at ; i"je , worth 7oc ;
ntl&e , \\oith } 1 on.
Wo will also niter Monday eight dif-
forontlotsof linen torchon I'aro at from
lo ! to M per eont lo-a than tlmlr twtvtal
Liol 1 nte ! ! , ni'lunl valno f > e to Gc.
I.i0til at fie , iiitunlulno < Hc to Sle.
l-otS ! atsjo , valno Ide to liiic.
lot I at lOo , actual \aliio lUlo to ir > i\
l otT ) at l"ic , netual xalnobV lo'JOo.
'Lot U nt l-"ie , nc' value "Oc to-'io.
L.ol7 atllOo , aetntl xnluo - " . ' to . ! ( k .
Lots at We , actual xaluo ode to il'io.
I'lnis'TEi ) LA\vNhr/rt' . , riv.
GOpluccs 1'ilntod Indli liiion , till now
iloHifjns iiiul colorings , onlj lOc pcryaul ,
SO pieces pilntotl India mull * , thin IB
to boa tjltHh fabilc this coming mini-
inor , Iho'dosijfni and coloring aio into
niul bctiutirul ; the prlco is only lee per
50 nieces KHJ ptinn dlmitv ; this nu-
torial is Mire to bo a gioat hollet ; the
lolots aio fast and the di'-.i'tU } , ) aio HUIO
to pliaso the most fastidious. As > k to
too this elegant cloth. The jirlco is
onlv UOe iwr Mini.
Uo nieces lace btiipedl.uvnttt 10ivvotth
15o.l.r > pieces lingo plitid nainsook nt 12c ,
vv oil \vpith \ IS- .
] < " ) pieces Isieo striped and cheeked
hvxvnat I'm per vnnl. Tlioio aio bomo
Croat bargain * 111 this lot.
-d plot es , cheeks and stripes , satin and
laoootlectH ; some oiofiant patterns in
this lot , only ISjiutl. .
" pieces fawn , checks and and stripes ,
nil now pat touts , only -Oo and 2. " > o per
jivid AVe oonsulu them bj far the best
vivlnooxei shown bv xis.
Sco out now goods at ! > 0c , o"ic , lOc , lee
und flOe. Thej aio really be.uitios.
lluaitics in clieil < s anil stupes at ; > 0c ,
B5e , lOo mid loc st jard.
IMasatila ut , ! 3e , " lOe , ! " ) nml oOc yatd.
1'lnlii Niiinsook at l0o ! , i2"c , ! ! 0c' , li'ie ,
40e , lrieiOe / , fl'ic and ( iOc a vud.
India linen hje , IOe , l Je , loc % 20c , Cle ,
up to Hoc jard.
Vlctotii lawn fioin SJo to.r)0c jard.
lloiublttcncd llouneing at'25e , ! > 0o , , ! ! ic ,
U ] > to $1 per jura.
Ajiron noxcities with sideband stilpo
nt lini0c ! , 2 > c , 80c and Itoe.
Jones cainbiic at UOc , lioo , ,10e , 35c , 40c
und 6o per \nril.
10pieces 3' lablkorgaadioatl5cvvoith
20e.Ui pieces Ft on eli crepe , avor.v ( luo linl-
tntton of the woolen { jowls Tlioj' eomo
in elegant utin btrios. ] ) Bo btiro mid
tee this fubiic. The piece is only lee !
] > or yaid
60pieces lace ehceks and stiipes in
Batln ollcct nt2ocand IiOo.
100 piciet , 10 inch sideband stiipe with
Batiu and laio otlocts. This is going to
bo a stjhbh cloth. The pueo ibOo per
1'uro linen lawn nt 2ocand 30o per
yat il.
\ il.Vo do not gix'c samples of our side
band lawns.
100 do7on men's fast black lioso at liCc a
pait , xvoith We. .
1H ( ) do/on men's unbleached French
balbrifrg.iti ho-o at P.c ) , wottb HJC.
100 do/on men's colored French bslo
tin cad hose at Hoc , vvotth flflc.
100 docn mon's fancy btuped cotton
lion ) at Idiic , woith - > " ) C.
SOdo/on boys' brown liblo thread i
ho-o at 1-ie , vvoith - " > c ,
55 do/on men's colored border hem
stitched cambric ImndKercliiofs at Me
100 do/en mon's plain vvlilto tape ed < ; o
nt 1'JJe caeii.
125 do/en men's pure linen colmeil
licinstitcii bolderhandkeicliiofsat Idje.
100 do/.on men's line qutlitj neat ef
fects ami pinstripes at Mc ) ,
110 do/en oxtia line quality plain
whlto hemstitched bonier at loc. !
" 0 do/on 11 si/o plain white , for oh"
men. at li-'ie , ! "ie to otic each.
. ,
% ! " . " > do/en lidies hamlKoichicfs , actua
value IOc to 1-lc , Monday Co each.
$1.12o do/en ladlob liandkorclnefs , ex
tra quality , actual value Joe , Monday
8c. NT. 11. TA
AVentlierl'roliiliilities fur Mnroh.
If Match mines in like a lion it xvill go
out like a Ininb , and vice voisa. Hut
everyday in tlio month , tain or bhine
the electric llarhtcd , steam heated , ves
tibiilodliiiiitul tituns of tbo Chicago
Milwaukee > x St. Paul railway will nu
between Onmhaaiul C'hicngo. Tboclec
trio hot tb leading lamps in their pilnei
eloeping 0111 * are the greatest novelty o
the ago. Ticket otUce , loOl Fatnaitibt.
Will bo plejiscd to see his Mentis a
Max Moyei'il Dro. Co.
Ladies' $ .1.00 , 8-1 % and 9'iOO hat
$100 this xvcek , at Dllsb' , 1510 Douglas
McConnick & Lund , finopeifumos.
John\V. Uoll , drnftKist , cor. lltb ani
Mason , Stuht's hotel building ,
Dr. W. J. Galbralth has removed his
private olllco to loom tttM lice building
In Cnso or llnulit
Alxvajs take the Chicago k North
vrostotii. Tivo eastoi'ii trains dally
The last Cluenpo tinlns at liO utulUiIi
u in. have from the Union Pacific dope
in Omaha direct. No change at Councl
31lutTa-a good thing to icinombor
'i'heso trains are veatibnlod and carrj
ftco parlor chair cats in addition to the
latest and 11 nest blcopois. There ib t
diner on ouch tialn. everybody knovx
what Northwestern dining cars are
Tlio city ticket ollico 11 101 Farnau
eticot. _
Now city directory Is now icady fo
pro1-1 * Send in vonr naino and new ail
dtessto J. M. olfofc Co. , filO i'axtoi
Peacock coal. No soot , qulelc lire
ash. A. J. Mejor > vCo. , opp 1' . O
V,7. T , Soainnn , xvagous and carriage
Buys at the Unittd States Custom
House Sale.
8,000 llolt Imported All Silk Itlb-
lions \\lilch nn on halo 'I'o-
nmriiw at ( In * Kolloxvlai ; Most
IteniaikUalc IMlcey ,
The o Bhot't lengths nvo the toiumints
of tlie eiitlro reasons output of ono of
: lm leading nmmifa.i.'lUK.M's In bt. ( lull ,
swit/otland , and on account of Into drs-
, lvorj w < iui roftist d bj the New York
coiHi neo and sold bj tlio U. h. customs
liotiso for duty. Tlioj ( jonn yale tumor *
low ititl lots.'asi follows :
iAT ) 1 M'oc A YMJl )
Consists of an ohfjtint vainly ofinedlnui
width etnbioidciles , very line work und
luateiltiT. iiiloiiglht ) fiom . ! to U > ttid < ,
and worth up to IV , hut L'O at "a1 a jaril.
1.01'U AT PV A YAHI )
Conilsts of toinnintsnf the most elegant
einbroldorieH , fioin 2 to o Inches wldo ,
iiml as Ibeic area niimber of nicies of
the same ptttoin , hj Inty niK moro than
ono pleco .von can see in o an\ length
von want. Tlie ate vxoith npto2oe ,
but i o toniotrow at IUc a v.iril.
ixri" ! AT lotA'VAHD. .
Consists of tlio II nest and xx-idest rein-
mints of omhrolduries in this imi'cluibo.
ThubO nro fjooiU fiotu ! i to 12 inches
wide , lioinstitehcd and with point pat-
let ns. Ciuods in tliii lot would bo iliotin
at oOc , but io at I " e a x aid tomorrow.
No. , t and 5 sitin edge , inoiro and
plcot edged all silk libbons in 20 dlllor
out colors at Je ! u yaid.
A line line of now shades all sill < ribbons
bens at 5ca yaid.
ISO piece * of linesl grsule all hillv satin
ctlgo tibbon , Oe n yaid.
The highest ( , 'tiHlu of nil sill : ribbons ,
numbers 7 and II , at So a jard.
All silU moiiu and s.itin edge ribbon ,
two inches wide , black and allcolots , at
IOc , would be a bargain atoc' .
Tlio votj lineal and vx idet all bilK ribbons
bens fioiii'this ptirelmo at IOc and IOc ,
worth riDcaad dOc a jard
nr.MXANTs orVHITT ooons
CALlL'Ofc. . AT QNC-FU'Tli THCill
VALUI- : .
All the lemnants from out1 prcat mill
pnrohiibo to boclo'-cd out tomorrow.
All loninantsof light colotcd calicos
at 1 Jo a jtud.
All roiniiiuits bony unblcitchcil mus
lins Jic a jard.
Billet H'inniitits v hi to poods , Inilla
Ihiciii , n.niiBoolca , batistes , etc. , Gu a
J n rd.
5(1,1)00 ( ) vards remnants of the hnest
( 'rado vv liito goods , lju , Sc , IOc anil 12 } e a
jard. In this lot aio remnants of tlio
liaest gr.ulo ofv bite goods in the coun
try.I5.SOO yaids of roinnants of bluek laxvn ,
black India linen , cto , tit Sc , llijc und
llo ) a jaid.
50 pieces of line black batiste at lee
a yaid.
" cubes remnants of very line ovtia
wide sateens al Sic a yaid , xvoith IOc.
800 bundles of tlio lincbt ( 't ide , guai *
nntccd. fast black baleens at IOc ; icjultir (
5)0 bundles of line spring challis , lie a
10 cafces ronmants ol fine lace curtain
scrim atSlc j.ttd.
20 bundles of line China silk draperies
nt Son Mud.
For real batcnins visit
Till : 150HTOX STORI1 ,
111 bouth 10th St.
Inn < > | Co-l'ari nersMp.
The litm of Xnndor I fattis is this
daj dlbsolved hv mutnil eonsont , I. C.
Hal lib letiflug. A.ainder and M.
Xundor constituting the linn ofunder
Hios , their fcueoossortj , iibsumo and ate
to piv all firm debts and aio authori/cd
to ( olleitnll outstiindiii } ; account
Omaha , 1'ebittirj ' 7 , Ibbl. A.A vi > i it ,
I.J. ( lIVKKlb.
CO-l'ARTN'KHSnil' NOTIC i : .
A. Sunder and M. Xumlcr linvo this
day become co-paitnors 111 business un
der the linn mnno of Xmuler l ios , and
succeed the Into Him of Zander & , Hams
of the citv of Omaha , Neb.
A. Xr\'Di It ,
.M. XLMJI u.
Clm . Shivcnek x Co. , 120G-120S-1210
Fa t mi m street.
Uaths for lailies only. Mis Dr. Day ,
Room O Noxv'ork Lilobiulding ,
Heliii Vi
The above named lii in , the wollknown
moi chant tailors , hivomovedto IdlU I'ar-
nam street , ono door east of Now Voik
I ifo buildiiij , ' . They 'catry ono of
the Inifrc-.t stocks in their line ,
and xv ill , as heretofore , gniranteo
oxety g.umcnt that leaves , their store to
bo fust class In both lit and quality.
I'osltix-ol ) Ijasieolc
Of the -"i jior cent discount shoo sale at
loliO Dou'rlas ' street.
/rxmii : nuos.
Succes-ois teA
Depot for American and foreijm mill-
oral water , blieimau A , McConnell , fam
ily chemists. _ _
The members of Dm 1 Ancient Older
of Ilibeinlansaro icquusted to moot in
their hall Sundaj , March 1 , at 10 : " . > 0 a.
m. , to make .tfiMmrementi for going to
Liincoln on the 17th bj order.
II. MiKuMMiY , Presidont.
bo pleaded to sue his fi loads at
Mojer iv , Bio Co.
J. E. Dletriekmehiteet,000 N , Y. Llfo
As xx-ns prcdieted at tlrst , the G. A. R.
fair at the Coliseum xvill be the grand
est all air of the kind ever hold iu the
United States.
Trussobsuppoi lers , inbbor croodi.oloo-
tilc beltstSundbteilt'b ] ihainmeiii03 N,10
rino can luges , Soainan's repository
( ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) MreeH Music lOo Kaeli.
At Mcinboig's , 107 North 10th sticot.
Calllornla Inclusions ,
Pullman tourist sleepitifr car ojvcur-
slous to C'alifiitnla and 1'aeilio coist
points leaxol'hicago ovoiy Thursday ,
Kansas City ovoty Ftldtij via the Santtt
Fe route. Ticket r.Uo fioin Chicago
$17.r)0 , from Sioux Citj , Omiha , Lincoln
ui'lvinista City $ .l"i , bleeping car iato
fiom C'hleajro * l pofiloub'o ' betth , fioin
KmisnsCitj J5 ! per double berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions ate por&omilly coaduuted by
exporlcncod excursion iniumgera who
accompin.x jurtles to destination. I'oi *
e.xcui'tipn folder lontttlaliiL' full partleu-
busamlmnii folder and ( line table of
bunta I'o route and reserving of Bleeping1
carbeiths , iidiliess S. M. Osgood , fen-
cuil agent , K. L. Palm or , freight und
passenger it'nmt ' , A.T So S. L < \ iiillioul ,
411 N. Y. Lilo 131dg. , Omaha , Nebraska.
\ \ II f \ I P
\ \\OMliRHL \ \ ) SMh ,
The Qroitcst and Most 'NVotulcrful Bugnlus
Ever OIToreil ia Oimhn.
itonelilll Hits .lust Itt-t in nod rriiin
> cworkiniI loinorfow lie \V III
'llirnw on Ills Cotuitet-H the
I'm It ol Ills llcsomo'ictf ,
Hi'itil ovovj Item and bo prop.nctl for
i bit : uuiiu'lbo ,
Tobopla wllb , wo will tnmo a lot of
odd notions that wo bouyht of u bank-
runt stock :
Ilmtiiij ; tlitcnlfK ! pordoxon spools
llo.v s ami u\r\s \ \ mittens , till wool , Go a
> ilr.
Iloolfs u nd eyes , u u paper.
Lnii'ii tliimd , wliicli hits boon wet ,
worth lOc a spool , outprleo will bo , 2c a
bpool ,
I lair plii" , 2o it t1o7oit [ lapors.
Hest cot-sot steels , xvotth 25p. for Go.
Di oss sta s , ! U * for 11 wbolo iloion.
Tape mor.smos , 'Jo cich.
Pln-s , le it nipoi' ,
Tooth hroshos , fie each.
IllaeU * IIU litre id , just think of it , for
? e .1 Mpool
Sifetj pins , 2o a paper.
JJcst neoilles , Oca innor.
Lotiy lint pins , fie u iloion.
Tape , fill Hour jarcls in a piece , 20 a
| ) icco.
beatnlcss sloi'lvinot shlold , Oc1.
Silk whalebone cash ) , , ' , yotiyiinl.
lllticU nitis , 1 JIMI oox ,
1'ocUet books for bllx-cr , lOo ouch ,
wet tli 60i' .
( itiftei olnslio , Sc a jatil.
In fact , wo otlor all our notions nt half
pi ire.
Lace lit a a yaitl , win tb lto. )
I.tu'ont He a yatd , worth liljc.
Laoo at fie a yaid , worth loo.
I/ieont lOc a .vu (1 , wortli-'ic.
A bij ; lot ot luce at 15o a jiml , wottb
\ipto .MIc.
No. 1 at ! ! c a j.iul , worth lOc.
No. ! ) , 3 Inched \xldo , at 'Jo a jatil.
\voith20i- .
No. 'JJ at IV a vnrd. vvoith lOc.
lu'.MNANTs OI'DKI SS ( ! tOIS ) ) , ( 'AL
v\o must net rid of hofoio the bptiti
tiatlo opotis , and you can buj thorn at
jour own pi ice.
Lathes' .1)0 nil -wool lie c , rogtibir
undo , at locn piir.
Latlios' 10e tillvool lie a , rcfjnlar
, at 2V a piir.
irs : ruoM * KIO to wo win
nl ice thoin in four dillotcut lot1 * . 15o-
101 o umii'r fui liter vxu vv ish lo sl.ito that
they aio tbo on tit clot of j.u kots fiom tbo
lain Htm ot IIMICI * & Stern , of 10" ) 107
Market htieot , Chifayo , who have
ieeontlrotiicd from htibine--s
Lot 1 , atO'lc ' , thobo tire honustly v\oith
up to * ) . ( ) ( )
Lot I ! , at1.5)S , vvoith up to Sli.OO.
Lot.i , at II. OS some of worth
up to Ml ! . ( HI or I , .OO
Lot I , n.t $7.iJH , thoio iiicbulo tbo pick
of Iho lot , iiian of tlima mo xvoith up to
$20.0(1 ( each.
WoulbO have about thieo liumhod
inoro'reathii'Mins ( , wbioh wo will ulimu
on ourcoiintors Monday , at .about onc-
nuartci tbolr actual value.
I'osunely l , sl Wotk
Of the 2" per cent discount blmo stlo at
1520 Douglab bttcot.
SlILC'OSlOlt. to
The tin illingcshllntion drill with the
palling ffim on the opoiiiiifj nijjlit of the
C A. U. ftir , Wi'dno-daj , Mjndi 1 , will
bo vvotth the piic'o of admission.
A car loul of lethe ? > da ininoral water
was teci > ivcd vcstotdtiy hy Shormin A
MiC'oniifll , wlioai oMlo .ifrontd foi that
famous \Vaulccbha spun } ; .
With Max Ixicjor 13to Co. Match 1 ,
Toadies' ? { .0 ( ) , $100 mid $ " > 00 hats ,
$1.00 this wouk at liliss' , l.r > lU Douglas
&ti cot.
I vpi'i Irncjed Ti.ivelers
Know that tbo Durllngton is.thoonly line
fiom Omaha to tbe east ami south whoso
hauldoput ! ) fiom Iho union depothonco
they natinalli pnrch.iso tlioit tickets bj
thtit unite , tlieioby avoidltiir the anno.\-
ani-oof tiansfois niul feeturintr the ad-
van tajros and com foils artoriled b > the
following dailj train si-ivico ,
The limlinglon No. 2 fast oxpioss ,
vostihitlod thioiifjlmnt , equipped with
ulojjtnt Pull in in shopui } , ' cats fuinisbod
with well sclectod hbianus , roebning
chair cms ( suats free ) and dining cms ,
loaxcs Omihsi nt l.ittlp. m. anil ainvcs
at C'lilca ( ) S a. in. , boning brcikfast
bofoie ai nval.
No 0 , tlio fist mail , Ic.ivosOnuba at
0:10 : p in. and art i\cs in Chieigo at 1 ) )
in. Has thiouirh I'lillinan sleopoi1- ,
cbaii caia and dtiiiiifj CMIS.
'J'ho lmliii'ton ) ( also runs tvxo daily
tiains to Uonvor and the west , ono to
Deadwood and sill IJIaek Hills pointh ,
and two to St .losoph , AtcliUon , Kansas
t'ltj and the south Tin ouch Pullman
bloepei's and chair cars on ouch tinin.
Niiuj fast pissom/or trains dally be
tween Omihaatid Ltnooln.
Km full infottnatlon , tickets , Hlcoping
horths , ijto. , i.ill at city ticket ollice ,
1U2.1 Parimin btiuot , W. 1Yalll , Agent.
.1 .VA O lj M'i:3Il4\T1.
On Thursday craning next M 11. T.civ itt'i
( realspettiiculir , burlesrjno ami ] iaiitonnino
tittiactlon , "Tlio Spider and Klj , " xv111 open
an eti'iiKCmont ( at the Uo > d , xvhicb will con-
tliino during the uimiiiulor of the week
There aio twenty-eight people in the cast ,
each ono of vv hoin is an attiaotlon.
Mr Un.vmotid Holmes , thoclevoraitor xvho
phi is the part of Jack PairaKUt in "Tho
Utflj UiukliiiK , " is nn oht time friend of .Ml.
tuuiia ! ; DatUo ottblbiitj , Many yeits ao ( ,
hofoio .Mr Holmes coimncnceil his st.iKo
cancr , they wcro moniiieis of the satno
drainatio club In Louisville , ICj. Mr. Holmes
mairieil MUs Sldnov Crowell , and for.venrs
thej both haxo held positions In tlto best
theatrical coinpmluh of Now Yoilc.
Mi W II. 'Ihompson. who plays the jnrt
of Ptof. ( Jwvdonln "Tho Ufjlj burldlnB , "
was last sit'ii hcio in "Mankind " Ho Is ono
of the llnobt c-hat otcr actors on tbo Aiaen-
Every ihy hrintrs forth Its wonders , and
true to nature Manaircr Will Liwlorof the
Kden Museo is alxvajs tip xxlth the times
This vvcclc ho will present to the public- the
most wonderful woman kno\\n to ineilluil
science. Mibi Horthi Sch'ller , tbo ossllled
womnn , Isapiuzlo to nllwtio see her hho
still ictatns control of tbo inusdos of hur face
and ncoU , but bovond thatsho U poxvitless to
liolp horsclf. Miss Hchlller Is ono of the womlors of the ajc ? , nml wherever chi \ .
hi tilted blio has proved a pulling conundrum
to nil
In tlio JHJou thcatrn n line
specialty troiipo has been un acou : . Chief
Pholtes comic pantomlno
ainoni ? them is the
coniedv company xxho piodnco more silent
fun than lu an ) spcaUiujj force o\er \ iircioatcd.
' tJooils Co.
'Iho MoMo-Drj .
Wo haxo opcti'xi till our Into Paris
nov oHIo * In grenadine * , Mlks und dioss
( roods and lavito inspection. Tor our
popular tuitle vrihnvo \ tv line of
Now I'oloi'oil wxMimoro 2'n1 , worth IOc.
Now beiifletU cloths : t" > o , vxotth UK.1.
Will inako Imnd-omo wrappers nad
tea govv n , and come la the latest similes.
\\'o \ opened also tot * the coming week ,
All our now dies * trimming * .
All our now noveltj sttiK
All oar now spring'grenadine * .
All oar now whlto ( jocid * .
Now outing llannols loc woith "Oo.
Men's nifMit shirtst'li- ' worth Too.
IO\H' \ OD kilt suits $1 CO.
Hojs' i'lOO Kilt s.ult' ; * 2 AO.
Oo pain Imitation Httissola Incoeur-
tuliiM , 51 lnclic.3vido by ill jiudss long ,
at ii.oO : ! a piir ; lognlnr price , $3o. .
lot ) Holland window hhades inaimtod
on .prlng i oilers toady to hang , ! ! 0c ;
worth fioo.
1110 dobeuvlost hemttltohod huck
towels Moiulnj ! i'c ' ) ; worth Too.
Satin taldo danutsk CIV , worth "oi1.
Satin tnblo dinnask 7c ! ) , vvoith $1 00.
Satin table datnask ( )7c , vvoitb * 1. " " > .
Napkins to match all nhovo.
Knotted fringii towels"V , worth Hoc.
MAUtjlULM'.S blMM'.AOS $ ! . .
Monday wo shall olTor a ea o of Mar-
olllusbod spiv ids at $ ! . ! ! ' > , vxottb $ .50.
One ctibo LotiMlnlo iiPislin Monday , 10
vaids for $1.00. Como e.irlv fcr some.
Spucitil b.iijalns ( for next wock 3d
.L idles' blouse walbls AOc , worth $1.00.
Ladies' blouse waists DOc , wet tli * 2.00.
Tviilles'blouso waists 2 00. \ voith1.00
Ivulios' blouse vx aists $2.ijO , woitlir > .
iKht { jowns 7oc , worth 5-l.lio
B' nitfht KOWIIS $1 , woitb 61. 50.
b'nij ht ow us oOc , xvoith M.
T idios'calico WiappoisSI.7. " ) , vvoitb i-l !
All the above aio special b.u gains for
Monday's s.ilo ; como catly.
AVe have a full assortment showing all
.hottylosof the coining season , $300 to
$3o 00. Kiorj pui so suited.
LADins * nosn , : riC.
A special lot of ftibt black hoac , 35e ;
w 01 th 50c.
Second lloor. wash ootls dopaitmont ,
low gingiuuua , leOc ! , 23c , all the lat
est Scotch fatvlos , fjeintino imported
n unlit v.
1'oisltivrl ) IjiMtVi -k.
Of Iho 2" jor ) cent discount shoo sale
it 1520 Douglas Btieet.
Stn co-sots to
$ .100 , $100 iiiul So.OO hats ,
$1.00 tbib week at Bliss' , 1510 Douglas
With Max Meyer & lto. ! Co. Mai eh 1 ,
IS'Jl. '
GO kinds of mine al water by the hot-
Llo or cnse. Sheunan Ai McConnell ,
1513 Dodge st , 2d door \'st of postollioo.
Dr. StissdoifT , ! 501 Fat mini. Specialty ,
Diboascs jiccubar to women. i
roit Tin :
Of A i kail HUH and All Points Hontli.
T.iko tbo Waba h , the best and qtiick-
efettoute. Only J8 hours to the Hot
s , -10 to Now Orleans , 5ti to .lack-
Minvillo , 0.5 to Tampa , with corioipoiul-
iag fiiht Inno to all points fcotith. He-
chinat ; chair and Pullman bullet bleeping -
ing cais on all trains.
Koand trip tickets now on silo at
gioatly i educed lat'-s. Tor tickets and
full iiifoi in ition cill at the Wabtibli
ticKet otbco , lollTaiiinm btieut or
\\nto ( Jr. N. Ci AVION , A0'etit.
* .
IN TIII : coums.
Moliiins and Minor lii' Jlatteis Dih-
JlOSCll III' .
In the district loiut jestculty Jiiilos (
M'alcelev and Clarlcsoii pissed nnon nmnnhcr
of motions Juilco.ikelcj ovcirnled the do-
inuiiur in both tno cases of Vo * BIOS v s Co-
burn , assignee ot the li.mlc of Omaha Then
" rim in itti-i of a motion tn the ease of
.lolni 13 I'lioinis va .lohn 1) ) 'Ihomii , wis
l > hiel In my h mils , but .w ono ot the parties
has n violent iiiojmiiee against tlio Jndtfo
and as the feUinKis lecipioott d , the jii'l ' o
dcillnus to piss on the mattei , " and ttioro-
nnon e\eiy ono niescnt onjojcd a ho.nty
.ItiilKQ Clnrksoa overruled the motioii fet a
new trill ia Hrounvs ' 1 horn. is
At II ) o'clock .Indue U'akclev commonceil
tliohctumi ; of arc'iiments in the nutter of
Geoi ol Hiown's.ipplieition foi an nuloi of
jicrmancnt Injunction ioti.Ui Ing the Kouth
Oniatia live stock uxctitniKO ' fiotn c.irrvint ;
IntoelTcct its thtett to lovoico hU inein-
bciilup eoitilleatc
'Hie entire f on noon \vns consumed in
oxpl lining tlio uilos , b.x hvvs , tie , of the ex-
clinuo to tlio court , anil a rulioiiiiiig of the
contents of the petition and answer.
Neliraska , Inw.i aiul Dnlcola I'en-.iotis.
WVSIIIM.IOX , b\'b -jSpedal TeloKtam
toTni Hi i : ] Pensions vvoioci.uitcd today
to tlio following Nohi tsktnis Oii iinil
'Ihoin.isN. Oust eel , ( J C S ipj , Alphonso II.
smith , Ilenij .Ininpeit , .luliu I' Hut , John
llairis , I'lljj.u II Moinoe , Charles 1 { ( ! nj-
lonl , ( SeotKO vV Hush , Kdvvard b Tnimr ,
Stinnel Partner , .lohn II Urowdor , HariUon
Wilt , ' , William \V Leas , John F IJaiiott ,
.lohn Wholstennolm , bimuel L Hull , I'ldlo
H Lawionco , Honaon 13Vilman , IMxvatd
L HiiKrtn , POIKUS > Merlin m. Increase -
'llionias II Loxvwim , Thoinis F Skeeilo ,
.lames M Miller , lilvv in Wells , Melv in U.
Leach Uolsstto Alfred 13. Totton
lovxa OiiKitml neiitlinrd Hart , dcconscd
Charles Knnpp , Jiuxib Hishon , ,1 S I'.ittison ,
\ Vllll.iniV. . Oeiuiis , Marsh ul llnminond ,
ArchiM Madison , Htevvaid Ilniorv , Clinrlis
P MonIs , SatniiPl H McAdams , Seneca
Iliinl , Hiram UilUsr , dioi o i'ooll , Honrj .1.
Dun ling , ( icingo1 Hiirdciiutook , .lames T.
Murvin , .lohn S. Nowberry , .lolin II Kills ,
.lohn Kcsslei. llenjaniin P Cliv , Mnrsiiali D
IlosoltonVilIhunJ. . Duskln , C P Savuy ,
.1 11 hoarle , 11 M. DumihiK , \ \ llllain
A ( ioiddii , .lohn AVhotton , T ,1.
Hooper , Silvester Walters , .lolin Cnioii ! ,
Altlunntt , James A. lluthcilngtnu ,
licorno Moses. Kestoration and in-
ciease Joseph Olfloid Jniie.iso Dxvid , .I II Snydn , I'htllp Kauiice , .1.
\V Alton , Milton Jaekon , vVilllaiii (1 ( Smith.
leissuo-\Villlainl { I. , Mntr U'hlow of bl'J
Louisa , xvldowof Hitgli liaiio.
South Diltota Oiiulnal Adnm S Da
Hols , ( icorco L Hinds , Diixld Dcwev , .loha
\\.llustcd Increase H.uvatU 1' . Smith.
Kclsbuo 1'cntou Ktuiinn.
Police Items ,
II. Knhn , who resides at Tvvotitj third mid
CuialiiK sticct , was nriesteil josteidnv for 10-
fuslag to remove the snuw fiom his sidewalk.
His case vxa ? sot for Momlay at 10 o'cloi li.
AKteil 13 Woodman , who was unoitod
upoanchaiKu of adultery ptefoiiul h\ his
wife , waived examination jcsteidiy after
noon la nellie eourt and was bound over to
the dlsti let court
Thomas Homy was ariestod vestcrday
upon aconiiihnnlswoiitont hj.lolm Shopjitl ,
chargint , ' llciny with stcalhifc' a uanio hen.
llrntulcls returned jotcrday fiom
. ovv York.
KI.I.I < IV ; , SIIOIMI .M co.
Sp I'l il Itiirifiittm r ir Monday.
Ifl-liH'li hhviU TosiM nets onlv fi'Ji1 ,
\vot Hi sV.
M .oh bltu'U , all oillc , dotted , ll urotl
mil Btilpoil diupiii } ! ncti , ( ninv ponds
inst opened ) , Jl.lO , } ! . Id , ft M , ijl"r. .
> .0l ) , WToanilUoOajaidoith fullj
Jo per cent inoro
I'Mtioli IdaoU , till Bilk ,
( N\nv gooilx , now stj
xt , $ i.7o , sun , . , . .
and $ .1 60.
The l)0 t values \ \ oovorolToicilotth
'nlH ' li" ) pot1 oont inoto.
Kmbroldory took has boon moved to
'lotinil lloor'foi1 IhUMilo.
Odds and ends of line cainluic. Ntiln-
seek and Swiss ombroldorios in line
\\ork and daitttv.ili'sirahloiiow p.ittottH.
ALL AT ( iUr.Vl'IA' HllUUt 111)
rim is. :
The uoods will hoar inured In lots to
simplify llii s.tlo.
Lot I. I'mbioliloitos usually solil ftoui
00 to llllr now 7o. }
Lot II. r.inhioidotlcs ubii.illy bolil ftoin
1 Ic to 1'V ' no-lOi' .
Lot H r.inhtoiiloflcs usually bold ftoin
1 le to tide now 12i' }
Lot I. r.inhioldoilos usually solil ftotn
LSi1 to Uli1 now Me.
Lot lj r.inbtoidcrics usually "iohl ftoin
iJSo to lOc now l5o. !
lNs' ' HAHC.A1NSI 1
ri ) llANDK'KUCHIlll'S
bLKIIH'LV lMl'iUKl'A : l\
The o n < > ods hti\o bocti sliyhlly d.iin-
\\K\iA \ \ in couito of manufactuie , but the
inipcrfoctlonsaio hiudlnoLicuablo % , mill
will iri\o as tnucb MIIicj to the \\cator
will bo ollerod
as perfect ( jooiK They
in I lots at Icbs than half thu
pi lro > .
i i 101. ,1 ,
i . , , , , , , ,
\oi i , 1-40 .
Lot 'J , K.c ouch.
Lot I ! , 2lc ( e.ii'h.
Lot I , 2V ouch.
IAU i'Kiris. :
Mondn\ and Tiu'-day wo will eontiinto
oursaloof laillos" line li.uidult tvnd M.
S. shoes , In Kioneh Uicl , donirolii
hid and pobolo tro it Tlio--o shoos wo
"Old at f-.00 , $ 1.00 , * . . " > ( ) , i I 00 and jj 00.
( Si/os boinowhat bioUon ) . You uantako
cnoin : AT si. >
Cur , rainua and loth stieet.
I'oSltiM \ \ Ijilst U 0 ( > k
Of the 2" > ] i'i'onl discount ihoo sale at
1G20 Uouxlus btroot
hlicco-soff to
Tn-kots for the ( ! A. K. fail tire ' ell-
ing r.ipnUv. ( lot llioin in tlmo. Only
lddOO , no mote , no loss , will bo issued.
Ln dies' $1 ! 00 , * I.OO and i" > 00 hits ,
$1.00 this wouk : .t lUtbs1 , lolO Douglas
Don't I'oul "
Kotwlthstaiiiling all inunir * to the
contrau , the'o , -Mihv.uiUoo St ,
I'.utl 1 ! \ 's nu\v btoatn luMtuil inltii'o
bloojiiitn' cats , with "oloctuu lifr.ht1' in
o\ory boit h , " ' still k"i\oj thu Union de
pot , Otnaii.i at b 10 p m. daily , inn v-
injf at Cliloajjo nt ' ) : : W.i. m , in ai.iplu ,
time to make all oastoin conncotlotirf
Ticket otlice , loOl Parnam su
J. U I'uKsiox , F. A. NASH ,
( J. 1'iibs A t Gun. Ait.
Shot man iV McConnell , jiros
and family chctnibts , loU Dod'ro. '
Dr. SiisbdoriT , IflUI Fin mini , treats dis
eases of the Kidnojs bladder aim leUuni.
Sit I Til ' / . ! / / I A/MI'.S.
Still Poi ( -In jj Ahoad.
The latest icpoitsof sliviglucrniK itn\ost-
cm pncltin-r Lcnteis bhoav < Itiigobnsi- -
1R" > T and 11 gutifAln , , ' it Ibis point
Chicago , out of u total for tlio boison of
7tiIi")0 ( ) ( ) lioiis picked , has slaughtered
l > , TliOi ( ) ( ) ) , a Klin of dlO.OtO o\et tbu LOIIO
spondhiK SCI-.OM . last \ eat ot .id 1 1 pel rent
Knnsns L'ltj still liolils snond pi ice anil bus
pitk il'J tOW us loinpniul with t i.'is,0 ( ) , a
nii of 'Jtll.OUU ot Ht U per cent South
Oitmtii has no t nnun'tltor for tlilul plriL mill
liuicasid fionritititmti la-t\enr to rilu.ouo. a
( mill of UiUl)0) ) ) or ox.ictlj M per cent Prne
tkalU the Ltitno lnctciso of iiicklin ; has
been at the tin eo Iculitif , ' packing contus.
ll An no mice incut- . .
llov C. * C Uiwsoii , pistur of tlio Pirst
MuiboiUst ( .Itui h , Twinty-tlnril niul M
sttouts , iiaiiiiunccs services today as fol
lows Stiiuli.N siliool , ' .l tin in Picieliint ;
nt 11 o'cloik by the pistor. bubjett ,
"Heaven. " Class meeting at 12 o'clock
Converts' meillng nt < jlo p in. nvoaini ;
seivncs nt 7 li ) Subject ol the sumon.
"How toCi-tto Ilcucn. "
Ho'llioinis Stctilionson , pistor of the
Hist Iiaitiit ) tltntdi , TvvLiitv-snenth stioet ,
bct\\iLii M and N stiLets , assisted bj Kov
.1 \V H.ttiib of Otaalii , w ib hold scuifes
uvorj tvpnnitf no\t wi ek TtieMliiv oviiiin
Kov'CV MiCoiniiMl of Ashlimll will bo
luesenl and li'ttino on the "Hi Ho Miulmu' '
ScrvHcs u ill bo hold both muitntiK anil eon -
in ( ? . Smul iv school tit ID o'tlotk. SLfiiion
bj tlui p.istoi at 11 o'lliKlc In tlio iviaini ;
alt tUo'i-Kitk soukewtllbolulil. . Itev .1
W Ilni i is of Ota di i will uoli\ tbo set limit
Kov Mininti Hiiwlcs , pistor of the C'hiis-
tiiin ( lenoiiini ttion will pu.uh at 11 ti in
mid 7 It ) p in in thoSv\edKh lliptistthurch ,
Twontv-si'LOinl anil 1C streets , i'ho public is
conliall.v imiteil.
I'lesbjtciliu Scuices T'lvichine nt U
n'cloili He\ Kolmtl.Vliockf will muiult
fioin M ittnow v i , Js 'lopic . ' Lilv Ilfo anil
I'aslt Mastets " Appropitato iiuislf At Oil
p in , tlio Uuilo.noi so < itUtll hold n c-on
secrntintt imetitii ? , totnliutod by the pri'si
dent , \i \ T Mm tin I'ictctiiiii , ' at 7 to m
ItcvVhookr. . 'Iho puliliu Is conitilly m-
Notes About do ( Itv.
rcbiuiir > 107 nito ts woroinulo.
A ilinnbter has liren bom unto Mt. and
is 'Ihotnis ( lillcsple.
Tito bodv of Mii llatllckl , wife of Ihonns
Hntllcld , will bo tiikon to Donnlbon , In ,
toda > for intctinuit
M. A. Mm tin , ono of tbo cfllulent lottir
c.ifilers , was the H-cipknt jLstoidav of a
line limp fiom Oinilia frleiuU
Mis Hophii Cllno of DOS Molaps , la. , Is
visiting bci niotlicr , Mis. Mny Nuckolls ,
Joseph Clnistio of the stocltyauh force ,
who Ins foicn ill and lalu off , la better anil
has tetnracd to wotk.
Mis C'toss , vvlfo of Ciuitaln JacobV \
Cioss , Is better after 11 bet ions illness
W H Skinner , traveling leproscntatlvo
of the Union Htodc Minis coin [ ) itiy , aftoi-
] aunt through lown , lias totitinuil.
Stoik iasio ] ( tor Clinic Howard condoinnod
slxtCLit ho.ulof cattle anil hoven lioKsdiuliiL ;
robniarv. The t iH'.isses of the cattle uver-
IIROU fJ & 5 and the hogs il vJ ! for tliclr own-
Cashier 'llionni B Mcl'hcrson of the
I'nlon Stock Yaid Innlc In his iiniiu il icpoit
shows thntwith n paid in rnpital of * llOHK )
the binlc has on ikposlt .tinl his
' Tim
resounos to tlio amount or , f il 'u.
bnsliiLss of the bink tuciagcs about a mil
lion a day.
Mr Cb.irlcs Vj Ilowcrs , ono of the popular
btotk > arils tail to til lotco , uilltnko hlb wife
and K ° to Califoinln uoxlTuunliy.
.lames Ctowloy , tlio imfortuimto mm who
was hinliied IVldav at the puckiiiK hotibo of
Swift \ , Co , wiu noiit to bt , Joseph's lips
pllitl , OtnalM.
Pcuv bclilon of Hlnlr , ono of tbo creditors
of the IH-out's Joiunul , is in the cltv looltniK
after his intoioata In tint Ih'uuciiu tauglu-
Cnshlor Jnmos Crnlpaiul Clmilcs S. rcr-
rail of tbo Cudnhy tiacultiu Xorio , uru oil on u
IMlf/\HC / \ IMVIMM )
huURS DEMhll
Ho Would Locate the 1'rinc'inl UnlaJ Pa
cific Shops nt That Phco.
An Onnilia Mint HUM a ( 'oiitvnrt Tot
It Aiiu'i-
a IJitllioiul la Sum
leu Ijocul llallioatl
Not OH
Mcroancll , snpijrliitoiiilcnt ot mo
tlvo power of the Union 1 Mel Ik' , has ictiirni'd
ItotahU ili'it ttip over tlio r.ystcm slncn his
nppoliilmont. llohns Iwon inislly oiiK.iKi'd
slnoo his icttirn in piopuln reports anil
ict'oinmomlatlotiH to bis picsonteil to Iho ( ; en-
ctal inanacci1
Mr McCniiiidl foiinil the rolling sloclt on
soitieef tbo wiMtetn dUMcms In n vorj illlnp
hint oil condition , In fuel , It was almost lin
possible to move some of tlio i iiKlm' * l' ' °
iccomiiictnicil tint tbo worUliig force In the
shops it dicu'timiniul Iiiii\ei1bi ) ) buieaseil
sulllclcntly toputtho stock in ( 'ood cotiditlon
at omo
Anums other tbhiB1 * Mr. MiConncll vlll
nilvoi ito itho iilet oT niaUIiiK tbo shops at
Denver tbo in lin ones on Iho svstoin ' 1'boso
shops have been recent 1 } bit lit and aio larger
than the Oniihii shops I'ho old ibopi of the
KnastM division and tlio South Park slums
will biM'onsolldatcd vv ith the taw instltiitloii
malting the lurpeit works on tliosjstem
I'ho ntw shops \vill also ho fully equipped
with innvli'in tiuulilniM.v It is tlto intention
to hnvu tlicso simps look aftti thoiolllni ;
stoi It ot the t'olot ulo division , HIM ! Hint of
Iho Pot t vv'oilti di\lsloiias fin south as the
il'o as liie Them aroneulv two huttilieil
engines in this tenitoiy hosidas .1 lingo number
bor of cars
The fin ie nl tlio Donvci1 shorn will be in-
cioasul soon in onler to pliuo the lolling
stock in that scitlomin ( jociil lonilition
The forio lit the Oinahi shops will ho In-
cioasul l > i the addition of sevctal men anil
thu limits will bo IciiirthinoU.
It U tioltuvcil tint tbo Ido.v of innlilta ; the
Denver shops the main ones on the line , in
piofennco to the shops at this point , will not
moot with fax 01 iblv lonsiiln ition on the
pin t of tlio new min.iueineat hceauso of the
fact that Iho Omaha shops aio nciier the
base of supplies , and also lot the reason that
vvitii'9iiii < l ilv I at ? expenses lei mechanics mo
lovvci than they nio fuitlter west.
Oiiiahii null Soittli A nii-rlci.
A i lilvx nin ojcit is about to be put m prac
tical operation in South AinciUi xxhiLh is In
a fall waj U > bccrmiP a put of the ( ? riit ) sjs
torn of intcrnatio ill i.iihvays ailxocitcil li\ \
tbo Pin-Aineiiciti LOIIKICSS. 'Iho iioition of
tlio now s coiicoinlns this now \ ontniovhkh
is of intcust to Otn ilnipi onlcis that a will
known Din ihi nulwaj in in IMS boon soloUul
us the lu'tuo spiiitintho constriiLtloii and
opot ition of th ' 10 ul
Mi I ) . 11 Hunt forme t Iv iissistin' nudltor
of th I'nion 1'iuille , his been rol.iineil is
snpMintoinldit of LOtibtiuction and (
inaniirer ot me toul.
' 1 In In < ] < iistlon is to hive itsuiifjtn 1 *
thouu ot ( in th iL-tii.i in ( 'iilum til.i , uiieof
the ( ililest din's in South AIIIPIKM sittiuUd
of the contlni'iit nn
in tin * not tlivvcst poitton
tbo coist ot the ( Jniil > ran sea thu
Isthmus ol I'anaini It is an old Spanish
citv of tin' walleil tJM > , on whiili the Spin-
itii ds ox pendeil nhouL-1,01 Kl.OLK ) The popu-
lutiin is about thittj thousand
'Ihc rend will le unlit finm CarthaiPtin
castwaul to the Maircl il'ii.i nvci , .1 dist.nuo
ol ilioul one liundiLil miles. Ne.irlj the ui-
tiio tiatllcof tbo loutittv is cnrwd on the
bosom ol thio rivi i. but tlune 1 no hnhoi on
the ihcr where CU OLS ni'iv be h.nulled At
C.utliancni iiovvcvi r , there is aline htulior ,
.mil the i ulioad loinpinj vx 111 build n haibor ,
dotUs , vxatcbouscs , otc , at the totndtius of
tbe river
In consideration of the constuictlon of this
ro.ul , the comp mv which is tomosod [ of Now
Voik L.ipltahsts , is fro u in teed bv thocovtrn-
incnt all tlio tralllc of the countt j for the next
liftv veins
A survej of thocountiy his boon mule and
a toip * of engineers is now in the liLld
axv iittai : oniois
' 1 ho i old Is In the pcnoral dirottion nd\o-
cattd bv the Pan-American eonuress ami
in iv form ip.ut of the sv Mom snmjcstcil by
the hoily It is the intdition of tliuioaipmy
to ux oad Hie loid south bctwe"u the moun
tains and thu coistxhin thu ti.illlc will vu -
Mi Hunt is nw.iiting ouleito leave for
his new luld of laboi .uuluiiy ( , ' 0 at any
A ITiiion 1'iu'ltn.mi 11 ; .
Mr C I. Uidtnour , for tv\o yeirs pist a
clerK in the freight and i tot s otliia of the
Umiiii Patlllc t ulvv.iv , h is accepted a pie
motion in the locil freight oflluJ of the ioni-
pain at Denv ! , anil Uft for th it citj l ud ly
cxeinnir. Itutoioleavinir tbooftlce riiuiiiliv
aftcinoon aftoi iiuitting vx-otk , Mi Utdenour
xvas biiiiounilcil tit his ile k by his fellow
clctks of the st.itistioil ilopiitim-nt anil was
innio ihiiiisnrpiiiuil when Mr Milton Stone
supped fiom 'atnniiK the bovs , und In a most
b ippv and fcihiifr. little spceib , ptesinteil
nitnwitliii liainNonii ) Kolil tie uu a ( am , tn-
pi.ued , ' I'o C. H H , fiom Ins L 1' lt\
fiiLitds. Omahi Neb , Peb 'ii , lsi | "
Mi Klilunoiir soco'iipletolv surprised
thai vvonli Lould Ininllv bo artlcuhted He
o piessuln hi uty tlimkfnliiLss of having
mealed so ku itlv .1 fiiuuKlnp. and tiopid it
xxould lontniue lie would IIM/C * tiltpift a < >
a pincliss ticqsuie , niiit it wiuilil ilw.ivste
c.ill bis fin iirt , of Om ih.i , who voulil alij s
bold a tetulLf couiei of his hint , e'c '
A most beautiful lOliipnsltlnii ontilleil
' ( iiod lUe , Old I'ucnd. ( iood Hve , " welds
bv Mr Stone * , nnisic In 11 M IxauHman , wa- >
tin n lo.iduied btbe I'li-iRhl Auditm's ( | iiar-
t < tie as onl.v thU ( ju.ntettu of aiLOiniillslied
sntgcis LIU , .ind aftu tliuo hentv Llnets
foil' Kidenoar , thu h ipnv novxil , le-
Lrn ilitif'onlj thu ilopirtuio of a ikai fiiiiut ,
adjoin mil
SloioKoi pci's IJcp u i meal.
.1 11. htalTonl , the gcpcial stor-'lieeper of
the Union PauiK , is on a nip of inspection
nloni ? tilt linoof tbo sj stein It is state 1 by
thnso who ha\o looi.od the Held over anil
Icnow xvhiieof they speaK Hint the stoto-
Icnpers uloiiK the line b.ivo been luiinintc
tbiiiKs with a i ithoi loose handl \ n uner-
on stations in the xvest supplies aio allmvril
to leinaln outside of the stations cvposed to
the wcathir without aiij ponepli'jle itn-
inovoineiit The amount of nionej upio-
hcntnl \ > \ supplies xvlilib me lost 01 allow oil
to ho ruined In exposino is claimed to bo
something enormous
I'irties ' in a position to know state tint a
radical ihniKO will bo mule in the btoio
keepers' dupartinunl In tbo mar fuliiio.
Notes mill I'i'iMiiiiiiN ,
The Atdiison , Topcica .x.Sant.i I'o pcoplo
clnim to It iv o i it tied II per ( cut of tbo Imsl-
niis between Kans.v Citj ami Chicago last
J e ir
Seott Vci tnilliou , who xvas for anumhei of
jpirs in onilm tot on the \Vjoining division
of the I'nion I'.uilic , Is hi Iho inurniantllo
business \Va-hiii ton
'Iho siipienioeonit of Cconta ! hit Just do-
ridul tliat a piisenger condiutor his untight
toimt a piisi'tiger oft a tula who Inn no
ticket and who refuses to pa tnoio than tbo
i ate would have btou had ho imieh isid a
'Iho mission of .rallies .1 Hill nbioid is said
tobo to t ilso * mooiluoi ) toixti'tnl his load
IK KISS the I'asendo mountains to I'nirot
Sound , and Hoitoa pipers sta'othit wotk Is
to soon bo icsuiiicd on the I'nion P.aitlo
bi.iiK-li fiom Pottlandto T.KOIII.I
C'oUiinbits , O , w ill inaUo an olTort to sccnio
th ? ( ( ollliu building of the Onler of
Itillwaj Conductors ladtanapolis , 1ml , has
otlcii'il j"itKI ; ) and a site , aiul ucomimiluu
Ins Dcen appointed m Culumbus to cam usa
toi subsiriptions
The new " 'tans Mlssonii Passenger rwoel.
atlon will hold a mutlni ? In ICansis Citv on
Moiula.v noNt for the tiMisUUualton of tbo
agiLUiniMit and inlt's governing the associa
tion. 'Iho association does not liciotno opera-
tbo until Maun H.
i ; C1 Ilarilshas been tiansfoiied from the
Ruporintendonc ) of the eistern division of
the l lkhoia mail to ilio same position on the
Itliek Mills di\lsioiitn succeoil T II. Sccli > y
U II. Itovnolds has hcun appointed tobiic-
cud Mr HatrU as bupeihuomlcnt of Iho
eastern div
'H c. o , i > .
Still linxM'r I MI-CM luC
Pine immtiy Hitmkoil lining SJo
pound. I'iiiocountij mini'
TJC net' pound.
Whlto tlsh , to pot pound.
Cod INh , ft ? per pound.
I'reah ifggo Hold all hist x\cok for 10\ \
to ISc pot' do/on , v\lll boHituoni'xt wcolc.
I'liinst ' buttctIn the ntarUnt , iiand
! UV jii'i- pound Itiioil but tor , Wo per
pound ; fair , IV ; common , IVper iumm1 ,
ur. 1 Vice's extract of loiiiou , IOc ; snnio
asntbi'isHcOl ' tit lee
Dr. 1'ilco's locxtrnclof Iciaon , 17c }
sumo nsntliots soil for Hoc.
ID pounds of grnimlutiMl Hiigni1 , $1 00.
llloxi'snf line hie id , 5o.
Ill bats Laundry so ip , 2'n * .
Pint' ( . tilifoinbr ptniuH , lUJc , mime ns
othiM's will jit I pet pniind ,
,11'tinsof holld pti'Uod liiinntticH , 2 > i\
.l-poiind can of tint11 'allfornliiapinutd ,
IV , HIUI10 llMlltllOlHKI'H fill' I2l0 (
llcst select Ion of ihiiuu vegll vhha In
thu cltj l nil nt
KI ii/h : r. 0 D. ( iKoi ru\ ,
Uf ) , 5ua North Idtb st.
it urn ; sntinnrts.
Se\ifiil Hint In n
S Millu ml ,
I.OMIOX , l uli 'Js. l.nst cvtMiltii ? a nu n
ld of stuUInc foal poitirs and llreiuea
nttiinpted to hoird the steaniei inllaiKl ,
lull xvno nslsted A SIMIOIIS eimtlut
followed , in vvhldi the neil tnilonists Hied a
nninbor of shots at their opponents , Injnilng
a mini her of them of the altiukinrf
putO weio tlnown from tlio Si .illaii.l'i
deik and with ilirtlculU tesiiiod ft- " . ,
dtownltiK' Tim polno atiesti-d eight of ilia
HtiL-luadeis of the attacUiiiK foue
Cen. MrUt'i'vcr In (
CIIK \ o , 1'cb ys [ Speiial 'UleRiam to
Till Hi i ] ( icnornl Mfl < LOX or arihed In
the citv this moinlnir , but will not tulio
( hiio ( of the adjutant KOIIOIill's ilepntn t nt
nnlil Mondaj , whiMi ho will ivilivo ( oloi.el
Cetbhi Tbo 1 tttoi , w bo hits IMOII ndjnt int
Kineral of tblsilivisioti , leases next xvidi for
hos j\iiKc | > 3s , whoio ho will repnt foi duty
Much 10.
\Voik of Cli lin KC liicciidliu-icH.
Svs l'u\N < IMO , C'.il , Kob 'Js Clilmso nd.
vnes simi atleniptwns undo on the nlj-'ht
of.lannatj Ul to sot Iho to the China nu i n
lion rompanj's stuainur 1'iklii nt Shaiif ? ) , d ,
and It Is now hclicvid the buiiiln of the
st ( itaei SliaiiL'hal , when "no p < oplo pcrlsbcd ,
was the work of an Incendiary.
l'as > II-IM.
Alsiicc-Ijot itine l'asp
Siiiv-iii ui , , pu\j 'js A dccioe pub
lished todnj by the Kovernoi of Alsace-
Lou alne aiiiiotincuj tliat fiotn Much t ao < et
nil pnsspni t le nlatlons lofcrilni ? to Alsace
Lot i alno will bo caniud out to the fullest cx
IJi'i lai'cd a tjiini'leilj lih lilciiil.
Ni w Youi , , Pob 'S 'Iho iliici tors of tha
& Xoitbwistcin toilaj ilcchuila
qnnitiilv dividend of 1'j ' per cunt
on profeuod stock.
'I In * ilnry Coiililii't AJJI t > .
Sr LDIIS , Mo , Pob > 'Iho Juij In tha
Viil iniiuU-riiso this tnoniniK imported they
could leicb no ugiooinunt and the court dia
ill lifted them
hoiithi'in Pacific Kmplov t s 'J.-it Kllcd.
SVN PnvN < IMO , C.d , IVb - < TliuSnuth-
cm Paiillc Ins settled the disputes with its
Itiloviimn loamittio to the hitisfactiuii *
the omplov cs >
DOIKin IllinoiH. in 111 , l"ub Us.Nothin ( ?
done to lav In ( itbct house of the Iccr-latuia
01 in the Joint bcssion.
T\\ooJ' tlio Injiiiod Pic.
Hi ( mo , N V. , I'ob. ' . ' 5 Two nioio men
injured in last night's collision , both train
men , died toUiy.
Onirt Otlicer .
' Court Teutonia , No I'.n , his nntiointca
Jicoh .lo-jltolck , H Ilcjman and Hei inin
Anpcr a committee to , ut xv ith commit tecs
Jioni Courts Mutrie CitxJo \i , Skandta No.
JJO and Proko ) ) Velkj Is'o JJii , to m.iKc suit-
nble nu uifjotm nts to icieixo and cntert un
Hiiof lianiru Pat.iek ( inninl ii.- > of
itfo and eHliti Seen tin \\nl \ \ nn
UticK of C'hk.iiro , when thcj nuika
their visit toNebiaska courts timing Airil
Mi MCunder , his i etui nod toOnuha mil
tinsassoiiatiit hin Qlf inbu-.iiess witb 1m
brothet , Mi A Xumlcr Inis i > i > iitu > min v\ill
he njtnembeied us a foitncr Uubiiic-ss mai of
this ctU
Tbo icf-'iihr montnlx mectinirnf the \Vi s
cm P.isMMicir assoi i.itiun will bo hnj
ueailaj next
AlexinderSt vvart of .MiutieipoMs la
till1 UU lllst lll'bt , tit tin Mlllld )
Chin ! se Physician ,
lf. < 13 Larimt r1 , Dt ncr ,
I o tin < iit oi n Ir ni thft
L Tot tn f n m r t in r l w 1114
ill in < un t iU irt * i e tltli ,
Mi u un i to lot \ \ hit nf ice
AH tlhuin. * * inntl in t \ > in
in l ill i p < ikn s- i t h m *
li t tl ni rin tit > i t * a il
I/ ' L rS/M / I jo itliful r. I ) u.lru . i ir'ul
II kllll > II I llUl Inilllllf lllMII Illst ! , id , ; .
it M ill t i n I liuu tr utlt- t c n-iiiiii u n
h li- iit-lii i lil' mill ni i ril nnli all ills f
II i > I ) i I n lulu | l > m < I | | > IIIM i f u | .i > nto
nuiiiri tin tilii i i.Ut lilliH tunirs in . r xn t
rhi run ili ut itl in i ril ) > l nil > kln .li-i , -c - l-
| l\l > ll" llN | lIHhl | I1IHI1UI ill lllll H I 111 I -5 ,
. tun inalii nd
hin * ( M tnpt..n IIIIIAUIIII a
itu > . < niiniill. i t w
illxi' I-IMI I tin M HIM t ort.nn
Iniij "Inn I in. V i tin urininli oil In r\i r ) IMS or
Illiilll f It lllllillil Illnll IllU tllllt'l ti HI I I'll
lli > \\lin tl n t < li' < | Hlr , InllulMi I I \ViXi.n > 1
n ul IIIIM a * Int \ \ Itli him wl ti li I" Ml u 1 1\ r t n-
tliil 1 1 i jk iiiitnnlluii tni ( iilv a > \il
cum d r loin lit" * I him caul * liuu l > n , i f
il llt n n' tll i i u-4 t > y l.ti > VV iiu I liin > \ PK
i t.i > l riMii * illi i xtiuyiuitm n il < i in I ul
niul sunliihlB oil ci or I'tlni l piii | in \ vis ,
11 < i3I/irim'rStDeaxi , i lo
1 uo'oto r < tiiiuii fir it ply
AJO . ' -I \ Nn ir-IMIO'l ' ( \s | t.ui"
siili | -i 111 1 sinus llciiliil | n li r- III d ,
iif I In I'l. lit. . OH Hi' of ( hli'f I onu.ii . iiy ut
Mil u t Oin ill i , IS t-li l"i brtl 1 1 \ s is i
xr i U' ' | pi < IHI | > il- , In ti iilli | ut c sul > i. the
u-u lUoiKlmim- . . will In' u t > l\i I ul tins 0 u
mil at Hit ulliio tit \illii4liiiiiniixtrv t
siilislstsut n at 1'iiit Uinliill s | ) , , , , ! 13
nc Int KM ti lit i , il it unl iril t Inn1 ami il- \t
tlifiilliio of Ilif utlu , ; tiimiiiU-urli s i r
slstt iiii'iil I nrts sliliit' } , Siti'n n i aim 1 > i > -
MIII Ni I ) . . Kuils lioiivrliisu'iil IMH h u I
I i i Is -l\linii > \ mid \\ , V , \n ,
til 11 in lix I , l M mountain > t mil n I i t\
on liiistluN Iho list iliv nf Vlirth l- tit
Wllllll tltllll Mill 111 I I'l S | lll } Hi 1 III < I a
III till ) | ) l t > sntl | | > tlf IlltllllllS fill Illl Hunts
nncl ilillxi rj llit-r it. ri ptifthi Iv uf II , i
Issiio pot iitni s nml salt I'n fi it-mi \ \
( 'Ivtn tt > artlt'lt s of iliiim'itli IIUKIIH 11
inaiiiif it'tiiii , fuiiillliini uf mulct \ nn.i |
lint hilling In the iirlft of fnrtl'ii in itu
111 III IllllfiU tlirt' till lllllj till Millll III ! > „ .
Ilit il 'ht S rt'Nt'Miil inn jt > t t u us ur ill pi iipus iN nml > . | iti lilt itluiit si , i
it l.ul tliti urtli'h't un I iiiiaiitltii > s n , . * \
anil k'Mii-dill Intoriii ulnii asto tuiuiii t
lonlMi l , will lx ( iiriiKlnd tin npiul it i < >
IIIIN lit till' lllltIM lilt tltlulUll l ) Hits VV u
lllil.I , , Miijnt u mil i-.l s A.i . s
I , il 11 in.iJ-.H )
Cei'tilicnto of Publication
Olllinnfililltornf I'lilillo A iiiiiiii s , t
? Miris.Uii I.liunln lo'i iiii ' -
IlMifitli ) d it lilt < 1 tint tin Manliiiti . I '
Iiiiiiruifo ( o. nf Now \tul. In tin -i
Ntwniu liiih ioiiiillii | | ullli tin ii
law ur Hits ktiitf iiiul is nut Inn | /i t t , ir
thu iMisimnf IK , , liistiimiicolii tlii -i
tlu > milt nt > I-UP
\ \ Ituiss iiu h intl unit tln > seal of tin n
in iiuln . , u founu the ilnv iiiul t , i ,
vvrllit n T ( I | | | M , \
. 1 Au. Ill r I
JMU .J ! All. vs. IlcMmtj
Coi'tiricnto of Pu bile , lit > n
OnicoofiiilltMruf IMllilloccou i
Ni'hraciUn l.lni'oln 1
nlty anil lii\fsliui > iil ; intl Ins n i f
Moils I It ) In tilt kliiln of limn iu
tliu wltli liuiiiaiuo lu of thi > -
uiitliml/t d to iriuiKuil HID tiny n
IIIMIMIIOK lii UnsMivlc Cur tlio i u i ni \
II U Ill-it lij orrllllc I. Unit tin 1 it 1
\\ltlim-i III ) Illllllllliul till ) Milt ) nf In
i'f iiulillc'iii'tuiuiu tliu ( lav nu I M r
> lllll ll T. fl lit Ml N
lsi'al 1 Autia i V
t n\s u AI.I.AN , Ucimty.