-turn THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S-ATtTRIAV , FFiBlttTATlY 21 , 1801. SlutlAllU Great Strength on Small Business Shown in tbo OLIcago Oorcdl Pits , CORN LED AND SENT ALL PRICES UP , Wlicnt AV H I'nlfly Active bill Corn \VJIN noiiinliiK Oats Slciuly I'ork 1'roilni'tN Uiiillll.y | Iti lillHt Vllllll'H. OiiirAno , I'd ) . 9) . [ Spcolnl TolMrixin to Tllr. llKr 1-Tlu'M ) uii9 R'ti ( nM'U to Iliuli'iKlIn nmrki'ti this iiinriiliii ; us r.ir in tlio vuliitiic of liii lni' < s wns t'ohi'oriipil , lint tliolo Wincxci1 ! " li'nl ktroimlh t'vi'ii mi tliu incflcriilo tnulp. Tlu-H' wns n llttlo dlji In | irlooa for cotvaN nfti r 11 tlrin riml lil lior opcnlni ; , ami Ihls wn : fnliiiMfd liy u fair rally. Provision * ni-loil nuK'li Hut Kami' , lint shiiwod uvun iniuo fclii'iiijllivllli invssiurU | us n Iciulor ami nlinw * ln fciri'c iiiumgli at tlio mill of llio linnr to t-nrry tlio price of May to Mo buforu tlio ilay The shutlln ? nlT of inurli oiilildo by tin- storm liiU-rffrlnc lth tlio tnli-niupli .ll'S . lllll Hilt lnl | IlllllCltO llllSlllUHH 111 tllO winit pit. t.ni-nl IntiTrst u so lur c llinl n IU ) inarUrl rrsullcil most of llin inurtiliii ; . At the ( > l ulntf tin' talk wim alt ri'Kitnlluit tin1 elTivt-t ( if Hicklout. Siniw and ruin p\touillnsiiv ( r llio win-lit lii'lt. ( MilnloiH WITH tin-tty wi-ll ill- vlili'd until nut li'allniH fur a I'ulil snap fnlloiv- IliU tlriulopi'il mid then tlio buIN luul tlio ml- vaiitatftTlio nppiilni ; was llrni anil a trlllo lilt'licrut onrii , with May atd'o anil 01'tf ' and July at U'l'iil.aek of ontslilii lnnlncs * . rutliiT tii-nrlili talk on Knur fioin lliu nurthwcst nnd firisi'llinv by C'uilahy started rather frooiif- fi'riiiianil prlrcs took a dip of VL' all around , M.iy . sollliiR ut IHiu and July alO.'Uo. Tlimij wi-rr llu- low llsuic nf tin- day anil woio fol- lowi-il liy a rally at oni-o to tlio npoiilni ; prices. Tor two hours tlin priiv of May was Ijai-U and furlli from IHP.c to tITUc until about inlililny , ivhiMi Sdinn private and liiilllHh calilos wi-ru lu- colvoil , anil on Kiiod bnyliiR by ( loorun Smith and otlieri tin * prloo movuil up to'.l'V'i ' I'oacli-d toOT p , sold atjaln to"lio ! ) and at 1 o'ploi-lt w\s ; ' 41- over ypslortlay's olixo at U7e. Thou July fiOhiwod up to nitic anil litol : < toOlo , roi-ovi > r- inu aialu ; to Ult'iu. A IOL-II ! IIOIISM ri'p rtnl a sailofS.dOO sacks of liakor's llnnr for ovpjrt. H will boa wuathor inaiiiut In whuat tomor row. row.Thli Thli was another Ijli : day In Jho corn mar ket. ThoM'sslon opened with an uiu'asy feul- IMK amoiiK the shorts , and tln > prk'o of May ' 8u to ' pover tlio I'loslne and lil li prli'oofyps- tonlay. Tlio llrst Hurry sent tlm prlco of May tonfic. This brought out a cooil line of corn from many local hous''S. OlTorln s contlniieil until llio pileo got close down to fvip , with .Wa d.Vi'411 the lowest ll nro , wliuro iniioli chanuod hands. There was aKruda.il recovery from tills point until Wio WI.H luauhuil UKaln , wliuu the Hamu action was repoaU-d. A siTOiuldo- ollne was lo.V > ' o , anil at luVlo-k tlio inarKut was quint atTCi'iP. ' July ran eil from Sl i1 to 53 o , torl'Lto.M'i. . to.VI'io. The fi-olln'ln corn at thueloio waseaslurand tlu > lust prioos weie tlio lowest of HID day , \\ltli.May at SS > , o nn I July Kl'ti" . IVhriiary was i | noted at. > lo uiui fil'aO ' at tlio elo-o. Muu-li wns tlio Banu > as I'eliruary , Juno t.old close to July , and rlo-ed at Xl\f. Iti-eclptK for tlio day wne Sin cars and for Saturday SS-'i rnrs , llrvantMIS an iipcii liuyrr and took IMi.ooo Intshels at tlm top of the market , lliitclilnson liotiulit freely early. S'cl.wart/- Dupi'e ' lioiiKht lieavlly at one time. Much of the elllin : was Ions corn around 'ifii- and on decline Nish-\Vrlnlil. : William Dnnii , 1'atloiis. Haitli'tt-I'm/iT. Itaxter and others iillrred freely. I'ardililKe soldeonisliiiit. Coin priv ileges w em iiioled | riTu' anil .V)1 ' . 'I lie same tmrtles who led the trailing In oats yesterday weio tlio leaders today Jllichln-.im anil llaitletlI'razir. . They ere KOoil Imyeis. Si-lllni ; was sputteiiiiK and not vorv fiCL > , e.\ei'it | oul'iilKP. ' Tlio market was within ' ( > 'range , openlni ; Ifi'-ic. solllnn IT'iC to IC'Hip , and i-lostiu ; steady with last nlnht at 4fii'1iic : Juno . ' > 'iit- and ' 4d'iC ' , closliu ut 4fie : July 4i'2o : and 4-e , clohlnu at iic. : ot a shade tinner. The proMi'titrado ' enjoyed another lario voliiinii nt trade , the packers with the excep tion of I.lltle , raldliiK curly to test market , yet this did not interfere seriously with advance. This of ll-clf made tlio short In terest nervous and when corn went to .We there was a very strong v > ave In the pro vision pit. I'orkvas hid up Re at a lump and Jlny , which opened at J'J.S5 rose toitO.U.anil after helling back arounil $ ! i.M ! cluscil utliMiS. Murcli was quoted up to J' ' > .75 and clo nl ut Jll.ra. July was marked up to Jin. : " , and closed ut tlO.Wt. Iiiird wiimilMic\pepitonallv BtroiiK and at llio le-.l ) tlguros solil lOe over plosi- yesterday , touching ! f"i.75 for March , fS.i7'i ' for May inuHli.su for Julv. eloslin8lo easier , lilbs were Se npat llio close. 1'rlces ' npni'iir below. The future of tlio marUct do- the action of the pucker * . AT eiiu'Aiio. 1'lllUUS AT .ST. I.Ol'IS. STVVKS A JIO.VDS. NEW YoitK. 1'e.b. 20. [ Special Telozrnm to Tin : HUB , ! STOCKS The storm of last nlRht all over the west groutly Inipalrod telesraplilc service UtU inornlni ; , lint us public Interest In RtocUa atprc-Hcnt Is small , llio olTect oulrado was not great. The opcnliiK was qnlto irri'Ku- Inr , but sboweil 11 majority of advances anil the tone displayed during the hour was linn within mi r row limits. The only feature was linpartoil lo Iho market by llio conllntiallon of enroling of shorts In Chicago , llurllu-jton AcQulncy and lioeli Island. Iho former rising 7i per cent anil tlio latter 'i ' per cent. Ilcsldcs thcso two stocks , St. 1'aul showed conio nnlnmtloii , but tlm remainder of the list was almost coniplotuly stagnant No other Biicclal font uro was shown , howovor. and In iho Inter part of tbo hour the best prices wcro not nialnlaliicil. Tbo market ilracucd iilont ; through llio hour to IS o'clock without nntnmtlon or special feature , t'nlon 1'acltlc was weak and lower. Vlllards were well supported nn very Unlit business anil Now I'lr land and ( . 'IdcuKO ( Jas i tiled somewhat higher. Silver nenlu dioppcil dovn loOs'i. .Money very easy nml no chance In th" temper nf statmint speculation. The stock mnrket shotted more activity nml moro strength Into In the day. IliirlltiRioii con tinued lo lead tlio advance and moved up io 84. closhiK ill KI > 4. Kock Uland followed to 07S. a train of \ , Othcrwcslcrn stocUsshoweil Ktilns of Vi to ( t per cent. rlilciiKu tins was up io4''i ' and Cotton Oil rose 2 points over last nlirhl to 24. Silver closed nt U7V The following arc the closltn ; quotation- ; : V. ' S. 4 rriMaieriM..IVOH Northern I'acttlc'SH I' S 4 roui > oni . . ilo prnferrt'il T2' ' ( I' H. 4Mi retMsti'reil .iqiv C. A. N. W IW'i V S. 4H COUPONS. . . Ml tluiirt'ferrnl l)5 : ) I'ucltleI'.nof 'M. . . . .llW New York Cenlrnl. . . . ! ! ) ! ' tVnlrnl I'noltlc. 1' . . I ) . A K -AH Chicago A Alton 135 illoeW iHlunil f' i ChlcaKO. llurllnuton C. , .M.\Stl' M Ayulnor iox Ulv ) . . M ' ttu preferu'il 11.'K I ) . , I , . A W l. > i.St. | I'aul .V Umnhn.44 illlnoU IVntml ! KS ! itoireforri'il | ( - ( I , ll.i\V 1'nton I'liclHc 4IW \ Texas IS I\V. . SI. 1. . A 1' 10 ilo | ireft > mi ) IS - V ! NVeslfru L'nlun alS ! Mlii-ourl 1'aclBc . ( ' < ' . ' VlilU.UlO Vt : STftCH. , CIIICAOO , IVb. 20. [ Special Telegram to THE Hn : . ] CATTI.K lliislncss was iiBnln only fair nml prices steady only on the few lo.nls of prune export nnd fancy steers amen ) ; arrivals About evcrylhlns else In the steer line was blow from start totliitsh. The ulroi 'voroout of onler. .Messages to buyers for eastern mar kets were delayed , and some of them , notably Kaslninn's outllt , were practically out of the market until late In the forenoon. Canning und common cow Block , and oven medium cows , ruled slow , whllo prime heifers nml peed cow stock sold strong. Itu.ilness In the ttocker and feeder line was fair and prices Elcnfty. There wns nothing on iho market today that was worth over (3.10 , that bclns tlio top prlco for steers ; other iinallty , il.Wll..Ci ' ; ht'lfers , U0i > 2a.50i cows , f.4t | > ia.03 ; hlockers , Ii.ti.vir.a40. lliiob TraJo was uctlyo with an upturu of t So , nnd hi nini < n IM I0i nnd HIP up * turn tr til * ' ' t iy dr i li * < ml till clti" ! < ifiu\cr < niPi .iO lu' < pe u , ior liiiii'rt ( | and II.K k. rs. tlir , . iniMh.it inn ( ailing u' ' > -ill evi > ry- th'ii.- ' n-i'fiil l < efi > re tin- day c-lo--il. and llu < llni-h s nliiiiil n' stroiii u * tin1 iiiM'iun * . yet tbi'neri - few lale sales that dlil not ulinw U | ) i'iiill | In Ibimr in.ule i-irllor. llniuli nml com * liion in i > be | ' ' : il HlOil.l.V ) : prime PUCK * rr nml inltril , ri..v itin % : prlmo IIP ivy nnu ImU-lii-r i lcht-4M70ii.7.-i | : ; lleht , UVtiM.70. Tlio Wiii Itostnv. Mn H. , I'l-li. so. ( Spoclnl Tolo-sr.im loTnr. HKK.The ) doinand for \MK ) | has ijeen llendy. nn I Iho vile * of the week u ore a , 131,000 pouniNof all kiii'N. ' 'I'll > miirlcet Is firm nml prlcesslmw liltio if any chunito , Ohio llecces are lather iiuli'i and s.ilos are rcpirtel of X 31'ifrXV. X and \ \ und above at M.'iMI , nnd Nn. 1 nt : i7fiia.-c , Miehlk'iin lloeccs nro not much railed for nl SU. He for X ami 'M' . * ! ? . ' for No. 1. I. iiinlilni : wools nro II nn at ( Oiit.'u for No. I wnsliril. nnil S-c for one quaru-r and ut'8'r.'e for tbroi-oltflils Mood. I'nwa'-heil ilclulnc Wonls M-ll at./Mi.lTi' for Dhln und ; irt'Mic for MlcliU'ati. Territory uoolaaii' In KOIII ! demand and sell ing on a M-oun-d basis nf O frt'.c . for line. f > s'i6 Cue for line medium ninl .Vic for mcdlutn1 * . Cal ifornia wool hns breii st-lllnc at K''iJ''to lor sprlnit. 1'nll Texns ami California eoN nio dull. In ptillod w mil lln-re have been mind .talcsof super nlW'H.V iiml evlra nt 255Jlflc , Aiistrallnii wool * nre iictUu wllh sales nt Mft r.v. I'nrrlKii oarpL-t wools nro llrm and In Koodilcinaliil. 'Mini ML ; Slinri'M , NEW Voim , IVb. 20. ( Special Telegram to Tun IHi.l-Tho following are Iho nilnlni ! stock iiuotiitloiHi AmTiiliir.r."rr. . .T77. TW iiTniiirlo . : f. > < ) Aspen . WO uiiltlr . 3.1) ) Curekn. f n . : < u > i IMyiiiMiitli . 175 IIotiKHtako . s.'ii ) Mi-tni Novailn . ! 0) Morii-llvi'r . atu , tamlnril . . . . . IM Tlm ColVi-c Mtirkol. Ntw : YOIIK. | V1 > . 2) ) . ISpeclnl Tclorntn lo Tun llii.1 : : rori'f.n-opiioii'j applied steady 5 points up to 10 points down , nnd closed llrm ami uncliiiiiKcd tn 10 iiulnls up. Sales were a7.000 biitfs , IncludliiL' I'ebriinry , JI7.IM5 ! I7.2.I ; Mnrch. H7.1iK.ir.i : . ! April , } | ( l.x'ifll . 'jr > ; Mnr. flrfiki ; June. lii..tv tn.i | ) ; .Inlv. * l3' ' -i/i5.iOi | ( AIIKII > I | . fl."i.l'.0 ; Mipli-tnlicr. Jl.VJOittl.'i.aij Oo- lobcr , 1 1 ! . ( * > . spol Kin , qiili'l ; No. 7 , } ! 7.Sij. ! CuiCAnn , I'eh. 20. tllnw Whont ritni' cnsli. ILl'ic : May , ! > 7i' ; .Itilv. iKIc. fern Steady ; cash , Vi'itVl\c' | ' Mnv. f > .Vc. ( Onts-SliMilyicnsh , K4\u \ Mav. 4fMMO'ic. ) I'ork I'll in jc.ish , J'.i.Mj May , UN' . . l.nr.l Klrm ; cash , f'.OOi May , $ , 'i.oo. Short lllbs I'lrnii tasli , $ I,55MG ) ; May { I.IK'S. ' Hyp rirm ntsOi . llnrlpvNominal at 7i'73c. I'Max I'lriii al Jl.a.1. Timothy -I-'lini siHl.2S3l.29 Wldsky-fl.ll. I'loiir I'lichaiiKcil : winter patent" , JI.70 ® 5.ni ) ; sprint ; tialents , JI.X5I.- ( ) - IliilK Meats-Slumldi-is , Si.ii ( > Iil.tiO ; short clear , fl.t.Vill.110 ; shott ribs , $ I.Qii l.70. lliitter-rirmi creamery , aOti''Slici dairy. 10 tteilc. C'hceso Ptronj : ; full cream choililars , I0 < ( ? i 10'Jc ; lints , lO'VitlO o ; VUIIIIK Americas , 15'if. ' Kuiss 1'nsottlpil : fresh , . Hides riiphniitfoil ; llfiht and heavy sallcil , nvWii'l h'fccn , 4'i'iil'io ; siilleil bull , 41 ! ! " , urocii sailed calf. Me : dry Hint , 8i > ; silt ; liiillnt&Tc ; dr.voalf. Si4c ; ) : itencons. uach , ' < e. Tallow Unchainied ! No. 1 , solid packed , 3'iC ; No. ' . ' , aoj I'aUu , 4c. Itecolpts. Shipments. Dour , bills . liH)3 ) ( ) H.XH ( ) Wheat , 1m . : n,000 4iiliOO Corn , iiu . taa.ouo ii.i.X : ( ) ( ) Oals.bu . 141,000 IS-.OUO NKW YOIIK , 1'ph. \Vlioat-Uecolnls. . 47.300 bushels ; evpoils , 21,0'KI ' ; spot , higher ; No. 'J red , it. Ill's In cluvator ; options firm ; No. Sreil , robriinry closed at } | .IO 'i ' , C'oin I'eceltits. ( Vi.lliK ) liiishels ; exports , none ; spot higher ; No. > , ilift e In elevator ; im- urailed mlxcil , 0.Ulc. Uptlonj lii liur ; robruary , Olo. tal ltpcelil | . CO.OOO bushels ; oxpoil , iiiinu ; spot stronger ! No. B white , Kl'i'ii.VI'jct ' ' mixed woslern , fiKK.nic ; wldlo wcslern , 5l3.Wci ) op- lliiii" . llrm ; I'chruary , Klijc , . I'etroleiiin--Quk1l. KBRSWestern , I7'i17'ic. ' ' 1'oru ririu. I.ard i\eltL-iI. : Ululicr ; wcslern steam , bid. llnttor rirniic lcrn , lliB lc ; creamery , aioiaici Uheeso rinn. MtNNiili'Oi.ls , Minn. , I'd ) . 50. Wheat Ac- tl\o avern-jliiK liishor prices. Hi.'eulptu , wheat lieio and Dnbith , 'JM c.irs. Closlnu' : No. 1 hard , I'ebruary- ; onlracU. " . ' ; No. 1 northern , lYlirnary and March , d'-'c ; on ItacU , ! 'jc ; Nu'Jnoitlieru , February , Ulo ; on UacU , H-'c. _ Cisr i NXATI , IVb. ) . Wheat Hardy slcady ; Xo.an.Ml.n-.icfiitl.nl. Corn slroiiK : No. 2 mixed , .Vi'iift-ViC. Oats- Stronger ; No. a mixed , I'JitJJo. Whiskey JI.14. _ I.tvr.iii'oor , , 1'ob. Sj. Wliunt ririn ; demand liiiiiriivln. . I'orn ' I'lriii iml ilomand fair ; mixed west ern , r > s Gil per cental CniCAno , I'ob. so c'nitlo Hcoeipts. market steuily ; steur8.f4..VJ ® . ' > III ; heifers , ja.00 © .ISO ; cows. } l.4i''ii'.tk ' > ; stocUers , il\V'iii,40. : llotfs Kei-eluts , ; ,00 ( ) ; market nctlvc.stroiiK ; routfli nnd coinmoti , f.'UO'i&l.SO ; prlmo mixed and packers , sa"iiRi.n : ( ; prlmo heavy and biilchcrs' wulKhts , { .I.TUii-liS ; light , i.1.55 < BII.70. .Sheep Kccelpls , 7,000 ; market nctlvo and Ir regular ; natives , t\X ( U\Mf \ westcinu il.403 O.aj ; fed Texans , JI.7.'i < ii.'i.lK ) . M.TI.I//.I Itir OMAHA , Feb. 20 , 1W1. OlTn.E EslimalPd rocuiois of cattle I.4M1 as compaicd with I'JJ ) yesterday and " ,047 I'tlday of last week. Tlio mnrkot was aellvo ami strum ; on desirable grades , less doslrable crudes stonily , 1'ei-dcis were slow and lower on all praties. Tliere wcro some line W. 10 steers and a bunch of line spudud heifers which sohi al } l.uo. Iloiis-Ksliiiialed roeolpts of boss n.FOi ) , as 'comnaicd with 4h'Jo vesteiday and r > ,5Ut 1'rldayof last week. Tlm mnrkot was aellvo and a bin , r > c bltflier. All olil early. The rnngn of the prices was $ I.OOti.i..Vi : , iho bulk selling nt Kl.Itt W.I..Vi. I'lKs. Jl.riWf..W ; lIulit-llKht ! , , J . : > 0ifl.n0j light. Unnii-'vlO ; heavy , W.C : > ISI..M ; ; mixed , ( tf.i.4. : > . Tin- average of the prices paid was # ail' ; . asconiparoilIth f.l.'UJa yesterday and f , ' , ' 7Ji I'rbliiyor last \vecu. SiuiKi'Ksllniiileil recolpts of sheep , f > fil , us coinpnroil llli M yesloiilny and -.i " ' Trl- duy of lu > t "I'd ; . Tlio niarUcl was stonily linn. Natives if-Jti4.75 ; westerns , J-.riMJt.TU. l > Ni < > Mllon of Stoolc. Showing tlio number of cattle , lio.'s nnil sheep imreliiiseil on 1)1)4 ) ) market us reported by tlio wolitlimasti-r of Ihu Slozkyards com pany for Kuhrnary 20. CATTI.C. Swift .Vfo 427 The U. II. llainiiioiid company 24H The I'inliiliy pael\lii eumpuny Mi ( Jinatia nai-Kliu eompuny 4 l.i-o KrtWhllil 215 Hamilton .t Sl0heil | I'l ' .loM-pli DamrDii ' . ' .I Ni'ls Morris 40 Shippers anil fooik'rs OT Van i-iint X Curt-y ll It. , lleckcr ADesun 2wi IIIHIS. The Cuclaliy naelilng company 2,404 lni.'ilii ) ; IKieliln ; L-oinpuny 1,57 ? Swift .Vl'n M.7 ThoCi. II. li.'Uiiiiiouil puck-lii'company. ; . . fi7ii Shippers uiiilfvuik'rs W fctlKIU1. Swift Ic Co SGI Sales , No. Av , I'r , 11).licit Jl 10 20 12m 410 o..ir.'o 420 2..K1-JJ 4 S3 li. . 1IIT5 4 S3 20. r.'To 4n : b..ii-'l : 4 At ) 20. . 1201 4 .Vi 19..142J 4tJ 1..2013 UO M ? 1 ? ,1 1 < - < > ! i 13 1110 4 10 ? ; o 'j M . ' uw IMI.VI : * . 3TJ 1 TS S . .11 J Il-il S. 1W . ' .CO JfW a W 8. . IM 4 7J MAU * . S..HW 3PO \\ya \ \ a SO cows ASH ntirmi& : 0 . Ml 2 O O.H.I H.I H7O.S.IJIAllliKTS. . MIATH : Iliitim SDIIisnvp , 7'4t ' > ; 10 HIM nvn. T'ti" ' I- His IIVK , "lies Nlioiildcri. IV- : pork lulus , ( ; pnrk leniterlolnt , TJiiei leaf luul , not UMiileti-d , Te : siiicrllis | : , TK- . I'OIIK AMI liixr Xrw mess pork , lihls. J10.00 ; prime iii"-s ! | iorl > . ill.'iOtrii ; pi line inn U. HM : L'ltvir luieU polk , lieuvy , { ll.T.I ; elenrliiiek purk , nii'illum , tll.-'j ; short eut elenr porli , ? ll ) . ( ii pljj pork , fill T.O . : new > -\tri ine-s lieef , W.W : extra plato lii'ef. J-'J.i ; jilato beef , JT.OOi rolled liniu-- n-ss liei-f , } ! - . . ; bonelu.ia tumps , l .oOj hhc ulilur cloils , f.V ) . Diiv SMT MIIATS l-nt Inicks , ft'io : lean backs , r > 'ie ; i > xlrn short elearfto ; lielllus into "U llu nvenise , 5 ' i' . short ribs , Bo ; hhurt clears , fi'iii'i lon eli-urs , r > e ; shonlilors , 4'8c. ' b.MUKi'.n MDATS Dry suit euruil Hncon loni ; elcitrs fi'ii' ' ; short I'loiim. fi'ic : extra short ele.irs fi'io ' : belllus , eloar strips , Oo ; bel- llc.-i , ek'ar lile. lie ; .hurt ribs , 5 , e ; bliotthlcrs , JSei fat bucks Oc ; lean luieks , fi'ii' ' . HMOKCII MKTS llest siijjar ourcil 1Iain . I'Xtni llelit. tlto 10 His avK , < 4ci hums , IlKht , 11 In I-His ri. c , S'ej ' hums , medium , II to 15 llis tiv . ( -'ji- ' ; heavy , " 0 li"J His iivg , ce ; cxtru lioavy , 'Jll to " "i Ilia avis , T\ei sMniH'd slk'ln : , ' , IS to'JO llis 'A\f. ) < J4e ; Oallfornla Imini. , " > Vie ; M-w York hhnnltterri'ii - ; Huston slioulilcrx. Dto 8 Ibsnvc.fi'ie ; liiiniMess liiiin. T'iC ; spleeil bono- jess rolls , li'ii'i breakfast liaeon , i-k'iir , 5 to 9 ibs strips , ? ' iej breaUfast Imeon , rlli. 7es een- tciinl.il beef tdiiiiues , ll'ii' ' ; ilrluil lioof hams , M'ls , 7'jt'i ' lOjiulaf. ( Jo : iiluiN , ft' oi fancy lean backs , cii.e : Snei-lnl limns , IS tu li Ibs avg , lle ) : bronUfiist navnii. inc. I'L-lir. ' \i\\\v \ \ I.Alili-1 ebt liettlo rendered Tleiees , O'se ' ; barrels , ( Pe ; half buirolsOlio ; 50-11) tinUOJlb ea-.esi , ( ) ' , i- . 1'uiti : I.AIIII Tlen'cs , lie ; bnrri'N , Ci'it' ; half barrel- . , li'i'M ' : Ib tins ( luU-lb e si > ) , ( iie. IIHEI' ToMil'lls Sttci-t pli-Kleil. MIKIIIenriil Ham-Is , Vioalhs , $ ls.OJ ; h.ilf liurrcls , 100 Ibs , I'OIIK TOSIIUKS Pwcul ploUleil. siiuur curoil Half Inirrels , 100 His , JT.'iD ; quarter barrels , VJ lljs , ii.ui. liiMiis'To.MirisPweet : pk-kled , sunareured Half barrels , 1UO Ihs , i'.M ; itiiiilvr | barrels. M His. $1.00. , i'U'iu : HOMMSSPins'HocKS-Cookcd : : Half banuls , bO Ibs , $1,70 ; iinarturbitriuls , JO Ibw , t Mil ) . yi'iriMi Pins' T ( > Ninsi ( : - - C'ooKed Half banuU bO Ibs , III.5U ; iiuarter barrels , 40 Ibs. Jil.i 0. Si'iciu : LAMIIS * ToNdtiKS Cooked Half barrels , SO Ibs , J10..V ) ; quurlur barrels , 40 lb.s , Jfi.iii ) . 1'lClvi.ini Tllll'i : Ilarrela , 203 Ibs , W.2i ; lialf barrels , t-0 Ibs , J2.00 ; iiiiarler barrels , 10 Ibs , fl.OJ. IMCKI.KII Pins' 1'BKT Ilarrol' . UOO Ibs , J0.50 ; half barrels , to Ibs , ! i4.'i ; ijuurtur barrels , 40 Ibs , } | . : w. S\fSAin ( llolosiin. 4c : Karllo. per Ib , 7e ; rrankfurts or wlenerwurMs , per Ib , 7e ; toiiKue , per Ib , 7'ie ' ; blood , per Ib , 4/4c : llvor , lier 111 , 4'Je ' ; hiMUl choi'si1 , per Ib , | ite ; polish , per Hi , 7e ; pork sausage , links , iior Hi , lie ; pork sausage meat , In tin palls , per Ib , A'ii' ' . UM.S. TAI.I.OW AMI STIAIUNK : I'uro neat's- foot oil , Mil-perKallon ; pure neat's-foot oil , fl-Bal. cans , Mo per gallon ; A 1 tallow , Do per Ib ; sloarlne , 5iu ? per Ib. OrouurioH. CorKKn fireen Itlo , . " . ' ® ' . ' 4c ; . Java , 27c ; Miieha , ' 'f-c. Hoasted Arlosn , ffii l-10e ; Me- LaiiKlillli , XXXX. i-'Sl-lilo ; Hnniila , M l-10o ; lieniian , 24 V : Dlllwoith's , 2.V ; Linn. ' . ' . " ) 1-lUc ; Conlovla. L' . " > i-l'Jc ; .Moclia. Illc ; O. ( i. .liivu , i'Oe. ' Ciilleir.sseneoi ! Kro. boxes , $ l.i"ii ; l.f > 0 ; elilc- ory. " 'ifts'se : l'AN.Niii : Yr.dr.TAiii.r.s-Toinaloes : ! , fl.10 ( r/l.l.-i. Uoni Vi'ry line. tl.-J.Viil.lL'i ; 1-lbsiiuar , 11.15 ; " -Ib staiiilard western bnmds , JI.10. Mnslirociiiis-l-lb I'l-i-ni'li , r.\lru line , ' . " . ' ( it"io : ; 1-lb 1'ieiii-li , line , lM.i..kV ; l-h | Kreneh. in-tll- niiry , ll/.lse. Pens ' . ' -lb e.iriy.Iune , Sl.'i ; ' . ' -III Marrow , staiiilard brands. } I.IO ; 'JIb.niked 7ne. 1'ieneh peaPel ease of Kidil..WiiOO per doStilus beans ' . ' -lb lil 'h cr.ido , l ) eilba ; \ beans , N'II- ; -Ili sirlnu heans , MUl.lnia beans ' . ' -Hi soakoil. K"ie. Ilostnn linkrd beans 'l-lb , Jl.llV'i.L.Vweot polutnu * .1-11) Now .lei > ey J1..MIlb ; : ; oKra and lomiiloes. $ ! . ( ; ; i-lboUr.i JI.IV ) : HMirHKil- : > . : ! -lli. W.s'Vfc'1.73 : ihubard , Il-lb JI.40 : siiecolush , ll..tvfU.i.'i. HAi.T-Dalry.'SO Ibs In bbl , bulk , JJ.10 ; best Kradc. l r > - . f-.4 ( ' ; best trade , 10J Us , fc > .50 ; best irrailc1. ' > H'b ' , } - ' . : ; rock salt , crushed , J'.iO. SODA I'ucKiiBi's , W Ihs to box , BJics kc'gs 4'e. ' UAKINO I'OWDKII Moral , dlnio ran * , per do/ , Ose ; Vt-lln-mis Jl.41 ! 's-lli fan1) , } 2.iT ( i 1-lb emit , J.VdOj I'rlee'.sii-Hieans , f.a5 | ; " , J-lh eans , J2..VI ; 1-lb t-ans. H73 ; oilier kinds l-ll ) cans , jiur iiu/ , riiACKKiis Poilu , fi 'i oyster , 'ite ! : cream S'iu ' ; KinKurMiups , s'icj ' 10 pur cunt oll'on ton- box lots. WiiAi'i'iNO 1'Ai'Kit 1'or 11) , best slraw , l.ria tnil3\44 , 1'gc : dry K""iK 4Tic ; uxtra iinallty , nianlllii , li'je ; manllla tea , 12x18 , He ; ( hirk rt\g , liarilwaiu.i' . NUTS IVr llj AlnionilM , ISo ; Ilra7lls , 81o ; Illlierts , lllt > ; peeaiis 1IIWI4Cwalnuls.l.'ic ; ; pea- iint-i , faney white , se ; roasted. lOe. Hii.s IN ) prime while , Ho ; 150 water white. ll'e ' : heiulllchl. Cle ; 74 gasoline , ll'ic. Oil cans 1 K'iil. i lKUa,85 ( ) : 2 Kill. JII.7 , ' " TIIAS Japan , ha-skct flrL'il,2i'fc'c ) ; snndrled , Il.Vit4.rj ; Kreen , Si ) ( .KU" gnnpowiler. aiKifi-Hii- ; Knitll-.li lireakfusl , llVJC75o ; Young lly-on , 20te ! l"H'j Dolong , 2.'it."ie ; 2-lb. paekagednst , 15c- . AM.K < ! IIB.I ! : I'or gross I'ra/Iur'-i larsu lln-i. MMW ) ; iiii-illuin tins. } : ; .00 ; siniill } 15.UO ; oilier inaUi-s , wnnil.f.l.MKi'iS.SU. 111. M-KiNd a doI'l hnIW2171C' ' ! ladles' slmo ilresshi' . ' , 45e1.00 ; Move JiolUli , per gross. . . Ili.rnisii-I.lifuhl , I d/iilo/ : In box , 00el.7i ; Sotdoz : In bos , fl.Siitc-.TSi dry , Mimll , 2.10 ; larKc , 4.V. Si-icKS Pepper HltiKiiporc , sifted , l.vaiOe ; phot. ' "Jo : allspice , lUc ; olnvcs , PonaiiK , i-o- lei'led , 17 < tf.l'e ! ' ; cassia , China , 4-11) , mills. Ik' ; minuets. No. 1 , T.'r ; niacassor , U. > e ; pickling kplco' , lU-lb boxes 2'M' . ' . KTC , l-lh . Oer- L'liocoijAiK. ; - bnes 34fl.1V ) ; - innn swei-t. U'W.Me ; cocoa , iH'ite ( ) ; llromo , ; r.'o. L'oroAM'T l.Vlh eu-es , ) , and 'flb packages , per 11) . , ' ( /lt'"ei bulk , l.'i-lh pilN : , V.'K ; . DMVKS tjiiarls. perdofl.uo ; plnlsperdo/ , J'.W ) ; bulk , per pil. JI.'O. Ollvo oil. ! ' , pints , 2 doper ease. i.M'fc.2 [ > . MAl'l.K SniAH-l'er ll > 5e cakr , IlC-lb boxes , Hie ; Ille cakes , UO-lb boxes , r.e ; 1-lb bricks , 111 Ibs In box , pun' , 14e. lliioiMs-5-tlu ) parlor , } : i.OO ; 4-lle. J2.73 ; : i-lle , * ' . ' . ' .T > ; IIIUplain , fl.hJ ; waiuhuuse. W.W ) ; toy , 11.23 ; whl-k. Jl.OOill. ' . ' . ' ! . SDAi1 C'liilllo , moltled. peril ) , too ; do while , per lb , He ; laundry map , per 100 bars , f.'U.Vi } 5.00 : i-liuvlii'4 soap , WxrcT.'ie per do/ ; toilet soap , a oaUes per box. per do5)ie ) < ii2..l5. . I'AiiiNArKoi's ( ioons Hurley. 4e ; furlna , , kois , $ , VeO ; spin peas , Je ; nieen peas , ' 'o : oat- uieal , bbls. fj.7fian.lX ) ; half bbls .l.nvi l.iri ; macorlnl , li- ; vuinili-i-lll. I''c ; wage and tapi oca , nTTi'ic ; Lima boaiis. R' e ; i-ereallne. ifll.'l ; llakcd lionuny , U e ; pearl hominy , MM ] ier bbl. bbl.I.VK I.invls' iierfuineil. fl.V ) ; lied Cross , U.53 ; Amerlean , f l.i > ; Mtpniilller. M.2J ; Muiryiir. . 1 ! ; Star scrubblnK. il.75 ; tilllftl's powdered , JI.'JJ. MII.KComlonioil llnclp. K.40 ; Crown , M.S.V AncloSwIss , Jil.7u ; American Swiss , K.IX ) ; IllKh- , . " " . . K.XTIIAilh l.emnii.'s'o.ViefiJJI.SO ; 4 oll.fO fl&M' viiliilla. 2 o/ , tt.Vi&J-.N ) ; 4 or , il.VU..V ! > U ; Janialea mnt'er , 4 otlA't. . M ATniKS-l'jirlor , ' . ' 0 nnd 300 per box J1.C.VB 1.70 ; per box : sulphur , tl.l.VCI.IW. CA.NPV Mixed , ; < ) Hi palls , h'iffiS'je ' ; Hllck , f'ie ' ; Iwlslslk-k.Oe : 1'rviivli mixed , I i' u ; ho.ir- hound slick , t-'ic ' ; jar and cnseeanulcs , 5 lb boxed. l.Vii''lc : extra llnu ( 'IMHS | , 'vVtWic. lliii-siins-t-hoe , per dor , ll.'J.vai.UO ; daubers , 7.V"a.l.oO { : scrub brushes , OMU'fi.ll'J. ' limn HKUD Ml.xed bird. 1-lb packages , 5oj canary , 4'ti' ; hemp , 4'ic ; anise. I.'w. r\.Mii.is Ii ) lb * lu box , U'tu ; mlnliii , 1 > 3 wax , lie. cut. per IV , ' 'KlVTci pluf , ! 2 7X0 siiioUltiR l iiitioi fiiin'y lir.imls , ( I V ) Mnl VIM : * 'jtihlv N' t ) , faiu-y pcrtfal 4u i t'r , i linii'e 4C- M.il'HM < ! ' "I'tn-'it ul > u liakmtt. ' . ' . ' > . Oc ; lilueksltiiii l ' 'f . " 'e ; s\rnp , 50 Krilde. tilil , ; V.e ; l't bbl , ' . " c ; Isal Kens , Jl.ili''Riil kits. VlxKliAH-Applft'ililer ' , lOo ; ilnutilc elder.l'.V ; while \Mtie , \ 'lt'Irljile \ itrt'liltlli , UK * . ST. HI'I | Per ll ftvi.1. l'iiKi.is-Mi'illiiiu..bbl' : < . is.oo : sniiill , Jto.00 : therklii . Ml.txi ; llnttnn mixer , jr..ivi. KICK Jiivn. Cc ; choice , Go ; fancy. Ge ; head , fi' e. l'liillt--lVr ! Mil , r.dlneil.H.V ) : half hbl , UW ; ' 1'ttlNIV. I'lillllAllK. llTl1. I'lltloll tWIIIO "Illiib. " \ory line. 't-lti hales , 2.Vculton Iwlne XX liniinl.lb ' btilesv \ henil. Iwlae , ll-ihlwle < . IN1 ! ijill Iw Ine. iMieiimllo ; wick , ! Ki'i 10-fooI Cit Km ohilhos Hill's , J1.40I lilt-fool cotton clulhes linns. . * ! . ! ' ! " ' ; Ri'-foiil ' sliiil Hues , fl.7.IVI ; - fniit lule , tl.Ri ; wool twines , .site. Ma nilla rope- All M/cs ( nun 7Hi to 1 hi , l.'e ; Nlsal lope , all slefrom 7-Hi to I In , ! i'i "new pro- ei"5 < es , " all sl/i's from 7-10 Io 1 In , "Sc ; cotton rope , li In , I.V1. I'liKiisK-l * . C. twin Hats , per lb. ll'ie : I' , l' . Ynntn ; American , t'"ic ; dnmi'slle S\\l - " , l.'i'ie ' ; brick. I4c ! Kdani. In full. each , tl.i o. \VIIIIIIINW\III : : l'erdieii'rnb.s. . No. 1.K.50 ; So. " , J > .r 'i ' No. II. J.V.Vi ; keelor , oak uraln. 'i-ln , Ix-sl , } I.M ; while ei-diir , l-ln. besl. f I S5 ; palls , il-hnop. o'lk cralni'd. JI7.i2 ; hoop. JI..V1 ; syrup. II.Klj ihiMcll. $ ! . ; , " > ; piiper. nii-lul hoo.i , Ji.'ni ; ciMlun II brass hoops , No. I , alt red. J.V.V ) ; eedar , ; i brass lumps , No'toil , K > .00 ; cedar , ii brass hoops , No , I Hlilped , } . " > .OU ; cednr. II brass hoops. Nn. 'J striped. UN ) ; hoisiexlrn hoa\y , No. I. 12.731 well hiickels , fl..V Hutlerwiiri'-Tiilit. nsh , Si-Inch , per ni-st , 7i'e ' ; iish.Ineh. . 2 lariio sl/e , per nest , l.'nbutler ; bullet , hard wood. 70e ; butler p.uhtks or spailes. 70c.Vash - tinards Slnulo. Jl.liKiC..oO ; dnublc. < 2. : > 0 ( l,2.-i. Clothespins . " > Kross boxes , ( V.ic. srimi tiriiiiiilutcil. f'14e : ouboa , "o ; cut loaf , 7V ; putt'lered. slaiidnrd , 7c ; XXXX lio\vdered.7'ie : yi-llow I' , 5'Be ; eanary. fiV ; llUhl oxtniC , fiSi'i'iic : i-iinfeel loners. A , P e. t'ANM'.li I'lll'ITS California Apricots 12 5f ( Jt'.Wi ; peaebi's fc ! 7'nW.W ! iieais. $ ; ' . , MVif..7i ( ; crapes , fl.v tl..n ' ; cherrlos , wlilti1. t'J. ' > U"6-.7."i ; ohcrrles , Iiliu-li.f2.2. ' > ii,2.r > iii uulni'os J..wij black- hen les. { , ' . ' . ' 5 ; raspberries. 1 1.0 1 ; strawberries , K.iO ; em runts. f.-.Hlj Kontubi'rrles. ti' i ; pluinlm , i' | ( f. il.s'xiAl.i.i.'i ; plumbs , jireen Kiif-1- ll.sViCl.in. Isaslern eaiined dull -Peiiches , seconds. } l.Mjt..ni ' ; iipplt'il-Vh. ! } l.2.'i ; Kill , 'i ' do/ In case. t.L7.'i ; Kini-eborrlHS Hull liuiiie stan dard , 2It > . JI.IU ; stiawbc'trles , { 1.113 ; raspber ries , Jl.'ifl ; blnelii-riles , H.M ; ted rasiiherrles , Jl.5ili blackberries , ! . ( i ( ) ; churrles , ( { . ri'itl.O.'i ' ; pineapples , sllceil. JI 2.Vii2.4' ' ) . | ) iilin : I'nuns 'I'lirklsh jiriines , less than hlids , i-ii ) , U' ' te : apples , evaporated , new rinj ; eholee , l.'ie ; aprlents , fancy , In hacks , ' .lie : blackboriles. new , lie ; raspticrrh-s , ii ! Ibs to box , ; rV ; ciirriints , new,5'ii ' ! ! Yotl//.l currants. extra , in boxes , H'npeaches. ' ; . Cnla. , cholco. I7'tc ; I'allfornla dried nr.ipes. In lint's. r > ! 4e ; seedless .siiltanis ; , sticks , lOe ; nui-catels , 7'ie ' ; new Ynli'iii'la , SiUndiira lnyor , Oc ; ll's ( , hiyers , ll'it-Oi'i ellioiu l.eKlioiu , 20o ; lemon peel , lie. Country I'rotliii- . Tlio produce markul ycslerdiiy did not pre sent any Impmtaiit ehanucs , prices for the ino-1 part n'lnalnliiK In llio same Kroovo. Ke- ci'luts were not law. I'.IKIS Tin1 cciii'rnl prlco was 'Me , but the niaiket was not so stionK und u few bales wie rcpoiti'd at ll'c. ' PoiillrvOHIIK | lomoieliberal receipts tin1 ii'tirket for chlekcni was weak vcslcrdny and I ho number of sales nbovo Si- were small. Other kinds of poultry weru fully steady. Turkeys llI2ii' ! : KCCSU anil dticks lifllc. IHMK Yery few nibhlts are coniluK In now. Cotton lulls sell at. $1.00 per do/en. llti'iTint The maiket did mil prosenl any now features yesiurday. prices remaining al nhoiil the same point , llcst count ry rolls , 17 ® Isc : Kood , 14'idfio : low urades , Il2c. UAV Kecolpts liai-cbeen vnry ll ht for some days hack and prices ucconlhiKly are hluh. tiood hay wns quoted yeslcrilay at W.OOfflS.i'i per ton. I'rokli 1'Viilts. OiiASOr.s Ulvt-rsliles are selling al $ i.7.Wl . 'I.M ; nnvals. } I.M'i"i.n ) ( ) ; Kanebito , u vailcty bo- Iwcen Itlvei'S.des and I.os Angeles , $ ' . ' . ( WiW.7. ; Mexican oraiiiiJIl.oOj I'londa brlslit , J.J.UO ; ru-solt , } . ' .5iM.7. ) ( : I.os Angeles , M.50. Ai'i'i.KS Pictty coed appli'.s aio hclllnt ; at f I.M'i'xVOi. tboiiirh some fancy stand apples are held considerably blither. ' 1'o.M.vjoi.a llerniudii stock , J1..V ) per 10-lb box. CliAMiiiiniis : : Stocks Hilit. CapoCod , J12.00 porlibl.ler-e.v. ; Jl1 ! . ; . ' ) . I'BAiis-A few larpo California pear * , wln- tor vaiIdles , anoffirod at $2.sXT6.'i.i0 ( per box. IK.MO.VS Choice Messina , $ 'U > 0I,00 ; fanci' , il.u.AOA ( JiiAi'KS-l'er bbl. . JO.CO < 310.00. SWKKT I'OTATOKS Kunsus anil Iowa slock , W.7.VJI.OO. O.NUI.NS Riisloriihtojlc , JX.'ifl per lb. Ilcr- onloiiH bushel ' . ' ' . ' . ' ' . " . nuida , per era to , Ju'.OU'ti' > ( ' \ri.in.owBii Pur doJ2.00. . Sl'lNAfii Per bbl , $2.00. CII.IMV : : ROOTS I'cr do ? , 50c. I.KTTt'CK Cholee stock , K'a45o. ' ( l'ii.iiiv--C'liolce : slock , 4. > c. I'AHSMM ' Per bbl , $ J M ) . CAIIUAOI : Per lb , 2i ( < aic. : ItUTAiiAuAS-MlclilKanstock , per bu , COc. llKCTK-l'or tin. * l.iKXiCI.S3. POTATOES There are qulto a coed many liomo prown potatoes hi store in thiiclly and sales arc mndo at 0.ic < iil.00. Colorado polatuoj uro very bcarcu at $1.20. Flour. li. T. Davis Mill To. , lilch patent , No. 1 and Cream , } . ' .7U ; Illuu I ) , full patent , J'.1.3' ) ; llawk- c'vc , half patent , { 2.1)0 ) ; special nival iiatnnt , Ixo. 10 , t..Wi ; Minnesota pattinl , f2.73 ; Kansas hard wheal jiittent , J.,55 ; Nebraska kprlns wheat palenl , 42 ( JO. S. ! " . Ulliuan'sKold rneoal , J\7n : HnowVhlto , $ J.iO : ; Snow l-'lake , { 2.1H ; low uiiule , Jl.fiO. Purs are sellliiR well and demand Is Improv ing. Owlnn Io Hie reci'iit ailviinco In prices of nil furs we have icvNi-il our price list and In- vlln consignments. The most desirable furs nro beaver , otter , mink , sliunii and niuskrat and , when wll handled , bilni ? exlirme prices , whlli- poorly handled , fnded and rusty cnlorud skins are haidtosellat very low prices , ( iround ho , ' , wcasi-l and smilncl skins Imve no value. Northwuilerii rui # , from Michigan , U'iscoiiilii and Minnesota , will brliiK frum 10 to 13 per cent inotu than crntnil and soiilliwestern .skins , bill some lots of furs from the latter sections aio fully asgooil us Hie. skins from a llltlo farther norlh. ICacciioti , No. 1 luitii' , 73c ; No. 1 medium , , r > 0c " ; No. I siaall , 40c : No. 2. 4Uc. Mink , No. I In rue" , tl.til ) : No. 1 iiiedlnin. 7. > e : No. I small. TiOc : No. 2. 50c. Mnink. black , cased , .No. 1 law , fl.H ( ) ; No. 1 mcdluiii , 7. > c ; No. 1 small , Die. Skunk , short Milpe , cased , No. 1 Inw , 7."c ; No. 1 me dium , r > uc : No. 1 small , 2. > c. Skunk , narrow stripe , caseil. No. I Inrco , 40c ; No. 1 medium , 2.V. Skunk , bioad stilpe , cased , No. 1 larKe , We. I''ox. eioss. dark. No. t larirc , t-.r 0 ; No. 1 medium , * 2.00 ; No , J small. { 1.50 ; No. ' . ' . Jl.50. Pox , red. No. 1 law , * l."iO ; No. I medium , ifl.m ) ; No. I small , 7. > c ; No. - ' , fte. I'ox. Kray , No. 1 lirirc : , MJo ; No , l medium , IlOc ; No. I small , : oc. Wolf.moiinlalii , No. 1 lar e. W.'Wj ' No. 1 n e- dliim. ( l.-i ; No. 1 small. 75o : No. 2. JI.OO. Wolf. prairie , No. I larue , * l.0i ; No. 1 medium , 7.V ; No. 1 small. .Vc ) ; No. 2 , Illc. Heaver , prime , per skin , No. 1 liirgi' . i'.w. No. 1 medluin , J5.)0 ( ) No , Ismail , &I.5) ) . Ik'aviT , No. 2 , per skin , No. 1 luffo , { . "i.liO ; No. I medium , { I. ' , ' . " > ; No , iMoiill , JI.OU. Otter , No. 1 lark-e. J7.0U ; No. 1 medium , WOJ ; No. 1 small , W.IO ; No. 2 , J2.N ) . I < ynx , No , 1 lurirc.00 ; No. l medium , il.-.Ti ; No. 1 small. 7.VNo. ; . 2 , fl.OO. Wild cat. No. I law. 5Ju ; No , 1 inedlum. . 'Oc ' ; No. 1 small , inc. Opossum , No. 1 law , 12c ; No. 1 small. .V. Had cr , No. 1 lur e. ( We ; No. l medium , 4.V ; No. 1 small , : iOc. \Volverlno , No. l \ urnJ4.00 \ ; No. 1 medium , J.'I.O ) ; No 1 small , ( -.O.i. Hear , bhu-k , No. 1 IIITKO , J'.UIX ) ; No. I medium , 110.00 ; No. Ismnll , fVtio. Hear , crl/ly. No. 1 lurm' . J .o.ooi No. 1 medium , t > l.nl ; No. l small. fUH. Hear , brown. No. 1 larsi' , } 4.iX ) ; No. I medium , J.V ! ) ; No. 1 small , Jl.oo. lle.ir , cubs So. I laiRi1. fl.ooj No. 1'iiiiidliiin. KM ; No. 1 small , fl.O ) . Marten. No. 1 laive. K.m ; No. I modluiii , jl.n.i : No. Ismail , .We. I'l-lu-r , So. 1 jiuiri' , * 3.on ; No , | medium , il.oi ; No. I Fiuali , $ HM. Buck-kin , Indian diessed , per lb. . No. I Inici1. 5He to 7'nDeer. . hitminer. per ID. , No. I | niK > ' .2Ui > Io 2. > c , Deer , fall , per Hi. . No. 1 InrKc , I5 < - to 20e. Deer , win ter , per lb. , No. 1 lar c , 12i : to lc.Deer , Krcni snltcil , per pleep , No. 1 lnrKi > .23c In 73c. Anti'- Inpc. liurlb. , So. I iurii' > I2 > ' lo I.V. I'lk. per Hi. No. 1. laru-e. MHO inc. Muskr.it 111.Vls. . , In. Wlntur. No. I In rite , 17c ; wlnler. No. 1 me- dluni. tic ; fall , No. 1 law. lie ; fall. No. 1 me dium , lie ; damaged. speared iirshnl , He. Muskrat - rat Soutliwe.slerii nnd territory Winter , No. 1 InrKc , lie ; winter , No. 1 medium , lie ; fall , No , 1 laruo. lie ; full , No. 1 medium , fee ; dam- lined , tipoarcd orsluil , 7c. Kai'ilwarc. Armuis AND llira < ' . 1 % . Jeniilnus ill . Oft" , ' ; Itusspll .l unliiRs , dls , 25 ; bit slock drill , I'loveland .V Morse , < IN. M. AXES l.tiipineotls. per doJ8.S3 ; double billed , ? I4. < 0 ; Hunt's"i ; Mpucncott'x broii/ed n.xcS , { S.5 ' , Ilii.l.s : I.mhl. brass , hand , dls , 70e ; ICen- Ineky cow , ills TOP. DOOH LOCKS. P.TC. I.l-st prices as revised December III. ISMI , less f > 0 10 per cent : pad locks , now list , dls , 70. HOOKS Sargent ft Co. . harness list , ( V ) ; \yroiiKht staples and hooks and staples , 7 , " > ; Stanley's llil. w roiiKht slap'o ' , 7 .V ; huuk- > and eves , who screw , 75. I < AMIUNHItnckeye : , sr. , W.W ; Ituokuye , jr. , e.VMl ; llrllllanl. JA.UJ. I .Moi.AssiisiiA'rr.s Stehbon's patlerns , dls 70. On.Kits y.lnc and tin. now list , dlsUO , I'li'KS Hallroiid , ail/e eye , ills Hi. KiviTS-WiiKoa box. A ; lion IIIKI tinned , now liit December U1 , 13sl , din 'M' cupper rivets und burrs , . ' 0. Smews Plat head Iron , 70-73 : roundhead , new 1UI. blued , liO ; Hut head , ba-s , i.ew 1M. 7W.7.1cj Japunui-d , Ut couch , common or IUK , Gl'-lo. SlIIIVKI.S ANii. | 'AiE | < Allies' , ills 15. TALKS' , limns , KTI' . Aiiierlean Iron carpet tacks , dls M ) ; bteiil carpel tnckh , all kinds , ft ) ; suedes Irmi earp"t tin K- . nil kinds. i Swedeh Iron lacliB. W : > W MUS turn upludster- ura' tUL'Ua , W , ttiiiicd tiweucK truu tucks , W ; tlniu'd Hweiti'-t Irtui tlpliol < ti'rertiu'kt , W : American Inui cul tuck" . 7.x , copper tacks , W , copper tlmsuiun nml trunk niul . 15 ; rlciir IHM nails 4 , Ihilshlnu unlls , ii > ( lluniiar an luilli and niliii'K tucks , d | ( Slini | and lace taekt , 70 ; tinned plum anil lace taek , M ) 10 ; ttmik iind ctuilt nalK 70 ; III- ) ned trunk and eloul null" . a.X ; haskel mills. ; iv ch 11 lr mill * , Xn coiiimiui and tiatcnt lirnil" . 7n ; lluneil ciip | < eil trunk nulK M ami h > ; lookhiK-thi44 tacks 25 : pleluto frame points. V | leather cariict tacks , IDS brush tucks , 2li. TAt'iN MiiAsriiiMiiiierleun , dls t'j. 'I'IIIIIMOM : : TIIIS : Tin ca-e , dN , 7.N. 'I mi's ( lame , Newlu > ii e , ills. 40 ; paiuo , Oiielda pallcrn , 70i iiiiiuvood ehoki'r , per doyiMi holi"i. 20. pno\M i.s-iirados'brlcK , ills 10 ; Dlsston's. 20-10 ; miiilcii. net per doI.OO , Tlll'CKs--i\Yaiehiu c , etc. ) , HowosK. J. \ Co. . dls , .VI. YISIS : Parallel. Patki-i's , dl . 10 ; parallel oviivlui | | > , ; iU ; saw tllcis , Weutworlli's , 20o. WIIIK Hrass ; ide and < -oipi | > r ll 'per lb. tii't list : market. Ink-lit 1'iV ; mnrket , coppeied. 50 . \ ID per oi'iit ; lliiued liiooni wire , fl ) : M MUCH led fence , NIH , s and I' , pi r 100 Ibs , J.,75 : Japanned barb feme. t\\ \ \ ' < ; ualvanl ed liarl ) fence. J.1,75 ; picture w lie. 'P. x \ .1. , din. SOc ; clothes line wire , irnlvanl/cil. per o ? cell , fl. ' > 0 ; wliecloib , Kri'cn , draband blnck.ier \ 100i | ft , \ViiKNiiif.n-roes' Ketiulne , Mi U Irani. ( V ) ; .Acr.70 10 : llomls , x I'all's ' patent eiiniblna- Mlon , 13 ; Alki-n. poi'kcl ilultfhtl Jl.Ort. M. lll.oi'us-Stanley link1 Level CO'H , now list fin. fin.Itoi.Ts - Common carrliitje. illiTO-IOj 1 ! . . .xI I M f ' . Co's stovi' , ills 40-10 ; iilow.dlsM ; macliliH- , ills 70 ; lite bulls , 30-til. llt.'ris Hrass , wtouKbl , dls 70 ; loose pin , east , dls 70 ; lee e pin , jnpanneil , ills IV ) 10-10 : loose pins , .lapaiini'd. w rouslit , IW ; ( . 'lurk blind bull" , 75-10. Clsnu : lied , 01 * , 50 ; platu anil xhallow rockets , ills , 50. CHAIN Trace , fi'i IO-1 ? , per pair , net , 4fle ; trace , tl'i ' , American , perpalr , net , M > < - : tier- man haller chain , list of Decmiiber ill , h-l. ills , Ml-10 ; Amcllciin Imlter i-lialn. list of De cember III , ISM , ills , MMO ( ticrman cell chiiln. list of l ) ( mlierlll , lss | , dls. M-10 ; lion Jack chain , : i5 ; brass Jack chain , ll'i. COI'KS Hrass. m-w list. July 10 , I- O , dls 50. Cori'ii : ; MII.I.SParker's bonrd and box , dls , 50 ; Aini-rlcaii ( I'litciMl-o Mfi ; do , ill- , " , < . ClIMI'A.sSlls. IHVIPKIIH. r.'ir.--l'ollliassi-s | , dls 5lll ; ; dividers.ills. Miami III : callipers , < ll , 5H. DKAWIMI KMVIIS 1' . S.V. . L'o. . ills 70 ; ad justable , ills 2V , 1'oillis Hay , manure and spnilluK , dls tiO-10- 10 : plated , At , lioRprs it llros. , M. Kiii'irs t.M ) JHI.I.V PiusSKSKnterprlso : MfK I'D. , ills itt , I'uv PANS Cominon. ills 70 ; Acme , dls tfl. I'\rrins-I'rary p.ilenl pelioh-nm , ills , 5'i ; r.iilerprlsiiself-iiu'iisurlnir , perdoMO. . dls. 2 , " > . I'll.KS lleaver.v : | ) lsslonVlX-10 ) ; hoise tasps , Heller llios , ills M. llAMMl'.lls Maydole. ills S3 ; Atlia , dls ,10 , 11 tit v iij S v i I'S - S"'i r i ntM. dls 7'l. ' ( Ji-ttnnti. llls.'U lU-icitKTS Discount 10-10. HAY KMvis-l.iuliitilii , per dof.XOO ; Spear I'olnt. perdu/ . . fx-'O ; lli.MiisClarke's : Nos. 1,2 , and fl , gate , dis count 00 : serow hook and sirup , S to r. ' . per Ino Ibs , 4'ic ' ; IS. and iimvarils. per 100 Ibs. . ; i\c ; wroiiuhl strap and T HM. Decembt'r ' 77 , 7'ipc-r ei-nl : stumlaiil D. A. , : > o. : > , i I..V ) . lloiisi : NAILS-NO- I 5 ( I 10 Pcerlet-s , per lb He 12c l.'ly net Noitliweslcin , " M 2:1 211 ttJ L'l 10 ills 20 Champion , " 2S 'j.i ai y 21 in dls 20 Pnltinm , 50 ' . 'it 211 21 'M 11) ) 10 dls 10 KIJTTI.KS Itru-a , percent ills , 15 ; enameled , per ecu i ills , no. K.NOIIS Door knobs broii/e , 50-10 ; door , minerals , door por.Japaiicd , door pur. plated , door por. now list dls , 5U-10 ; uorcelnla shutter , dls 70. l.ni'KH Cabinet anil chcsts-Cablnol , ] ' . , x : ! ' . Coibln. ills 23 ; trunk , ( Us Hi ; Yale lock tom- pnny. Unl and corruuatcd key , ills -tl)3. ) MAi.i.r.is Illckoiy. 25 ticrcent ; lUnuinvltac , 2."i per cent ; leather head , 25 per ci'iil. MIHT CI-TTKIIS Kntorprls" . dls 23 ; bcof shavers. ( Knlerprlsc M ftf. Co.i ills 25. I'IVNK4 ANIll'I.AM ! 1 11OXS llcllch , llrst ( | llal- lly. dls 40 ; bench , second qnahlv , ( Us W-10 ; fancy , dU 40 ; llnll'-y's bench iS. It. .t I , , Co. ) new list. Jan. , ' 70 , dls 40-10 ; llnllev's plow planes , etc. , ills 20-lv : slunli-y bc-nch , ( S. I ! . & li. Co. ) new llsl , Jan. , ' ? . dls 40-10. Pi.r.Mlis AND I.KVKl.s Stanley It. .1 I * Co's patent adjustable , dls 70 : Stanley lh.Co'.s ! niin-adliisiable. dls TO : pocket li > u-K dls f > 0. POST HIM , i : iNnTiii.i : Auiinns Yaughn'sposi hole. iH-i' do/ . , J10.0) ) ; Chumplon iioitholuau- KITS , Jio.W. Pf.NCUKs licit or drive , per do ? , 12.00 , $2.23 , S2.5U , dls 50 ; sirlnn. | } 2.30. HAD IniiNS Prom 4 to 10. per Hi , : ic net ; self- licatlnif. pcrdiiM.51 net ; Mrs. foil's Irons , double polnled. dls.'O. SAMipAi'llll llai'ilor x ; Adum nn's Hint , ( ' . ( ) to Pi , J.V.J5 Her learn ; Haedei- Adam son's Hint. 2 , ' "i anil , ' 1 , J.1.75 iiu ream ; IlaederX Adamson'slllnl , assorted } . > . ' - ' perr.'am ; llaeder . * ; Adamson'sstar , J4.2. " > pi-r ream ; llaeder .X Ai'-niMm'h emery. iU.ail.50 ji-r : icani. Llsl , IKIS olT. S sii CoillIVr lb Common , 15c net ; pat ent , ISc net : 11 Sliver Lnke lionin , : > 0c ; Uhilo \ cotton , braided , 2-c. . SASH \VKIOIITS Solid cyoier ] 100 Ibs , Ji.ss. SAfsAOK PTi'i'i'Kiis mi I'n.i.niK Perry , ills ir > ; Knterprlsu iiiauufacturlnR company , dls * 1 isCOlllllH-OllS. HIIIRS Kro/pu hides. 4'if&t'ie ' ( ; No. I croi'n sailed hides , .ViJS'ic ; No. 2 reen sailed hldi-s , ; i > iC4u ; So. 1 prut'ii sailed tildes. 25 lo 40 Ib.s. . M 3'ie ' ; No. 2K100H sailed bides. 2'ilo40 Ibs. , : 'if44i" So. 1 M-alealf , h lo 13 Ibs. . 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , S lo 15 Ibs. . 5 < - ; No. 1 ilrv Hint hides , TWic ; No. Silrv Hint hides , 53 > , c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. MiRi' . SIIIKI : > I'KI.TS lircen paltod , each , : i5c(31.25 ( ; ( in'un salted hbearllntis ( shoitsooled early skins ) each. KKTl'-Vc ; dry shcnrlliiKs ( shin I wooled early skins ) No. 1 each , .VftlOo ! d ry shcarllnKs ( short wooled curly skinNo. ) . 2 , each. 5c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per lb. . actual wt. llf&U1 , < : , dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pells PIT lb , actual welvht. S3l2c ; dry Hint Colorado hutclior wool pelts. p.r lb , actual . ll > jM2'jc ' : dry Hint Colorado niuirnln wool pelts , per 11) , actual weight. l-StlOc. ; dry piece- , and bucks , actual wc-lu'lit. Tif'.lc. TAI.I.OW AMI ( ! IIIASI : : Tallow No. I.il'jff-Pac ; tallow No. 2 , ilWI'ic : irieaso , white A. : iV'i'c ' ( : ' ; Kiease. while II , : C".l'ie ' ; urt-nse , yellow , 2Jjc : XicasiilnrU.S'te : old hultorl'211e ; heeswiix , prime. HHV/COc ; loujth tallow , PCi.Pje. Wool , Kansas , Nebraska and 'i'errltory I'nwn ihed I'lne nvi-rairc , 12 to 15 , choli e l. > to li ( ; medlnni , avora e IS to VO. choice .Mtu'-M ; qunrtrr blood aveia e 17 to2U , choice 2-1 - to 22 ; coaiso avi'rauo 15 lo Ifi , i-boice pile Is ; cotts and riiiiL'li uvera o 1to 11 , ehoici- tu 15 ; secdv orhuriy 12 lo It ; black 15 to 17 ; bucks nnd veiy heavy line 10 to I' . ' rnwiislu-d cninb- lir , ' and Delalno. Pine delaine in era KC 14 In Pi , cliolco Hi to H ; medium delaine average 20 to2l , choice 'JO to 1TJ ; medium comhhi ) . ' aver- aire U' i lo 21 ; quiirlcr b'ood ' comtiln avcra u 17lo IS cliolvii li Io20coaiso ; comhliiK av T- : me 15 to IT. choice 17 lo Is ; biald average 12 to II , choice 15 lo Hi.- Tub Washed. Choice 2ft to M ; aviram2" , lo 2 > ! coarse 20to25. llos'iis IN CAII- LOTS oxi.v Dry buffalo , per Ion , finoo'ir.is.iio ; dry connlry , bleai'hi'd , per ton. * lil.KKij.iilH ( : ) ; damp and meaty , i.er ton , .WKlf.m.0) ) . These iM-lcesaro for bones xvuiKlicil and delivered In ( lilcnpi. CiirroniH of Co Price * In the Krocery line are very stable. Martin ft Union of I'aclllu Jnncllon , la. , hail n buyer In llio city this week , 1'rank Cron-dalo of Cioasdal" ! A Scotl , I.lttln Sioux , la. , called on Unuhu jobbem I Ills wuek , S. 1 , . Wluler , postmnslcr al \ \S'oinlblm\ , , waslnlbo clly yesterday on a business mis sion. Anton Hart of Able came in ye > .terdii > and replenished his diy oods slock at llio Oiimlu llllll'Ot , Tlm past Iwo weeks of cold and stormy weather has been a urcat help lo llio rut nil tradi ) of the stale. Seth Iliillock of Dead wood was hero this week and bought a nt bill of hardwaio o' Heclor.x. Wlllielmy Co. J. II. Fuller , of Iho Hrm of Puller , Anderson .tCo. , of tiresbain , Nob. , was illicit I UK pus led on Iho prlceh of hardware. AIIIOIIK the recent vMlors to Ibis clly was I , McCami of Swiinton , who laid In a stock of diy Roods ut M. P. . smith .x ; ( Vs. The Omaha Ituhber Co. has Just received 70.0J ) fiut of J4-lncli rubber husu. The largest ciinslKiiuiunl of lhat kind of Koods ever te- celveil In I Ids city. PIsher lliothersof llumphiey , llnnry Ilel { , , C'alhoun , and 1 , M. Chapman of Ailing-inn were hen1 this week and left llbi-tal orders for dry Kooils with local houses. The India liuhbor World , , i recoxnl/ed an- thorlty on all subjects pertaining lo llio irado In rubber uinids. printiln Us lasl issue , with faMirable comment. Tin : ltr.i's : annual review of the rubber trade of Omaha , Mr. Kelly of the lleckwlth commercial com pany of Caibou , Wyo. , was In llio city this week and hefnio leaving tiled liberal orders forsoods with Iho local jobhors. They oper- atoclKht retail stoitisal illllorunl points. An Omaha house has furnished a innlhur bell twenty-four Inches in uiiltli and KK ) feet In leiin'th for a Nebrask.v City mill , nta cost of about f400.Vltli ono o.xccpt Ion this Is said to be larger that any bell nnu In usu In Oinalia. J. ( J. Coates , a inorohnnt of I'nxlon , K'elth county , Neb. , was In ( he clly yc-lcidsy and louulil a stock of hals , caps , ilo\es. etc. , of Harrow .xt l.oKan. He was very ciilhiislastlc over the outlook for HID comlnc M-ason in | , | H county. They have had plenty of snow anil he predicts Dial Iho farmers will ralsu uood crops next suiiiiner. Ho lemarked that the faiiniM's on the line of Ihelr Irrigation ditch talsed enormous eiopi lusi Mimnn'r ' , as lillli us fully bushels of wheat per ai-re. and thai the high prices nbtallied fur f.iim products placed them In very K"od condition linaiiclally , tiloiiv t.'ily'H KJIOI-IN I'lillcd , ' Stoi-x CITY , la. , Keb. ! M. ( Hpoclnl Tclo- gram lo Tin : llii-Tho : : ] city Koveniincnt , ufior a lotiu , wldo-opcn tin , has dccldod that houses of iamllliiK ; and prostitution must io. ; The llrst raid was uiadu early this inoruliur , anil the wliolo sporilni. population is muler bonds lo nppoar In the poilco court. 1-Vir nsslt'iuitloii houses were pulled nnd a iiiunbur of prominent pcoplo were llioruby aublectoU tu criuvious cuibarrusstnoiit , OMAHA lutiiiiiiiiuiimi ) a DIRECTORY , MILLIARDS. | DIOYCI.1S8. Omaha Republican Printing Oo. , I.a IT tiilufi , tuiiik Mipi'llc' , ntiil I'tc'rj'lliliii In llio prliillMi ; lino. lOllniiiil lioiiulu xtroi't" . Ackcrnmnn Hros , & lleiutze , I'rlntorK , thulcr < , i-loi-trotvpcr * . tl.niK book m.inii- fin Hirer" , lllfillnwnrl slroi'l , Dmt'ii. ' HOOTS AND SHOES , Ohailcs A. Ooo & Oj , , KirkonilnllJonnsiOo , Mnmifiictiirers niul Jub- \Vlii > lo i\lo \ Mninfitctiir' bt-rt. Aiii'in * ( or Ilimon Hill- li-rShw ( " 11 . llOi , 1IU4 , 1109 Ilimiirtl < tn'Pt. unit lltt' Iliirnov SI Williiuiu , Van Acr- W. V. Mono & Oo nniu & Hnrtc , PlHHi Knflnrr. CoriKf Mth ' ' Ami lt iik'1iH nt < . Otii'\ < HI' . llnrneyIruot , ' tin Mcrt'lifiut * Invltu l Oninlin , NIII. | ti > onll aiul iM.iin I IH BOXES. John L. Wilkio , Louis Hcllor , Oiiniluipiii't'r ' tiux fai'turr llntrhon' itnil I'nrkprV 1,117I.II.I nounlii. TiioN.1 Hiiiilloi | | lleof , linit A ilii-i'ii nulnit' . OrJcrs | iruniitlr | mini. lllll Ills J rk iin SL , BUG DIES , ETC. OA-UPETS. i Omaha Garnet Oo , , Oilinoro & Ruhl. I'nrpct * . of. clotli , mil- iniifArtiiroMAVliolo - pnlo I'Uitliton , i > lro < t. HWIIiinioy SI , OIQAIIS. West & Fritsohor , MnnnfnrlurorB llnoclmrs Jobbers of Ion f tobacco ) . 1011 Knrnnm ttroot. GOAL , COKE , KTO. CORNICH DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Oo , Drr . ( iirnUliln , s , notions. Dry Kiniil . nnttom , ROiiti' Cor. lltlinnrt llownrilsts. Corner Hill ami llarnny ELE30TRIOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. llluatrnto.l . Cntaloiaa freo. ICH Cnpllnl Avcnuo. FARM MAOHINEEY , - Northwill , MM till Oo. , lUcncrnl wo tcrn nucnt Corner Jonus anil Utli ntt. | Sknmlln I'low Co . Onmlin. Nub. | 131'J-l.l'il hlicrinnn nvt > . Broken Bow Eollor R. T , Davi ? Mill Oo , , Milling Oo , , C ( J. L'nlurwuul , Ofnrontiil wnrnlioino , Manncor nt ( > nrihr\ . 1013 S. Itilli ulruot. Cor. bl'i ' nnil Jnclc on Ht S. F , Oilman , Cleiuons Oskamp , M'fV of ro.nly in rnl n Mni JiK'k Mi-nl , tlnuit 1014 N. I6lli9trot | rnlu' * In ttii > wnrlit. C. K. Hlnck , - Mnniuor. r.'UT-l''li S Wth tiro.-t. 1 lu-inu Iliii wr atrout. PURVOOI , , HIDES , TALLOW. Oharlcs Tl , Lee , bur Oo. limn In. ' . Pill mill liunul Mill Mill Unfit Streets , Cocly& Gray , Louis linulfonl , f.tlllO , fC'llOllt ' , KlO. . KtO. l.iiiiiliiT , IIino. riiini'nt.ctl Cor. otlinnil MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A , Stonohill , I. Oburfolilur A Oo , , Milliner ; , N < [ tili'rw unit .loMiorn 1& i , ICto Millinery 2IUnii < r.'l. ' Smith nth 11I1-I1S S. Illth St , Onuha ' Uti ft. MUSIOAL s , ETO Wax Meyer &Bro , Oo. A , IIospo , Jr. > l If Jowi'lert. itpiilpn 111 I'lanoi , n. ArtlaU' niuMi'nl tii-ttrutiicnt.t , .MnlorlnK lite. , clt- . rnrnim mil H'.tti. 1.1 Donvl.is Mrcot. OIX3. Oousolidatcil Tank Line Oo. oUni-il nml Illtlrlo ( ln7 iiiN. niln Kri > i i ; . etc. A. II. IIHI | | < > | > , Mnns.'or. OVSTBR9. A , Booth PackingOo. , Plattfe Co. , " ' . " froili "TlKi'tbritiil. ojf OJslL'i- ? , U'h iiiiil cannot ] llT . . k-noill flnuilmlirfiiKh > , v 1SOS Lcaveiwortli , SISoiul li M.miir.l. . Sw -t > PAVER. | PL ATI NO. Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Plating Wka Ciitry n full ftook of , unl ITlntlnx. i i > | iltiK nnJ plnllnu mi nil n nrltliiKtmiior , card pa- I'Cr ' , c'tc. ilullor work. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. RilM AStnitb , Schroeder & Oo. , PoiiU'r ln country [ Tn Cnsli ImyiTi liuitur nil ticc. fruttHiKutnbl , ari t ireiii'nl coui4 et < * . ISUTIIownMttrcet. struol Bates 40o. , "Williams & Gross , rcuntry pr < nliir * . fruit Vtoiluco.iml ftult\ Hi4174 III . litliSt. III I Ilntnoy itroo& RUBBER GOODS. ETO. Omaha Rubber Oo. , Mum farturlnii ami jo j- borniill k 1 Dilimli'Ji'r ' Ki"Ml. 10O3 h'.irininitroat. | SEEDS. } ft Ennrsou Seel Oo , , O' * . ) iri won. dou rii \ \ i.iMi-i. : urits , k'r.ilu.ni tr 'iio li. III-4-JI Smith l.ltti. 1 SASl-I , DOORS , BLINDS , ETO. M. A. Diclirow 4 Oo , , BoL'i ' Sash & Djor Oo. Miniir.iilnri'M ' of B.i li , Maiiiifai-tiimri nf m .all. ili > iir . iilln tit nn > l tiit't. Iilln M , ilj.jr t , tlt'tlil'i ' mil Irirl tti 1'Ith nri'l 11 irkttro * lt SYRUPS. | STOVES. Parrcll & Ojinpmy , U'lii.li'-iili' iiiuir.trtiirori fihnnfiw'g Q ) . , ii ) nii | . iii.J.nsoiaiul vlii 'iir * . i-t'iro ' niil * * t"V- IIT-'MVSoiitliMti utrnot. I21.I-I3IA U- TEA , COFFEE , SPIOES , CIQAR3. Cousoliclntul OofTej 1114 nni lll'llhirncr ' it. OiiKiln Nub STEA.MA.TsTDWA.TEa SUPPLIES U. S. WiuJ Engine 4 A.L. Funv ) Co. , llullll.ix win.I inllU. OH IOOM001 hirnrn r.ml ' ' 'I .liiiii't t. ( i V lit > inartlii4 mniiiiii'ur. Oiimha , Xul > . TOYS. TYPE-WIUTBR3 H. Hardy & Oo. , Tyro-writors. ilull.ullinrntfnncr tin'ili , lii'iiH'f unilililiu Jl.'uiiil I'll All I'frli ' ' A1' " < ni''l" uif'CJ. . KiMnli , vhl'ilrmi'i corI I - IKMIJJO-uoi'l. ! ' . - rlitk-t'i UW I'-iimamSL I SOUTH OMAHA. . UNION STOCKYARDS CO. , - - LIMITED , > " - . - . - . . . . . - . . . . _ - > . . . . . < , LIVK STOCK COMMISSION , A. I ) . Bjyur & Co Martin Bros , i K-M t'lulian.-u llnllillnj , " te,11"4"1 * luiik-tt Hin I llrj , fun til Iliualiv mill Ouintiii 8 , J.CoiTiiuu. . Smiley Hunter & Grocn -t &Co. , ( M rii-iiiiniiii iiiiii.iuig uuauo ,