Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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" for Ihrso column * wl
bo taken until 12:30 : p. in , , for tno evening
edition , ami until 8:30 : p. m. , for the morning
edition mid HUKDAV llr.K.
In advance.
i \TFS-Ae1vortlscinrnUon thlspago will bo
L churned for nt the rate of l' { cents per
, . , jrd for HIP first Insertion , nnu 1 cent per word
for each nubscque'nt Insertion , nnd ILCU per
jliio per infinth. No advertisement taken for
Jcsi than 5 cents for tlio llrst Insertion.
INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count caoh
u a ono weird.
rpIU'SE iidvi-rttsntncnt-'i must run coiiscon-
J lively and under no circumstances will
they bn taken or discontinued by tclophonn.
PAHTIE8 advertising In these columns ami
hnvliig thi'Ir nnswcrs nddresseel to a "num
bered letter" In care of Tun llr.K will recclvo
n , miiiibcred chock to enable them to got their
Ifjtters. Answers will bo delivered emly on
4 -/iitntloii of this check. Enclose answers
lirrfiiflopes properly addressed.
advertisements'under the head of
ALL Notices" nro published In lioth
the morning nnd nvrnlng editions of 'I'm : IJBK ,
thn clnvjlnllmi of which aggregates more than
20,000 p-iporsflatly , and gives thn advertiser
thoh'iiiellt not only of the largo circulation at
TilK Too In Omnha , but also In Council HlilfTt ,
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns In thowest.
Advertising for tlieso columns will bo tiikon
on the al.nvo rendition * . at the following buM-
JIPM.S IIOUOTH who nro ntitlinrlrcd to tnUo HUrc'lal
notices , nl the same rates as can bo had at the
main nlllco.
2G2II N. Street , Lister lllock.
. HELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
HK tc EOny. Htatlonors and Printers ,
_ \J 113 South Kith street. _
STf77'AHNS\VOItTll , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
IIIR street.
: \\F j7lIUOIIES. Pharmacist , 024 North Ifith
* street.
Gro. W. I'AltH , 1'hnrmaclst , 1718 Loavon-
, street.
TUUI1ES' I'll AHMAOV. 24th and I'arnam.
For rates , etc. , tcctop offirtt column on this pane.
AVTED SItuii1I | mf hy t > oy 17 year * , onico
ork , assistant bookkeeper. Address I )
C5 , lieu. M51I-21 *
A VOIINO widow with a little boy ZY years
J ; old wishes a position as housekeeper for n
widower. Address 1) ill , lleo. 003-17'
ANTED Situations for ( rood girls ! my
waiting rooms nro always full from n a.
to Cp. m. Canadian Employment olllce ,
H ir.Ui. . Telephone 8RI. 121
JV rctlY , etc. , see top of first column on
HELP Wanted Male. Agents wanted foi
the memoirs of General \V. T. Sherman
vrlttonby himself , In two volumes at J2.fiC
per voliiino ; te > tmiry RiibscrlberwIll boglvoi
n copj nf Darle-y's famous masterpiece ) , "Slier
jnan'H March to the Son. " bl7o5x.U ! ! ; thootitfli
consisting of ono volume , together with pic-
lure , for 11.60 , the exclusive mib
Ushers , Charles L. Webster & Co.3 East Four-
te'entli street , Now York Olty.
" \\rANTEn-Good salesmen to sell advortls-
i * ' ' Ing cards nnd novelties on commlssloi
dlicct from mnnufnctiircr. You can tnaUe
aiOpm-weok. Addiess Atlvcrtlslng Specialty
Co. , nulTalo. N : Y. M575 it
" 1X7 ANTKD A good man and wlfo for fam
IT work ; must como well recommended
Ilanta , room 410 , Hoc. M582 17
\A7 ANTED A man of good oh aracter , gooi
' personal appearance and moderate edn
cation ; must bo energetic , attentive and will
ntt ; porniiincnt position mill irood pav fo
Biijilablo mnii. V. A. therfleld , No , 47 , lloart
CG5 1G
TMTANTED A No. 1 butcher totakn clmrRi
TI of a retail shop. Must como well rccuin
niondrd nnd nblo to clvo security. 0.0. 11
Iliowii. CallbotnconUandll. M.Vi' '
WANTED Kncrpotlo man to confine
bruiioh ntoro In Oiniilui. Must Imvo sfCO
capital. Address Bumutni Cigar Co. , Chleacc
< f\rANTKIt-llrlBliti"irt tidy oflleo boy. In
f i Vqulra room 411 Iloo tmllcllnir. Bfl'j-i
T ANTED Aucnti to Roll tlio cvorlnstlni
lampwlck ; : iiminplea nnd terms by mall
lOccntB. 1 ilozen 25 cents : Holla for 111 cent
eneli. K. Wehoskoy , 6 Eddy at. , I'rovldenot
K. I. tUG'J 1C
W ANTKD Men to travel for our Canadla
nursorlo3.8tono& Well Ing Ion , Madison , Wl
DK-l'KOTIVES wanted In every locality t
work under our Instructions. Experlone
lint necessary. Ptamp for particulars. Wnsli
inxlon Dutoctlvo Agency , Uox 787 , Washing
Ion , Iowa. MliUJ Ml
WANTED-WWIntolllRent men and womo
to visit ISattloof aottjsburg , 18th and S :
Mary's avo. 407 K
Zfor rate * , etc. , nee top of first column on this pug *
Ng . - . - . . . - „
"I , AIY Agents Three dollars capital wl
JLJ build up a business paying tweekl
Belling our noveiltlos Ip ladles' and chll'lron' '
wear. Our child's combined waist and ho *
piiptiortur Is the cutest llttlo garment ever In
\rntt'd and sells at 4lght Address wtthstami
Mis. O. Campbell , 484 W.Uamlolph street.Oh
WANTED Four roflnod. oelucated and o >
perlenced millinery halosladles. Addre-
fltntlng experience 1) 27 , lleo. M 5151'
ANTED-Olrl at 1311 South 29th street.
607 1' '
T ANTED Girl for general housework r
621 N. 17th Bt. 484 II
WANTED-OIrl for general housowor !
Must bo a good cook. Apply at 2107 Spoi
5G4-1' '
\TANTED-Glrl forgeneial housework wl
' can cook. lia" > Georgia avo. CC2-H
W ANTED An Intelligent young lady an
gentleman for thu stage to learn the drt
tnntlii buslnpss ; tliutothat can play the plan
preferred. Also a cook for the Konn Mai 1'alaeo Car. A Ions ; enjiiRcinant to tli
right parties. Address Miss Uena MurMill
3iileslmrjt. Colorado. 400 11
for ratcs.cle , , nee fop'oJlnt column oil thl pV ]
FOU KENT House of 8 rooms , newly pi
pered , on the corner of 23th and Kiankll
BtreutH ! soft nnd hydrant water lu the ho us
In good lopalr , IJ3 per month.
9 rooms In Mnton block , will rent to gontli
man and lady without children ; steam hoa
120 per month.
M Also
"store rooms In Mnton block ; Inquire at 0
Llnton block , eoinur Mason and lth ! ) stre-ot
John llumlln. J15
FOU KENT 10 rooms , brick house , conn
17th and California. Modern convou
dices. Sultablo for roomers and board. Lo
rental. E. ] ' . Cook. Ull N. Y. L. bulldln
M : i70 l
11' you wish to rent a houfu or store fceo 1
K. Cole , Continental bleick. u
FOlt KENT 7-room house' , all convenience
1KI4 N. 17th. Innulru 11X' . 6
Olt 11KNT Cottages with 2. 5 nnd 8 room
Cass bet 25th and Sflth , Clarke , room I
board ot tnulo. Mitti I- '
T71OH KENT Nlco 4-room cottage , at 1014
JL' lath Ht. Innutro of Mrs. Uuggan , S. W. cc
13th and Pnolllo sts. C
S ( TEAM heated Hats nt 700 B. 10th. Thos.
Hull. Jill 1'axtou block. Thos.S
TTIOIl KhNT A nine-room house with n
J-1 modern Improvements , south front f
Ilansconi I'ark. Inquire of Kennedy & lilac
burn , 1WS I'ark uvc , Ms
/ITlOIt KENT 3 houses 10 rooms oaoli , I'm
JJ uvo nnd woolworth st , , city water.fnrnac
do. Call atoijce , MumuiiKh & I'lU'liutt.hou
Tenting agents. 8.V. . cor. Uth and Howard f
POK KENT 5 rooms , ono lloor , 1713 Jacksi
slroul. Jl'j
pOU KENT After March 1 first-class 1
room houso. all modern conveniences , f
h school hill. o. F. liuvls Co. 2 -
- , _ , . _ . .
-I ! - - L-M.r--nLl " - - - -
TpOUHENT-Solesant 11-room houses , Ne
J5Mi'8 ' and KI10 DoiiKlas st. Enoulro of A. ,
HlaiUlnno , luio UouKlus St. , orGloboLoau
Trust Co. . W S 10th t S
T7IOK RENT Seven room house ; wash hou
JU , nnd barn. 1121 ti. Wlli-st , M47J 1
-f OH KENT Soven-room cottngo , cor. 2S
avoandCap. qvo. lnrtuiro2U181)odge. Mt
i now brick liouse * on Norm Nineteen
V street , 10 rooms. modpru linpruvumunt
vob.irni only 1.15 per month. Omnha lt
Jwtiilo and Tru.t Co , , Uoom t , lleo building.M'
M' ,
For rat ( , ttc. , te top nffnt column on tht page.
Tlioii UKNT-8 " w'-room iinusos within fitiiliT-
J. tiles walk ot the postolllco. O. V , Davis
Co. . i5or.
ITlOKUnNT VourO nnd 7-room flats with
* ' batli , hot water , etc. i parrd street ! near
hiiMnotsi all linnrovmiitmts : only * ' per tno.
Ilofore-nces required. The Mead Investment
Co. , 413 lice bulldlntr. Ml
For ratctetc. , rcctup of first column on t"/il / page.
IANDSOMEI/Y furnished front room , steam
Micat , gas , bath , 711 S. 10th , 2d lloor.
TTIOU IlKNT-Klpftatitly furnished front
L1 rooms , smsle or en suite , for ncntlemen
only , Htanm heat , ens , modern conveniences.
Call at 018 South 18th utrcet , 2nd lloor. lint H. Ii *
171OU lir.NT i'nrnlshed rooms nnd board.
JU terms reasonable. 330 .actli at. MM 9 17 *
ViirtiMied room wltn ( fas. bath
and furnace heat. Inqulro 1007 Douglas.
TJOOM for rent Ono larso front room ,
J V fiirnUhccl , im-ludlng steam heat , can nnd
bath. ZII9 Douglas street. M M4 17 *
IfOH HKNT Ploaiant furnished rooms for
gentlemen. All conveniences. ICUUDoun-
1ns street. MflOC-17
IUUNIS11E1) room , 1118 Dodge.
M4C710 *
"IjlOU UKNT-Nlcely furnished room for two
JKcntlciMtiii or married couple , l-'lat
H , 703 H. IGth Ht. C'all after2 p. in. M471 M14
T AUCIKyr.dsmall rooms In now Hronnnn
-LJulk. . nuwly furnished throughout ; Kood ta-
bio. 1001 California. 48320
N KWIjY furnished rooms , all modern con
veniences. 2ia N , 17th. WO H7 *
TT10U ItnNT Nicely furnished room , Kas ,
JL1 bath , 17i4 I.eavenworth , upstairs. :17710 : *
FlUNIB1I ) ED rooms , steam heat , ' 115 Doug
las. 112 It *
TT1OH HKNT-niegantly furnlihrd rooms In
-U now brick house , three minutes' walk from
postofllcu. All modern conveniences. I.n-
quire ( KJ N. Y. Life building. 405 17
rilO KKNT Ono elegant furnished front
JL room , 2nd lloor , stcanichoat , liath.Rns , etc. ;
113.00 per month ; must have reforonces. Sirs.
11. C. Moses , 38 Karnani st. 570-18 *
TTIOU UENT-Frontroom with alcove.cvjrtninH
J- ' mantel , heat , Ras.bath , 2 elosots. for U Rcn-
tle'inon or man and wife , $10.00 per month
207 8 21th st 701
T71OH RENT Twenty-five rooms In a brick
J- block ; pnod.location ; with or without fur
niture. O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Karriam st. 224M 0
ST , OLA in Kuropenn hotel , with dlnlnc
room , fetenm heat In all rooms , 13th and
Dodge. Special rates by week or month. SJO
ELEGANT furnished rooms. 1923 Dodge ,
L-21 ImG *
FOU RENT Knrnlshod rooms , gas batn and
steam. ir > 10 llowiml. 843
FOK KENT East front alcove room at the
Mcrrlam. MjlOD
T Alton and small room , 1701 Capitol nvenuo.
LAltGi : south fiont room , bay window , mod
ern conveniences , for ono or two Bentlo-
men , ? 10 per month. 2213 Lcavenworth. M303
NICE rooms , steam'heat , 1710 Davenport st.
418 17 *
For ralesetc. , sectnpof first column on thts page ,
" "
OH""ltENT-Soom and board , $1.00. 1712
Douglas. M534 2t ! *
TTIOH RENT Desirable rooms wlthflrst-claFi
J board. 1822 Chicago. M. > I5 17 *
" 171UHNISIJED rooms with gas , bath and furL -
-L naco heat ; board If desired. S. K. corner
23th ave. and llarnoy street. M807 20 *
"VTIOELY furnished front rooms. First class
Xl table board. Terms reasonable , 200 N.lStb
street. M3M.17 *
"DI1OAKD and rooms , C23 S 17th street.
Forratu , ctc.scetopof finteolcmn on thtg page.
OH unNT-1'art oY'buslHcss building IMS
Farnam street , consisting of store and
upper lloor with otllco rooms. Inquire of
John H. 1 < \ Lehmann , 0218.17th street.
CJTOHES at 7008.10th. steam heat furnished.
JJl'hos. V. Hall. Jill 1'axton blk. M7
TTIOR RENT The 4-story brickbullnlnu.wlth
U or without powor.formotly occupied by the
Ueo Publishing Co. , DIG Kariiani st. The buildIng -
Ing has a fireproof cement Dasomontcomplete
steam heating fixtures , water on all the doors.
Kas , etc. Apply at thu oflleo of The Doc. 015
T71OK RENT Or sale , my building on .Tones
JL1 at. , bet 10th Ac llth. Q.A.LIndijnlbt.tUU S.l&th
; i4j
T71OII KENT Ilrlolc waronouso , two stories
* - high , bu-omcut : , hydraulic elevator , track
age ; best location In city , A. C. 1'owell. 8T > 0
Ferratesetc.scetop offirstcnlnmn onthlcparje.
TTIOK KENT-60 aero ranch joining South
-L Omaha , ! ! 3 acres pasture , IS tlmhor ; abun
dance spring water ; on It. & M. H. U. Address
Leo & Nlchol 28tli and Lcavonnorth streets.
IT'LKVEN ' acres , house , largo barn nearCon-
jLUtrnl I'ark for garden , attl Ht. Mary's avp.
Forrates , etc. , tectopofflitt column ontlils page.
BEST trackacxi and storage bulUIInc In
Omaha , United States government bonded
warehouse. Household goods stored nnel earuel
for. Lowest rates guaranteed. W , M. llusli-
man. 1013-1015 Lcavenworth. 205
TORAOE and trackage. David Cole. 815-817
llowarel st. 8X1
CHEAPEST nnd best storage ) for furniture.
Wells. 1111 Faniain street. MOlil
NIOE dry storage room nt BlnghumM old
Store. aiO Bo. lath st. 7C8 K 27 *
Forratcictc. , see top of first column on this page.
WANTED Unfurnished room with board
by young married couple , 20 minutes
walk from P. O. Address , giving particular
and price , box D as , lleo. A1577 1 ! ) '
"OESl'ONSIULE party wlahos to rent a 15 ot
1-iSQ-rooiii house rather centrally located ,
preferably furnished. Address D 1M , Hoe.
. ftl 573-181
_ _
GOOD unfurnlshpd room and space for star-
ago tor household goods. Address D XI ,
lleo olllco. 11500 Ii
Forratet , etc. . tee lop ot first column on Ihto page.
17S. EENTAL Agent Goo. J. Paul , 1000 Kiirnam street , makes specialty ot renting houses ,
rsT stores , utc. , and collecting rents. MfiU7
! T LIST property for rent , sale or exchange
with Ilundy & Co. . 1CU Uapltol avu. aiu Ml
: . XT IX COLE , rental agcncy.Coutluental blk
JO. i 841
T,1ST your houses to sell or rent with C. V ,
JLJlarrlson.lU2 | N. Y. Lite. 651
IK you want your houses rented list with
Purrotlo Ktmtul Agency , IGth and Dodgo.
forrtiteicteie topofflrftcolumn on l/ifa / pace ,
PULLMAN houio Special weekly rates.
_ _ MMO-Fai' '
I-lii' rates , cte.seetoi > offlrttcolumn on this page ,
IF James McOrnugh ( or his holrs ) who lived
In this country In 18J7. nnd It Is thought
had land M > me\\lioro b > 8arpy county will
write mo , they will learn something to theli
advantage. II. A. Weitertlold , 140S Fnrnain
street , Uniiilia. _ M.I24 11
Forratu , ete.eeetopof first column on thla joa ) ,
"fpOK BALE A good team of mules and naui
J- sot of Imrncii and wagon very cheap nt
17a a. Oth street. _ 31478 27'
FOU SALE Hlaclf imported Frouoh stallion ,
Inquire C05S. Kith street. MBIg-a
"lilOR 8ALB Cheap , wagon and double work
J- harness , or will exchange for busk board ,
also good aldo bar buggy , ohoap. 11 , K. Cole ,
Continental building. 67.
ili TOR SALE cheap A two horse sielgh , nlse
' large pulloyti and shutting. Wll'ouglas.
T A DIES and pciitletnen oun rent
JUadu suits at ( Oi N. lllth at.
For rattt , etc. , lee top offlrtt tolumn on'.th t pai/i ) .
FOR BALE-CoHrfl ; one flno fresh Holnteln
nnd two No. 1 Jersey * , calves by tliulr
sides. Call at tornoon. K. . Jester , 25lli and
Iliirtst. OflO 18 *
/ 1O\VS Two splendid cows for snlo with calf
VJ by lde , ono tJS and ono HO. J. E.ihon- !
herd , Irvlngton. Nob. M510-ig
IjlOR SALE First class milch cows , also sov-
JL' eral gerod horses. Knqulro room 201 Uniftha
National bank building. ( SO
For rales , tie , , scctop offlnl column on t/i ( pentf.
TjAOIC HALE Estoy , two bank , pedal orKan ,
X1 nenrly now , very complete. 11.11. Allen ,
care Chlongo Lumber Co MSO.t-21 *
T71OU SALE Ono sot Harpers' Monthly Mas-
i alncs. 7" voli. ; ono set Sorlbnor-Ccntury
magnrlncs , ts voU. : one set Atlantic Monthly
magazines G4 voH. . a. lloiuhton ,
2110 llornny street. Omnha. 11500-17 *
FOU SALE llaby carrlnRC. chair.and bed ;
good as now ; Jlfl. list H. 20th st. .M474 17 *
EGO Hall's safe , cheap , 2124 S. 10th st.
f 490 10 *
T71OR BALE A standard make uprlglit
JU piano , but llttlo used , at a Macrlllce. Must
bo fold nt onco. Call nt2419 Caldwcll. : C1
"jmou SALE Piano. $115 ; curtain desk , $ X ,
Ju and books. 1521 Sherman ave. 4IW
| 7oH SALE Complete sot of drug store flt-
JL1 ttircs , show cases etc. P. O. lox ! 872. KM
FOR SALTAn A 1 llrop roof safe. Enquire
ut Uoston Htoro. MD71
Vorratt , ctc. , scetopoffirstcolumnon this page.
WILL pay cash for a lot , or equity In lot.or
house nnd lot : must bo bargain. Alex
Moorc.MJl Shcoly blook. 48 ! ) 16 *
WANTED A neat , attractive bakery
wnfton for ono hurso ; must bo light , In
good order ; now or second hand. Address
Ilo.x415. Yankttili. S. 1) , 50010 *
WANTED Stock of hardware anel slock of
general nierchandliu for cash and real
estate. Addre-ss , H. A. D. , loom 64 , 11. of T.
building. Omaha. Nob. 451 10
WANTED Single , nut top sitting elesk.
1'hll Stlniino ! , UII Jones. Mill
T71URNITURT3 bought , sold , stored. Wells.
JL1 llll Farnam st. KB
W ANTKD Will nay highest cash price for
household : goods. ai'J iiq Kith su "
WANTED At once ; mornlinndlso ; all
kinds ; spot cash : must know at once.
* T. Newell & Co. . ] 41II Douglas , Oninlia. SUL
'or ratrsctc.,8cetop of Jlrst column on ( Ms page.
scalp and hair treatment , innnlciirn and
chiropodist. Mrs.rost.310K 8.13th , Wlthuoll blk.
DEEDS , mortgages , contracts and all legal
Instruments carefully executed , A. K.
Ulley , attorney and notary public , room 11 ,
Continental block. MB-KM
Ifyr rates , etc. , scctop of first column on this j > ayc.
MON E\To a7njy"TO ras7c73 n hn"ttc"l
nnd collatornl securities for .my tlmo from
1 to 7 months , In uny uinount to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , innlos. houses , louses , warehouse tlio lowest possible rates with
out publicity or lemoval of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can mnko
a payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both principal nnd Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you want changed.I will pay HefT
and carry It for you. If you find It moro con
venient , call iip telephone No. 1021 and your
business will uo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity , Lowest rates.
H. F Masters ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthuoll bile. , 15th and Harney sts.oOG
SECOND inortRaKO loans ; money ready.
Alex Moore , -Ml Shccly block. 4'JO ' 18 *
M to Joan on real citato ; lowest rates.
0. J. Oasv.cH , 810 N. Y , Lite. OM-UO
LOANS of 81.000 to $ : > ,000 wanted on choice
Improved city pronortv. Low rates. No
delay , Central Loan & Trust Co. , Ii05 1'arnnm.
410 S3
/ 111ATTElj bank , Ilia S. loth St. , loans money
v/on chattels or collaltei-al at reasonable rates
TJMUST St second mortsases on vacant & lin-
- * - ' proved city pion. County warrants bouuht.
Money on hand , F. M. Ulohardson,818N.Y.LIfo.Ml
BUILniNG loans. 0 to 7 nor cent : no addi
tional chaws for commission or attorney's
fees. W. H. MolUle. First National bank bldK.
RKAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Qlobo
Loan nnd Trust Co. , : ) f H. IGth st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses to rent ; good list.Bfl
GB , & 0. M. Anthony , all N. Y. Life biilld-
Ing , lend money on ( aims In choice coun
ties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on uood
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; inonoy ready. Titles and
values passed on liero. 605
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
ateurrcntratosfundson ; hand ; no delay.
Gco. 1 < \ lllust & G'o.'JU3 HaniRO bids. M8B7
M1 ONEY to loan on Improved Omaha tirop-
crty. 11. II. Ircy.-'oi ! , N. Y. Life. 003
M ONEY to Loan Short tlmo paper houzht.
Hronirtin ft Co. , G2J N. Y. Uto. 741-R'O
) KIVATE money to loan. J. D. Zlttlo. 1)14 )
N. Y. Life. JWl
M ONEY loaned on furniture , hordes , etc.
llawkeyo lnv.Co.XJ Douglas blk , 10 & Dodco
Forratesetc.scttopofflrslcolumnonthls page.
"C10IJ SALE Drue storq dolnc peed business.
J-Owner lias two places. Ilowltt , No. , ' 14 S.
Halstoad , Clilcaco. M D85-17'
WANTED EnerRetlc , nushliiB business
with moderate capital , $ .VA to tuko solo
aRcncy for a standard urtlolo ; t'OO not profit
per month eunrnntcod. Apply II. Mauss , It.
112,1'axton uo.use , between a and 3 o'clock p.
m. M5SJ 17
GOOD inllllnory stock for aulo ohoap or part
exchange. J , U , Uortolyou , 40 Chamber ol
Commerce. M 4G.
TTIOU SALE An ofllco practice worth $1,000
J-1 a your ; can bo doubled If city practice Is
taken upi price $1,000 cash , or will exchange
for eastern Nebraska land free from all en
cumbrance. Address I'.O. llox'Jl ' , Lincoln.Neb ,
4111 18
" 1710U HALE or Trade The Tukninnli oroam-
JL ; cry , In llrst-class oidor. Will exchange foi
land or city property. A rare chance for one
wanting u good creamery. Call on or ndlrcB
11. M. llopewcll. Tekamah , Nob. 45"-'Jl'1
DOCTOR The best opening for a good doc
tor in Nob. Adruss II. A. Kufus , Uavcnna ,
Nob. aiG.M5 <
FOK SALE or Trade Larzojllvery ami feed
stable , feed store attached. This Is well
located on paved street nnd doing a good
business. Mnmaugh & Kltuhett , real estate
agents , cor. lUh ! and Howard sts. 8'V
HOTEL for Salo--Io you want to got Into n
good business ? If you do , buy the Comnior-
clal at Itrokon How , Nob. HC !
T71OH SALE-Tallor busluobs , Frank Sochor ,
JJ David City. Neb. 7U8 1' 8S' '
TTlOIl SALE or Kent The Tokamnh canntiic
-JL factory , In complete running order : will
bo sold cheap , or to the right parties will be
rented on favorable terms. Call on or ad
dress First National IliuiK , Tolaunnli , Nob.
SALOON The heat opening in Nebraska ,
Address II. A , Kufus , Kavoiuui , Nob. . It. K
agent. TIM I'ia' '
TfilOK SALE Furnlturo and lease of 40-roora
J- hotel In line location ; un average business
ofKWuday. flood chanco. Heat reasons foi
Belling. W. S. Cooper , Morrlam blook , Council
ItlulTs. la. M511) FU
Forratcctc.sie top of flrtt column on l/itx / pane
MKB. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; natural ! }
gifted ; tolls past and tuturo.lovo troubles
absent friends , changes , truvol , business. im- :
Faniain bt. M333 S"J
rr\Q \ know your future , go to Mrs. Stover , 401
JN. . 10th street , Ud lloor , 401 10' '
US. TOUT , palmist fortune teller In thl
Oypsr. way from the lines of the hand
fee , tl ; ludlos only. 818 N. 17th Bt , 4Vi 34
IVrASSAGE Madam Dolzlor. over 010 S. 13th
.lU. -
il 1U1-MU-
MKS. Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance
speaking , writing ami reliable buslncai
uiedltiin , four years In Omaha. 11 ! ) N. 10th. 84 ;
Forrat , tte.ttttopofflrtt column on this page
CALL or writes for catalogues and Invest !
eatu the merits of the Smith 1'romlor typo
writer. Manifestly superior Matures. 1m
portant changes made. Typo-wrlterd sold
exchange or rented. ICODJi Fariium St. , K II
Mayhow , manager. 87
, ctf . , ace joii fjjrt olii mn on thii pagt ,
"lrANTED Evoryb < Ali' tliat has a homo or
IT lot to Undo for neotx ) , .Nebraska farm to
call at Excliango,41ti. 1105 ! ' M 678-11 *
WANTED Good .ilR ) i ffililes or horses ,
harness nnd wnRo s. ' nt once. In ex
change for lot and cash.UiVnta , room 411) . lien
bldg. MM ! 17'
_ _
$5,000 of llrst tnortgngcMpaper Secured on
three times that amount of property In
county seat town of Nebraska to exchange for
good ncrrnzo property. 'Miiliiotnnborotl pro-
forrod. This Is llrst clivsa. Inspection In-
Tllotl , Address Di < 7 , HOC ; _ M580-17 *
\V ANTm-Eqiilty In ttopit Nebraska land
i for ociulty fir first iiavtnt'iit on cheap cot-
tngo nnd lot , Omaha or Cdtmcll lllulls. I ) M.
llee oillct' . M57D-17 *
_ _
I HAVE some nlco now houses and vacant
lots Unit I will trade for stocks of dry
gooris or clothing. Address owner , llox KI4.
Ularlndu , la. M580-17 *
_ _ _ _
TTXCI1ANGIC A tree claim In Nebraska for
JHJ stock or clear lots. Address D 89 , Ilc-r.
_ 21 *
POK TIIADE Dividend paying stocks for
residence lots. O. K. K. & > T. Co. , 4 lire
llldg. M504
_ _ _ _
IHAVEaliotisoofOroomson Ohlost , , near
24th , with city and cl torn water , sewerage
nnd burn , worth ffi.OOQ ; oiiouniberod for about
? -tOO. duo In'JU years. 1 will take for the
equity a small house and lot or good vacant
lot ; or will sell un monthly payments , pur
chaser to assume tlio encumbrance. What
have you to oiler ? O. U , K. & T. Co. , 4 lleo bldr ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ 4V3 10
T\7"ANTED To trade for a slock of drugs.
W Hex 618 city. M3
_ _ _
TO Trade Farms In Llnroln county for
stocks of ceneral merchandise. 0. 0.
Hawkins , Wellllcct , Neb. M417 17 *
WE have rental uropimy worth $12,000
bringing 1 100 a montli. clear of Inpumb-
ance , forivhlcli wo will take half cash and
lalauro lu trade. Stringer ft Penny , llarkor
block. 2UI
'M acres finn farm land adjoining good Ne
braska town : nearly clear.
100 acres llnoly Improved land 2W miles from
ountyficntln Nebraska ; lightly encumbered.
120 acres good land InNobraska , & miles from
county scat : 2..100 Inhabitants.
llnuso and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4-room house nnd lot. barn , wetland cistern ,
Kith street , Oinaha ; slightly encumbered ; will
.raclu for Omnha property ami assume encum
brances. II. E. Cole , Continental block. 003
FOK EXCHANGE Clear land and Jl.OOO for
niiNo. ; want about 13,003 stock. llox CSO.
Shenandoah , In. U04-17 *
Wl ] nave Improved nnd untinpiovcil Omaha
loal e-tato for trade , or will sell for cash
ntjust about halt Its value. Some nleo houses ,
good vncunt lots , and some of the best down
town property. Stringer & Fenny , Darker blk.
I WILL Irado a good clear lot In Armour
Place , Sou Hi Umaha , and takogooddrlvln : ;
horse and bugity as part payment. Address.
It V7 , lleo. , -B
USINKS3 property on 12th St. , near Kar-
natii. for lesluencc.
2 clear lots ( corner ) In Orchard Hill forhouso
and lot.
40x120 , Saundcrs st , , south of Lake Clear , fur
Some other peed property for exchange. J.
D. Xlttlo , N.r. Life. GOO
plauo. Address IJ 4J , Uco.497F13'
for rait * , etc. , ecctop offr itoluinn on tills jiuge.
FOH SALE Good trackage lot on Loaven-
\\orth.hetwccnOth iniil'lOth ats. ; would
take seine Imurovud Onmhu propnrtv In ox-
change. Equity In corndr lot In IlltchcocU'.s
add. to trade forhorso and buggy. Alsohoitses
and lots for sale and exchange- all parts of
thu city. W. A. Spencer , room 7. Chamber of
Commerce. , " MM * 17
AK. It I LEY. notary public , room 11 , Con
tinental block ' - , MMF28
T3AKOAINS 5-room cottage and lot. city
IJ water , sewer and barn , 'Centrally ' located ,
$2,750. Toimscasy" fi
Largo 5-room cottage , nicely finished and
well located , $2,000. , .
South fiont lot on pavedstreet near motor ,
$000. J - ,
Homo nlco lots In wont and.nortlipartof city.
$350 and upwards. J , f ) . X.UtM 014 , N. Y. Life.
5-BOOM house , lot 3ax8XV'll,700 ; alsoC-room
house , lot ; tl'Wx82 , s. o. cor. ' Uth anil Vlnton
St. . $2,000. llrlck house Iot4l.\f.r . > , n. o.'tor. lOtli' '
and Douglas , JJOOOU. Mrs. TCUhlninri , 2121 S'.llth
1 8 ? fl
0-room house antl full corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Addie * * tlio owner at 42nd and C.iss
sts. . B. G. Merrill. 187
FOU SALE Good now ,8-room house , olty
water , good sodded M-foot yaid , close to
motor , 2 miles N , W. from P. O. $1.000 cash
and -11,500 a years at 8 per cent. UOIIHO and lot
cost over $ .1,000. Stringer & Penny , llarkor
block , room 42. 2U1
Ql'nOlAI , Uorgaln-Largo lot , KlxlK ft. . 4
Obloclcs from Lowe nve. nnd Cumlng st. , lays
splendid ; choan for cnsh , or will trade for
farm. Address E. G. Merrill , 42nd and Cass st.s.
TT1OR SALE Cheap. The resilience at 2.MO
JL1 I'lerco street , at a bargain for a few days
only. Inquire at the Nob. Steam laundry ,
lUthand Howard streets. M518
For rates , etc. , tcelop of first column OH this page.
BEl'OHK buying a piano exiunlno the now
bcalo Klmball piano. A. Hospe,1514 Douglas.
o lit
KO. F. Oollcnbcck , teacher of the banlo
with .Hospo. l'iii : Douglas. 249
TTIOK SALE C'licap. a nearly now Hallett ,
JL1 Davis & Co. , upright piano In flrst-elas-i
condition. Inquire atlOlu Douclas st. 'J03
"OKOF. Charles Petersonplnno.vlolln.zlthor ,
J- & guitar instruct Ion. Studio 505 Shcoly blk.
700 Fa *
I HAV1 < frfcw now pianos for sale awfully
cncap , as I have conoout of the piano busi
ness , s. Jouason , 1 < arnam and llth sU H2J
OUTll'S tailor system taught 012 S 10th.
650 yap *
ENC5AGEMENTS tododiessmaklng In fam-
llles bollolted. Mlsstiturely , Sliiu Harney st
41BT10 *
J'"ormf8cc.,8cefopo//ir ( ( tcolumn on this page.
MASSAGE bath atMndamo Smith's parlors ,
ad door , 70.s. . lath st. Vji is * .
MASSAGE JIudair PeUIer. over 010 S. lath.
M 161-Mli *
Forratra , tie , , sec topofflff efjumn on this paye.
FINESToIectrloand oliihfro thermal bath
roon Including Turlclvll cabinet baths.
' ' ; '
Ladlos.H to 1 dally & Tuesday ( \ Fr < ' |
0 to 10. Dr. KlchardsroonliJ4iia & 320Uoo bld'g.
2 ' '
Z''oitraccc.,8c ( ( t'ojio/l rsNuiim ! on this
BEST line hair goods lu wit ; halrtlronslag.
wigs , switches , baiisJia ! r chains , etc. , a
specialty. Davles , halrM po'Js and milliner ,
opposite iiostolllco. Ill B. liilmBt , Omaha. 841
For rates etc , , tee tnp of Jlrittofumn nn Hit * page.
TpHEI ) Jlohio loanai tnoluy.on dliimonds and
- - watohcs.Jowclry , etc. i jijCpr.Fariiam & llth
ooa . ' 74
f'orrutc3ttc.Ketopofflnt coiunn enid ( / page.
PATENT lawyers and solicitors , 0. W. Sues
St Co.lleo iHillillriiOmaha.Hranch oflleo at
D , C. Consultation , frco 675
> 'l" ' ( " PTk/I" Morphlno Ilnbll
Oi-l JL S-J Um.cur.dfaltoaoa. . , .
Nop rtlllcur d.DB.J SIirHEMB.l.biaon'o !
. , A POSITIVE "ndpcrmanenlCUREfor all
dlseaiijoTitieyRI NARY ORGANS. Cur
where othertre > tmentiilltFulTdireclion wllh each
bottle. Pile * , on * dollar. Sea signature ol E , U
For Sale By All Druggist *
CArSUI.KS era Ilia
IH'U nnU onljr cnpsulos prciorlbtnl l > r
rljUHr | | phjrglclani for llio cure of
Oonorheea and dlnclmrgoa from the urlrmry oruaaa ,
whtlUer real or acquired. tlM per box. All drugglitj.
Posltlvolr cured by
these Llttto Fills.
They also relieve Dla-
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ;
IVER Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Bed Tnstc
In the SIouUi , Coated
Tongue , 1'aln In Uio gldo ,
TonriD LIVKK. They
regulate Uio Bowels. rurcly Vegetable.
Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed bid1 * will
bo recolvod hy the Hoard of Trustees of the
vlllugoot Wlsnor. Nebraska , from datuilp un
til seven (7) ( ) o'clock p. m. , stntuliinl time , the
2nd day of March , JbOl , for thn extension of
the water works system of said village of Win
Plans , specifications and details arc on fllo
with the village clerk , at hls.olllcc. where bid
ders may Inspect thosaino ; iind thcsamushall
bo extended iioconlliiK toanld plans , specifica
tions and details , and shall bo completed
within the tlmo named nnd of materials men
tioned ,
All bids must bo In writing , filed with the
village clerk , on or before Mivem o'clocic p. m ,
standard tlnio. Uio 2nd day of March , IS'll. '
The Hoard of Trustees reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
The successful bidders will bo required to
give bonds to said village of Whiter us re-
miln-d by law.
fly order of the Iloaril of Trustees of said vil
lage of Wlsnor , this Dth day of
[ SEAL ! 1'ubruary. 1891.
Attest : H. S. 1IKK1IE. Chairman.
r < . O. Kifnanu Village Clerk. tKIUilt *
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Is hereby glvod that the regular an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the South
1'latto hand company will behold at thn ot-
flco of said eompany. In Lincoln , Nob. , on the
llrst Wednesday In March , IS'JI ' , being the 4th
day of the month. IIv nrdnr of the board of
directors. It , O. I'll ii.t.u' " , Secretary.
Lincoln , Nebraska , February a , 1891.
I Suffering from
TO WEAK MEN youthful the eHfets crron ol
early decnr , wasttnz weakness , lout manhood , etc.
I wfll f oiul a valuable trentlsn ( wnlpdl containing
full particulars for homo cure , I'll KB of cbarga
Arplundlcl nicillcal work ( should bo renubyevcrj
man who la nprvnn * and Uolillltatrd , Addrcsa
Prof. F. C' . FOWLUIt , Mooting , Coim
Tilt : MAUKBT.
TNSTIIUMESTS placed on record February
JL jo , iso i.
O E linker and wlfo to Mary E Carter ,
lotl , blk 10 , Oichard Hill. . . . . . . $ 000
Aaron Calm ot nl to Frank Atkinson , lot
111 , Windsor Place ext . 1,050
3 I ) COY to C E Ktratton , lot la , blk 5 ,
Omah.i View . 3,030
W W Koysor and wlfo to II M Duncan ,
lot 14 , blk in , Clifton Hill . KO
W WKeysorand wlfo to Eda I'lnnoy , lot
1U , Clifton Hill . . 550
Elizabeth King to Fidelity trust com
pany , n 5(1 ( ft lot 'JO , Urlflln < t Isiinn'H ad 6,000
Mead Investment company to { T I'unk ,
lotlOblkl. Kedlck I'ark . l.OJO
George Muncli and wl'o to Michael
Mnnch , lot.'l , blk I , Qulnu'rtad . . . . . 4,000
J \t \ Mlles to Mary ! ; Carter , lot 2 , blk 10.
Orchard 11111 . 000
G H 1'ayno and wlfo to Fidelity trust
company , lots 15 and HI , blk 8 , Patrick's
snail. . . . . 4,000
J T Shannon to II H Wallace , lots & and 0
blocks , Jcromn park . D
O E Stratum and wlfo to Dubtuv lluhn ,
lot 111 blk 5 , Omnha View . 3,000
Dolphlna Hholos and husband to II L
Look wood , lot 19 bile 5 , Alama I'laia. . . 10,000
South Omaha Land company to J U
GcmmoU , lot ; : , blk 127 , South Omaha 540
Bnmoto 0 Ii llrldenbcokor , lot 11 , blk
L-2 , same . . . 000
E F Soaver and wlfo to O G Maohosney ,
lot5 ! ! , blkU , Westlawn . . . < 00
W Ii Bolby tr to W II Glasler ft J II
Podge , lots 2 , II , U 14,10 to ID , blk A ;
lot 21. 1)1 k 4 ; lota 17 and 19 , blk 2 , W It
Helby's 1st addition to South Omaha , , 3,850
Union I'aolflo Ity company to East
Omaha Land company property adj
acent government lot 1 in H and Iot3
lnlO-1513 . , . 1
Total amount of transfer * . i. . . . tiO.oyo
A whist club ha * been orgnnlzcd by tUo
young married people of Norfolk.
An association of thoroughbred uorso
brceelors has been organized at Clay Center.
There Is $1.73 In the Kxotor vlllago treasury
nnd town warrants are worth IK ) cents oil the
Seventeen children , ranging from two to
lit teen years of nge , from the Now York
City Aid society , found peed homos among
the pcoplo of 1'awneo county last week .
.1 , H. Wllsou , residing north of Hynnnls , la
mlfslnp and It Is supposed ha was lost In the
recent blizzard. His liorso has been found ,
A number of cattle pcrlshc'l ' In the slonn.
County Surveyor ICoon ot Broken Bow
tried to stop his runaway team and was struck
by the polo , knocked down , trampled upon
niul run over. Ho was unconscious for a
short time , tut was not severely Injured.
Liberty hns a chess club composed of qulto
n number of Kcntlomen who are lovers of
that came. The club meets once n week and
n heavy line Is administered to nil' members
who absent themselves from regular meet
Mrs. Mnpglo Baxter of Crete has filed n
suit npnlnst the Missouri Pacific railroad
company for $ T ,000 damages for the death of
her husband , who was a brakeman on the
Crcto bratch nnd was killed at Talmngo
March HO , 1800.
John Kclloy , nn employe on the govern
ment works on the river at Nebraska City ,
attempted to cross on the ice , but broke
through and sank out of sight. Ho was
cnuRht by n companion as bo caino to the sur
face und was rescued.
A man tmmod Wllcox committed sulcltlo nt
South Ilcnel by taking two ounces of aconite.
\Vllcox was about HIty years of ngo nnd had
lived In the town since last fait , engaged at
work nt times about n , livery barn and pretended
tended to bo a horse doctor.
The Saline County Driving Park associa
tion hns been organized at Crcto with n cap
ital stock of $5,000. The object is to pur
chase , improve nnd maintain suitable grounds
for i > driving park , race truck nnd fair
groumls. The Snllno County Agricultural
society will take a lease of the grounds.
At n Inrgo meeting of the farmers at Well-
fleet , representing Medicine- precinct , Lin
coln county , it was unanimously resolved ,
that the state senate bo earnestly petitioned
not to disturb or repeal the law now upon the
statutes giving 1 cent a pound bounty for all
sugar manufactured from beets for six years.
The encampment of the southern Nebraska
District Reunion association , Grand Army of
the Republic , will bo held nt Beatrice on
"Wednesday , March 18. The district Is com
posed of Jefferson , Saline , Gage , Johnson ,
Pawnee nnd IHchardson counties. Each post
in tlio district Is entitled to send three dele
An nvcrago of about 500 men nro employed
in the lumber Industry at Keokuit.
Joseph Pritchard and wlfo , of Ida Grove
have celebrated their golden wedding.
.f. W. McMlllon , wnola missing from Ynnk-
ton , was the postmaster nt Aurelta under the
Cleveland administration ,
Cnptnm 3. A. T. Hull , member of congress
elect from the Dos Moines district , hns gene
to Washington to sco how It is clone.
The school bonrd of Cherokee requires female -
male school teachers to sign u contract not to
marry until thein engagement to tench
A Dubuque young lady laughed so heartily
nt her lover's remarks that her jaw got out
of joint and a physician was sent for post
Jncob Milllsack , need ninety-ono years , is
dead nt Ottumwn , where he had lived slnco
ISM. Mr. Milhsnck was a pioneer In the
abolition movement.
B. Ai Koablos. the picture ovnnpollst , has
closed a three weeks' series of meetings in
the Calvary Baptist church nt Davenport ,
Fully 250 converts and inquirers are reported
as the result of the services.
Captain McMillan , warden of the Fort
Madison penitentiary , was one of the seven
who attended the twenty-seventh anniver
sary celebration In Chicago of the tunnel es
cape from Libby prison by 10D union ofllcors.
Miss Almn Dempster hns rotnliatod on J.
C. Forbcr. who last week caused her arrest
.for nlleged larceny at Ottumwa. Sim has
brought suit for $3,100 damages for malicious
prosecution and slander. She was a clerk in
Ferbor's store.
The Sarles divorce case , which hns boon
racy and sensational in Its details , hns como
to on end in Mnrshnlltown. It was found
that the wife hud been guilty of adultery and
.thehusband of cruel treatment , but that each
had condoned the offense of the other before
their troubles were brought into court. Di
vorce ) was denied to both.
It is common tnlK nmong undertakers in
Dos Moincs thnt n couple of grave robbers ,
generally called "growlers , " are holdintr out
there , evidently in the employ of some med
ical students who mo nttondintt college. Just
how far they have carried on their nefarious
work of stealing the elcad can only bo judged
by the well known fnctof the youngstudonts'
determination to get as many bodies to dis
sect as possible.
Kov. A. J. Kynett , D. D. , LL. . D. , formerly
a most active lown Methodist Episcopal
clergyman , sent his portrait to the state
library the other day , with one of "Old
Dickey Walter , " a local preacher of Ilock-
dale , Dubuque county , who died u year or
two ngo at the advanced ngo of nearly ninety
years. ICynott Is now living in Philadelphia ,
where ho Is engaged in publishing n paper
dovotcd to religious affairs.
To restore , thicken , and gtve you n luxuri
ant growth of hair , to keep its color natural
as In youth , nnd to remove daudruff , use
only Hull's Hair Kenewer.
"W. N. Nnnoii'H Comments on the Heller
Commission's "Work.
"Those self-constituted relief agents who
nro now traveling about tlio country repre
senting that tno pcoplo of Nebraska are on
the verge of starvation are doing the stnto nn
untold amount of damage , and I think they
should bo called in nt once , " remarked W. N ,
Nason , n member of the state relief commlt- ;
tee , ns ho talked upon tlio condition of affairs
in the drouth-stricken counties in the ex
treme western portion of the state , along the
Colorado border.
"You see , " continued Mr. Nnson , "wo have
much to contend with in carrying out this
work , but one feature should not bo lost sight
of , and that Is this Nebraska is a great
stnto and wnllo the crops failed lu some few
of the counties last year , the territory in
which destitution prevails is very limited.
Wo do not need any outside nssistanco.
After a careful study of the whole sltuntlon ,
the committee has arrived nt thu conclusion
thnt the state can take care of its own poor ,
"I understand thnt the eastern states nro
flooded witu men nnd women who pretend to ho
hedging for aid for tlio people of our state.
These pupplo , or at least most of them , nro
impostors of the rankest kind , and are doing
tills work simply to ndvanco their own Inter
ests. Of the scores who are doing this work ,
hardly ono has un honest motive. They ( jo
to Sunday schools , churches and banks , and
with smooth stories man ago to gull the people
ple into giving money nnd supplies , which
they convert to their own use.
"I have si > ont a gieat deal of thnu at Lin
coln dtirinu the past month , and know that
the situation is not as bad ns has been pic
tured , \Vo have shipped coal. Hour and
other provision * to our needy | > eoplo and can
now confidently say that they are in compar
atively good shape. Now the grout need Is
for seed tgrain for the coming season. Of
the appropriation made hy the legislature1 ,
J'.Tj.OOU must bo kept saved for this purpose.
Wheat , oats und corn must bo purchased ,
nnd as tbo railroads no longer give us free
transportation on such commodities , it is the
intention to buy all of the grain from our
farmers if possible. Wo shall advertise for
bids for furnishing grain delivered ,
nnd when the bids nro In , wo shall examine
them critically nnd award the contracts In
every Instance ) to the lowest bidders. In
many of the counties in the eastern nnd cen
tral portions of the state there nro many far
mers who have grain to sell , nnd mv opinion
Is that that tbo contracts will bo awarded to
"It has boon stated that the relief commit
tee has sent out supplies to many who are
not needy. This Is a mistake. At first , dur
ing the hurry , wo rushed out the supplies
and possibly some persons received rullof
who were not entitled to It , but wo are very
particular now , nnd if any question urisos ,
wo hold the order until wo can mnko u
thorough oinmlnatlon of thu case. By doing
this wo are able to prevent any fraud from
being practiced upon us by men who nro tin-
worthy , and ngalu wo nro not supplying tha
farmers with luxuries. Wo furnish them
with ntnoluto necessities , such as Hour ,
bacon , rlco and bonus.
' The weather has boon most fnvorablo.and
with the conl that has been furnished and
other fuel that the men have rustled , nearly
nil of the people have gotten along as well ns
"Somo of these inon who have boon hoi nod
belotn ? to that class that never does well In
nny country. These people wo Imvo helped
to sonio extent , but as a rule wo have Intended -
tended to lot thorn rustic for themselves , ns
they would bo hard up hi nny country , oven
if pnople all around them hnd plenty.
"During the past week I have scon many
farmers from the western part of the utiito ,
nnd from conversations with them I am stills-
lied that but few tuon have loft the country ,
but luste'nel , most of thorn uro on their farms
nnd will attempt to put lu and harvest n
largo crop this season , "
Do not consult anybody , but Invest twcnty-
llvo cents in a bottle of Salvation Oil. It kills
When wo reflect that so many human beings -
ings dloof consumption we must come to the
conclusion that everybody should bo provided
with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , the poor cou-
BUinptlvo's friend.
Captain liny Mmlo lleml of a Party to
Thnt Country.
Partial provision hns boon made by congress -
gross to lit out nn expedition next summer
for a thorough exploration of Alaska. An
appropriation of $100,000 hns boon made for
that purpose. The expedition will probably
bo sent out for a cruise of about thrco years.
The project originated with Captain Hay ,
Judge ndvocato of the department of the
Platte , who spout two years lu the regular
service stationed nt Point Barrow. Thnt
was in 1SSI-83. Ho also visited Alaska with
the sonata commlttoo during tlio
summer of 1SS9.Vhilo stationed ,
nt Point Barrow Captnln Ray explored the
country to the south and upon his recom
mendation the government established n
station at the mouth of tlio Tannnnah , where
the village of Nukaknyot Is Imllt. Captain
Ruy speaks the Esquimaux language niul is
thoroughly acquainted with the manners
nnd customs of the people who Inhabit the
country. Ho Is well acquainted with the
dinicultlcs thnt must ho met in making n
thorough exploration of that county both by
land nnd water nnd there Is probably no man
in the United States tinny who could lit
out nn expcditlpn for that work moro cor
rectly than Captain Ray.
The expedition party will probably consist
of about thirty soldiers und n corp of ton or
fifteen sciontillo men , who will furnish it
topographical , geological nnd botanical sur
vey of tlio country.
The expedition will lo iltted out nt San
Francisco , where a steamer will bo churtored
to the mouth of the Yukon river. Two boats
In sections will bo taken on bonrd
the steamer when the explorers
roach the Yukon river they will
leave the steamer , put the river bents to
gether and proceed up stream to Nuknknyot ,
at the mouth of the Tnnnnnah river , whore a
hcadeiuartcrs will bo established.
It is believed by army ofllcors nnd others
acquainted with the work that must bo denote
to mnko the expedition n success that Captain
Hay would bo the most cnp.iblo man in tlio
army to take chn.go of the ex
pedition. Although Lieutenant Allen hnd
charge of the expedition to Alaska
during the summer of iSOtlnud mndc some ex
plorations along the Yukon aim Copper rivers ,
yet his reports have not attracted so much nU
tcntlon from ns the reports lurnishcd byCup
tain Ray , especially thnt made by Captain
Hay in 1885 , and which was laid before thu
Forty-ninth congress.
There are several applicants who nro anx
ious to sccuro the appointment ns commander
of the expedition.
In speaking of the proposed expedition
Captain Rny said : "I do not know who will
bo placed in comtnnnd of the Alaskan expedi
tion. I Imvo placed my services at tbo dis
posal of the secretary of war providing Iio
sees fit to call mo to the work. Alaska is u
country of much greater resource than is
generally supposed , and an expedition of the
. kind contemplated will , if properly managed ,
result In great benefit to the United States. "
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Chil
dren Teething relieves the child from pain.
23 cents a bottlo.
Predictions for February Wontlicr.
As there nro but twenty-eight days in
this month there ought to bo loss cold ,
ntmosphoro thnu in January , but "all
signs full in dry woulhor , " therefore wo
can only say that the oloctric-lijhtocl ( ,
Btenm-licmtctl , vostibulotl , limited trains
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will continue to run dully bo-
twcon Omaha , Council UlulTs iiud'Chl-
cago. The oloctrie light rending lump
in onch berth is the novelty of tlio nffo.
Ticket oflleo , 1C01 Farnam street , Otnahn ,
For Third AVnrd Counoltiimn.
The friends of James Powers of the Third
ward , who want thnt enterprising citizen to
represent the ward In the next city council ,
held n meeting last Friday evening nnd took
stops to organize for the fray. Tlio meeting
adjourned to moot Friday evening , the 27th ,
NotoH About the Oily.
A son has been born unto Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Allen.
Captain Peter Cockrcll la in Hume , 111. ,
selling his property.
Dr. M. Klrkpatrlck will run over to At
lantic , la. , on a short business trip.
James and Mary , children of Mr. and Mrs.
James Powers of the Third ward , nro ill.
A dance will ho given at L and Forty-
third streets , B. & M. Tracks Thursday eve
The Magic City gun club hnd ( i live bird
shoot nt the Third ward range Sunday
ThoLadleV aid society of the Prosbytorinn
church will hold an old fashioned spelling
bee and social In the church Thursday eve
Mrs. Watkins with her daughter , Miss
Hattie , of Clinton , In. , who have boon visit
ing her son , J. II. Wutklns , returned homo
Mr. and Mrs. Grorgo Parks wcro at homo
to a Inrco number of friends at their elegant
now residence1 , Seventeenth street and Mis
souri rv/cnuo.
C. H , Manloy of Tnkoma , Wash. , on'his
way to the Inland of Cuba , stopped off to
mnko a short visit with his brotlior-tn-luw ,
Dr. E. L. Ernbout.
Sidney Lioadbotter , the Union Pacific night
car inspector who was rolled over nnd Injured
under near about a month ago , Is bettor und
went to work again Sunday night.
The revival services being conducted by
the Her. C. N. Uawson of tbo Methodist
t'hurch have been so successful that they will
bo continued till the middle of this week.
Patrick , aged four months , son of Mlfihacl
Lyons , Brown Park , died nt ! 1 o'clock Sun
day morning , of bronchitis , nnd wns hurled
in St. Mary's ' cemetery nt 9 o'clocic yesterday
Christopher Housen , the St. Charles hotel
barber , died at 1 o'clock Sunday rnnrnlng
of consumption. The deceased has no known
friends nnd no arrangements have boon made
for the funeral.
An Interesting mooting of the St. Vlncrnt
do Paul society was held in St. Agnes'hull
yesterday afternoon. A number of applica
tions for relief for needy ones wns noted on
and their needs will t > a su pulled nt once. .
1 have been ndllctcd with an affection of
tlio throat from childhood , caused by
diphtheria , and have usoel various remedies ,
but hava never found anything counl to
Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Hov. O , M. F.
Hampton , Plketon , Ky , Hold only in boxes.
Don't Fool Vourfiolf !
Notwithstanding nil rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee ft St ,
Paul Ry's now stoum hunted pulaco
sleeping cars , with "olootrlo lights In
every berth , " Btlll loaves the Union de
pot , Omaha nt 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv
ing at Chicago nt 00 : ! a. m. , hi ample
tlmo to mnko nil eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1601 Farmim 8t.
C. Puss. Agt Gon. AgU