OJMA1IA DAIJjY BEE : TCESDAY , FEBUUAKY 24. 1801. \ \ SPECIAL NOTICES , AmKUTISli5ll.NTcf.ir Iho.e column * ulll i' tn Urn iinill iv'io i > . in . fur tneext ning fiilt n. 'itnl ntilll < * 11. in , for tinmumine lit in liliilSfMiAV llltr. . * j'l li.Mh- i u nl i In atUnnce " 1 > \TI Adx rrtl ptii.'tit . on t1il pnciMviiihot J\ imMri'il for lit Iho rite lit1 ! * ( entsiier 1\ f' ' r theIlisiltist Mli'ii.tind 1 01 tit per woril f ' 'b iiilMi'iiiotit | lns < illon. i ml H..MJ per , pi * r'r ii nntli. No mUrrtlstinu'iit tiikon fur Me * * iluin ' . itonlH for tlio IIM Insert Ion. "I M11 \ VS. nuuroM. cj intxils > te. , oiHinl cnoh J ' i inonl. \ . f"MilsK | iidvprtUctiirnt * n.nvlfrtm . ronsreu- tulv unit nnilir nn rlrrninMiiliei H nltl thov IN' tnkin ur dlseiint Itiiietl ti ) to1eihfine. | 1 > AH'ril.S ail vert t.slnit in thoM'enliitiinsimil 1 a < mi ; tin-It nn wers m'dro ' * eil ton "nnni- lnr tl Icilir" Itiriire nf Tin : Hit : will root ho n iv.mi1 nil cluck tocniilile tliiln tok'd their ) eiiii AnsNM'tR will lie dollleiiMl nnlnn jirr I'll-itlnn ' of this cheek. I'n Id , ii . li IBS priin-rly | ntltln uil A ll 'iihiTlNPtiielits iiiuli > r tht ht-ail "f NiitlfoiT n re piihlNboiMii Imlh t < i i n in niul ovi tilin ; editions of I'IIK III K , t' ' < in. .hitlon of whleli inicroirnti-s inototlian "i < > it , ' ITS i1nlly. nnd nh-es Iho inhfrllsnt- t > . i in Ci nut only of the Inrmu-lrcMilat ion of 'I in lie.- In Dniiilia , hut ul < o In Council HlulTs , I , < lii mid other flllt s nnd tfiniiH In llii > ui st. BRANCH OFFICES/ AH. , rtl'lup fnr these r-ohmim Will ho tdKl'ii rHie nlnxf rniiilltiniix. it I licfollowlnir Initl- Ii. - 1. iisiu ho iii-eiinlb"rl7t ilto Like sun lal I i . - . , ! llicnanx'ititfsus can bu hud lit the n . n itille. C'i'l ' III OMAHA IIKASCII OKl'lL'K-No. V i N. Stroil , l.Mor llliirlf. HIIN \ \ . U1II ! < ii.- . I < ll \t-l' , V KI'l'V ' , MnllniiPM nnd li , , | idtd street. ( II I'MlNMVUin'H. l'hatninel.sl,5lir. ' I'mii- \ \ ' .1 IH'cilir. .l'imiTinic'l.st ' , ( HI XorTh luTTi " " ( ill ) \ \ rAIlK , I'buriniu-lsl , 1713 l.uuven- ' Worth stieet. ] | II CMIKS1 I'llAKMAC'V. ' .MtlTaTM SITUATIONS WANTED. , rtr. . f iN ( ftf * | VV' ' ' ' ' - ' ' " " liv ljvri > irlH > r ' * iitiiU-upylit. iil.iln siiiil r.-iplil writer ; I' , in. l\ff \ MJl' \ \ 'ANTiiSllnntlon hy Inily eollu-tor , ft ( jtuiil lofeiences. AililressK II , Hue. \ \ r ANTKO-Sltiiatlon hv a younir inm : of ( mod liahlts ! rofeiiinces , Aililrc- I ) " \\r \M'ri-Sltiidlon ; ns Hlruoqrnpher and tjieliter. | . Adthess John Yv. lllt.'lil .Inles'un ' , C'olo. 517 ' ! * \ \ ' T ) 111:111 : lime llveil lu Onuhii o\ur twenty ; lll K ' * host of ii'feionfi1. Aililit l n\ W "A \Mr.n-Sltiiitliui : as l VKIIIIC man clli s. IH'l ' , llin. - , . , n for cooil clrlt ! my 'i \\nltiiK ! loinnsaiK ulw -I\H full fiom U a > n. to I p. in. ( ' \tiillan : ( Kniiiloyincnt oflloo nil1. S l.itb. TelophoiH 'l. I''l WANTED-MALE HELP. _ J ui mfi , rfcprrfiiiiif | flint ffilumii mi . \N'l Kl"Mei'liiinii" ) , , inllirrs. lilliilxTiii i-li-iKs. liooUKi'i'pi'is ' stili > stiun , falino re-is ; IIH | nii'ii In all ca illicit Irs to I'liinu to It in I > recon and ai-oriit position1- iiiiuii tli Ihlnn wimes. Tills Is npnrtiif tlirnorlil > , il , t' < | iul In , lint rM olllint nny ullii'iIn iu ) iidMuitacas.t \ < " ln\lto nu ti'spontl- < -ii . fnm \\ho\Miiilil fi'i'l any posslhli' ln- ten -l mid i.isnri'yiin thai idl you ha\i > to do IIIM'st l'IltL' | . AVt- ( Mil ] llll\l IlL'J Ollll | ) CI- Hint t- tit n doubt all I lint we a i'tt. ' Drt'- I. , I.HI A Tins ! Co , I-'s'.i ' l'il t st. . I'oil- . tin son. M" inSiJ * AN I'asti'rn linost niriit ronipniiv of cuinl Jvl.inilm ; ami ri-mlo | vonlil HUu M > IIIII TIIIII f integrity .mil jiusli In repivMMit tlii'tu ai i "ril : iiuent for iVl > ra la : to tin1 rlRhl Ji.ilH u p nul olTrr will liu laado ; out lioniH uua p.itMiliitof JKO. artisolduponii.ini- Dirat or ? " . and moiuhlv lihtiillinent b tliou- Ofter of } A matin liitf at an avcranerost of nlniiit flO. II , iy Stati1 Hi. ml and Invostiiiciit Co. No. 1 , Bo U'on..tu'i'l , Itii'.ton , Muss , hud S'i * A HUNTS wnnti'd for tlio Miinlinttnii I.lft ) Ins. Co. to represent In nil laruo towns In tlii < stall's of Noliriisku nnil Colornilo. l.llit't.d contracts olli'ied. ' Atl.licss No. UMniml , * 'S ' Htm DiilKtlni ; . ( Jon. ! ' Parish , Ken. m's'r. for M1- trasUiiiind t'olor.iilii. _ M t * ' . 'j "IT A N'T ! ' . I- ) Man tn soil farm bollots tofiirm- ' -is. Martin Meiini I nel Couki'tCo , K-iit Oin ill i. 7W 'J.'i * XX' TKH-Mui : to veil line of iljiartH M pi < r mmitli nnil eMit-iiM'S paid. Addri" " < Mitli MIUIIP , National CluaiC'o. , St. LouN. Mo. ? i s a * " \ \ \NTKD Tinvolliii sali'sinmi. i > vlusio | ' iirsldol'nt" innsi lit < inerudli- mid it'll- nl'le. Man.iKi'r , 1' . U.ilruuir li \ * \XTFD T o HrKt-i'li t ' . .nilvi < iilintili'r , lij A. 1 UlarKe , lili-ls ( s.'i'- end si , , IlaitliiK-s , Nt'li. ' Tin 31 * A til.NTS Nov iMuiir-llBhlur ; inerv smtikor v I ins ; lliliU ; < In n 1ml or rain. Sample IV , a for " , 1.0)do7cn 1 > \ mall. Stumps taUui. St i > HIT v > c Co. . I'lovldenct' . It. I. MW.-MI * \ \ TANTHlAents > | ! In soil "Life Oon Slier- ' man. " Suiul.'LV for out lit Immediately and cot best terms. J. M. French & C'o. . Omaha , Nob. MBIK ) " " > * " \\T ANTKO Men with Rood reforeneo lit 11 Mutropolltan MTg Co. , 1009 llov. anl st. 047 Mb' " \\TAN'lT.n Men to travel for our P.innlliin ' " " ' Ml D I.rr.l'TIVKSunlnl In every locality to work under our Instructions , IC\ierlt | > ni'o pot necessary. Manip for | in ; tieiilars. Wash- "iiii DeleotlAO Aticnoy , llo.17 , W-islilns- lown. JUrj Mil WANTED FEMALE HELP l'ii itilri.ftt , fctti > i > nfnrsttiilninn on 1/iJi / jiagc. 1AHV iiucnts-Tliiip tlollat-.s canllul will J build up a business inylnj ; Ji'i wt't'My flolll nc ou riuiM'ltlos In ladles' and clillilien s wear l'urchllil'8 ctiinblin'd wnKt and hose supporte-r li tlm euts | little ciirmontevorIn- Yonteil anilsidlsat sk-lit. Adtlrtss wlthhtan u , ills-(1 ( , Campbell , 41 W. Randolph si. . Clil- \ \ \NTn > All oxperli'iu'od iiut-soglrl with > ' lefrrenei.-s , 'Mil Woolwortli iivo M'17 ' TlllMiM-AOI-i : : ) American lady fnr u limit 4 months ns saleslady , w horn duso atteu- tU'iilo business Is roiiilrt | d from ! ) to 4o'clock. Saturday in IS in. Apply from JOtn I'JWotlnes- duy A. N.Shldeler. r.'l'iolyhtoulilocK. ' MMiit * V\T A N TT.I > ( ioocl muse girl. Cull at 1'112 ' T South llth street. \s TANTii : | 1'li-st-el.iss Irlnuuer : clvt > tef- ei.'ni'e niulst.uo Milnry. .Mrs Ue.i. n - is.in , M.idlson , Nub. tsMs : 'i * Lr \ NTI.DCompetint itlrl Insiiiiill fnnillj . V .Mis. II. \\lu-eler. \ \ . Kl S. LMtli St. T'l | S5 tilrl for kllelion , ind Ian miry ttnrU.it a . 2 > Jtli atixot. JITTO \\TANTI'I ) A nurse foriiehlld a years old ; T liost of reference roiinlrod. Call at loom 17. t'lianilierof roininerco , Omaha. 700 GIK1. for Rouoral house work , small ruiullv. C.iTiiiaii proferroil. liK'.drarn.im st. C7U FOR RENT HOUSES. > ' r ni/fo / , etc. . see ( opoftrnlri'luniii on this juifff. \\TANTii : ) Ajtrlfoigenoral house vtniK. I'JBX.SOtlist. TUI-u1 : ! * JfMK ) lCKNT-7-rooia tint. I..mgo bloek.fiO-i ha l.ltllht. ' you wUn to rent n lioiiio er store * co II. K C'o If , L'onllnoiitnl block. MO ifMJU KtNT lloniouf 8 rooms newly pa- litirctl , on tlm corner tit SSili and I'lanklin streils ; soft mid liyurant water In thol.ouse , In food repair , li > per month. Also Srouniu In Union block , will tent to gentle man mid Udy without children ; bteam licaL ; ? JO nor month. Also ! t store rooms In I.lnhm block : Inntilro nt 017 ] . < nton uloek. coraurMasoa and lath btieuts. John lluiulln. M'i7s , FOK KKNT Nlcorooia < eottiiBO , at 1011 A Uth st Iiifiulro of Mrs , UuxEun , & W , cor. lllth .iiicl I'liclllcbtJ. ' S7U UKNT-lS-moin ct'iitrtilly located rcsl- arncus ; all mocinrn conMinlineoHjIliu Illicit In the city.V \ , K lloiium , rnoina S uml 10. Krcnbir blk. KHiMW 10K KKNT rour anil 7-room llaUs with hutl ) . hot \Tator. ito. ; pa > nl btreot : near .iNliicss ; ull Improvtincnts : only ia pur mu. Hefcrenecs required , The Mead linustincut Co. , U'llee bulldlnp. 6t J STKAM hontcJ rtaU at ftO Ji lOtla. Tlio > . K. Hall , 311 I'uttou block. K > FOR HENTHOUSES _ _ fur mr .rf urttn'i.i Hi < ' i-n/iiiini ,11 1/iM / nil" , XVrr. think o lime tln h u o you wish to ' tent , llunilv A. I'n. , 11,11 Cnilt4ilnvi | > . : MB 17 _ _ _ ir OI ! Ur\T : n inn lint , bnlli nnd slestn L1 hdittiip , 71K N. K.th stuut , liiuuhe uf Ilio eiiBlliior. M V4' rsf- tiFthosesti'iiio liraloilllntt In ( lu > Her Mit-U.ior. 1Mb uud .Inekwuiitx . lint all the i oiiicnlracos nnil Ii in first eluss repair. 1'nr piutlcnliirs cull ntlllt : llaruey 'I- lllST-.ro : ? < iiii boii'.i1 , 11.11 N.ITtli. liinulro 1IU. HINT- Cut t iii'OH wltn S , 5 n ml H riiotiiH. Inss lul y.Mh nnd Sfilli , CIlilKi , rmim HV loiinlof trinli- . M'J.11 Pas _ KlNT mtillhiHiM1. wllh latao I'.irn , nr each M pnate , tnifll'allfnrnl.i Hri-ei. M'll , . ! FOI1 RENT-FUHNISHED HOOMS l'"r iii < r , ili . . rrli > ; nif flr l rnlnmn nil tlm jwlr. | | I IIONT IIHIIII fnriiMied for lent , on I llnor lu prlKittt house. CoiiM-iili'iit to all car Hues and iliiwn tutt n , I5IU lluwunl sturt. M jli--7 ! * J/ > ( lit Tfiivr 1'iirnlslnMl room 11H Ootk'i' - > t. iVKM ' 'T * N'll'l'LV fiiiiilshciUiititli rotua. 1M < I'npltnl iiM'iiuo. MTs' -I * "Ij Olt Kl XT J moms , onu lluor , 17IJ Jucksnn * ? slleol. ML'til "I/'OU IJIIXT Soloraiit ll-itnmi lioii'.t" * , N J ' . 'XS anil SlI'lDniiglns ' M IUHIIIHH uf A. A l.ltiihtnnc , IHID nniiKla st. , or tiloliu I.o.m . - * - Ti < t Co . : uc s mt h st. zn _ "IflOU IH'.N'P fi'Vin-roimi rnttnpr , enr SMh * - n\e mid fan. avi1. I iiiinto | S'ls ' iloiluu , MsW : I POU HKXT-S lO-ruoni hoiisos within B lulu- uli < s alk ( if tlii postolllco. O. K. It-ivli Co. IMOlnriiiim st. ' > -M ON'i : ti < ntii hiMitiil. TtiriilMiul front room. H1I4 lili-iipi , lint P. _ M7r- < ' IwHIUNISIIUD hoisiih | > i'pliiij rnomi with all coinenleiices. JT.Oii | ior timntli and np- waids , 4t'.l ' s-oiith lOlliHlic'Ot. third lloor. n ( lit Iflrootn lionse , fmiiMiiili liesl of icfor- rnccH , A. M , L'loom 4 , Hoe linllilliic. "XTll'i : ioonn.stc.im . heat , 17W la\enport st. S MAII , room , 1701 Capitol n\u. . 101 _ ill ( ) lil'NT-Onc nh'Riint fiirnlslioil frou loom'ml Hour , Meain hoiiit , hath , Kas ei'- . * 1MI puMno ; must have toferencci. Mrs. H , CHoRf aSlMl'in-iniii st , Oils-i4 ! * "IjlOU llKN'r-Nlcelv rnrnlshed room for two Jpciitlenionor niarrlud ciinplo. 8IJ.UO. Klnt It , 7U ( H. Ilith St. Call lifter X f , in. M471 Mil * | jl ( > lt "lirrvT-Oood fuiiiTshcirfront room' , at -PK.'D H.ltli ! ! > troct. 7U.VJ.V " 171HU iiNT-KloRainstoainlicat : : , fuinlshoil "VTKWI.V fiirntslioit rnonm , all modern eon- -L > 12 N , nth. a. ar * _ IpOIJ Ifl'NT-Nlri'ly fiiriilsliod room , as , liath , 17 1 loa veinxoith , iinstalis. ; i"7 "I * Iroll lir.NT-rrontroom witlinlcmp.ciirlnim mniiti'l. lioat , giis.biitli. t-'olosets. fur' ' p-n- t h loon nr nun .mil vife , JIK.OO per inontli -or - llist. _ 7M 1/DU liKNT T iMity-llvo inntns In a brick liloi'k ' ; f : < Knl liirutlon ; with nr nllliout fnr- nitnio. 0. ! ' , lavlsl'ti.i ) : > t > ri liirnnm st. DP. t'l.AIII Kuropoaii lnili'1 , with din I us kinioni1 1 , no lif.it in all roon.s. llilh ainl Dodno. ipt ! lal rates hy work nr month , SNO I/OU lll'.NT rurnlslicil i-nnns , i-as batli anil JL'stfiun. j'il' ' ) I lima ril _ M5 /OR Itr.NT Hast fiunt nli'uvo room lit tlio 3OR 1 . M.BJ _ 1AUOK siiiitli fnint iwm. liay vindow , mod- J ern lOiiMMilt'iii'i's , fur IIIIK c'rtwn fentli'- nipn. i W per month. - " ! > l.oi\i-nwoitli. : M'.W FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. J\im \ > ttfrt < . , trfliiu } < ffiiit rotiimiinu thli jiaiff. "IjlOlt ! ! ! NTrmnt mom nltli boanl. \ \ till J all mutlein impioveiiienli. Hill Don. lux. 7K' ! . I1" * _ K .timidri'ttsiinablcirli'i8IUJlHiKl ) | p _ _ IJirUMSIini ) lootnsultli loanl. 407 Nn. Ililli. J' ' 1'aiilbltick. M 7.s7 ' . 'I ' * OH U15 > T Klcsntit looms with lionnl , .11 ooiiM'iili'iiro.s. ,1.11 S.L'iith ' tlieut. JI77I-JI * GOOD boatd and room Vor two. In pilvnto Uoil.so , I.'i pel wouk. U1I Harnoy sheet. IT' Wj ' . two fiinilshtd IOOMIS with lio.utl on ONl'.or onrlliio NonbliM tlon In bolnc some flls- tnueo out. l'niiilri | > ol aililrus-s W. S U"1-'J ' 1'irst National llnnk liulliltnir , M7Jhl's 111 > 1 ! ItKNT l.idylslui looiiiinnto , with txi.1111. K'Jl l : iM'iiioit | st. T0 'i7' I I.V.liNTf.Y furnliliiul ft out room ; lint- lUcl.-i s tiiblu bo.inl ; lorina lo.i'diialili'M N lMlist. ' _ ll-l'-I ! "lilOltliKNT A larBf , llnolv fiirnMiiil room 1 u llh lioiiid , ton 111:111 : anil \\lfi > . The must pli > as'int put : of i-lty anil inlvalo fainllv : no ollior boarileis > ; referi'iieus. AdUli'ss 1)47 ) , lleo. ' lIUAUDunil looms G-JS SlTtlntroi't. TIIS I'M * FORRENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED J'or rnlcx , ctt. , ar > tnj > nfirst rufinmi on tlitn ) Mgr IjlOUUF.NT Two f unit rooms , nnfiiriilslied , I cheap , nu ' . ' ( I lloorln InleU Hat , I.raxia- worthstrt'i't , Di't. llitli and 17th. All nioilern eonvenlontTs. JIslilJl * "ITIOH UI.NT II or 4 oliyant unfurnished 1 rooms , , il tloor , steam beat , hnth Ras , ite. Must havu lefert'lices1 , ill.s , II. 0 , Muses , ' 'its i'ariiiitu ht t\Ki \ r > * T/K > Ti UKNT Hick pirlor , ln-i'rnoiii. dlnlni ; J- room , Kltohi'ii , tnodorn liuiiso , II blocks northoiil7lli motor. HintS.'i ) . Adiliesslt.V ) . Itco. MWl ! l * "ITiOlt KKNT Snlto nf 4 rooms for hou < e- 1 keeplii ) : , to family without children , llu. Wolister > t. 70t : FOI ! KlINT 3 teems , unfurnished , for houseUieplii1. , 'Jas N. l.lth ht , , pilee. JK.dl. 70:1 : FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES. 1'nrtwtrn , clt.feetiiiflr tculvinn oiil/if / * jmyr. IT'i'l ' ! HUNT Store- room0\TT. In now ' 1 < m- 1 ry bnllilliiK on 1 hlcuiro stii'ut , 1nsi i'st of Ifitu st nut. J.VI.UO PIT month. iiifliuniiKstrniii hont nnil city u.itor ; ulso li.ist n.i nt sult.iblt- for shop , on coiner 1Mb and < 'liloaijo slieots. J.'O.uopor month. UoLuits , 40 Noilli If.th. MMt-Mil * 01 lull'Kilcsl , idiiin fir ( lent onmoimd tloor , uioilerate teutal , 10'J7 ' I'liiuanibtrcit. M b,0-M 2 * U Ki.NT : Part of Inislncvi binlillns IDDs - rarnnni slrcot , ponslstlni ! of sloro anil nppor lloor with olDi-o riHiins , Imiulii ; of Jolinll. F. l.elniiaiiiiW4 ! h 17tli sticct , _ M109 OTOUKSat TWJS. ICith. strain licut furnished. rVrhos. I' . Hall , ail l'a\t ' < mlill ; P47 _ F0ll Ur.\T The l-.tor or withoutjiawor.fornicily oi'i'iiplcd by the lloo 1'iililMilnvil'o. ' , 'Jib Turiuim st. The liulltl- Inu l is a llri'pioof ccnient iiast'mi'tit.rnmpli'to stt'ain bfatlni ; llxtiirc- . . ivnli'ion all the lloois. pas , itc. Apply at tlio ollli'o uf Tbo llt'o. Hl. > ir\OK \ Kr.N"r--r ( ) sale , my hnl lilms nn .Tonos i1si. . , betlUthX llth. Ci.A.l.lniliiulht.lllU .SIMIi _ F OK KI'N'l1 HrlcK waii'liDiiso , two stories lil'-h. bisi'ini'iit. hydiaullc ulovator. tiacU- KO ; host locution In city. A. L' . 1'ouoll. K * > 0 RENTAL"AGENCY" Ferrate * , fir. , ftt fujmf .first fdiiran nntlits \ vje. KrXTAI , AKfiir ( ii't ) . .1 , I'aul , HHOKainiim sni't't , miiKfs specialty of luntliiK houses , ( .tores , otc , uiulcolloc'tliiKri'iits. M.V)7 ) HI' . COLIC , luntal agoacy.Coatlneiital hi ) ; i Sit I 1ST your hou os to sell or lent with C. V. . tlli X. V. Ufe. K'il IIK IK you want your houses r"iiten llstwltli 1'urrotle ' Hental Agency , lutli ami Doilce. MtHU I'SS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Forratcttttc. , wfoji offlrtt column fmt/ifepui/e. / / 15KNT TO nrro inncn joining Couth Umalia , U5aert'spast iiro , 1,1 tlinhor : aliun- ilniiro sprhiK wntorj on II , & SI. It. It , Addioss Lco.t Mcliol 'JHh mi'J LcAveunortli streets. streets.Mrdn IT IiEVr.N acres , liotisn , Inrso ham noarL'en- J-Jlral ! I'urk fur Biirdon , : V.'ii st. Mury'i WANTED TO RENT. o. , urc tup vfflnl column on thin - \ houko , inwlt-ru , Allures * 3425 Podirt' , M7s'J ML"J CJ.M A LI , cottage ortbrco or four partlv or > J uufurnlshiil rooms with moaoru convrn- lonocs. AdUrtsi E 8 , llo . Jl"iJ-4' STORAOt. < " < irMcj ( , lr , rtefi > jnif firfl rulmnii imfJiM | IIK BKST irnelince uml ulurnjo tnllilltiK In Onnihn. I'lilied States KoviTiimetit bonded u nrehonie Household Roods stored nnil cut-Oil for. Lowest intoliiinriintoeil. . \Y. M. llush- miiti , lli-IOIA ) : I.eavenwoith. ' .t > ' * t"illAIT.ST | : nnd 1n < t stomcu for furnltuifi WolK till riirimm lrei t Ml'l.l ' _ "V1'K ( ilrv stor.iue room at llliulmni' ' < oitl 1 > slorn.Jll NI l.llhsu Tta I' ' . ' 7 * ' " " ' " " BOARDING , , . . . _ _ _ , /Viriiiffs.f'r. / ' , KI f.ijinf HI t rnlninti nn till * | iK. ( \V ANTin : A fen tnblo hoardcts nt 51(0 ( > > Iliniitina. > - 1 * FOR ' 3ALE-HOrfaES ? WAGONS ETcT /'in irilr. . rti . xt fnjinf .flinf inul ! SAI.KTro horseslolith atitlliii-ue Pill- ' leys nt "dt Pdujjlns street. \l ll Jrolt SAIK-lllupliiinprrtod Trench stallion . Intiiilif IOJ K 1,1th stieut Mtl'J-'S IjIdK SAM. Clump , wngnn uml tlotible work Jluirnt'ss. . tir nlll exchiimre fur liu 'K lio.iiil , alsumniil Hlili'luir lmiiy , cheap. II. K I'ole. ' " ' ' ' FOR SALE MISCtLLANEOUS. I'm xitr > , etc. , are tnp of flml niliiinii o "Ij'ilill i-ALT-iV < tiiniliril mal , ! ' tiprltfht J piano , but lltth' usi'il , at u s irrllh'o. Must bu M.ld . nt out v. I'.dl tit''MO I'.ilduell ICJl _ riViK SALT Piano. # ir , ; enrtalli dusk , $ .W. -L niul looks l.VJI Miofinan live. -t'S ' " | 7i'lt ' Si\lK-Cfitnpl 'tt P ! of tlruz Htoro llx- -t ? itiri'S , slum eiisiH , i-ti' I' . t > . lit > \ li7J , SVi IildK \M--\n A 1 llri'pioof safo. Kniinlii' 1 nt lloston ! store , Mini FOR SALE FURNI TURE ETC. H KifK.dr.IK ti > \ti \ > f fli t column nu ( / < ( < jin BIK < > AX'l' new furniture of T rootn Hut ; I'ht'iip for I'tisli ; rooms nil full. Additws li li.llI'D oIllce. JlMI-l * GOVERNMEN1 LANDS WANTED. rpHK 1'iiKi't Sound country and the statis of \VutldtiKloti lint thoiisaiuls of iiert-s of vn- cunt Innd thut lias not been Illnil on , surveyed niul ninurM'yoil , acrleult ural , timber and mineral lunilt ; uBrlenlliiral lands thillvlll Kmtilnit'st \ anything ; tlmboi liinil thutlll i-nt from : i toTi mllllDiisfoet of lumber to IIR ) iictfM mineral lands that eontaln all of the prccloiH mlneriils. The fanner , lumberman , miner and olll/cn , have you u-ud all of your Rotoitmiont rlBhts ? Mu arc In a imsltlon tbiit t'liiibU'iiis to iieeeitiibly | serve jou vlth ro- llahlo InforinatlonIUTO all the vacant KO\- otnmont land Is to he found in Washington. Cli.incet lest anil less eveiy day. Answer cjulclt foi vaeant girvornment land In Wnsh- liiKton , I'oi nil Inrmmtitloa nhnnt I'n ut Nnintl eounlry adilresb , itieliidniK L'-cent stiunii.Vo refer , tiy pot-mission , to Ilio I'll- Kins It.inklir. C'o. , Seattle. C. A. Hammond \ 'o , < itllces 10,1 and 101 llutlcr block , S-nttlc. Wash. T'- ! 7 MONEY TO LOAN. t'ar ratrt , ctf. , gee tup < > / /lint / rnlinu'i ' oil tlili jtayr. "Al ONI'.V toloanby IIJ\ Masters on chattel -ill iiiiileolhileralsueiultli'sfiir .my tlinefiom ] to 7 months , In any amount to Milt bor- lower. l.oniis nuiile on household poodi , plnnns , or- PIIIS. horses , mules , houses , le ises. waii'hoitso iecotiils.etc.nt the lowest possible rates \\illi- unt puhllclty or lemoval of mopcity. My lo.ins nre so arranged tliatyou can iiiaKo niiayinont uf an ) amount at any time and re- duee hoth prlnotnil and Inturest. If you owe u halnnee on your property or liuve a livin yon want changed.1 nlll p.iy Hull nnd r.'iiry it for yon. If yon Hi id It nioiecou- MMiliMit , call up telephoiiii No. lii'II and your hiislness will bo uiramcd : at homo. Money always ou hand. No del.iy. No pub- llilty , I.owosi tales. 1 ! . 1' Masters , It ( iiii4 , M'Hbncll bllt.ir tliand Hniney sts , tea DIMA : ; lll.n loans plai-cd without any tiuuble. A. K , Klley , luum ll.L'uiitinontal block , MT.'iU ni'Jl SKctiNU mortcano loans ! money rondv , AleMoult' , ; tl ) .sliLely liloc-Ic , 41Wr ! ! * RIA : | . i-.t-ite I.oans-M. U. Alnulooil. Ul'i N. V lifo Imlldln- . 701 M.1J JIB \ ( > MV to loan on real estate ; lowest rate- . . I'.J. c.iswfii , Mr. s. V. i.ifo. tr-'o-MO rtllATTKI. bank , ! HOS. 15th st. . loans money won chattels orcolluttei al nt rensonublu rates "ITU Us P .t second mortuiiKcs on vacant .t , Im- J ptinetl elty piop. County warrantshouu-lit. Money on Intnl. 1' . M. Ilehtirdson,8l8 { N.Y.hlfe. SUt IT11.I > INJ ( loans. Oto 7 nor cent : no addl- B t lonal cliarecs for t'oininls-lon nr attorney's \V. II. Melklo , 1'lrsit National bank bldir. 1 > } * . \ti Kstato Loans Oifli on hand. Ciloho I i Ixi m and Trust Co.iur : MOthst. No de-lay , no U.MIII cliurjjcs. Ilousui to lent ; good list. Ci : . & C. M. Anthonv. : ili N. Y , Ufo bulld- Ini , ' , Irnd iiiout'y on fanes In chcilru 1-01111- tlcs in Ni'brnsliu and Iowa. nNo ou p nl Onmlia tusltleiipc propoity ; lowoit r.i'ns ; hc-.t tiTins ; n < > ili'iays money ready. Titles niul uilncs pnwod on IUMP. iCTi MONKYto Iii.ni on IniiiioriMl c'lty jirnpirty nt cnrii'iit nut's ; ( iiudion Iriud : nodt'l'iy. ( fci > . P. Itlust A I'o01 Itaiim-u hldK. MMiT MCINP.Y to loanon Impiovi'd Oinnhn proji- eity. II. II. Iroy.OD , N. Y. 1,1 fc. CJS MOXKY to l.diin short time paper bousht. lliennnii &l'o. , W3 iN. Y. hlfo. ? ll-F-ii lSIVATH money to loan J.I ) . Zllllc. 014 iN. V. 1,1 fu. MIHt ! 1 ON'KY loaned on furniture , burses , et < ! . Llluu luye lnv.Co. 1 Douglas blk.Hi.V Dodmi OIU FOR EXCHANGE. Tor ni/e.1 / , elf , , s ( op uf flnt0(1111111 ( onif / / * puyc. V\7AXTID ! A residence for a clean ihiiK ' < Htocl > , building anil business. Stocks of irooiU for money iind hinds. Snine Oinaba iierei fur elt-ar fauns. J , U , C'oitolyon. 4(1 ( Chainbur of I'oiiiinorci * . M'-Ot ) ) O a.-res Near Hays Centie , Nebr.iika. I'artly ' Impmvei ] , in trade for Onmlia [ rop'Tty. ' Addreas 1. 11 ! , lieu. " NT.W IJIIRSJV and liaruosii and horsn and cash icslstcr. S.ViO.Oll , for tlisl pavinont nn iimp- einy s w city , llntchlnson , t Wend , IV ! I iViuj- las. ( jUU-'JII VXTANTED To trudo for a stock of druss. lliixMscity. MIJ T7AOU K.\t'MANGi--A : Iienntlfiil Modern 12- -L riuiiu house , barn , 2 lots , on motor linn , host pin tcltyi alhOKood h-moin bouse near motor and en hie , ele.ir , and ' , ' 10 acres land elear. Wlint liiiyon1' 1'refor clear elty propoity nndmoichanillse. I1. O. box 7IM , Uinnliu. W\ \ " . have rental property worth JI2.030 hrliiglin : ? IOO a month , elear of Iiicnmb- laiue , forwhich we will takti halt uasli and Imhmeo In traile , Milngor & runny. H.irU'r block a l 120 aeres fine farm land ad joining Rood No- tu.iska town : nraily t-lear. ir > i iit-res tlnoly Imiiroved land S J miles from county sent In Nnlir.iskn ; lightly enciiiiiheiod , ItWiiorei Komi la ml In Nebraska , 0 miles from countv sent : " , 'tn liihahltaiits. House nnil lot tn town In Kansas ; clear. I'lc.ir lot In pinH | Nebraska t"Un. l-iiiiiiii linnsoiinillot. burn , well and rlstorn , Ilitlihtroit , Oinalia ; slightly oneiimlioiotl ! will traile f t Omaha property and assume encuni- braneos. II. i : . L'olo , Uoutliiont.il block. Wi \\7K navii Improved ami nnlmnroved CJmnha i real estate foi ttade , or will sell for cash at just al.oiit half Its value. Sonio tilco bouses , Komi vueent lots , and some of Iho best iiowu town projiurty. Sitrlnsur A. Penny , Darker blU.Mi -Mi "IT'OK ' KXrilANOK-Good Impro\od Onmlia Ipropeity for ole-ir lawn - - propeity and onslorn No- hrnsUii finin- ; deal loin , hnrsis and eattlo for stocks of inorclianillso.V. . 1 ! , Ilo.iinn , rooms b and 10 , Creiuer lilk , CO M is IWILI , trade a peed clear lot In Armour I'luee , Snitli Onmhn. nml tiikt > Kno < llrlvln { borse uud buuKy as pait payniont , Addioss. _ _ Br IMISSJ property on 12th bt. , near Tar- imin. for residence. y clear lotu d'ornui ) In Orchard Hill forhonso anil lot. ilMu'O. ? annicrb ] st , , south ot Lnko Clear , for ri'Sldence t-omo otliur soocl property for oxchango. .1. D. Ztttlc , N. V , lAte , CUO HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Ftin\itctttc.Kctii ) > offlnt coiiiiiiu on thti jtagt. BKST line hair goods In west ; liulr dri--.lnu. wigs , switches , hanm , hair chains , etc. . u D.ivloa , bnlr C' odH and mlllliier , o , 111 ti , 1st hat , Omaha , Hi MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. Forratatte.Ke , _ topofflitt column ou tMijiaot. "i\J ASSAOKhath ut Slniluino Mnlth's parlors , Xujtj iiuor. 7ia a. uth uu _ va .v , TVlASriAQEMadanDulzler , over 010 S lath , J-U M 101-MO' BUSINESS CUANCES. / irr-if t , ttf..ftttojin/ rotiiian nnlhl * AI < r : Ctcnninr l MMIrotnploto Kn r -L' tcniM. J. II I'ortOvtiti , W Clitunror of Common1 ! ' . \ \ , MHIO MMi Sell or r\rhiMii : i iv'tfiiod roller Hourlne 1 mill , 40-hnrrol eiipaoll.fl loenlod In a cn.vl country and OH n uiiod rixtlrimd. 1'orrospiind- ' nice solicited with mill men and ll\e rent i-slcili > iitfent' . AildruM AII. . Uiinn , llnxoti- \vjiod. Mo. , box 47. _ _ _ - | MM at > T/OK S.VIil Tbo fiirnltun1 , IIMuiesnmloiio- 1 half Interest In t.b"l " hiistness nf tlio ri'xlnnrntil rrunonKIn tyolleebiilhllm : . lion- sun for xi'lllni ! Is- that , owner N called to Trance nml must dlsptW of hit lnt < rest nt once , for ea li. AddrH ? II , Messlne. lice liiilldlm.Omiilm. . > M'4'.i-'J4' ' "IjlOH SAM ! A ii.iitiieislilplunuestnhlUhod -A-1 coal liuslncs < . Sintiil capital ioiiilnil | Address Y. 0 , llii : : olllco. M. ' .s-'Jl' lllsAl.i-rini' ( ( ) ! : alooii aiidbiillatd.onlllt or 1 \\lll ire partnersbl ) ) with tl bt man who knows ef a pied Im.Hliujst location. Addit'Hi Id hen. Union. H. H. M7.'JI ' * Hl'.ST plai'C to start a Ronernl toru In No- brasKii. ( loud store , lleut iheaii In- illl ! oi1Jl.otini H. t'linlliH'iitnlblU. Ml.'n . ' . ' - . ' HUTii. : 1'or fide Will soil the bi-st knoun andpavlni ! hotel In Schuyler , Noh. I'm further Information , wrlto to ,1. 1. . \\iat. \ Seliuyler , Noli. GsnJii * J(1MsAl.f'--A : milk ilnlrv on IDlli ht ami ' rnloii I > M' . Win. Aniler on. ( HI ' 'I ' * " \\'ANTKD Partner In a ( inylng lui lnes < ! M must bii\o ahout , .VKlenpltiil. One part ner must leaveonnntry and dcalies toscll liN intert'.l. Address I ) IV ) , Itee. Jils il lil' IM'Stf t'lmnci'-Tlio furniture and lease J'of a 4-story brlek hotel. In line location In Onmlia. Speclnl luduoumeiilslllboolleied to llr-t clnss betel people. J. II. r.irintte. Piiiijt 1 us liluH ; . 7U SI CdAL yaid for sale ! best locatlnn In the elty : Mieds , teams , senlos , tito. Inquire al 1Mb and I/aid stO. . S. Whitney , a t'til. " ; HAM' Itimk that will pay III per cent nn the liivoNtmerit , located In anod ( town In Noli-ali | : iflO.Wi ie < | iilied. Dn nut wijlo unless you mean business. Address IKiti , llee. IhMl-S'i UNADIIjl.A roller water mills for sale or lease ( cnpacltv M barrels ) . Immeillate pas- M'sslnn. Apply to U. Iioweth , loth and * ) sts. , lilueoln. li'-'O ! fJ * ANY shoe dealer watitln , ' a KlIt-iulKe loea- t Ion.heie hum1 and iiiolltnhle triidoeau lie done In medliim piods , Iminlro atoueoof llutoldiison & Wend , N.IX cor. llith iV Dutmlus. ] 7Olt ! SAM' or Tiade--TheTekamnli cronm- ory , In Ilist-chiss ordor. Will e\ohinco : for liiud or city propoity. A rare oliunco for ono wiintlni : a L'ood cri'iimery. ( all on or ndiliuss II. M. ifum-noll. Tekaiimh. Neb. 457-tJ * FOlt SAIjK A nlco. eloan Block of dniKs In Omaha ; pond location : ii'inur loavbiK oily ; n bargain. M. G. Macleod , JIIS N. V. Llfo hlili : . DOOTOll The best opening for a ( rood ( loo- tor Jiiiub. . Adioss II. A. KnfiiM , Kavonna. Noli. i'.r.-MJ ' IJ OTEI. for Snle Do you want to ptU Into n J I good buslnossV If you do , buy the Commer cial nt llrokon How , b. fiirf 171OK SAIJ : Tailor business , frank Soohor , J-1 David cjlty. Neb. TlkS rsa * SALOON The tiest openliiz lu Nehrnska. Addie.sbll. A. Ktifus , Kavunna , Nch.lt. I' . iiRont. 7US I'Ds * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1'or mice , etc. , set top of fiiet niliiinii onii 71 IRC OLirToN'TiTfX li-roiitn house and full rorner lot , J-.20000 , montlilv pnyiuent , orw 111 tiado for clear fnrm or Umalia ints. Aildie lliu owner at ! - ' < ! and Cass mieeth. 11 tl. MeirUl. 1 > 7 ' _ S'jcMAI. ' llnrBiiln-lAirKu lot , Klxlls'i ft. . 4 bloel.s from l.owoave. uud Cumins St. , lays Fplomllil ; ? ! . - ' 0.0(1. ( part cash , or will tr.ido for farm. Adrtross li U , Jlerilll , 43nd untlCis * stroofs. 1s" FOK SAliK Che , ! ] ) , a uood business lot \\lth traeKiiuo , pmoil htri-els , loss than ono mill' fiiuii eonit lioiise , Nmio u'nod sfiioK to liatln for Inside proicrt ] > . Nathan Sheltoti. 1011 Parium sticet. Jlhl'J-MS * IjVlU SAM : Ueaiitlful te < liloncoln llnnscom JL1 plaeo. No , IV.'linuth ( : > Utli aie. east float on paved stie.'t. I'.lclit rooms , hiird wood lla- Isli. hatli , hoi and cold nntot , K.IS. uloetilo bells , ten ace. lawn and simile tie.- . P. K. Alexander , C'liambor of Commou'e build I UK , .M 7.11-1 * T OT ! . ' , block ! ! , Lcavenwortn terracoj will -1 Jicll leasunublo. Ui'u. O. Sullivan. Slou- moiith , 111. 7JI L''i * 1C. KIIiKY , notary uubllc , room 11 , f'on- A itlnuntal block WHl'JS IT Oir SAln Or trade for Omaha prniiertvur -L Kiiods , lOil actes him ) In Holt C'o. . Nub ; Hit ) In An nil a Co. , Dak. Add less or call nt ( Jeoitfo Humps' , :01Schsterst. : . NK ) 1 * SA1/T I/iKo ( Jity Lots frovun lots In a lrml- inu sulmibnii aildlllon , on lallioail to ( lar- llold IlLMtili. 1'eifect title. Aduies.s 1) ) ( il. llee. Tlu7 * IriOlt HAIill Kttrn barsaln. Uholeo ( W\rM , 1 with hiilldltm : routs JIOO.OO per mo : ono block f mm now P. U. O. U Oreun. If. 'M llai- Uoi block. _ _ _ ( > M FOH SAI K Newly palnlod and papeied cottage , -0\1i ( , on full lot , on easy teims , at ono-thinl liss than value ; must be ' old now. I. . X M.lnnor , 1C17 rarimin st. T'I7 ' IfOH Smith Omaha piopuity himltii'ss.triok : > ace or reslilenei- to the leading realo - tate dealurs lu "ou th ( Jmuhii. Kd .lohnstoii C'o , JIWi C'or.4thN sts BAItGAINS for casb rioRimt Mft. . lot on Cielfjhton n\o. s o tor HIIII-CIIIII p-iik , H.WO.J : ( ) ; another Jl.OOO.CO. llutcldns.in > \ . \\oad , I.VJ ) Uoiujlas. G'iO-2) ' ) ipOK SAMor ; trade for Rood Omaha prop- city , lot of hold furniture , him ht of Dcuoy , Sc Stniie , all In lluo fomlltloii. .1. II. I'aiuute. Douglas hlook. _ 714'I 4-ltOOM house and lot , o ml. from P. O. nhnnt 0 blocks from motor ; iflM.no cash : urlcti * COO,00. lliitcliliison& Wood , l.V.'l Iou'Ias. ( 5-UOOM housii , lot Sfccffl , Jl.TPOi iilsoO-imm houso. lot : iPi\K. , s. o. cor. llth and Vlnton St. . I-.DIKI. Uriel ; bouse lot 41M < , n. o. cor. Kit li niul Douglas , &UUCU Mrs. Kuldnian , 121 S.lllh 070 | JAK(1AINS-r cnttnen nnd lot. eltv J'water , sewer nnil barn , cuutrally loc.itod , R.7.V ! ) . Terms easy. fiiii-Kcfi-room cnlliiRO. nlcoly finished and well located , if . ' . ( nil. South front lot on paved street near motor , KHtt Soiuo nlco lots In west and north pnrtof city , $ .V > ) and upwards. J , I ) . Hlttlo , Ull , N. V. hlfe. G'lO ' VIt ) SAI/K Ooml now 8-ioom house , city water , KIIOI ! Midded fl-foot yaid , clnio to motor , ' . ' miles N. W. fiiun 1 * . O. il.Oiiuoasli nml 4l.inoII years nt s j > or cont. Ilonsu anil lot cost oxer ISUWO. btringer & I'onny , llarkor hlnok , room 4i ' "Jl FOlt SAI-K-Clioap. The roslilom-o at r > U 1'ieieo htreot , : it a li.ir aln for a few days only. Inuiiliunt the Neb. bteam laundry , lOtliniid lloward slreots. .M.MS CLAIKVOYANT rohimu "JXIKS.AI.hACi : , cl.ilrvoynul ; naturally -I" gifted ; tells past nnil future , lovn troubles , iibsenl frlonds , changes , travel , but-iiicss. lit is ruriiiini st. _ ; ' iM.U'l M f _ _ AUANTPD-All Khoiild ; know Mrs. Dr. IU > ' > San , the l.uly mlnil reader -mil foi tune teller ; tolls past ami JjiUiie ; slio Is the bt'sl , over bore : Ihu-peelally lleOp In all matrimo nial atl'alis and iiiystoiluri * illsiipi | > iiriiuoosj don't buy , hell or KO on iC.loiiinnj until you consiilt her : she can fotvtcll Itbro-nlls : n truthful and n-llablo : riiSifeet s.itlsf.u'ilon miaianteeil liy niiill ; send , .two stnmps for Il lustrated olri'iilar. AtUlruss . * , ' .North Ibth btroet , Omah.i , Nidi. Shil.'i 'O' _ _ \l lty. POUT , palmist fortune teller In the - " 'Miyp-ty. way frum tlio lines of the hand ; fee , * 1 j ladles only _ 81s _ . " } , 17th bt. 4.V. , | MASSAt DoUIer. over lilo H liltlT. M Idl-.MO' " ] \ I US. Nannie V. Warren , olairvoyaiit. traiioa -I" speaking , w rltlm ; niul tellablo business lofdiiini , four ycais In OlilalKi. 119 N. Hit h f-II MUSIC ART ANCTTANGUAGE. l-"il Httt , itc.kccti > i > nfjiritt column fill l/i ( < B ltK hiiyliuj ( i plum ) CMinilne the new bculu Klmball iilanu. A. Ho-iL'lJll | Douglas. _ _ _ _ _ MJ ( MX ) P. ( iellonheok , tonulivr of tlio ban in I with llospo , 1MI Dmulus. ' .IJ SAl.K-l'lionp. n nearly now llalli'tt. Davis & Co. , upright pl.'inu In flrsl-clnsi ciMidltioa. liujiilio nt JDIO Don.Ins it , ; m 1)HOF Cbnrlos I'etnrsoii. pliiuo , violin. lther , tVcultarlnstructlon , bludloRUj tihueli UK 'M3 r IIAV1 ( a few now plnnoii forsalo awfully cliciip , .IK | havu mnmout of tbo planu busi ness. ! . Jouuson , rariiam and llth st. K. . ! PATENT SOLICITORS. l'onalcicti'scc laiiofflret roumnim tl\l \ \Hics A. Co.llee IniililliiK.Oiiiuiiu.llianuhulllve ut \\ushliigton \ , I > . C. Cotibultatlon free b5 WANTED- BUY. Kol filtn. i Jr. , err l'iio//li ] ( rtiliiniiinii ( ( su iiRdosi. Phil Mlinmol , UU Juno * . Mm \iTANTKI-Ti luiv hriontiMrs.woltft I nut IOSM thiin l,4tiimitnUi mint bu under nine i' > eaiiild nml enenp foi eiish. lliih Murphy , 1W : , I'nrmim it , 70. . ' 'J AV ANTIUiTo imy. a second Iiiiuii Hie ami ' luirirlnr prt if wufe. AihltoM hm 3.M , AhMalo , In. USI a _ _ IiirUMTl'Ut : hotiBht , old , stored. Well . 1 111 * I'aiiuiia st K.- ' \\TANTRI ) payTrrshest oavh jiTTiMrfor luiilM'bolit pt.o.k illtl Six 1.1th t. 7UI-P. ' ; * " \\rANTil : | At once ! niPtvhiiudlM' : nil i' KlmNi SIMI ! cash ! must knownt once , 1. T. Newell . < , l o. Ul'i ' llou.liis Onmhn. VIII " ' LOST. l'u > mlm , i r , tic lei | onii IOsT Pally lsliui\\ii ( \\lio iileked unhid ) s Jhlad. sllli Imndluic eniiliilnlin ! t * on I , n- 11:1111 : , InM 1 TII loth nnil Illli ; If tfitniioil In ill.1l fhli nitn st. , rewind uill bo paid ; ui'l no quest Ions asked , 7' ' . .i ill * IOST Satuiday eealiiir. . 1'eli. 21 , sunposed I it jinilollii'o. n liiinoh tit 1-evs \\lih tiitf marked W. \VoilEo. . llaltlinore. Dt liver for ix'Wiudat iMth ami 1/ard. Ml M * MISCl-LLANcOUii. /'or inttfrlrrcf fiijmf first roliiiiin on ( Ms i > itf' . $ l."in will buy house and barn on t-alile lln < ' , with lease of gtonnd. i'.dl at liu N I 'Hi street , ilium' ' . Ml04.V AI A J-sAlU' treatmentelect i ii-tin iinulbiillis , -11 scalp and hall tioatnient. ni.inleiiriami chiropodist. MiiU'osl.UID's ' snthWlllmell till.M M , D Kill IS , mottcacei , contricts nnd nil It-ijiil Insiiiiinnils eaiofilllv e\eentt > il , A. U lilley , attiirney nml notary public , romn II , fontlnentid block. so.-r's MEDICAL. rorrdlr.i , elf , , tec tnpafflnt nilicnlion IM < pir , D'TsriiiTlMNXli7irileii : \ oii "oTrh"M neT telephone HI ! . ' . Tnheienl.ir tllseastislieated iimlurthom'W allopathlo hyropathlo system lle.sults oM'ullont. ' VlU-l' ; 'ITtlNKS" " rlectlle nnd oleelro thermal b.ilh . -L loom. Inehidliii ; 'I'urklsli rnhlnet baths. l.ndlcsH tel daily fc. Tiiosday . I'rlda * ov'lnns Oto 1U. Dr. Klclmidsrooms Jitsru.lluu blil'i : . Ml DFIESSIVIAKING. /'or i-iilc.i , rc. , fcctoi > offirtl ruluinnoii I/if / * fiiyf. M \\t. \ sicsisTlio"Kiiinaiasrrcitdiris- ( ) : - makor. No. M.S. 671MI.V 7\I 1SS ItradyTrench drossmnkliiK system , II. l'i ; iH , Shcely blk.solli-lts p'iti.inii tof tin1 li- : FOR SALE COWS. 7'or jitfr.i , do. , net t t > of flr t calvmn piic. [ ; 1jVU SAl.r 1'list eltiss mil.b tows , nNo sc-v- oral j-'ond liiuses. Dmiiiiru loom -OlUnial1 v Nut tonal b.ink hulldlns < PAWNBROKERS. I'm rnli'i rtr , , rrr lop of Hint tnhimn on I/if / * pnyr. Jj Molile lo. nis miiney on ill.itnunils and \\.ltclies.Je\\elli.etc. so cor I'arnaia iS. Illli HtRSONALS. /iDnlix.ifr. . HC'lui * nfflmlftiliiiiin nn f/iw / \ \ ; 11,1. the KcnUcman In Ip Ada ( In.inclallv' ' > Ask toset'hei. ! > 7ls Hut t st. 7W 2J * COS ! UMES. 1'iirrtitri , itr .tcrtnjinf ttifl f nnllit * ) niir ; LAlIl'.s ami ( . eiitli'mi'ii iin innsipicr-- nilt : uiu nl"JTs. ( . Itlb it RfflLWHYTIIVlECRRD l.ciiTci L'lllCAliO. llflil.l.M ! I'ON A Q Arrlici _ Oni lii : I Dyput Ililli nncl | niiiiii iilri'clK. ' Uumlia 4 . U p m . ChToiiffo 1-xpru s 8 Oil u in U.VInni . Ctiloico Ixrca3 | li''Upin I ! 10 p 111 . ( Idniiio lxi > rusi ! 10 Oon in llTXljMu . . . . . . . . lomi KocHl . , Ienit ) | lutli uml Mn nn lrooln. | Ounli i fiimnr liny Kxpro s . ] 1 01 p in . ] ) cil\\ ; , Hid DMUIXS . ' I ( l'i | i la l.ft" ( ) > n in . IH'iniT tKiro4' | < . . . I I ! \i \ p m 710pm . . . , Dunver .N'Iclit i\prcs : . ' U.liiiiii MM ) pin . I. lor , , la l.lmltoil . II VJ n in b.1jnnit J I-lVOi I . . , . , t\ I A , It' * Oinahu. 1 Depot lOtli unJ liiB BlrcotM. | Oiiinlia. P.30 n in Kiinia'i City f > nr P. < S p mjK.C. yuiit Ktp vlif I * Tmry jyjj l.onvot UNHIX I'ACIKIC A rrlo * Oninlui. Depot lutli anI , M-irny i Omnlii. fiRTnui' ' Knnantntr Kvprcss 'main ' m Ili'JUn in IIOMUT Kxri' ' t H .Vi p m 'J..riO p in l > \ crlnnrt I lyi > r ' .lOipui 7.CO | i in 1'nclllc Ktproft-i II.15 a in 1 eryro-Tl TlllCAiiOTlt I A I'AMVlP TAnlvi - tlmnliii. lU 1' depot. IQtli niul Mure ) Ms.1 Omiih i H.loliTnl KlKlit Uxprois 1U.U5 ni 0.05 ll III Atllllltla Ftproitt li.30 | l in I.-19 p m.i. | . . Vi'ttlliulo l.liallul 10.45 a n. Li ivtii \ Slfjl'X ' CITY iTl'AClt'IO , Arrives Uinnliu | U. 1' dopnt. IQlU niiit Mnrty fltt ( limiliii. " 7 15 a in ] Sioux CltjPniBoniiar I . a p | _ _ . . . . . 1'iiul i : pri'S3 . . _ . . . . | 10.10 n in leaves I SlOUX OITt .CPACIHG fArrlvcs Umnlin. I Dopnt IMIi unHVchMrr _ _ tits. I CJraahn. uul I.lmtlnil I U 21 in NOIITHWHSTKH.VI Omaha. | U t' . depot , loth unit 3lnrc > gta. I Ocmlm Clilcano l".i | r Vestibule I.lmtU'rt . Onmhiu It' . I * d'lK.t , lutli niiit Mnrcr bti I Cimnhn 1.10 p ml flilont-o ; viiroa : | I ; i li n ra l.j n m ! Clilvwu Kiprosa I Ul > J p m iTovini I Ti.MAli \ \ a'r i.ObiS " | ArrlM < Omnjia. | U. 1 * . itrput. ICtU nncl Mnrcy 8t . I Omilni _ 4JJO iTnil. . . .PI I.oulH riir.non l.'all llTsO p tn "T.fftvt-t FE7\MOrVAfll\ I Arrlrim Uoinhn Jind Wehstor 813 ' O nuliii ' ' fl Ou n m Illnck Hills Krptoii I M ) p in liOO n m .Uniting * Hxp ( Kr. Mmdnr ) . 5.SO p m . ' . .10 p m Wahoo.il.li.tolo Taiicx suad'yllll.Ji u in A10 IU3 _ _ _ . _ Noijulk ( ox. LuiJlay _ . . . 111 n in Cifav oV 1iT lOrrSUrAfrfvos Ouiuha. Depot llth umlJVobstcr Bta. I Ouinlm K 10 n m . . .SlnnxClty AcenminodullQn . OS 1 Ik ) p in SlouvClty Kipross ( ox Sunday ) 12 IJ p in (1 (0 ( p m . > t I'aul Umttrd . . . . AS5 ii in JL--MLL" ' llniu'iifi lHL'tigrr ( OY Snmlny ) 6 IS ii in "Leiives" pnuilm * \Vub < tt.rSU I Omiilm 10.80 ii in . . . .61 Louts , V K. L. Kxpress. . . . ! & 10 p in J 15 p m _ . _ > ! lxiul jtK ln > | iroit I Qjg ii m Irfiives I CniCAOoTt i .in AnnO | ArrivoT Transfer ! Union Duput , Council lllinU , JTrutisfur p ra . Niiilit KiprcHj . I ass n in a m . Atlantic Kxprosi . AM u m WO . Vnitlliiiln lilinltcj . .llOIIJ i > in I Arrives Trnniforl Unluti Depot , Council ItlnlH. rTninafer 'J. If ) n m rhlcfik-o Kxpren UWV m fi.OO p 111 VlMtlblllu l.llllllt'il BiU n in lOOnp in KnMcrn Kl > er VMll p m IsOpm TAtlnntlc Mull 7..II u in f , , ! 0 p Hitown , AceoniinoOfllluii Hlxc Pnn } JJB.IO | i m l.o'ivi'3 icnTT'.M.O , MIL. i'T f'AAT7.rATrlVi ! < Trin forl Union Depot. Cnnnpll Illnfls. | Trnii ff" KM p m ( "lilrnc" KxprcM I HI5 n m lS.iJ ( p m I'lilituo iiiro ; | 3 lii.'a\oi I if.c.ST.JOBif Trnnarurl Union IK'pot. TAiuncIl Illulli 100 ; a | . . . . ( iii'I'lty liar IUirnsn | . . .I [ til p 1fl5 p ln.KiininB | I N'lijlil Kipr < . ) 1'Jl , a Trntitfcr Union Ilepnt. Council lllnHi. iTrnmltr Ufl p fn 8f l/iul rim oo linTl . . 1 18 li p in " LTlllVM9 l _ . . . . . Trniiaturl Unlun Ifrpnt , Council Illulli Trnimfiir V.IO u ml rhtmK'o Ki.irt'A * [ tl'JU p m 1UIU p nil ChlrnKU Kxpreii I IHO n. m 7lttp in ) . . . Crontnn locnl JllvOjjni 7ea\os I Plot'.V ( "ITV \ I'At iPlfl. " I ArrlViM 'rniimferl UnionJlcpot , Counoll lllulls jTrunifor 7T'i u ii ? Sioux C'fiy AivomiuudJtlun I 0 40 a m ti.06 p ml . St Paul ISiurt'o itl.OU : p in Stocklmlilors' Notlo ( Is hereby clvud that tlio rucular mi- miul inotithix of Iho htooUlioliluisnC the S ulh I'lutto ' Lam ) ciiiiipany u 111 oo belli at tlu > of- llco uf mild I'ompuny. in Llm-oln , Neb. , < m the \\oilm.'silay lu Murcb , Is'd. ' bolnt ; Iho 4th ( biyor the month. Hy oulnr of ilio board of illrocton. H. C ) . Piiii.i.if.s , t'cri'tary , Lincoln , KoUrnska , I'ubruury D , If'-H. K-5-il-aS- * With His Thumb , A lioy I * said to Into < nvrd HIP Ne.lhorhiuli ( nun Inundation. Multitudes hmo I'Ci-n ' save. . ! hum the liu.nlou of dlwuo hy n bottli'of Ajfi'i S.usal'.irllla ' Tliistiicdlcliio Imp.-uH tune to HHsjitem mill sironithens ; eviMy organ niul fllnv of III" lnnly , " 1 li\v < < taki'ii n Rie.-ii de.il < ( tnedlt'lHO , lint iinttiiii , : lm < iloiu < nio e > much good as Ayct1 * S'iM.iparlll.1. I otiK'ileneed Its IHMHV flelal clfocli before I hail iiiilt | > llnlslioil ono iKittle.mid I ran fiorlj toslil ) lli.il It li tliu llOSt MoOll medicine I Know Of. " IV. . \Yitril , \Voodl.md \ , Te\ai. " Confined In , in ollli'o. : n I nm , from ono jpttr'i ' i-iiil In nnntlirr. vtlth little or no outdoor - door r\oifio | , I 11 ml isioal liolp In A > IT'I S.irsnp'Ullli.hli'h I have tni > d ( or leM'tal joari , .in I am alpte ent mine , with excel , lent H' < uih. It euabli" ! mo to keep alw.ijs lit III ) pint , IMljoMlIU III ! ' bl'lt Of lie.lltll. " II. ( ' . Uaiiiri. Maiden , Musi , Ayer's Sarsaparilla mm-\iiin : r DU. J. C. AY12II & CO. , I.owoll , Mj.'n. Bulilliy lirugBlatii $ liil\'i. \Vorilifj n bottlo. II1' ' "i 01' liino n moilovrtto cough , IV0l' Imvo 11 html congli , f IV YOU liavo a tiylit cough , H1'YOU Imvo any coii b at nl ! , and if all oilier cough syrups Imvo failed , try BEGGS' Cherry Cough Syrup , it is positively ( imvnntecd ( o rcliovo any kind of cough at once or no pay. I'ricc 2uc. , SOo. uiul $1 per bottlo. For snto ! > y fill ilniRc'istfl. If your ( IrtiKuInt does not kei'p it in stock , or will not procure it lor jou. nc- cept iiOHtibstitule , hut send direct to Iho laboratory of HoKKMfK.Oo Clncniro , Ills. , the pneo iinnioil ntid they will forward , prepaid , to Mir part o the U. fci. "IMI'ROVEMEST ' THE ORDER Of tlic ACE" j' ' "t " > j t V , g fcas v fc O6u ' s 1 lias foal urns which nn inp illy iioijiilt Ins for It tin wanuisl MpDroi.ll "f those who h.no hnil i \i. ] ric in i' tu t > pwrit In , ! The nllirn- tiu-nt Is pi if. < -t nnd [ ui sp. i I. diir ilillltj and - of < perit ion it iMtiiint t > iev i-llod I'ma- ' iin mid ti-st h.ne shown It to Le the ucst in tlir maiK'-t. ' Tlic smith Premier Type-Writer Co. ] . . 11 \YIII.W , MANMJr.lt. Ofllco , 1000 a Farnam Sin o , Omaln , Neb WTTHStniPIUIiaRY MR : M > . , . AIMMlir. . , h IN. ? \l fKK ID CXJT < 3a kr Uili N w , . .C J BtlT ANOSUSPtHSORY i KEtfMl--ii 'is nuMiV , MlJe , „ , tblopecineliir I 01 Cnrr l 0nrillvc llfkkn. ti , rMnK In-rlj , Sllld , Smith. Inir , timtlnu , , ! ) , turrrntt of KUclrleltf th , 11211 nil UkAK PARTS rrriUBIHl.llol'HI.1IU ' ailIIIIIIISS-llMlll ( : rirttrle fiirrt.nl l.lt ln unll ) . rr MC Titbit jSi n ) m cxtb UltlTtntl , UNPitr * C ni | lfl f * . K , , , | \\oriteftiriltr- - minrntly tun l In liire niontrii , 8ealM | > Ktuthlrt rriH > . M DKI.I.F.OTnOCO. ! . ieaus.ii.si. , CHICAAO.H1 Is the lii'st ma.If , mid is curvM' ro J i is Iho oiy. Lll $ o MllH * 11 tUU'Oflmi. tmno Ki'iinlno on in Iho n' ' . "Jainog S3 Shoe. " J. MEANS & CO. . I I.liirolnNlrril lli'htoo , Mats. nnOllVfl \NPAI.\VOOII l\l'-illKS nntlm till II II I fl best unit -ripinles pri'irrlluM ny uu u I n r.jjr ( , , | piiyMiluin Mr Itiu inro nf i mi lilis. Imr es ir-mi Iho nruriry iihoilteU or acquired Jl H > per li < > \ All FOH Tim SIMKNOS Of Arkansas anil All I'oints South. Take tlic Wabasli , the host nncl qniols- cst route. Only 558 hour.to the 1 lot jpliijjs10 to Now Or.loatif , , , r > 2 to.JucU- hdnvillo , 0i ; to Tampa , with c.-orrusnoml- ini ; fubt time to all iioitits f-onth. Ho- i-llniiiK chair and 1'iillinim hutVot sloop- \g \ cars on all trains. Hound trip tickets now on snlo nt frroatly roclitpocl rates , For tickets and full information rail at the AVahiuih ticket otlk'o , 1502 l''aruani street or who Ci. N. ( , 'UAYTUX , Agent. foiirt Notes. A Her deliberating nil of Saturday nljjlit anil Sundiiy , the Jury in the case of Ada Flngg vHilimSUiphunson , fur damages re sulting from an accident to a uarrinKO owned hy the ilefomlunt , tlio jury ( { nvo the plaintiff * ; , ooo. The jury in Craft vs UttloUold , awnrdort tint ono nml n quarter ni'iva of land , that W.H hi dlbputu , tn the iilnintllV. JiuU'o Willie-ley's rail Is the only ono in \\hioh thoio is any dwugu for toniorroiv , \vhlch Is as follows : Klevou , ' .w , Coiuincrcial National hank vs New \oik ami OnmhuCommission company ctul. ctul.Klovou Klovou , ' 291 , Samuel Pruyii vs Cornelius H. Conner et ul , Eleven , : u' , Thomas II. .McCnjjuo , cashier , vs Joseph TiKho et al. Twelve , ' . ' , Win. H. Ilomim VH Derniird Itllev et ul. T\\elve , III , McCorcl , UraJy t Co. vs Jacob Well , jr. , etui. 'I'liliteen , (17 ( , Anna Si-hulU vs Vretloriclt Thirteen , 10.1 , Ouiahii loan niul trust com pany vs.l. H. Ayer ot al. Thhteen , 2,1. Oinnlm Loan nnil Huilill g nssot'iation vs .lessio M. Hemleoet nl. Thiiteen. ' , ' : ii : , Kxpurleiu-o INtalirooU v.s Sauniel ( ! . Btovoiison ot al , Thhteen. a : l , Warren Swltzlcr ot nl v.s Kt. A D Dnlcotulioct al. Thntueu , IMfi , Omaha Loan nml liulldlti nssoeuilon \Vlllinui Uatoy ct nl. ( Jo whom you will , you will Iliul people unhiK Dr. Hull's ' Coutth Sj rup , and unaul- 111011.1 in it.s prnlso. I suffered most spvnroly fi-otn rheumatism during winter. After usliif ; Salvnllou Ol live Uiiy.s tbu pam subsluoJ , amiv 1 uni a well limn. Carl Morton of Nebraska C'lty , son of ox- Crtvcnior J. StcrlltiR Morton , ts nt the I'm- BEGINNING OF DIG THINGS , Onmlm's ' Tirat Dondoil Wnrohouso Ojon niul EonJy for Uso. THE BOARD OF TRADE'S ' ENTERPRISE. 1 > cnllitK4 Will CiiiilluiMl for tlio I'l't'scul in Mont I'niiliii'tii lint flic I'lfltllll Ho Kor tunny weeks n iitiinlwr of the inembois of tlio Oliialiu bo.inl of tr.ulu liavo boon ui1- lively uiiKiitftM In tlio work uf uiil : < liii ; pniu- | llniiH for ottniillstitn a iHiiuloilvnfohuiHO litliu \ city , wliuiv tlio | iiMiliicU < ot tlio | > .U'U- liif ; IIOIIMU cuiilil bo Morvil nnil lcoit | nnttl put upon the itinrKot niul oiTotxsl lot1 stile. JCol until Siitunlny wilt the objot'l nciwni- | illKlu < il , nwltii ; In tlnlay In Kottluc tlio iiiul funiis Hint ulll bom.'il \ In the llon of tlio liualuuNH. I'Vw iiooplo utnior- stnml the ( iliiiis upon \v\\M\ \ \ such n warn- linnsi'iloi'a iiumnu s. Tliolnr o sloro lioiiio of Iho Oinnhn nai'Ulnij i-ouiriny | Is tisoil for Iho iuiiinse [ , niul for tlio pri'iont. the biislnt H will l > o iiintltii'il to tin1 hiiiiillinjj of uii'iiU ami othur jiroilui'ts of tlio luu'ltiiitf IIOUMK The lux'slilcnt uml st-i'i-t'tary of Iho Oinalui hoard of tnulo HIM iiiaili- the I'Mvutivo onii-L'i'i of tlio wiruliousi' , ami foi-tticlr proloctlon the ( linaha piu-ltlnt , ' ( oinp.iny will iMitor Into 111111111 for tin ) H.UII IvCopni of nil eotiHiifiiiiiuntv An Inspoi'tnr will ho appointed , nnil ho In turn will jilvu ainplr lionil.i for tlio faithful pt'i'forinaiu'o of his tlutii's. \Vliriin\ornnv porn , luitl orpncliliiKlmusii | ifiiiltict is conslgni'il to tills waiolunno , thu witruliousoiunti will ts.siio to the i-ou- sluiinr a rooolpt bltinril by Secretary Nusim. This w'll ' Hhou' that ho luvi so much propiMtvlilf luw IICIMI duly Inspected , In Hlorn In KOOI ! hapo uml ivud\ \ for tlio iiiurlu't. This \\aivhiiuso re ceipt o.in lie put up IH i-oll.itornl . should It bo m-ivsmirv , as It Is KOIH ! wctirliy , o\vhiK to the ( net that bofote nny produce can bu rt > - movcil tbo ivcolpt tuuHt bo cancolloil by the bccrrturv. C'lintt'iiiplatliij , ' tbo c.stalillslnnPt of ollior wnivliousci in the near lnturo , the following iiilt'i , which nro iirictii-ally identical with tiuioOKuvcrniiiR the pulilio wnrohousos of Uhici'O ; ( hiivo Itocn ndopted. All liuhrorles of beef ami IIOR proiluct In store , In the ahsoneo of special nureument , Hhall bo by Hit ) ilullvcry of tVKlstctutl warn- honse rocolpts , issnoil from such warolioutos or jilacus only as shall Imvo boon ilrclarod wiuviiouMJH mr 1110 aiuia o 01 suuu lirouorty mulcr tlio rules of the hoanl of traue , ly ! tlio lionnl of ilirratDi-s , and Inrtlier , tliat no wiirohoiiso ivcolpt for hoof and ho proilui'tshiill hon-K'Istored ( by tlio roglstai- ofald boanl ot triuk1) ) oxeopt such ns huVo boon Issued by or tiom a warehouse or plnco of stora o ilodarotl to bo a regu lar warehouse for tlio storuno of such iiroporty by the board of directors of said lx > anl of truile , ami before any ware house or stoniBo piiu-o shall bo declared u regular wnreliou.se for such property the proprietors thereof shall Illo a bond with tbo board of trade for i > ucu an amount ns iiiuy bo deemed sufllcieut.aml with sureties appiovod by the linnrd of directors , and- bond to bo made nayablo to tlm tircililunt of tlio bo.ird , or to his successors in olllro. for tlu > use of any person or persons sulTcrni ) ; daiuaKiu by roasim of tbo nejlrit ; of dntv , fault or fraud of tlio proprietor or inana orot such ware house , and tli.it sueh bond may bo prosecuted In Iho inline ot tlio prciidont of the board of trade for the use ami bc-ueJlt ol tlio persons aKKi'leveil or datiMjiuil by the acts ol such warehouse jiroiinutor or inanmjcf , and that all Hiich liomlf , shall bo rniulitloneil upon the faithful uud honest pcrformnnco of his or their duties by the piuprietor or iniuntcr | uf his or their'wuioluuisus , as Uullned by thn laws of tlio state of Nebraska or by tho'nilt-s of the board of tr.ido not inixmsiiteut HIITO. with. Tim rules also provide that no property shall bo removed f i pm the plaoo of storage indicated by any ra-oipt issui'd to represent it , until the ieistratioii ; of such receipt lias hrst been cnmellod in tlio ollku of the re is- trar ol provisions ( ol said Ixiard of tradeliy \\iitin or btnnipiiiiT ncross Us iaco tbu words , "rii istration canceled , " unit also tiro- vlilo that all recoifits issued To rojireseut pru- perlv slmh bo coinoirutivoly iiuinltoivil , and shall indicntu on their f.ico the distiiit'iiishiiii ( nuirUs , numbers or characters upon proparty intended to bo ropreseuted In- such roix'lpt , which property shall IJO correspondingly inarltod. The board of diiecton has nmonc other rr- quiromciits proscrihed that the proprietors or iuanaR''irs of regular warehouses shall asii'eo to hmiestiy and cordially co-opuTiito with the system of it lstrntlou as adopted liv the hoard of trade and furnish the res n- trar all needed inforiiiation to enable linn to kei'p a correct rouor. ] nail account of nil pro visions in store in tlic'ir respeciivo placeof stoi-.ipe , and shall report to him monthly the amount , of each kind of provisions held in store by them , and further , that all recoiuts issued 'lor properly by such ( rojiiilnr ) ware- hoiiMj propnutors or inmakers Bhall ntaUi on their fare that in case such receipt shall havn been roii.-U.'ieil ; by tbo n lhlrat1 of the board of trade , sncli refjiatration shall ho canceled h\ said registrar heloro tbo property ropro- henteil hy the receipt shall bo deliverable. Secretary Nsisoii who is known as the registrar , pii-dlets tliat this is only the be- prinuljip ot a croal warehouse system that will hoon spread itself over the entire htate , not ( inly hnndlin meats , but the products of Iho furni as well. When this is aivormillshed ho claims that Onuiha will l > ecnme a prciu fji-ain innrkot , equal to Dnliith or Ml-ueapiilis. Whoa tb.lt sjstom coniplote , the Nobra-ska wheat will bo stowd in warehouses In Omaha , whore it will be graded and ready for sale. This ho says will enable the NobrusUii farmer * to watch the markets nnd titlto the 01 an iiui'iuiiiions 01 puces. Aside from this Mr. Nason Unuks it will prove of vast importuneo ui the siuto in the way of advertising Xelirask.i whoatas tintlor thut system the waiohouso \eipt.H would follow the wheat to the consumer , and as Ne braska whv.it i > the best In the world , ho claims that this would ahvavs , Uo a standtiitf ndvertisciiient. Uontmuim ; in tins strain Mr. Knson said : "Under our nrusoni sy.sti in of shippinu' , our wheat loses its ideality as soon us it is loaded into the ears , it is shipped to Cliuvuro and dumped into bin- , with Kansas and Miiiouri whu.it and b'nuled accordingly. " Oinalui'H Valiiiitiiin. City Treasurer Uush 1ms received the fol lowing letter from lllalr & Co. , Now Yorlt , who nro extensive purchasers of Oiua'u bonds : NBW YOIIK , Keh. 20 John Hush , csq. . City Treasurer , Omaha , Neb - Dear Sir : I'K'.i o advise us when your levy will ho coinplotrd , ami wuother any steps havu been tiikeu to ralso your assessed Miluation to homolhmi ; like a fair pwpoition to the roiU valuation. The valuation of Omaha in comparison with thut of other cities ol its , class , is a iv- tlectiou on your city's prosperity mid U in jurious in many ways. If aiiv ellorts niv not being inudo to cluui e the hasU of assrssnifiit what , la your opinion , will be thu valuation for 1 Si ) I on your ini'sunt basis ) \Vou\\ait your reply , ami remain , yours truly , HI.UII it C . . . . No priliifr. | ) no nausea , no pain wlmu Po Witt's Little Karly Hisera uro taken. HnuUl pill. Sufunill. Destpill. -roil lu ilio ( roust The first Infantry rogimout which has IHVQ at 1'ino Kidk'o hiuco tbo Inal.mtnmlileli.il boon ordered to piccood to Sim FrnnciMO. The rcRiiuunt will i-oino us far east as Nir , folk on thu IJlUhorn load , UuiviiiK Itimlivillo on tlioith ( lust , and will take tlo : L'mou 1'aeillc ul that | wint. Tno eommand will bo moved from Norfolk to San 1'nincUco m a t-jwclal tram , coiiblstiiiK of I'lovon tourist cars , onu blooper , tl-rco b.igpi o and one bor car. Don't Keel i iall all ruinori to tha contrary , thu Chlcnpo ; , Mihvuukoo A St , Puul Uj's now Bloiiiu hoalail iwiliu'o tiluoplnp ; cufrt , with "oloclrlo lights m cvoryberll. " Htlll lov\-os ! tlio Union ilo- | > ot , Oiiuihti ,1:10 : p. in. dully , nrriv- hiK at Chicago , .t oSO : u in. , in umplo Hum to iimku nil nitbtoru connuutlons. 'J'lclit-t ollli-o , loot Kuniam et. .1. K. 1'uKM'ON. \ : \ A. NARH. C. Puss. Aj { _ Oou.