Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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If. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
A. be taken tin tli'l'b ) p. in. , for
edition , nnd until H : n p. in. , for thoinornliitf
pilltlonand SUNDAY IIKK.
' rm-JtSIS Cash In advance.
TjATrS A < lVcrtlsorncntson thlsnnso wlllbo
JI ehnrprd for at the rate of 1'i cents per
WP rd for thpflrstlnsertlon.nml Icent | > er word
for piidi sulnefiui'tit Insertion , nnd Jl.W ) pur
llnu per tnnnlli. No advertisement taken for
less tlmn BScents for the first Insertion.
3 Ml IAI.H , UK tiles , njmbols , etc. , count each
. us one word.
rpIlKSH advertisement must run consocu-
J tUoly and tindrr no circumstances will
they bn taken or discontinued by telephone.
"OAKTIKSadvertising In thesocolumns and
J. havlnc their nnswers nddre sotl tna"nutn-
liercd letter" In cwre of Till : UKK will receive
nniiinbercd cluck toennble them to net tlictr
Utters. Answerit ulll be delivered only on
-.jdc"cnlnl Ion of this chock. Kncloscanswers
In envelopes properly nddresscd.
A 1,1 ; advertisements under the of
"Special Notices" nro tinbllshed In both
thn innrnln/ and livening editions of I'm : Jliu. :
the rlrcnlatlon of which nejsrcKates inora tliun
Sfl.OOOp-ipoM dnlly. nnd gives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the InrRo circulation ol
Tin ; lloo In Omaha , hut nl o In Council 111 n Os ,
Mncoln and othir ultlcs nnd towns In the vest.
AilvertHns for thrso columns will lie tnken
on tlionlmvo conditions , nt tliofnllowliiKbusI-
ness hoimcs who nro uiithorl/cdto t.iko sDcclal
notices , at the same rates ns can be had at the
main nil Ice.
D 03 N. Street , Mstcr Illock.
ToiiN'wTy l'lmrinnolst,820South Ti-nth
U Mieot.
H k r.imv , S < tntloners and rrlntors ,
' 11.1 South ICth street.
_ II. rAUNSWOUTH , I'hariuacist.SlinCiim-
fj * IIIK street ,
'vy ' J. lIUnilKS. Pharmacist , G24 North IGth
QKO.V. . I'AUK . , I'lnirnmclst ' , Jcavcn-
H S' I'lIAKMAUY. 21th and 1'aniam.
For rates , etc. , ecctoiHiffltttcolumnon thtsrnge. \ .
" \XrANTED A situation as book-kcnpcr. ni-
TT BlHlant orclerk In an olllco ; can furnish
peed n-fciencos us to clmiactor. Address
IJ IS , lleo. MU7 i : ! *
' \ArANTED Rltuatlons for peed Klrls ; my
TT waltlnK rooms nrn always full from 0 a.
tn , to 0 p. m. Canadian Employment olllcii.
U14K H 1Mb. Tclopbono ESI. 121
Fur ntlCK , etc. , tec lopnfflrtt column on
WANTIyO Ooodfialpsninn to sell advertis
ing cards and novelties on commission
direct fiom inunufncturcr : you can inaliO K 0
nor uook. Address AdvertlslnB Specialty Co. .
liufliilo. N. Y. M/13 13'
TIID Salcsmon to soil fine Bold
watches ; down and 11.00 nor woolt ;
no fccctirlly. lIoomsTKl and 53. ! , t'ailon bloclc.
_ _ M4H m'
" \\7ANTED-A Beerotnry unit treasurer for
TT amaiiufiiotiirhipjuonipany. Cabh Feciirlty
toqitliud. Address I ) 10. Hue. t 4. IV
\\7ANTKn Acenti--LoiiK's solid _ . .
' poncll. " Hoth HO.XIVS make JJ to M per
day. Samples and terms ! o. "OuthiHts } 1
worth of liquid. "No muss. " "No evapora
tion" 0. A. Long , JlOIJourboru street. Uhl-
caio. ; Til. MJIO 13 *
"VWANTHD Adenls Avoid disputes. Sules-
> > mi'ii hnvo them on the road ; business
men have them on their desks. The llano
duplicate and trlpllcatoordornnd letter book.
RttinplcH by mall , complete. Edit tn any nd-
cliem on receipt of JI. No Koodsscnt U. O. 1) ) .
Address the Samuel Hmio company , 10 and 13
\Viili.i.sli avenue , Chicago , 111. Kcfmeiico * .
comnierclal agencies. MHO 13 *
"ISTANTKD-M harness makers at once on
T T nmuhinoaud hnnd-mado huRgy hnrucss.
Steady work and i-nod waRC-s. Dodson , rlshor ,
( Hrockmaa & Co. , Minneapolis .Minn. 437 15
"VVTANTKO Immediately.2 persons reecho
it InHtiuotlons and keep books lu March. ,1 ,
I n. Smith , IMS Now York Life. ID'J ' 13 *
OWt'ITOItS ' Kxporlonccd biilldlnz and
Joan solicitors can Hccuro llbural contracts
undKood torrltorv with the farmers' I.onn
& Ti ust Co. , Dos ilolnos , la. 4x1) Jl *
* \\J ANTnO-TrnvoIInx man to sell the hard-
TT wuio trmlo In state of Nebraska , Ad-
flrcss with references , the Champion Shelf
WfK.Coi , aprlngilcld. O. 4U ! li
" '
"IV'ANTKl ) First class hotel cook. OIvo
> refcronco and state salary. Aildic"nlook
boxji. Kails City , Nob. 431 II'
T\1 | KSSU3. Charles L. Webster fc Co. wish to
J--L coriespoud atououwlthaconipetenl book
siilcsinnn ; ono wholuis sold cncyclonodlas
histories und books nf the highest quality pro-
fi'ired. To the rlnht party nn oppoitiinlty Is
offorcd tn establish and control u business nf
crcat permnnont value. Address T. M. Will
iiiins , luumigcr , U Dist IHh street , New Voile
City. M413 11 *
T\BTjiTIVr.8 : wanted In every locality to
, J- * work under our Instructions. K.xpcrli'nco
not necessary. Stamp for particulars. Wash
ington Detective Agency , llox 767 , Washlint-
ton , lown. M31tt Sill
"I \rANTED-Two first class harbors can find
T ! ] ) eimnncnt ciuplovnient at Rood UIIKCS ,
by npplyliiK iminedlntoly at the toiisorml
imrlors In llurr blook , lith nnd O streets ,
lilucoln. 400 12 *
\\t ANTKD-SOD Intelligent men and women
tolslt ' llattloof Uuttjsburg , 18tb and HI.
y's avo. 407 Ii *
OUTTKHS nnd Tailors Wanted-Whv Is It
that the Cleveland out tlin ; hchool Is now
cnniDlotoly filled with students from all parts
of the United Stales and Canada ? Mass 14 *
\irANTKD-Accnts-Wo want Hrst class
I inon who are ahcndy traiolliii ? hiiles-
nicn to entry our lubricating oils nnd Kronen
Bamplos us a sldo line. Columbia Oil nnd
C i ease company , Ole voliind , O. M303-L )
\\rANTKD-Mcn to trnvul for our Canadian
11 nursorlos.Stono&AVelllngton.MadlsonWls
ri > rrttlt , ctc.itce , , top of first counm ! on ( Ms page.
\VANTEI-fiIrl ) for west : housoKrcnor for
' country ) cooks , second plrls and jrlrls for
housework. Now omnloyiucnt bureau , llanlc
bulldlni ; , ICth nnd Dodge. .11)12 U'
T\7"ANTKD A retlncd , comptinlonnblo lady
II to take charge of rooms /or / bachelor
twenty-live yotus old. Address ! ' . J. 1) . , llco
otllco , Mncoln. 4110 U *
T\7"ANTEI-Good ) Snd cook , Now Vork hotel.
* > 4-'d n *
W ANTRIOood > COOK and laundress. Gor-
ninu gltl iirotcrrud. ' 418 Hottard st , J J H *
\\7ANTKD A competent girl for Roneral
TI houseHork , Koforonco ii-nuired. An-
ply Immedlatoly , 415 Korth aithat. DII21 11 *
, olins clrl for general housework.
A.1 Liood wages to comuuteiit person. 110'J ' a.
CJJ bt. 4U > j 13 *
GIUbtodoccneralhou < .o\\oikmust bo com-
pelcnt ; ( i.'ll X iMth street. 401 U *
( lood place for the right party. Apply
at once , asauiiinliig street. M40J lit *
\\7"ANTEI-Glrl ) to assist at hotisoworlTor
T > take euro of children at Oil N. IHh.
H3U ! 13 *
WANTED Girl forconeral housework.2ill !
buward it. Mrs. Wright. , LTS13 *
Far olfs , etc. , sea top offlrst colu nm on f 7if page.
" '
" " '
unfurnlsired cottuco on
St. Maiy's uvcniiiMieiir 2.1th street. In- ,
SVli St. ilury's avouuo. M 41015 *
ir/lOH ' HUNT lu roonis , brlclc bouse , corner
* . 17th und California. Modern convent-
Hiees. Hultablu for roomers and board. Iow
rental. K. l\ Cook , Wl N , Y. L. Iniltilliiii.
M : rro i *
E1OK KKNT-5 rooms , one lloor , 1712 Jackson
street. ] > U'10
"IJIOU KENT Seven-room cotlapo , cor. SSlh
4.'uvo and Cap , qvc. InquiroSUli Dodge. JISIO
tJ < \l.UJu'T.7SiYloKllllt ? . : ? { " - ? ? " , . Kos.
ir. 8 nnd 2110
- Douglas bt. Knuiilro nf A , A.
pladstono , 1.110 llouglus st. , or Ulohul.oun St
Trust to. ! . 3 7 a ICth st. S7U
TOOK ' KKMVMcu 4Xiii cottage , lit 1014 8.
A' uth st. Innulro of Mr * . UUBSUII , & W. cor.
13th nnd I'nclllo als. 670
ij-UOUM house with all moilerncoiiveiitenci's :
/ rout l i per month , corner Thirtieth ami
jNoolworth , facing Hanscom 1'ark. Kniiiilro
Ix-o & Nlchol , isth nnd l.oaveuwortli " - '
l'yoii wlih torcnt n house or store sea H.
IJ. Cole , CouUiH'utul blocU , 840
"li Oll UKNT Cottages 'wltn 2 , 5 and 8 rooms"
ri Uns bet 25th and With , Clarke , riHini 1U.
JVw rntfji.ttr. , netluitnt Jlnl ealnmn nn tht * ptj .
S TKAM healed Hats nt WU S , 10th. Thos. K.
Hall. Illl I'nxton bloclc.
OU HKNT-A nlno-rootu house with nil
J-1 modern'Iniprove'inonts , , rauth front on
Itanscom I'nrk , Itniiilroof Kennedy & lllnck-
burn , ISOol'arkttve. S1870
riOIt UHNT 3 liouirs 10 rooms each , I'nrk
nvo nnd Woolworth st , city wator.ftirnaci' ,
r , Call at once. MunmilRh A KltehctUhoilKu
agents , S. \ { , cor. 13th and Howard
o * )
rplli : lower story of 207 S ! lt but reel , fi room- * ,
-L brat fiirtil&iicd. Ris.uiilh. hot. cold nnd cls-
torn wntcr , KOOU yiird. IJO | > or month. 213
FOH lIKNT-Aftcr March I flrsl-clnfs 11-
loutn ) IOII P. nil modem convenience' , on
hlKlisohool hill. ol\ Davis Co. ! S8-1U
O new brlek houses on North Nineteenth
* > Btreot. 10 rooinp. nil inwh'rnImprovements !
nlsohurnl only J. fipor month. , Oimhn Itoal
Kstato and Tnlbt Co , , lloonl 4 , iluo building.
1OU ( Iir.NT-3 10-rooiu hniiM3 ! within fitnlu-
J-1 titi-s wnllc of the i > o tolllci' . O. T. D.ivls
Co. . i : > riirnaiu st. ! . ' ) -2fi
II10H HIINT-rotirU nnd 7-rootn Hats with
-L luitli , hot wntor. ctct puu'tl street ; near
buslnctsi all Imiirovpjncnts : only ! 3 per mo.
Hcfcronees rcnulnil , Thu Mead Investment
Co. , 412 Dee build I nit. OS. )
F < irralcntlc.tectopofjlrit column on tilts page.
ri O KENT Completely furnished cottnRO of
JL seven looms , gas , sewer nnd bath room ,
within 10 minutes walk ot Dmtnlllco. Call ut
CS3N. V , lilfobldgbetweenandUp. . ni.
ni.Mill lu *
O UOOMS for lioiiscket'plnKfortuiin and wife ,
- tiochildren ; rcntlakun lu board , U1U > , l > tli.
K-'OM 0
' fitrnlsliru rooms , ail modern con-
vonlcnccs. .MSN , J7th. WO M7
T71OU ltr.NT'lccly fiunlslied room , Kas
JL1 batli , 1721 l.eavenwottli , upstairs. 3n 1U
TTOK HHNT 2 front roomsttontn heat , bath ,
JL1 rent reabonable.iUGN. . 1Mb at. ( list lint.
BANDSoair.r/V furnished front room.stoam
heat , gas , bath , 711 S IClh , - > d lloor.
"I7IOK HIVNT-KurnlHhcd room In private
JL ; finally for two Kenrtoinen. South Omaha
men pieferrcd ; board If deshcd , utCSl S. .IGthJ
ijlUUNlbllUl ) rooms , steam beat , V315 DOUR-
J-1 Ins. 112 17 *
"T710H UKNT Klexiintly furnished rooms In
JL1 now brlulf house , three minutes' walk from
postolllce. All modern conveniences. Kn-
ciuho 023 N. Y. IMo building. 405 17
"TjlOUUnNT-Krontrooni with alcovp.eiirtaini
JJ mantel , beat , cas.biith , Sclosets. for2 RPII-
tlrmon or man and wife , tlC.00 per month
207 a--1th st , 7il !
jlOH KENT Tweiity-llvo rooms In si brick
-1 block ; K"od location : with or without f ur-
Iture. O. K Davis Co. , 1505 1'uinum st. S31M 20
ST. rl < AIU Europpan hotel , \slth cllnlns
room , Mtenni beat In all roonis , 13th and
Dodgo. Sicelal | rates by week or month. 8JO
TT TiOANT furnished looms.
Jli ZSImt *
TTOH KENT Furnished rooms , gas batu and
JL' Kteain , 1510 Howard. 81J
"I71OH 1 KHNT East front alcove room at the
- Morilani.
L AllOK and small room , 1701 Capitol uvcnuo.
T AllOIJ south front loom , bay window , mod-
JLJ ern convenli'iiccs , for ono ortwo contln-
men , HlOjiur month. y.'lS Lca\cnwoith.
"VTiail rooms , steam beat , 1719 Davenport st
JN 418 1J
Formic * , ctctecto ] > ofjli'st column on thltpage.
furnished front rooms. First class
- table bo.ud. Termsreusonublc.
Btrcot. .M330 K *
I7IOU HKNT A neat furnished room with
JL1 board ; stuam boat. Itufvronuus. 1721 DodRir
stioot. *
_ _
BllOAUD and rooms , C28 S 17th stteot.
738 MO *
JV-Two plemantroom9wlth board.
I'urnacu heat , oath und gas ; ut 531 South
Twenty-lit th avenue. M315 14 *
UHNISIIKD rooms with uns. bath nnd
furnace boat : board if desired , ti. K. cor
ner Tolli nvc.itnd Hurnov street. M207-1J *
IflOll KENT Furnished front room , heat
-L buth and nas suitable for 4 contlomcn.
Other rooms , board If desired. 19i4 I'lirnani
street. 1&3-1JJ
EMMANT furnished rooms with board , cat.
heat and Dath. US N 17th street. Ifc'J-l'lJ ' *
For rates , ele.seetoi ) of first tolemn on tlili page.
IjlOU KENT 1'art of business bulldliiR 1M
Jl I'linium street , conslstlnz of store and
upper lloor with olllco roonis. Iniidro ] of
John II , K. I.cbmann , 021 S. 17th bticet.
STOKES nt700S , 10th , steam heat furnished.
Thos. P. Hall , 311 t'axton blk. 817
TTlOll KENT The 4-story brick biilldW.wlth
JL1 or without power.formoily occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co. , Ulu 1'nrnnin ht , Thu bitlld-
IIIR has n llruproof cement tiasomcnt.coinploto
fituam licit HIIK llxtu res , water on all the Hears ,
gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The llco. D15
TTIOll KENT Orsalc , my bnlldniR on .Tonos
J-1 at , , bet 10th & llth. U.ALlndqulst,31l3 b.l.Mh
TTlOlt KENT Ilrlok warehouse , two stories
L' hlsli , basoinent , hydraulic elevator , truck-
ago ; best location In city. A. 0. Powell. 850
OU KENT Ono btoro und 2 flats , 020 So.
ICth street , and several cottages cheap.
II J. Kendall , : M Itrown bldg. 321-1M3
rorratee , ctescetop offlrst coliiiiiHon title page.
[ TtLnVKN acres , house , largo barn near Ccn-
JUtral i'urk for Burden , O-'U St , Mary's avo.
rurrata , < tc.seetop of first column on this page ,
BKhT tiaclcmio and Btorago bulhllng lu
Omaha , United States Bovoinment bonded
warehouse. Household goods stored and oared
for. Lowest rates guaranteed.V. . M. Hush-
inan. 101U-1015 Lcavunworth. 05
QTOUAUK and traokago. Uavld Uolo , B15-817
CJUo\yard st. 833
The best in elty clonu.dry .state.
irl\itcly : btornl at ro'isonnblo tornis.
OmalmStoio Kepalr Wks.l.W Douglas. TollMO.
AHIIAVrSTiindbcst stoniRo for furniture.
Wells , HU rnrnnin street.
NIOH dry stor.iKO room nt lllusham'sold
store. 319 So. 13th St. 708 V 27 *
for rates , elc. , scctop of first column on tlita page.
\\7ANTni ) lly'two Bontlonron , furnished
' ' slttintr room and sleeping room , latter
with two beds. Hoard preferred , Iteferenees.
Address 1)14. ) llco. MjI'JJ 14 *
forrntci , ttt. , rcc topot flnt column on thb
LIST iimpurty for rout , sale or cxchanco
with llundy k Co , 1(114 ( Capitol avo. Ul ! > AIT
T.T i : . COIjlroiitiUngoiicyContinental blk.
IM' your houses to soil or rent with G V.
llarrlhoii. U13N. Y. Mfe. Sol
Ii1' you want your houses renteo list with
Purrotto Itentul Agency , 10th und I > odj p.
Fort-ate * , ( tc , , reetnp of flint taluinn on l/if / page ,
[ UME accommodations for table boaidord
U ut the lllllsldo N. W , cor. IStu uud Uodze.
ri AIILB lloard-Jl per vu'ok. 1933
1JULLMAN house Special weekly rates.
Msou-r.'i *
For rates , ttc , , see top offirtt column on l/ifn / page ,
T OsT Pair fox terriers ; doK black and tan
4-J.iead , black rump. Hitch bran n head , black
on back. Ituwurl ifroturnod to iSK'Cullfor-
nlu blriiot. 4:3-14 *
T OST The lady who took the pocketuook
J-Jfrom 1 ulconcr's ttoro yesterday at silk
rountur will su\o trouble by returning sumo.
No questions will bu asked , 4S7-rj
LOST Parrot , whlto head , red neck , filceon
body , Uoturn toWTe.Uth bt ; reward.
M411 JH
LOST Ono \ldto und llvar colored bird dOR.
ttwiruwurd for return toW I'lynn. IGth
und Lake lU. 41-W 1U *
Forraf , clc. . to , lop o//1neolumn ( on th U page ,
IlMnnir ? Mcdrnttgh ( or lil heirs ) wlv > llrml
In this country In 1ST > 7. and It Is thought
had land Honicwliore In Snrp.v county will
write mo , thov will learn sninetbliiK to thulr
adviintiue. II , A. Woslcrlluld , HiW I'urimm
street , Omnha. MW 17
Fort ateetc.teelupof ftnt column on this page.
iroil SAljB lllack imported Trench stallion.
JL1 liidiilro C03S. Uth street , Mam-US
"ijlOU SAMC Cheap , wncoii and iloublowork
Jliiirni t , or will ojtclmuao for buclf board ,
also good sidebar buggi'i cheap. II , K , Colo.
Continental building , o ? . '
"IjWUHAIjH cheap A two horse ilclRh , also
J- large pullcjs and shafting , OOlttotiBlas.
For ratet , etc. , tec top offrtl coliibinon'.tfitpagt. (
"IjiOlt 8ALK first class milch cows , rilso sov-
JL3 oral zooil horses. ICnqulro room 2C "
Nntlonnl bank building.
l orratctctc.fee topofftittcolmnn on tltti page.
"ITMjKCJANT now ftunlturo of Troom lint !
JUJ cheap forcuMi ! rooms Slf fu'li. Add > ess
O T1. ' , Ijco olllcc.
7-'urra ( , c. , tcctop oftrst columiiun this page.
TTlOIv PAW A , standard ninko HiirlRlit
JL' iiiuno , but llttlo iihid , ut a sncrlllou. Must
bo soldatonco. Call ntsauOuiqwoll. 331
I 1011 8AI -lMano. l . JUS ; curtain Uesk , JW.
and boohs. 1531 Hliornuiii uvo. 4J8
wauta a rooui-niato at
J'Jallfornlast. a8j
IiOK ! > AI-i-Coinplcto : sot of ilruz itoro n < -
turcs , show eases , cto. I'.O. Hov UTS. fc.V >
TT10K SALL-An A 1 flrop roof safo. Kuijulro
J-1 ut llostoa Store. iMO'l
Z''or rnc , etc. , see top offli t coliinnionis < / (
i\NTKD Slnulo , Hat top elttlns
Phil titlmmcl , Ull Jones. Mill tf
TTlUnNlTUUG bought , sold , Btotcd. Wolls.
JU 1111 I'limam St. 822
\\rAKTKD-\Vlll niiy hlclicst cash price for
housuhold Roods. 31U Ho. lath st. 7C9-1'27 *
WANTKD At once ; mcreliandlso ; all
kinds ; snot cash ; must know at once.
T , T. Kuwoll & . Co , 14111 Douglas , Omaha. 11
rorratetctc.ecetopoffirit column on tMt page ,
MAS9AaKtrentmontolectro-thermal bnths.
Hcaln and hair treatment , man ( euro and
chliojiodlst. MrM.l'ostullHi S.15thWlthnoll bile.
i > 37
DEKDS , inortgaBcs , contracts and all legal
Instruments carefully pxociitod , A. 1C.
lllloy , nttornoy and notary public , room 11 ,
Contlnuntiil block. b05-F28
Tor rales , etc. , scctop offlrst column on thta jwffC.
n nd collateral securities f or any tlmo from
1 to 7 months , In any amount to bull bur-
Loans made on household coeds , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse the lowest posslblo.rotcs with
out publicity or icmoral or property.
My loans are t > o urranioil that yon can make
a paymentof any amount at any time audiu-
duce both principal and interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have u loan you want changed.I will p.iy It on"
nnd carry It for you. If you find It inoro con
venient , call up telephone No. 1IJ21 and your
business will bo arranged nt homo.
Jlonoy always on h.ind. No delay. No pub
licity , Lowest i.ites.
U. 1' Masters ,
Koom \Vithncll blk.,15thand Hurnuy sts.bOo
MONI Y to loan on real csV-to ; lowest rates.
O. J. OIISHell , 810 S. V. hlfo. ttM-MU
LOANS of Jl.OOO to J5.000 wanted on choice
Improved elty proportv. Low ratoa. No
delay , Central Loan & Trust Co. , 12001'lirnhlii.
410 20
pIIATTEF/ bank , 310 S. 15th St. , loans money
won chattels orcollattei al at reasouablb rates
& second mortgages on vacant & Improved -
proved city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand , 1' . M. Ulohardbon.UiaN.Y.tlfo.
CUIIjDINO lo.ins. Oto 7 per cent : no nddl-r
tlonal charges forcomnilsslon or attorney's
fees. W. II. ilollvle , I'lrst National bank bid p.
REAL Kstato Loans Onsli on baud. Glebe
Loan nndTruht Oo.i07 : g.IGthst.i No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses tu rent ; good list.
OF fc 0. SI. Anthony. 313 X. Y. Life bulld-
Ing , lend money on farms la choice equi
ties hi Nebraska and Iowa , also on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; <
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles nnd
values passed on liete. flij
MONKYto loin on Improved city pi oporty
at current rates ; fniulson hand ; no delay.
Cioo. I' . Itlust * I'o--'OJ Kiiingo bldg. M8 < ! 7
MONKYto loan on Improved Omnha prop-
crty. 1 1. H. Irt-y > iiUfl , N. Y. Life. 008 |
MONKY to Loan S-hort tlmo paper bought.
Ilreiinan & Co. . ( K N. Y. Life. 741-i.X'G
$1,000 private money to loan , 7 per cent.
Onmlm Iteul Kbtuto & Trust Co , 4ilco lildcr.
PniVATR money to loan. J. D. Zlttle. 014
K. V. Life. KIM'J
MONKY loaned on furniture , her > cs. etc.
Ilawkcyo Inv.Co.ll Douglas blk , 10 & Dodge
Formic * , etc. , scctop of flivl column onttiis page.
SA1.0OK tor sale. Incjiilro 30J Main street ,
Plnttbmouth , Nob. M iy > 13 *
17IOK SALR AH ofllco practice vortli4,000
Ja year ; can ho doubled If city pmbtleo id
taken up ; prlcoJl.OOO cahh , or will exchange
forcastein Nebraska land free from all en
cumbrance. Address I'.O. llox 01 , Lincoln.Nob.
FOIt SAI/H Only dnic store lii town. Terms
easy. Tor pratloulius addiOM Dr. It ,
Knapp , J'anburg , Neb. MI llS *
4-STOUY brick . ' 15-room hotel , furnished
throuvboiit , line location , will soil furniture
nnd louse on easy terms to fspod responsible
hotel people. J , U. 1'arrotte , Uouglas block.
AllAHKcluuico fora VOUHR man with some
capital : a splendid business , paying well.
An Inspection solicited. I'nll infOfmutlDii fur
nished by uddressinj L , , llco olllco , Lincoln ,
Neb , WW14 N
DOOTOI ! The best opening for a good doc
tor in Neb. AdrcbS H. A. Kufus , Havcnna ,
Neb. SO.-M5
FOU S A IiU or Trade Large livery and feed
stable , feed Htoro iitt.iclii-il. This is well
loomed on pined street and doing a good
business. Jlumaush .t I'ltchctt , real estate
agents , ear. 15th and Howard bts. bt5 :
HOTKL for Sale ] ) o you want to got Into a' '
good business ? If youdo , buy thoCommor-
clal at Hrokcii How , Nob. bW
FOl : SALE-Tailor business , Trunk Sochor.
David City , Nob. 7W1' 'i >
FOU SAI.K or Ilent The Tokamuli eiumlns
factory , In complcto running onlar ; will
ho eold cheap , or to the right parties will bo
rented on favorable terms. Call on or ad-
dtesslilr&t Nutlonul llaim , TckuinahNeb.W3K3 ,
SALOON-Tho l > est ojionlng m Nebraska ,
Address H. A. Kufus , Ituvennu. Neb , It. K
agent. '
TTlOHSAIiU 1'uriilturo and leaSe of 40-room
J- hotel In line location ; an a\erugo bnslntrss
pfJJOadny. Uood chance , llcst icdonnffor
kolllng. w. S. Cooper , filerrlum block , L'ontiull
lllutrs. la. /lists / | , i'J
For rates , ttc. , ite tnpofflnt cdlumii on l/if / page.
MAb.-AJi : bitli ut JludainO bmlth's parlors ,
Iki floor , 705H. 13th st , at ) JS ,
M ASSAOH MuilauDcliler. . over010 S. l.'ltli.
l'orru < ( c.,4iMfojo/ l column c.
TTMIEI ' ) Mohlo loans money on dlumqndj and
watohcsJo\\cirycto. . s o cor.l'urnatti < S.lith )
87l 4
I'uriatcn , tie , , tee top offirtl column on tliit paae ,
T AD1F.3 and
( rent mukquer-
JUado suits ut CZ ! K. ICth sU Tbal '
ForrufMctcKctopnf Jlnt column oil
"TjlINr fnrm of 320 ncrs. . wfthln IVi tulles of
JOmaha. . Want oltjTproierty | | acres pre
ferred | 110 acres uudor cultivation. AdrtreM
1) 13 , llco. ; JU2J 13 *
trutlo for a stock ofdrupi.
llox MS city.
M O Trade-rarin * lnjLlncoln ; county for
1 stocks of Kcncrnl'nerchaudlse ' ( , ( I , 0.
llawlclnsVcllllecl , NebJ. JII17 17
IT youlia-NocaihInnd'rtrstock ' totradnfora
Milnhln patent , counfy or stiitorlRhK nil-
dress . K. I * , lllll , lloi Hi ) , llcncieo , ill. JI.W U *
\\7 ANTBH To trade , llrst-olim Improved
11 form n ml c.i < li for'.n driiK stoek. Address -
dress P. II. box l , Woodtyiio. Iowa. aiS 11 *
\\fANTKD-ln ctchntigo for an Iowa farm
M residence property In Omaha ; will as
sume. Address Jos. Ojuorn , ( Junior , Tn.M3301l
LIST your property to o.xchuiiKO with O. J ,
I'tunoU , 810 N , V. Life. aiO-u
V\TK have rental property worth J13.000
IT brliiQlntflOUii niontli. clear of inciiinb-
ranee , for which o will tuko half caih and
bnliiiH'o In trade , btrlngur k L'cuny. Il.uker
block. S9I
I TEWlriimnioiid ( ) buggy and now harness
and horse , JMW , nnd cash reslstcr , cost
J200 , for llrst payment on lot or house nnd lot ,
R. w. p.irt of city , llutchlniou & Wcad. 1521
Douglas. 43014
fPO r\OIIANGK : Korntocksof merchandise ,
J Knwllns county lands ; 1 have a section
joining j ( together , will trade part of It or ull ,
and If necessary nay pint eash for dry goods ,
clothing , boots. Hiioes. etc. Address Ktnll Woll.
DccaturCo. , Oborlln. Kan. ! 103 11
120 acres line farm land unjoining good I < e-
J-brnska town ; nearly clour.
1GO acres llnoly Iniiirtncd land 2' ' { miles from
county sent In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered ,
120 acres good land InNobraskti , Omllesfrom
county soul ! 2.riOaluhnbltants.
House and lot In town In Kunsns ; clear.
Ulearlotln good Nebinskatown.
4-room liousu nnd lot. ham , \\ellaiul cistern ,
IGth street , Uniiiha ; sllithtlyencunibcred ; will
trade for Omnhnpiopoity and nsstimoencum
brances. 11. U. Cole , Continental block. W )
JlOlt KXCIIAMli : Clear lantl and 91,000 for
mdsc. : want about $5.000 stock , llov t ( ! .
Shenandoah , la. 301-17 *
W II have Improved and iinlinprovcdOiutiha
ical estate for trade , or will tell for cash
al just about linlf Us lalnc. Soinunloohoiisci ,
good vncont lots , anil some of the best down
town property. Stringer & I'cimy , Iltirker blk.
IWIIjL Irado a good lot In Armour
Place , Foil tli Uinulia , und tnkogooddrlvhu
horse and buRgy as pait payment. Addtess.
1127 , llco. T
T > USINKS ! ) property on ISth st , , near lar-
JJnani , for residence.
y clear lots ( corner ) lu Orchard lllll for house
and lot.
JO.vl.V , Saundersst , , south of T.ako Clear , for
Somn other cond property for cxchatiEO. J.
D. Zlttlo , N. Y. I.ltu. COO
tor piano. Address U 4J , Bee.
ror rates , etc. , scctop of fit ft column on this pagt.
A. K. TiiliRVi notary public , room 11 , C6n-
. tlnoiital block btlira
BAUOAINS 5-room cottage nnd lot. city
water , sewer and barn , centially located ,
J2.7M. Terms easv.
Largo 5-room cottage , nicely finished and
well located,3il-
South front lot on paved street near motor ,
Somn nice lots In west nnd north part nf elty ,
J330 und upwards. J , I ) . Xlttlo , BU , N , V. J.lfo.
, , CDO
I 32 feet tnost beautiful east front on Georgia
J-avo. Just south of Iicnvqnnorth. S10.000 ( Hill
divide ) . CO foot south ft out on Hnrney , east
of 28th , J3.500. llutchllison & Wcad , 1V.4 I
Douglas. , 43011
NKof the best West Cumins lots 850
cash , balance to Milf ?
A hnlf aero northwest .1 , 325
South Oinnha lots nt a li.ircaln
Uolscth & Johnson. 0 Boa id of Trado.
FOU SALE Cash only , JO-room house at a
bargain , J. H. Panqt , Douslas blol. . ' .
5-nOOMliou-e , lot 33x $ , . $ I.TCOj alsoC-room
Jiouso , lot JUWxKi , s. o.cor. llth iitul Vinton
st , . I..OIKI. llrlekhou o iwnL Amqrloan house , , e. ior. lOtiij.vanu UouuUis , WO.OOii.
Mrs. Kuhlman,21Jl S. Jltli. - 67J
FOU SAIn- A llyo loom cottiiRO , SIS Hurt
et , oit leas icd ground. 1'rlco JWJ , $100 cash ,
balance S-'O per mould. t''or further particu
lars Inquire-T05 Davenport st. oK )
wo-room house and full corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear fat tn or Oma
ha lots. Address the otvnur at l.'iicl nnd Cas-t
sts. . r. G. Merrill. 1ST
FOIl SAbK Good now 8-room liouse. city
vntor , Roodboddod (50-foot ( yard , close to
motor , s miles N. W. fiom P.O. 3I.OHO cash
and tl , . * > 003yoaHittSnor cent. Homo and lot
cost over 93.0CO. Stringer & 1'cnuy , Harker
blook , room K. 2UI
SPECIAL UarKiiln-Lnrgo lot , KlxICTi ft. , 4
blocks from o avc . and CumliiK st. , lays
splendid ; clican for cash , or will trade for
farm. Address K. U. Merrill , 42nd and Oasssts.
FOU SALE Cheap. The residence at ! i" > 10
1'lcrco street , at n I > 4r0'alii for a few iViys
only. Inquire at the Neb. Steam laundry.
IGth and Ho ward streets. M.M8
LIST your real cstato with O. J. Caswoll. bW
N. Y. 1,1 fo. SIO-l.'l
Purlatcaetc. , fcctnjofflralcoditnii uitthls jwyc.
Brji' buying n iiliiiio ; examlno thonon-
ica Kluiball plauo. A , lloape.ljU Douglas.
GIX ) . If. Gellcnbock , teacher of the banlo
ulth Hospc , 15ii : Douglas. 40
TTtOH ' SALE Clump , a nearly now Hallctt ,
-L' Davis & Co. , uptight piano In flrat-clahs
condition. Inijulro at ItJIO IJouclas st , 3KS
HOV. Charles I'otorscii.plnnoviolin , zither ,
E'llturInstruction. fctudloD3 ; > Hhcolyblk.
70il PJo *
rHAVI' ' a few now pianos forsalo awfully
clican , , is I have gonooutof the piano busl- S. Joiiiison , Kainaiii nml llth Bt. fe'J3
Fariatcetc. , tec tnp of firtt column on thin page.
MKS. WAIjbAOU clnlrvoynnt ; naturally
gifted ; tolls pustnndfutiiiulovotroublcs ,
absent frlonds , change * , travel , business. ] 3UB
rainani st. MiKI-I5 : *
rpo know your future , goto Mis. Stover , 40(1
JL N Kith stioct , 3rd lloor. 401 U *
MASSAGH Madam Dclzler. over 010 S. nth.
M 101-MG *
MHS. Nimnlo V. Vnrron , clairvoynnt , trance
speuldns , wilting und reliable business
mediumfourjearaln Omaha. Hi ) N. 10th. WIJ
c. , ecclopofflrtcQlum ( , > i on thin page.
" avHKSSMAKlNa by tli liiyl "sSTI'ntriuU
avo. j > | i 40 ! ) Ill *
\\7OKTirS tailor syhtonvtuught 012 P ICth.
* ' . . KiJ I'iG *
TrNOAOnMENTStodrt'dressmaklnz lu fam-
Ji/lllos / solicited. Jliss Sturdy , auo ifiirnoy st
JC. ' 41oriG *
Forralta.clf. , eojiof ( jirit column on t/ifn / page ,
/ ALTj or writes for oiit loRues nnd Iincstt-
v gate the merits of thoWiilih Premier typo-
writer. Mnnlfestly mij nor features. lm-
portant chunacs mad r.c Typo-writers fold ,
nxclinngoor run I oil. 10WS Pnrnuni St. , B , II.
Muyhow , inunrKor , ' -
Foriate , etc. . tec top of flint oiimn on th Is payc.
For rates , etc. , tee top flfflnt cotiimn onif < / pane.
BEST line ludr gcods In west ; imlr drc sl K.
wigs.switches , banss , hair chains , etc , , a
specialty. JJ.iylos , hair uooJs and milliner ,
opposite nostoffleo , 111 a. litli bt , Omaha. Wl
jForriif , cc. , ftetopofjtrtt coumfi on Hits payc.
IATENT lawyers and solicitors. 0. W. Sues
& t'o.,1100 bulldliiB.Oiimhnllranch olllco nt
\\n8liIiigtoti.D.O. Consultation frco. B75
lC't nudonljcnpsulpi prcicrlbed br
reuutur ptifilclans lor the turo of
uuoorli cu nnd Ul cliur o Jrom tUo urlnnrr organi ,
vrlietbor real oracqutrtil. tl W per box. AlldruggtiU.
1'vr raidetc. , tec toiiof Jlrtt column on tMi ] > aoe.
T siET" "
J\ . Ilcal
Nowtilietime ( to buy Omnha roulestate ,
brcati > o you can do e < ) for less money tlmti
yon wilt nay for the stuiic property hi nit
monthfrom now , Umaliii roul cstitto la lu-
day u
Holler Investment
for nit classes of people , rich or noor. high or
low. ono with another , thaji any thing vlto , because -
cause It Is safe , sure to Increase la value mid
will p.iy you ten times hotter Hum
Money In the Hank ,
nnd tlio records show It. Oiun ha property U
today cheaper , bettor value for thu money
than anything you cnu buy In St. I'aut.Mlunc-
npolls , Kansas City or Denver , beoaiisu wo
imvn the best city fn tlio writ nnd every poi-
condition points to Its
Continued Prosperity.
What you are leiulliiK heio la tlio truth ,
plain and simple. It Isgoodsetise.bccaiiso all
thliiKsin reuanl to Omaha and Its property
bear out thuiibovcstulcineuts. Of coursii you
will , If you have an Idea of trying to miiKo
some monoy. meet ii doubting Thomas who
will try and talk you out of anything that
could possibly do you any good , but
Tin obligate for
yourself nuu you will be convinced. At our
olllco ,
15071 nriuitn street.
You will find the larRo t list of all torts nf
property ( it all prices and on all kinds of pay
ments , overolTurod In Uinulin , and you can
llud plenty of It within your roach on which
on untido well and surely nmko money Our
list of
Houses and Lots
\s \ so IOIIR that wu cannot publish it always ,
but vroluivocoiiinotent salesmen to shov you
ulionoior you wish. o\ cry uloco of property
listed , without eo l lug you a cunt. The list of
Vaeant Lots
comprises the best pioperty lit every direc
tion In this city , and you can bo suit oil If you
Blmplylot us know In what direction you want
to go ami vrhut prlco yon want to pay.
. Amos' Place.
surrounded by business and residence Im
provements , with two lines nf motor , directly
In the line uf Improvement ami advance , ean-
not fall to iniikoyou money ; terms und prices
are extremely rriibonublc ; you cannot
wrong In buying a 50-foot lot thcro before t Ro
advance . tee LTiis property and you will bo
pleased with It ,
If You Can
llnd any \vnytolnvestyour money than
by bujlnnafiO-ft. lot In Ames plnco nt present
prlccult will botiondor , No ono who Id-
vested Judiciously lu Omaha real estate In the
past has over lost
Ono Dollar ,
and no ono who Invests now with any caution
can lese u dollar. Kcal estate In a city llko
Omaha Is the best In vestment u inuu can make ,
will prove this statement. Unless wo know
beyond ii doubt the real value of lots lu
Ames 1'lnce ,
wo certainly would not adiortlsoniid sell the
pioporty a wo are now doing nt
1507 runmm street.
Vou can ECO map showing lots their loca
tion and price , nnd ulsoHcothnt
I'nvod fctrcotb ,
Motor Oars ,
factories , Mores ,
Chinches. Schools ,
m fact , all the needed Improvements and ad
vantages sui round find tnuko valuable every
lot in
Ames' Place ,
where prices are fair , reasonable nnrt within
jourmcaiH ! long tlmo ISKlvciioit dofericd
payments , and for a worlmigmaii , clerk or
any matt of moderate means Lcro isuchuuco
to gut for
Ills family
a homo , a permanent location that will In-
crensohi value as Oiuahti grows , and can you
toduy finda slir.'lo
Western City
In a more prosperous condition than ours ?
Youcimnot , to where you will. If that is the
fact , don't wait , but
ntidEctro the chanccolTercd you to help your-
olfand your family ; nuy u lien Inducements
nro offered you Instead of watting and pitying
for your delay , as you will have to do
If You "Want.
a cheap house and lot on easy terms , Heio
nro a few for your consideration ;
No. 09. "J story frame with burn , M03
down , bal. ( UO per mo. , prlco Jl.KOfl 00
No.C8. Kull lot wit lit homes j,200 [ 00
No. G7. 4 loom house and small stoio. . ; t,500 00
No. U > . fl room frame with bam , J.'i'JO '
down , bal. Slopor mo 2.50000
No.57. Groom house with biirniOO
down , 3,00000
No..111. .Good fi room hoiibp , $200 down ,
bill. ? ! . " > per uio 1,700 00
No , 51. Small house , $ JOO down , bal. 810
pur mo , l.SOO 00
No. 40. fi room house , ? r 05 down 1,500 00
No. 41 , Small hoube , $700 down U.1M ) 00
No. 4) ) . 4 room frame , lurgo barn , 8.W
down , ual. BlSpor mo. , . 2.100 00
No. III.fitoont house , corner , $700 down -,2JO 00
No. 27. fi room house , $100 cash , fJO per
mo.- . 2,300 00
No. 70. On Virginia avenue , close to
J.cavonworth street motor , 7 room
house , w llh lot 40x155 , at 1COO cash ,
bid. very easy terms ; prlco 4.2.10 00
The location of this property makes itury
desirable for residence orliuorovenient.
No. 71. f > room house , JliuOcaah , bill. 1,2
mid : i years. . ) 2.330 00
If you want
Vacant Lots ,
Houses and Lots ,
In any part of Omahn , we have the best ,
largest nnd most complete list over bhonuiii
this city , and competent
to show you property lit tiny time , whether
you buy It or uot. Wo are perfectly wll-
Show the Goods
and take our chances on nmk Ing a sale.
1307 I'urnain Street.
If you want tobuy acres for
Tor OarJenlnc.
or to hold for Increase viiliio. wo have a lareo
llstof , very dcilriiblo property of this sort ;
also have iomo very
Choice Farms
\\Itlilnl3 to 20 miles of Umulm , that are the
host In the.state , so far us actual value goes ,
that we c.m hell at reasonable figures and
full terms.
Amos' Real
12stuto Agency ,
IMf Kurniitn Street ,
Is the onlv olllco In thlD city where you can
llnd a liirjo assortment of all kinds of real cs-
tntn at ull prices and best terms. Our goods
nro for sale , mid wo have Iho very host faolll-
tlOijforsolllnKthoin.butlf you expect tobuy
Omaha real cstuto
on the makoacreat mistake , you
cannot do so , but you cun buy ut fair prices ,
that leaves you a chanceto make nionoy , Tlio
money placed In realty Is better and safer
than money placed In bunk , und will uuy you
ton times
Hank Interest ,
IJcmembor that adveitlslng ooes not pay
unless you hmo something to advertise that
Is ull you claim for It. Como and see what wo
hu\o to oil or , and what jou can do with your
money ho.ns Jo nnikc you inoir
1507i''uriuuu ' str'cot.
NSTUUMENTS plaooa oa record February 12
Georglunna Ilovurago to 1 ! J i-c.innoll ,
loll ) , lilk 11. Ilioun Pnik j CCO
Ocorso i : Iturlnr nnd wlfo to .1 A Mor
gan , lot 13. blkllOrclniid 111)1 ) KO
J G Uortclyon and lfo to Mut Munsoll ,
n ! i ofe'j of blk 1 % H 12 Kogcrs' . . . . , . . , l
J OUortelvonnnd wlfo to Mat.Munsull ,
lotll ) , Dlki'Mlllurd I'liico l
J ( iCortclyoiiJind wlfo to Mat Munsoll ,
lot 12. hlkl. Tort land Plnco 1
L 11 Currier and wlfo to 1' 11 Dcvricslots
1 and 2 , hlk 1' , Hanscom Plnco 7,500
O N Davenport to Tied Ivlclimii ct al ,
lot l"i. blk t > . Itrown Park 030
W II ( \Vesolo I , 44x
1.12 feel , coimnoiK'lnu4"ircot wnstof no
corof s 10 iieios ofnw no 0-n-it : 1,200
G 1' Hoover nnd wlfu to 1'runi ; Dulezal ,
lotii , ( icgrKu'shiib 400
.1 I Kedlck and wlfo to P J JlcShanc , Ix
113 fuiitat ] > olnt 31) ) feiU n of sotorof
lilkT. Insubof .7 lltedldv's add „ . 1
August -hlppoielt to Slgred Lursn , 0 'A
lot 1 , Shlpporolt'ssub COO
I * Schroder , trustee , to Josenh t-lilekn ,
loll , blk 12 , lot HI , blkti , lot 13 , hlk B ,
Drawn pane , 1,400
Union'Paclllo inllway lompaiiy to Kll
Johnson , wi ! nw 21-13-10 500
Louis YoilliK tohtoiz'/t Iller , lot B , blk
11 , Mycr teal cntulo nml ti-nit's ad. . . . . 1,100
T. II. I > a\toii trt r > . A. Kolli , lot 10. blk a ,
b'aiinders .Vlllll'tind. lo Wnluut lllll. . S
ICouben Allen and wlfo to 1C. A IAMVOII-
wort h , 4 ! * feet tux lot llln 15-11-n 1
C. U , 11 ousel anil AVlfo to same 1
Total amount of transfers 114,053
' - KtocklioldoiV Meat Inc.
Nntlcu 1 $ hcroUv glvod that the regular an
nual incoUiiu' ( itabu stockholders of tlio Bmitli
I'latto Jaiul company will behold at the of-
ilcoof. ald oompunj. In Mncoln , Nob. , on the
\Vtfclnesday In Maicli. ] " 'JI ' , liclns tlio 4th
dny of the niontli. lly order of the board ut
direct011 , il. O. I'liii.ui-s ' , Pocretary.
Mncoln , Nebraska , I'cbruury U , Wl.
Thf . .ilarmlnaImfivimr of fncinna-
tttn nml M'/ifff It .TftviiiM. "The
titttfh in Tlinr. "
Scarcely a day pns.sfs that onoiloesnot hont
of men and women whom wo picture as the
perfection of lirnlth and MreiiKtli , bchiR
Dtrlckeiuluwii by the torrlblo disease , pncu-
immlii ,
lVrlmn the itroato ( eamo of pneumonia in
this country It thu \truinadllTt'renei'lu tern-
iiorntiiru between the Interiors nf otlli-cs and
homo < and the outside air , Ho lonu ns nuopio
consider It necessary for tlielr eomforl to
miilnlnln u hot house. totnpc > rntnro Indoors ,
when thu mercury Is > ory loiv outside , M > lunit
will pneumonia nnd t Ictliug.
Thu greatest care nnd promnt measures
should bu takntuiiiil upon the llrst npproieli
of thesllKhtest symptoms of pnenmonla If
JIM lui\u a tli'ldltiK lu the throat , n tlght- In the chest , a mlu In tlio bend , a chilly
feeling or pains throughout the body , net
promptly , net wisely bring about nn Im
mediate i ( action , This can NOtnottinc * bo ne-
onipllslied by inilek and violent exercise , but
hat Is exhausting mid wattes the Mrength.
which should bo husbanded. A far better
plan Is to lake n pnru and st rung stimulant
which will tend tu equalizetlin i-ltculatlon ,
cheek congestion and restore toheiilth. Tiiortj
are many forms of stimulation , lint onlvono
Hint can bo roenminehded that Is Duffy's
I'uro Malt Whisker. This Is the only tnoillel-
nnl whskoy upon the market , and lift purltv
and powerure proven by Its bus
Bnvuu the lives of inoro men and women who
wore candidates for pneumonia man any
illseoi cry of modern clence. and It Bin nils us
It deserves to stand , at the head of medicinal
stimulants of the present day.
Leato * CII10AIIO , ntJIlTITNl ! rtN ) A. O , | Arrives"
Oninlm. Depot 10th nnil Mm on slroi'ts I Oranhnu
4 30 p nr
060 D in rnicigo K press n.2o p m
910pm Clilcnso IC.TITCSS 110 IV > n m
fljjO . p m IOIM Ixunl MVOOin
c. ±
I cnres
0 m all a. llejiot IQtli mid Atftn > n Btrceta. | Oninliii.
lO.M n m Denver pay Lxprcss
10.25 n m DoiiTor Kxproti . . .
7.10 p m Denver NightKxprea. . . . . .
600 p in Lincoln Limited . . . .
MS n m . , , . . . ) .I D coin Local ,
"l.o ne !
Onmlin. Depot IQtli on J aim on Iroot .
"SMTTrn . .Knn'M Cltf Dnf Kxproin. . , . 0.10pm
045 p m K.O. Wjjhi lixp. vln U. \ ' . Trnjij.4 | > u nt
I.Cnto > UNION PACIFIC. Arrkui
Depot lOlli nnil Slaicy ulroots , Oninlm.
Z.SO p m . .Ovcrlnml Flfer. . U.05 p m
7.SO | ) TO . I'oclllc 11.45 am
10.SU n m . .Denver Kijirc'g. , 8 Ki p ni
6 OT n m I305n m
l-oaroj Arrlvcw
I U , 1' . depot. IQtli nml Mnrcy bti. Onmlm.
(1.1U ( p m . . .NlKlit I'.xprcss. . . 10.05 n m
B 03 1 in . . . .Atlnutto Kxprosi. . . 0..10 p la
. .Vpatlbiilo l.lmltPrt. . 10.45 a m
Omaha. U. 1' . depot. lOlli nnJ Mnrcy Bt' . Omaha.
t.l&nrai . Sioux utr rasitMigcri. . .
.4.30 p mj . p..8t.J > atilKii > ro . . , _ .
LenTesn 'flloUX OIT1 ? A pTCcmtH Arrlfos
Ujcaho. I Depot litUnnil Webalcr 8t . Omaha.
JUX ) p ml .Bt. I'ttiil TJmltod I .2i n m
Oiauhn. | U. 1 * . depot. Will unit Mnrcr Bti. Olimhiv.
0.19 a m , .Clilcnso IClprejs. . U.20 p m
t no p ro . .Vestlbulo Limited O.W a m
eisp Iowa Accommoilntlon ( exc. Sun. ) 7.05 p Dl
9.1IJ p 91 . . I u tcrn Hyor , , . . 2.45 p in
11.4 > n m ( oic.SlinriitKnBt ) ICx ( eic.Monl 7.10 a in
irrrcTinyriiiij. & ft'i1. IMUUI Arnvva
L ) . I' . dC'Qt. | Illtli nnil Mnrcy a . | Omnliq.
. . .ClilcnKO Kxprcn.1 1 0.75 n m
. . .Chicago Kxpress I GO ) p m
Onion n. U. 1 . ilcpot. ICth and ainrcy 8t . | Omahn.
fw .M.Lonl5.rriiinon Hall , | 1Z.HO : p ro
Omaliiu I Depot litU ami AVebstor Ola.
Leaves iCTflCAUO , JITET S T8T. i'AAU.l
Trnnaforl Union I > fiot [ , Counrll Blntla. I
n. 4) i > ml . Chlcngo Kipress
lii.aj p ml .Chicago liipri'in . I 635 | i in
lO.07"u m.Knn | ! > nB Cllr Dar Kxprt"is..i. | 6 4J i > rh
IQ.iJ p ial..Knrnn City Night Kiprnsa C.Mji > .
Trnntfcrl Union Depot , Council Illiiffa. | Tr n < fcr
4 0 p ml ' . . .bt. l.n-.ila pnnon Hull , | 13 Ii p in
" J '
Trnnnfiirl. Union lciiot. | Council Illiilla. ITrniufcr
11. ( U n in , Cllknco Kx.irrsi IIW p ni
10.00 p m Clilrauo lliprem. I'.dJ ' a m
7.05 p m Croton I/icnl 1120 n in
Union Uupot , ConnolI lllnlla.
7.45 n m ) . .Hloux Cltr Accouimodatlon. . . 9(0 ( n in
1,05p ml at. Paul Kznn > M 10 ( W p in
lo euro nilioiunosa Sick Ilcndncho , Constlpitloa.
Malaria. I.lrcr Complaints , Inko Iho tiafo
and certain rcnicily , S.lllTlt'S
UeottioSMAM.BIZE (40 ( llttlo tonM to Oio bot-
tic ) . Tlipy nro the most convenient : suit ull ages.
1'ilcHof cllbordio , 25centsperbulllo.
K BS * 5BNf * " ' 7. 17 , 70 : rhoto-irravurc ,
" * " 'C'JIBB" ' * * panoUUoofthla
plcturo for 4
ecatatcoiiporaor atampa ) .
ilnhoraof "into Beam. St. Iula HP
TO WEAK SuHortng youthful tlio olTccts crron from ol
rarly decay , wa tn ! wefttmp8fi , loit nmuhtKxl , etc.
I will ncnii avalualilo treatise ( walcrtl coiitjilnlnj
full particulars for homn cure , t'ltCli or cliaiRo
Atplcnilld inciilcalwork | > li iiM IKJ niulbycvcij
mai hn H nnrvniiH nml Uflillllnti'd. AddrcBS
I'rof. I' . < ' . FO\Vtiit : , Jllouduo , Conn
Ken IADIIH : o.M.v-Dr J ilncn 1'oiloilUal 1'IIU
tlio I'roiich riMiicity , net on the mcnatrual systi'in nml
ruro fliipire8Nlon | from whntrvor c.iuvc J'romotCif
mcnatruallou TheHOlll ] HhouIl not 1" ) tnk n flur *
Ingprf'Kimncy. Am. 1'tll Co , lCoiilty ProjM , HI on
cer , Clny Co. , In. ( iomilnu KliL'rniuii \ Mi Coiuioll ,
Doilgo st. noiir 1' O Oiniilin ; C. A. Mflchiir. Koutli
OmuhaM. ; 1' . Kills , Cuuncll llluni. fa , or 3 forfj.
Ho Chai'KOs n Tolincuo I > enlcr with
llnviiiK Cln-atod Him.
Kdward Kaln ot .South Oinnhu was un
early visitor nt police headquarters to flia n
complaint airalnat W. M. lllooni , who , until
recently , conducted u wholesale cigar bust-
ncs on Fourtcontli street , between Douglas
and Farnain. ICalu alleges that ho bought
500 pounds of tobacco clippings last Friday ,
mid paid B loom $ Ti to bind the bargain , nnd
"Wednesday bought fiOO ciijar boxes and depos
ited mi additional $3 to i.utacinch on that
deal , lilooin uuld that Ida elevator was
frozen UP , but -would deliver the Koods , „ n
aay or two. Kuln canio up yestnrilny with
the balance of the money duo , and lounil that
Iiloom'3 stock wus ull inovoj out Wednesday
night about 12 o'clock , nml the place was do-
scrtci1. Dloom was not to bo found nnd ICuhi
.sought pollro Intervention to recover cither
or the tobacco , the latter preferred.
A friend Indurod mo to try Salvation Ol
for my rheumatic foot. I have used It mull
tbo rheumatism Is entirely none. John II ,
Anderson , Itallirnoro , Mil.
1'osltlvo ami unsolicited testimony from
every section confirms every claim made for
the wonderful elllcacy of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup. Price 25 ccuU ,
A Xow Cable.
The street railway company lias received
a spool of now cable for the DodRO street HUP.
It Is ISjGTiO feet lonp ; ntid weighs M,000 )
pounds. Slnco the extension of tlio line over
the Tenth street viaduct It is necessary to
get the cables in two sections.and the bucond
uectlon will bo hero in a few days.
Mist Bosslo II , Bcdloo of Durllngton. Vt. ,
bad a dl.icnso of the scalp which caused her
Imlr to become very harsh und dry und to
fall so freely she scarcely dared cotub tot.
Aycr's Hair Vifjor cnvo her a healthy scalp ,
nnd made tbo hair beautifully thick iind
glossy ,
SIMS oi'
Plans for onlarpliiR the N'ebriulcn City i1lj
tlllcry are boliic drawn.
Mrs. II. Swnnson , rt'sldliiff nenr Urokcn
How , Ima been iloolnrctl iiisauo nnd bus boon
sent to the nsylum ,
Mr. ami Mrs , James H. Moaghor of Coluin-
tins wlobrateil tiiolr silver wedding mini-
vorsary tlio other day.
Dr. K. 1 * . Mnrontber of Tililon wai found
dead in beil back of liU ofllcu , but tbo cinuo
of his demise Is not known.
.Tames FUhor , rolilliij ( Auburn , wlio
lias been sulToiliiK from blood polionlnj' , lins
hud his IOR nmputatod , ntid the doctors hope
to save hli life ,
The lee Ini'vest nt Sterling iOn full bliut
ami the fro/Jtt crystals nro uoltiR Hhlppcd tu
ICanias City , Atcblsou , Lincoln unit as far
south as TOMIS.
Al. U. Kranlr , tlio ono-nnnoil Vork editor
who i-ocently shot himself in the foot nci-l-
dentally , him boon oblijrod to submit , to the
iiniimtuUoii of tbu inoiubor just above the
Mrs. Uoulso L. Frailer , rcHiillnp near VnN
ontini' , whoie ilc.tth diirini : the blizzard wan
stlliposcd to have resulted from freezing , l *
now believed to liavo died from a lit caused
by n disease of tlio stomach.
A Hardy young man named William
Woods , whlla under tbo liiflucnro of liquor ,
started to ilrlvo homo from Superior with n
couple of rounp ladles and ran Ids horos olT n
bridge. Doth the pills wcro- badly cut and
tlioyouiisninn ni'iirlv lost his life , whiloona
of the horses was fatally injured.
During the recent bU ziird , Amos Diitter-
ilcld and his son Ud. of I.nniar , Cliasoi-oiuitv ,
went to the ham to co to thi'lr stoolc. In
trylnp to vtiturn to the house they losit tlielr
way , and Into at nifsht , after wandering
nrottnd , they ran against a wire fenre. They
followed it until morning , when they discov
ered they wcro six miles southeast of homo.
l > oth of them hud tlielr curs und huiuU
Charles Martin was found dead under an
ovot'turued load of wood Cre.sco.
Dr. C. 0. Owen , the oldest practicing jihy-
oiclatt of Ojkaloosu , Is dead. Ho had lived
in Iowa since 1S11.
Secretary Huslt has ordered fifty packapo *
of sugar boot seed to bu tent to tlio UUuiuwa
industrial exchange.
A barrel of whisky nlong ido of two
colllns ami two tombstones was a stiggcstlvo
Bight at tlio freight depot in Muscatlno tbo
other morning.
The walls of the supreme court room have
been hung with pictures of the ox-Justices ,
who tire Judges Miller , Day , Uolo , Wright ,
Adams , Wilson nnd Haldwlii.
Francis Jacoby , Jr. , for many years a drug
gist , lu Davenport , \\its lately lint down and
killed by an express train at Germnutowu ,
Pa , , whither ho moved a few years ago.
O. W. Hofiors of West Union. Is the in
ventor of a gcncnloelcal chart , by which can
bo shown up the pedigrees of all tlio blooded
horses in the United States , and it might bo
said of tbo world.
Mn.n.uokatn is a bail place for tlio tramp to
strike. A few days n < 'O tlio odlccrs rounded
up four vags , chained them together nnd
then marched them down tlio middle of tbo
road to Andrew , where the county Jail !
located and where they are breaking rock for
the bonelit of the county.
The Iowa Masonic library nt Cedar llnplds
has a line classlllcd collection of autograph
letters , and Secretary T. S. Parvlu announces
that bo desires to iccoivo autographs from
civil nnd military otllccrs , authors and dis
tinguished citizens. Hu is especially desirous
to sceuro letters ns well us pages of manu
script of the wrltoM of America.
Every evening before James Promo closes
and locks bis coal olllco In liurllnptoii ho
hangs n placard on his safe door which roads :
"If you want to get into the safe turn both
rods to the riL'ht until they stop , and the door
will open. Do not spoil the safi1. " Burglars
opened the safe the otlicr night nnd by fol
lowing directions saved lu > owner in expendi
ture for icpnirs inoro than they got , for thcro
wasn't a cent in it.
Dr. Jlillebrand of LoMarswlille In Tterlln
secured ono of Klonia it Miller's microscopes
nn J now has on exhibition in bis ofllco some
sputum taken from a patient that hu treated
wbllo in the hospital at Berlin. The glass
magnifies about twelve hundred times and
tbo bacilli which cause lung disease and
which Koch's lymph removes , can bo s > eea by
the hundreds. Under this gloss they look
like llttlo blurk worms about one-fourth of tttt
inch long.
Miss Cords , aged sixteen , of Now Hamp
ton , was attacked with typhoid fever and n
physician called. While taking her tempera
ture sbo wns slczed witn a spasm. In her
couviiHlons she crushed tno mercury end of
tbo thermometer la her mouth. Attempts
were innilo to hnvo her throw out the gliia
and liquid , and mobt of it was ejected Out
enough remained to cause her death by In-
llamation of the htomncb. Tbo fact was dis
closed by the postmortem examination.
Do "Witt's Ltttlo Early Uiscrs. Host llttlo
pill ever inada. Uuro constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
lit Ijocnl- Army Circles Over
President Hurrl.son'H Action.
Tbo news that the president and secretary
of war bad sustained the action of Colonel
Forsytho at tlio biittlo of Wounded Kuco
gave general satisfaction at army headquar
ters of the department of the Platte.
Colonel Sheridan said : "It Is what I ex
pected , nnd I believe it will meet
with universal approval. General Miles
made nn adverse recommendation , but
he wasn't lucre , nnd in that
case his opinions were worth no more than
those of anyone else. "
Captain ffay was glad to hear of the favorable -
able report. "Saidhe : "H will not only plc.iso
the army , but tbu general imbllo as woll.
Thcro Isn't n man in the army who doesn't
believe that Forsytlio should have been com
mended instead of censured. IIo was pnic-
tically surpiiscd , and who wouldn't Imvo
been to liuvo men with whom they were
dealing quietly suddenly lire right m their
faces t
"He certainly deserved credit f or gettiuir out
with ns llttlo loss as he did. General Miles
reported adversely mm 1 nm surprised at it ,
as Miles is n good soldier , but ho
seems to Imvo been prejudiced against
Forsytho up there for some reason. That
was an oxparto investigation , and I don't sea
why tbat recommendation was mado. "
Kutitlrtl to the Hour.
All nro entitled to the best that their money
will buy , so ovorv family should huvo , nt
once , a bottle of the boat family remedy ,
Syrnpof Fics , to clcaiiso tbo system when
costive or bilious , For sale lu fJUcund f l bottles
tles by all leading druggists.
Jiowry , J'rlco Found Guilty The
llrnpltnl OiHe.
In tlio district court yesterday the Jury
in the case of Lowry Prlco , charged with
assault with intent to kill , came in after mi
all nlyht's session with n veidlut of guilty.
After hearing tlio Price verdict Judge
ClnrlHon commenced the hearing of Hurry
Gibson , charged with forging the name of
National bank November l.'l , lor $ JS1 U" > ,
The case of livan & Walsh utnlnjt tlio
rounty , entered upon Its aecouil day , before
lud u I J opt1 well , with n contlnuunco of
AValsli's ' U'stlmony , Nothlnp now \vlinlo'cr
1ms been clovuloiuil | thus far. 'Tho case now
promises to consume bomo two weeks' tlmo.
The llov. Win , Stout , Wlurton , Out. , states ;
After being InelToctuidly treated by seven
teen different doctors for sciofula nml tilooil , I was cured by Burdgcu blooil bit
ers. Write him for proof.
Don't Keel VoiirHcIf !
lsrot\vltlisliuullng \ nil ruinors to Ilia
contrary , the Chicago , .Milwaukee it St ,
Paul lly'a now stcsim hontod niilnco
blooplnj ; curs , with "olectrlo llgtits iu
every fourth , " mill loavofl the Union do-
not , Oinahu nt 0:10 : p. in. dully , arriv
ing nl Chicago at 9U : ; ) u. in. , in ( impla
tlmo to iniiko nil eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1601 Furimm sL
J. K. PHKSTOH , ? ' . A. NASII ,
C. PUBS. Agt. Gon. Agl.
K. 1) ) , Hranch , cashier of ttio Union Blocx ,
yard bank since its organization , roslfrnod
yastcrilay , peraonul business deiuuudlug lilt