TII is OMA.IIA ; HJEE : FKHMV 27 , ism TJLE OMAHA 11J3E COUNCIL 13LUPFS. OFr'ICK , NO. IU I'll A HI. ST. \y \ Cnrrli't in iiny imttof II.V. . . Ttl.To.N. - - - MA.NAUlMt Tfl.I.riluNU : f ii ! lirnOnicr , No II. Mflit l.illti.t. So. si 3iisrnt\ > tt V. 1' To. Council Hindi dumber Co . roil. f'nift'ail.uttrl lonn . 20ISuj > | > block Horn To Mr , timl Mis. Finlov llurlte , n boy ( iiiiuliio Koi'k Hpiliig ccul. Tliutchor , 10 Mnlii stiwt. ThrootlninUivor.t tlnoil JIO.TO In ivolleo ( oint ycMenia ) inoinlnc .Ionium Soreinott tiled > MtGttlny morning ut tiiuroMilciicuof her brother in ( turner toun- to postpone the city cotin- cll muoltiiK which xxns called for lust ox-oiling tintll Monthly. 'Ilio ' dty n-HPssor 1ms lippnn his luinunl round-iiior | tlio property nxvnor * . lie Is noxx1 ut xvork on the cnst end of tlio city. I ! . \V. Davenport rccil\-ivi n linn box of orange blossoms xostotdiiy from .Inhn Churchill , who Is now in SI Anpustlno , Tin. .lohn C Ilopkmsof South Sioux City , Mel ) . , itwl .Mlsi Annie Kihxurdsof St I-ouis , Mn , xx'cto milted In inairhitfo xostetiluy h ) .lustlco llaininer. 'Ilio r.illro.ul commissioners have ordered the Xtntlixx-eslern rnniUiiv | to bullil a uoxx- tUpot at I..cM us. 'I ho oi'iler xvas sent fioin tin1 onke of Attorney < . ! enc.ral Stone In tills city.A . A motion for n aexv trial xxns Illoil In BUPurloi courtyuMtcnluj In tlioeasoof ,1. S. Thulium's tlio Council Illntrs canning com- p.my , Inxvhlih a xordlct In faxurof thodo- fimlant ix-as it'ttirnetl lail week. Dan MrCilnnls XXMS Ijtoiiif'.it lioforo .lustleo I'ntton UKuIn yesterday fur u homing ll < % in.ulo tlm sumo old pica , that lie hail not been nblo tuu'ciiiii the services of nn nttoniej nor tou'ct tin ; xxll'iessos ho xx.mtcil , so lie XXMS 10- ni.imlcd iiKiiln to tlio i-oiuilv Jail. .Mninilo , Ilio txxo-x cat old sou nf Mr. nnil Mrs. S C ) . Iloielil , died U'ednesdax nl ht of tllplitheiia. J'ho funeral es.cn.lscs took place jcstoitliiy nflernnoii fioin the fiunlly lesi- ilciicc , Wi ! Harrison -tieot , Uex. T .1 M.ukuv dlllc'iutli ) The iL'iii.ilnsU'io Inturieil in 1'alrxlcxx' ceinutcry. ( < coi'o ( (5iii\'oslnil aliorsoimil biiwy stolen fioin lilt linn nthls n'slilpiue on llroaihxax1 lietxvcin Txxeiit.x-H'coml anil 'Pxxentj third plieotsn foxx nights api. 'Iho luin tloors xvuro secttielx luclied , but t lie thief Miceccilod in foteiiiK them , nftor xxhlch lie n Itch ml thu Ijii nyl" tlio horse uml iiiinlu ( 'ootl His osp.ipo A siliemols non'oti foutuinonitlio chaiita- ll.X indlncil Indies of I'ounril HlulTs to sturt n " \Vhltt Slilold" society in the city for tlio protection ami iwlstnmo 01 xx-oisini ; ( 'irls. Ono of the plans is to start nn einploiiiiont n 'oiioj for tlio puinoso of alilin phis In find- IHJJ ( 'inplo.xincut Tluuilea xxlll bo prosrntcil to thopastois of the citx'iit their novt month iniH'tiiij'in onliT to seeuiii I heir cooperation tion In the establishment of the soilety. " . 'ho nninteiir tlotocllxo xxno heit n board bill at the Kex-oro house und bought n trim on ircditat ( Ihihiitn's ruiisliop , uflcr xx'liith lie iiniL'i.ited to Oin.ilui.xxas bioinlit to this side ii f tin rixer by Marsh.il . 'Unipleton anil in- nu cci.itod In the eitj Jail xxith tint iliatiicof ilrfrainlliifr tils l.uullonl entered ntaiiisi l.lm. Soon lifter his nrrixiil lie ixorktil hlinsolf Into the cooil Kriues of oniicr Miuphy and asked linn to irix'o him the prlco ol n shave Minpbx tnolt him to the lurbcrnnd told him if lie failed to pnx him for tin1 Mux'o Murpliv xxnuld. The ile'edlvc tonic nih'atilii'i ( ) ol Mtiipln-'h ho | il tidily and tot ; n slnivo and .1 hair-tut at bis expense. At the station the dutectix'PKnxo hH nnino as M. S. Smith On Ins person xxcielonnil letters directed to .lames Kelly , \V. II Smith and W II Kouser It is sup posed thill SoiI'lT is Ills L'OIIVCL IMII1O. A. Vomif ; , a conductor on the motor line , hud n Ik'ht on ono ol' the tinins scvuuil idnlits n othat iesiilt"d in his nnest jestci- ilu.x afteinoon on a chaiK" of assault anil . Samuel Ncxx'ton - tbo battery. xx-as prose- cut Ini : xvltuoss. Ncxxton cl.nins Unit ho xx-as roinliiK fioin Oiniiliii on a motor train anil tbnt Youinr trieil to put Idni olT KnllliiK to pot Now ton oil tlio train he ealiol bis motor- iniiii , .Too Nelson , to Ins nsslstanio , and be- txveen tltcni they pounded him sexorelxanil at lust col him oft" . Aeeoul'iitf ' to Young's stotx Noxxtotixis dinnlc xxhen the affair took place Hticntciuil iho car und Insisted on jiiiUlntr Ins feet , wlileh xxeco cox'oicil xxitu mini , on the cushioned sent Voting 10- nionsiratcil with him , lint to no purpose , Noxx- ton ehiitnlnjr th.it bo had luid bis faro and that entitled him to put his Icct nn.vxxhero in the car that he xvanted to I'linilly YOUIIR bccnino niiRry , nnd he nnd Iho inotorinan put TsVxx ton off the cur In tlio vlcpiitj ofTxvontj- thinl street. Therols u.xxMrrantout for the ariest of Xelsou iilsnon the sanio cbaicc , but lie bus not yet been airesteil Tlio against Young xvill bo tiled InJu&tlco 1'at- toil's comt tomoiToxx' , 0 P. Helm , inniinRcr opera house , Huron. Halt , writes : " 'I'ho Xoiv Voile Sxinpbony club plajeil at my liouso List nlplit ( " ' 17) ) The lineal inusiud oih'.inl/atlon that h.is appeared before a Union audience. Mr. s , the xiolinlst , is xxitbout doubt ono of the tinest jieiformei-s in the coumiy. " J'jiistt.\i i , i' . t it i < ; it.i /'H.s- . Ilr. T. . Uacv is in ( Jhlc.iKO. ] ; 11 Odoll left last ox-enitif , ' for Chlcaeo. Arthur Cow les , xxho uoiv tr.ixcls fora Des Moines ilruK house , is In thocltx1 Riootlnt ; his manj friends and InnkliiR after some husincbs matters. He enjoys his new homo ami new position picatlv , W. K Hrainbcidfe , fioin Wisconsin , has entered the law olllco ol Sims , t Haundcrs. Ho is a yomiR iniiii xvlio won lilKh Mnniliii inllio stnto nnix-eislty , at Madison , and is a jiraduato of its l.ixv ilopnilincnl. Mr. It M. rmkcMein loaves this inoniliiR forOskaloosannd Port MiulNon. Ho has been in aethe. hii lness hero for four ye.ns , but has recently sold out , and now expcets to locate in tno eastern pin of the state. Hy Ills eimcy anil ability | io l us x\-on success lieie , nnd doubtless xvlll in his now lield. Kueh is surelj thy \\lsh \ \ of many friends here. Call on Sfhurz-Snilth Co for chattel loans nuil real estate. 2(1 ( Pond st. Allen's For ! ho lust two months or more life has been ono IOHR , ilellcions spieo to Charles Allon. Ho has sjtoiit by far the gieator part of that tlmo hi the cit ) jail. Several day lioxxnis taken out with the chain gaiiR mid an attemiit was in.iile to have him \\oik on tlio streets. Hut he x\ai stubborn , ami ln- stcnd of u lnR the shovel nnd the hoc ho persisted - sisted In UiiiK Uoxx-n In tbo mi'hllo of Iho jitreet. A few dajs a otho ollk-oi-s dcchleil to try n little moral suasion with him , and with this end In \lo\x \ he was put in ono of the uppot nioiusof the city Jnd with a broad and watei tllot. Vcsterduy liiis.hed | up bis sentence , nnd Allen determined to show the ollleers howell ho bud profited by their leachliin so lie broke a hole about lour feet sijuaru tlirouRh the wall of the jail. \\Mien tliodeei' \\iis \ ttlscox'cred an Inforinatloii was Illoi rhiirpliiK him \vith nialielous destruction o ! property , nnd hews : rcarrested as soon as lie was rolcasea. Tlie probability Is that ho will spend nfoxv weoksln the county jail foi his fun , Kvans l aundvyCo. , .I.'O 1'carl Mieot. Telephone - phone ftHJ. tioods called for and Uellveied. The I'm TJIIW. The provisions of the present law In recan ! to thou.iyment of taxes arc not familiar to nil particularly as to the time this Important mutter should bo attended to Under the old law the full amount ofthe takes for the year became payable January 1. duo IVbruary 1 , nnd pomilty nttaehed March 1 for the month of February. Under the present law the taxes aio duo Januiirv 1 , become delinquent March 1 , nnd a penalty of 1 cent n month attached on A'pril 1 , for the month of March If paid toforo April 1 , the tax-payer has the option of paying only half nt this tlmo nuil tno other uulf September 1 , when the other hnlf becomes delinquent. Confu sion n rises from mlsumlorbtandife' about the time penalty begins , which is on .March 1 , If not paid before April 1 , when the wbolo amount of the tax become * dellntjueut , and the prlviU'RO of paying half U lost , TUP VlMl'i ? I\T Tilt1 111 IMM'l'1 HIE NL b IN HIE BLLH'S ' , Attornfy General Etoua Wants to Make tlio Ilaihomls Conic to Titue > A BURGLARY ON SOUTH MAIN STREET. Cliiiilci Alien , the l'ii lllst , Irlenllis Iliuid on llie \ VidlVllli MH-'IT..H The Law About Tnxe.s l-'idaie. Attoinoy ( loncnd Stone coinmeneod n nutii- her of milts jestcrilny au'iilnsl the loxv.i rail- toad coinpanloH toenfoico tlio proxMslons of tlio joint into law These suits nro ldentio.il as to subject matter \\ith the suits that were bnniRbl lust full , txiTpt that tin1 latter weio hiinm'hl in tiio naino of the state of Iowa , \\hilo \ \ the tie xv sill Us will ho brought In the name of thor.illtoad commissioners. Which of the suits will hold coed Is not known , ns the point is ono which has ni'X'or been boforo. the courts , and Is theieforo undtvldeil. It Is a question niiionit lawyers xvliothor these suits shoidd ho Uiouglil iti the iiunio of the staloor in the n.iino of the eomiiilssioners , and this question Is llkuly to he settled as soon us the present suits nro tried. Thoudho.uts that aio in.ulo uefundauts In the suits wliieh huvo been brought In the dlstiirt eoilit in this city aio the CMdca o . Northwosti'iM. tlio ( 'blcni > o , Hock Island X I'liclhV , the Chiuu'o , Milxvimkoo .x : St. I'aul , the Sioux City ,1 Pacilli * ami thoUhlca o , St. I'aul , Miniieapjlls A : Omaha. lleshlos these similar suits have been brought HKiIiistllic lliicliiititon. Cedar Hnp- Ids , V Norlhoin , at DuilltiKtou. the Iowa I'enlial nt. Marshall tmvn , nnd the Minneapo lis &St. Lou Is at Di-s Moines. The Jobbers are thoonos whoare lespor.sl- hie for the pushing of these cases. Their wails oM'i Iho severe Uvattnent they have received from the railroad com panies have been loud and deep , and they liavu succeeded In cettlni ; tlio comtnissipncrs Iiiti-Hsted I. , their case Tlio Joint r.ito lixv xxus calculated to greatly ie- iluto the fioi jlit ratei betHoen points on illf- fi-rriit rouls , and In all imib.iliility It xyould have reall/ed the hopi-s of Its desipncrs if tlio companies had llx-ed up to Its provisions. Hut the companies bave fought it funn Its passage , and It is not hkelj tolioof mix * toico until It his been founlit to the bitter end. For the next week those clPKmit tiand- naintod tea potiith n pound of the llnest suii-dricil Jiipin tea , u 111 Uo sold at IMc each at l.utul Hrothers. The tea contained in these bcaiitifnl pots Is superior to to any 75o tea In the city , and there is not n dealer on this side of thol'acllie ocean who can pur chase the pots so they can bo totalled atjl. Thcv niaku ulcRiint presents. Sou them and vou will iidinlro and purchase them. ! ! 3 Main street. Slmf7.il t& Co entry largest stocltof liullc Drill , Canton unit ( loner secils In the \\est. Catalogue anil samples b ) mail In DIslritM Court. IS DuritiR the morning session of the district comt jcstertlaj .liul e 'I'liornell called uptho saloon inuiutlon ] matter anil asked the nt- tuiiioys If the discs \xnuld bo roud ) for tiiul tins muiimij , ' Svabrook , us the nttoinevlor thophilntifV , and .1. X. Italdwlii for the uity offleiaK stated that ( hot were rend ) . After a fe\v words had beoii exchanged tbo fact xx'as de\eloped that nobody knew whether the trial notice- , had been sen cd jet on any of the defend Hits except the cit ) olllclds. Ml liahlxx in then uniso and said that that tliiow a new li 'lil on the case. Ho hail said ho would bo icady for tilal on the supposition that nil the defendants had been notilieil that tholrinses would oe called up. If they had not been so i.otllied , ho would tisk t hat the trial of the cases bo positioned until it bad bten ilono Mr Hcnbrook .stntctt thai ho uau left the notices with miofllccr to boervcd , but the lotinns had not yet boon made , and ho could not toll w bother they had been served or not. He aireuii ; , hoxxcvcr , that only tlw.o cases should bo brought up for trial \vhciein .ill the defcnilants had boon served with trial notices , and such cases will piobubiy he brouiht ; up this nioriimKVes - teiday afteinoon all fourteen of the notices which had been placed hi the hands of John 1'ox tor service , were letnrned to tlio ofllce of the clcilcilli tliecertitlcate of service en dorsed as hi\iiii \ ! boon madoon the Ihth 'I'no trial of the case.on the criminal docket will bo taken upnoxt Mondiy morn- inir. Accoiilin to thoassiMmiont the first cases on trial xvill bo those of William lloivrt ? and It ink Hill , char od xx'ith murder in the Hist deirrce They aio both assigned for Monday , but It is not at all llkel\ that they will be'completed in much loss than a wooli , 'Iho next c. es on I bo assignment are those of. i. It ICinir ami Joe Puller , cbar eit with larceii ) , ami lleiny IlolTor , ch.irced with as sault with Intent to do ure.it bodily injury Those are assigned for Tuesday. Tbo jury In the road case of Uermoddy vs. Murphv , after beinn out slnco W'odnosd uv niirlit , rotnined a verdict yesterday at UrntWii in fax or of the plaint ! ! ! forJIT'J. TliPc.isouf A A Ha/ai'd vs. the city , In tthieh n xerdict for the plaintilT to the amount ol f. > ixxns ) retuiiKMnshoit time ago , was hiou ht up aR.ilti .xesteiil.iy by tlio umuino.nl for a noxx' trill. I'ho motion xvas ovorru'od ' ,1 J Stewart nppoirod for the city and Fhclcingcr llrothcrs tor Hiuard. Hccollect that the only Installment house In Coinit.il Illufls and the largest Installment house in the west is Mandci & Klein's.'o sell at eastern pilces ovoij nrticlo of house hold furniture jou use , ana instead of to- quiiinij you to piv cash we lei jou ha\e it on easy payments. There is no nocessitv of di'tiylnir joui'aclf thoiiso of mij aitlcloxvhcn you can pet everxthlnt ; jon wanlonsuch easy lei ins Tl.o largest stock of carpets , stoxcs ami fmnituio in the eity to select from. U-0 Hi'oaJxvay. Do you want an express xvagon or hov ) niLtup Ilio A I ) . T. Co. , telephone IT ! ) , is'o , 11 North Main itrcet. A xlsit to Drs. WooJbury's ' noxv dental rooms \vill ho pleasant us well ns piolitablo Finest and most complete dental rooms la tbo west. Iluj liy Moonllglit. before last two men by the nnmoof Sears wcro on their way to their home , south of the oil ) , when ono of them happened to think that it was cold , and that if they hail some hn.x In the botto n of the wa on It mlRht be warmer. They wcrcpassmfja farm oxxned byJ. ( \Vilght and kept b ) .lames Kapli , and spying u line hi ) stuck they alishted aiut bcRim to 1111 their wagon , Ua- foitunatclv they were cauelit hi the net , and in.ulo to ilisporpo. Yes- tenliy an Information \\as lllod In .Hutlco I'atton's court , cliargniR them with latceny. Tliclr bond was lixed at $ . " > 0 , anil upon giving ball they were leleased until next Thursday , xvhcu they xvill have a trill. As soon as they xveic dismissed they illed an infoiinatloa iharulhg James Kaph , his brother , and three other unknown men with robbei-v. They stated that Itiph and his crowd came out xx'hilo they xxcro loiidiiiRup and took their hoises , xvaRon. buffalo rohos ami over ) thim ; the ) had with them , nnd loft them to net homo as best they could. 'Jho robbery ease xvns nlsoj continued until Thursday. _ CallonD. .I. Hutrhlnson & Co. for choice bargains In lots in Wilson Tenace. Special inducements , for the no.xt few days. Hiiy your cod and xx-ood of C. B. Tucl Co. , DJJ'JHrouihvuy. Tclcphonu I'M , The Manhattan , snorting headnunitcrs. N. O'llrien. ' Mala Stioel llui-glary. When P. AV Spetinan opened ills store on South Miiln street yesterday tnomltiR bo found that some ono had been there during the night. Tlio window In the rear of the store had been broken open and through it the visitors had entered the building. Tbo window xx'as protected by an iron shutter , xvhich was secured by a bar at the top ami i hoolc ut the bottom. Un tlio tlooi wear the xxludow lay n largo chliul , > xhlch had evidently been used iu fordiiR open the Muiltrr. The Hi-li haul xxlion tliex trot ttisilc Ten MikhuinlkPtvhlefa. vnlvieil n'H . Hint of silk iwilller . txio overcoat' uiula lot of other good's ' \ \ ere taken It is impossible to tell Just Imxv inurh l niissintr Mr. sprtnmn estimates his loss nt fi ( > I The pollitf ( tro nt \vnik trltif ( to ferret out tluu'UllU pititlcs. but so far the ) haxo not beeiiappielioiulc'il. SiMplclon points tosox-er.il tontfh clurnclera Who haxo bo u InnlliifT about the city for sev eral thi s past , and who Inx'o been seen es pecially hi Mint vicinity. Tlio lailles of Council HlufTsaro Inx-lteJ to will at llrown's C C ) . D. Kiocoty and bo senod with adellcloiiH cupof Arniotlf'a beef tea Stci | in while down loxvn , Itonry A. lllir insxltli the 7Cc\\ * York fsMiiphony chili , xxas for u 11 umber of ) car.s comet soloistwlihdlliiioro's famous batnl. 'Iho republli'iins held their primaries last evciiliiR at the plicosHbich hud been so- Idled in tbo dlflVii-iit xx-iinls. In all the wauls the iiieotiiiRs xvcie well ultcnded and there xvas oxldontly twit intt > ie t fill hi theoutcomoof the coming flection. With trilling exceptions the inrotinirs xxero h.utno- nlous as could ho desired Tbo following Vitro thoonhvrs and delegates appointed : 1'irstVnrd \ - I1 * .1 , Abbcttrhaiinian . K 11 , Sindt-r , "eeretiiry ; 1C. J Alibntl , wiirilcoiu- mltteeman ; delegates , I ! rt Ilixrnott , \ \ ( ' Stacy , C. (1 ( Saiindcr * . MS ltoup.lt I' llubbaid : P. I * . Sliugail , pailicommtssiunor , W C. Ktacv , school boar , ! . Second Wild 1) ) Maltby clinlrmm ; 11 , I-1. Watts , Hocictnrx . 10. I'Vutts , eommlltee- man ; delegates. John 1'ox. .1 I' . Wllianis , f ! . II ( Snble. N O. tt'anl , K \Valt.s , I * . Ci. Knot ts , lOu. Mott.,1 II I'aco Third \ \ aid S 1) . liordon , chalrinan : .T. I' Iliukness sei'ietarx.ll I , Slicjurd , com- mlttecin.iu ; lU'lUk'iitos \ . 12 Itnx'crslork , I , it I'ouslns , ,1 K llarkness. John Klmlt , II. II. Kields. ward alilortmn. II II Van Itiunt Pouithard \ J. LXelicv , diniiinui ; U' . t1 Itoss , secret irv ; 1' W , Iliut , xvnnl eoinrnlt- tccman Dtleitates.V. ! ; \ . Ihrt , I ! I. , . Shu- Rirt , T. A. Coiiover , .lolm < 5ilbcrt , A I' . rilchhik'er , Cary Iteoil XVaul'lililcrnian , II I ) Hnrlo. Fifth Wind K H. Poiiih. cbai r nun ; P. Spruit , seeietarv , ! ' . Hinlth , wardioinmlllei' , man. Debv.itos , U' . A. lllRhsmlth. 1 ! It I'oiidi. .lohn Shlnklo. Hurt' ) James. Sixth \Vaid 1 , I ) . Koblusoii , chnlimnn ; \ V.V lOlliott. seeretaiy. Delet-atos. L. JI Shubcit , 0 C.VhIpplo \ , William Viinden- berg. In the Sixth wardavotoxas tuken foi nominee as alderman , lesiillintr la n tlo be tween A. ( . ' IT.iiilinp and \V. II. Diidlc ) , each leceiving foitx'-sU votes. Upon motion , Itvas agiee-J to docile Iho n omlnntlon b ) ilrax ing lots. Mr. Hauling xx'as the luck ) man. Assist thoBroailxvay M. I' church by at- tcnditn : tlieentcitaini'iwnt nt Miisonlc Tem ple next \Vediiesilay oii'iiinir. 'llils club has a line leputatioii as n musical oi-L'.un/.atlon. Ait Mil Inn Knlg'its. AVoilc in llrst and soconJ dct'ico 1'riday night. 13y order of C.U. A , B. COOK. AVould llorrow a Kidillt * . P. A. Olnoy , mined xxlth a large Jait cnteied .I.C. Lange's music stole yesterday and xvnntcd to boiroxv a liddlo. rearing that the jaif and the fiddle would not bar- monlzc , Mr I IIIIRO icfuscJ to lot lilin haxo It , nnd ordered him to leaxo tbostoie This ho icfused to do , so the proprietor put him out. Olney thenstooil outride the door on the street and mtulo iiisulllni ! remarks to haiiLre , offcriiifMo llirbt him .After standing this for some tiinu Air I IIRO went to the door anil used u cane with some force upon the pugiacinus individiurs ear. Oniicr Heswiclc'iippened ' aloitf alioutth.it tlmo ami Olney was taken to the police station , wheio the cliuigo of drunlteiintss and dUturblug the peace was cnlcieil against him. J.C. HlxDv , sto.im nonius ; , sanltiry en- ginecr , 20i Moiiiani block , Council lllutts Tlio 7s'o > y Paclllc is tlie most centrally located hotel iuCouni.il HlufTs- . 1,000XW ( biiek for sale by.M. HuRhes & Sou , Council HlulTs. "An Ugly Tuckllnjr , " a comedy dramit In four nets by i\Ir \ I'aul iM. Potter , lexx-ritton by Mr. Aichibdd (1 Gordon , suggested by- Hans Christian Anderson's fable , two char acters ciibbcd fio.ii Tennyson's ' poem , "I'ho Sisters , " and nroduiod under the personal diiection of Mr. David llelasco , was plxeii its pri'inioro last evening at the Coy d and was only a limited success. Situations have been driiRirad In by the heels , speeches of almost limitless Unfit bare 11 red at the audience at museum , until : i nulancholy settled over the aiulienroxhlch no amount of excellent work nu the part of tlio players AX on Id have dlspelleil. It xx-us earl ) In the evening that the a > u1i- emo dlscoveicd that the phy xxas only lolerablo Iroin a literary point of xiexx- , draaiatieillx' .iinoiintiim to nothing Ilut it served tolntroducu Mrs. Leslie Car ter to Omaha ttiejittr-i oci-s ami taken all in all the Introduction xvas xory plonsiut. The ncxv cnndidato for Stellar bonorH xvas a surprise , nlthouKh the publie had been pro- | iaiud toexpect a xxell lounded peiforinance. Theieis nmeli In iVIis. Outer's xvoik to pi.ilso She Is enthusiastic , a close stuilunt nnd shows ndeteimlnalioii tovin aiiamo for heiselfon thosta'o ( by le itimito methods. \Vhiloshcoxer-cliboiMtes \ the pail of ICate Oiayden , xxldlo bur I.iiifjh is very hollow nnd insinceie , wtiilo her proiitmciation is xciy Cliloofroaii , still stio has so much inoio to coimnpnd tliat ono cannot help hut expect fjie.it things from her xxlion her noxitmtols oxer. Noxv is only Iho fornialix'C petiod of her st.go caieer ; live yean hence the theatrical world xxill bo bcltir able lo pass judymont upon tier work. Mrs. Carter has the benefit ot nntiiiusunlly slion suppoitiiK compiny , Mr 11. .1. Ilenly ueinir ] urtlculnrl ) woilliy of an extended mention enpassant. His personation of Comt Malatcstn , aCor- sicun , was xery strong and realistic No actor on thost.iKO , xvltli the.sliiLlo | exception of Mr , Ilooth , has the umgnQtism xvhich ho possesses. Wtienon the st.i e hoconiplctoly dominates it to tlio exclusion of ex-erjbody else nnd nox-er docs ho alloxv the cliaractor to descend to the Icxel of the cominnnplnro. Mr. U" . II , Thompson xvas very dclinhtfiil as 1'tof Cr.iydon. Mr. Kaymotul Holmes played r. Aleadoxv Ilrook Hurst youiifj i"'in ' xery pleasantly , winning deserved upplauso for his cloxer portrait trait xiio. Miss Helen Bancroft and Miss Helen Hus- sell -xxcre both Judiciously cast , the touncr ns Hosier Gra.xdon , the latter ai .Mis , ( Jnnby , a le.idorof Iho beau momlo. 'J'lio plax Is superbly mounted , Mr. Bel- nseo'suxcdlont tiaininc as a staxo inaiinfjer shoxxhifr in every sol. The audience , xdiilo not hrRc , x\as made up of many society people , hul the reception accorded the st.irxvas xory frighl , not unlike the xxealtierouisido. DC Witt's Little Early Hisors. Best little pill ever mado. Cute constipation every lime. Xouo eiiu.il. U o thorn now. I'reillotloas fur I < VtirimrvVcnllicr Asthoroiirohut Uvoiity-oifht duy In this mouth tliero oiiffht to bo los cold atnioipljorii than In .January , Iwt "all biyiibfuil in dry xveathcr , " tlioroforo xvo can only sn.y tiiat the electriciijli ; ted , steam-heated , xofatlhulod , limited trains of the Clilcayo , Mllxviiukeo it St. I'aul ruilxxay xxlll continuu to run dally ho- txveen Oiiuiha , Council Hlitlls and Chi- CIIKO. The oloctrio li lit ro.idiiig lump in each berth li tlio nu\ultyof \ tlio a o. Ticliot olllco , 1J01 rariium t > treut , Omsilia. Mayl'roxca Valuable \\itneNs. \ The police arrested a man named Aden Vofilit last ulf > lit at the Eleventh si net loil - liif ; house xvheie Connors xms killed. Voght xvas xvltli Iwcr on the n\g\\t \ \ of ihe murder nnd had hot been seen at tlio luif-'iiii.1 house ( .Inco until last nlfrht Hoxiill probably provo to boa valuable xx-itnesb in the Dxvycrlrlal , Dr , Birney euro , cuiari-n , iieo A MiKslminrv Tea. Tno l&illes of tlio Kountzo Momoilal r tithcraiichuri'b hchl n inUbionary tu > in the crypt of tlio church last night. Scvviul lou tables weio Drettlly deeoiated xx-ith ( lowers and laden xxuth delicacies , wulcu xvere raplitly dUixKiKl of by the Inrge nmip\icrof quests in alleluia jiei1 Tbo li-nxvtwdx en for the purpose - pose of rdsiuu fximls ? inl muar ) pur- po e iis xiell as for purpw&x of UK tnl reciou- ii -n riieio tibjivt er fujlx att. lined and a Hio < t onjnviililo aiTuIr K XO ( ? vlilcnce of tlio executive nuilli } of the lad ) Culoicil llnrlivrn * I'.irty. . The co'orod ' uarbon' uhlrtn fjivo npirty at \Viislilngton hall lastiilRliI The attendance xvusfiillflnnliid ( ! ) ! the devolcos of teipsl- schoie tlliped | the ll ht funtistictoe inilll he xvco sum' hours , hmnpir was so nod ibotit iiildiil litlii tlm banquet room , On Irlulfltr Iflirliwuy llol hrry. AH. Hiiillb nnd U' . AVllson , xx-howeiv ar rested xiioii | a charge of rnbbliiK C'harlcH Mattesonon Tuesday tiicht , vere niraiK'ned in pollcoiourt.xesteiday for trial. Theeaso xvas not , llnlshed at ! > : : Hmul ) xxas conlinucd mill today atlO0 : : ! , AIILQflS-l-IlessleC . bd.iMil daunhtrr of Mi nttil Mrs. Cbaili'M O AliliUlxt | , at lln'lr ' , 1'iit North Miii'lrmlli stri'et I'tincrnl nt - , i in. , iridu ) I nlu incnl at lor- cst l.aAviifciiiLti'i y. I't'li'iiils Inxlteil. i > KKi'iit rn.t.v Krisn. rxint'liiiiiit IIHIM ( if Illinois' Ic | s nctitiulnn ? Complicated , Si in MII 11 in , 111 , Toll Vi - It is prolnblo thoiopulilicatu mill Tanners' Mutual Hcnellt association men wllln 'iln ' rcfi.iln from xot- lmlii ; the Joint assembly tonwrroxv , as Sen ator Matlhoxxs aniUoveial other ii'publlcatis most ill Indisposed ( Jlwlrtmn Fuller of the repiiblii.in ilcorini ; committee xxill nsiiiii rai-io the point Hint , no quorum having xoted , lliootilx thltiKhi oiiler is to ailjotiin or move a call of the house , thru n soumd ballot Is outof ouler until Iho iiiesoneo of n quorum is demonstrated. It Is expected Speaker Ci.lfts xvill ovcirulo this , ns bo did toiliy. If nil the ii'iuiblieansiire piescnt ex ecpt M.ithcxxs , Iliov mav appeal , Hoping xxlth the aid ol the Farmers' ' Mutud Hinellt association inun to ilechio tlio spi'ikur's po sltloti not tcnildo , It li reported that koine of tlio lepuullciina luvvo suites ted , if overruled - ruled bv Speaker Ciafts , that tlio republi cans ami f minors should noox'e-rto the sen nte anil hold u session there In lonneetlon xxith this stoiy itls salil theio xx-ns u seliemo tosxvitili votes lioni Stoeter to OKlesbxthus , k'lxliiHtho latter nn election xxhichn lepubu can United States senate inl | > ht sustain. ] t is hardly probable , hoxxex-or , that such n plan AXilI butiiud , niidlnvini ; been talked of the runnels' Mutual llcavllt association men arc leitainly foi'Cxv.xuied. Tliesjieaker toJaxrccclvedn petition from nlar onuinbor of tlciiiocratle inumhers , ask liiK Inn not tu iinmo eonniiitU'cs until tinmen- utorlnl contest isi'iuleit \Vaslil iifl ; oil's Hood Icis. Oi.ixii-iA , U'ash , Keb. 'Jli-Tho house this afternoon considered the icportof Ihe coin mitloonppoinlodto itii'eslii'iito tlio c-haifjo of hrlbci ) made apalnst Clark Uv Melcalf 'J'ho rsolutlon offered ( i.xpcllliiKMcltalf from Iho house was defcutul. Had drahmpo causes inucli sickness , ami bid blood and improper action of the liver and liiilnejs is bad ilraiiiajM to tholmtnim t.stciu . ) , xvbleu llurdockblooil bitters icmedy The business section of GreensDorouKh , Intl. , xxas burned , nsil'oiisi'c.x took tlionathnf ollloe ns presi dent of tbut'tiitid States ofUruil. In tlio loxxer liousu of tbo Kansas locrisla- ture n proposition to le tibrnlt proliibitioti to the poople'3 toxx-a3ilole.itcd. . 'J'imothy Ilaninpton has sued the pub lisher ) of the lnsuiiiressiblo | for libd. lie ilenios liaiiilllngtne funds brought fioia the United States. rsTominiitioiis for naillntncnt tonic plaeo in Can.ulii yesterday. Will roil r iurier , leader of the opposition , and Sir John MacDonald xvero nonr.ii.itcd by nrcluuiation , The Cireal Xoithom and Senltlo , t Mon tana loads IHLVO been consolidate , ) , foiniini ; a IhrouKh line from Seattle to St. I'aul x la the Canadian 1'ueillc and Winnipeg. I3icsldcnt Inirisondisapproveil of the bill conncctiiiK the pension otllco xxith Iho xx ir department , because II infringed on the ex ecutive pieropatlx'c of making appointments. Michigan democrats named . .lohnV \ C'hain- pliuof Crind ? Kapids for Justiio of the supreme premo court and Charles S. Williams and Arthur .A. ( Jlnrk foricgcnu of tlio Mate uni- verslty. jMthemeetinu of school MiporintPiidcnts iti 1'hiladelpbii.i ' committee xxas appointed to take charge of this count r } ' rcpiescnta- tionat the coRraphleal conijross to bo hold In UuncVii , Sxxll/eiland. A Sctllc'ini'iit , In Si | > bt. SIOTTIHI.I : . I'a. ' , NOD. 20 A iettlcment of the rolco strike Is In si-jlit. Secretary McBride - Bride , xxho arrived in toxx'ii toniclit , said n confcronco of t'io ' operators and uilners xUll be held on Monday for the purpose of nbiul r- hifjthu picsent diOlculties. 2\t > disturbances occuirou today Steamship Arrtvils. AtT ondon The Uussla , from JScixYoilt , the Montana , fioin Il.iltlmoro. M Uixirpojl The I'alestino , from Hostoii At Now Vork 'Hie J'uace , Nevada ayd liunio , fioin Liverpool. I > efcilixe Sli In response to Chief Scix-cy's ' rcqnesl tliat they report dofeetixo ficxvalks | | , the jiollco lastniKht iircinre I over sox-onty-llxo letters " for the sldett.dk Inspector's "pcius.xl this moi ni UK. llond , The coolness and pie cnco of in i ml of a passenger engineer on tlio Georgia Psi- c-ilii ! tlio otlior day pro vented it dhis tious collision no.irrust \ \ I'oint , Mihs. Tlm tclogi'iipli operator nefj'outud ' to hold a ftoiyht train as diicctcd , nnd it xxas pulling out of tlio station wlion a l.i i-eii or train xfasdUeoxerod lounditi } , ' iiiurvoiit tne rate of llft.y milcsiiti hour. Tlio cngincor of tlio ft-el lit jumped , itfno olloi-t to stoj ) his ongiiic. The engineer of the pas etigor ti.tin , lioxx-- oxer , brought his train to nn abrupt standstill , leaping from the cab lie jumped on tlio frolghtcnglno anil stopped the train just Uxo ft-ol from his oxvn. IIV OjJ'rr l' n ii Meinnly ti'tittli Jiuurci titifil/ Jlfi uf Mnlii er nnc ( (7i Hit , "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jtolm fiiiilliieiiitint nf III J'utiit Ihn-ror n ml Ktnl , AftoriMiiRom-lKitllcor "ir lliiTH I'rliMiil" I Bull * * i M | It tit HttlL' p ill ) , Jin 111 1.1 nuti'Xiiiilotio'tHlmb c.il.n ss iirir\Minl ( tisuil In miuh raii'HSirs * A\M > ( UciLj\mirMo | , Jtu. 13Ili , Ih'Jl , Sent liv c > | n-ts , lliarKM | irt | > ald. nu p-i-olil of jrlCL.jl U ) { rtrI'ottli1. lluuliiii AliithoiHniilli-illrc ) . ici.E ) icict : ivroit < ( > . , ATIiA > T.l , < ! X. BOLD IIV AU HOTEL. . . . . yturi'fi n , < "i' , t-ttlt ft ml In tlir limit miliHttnitiiilli/ lintel JliilltHniIn ftninliii , . . . . . . . lii'fiill I'tli'lt / ' ) ' < intllH rniiiiliiu fi-iiin liiiHfini'iittit I'uiif , IH tin' < ( ' ( ( iij/ * > fiii ( llintrnliiii'il ' tiltk .Iwfx'ufow / / ; < < ) / llnt.itl , mnlilnu il liiiiiiiHMtlili- Inirn lll/ ' / . , I il'l' I'lO'll IH'H IlllllCC / llllll'IIIH Hi t'Hiiitlimit t'ic liiillitlnibti'ii HI In'iit , liot uml fofil iftiti'r < inil Hiiiiftliliii'ln ' ' ' . Idltli'uHHKi'jiiiKm'il rri'l'H > 'i > inii. mill' D. SILLOWAY , Prop TO BSEKSBFEBS. 1 enrry a full line of E3eokcopers' supplies , mclU'Jing ' coinl > foun dation lionov knives , smokers , sections nncl nil supplies lor thenpinry. M. S , ROOP , East Broiaviy , Council IJlulIw , l.i. DR , , J. E. IVIcG-BEW , THE SPECIALIST. ! ( ' \f \ IN' IXiirTh'iKV. PRIVATE DISEASES 'inn ! In .Mi' ' . ' > < lm < Mli nt tin li'K tifnn liimrilmi < mini u < tlni 1lii > tniitl ! il > . liitt ru re fiti.l I'l 1' uulnll unni'Unk. iliv liiiht < vnr kmmii in inoiiirtl I'li'iui' JUI'ltll.H it nnrraiileil . uri'ln .Kit i.o ilm i'lio ino'.t pun oiful roim' I ) } d knoun f ir il IUMIMI- lontiurt" "Illicit ItCur pnlnlli rilli'X'lujillip Miller - lor , rilU'il nl Ilium' nlilmnt Initriiini'ntt . mini time 10 I'iiln. ' iioilllatliu I.IKI of Miinluiiiil or XXiMikni' 4 foniiU1 ll < i i pi rin.iiiiMii I > i n.'it lir Mit.ti'tt ' Muii'ii In IliiMn'iit ini'iii , I l'rl\ito IMdi'i'i' * liis ni'M r IxM'ii ittin'li'il | ' -uilli M in it iiiui ) piitliiil * t cm In i fnini tin Xllaiu.t . ilu > I'm ill. II K niil Cliiulnr * fii-i' hi.lu" . Ii , , i I. | , > lull an I 1'1111111111 Klna'ts | iu.iln NtU 1 nlriiiiiun t'tlln-r Mnol 3oruronillon < ni'R i Sick Itenilnrlio Con < tl | > nllon. Mulnrln. I.ltor Cunuilnlnts ( nkn tlio BUO minin rctucilr hMrril'S ' ipa I'so thoBMAM. K17H ( .10 Ilttlo lTin lo Chol'ot- ' tliil 'J'lioy niollio iinst ei mi'tilent t > ult ull mtus. J'rlcooftltliutMto , 15 ! ( .OHM per Imltlo. ITVBOOBBUUl ! nl7 17 TO. Photo prnviira. NIIICItlio of this piauiu fur 4 cents l < Miomi ) > r stanjib [ ) J K P Wilt & CO . . . . , tinkers of "Illlo lUna , St. Umls Me SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. WOK ui. NT ThT MI MiJicMTlTiTii -rvuTTy i < 1 liinK. \\lllili.iMiiiiiil .iiul I'll.ilor. . . .1 .1V spine , till I'uiil stroi I Ij XAMIM llu > ( I'li-lintiMl Mi rii.ill I'liinni ' tJ anil till' Ni-xx N illCiovn I'l.itins , Uoxsn ami ( . 'iii'i 11 Or ati" s ld f i i i > > li ornn nM.ill- niinl liv Mm. llnuiK-tii'- ' . inii-ii' ti'iiflur. ' 111 Hut --in in itiict.diiiiiill Itlulls. li BAIIdA IN" rorlnir'iiiiis In IMIIISI-S , lot- , . faims anil cinili us ami iltt : i IUI In vi < - lu't ( nun. iill nu .InhtiMnn vVV.in P.ittcn. . l.ienlt l > l cK , ( . oiiiiL-lllllnlK. JniItsA LK A bir nln ; iii' lunilriti liousi' xxith all the laic liniiinIMIHIII-- ) . M'\ II riiiiins , xvlllsnll oni'iisy Diijments , loi-ill il < in tlie riflli iixiiiuiMiiotoi line 1) . . ) llulrhiii Mill , 111 ? ItldlllxVil ) . A 1,1Kl lit- tniiin | IIIIIM > .mil t xui li > t on llaiilsuit st. A inoiliiii liiiuso unit , i peed hoiiku cheap. D. J. II utcliliiviii , till Ilnmilttuy , FJlt'-A lirino : sln.'lo itnil iliHililr ID nl stirs unit lic.ny ( li.iiiulil hi > ii < s \\lll ul-o fill onlur * . for niiv l l ut IUHM-S int < 'il l.i'SiM'iirdirs x1th DrV. \ . L I'allnii. Ci titi.il . llxery uml nalu htablcs Si uiiil ! N Main I'Olllllll ISIllil'M. FOKSA-Llf or Uont-airlun land , xvltti houtaa , bJ It Rloi. 10J M.ilii it. , Oouuiiil UlulTi COUSCIL BLUFFS STK\M \ DYE TOURS AllUmKof ] ) yiii'-r .iii.l ( le.inlii'ilnni'la tin ) lKlifst Mylt oftliurl. . l'uk-1 ait.l st iliu'l 1 aliilis iniili' to luiik.is fiHil ) : \ + , ni- \Vu K | ironiitl | > ( loinMinil ildlvori'il in all [ iiitsuf tlio 'uuiitry tuul for i > rife list C A. Mil'I | AN . Prop. 101.1 liromlwav. No.n NorllixM'iteru Hotni , C1TIZEHS STATE BAMK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 rjmE'--rnus I \ Mil lor , I' O ( lloiwi , II L Sbiitart , K , E. II irt , J U IMiiiiiiiisi | > nlli.nlui ! O. llian.in . Transact Koiier.il bmUliu him- nets Ijir cst e.ipltil anl siirpUii uf any banklii SDIII littcstorn I > w t INTEHESTON TIM ; DEPOSITS , 'M. " W. 'CHXMBERLIN , M7 D r.xn , DAII voii : AND TllllOA'l sl'lli IXM > I' , IVninill HluIN In K.XIt NOsi : iiinlTil IKx'l trrnleil u'tli ' tlio Krcalest nklllnnd uiro. ( AI'AUUII. ASTIIXt V nnilllAX KlflVKIl trcaUil Illieminent fuioco- piln- 1iki lx | M rfnnnot H Ith till' iitnii * * t inn * tin t HUill ni mirlnit iK'tfcct rciiilti Kl VI < I' iil.X- is ; iiunr titilr | iruicrilii-'il rorri'rllni ; all rolrx-tivii tr'iiililtu inMydpli Ilyinropla.iiul A tl lnili in , HUM ii > n- ( Icrlnu nliiht < > vr cloir mil pilnliHi ( illtlMC ) Nl 1 IIAI.I.IA ami SICK lltXi ; > Ai III : , nfmr Hurt oftorrllilo Hutlorliiu. no lulli'f ' , ontli > l > cur.1 . ! ! oilc1. ? , { ouin I.SIiuifirt llluik , o\cr \ llvnu ALu 'a styrj. Cuiiucll Hill Its , In PinloyBurke.G o.W. Hewitt.Thos. E , Oaiady liu rte & , llcwitt&Casaily. Attorn eys-a.t-Ia\v is IN TIM : vr\rn \ ANI > rii > iuA : an * itis. OHl.-cs J. J Itroun lluililln- , ! ,111111 il Illulls. ln\va \ 8toto 1'USIiY , BANKERS. CVirnnr Milii in I llrnidxTiv , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Dinilcrs In furviii .ml ( limustioi > li tu ; s C'lllIlM 11(111 IIUull ) Uilli IlllOri'il P lll Ull tl 111 c , ESTEP < ( | | ( ' Itl nil's , lllXXII. 1 1 > flh Mill ii Sirorl , Dlrci'lur and lltnba liner , WnU'h this sjitu o for an nn noLincomoiit to morrow that Avill take your breath a\vay , relay a. The Model Clothing Store \\Mll close out the remainder of ( he Bankrupt stoc-k fit prioos that wore never hoard of b'oTore. There are hun dreds nncl thousands people who arc living \vitncsscsofthe fact tliat some extraordinary IOAV prices have already boon given , but to morrow's prices will discount every thing. Watch for the Announcement In this place tomorrow morning arid then take nobody's \vord , but go nncl see for your selves. It willsiiveyou money and bring you foml'ort. The sale \vill hist posiii vely ONLY ONE , L3AY ! And that day will be SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 28. Hunt for "Tho Bee" the first thing you do in the morning and \vo pledcjo on r honor tliat it will contain a profitable surprise for you. SAPP'SNEW BLOCK. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 30 Per Cent Saved At / \ \ * 1IATTOT ? a/\TJTI\Tf HOUSE , , , IN MEM'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING , GENTS' FURBISHING GOODS , HATS , CAPS , BOOTS AND SHOES , Come Earl 3' and bcctirc Bargains. This Cut Price sale will Last Only One Month. All Winter Goods Mast Go. Ko- member the IMacc. /ill / ! a iu1 " > IS Hroailxx'iix , Council HlulTs , loxva. A COLD IS INFLAMMATION. POND'S EXTRACT REDUCES INFLAMMATION. Specific Directions , ii'.x roii > i > ria i : niixn , HIM" ? r : > ml's ' 5Tlr : : i t ( diluted < inc-linll ) by a niiKitl tlondio , or MiiuU' K , or % : iporl < ' il ovi'i'u lamp und lulinlo tinIIIIIICN Ilironul" the IIIKI- . 11' IIOAICMC , pnr ; : o ii-llh I'oniTu ixlrni't Kcvoriil Iliiirs daily. II' TIIi : 'I'lIItOX'l' IS SOUK n lid MCCK STII'S' , rill ) lln > node Iliorini lil ) \\llli I'oiid'N r.trtinrt , mill , on irllrlittf , urai > Ilio ni'clc In \\'noli'ii liutnla o nntiirnli'd \illh Ioiul'M ivlrnct : , anil | iro- teclril ! > } nn on I of uruiiiilii ; ; . ii' TIII : II'N : S AKI : * oitic , I a lie n JraspiKiiifiil of I'outl'm Kx- Crint lour < > i * llxc llmrN dally. ii'TiEi : i.nins Arm : mut nr fioio , rtili tlit'iii Uinroi ly xillli 1'oinrs i\triiii. : FOR CHILBLAINS , luttlio xxllli I'onil'M Dvlr.ul ami danitii c xxKli clolll critllratedlllll I'oiitl'n ix- ; ti-iul. lulling quiikly Ktoppi il. BUT ( In not | iui * ( IIIIHO hotiiu ( lirap mil lint ICiitr uiul r-vici | I It ( o do u hul KOIIIN | itraclvill. : . Ho sure ) on Iiiixi1 uciiiiiiin nrllito. Mu < l < > only 1 > ) I'oinl'x i\lrsict : to. , JSoxvurk 1111(1 I.OIllllHI. NO GTJRR ! NO F > AY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. "cnmtocn yi'nn ovncrli n ! A lotul.ir itrn liulo In indliclno us "llpl mini sliow I tlll tTViling w h llui . tioiti' tiiuiii' < i nil Nci\.iin ( liriinlrnnil Prlin'o ' I M-ofr X | i > Tiiiini-nt tunn irauli'iil f .r Intnr spi.Tiiiiiliirilni'ii l.i t Mnnlidoil' iMiitnnl XX'cnkni'sH Mttit 1 IMKI M Imp .ti'in v ' vptil t < strh line tun ) inlills * ( linen ii f Iliollh nl s iniin I t nn irj Hr iui" N II I k-unini tw'.nnif n-x.-rv uis I nnilortiki iiml Mil tu euro ( un-ultiitiiui lieu lluok M > < ltrlca of Mfuiecnt liu' Ulkvlmuri ' m to s 11 in -unilnj IU n in 11 1'm NEBRASKA National Bank u. s. DEPOsiroinr , OMAHA , NEB Capital , - - - SAOO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st. 18UO , - ( W.3OO OIIU'iTH unit Olrci tnrnllonry XX'nt < M. Proililntit I.IMVI S. liieil Nlu * I'ru'Munt .IiiiutM XX sivaz XX * X' . MiirHii. Jiilui h t olllin , II C Cuililn. J N II 1'alrk'kX II > 1 1 UK' lie i c.nlili'r T 1 1 b"4 1 -OiV U AX Iv. C cnur Htti : nnl I iinmmMi A GOIIOI il llmkini llusin - * I'r. Com r llth anil C.ipitol Axvnuo. Just roinplatiKl , ha-i 10U IOOIIH , tliroi st , ir\- ijh , Jrom the toj > to the bottom , Ins thii i-lc valor ami tlnmin , ; room ho-vip" , is Ilr. ) ro il throughout , lln biihul rooms nnd tlii' tuiust tullat rooms in tlio nty Lar o Sam 'lo r onii Sui-'s wi'li bit'ivV' to- 1-ltii miJt'atnt il Ave , btr.-cti iv hervico In allil.ru ti > iif H , ti"i Iruiui60 to i 1.00. KERVE AND BRAIN TBEJttWENT. HMcldo fcr > lTilfrlnIHiilnn.rtiiuii ! ( lfiiik XViJirt lulnu'i , luntixl lirpi tiiiiiin , rtnllvnlnKKf l oihuin r < v lu'lln ' : In Iliniinlty n H Ivudlti ? tu mUorr ilccnv ar I iluilli rr > ni ( ui < O M * ! . luirunntii l.on.r I'm r Inotirtur mi , liKnlanlarl.oin , nihi Hi > ra > tvil < i.\i < Aii Hit tiy o % cr-vkui Hot of the lirain , Ml.bl ute or unr lnilniir < < iici ) tnclilx. t cnMtlnionj nionil ' irrau jjnont ( I d Inn , iir kll for Jj , M-nt \ > j mril iin > nlil , Wuii - fn nril r for kit Imim. will n-n I imnliutr ( niAranttiii d > nrun.l inoni y If the Iruttmmi fnitato ruiu. iju&riuUv4 ! tit uitl ivn luuuu ri > iiliti > ulr bi UOODMAN DULTti ft ) . , nn Mi-oii , - iiuntni ll > XMIAIAVOIIII ( XI'Sl Ms iiri' ' 11,0 DOGOTAfsJ uml out ) i.ii uli' IIIIKI rl I in . : iilnr pli ) liliun for llin < iin. .f . ( i"inn lut i ciiiililli.i-luirti'i limn llui uriiKU ) or uc'julriM. tlM | > ur Uux MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAN.XTI % " the XXoinliTfiil Ui'inod ) . l < hold XX rllliiiiiiiimiito t i urcull ' . > r\on J ) | rukiiI..HH Hi XXtak Mi iiuirj 1 ,8H it llroln I'ot or II cailac lie , XX nkifiilness , ] xt Man li H < l V rxifii uiBfi , l ii Ui , nil Or ilim anil Eoforo&Aftor Use. . of | to\i < r of the IMiotoRr iphi 1 ( rninllfi * d , nrrjtlto ( ) riarm. In rill. i r n x , raurnl iy oxer en rtl-.n\ -ithful Irulnuntl.ui * iir tin iiftibui i in jtn or Minmliuitf * ulitili ul'linatrtr li > it > l lolndrnitii ( niuinptluu iiul Iiimiut ) I'nt up liir < muul < nt ( rni tumrrt in tinxifl ixiikct. I'rico tl u pii kiini .rdf . rjl \ \ nil i vi r > (5 1 nit r r ftn nn-rll'i'ii iuirintri ; > to iur > > nr i-i'Tuml tlm inoni'j. Siiitlij iiml ti nn ) uiMrtt > Clrculur trie. f Ii ulliiii thl * . imH [ r Aililrrts , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilrancli OCkc forU. S.X 117 Hi r'v.r i Mr.t t ( UK Xl.fl Ml. roitt.XI.1 IS OMMIX. NUI. , UV kllllll ) , . , IVhA. l > .iinlai. ! Sl J A Iiilli-r&ln . ( , ir Ulli A lliiniMubU. A. 1) 1 u ti r 4 I u . ( uuui il lllulTt. U LIQUCIli 3HCAJSIT. I , ALL THtSOKLU \ TIURi : li > BUT ONt CLRE DR , ii\INF.S' { ' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It cull t o tiitrn In u iti.i ul . .ilfif ur ItH. ur In ur * IcU' * f 1'i.ml , widiout tuo knoHtodcool tlippnileut il iloci'iMr li m u .julviU'ly hnrum.i and \tlll elicit * t > uuajutnt ( i ut wpeifh ouieiicilipr tlif i tientii I j 'cr ti > in iKor or mi alcoholic n lo.-n II'NJ X Kit h A.I I operatut BO uuatly and \rith luoh ocr- Uuiiyiliit ih IIKIVIII uiiilcrr.on * no iiinontenirmri , ana PIV ti < iscnri' hm complntfi relo. tcticn u cll < MiM IHjinj-i iKj.ikol i > Aruoulnr Iroo Totuihadol I , i lK.kln . , A. inli ( 'um.ngMH. lt.\ . ' ( nl U II. 4IO. . llllUl'li .XIO .1.114 ' .n/n co nmnli * > \\fft \ \ i3lH'ftrk-\nniMo(5 ! | ( ,1 mn'ii > I , rnll tlm IIKIO ilim UM I in * n A > Mnlll i un f > r Ihi lit hill ; \ fiikllt hi , Ull r i in , n in r nmifmllHL U Iu nil i JRTOSfRMO , lUllt II ) l t i