Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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. be taken until 12'H p. tn , , for Ihn arcnlng
edition , and until f. : > 0 | i. tn. , for the morning
edition nnd HCNUAT Hr.K.
fi MS C'nsli In ndvnnco.
I S AiUorllwnoiits ontlilspnpnwlltuo
rh irsed for nt tlm rate ot 14 crntH per
. Yrd f < rtho first Insertion , nnd 1 cent per uord
Vtercnfh tilueiiient | Inw'rtloti , rtid J1.CO ) > cr
* iie per month. No nilvprtlscmcnl taken for
Mdlinn Si tents for the llrst Insertion ,
INITIALS , flzurcs , symbols , etc.countcucli
n8 ono word.
fllHKKI , iid fTtlscinenis'mii18t run conspcii-
JL lively nnd under no elrctinuttiinces will
they b taken or rtlioontlimcrt by telephone.
TJAUTIKS ml vert Islng In these columns and
JL linvlna their nniworsmldre m'rtto n"nuin-
IK-red letti r" In care of Tun lint : will rrcolvo
p. umii l.crrd check to enable them to net their
letlOM. Ar.HVi'tH will bo delivered only nn
_ itirc'ontiilloii nf this check. Enclose nnswcM
.n"f im'lopus properly mid reused ,
1,1 , advertisements'tinder tlm head of
A "Spcclnl Notices" nro published hi both
flioinoriiintc and ovenlnK editions of Tim HUB ,
tlio circulation of whlehacBrecntes mnrotban
tp.WO pi : | or.s dally , and Rlvci the ndvertlsi'r
I no IK neflt not only of the largo circulation nf
'XilK itco In O inn 1m , but also In Council ItliilK
tlrcoln and other cities and towns In the west.
Advcrtlslnc for tlicsn columns will bo taken
On tbo ut'O vu roinlltlons. nt the following busi
ness liniivos who tire niitlmrlml totaiicioccml
notices. nt the siuno rates nscan be lind nt tlio
xnnln olllco.
_ _
tr'i'Tr ) "OMAHA nitANcii orifioE NO.
SI.ZIN. Street , Mstor Hlock.
* rtlTN ) vTlliLUrharmaclst,8MSouth : Tenth
< J utrect.
1IIAHK A- TOW , Stntlonvrs nnd I'rlntcn ,
ii : ftiutli ICth Blroot.
, Pharmacist , 2113 Cum-
Ing Btiect.
Ty" ) J.IIUOIIES , riiarinticlst. G2I North ICth
JKO. W. PAUIt , I'linrinaclst , 1718 leuven-
* worth street.
' I'lIAllMAOY. 2 h and Farniun.
tc. , tec tnpnf first column on tlits ynge.
) \tnl\n\\ \ \ \ i of trust by yotinc mnn
of ft ) , bender reference given. Addicss
DM , Hoc. M015 21 *
SITUATION wanted by n ( Irst-clnss cutter
( nnd tullori : iooil references. Address Kied
Oropnborg , 1'Jl N. 1'rnnklln at. . Ohlcago , 111.
050-22 *
* \\r A "I'I1) l > oslllonas bookkcepor by ro-
Ti llablii and tttistwortlivman. Hofcronces
Address 1)60 ) , lice. MOI221 *
* \\7 ANTKD-SIluutlon by Doy 1 ? years , oflleo
work , assistant bookkeeper. AddrossI )
e. " , Ilec. 11311-21 *
"V\7ANTKI-Sltuatlonns diiyorntKlitwatch-
* mini ; hnvo lived In Omaha over twouty
years ; will RVO ! best of reference. Address
VK , lleo. PHSSI *
ANTKD-Sltimtlon ns book-keeper liy
. . . youim man of experience. Hetorenccs. Ail-
dress , I)4i ) ) , Iloo. C"J 23 *
SITt'ATIO.V wanted by youns nmn of edu
cation nml sorno business exuorlence. Ad-
tlri'sa 1)40. llm * ofllco. CST 13 *
\\7ANTI1I ) Situations for peed Rlrls ; my
/ Tl waiting rooms are always full from' 1) ) u.
rn , to dp. ( ! m. Canadian rmploymcnt ofllci ! .
VIM 5th. Telephone Efi4. 121
X"or rnlw , etc. , nccfnp of first coluninon l/i / ( jiiiflt ; .
WANTHI' Yotins man to receive Instruc
tions and keep books. J. 1J. Smith , (115 (
Kcw Ynrk Mfe. 057-IU *
ANTKD-ARcntM to sell "Mfo Oen. Shor-
man. " Sondr : ofor outfit Immcillatcly
jrct bust terms. J. M. French & Co. .
MKB1 a *
" \\ANTKI ) A travolliiR salesman forwhole-
' snlu liquor and cigar busln ( " > s. Addrrss
Jftttnrs with ri'feieiiees to coniblnatlouboxN'o.
} JjS. Kieiiiont. Neb , 043 It )
ANTED Men with Rood reference at
Metropolitan 41'1'g Oo. , KiOO Howard HI.
till MIS *
IfonOHt , Industrious timl Bolior
yoiiiur mnn to do chores uliout the place :
tnust ho ulilo to milk nnd caru for lioisos mid
Cons. CU11 nt first National bank. II. Kountzu.
MG05 20 *
WANTEDRollnblo colored conohnian.
Itefoicncc.s required. Ulchnrd O. t'n ttor-
on. NIIVV York Life. _ KIO 10
CUTTKUS WANTED-Scloneo Is linked to
art In the A. 1) ) . Kudo now niutliod of
utting. Tiitiglitunly at Cleveland ( luttlim
cliool. MU13 iU *
_ _ _
A GTINTS wuntrd for the inoniolrs of General
ifW. . T. Shoriiinn , written hy himself , In two
Volumes nt j..M ) per voluino ; toory subscrib
er will ho Riven a cop } of Diirley's fnrnous
hmstorploco , "Sliernian's March to the Sea. "
elzo x.I5 ; tlio otittlt coiislstliiK o ( ono volumo.
together with picture , for 11.5'J. ' Address the
Cjicliishu publlslmrs. Oliurles I , . Webster &
Co. , ! 1 Ktist 1'ourtccntli street , Now York City.
_ VH-y
l\7ANTii : ) Men to travel for our Canadian
'XT iiursuilcs.Btone&WelllnitonSIiidlson\Vls \
_ _ Sll
KTiCTIVES : wiintca In o\cry locality to
. * work under our Instructions. Experience
I1 ot necessary. Ptanip foi'particulnia. Wush-
) ii Detective Agency , lloi 7b" , Washlnij-
H IOWH. M tttMll
JortutCHctc. , ace topofflrat column on tills page.
TXTANTIU ) Olrl for bousoHork ; must bo
TT good cook. intS Ciipltol live. GSMM *
V\7"ANTEIt A good coolr , MO S. 20th Bt. Mrs.
TT K. A. ( 'iidiihy. CIS 10
WANTED Girl In small family for general
huusoHOrk. Sirs. Sol llurgman.SIOS , 1'Jtb. '
| \ WOMAN for house work , ono who can
% L-t.Xl ) ( . 1708 N. 27th st. C3I 20
For rat ( . ( tf. , nt tan of fr t tnlumn on f/ils / pwjt.
TTl n UINT Sniau'iioiis'fc'wltii " Vnriso" barn , "
J. or uuch buparuto , 1UI5 Uallfornlu etrcot.
IOIl KENT 7-room Hat , modern Improviv
monc. $2.M. Inquire at tlio Fulr. MOiBao
F C ) ] { iiNT : Onfiirnlsheil rooms for llsht
boiisekconlne. with licat undgiis ; hoara If
FFOlt hj S. 19th. MODI ) SO *
FOlt URNT House of 8 rooms , newly pa-
pvred. mi the cornurofS5th and Franklin
streets ; soft and hynrant water lu the house ,
In Good repair. 3 per month.
n rooms In Union block , will rent to gcntlo-
? ywi anJ ladj- without children ; steam heat ;
t jicr month.
8 store rooms In Mnton block ; Inquire at 017
I.liitnii block , corner Mason and Ulth strcots.
John Hit n 1 1 In. } 157d
FOIl U ISN'T Ono of those steam heated llatH
In ihu Her block , cor. ICth and Jacksotuta. ,
IIHH all tlio con eulcncert and Is indrstclasa
ropnlr. For partloulnrs cull nt 111 : ; llarnuy Ht.
FOU UENT 7- room house , iillconvenlenci's ,
1 134 X. 17th. Jnoiilru 11 _ BUI
TTIOU UKNT A nine-room house with all
JL' modern Jmprovomonts , south front on
llanscom Park. Inquire of Kennedy & liliick-
purn , 1 )5 ) rirk uvo. MH7S
Olt RKXT 6 rooms , ono Iloor , 1713 Jackson
alroot. iUlO
FOW UF.NT Scleaant It-room IIOHSIW , Nos ,
i.3C iuidS110 lloiiRbs Ht. Knuuiro of A. A.
Gladstone , ii0 : | Douclna bt. , or Ulobo Loan A
Trust Co. . IluT S 10th it. 27 (
TCTOH KENTSovonrootn cottiiRe , cor. CStli
Juro und Cap. avo. IniiuiroiulS Dodge. MSi'-l
II' ' you wMi to rent a house or stero BOO H ,
K. C'olc , Continental block. 84C
"fruit KENT Cottngcs wltti 2 , 5 uiul 8 roomu.
X ? t'asfi not 2 > th and -Otli , Clarke , room ID ,
board of trade. MttB Fa-
JTKAM heutcil tlats at Tin ) S. IBtli. Tlios. V ,
"llall , Ull 1'axton block. 831
_ _ _ _ _
HKNT I'ourO and 7-room tlats wltl
bath , hot water , etc. ; puved street ; nuai
Miniuvnii all linurovemcnts ; onlyi''J per mo
Hoforencrs reoulrcd , The Mead liivcatinoiil
Co. , 4lii Itco bulldlni : . 6
OO-HOOM board In ? home , completely fur-
nhlied , for rent cheap to desirable parties
II. K.fole. Continental block. CM „ " .
E UENT Donhlo house near lilfli school
_ _ 'rooms , Hultablufor llrst class bonnllnn
Tlio O. I' . Darls Co. 601 ai
frtOK HUNT-Sacrcn with0 room house , ban
v 4-out houso. N.'l , Uarflcld avo. alloy 4X'l N
Kl ( UKNT Mco 4-room rottace , at 1011 8 ,
Jtli st. lnqulroofMrs.Dus aiJ.8. AY. cor
Wtli anU I'uclilobU. 671
Forntttn , ttc.fcf tnjtofflnttolumn on Ihlgyage ,
liio U It KNT t-rooni lint. LanRO block. OW
J.1 Ha ilt h t. Ml ' >
UKNT 15-room rentrnlly located rrs | .
* H"nci's ! nil niodorn coiivt-nlrnrcsi the flm-st
In the rlty. W. 11. lloinun , rooms 8 nnd 10.
Krcnrcr li I R , Kt > M 1 1
IJ OH HKNT S lO-rootn houses within JTiiiTn
J-'utiswalk of tlio postolllco. ( J. F. Davit
Co. . U05 I.'nrnamst. ' "r2
For rala , tie. , net loj > of first column nn thin page ,
lloor , heat , bath cle. ; cheap. zmK.irnam
hit eel , 3IM7 23 *
KOAST rooms with modern convonlpncp.
Call ntOll North 18th st. SlfiCO Sl
I710H UKNT A furnished cottage , centrally
J1 loeatod. Terms reasonable. . Inunlro nt
18111 Webster st. M I3 SI'
JK looms , slciun heat , 1T19 Iu > cnpnrt st.
413 M3
HANDSOMEIA * ftirnlslied front roomsteam
heat , BAs , bath , 711 S. ICth , 5d lloor.M
M 6PO-2S *
"IIIOlt UKNT Nicely furnished room for two
J. uetitleinun or tnarrlod couple. JU'.OO. 1'lat
II , TIKIS , loth st. Call after 2 p. m. MK1M11
"iriOU KKNT nioffantsteam heat , furnished
- Irooms. . 002 S. IIKIist. & > ! - >
] " AHOKyr.d small rooms In now Ilrrnntin
- Jk \ \ , . newly furntaliedtliroughaut ; need ta
ble. 1U01 California. 488 20
NEU'ljY f u rnlMiert rooms , all modern con
veniences. BISN , rrtii. aoo au
IjiOH UBNT-Nlcfly furnlslied room , aai ,
i bath , ITS ! I.caveiiwortli , upstiilrs. 077 'a'
THOU UKNT I'llrnlshod room with flro , $ H
J- per month , 100 rarnain. 01720 *
TTlOltUENT-rrontrooin wltbalcovo.curtalns
-L mantvl. beat , Kns.batli. ! ! closets , for 2 ROII-
tli'tnoii or mnn .uid wife , 410.00 per month
a/THl'lthst / 701
"JjlOU ItnN'T Twcnty-flvo rooms In a hrlck
-1- block : gnod location ; with or without fur
niture. O.T. Davis Co. , IJOT Furnatn at. 'i'iMlM
ST. OLAIH lUiropcan lintel , with dlnltiR
room , steam brat In all rooms , IHtli and
" Special rates by week or month. S4d
ELKOANT furnished rooms , ItxaUodee.
821 ml ! *
FOIl UKNT Furnished rooms , gas bath and
steam , 1510 Howard. " H43
FOlt UENT Kasffiont alcove room at the
" AIIOE and small room , 1701 Capitol nrcnno.
IAllOGnoutli front room , bay window , mod-
J cm conveniences for ono or two gentle
men , HO per month. ! 18I.oavon\vorth. Jr-VJ
For rflten.clc. , tectopofflnt column on tliti page.
FOIl linNT-lioom und board , W.on , 1712
Douclas. WH4 23'
FOU IinXT A largo , finolv furnlsliod room
with hoard , to a man anil wife. The moil
pleasant part of city and prlviu-i family : ro
other boarders ; references. Adu.ns I ) 47 , lira
'tTIOIl ItlINT An elocant furnUlied room
JP with hoard and nil convenience ; steam
joat. Ueferonce , 1721 Dodso st. f9 21'
FIINTSIini ( ) rooms with KM , bath nnd fur-
naeo heat ; board If desired. S. E. corner
> tb avc. and llarney street. 51.H17 2J *
BIIOAlll ) und rooms I2i S ITth stiect. .
Formic * , etc. , ttctnpofjtntcolumn on tlitx
T10II ItHNT IluOk parlor , bedroom. dlnliiK
- loom , kltclien , modern hou&e , 11 hlncK1
from N. 17th motor. Ucnt S20. Address DM ) ,
lice , JIM120 *
Forratcattc.ctHpof flntcnlemn on thttpnoe. .
FOU HKNT-l'art of business hiiildlni ? 1308
I'lirnain street , ooinlstliin of stoiu and
upper llodr with ofllco rooms. Inquire u"
John II. ! ' . Lehmnnu , U2IS. 17th Htieot.
3TOUE3 nt 70 S. I6tb. steam huatfurnished
1' . Hall. 3111'axtou blk. 47
FOlt UI1NT The 4-story brlok bulldlnit. with
or without powor.formoily ocuuplod hy the
Hoc PublMiIiittCo. , Oll > Varnnni st. Tbo hulld-
Ins has allroproof cement Dasemcntcomplete
Htcam beatliiR flxturos , waternn all tbulloors.
gns , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Bee. 1)13 )
POIl KENT Or sale , my building on Jones
St. , bet 10th & llth. U.A.T.lndqulstnilS.IMIi :
TfT OR UENT Urlclcwaroliouse. . two stories
- lilab , basement , hydraulic oloviitor. track-
ago ; best location In city. A. C. I'owoll. SJO
Forratc , ttc.tcctirpofflnt column im title pane.
GTEAJI iitiinn for sale , J2\2t Inch cylinder
lOfor ( k ei | well. Address Engineer , Jladlson
( Neh. ) waterworks. Cll ) Si *
"TTOIl HKNT-SO nero ranch Johilnt ? South
J-1 Omnlui , 115aeros pasture , 15 tlinbor : abiin-
diinco sprliur wntur ; on 11. & JI. R. It. Address
LeoS : NlcholSStli and Leavcnworth stieets.
EMiVEN acres , house , largo burn near Cen
tral 1'ark for garden , JXttGHtMary's live.
Forrateittc.te&tt > p.n/Jlnt column nn Uit * page.
BKtiT traekazo and storage building In
Omaha , United States Rovornmcnt bonded
warehouse , llousohold goods stored und eared
for , l.owcHt rute.s Ruaranteod. W. ai. Ilush-
mnn. lOU-loii Lcavcnwortb. 205
CJTOUAUK and traultagu. lavldC'olo,815-SI7 )
OHownnl st. 8.V1
CHEAPEST and beat stornsro for furntturo.
Wells. 1111 Farnam street. MOID
NIOE dry storairo room at Blnghnm'H old
store , illO So. latlist. 70S K ! ! 7 *
Forratattc , , tte topofjlnt column on IMi payc.
WANTEIly Kontleman , 2 smnll unfur
nished rooms and partial board ; U min
utes wnlk from lleo binldlng. atato terms , I )
57 lleo oillec. MGft't SI"
A LADY wishes a room with beat In return
for piano ami vocal lessons. Addiess 11 &i.
Hre. C4H ; i
party wishes to rent a 15 or
W-room house rather rimtially located.
prefBrably. furnished. Address l)4b ) , Dec.
Jl 57J-M *
ycrtfitatto.Ke tnpot frst cvtumnon tMi
f I'NTAL AKent-CJeo. , T. I'niil , 1GOO rarnam
J 8trect , make.s specialty of renting houses.
Hlmes , etc. . and colloctliij ; renta. ai )7 )
,1ST , property for rent , sato or cxciianeu
I with llundy & Co. , 1014 Capitol avo. : ill ) M7
H E. COLK , rental uguncy.Contlnental blk.
i Ml )
"f" 1ST your houses to ell or rent with C. F.
Ullurrlioii.lilS N7 V. Mfo. K > 1
IF vou want your liottses ranted list with
I'arrolto Hentul Agency , 15th und Dodge.
Mttia I"JS
1'orrnic * , dr. , tee tnj ) of first roliimn on ( AI * page
TOST Newfoundland ( los.wololit 150 pounbs ,
JUonovhltospot en hroaut. Find or will bo
rewarded. Allen llro . . liu llarncy at. CM-l'J ' *
OST-Nenr Clark and ITtb , ladles' sold
Jwutcli. ebaln and charm , Liberal reward
If returni-0 toiH7N. : I7lli. 010 19 *
Formt < ietc.icctof > o/flrit roturmi on thlipage. _
1)UUi51AN house Special weekly rates.
KorriMcc. ( , fcopo//rutcolumnouhM ( page ,
O TNTII I A ANNufor LauriToh'aliiiors ( niar-
rled niinio not known ) eoiumniilcato at
once with your mother , wbo Is u widow , Any
one knowing of the abo\o. please address
Mrs. E. Lowe , W Kim qt , Montpcllor , Yt.
Ftir rat ( , ttt. , see top of first column on thi * yaye ,
TTIHESIl cows.ilways on hand. One elesnnt
Jlloliteln. . At thu entrance tn stookyanls.
Soutli Uniahn. K. llurus. MisaagQ"
"IjlOK 8ALK First ola mlloli cows , also sov-
-L1 oral gootl hoixis , Knqulru room .MlOmaka
i\'tttlouul bank building , Sao
iJ fint column onlftto
irou HA Lll Ilhrk imported rrcnulistnlllon.
J : Ilia u I rotOjAl y t li street.
"IjlOK SAM : Cheap , WIIKOII nnd doubln work
JL1 harness , or will cxclmniro for buk board ,
alto Kutxl slilo bar buggy , chenn 11 , E. Cole ,
Continental building. 67J
TpOKSAUleheai ) A two horsn RiolKh , alao
J. largo pulleys iiul Bhuftlntr. WlI-'oiiKlas.
Z-'orrot ( , etc. , ice lnp of Jlrtt column on thin pnge ,
"IjlOK SAl rAt a bargain. - < no ofllco drsk
J- and ono inrdlum-slred Hall safe. Inquire.
518 ij. Hth at , , Her block. Gil a ) '
EI.KOANT now furniture of 7 room flat :
cheap fur cash ; roomy all full. Addrcxs
O72 , Uco oflleo. : nM2
, etc. , rcetnp of flrtt column onthls page.
] j\OH \ SALD Ksloy. two hank , pedal orziin ,
. nearly now , very complete. II. II. Allen ,
.umbur CD MMT-31 *
"T71OK SALK A standard make upright
J. piano , hut little used , at n saorltlco. Must
bo sold nt once , fall nt''lia Onldwell. _ ! EJl
TTlOlfSALfe-l'bno , 1115 ; curtain ilesk , $ .V ) .
-t ' und books. IJ.'t Slinrmaii ave. 4JS
I OK SALK Complete set of druji store
turn , show cases , etc. I' . O. ItoxOT.
TTIOUSAM , An A lllroproof safe. Enijulro
J-1 tit lloston Store. M)71 !
Fur rules , dr. , nccloj ) offlrrttolumn on this page.
W ANTKIl Slnalis Hut Top slttlns desk.
Hill Mlmnicl. lilt Joncs. MU1
TTIUHNITIJUG bought , sold , stored. Wells.
JL1 llll I'lirnutn St. 833
-\\rANTKI ) Will p.iy hlzliost cash jirlco for
> V household Roods. iHUSo. iith : st. TiKi-l'aT *
"l\7AN'TKI ) At once ; morohnndlso : nil
IT kinds ! si ) t cash : must know at once.
I. T. Now ell k Co. . 1-119 Douglas , Omnlm. TKH
For rates , ef.nccloj ( > nf first column on till * pnoo.
will buy house nnd hum on rtiblti line ,
with lease of ground. Call at 111) N.
itreot , room 8. St ( 81 SO *
n treatment , olrctro-thornuil baths.
-l'Lscilp : and li.'ilr treatment , innnlctiio and
lilroiiodist. .Mis.l'ost. lUVi i-.lMh , Wnlincjll blk.
bo ?
DKKD ? , inortsaROS , contracts and all lejral
liistriiiucnts carcfullv i\\Mntol , A. Iv.
-oy. attorney nnd notary public , room II ,
Continental block : WB-F23
'or rnlcs , < ( < . , tcctoji of Jint colmnH
MONKY to loan by B. V. Masters on clmttol
aiidcollntcral sucurltk for .my tlmefrom
to 7 months , In any amount , to mill u < n--
Loans rnndo on household ROods , plnnrxs , or-
Rnns. her * < ei , mules , houses , leases , waiehousu
iocolits.etc..nttlio | lowt-itpoi-sllilo rates wltli-
ont. publicity or removal ot propetty.
My loaiisnre o arruicil : th.ityoucan make
a payment of any nmufint at any time undie-
tlncoliotli principal and Interest.
_ wo a balance on yo"ur property
Imvon loan yon wnntfliaiiKud.l will pay Itoir
and oarry It"for you. If you find Itinorocon-
\cnlent , call up telephone No , KU1 and your
"jiislnessvlll bo nrrnnecd at borne.
Money always on liund. No delay. No pub
licity , Lowest rates.
II. I--JIIiiHtors.
Hoom 4 , Wlthnell blk.,15thand llarnuy sts.
$10,000 to loan on short time paper. 3 f ft 4
months : nintbo good buouritv. Gl'l N. Y ,
Life. Joint Dale. (5UO-21 (
SKCON11 niortRaco loans ; money ready.
Alex Moore. ITU ijhcely block" . 41)0 ) ?
J\I \ ONF.Y to loan on real esttitc ; lowest rates.
0. J. O.iswell . , 8HSN. Y. Life. 2ut-Ml !
LOANS of 81,000 to M.OOO wanted on choice
Improved elty proportv. Low rntm. No
dolay. Central Umn It Trust Co. , r-TO Farnam.
410 ' 'O
il ATTKI < bnnU , 1119 8. 15th St. , loans money
Won chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
UIIjDINJ-loitns.K to 7 txsr' cent : no addi
tional olmriri'ii forconiinlsslon ornttonitiy's
fees. W. U. Mclkle. First National bunk bide.
RKAL ftitiitu Loans Cusli on band. Olobo
Loiui and Trust Co.i07 : y. Kith Ht. No delay ,
no o.ttra clmrgc . Houses to lunt : good Hat.8D1
OH & 0. M. Anthony. : I13 N. Y. Life build
hit ; , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties In Niibrnskii and lown , also on ( rood
Omaha renldenco property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles nnd
values passed on hero. ifu
MONKY to loan on Improved city properly
at eurmit nui's ; tmiuson hand ; no dolay.
Goo. ! ' . Ttlust UO..VDI Uiiinno bldif. 1\IW \ (
MONRY to lonn on Improved Oraiilia nrop-
crty. 11. IIIrcy. . SOU. N. V. Life. 0,3.
Tl/roXBY / to I-oan Short time paper lonsht. ;
1'Jllronimn M Co. . KU N. Y. Ufo. 741-KM
PHIVATB money to loan. J. D. Zltttc. ll
N. Y. Llfo. I3U
M' ONEY ' loaned on fnrnltute , horses , etc.
Ilnwlioyo Inv.Co.XI Douglas blk.lli & Dodge
Forratea , etc. , see top of Jinl column on thii paye.
flOUHALE A milk dairy on 49th st. ami
Union avo.Viu. . Anderson. 114 *
wanted In ostabllslicd chnttel
loan business In city ; for pimleitlar * ad
dress 1) 51 llee. Oi'OiK'
GOAL yard for sale ; best location lit the
city ; sneds. tennis , sealos , etc. Inquire at
IStli and Izard st.s. C. S. Whltnuy , agent.
FOK SAIK Hank that will nuySJ per cent
on tlio Investment , located hi atood town
In Nobraski. : tlO.COO required. Do not wrltu
unlcjsyoil mean buslnosi. Address I ) M , lieu ,
UNADIIjLA roller water mills for sale or
k'usu ( capacity Mhnrrcls ) . Immediate pos
session. Apply to 0,1.owctli.latli and U.sts. ,
I.lni'oln. ' - C20 2U *
FOlt SALE llllllard and pool room , consist-
hiK ofl hllilard. 1 eunili'natlon und-'pool
tanlns , 1 ten-iln , ) alloy , lamp * , counters , fix
tures , etc. , with or without cheap lease ; popu
lation 1,000 ; no competition ; miut huM > ld'pnor ;
lioalth. AildlesH . M. Ktouller , Coon ItanUl1 * .
lown. CiC a *
FTU SALE or Trade The Tukumati cronm-
cry. In llrst-elnhs order. Will tncliunnu for
land or elty property. A rare chancu-tirronu
waiitlnu n Rood creamery. Call on or- midribs
M. AI. Ilotiuwell. Tekamah , Ncl > . 45T-2a
DOOTOK The best oponlnz for a noel ( doc
tor in Neb. Adrcss II. A. Kufus , jtnvoiina ,
Neb , : < W-SI5 *
HOTEIj forSalo--D < > jou want tojet Into a
lood business ? If thoC'oninioi-
clal at UroUon How , Nob. ' gw
FOlt SALE-Tallor business , Frank Soolior ,
l.ivld ) Utty. Nob. 708 f 25 *
FOU SALE or.Kent The TekHmah canning
fnetory , In romploto running order ; will
to sold clii'iip , or to the right parties will ho
runted on favorable tornis. Cull on or nil-
dress First National Uunn , Tokanmti , Nob.
SAI.OO.N Tlio beat opening in Nubrnaka ,
Address II. A. Kufus , liavcnna , Noh.Il-H
BRent. 70d F& "
Forraten.tle. , itetnjinfjlrtt column on
MHS. II.0. JIOSKS , the Furnam streetdross-
nmker , No.'Ji'w. B71SUi *
MISS llrady.Fronch drossmalcliiK system , I ! .
314. aiieoly hlk.sollults patrnniiKC ot the la-
dles.prleeareiiioiiublc.sutlsfactloiinunr.lnte.ed .
W OKTH'H tailor system taught 012 a Ifltli.
For rate * , etc. , lie tnpoffrtt column on IMfixtje.
TTVU. Iir.ILMANN.lT13 Lcavonworth street.
" * -'tolophono Oli. Tubercular diseases treated
under thu nuw allopaUilu hyroputhlu syatcm.
KeaulUi excellent. SOB-it
TJtINKSTeloetrlo and electro thermal bath
- aroom , Including TurkUh cabinet baths.
LadlesS to 1 daily & Tuesday * ; l-'rlday Qv'lnss
t ) to 10. Dr. lUeliards.rooraa Jl3 & XO.lleo bldV.
ForrttUitite.itetopofJlntcalumnfn UiU page.
BEST line hair goods In west ; hair dre&Klng.
nlus. switches , banns , hair chains , etc. . a
specialty , navies , balr goods' and milliner ,
opposite pastoQlcc , 111 ti , 15th it , Omaha. Mi
Forrata , tte. , tetttnp nfflrtt ralutnn on thts page.
T71OR 8 < \ f.E or Ktclmnffa-wTint hnvo you to
JL oiTer In good real otUiU fpr initciit of ono
of bcsuprlni ? hinge * nmdaWrlto to box 471.
( IciiL'ico. 111. ' i , MCC3 83 *
WANTKl-TooxohnnK < i.t > ? io of my nain-
plcs of watehos nnd Jnwrlry. all classes ,
n lion t M.OOO worth to solcej.rom , , and part
money , for ono or a pair oLliorscs. ( Jail at
room 4. Capitol Hotel. ' - , _ M6II 20 *
A PLEA U. Improved farWJ , adjolnlna rall-
road ntntlnn , to trade forumaha property.
Address 1) ) ftf. Heu oilier. , , , ? 1 Ollia
EXOIlANOK Top bugfty'.ror' fresh cow. ,104
DutiKlns block. ly , _ M011'O *
.VOIIANdi : A tree claliii In Nohrnskn for
J Block orclenr lots. Addfbss 1) a ) , Itce.
21 *
w ANTED To trade for n stock of dtu .
ItmfilHeUy. NJO
\\TK have rental property worth 112,000
brliinliii HIM a month , clour nt Incumb-
rnncp , fur whluh wo will tnko half cntlt nncl
balance In trade , Stringer & IVnny. llarkor
block. aH
10) ) acres line farm land Adjoining good No-
lirasku town : ni-arly clear.
100 acres llnoly Improved land 2U nillos from
county font In N'obraskn ; llRhtly unciimberpd.
1.M acres uond Innd InNoltriiskn , 6miles from
count v seat j'-Vyw Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In Kansas : clear.
Clear lot In good Nc-liriuka town.
4-rooni house nnd lot. birn : , well and cistern.
1fith street. Omnlm : sllEhlly < Micmnl > ere < l ; will
trade forOnmlm property and assumeencum-
briuicos. II. n. Cole , Continental block. U03
"VyANTKD To trade or pay cnsn for caul-
it ties In two or three f > to ? room rosldoncu
properties In Onmhn. If won located. Aililiess
J ) , room .M , board of tr.nlo , Omalia. C4a-i2. !
\\71" li'nvo Improved and iinlinprovrd Omaha
T i real estate for trade , or will sell for c ish
at just nbout half its value. Some nice houses ,
Komi vni'i'iit lots , and some of the best down
town property. Stringer & 1'ciiny , linrkcr blk.
TTlOR nxuilAN'nn-nnod Imtirovcd Uinnhn
JL1 property for clcnr Iowa nnd eastern Nu-
brnska farms ; uloar lots , Iinrscs : ind cattle for
slot-It sot murohnndlai ) . iVH. . lloinan , moms
8 nnd 10 , 1'roir/ur lllc. )
IWIIjIi Irado a good clear lot In Armour
1'laco , fouth Omalm , and tuhogooildriving
liorso nml buggy us part payment. Address.
IT.T , Ueo. TiK
" | 5USINKSSproiortyonl2th st. , ucar 1'ar-
JJnaiu. foru'sUlcncc. ,
clour lotaeornur ( ) la Orchard Hill forhouso
nml lot ,
IDx iaSaimdors ) St. , south ot Lake Oloar , for
Somnothor peed property for oxolmngo. .T.
I ) . Zlttlo , N. V. lilfo. GOO
, cccceli ( ) ) of first tnlumn mithtu jtage.
A. K. KIIjKY , notary public , room 11 , Con-
. tlncn til ; block .
2NA11 COxlB ) south front with coed 4 room
cottase. JI.200. llutcblnson .t U'oad. 5JG-1U
&A. HR- Extra bargain. Choice GO\-12T (
with btilldlni : rents pur mo. ; ono
block from now I' . O. G. U Green , H. 3 ! ) llar
kor block. 053
B A 11(1 ( A INS n-room cottage and lot. cltv
wator. htnver and barn , centrally located ,
f.,730. Terms easy.
Largo B-room cottajo , nicely QnUhod and
well located. , ' , OOX
i-outh front lot on paved street near motor ,
J90' ' ) .
01110 nice lots In west and north partof city ,
KJJ and upwards. J. 1) . /.Iftfo , 014 , N. Y. Life.
B AltO A IN Lots 7 and 8 , IK-miott's sub.fiOx
13'i , allcv noith , south Ifnd cast , only 100
fout from ItiiinlllonHt. and Electric motor and 1
block fiiini I.owo live. . J OOcash ; iidoinlii ) ! . ' lots
cannot bo hoimhl for lr * > than Jl.fiHI. Address
W. IJ. Deiiiiutt , Mlllard botdl. ' OM 10'
5-KOOM bouse , lot : i3x8i Sl.TOOj alsofi-room
house , lot : tlMiW , s. o. cordlth and Vlnton
.st. $2,1 ( W. llrlck house lot H-ifW. n. e. cor. 10th
nnd llouglas , & 10.00J. Mrs. Kuhlmau , 2121 S.llth
. - 3-
U-iooin house nnd full corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Addti'ss the ownor.ilt 4i'nd and Onss
. . li O. Merrill. I Jb"
IJ1OK SALB Good now S-ronni house , city
-C water , good ho < ldcd SOifoot yard , close to
motor , a miles N. W. frojnil' . O. Jl.OiM cash
und $ lr > 00 ! 1 years at 8 nur wi-t. Hqusa and lot
coat over fcUWO. StruiBdr. t& ? , wnnf , li rkor
block , loom 42. r j . v > t -201
narKuln-L'arfco lot , .GSXIfiS ft. , 4
blocks from l.owo uvu. and Cumins st. , lays
splendid ; cheap for casli , ' dr. will trade for
farm. Address II U.TMerrlll , 4 iui ami Casssts.
THOU HALR Cheap. The residence at 2.T 10
-L' I'lorco street , at a bargain for a few daj :
only. IiKiulroat the Neb. Steam laundry ,
ICth and Howard streets. M518
Furratft , etc. , scttap of first column nil this pane.
BKFOUK Ijiivlra a piano e.xumlnu the now
scutu Klmball piano. A , Hobuc , 1314 Douglas.
PUPILS wantrd to take lessons In German ,
llovs prepared for collugo. I ) IE ) ,
lleo onlce. fliS lu *
GKO. F. Oollcnbocjr , to.iclicr of the hanlo
with llospe , 15111 Dou Us. ' ' 'ID
"ITIOUSALn ClioaiJ , a nearly new Ilallett ,
JivN ; i Co. , uprlRht pluno tn first-class
condition. Inquire at 1'Jltl ' Douilns st. 1103
PIIOP. Charles Petersen , plnno.vlolln. ylthor ,
& guitar Instruction. btudloJJ. ) Shoolv blk.
I IIAVI4 a few now pianos for sain awfully
clit'uji , tisl have Koiieout. of the piano hnsi-
noss. & . .Toaason , Farnaia and Hth st. blij
for rutn , etc. , tee t p ! fl > ' tnlumn on ( hit pane
JAD1ICH and ( 'cntlcmencan rent masquer-
ado hii Its iit.G ! N. lull st
for rates , etc. , see trip of flnl column oiiehfct iinge.
w OkA.YT.OX , fortune teller , J'4 N , Kith ,
upstairs , room t. , M BJJ
J-N. know your future , ao-to Mrs. Stover , 40fl
- " . llith struct , 3dlloor. , 401'JO'
MUSI AVALLAOE , clairvoyant ; naturally
KlfU > d ; tolls past und tnture.lovo troubles ,
ubsont friends , changes , travel , business Klj °
1'arnatn st. AI3.VJ 2i
MH ? . KOUT , palmist fortune teller In the
Gypsy , way from the lines of tbo hand :
fee. ( I ; ladles only. BIB N , 17th st. 153'Jl *
PASSAGE Madam Delzlor. over fill ) S. inth.
L M 10I-MO'
MItSJ. Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance
speaking , writing" nnd rcllabln' buslneia
medium , four years In Omalia. 110 N. IGth. 81,1
Forruttsetc.sectopof Jlret column ontlili page.
CAIiIor wrltos for catalogues nnJ Invcstl-
catu the merits of the Sitwli 1'remlor type
writer. Manifestly HUperloVfeatures. . Im
portant chances mndo. 'Vype-wrltcrs sold ,
exchaiiRo or runted. IGOOliTFitriiam at. , K II.
Mayhow , maniiKui- " ? ' 8711
Ilnrrataicc.iieei ( ( ( o/Jlriitqyjjjn { on thtipagc.
MASSAOH bath at Sladaililj mltirs parlors ,
! U1 lloor. 70o 3. 13tll at. n ( ) , let i5' ! ,
ASSAUi : MadanUelzlcl bverBlo S. nth.
* , Jl 10I-MO *
_ i rl" | LJI _ _ _ _ _ i
yarniten , tte. , tee topofjlnt oillmu enid ( page.
. Co. , lleo bullciliiK.OmnlTtfillrancliotUco at
I ) , u. ConsulHUUm freu 873
Forru ( tte. , tte top of flnt column on ( Jilt page.
FItKD Mohloloam mon.oy on diamonds uud
Wfttchej.Jeweii > yQtc. aiicor.l'urnam i : 11th
Notice U hereby Rived that the regular nn- niiiotlns of the stockholders ot the Houtli
I'tatto I nnd company wllVbo hold at the nf-
llcu of said company. In Lincoln. Nub. , on thu
llrst Wednesday In March. IW1. belns the 4th
day of thu month , lly onlornt the board of
dlroptors. n. O. I'liii.ui'.f , Secretary.
Lincoln , Nebraska , February i 1391.
| F-a-d-30-t
Winslow Wilkes ,
The fastest 4-year-old pacing stallion tn the
WorW ,
Rerord2.141-3 , at I zlnvton. Kj. , 3d Dlatk
\Vllhri , tlnm br Alroont 3J. will make Ihu ennn ( if
1W1 at 1001 Vlnion atrvec , Ouahit , Noli. gKAaoM 10(1 (
with uiuilretnrn prUlltgeii.
"The Ruthless Sex"
Is n term applied , to wdmcn 'by a Boston writer. It 5s a slander ,
of course , but'it is an unfortunate fact that the women arc the vic
tims of nervous disorders and troubles which "The Brutal Sex"
the TJostoncse term for the men do not understand or appreciate.
For these troubles and many others that are peculiar to women
Swift's Specific IfcKjjKil is the most potent remedy that has yet
becndiscoverctl.lsSSsS It restores tone and strength to all the or
gans , builds up the system , imparts luster to the eyes , clearness to
the complexion , and urges into bloom the roses of health. Mrs.
Alexander Vaughn , wife of a prominent merchant of Prescott , Ar
kansas , writes : "I owe the preservation of my life under Provi
dence , to | | agJM | 1'or four years my health was wretched , ruined
my life Hfnytr/ll one constant pain , misery and torture. Two
doqtors treated me faithfully these four years , but did me no good-
In 1887 I began taking li aUfl Five bottles of this truly won
derful medicine worked IssSsSJtlic miracle of tny complete and
permanent recovery. "
Treatise on IIIooil and Sltlii IlNcnrn lUnlled Prcc.
India Rubber Glove Co.'s
Including their full line of Laivii Tennis Shoes. They
are the handsomest and neatest fitting Shoe made.
Omaha Rubber Co ,
Wholesale Western Agents.
NO OUREl ! NO F > A.Y.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
cure. Consultationfreo. llooklMy torloi o Ufa ) sent froa. OlUcolioiiM Ua. in. toH p. in. Sunday * U
. . .
n. 111. to 12 m.
IN9TUUMENT3 placed on record February
111. Ib'Jl. '
E V Aylcsworth to Jennie Grady , lot n ,
l.atoy'sHiio $0,000
J O Hiirnnrd to UO Conrad , lot 22. blk8 ,
Itrown 1'ark 500
G A Itnrron to J W Martin , lot 3 , hlk 2 In
subofblkW , Ilunson 200
1 , S Horry and wlfo to D W Lewis. lot30 ,
blk II , Orchard III11 1,000 ,
Snmuol Ootncr and wlfo to Konry I < elsc ,
lot 4 , blk 7 , Hansconi I'hu'o 3WX )
S U II Clnrk , trustee , to Globe li & T Co. ,
loin 1 ami' ' , blk 10. West Side 275
J 1' IJlko to J , J Mtilier , lotMblk8IIans-
COIIll'hlCQ 4.500
Petttr DrtW and wlfo to Malcolm Dow.lot
t , Iilk24. CarthiiKo ndd l.SjO
A 1C IlennlR and wlfo to O 1' Ontlirle , lot
0 , blk4 , Imp A sn add 100
O W Lconils mid wlfo to A V Chrlstoircr-
fion. tlm eastern and soutliuastcrnpart
lotlH , OakHlllNo 2 3M
AChesMud to AD lliick , lot J , Oaln
IMiieo 5,000
O A Nelson nnd wlfo to O A Nelson , w Yt
lot 12 , blk "A. " Prospect Place 300
Omnlin K K k T Co to IIV Hill , lot ir. ,
hlk : i , fcaundors & lllmubnngu's add to
Walmitlllll 000
Itnosmauto E L Aylesvroitb , lot 'J ,
Ijiitoy's sill ) 5,000
Kd I'aulfiun nnd wlfo to J W McDonald ,
lot , 'ill , Paulson's add 4,000
J F KlUlibait anilvlfoto John Caawiok ,
lot 10. blk 40 , hoathUntalm 2,000
GeorjiuTuso ; ; ] and wlfo to Ji L 011-
ohrlst , lot J , blk 34. South Oinnlia 1,100
J W Wacnorand wlfo toMiles.tThomp
son , lot-s' ' , 3 and 4. blk 1 , Sixteenth
Btiuctadtl , and lot 23 , blk 3 , Jllssourl
ave park 1
Guy O Barton and wlfo to Union Paclflo
ralhrav company , lot ( ! , blk GO. Omaha , 1,000
M , ) MclCcllliKin and wife to Guy ( J Ilar-
ton , loto , hlk 00. Omaha 500
Total amount "of transfers J3U.4TO
Notice Is hereby cl ven that sealed bids will
bo received by the Hoard- Trustees of the
vlllasoof WlHiier , Nftraska , front date up un
til seven (71 ( o'clock p. in. , standard time , the
2nd day ot March. 1S9I , for the extension or
the water works system of saldvlllasoof Wis-4
Plans , specifications and dot-ills are on fllo
with the vllliiKO clurk , at his olllcc. where bid
ders may Inspect the paine ; nnd the same shall
bu extended aecitrdln tosald plans , specifica
tions and details , and shall ho completed
within the time named mid of materials men-
All bids must 1jo In writing , filed w 1th the
village clerk , on or boforu seven o'olouic p , m.
standard time. tno2nd day of March , 1HI. )
The Hoard of Trustees reserves tuo right to
rolcot any or all hla ,
The successful bidders will bo required to
give iHinds to snld village of WUner as ro-
cjulri'il by law. . . - , , .
lly order of the Hoard of Trustees of said vil
las o of Wlsnor , this nth day of
[ SEAI/I February. Ifi'Jl. '
Attest : S. S. HKEIIE. Cbalrinnn ,
L. C. KUIMQET , Vlllaa'o Olerk.
, . -
1400 and 1411 Dodge St , OmaLa , Neb ,
-IlUir.DEIIfl OF-
First Glass Carriages ,
The { .ending Styles. The Lowest Prices.
"Wonderful Epanub
Hfoncdr , IJ ( old with a
la euro all Nervou * Il -
eact , ench an Vfcnlc
llemury , I > OM of llraln
Vowor , lloadvchc.
hood ,
iltuJc , all dralua anil
Before & After Uso. IUM of power of the
rhotoftraphtd from life. Guncritlvo Orerani , la
elthrr sex. caused by
oycr-cierUon , youthful lndc cretlon § , or the cxcmlvu
uia of tobacco , opium , or itlmulaoti , which ultimately
Uad to InQrmity , Coniumptlon and Insanity. l"ut up
la conwnlcnt form to carry In toe rot pocket. 1'rtca
II a pack age. or for IS. With ( Teryli order wo giro
a written KU&runteeto cure or refuml the
moner. Scntbymall tnanyaldreu. Circular Ireo.
llentlou thu paper. Addrcaa ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch Office for U.S. A.
< I7 le ) rhorn fitrptt. rniCAOO. III
roil SALE IK OMAHA. NU1. , Ulf
Kubn & Co. , Cor , 13th & batiKlai 8U.
J. A. Fuller & Ca. , Cor. l th & IkniKluSU.
A.D. fiutcr A Co. . Council Bluffi. la.
Tlio IIJMorlo TlinroiiKhfhi-o to Ho
CJriitlrtl anil Improved ,
A spoclnt meeting of tlio Clifton Hill club
was hold Weilncidnjr night. There wcro pres
ent CoimelltimnCooper , A. I'.Tukoy , N. A.
Kuhn , \V. T. Soamnn nnd about ono h unit rod
residents ot Clifton Hill , Crclgliton Hclghti
and Unrkor Pluco mldltlons ,
Tlio assembly was cnlloil to order by I'roa-
idont McCoy , who mniouncod that the moot-
inn luul boon culled for the purposa of consid
ering the Kradtn of Military ixvoutio , secur
ing lire protection , mid the locution ot 11
school house.
Counclliimn Cooper was cntlod upon ntul
stated that , ho believed the waterworks com-
yatiy would put In hydrants sometime during
the summcrbut not before that. With ref
erence to the pradlni ; of Military nvonue , the
councilman said ho hud talked with the
county commissioner * about the iiuttor and
they had expressed n willingness to do tlio
grading ius soon as tlio weuther permitted.
Thi ) city engineer had prepared n profile of
the proposed grndo and several hirtro property
owner * along the road luul promised to sign it
petition nskhiK fer the Knulo.
Mr. A. P. Tuuoy was called for and re
marked that ho was Interested In having the
street graded If it could bo ucmo no as not to
Interfere with the extension of the motor line ,
but the owners of property abutting upon the
street were the ones to decide whether
the work should bo dauo. Ho bud been told
by the county clerk , ho said , that the county
commissioners had no money to do any prad-
ing with and would not have iinv until July.
The only way the street could bo graded
would bo for threo-H f ths of the property-
owners to sign a petition agreeing to bear
the expense. Tnoro was a question if the
street could bo graded this yeir ; , nnd oven if
this could bo done the street could not bo
paved atonco nnd would bo much worse
than it is now. The sidewalks would be torn
ui > and the street made impassible. More
over , the extension of the motor would ba
prevented for another year. Ho thought it
would be best to let the grading question
severely alnno.
Mr. AI. 0. Thaxton thought the
sentiment was In favor of having the street
graded , provided It could bo done without
Interfering with the motor. IIo had talked
with Commissioner Tlmino about the mutter
nnu that gentleman had said that the com
missioners did not have the money to do the
grading , but could do It "on tick. "
Councilman Cooper stated that Mr. Tlmmo
had promised to do all ho could to have the
street graded and Commissioners O'Keoffu
nnd Dorlin had promised the sumo thing. Ho
suggested that n com mil too lie appointed ta
wait upon the commissioners and see what
could bo dono.
Mr. N. A. Kuhn said ho was in favor of
having the street graded , provided It could
lie paved nt once , othcf wise it would be best
to lot it atone.
After further discussion of the matter
Messrs. Tukoy , Cooper and Kuhn were up-
pointed a committee to sco the commissioners
and see what could ho done.
The question of the location of the. proposed
school building was next taken up and after
considerable discussion It was moved and
carried unanimously that the meeting was
In favor of having the school house located at
Forty-second and Ohio streets , mid n com
mittee consisting of Messrs. C. W. Hush. M.
C. Tlwxton and .1. T. Yute < j , was appointed
to draft ix series of resolutions and a petition
asking the board of education to locate the
school at that point , and circulate the same
for signatures.
The question of flro hydrants was then
taken up mid Mr. Tukoy stated that ho had
investigated the matter thoroughly and found
that the present levy would bo only sufllcicnt
to pay for the hydrants already in position
nnd the council was powerless to do anything
for the unprotected suburbs unless the char
ter was amended In such a way rs to put
nioro money In the water fund.
The cotnmittco on. crosswalks reported tlmt
the council had passed an ordinance provid
ing for crosswalks on all the streets lu Ullf-
ton Hill nnd the board of public works would
have them laid as soon as the weather per
The committee on hall reported that ar
rangements had boon made to secure u iml !
for the club at , au early day.
The meeting then adjourned until the next
regular meeting of the club , on the llrst Sat
urday in March.
To the question , which Is your favorite
poem ! there may bo a great variety of
answers , but when asked , which Is your fav
orite blood purifier ? there can only be ono
reply Ayer's Sarsaprilla , because it Is the
purest , safest , and most economical.
It's All in the Fnmlly.
"I have grown sick and tired of this
Mogcath business , and don't want to hear of
It again , " said a county ofllclal yesterday.
A reporter asked him why his spirit wiw
thus troubled. Ho continued i
"Tho now deal makes mo sick. Jeff has
practically turned the office and emoluments
over to his brother , who Is one of his bonds
men. The latter has assumed control of the
ofllco. Jon ? Is to draw only $1,000 a year-
enough to llvo on. merely. Billy English , the
deputy , will bo dismissed when the trouble
| dies down , and Is to ho supplanted by a Mr.
Homer -a relative ot the Mogeaths , Ho will
work for less money than English Is draw
ing. The surplus receipts will fall into the
colters of Bondsman Mogoath , and It Is esti
mated that In three years or the oxplratton of
.left's term , his brother will como out whole
hi the sum no has already advanced to make
up the deficit of the recorder. You sco it's
all in the family , but whether this is going to
satisfy the public Is another question.
"It It uot certain that this plan can bo car
ried out. as Bondsman Murphy has interests
to bo subserved , and I nm told will Insist on
Kngllsh being retained.IIo claims to have
rights which ho will protect. "
Do Witt's tattle Early Risers. Best ilttlo
pill over made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use thorn now ,
JJou't Fool Yourself !
Notwithstanding nil rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Pnul lly's now fitoain heated mince
sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights in
every berth , " still leavea the Union de
pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. dully , arriv
ing at Chicago nt 90 : ! ! a. in. , in ample
time to make nil custom connections.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Furnitm sL *
J. E. Puns-fox , F. A. NASH ,
C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt.
Washington IHrtlidny Masquerade.
The following committee appointments
hava been made for the Washington birth
day masquerade to bo eivon Saturday evenIng -
Ing In Blum's hall by the Magic City cornet
band : Arrangements Messrs. J , U. Knight
nml James \V. Ball. Uecoptlon Me.snrs ,
George W. Hall and Adolph Westphal.
Floor Messrs. Harry Bachmau and James
ITarroll. Music 'Che band.
To restore , thicken , nnd give yona luxuri
ant growth of hair , to keep Its color natural
as in youth , and to remove dandruff , usu
only Hull's ' Hair Honower.
Knstor Monday Dtxnco.
Court Magto City , No. 109 , I. O. F. . will
give an Ku.stcr Monday dance. Messrs.
A. M. Gallagher , Captain .lolm J.
Sexton , James II. Fleming , Edward -
ward E. Lowry , Fred Bomley , George Baust
and James McGnlro have been appointed a
committee on general arrangements. This
committee will meet Saturday evening lu
Itowloy's hall.
Mrs. M. Schnonbergor , Beaver Dam. , Wis. ,
writes : ' 'Wo have used Dr. Thomas' Klectrio
Oil in our family for coughs , coUH , croup nud
rheumatism. U cures every time.
OP Arkansas and All I'oInU Koutli.
Take the Wnhaslr ; the best and quick
est route. Only ! 18 hours to the Hot
Springs , 40 to Now Orleans , fi'2 to Jacksonville -
sonvillo , OU to Tampa , with correspond
ing fnfat time to all points south. Ito-
cluiini , ' chuir and Pullman bullet sloop-
ng curs on nil .trains.
Hound trip tickets now on wile nt
( rreatly reduced nit s. For tlukots mid
full information civil nt the \Vabaah
ticket olllco , 1502 Knrimm btroot or
wrlto G. N. CLAYTON , Ajjont.