Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1891, Image 1

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    * I
V "Tr Hi n % i * < " " % * / " * V * WA MT * A \r * * j *
-i r iln't 1) ) j r.\thi Ami ( tin
1 tit- * f'fillml tltwn in Hf Illf
ii 10 o aijrB
r ttt
"i -HI thit II , Met'uiililn , roriunrlv
- ' . n < Ultitxm , Mwti , lull nflnt * ro-
. - .HI Jw ii" . ' mneh In Mlmitoni'OMiiljr ,
, f -Hi" * northuf l.i'luh . , Null , hlllotl
i n tVi > t Minn ntmml Pniuk Yob ,
4fc ' > , , Mvk till * liuirti IIIK.
i-ttn IVniiU ftbM tn llio Mitplfl ) nf Met *
t " iiitmtll , < rlnit wltli lil fitinlly hi nit't'
tui' . tiutm * , wlilln iMnK i lnw * niwut Ihf
i nn , WM nltrtw'liHl h ) ho report ifa pmtol
i I'lmiinwilllir * Inxltjhl < > f Hi * ' lioumi lie
v i Mrt'ulihin nlandinic on tlioK | > nh. pistol
tn iniitil Tin * deiul iMMlf of 'ilHifo '
H .nii.nonUlc , nnd tint c'hN hlrutt mnn
tMiitr iinthonlhcr , lullltnlot ) ilwul.
Mi-t'ulibln cHlloil ti ) Deinila to eomo and
\Mtii < - isvvhU ho luidiloni' , but l > i unln
tail t nl Hint , when Mct'lbbcn pulnlud the
in t -I aUilsowiiliundaiidpulliil
ot. v to Ibul lliBt tlio pistol line ! li f
11. . MIITVV the plslul nvx-nv then , niter whlob
Hi iitiisivonl to him .ml tnlUcil with him lu
isp , . . - idioiitliH family bdiiK ruined , nnd o !
Ins ili-s | ir. HoKtivehls poeKot-uooU to his
l \ the oldent of live chllilren , and told liln :
tn in ko euro ot lu * contents , about .soimel . honiidlhe othercliililron wonlJ have to
tiu < vxltli their Ki'-md'unthcr ' nftor this. Tlioy
v. . u Itl never HOO thulr mother or him iigahi.
in-niils hmloiicil to the ncaiest neigbor
fiirlicljt , anil ujiciii returning soon nftcrware
inn > titiaiij | vvlthl'olcrtiliiuUlw found t'r.ini
Vil dead , his thtoiit cut from ear to ear
liintilsllicii liuilened lo I-elsh and tole
Ktaptieil toStantoii for tliocoroiiurand jhcrilt
to i nno to the arc no ,
SiHjiiufterliisiottirii n l.irp ) crowd ramo
up from I ulgli , upon which AUCublilti closed
the lu.aso , pulled clovvn tlio curtains nnd was
seen tin mom until the house was biokenopon
MarshalCnslunan of Lclh'h , when Me-
I iiblnii wns fotiinl dead la bed beside his
f ill in I wife , hnvtiiB clniikni'onlte.
It was Ic'artiodlhat MiCiibbin hid made
Ins will Inst week. MuL'tiubiii bow need (
limitation in this , nu huarliood. The sup-
pistt Ion is Hint domeslio trouble } i.uiscj tlio
temblo cilnio.
Sborl lloi'it Hreetle'is Cuiiieu t foil.
Itt.iriit < r , Neb. , I'obSioeliil ( | | Telo-
Kiai'i to I'm : Un'Iht ! N'ubisiskn Shott
HI rn Urevilors' msoc'titlon eonvoncd In
nniitnl session at the 1'adiloe-k hotel this
ima-nliiir , with I'rosldont ,1. W I5ilon of Ne-
bra-.lia'itv ( in the ili.iir. About thirty mctn
bersvoro \ present Hceretiry Hcud sub-
imtteil his annual icpoit , which sliowenl the
aisociition tAibo in n iiro peroua cotnlition
'Iho ji'saion % vas ehletly devoted to tlio road
h > K < > nd diieiitsloii ef papers pertaining to the
thui-thorn lueliistrv , nnd to tli ds'-ti.s.sloii ! of
luoro ri ! J vulc , < KuvoniliiK the exhibition
onrt entry of short horn caltlo at tlio state
full oniirrs ware ) elected for the cnsuiiiB
jmriis fullnws ,1 H. Dmsmoie of Snttoii ,
ir. - iileiit Mrs A.M. iil\.iiii- : > nf Fieinoiit ,
11 \ Piiliott of C'lito , and Kaui' .Inhnsoti of
I n nla , vlco piesiilcnts , nnd il S. liiod of
I in. ilu , sei-ri'tarj ' , and tivastiirr. Iti.itrieo .
vt . nuiiod us tbo place ) for holelng the next
am . meet i UK e > f tlio assoe i.ittun . ,
\S | | | M | ( Fie Noiiniil.
I * itir. Nob. , lcu. . ' , ' 0 [ Specnl to Tin :
Hi r | - Ahem t forty ineniboM from the hoiwj
m l senate , some of llio mounters cf theboaul
of dutfjition ami several Indies vtsiuM the
mriiiil sihool yostereliy lor thoputposoof
si t ing thoprmtlcal vvotlc of the schools and
i > t niMtliii ; thoapiiroprhtloii leeiulrod. After
tli < various douaitniciits hid been visiteil
llio sdiool lissom bled lit the chapel mul lii-
tiinil to slioit jnlilrosefiom several , lion.
II II n. Ivonned , president ol thebo.ud , act-
in c at ohairinn.
I .utitcnint ( lovertiorMuJois roinnrlcrd tint
In luesontltiK tils laiMiajjorii ) hid iv-
n tM'il insl rtn tiom not to speak ; ho then
i uli'il upon Senator 11 row n , who replied tint
tin"Nlnjor | itrt ot Iho millemi ) iems lu-
ilitn'd to ciist some relli'e-tiuitM on ourpaity.
b it ( ho lUv ol thosi'tiato iac'omliin when wo
ln'iH < to clvolilina I'ojutoruud if po siulo
ilu hail up H row ii. "
'I liey I'liii bi It Out.
I'm. Mt , Neb.i I'eb. 5J. [ to Tin :
It i .Mm and A. ! . Tajlor , anil Cdfrifi
J..hininilJItiiCiild\veU \ , the latter tlneo tlio
, , . „ of Oil Inspevtor faldw.h , pot into a
r-\\ in town l.i'-t . nliihl , butweiMtiuletod by
frt.nds and blurt c'd forliomehenabotit \ n
inil'Mintuf town the tight was nnovu'd , aiul
k i i o * as well as ll > ts va > ro freelj iisej. The
c .militants ate all pivtty htdlj doinornli/ed
nn da i li ) lclni vis butiiinonua this mornliin
ti i div 8 their wouiuis.
, SM IW in Iviniv CiMinly.
niuttuv. Not ) , L'"ub CO-iHpeclal to Tun
snoustorm begin nt onlay
It- > i -A heavy snou- 3
in 'I'nii.K luiiU'ontitiuod nil dtiy. It came
and ovenini the \viiul
fn > ni tlio cnst , by ;
i ii m : > t U > the northwest nnd utiitua bli -
. .iidsvtln. fnrmors feel vorj iimcli en-
ov uriKcdovor tlw prusiMjets of next sooson.
UH tlio vvlu' tieen well covered
\\ihsuo\v \ for newly amonlli.
Diil rrciin Cii
Hi vTim is , Xol ) , l''el ) . -ISpeud Telo-
fri-ant toTiiK Ufi : . ] NevlnS. Measo , tx well
known ntul hlgtily cilocmod joutiR mnn or
tUtsctty , died ted w of consuniiitlou after nn
of several .n'onths. .
A Ki'lVni'tiirj Salt1.
New VOHK , Feb. Je-- ) ! > | H1clalTeli'1'ramto
Tin Unr. ] Tliooftlcors of tho.N'ntloiial City
bunk utW 1'ino \verouiiablotoopoii
the s fo this iiiorniii ? , ami hul tc ) borrow
intino.v tocmrv on the duj' ' business. Tlio
fn. itlintthobniiKcouU not isnlto Its oka r-
ntui * give rlsu to rumors cunceriiins Itssol-
xfiu-y , which ww , ho\\ovi r , t-ot at rest
. 'Plio bank is
\v luu the fiuU iHvainolciitwii.
tui.uf . the jtisatib-e4t in the illy. Thosiifo
\vainweiieiliiltor flvo hour * ' work by o.v-
riue <
Surl.vKr , X'tali , I'ob. . 'Sj > oeUl Te > o-
Kraiu toTurllKi I - Jnii i\Villiln . , a iniu of
ivi > dUnUudJeiily . toliy of lic ridisw o.
\Mii lli coroner XVIM called l.o found the
innu vat IMiig wllU tliiuo wives , the lust
VHMHK tli" nwtUir of i evcml cliildren , the
j i uti r * V'lilld tK'tiiff tbroo months old. ' 1 ho
prut UMUfUlon ut the | ire > idi'iit of the church
lull uotn r ! et tt him In the leant. 1 low hoe
o uiitl tto niHTtliHl'i v iKliancii Is. a
luixlln Dtehonrt of llio city.
Nipped tlie I'lnt.
l'v i > , K ti. A - A ih | iiitoh fi-om Bucnoi
AMV * "y * a plot u > ivpl.100 Cohmiii In ivjvvur
\\M ulukMil in I ho bud by Iho activity of
1'ntUtat IVUMuinntl tht > l j ally of the
trx'iw. t ulet h.u kx'ou rMtoied : bro-.iguout
tMvouutry. _ _ _ _ _ ,
lln1) ) l'ite ) > s lank ! .
. , 'JO.
t i > t | nnftlo < iiftiid | > cwt nxiJi lias author-
a fav i > rabl ) ri-ixirt on tin ) bilU' ' taVlUU-
l\ < ( lii\i'i'iini l''ii tci' ' Sim' UIUMMI tnbo
llu * Mini.
Vt iii\ r iV.Prli . )
'I'm Ilic II h lonim .1 , dtrivlly ( linn Hi"
vvtilii1 linn . Hint Mi > < | ip" > l < l't ' > t him iiiMitnteil | |
en doM'iinii-rimti'i' nf Ohton-t tin1 latoSccro-
it'A ni' < ' < Mnr , nnd l I'ntntiiuul-
Dm full in in in Ills ni'cBptniie.'o ImM
.1 , v .1 ft ii i MV Tr ,
lint iiliio UUIIK i't
\Vi < tMti ' 1'ialili' Itnlr-H.
C'liHMiin , Kott W. [ MveclBl 'IVIwrnm to
Till' Hut.l The iMininhMlniti'n < f thoi'Vext -
BIII Trnflh * nnsiM'Inlion hotit their niont lin-
tifliitit iiuH'lltnf toil.iy , In tliu mornltitf tlioy
oofflpletfil i ni ! * factory rules b.v wtileh their
own pnrnnnlliiFr * wilt bo riililei ( In llio nftor-
nnon tticy had n enn fcrenco wltli I'rpHlilont '
Mnnvul mul Vleo I'ronldnnl Springer of the
Atchtimi , The tlr t miblect * va thupropoHl-
tlrtit of tln Alchlson tint tlio cuinntlHHioncrs
tnlii ) f < nii | > Uilii chaw of tlio puss niiri-oment
This nulijort vviui lee lint notio for tbo com-
liilsnlotii < r < i tn handle , and they absolutely I'D
finoil to Uvko hold. 'I ho Kruunel for
rolimaln that all or most of
ttio lines had issued Inrtfo uimmnls
of lrei % transnoitatbm In shippers
nnd t hat it would ( > e hnposslblo lo have * U re
cnlled. 'I'liu refusal ef the cominissloncis is
tltn ui tro < | ulein over llio ra\e of the dc
fund tirfroe'iiie'iit which bound forU-nluo of
liw prominent ursteni railroaiN nut to Issue
n tnlln i > f tninsport ilton to shippers. The
new i neit t wns I'ltee-tivo tn.lanuary.ntiel today
Hliliipeis liold muro inllciKii than In the
pilinirsl of uiiU-mUTst.Uo t'oinnieivo law
Ttio eotniulsslonors then took ut > ivith the
Melilsoii nllli'lals the matter of illversion of
ttiillli ; under the southvve-.teiii snjrocinont
l' > haiistivo ll utos hid lcen ) inopaied hy the
.Atoliisoii , showing tint It hud vucurad lint 'Ji
per cent of a constantly Owliiilllin ; amount ol
tialllo , audit \vw now secutlujr no tratlle
\\hlchltcoulttelivurtto Its competitors lie
cording to the ordi'i's of ttiocliaiiuiaii No
nitlon was taken ntul \vasMimloistooil that
the unfiiltitlcd onlorilor diversion would be
hunt ; ui > fora lime.
C'erliiln ol' n Itu | iUii'C.
Clin irso , l Vb -Swchl ! | | Teli'grain to
Tin : llii : ] Clmlrnnti I'lnley piopo-.cs . to
letrii tlio Iruej iiuvarJncssof the deiuoii'lic'd '
liusonno-r latoi butvvoon C'ldc.ifO and St.
l.oii is Ho issued n call this nftcrroon fora
meet ing tomortovv inornlnif in rcpird to the
hovcott ot all eonueotlnjj lined , \vbleh Is
clToctlvcj tte\t Monday. It U believed this
tneotliiff will develop which line is to blame
for the S round trip rate between Chicago
nnd tit l ouls. Ttio Jadfinnvtllo .Vi Hiuth-
insteiiiwill cotno prepated with allldavits ,
fchowiiLj that Uu Hist any of UH ilvnls Icnuvv
of therntovvas Iho actiein ol tbo Alton In
itiotiiii | ; it. The Alton , on the ollu r hand ,
will pioiUico allidavils that the Soiithcisturn
Hist oiTeteil to innlio the rule. The whole
nutter is an extiomely delicate1 ono. If the
boiitheasti'tii proves its case the Atchisnn
will lefnso to bitycolt It , and consequently
will tDforieel Into the iositlon of vvlthdraA'-
liil frum or breiUini ; thu\V torn I'lisscjnuer
ibsoeiit loiitmiiMnieiit. It was thought tliu
matter could b1 so tiled by * the Sou theio torn
Joliilni ; tliuasaoi'i.itiou , unt up to tins aftir-
noon I'reslilcnl 1 look rtfuseil to do so.
No Sfilleineiit , Vet.
ejo , FobJO fSpochl Telegram to
Tin : BII ] 'llio cistern dressed beef rate
sitnutiriii Is practliilly vvhcro it vvasa year
, IRO Inspito ottho decision ottho arbitrators
giving the tirniid Tiunk a L'J cent dllToren-
thil. TlioLalioShoro rtfuaci to allow this
differential nnd hy raising the question of
mlleiBo onrofilffonlorcarslia-i succeed lu
gi'ttlinc the matter v'torott ' must bo aKiilii
nctedoi ) bv Traillcassociation. .
lloth Iho ( Jraiid Trunk and I-ako Shore arc
stubborn lltrbters anil the milter will almost
cortalulv develop line a r.ito wnr , unless this
business i' pooled The cotre'sponehiiK late
vvnrlast summer coil the eastern loads noaili1
liOMllt 1)1 ) * till ) . .VllKMlriUl"ill Klllll ItH
I l'ro . | ii'e'H.
Cilii'xtii ) , I'eb. ' . ' 0. [ I'elc0'ram to
Tin : IJf.i | There will bo a meeting hero lo-
noriow of the national hoaid of control of
baseball. Action will bj til : < on 01 the revolt
of the American association It is iiintcr-
stool thatoveiy pHyor , maiiiKcr and piesi-
doiit Involved In the recent HIIIT ) will boso-
curely fivitoncil to the blacklist , from which
ho can lie vor break nvv uy. Spildim ; lias Is
sued a card to tbo publlu in which liei sav.s
tlio longuo will uphold tlio national n iec-
niont mid sustain tlu nition of tlio national
bo.iul , noniiitter how hcroleinav be' Its pe > llcy
atialnst the ttoublo vvldih now threatuiib te5
still further disgust the i > ubllc witn . ;
that ho Is be iniiinK to think that a tein-
( ) exile of the spoil Is nbmt this only
thing that \vlllsavo it from absolute desttue-
tlon. ' The viry worst enemies llio gitnohas
today nnni\t'ers and
of Its x'l' ' ' ) ° l's ,
i - iuiial.
Cnii'M.i . > , I'eb. SO. I'roslelent Kp
thoC'liieajjo b.isehtll club has hsnod a son-
sailoiiale.irdlu regard to the withdrawal of
tliu.VtneilcMU asviciatioii Irom Iho national
iigiceiiicnt. Ho ileclines this action is iiro-
siiltof a "few Iricsponsiblo innuiier.s with
anaiehistlo tendoiieiesand williout aclolhr lo
'llicii oujectvas logetan association
club in Cincinnati , llo expressed himself
divusteit and feai-t llie public will have n
like feeling and is not sure but the temporary
ary exile of tbo auelitioml tuio would be
thu host thing fonts pipuhritv Mr. IJiush ,
xx'lio controls the Clncinuati lu > vuo fianchUe ,
savs ho will nut a league club hi thut city
this year an ) way.
\\Vii kiu > .
Yens , Fob x'ei. [ Spociil Tcleprani to
Tin ; H ft 1Tho 1 baseball situation has suit-
clunly shaped itself a round to aluillcioufl con
dition of affairs. Ono olul ) in the . \mcilcnn
nsjocintion Ins n'.tendy ' telegraphed to n Na
tional league ma nato that its backers aru
sorry for what lias happened , and asking
whit can bo clone. An oflldjl of this chit )
nlsosujs tlint the club is weak llnanclally ,
and ho sees that instead of league pi tyors
M-anliuglo ] om tlio nssociatlon.thoshoeis on
tbo other foot , as nil assocluioa phvers do-
siru to ire to the lc.iiuo. ; The iniino uf this
club , for various reasons , eaiinot bo an-
tiounccil now , but prob.ibly will bo later on
The ii umber of teloKi'.uns locoivod liv leairuo
iiugnntcs fiviti xarious association plajerb is
surprising. All want to join Iho league.
1 tcli'ilint i m in ICnnstis ,
WiruiTi , Kan , I'eb. -'Special ' Telo-
Brain toTiu Hi r - - ) - , ' - . '
tlioslnuihler of some ho 's jcstcrdayby i
fanner iian.rd . Martin , nwir uiocnwich , and
hut nicht iMrriotoft ono of tlio carcasses
This innrnln ; t tin owner found the thief dead
\xlth abroKen neck , on which Imiii ; the stolen
hog. Dunham hid tili'el to climb a fence , his
head Irul iwtluiidertheirirubleaiidtlio welpht
ofthehos liid Jerked his he-ad down on top
of ttio fence and broneii his neclc.
; V liai'iliuie Pro.ii'lii'i- Tmulilc.
CiifirNM1 , Vjo , I'eb. -Speelul [ I'elo-
pram to Tut lit r J Charges of Immorality
and iUsh'iiiMty tiivobcoii made n.MinstKov
Mr. llirr of l.unmiie Aconnnlttuof li.veu-
tii.itioii ; fiiim Iho lloulder I'rcsbytetv re-
ivrtoel ted a ) thiil the charKOof orluiinal im-
moniliu Is ni-ouiulleisj , uut it Is iiuablotj de
cile us to the charges of Hnancinl crouked-
Another trout I-1 sd-r.
Vuiik , l-Vb. SO. IX-CiOVuriur I'oster
ilcnltwthuthe ho * been otTeied the treasury
| iort folio or thut ho had any other occasion to
vint MI.W 'I orli than Sherman's fuucral ,
Two Trains nuil ( in Enpiuo Oolliilo lu Now
York City ,
. \ilitsio iln > llni'immill ( In1 ttnil-
< | | ' till' Ill-Mil ItlirilCll ItCJOIItl
ICM'0 iiltii n--A M Millii )
iN'uw Voiti , , I-Vb 20 A horrible accident oc
curred early lids mot nit ) gin the mli'dloof ' the
ratlvvny tunnel through 1'ourth aveiiuu near
Kltflit > lift h street , resulting In thedoath of
ftlt people mid the-painful Injury cf several
tnoro. The Hos-toii express which hud been
ompllcd of piisu-iifjers was mo vine ; slowly
throuKU the tutmol townul tlio shops wlte'ro
It was to bocleanc'd. Tbeto was nitomi or
tiioro car cleaners on board. Tlio Toy was
Tbo Now Haven accotnmodatlon train ,
which lefl the ( Irani ! Central station soon
after , came up nt a hlirh ruto of spe-cd and
crashed into tlio rearof the other tudn.eoni-
pletel > demolishing the two lust cars. They
toolc lire almost Immediately. The smoke1 ,
pom-inn up through the opening of tbo roof
of the tunnel tittracled the polleeincn nnd
ilio engines wcto eiulcklj on the siene. The
tlaines weioextlngtiislioil as soon as possible
nuil then the woik of rescue began.
As the llreincti boiran clearing away the
elehrlsthej sight was nw fill. Dead and roasted
liodies , in all e'oticeivnblo attilude a woto
found. Ono man was still alive when taken
out , hut died hi a few inliiutos , Ilvcrv fresh
boity brought out steamed as It it hail been
The dead tire ;
MUS MIUIC : suri'L.B.
JOHN' IlANL'Kt ; ,
11. KI UMAX.
An unlinown 111111 , burned bovoml recog-
I'ltion , .supposed to bo tbo bleeping car pot-
llliOU'N and nnot her oiuiiloj on allied Ktuikln
wercb.idlv but not fatally hurt.
ICiifinecr Kowk'rof the New Haven train
wan committed without bail. JJoth ho unit
the llioinan assert the black signals were set
for a clear trade. Lights on thoicnvof the
Hostim train liad been estlm-uished nnd the
fotf was too dense for them toseoit.
A Unlcm I'acllUVi' 'i'k.
Ciiivr. > Nr , Wyo , IVj 'JO.-rSpoi-lal Tole-
grain to Tnr Bii ] Two Union I'ncllie
freight trains colllelocl in Uock cut near
( ! reon liver , this momlng I\'o oni1vas
hurt , but botti oiiLjinc.3 were completely
wi eclted.
AcM-liluiil to the I'micral I'rnin.
1'iTTsin uo'I'a. , Feb. 20. The Sherman
funcial tiain ran Into an open switch nt
Mansfield , I'a. but \VIH only delujed live
minutes. Hut for the fact that the train was
miming slowly o collision would have oc-
j\\ijnit's \ ti
IIVI11 Continue to Il > tlio Mnn for
Mis I'mty in Illinois.
Si'iiiNonEi.D ' , 111. , Feb. 20. The senatorial
situation scorns no nearer settlemeuttonight
than it was aweek ago. The republicans
liavohojiM tint tlio members of thulr party
who , so far , icfuso to vote for Streetcr , may
ehaiiL'o after a visit to their homes
and seeing seine of tliclr constituents
over Sunday. The gentlemen themselves ,
however , assert tlioy will nonrotofor
Ktrecter. There were minor' , today of seri
ous illsscntions in the lU'inooratir cniip , but
they Jo not appear to have a pmd founda
tion. Itseotns tint at a tneetitiKof tco dcino-
rratlo steering eonnnittoo this iiioniini , ' Hena-
tor O'Connor anil licpii'siMilativcs lOlily and
Ramsay cvpiessed ttielicliff tint the lime
hail coma for the settini ; of a day wh"n
I'.ilmer shoulil bo chopped if notolcutcd.
The other niPinbcr-t vigoiouMv op
posed snc-li an idea ami finally ,
it was determined to have a conference
withCicncral 1'almer. Ho intimated very
plainly that hov.n in the liamlsof his putv
and that they woio I roe. at any time , to drop
him if tlicv thought his election impossible
It can bo said autlioritativclv that lielll
not rotlro volunlarih from the contest , and
it is not at all prob.iblo that theio will boauy
falling oil in tlio vote.
H Tin : 3i.iitux. :
Cliorus ol'lhc Ml lie Tji'non Company
< > iip < ; iil .short.
lltvviK , Colo. , Fob. ill. [ Speihil Telegram
to Tin ; BII : I Miss Julia Kthel Vlllis has
been \\ith tbo I-ittlo Tycoon company ,
plnjitiRnt tbo TaUor Grand , as a chorus ( jlii
timing the tirescnt week. This morning hci *
father airivcd ami \ \ ith the aid of a city ilo-
teUivo look po'session of the younjr lady ,
who is only liftucn ycirs of atio It apjieais
that on Priil i.v a woolt niroMisiJulh left her
houm In Kiiiisus City anil stalled lo school.
Slio failed to rotuin ami \\lioloiitv\vus
seau-hod for her without success. Finally
h'M father learned sh had joined the Little
Tjeoon conipam , and hlartod to Den\or.
Heat oneo imt the wiles to woik and teen
thoIIrat tram to this city with the leiult
Miss Julia ploadi-ci toarfullv to remain , and
used nil the arguments of : i stiiKe-stuick
clamsrl but .Mr. Willis was obdunito nud
swears vengeance against the stn o In jrenoral
and the Uitllo - in '
Tjcoon i-onipany vai'tirnlar.
Hois n member of thollrm of J. M , I'nintci
. , Kansas I'ity.
I-'ato ol'n Minnosotji liiHiirnni'c ; Mini
A moil ir Anyry Pa nil ! ,
Ai > \ , Minn. , I'ob. itSpecial ) [ Telcpiatn
to Tnr Flir.J The Mlnnesot.i mutual live
stock Insurance eompiny of Pergus Tails
bueil about a hundred farmers lu tliU county
for assessments due , which the fiirmois re
fused to pay 'Iho suit \\.is heard today and
tlio fanners wow out en m.issoto light their
caw. Mr. llricion of Fernns Fulls , secre
tary of the Insurance company , and his law-
yeistro also here. Mr , Kvleson wus the
niaa \ \ \\orkedup the Insuranoo in this
county , The funnels , afler pioourln aropo ,
\\ent in sonivh of him. llo v\ns fnuiut In lib
room at the Ada hotel , The spokesman told
him thov nine for. and after some irir-
lojlnfiiind HiiurishltiKof Iho rope , Mr. llrlo-
son K-"e the fanners a ivlcaso of the com-
pmys * claims niralnst thorn , llo had learned
luiivious toltie faruurs's \isitthat Attnruov I'lajip hud dcdiknl Hint the suit
could bo quashed on account cf UioiiiMiMnco
company not having boon lejMllv Incorpor-
ntcil. Kilcson and his uttornoys hid de
cided to try to liulldo/n the uuiuoii iuto pay-
tug ttensbosiiients.
Cfiielty ti < 'liil lien ,
Citiccoo , rob.'O.-Mrs. C.ithoiino Seoly ,
nntrcn of the so callcil Bethany homo , wan
indicted today by tlio grand Jux'y for cruoitv
to children , The evldenro indicated that a
do/en or more little intnatos of thohuniowcio
sjstonutlcally sturved ami seat out on tlio
streets to beg , the pioceeds being apiiioprl-
ate/d by MM. Seely.
'lln M'rallit > r Pori'CMKt.
ForOinnha ami vicinity Pair ; colder ,
For Iowa ami N'olmislu L'oldcr ; noithoilf
\\liids ; fair ; cold w , vo
For South Dakota Pair on Saturdayj
colder , uuilhcrliuUb , v
no.ntii > iti TUIH S.
Ciowcli Snliitc < Soii. SliiM-iiian'M I'uu-
1'iTfiu im , I'a , Fi'li W Wnen the Sher
man fuui'ral train left lUumburK lait nlt-ht
nt 11 .K ) a cold ram i\ > " falling This ion-
tluued all ni ht , and n lien the train uriived
at I'ittshurfi It va * still r.Unini . ; . The run
duilnstlio nliht wa ) devoid of accident.
Crowds of old soldiers ftudcitlyeiia msoniblpcl
nt all the stntlonsalonif Iho line to BOO the
train go through. At LCikowo.Hl tlio In. In
train stopped loTl ) , ' enough for three of Lieu-
tcinnt rttch's ' chlldrMi to get oa.
As the funeral train named I'lttslmrirniul '
the road cro iiisbi'caiao | ! _ mow ininierous ,
Kump after group of people vcre to bo seen
standing there unnitmlful ofthor.iln , only
Intent on boiiorlntt in Uuir Ituinblo way the
remain * of the doul hero. Soon alter they
cot on the tialn the giiindihlldren taken
by Lieutenant Pltth , their fattier , into the
( ointioslto car tint they might see tlio casket
in which lay all Unit was moital of their 11-
lustriniis fjr.iiulfutnor ,
N'eaily nil the iieople on the train uroso
and KOI ri'ady f > r breakfast as I'lttsbni- ' ) , '
\\H reai'hcd. Wln'ii the tiain arrived in this
citv bells were tolltd , mitititn ijuns llred ,
\\htlo ll.ifjs dmopod In the rain .it half mast
At the depot was IISMMII Mod hr > reiro\\ds , a
leginientof the natioinil guards and all the
( Inuiil Army pists of tlm city weio in line ,
nudhen the train stonpcd tliey saluted
The dep.iiture from IMttsbura < lit 7:10.
llical < fist was served us soon as the train
j--ot outside the cltv limits \Vhdo travelers
were thus outraged tin stoim UiMivil away.
At Donnlson a larijo crowd gatheied at the
station , imliidini : ttiolrimd ! Aunyof the Uu-
juibllc veteians The door of the lunoial car
was oiu'iied ami they were allowed to take a
look at thecasltet.
At NewiomcrstoxMi all the public school
children stood In line as the train passed ,
with heads uncoveieil , and carrjitig small
Hairs edited with black ,
At li''iU the train stopped at Xowark ,
lloro.Mrs Judge C ! Linger nnd her son , Slier-
man Granger , got on the train The doors of
the car in which was tlio body wcto opouud
nud ( Irnnd Aimy of tbo Ucpnblle veterans
passed by , oacli ono taking a look nt Iho
casket as ho parsed The ciitlro trip from
1'ittsbur to Ci'lumbiiMUJ interspersed with
demonstrations of striow b ) all clnsbes of
The faintly of ( Sherman them
selves , been mo a-- the < lav Dassecland tne e
slunsof soirow uiiililnlicd , more and moio
Imprebsecl with the great lovotho people
bore for the loit one. '
As the tiain rolled into the station at Col
umbus thospaco on cither siJo was ciowded
with people , and lor squiresawav theio was
a solid nuns , estimated at lully twenty
thousind , striiRgliuit to got a iow of the
The comrdaes ofMc-Coy post , ( Irancl Army
of tlio Kc'publie , were in ihu station , accom
panied bj the drum i-orps. Senator Sher
man , ex-1'.rcsident Ilnyo.s , ( icneral Kwlni ;
and nlheis of the pirty came from tlio train
and hid n brief talk with the icliittvcs about
Columbus wtio bail eonw to the tiain. Quite
anumbei of rclatncs otthe deceased
from I.iineaster anilines7illo ijoined the
fuiur.d inrty at Columbus.
Kaln was falling in torientsand a high
wind was lilowiiiff vlien ! - > t. 1'aiis A\IS
leached at r > : 'M I'laim con Id bo scon at half
mast on main tniildintcs Siluiolnnd chnich
bells were tolUnp. A ulfj ciowd , incluilingii
company of ( iitmd ArinV men and one of the
Soiisof'Vetciaaseivnt the depot
AtlMtjua , a small tmvti west of St.
1'ails , a lopetHton of tnu scenes at ttio latter
place vcio witnesbe * ! .
.lust ns d inner wi over , Uiclimond , I nil .
was reached. ( .Jo\enorllouy hero bourdcil
the tram to escort , tbcrcnninsto Indlunaj-
It was the peoyloof J'iiobinoml thatgavotho
train the grandest rcieption it had received
siueo it hjftiS'ow.YrjTK. Over ton thousand
people were at thostatlim. As soon as the old
soldiers oa the platform heard Hint ( leneral
Bcnolleld was on the train they called for
him GcneralSehotlelilcame to the platform
an cl in n brief speech wild :
' There are a thousand of my chlldien hero
that I know. It is under sad conditions wo
meet. AVe have all lost a coriruclo and a
friend. Takoprooilcaio of j ourselves , bo > s ,
and peed bvo. "
\Vhen Scholleld finished speakinu' tears
weio rollliiK dowu thecliceks of iiianj of the
trroup of old solillers When the ti.uu .
stalled the boom of cannon was hoanl. The
chinch lells betf.m to toll and the lu.liniimd
lifjht mnrds tired a salute.
Imllanapolls was readied at 10 o'clock.
Mho I'n 11 Item err ) .
ST. I.oiia , Mo , rb. 20. The storm of
rain and sleet closed tonight and was followed
by u cold wind , which promises to ( jot the
streets into piescntablo shape for thofunnral
procession tmnoriow. The pall homers were
selected this cvenliiK as follows.
Iitllitaiy ( Joncral 1'ope , Gcaorat Ilcek-
with , Citneral A. J. Smith , General Tinner.
Gent'ial'arner , Brigadier General Bairi-
ger , Commander Colton , United States Navy.
C'iti/ens .IndfjeSuinuol Treat , Dimel K.
Giitrison , Tsiac II. Htunjeon , Thomas 10.
Tutt , U. I' . Taiibcy.
A Pine Point Iiivohcil.
Dns MOIMla. . , Feb. SD. fSpocid Telo-
irram to Tut : IJtB.l A petition his boon
lllcd with tliocleilc gf the fedei.d court \\liich
is intended to test the question whether state
prohibition and national license are not in
conllict , or in other words whether the gov
ernment owes any protection to tlio man who
pa\s a spec ! il liquor permit taIt Is the ap
plication ot Tliuinas Holinos of Osknloosa
asking that an liianction ) suit nowpeinlint ;
nijainst liiuiiu the district couit of Mnlmsku
coimtv bo transferred to the Umtod States
ciiciilt court on a writ of The
wilt is asked under bccliun 017 , chapter 7 , of
the re\lsed statutes of the I'liitod States.
Clerk Mason b.n granted the writ and the
Mahuska county couit will bo ordoieil toc-cr-
if } ii | > the pipers unit the u.isowill bo doc-k-
oteil for heauiiLrat thonoxt term of tbo fed-
eial court. Tlicro nioalsoul lu other llko
cases iiendinp.
\Viiut Iho Dejiol Openoil ,
Or.s.Moncs , la. , Feb. -Special [ Tele-
Kram to Tin : Urn. ] A petition was received
by the railroad commission this mori'ln ,
signed by seventy ultizeiis of Spmldintf , a
station on. the Clilcugo , Uiirlington & ( nlncy
between Orient ntict Crcston , asking the
depot nt that plnco bo opened and an u ent
placed in charge. ,
ut .Vil.mtir.
An IVTK , la. , Feb. ill ) . [ Special relegrain
toTnrIJii ] A Ilfty-yard sprint lacoeamo
oil hcie today between C. ( ' . of Atlantic )
and ( > Stiinbury of Audubou , I.eo winning
bytwovardi. OvcrfJ.TiWas \ \
the rosu'.t. Tlio race win run in the snow
nnd cteated great excitement.
Mou\ itj'w .
SioivCm , la , Tib. JO. | Sp clal Tole-
piam to Tin : 111 i : . 1 J. Jl GilTord , formerly
llmmclal agent for Von Dor Abe , has been
onpnuetl as matiager of the Sioux Citvs at a
halurj of JI , , Vi for tlio seuon , llo \\ill
nrrn o hero on Miirch 2.
ippedllli the Money.
la Feb.'JO THE
, , Feb.'JOiSpoclal to
ltir. : ] Tliomas DIclcson , a corn bujcr of
Onelcla , near here , entrusted f."iO to nn em-
jilojoto ileposltlii a bank nt Greoly jostci-
day. Tbo tcllow skipin.ilith \ ttio money
and in still at large.
The Dinpeior Ml ltl lit-
nmit IN , Pob. ! il-Humors ) on the bourses
of llerlln , Paris and Vloimn to thooiTeet tint
I'uiporor William his been ndvlsod by phy-
sleliiiis to go to Italy forsovural months tio-
euusoof bad health uru emphatically denied.
Ail ASKIKKII | l''allecl ,
BITS-OSAi IIL < , 1'Vb. ' , MAn was
miuloto aisasslmiiolii'tiend UCKM , fonncMly
mini tur (9 ( the u > uiii < r Thuuldbu
assassin LIIS txeu imi < u ' .icU.
South Dakota's Lpgislntitra So
and Will llesulniit Ilio Qiioitlon.
A VljjormH l l lit In tinSoiinti' I'roU-
able -Itfuonls1 nt' N'nrlli DnKnluV
Sennit' stolen Oilier lla-
Kota Nons.
I'inimi : , S. IX , IVb ' .M. [ Special Tolugrnui
toTnilltr.- ! | Smith D.ikolu will vote on
piohlbltlon. Atloast the House has passed n
bill lorlts ixMubmlssliw , and both prohibi
tionists and hlRh license men ainvo on it.s
pisslntftn the Boiiato. Loni ; before 10-o'elock
tliw inornini ; the lumso was crowded , and
f i urn tlm tint the rosubinissioaisti hud complete
pleto control of the bouse. The- report of the
committee of the \\liolo made last nlu'lit ,
adiiptiiii ; the ic'imrt of the commltteo on
teiiipeiance , was adopted , favoilnp rosubmls-
slon by a vote of ( M njeslo I" nays , and
eleven absent nud not \otlni ; . Tlio icsub-
inUston bill was then phucil upon limit pas-
B.iio anil carried bv the HIIIIIO voto. The pro
hibitionists made no offoit to obstruct the
passimo of tbo bill. It was a surprise for
the reiubnnsslonlsts , as they oxpeeted more
of a struggle on the part of the pro'dbl- '
Stole the Si'iiutc'H .loiinuil.
HiaMinc k , N. I ) . , I'eb. ' . ' 0. | Special Tole-
i-rani to Tin : Itri : . | Soon afler the opening
of tbospiinto todiy It hocimoovicleat that a
c'oiicniicnt resolution relating to Northern
1'acilic lands hul boon stolen. The resolu
tion was introJucol ycstordiy by Senator
1' ' and was printed In the Journal , but
\ \ lientliorittca records were wanted they
could not bo found , although the niosionier
had placed them on the seoiotarj's desk a
few minutes before. A committee was np
pointed to investigate the allived theft The
itsolutlon recites that theroare ' , ' 0Ki ( ) ) sc'c-
tlonsof valnablo land in tlio state owned
by ttio Northern 1'aeillo rallwnj
lompiay as indemnity land which
are exempt from taxation mid cannot
bo tnxod until thecompiny's selections 1110
approved bv the secretary' the interior
' 1 he president of tlio L'nited States is D"- | |
tioneii to catiso such action to lie taken by
the secretary of the interior usill lender
si.eb lands subject to taxation. Insinuations
worts openly made tliat the Northern I'nclllc
lepivicntatlvea weiv responsible for tlm loss
of the records. The th > 'lt was a ahoit tlthtcd
action , as the printed Journal will be doclatecl
the ollleiid record. Tbo new resoiutiouas
introduced and adopted.
A Uakota lilea.
CHICAGO , l-1eb. ' . ' 0. ( Special Telegram to
Tin : Br.c. ] Chisholm Nichol of I-'alrbank ,
S. D , bussuirRosted a now featuto in connec
tion with the exposition , lie thinks tlio di
rectory should mvito eieh kingdom of the
old \\orldto hCncl tlireomuidens or matrons
to slntj iiurely national soncs in competition
for the pr'i70 of bcinc adjudKOil
their eoutitr/s MIUITS ul tlioorkrs fail-
Mr. Nichol , who cleseiibes himself us close
upon tnieo score , says ho would walk all the . Chicago if there weio no other means
of getting tbeie to hear soups of Scotland
sungby uatUc tonpucd , and that thousands
of foreign born citizens from all over the
couutry would display similar enthusiasm.
" "
"Dny's Filcniiq Jlelfevolii Him.
HirmCiTY , S. I ) . , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Brr.Tho ] statement made
in ii I'ieno special rollectiiiR upon lion. M.
II. Day and charRintr him with InvinKinisap-
propriutinfj funds diawn irom the state
treasury for tbo pajment of freight upon
thoarms used during the Indian trouble
uro denounced b > his friends hero as false
and malicious 'fnoarrant delivered today
in ( iovernor iMellette'1 * older was marked1
"Unpaid for lack of fundt " Mr Da > is
still ubscnt la Chicasp , bit perfect confi
dence is ff It hero that all inonoy will bo fully
paid and accounted for on Ids return.
AVI1I Stop the * i uyliif * .
CIIIMI.KUI.UV. S. 1) ) , roo. SO. [ Special
Tclcgraiii to Tin nn.J : It is a common
practice ) among the Sioux Indinni to dispose
of their annuity goods , consistiiir of elotlinitj ,
bonks , etc. , as soon as tlioy receive them
from the iro\crnment. The RO ernment pro
poses to put a stop to this and Deputy
L'nited States Marshal Kilhrido arrived here
today \\itb apockot full of w.unmts , which
bo will dcrvoon uhi'c peivms who bu\ the
annuity ( roods fiom the Indlins. It is be
lieved this will ellectuilly stop the practice
for the present
'IVmpenincc People Surprised.
llutoS. . D , I'eb. ! ! . - [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hii ] The temperance people are
Kie.itly surprised by the passage ot the bill
Drovidlni ; for the rojiibmissioii of prohibition
by the housoof lepresentativos. A delega
tion leaves here tomouow for I'iorre , boplnij
to its | the senate.
prevent passage jy Anti-pro-
hibltionistsare < leli hled and say the senate
will certnini ) ratify the action of the house.
Thev will also send a delegation to 1'iurre
Hl .Not I'leasecl.
MIT < 111:1.1 : , S. i ) , I'eb. 111. [ Special Tele-
Kiain to Tin ; Hi r. | Tlio pissiiKO by the
house of the resuhimsslon bill today is un-
btttUfaetory to the majority of our best eiti-
/ens , Irrespective of paity , liccauso they
tliinij the liijuor question should beletalono
for ax\ Idle , and that the aitltatloaliichsuch
enaetiiient would inauiruiate a ain ib very
\ru.trj' \ TIU : s'jum.w inn.
SIKI\V In tin * . " > Iiinnliiii : < .
ANTosiro , Cole , I'ob. ' . ' 0. A tcrrifio snow
and wind storm has been raging for three
days over the mountain rnngoestotAii -
tonito. Kailroad t rattle isonthely suspended
toward nm.mtro. 'Jho Onrango trdn which
pissed thioiiKli on U'ediiosdiy moriiliiK is
now coopodup in the mount ains.
In \orlh\vest. .
ST. I'M iMinn. , I'eb. Si ) . A heavy snow
Morm pro vailed yesterday in South Dakota
and .southern Mlunosutii , iho snowfall bolng
heavy and Todav it was snowing
haul in Noitb hakota and the noithern pait
of Iowa. 'I hoie has been no delay in rail-
load serviio thus tar.
UVsiern I'ooplo in Chicago ,
Ciin van , Fob. -Siiocial [ Telegram to
'I'm : ] iir : I Among tlio wesiorn people In
Chicago todiy wore the followag :
At the Troinnut If.V1U , P. Kern's , Mrs ,
( ' .1. Kelly , MM. 0. It , UJMII , Airs. | J. J.
Uiys , Onnlia.
At the Auditorium-S. H. Jobiison , Mis ,
A. l-\ \4. \ Armmd , Omiba , A J Fun , Helena ,
Mont ; Il Watson , MM. H. \Vatson I ) ,
Kearney , Nob. ; II. C. H'irrisoii , C C. Uuii-
dall , Silt l.aico , Utah.
At the l.olaml Henrv Carroll , FoilCus-
tcr , Mont. ; Mr. mul Jlrs. Ulmor Vruneh.
Sioux Knits , S. P.
At tlio U'elliiih'ton C. N , I'ottor , C'hoy.
nine , Wyo
At tlio I'.ilmorV. \ . J. CUB per , Lincoln ,
Attho niaiul Pacific-Mr , and Mrs. Mo-
rurl.ui . , t'lic'ycniie , U'yo
At tlio Sherman Mr. and Mrs. A. (1,1'ltio ,
Dos Mulncs , la
( 'our More IVollleItnllolM , D , III , l-\b ' . ' 01'our Inillots
we're taken in tlio joint sesiinn tuda > vvithnut
material lUuii o fioinyujtciuay Ailj"urind.
.nn'ir nut TIII : ji.
Mllcliedl KilockM lllin Out in
( lie Iw 1 > Itnuml.
SIN l'ii\NH4i o , I'l " 'Vli 00 ( < eoi'KO t.u-
nianche , the "Maria nnd ilolmny llei'Rot ,
bi'tteir litioun ns Vol Mitchell , loiitfht to-
nlKlil at the C'nliroi * ; Athletic clutj fur
$ JriOO. , L'lvo and a hi . mnco ( jlovc-s wem
n-idl. LnUlimrtio win " - . lekod out in Iho
twolftli round. - ' , .
Throughout the IlRh tchcll seemed to
stop I aHlanche's ruslies M countered tils
blows with much JHO.oie wns a gteai
cleat of I'lhiehhiRancl hot Klitli'K but neb
inui'h claiuai'o done
In the Koventh Mltclmll .Iho Mnrinnto
tlio floor \\lth T rlnht iLimtoron llu > IIHHO.
Neir the end of the round , however , Mitchi-ll
himself went down under a line Inn. I HI bo
twelfth iviitnl , after a few blows had bomi
atuick , Mitchell hit l.alUini-lio tlKhtlv With
hlstcfon the jaw LaHlancho drinipodand
rolling ovoTiri bis fai'o , ro'iinini'd ontholloor
until counted nit. llo wau roundly jeered
upon leavlty ; Uieilnc ; .
Secretary Illaino Sued ,
N'r.w YOKU , I''el > COIt It aiinouncod that
the wlilow of iicnoml Hnirundli , who vvas
killed on the 1'acille mail sluamor , Acanuleo ,
tiv thuCutaotnatan aulhoiltlcs has lirou hl
Hiiit nMlust ( ihitiiesil ! Ulnlne , in seeietnij of
stnto ot the Unitea Stiles for } l,000,000
Mc.'iuiti i"4 ( Sfiiw lloiieiit ! ( | Oier tlie
Mm la ua < 'junil Hill ,
Wuivcirov , 1'eti. UO. Tlio semite todny
pissed 1 15 pension bills and then proceeded
tothocon-ddurutlou of the Nicaragua cmid
Mr. X' , In opDOsliifi the NIcuriiKUii canni
hill , slid tliat if ( it-cat Britain assumed thai
tlio Cliytoii-Ilnlwer treaty W.H In exlstoncc * ,
and the senate hid no intimation that It did
not , then it was fair ID assu'iiolhat ' the KOV-
ernmcat of CJrcit Ililtiiiii would act as the
gnvnriiinont of Iho t'lilted Status would nc't
under similar ciieiimst'incoi. If ( iroat
Ih italii should , in splo of the Cli.v ton Hul-
wer tient v , undirtiilio to build u canal ncross
the Isthmus without tliu consent nf the Vuited
Str.tes , would ( Jreit llrltnin bo sutliliod
when told that her conduct as to lloli/n and
the IMosqulto eotst had destroyed the ( 'lay-
ton-Biihvcr tieaty , If the senators weio
prep.u cd to biy to tno Jlrltlsh
eiuplio tlint tluiy wo'ild ' ilutciiiiliiothoqtiuv
tlon wittiout any references to her Interests
01 wlsl'es , then lot them say so , and necejit
what.vould bo the eimseqnoiiceq , K not war ,
a condition of itiilmnsltyiiiitiionlsiii : ; and dis
trust , wblihout' ' oporati1 injiirioiisly on tlio
Intcicsts of both . omit lies and of the w n-lil
Mr Kduutiuls iislwl if Mr. Vest thinks the
billiui Molutiou cf iinv olilitruilun of the
I'nlteil Stltes tow.nds ( lieat llrltniu ot anj
otherfnrclun countiy.
Mr , Vest- I think that unless ( ireal
Hrltaln has itself abrogated thutietity this
The remainder of Mr Vest's speech was
devoted to the argument thai ttio Intciests of
the UmtiilStalesciesacrilUcd to these con-
ce sionaues of coinpany who bad
oi'Raui/od ; ulimit , ' iliomsiilvi's a eoiistiiii'tion
with wbuli the maiitiino company had inado
Mr MoiL'iMiexphliicdthatlf tlio work had
to bo done by the coinpii'ij , it would cost , as
the bonds would have to be sold ut W ) per
coiiUind Inteie t lliVo to be paid on t bcstock
while tlio woik was in proKiess. IO.OUOlM. ) (
while , under the pcndinir bill , the ) cost would
not exceed § 1(10,0JO.OOO. ( So , InsteMil of whip-
pora havluir to pay W.M a ton they would not
Inivo to piy inoro than ? l u tin.
Mr. Stewart cuvcnotico of an amcmlinont
pvoviainu that the thief of rntiHcer.s of tin )
army shall have HiipervUlon anil control of
thecttiinlandtho work will bo subject to the
1'iws and rules of connt' 'S or the de-
pa rlini nt
Mr. 13av is opposed the bill. The ii'iidiiiR
proposition in plain terms , the * subsiilv
to the extent of IOll , ( klHlto ) ) budil.i
lyiiij ; entlrelvoutside of the national domain
anil travcrslncf a foiviKti countrv. Itvas
lua opinion tint If the canal was to 'no con
structed at all it should ho done hy the
K < ) \crnineut diioctly , lilto any work of
public improvement.
Mr. KummrJs snoVo In jlcfetiso and
itdMieaev of the ) Dill and without aotioa the
senate adjomncd.
AV\smvoTOS' , I'ob. 20. Mr. Cannon 10-
ponoa fiom the ennitnltteo on rules a lesohi-
tion for the lininccllatorotislilerationot busi
ness rcjiortcdby the committee on jinHclniy ,
t'no th-ht hill lo bo ono for the leliof of the
supronin court with the somto amendments.
After mi InetTcetinl oflort In Mr Hlount and
Mr. Hrrcker.dilKO to defeat the resolution
Mr. Cannon took the lloor , stating that , ho
would say a few v\ordsas \ to Iho merits of
tbo proposition.
.Mr. McMillan of Tennessee Inquired
whether Mr ( Jannon's objeet was not the
pievcntUm ot the foity-imutito debate al
lowed under the iides. Mr. Cannon replied
in nfllrmitivo In view of the dilatory
motions already m.iiioon thodeiiiociatio side ,
under the lead of Mr. McMillan , thoremibli-
cnn ac'cepted nollco from that sldo that it
did notdesiro to faeilitato business.
Mr. .McMillanaid HIP uoinoerats would
meet Mr. t'annoa's iiroframme nt every
Mr. lllount inovod to recommit the resolu
tion and on the , \c is and nays beinj ; railed
for tlio Kfeat Doilv of the domocraLs left the
hall. 'I heot' ' icsultciljeas , I',1 ; nays , liu ! ,
the i it-lit voiintf.
The iiic'stiun | then rocuried on a ilennnd
lor tno piovioiih question , anil II.IVIIIK ile-
in.inilcd . the yeis ami nays Mr. Mi-Mlllan
< Mlled the deiuociats liomthe cloak room to
tin support , ll.ivliif-'obeyul the signal lon
onoiiKhto aicomplish Mr. McMillans object ,
the deii.oc'rals unco innre * ilisappcared. The
motion was cmiled--150 to s. Aquoiuni
heliiiT noted
' 1'hn lesolution was then airreed to , 155 lo I ,
and tlioeouit bill was imniedlalely taKeniip.
The senate atiiendmciitsvero -concurred
in mid a conference ordere'J.
Tlio house siihitltuto tor the bill IKUiRtho
snlarios of United States dlstnct juJiesvvas
vithdiawn , leavint ; the sunatc liill in its
oiiKlnal foiin , piovidini ; that halarics shall be
> " > , UOO nor niinuiii
Mr. NicMlllan offered nn mncndmeiit , rc-
dueiiiL' the salary loliK)0. ) To this . I 1" ) .
Tajloi .cilTued a rrsulutlon providinKthiU
tlio salaries shall bo Increitsed to .r'it > tllNo )
quorum voted and the house took aioccss.
v.s < ; / ; ,
( irciil Sufloriii | > in tint XVc'st Virginia
WmriiMi . \a , I''eb. iliTlm ! river is
fallitinhero vorj lapldly. The seouo In the
Hood ucl districts Is ono of dosolition undtuin ,
' 1 here Is much suflciliiK HIIHIIIU' this poorer
Masses. At I'.irkorsliiirnaadpomU between
Wheeliuj ; and that | il.u-o the situation is very
cllscourauiui , ' . At I'arki'isbui'K' llio water ii
lislnu The uaimiK' ' ) cnnnot now bo esti
mated. but It Is enormous and the hutlerinu
Croat. 'Iho dehitfo has par.ded
buslnosa mil tlio city of I'arketsburtf U cut
off from ' ho outnUlo vvorM.
The hiiburtian town of Hivorsido is still
coveted mid thiiiiihililtnintsuro camnlug on
the hills until the water subsides ,
A hpei'lal fwm I'lndlav. O. ays : The
Illanchiirel ilvor is dtlvlnn' ulliv-ildeiits of tlio
lower section fiuiu liter homes uneUloitii ; con-
blilorahlo ilamuo to proneity. Not for
twenty years 1m the rhcr been
Ili-Jei'letl MoiLciin'r , Iti'sitint ion.
LOMIUN , Kcb. V0. ! lu tlio coiniuuiiH this
moridnt : Morjiatrs lobolutlou in favorof the
eutiibllstiiuoijtof the church lit \Vilo : was re
jected by sift to 2CU , The announcoinciit of a
iui'KOVotoin IU favor % sas ureotc-d with loml
upposltiiHI cheers ( ! hid tnno made1 a s | eoeli
ot t.niM luablo KiilUiu | ; fiuur of Muir.iiis
T/I CTTTI p i'nn TUP p/\\T'i'pcvr / |
10 SljllLh , rOlvlIIh COMhSl ,
A Dill Appropriating ; Nmvly Thirty Thou-
mtul Dollars Intro Ittoed in tlio Mouse.
Till1 lu ( < . ( ' ' ( l\issi'iiiei- ; I-'mi * Itltl
I'usMMl Hit' ItiiiiMi' Moro Anll-
.Sitlooii I ii\vs Tln1
LISVOIV , Neb . Teh. ' . ' -Special [ lo ' 1'no
lUr. ] Tlio rout 1'tt ' CMOS bubhlod up In llnj
homo niMlii today , though nol u.noxtvdtoilly ,
If In a new form.
House roll ii'J , bv Mr. Slinular , I'ltrodui'od
this iiuiriiluK and rend n 11 rat time , 111111103
uPlimpil.ition of vurlons fiuusof mono } lo
Ihc'evpe'iiscsof llioVonle'sl C.IROS ,
Hnlloivn John II. 1'owois , HtenoiJiniiliPrt'
fees , notnrlivi' fins , witness foes , thurlnV
fee's , t\Kfi ogallng ( 'I , I fill fii ) .
To AlloriipjB . .1. I/i mli , A C. llloluMts ,
II II. Wilson , AV V. Allen , .I.S. Ifoblnson ,
\V ! ; lieed and V. O. Stridden" for contestaul ,
To .I nines I' Hojd , ntlornoys' fe'e's , lHXj ( )
other fees. $ | , ir.0u . , leilal of f.i , IM.
\Vlllliin \ II. De-ill vs't'homin ,1. Majors on
oflleo of lieutenant | ; ovi'tuor , fee's , flCK ( ) ;
oonti'.stnut's attorney , * l\)0 ) ; cunt Cairo's
atlornovh , $1,000. ,
,1. V.Volfo vs.T. 10. Mlllon oilli'o of slixto
treasuier , foes. $ ! . ! r > ; contesiant'H attorueya ,
f1KK , ( ) ; c'onti'sloo'a attcrnej.s , ? 1,000.
C' . IS' Majberiy va .1. C. Allen onnfllco of
si'cre't.iry of stile , fees , J'JU.'i ; c'onti'.stiint'ri
attorneys , fl.iXHl ; contcitce's iittorticvs ,
fl.Hl ( ) ) .
.lotin Until'v < ? Thoina'i II. Hcnton on ofllco
of slutouuelilnr , fe-es , S4. * ; contestant' ! ! at-
tomcxs , Sl.lHHI ; mntesteo's iittoruejs , $1,0 M ) .
.1 \V ICek'crt'in va tieorpj II. Hastings , on
oltli'C ol ntlornev ( eni'ial , fees , § 'i. ' % ; con-
tPslimls'H attorney , $1,000 ; coiitcsteo's at-
tOIIIC'VS , ? lllll ( ) .
. \V I' . WiiKbtvs A K Htunplire\v. onofllco
of i-iimiiilssioiii'rof public landsniiel iiiiiillilL's ,
l "i , > J'n , miitestanl's attoriioyi , $1IX , ) ( ) ; con-
testee's atlonuns , $ I.Kill. (
A IVAll'iiiaiul vs A 1C CSoudy on oftlco of
Hilpi'i'liiUnident of imttllo liihtructlon , foe > 3 ,
SJ''i , I'ontostnid's ' nltornoys , flW ) ( ) ; COIL-
lestee's attfrnej's , $1,000 ,
'I his niaU's n total of J.'O.nriO fiO. of vhich
? J.iMXirnr-sto ( Iho shtcon atlomcys
This lull must go to tin ) committee , and
xvill moi't with most dctcrmhioil oiiposltioil
at evcrv tepoflts piogivss. 'Ibcio will bo
xeiy littleoppiwltion to pi > ln the reason ,
able fies of tlioslciiographc-rsiinel notuni'S ,
hut llio nttnrncjH will be lucky if they net
one-fourth the amount of their claims.
Tlic Two-Out Pare' Hill.
I.INIOI.V , Noh , Kcb 'JO.-ISpeelal to Tun
lli.i : 1-A lively interoat vv.ts aioii-cd in tbo
litmsooverthu lussngo of the Mom ccnl
faro bill.
When the roll e"all coinmcncud , Mr I3ar-
tholomuxv ( lud ) aloha ansvxeied "aye"'from
the Hist ton inimus on the hit. Mr. Olaun
( top. ) responded aye from the nox1 live , and
the indications wero\cr > unlavorablo for the
sin-cess of the measure. I'Virhtlugcr ' nnd
( Inlo mid. ) both voted "no , " and Ureileson
and ) of 1 'oil : tat bileuL in his beal and mudo
no rcsioiifO. [
Miiny members explained their votes. Ford
( dein ) of Douglas did not bcllovo that
the le islatine should "paralvzo the
railroads entirely. " and would \ote "no. "
dale ( iiul. ) thought tills measure
was too extreme , and would me.ko too radical
a reduction in the levetmes of Iho railroads.
Hreen declaied that It was a mistaken policy
tn reduce mtos in1 , , per cunt at ono btroUo.
Hi rti.uul deshod to vote "no" because ho
believed the lailroael companies should Do
allowed to cam enough to s > tail llio train at
least , il not biifilcient to mn It to its destina
tion Ciamb ( rep ) was of the opin-
inn that this measiiie would not bencllt the
farmers , and tl.oiiKhl the reduction should ho
made on the height. llo\\e , when tin- roll
vvai ljuinrf verlllod und it was certiln tlie > bill
had ulr , a I.v t.uricd , voted "a > o'undaj
lomllh'H'iod ( hy the iiulcpemu uts.
Newherrv lindi said tlm people demaiidccl a
radnal reduction in lioth fieicht and
scnp'r rates , nnd would vote "jen" ll tlol3
liiidiMislhi ! labt man t do jiibtle-e lo the
inilin.uls , but had riven the matter full eon-
stdoiation anil wns satisiled that lids was a
jUfct measure. Oakle.v ( lep ) would far
as any Iniuiiipthif ; ine.iMircs in the inteii tof
the shipper , lint de'lled the author of the bill
to point to any western stite vv uero
n ' . ' -cent fine urevaileil , and diet
not believe tl.o ruilioad ? in No-
liruska could afford lo haul pisse'iipers at j
cents pei'milo , anilotnl a mciit on i > hutlo
"no" Mr. Moan mailo.i stiontr urnutuuitlu
defense of his bill , eitiiiK statistics in tup.
pint of aL'-ciiiit ' rate.
I'ortei ( inil ) cliaiged the iiionrtjors vrititig
airuiiiht the bill with rli'lntfon fieo pas. .
Molio ( hid ) alwavs stood by the common
people in theii unequal simple with cori ir-
atc power , aim voted "ajo. " Stu\cn of
Kuiniis IlKiuod Unit a btxT would ent leas
than > J fiom his Mati in to Omaha , wli.lo a
man woiild bo charged about JT , and ho
thought this was lee pieat a illtloionco in the
animals. [ Client laughter.Viildroii ] had
boon of the op'inon ' that nil rciluetion
should IM made on ftelilit ; , but If free pusioi
won-dis.nvd | ) ' v\ith boilid not heliove Iho
Krois levenucs would ho ii'duied. A full
hour was consumed in Iho roll call and utj-
orou apidauso Ki'cetedlho announceinuntof
IbOlUblllt ,
las-roiv. Neb , Teh 'iO [ Special to TLU
Bill Adjutant ( leuei.d Vifnuain wuit DO-
fiiro the coininiituu on linanco , wiijb nnd
ine.ins nnd inilltarv affairs to-nii-iit for 'lie
pmposo of thudding some llyhl upo i no
llnaiicialneeds of tboinilitla elmui tli.n < ct
two years. Ho\\is nceompitiiol by ( olnuol
Hu'tt and Captain Wilson of liounitt , ( . u > -
tnlnShoit of XoUon , Major Cuurtwrlifht ol
UOIIL ; fine , Majot Williams and l . Itrulb oC
( icnuva , Cnp'aiu ' .Murdoch of Wyinoie , lap-
lain Culver of Mllford.
'llio committee was. shown the pn pnrod
iiuml/ed nccniiut of the expunses inuurn-O by
the militia whilont tbo frunt dtiiini ; the 1'iucj '
lildKO host ilitti's niiiuiintlni ; to $ | DIKIO
The general had aNo prcpated an estunato
of the inoni'V leiiulieil to inaliilain tint
n.Uional miauls for the next t\\o yurs Ho
stated that the state Irul entered into a oim-
tiaet with thu nnlitln by whiehlhe latte-r us
toiecelvo Jio.ixkl for its support fur two
yeirs. That contiart hail not liicn respi''ud ' ,
because the last Ic'ifiMiturohadalli'Wi'd on y
n little over half the amount , or > JJ Jim f..r
two yi'irs. 'riiisamoiint was iniidoiiuato f..r
tbo htiupoit ofthefurco lie insMid
the amount tmranti'i'd the fote'i ) sluiulil no
approiuiati'd becausethe last apptopri.i' , u inadi'iiuate. Tlio iiubtiu hadcertain .1 . 'a s
to perform aiut these could not be | > rt f , , m > d
miller tbn einiiniHtime'cs. llach cump.n y
was coinpellod to hire ) nn ni'inury , puidi.iso
unlfiirtii-i , hnld nl least one iiionthU ai i ,
ntlcnilnnuuall.\ a t > tate oncampuu'iit "ami n ,
ollhetr wns te > doviilo itself to tlio umu jt
inepmlni ; Itself to ho of sirvieo in i-o
of an c-meriri'ticy. The nu-ii bal enU eel
for thtvo jc.irs nnd a iitvat many of tii. m
had Milt so\oral \ yenis to servo and n.u.y .
shuuld be < appropriated to maintain tl.uu ui
the Ki'ivifo ,
It Is not yet known what action w t > 0
taken in the tdiovx IHK mado.
< > lillti'ialnc ( Ibu Tuu-.AIIIe Limit.
Uiviu N , Nub , l > Vb. UU | Su | > ciul to Inii
llr.f.l Mr Sternsdorft of UouKbn hai u
trudui'ed a meisuro which U im\\ , , ;
worked forun the1 lloorof tlu < hou o , ie No ,
HVA U is mined to abolish evils result .ig
from komoof Iho inudoiiuito ] novislotiH 11 im
Klocumb Uw Theiouvil * nw moio IU.IUD
a ile nnuinil llinuba than In any pat t of tin
slut. '
I i lei ( Aiwu hazier 00 ot Uu