Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE 02UAJIA DAILY BED : FB1DA.Y , FEBRUARY 13 , 1891 ,
Recorder Mogonth yesterday paid Into
Iho county treasury $1,000 of the S'J.COO '
of Ills doilcit.
The temperature , ns reported by the
locnl slcnrvl gorvlco ofllcc. was a fol
lows : At 7 a. m.,12s * 5 atlOn. m. , 10 ° ,
and at 1 p. m. , 22 = > .
Thursday ovonliifj next the Indies of
the South Tenth street M. E. church
will glvo an oyster supper nt the church.
Buppor served from 0 to 0 o'clock.
I'nt Ward was arrested forgetting
full and abusing his family. Mrs. Pat
objected to the proceedings with such
vigor that oho VTM also locked up. The
case was continued.
County Commissioners Corrlgan nnd
Van Camp have gone to Lincoln to con
fer with the Doutflaa county dologatton
reliitivo to a bill providing for the rcnp-
portlonment of the road fund.
A boy named Sherman 11. Harris was
nrrcslc'd yesterday charged with forgery.
lie bought a revolver nt the Collins pun
$ toro and presented a bogus check for
$ H In payment , receiving n cash differ
ence.The largest rcnl estate deal of Iho
month wns closed yesterday by Mutr &
Gaylortl , consisting of block 103 of Dun
dee Place , comprising twenty-four lots.
Mr. Joseph Garncau , jr. , wus the pur
chaser , tno consideration being $31 , 000.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Llbby wish to
thank their many friends for kindness
and sympathy extended during the sick
ness and death of their little daughter
Hay. The death of u child is always sad
and the bright nature of Hay makes the
losi doubly severe to Mr. and Jlrs.
A few days ago Mrs. Ed Smith had her
husband arrested for paying frequent
surreptitious visits to NoraMcShancbut
the defendant was discharged. It scorns
that Nora is somewhat In arrears in her
financial obligations to the city and
Wednesday she was arrested. Smith was
with her , and yesterday Mrs. Smith
filed another charge of adultery against
her faithless lord.
John Sahlcr of this city has received a
telegram from his old homo in Kingston ,
N. Y. , announcing the death of his
brother Artemus , in the fifty-seventh
year of his ago. The telegram was de
layed so as to render it impossible for
Mr. Sahlor to return to Now York in
time to attend the funeral. The de
ceased resided in Omaha , during 18-57-58-
Cf ) and ' 00 , when ho became acquainted
with all the old citizens who now sur
At the toinnlo on.IIarncy street , near
Twenty-fourth , Itubbl Koscnau is at
present delivering a course of lectures
on "Agreements and Disagreements Be
tween Moses and Mohammed and
Judaism and Islam. " Tlio introduction
was given last Friday evening in which
the object of the series was clearly sot
forth. This evening's lecture , the first
upon the theme to bo discussed , is en
titled : "Looking Backward. " Services
commence at 0:30 : p. m. All arc cor
dially invited to attend.
SO Will OJl'ill.l AJBIFS.
Oppose the Tjlvo Sioclc
General Manager . N. Babcock savs that
ho wants it distinctly understood that the
Union stoclcj arda management is op
posed to iho action ol the Live
stock exchange in regard to the American
live stock commission company and thinks
the action of the Liivo stock exchange ill nd-
Viscd. And fuithcr , as far as the American
livestock commission company is concerned
that it stands just the as any and nil
other individual , company and incorporated
commission companies doing business at the
yards. " _
Charged With Frnml.
John Frey appeared before Judge King
yesterday and made complaint against
Joseph Samorod , charging him with obtaln-
money under false pretenses. Mr.
Frey swean tuut Samerod brought
a. S17 check to him , payable
to A. McdIU and obtained Iho money on it.
Mr. Somorod denies the whole charge.
Nearly Ono Thousand a Day.
Car Inspector Jesse Mack of the Union
Btoclcyards force , between 7 o'clock ' Wednes
day morning and 0 o'clock at night , inspected
and checked 030 cars coming in and going out
of the yards. Railroad omplojcs say thutnot
less than 1,000 , cars wore handled in the yards
during the twenty-four hours.
Notes About the City.
Fred Bowloy Is listed among the sick.
The venerable Mrs. Cody , wife of Michael
Cody , is dangerously ill.
Sons have been born unto Mr. and Mrs.
Mangnall anil Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Way.
The board of education has bought a lot
for an additional school house site In Brown
DwlghtDay of Butler , Mo. , Is vlsltlnp his
Bister and brother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. J , B.
Mr. and Mrs , Nathan Cordon nro enjoying
a visit by Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon of
The trustees of the Presbyterian church
will hold an adjourned meeting Monday
Mrs. M. Walters and daughter of Rock
Rapids. In. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Williams.
John iWnague , an old-tlmo engineer , after
a long lay-oil has ROIIO tuck to the road nnd
Is running engine No. 5(31 ( ,
The masquerade given by the South Oma
ha turnvcreia In Blum's hall Tuesday night
was a social and financial success.
William Mulllns has arrived from Chicago
to nisurao charge of the eatlro killing gang
at the packing houses of Swift & Co.
Councilman James J. Dougherty wont to
Lincoln with the loyal and enthusiastic
democrats to present Governor Boyd with a
Frank Clifford , Union Pacific freight agent ,
received a painful sprain of his right ankle
Monday night In alighting from a loco-
A. B. Holey , the Ilrowa park grocer who
was so seriously injured a fortnight ago by
being thrown out of his wagon , Is still la a
critical condition.
Mrs. May , wlfo of D. Q. May , the expert
accountant at the packing houses of Swift &
Co. , is dangerously HI at her homo , Twenty-
third and U streets.
The veteran editor nnd Journalist , J. B.
Erlon , talks of embarking In his fnvorlto pro
fession and launching a now paper on South
Omaha's Journalistic sen.
Union stockyards locomotive No. 3 jumped
the trucks yesterday down near the pack
ing houses of Swift ft Co. A freight car got
off the trade nt the unloading chuics.
'William McCrady formerly of this city , a
son of Mrs. N. Q. Miller , was killed in u rail
road wreck In To.xas on the Oth. Mr. nnd
Mrs , Mlllor have act yet received particulars
of the accident.
The last of the series of crimes by the High
Flvo club was played nt the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. A. U Tuesday night. Mrs.
Sol Hopper won thirty out of the lifty games
and was awarded the ladles' prize. Mr. Sol
Hopper won thirty-two and won the first
gculloinau's prize.
The ever popular comedy "Tho 7 vo
John" will bo presented at tan Gram , on
Sunday evening jioxt by J. o. Stewart's
clover company. The following from ttio
Philadelphia News of September a , 1SOO , Is
an endorsement of note : "The Peoples'
theater started another week last night with
the popular farco-conicdy 'Tbo Two Johns.1
Local theater-goers ai-o familiar with the pos
sibilities of the play for provoking mirth.
Not ouo of the many points to bo made In set
tlement of the question which rupcatcdlv
camoup , 'Which ' was Peter and \\htch was
Philip J' was lost by any member of the com.
tinny. which is ono of tbo best that over pro.
routed the play In this city. Every member
jnado a hit. The laughable mishaps arising
from mistaken Identity will continue to de
light the patrons of the Poopl 3' the remain-
ilcr ol tlio week. "
Ail nikliorn Train's IfOiiR Blockade
Jtnilroad Notes.
The passenger train on the Elkhorn roa < J
which loft Dead wood last Saturday night
arrived In Omahanboutnoon yesterday , hav
ing been nearly five days on the road. The
main line of the road was clc.ircd Wednesday
afternoon and trains began running on tlmo
yesterday , The line wns cleared WeJncs-
dny morning \\Ith the exception of that part
between Chndron and Long Pine nnd trains
were ruimlnR between tills city and Long
Pine , and between Deadwood nnd CUadron.
Fortunately the snow plows belonging to the
company wcro distributed along the road
and wcio put nt work at nil points.
The Wyoming branch of the road had been
cleared yesterday with the exception ol
about twenty-five miles.
The Albion branch Is still blocked , but Is
being rapldlv cleared. Some of the cuts on
tills branch are twenty fcot In depth nnd are
packed fuller snow and saail , making it very
difllcult to clear.
Transcontinental Trouble * .
The transcontinental passenger association ,
now In session hi Culcago , is considering the
division of emigrant business cast nnd west
bound. This matter has been under discus
sion In the association for some tlmo and
flnal action was deferred until the Chicago
meeting. Nc.uly all of the etnljjr.uit busi
ness of the country passed through
istle Garden , New York , or San
Francisco. Emigrants arriving at either
point have tickets to their destina
tion , but at Castle Garden the agents of the
cnstcrn trunk Ilnca llx the route over which
the emigrants must pass to reach their destin
ation. In San Francisco the same ruto pre
vails with regard to west bound emigrant
The lines In the Transcontinental associa
tion clnim that the apcnts of the eastern
trunk lines have been discriminating In the
matter of lines to points between Chicago
and the Missouri river , hence the discussion
over the matter.
Plans for adjusting the matter have been
proposed and discussed In the association.but
at nil former meeting no conclusion could bo
At the present meeting In Chicago commit
tees have been appointed to recommend plans
for adjusting the emigrant business to the
satisfaction of iho members of the associa
tion. The result of the action on this ques
tion Is being watched with great interest by
the westcta lines , as the bulk of the emigrant
trunie , both cast nnd west-bound , Is very
large , and an equitable division of the tratllc
Is desirable.
Jttist Si ii ITour Tickets.
An effort Is being made by the Western
Passenger association to enforce the rule re
quiring tickets to bo signed by the pur
chaser , in the presence of the agent , for the
purpose of preventing the use of tickets by
scalpers. This rule was made a lone time
ago , but has been almost a dead letter. It
has been In partial force In the east on west
bound business , but western roads have not
observed It to any great extent , and many of
them not at all. The object of the rule WASte
to have iho user of the ticket write his name
in the presence of the conductor whenever
the Litter had an Idea that the holder was
not the legitimate purchaser. In case the
signature on the ticket nnd the name signed
by the holder did not appear to DO identical
the conductor was supposed to take up the
ticket and collect lino.
It has been urged in objection to the rule
that It was almost Impossible for a person to
wrlto his nnino on a moving train in the same
manner as ho would at a iicsk , and that the
attempt at Identification would Do useless.
Bo that ns it may , the Western Passenger
association has given notice to all llacs west
of Colorado common points that the rule
must bo observed on cast-bound tickets , and
failure to observe it will result In the tickets
of the western lines being dishonored.
The Clioyciino Shops.
The Union Pacific shops nt Cheyenne and
nt North Platte will soon have the operating
force Increased , the amount of work malting
It Accessary to enlarge the lorco In order to
keep the yards clear. Joseph McConncll , su
perintendent of motive power and machinery ,
has called on the master mechanics nt the
points named for information as to the num
ber of men required to keep the work mov
ing. It Is probable that the force at each
point will bo Increased by the addition of
about two hundred men.
The force in the shops at this point will
also bo increased ns soon as Mr. McConncll
returns from a trip along the lino. It ii
probable that about two hundred men will
bo put to work in the shops within a short
Notes and I'cr9 < > nni9.
Nelson Vnnderpool , the traveling agent of
the Now York Central road at Chicago , Is In
the city.
Captain W. P. Tlbbotts , the veteran pas
songcr agent of the Denver & Klo Graudo
road , is In the city on his way to Denver.
David S. Guild has been appointed supply
agent of the B. t M. at Plattsmouth to suc
ceed 0. M. Wead , and tooic formal possession
of the oftlco Wednesday. Mr. AVcau was
appointed supply agent la 1853 , nnd
has gained great popularity among
the attaches of the supply department. Dur
ing his Incumbency the mileage of the road
has increased and the yearly nverapo of busi
ness has been about ? 3,000,000. During 18S7
the value of the material passing through the
supply department amounted to $3,000,000.
Ilayduii llrof ) .
The Elsoman stoelc is now boiiitf trans
ferred from Council Bluffs to Ilnydon
Bro9. on IGth street. As fast as they ar
rive they are being overhauled and
marked down to prices that will sell
them. It is astonishing the amount of
line high cost goods tl roaro In this
lot. First case opened today container
soiuo very flno irsportcd dross patterns
very handsome and desirable styles ; :
snlenclid line of black silks , silk velvets ,
etc. Elsomnn paid particular attention
to this department and carried the
finest line of silks and dress goods in the
west. You will also lind over 100 different
foront styles in French llaimol. There
are a great many line whlto ail
wool California tjltmkots in thii
stock. "Wo can't afford to carry thorn
until next season. Thoy'aro { jolng to bo
sold at once. The finest underwear and
hosiery over carried in this section yov
will lind among the Eisoman stock ,
Elsomnn carried the larpest stock o
cloaks , boat made cloaks , highest priced
cloaks in the west. "Wo' got every ono o"
them and-tho entire stock will bo oiiEal
just as soon as wo caii arrange the good
and mnrlc down the prices. The llnost
ready made clothing and a big stock of
hoots nnd shoos and hats and caps are
also in this Elsoman stock. Pull partic
ulars later. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry goods nnd carpets.
Mr. J. W. Paul left Wednesday evening
for St. Louis. Ho will not extend his trip to
Ueoa la Millions ct Homes
19 Icon the Bt&ndard *
New Spring Ureas PlaWs , 60o { Now
Cashmeres , 25i :
Henriettas , 37 l-2c ! New French
Chnlllft , Scotch Glng-
haniH , Wlillo Goods ,
Etc. , IHc. -
The demand for now spring goods has
boon so great that wo have opened for
sale our Into importations of *
Now French elmllis ,
Now Congo wash silks ,
Now China silks nnd crepes ,
Now hrocado and embroidered gren
adines ,
Now slllc nnd wool dropons ,
and for the first time this season wo
shall olTor in the morning the latest
novelties In
Wo have also lots of now dress goods
and a choice line of all wool plaids , COc ,
all the latest colors. Wo invite everyone -
ono to cotno nnd look over our bargains ,
as wo are having our spring sales.
Sales all now stock at very low prices.
Huttorlck's patterns , spring cata
logues and Delineators for March now
on salo.
Eon't miss It. In the oOc lot of kid
gloves nro tlio genuine Foster and Wil
liam 5-hook , worth $1.50. In the
are gloves worth $1.75 to 32.00 a pair ;
only broken sizes.
KID GLOVES , $1.23 ,
the very finest made , worth $2.75 to $3.00.
Miss nhoda Monzlnpo of Com , la. , is In the
city visiting hcrsistcr , Miss llmniaMonzlnco ,
assistant secretary of the board of education.
The clergytho medical faculty ami the pec
plonll Indorse Burdock Illood Bitters as the
best system renovating , blood purifying touic
in the world. Send for testimonials
Mrs. Milton Mot/Rer of Beatrice is1 visit-
lug her brother , Clerk Higby , at the Muiru.v ,
As A Rule
Your own feelings will tell
you , when you are in need '
of a tonic or Blood purifier.
A lack of energy , a tired
feeling , depressed spirits are
good Indications that the
blood is sluggish and your
system is out of order.
Hooks on Hlootl and Skin diseases free ,
TiinswirTsnnnr : c < > . . ATi.A
OMAHA CallonnWrcis W. J. 11. SHHH-
\VOOI ) , J22 Xcn Yoik I.lfo Iluilil-
SCHOOL OP nc , Omnlin , Nebraska.
Wo beg to remind our
friends of the Children's De
partment of our business.
Through increased facilities
ana advantageous relations
with leading houses , -we ore
prepared at all times to fur
nish full and fashionable
equipments for the Juveniles.
One of our firm is now in the
East making special observa
tions of Children's Clothing ,
and selecting in that line of
goods an. assortment that
shall leave nothing to be de
sired , embracing as it will all
novelties of the coming sea
A Full Set of TootU
on It u lbo r , ( or
- - * > ' 'V.K ' 1KH.UABS.
A perfect ft Rtmrantocd. looth oxtraotod
wlthoutpaln or dantcor. anrt wKLout anaoj.
tlietlca. Hold and silver fillings at lowest
rStei. "rill ( To nnd Ore n Work. TeotU with.
outulntoi All work wurruutcu.
Entrance , lOtli street clerutoi Open even ,
C > uutll 9 '
Special Sale of Trousers , $3.7 §
We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers
before the arrival of spring goods. This week we will have the biggest
bargain sale of fine Trousers we have ever had.
Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics we have had In
stock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have
been consolidated that all sizes can be fitted. They are in fine fancy
worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots. Plenty of large pants for big men.
Mail orders will be filled with the
same care and attention that any cus
tomer would receive in makinghis own purchase. Send mail orders
with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods are not satis
factory they may be returned at our expense.
' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00.
We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' Long Pants during the season and will offer them
at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00.
We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Knee
Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but are remnants and must be closed _
out. < ; r
, LOOMIB 8fc OO.
There is war among1 the manufacturers of Rubber Boots , Shoes , Sandals , '
Arctics , Lumberman's Overs and all kinds of Specialties in Rubber x
Foot Wear.
The raw material is very high and advancing , still the prices go DOWN ! DOWN !
DOWN ! ! ! ' The Grand Old
hoe Co :
Leads the procession as iisual , and I am "loaded for bear" with a complete line of the New
Jersey Go's feet protectors. Some of the rubber companies are going to get Badly Hurt in
this fight. Don't place an order until you get my new prices from my office or my traveling
men. My stock of
Is fairly assorted but small. The gay ground hog saw his shadow yesterday ( Feb. 2d ) and no
one doubts that we are to have )
I am in no way connected with any retail stores , nor will I retail goods to anybody. Come on
McGuffey. Yours truly , ;
1111 Harney Street , Omaha.
P. S. Ask shoe dealers for ' 'Jerseys. "
For tlio Iroatmontnf nil CHRONIC AND SUUMCAr ,
DISK ASKS. llrnocH. Appliances for Deformities nnl
Trusses , Host Facilities. Apparatus anil Kcniodlci
fomnrces r l treatment of ovctjr form of dljiwe
requiring MeUlc-U or Mirnlcal Treatment. NI.Nhl'i
ItOO.MS I'OH l'A.ElKXTtl ! , Uonnl and Attendance.
Host Atcoininodntlom t. \\rlto for circulars on
JlcformlllOH nnd Uracos , Trussoi , CliiU teot.Uirva.
turca of fcjplnc , 111e , Tumor * , Cancer , Ciitnrrli ,
llronclillls. Inhilathjn , llluctrlcltf , 1'anilyslj , I.pll-
KUnev. Illiiilder. Kyo. lar ! , .Skill nnd Itlonil ,
IhS'nl Oiwrononl. IHsinASIM OK WOMIjM
nupeclnlty. llookof DUoasej \\omen 1-roo. Wu
liaiolntcly nd < loajulylnln nopartmont foremen
DurlnRCunllncment ( Strictly 1'rlrixte. Onlr Holla-
clo Medical Inuituti ) Maktnu a bpeclalty of I'lll-
All illoodblicaVe inceessfullr treated. Slodlclna
or Instruments Bent Uy wall or express tocurclr
packed , no marks to fndlcnto contents or tender.
Ono personal Interview preferred. Call and consult
usorhcnd history of your casn. ami wo will sew ! In.
phln wrnpporourllOOKTO HIKK : upon I rl-
to. Special or Ncrtou * Diseases , wlthqueillon list.
Address all letters to
Dr. A. T. McLaughlin , President ,
Oth ana Harnoy Streets , Omulia.
a . K.AJ3XT.
It " ba ttivcn In run of tfoQ * or tff . r In r
! "f 3 ] TS ! tJie nt.
ll " r without mowledB * o p
i . it is Vb.oiut.iy * " > 5 & ? ? ? !
. „ . .
p rm nent iidsp dycare.Mb.Hi.r thsp.ueou.
§ raod ritaarloeror u looUpUowr ok. n M' * * ! *
TAILS. It operttM so gui.tly ud with uoh c t.
Ulnty thkt tb. undergo. , no InoonT.nUne. .
&nd ara ha ! aware hi. eoinplata r. formation 1.
JSot.'d. 8 j'Iboo" , ofp.rtlour.r. fr. . . To b. I d ol
KUUH It C& , iBib H Doai\i. \ , itltitilfV'amta ' gSt. .
CJ-Tr.dB supplied by BAKEBauCB 4 : CO , and
rin p
* >
WoonsookeL & Rhode Island Rubber Go
And Address wo are , their western n onls and always carryalarostosk .
Human Jland Sewed Sloe Bo
1204 and 1206 Harney Street
I'l vc yen" neo both louuhl oar
idrlc.V cunt nil WEAK-
ezplAlninll. IU advice U Vital. Vttntnrltmlttil
lime Don't Trlllc" III ) Dl mie ! Kill I' MKU <
1CAI , CO. , Iliillulu. N. Y. Don't ( all to
I leucMui ; rcnucJy lor nil
I unnatuinl rtlocUnrgcs a
1 prlvateillieiueaulinpn.
i certain curator the Uelil
to women.
IT i A- IITMcrllielt nilfe l . /
lTHtE f. CHiHieuCo. In rrcommeudlOK ItVa
L. CiK3mNtTlgHM , | all uT ( rer , r
, i.J.8TONERMDD CTun.fLi ;
Noli ! by I > ruKicl ( ( *
Jlut 1'UICU ttl.OOW ,