Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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liy Carrier in unjr part of the City
It , W. T1I.TON. - - -
TiiEl'llONI33i ; '
ruslnrc * Odlcc. No. U
NlRlitKdltot , No. 25.
JtlXOlC Jt
K V. l\Co.
Council .Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Craft's chattel loans 204Snpp block.
Genuine HocU Spring coal. Thatcher , 10
3Maln street ,
Hcgulnr mcotlnir , Lodge of Perfection , will
ho held HIM evening. A , J. Urown , T. I' .
The funeral of Lulu May Fonda will take
place nt 2 o'clock nt the residence , 1600 Ninth
Jerry Kmcrson and Lottie Anderson wcro
married last evening by Justice 1'attoii. The
( 'ioom was colored ntid the brldo while.
Harry Ij , , the trncnrold son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Sivnny , died of diphtheria yester
day noon nt the family residence. The
funeral will take place this afternoon nt a
W. H. Deck was brought before Justice
I'atton yesterday to answer to the charge of
pulling a revolver on a farmer living south of
the city. The farmer foiled to make a case
nnd Deck was discharged.
Mr , C. 13. Slono ha ? received word from
Ids daughter , Mrs. Meigs of Portland , Ore. ,
that her husband 1 % suffering from partial
paralysis of the optio nerves which is liiicly
to result in the loss of both oyes.
D U. Hoscn tli In us ho 1ms had his full
elmro of illness In his family lately. His two
- boys , ono aftrr the other , were taken down
by diphtheria n short time ago , nnd now as
they nro recovering his wife shows signs of
being attacked by the same disease.
Sheriff O'Neill ' loft ycstorday morning for
Clanndn to toke In charge eight incurables
who nro now confined In the insane asylum
there , but are to bo brought to this city for
keeping in St. Dernanl's hospital. Ho Is ex
pected to return this evening with the
The Daughters of Veterans mot Wcdilos-
day evening and adopted the regulation uni
form of the order as tholr own. The uniform
consists of a hluo llnnncl dress with gold
embroidery. Each member will wear a rib
bon designating the branch of the service to
which her father belonged hluo for infantry ,
yellow for cavalry ana red for artillery.
The newly elected officers of Hluffs divis
ion , No. 27 , uniform ranu Knights of Pythias ,
were Installed Wednesday evening by Sir
Knight Adjutant E. J. Abbott , ns follows :
Captain. J. M. Scanlnn ; llrst lieutenant. C.
A. Tibblts ; second lieutenant , O. Younkor-
man ; recorder , I. W. Hctzenhoff ; treasurer ,
Louis Kost , H. O. , J. Schcforli ; L. O. , J. L , .
The trial of Hall Frampton on the charge
of disposing of mortgaged property was to
have como off yesterday la Justice Humor's
court , hut a continuance was asked for by the
defendant In order that ho might pet his tes
timony together The continuance was
granted until tomorrow. Frampton , It Is al
leged , noli ! the poods nearly a year ago and
has been keeping ns far from the city as pos-
slblo over since. A day or two ago ho re
turned , and wns at once nabbed.
County Clerk Campbell , Uecordcr Ilenrt-
rlclts nnd Attorney Organ wcro in Avoca
yesterday , wher.o they were subpu'tmed ns
witnesses In a ci\s > o brought hy Fremont lion-
jnmlti to get a man out of jail on a legal tech
nicality , after ho had been convicted of sell-
hip liquor contrary to the statutes and had
been sentenced to n term In the county jail.
licnjamln's ' claim Is that the grand Jury
which returned the indictment upon which
his client was convicted had been irregularly
drawn. If Benjamin succeeded In getting
his nmn out of jail on till ? pica it Is stated
that the whole work of tbo term could bo
overthrown in the same way.
Stop nnd Think ,
And ask yourself why you should pay old-
fashioned prices for groceries and provisions
When you can pet lUst class , clean , fresh
goods at modern prices ? Head thcso prices :
Crackers , per Ib , fie ; 11 Ibs glngersnnps for
2/ic / ; Arbucklo's coffee , 2Co per package ;
German coffeef > c ; bains , Go per Ib ;
bacon , "o ; codfish , 7 fc ; 10 Ib pail
White llsh , COc ; ! 1 cans com , 25o ; 3 cans toma
toes , ' .Tie ; 4 cans peas , 2"ic ; Davis1 No. 10 Hour ,
Bl. 50 ; Davis "IlluoD11 Hour , ? 1.)5 ! ) ; Buffalo
Hour , SI.U5 ; Gold Medal Hour , $1.W ; Snow
Flake Hour , Sl.OO ; 25 Ibs buckweat , $1.00 ; 25
boxes of matches , 2r > c ; box good laundry
M > ap1.003 ; Ibs leaf laru , 25c ; good broom ,
lOe ; oranges , 15o per dozen ; coal oil , Sc a gal
lon ; 'J loaves Dread , Co ; 1 Ib good tea , line.
Prompt delivery of goods.
Brown's ' C. 0. D. grocery. Telephone 29.
Mrs.V. . H. McKenzie has gone to Chicago
to spend several weeks visiting friends.
Mrs. II , W. Hart loit for Knnsas yesterday
to spend several weeks with her daughter-in-
Miss Rita Lorton of Nebraslta City re
turned homo yesterday morning after a three
Weeks' visit with Miss Jcsilo Knrnswortn.
Miss Abblo Onston of Tnbor has arrived In
the city to tnlto a position ns stenographer
with the Now York Mutual Insurance com
County Superintendent J. 1C. Cooper loft
yesterday for Macedonia to attend a meeting
of touchers. Ho will bo away the rest of the
D. H. Miller of Red Oak nnd Louis Mtlos
of Corydon nro In the city on business con
nected with the federal court , which con
venes hero on March 21.
Sergeant Onnsby of the Omnhn pohco
force wns in the citv last evening on his way
to Unvonport to take in tow John Dwyer ,
the alleged murderer of O'Connor , who was
arrested In that city Wednesday ulpht.
Kindergarten school , 803 Fourth avenue.
Spring term opens March 3. Mrs , F1. L. Sack-
Chamber sets , Lund Bros.
Mnrrlago Licenses.
The following mi.rrlago licenses wore issued
yesterday :
( John V. Wcaol . Pottnwattnmlo county
j Julia IJlutz . 1'ottnwattamlo county
( Eathen Hoag . Kanknkco , ill
I Lou Cnttorlm . Council Bluffs
j E. J. Murray . Pottawattamlo county
1 Elizabeth Bropbay..Pottawattnmlo county
( Jerry Emarson . Council Bluffs
j Ottlo Anderson . Council Bluffs
( EugonoC. Jones . Council Bluffs
J Nellie Murphy . Council Bluffs
The now- dental rooms of Drs. Woodbury
nro the finest and most complete In ttio west.
Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , 143. "
Special "I say , have you tried the tea ,
Lund Bros. , 'J3 Main streoU It is just excel
lent. "
A I'lcnRant Kvont.
The young Indies of the second Presby
terian church will give an entertainment at
the church this evening. The following pro-
gramme will ho rendered :
JJiiot . . . . Masters Jav and Oporpo Olenn
Ilocltntlon. . . MUs Dottlu Walluco
Instrumental Muslo . . . Mhs Davis
Mediation . Miss Marguerite Walluco
JJiiet . Mlbsi-s Burgess and Keller
Dlnlogun . . . , .
Instrumental Solo . -Muster Elmer Otto
Itccltutlon . Misa MarUrosvonor
Cornet Silo . Tllr. Duncan
Itecltatlon. . . . . . Ktoyla Otto
Intriiinentnl Muslo . Jllss Walluco
Admission 10 cents.
Evmis Laundry Co. , 530 Pearl street. Tele
phone itH ) . Goods called for and delivered.
Pure fresh drugs nt Davis' , opposite Ogden.
Ijcft Illn Creditors. '
An information was Issued In Justice Pat-
ton's ' court for the nrrcst of William S.
Campbell on llio charge of soiling mortgaged
property. Campbell came to the muffs about
two years u o nnd aiubnrlcd in tbo meat
market business. Ho became pressed for
money anil borrowed of A. A. Clark & Co. ,
tnortgnKliig his property to secure the loan.
A short time ago ho left the city , but before
be loft. It Is alleged , sold the property ho bad
inortunRod to Clark. H is said ho left ether
creditors In the lurch us well , but the total
\ ( uaouut of bis liabilities is as yet unknown.
The School Board Makes Arrangements for
tlo Doming Election.
A Illulllte Who 1'aNHcd ThroiiKh the
Ilorrorn of the Imllnri War Doc
tor * MtiHt Ilcport Court
News Minor Monllon ,
A special meeting of the school tonnl was
held last evening thopurpose of preparing
for the coming election of school directors ,
Members Stewart , IJIaxsIm , Wnlto nnd
Schocntgon vcro present , 'i'ho llrst tlilnir to
bo dono'wiw tosctllo upon the appropriation
necessary for the kchoola for the ensuing
year. After n full discussion , It was decided
to llx the estimates for the different depart
ments ns follows : School house fund , 510,000 ;
teachers' fuuJ , $33,000 ; coutlngentfuuil , J2Ty
The question of the Insurance of the now
bulldliiKOii the Cochran tract \vns then taken
up. Chairman Walto reported that bo had
placed $10,000 Insmaticooii the now building ,
subject to the notion of the board. Dlaxsim
wnnlca Walto's action ratified , liut Schoont-
gen snld no ; two of the members of the board
\vero absent , viz. . Hunter and \Vclls , nnil ho
did want the action of the committee ratified
without glvius them a. chance to say some
thing nbout It.
"And sluco you Insist on pushing this busi
ness , Mr. Blnxsiin , " ho continued , ' ! will
ask the secretary to note the absence of a
quorum , " and Mr. Schocntgcn seized Ills hat ,
overcoat , catio , overshoes and raado a break
for the door.
"Hold on , there , " shouted Dlaxsim , "I'll
drop that matter If you say so. "
"You'll ' drop It. will you ? " returned
Schocntgen. "Well then , I'll ' como back. "
And Mr. Seboontgcn came buck reluctantly ,
deposited his bapgafjo on a tnblo nnd sat
down and looked contented , Kxplanntlons
then followed , each member trying to show
just what ho had meant , until everyone was
satisfied ,
Superintendent Sawyer offeree ! his monthly
report of nttcndancowhich showed the total
attendance of boys during the month of Jan
uary to have been l.MKI ami of pirls 1M7.
Hills to the amount of Sl.SOO were nllower1
the most Important being that of the Carbon
coal company for $5KI , the ( Hobo publishing
company for23 , and of Hurlo & McCabe for
$5'3. The bill of the Burlhihton school furul-
turo company for f.)07 for the seating of the
Cochran school house was referred. discussion took place over the ques
tion of who would make up the registers for
the election. H. N. Whittlcsoy had seen
some of the members and gained their con
sent to his making them up , hut some of the
members seemed to bo opposed to the Idea of
doing business in so informal a manner , nnd
after a discussion the secretary was In
structed to attend to the work. The bill for
this work last year amounted to about 8125.
As a way to choose Judges and clerlts for
election , It uas decided that each member of
the board should take charge of ono ward
and sco that the judges and clerks for that
ward wcro appointed and notified. The
wards were thus distributed : First , Hunter ;
Second , Stewart : Third , Blnxsim ; Fourth ,
AValtc ; Fifth , Schbentgon ; Sixth. WiMls.
The meeting then adjourned to moot next
Wednesday afternoon , at U o'clock , when a
meeting will bo held in the now school house
for the purpose of looking over the building
preparatory to its acceptance.
Sliusart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Hold , garden and lloxvcr sc-cas in the west.
Catalogue ) uud samples by mall.
To you want an express waion or boy ?
Rinp up the A. D , T. Co. , telephone 1T9 , INo.
11 North Main street.
J. C. Blxby , steam noatlnj , sanitary on-
glnecr,203 ilorriam block , Council Blufts
A Valiant niufh Boy.
Mnny friends of Lieutenant Gallagher , of
this city , hnvo watched the telegraphic col
umns vrlth special Interest for any personal
mentions of the part bo has been taking In
tlio Indian war. Mrs. Gallagher hns been
hero for some tlmo at the homo of her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. 1'aschel. She 10-
ccivcd. a telegram yesterday announcing ho ?
husband's ' safe arrival nt Fort Nlobraiu ,
nnd she expects to join him thoio
in a short time. Her husband , s
the "Captain GullngKbr , " a brief account of
vvhoso suffermps In the blizzard wcro given
in the dispatches day before yesterday. Ho
arrived nt I'ierro on Tuesday with n body of
cavalry , and took a train for Valentino. Ho
had just landed the rotnnants or the 13lg
Foot , Sitting Bull and other hostile bands
that were not exterminated at Wounded
Knee , at Forts Sully and Bennett , where
they will remain under military control. Ho
tells a story of terrible privation on tlio
long march from Pine Hidgo to
these posts. In ono instance the
entire company went thirty-six hours with
out food. In another they spent the day and
night unprotected during a blizard , having
to care for numbers of wounded Indians.
Lieutenant Gallagher was illy prepared to ,
meet the rigors of such a cllmnte , as ho had I
been stationed In Now Mexico until hastily
summoned to the scones of the Indian trouble.
Best heavy poods , 2 , " per cent oil , cash ,
licltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway.
Gallon Schurz-Smlth Co. for chattel loans
nnd estate. 2 Pearl st.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
63U Broadway. Telephone 130.
District Court.
The case of Fred Elghmy vs the Union
Pacific railway company , which has bceu on
trial in the district court for several days
past , was completed yesterday and given to
tbo jury late In the afternoon. It has boon a
hotly contested case. Nearly every doctor
has been on the stand as witness for ono sldo
or the other. The defense of the rail
way company was the existence of
a rule of the company which forbids em
ployes from making couplings with their
hands. They claim that the plaintiff disre
garded this rule , and that therefore they can
not bo hold responsible.
In the case of Mrs. William Boiovs John
O'Connor ' , which was for damages for the
selling of liquor to a minor , a dismissal was
filed , it having been settled without trial. In
the case of Mrs. William Bolo vs M. Selplo , a
similar cose , n continuance was granted until
the next term of court.
China dinner sots , Lucd Bros. . 23 Main
Tea sets , Lund Bros.
A TrlbutH lo Sherman.
At a special meeting of encampment No. 8 ,
Union Veteran legion , the following resolu
tions wore adopted :
Whereas. A most illustrious name ono long
loved nnd honored by all patriots has now
boon transferred to tlio roll of honor by tlm
death on I'ebriiury 14 , Ib'JI , of General Wllllum
Ti'cumsoh Slioriimii at Now Vorkt nnd
\ \ lierous.Vhllotlioimtlonsi mourns his loss ,
to us , hlx formur comrades. It la u personal be :
reavement. Nomoruon earth will tlio nijod
viitorans pass In ro\low before tholrold com
mander , who lias pitched his silent tent on
"hiinio's eternaleainiihiB Broiiiul ; " nnd
\ \ licroaa , AH union vutur.uiH wo recognize
hm sterling worth , Ills grout bcrvlccs and his
tiersonnl regard for the welfare of tlio old Rol-
illur * for so nwny years blnco wo folded our
colon , stacked our arms und returned to our
home-i thoioforo
UeiDlvLMl , That the Union Veteran legion.
cncunpmctitNn. 8 of Council lllutrs , In. , ex
tent ! t.ielr sincere sympathy to tlio sorrowing
fnmlly In nit ciiRrosied copy of these resolu
tions , and that n special muuorlnl nn a besot
apart In the mlnult-sot this organization for
our old commnmlor , and that those resolu
tions bo published In the city papers ,
After the Doctors.
The city physician Is haying some trouble
on account of the failure of parents and doc
tors to report the cases of contagious dis
eases that como under their notice. In look
ing up the matter Dr. Jennings found ton
cases of measles that had not heon reported
ou account of the neglect either of
the p'aronts or of the attending phy-
slciau. Ho took the names of tbo
derelict parties , nnd will fllvo thorn the bene
fit of n reading of the law on the point , which
provides that for each offence of the kind the
physician shnll pay a line of JA. The Irnv
will ilot bo enforced to Its limit nt tircscnt , on
account of the mild nnturo of the disease. If ,
however 1 , after being duly warned the doc-
ton still persist in nr-Rlcctlnp their duty , Dr.
Jennlngi states that ho will bring them up
short ,
Call on D. J , Ilutchinson A Co. for cholco
bargains in lots in Wilson Terraeo. Special
. inducements i for the next ftflv days.
The Manhattan , sporting head quarters. X.
O'Brien. '
linva ami Dakota IViiNloim ,
U'ASIIINOTO.V , Feb. 19. The following pen
sions wcro granted today to lowans : Orig
inal Lawrence McCook , Samuel Gushtird ,
Ooorpo W. Stout , WorclcnV. . \Vclshcr ,
\VlllIs S. Spcrry , Hills \V. Auspach ,
Matthew E. McMlchncl , Hansom H. Hoot ,
John Trlslcr , William Fulls , Milton
S. Ford , Scroll Thompson. Ad
ditional John H. Abraham , Ira Vin
cent. Increase KdwlnV , Bunco ,
Arthur M. Hush. Holssuo Joseph C. Shields.
Original widows , etc. Cluro Heed , former
widow of George Dustln ; Mary , widow of
Jeremliih O'Sulllvan ; Anna , widow of Alois
Tchlrgu ; Louisa M , , widow of Harvey Tut-
tic ; Allnnn A. , widow of Thomas P. Maltl-
son ; Kllzabcth S. , widow of Ehoneror J.
Worse ; Amanda Jnne , widow of Joseph
Drincgcr ; Mann A. , widow of Joseph H. Un
derwood ; Lucrotto , widow of Jacob Slator.
South Dakota : Original-Joseph 13. Un
derbill. Additional Ed ward \V. Doylo. In-
ciciusa Edward Atwatcr.
Easy expectoration , Increased power of the
lungs , nnd the enjoyment of rest , arc the re
wards , upon taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ,
to all consumptives.
Cuts , burns and nil other wounds , can bo
cured In a short time by the use of Salvation
OH , the greatest euro on earth for pain.
Prlco 25 cents.
A 1'rotcst Against Scott.
CAIIIO , Feb. ID. Franco has intimated that
her protest against the appointment of Jus-
tlco Scott as oftlclal advisor to the Egyptian
government implies n refusal to apply the
economies , resulting from the recent con
version or the Egyptian debt , to the reforms
of tlio Egyptian government proposed.
The best and cheapest Car-Starter is sold
bv the Borden & Sollcck Co. , Cliicago , 111.
With It one man can move a loaded car.
Wooilrufl' Pulil Out.
LITTLE HOCK , Ark , , Feb. 10. The state
treasurer reported to the legislature today
that ex-Treasurer Woodruff's ' sureties hnvo
paid him § M,740 , the full amount of Wood
ruffs' shortage.
Opera HOIIHC Burned.
KociiKSTKit , N. V. , Fob. 19. The Grand
opera house , which was erected ntacost _ of
STB.OOO , burned this morning , and the Windsor
ser hotel adjoining was badly damaged ,
Predictions for February Weather. "
As there uro but twenty-eight days in
this month there ought to bo less cold
ntmosphnro tlian in January , but "all
signs full in dry weather , " therefore wo
ciiti only say that the electric-lighted ,
steam-heated , vostibuleil , limited trains
of the Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul
railway will continue to run daily between -
tweon Omaha , Council Bluffs and Chi
cago. The oloctfic light reading lamp
in each berth is the novelty of the age.
Ticket oillco , 1501 Itarnnm street , Omulio.
\VOX \ IIEll TOR ,
Innumoniblo gas jots In tlio great hall
of the armory. Hundreds of people in
motion. Temperature tropical.
A mm-niur of voices mingling with the
indistinct strains of the wultz hurry the
crcm'd along1.
Tlio masks continually greet ono another -
ether nfter the stereotyped fnslilon , bo-
plnnlng with "I recognize , you , Don
Juan , " or "How Is your wife ? " nnd end
ing with some stupid bit of _ gossip.
To Mr. nenry II this was no
longer a novelty , nnd ho felt tremen
dously bored ns ho wandered through
the rooms , swearing nt the crowd , the
heat nnd the senseless chuttor on all
Lost In his thoughts , ho hnd almost
gained the door , nnd drew a. breath of
relief ns ho thought of his comfortable
bed nnd imagined himself in the arms of
Morpheus his never falling friend. .
But suddenly this annoyed young man
was startled by the tup of a fun on his
Ho turned round.
Before him stood a pretty little figure
In sobrctto costume.
"Cnn'il "
ainuso you ?
"I do not think It is In your power. "
"Lot mo try , at least. I love you ! "
"I'vo heard these words often
enough. "
"But not from mo. "
'All , of thnt I run not surol"
"You impertinent man ! "
"Only to masks. "
" don't know mo In the very
least. "
"Well , I never expect myself to find
out Impossible things , " ho said , suppres
sing a gape.
'What am I to understand by this ? "
"That it Is impossible to actually
know a woman. "
"And why ? Doostho | study present
such overwhelming difficulties ? "
"Yes , indeed it does. "
"Isn't It , however , worth the trouble
to try to.solve the riddloV" she asked
"Oh , never'lisa riddle without any
satisfactory solution. "
"Because you are not capable of find
ing It out. "
"Not so ; mathematicians have de
clared n woman to bo like nn algebraic
problem , where the result is contradic
tory that is to say , her worth is only a
negative quantity. '
"Oh , you nro dreadfully tedious with
all your mathematical rubbish. Do lot
us talk nbout something olbo. "
"I am nt your service. What do you
order mo to tallc nbout ? "
"Will you anowor honestly all the
questions I put ? "
"I will endeavor to. "
"Have you over been In love ? "
* 'l have boon I am nnd shall con-
tlnuo to bo. "
"With whom ? "
Myself. "
' 'Egotist ' ! "
'Only man.
'Have ' you over boon truly loved ? "
'Yes. ' "
"By whom ? "
"By my dog Azor my truest friend. "
"Forlorn nir.n I give youup forever.
I should never ho able to chungo you. "
"Had you this intention , beautiful
mnsk ? "
"Perhaps. "
"But do you know mo well enough in
order to"
"Sulllclontly well to-doubt. "
"To doubtmo oryoursoliy" ho risked ,
growing inoro nnd more interested in
this extraordinary Boubrotto.
"Ono , quite as much as the othor. "
"When did this doubt coruo Into your
mind ?
"Within five minutes. "
"Well , that'H not u longtime. "
"No ; but long ago H belonged to the
past. "
"It is not worth whllo to talk of the
pnst that Is last year's now , " replied
Henry. *
"You nro inlfitakcfthtimnn life con
sists of two purls ( lioV past nnd tlio fu
ture and the Inqt tlonomlH upon the
llrst , without which > t liiisj no slgnlll-
"Is nn IntiuiKlblo-inomont which hns
slipped Into the past before wo note It. "
"Well , really , mnsk , you begin to In
terest mo. , Supposing wo make up nnd
sign a treaty of peacoi1"
"PenceI Why , hnvo wo been at war ? " .
she asked , looking straight into hlsoyeJ.
"Naturally , is tho/o / not an everlasting
war going on between our rough BOX anil
you swcot women , which Is only wholly
overcome In a few individual cases ,
where they succeed In living at peace
with ono another. "
"In war matters I am utterly inexpe
rienced ; therefore you must explain tome
mo the " conditions of the peace you pro-
"They are easily understood. The first
Is to lav down tirtns , "
"Which moans ? "
"Lay tifildo the masks. "
"A bomowhat disagreeable condition ,
which I consent to only If my opponent
docs the samo. "
"Your opponent Is not fighting with
the same weapon. "
" \Vliy , have you no mask1
"Only the ono In every duy use. "
"Tnko it off. "
"That Is impossible. It would com
pletely disarm mo. "
"But then I will lay mlno off also , "
she said gayly.
"The ono you nvo wearing for the
mask ball ? "
"Isn't ' that sulllclunt ? "
" \Voll , it depends. "
"Ana I haven't your consent after
all ? "
"Yes , Yes ; all right. Only who is to
bo the first to disarm ? "
" .Naturally the stronger one. "
" \Vhich Is ? "
"You. "
"Then do you allow yourself to bo tlio
weaker ? "
" \Voll , men always regarded women
as the weaker ? "
"Ol then I will begin. "
"I nin all car. "
"In truth I'm no such an egotist as I
appear lobe. "
"And you doolovo somebody clso be
side yourself ? "
"I have loved '
'Your Azor. "
S'A girl who was not worthy of my
lovo. "
" \Vns she untrue to you ? "
"Sho never loved mo. therefore she
could not bo false to mo.
"And hnvo you never loved another ? "
"I never found another. "
" "Whom it was Impossible for yea to
love ? "
"No , not that ; but no ono who was
capable of loving mo unselfishly. "
"IIo\v do you paint to yourself such
love ? "
"I demand that the ono who loves mo
shall forgot everything and sacrifice
everything foi me hoi- family , her am
bition , the whole world all that Is dear
to her. I demand that she shall bo
wholly absorbed in this love and surren
der herself to it unhesitatingly , and
even though it draw down upon her
only sorrow and sutTcring ' sa'd ha
growing more impassioned with each
"And what will you oiler her in re
turn for all this ? " bho asked , scornfully.
"Nothing. " '
"Certainly that isn't much , and have
you over asked yourself woroyou worthy
of such love1' ' i
"If I wore worthy of it then thcro
would bo no merit and no sacrifice in
this lovo. "
"Did not your beloved ono consent to
these demands ? "
"I'vo ' already told you that she never
loved me. " .
And have you ceased to love her ? "
"O , long ago. "
"And hate her now ? "
"Hntol that is too much for her ; she
'has simply passed out of existence for
mo. "
"Don't you care over to see her
ngnin ? ' '
"No , not in the least , but lot us drop
this tiresome theme ; my confession is
ended ; I have unmasked myself. Now
It is your turn. " he said , as ho drew her
aside almost by main force.
"Slowly , you'll pull my arm out of
joint , " slio whispered , and seated herself
on a couch standing near , while ho fol
lowed her example.
"Now it is your turn , ' ' horepented im
"Not yet you have not yet told mo
11 ; you'lovo affair interests mo , " said
ho , as she pulled'off ono of her gloves
because of the hont.
"What inoro do you wuut to know ? "
ho asked almost angrily.
"I want to know what has become of
her who hns ceased to exist for you. "
"You demand too much nnd overstep
the limits of the conditions wo agreed
upon the result.1' '
"What is the result ? "
'The treaty is broken. "
"And you will not toll mo anything
more about her ? "
"Nofor it Is superfluous and hns noth
ing to do with what wo are talking
about. "
'Ho ! you've botravedyoursolfthought-
less follow , " and tlio mask laughed
"I don't understand you. "
"The memory of the falthlos.- ) ono Is
not indifferent to you. You love her
still. "
"Now it is my turn to laugh. Your
suspicion after all I have said , beautiful
mask , amuses mo. "
"If it is really true , then , convince mo
by tolling mo ovorthing. "
"Is the matter of so much importance
to you1'
"Perhaps. "
"Good , then ask and I'll answer , " ho
said resignedly. . . . *
"What has become of her ? "
"Sho is married ! " ,
"To whom ? "
"To a man thirty .years older than her
self , but rich. "
"IIow old was she ? "
"Eighteen years , "
"Forty-eight and eighteen. The dif
ference is not so very great perhaps
she loved him. " ' '
"Sho was Incnpnblo of loving any
body , " ho ojaculae'd ( with fury.
"You know her < better , therefore I
will not contest the matter with you. "
"But toll mo the reason your engage
ment was broken p.fL"
"The loss of ray property. "
"Did this happen through your own
fault ? " > ,
"Through the undue confidence I
placed In the honesty of man. "
"Did you discuss the separation vlth
her ? "
"No ; It wns enough that I hoard her
say all was over between us. "
"And you had no objection to o ffor t
her decision ? "
"I was too proud to make any. "
"Whoro is she now ? "
"Probably witn nor count in Paris. "
"Ah , then she la a countess ? That les
sons her guilt , "
"Do you think BO ? "
"Of course for how often people sac
rifice love to nn empty title. Why
shouldn't ' ono sncrillco his hand for a
noble-sounding name ? "
"Curious philosophy "
"Women's philosophy. Isn't It ? "
"Of course bnt enough of this I have
now told all and It is your turn , "
"Not yot-you liavo not mentioned her
Christian name "
"Well , certainly Ihla is unnecessary , "
"That dopoiula I , for my part , of tun
judge peoitlo by their riirlstlan unities , ' '
" 1 coulu toll n Ho and give you a false
imino. "
"Thoro l no occasion for your doing
this , nnd therefore you will not do It. "
"Thon you persist In wanting to know
"I fool as If I had mndo thh plain
enough , " she said Impatiently , "so what
Is It ? "
"llolonn. "
"Ah ! " escaped from llio lips under the
"What Is the matter ? "
"You have spoken my name. "
llonlly that Is curious , very curious !
but now that I have told you , If you
are satisfied , fulfil your promise nnd Iny
aside your mask. "
"Hero is my hand without mnsk , " she
snld , laughingly , as she extended to him
the ono from which she had just taken
the glove.
A peculiar shudder came over him ns
ho touched this hnnd old feelings nnd
memories ho had long believed burled
awoke in him. She Julia had once
given her hand thus to him.
"Tako olT your mask , " ho said almost
"Kot yet , " she replied , shaking her
"What Is tlio moaning of this ? Do
you wish lo make a fool ol mo , oven nt a
mask ball ? It IH dishonorable to break
one's word. Take oil your mask. I'vo
n right to Insist upon it. "
"You have not the rltrht. "
"Not ? nnd our ngrocmont ? "
"Was her nniiio really Helena ? "
"Didn't I speak It distinctly enough ?
You begin to bo tiresome , " ho added ,
making an olTort to conceal his cmbar
rassmont ,
'Then , perhaps I'd better go. "
'Never , until you've unmasked ; In
deed I am ready to "
"To toll mo hor.truo namn ? "
"Kvonthls. "
"Then It is- "
"Is is Julia , " gasped out Henry ;
but now take your mask oil quick ,
juick , " h'o cried , excitedly , and raised
"iis hand to her face.
She drew back a few stops.
"I have given my word ami will keep
t"sho said with unfeigned voice , at
, ho same tlmo slightly lifting the
Henry could only catch a glimpse of
lior profile. Ho trembled. It scorned to
liiinas if ho had fallen into a profound ,
troubled sleep , from which , spite of all
lls efforts , ho could not roiibo himself.
"Can It bo possible ? " ho exclaimed
lialf aloud , nt the tame time seizing her
nadly by the hand nnd shrieking in a
tionrso voice , tremulous with oxclto-
mont , "Take your mask wholly oil , I
insist upon it.
She apparently hesitated a moment ,
and then with a single motion took the
mask quickly from her face.
"Julia , " ho cried , and springing back
stood as If petrified.
She approached him slowly , laid hot *
land upon his shoulder and whispered
n u soft voice , "Do I still exist for you ,
Henry ? "
Uor voice had the same sweet , silvery
tone ns earlier and yet it was like the
hissing of a snake : her touch like that
of a cat playing with Its victim. Not
withstanding , in the first moment lie
would have thrown himself at lioj1 feet ,
kissed the hem of her dress and pressed
the dainty hand with its red-tipped
fingers to his heart.
But only for a moment. Then ho re
called the hour of tholr parting. Her
cold words , "All Is over between us , "
sounded in his cars ; ho heard the rus
tling of her silk dross as she proudly
drew herself up after these words ami
wont away leaving him in stony despair
Ho slowly lifted her hand from oil his
arm , looked searchingly into her eyes
and asked with n smile :
"Don't you find this ball dreadfully
tedious , countess ? "
A perfect fury llatnod up in her eyes at
these ironical words , then controlling
horfolf she whispered in a tone of gentle
reproof :
"Havo you only scorn for the confi
dence which has led u broken heart to
throw itself upon you ? "
"Pardon mo , countess. I was never
intended for the pilot of nn ad venturers'
ship , " and realized only too late by thcbo
words that ho had been guilty of offer
ing her a direct insult.
She recoiled , and to h'do ' her anger
quickly covered her fnco again with the
For awhile she was silent , then said
slowly and with effort :
"I discover that you are armed notonly
with scorn , but with insults. Have I deserved -
served them ? "
"Madame , between you and mo ex
ists such immeasurable difference of
views ' , conceptions and feelings that
noi'ther scorn nor insults from mo could
nlTcct you. "
"And yet there was a time when you
did not see this difference. Then you
loved me. Have you entirely forgotten
that ? " she added softly.
"On tlio contrary , I remember it well ,
and often live over again these hours
with delight , Somewhat , however , as a
mature man recalls his boyish pranks ,
and rejoices that they belong to an ago
which Is gene forovor.-
"And you have only such recollections
of mo ? " she asked with smothered voice.
"Could you expect or demand of mo
any others ? " ho replied sarcastically.
"Stop ! Do not revenge yourself on a
defenceless woman. "
"Defenceless ! Do you think I have
forgotten the weapons you wielded by
which to wound mo mortally ? "
"That was In the past , but today it Is
different , today I love you love you
with my whole sojjl , notwithstanding
you displso and repulse mo , " she said ,
in ono hurried breath , ns If by the
confession to relieve her overburdened
"You love mo ? Wouldn't It bo too
childish In mo to believe It ? Didn't you
say these same words to mo only a few
years ago und yet "
"Ah , then nnd now ! What a chasm sep
arates these moments ! I formerly looked
upon love merely as an indispensable on-
tcrtainmont of an evening party. Today
it has become n necessity of my heart ,
and I would share this sacred'feeling
with him to whom , though unconsciously
to myself , for a long , long tlmo my heart
hns alone belonged. I feel that if you
now repulse mo I shnll dlo like a ( lower
on which the dew no longer fulls. "
After uttering those passionately ex
cited words she added , ns if ashamed of
them , In a timid and frightened tone :
"Ah , how you must despise mo1 !
Henry felt how the little uiuid trem
bled which again rested upon Ills arm.
lib could not account to himself for the
change in his thoughts und feelings.
Ho forgot the whole world , forgot the
mass of people crowding hlthor and
thither about them forgot tlio suffering
of past years and saw only the living
being who leaned timidly mi his arm and
behind her mask was choking back tears
of shame and-humllintlon.
Conscience commended that ho take
pity on the unhappy ono , but reason-
remained hushed under tfte magnetic in-
lltionco of the tiny hand resting on his
arm. "
Another voice the voice of his heart
whispered :
"You love her as much , perhaps moro
than over. " And ho trembled. Could
it bo true ? Was u return then posolbio
for him to that sweet , long past , but
never to bo forgotten moment ?
"Yes , it Is possible , " ho said to him
self in thought. ' "Slio loves mo as
formerly , " and turning to the black
mask ho whispered : Dosplfio yon ? 1'ar-
don you ? You know llmt'l Htlll love ,
still adore you , thnt I am ready lo con
secrate my life nnow to you. "
t'arrlcd away by the old love , ho con
tinued t :
" 1 love you as no mortal , no pool hns
over loved. "
Instead of nn answer ho hoard behind
the t mask which nearly covered her
mouth i only n soft , musloal ha ! ha ! hal
as i with half suppressed voice she enld :
"I have now won my bet with the
baroness 1 , I assorted that any ono of
you j men nt the bare rccoilocUon of your
first I love was capable of committing the
grossest | piece of stupidity. I wns not
tiilto t [ sure that I was right ; but now ,
thanks I to your nmlablo heart , I am only
too I thoroughly convinced of It. The half
of ( my winnings should properly bo given
to | you.
"Hal ha ! ha ! how grateful I am to
you ! " she paid , as nho withdrew hur
hand ] from his arm and was soon lost in
the j crowd of maskers.
Making Glad the Wnsto ( Waist ) Places.
"Thut's what I call making glad the
waist placc , " snld Smlthsoii , ns he put
hi * arm around a lady's waist. Hut
Lilly won't cnrc much for this show
of affection if Sinithson doesn't get
rid of that disagreeable cntnrth of his.
Won't somebody tell him that Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Ruuipdy will cure him.
Uy Its mild , soothing , antiseptic ,
cleansing and healing properties , Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Homedy cures the worst
cases of Chronic Catarrh In the Head ,
as thousand' ' ! can testify. "Cold in the
Head " Is cured with a few applications.
Catnrrhal licad.iclio h relieved and
cured as If by magic.
In perfect faith , " tlio makers of Dr.
Bage's Catarrh Remedy the World's
Dispensary Medical Association , of lluf-
falo , N. Y. . oiler to pay $ . " > 00 to anyone
Buffering from Chronic Catarrh In tbo
Ociiil whom they cannot cure.
Now. if the conditions wore reversed
If they asked you to nay 81)00 ) for a
positive cure you might hesitate. Hero
arc reputable men , with year * of honor
able dealing ; thotisand"of'dollars and
a great name bad ; of them.
They believe In themselves. Isn t It
wortb n trial ? Isn't any trial prefera
ble to catauli ?
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most \vlilcly nnil favonililv known spec
ialists In tlio I'liftol Status. Tlu-lr loni ; i-\-
Iierlenct' . ioniirkablu ; skill and uiiivi > mil : MIC-
i-0-.s In tlio treatment ami euro of Nervous
Chrimlo nnd f-iirglcul DKun i's , untltlu tliusn
oinlnont physlcliins to tliu full I'onllilciico of
tlio atlllrtcd ovi'rywliiMO. Tlii'V final : uitrn :
tlio awful ofTi'ets of oarlv vli-j ( and tlio luiiner-
ousovlls tli at follow In Its train.
snrlllv. ( eninpli'ti'lv Mini porinaiii'iitlv I'urcil.
NKiivous li-iiiiiTY ) : AND SKXUAI * DIS-
OltDKHS yield icadlly to tln-lr Hlilllful trcat-
cured without piiu or ( lolenllon
AND VAUICOOni.R iiorma
iicntly mill siiecossfiillv cured In every case.
iiiutorrliii.i , reinluul Wrukness , J.ost Miinlioiiil ,
Nlclit EinlHslnnx. Deoayi-il Knonltlus , I'enialo
\VeakncKs nnil all di-lliMto cllsonlcis peoullnr
to cither sox positively cuii'il , : is uollnt all
fmiiitloiml dlsoiderstliiit icsiilt from youthful
follies or tlio im-essof niaturo years.
CTI ) ITTIlKMi liiiiiranteoil pumnino n tly
O 1 l\.lv/ UlvU ciiri'ij , removal eoinplctu ,
without cuttlns , ciiustto or illlatatlon. Unres
elTucti'il at luimo by patiunt without n mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
ACTTI)17 Tll ° awful directs of
OUlvl./ early vleii wliloli lirlnxs
organic \vcalitius4 , ilostroylnt' both mliiil nnd
hoily. with all Its dreaded Ills , peimanently
Address those who linvo Im-
paliod tlii'insolvua liy Improper -
proper InilulRonco and solitary linblts. which
ruin both mind and body , nnllttliiR them for
limlni'ss. stuilv or nmrrlaKO.
MAHHll-i : ) MKS or these entcrliiK on Hint
h.iiipv life , anaro of physical deulllty , quickly
" 83lStC" '
Is based upon facts. I'lrst I'raetlcal nxporl-
oneo , Heconil Every easu Is specially htiulleil ,
tlins starting right. Third medicines are
picimrfil In our laboratory oxaclly to Hiilt
cacli fuse , thus effecting cures wllliout Injury.
Drs. Betts & Bctts ,
Tin ; .TftllTUf/i ( ' " ! , l-ltli nitil Ifni'
( at In : tnimt HtiliHtoiitlallil
Jliitfl Jluirdliitt in OiiKilm. tici'i-t'Hl
lifiii'u brick / / ! < > nilln i-iinnlnu front
Ijum-iiH'nt tit roof All tliu i-vlllniiH < nnl
Jlooi-H lim-il trill : . \HlicHt n firu jtrattf
llnlnii , iiuiktnu It t n > t > HHililr. to burn
fluids. Fire i'MCitiK'H niullit ; nlnrinti
thratii/liont f/m linllillniftti'iiin Iti'nt ,
hot Hint t-olil ini ti'ifinil HiiiiHliliifln
rrcn/rouiH , Table uniitn'i > HHfil any
TinloyBurke.Geo.W. Howitt-TJios.
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
onlcosi J. J. lirown Ilulldlng , Council llluffs.
Tit 111 ? IEHr&iBurrorlnK from
III WrAEt Ms'N11'0 cafeit ol
I W 11 L.fti % lfli.1 1 youthful erron
early ( IccnT.wMtlnifweaknfM , loit uianliowt , etc.
I % vlll eciul avalualilo truatlta Oualul ) eoutalnlns
fullimrtlculara for lioma cure , I'lll'.l ! of cliurc
A fplcn'lld medical worki hnulil Ixi read by tiver )
mail who U nmmm urirt ilel > llltal''il. Addri'M
1'rof. I'.c ,
Is of great betu'llt In toinporary anil ImMtiinl
constipation , I Ivor niul kldnoy < 1Kcnc4 ;
clironlo outarih of tlio stomach unit tiuweUf
ihmllimthin , pmit. Ac. , mill should lin lined In
the nioriiltin liofnro tircnkfnM. Olitnlii the
ucmllno article , Imported In round bnttlt" * *
Wiltr for iminnhlt't. Kl m > r A. Mun < lo1 < toii.o.t
Ati'iits , nllurvliiy .St.i N. V.
FilSOXA ; Ir-Mr. John lloiiimliiRton plentd
cull nt A. Holler's , III ( I llronduuy , uu
tlicro Is a jniekuuu thcro from tlio I'jtlilixu
"I" OST Kalishts of I'ytlilus diarm I'lndcr
.1 ' loa\u ut tlio poltuo station mill Kt't ro *
"irUMt SAI.K-A hulf Interest In n irnnil
J , In ; hold In u iariu town. Apply ut imci )
to Johnston & Van I'littcn , Coimull illulK la/ /
. Knrly Koto nnil Uhlos , Apply to Moriuiu ( I
UMiton.W i : , lliondmay , or " 1.1 Vine street ,
Council lllulT-t.
I.IOUSKS for suit' . 1 will soil farm horses
.1 1 ruiisoiiiiblnnrlrrsniul'nr'stliiid ,
intcri'Ht ut 0 per ci'Dti satisfactory boourlty
limit bo islvi-n. t.i'oiuml llvi-rott.
C A burgnlm now inoilorn linusn
with nil tlio Into lniir | < ivciiu < iiK M'VUU
room * ; will si-ll on ci ; y piiymi'iitH ; Inrutt'don
tliu I'lftli iivpmin iniilor lino. 1 > . .1. llutclilu *
sun , 01 ? llrnudwtiy.
I7VU ) SAI.K right-room lioii'i' unil two lot * .
JL' on Harrison nl. A modern liimso aiul u
Rixnl homo I'lieap. D. J. llutolilnsoii , 017
IlroudvMiy ,
KlOKSAMJ-Vory flno rnnclstnr. I yours , nnd
JL very line fmiilly inure * . 4 yours ; olu > ni | for
casli , nun or span. Will tnulu for iiiirlclit pi *
ano. Mnr. llouricliH. music toucher , lit Stilts-
111:111 : stloot. Council lllnirn.
TOOK SAU-Klno xliiKlo uiiil doiililn road-
1 sti'ri ami heavy drmiKlit horses. Will also
1111 onion for any stvlu of liorsis wanted ,
l.oiixo orders with Dr.V. . li. 1'atton , Central
livery anil unto stables , " 1 uiulJ N. Mnlu
Coinioll lllnlTH.
THOU SAlTE'or Kunt-O-xnlon "TnmT , with
JJ houiot , by 3. U. llloa. 101 Mala lU , ( Jouualt
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
DlliEr-rous-I. A. Mlllor , V. 0. Clloason , K. ft.
Sliu iirt , H. K. Hurt , J. 1) . Kdiinimlson , Uliarlot
O. llannan. Traniaot Imnkltu liusl-
m' i. Largest capital unit surplus of any
bank In Sou thwostorn Iowa.
Council Illuili , In.
All illara-oiof the BY 15. (
trrali'it w'lh ' the Krent
nklllnnf raru.
ntiit 1IAV FI5VKH trentotl
with cMiitnont suct'eia.
HlMUJICAI.OI'HKATIO.Sy , wlicrn miuMtnry pnln.
Ics'ly pcrformo 1 nllli thiuitmiitt cnrii unit "kill , at-
mirliiK IHTffCt ruiults KINKS 1' ( JI.ASS12S ncenr-
ntcly princrltitMl , curroctliu nil ri'trni-tlrn troubloi ,
9 M > upln , Il7icrupln | mill A-itlulnntlaiu , tluu ri-n-
IcrlnK Blitht uaty , clcir : nivl | iilnliiH < I MIKI.VIO
NKL'KAI.IJIA nml SICK IIIIADA' ' III : , nftnr jimrj
ul torrlhlo milU'rliiK. no relief , onllroly cured oillco ,
llooni I , Hhiinrt Illuck , ovur llonu ACo'satoro ,
Council llliills la.
All kinds of DvliiR ' " "I Clcunln ? done In tlia
IllRhustHtyloof the Art , Failed and gtulncil
I'ubrlcs Hindu to looluii nootl a-i now. Work
liruiujitly cluiiiiunil delivered la : U1 i > : u-W ot
tlio aouiitry. Burn ! for prlco list ,
U. A. MAOUAN. 1'rop. ,
J01J Uroaclwav. Near Nortliwustoru Uopat ,
Over C. 11 , Jacqucinln & Co. , Jewelry Store
Corner Main nn'l Ilro-iilvrixy.
Doulors In foreign nn 1 do'iioatlo xclianxt
Collodion nuulu und Interest paid on tlma
deposits.W. . C. E STEP ,
Council litiiffs , Iowa.
11 ftorth Main Street ,
Fiinmil Director aii'l ' Kmbilmer.
Dr. Ecc/es's Decision in Regard to
Complexion Preparations ,
They Are Not All Injurious Strong Words
of Proof in Letter ) from a Woll-Knovm
Physician nnd Chomlst ,
IIOIIKUT O. KCCI.KS , M. . , 101 Dcnn Street ,
IIIKJOKI.V.V , Jnn. : j , 1691.
I/inclon Toilet llninr Co. !
( , K. > ri.BMH < Tliefurinula of 1'lnnta Ho.itrlco ) mv
Inalic'i'ii nillinillluil to mo , I mil frc-o to miy Unit H la
nn excellent nnil iivrfuctljr liurmlcss uno nnil so frcO
from nnylliln ; of n pnl-onouj nnturo thnt nucli n
roinlilnntlun mlKlit Im nwnllowcd lthout Injiir ) ' t
rnn HOO no roiinou wliy It olioulil not iicniinplUU
wlmt ynii claim for It. H. (1 , KCCIA'.S.
Ixmilon Toilet llnrnr Co.i
( IKNTI.KMKN' You luirlnK "ubiiilltcil tlio formula
of Kli-Mi Worm 1'nJlo nnl I'lmplu Itviiiuvprtu we , I
can i > ( in > i'li > ntlouBlr rucomiiicnil It n livlnic u good
combination anil contnmlntf only mli ruiuodloa n *
will lu'nclU Ilioso rcqulrlnitlt.
Of the numberi of tolk't nrllclcn tlmt have como
lioforo my notlcu nnd thnt nro Intuiulcd for the tame
lines n Hunt i Ilc'ntrlro anil Klcsli Worm I'uxto , Ihb
lubitillloil formuln eliow youri to tie Iliaunljr uno
Iio > ocoiiiposltlon > araqultoliarmk'i4.
U. C. l.'CCI.KS.
PLANTA BEATRICE removes Moth ana
Llvor Spots , provants Sunburn mil Tan
restores the color nnd roftnos'j to
he Blcln , ( mil IrBepsitporfdotinanycllmato.
Price $1.2fi , pnst-pald.
FLE3H-WORM PASTE roHnes nndmako3
smooth a rough , porous slttn , it i'1-oly removes
moves Flesh-Worms ( Black Heada > j a posi
tive cure for Pimples and Kruptions. Prlco
$1.50 , post-paid.
TheBo are the most romarlciblo prepara
tions of the ago , ISvery application will Im
prove your complexion.
For B.tlo by all Druggists and Doalors.
Manufactured soluly hy
38-40 West 23d St. , nnd 20 East 17th St. ,