VALENTINES FOR OFFICIALS , ffiomo Interesting Missives Gleaned from tko Publio BorvanU' Mall , BRAVE MEN RAVE AND SV/EAR / , 01110 or the Officials Btnllcd and Hliowctl Tliolr letters Othori lltirlotl Them in Deep , Waste Basket * . f3t Valentino's day , lllto Christmas , comes tfnco n year. To tlio children It Is a tiny of picrrimcnt. IhoolJ folks cnronaught for the dny of caricatures nud very bad poetry , and business men nnd city officials , asarulo , hnvo | ilnce < l hi n unmly position to their desks the largest waste basket they can afford. Yesterday was February 14 , anil the grist pf valentines sold nud delivered wni not short of the customary amount. If any thing It was larger , at least In the cheaper grades. The mall carriers were loaded from tnornhiR until night , Ono of tlicm as ho trugded wearily aldus with his burden was heard to murmur : Last summer I drove n horse oar , In the fall 1 followed n plow ; Next I worked on my brother's Ice wagon , lint I'm only n mull carrier now , Tlio average recipient of his critical valen tine reminders hurriedly consigns them to the wnsto baikot with a few Italicised sul phuric remark1) . With public characters and pfllclals It limy ho said that tbo desk files are loss used oil February 14 than usual , and Tower nnswers to communications nro dic tated to the stenographer or typewriter. In his roundi on yesterday a law of these valcn- "Cifics , which were moro or less mutilated , Vroro rescued by a reporter for Tun llm : from \vastc-baskcts , desks nnd carpets which would have otherwise passed Into oblivion nnd secreted from the gaze of the general public- . > Mayor CushlnR got n basket full. As a re porter entered ho was reading this ouoi P , Itlchnrd , 'Occur do Jjy'\\r \ \ Pon't you remember when , A mnn for ofllco Highlit' , | ) ld luiiint your business don. O , how you swore and pledged lio'd have I'oslsh lot como what mny Jtut lo. .your choice of favorites shows lie's In Hho consomme. ' the promised uliico Is filled hy a'rad , ' Yo 'Twenty-eight' lo please : [ Though party friends Imvo lost their grip , They itlll retain tholr 'sneeze , ' A. real , n truo.Iacksonlun , I'rcdlfllng adverse fntii To him who ti.ivH oleiitlon debts Uj nibbling buUor'u bull. Soun SAMOSET. Another ono addressed to his excellency pond I Hero's hoping , dear DIcK , thnt good fortuuo May nitund yon tlin next year to como , When till the town will acknowledge , From u bishop way down to a hum , That your term was u pathway of roses Your government naught , but perfection : Shell tliSKiuifr will commence counting noses , Aud boodlu-foryourro-olectlon. C ! Ann Ann. City Treasurer Ilush rather cnjovs St. Valentino's day and was not at all anxious to destroy the missives ho received yesterday. When the reporter cntnrod , the custodian of the city's ' cash was readlni : ono to his type- writer. Ho proposes to have it framed and lent to the world's fair. It runs like this : These are the days of progress Throughout this ytinl < i < o liind , And ho wlio leads tbo foremost Is the chap that's In demand. No wonder , then , that Omaha It.s mossbaok mini should crush , And do sufu tlnancecrliii ; With a scientific Hush. . KEIISV. Charles Goodrich , the corpulent city coinp- ollur , tore opcu his batch of valentines as icklossly as though ho expected them. But Charley vowed ho didn't euro ; that Uioy could guy tilm about baseball all they wanted to ; thnt he proposed to buy the first season ticket placed ou salo. Quo of his valentines read : Aeecoml homo run Ohanls , you'vomado , Olllelally 'twas groat. Especially fora shadow man Of bcnrco four hundred weight. You H | III comi > trol the city's books , NolOllOW IttqiClldH It.S IM.'lf , But uln't tlioro times when , "eliarlcy-hoss , " You can't control yourself ? For Instance' on the dlumnnd , when Opposing olubs nro tied , A fonr-biso : hit puts Omahu Upon tiio winning side. Tla thru you need a controller In your oxhlloratlou , For another day in.'iy bring defeat Andeusslu' llkouarnatlou. n. n. CRANK. Judjjo Ilolsloy disposed of the common tierd before ho razored his valentlnlc mail. Boiuo of the pictures were flavored with per- funio ; others were suRar-coatcd. Tlioro were naked cuplds , hearts , darts , etc. , but the lines that caught his honor's eye read like this : Justice sauced with mercy , Lee Accords with public taste. You hettcrorrlu kindness Than to conviction haste , "Co iiutl alii no more" gives both OftttmcS'to true contrition. While "flno uncl jail" Just uurvos a cuss To guilty repetition. Snpiuino court learning's not required True justice to dispense far butter , IMF , It is to have A stock of common sense. Your loportorial life has proved That you are built that way Bo let the city draw a howl Aud toast Its fair 1 * . J. THIRTV DAYS. City Clerk Groves toro open a delicate lit- e missive that contained the followiuRlines : I k-iie-w you thought uluutrlo bolts uoro orinvlliiK up your splno v When you were roolcctod eierk , lly dialling's uow combine. Thn publlo Hcem quite satisfied , And Join St. Valentino , In wishing that you'll always moot A welcoming combine. License Inspector lliloy , ono ot the first po- ( too olilcials of Oumha , ns well as a bi-annual candidate , for sheriff , was so fascinated with the lines that ho received , that ho proposes to have Prof. Stcinhousor plneo them to music , and have the fut man slug theiu'at the Kdeu Musco. Hero they are : Is this Mr. Itlclly. thn old plonoer , Is this Mr. Klelly so sound tind sincorn ? Is this Mr. Itlolly whose name wo sco lioro , \Vo wish you luok , Hlelly , You huvo caught on thl.s your. IB thin our friend Tom , who gives tx porralt To dagos on comers to stand or to sit ? Or lazy expressmen to git up and git ? lly St. Patrick's howl. Thomas , You have made aproathlt. You keen u sharp eye on "houses do bum , " You have saloons and haoktnou right under yonr thumb , ttho uy deml-mondo-och , murlhor , yum , yum , You'ro out of Bight , Hlolly , 1'or one year to como. HOCKS. The major does uot deny now that his nnmo It Uonnts. Ho has received several valen tines from the council during the past tlireo NvooUs , but when ho ho ripped the yellow enVelope - Velopo open yesterday that contained the ) fol lowing lines , ho actually sworo. Listen : How Major , Oeorgo , I never heard You wuro a lusty plumber , Although with pipes , political , 1 knew you wuro n hummer. Your system , slnco the edict , ( No stalwarts need npuly ) Has Hern far better than before , Although you've uctcd sly. But Spfdit and others want your scalp , So nmjordonso the glim , Your name " 111 moan just what it spell ) , And you'll bo la the swim.JOINT JOINT WiFCR. Joe Standovcn , the city bollor Inspector , Is B good naturcd Individual with hair the color of brick , Joe never KCU excited. The mcro tolophouo tnnssngo that u boiler has blown up and wrenched the llfo out of n half-dozen por- Bens in some building creates no oyclono In Joseph's little rod-hoadod brain. Ho is the calmest person you over saw. Some friend eout him the following insinuating lines yes terday which ho dcsirea to hnvo published In the hope that it will assist Scavoy's gtm ? of fly cops iu runuluf down the author. Hero Dear JooYou You have the face of a boiler , Tlio hair of a tire , The nose of a ninlo , And they nay you're a liar. In haste. STEAMY. Each member of the "Solid Twenty-eight" * lub received a Valentino bearing a wood-cut print of their manager , accompanied by lines cf poetry. The matter was placed iu an enVelope - Velopo with black borders , The lines were Us follows : Yo bolter from the party took A largo nnd juloy feo. I'll now take ono from t'other side , Said the bolting man , said ho , INSIDE POCKET. Jiyou Count Pulosld , tbo dignified looking \ follow who wields the city dog lariat , received tUo following : All. ttiRlcM ilea nnd homeless cowj l/nbrnndtxl Lot-sound gocwe. \Vho i > ott it | ion the racnnt lot And wniitlor round KO IOOHC. Hn n < l , for Count I'nlasl < l now JN counting you lili preys Bo hcMtutP boinro you trntup Upon the Jiubllo way. Hoof thoroyalllool ami brood i And nnnio of shuddering souuu , Is looking for Ills shilling. ) Tlio hloud-nionoy ut tlio pound. Ono of the vnlonttnc * received by 0 as Inspector specter Gilbert read : Wbr , Jecniilt'MouRh , njrol faith. It's rough , Your friend , the Rn.ijninn 's sick , Dutpaii'l you miiko your ofuco ou Klucmo cnblM stick ? One year ago while very slclt , I thought I'd aas secure. It was my only luxury , And now 1 in very poor. Oil/ . The mayor's clerk got this one ! f I had hut 11.500 a year , Ulchard.slrOi "f I had but M.2CO a year ; Jli. how glad I would bo. And I'd work with sunli glee f Umil butll.'JOUayoar. Vou Blind hnvothnt J1.200 , Tuthlll , dear bor ; YIIII shall liuvo thnt a year. . Imvo told thn combine j'or yon know It It inlno ! You'll lit voted $1-UO u yonr. Ilia TOOTB. The person who cured to remember the city veterinarian did not know exactly how to spell his name , so ho wrote the following ou the doctor's sluto nt Ills ofllce : tnmoclottll hcavontl what a namol A letter inlxtiiro diabolical , As It the alphabet had broken loose Upon 11 hit ; sprco nlcohollcnl , Ohl lucky liorso thtit cannot understand How bravo men kick , and r.ivc , mid swcnr , To got proiiiincliitloii of tlmt awful word , Tliu sound' of which Id an earthquake lu tlio air , Tohonr It mentioned makes a ( lend horse Jn llcnnct'H bono yard rear and snort , 'TIS n fatal shock to equities living , Bo most men call him "Haiu" fur iliort. HEAVES. Somn person who signed "Dick's Pots" mailed the following to each member of the city council ; merry little chumps , fcobor once a week ) Wo may look tired occasionally , Hut then wo novcr sleep. Wo would not n-hoodlinf BO , llocauso wo thun would sco Ourrocords on the MB front pugo Of TUG OMAHA DAILY liui : . This Is n sample of the kind Dr. Gapon , the cltyphyslcian , received : They Bay that our present town doctor IB a tower of strength In Ills lino. And , oithur with knlfo or prescription , ( Jan 11 x up a case rather tine. There arc Ills In the city I know of Which treatment lioroloall need : Thoy'rii n little outsldo the profession , Hut , doctor , got ut tlioiu with speed , Splinter the broken pledges , ItandaBo municipal ser 3 , Tui ) a fat council suujoot , And rid the city of boru * . In fact , the whole olty Is slekor , In the way of the public alralrs , Than many poor people in body Who cull for professional cure. Lot the taxpayer bo lili own doctor , At the pofl < < make a general rout , Wlh liallots for pills and emetics , Just clean all the bum rascals out. Tccp down la Chief Soovey's wosto- basket wns found n crumpled shcot of paper , evidently written by a woman , bearing those unkind words : You look like a mnn. Now , demmol I nnvorvns fooled fro far ; Hut the roots of yonr whiskers Would make oloplmnt blisters Ou the tlio of u Faruam street car. car.CUPID. . Poor Commissioner Mabonoy cot this : Ilcan JuRRlcr , I hnto you , Hut dare not reveal The cause of my hatred , Hut from you will steal. My rations you out down , My coal It was rotten , But your liokcr was Rreat , So I'll come back a trottlti * . Country Treasurer Adam Snyder was not overlooked. Ono of his toughest ones ran something llko this : Money you handle , Kcup It In place ; Turkey comb red. And to Is your t aco. HAM. Clerk Frank Moorcs got ono from every member of the Uouplas county bar. Frank placed them all ou tile and will Imvo thorn en tered on the docket for the summer term. An effort was made to print some of thorn but they were so tropical In nature that ordinary copper typo mcitod byforo them llko a surplus before a council combine. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Kisers. Best little pill over made. Cure constipation every time. Nouo equal. Use the in now. IJJFfETXES. When the nvorago man prays for his neigh bor the Lord hears lot ) of gossip. The greatest business in the world Is to sell tobacco and whiky ; the poorest , to sell Bibles. Fashionable society in Now York has hit upon anew fnd. It consists of going to church on Sundays. "Hero lies the body of Mary Ann , Asleep In the bosom of Abraham ; It may bo pleasant for Mnry Ann , But It's ' pretty tough on Abraham. " A Scotch minister told n woman who was n the habit of falling asleep under his preach ing to talto n little snufl at a time. Klio ad vised him to put a little snuff in his sermons. Minister Brother Jones , I hear that you have been seen cutting wood on Sundayl Jones No , sir. I novcr break the Sabbath In that way. My wife does all the house work. Bishop Enjjlo of the United Brotborn de nomination of Kansas has beer expelled from the ministry on a charge of "indiscreet financiering. " Ho speculated In real estate ; but this was not the trail bio lie also lost. Chcaaulnp , Mich. , has a man tlmt pees Into trances and converses with the utiguls. AVnilo in this state ho can bo lanced to the bono without bleeding , the wound healing In a few hours. His name is ICaizcr Hoff man. man.A A nan told his doctor that ho was afraid ho had insomnia. The doctor asked what made him think so , and was told : "I sco people asleep around mo in church on Sunday , but all I can do Is to doze oil for u few minutes. A Scotch gentleman of fortune on his deathbed asked the minister whether If ho left a largo sum to the kirk , his salvation would bo secured. Tlio cautious minister responded : "I would not like to bo positive , but it's wccl worth trying. " A crusty Iowa preacher named Pyoobjoctod to the exhibition nt a church fanof the cap and colors of local turfman who had con tributed toward the success of the entertain ment , hut whou other contributors sided with the turfman the objection was withdrawn. An Indianapolis church member subscricod to the building fund of a church , mid tried to wlk'glo out by claiming tlio contract could not bo enforced' hecnuso entered In to on Sunday. The lower court decided with him , but the Supruiuo court has reversed the de cision. A mulatto woman in Brunswick , ( in , , who Is known by the numo of Kov. .lano Holland , created sensation In a negro church recent ly by mounting the pulpit when the con gregation had assembled and reading a letter which had been sent her by a negro named John Davidson. The letter was full of gush and love , and the Irnto woman evangelist grow wrnthy and her oyca glittered as sue clinched her fist and shook it at the loving document , The worn an Is married , and her husband was pr scent when the letter was read. Kov. Arthur O. Grwls , pastor of the House of Prayer , of Lowell , Mass. , recently had his salary reduced from (1,000 to ? l per year , in hope that this notion would force him to re sign. Bouio of the congregation have hcen paying him $10 a week to remain in deflance of the wishes of the trustees. Last Saturday the vestments and furniture belonging to the pastor were put out of the church. Ho car ried the property back and slept In the church Saturday night to bo rordy for the Sunday service * . On Sunday ho preached on "Good Works. " Tno trouolo arose over the ritual. Mr. Martin Culm has nt lost yielded to the long-continued Importuning * of bis many friends and announces that ho has joined the ranks of the piano touchers of the city. Mr. Cahn has so long boon associated with the musical colony that no prominent local per formance would scum complete without his presence , cither playing tba accompaniments or a solo uuiabcr , HTlflDNCER IN THE LOBBY , ome Pleasant Recollections of the Jefferson- riorcnco Dinner , ATTRACTIONS FOR THE CURRENT WEEK , line. aiHontcfcrlnfi'H Mnnlcalo at tlio Sacrctl JI cart Academy llcinlnls- fences or nil Ohl Theatrical Apropos of the potlto dinner , small only n the number of guests present , Riven last Saturday evening In honor of Mr. Joseph eiTerson and Air.VIlllatn \ J , Florence , after , hulr performance of the "Heir nt Law , " a . lumber of bright observations upon men nnd hlngs recur , and I feel sure you will arden mo If I try to snvo from oblivion some t the f , ' ° od things thnt were said , For the memory Is oftentimes trcachorous , , poor sticlc to lean upon when life has touched Its outermost circle , when the candle has almost burned down to the socket , lllclt- rs feebly nnd then KOCS out. I could not help making a oicntnl photo- ; rnph of the dlstlogulshod guests as they snt nt the table engaged in dlscusslnj ? the pre mier course of the menu the oysters on the half shell. Mr. JolTerson wns dressed In black with the rigorous exactness as to detail , of a pro fessional man of hich ; rank. Ills smooth shaven. Irregular icaturotl fnco looked thin when contrasted with the broader ono of his yis-a-vis Mr. Florence. But thcro wns n do- Ightful look ot rosy health about the ideal Bob Acres , nnd n sparkle in his kindly , deep Dluo eyes that could not help but fasclnato the spectator , Thcro is oven little sign among the sandy hair of the touch of time and about his form , outsiao the stoop of the student , there is little to suggest that Mr. Jefferson has passed the sixties along the highway 01 n busy life. The senior in this copartnership of art lolds his countenance moro uudcrcontrol per haps thun docs Mr , Florence , and dooj not smile ns easily as the latter. Ills smllo Is in his oyo'nnd rarely descends to the lines of his mobile mouth. But every now and then ho showed his enjoyment of a good point inado by a toss of the head nnd the pleasing utter ance of "That reminds mo , " ns some old memory was recalled by something that had been said before. "TUo Rovornor. " as everybody in the com pany calls Mr. Jefferson , wn3 in good spirits and undoubtedly enjoyed the companionship of the occasion. Mr. Florence was dressed in a dark gray frock suit , if memory bonotnt fault , and his clcan-shnvon , jolly face was mantled in smllos. Ho was In the pink of condition , and suggested n well groomed thoroughbred , to use an expression common to the turf. An Kngllsh monocle is screwed into his right Irish eye , dimming its twinkle , whlcn was so apparent in the unohscured loft Irish oyo. and th's ' was the only feature out of har mony with the correct make-up of this moat interesting comedian. Ho Is fond of the sunshine , and loves to sco It on the faces of those about him. But now and than ho provokes a tear , and what a precious tear It isl It comes from the tender pathos that ho loves to Introduce In his Inter pretations , taat the humor may bo in brighter contrast. Ho has known probably moro prominent people , and boon intimate with them , too , than any actor now living. His education , his abilities , and his personal worth nro re sponsible for this. Few actors have met nnd conversed with the emperor ot Germany in an informal way as ho has , nor have many people been awakened from a fishing reverie by the German emperor. Wherever ho goes ho finds friends , admir ers , companions. In every land and district he flnds some ono to do him honor and take delight In his company. This splendid actor , who Is n flno example of what the actor was In his duties to the stage a roneratlon ago , has a line literary record. Ho Is a delightful raconteur , a clover versifier , no moan story teller , a staunch friend , and the prince of good follows. It was shortly after the second course had taken the place of Its predecessor and a rare old Burgundy had been decanted , that the host of of the evening turning to Mr. Jeffer son , said : "You may not know , but the part of Dr. Pangloss Is taken from Voltaire's "Candido , " ono of that famous Frenchman's most noted works wh ten wns written o vci a hundred years ago. Colomau , no doubt , saw in this charac ter n great satire ou English tutors and , ho Introduced him in the ' 'Heir nt Law. ' In Voltaire , the character is made a tutor simply , but Coloinnu , Impressed with Its strength nnd virility , has elaborated the role , making Paugloss a doctor of laws , a pedant who was unscrupulous enough to sell his at tainments to thrco different persons , notwith standing , that they were diametrically op posed. " "Not until lost year did I know that Pan- gloss came from the French , " snld Mr. Jef ferson. "I had occasion to go to Mr. Sar gent's ' studio in Now York to talk over with the arrtist a picture ho intends to paint of mo in the part of Dr. Pangloss , and it was then that Air. Sargent told mo that Pangloss wns not original with Colomnn , but with Voltaire. So ho sent mo the the story sorao thcso days I will read It. In fact I am looking forward to the tinio when I can get into n corner and absorb some of the literature of the ago. Until "now , with acting , painting , HshiDp.farmlng and writing I have had little time to read the things which other people discuss so learnedly. " "You have not been unsuccessful yourself In a literary way , Mr. Jefferson , " said Mr. llosownter. "Well no man could have boon moro sur prised at the success of the book than I have been. "After I hnd signed the contract with the Century people I would huvo given twice the sum to have succeeded in getting thorn to cancel it. It became a positive burden I may say old man of the sea to mo until I hod gotten Into the work. "Why I used to think of things in the night time and I would get up out of bed and make a memorandum of them. This I found of great advantage , wnon I came to putting the finishing touches to the work which the publishers tell mo is haying an unprece dented salo. ' I believe a man has ono book in him " "Yes , and In many cases that ono book Is infernally bad , " Interjected Mr. Florence , who up to this time had been attending strictly to the course bcfora him. "In my case , " resumed Mr. Jefferson , "It couldn't boa second. I prohahly hnd some thing to say , and navlng said It , I am qulto willing to stop without uttomntlng anything else thnt might prove an autl-cllmax. "I had intended to leave o frloud seine memoranda for a history of the Jaffursons to bo published after my death , but T could not withstand the Importuniugs of Mr. Gilder , nnd the result is very gratifying to mo. " "But how wonderful has been the growth of Omaha , " said Mr. Jefferson , changing the subject dottly from himself. "Twenty years ago 1 played in the Academy of Muslo then under tno management of a man bv the name of Corrl , and I played 'Kip Van Winkle. ' I remember it wollj ns If it were but yesterday. "What great times wo did hnvo to get to and from the railroad station , nnd what forlorn looking place was this sumo Omaha. "High hoi times have changed , and If some of my eastern friends could see Omaha now , TnuBEi ; buildinc , they would not believe ] am out playing to the Sioux Indians , in mo mentary danger df Imviug my thin scalp-lock taken from mo. " "Speaking of TUB BEB , " eald Mr. Florence , "reminds tno of a cluver epigram which the Boston Herald used to sijuolcli a would-be rival called the Jiostou Bco. It ran lu this wlso : " How doth the little Boston lice Imniovo its dally ipaco ? Hy BtonllnRall its thunder 1'rom the Herald , without Rraco. ' " Then the guests gave Mr , ICosewatcr an op portunity to tell the story of his busy , stir ring life , hofnrodunng and slnco the war. by their questions as to how Tun BEB came into existence. Again was the subject changed and th. Shnkespcarc-nacon controversy came up , In which all the guests took n hand , and strangi to say alt wore Shakcspoarans. "Actors have a traditional regard for Shakespeare , " sold Mr. Jefferson , "that time cannot wither or custom stolo. "To mo it seems especially ludicrous tha' ' . Shakespeare could have taken time to have inserted in his plays t cryptogram or wlioercr wrote the plays o linkcspoaro netting forth that Bacon hnd vrltlcn thorn , as Mr. .Donnelly nllogcs ho Id do. i ' For centuries helms continued to bo the great source of dramatic Inspiration nnd will o continue for , cnnturioq to come. "I have an Idea about this controversy vhlch I think U now , certainly I bnve never ecu It In print , and it istUl.i ! Bacon wns n onnctcerjso wasShftkospearo. Nowdocsn't It ecu strntiRO that Bacon should have selected ho inorcjt of his sonnets to which ho gave its unrno and credited AVlU.tihakespcaro with ho bcstt "In Elisa's time the maker of sonnets was onld upon ns a genius nnd It occurs to ino hntlf Bacon had writtennil that ho Is crea ted with by the Unconlans ho would have saved for himself tUo beautiful bits of versifi cation wlilck npponr In Shakespoare. "Consider thnt the groitost domestic com edy of nil time , 'Tho Merry \Vivci of Wind- for , ' was written by Sliakcsi > enro. As ho also wrote the greatest tragedy , 'Julius 'iL-sar , ' the brightest romantic comedy , 'As You Llko it.'tho greatest melodrama , 'Tho Winter's Tale , ' the greatest domestic tragedy , 'Othello. ' ' " "And the most elaborate spccUiciilar play .u 'The TempostM'snld one of the guosts. "Hero was the most marvelous Introspec- Jonlst of all time , " continued Mr. Jefferson , 'and ' ho can almost ho said to hnvo hcen di vine , for ho wns gifted with the light which ' . not on land or on sea. " "All this controversy reminds moot n story ! once heard , " said Mr. Floronco. "Thoro was once n great big man , may bo six and n mlf feet high , built In proportion , and ho was married to a little bit of a woman who was n virago In disposition , nnd she used to bent icr husband unmercifully. Ono day n friend iskcd him why ho allowed his wlfo to beat ilm in such an unheard of way , and ho re- tiled thnt the beating didn't hurt him , and javo her a great deal of pleasure. "Now tliat ills the present attack on the memory of ShnkcsDcaro , " Everybody bad a good laugh over the story ' 'or the application was so apparent. Mr. lioscwater then observed thnt Bacon could not have made the mistake of locating an Inland sea in Bohemia which Shakespeare speaks of and Mr. , icfforsou said that Shake- spenro's law was particularly lame , some- fling that was ImiMSslhlo with the gifted nnd erudlto Francis Bncoa. "Olio thing about Shakespeare , " said the lost , "ho has created the most inconsistent character la the whole domnln of tlio stage , nnd that Is 'Richard | HL' I can | conceive of no moro unnatural sight ttian when lilchnrd moots Anne in the street on her way to the church yard with her dead , and commences to woo the widow of the dead klnor. "Thnt is a lllght which ovou Klchard , cruel md despicable ns bo was , would spurn. \lnrlcyou \ , hero wns a woman who saw bo- tore her the murderer of alt she hold dear , nor sou and her husband , nnd yet Shakespeare - spearo makes her listen to the tale of love which is in Klchard's head and not in his heart , and finally gives the murderer of her honored dead , encouragement a his wooing. That to mo is the most unaccountable scene In the whole domain of the literature of the stage. " "You are qulto right , " said Mr. Jefferson ; 'tho same idea -has occurred to mo , but I icvor know thnt any one clso had thought of It. It is the only flaw I know of in Shake speare's plays. But wo sometimes crowd a whole year or many years into n sluglo not , or very often scene , ana this may bo ono of these instances. " "Isn't it surprising , " inlorrupted Mr. Flor ence , "thnt many of the mot accurate de scriptions of places wor never seen by the men who pictured theral Shakespeare speaks of Illyrln and deicrlhos it most minutely. Dickens wrote of Paris long be fore ho had over seen the city. Longfellow gave us his beautiful description of tho'i'echo xmntry in Louisiana , through the medium of 'Evangellno'and ho novcr visited the coun try , to mv knowlodgo-tcertaitily not until long years after his story had found a plnco upon every table , almost , in the land. "It is this gift which distinguishes the ; onlus from the commoner clay , which sends the name of Shakespeare , Dickens and Long fellow ringing down the ngcs. "By the way , " continued ilr. Florence , "I liad a very delightful visit with Colonel Mike Sheridan , and only until this evening did I taow that ho was LtttlaPhll's' ' brother. "And the mention of General Sheridan re calls to mo a story In which ho figured most ' prominently. , "For a number of years I have boon visit ing the battlefield of Waterloo , nnd naturally grew to know the host guides. An old Frenchman , whoso name is Gouroc , has boon piloting mo over the Hold for several seasons , having bcoii ono of the men who fought under the banner of the 'Littlo ' Corporal. ' "Ono summer 1 told a number of American friends who wore going abroad to visit the battlefield and get old Gouroc to pilot them about. ' The following summer I paid a visit to the historic spot and mot Gouroc. who , of course , was delighted to see me. Ho told mo In his hrokon Englishwhich ho had acquired from English and American tourists , thnt 'a countryman of nuncn little man with zo head of zo Napoleon , " had boon there nnd knew more about the battle than ho did himself , " 'Why , ' said the Frenchman , 'ho toll mo where zo Napoleon stood In zo charge , whcro everybody stood , until 1 vender if ho was zo second Napoleon. ' > "I went over the whole list of my friends in America , but no ono answered the descrip tion of n 'littlo man with zo head of Na poleon. ' , "Old Gouroc wns not satisfied. Ho wanted motoknow the Amoncan who had brought bade n Hood of recollections hocnuso of his resemblance to Napoleon. So ho wont to his tent nnd shortly brought u caid which the citizen of the United States had given him. "In looking nt it what was my surprise to sco upon it the name 'Phil Shendnn' written In the general's own hand. "And strnnco to say I hud never noticed the resemblance before. "Tho knowledge shown hy General Sheri dan of the disposition of the troops at the battle of Waterloo was not remarkable , for the manoeuvres of that day are part of the course nt West Point , and every detail of the battle is given with exactness. Of course ho knew moro of the battle than did the mnn who was 'in it. Ho had studied it from the standpoint of the soldier , " It was nearly the first hour of the morning when the little company loft the dining room and the visit of Jcllorson nnd Florence to Omaha became a reminiscence. Tnc LODXQBH. The beautiful young actress , Cora Tanner , will closohor successful engagement at Boyd's opera house this ( Sunday ) evening by pre senting the powerful play , "Tho Ueiugoo's Daughter. " To make his patrons merry , the manager of the Grand opera house has secured the services of J. C. Stewart's clover comedy company. They will appear this ovouing in the ronrine musical larco comedy , "Tho Two Johns. " While all such comedies bear a certain similarity , "Tho Two Johns" hai many distinctive features. The plot hinges on the antics of Peter and Philip , "Tho Two Johns. " The dilllculty in disticgulsh- ing ono from t'ao other results in many em- barnwsing entanglements. The situations are comical in the oxtronq. ) ( The comedy has been on the rona for a nuruber of vcars nnd has bocu ona of the most popular of its kind. It has never been presented with such nn ex cellent company ns will appear on this occa sion. There wil bo bright songs anci many now specialties : by pretty girls nnd lively comedians , who will slfitr and dance them- solves into popular favor. Commencing February Jfl , for throe nights only , Donnian Thompson' nnd George W. Kyor will produce thoiri beautiful American drama , ' The Two.Slsters , " nt Boyd's opera house. The play of 'Tno Two Sisters , ' differs from the ' 'Old Homestead" by beiiif , laid In New York and dealing with the dif ferent characters ono moots In a day's walk through a great city. It coinoi to Omaha with the oclat of sue cess In every city In the onst. Throe times have all engagements west of Chicago been postponed to meet the demand for return en gagotnunU at the scenes of previous sue ccssos nnd ns ono writer says : "Our people have not soon enough of The Two Sisters : ' the moro they see of U the moro they wlsl to. " Tnoro is a charm la the play that wins the sympathies ot the audlonco from the rise of the curtain and keeps them in their goats till the lust word Is spoken. ThoCblcagoTribuuo where they nro play Ing a week's engagement says : The Two Slaters' was a success u moro prououuco success than was 'The Old Homestead' ' whoi presented at MoVIckor's theater. 'Tho Twi Sisters' Is the hotter play. It strikes a dcopci chord of human interest in the story that I tells , and Its stroke of humor , as well as it. touches of realism nro the more numerous Thcro ara situations strong in contrast , char notfcrs vivid in colors , and sentiment as true In feeling as they nro modest in oxprcs slou. There Is much heart in Vho play. " "U'o can most assuredly promlio our the ator-goers ono of the brightest and wittiest comodlc.1 , "Tno Prirnto Secretary , " that vns ever constructed to carry out the hap- Minings of every day life , the Incident * nnd inrmlws accidents of a household , n domestic conglomeration of humorous obstacles , most dexterously knitted together to form an In- cresting plot , a iilauslhlo story , nnd yet bul > - ) llng over with the most ludicrous , Iniiglinhlo events that only a gcnlui llko Ulllotto could conceive. This popular playwright hnd al ready attained nn enviable reputation ns nuthorof the military drnma "Held by the Enemy , " nnd his closest friends were not surprised , hut most ngrooibly enthused , on .ho production of his mirthful comedy , "The Private Secretary. " From the Initial performance ftt Its prodiic- .lon nt the Mndlson Square ' .heater. Now York , covering over three hundred nights at tils famous dramatic fountain-head , it has ivcr berne the sumo magnetic influence. Every whore C ? llletto's ' "Secretnry" is a wel come visitor , nnd ho has been interviewed by moro pcoplo , and many moro friends , than any other character thnt has over graced the stage. Following nro the inonYbors of the company , same of them having appeared In the original iroductlon nt the Madison Square theater : Mr. U. J. DustanMr. , . Harry Allen , Mr. rankTnnnohlil , jr. . Mr. II. A. Moray , Mr. Herbert Fortier , Mr. Thomas A. Wlso , Mr. jihvnrd Moroy , Mr. Charles llanillu , Miss Mnudo Giroux , Miss Nettle Furrell , Miss Adele Clarke , Miss Kate Wilson and Miss Knto Ilurllngatnc. "Tho Private Secretary" opens at the 3oyil tomorrow evening to continue until "iVodnesduy. or Vo Oitloti Dnyfl. The presence of Charles Blanchett in. Dinaha recalls the pleasant recollection bf ho "Wild West" plays at Doyd's opera louse , with the heroic Indian scout Hon. W. IT. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) and the gallant mill- -ary author , Major Andrew S. Burt , who vas the olUccr In charge ) at the Omaha bar > r acks. The sensational heroic border drama , "Tho Cnlpht of tlio Plains. " or "May CodyLo'st and Won , " hy Major Hurt ; thcro wai a blood curdling tltlo for you I And the display of In dian paraphernalia la the show windows , vlth the exhibit of scalps as trophies from .ho heads of the "varmints" killed nnd taken by "Buffalo Bill" when scoutlnc with. Gen eral Mllo's forces In the notoj Fifth cavalry , n-lor to the Cutsor inassacro , were eaUiros of such magnctlo nt- .ractlon that people voulu crowd around the window where the liarrow- IIR tale was told by placards , nnd shiver at the sight of the torn scnlis | , with the lone dangling black hair , the tomahawks be smeared with blood , and the moccasins aud beaded shirts of the poor squaws and pa- looses who had fallen In tlio trail with their jclovcd "Lo. " Scenes that were so strongly depleted hy such glaring emblems ot reality , haunted the vouthful mind and even older heads would .urn from the ghastly omoloms , nnd thank .heir stars they were within the borders of civilization. Meeting Mr. DIanchott In the lobby of the opera house , arranging for the production of 'The Private Secretary" that Is to appear icro the coming week , the reporter ventured to re mark : "Your attraction , Charlie , U qultodisslml- nrfrom thai you wore managing when last ncro. " "O ; " replied the genial mnnaprer with n < nowitip smile , "you refer to the 'Cullen ders. ' or , probably , Buffalo Bill. Yes , In deed I Quito a change in this city , too , sinoo .hen. No electric of cable cars , or those mas sive stone and brick structures ( pointing across the street ) were thought of In 1870 , .ho centennial year. Well do I remember that corner , " continued the unabashed man ager : "Thcro stood a little novelty store lllod with knlcK-knncks nnd bric-a-brac. I made a contract with the proprietor for his vlndows In lieu of a pass to tlio theater for ili family. In order to fill up the winaow re spectably and give It an air of Simon-pure western characteristics , I being a little short of scalps , found ahorso's tall at the barracks , tnd with the permission of Major Hurt , had t removed from the dead cavalry horse , and assisted by the bill-poster , wo sat down to gether on the back steps of tbo stngo , and , is I directed him , ho cut off from the all several very line Indian scalps. [ think ono I named : Yellow Ilorso , killed by IhifTtUo Bill May 7. ntho llluok Hills. Another I well remember was : Two Hears , killed by the famous scout about [ .lie same time , In the vicinity or Btamllng "UCK , Dak. , whore the Into trouble exlsteil , "Yes , indeed , I have seen many nn Omahn squaw trip up to that window , take a parting ; ? lance at the scalp of that poor 'cavalry liorso' and turn away wiping her eyes at the loss of a Sioux buck , that had such coarse , manly hair. " Tlio adroit speaker described this In a mild , calm manner , and excused his unique method of advertising by contrasting it with similar other dubious tricks that were resorted to In Berlin , Vienna , Hamburg and other Euro pean cities lost voar when ho took Dr. Car ver and the "wild America" abroad. Ho then lit a fresh cigar winked his eye , and the little curious crowd that had gathered to hear the plaintive story , re marked as they strolled away : "AH Js not gold that gits tons. " MVStVAXj A.VW l > Kfl.1IA TIC. Sol Smith liuisoll will have a new histori cal play next season. Mrs. George S. Knight is reported se riously 111 In Lima , O. , whore slio is the guust of her sister. 'Bluo ' Grass" Is the tltlo of n now domestic drama written by Myron Lofiingwell , and in which the author will star under the direc tion of Bert Kcudrick. It will have Its Initial production at Worcester , Mass. , Feb ruary 10. Owing to the excessive passenger rates now charged by the railroad coniDanics , "The Orcut Metropolis , " which was booked ntthoUoyd.hos boon cancelled. Managersuro kicking loud and long for n party rate , but the railroads nro obduinto nnd the compa nies , if they will como west , will have to put up tlio sumo money for their faros as single individuals. Mr. P. Pavesich , of Washington , D. C. , has received the contract for the interior de corations of Boyd's ' theater. Mr. i'uvoslch will remove to Omaha in the spring and will commence work on the Interior of what promises to be the handsomest theater in the west , about Juno. The prospects are now thnt the now artist will have several line houses to decorate during his stay in Omaha. Omaha theater goers have a rare treat in store for them next season , Jefferson ami Florence will probably play throe nights at the now Boyd theater , doing "Tho Rivals , " "Tho , " and a double bill , "Dom- bey & Son , " with Florence as Uap'n Cuttle , nnd "Loud Mo Five Shillings , " Mr. Jefferson as Mr. Golightly. What u rare treat that will bo. bo.Mr. Mr. George F. Gollcnbook , who Is ono of the host banjo soloists in the west , has organ ized n banjo quartette , the three other motn- bcrs being C. Itowdcn , C. Bumgardnor nnd A. Beaton. These gentlemen do not conllno themselves to Jigs and the usual negro music , but asplro to something higher In musical art. The quartette can bo engaged for chamber concerts by applying ut A. Hospo's musio storo. Inasmuch ns this is nn ago of theatrical realism , wo have no special cause to wonder at thnt Frenchman who has written a drama in which the Koch lympn nnd a consumptive man reach a triumphant climax in the last act. After this thcro is hopa that wo may one day have a hydrophobia play with Pasteur as the hero. A mad dog , n mnn suffering from hydrophobia nnd the timely arrival of a Pastenr would stir up qulto n stage bobbery. Will S. Hays , the song writer , has an nounced his determination to put ou the stage and the road "an old-tlmo minstrel company. " Tuat's the Idea. There U no question that a bona ildo minstrel show , without any Castllians or Venetians , without sonors or toreadors , or any interloping Inter- potations whatsoever , would meet a rousing welcome. The unpopularity of minstrel shows has gene on' increasing slnco negro minstrelsy bognn to grow too big for its old plintatiou trowsora. The largest gathering of people over scon nt the opening of a sale of seats In Now York City was present Thursday at the Garden theater purchasing place. * for Sara Bernhard - hard t's performance of Cleopatra , next week , The line was n double ono and reached from the box oftlco on Twenty-seventh street , dear down on Madlbnn nvcnuo to Twentv-slxtb street and across to and around Madison square. The crowds began forming at 7 a. in , and kept on swelling In number until tl p. m. It is estimated that fully 7,001) people were in lino. Nothing approaulilng it was seen slnoo Charles Dlokens' readings some twenty years ago , Scalp treatment , Mrs. Post,3K > ) 8.1CIU st CATARRH. Microbe Killer Gurus Catarrh Do Not Tnko Our Word for It , but Hond the Evidence. Mrwlfohni I'Osn ' nnilclot nllh ciilitrh for over twenty roiv . Olio hns rprclveil morn tionclll from tlio moor two milfoil * of Mlcmbo Killer tlmli fium ull ihu rcnuMIc * n nl Muring mil.I yearn. .1. M. MT.U'KKIl , DriiRKlnliSt. Joseph. I novenolil nrrmcilr tlmt fratnlifltrr mitlifnrtlon tlmn Mlcrot.o . Kllh-r. 1 know thnt It Is nil uxcullont rumeily for citirrh. K 11. KNIGHT , DriicelJt.St. Joseph , To my personal hnowloJito Jllprolm Killer ciuos catarrh. , IOS. y. IIKOWMS , .Assistant 1'oMimnter , HI. Joseph. I suffered from otnrrh for eluliloenjoar.i.niKl win trenlotl l > r the miint skilled phf lclntn. rjiodMI- rrobo Killer , nml It nna bcnutlltuit mo moro than tlioii'Mitlsof aullnr * expended < > niloclOM. WAI. WATSON , lift Ix > cu tBlrcctSt. Josepli. Mlcrobo Killer cured mo oC n Imil ci < n of cntntrh. 11 , J. HOWUN , St. Joseph. IsuITcrot forjrenrs fromim naurnvnleit cnso of en- trirtli , 1 could not eel morn tlmn toinrorntr relief frouinliy lourco until I useil Mlcrobn Killer. 8. u. UUVITT , t. Joseph. OnOBftllonof Microbe Killer jruvo mo quick relief for ealiirrh. I nm nawitnlnhiK In wcl litntuUtri'iialli JlOIIIJirr SIKVKIli ) , 14G.T Wnrncr Slrcot , til , Umu. I Imvo Imil cntnrrh for clehtoon jrcirs , nnd for tlio pn < t flvo jenrs I wns not without terrible hc.vlnclio. 1 nmnovrnblo toito 1117 work n I < llcl when youiw. utiUnll from the tno of Mleruha Killer. MltS. K. J. KOSTIIIl , 2111 Norlh llromlwnjr , St. touts. Microbe Killer 1ms benoflttoa 1110 tory much for cntnrrh. CIIAUI.K * .1.1IOK1IK , 3713 N' . TiTulrthatroct , St. hauls. WHITE FOIl IAU(3K CUtCOrAIl THE HADAM MICROBE KILLER CO. , ST. JOSEPH , MO. For snlo In Onmhn by Sherman .V McConnell , 1513 odKO St. , Kulin A , Co , iinil Mnx llcoht. " FISCHER'S ICE TOM ( Double Markers , Plows with Lift ing ; Cains , Tongs , Bars and Fischer's Improved Ice Hooks. BOLEAGENTa Omalia 1405 Douglas St. N. M. RUDDY OPTIGIHN 211 South ICUi St. , Oranlio. Dealer in Artificial Eyes Selections sent to hy oxprus3 to auy pat-tot the U. S. DR. J. E. McGRJTlV , THE SPECIALIST. More Than Fifteen Years Experience In ths Treatment of euro li Kunran. PRIVATE DISEASES fr . ) In from throa to llvu ilaji with out the loss of an hour's timo. w QTDIPTIIDC t'ei-'Mnontlr curoil rlthoat ulnlul UnCI , > : 'lnur . liKlrumonU : no cut. tnj. | no d | | tliiI. ! The mait cnmrknblo remedy known to modem sclunco. CVDUI ! I ? uri'il In .to to HO daya. Dr. Mo- u IrrllLIu ! r w'B treatment for thlj torrflilo 11 iii * > w ii0Mi , ( itcaso Imi hocn nronounCDil tlio roost powerful nnO ucc 8.iful rcmoilr fior al < cuTerci ! for the nbsolulo euro of tills , llli fUCCOit ) ! nlth this iliioase has uovur boon oqualloJ. A complete euro ( lUAitANTEKI ) . nnl nil nonkneisos of LOST MANHOOD the soninl oruans.nciT- misnosa nnd till unniit- urnl rtlsclmric nri ) absolutely cured. Kellef la Im- medlato and cumplcto. Ol/ltl n IOC AC CO HhetimMlimnnilnUdls. VMN llliStQiNtn unxe * of tlio hlood , I Ivor , ninnontlr cured. " " " " FEMALE DISEASES"--8"- I LIIIHLL. . ' - - , . , ' - , ) ( ) | ( ( | ourod. Tlio Doctor's Ilomn Tro-itiiient for Mitloi U truly n comiilcto , eonvcnlcnt nnd under fulromoJy I.AIIIKS from 3 to 4 oxi.v. nil BUnPDni/'C1 / ' mnrvoloui IICTOSI lias Ulli mlinnhW A won for him n ix'putntlon Uffllcll1 | truly nalluiial In charnctcr , and hln uront army nf jmtlonti ronchos from the Atlantic to the rurlfla. 'J'liu Uortor lin Krnduntoof "llKOtTl.Aii" medlclnn nnd hai htul Ions ; nml cnruful oipcrlt'HCO In honpltal i-roctlco. - nnd In clm cd amonK Ilia Itmdlnn npachill'ti In modern f clonco. Treatment tjr torrosponUcnce. Wrlto for circular ! about each of the above illnoaioj. fliEi : , . Office , i4th and Farnam Sts. , Oraulia , Nob. Hntranco on oltlicr street. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , MOD UOUGLvAS Q OMAHA , Niit. : Tno most widely nnd favorably known spoo- liill.stsln the 1'nlto 1 Suite * , Tliolr long ux- liorlt'iice. n'timrkablunklll and umvprtnl suu- cuss In thn treatment nnd unroof NITVIMIS , Chronic nnd Surclt-nl DIMMIWI , iMitlllo tlioso eminent physicians to tlu < full ronlldmwot the nllllctod ovurywluw. Tlicrciinrnntcm A t'WtTAIN ' AM ) I'OSITlVn HUKK for the awful elTooMof parly vlco and tlio numer ous ovIN that follow In Its train. 1'HIVATK. 111.001) ) AM ) SKIN ItSKASr.3 ) spoodllv. comnli'ti'lv nml iiofiunnoiitlv uuri'il. NKHVOU8 nnillt.lTV ANU SKXUA1. DIP- OIIDKUS yield icadlly to their skillful treat ment. I'lU'.S. riSTtlhA ANnUEOTAT , tfuurnnteod cured without pain or detention from liUHlmis4. llYDUOUI-Mji : AN'I ) VA1tlCOHiu : : pormn- nonilr nml Riicccssfiiltr ourod In mory casu , 8YPIIIWS , OONOKlillllA , flhHirr , Hpor- inatorrliu.i.Somliml Weakness Lost Manhood , Nlglit KiiilMlon , " . Decayed Kiicultles , I'oinalo Weakness and nil ilullnato disorders peculiar to cither snx positively cured , IIH veil us nil fu n I'tlonnl disorders that ri'siill from youthfuU follies or thn oxcossof mnturo yours. 9'rKMP'nil ? ! ' t'uarantred ' iiormano ntly O 1 l\l\j 1 UlXlj uiued , tomovnl eompU > ti < , without citttlni ; , cumlio or dilatation. Cures elToctc'd at homo by patient without o tno- incnt's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A 91I1 ? ! ' rilttl' Tl" ! ftwfl11 eToets of / \ . OU1VL L/UiM. . LUiM.arly , vlco which lirlnm oricnnlo weaknefs , drstroylnir Imth niliul luul body , with all Its droided Ills , poiiimiiontly rurud , T1K UlJ'riX Address those who Imvo Im- Ul\O. liljl 1 < J piilmil thoni'.i'lvos by Im proper Indulgence und solitary halilts , whleli ruin both mind and body , imllttlng them for business , stud \ - or . MAHItlii : ) MiN : ortliosu onlorliiK on ( hub haiipy life , awme of pliyslcal deblllty.iiulekly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based uiion fuels. 1'lrst I'rnctlcal experi ence. Second l'\ery case Is specially studied , thus starting rlKht. Third medicines uro propaicd In our labonitory exactly to flirit each case , thuselTcctlng cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Belts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB RECEIVED NEW A lot of very flno JtijHincsa Goldfish , a for il.tU. Imported Ilnrtz Mountain Cnnnrlcs wnrrnntoil First duns Hlnpors M.50 ouch , fo- inulud II..3 ouch. Tnllcliig Purrota from J15.00 up. Good MooldngbliiU , J3.00 e rich singer. Vlijjlnla Cnrrtlnnls J3.S each sinner. 1 very flno full-blooded whlto HulliloK JUO.liO. 417 South 16th St. , MAX GtlSLER , OMAHA , WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP For the Skin ami Scalp. i Prepared lir ft Derm tolnsl t with ! 5U } r r ' ejr"1 . un < wiu lru for rczcma , ftcnldhoiu ! , nlly pkin , , fleiili wunni , chspiwil handn. mco - ulir portpiratlon , ugly complnxlon. etc. A" unfailing remedy for all ccalpafTcctlont } , anrl iv mire prevent- _ ITO of nil forms of ekln illscaaea. For Silo by Druggists or sent by mill , Price CO cents. Facial JHcMiiislios. U1u-trMt.l , oft all ikln ftnd ! ] ) ITet.tloni nU Ibalr Irulnif 1 Mul ( , e l il ) for 100. C < pnilUilfii fre * . Hi tfflc or l > y lelUr , JUUN II. TVOOIUJUIIV , l > i > rnmtoloji ! t , ISC IV , 4SU tit. , N c\v TsTork. CUy. Foil IiAuirs OM.v--Ir. IxMitc's Periodical 1'HM the French remedy , not on tliomeiiilnmlsystL-miiMcl euro ii | ) | > rcs lon irom wlmtuTor cnuto. I'romolon menstruation. These pllln should not l > o token dur ing iireunniicy. Am. I'll ! Co. , Uoynlty 1'roiu. , Hpen- ecr. Cl.iy tienulno by Slicrmnii & McConnell , llmluOBt. . near I'.O..Onutin : U A. Sicklier , Koutli Oruulmj M. 1' . Kills , Council Hindu. J. ' , or a for K. ! JI - . for the above ilix'ow ; liilts use thotMandd of cn * s of tlio worfctUndnndof IOIIR ( landing hare beua cured. I ndonl fn rtrong Is my filth in Its ilWc ry. that I will imnd TWO liOTTLr.s rnKK.sillU aVAI.UAIU.K TKKATISR ontlil9dlsoabotouiiy uf- forof who will inilmo thi'ir iipr i and I'.O.adilieia. T. A. Mlocmiih M. C. , 181 1'fiirl .St. , N. Y. _ Contractors'Supplies , Wheel Barrows , Shovels Scoops , Bars. IIocs , Hose , Picks Wire and Manilla Rope , Tackle Blocks , All Kinds Twines * Butchers' Tools , ' ' Carpenters''Tools , Coopers' Tools , Machinists , Tools , Moulders' Tools Builders' Hardware. AGENTS FOR Yale & Towne Fine Bronze Goods , Win. T , "Wood & Go's. ' Ice Tools , 1511 Dodge Street , Tolosbono. 4P.7. ] MEW YORK DEMTHL ] PRRLQR8 N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. F > . LA. BKLOWNEX , $4.00 § 4.00 Wowlll ' nmko you u set of tooth , iisln ? the best ruhhnr , nnd OUAIlANTRI'a fit , fur $1.53. l'AINI/isS : nXTUAOTION-Wllli our inotlioi ) . touth are Kxtruclod AhsoUitoly Without Pain ( ! ol < l. Bllvor nnr ) Itnuo Illlln ( . ' . Crown ami llrldeu WnrK. Our .Motto-Tho 1IKST Uciitsil work , ut LOWEST llvlnu prlcos. THE ORIGINAL AND OCNUINC. TUonly H fp. H rr , HfrttatM PHI for I it * . Aillf * * uk l > rottUl fw CkcM ( Anjflfj % / > i < iM < w < i J/ra J Ut llptl n4 &J < 4 UH it 11 to t > oi t * ! ! wlUblu ribbon , Tolionu otlicr Llnl. Jttfvtt Subttitutiontn . > ll pill * In | Jirbou4 Iwiet , plok wr pper § ( r d niifroim f ft ixl M ' * ' l ( ll r ( up l.a 1latH tnttlUr , k ; relHrn AliilL Jo'.OOOTtUlmotiUU. A im4'jprr , 'CHICHCQTCR CHEMICAL Co. , M ill > un HquBn < 4 L tj aU L cul Dru l U. I'lllLAOtU'UU. 1 > A >