Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Oouncil's ' Muddle Orer the Now Eleo-
tiio Light Ordlnanco ,
jflut TIiRii Ills Change. nCtlm Ordinance
Dill n't , I'lcnso 3tr. Popplnton
Mr. Wiley JUB an Kx-
City Attorney Poppleton is not well pleased
with the- changes that have been nmdo In
the ordinance granting a franchise to the
Ballon clcctrlo light company , and Inspoalc-
inp upon the subject saldj
"I drew and reported to the council or de
livered to tlio chairman of the judiciary com-
mlttcc nn ordinance upon this subject. That
ordlnanco I thought reasonably safe for the
city , though not claiming any special
linowloJffo of the subject with which it deals.
"Tho ordlnnnco which was afterwards re
ferred to mo differs with my draft In three
respects , somewhat radically.
"Tho original ordinance limited the fran
chises to the Ballou electric
light manufacturing company. The
present ordinance ) as it Is bcforo the city
council , grants to that company nnd its assigns ;
thus making ttio franchises transferable ! .
The tranfer , however , ! required to receive
the approval nnd consent of the council.
"Tho original ordlnnnco that I prepared con
tained a clause providing that the city of
Ornatm , nt anj time , slio'ilJ have the right to
purclmsQ the property in question upon an ap-
pntidod value. This provision la stricken out
of tlio now ordinance.
"Tho original ordlnanco contained a provi
sion npnlnst consolidating tlio stock , fran
chises or oarnlngs with any other olectrio
light company. The present ordinance simply
prohibits consolidation of Ita stock or earn
ings with any other electric Hcht company
operating in the city of Omaha nt the thno of
the passage of this ordinance. The power to
niter , nmcndnnd repeal Is stricken out 61 tno
now ordinance.
"Asido from thcso tiirro changes I sco no
other changes In tha ordinance winch I regard
as material. Thcso changes are radical nnd
ngalmit my Judgment.
"it does not nnpear for what nurposo the or
dinance was referred to mo in the first
place. If it was simply to pass upon its le
gality In form , I can sco no objection to It on
thiitscoro , hut If passed , t think it would ho
a valid ordinance. "
Councilman Morcnrty , chairman of the
Judiciary , to which the original ordlnanco
was rolerrcd , said : "Yes , I mndo the
changes of which Air. I'opplcton speaks , nnd
I hud my reasons for doing so. In the first
place , the ordinance wns so closely drawn thai
thlslclectric llyht company could not have
compiled with its provisions and I niado the
Changes In order that It may como
into the city , do business and furnish us with
cheap liKbt. If the ordinance goes through
in Its present form I know the company will
como to Omaha nnd oxoend nt least $50,000
this neason , but if this same ordinance
should bo nmcudcd so as to conform to Attor
ney Popploton's ideas , It could not possibly
accept the franchise , as it would bo required
to perform Impossibilities. "
Mr. Wiloy of the Now Omaha Thompson-
Houston company said : "I know that the
ordinance drafted by Mr. Eoppleton was ns
f ixvor.iblo as imy reputable company cou Id ask
for , and n company that desired to do busi
ness in n fair and squuro manner would have
no dlfllculty In complying with its terms.
" 1 do not care to speak or this
Ballon company , as it is called ,
ns I do not regard it as a competitor. Its
capital must certainly he limited , nsit is
only doing business in Plattsuiouth , where it
is running two dynamos and a email ulant.
"Tho idea of a company doing business in
Omaha and expecting to ox pond only & 0.000
in a system and plant is somewhat ridicu
lous. At the present time our company has
a paid up capital of $ ( XXOOU. This is all in
vested in our Omaha system und $100,000 ad
ditional , so you see $50,000 would not go very
far in lighting streets , stores and other build
"If the council wants competition wo nro
satisfied , but wo want a company to como
hero that will invest .somo money nnd bo a
credit to the prosperity of the city ,
"Whether or not wo nro Riving good service -
ice Is best evidenced by tlio work that wo
nro doing. , At the present thno wo have moro
than nine thousand lights In operation and
nro behind with onr orders.
"As 1 said before , I do not want to say
anything to injure the Bnllou company , but
it is too small a concern to try and do busi
ness in Omaha. Wo shall not do anything
to prevent the granting of this franchise ,
nor shull wo lay n straw in the way to pre
vent the now company from coming hero ,
though I have my reasons for anticipating
their objects. I might as well say what the
objects of this company nro.
"Tho men at the head of the concern
merely wish to got a franchise nnd then sell us or the gas company , and thus nxlso
a staxo.
"How do I know thlsl
"Ueforo the company applied for Its fran
chise the nan at the head of the Plnttsmouth
concern came to us three times with propo
sitions to sell , but as there was nothing wo
wanted , wo could not entertain any prouo-
Billons. "
"Aycr's medicines have boon satisfactory
to mo throughout my practice , especially
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , which has been used
by many of my patients , ouo of whom says
lie knows It saved his life. P. L.Morris , M.
D. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
That Test of Iiond.
Mr. Hodges , superintendent of the test do-
partmuntof the Union Pacific , takes excep
tions to the Horn published Wednesday con
cerning the error of tlio Union Pacific In
using u carload of silver bullion for lead. Mr.
Hodgoi admits that a bull was made , but
says it was mndo hy the storekeeper's ' de
partment and not by the test department.
Ho presents the following loiter from the
smaltcrouiclals :
OMUIA , Neb. , Fob. 10. II. B. Hodges ,
Esq. : Dear Sir Replying to your request
for analysis of mouil used In error by the
Union Pacific supply department , I will
state It wns practically pure lead. It con
tained ! MO of 1 per cent of gold nnd
silver , possibly J per cent of impure
oxides on the top surface of the pigi. It wns
fully ' > ' > pca < cent motnlllu lead and purer than
n number of brands of commercial load sold
in eastern markets. Yours truly ,
' E.V. . NVSII , Treasurer.
Kiititlcd tn the Host.
AU nro entitled to the best that their money
Will buy , so ovorv family should have , nt
once , a bottle of the host family remedy ,
Syrup of Figs , to eleanso the system when
costive or bilious. For sale in Mo and f 1 bot-
tlesby all leading druggists.
Iloiuls lor 1'ulillo Works.
"It is Impossible for mo to say how much
paving , curbing and sewerage wo can lay
this summer , " remarked Mayor Gushing
yesterday. "If the amended charter passes
tuo legislature WOO.OOO will bo available for
this i > u'ri > o3o. but if It docs not wo have
reached t ho limit until the next tax Is collectable -
able , unless that city hall matter should bo
settled. ,
"Somo claim that the city hall bonds are
included In the general bonded indebtedness ,
but I am of a different opinion , as the supreme
premo court has held In the cast ) ot counties ,
that where bonds uroIssued for the construc
tion of n court house , the amount cannot bo
considered as IHng for internal Improve
ments. If the courts should hold tlio 9111110 in
our CMSO , wo would have a large amount to
expend , to say nothing of the nmount that
would como in U tlio amended charter
posses. "
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup for Chil
dren Teething relieves thu child from imla.
25 cents a bottlo.
Fiincrnlof Mlm Cltirkson.
Funeral services over tlio remains of Miss
Cecelia M. Cuirkson , daughter of Postmaster
T. S. Clnrkson , were held yesterday after f
noon nt too family residence , 5003 Uodgo
street. The ceremonies were appropriate
nnd simple nnd were conducted by Donn
Gardner. There was nothing nbout the oe-
auion of an ostentatious nature , as the fam
ily desired no especial demonstration. In
sadness of heart tha family and friends fol-
lowed Iho remains to ProipocMlIll cemetery ,
whore they were tenderly Interred. The
family has the Mnccro nympnthy ot a vary
IIIPKO circle of friend * , wlio foot the loss of
the loving spirit that 1ms none.
Homo nnd Horse.
"There goes u man , " said ono of the
melancholy relics of the stock boom days
who was holding up n cornorof Pauper's
alloy the other morning , says the San
Francisco Examiner , "there goes a man
who got tlio best of a couple of stock
brokers once. "
" 01 got out that don't go , " said a
coupio moro of the same fraternity , who
were helping the first speaker.
"Fact though , " said the relic. "It
wns thin way : Ilo was a mechanic , or
something , doing well at the time it
wna just after the big Alta cinch but
lie bucked the game and got cleaned out ,
like the rest ot us. lie was getting
pretty low and hungry when ho
struck n pclioino. There were a
couple of brokers living just oppo
site his little house , nnd so this fellow
procured a big bundle of these Imitation
greenbacks they use for advertising pur
poses and sat at his window all day ono
Sunday , counting "cm " over. Before ho
got through bo saw the blinds across the
way gently close , and ho knew the Cali
fornia street follows wcro piping him off.
That night nbout 1 ! n. in. , the mechanic
unlocked his back door and stood behind
it with a rusty old pistol in his hand. lie
hadn't long to wait. Pretty soon the
fumbling of a skeleton key was heard
and tlio two neighbors crept iu with
overshoes on and a jimmy and dark lan
tern in their hands. The poor man shut
the door , locked it and leveled his pis
"Como , gentlemen , " ho said , in nn
olT-handod way. "A moment's reflection
will convince you that I have been giv
ing you a 'pointer , ' steered you against
a 'deal from the inside , ' ns it woro.
Now , then , I'll hnvo to ask you to put up
Bema more margin. The assessment
will bo about $150 j'jf head. "
"It'rt a pretty strong market to fill *
on , " said onu of the brokers , "but I
'sposo we'll have to cover our shorts , "
and then they dug down all these fel
lows had coin then and they put up tlio
margin required.
"And I say , boys , " said the mechanic ,
aa they ( sorrowfully slid out , "if ypu
think any of the other follows would bo
apt to bite at a soft thing just put Jcm
onto the deal , will you there's nn eighth
in it for you. And , by Jove , before ho
got through lie pretty uoarlv won out.
Fact. "
No griping , no nnusoa , no pain when Do
Witt's ' Little Knrlv Hisera nro taken. Small
pill. Safe pill , first pill.
Attacked hy .Elk.
Reports have been frequently received
ahout gold having hecn found in anil
about the banks of Elk river , which
Hews into the southeastern portion of
Gray'n harbor , and in some instances
oven the color has been shown , says a
correspondent of the Seattle Press. A
couple of days ago Elisha Skc n deter
mined to probe this mutter for his own
satisfaction , nnd therefore started out on
a prospecting trip. Fortunately for him
ho carried along his rillo. After having1
examined tot quite a time the low-lying
borders of the river
, ho ascended a
pretty stoop activity. Upon reaching
the top ho espied a herd of elk. The
ascent had boon dilllcult and ho could
not retrace his stops without incurring
trroat danger. Ho hud , therefore no al
ternative but to face the wild "eritters , "
of which there was quito a number. The
apparent loader , o. fine largo buck , was
particularly prominent. Scarcely had
Mr. Skecn gained a firm footing on the
upland , to which ho had ascended with
such dilllculty , when the big loader
made a charge at him. Mr. Skoon
dodged behind the stump of a tree , but
the oik wheeled around nnd charged
again. By this time Mr. Skeon
had got nls shooting iron in readi
ness and let the infuriated beust
hnvo its contents. They passefl through
the shoulder and penetrated its heart ,
and Mr. Elk sank to the ground defunct.
Mr. Skeon returned homo and the day
following ho and two other men started
to pack In the carcass. It took the throe
able-bodied men two full days to pack
the meat out of the woods to "the edge of
the river , nnd they carried only the
clean solid moat. They brought down
the hide and head and horns , which lat
ter span about four foot from point to
point and have five prongs each. The
animal is estimated to have weighed
1,200 pounds.
The three outlets of disease are the bowels ,
the skin nnd the kidneys. UcBulnto thcirnc-
tlon witn the beat nurifyinttoule , Burdock
Blood Bitters.
A Moral In This.
Congressman W. C. P. Breckenrldgo
of Kentucky was , in his early days , a re
porter on a western paper. Ills courtesy
to newspaper men , even at his bussiost t
moments , when intoruption greatly in
convenienced him , hiiB often "been com
mented upon. The white-haired Kon-
Uickinn hnd gone behind the stage , after
a brilliant speech , last summer in Phil
adelphia , to catch a few minute's rest
before making another in.a , hall across
the street. It was a hot , sultry night ,
and prespiration was Pouring down the
congressman's faco. Ilo loolced wilted ,
uncomfortable , tired out.
A reporter's card was handed to him.
" 'Toll him to como in. " "But congress
man you must have some rest"protested
a man solicitous of his welfare , "and
you know you will have to speak again
In a few minutes. " "That doesn't matter -
tor , " was the quick roply. Turning to
the man nt his sldo , the congressman
said : "I always see a reporter , I used
to bo ono. The one person to whom the
greatest consideration should bo given is
a newspaper reporter.'J When ox-Con-
grossman Breckinridgo's son was mndo
editor of the college paper at Princeton
ho wrote to hia boy , tolling him that ho
was more pleased over it than If ho hnd
told him that ho was Ural-honor man.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
HolMINcipliiu ; .
"Al Burton , the gambler , is a great
big follow , over six foot , nnd weighing
ever two hundred pounds"says the Cin
cinnati Enquirer. Ono of his peculiari
ties is punishing nimsolf when ho loses
his money or dooa anything that after
thought suggests to his mind as foolish ,
I remember a story I heard some time
ago. Burton had been playing faro
bank nnd had lost quitf a nuni of money.
Ho wont to his room , nnd the man who
occupied the next room declares that ho
spout the balance of the night marching
up and down , and at every ate ] ) swearing
nt himself somewhat after this fashion :
'You thought you know nil about faro ,
didn't you ? You old fool , that's
what you nro , ' und so on.1 Finally ho
laid himself out on the table , folded his
arms and rolled off on the llonr. This is
a favorite Way ho has of punishing
himself , and , boiug such n largo man , is
dojubtloss very olloctlvo. "
Homo Pumpkins.
Mrs. ITtittio S. Jones , who residua a
short distance below Yuba City , sent in
a wagon load of'iuiiupkins which for izo
will compare with any wo have ever BOOH ,
says the Suitor , Cal. , Independent. Ono
pumpkin pulled down 155noundsaiii3 ! they
were all very oven size. Eight of thot > o
immense vegetables grow on a fslnglo
vine , making 1,200 pounds. If anybody
has any bigger pumpkins , bring 'otn in
or scud ua word.
Charles Woostor Writes an Open Letter to
the Alllonco Dictator.
The "Onicfal Ilcncl" of ttio State
Alllnnoo Tonatcd to a
Itim liy nn "Ilx-
pcllcil" Member.
Str.vnn CnnEK , Nob. , Fob. IB. To Jay Bur
rows , Ksq. Dear air : ID wrlltnpf you nn
open latter , as ' I utn no\v about to do , 1 must
apologize nt'tho outset for not addressing
you as "brother. " In the first place , from
your standpoint , I niu not a member of the
ulll.inco &o that possibly I b vo no right to
thus address you , and in the second place , to
do so might bo nn act of great presumption
on my part , as will appear furltibr on. And
yet In not doing so I nm , perhaps , equally
guilty of as great Irrovoronco.
IJoforrlns to my so-called expulsion from
the alliance , 1 rcmcmbor that you ouco said
In the "olllciul organ" that you know nothing
of It until It was reported to the secre
tory In the rarulnr way ; novortholoas I
nm credibly Informed that that act on tlio
pnrtof my homo clllaiico wns the result of
an order from "headquarters" to tliu effect
that Wooitor should bo "flrcd" without
charges belnf ? preferred ; nnd so. us thoronra
always Inslgnitlcant fellows ready to do the
dirty work of nn arbitrary and lawless su
perior , a few of that sort madi ) n sucak and
11 red Woostor accordingly.
Now. I make no complaint on this score , hc-
eauso I well undcrstnnd that dictators are not
very much governed by law , and then , too ,
there was somoshow of propriety in that pro
cedure from the fact thtil It was well known ,
at "headquarters" that no charges against
Wooster could bo formulated that could bo
mndo to stick , whereas It wns equally well
known thut If Wooster remained in the
alliance ho could , and probably would pro/or
charges agalust certain parties nt headquar
ters that ho could , and would , make slide.
Therefore thorn was a peculiar beauty in
such hiroic action. So far , such tactics scorn
sit < work very well in the alliance , but wticn
you coiuo to try them on the supreme court
and constitution of Nebraska you found you
wcro butting your head against a stouu wall.
But this Is merely Incidental.
IiP In a recent issue of the "ofllclal organ" ap
pears this query : "Is Charles Wooster still
camping on Jay Burrows' Trail ! " No
Jay. I am not. I only agreed to do that thing
until November last , nnd I think you can
testify that In this I Icopt my word , even If I
did violate every obligation I ever took as a
member of the alliance , as you ouco lylngly
assorted lu the "ollldal organ. " ( I bog your
pardon ' , Jay. I take back tlmtgeiulo Imputa
tion against your voracity. 1 him forgotten
for the moment that you had cast oil your
earthly habiliments , so to speak , and
hail assumed the dignity of a god.
Iiv must bo moro caicful , or you will
write mo down as a blasphemer
along with Church Howe. ) Since that time ,
being satisfied that my harpoon had entered
vour vitals , 1 have bceu content to stand and
look on and sco you froth and fotim and
slosh about in the soup , deeming it only nec
essary for mo occasionally to give you a
little 1 ! moro line.
Perhaps I ought not to have said that you
had assumed the dignity of a god ,
siftco you huvo not been formally in
augurated as such. Ideiiro always to keep
strictly within the bounds of truth. But you
were not formally inaugurated as dictator ,
and yet you slid quietly and gracefully into
that position and no one socmcd to know it
until you were at the height of your glory ;
and , after two years or moro of absolute sway ,
none among your subjects questioning your
authority , save ono or two insUrulHcant ful-
loWs , no ono could tell just \vhon
your reiga began , 'i'ho signs of the
tunes are portoutious o your coming
glory , and after Jong reflecting on the tyr
anny of the corporations and the corruption ,
venality and general cussedness of the old
parties , especially of the "g. o. p. , " as con
trasted with your own spotless purity , you
must havajittalnod a very exalted frauio of
mind , so that you will drop into tlie Mossiati-
shlp as easily as you had previously douo
into i the dictatorship , with the self-conscious
ness that even then you are tatdngsoinethlng
far short of the ] uat reward of your most
excellent methods.
I observe that in a formal note addressed
to the supreme court , you resign the ofllco of
dictator , to prepare the way , I suppose , and
the minds of the people , for your now role.
And yet , except on the principal that the
greater includes the less , I cannot sec whv
you should have resigned. Better get all
you can and keep all you get like your first
lieutenant who holds four or five different
ofllcos and is now a claimant for another. But
really , Jay , do you think deciding on so
important u step without first advising with
mo was iu very good form !
I observe also that since election very
largo amount of space iu the "ofllclal organ"
is weekly filled with resolutions from differ
ent ullinnces over the state commendatory of
yourself ; in fact the entire paper , save the
patent matter , seems ( o bo devoted to telliu
what you think and what others think of
you. You seem to have forgotten the prom ifl
ise made your srbscribers a year or two
ngo to employ able writers on
your paper. And why should
you do so siuco your own ideas nro so very
much superior ? And then , too , they don't
cost you n red cent. Now , Tin : Bun. for instance , -
stance , is at great expense to publish the
news from the four corners of the earth even
unto the hour of going to press , whereas the
"ofllclal organ" publishes next to no news nl t
nil , not even allfanco news. But then the
former labors under the disadvantages of be !
ing presided over by an ordinary mortal 1 ,
while the destinies of the luttor are
guided by ono who ranks the second person
of the trinity.
You may remember that in the "ofllcinl
organ" cf December 13 you printed , with
your approval , the following resolution :
"Kesolved , By Maple Grove alliance No.
5M1 , that we hold Hon. J. Hurrows as far
above Kosewater as Jesus ( Jurist is above his
Satnnio majesty. "
Now this , taken in connection with thofacl
of your resignation of the dictatorship anc
other corroborating circumstances , conclu
sively proves my contention that you
had assumed , or wcro about to assume ,
the aignity of a pod , for if you as much
auovo Hosowntcr as Christ is above the
devil , as the Maple Grove brethren afllrm , ii
necessarily follow that you nro above Christ
unless It bo claimed that Hosowatcr i
meaner than tno devil , which that gentle
man's worst enemies would scarce aflinn.
Nowtho devil , In orthodox clrcloj , is sup
posed to bo the qulntoscence of cussed'
ness , whereas Uosowator , with n
his faults has some good points.
Bo , then , dear Juy , I salute theu as the now
Messiah. Happy nm I that I have lived to
see this day , nnu thrice happy that in these
hard times I shall not now have to build tliu
brasn monument to your memory which . '
promised you during the campaign last fall
for gods don't need brass monuments.
liut , dear Jay , don't ' imagine that you
hnvo now escaped your enemies. Whei
Pllato said of Christ that ho found no
fault in him , so much tbo moro the people
demanded his life , and as Christ was dcnfcc
by 1'otor and botrnyed by Judos , so there are
some members of the alllanco who will deny
you or betray you for the gold of the pinto
crats. But bo ot good cheer. Fear then ,
not. All you have to do is to got on order
from headquarters to "lire them without
charges being preferred. "
Already wo have a case in point. In the
' ollleial organ" of January 31 Is tuls resolu
tion :
"Kesolvod , Hy Box Elder alliance
No. 803 , that , while we respect Brother Bur
rows as a man , * * * yet wo romoin
her that he 1s only mortal.and wo do not hold
him as Immortal with Jesus Christ"
These brethren say this by way of o
tioa to the resolution of Alaplo Grove allhuic
nbovo quoted , and then they proceed h
another resolution to urge the brethren generally
orally "to have a care lest the puoplo ho cou
vlnced that the alliance has mororovorona
for nrathor Burrows than for our ( iod.1
Getting to bo a "bigger man than oil
Grant " aren't
, you JayJ
Hut Jay , my bump of veneration Is no
very large , and I am half inclined to
sldo with the Box Kldcr brethren
You are much too modest. It wa
ii ot necessary that you should liuvo mibllshei
these last resolutions so as to lot the peopli
know that thera was even ouo alliance in tbi
sUto that dU not think you wure a groatoi
personage than Jenus Christ.
And now , dear Jay , lot mo admonish yon
tintjour HttlORiunoof bltlff andclf-n.inmi > -
lon l < About played ; the lion'n akin
vlll not conceal tha Jong earn of the
s. tevon the honest farmer Is beginning to
cnctrato the thin veil 6f hypocrisy that tuts
lorotoforo covered the liitKcdnoM of your
harnctor anil ho 'will soon bo nbla
o estimate you ot your trjto value , which I
pprchand , will bo loilnd to bo nbout the
equivalent of nn ordinary government sliln-
iliutcr nftcr the colliifcuuvlilch | will Innvlt-
bly follow the adoption. If unfortunately
ucli a thine should ovtitf occur , of the Karen
ron \ ! .
convfrtlblo-Dond-farin-inorgago i sclicmo of
making ii i everybody rich. Members of the leg-
slnturo. too , are beginning to discover the
rulncrabillty of thenrmorof their once in-
alllblo dictator , nnd that their Moses
md led them out of the wildernoij only to
ice them Ignomlnlously perish In the pitfalls
hat ho himself had tmwlttlngly digged for
hom. And let mo say to you rw a friend that
am Inclined to think you are a little too late
n your efforts to work the Messiah racket.
The Msjslnh business was knocked
out at the battle of Wounded Kneo.
f you had been a little moro pre
vious , you might at least have mndo n
'sug little sum a. * prollts on tlio sale of ghoit
shirting to lay by for a rainy day along with
ronrprollls in your late pewter uadgo opera-
Ions. Your assumption of divlno attributes
lught , however , at least to save you the
'aether trouble and expense of continuing to
iroclaini In the "ofllclal organ" that you are
ibovo tlin reach of corporate Intlucnco and
that you cannot bo bought with gold.
And now in concluding with assurances of
my most distinguished consideration , lot mo
caution you to tnko no offense If tlio common
lord continue to refer to you oa the dictator.
.That titln has become so familiar to them
hatltvlll probably follow you to the end of
four carper.
tVgoiu , I say , all hall to the now Messiah 1
The Deacon's Straight FMuHli.
Deacon Johnson hfid sat iu hard luck
all the evening. Once ho had Blood
"pat" on n "busted Hush , " but Hubo
3ivls : , on the opposite sldo of the table ,
md seen hia riviso and gene him "fo1
lollahs" bettor , reports the Now York
ilorald. The deacon , nftor throwing
clown hia cards in disgust , lind imulo the
painful discovery that Kubo , too , hud
Hilda " /o / * Hush"as ha had expressed
It , inferior in vnluo to his own. Than
; ho doncoti had wisely concluded that
"L'warnt no use to buck agin dia liyur
7111110 , nohoff. " However , ho hold on ,
.Ictormincd , upon ono Html ogort to re
coup his losses. *
Ho was indeed playing- . hnrd luck.
[ Ie had coino into the game with $10 in
cash , which ho luul dropped during the
ifrst halt hour. Mr. Davis was already
oyoinpr tho. deacon's now winter overcoat -
coat , which had boon presented to thut
oUiuial by an admiring constituency , nnd
upon which Mr. Davis hold iirst lieu to
the extent of $7.60.
I'otoVhifllos had nbout hold his own.
Tlnstua Jenkins and Cy Dodbon wuro
now at tlio game , but ns t hey had played
their cards "closo to thoirstuminicks , "
as Mr. Davis liad observed , tlioy were
but small losers ; . The deacon , then ,
was the heavy IOSOK nnd against Mr.
Davis , who hold moatof the securities in
the way of cash and , chips and sundry
personal clTects. ho boat all the energies
for the final rail- .
The deacon's chance came when the
last jack pot was dealt. He hold four
diamonds and looked hopeful and happy.
Mr. Davis opened the pot on two pairs.
The rest stayed in , and the deacon , re
marking that ho had boon playing skit
tles long enough , " 'raised Mr. Davis $0.
"Jes fo1 fun , " hoisaid. At this all
dropped out except Mr. Davis , who said
said that ho'd stiiy in "jos fo' sosluibil-
ity. " Then came tha draw.
Mr. Davis drew another king , giving
him a "Icing full. " Ho looked
and confident. Tha jjcacon could hm-dlv
repress an exultant smile as another
diamond fell to his lot. '
"Well , Ruba , " observed the deacon ,
; yo' 'poars mighty soshublo ; what yor
goin' to doV"
"Guess I'll hist her fo' a dollah's
wufF , " replied Mr. Davis carelessly.
"Now , see hyar , " remarked the deacon -
con with emphasis , "wo"a boon bucking
agin each ether all nicht ; so jes' to end
things right hyar , I raise you twenty
dollahs. "
This necessitated a second mortgage
upon the overcoat and furtjior lions
upon tlio deacon's silver snuffbox and
gold-rimmed spectacles.
"Well , " remarked Mr. Davis , after
considerable deliberation , "I wouldn't
like to see the doucon leave these hyar
rooms without no clo'es oil , so I well , I
jes' calls. "
With this ho laid his king full upon
the table with an air of triumph.
' No good , " said the deacon , laying
his cards down one by ono. "Hyars u
straight flush ace , king , oueon , jack
an' an1 ( then came an ominous pause )
fo' do Lord's sake ' '
, gen'lomen , I'se nmdo
a mistake ! " and then the deacon sank
into his scat as if suddenly seized with
The last card was au eight spot which
the deacon in his nervous excitement
had mistaken for a ton.
"Doan wan tor bo too hard on the dotv
con , " observed Mr. Davis as ho put on
the former's overcoat preparatory to
leaving , "so I'll jos leave him his glass
es. " Tha company then dispersed.
From the pulpit on the following Sun
day the Itov. Careful Smith announced
that "as Brother Johnson had impru
dently gone out on Friday evening with
out liis overcoat ho hnd contracted u severe -
voro cold in Ills lungs which pievonted
his attendance , nnd would Brother Ilou-
bon Davis bo kind eaough to pass the
phvto in his stead , "
Brother Davis , after carefully remov
ing the deacon's overcoat and hiding it
under tlio seat , cheerfully assented to the
tusk thus imposed upon him.
.Thsy I'luyccl Hall.
Marcus Aurolius Smith is the delegate
from Arizona and owes his popularity to
a game of baseball , eays the Glob I-
Democrat. Mark Smith is a Ifontuck-
ian , and when ho struck Tombstone , in
188J , ho was regarded ns n "tenderfoot. "
One afternoon soon nftor Smith's arrival
in Tombstone tlioro'was ' a game of ball ,
and , thinking to have some fun with the
tenderfoot from the states , the boys got
Smith to umpire thO'game. In a little
while there was a [ general row and
"Mnrlc" was called upon to decide some
knotty point. Ho "made his decision ,
hut , of course , it was nsatlsfactory , and
the row continued. It looked us if the
tunpiro was about to'bo'dono up , and the
Kentuckian was equal to the emergency ,
"Horo , you follows , play ball , " shouted
tlio umpire in a business-like way , and
at the sumo time emphasizing his com
mand by reaching uador hia coat-tails
and producing acouplo.of very ugly six-
shootora. They continued , hut no fur
ther attempt was ovorj made to guy the
tenderfoot from Kentucky , nnd ilo ul
once became popular .
\Vliul Donation I'nrty.
According to the Register man San
Jncinto , California , la quite a
place. Hour him : ' 'Occasionally these
little sand storms are a ? good na a dona
tion party , 'as they usually store up a
large heap of useful articles in the back :
yard , where their wild career is arrostet
by u big wood pile. The zephyrs of sev
eral days-ago deposited in our wood pile ,
hesidos conaldorablo real estate , i
clothes basket , a halo of hay and Bovornl
bundles of shingles that hail arrived ono
atatimo. At tills writing the breeze is
capering gently without , and when it
ceases its playfulness wo will proceed to
the backyard and gather in the spoils ,
\Vo are looking for"a parlor stove and i
few ether light articles. "
Van Iloutoa's Cocoa Lrfitvest sale hi tha
A.11 Seeds Should Bo Thorouglil ; Tested
Before Planting Time ,
To Prevent Scours In Calves ncnofl-
cotit KlToct. < > ! ' 1'tiro l < "oml I < a\vs
Clilckcn Ilonso I'Vrtllizcr
Hut tor Milking ,
The seed question is ono Hint recurs
o tlio farmer every year , and whether
10 grows all of his own seeds or pur
chases them from the seedsman , the im-
KH-lanco of possessing and planting only
ho very best is just tlio simo ; In cither
case , writes C. S. Walters in tlio i'ntc- Farmer. Agricultural stations try
o help the farmers in the practical work
of testing seeds and giving the results of
heir investigations to the public.
Vxrmors who grow their own seeds
nroly succeed In gathering only the
purest nnd best , for there nro many
.hings operating against them , such as
ho lack of proper facilities of soil , posi-
lon and cultivation which the seedsman
can possess. It is very seldom that
ho farmer can grow as good seeds as
, hose who nmko a specialty of it , for
, ho crops are to him the main object of
planting the seeds , and the seed harvest
only nn incident. The rovorsa is true of
the seedsman.
In handling his own seeds the farmer
should , therefore , bo careful to test
.hem before planting. After they have
jccn gathered and packed away during
the early winter many will die , lose
iholr germinating powers , or become
.njured by excessive heat and cold.
Worms will eat into ethers nnd ruin
ihcin so far as growth is concerned.
Cunumcrablo ether accidents may befall
ihoin , which must bo discovered before
, hey are used for planting. Another
.hlng in gathering seed , spurious seeds
of plants and weeds will sometimes got
mixed with them , and the percentage
of good ones will bo very small. Trials
or tests of seeds should , therefore ,
always bo made , and the relative per-
coiitngo of good ones ascertained. This
should bo done especially with pur-
chased seeds. Tlio agricultural stations
do this for the farmers to a certain ex
tent , but cultivators thomsclvors should
conduct a private test In tholr own
homes. There nro many frauds imposed
upon farmers by irresponsible seed
dealers , and the responsible ones fre
quently sulToi. * from the deceptions.
Sand made to resemble small beed are
sometimes mtxcdw itli them to increase
the bulk ; spurious kinds nro mixed
with the gonuinearticle , nnd old seeds ,
whether or not they retain their vitality
tor uaoro than aj year , aio mixed with
the fresh ones. Not unfrcquontly the
seeds of noxious weeds which resemble
these of good plants nro mixed in with
bho seeds ollorcd for sale. An export
botanist can easily detect the spurious
ones , but tlio average cultivator can not ,
and it is thus almost necessary for his
own protection that ho should test them
to ascertain their relative percentage of
good and bad seedn.
This testing process must bo done in
the winter time. If seeds are to bo
bought , only purchase enough of ono
brand to plant in a few boxes in the
house. Have the boxes in a warm room
illled , with fine soil , nnd give the seeds
sulllcicnt depth nnd moisture. The idea
is to make their surroundings as favor
able as possible , and then if thov germinate -
minato well in the boxes , but fail to
como up properly in the field , the culti-
vntor can conclude that it is duo to the
lack of proper cultivation. In this way
ono can find out where the blanio is ;
whether it rests with the seedsman
or with the cultivator. The seeds
should bo counted , and then the
number of plants that como up , so that
the relative percentage of good and bad
may bo ascertained. The germinating
powers of old seed should bo tried in the
same way. Such a test garden would
not require much labor , and it would
servo an important lesson to the culti
vator. It would also bo a good practice
to get a collection of all the different
kinds of noxious woods which are fre
quently mixed with good seeds , and put
them in bottles to bo labolod. The cul
tivator should bo b tanist enough for
this. Ho should conduct a little experi
ment nnd study garden of his own. In
the end the cultivator would bo wiser ,
would know bettor what the plans re
quired , and in every way Had it profita
ble to himself nnd farm.
Tlio Sheep Industry.
Mr. R. M. Boll , the well known sheep
breeder and writer , formerly of Missou
ri , but now connected with"tho depart
ment of agriculture at Washington ,
writes the American Sheep Brooder very
encouragingly of the bright future for
sheep breeding In this .country :
For many years Ihoro have boon
changes going on in this country point
ing to a state of affairs that culminated
within the last four years. There hnd
been intimations of tills periodically
the paat _ twenty-five years. Sheep rais
ing , in connection with agriculture , has
undergone many changes in the older
agricultural states. The farmers near
the eastern cities had solved the ques
tion of how to make sheep raising pay ,
but tbo corn raising slates had not un
less the prlco of wool favored their pros
A moro biiBincss-lilto view of the situa
tion presented Itself to the few , and to
men who had little or no experience with
sheep in the past , and now branches el
shcop industry were bought out and de
veloped thut were not thought of and
usual before. In short the sheep indus
try rapidly and hopefully diversified ,
and under the most providential increase
of tlio demand for mutton , a period of
prosperity for wide-awake sheep raisers
was inaugurated. This Is believed to bo
a permanent industry under the prouor
methods of brooding , feeding and general
oral management.
There will bo no diminuatlon in the
fleece values if Iho mutton raising farm
ers use tlio discretion and judgment
within tiiolr roach. The wool will bo
changed in character but not in vnluo
and usefulness. Wool of every grade
will find its proper condition in the
United States , in which it can bo pro
duced profitably , liieh product of the
sheep has asuro market in the country.
Experience will show how'and where
wool can bo profitably raised , and the
sumo of mutton.
The procession will move forward to
bettor prosperity for these who keep uj
with the progress and development ol
tlio country.
huniirs in CalvcH.
A subscriber of the Orange .Tudt
Farmer asks that ho bo given a remedy
for an obstinate case of bcourn in calves.
There are quite a number of remedies
but prevention is the best remedy of nil.
This is accomplished by always locdin
warm milk until the calf Is at leas
BOVOII months old. Lot the milk bo
sweet , nuvur sour , and 'cod often HO as
to avoid gorging , say four or five times
divy. Above ovorythtmf olao , BOO tlinl
ho 1l 1 calf is Uopt perfectly dry , ns wo
) cddlnR l IH moro canso for tllsonad. To
tllovlato clangor from scour * when mir-
rounding Hrcurnstancos nro bad and the
c sauso 19 unknown , hoc In with each enlf
eon alter birth and L'lvo a amnU iloso ot
iarbonato i : of soda dally , increasing up
o half a teaspoonful until they reach an
igo i ) when danger may bo oonsldored
over. This keep * the stomach In good
oa dor when there nro no predisposing
adjuncts to scour , just as a small dose of
cnrbonato of soda rollevcs the htiinnn
icing- from heartburn , etc. Where the
CMO Is alrcndy under way and obstinate ,
exercise the precaution ! ) hero ghon n ?
to kind of milk , frequency of feeding ,
Iry bedding , etc. , and put llmo wnlor In
the mill ; , ono part to ten of milk ; sauiu
> rotorllon If given \vator , and for feed
isldo from the milk used crushed onU
tntl upland prnlrio hay. Ray tea is an
excellent food and can be used with suc-
coos alongsldo ether fowls. Uomembor
Clilclcoii Homo I'YrtIllzoi1.
The chicken house proiluccs a fortlllx-
or that Is of great value when ] ) roporly
nmdlcd , but ono thtitennbo quickly ron-
Icred worthless by inioliiUon methods.
Jiulor the InijifuHslon that these nro
leodod to keep the house clean nnil pure.
llino or nshes nro frequently dusted
ibout mid thrown beneath the roosts.
"When these snlntnucoa am inlxod with
droppings , they llborato the iitiiiiio-
niti , wluoli Is the most valuable jiart , of
tlio man tiro. The house should bo Icopt
clean nnd no ncuuinulntion punnltted be-
icuth the roo.sls , but it should bo done
by scrapiiiK the Hoot1 thoroughly every
inofiiinif , removing the intinuro and stor
ing it In bnrrols in a dry shod. To jot
Lhu best results , food it in iv semi-liquid
'orin ubout the strawberry nnd ether
anmll fruit plants. If you prefer neb to
clean out so often , spiinklo drv el'iy ' ,
swiiinp ' muck or dry hind plaster plantl-
'ully iiboutto nbsorbtho injurious pasod
and the excessive molsturoti.tind remove
the whole ouco n wcolc.
.Minnesota 1'tiro Food
Warren J. Ivos , food nnd dairy commissioner -
missioner of Minnesota , in hid annual
report for 1SOO pays thut the general law
of the state to prevent tlio adulteration
of foods , and for the protection of tlio
public health , lias proved excellent in
: imny ways , especially in enabling pure
ioodn to lind a ready innrkot nt advanced
prices. Violations of the dairy law have
for the first , and in some caeca for the
second offenses received ollleial notillea-
tion from the dopivrtinont , and whore
thirties continued to violate the law ,
hargos were preferred und they wcro
jrou ; ht to trial. The law has proved
so valuable in protcetingdalry products ,
: hiit further legislation touching other
duds of food is expedient. Under this
.aw improvement 111 vlnejjur ha3 been
nude ; n bolter quality of lard placed on
.ho market , and nri Improvement made
.11 baking powder , und ether articles of
commerce. The enforcement of this
aw has met with hearty support from
/ho people , and in time will bo the
nouns of purging the market of Illegal
ind adulterated foods.
How toIJrliif * Iluttcr.
A matter that often causus needless
expenditure of labor in churning1 , es
pecially in winter , is the "slowness" of
/ho cream , in coming , This can almost
always bo helped by adding a quart of
water at 04 ° , \yriiub. a tonspoonful of
salt has boon dissolved , to each four
quarts of cream , when ready to start
the churn. Tlio butter comes with a
ranuhition that is especially fine ; it all
seems to como nt once , is quickly freed
'rom the butter mill : , and loaves the
butter , when washed , iu good condition.
Do "Witt's Little Early Kisers : only pill to
euro sick hcadncua anil regulate tlio bowels.
Why Marie 'livnln Quit.
But for the insensibility of the Mil- '
sourians to the oxccllo/it quality of his
work , Mark Twain miLrht still bo nssoci-
iito editor of the I'ahnyra Spectator , for
ho began bis literary career with that
able hebdomadal , writes 'Gone Field In
the Chicago Nows. There was nt that
time a Miss Mary Atkins , who was the
belle of Hannibal , and with her was
Mark Twain madly in love and to her
did lie indite a series of verses which
( obeying : the instructions of the editor
not to indulge in any personalities ) ho
printed under the title of ' 'To My Alary
in n-1. " The public , singularly blind
to the delicacy and * tlioughtfulncss of
this proceed ing , rose on masse against
the poet , and lie was obliged to lice his
native state.
With His Thumb ,
A boy Is said to have saved the NctlierlaiuU
from Inundation. Multitudes have been
saved from tlie Invasion of disease by a
bottle of Acr'd ) Sarsaiurilla. Tills incilieino
impaits tone to the sjstein and sticngtlicnj
every organ and llbre of the body.
" I liavo taken n gieat deal ot mciliclne ,
but nothing has done mo so much good as
Aycr's Sarsapaillla. 1 experienced Its belie-
flclal effects Iicfoie I had quite finished ono
bottle , nnd I can ficely testify it Is the
best blooil niL'illcInu I know of. " I.V. .
Ward , sr. , Woodland , Texas.
" Con II neil to an ofllco , as I am , from one
year's ' end to another , with little or no out
door cxi-rclsc , I flnil help in Ayoi's
Sarsaparlllaliich I have nstvl for several
years , and am at present using , with excel *
lent results. It enables mo to keep always
nt my post , enjoying the best of health. "
II. C. Barnes , Maiden , Mass.
Ayer's SarsapariNa
DH. J. O. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Ms.'s.
BoM by Orujgiata. $ IelrgS.VorthSabotlIe. .
To euro nillousncsa. Slot Ileiulncho Constlpnlloa.
JUalurln. Liver Complaint ! , tnko Iho sufo
and certain remedy , S3I1T11'S
UsotriofiMAI.TSIZT(40 : ( llltlo t nnitofliobot.
tlol. Tlieynro tlio most convenient : Bult all Ofua.
1'rlcoof cltliar elzo , 26 cent * per Ixjttla.
rtk.Bt9OIIIV.l4 If BQ "I 7. 17. 70 : I'hoUik-rnvnro ,
tmnelBlzoortMJ plcluro for 4
ceutacl ( > pp ra or etaiupg ) .
Makers of ' 'Uilo IJu.-uu. BU .Louis. Wo.
HE !
or Ku I relief like" Dr. IMorcci'fi-.MiiKriaila jUatlo ;
Triiiin. " Ithaarurrdthoununil- If jrouwmiUliu
IIKS'l'.nonil lo lueUinin ( uifrrol'iiiiiililuC u. I.
Mnumtlc liliuttc Trun Co. , Han fruuclicu , Cut
iVhy Will They bo soThoitrshllossaiul Cure-
Ion Kveu About Matters \Vhlo'\ Concern
fcntnroi liooome iirattywhon
clothed with n frcih , rotvnty skin. It N In tlio
lower of every womnn to have n soft ! line
kln , Unit adding tniicli to licrelmriin. If lie
vlll tlovoton llltlo tlnio nnil cam to her toilet.
It Hliuulil lie < luiy na well ni n ploiixuiu to
r > vury woman to cnlmiicoliur iiowcrsof iiUrnc *
VOHO4 ! .
Hoiy k the lilulicit authority In London.
hit iiothliiK oiin lie tiinro niMiiid tliiin fur liny
ntlr to try nnd lo ) tn'tuitlful ulninly by pow-
: lnring thofnci1 , or applying arrnin or olnt-
iii'iil. Tlip o t hunt * nro m'eo * nry , It Is truoi
; iut sninotlilitKalHO l < innro linportunt. ( lood
tcfroMilnit sleep. Win-in clrouliidinj blood
which never prnnlta cold fuel or bine noii'x ,
i'lit'so tlilnKi ninko bottiitv ( inloki'r tluiii uny
powders or lotlniiH run. Hut , my lady rondur
S.IVH , how ciin this lie < lonu'/ Keep I Intilooil
inovlnit liy * omuKi < ntlo stimulant , nnd fortliH
riHHit nothing I * onunl to ptirti whl Koy.
ot HIP whlftkpy nnarfliilinonlv ht > : irt oft not
tlio qm-stlnmilifo kind tint ! U drunk by itro-H
inuit In uro-wor | ) lici" : . Ijnt Nomotlilinx pun' ,
lulnlnlilo nnil ph-ailnir. ' N pn'owly
ivluit Dnir.v'.s I'urn Mult Whiskey Ii nnd what
1113 iiiiiiUi It . ' '
HO Immmi.Hiiriiuly popular. 'I'hu
U'Nt iloctoiN 111 tlio liiiul fnvwribo I'- The
Illicit sulontlsis oiiilor.Mt It. In It nil timid
mmlltliSi nro found which niiikti It a great
friiinil to women. It relieves the snlTorlinjH to
which tliey iiro wi subjcotcd nnd rniintvriiott
tliu Kenning effect i which so often cnusu
oniiMi toicrou old pmtiritnrely.
DnlTyNrnro.Miilt Whiskey will , tnken with
a lltllii wiitnr , tune tin tlio system and reuluen
languor nnil wi'nkiicss with brlKlitno unit
vigor. It H lioliitf nsoil by tlio luuillliK liulliM
of tliu luml , Hut 1 > < ! sttro nnd .scuiu-o tlio gemi *
no nnd take only Htill'y'.s
11A \
llytlionutlinrtof "ThnOM llomoiU'ml , " ntnl mulct
tne umnnjfouiunt of lioiimin Thompson nnil tloo.
W Uyr-r.
"ThdTivo ElMon" will ilo the litinmn rnro K < KII | A
iHTfi-ct niiiHinmi ofHty Hinrntlt'rM. full of fun
Jollllr iiriiliiini | < irt.ii * fltimtlnnii. It to not loml lint
! tiri'a | lYO. Aruvoliilloii In ilrimmtlc workman *
hip , * KO on nnlo Woilnostlaj nt rcxnlnr iirlrci.
T H E"G R A NDls pt3 ck\r
ONI : MniiTONLv.
SUNDAY , 1'1'B , 22.
Till' ClIlliVT AND ONf.Y
Wlionppo.ira in the most plonsliiK nnd comlcnl
of nllidiiys. "I'AT NKW WAHIUtOIIR. " I'rlca
- > , . , M ) itMil 75 ItotaoataJl. llox BhootfioDua
ftt W n. in. Saturdny.
Jc eonicS „
, > ry
Tlio Jlost ItemnrkaMu Comedy Success In on Kcconl
R Texas Steer ,
Ifoyl'H masterpiece. No nno .who loves a
iulnu , lioiirty. Inmost laugh uiin afford to
mlsslt. fcalo of seats buvlns Saturday noit
at regular prlcis.
THE . vrrx-tt.iN D ° ' 10 . Night Only.
MlWl.Ay FoUj UM-j ;
Richard and Pringlcs ' " '
o i' , , ]
H ended by tlio I'lnnrror of ttio Minstrel world
Uoservcd scats : Ui and Wo. llox olllco open
after 10 n. in. . " utuhiy. '
Will Lanlpr , Manager. Our. llth nnd Farnniu
WIHK : OF risimuAiir nnii.
LewoniJa , a niuilcni Hcrruloj , llfls LOT pouml ] tn
hi * teeth Tlio I'minim Ithlnuhnrt H'niully In tlio
iMli'.il comedy. "Tlio Doll's Dinco. " I'lfislm
iKTii , iKMittlfiiliMnmi miarklliiuri'pnrloa llt'iivo'i
ItnyulMurlonettui. Illll .ImiiM , < ; ims llnlur. Aliitln.
Muslcnl Klni ; , M'vlllo , Irish Conii'illnn , Kiru : Kiln ,
A : Happy Hour. Ono Dlino AilnilU to All.
Oiilia Weal mill Siirpal
Tor tlm treitmentof nit CHRONIC AND SUItfJIC'AIi
DltiliASIW. llnoCH , AppII.inciM fur Deformities iiml
TriiHSCL'H , licit KacllltkH , Appmntti * anil ItMnitMlloi
for uccos > fiit trtMitmcMit of uvc'y form of ilHni * *
tonnlrlni ; Mocllral or Trratmanl , NIN'KTY
HOOMS I Oil 1'ATl KXI'H. Hcmril iirnl Alt. n.liinra. .
lluit Areimmioilatluni VVi-st Writ" fur rlrniilnrn on
Duformillci nnd Hracos Trmsos , Cttit ) I'uut. Curvu.
tiirci or Sriliu' , I'lli" , Tumori , Ciuu'or , L'utnrrli ,
llronchltl * . , lOlcctrlrltj , I'nrilytli , ipll- :
I'ysy , ICIillu-ys , lllaililcr. Kju. , HUlii anil Mltnnl ,
mill nil tJiirulo.iHipPiatloni , l > JUKASi- < - \\IJ.MKN
a npi'rl.itto. llofk os DIMMIHC * of Women I < 'ro0. Wo
liuvu latL'ly mlili'il n lylnu-tn Dopnrlinunt for Women
Durlnir cmillnum"iit ( Htrlrllr I'rlnitu. ) Only llnlh-
l > li-Jlc'illciil IiiMltiitu MnklnK bpeuhlty of I'llt *
All lllnod l > l i > a os inirccM'fiilly trnntnl , Mcillclno
or IrnlrniiioMU KiMit lir limit uroxprtM tcciircly
packed , no murks to Inillcalu rnnUinti or ii-mlor ,
Onupcrnonnt Interview preferred , ( 'nil nnd C < m ult
UKdrsi'inltiMtory nf jour rn < iu. nnil nowlllm'iul ' In
Inlnwriippunmr HOUIC TO MKN VHKK ; iipnn 1'rl-
vato. Mpedrit or Xorvous DlaiMstMi wUli'Juustluti ' list.
Addri'jM nil k'tlcTs to
Dr. A. T. McLaughlin , President ,
Oth and 11uriioy Streets , Qiniilui.
DB , J , E , Mc&KEW ,
1C Vo rs' Evpcrltiiu1. ! !
Cureil In 3 to iihyit without tlio loin of nn linnri'tlinu
froni liiulnoin , Tlioiiiiisliibnuliito euro furlil.Hi ; ' ! '
nnrtnll nnnoyliiKtlltcharirt'i urcr kniiwn to incillcal
HL'lcnc . KV'I'IllMtii wurr iito < lcurolnait ) < iMilnri.
Tlia mint powerful remoiljr yul known for u poriiui-
nontcnro. HTIIICTUIIUorpnln In riillo-liik'tho lilml.
( lur.curcilat liuino lttioutlnitiiinioiitii iiocutlln ; ,
mi pulii , no illlntlnuJjoni of Mnnluxxl or Wi'nkiu'.u
puiltlruly curoil ; lntint.rollor. : Skin dlneaia * . uml
( uimlo clIiraiicD pommnuntly ouroil. Dr. MdHuvr's
BUCCQSH In the treatment , of I'rlvntu Dlmmut liui
iiBrer boon LMiittUo | < l. nnil hit ureat urtuy of patlc'iitM
irndu'n from thu Allaiittoto tlio I'nclrlr. lloukri nnd
Clicutnrj trim. I iullu from ' . ' to 4 < inlr. Illli nnil
Knrnniu utruuti Oualia , Nob. Hntrnncj on vlllior
Corner 14thandCaiiitol Avonu'j. '
Just coiuploted , has 100 roonn , throa
[ italrways , irorn the top to the bottom , hna
flno elevator and dlnnlntr , room Hervloe , Is
( reproof throughout , lluu liiilarJ rooms and
thu ilnutt , toilat roonn in tha city. Lrirzu
Sample roomnr Suites wi th bith < 5co. Cor
14th and CunltolAvo. Strest car service in
all directions. Rates , from $2.00 to S4..00 , '