JI 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : -FRIDAY , FEBRUARY .13 , 1801 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Blind Opening is Recorded la All Four Pits. WHEAT STAYS NEAR ITS LATE LEVEL , A nniifjcrniifl Condition for Shorts AVIirnt Mndo Iiow 1'rlccs Corn Dull All ThrotiKli Hiu blon-lilvo Stock. OmcAno , Tcb. 12. [ Ppoclnl TclcRrnm to THE HKK.-Thero wnsllttlo Indication at tlio open ing on'chanao of what inlglit bo In store for the tiado In nny of the loading markets. Thorn was llttlo change In the price , llttlo posltlxo nons to ullect prices , llttlo disposi tion among operators to load the way by clthrrlioavy buying or selling. Wheat ruled about steady , between 07J c and O'Uo tlio first Iiotir. Corn opened steady and lost 'ic tofi2c. ! } Oats wcro ' { ehlslior nnd'lull , I'ork opened 7Ko oft and dropped lOcfurllicr , touohlni'S0.53 for May for the Hist llmo on this season's Jiro- duct. Lard nnd ribs at the sumo tlmocro Co lower than last nlslit. Thn wheat market ruled at lower prices than the average yesterday , but Rcnorally better than at the close last night. Thcro was fair Intcicst early , but Ions Before the close tlio pit wns quiet. The action of May wosOi'iO toMMcto97'lo to 07 0 to O' o to 074o ! to 03o to W'io at 1 o'clock. July sold nroumlKJc , mostly between DJ'iO and 03Uc. The news was illxldcd , much as on previous flays for the week. The cash Hltuatlon here , and elsewhere , Is strong , making It dangerous for the shorts , \vhllo tlio most of the outsldo news was on tlio bear side. To begin with , the weather , whatever Its elleets on tlio fields , liad a depressing and bearish olToat on the triulo. Receipts wore pretty liberal all around. Minneapolis had 213 oars , Duluth 31 , making 241 cars at trto points , against 1.1S a jcar ago. Kansas Olty had 53 earn , seine of It said to bo Orefion and Washington wlioit , Chicago had 25 cars o\cr the estimate. India and Haltlc ( hlwnCMtsto the United Kingdom and the continent for tlio week aggregated about ! , My,000 bushels. Now York cleared 81,003 bush els of wheat und 10.0'jO ban els of flour .but Ititltltnoro clcaroil novhcit : and 5,003 bar rels of flour. Tlio I'tlcc Current dispatch called tlio growing wheat condition well maintained at a high average , Wheat of 1833 In farmers'hands In nine , western states Is 20 percent of a crop , against 31.0 per cent for March 1 , 1890. On this class of news the low prices of tlio morning wore mado. Then ad vices rcgaidlns cash wheat came In. Minne apolis reported a gooJ demand at 0.1'o ' ! or lo under May. Duluth reported a sale of No. 1 northern to Now York at (1.15 and another to Duirnlo of No. 1 hard at { 11414. Later thcio was another sale of No. 1 northern tit Now York at $1.10 and. still later , S. V. Whlto k Co. had a message giving a sale of northern at 81.17. Karly In tlio day New York icportcd three boat loads worked thcro late yesterday for export. That point also asked for offers of cash wheat hero to go uy all rail. The eastern mills wore said to bo negotiating for 150,000 bushels of red wheat. Thcro was llttlo con- fiplemms trading. Ten minutes before the close May rccoiorod again to O7' o on good buying , Wheat showed Rood support at the close with .May at 074G077iO ? bid. This was a net gain from last night of UB c against much odds and bear news. 1 cbruary was quoted as low M U2io ? and as high as 03c ? , closing utUJ'ic. Corn hold the ! io range for the session up to 1 o'clock , with the price of JIuy at5Jic ? , oil to&3)4ciindbackto ) sjyo. Thcro appeals to bo ii scarcity of Influences on which to specu late , and cash buslnosi had little effect on contr.ict values. Tlio corn matkot closed as It opened , dull. There was no outsldo tr.ido. The. close for .May was atOJ c ; robruary.50'o to DOlio to close ; March , 'io o\or February ; Juno Hold at 52o njid closed at 52Uc : July at 626oto52ic. ! ? The receipts were even larger than the largo estimate , a IMS cars. Thcro was llttlo strength In oats from the Btart , and after in Hug at better prices all the icsslun and touching 4lc ( for May the close was at 45' < 3i4fol ( , The low prlco was45J c the first hour. Juno oloscd at43Jic ; July was quoted at 42Uo to 4''So to closo. The lowest prices on the protont crop of hog1 wcro uiiidn In the provisions pit today , when May products hold ut $ l.774 ! for short ribs ; laid , * 5.7.V35.77i ! : pork. J.5) ! ) . Tin-so prices were lower than the closing figures on Wednes day by 5o for lard , 75o ! for ribs und 17V5o for pork , Commission houses sold early , and there wns much roalMng by local operators with only the shorts buying. Later , there was n lunch batter support , nnd the last prlct"- vrciuust2)ic ] ) under IiiHt night all around May ribs were at f4.H2V5 ! lard. J5.77W ; pork , ia.ro. July lard hold at 5OV3&00. IlroKors In the pit claimed that ( Judady was a free buyer late In the day , and helped the rally. I'aoklng In the west for tlio v cole exceeds last year by 125,000 , hogs and 1,055.000 for the season l'IUCt.8 AT CHICAGO. Not OH and Gossip. Duliith receipts.1 Wheat , 31 cars , Minneapolis receipts ! Wheat , 213 cars. Estimated receipts ot hogs for 1'rlduy , a Chicago , ; i : > ,000. Milwaukee receipts ; Wheat , 09,000 bushels ehlpmrnts , none. Hecolpts of hogs at six points , 28,100 mori than the tame day latt year. Olearanccs atNow York were 32,000 bushel of wheat and 10,000 packages of Hour. Clearances nt four portsyestorday : Wheat 47.82-.1 ! corn , Sl.bJl ; oats , 12,1)11 ) ; Hour , 21,413. A rail road ofllclul says ho has had a goo < oomiind for cars during the past few dais ' - go to Kansas to load wheat. St. Louis receipts ! Wheat , 21,000 ; corn 01,000 ; oats , 14,000 , Through ears : Wheat. 2 corn. . ' ; oats , U. Shipments ! wheat , 6,000 corn. iTJ,0X ( ) ; oats , 4,000. Kcnnott says ! Provisions are getting s ( cheap Unit 1 would sell short only on goo < rallies.Vo \ lint o had over t.LOO break In porl und It Is tlmo to bo conservative. The talk of the lloorwrs that 100,000 to 150 , 000 No. 1 wheat was taken to to Now - - w KO vw 4iu ) > York- , . . .4 . . . . Thompson of Diiliith sol 1 northern In store at Now Yor Hcorbohm's cable ! Liverpool wheat mile but steady , pi lees unchutnied. Com slow , ji deullne. Mark l.auo prices unchanged. O.ir pots off coast , nothingoirerliiB. I'tvuch couu try markets dearer. Kcnnott wires : The corn market has ro lapsed Into Its regular trance , the dog ea dog principle ruling fuprcine. The market I In scalpers'handshatthorelsof It , und do void of any special Je.ituro. Chicago reoolpts ! Winter wheat. 20 cars prliu ; . M ; corn , JiW ; oats , I'M. Inspected regu larlnlerwlicat.3eurs ! ; soring , none ; corn , 4 ! oatBt8l. Shipments ! Whoat. UOOO bushels ; corn , 07,000 ; oats , 65,000. Estimated for Friday Wheat , M ears : corn , 273 : oats , 150. A prominent broker wires his customers ! I nm obliged to to absent for the rest of the week , but before going I want to say I don't think It safe to bo short of wheat except on > ory good rallies. The situation Is certainly potting blrongcr and n bulge at uny tlmo probable , The Cincinnati Prlco Current's review Is n ituml otr. It gives high conditions for the Kfowltig crou and low reserves. Its.iys : The condition of the prowlntr crop U high und that 20 per cent of the old crop Isln farmers' hands. Last year on March 1U1 percout v\as lu farmers' hands. W. O. McCormlclc .t Co. to r. O. Bniirtz & Co. ! A small scalping trade within the narrow range of Me , with very few outtddo orders , Is tlio bent description of to day's w hc.it market. Uccoluls ut the primary points wcro qultu large , amountliiglo lOl.OJO bushels , a largo Increase o\er the sauio date of last year , Cables wcro dull and rather easier. The Cincinnati 1'rlco Current states that the con dition of the winter wheat is well maintained at the sumo high standard of n wcoK aso. I taUo states that Iho rosono lu farmer's haudi lu the principal winter wheat stall Is 20 per cent of the crop as aculntt 'JI tier com u year ugo. This vrus generally ac- cepted by lulls M n very utronjt foatiiro but * petneil tolmvo very llttlo olloct on prices a * they ocomcd unnllllnir to hack tholr opinion ; by purchases , The market closed qtilotnnii frntiirclrss. Torn \cry dull with trading chlelly Among the BCnlDcrs. Uccclptfl wcro fair. 1'rrJvlsloiu opened lower on heavy ro- cllpts of hogs , around I'J.70 ' for May pork , tl.T.i for May nlji and $3,75 for Mny Inrd. ( loc < l huylnR ortlorivcro \ devolnpptl. Via should have sotno llttlo up turn from the present hroak , but It U dllllcult to decide us to Ita permanency. Hunnctt , Hopkins k Co. to Clirlstlo-I.ntlirop Com. Co. Provisions were ngaln lower , but re covered most ot the decline , lluylnff by u prominent packer had seine Inlliionco In the htrpiigthenlnKof the market. Trading was light except for the ( list half hour. 1'roUs- lens lire low , but nnv considerable ndvanco Is nltOKcther linprobabto while boss coiitlnuo to bo so fri-oly marketed. Nothing to s.iy ahout the coin market , us It wns about dend. I.lttlo trade today nnd that chlolly scalping. Oats dull but linn. The wheat market opened moderately uctl\ , 'so holier tliiin yrstorday's close , wns unmercifully poundea by bcara iiiitll o"o wns rptichetl , when the brokers from nil sides of the crowd scorned to have peed Inlying orders for local heavy weight operators. Tlio seiilpors soon fount ! thlsoiit and forced the market to 07'ittSo ! ) on tholr clforts to cover short" . When the market ro- uctcd to O'wa'J"1 Ilutchlnsnn boRiin buyliis nnd took all offered up to It7io ? to the close. Moderately heavy iccolpts In the north and southwest , b'otno wheat wns reported for ex port , but It t > ns found that It could not bo substiintlntrd. Wt-nther In California ctcnr nnd ( Inc. With this and other nnws wo think the situation Bluntly favors the bull side. 1' . ( I. I.ORUII fc Co. to Toncray k llryun , Omnha Tlio wheat market has hccn ( julot from the opening until the close. The fluctua tions have boi-n within thornncoof U o for Jlny. It sold ns low us l)7'jo ) ! during the session. The principal fe.ituro In the d'ly's business has been one oromlncnt scalper try ing to catch n oKty-fourthby huylngnnd sell ing. Near the elo-io ho puichn.scd n llttlo of the July option atlU'.e. The situation Is un changed ; some Inquiry for cush wheat , win ter nnd "prltiK ; so fur no sales have trans pired. KccclpHnt winter whont points con- tlnuo eood for the season. The weather Is fine. The oTerlngs to the United Kingdom and continent are liberal from Australia , the river IMutti niul from India , all now ciops. The small vlslblo stocks on tlilc slilo of the Atlantic may glvo -advance between this and the growing crop bclmr reaped , but the now crop options are n sale with any ordi nary wentlier. Wo think thorn n sale In nny cMHit and with patience will make handsome prolIK The fluctuations In corn have been between msjo and MUc. The snmo scalper nromhiont in wheat was In corn na n seller In a moderate way. Itecelvers wcro buyers. The tr.ulo wns light. Oats were without nny featuio and firm In the absence ( if business , 1'rovlsions continue to drag to n lower level and until rccoluls of hogs lot up wo ( , co no advance In thorn , STO CK4f < I Yoitic , Feb. li [ Special Telosrara to Tun HCE.I STOCKS There was no sljm of Im- pro vomont In the stock market at tlio open ing. In fact the first action was a continua tion of the downward tendency o' yesterday. The market was narrow nnd of a professional character. A few stocks developed marked weakness and In distillers and c.ittlo feeders , which was adversely affected by the disclosures of the plot against the rival dis tillery. the loss extended to 1U per cent. Among the active stocks , however , Durllngton & Qulnoy followed c'osoly , losing Us , while othorlosses were conllnod to loss than 5s per cent. This was followed by n full recovery In everything but llnrllngtoa , and In many cases the opening prices were surpassed , but the market remained very dull for everything ox- iciit llnrllngton , AtchNon and n half doen tliers of the le.ullng shares JUKI , later In the our , there wns no perceptible movement In Ithor direction. Vlllnid stocks were well upportou fioin the start , but without any material advance. The period fiom 11 a , M , .o 1 o'clock wasdovotd of Interest. Tlio market dosed dull and prices a shade under tboso of bo opening. Kenneth Hopkins ft Co , to Ohrlstle- inthrop Com. Co. Some of the Block NChango frutcrnlty thought last night hat HlmpU ) dullness w.is the principal cnson for the partial reaction In pi Ices and tagnntlun In operations at the close of the lay. The theory th.it was Iptit for- ivard In seine circles that there ivould bo no Important Improvement In peculation until congress adjourns found a e\v believers and It may hnvo some fotindn- lon and may not. W , II. Wheeler sajs that ( Jainmauk pays attention to such 'rautJonnl reactions ns these nnd hey do riot Interest him nt all. lo mi bull anil he Is not trading for small luetuntlons. It Is said bv a good sourcothat ( Jould will not remain In the south over n week or ten days but .s . coming right back to Now York. The stock miirkot has been under tbo liillti- Pnco of firm rules for sterling exchange nnd Eonio shipments of gold for Kuropo. It is claimed that shipments aio not warranted by current rates of exchange , but that the Jl.COf- ) 000 taken will go to the continent und will iiobnbly bo used In repairing the loan from .ho Hunk of France to the Hank of England. the theory belli ! : that the Hank of Kngland can send gold to I'uils fiom Now York to bet ter advnntn'o than from Its own vaults. Gold hlpmcnts always scare speculators In stocks ma there has been no execution today : The disposition today has been not only to sell out 'ong stocks but go shoit of the market und irloes haxo consequently boon depressed. The market has not been a Inrgo one but ti midity of buyers has been nniiurcnt and sol- lois have had to accept shrinking quotations as the day progressed. The news from Wash- "ngton nolnts to the failure of the free coinage .11011 to got any legislation this wlnUir and silver certificates were weak In conso- iionco. The fnot that no free colnngo will bo nncted should help tno market nnd probablv did sotno In sustaining prices , Tlio resigna tion of President Norton of the Louisville fc Nashville wns followed by quite n sharp de cline In the price of that stock. The street Is full of rumors that other causes brought about the resignation than the one , given by the retiring president. It Is said he did not approve wholly of homoproooscd action of the board. The inarUot had a lltmcr tona towards the close and rallied somewhat from the lowest price. Total sales , 101,474. London prices : Northern l'nclflcproferrodv 74 ! { , decrease U , l.rle , 'OH. decrease , ! i ; I.ako Shore , ir > M. dcuiea c. I ; I.oulsvllio & Nash ville , 777s , decrease , 'i ; St. 1'aul , f > 's' , decrease , fi : Now York Cent ! al , lo.v./ / , decrease , Hi Heading , 1B8' , unchanged ; Union Pacific , -IG.'i decrease II. Loan nun kct dull , all kinds plontyi demand light , intes from 1 to SJJ , mostly u per cent. Application has been mndo at the assay onieo for { ( ,00.000 gold for export. Northern 1'nclllo earning Kobrunry 7 , In crease , fl'.OOO ; Increase for first week. } 7S > 0J ( K.irnlncs of tlio I.oulsvllio & Nashville , firs week ot i'obruary , Increase , $ IS&0. NEW YOllK STOCKS. Stockt. Open. | Illk'h. I Low. I Closo. I Veal , W. Alt. K. . . Hocking Val 27 Mnnli ittnn. 10UJ. Watmah pfd 187 : ICrlo 20' Cannitn So. . r > i ! 1'nclllo .Mull. S7 Inko Hhoro. 11.1 I.X.V 7 ( , ' Lend Trust. 19 C. C. C. Norlhwcst'n -Mo. I'no Union I'no. . N' I'ac. pfil. N , 1'ao. coin , a , ii. A q . . 614 Hock lalurd Wft Ht. 1'aiil 65J , H. 1'aul iifci. B'J West , Union SIX I ) . , U A. W. . r.M Huuar Trust 85' AlIl.SUK'.llf. Jersey Cent. nsli Now in : l'il. Itlch.Tcrm'l Atchlson. . . 23' , Chit mo ( ins Itomllng. . , . , .11 Del. , t Tlud , 1S9 ! rullmnn No. Am Mich. Cunt. . a ? fcllvcr A. H. II. iifd. WU.Cont. . . 21 MCT , font , , 21MM A.UUI1. . , . Texas Tonn U. ft I. The following are the closing quotations : U. H.s registered.l.\ ) Northern 1'aclllo79 ( U. B.4i coupon ! 1W ilo rrcturrcJ 71H U. B. 4Hs reil toroil..IOIJ < C. X N.W lui.ji U. S. it coupons lltl oo pref erre.l 1.15 raclrloCaof "Ji lOU Now York Ccutral..nr. Central 1'nclrtc tl I' . . I ) . A K 18U Chicago & Alton I2i Itoclt Iilniut liSli Chlcniio. llurllnjjton 0. . X.Abt. ! & 4M AOulnoj ( ex cllv ) . . RflU ilo prufurrod HIM I ) . . I. . A\V. . . Bt. 1'nul A Uiimha , . . . 31 llllnoli Central U7 ituprofurrcd b3U U.H.&W Union I'ncltlo Jl'i Knnini \ Toxni 1' . ' \V. . HI. I * A 1' 10 IjiVorihoro Ill' du preferred 1SU MIclilKiinContrni tfll Western Union bOJt Mlnourl I'nciao UH JIoNEV-On call , easy ; closed offered at 3 percent. 1'iiiMK MEIIC - NTILE PAi-Kii-Unchancoa at 67 per cent , bTKiiMNa UxciiANfiE Oulot , Qrui ! sixty-day bills , ri.bC ) demand , 11.68. ) ' . STOVH. OntCAao , Tob. 12-JSpcclal Tolozrara to TUB nilB. ] OATTI.K lluslnoss was the best for any day this week , that Is , ilioro were more out sldo orders and more outsldo buyers and alt seemed to want a few. 1'rlcci ruled stronger on nearly everything lu the beat line , from big fat steers to big fat cows and holfon , and nearly everything at nil gooa or useful was sold at an early hour. Common cows nnd canning stool ; sold a shade stronger , but there was llttlo or no clmngo In Ktdokors. The top prlco wuu tJW for ouu load of fancy 100) ) Ibs. fivcrniro dtpori : prlmo to oholco. 14 medium , tl.ivitl dO ! common , fJ.rwyiti7'S ! cows nnd Iwlfers , li.fii wfyi ) stockers , W W1 I.30. . lions lluslno's opened fairly aotlvo nnu a few cnrly sales of prlmo heavy and good mixed sold nt about the same us yesterday , but In tor en , sold MMOO lower , wlillo light sorts sold lee lower from start to flnUh. Con- Hldorlng that there were W.003 on sale with n prospect of a big run tomorrow , vnlites stood uti fairly well , Hough nnd common * sold at $ .1.203.l. : l mtxpd nnd packers , prlmo heavy and btitehor weights , llghl sorts , I3.4 > ai.50 : ; plg , (2.7JK1.40. Shares , NBW Yonic , 1'ob. U. [ Spoolal Tolosrnm f o THE IlnE.1 The following are tlio mining stock quotations ; Adnmii Con. . . Kl ) Horn Sllrcr 2 ) Anpon. KO Ontnrlo , 3'JOO Ile < t.t liolclicr Z10 Ophlr 310 lloillo 110 I'frrnouth HO < 'on.Cnl.A Vn m Snrnvo 1"5 KurrknOnn . " ) Hlcrrn NamiM 200 ( loiilil & Currr 3 > 0 Union Coi 200 Halo A .Norcros 1S5 Yellow Jacket 200 Ilomostnko , 6'fl Tlio Coffee Sfarkct. YOHK , Tob. 11. [ Special Tclopram to TUB HKK.I COFFEE Options opened firm and unchanged to 10 points up ; closed steady. Sales 24,2TiO bags Including February , $17.05 ® 17.10 ; March. IIB.&ii May. $ tfl.40lfl.fiO ; Juno. $ in.lvai(1.2J ( ; July I15.R- . ; September , jn.10 ® 15.13 ! October. 114.80 : December , UlllfX ) ; spot Kip nitlot and flrm ; f ulr cur-ocs , $10,00 ; No. 7 , CHIOAOO , Tcb. 12. Close Wheat Steady ; Cash. OI'jO ' ! May. l)7 ) c : July. ( CPi aPic. Oorn S-toadyj cash , 50o ! ! : Mnv , K'ic , Oats htoudy ; cash. 4lci May , 45'iIOo. Hye rinn at 7 aTOj. llnrloxI'lrm at'Oa. rinx ! l.25. ! ! 1'rlmo Timothy Steady at J1.2 2 > 1,27. Whlskv-II.14. I'ork-l'lrm ! cash , $0.31 ! Mar , $ D hird rirmt cash , $ r > .WV { : Mnv. Short Itlbs-Klrmi cash. $4.43 ; May , I'loiir .Unelinimod ; spring , Jl/iO ; iiatouts , f I OfJI.SO : w Inter patents. $4.50I.H ) . llullf Moits-Shouldprs , $ ,1.815ilOO ; short clear , $ I.80I.A" > ! short ribs , SUOiJI.SO. lluttcr Unchanged ! ercamory , 17327cs dairy. 15&2- . Cheese UnchnnBcd ; full crcnm cbcddurs , OliiftlOSic ! Huts , 10311o ; Voting Americas , 11 Gll'ic. ' Tggs tlnchnnged : fresh. 10V5W2IC. Hides Unohanged ; light and heavy graon salted , 0'ij'jC ! Bicen. I' l'So ' ; s-iltod bull , 4J.ic ; green salted calf , he : dry flint. Sc ; salt bull , OS7C ! drvcalf. Ra'Jc ' ! deacons , each , 2. > c. Tallow Unohanped : No. 1 , bolld p.iuked , 3 c ; No. 2 , 3o ; eukc , 4o. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bhls . HOOJ 12,050 Wheat , bu . 23.000 1:1,000 : Corn , bu . 119,000 C7.0TO Onts.bu . W,000 65,000 Nr.w Yonir , Tob. 12. Wheat Uecclpts , 23,400 bushels ; exports , 33,200 : spot , firmer ; No. 2 red , * I.IO' In elevator ; $1.12s ! allo.it : } 1.I1 ® 1.I3 ? , ' .o b.j options closed steady ! No. 2 red , Feb- uary closing at , Jl.ny. Corn Uocelnts , 14,300 bushels ; exports. l.OJfl ! not steady ; No. 2 , 0234i-'lo ( In elevator ; ( il ® ulloat ; ungraded mixed , ( Uli&GSUo ; op- Ions weak ; February closed at Oats Hocelpts , 2l.nOO ) bushels ; exports , J.tno ; pot , unchnnscd ; No. 2 white , OS'in ; mixed vcstorn , 515lo : white western , Ki02ci op- Ions , weak ; robrtiary atS'Jiic , Siigur ISiiw , nulet and ( Inn ; centrifugals , 00 st , 3'ic , O and F ; refined , firm and fairly nc- lvoO,51i : < ( Wll-lGc : whlto ox. O , BJiOS ll-10o : ellow. 3'5iii3ijoorf ' ( ; A. S'SIMU-lOc ! standard \ , 07-lio ( ; powdered , 09-lBc. I'etroloiim United closed for March nt70 'o. Kigs Western , SPiSC''o. I'ork I'lrni ! now mess , (10.n0911.25. Lard Opened weak , but closed linn ; western team , $ j.w7Vi , lluttor Firm : western dairy , ll30c ; crcam- ry , 17Q37c : rlglu,2Se. Uhocso btrong ; light skims , 5S8c. ! { ST. I.OUIS , Fob. 12. Wheat rirm ; cash , 3i'ie07e ( ! May , UV.'e : July. 87'Jc. Corn Steady cash. 40'ie ' : May. MIsttMUo. Oats I'l rmj cash , 43 ? c ; May , 40c > I'ork9.f.2i. ! . lard-3.,15. Whlsky-SI.lt. lluttor Firm nnd unchanged ; creamery , ! 4Q2Gc ; dairy , 2123c. MiXNEAi'OMS , 'Minn. , Teb. 12 , Wheat Fair demand for spot wheat , poor gr.iln dull. Hc colpts , 2i ) cars ; shipments , fi. > cars , ( Hosing : No. Ihiird , February. Olc ; on track , Ollia : No. 1 northern. February and iturch , Ii2c ; May , > lic ? ; on truck , lUo ; No. 2 northern , February , Do ; on track , UOtfc. KANSAS CITV. Fob. 11. Wheat Kaslcr : No , 2 hard ensh and February , 81o bid ; No. 2 rod , cash. Me bid. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 47Uc ; February , i7c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , cash. 44JJo bid ; Febru ary. 44io ; bid. MIMVAUKEK , WIs. , Fob , 12. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 cash , Olu : May , O. c. Coin-Dull ! No. .1 , EOc. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 4C"c. rrovIsIons-Qulot ; pork , .Mny , $9.C5. CINCINNATI , Feb. 12. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red. $1.0) ) . Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , C3O53iic. OatH Steady : No. 2 mixed , 48ic. ! Whiskey tl.ll. LiVEiiroor , Fob. 12. Wheat Quiet ; hold rs otTer modorati'ly. Corn Quiet and lower ; mixed western , 5s ItlVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , Fob. 12. Cattlo-llecolpts. 13,000 ; market stronger ; steers prlmo to fnnoy , $ l. & > ® O-M : common to medium. $4.f < o4,70 ; cows and holfors , $ l.50ii353 ! stockers , $ 1.00 ® 1.30. Ho s Hcc-cliits. 45.000 ; market lower. HOUR ) . nnd common , $ .1.205J3.3. > ! mixed nnd pickers , S.UV/ii.r ( : > : prlmo heavy and butcher weights ' 53 : light. W45J.5J. bheep Receipts , 12.1100 : market netlvo and stroimer : nutlxcs , 8t.755.fO : : : wostcrns , $4.75 ® 5.03 ; Tcxans fed , tJO.'i ; lambs , $4.2o33.2J. Sr. Louis Fob. 12. Cattle llccoipts. 1.500 : shipments , 1,000 ; market strong ; Ifalr to fancy native steers , $ J.SOQ5.2o ; stockers nnd feeders , ? 2.Otti.lO. ! ; Hogs Kecolpts , 4.103 ; shipment ! ! , 200 ; market lower , heavy , JJ.40350 ; mixed , $ J.2033.40 ; light , $ .1.2533.35. _ KANSAS CITV , Fob. 12. Cattle Receipts , 2.4(10 ; shipments ) , 1,800 ; tnarkot lower ; steers , $ J.7.ViM.Vi : cows , $ ! .OD03.40 ; stackers and feed- ors. $ J . . Hogs-Hecolpts. 12.10D : shipments , 3,800 ; market lower ! all grades , $3.uoa3.43. OJI.IH.I JLIl'K STOCK. OMAHA. Feb. 12.180L OATTI.E Kstlniatcd rocoluts of cattle 1.8JO as comuured with 2.013 yest rdav nnd 1,031 Thursday of last week. The market was steady. Steers slow and steady ; butcher stock active and steady. Good feeders were nctlvo and strong , poorer grades slow nnd sagging , lloas Kstlmatod receipts of hogs 5.750 as comuarod with 5,014 yesterday und 6,593 Thursday of last week , The market wns Mow and close to lOo lower. The range of prices wns $3.oOil3.40 , the bulk selling nt kl.Vft330. Pigs , l.502.50 ; light- lights , $ J.2.va..90 ; light , $3.0023.33 ; heavy , $ ,1.35 ( B.1.40 ; mixed , $ J.l.Vt.l.2a. The avcrngo of the prices uald was tl-l',3 as compared with $ J.31j ? yesterday and $ A4lj Thursday of last week. SIIKEP Estimated receipts of Hheep 53U , ns compared with SKI yesterday. The market ro- inulns unchanged. Natives , f-.TJBlSU ; wost- erus , $ . ' .50i.W ) . van IPO 1 fee 240 1,1100 275 SIB 1 HO J ino > 240 1 I1CO ! ! 75 41 77 % 1 ( Ql { 2 10.V 240 4 1010 2N > I. .1170 2 PO ItlliO 240 13 . Ml 3W ) II H.VJ 203 is ms 240 St. 770 2 W ) 10 .IBS I 20) 1 770 sta 111. .10W 200 1. . NX ) 200 18. . 912 3M ) 1. . 010 .100 1. 770 200 M IlkVI 2fiO 1 JIM 300 1.1010 200 n. ( MO 2f-0 II..1077 300 1 .1HO 200 2 1(10 ( 260 1 .IO.V ) 1100 1..1IM 200 1..1MO 2f 0 1..1I03 300 14. . 017 203 It IOCS 2M 1..12IO 300 i. . 8io 2 os ii.oir ; : JK 4. .1107 300 ? . ' . . W,7 20.- 1.IUO 2 IX ) C4..KXM 320 1..1000 210 13. IQOI 200 0. . fclO 210 HULLS. 1. 1303 00 1..13IO 230 . ttV 275 1. . 16.10 25 l..l M 235 .1WO 280 1. . 1WW 2. . 1..1KX ) 245 .171K ) 280 1. . 1470 25 1..IVM 2 BO .17I5 SKI 1. . 1300 25 1..15tO 2 CO .1910 tfiM STOCItEllS 35 , . CM 10 20 1178 330 12. M7 275 1. . BOO 25 n. . f\s3 240 2. . 1115 275M 1. COO 25 0 . 77H 2 CO 4. . 015 300 1. . 720 23 7. . 075 270 8. . 005 300 11EIFKHS. 10. . 004 3 00 41. . 878 3 20 CAnvrs. 1. . BIO 2 25 2. . 200 375 I. . SSO 450 WESTEHX CATTLE , No. Av. I'r. II. K. Mllh- feeders 001 1300 HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. I r. 1GS 410 MOO 07 . 245 200 Ml" GS 147 40 ; i 00 GO . U03 200 il5 ! ! 01 IK ) IfiO 300 U" > . 24(1 ( ICO 325 100 161 80 II 00 70 . ' 'IS 40 325 CO 1 ( > S 80 II 05 01 200 325 7:1 : 174 83 ; i 10 01CO MVJ 120 325 l.VI II 10 74 20.1 80 825 r > 7. . . .mi 120 : i 10 G.I so 325 8 ! ) . 189 80 II 10 48 289 325 70 . IB" " ) II 10 CO 325 as . IM : i i2'S ' COen sno : i2. * > n . M an si . an 240 32. ' . no . 2t'i ' 120 a is r,7 . aiu : ice : rr. C,0 . 213 COO II 11 M . 27U 12U 325 112 . 183 40 a 15 60 . 110,1 40 330 77 . 214 80 3 15 71 . 2 S 80 3110 04 . 221 120 a 15 47 . IBS ICO 330 75 . 221 160 a 15 65 . a71 ICO 330 W ) . 2J ICO a 15 03 . 305 40 3110 75 . 217 80 a 15 72 . ' . " -M W 330 72 . 1PO 40 3 11 55 . 370 330 4 . 323 air. 64 . : cio 100 330 72 . M.1 . ' 111 02 . 27.1 33' ' ) 75 . 20 101 315 CO . ' 'SS 120 330 02 ZCI 120 3 1.1 G'l . XW 330 14 2. ! : . a 17J { 40 . IMXJ 330 0.1 214 40 3 17)5 ) 01 . 883 60 330 02 12 2SO a 17" 61 . 8 7 40 3)0 ! ) 81 . . . . l'8'J ' 3 I7'i ' 31) ) . ' 155 200 330 03 . 2JG 80 320 63 1100 100 330 Kl . 101 320 68 2sO K.O 330 70 . 217 120 a 20 69 321 80 38214 02 . 2J7 80 820 CO 20.1 382S4 7S Ifll 80 320 01 823 120 882 4 78 51 200 8 20 07 250 80 382&J & 7D 217 80 , ' 120 55 814 ICO 332JJ 81 'M 80 820 54 II3.J ICO 3U" 54co 01 271 aoo aw co ais 40 335 81 2JO 320 54. . . 818 200 335 41 277 40 320 47 8i5o 1JO 335 81 . . .228 80 820 OS . H5.1 100 335 7 ' 2i > fl 820 67. . -'Go it .15 70 . . .2JU 120 820 01 251 335 07 SI5 100 il 22S4 CO. . .813 335 GS. . .2M1 40 II 22' ' 4 40 871 120 335 Go 3 fl ICO 8 25 iir . . 40,1 ililTi 00 289 80 325 52 837J4 70 205 80 825 0.1 249 840 0.1CO 81 . . . .227 40 825 CO 813 340 07 . 270 2bO 3 25 i'ins AND nouou. GO 05 240 1 . 410 11C8 125 60 14 . 2..2 120 275 C8 125 60 2 CO 81 . 133 205 SHEEP. No. Av. I'r. 22 westerns , owes. . , . 02 f o 35 WHOLESALE Grr.ccrtos. CorrEH Orocn nio , 22Je ; Java , 27o ; Mocha , 28e. Uonstcd Arlos.i , 25 l-10c ; Mu- lavit'lillii , XXXX , 251-lOc ; Iliinola , 25 l-10c ; ( ormun , 24ic ? : Dliluortli'ti , 2."w ; Mon. 25 1-lflc ; Cunlovlit. 25i-lDc ; .Moulin , 31c ; O. ( i. Javn , 20c. CoIIcc Kssonco Ji gro. boxes , tl.33Ul.SO ; chic ory , 7'iiSVe ' ; Woom.NWAiin-- dozen Tubs No. 1 , $7.50 ; if I.So ; ( lowoU.if I.T.I ; paper , inctul IIQOJ. IJ.50 ; ccdiir , 3 brass liooj" . No. 1 , nil roil. ( ,1.50 ; cedar , 8 brass lioops , No. 2 red , $5.UO ; uoilnr , b bruss lioops. No. 1 Btrlpod , 5.00 ; cedar , a brass lioois , No. 2 striped , 14.50 ; liorso , uxtru lionvy , No. ] , SJ.75 ; well buckets , J.1.23. Hiitturwuro Tubs , nsh , a-Iitch , per nest , 70c ; ush. 2-Inch , 2 htrpu slzo , per nest , 45o ! tjiitter Indies , hard wood , 70e ; butter piidcilfs or spades. 70e. Wasb- boards-Slnglo. 81.4U2.00 ; double , J2.50 < a..2o. ) Clntliosplns ft gross boxes , COc. SUQAH Urauiilntcd. O'io ; cubes , 7o ; out lo.if , 7 ? o ; powdered , Htundard , 7c ; XXXX powdered , 7J40 ; yellow 0 , 5Ho ; cnnnry , SJ.c ; ll bto.xtraO , ? ® ' ? ; ; confectioners , A , O' e. CANNED VKnnTAULr.s Tomatoes 8-lb , SI.10 CJ1.15. Corn-Very line , tl.35Ql.85 ; Mb sugiir , $1,15 ; 2-1 b standard western brands , $1.10. Jlushrooiiis 1-lb Trench , extra line , 225o ! 1-lb 1'ioncli , IliulSJ22c ( ? ; 1-lb French , ordi nary. luaiBo , I'o-is 2-lboarlyJIIIIP , Si.2. ) ; 2-lb Marrow , standard hratus. $1,10 ; 2-lb soaked 70c. Kienoh peas I'or casu of 1IX ) , } l.Mil2.00 ( per doz. HtiliiK beans 2-lb high grade , iKJo ; 2-lb wax beans , 8" > u ; 2-lb string beans , Mo. l.lniivboiUH 2-lb soikoil , 85c. Itoston b.ikea beans 3-lb , tl.351.55. Sweet potatoes J-lb Nu\v Jersey $1.50 ; 8-lbokra and toiuitooo. tl.05 ; 3-lbokr.i Jl.CO ; uipar.iKusHb : , W.N'itW.'j ; rhubard , 3-lb 81.40 : succotash. $1.2X31.2o. ( OANNhl ) 1'ituiTS C'allfornln Apricots , $2.65 © 2.1.0 ; peaehcs , 8i7. > a2.90 ; pears , * ' . > .5Ca'.70 ( ; irrapo'1.85Ql.lO ; ebcrrlcs , white. J2JWW.75 ; cherries , black. $ J.2.V32.5) ) ; milnecs t..OO ; black berries , t.2J ; raspberries. J-J.O ) ; strawberries , I..OO ; currants. J.20 ; gooseberries , $2.23 ; plumbs , cgjr , $ I.83Q1.95 ; plumbs , grcon Bftges , JI.KV31.05. Ilastern canned fruit Pouches , seconds , Jl.soa3.80 ; apples. 3-tt , Jl.ftl ; gal/ ' < } ot In case. J.I.I10 ; Koosebcrrlos , llaltlinore stan- d.ird , 2-lb , $1.10 ; strawberries , $ i.l3 ! ; rusjibur- rlcs , $ l.,0 ; blueberries , $180 ; rod raspberries , $1.50 ; blackberries , $1.00 ; cherries , $1.2oiil.G3 ( ; plnuapples , sliced , Jl. " . " > 3-.4i. HAt.T Dairy. 280 Ibs In bbls bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , 60 Bs.tJ.4C ; best srado , 10J 8s , * . ' .60j best fnule , 23 lo.s. $2.3j ; rocks.ilr , crushed. } . ' .io. fcouA 1'acknges , CO Ibs to box , 5ie ? ; kegs , 4Wc. 4Wc.HAKiNd HAKiNd I'OlVDEH ICoynl , dlmo cans , per dor , 03c ; U-lbcans , $ l 43 ; ! i-ll ) cans , JJ.C3 ; 1-lbcnns , $3.00 ; Price's'i-lb cans. JI.85 ; i5-lb cans , t-CBO ; 1-lb c.ins , ifl , ; . ' , ; other kinds , 1-lb cans , per do ? , tl.OO&'Uu. . CiiACiiEiis Soila. Co ; oyster , 5io ! ; croatu filio ; ginger snaps , S'Aa ; 10 per cent otfon ton- box lots. liiiin ) : Knurrs Turkish prunes , loss than hhds , It90. ojjo ; apples , ovuporateil , now ring choice , ir > c ; nprteuts , fancy. In sacks. 2Jc ; blackberries , now , Uo ; raspDerrles , 5 Ibs to box , 82c ; currants , newr > ! in ; VotlzzI currants , extra , in boxes , O o : po.ielu's , Cala. , choice , 17Jo ! ; Cullrornla dried grapes. In bags , fijfo ; seedless Hultanus , s-icks , lUc ; muscatels , 7'ic ' ; new Yalonela , 8c ; Ondur.i layer , Oc ; llgs , layers lia.0o ; ; citron , Le hoin , 20c ; lemon peel , 15o. WilAi-i'iNn PAi'Eli I'or 11) . best straw , 15x18 to33\44,1'sc ; dry goods , 4 ? n ; oxtf.i quality , Manilla , Otfo ; niaiillla tea , 12118 , Oa ; dark rag , hardwiiro , 2sio. NUTS-I'or Ib Almonds , 18o ; Itrazlls , 21o ; filberts , 13o ; poriins , 13l4c ; walnuts,15c ; pea nuts , fancy white , ho ; roasted. lOc. Oii.s-150 prime white , ! lc ; 150 water whlto. HVic ; headllL'ht , lie : 74 gasoline , llije. Oil cnns-lgal.UOOa3.2o : 2gal.U7ia3.bO ; 5 gal. Jjr.025,00. tins , J.M.CO : medium tins. $27.00 ; small (15.00 ; other makes , wood.iU.MXii8.fiO. HI.ICKINO 'ldoiln box , UO&i'io ! ladles' shoo dressing , 45cGll.OO ; btovo polish , per gross , IJ.OJ-'i 50. Itt.UKlNO Liquid , 4 oz.3 dozln box , McGJI.TC ; Boz , 'J doz In box , Jl.&OS'.TO ; dry , small , 2oo ; ' ' 'fai-iCKS Popper-Singapore , sifted. 1510c ; shot. l2o ! : alNulce-100 ! cloves , rcnnng , so- Icctcd , 17@l o ; casslii. China , 4-lb. mats. lcj ) niilinoss , No. i. Tic ; mucassor , CJc ; pickling sploo-s , 10-lb boxes , 2. " > o. ( Jiiocor.ATK. iTC.-rl--lb boxes , 34335o ; dor inansweot.'JtKlo ; cocoa , VMtQa ; Itrotno , : > 'c , UncOANUT 15-llkuso.i \ und Ulb packages , per Ib , 280.270 ! bulk. 15-lb p.ills. 2'ic. Or.ivts Quarts , per doz , H 00 ; plnts.perdoz , $2.50 ; bulk , per gal , Jl.SO. Olive oil. } i pints , ' . doz DO r ease , tl.Md'i.'M. TWINES , COUUAOK , HTC. Cotton twlno "Illbb , " very , line , M-lh bales , JSo ; cottoi twine XX brand , ) j-lb hales , ISo ; hoini. twine , U-llibale.s. IHoi salt twine. 20e : oundlo wlok 22o ; 40-foot cotton elothos lines , tl,40 ; 00-foot cotton clothes lines , J1.U5 ; ( W-foot nlsal lines 11.75 ; W-foot Jute , JI.S3 ; wool twines , 8Vic. Ma.- ntlla rope All slta fiom 7-10 to 1 In , Uuj slsa rope , all sizes f roia 7-10 to 1 In , Oo ! "now pro- cessex , " all sizes Irum 7-1S to 1 In , 7icj ! cottoi rope , ! { In , lOc , MAi'LB SunAii-lVr lb-5o cakes , 30-lh boxes rioi lOo oaken , iw-lb boxes , K'Sio ; 1-lb bricks , 3J Ibs In box , pure , lie. . , IluooMH-5-tlo parlor , W.OO ! 4-tlo , t2.75i 3-tIc t2.25i3-tle , plain. 11.80 ; warohoubo , IJ.OO ; toy H.S5 ; whisk. 1.00l.3. ! BOAI > Custllo , moltlcd. pcrlb. lOo ; do white pcrlb,14o ; laundry soap , per 100 burs , J.LI5Q 5.00 ; . shaving . . . soap,5075o . . . per doz ; toilet soup 3 oiiki-3 per box , per doz | fiiicQt..SS. , KAUINACDODH Uuons Hurley , 4c ; farlnn , , koss , JJOO ; iplitncas. 3c : green peas.'a ; nut- meal , bbls. 5.7'xao.OO ; hulf bbls. tJ.wau.U iimcorlnl. Uo ; vermicelli. I''c ; sago und lap ! oca , W10V c ! Lima beans , 53io ; cercullne. d.81 linked hommy.uua ; pearl hominy , W.50 pe bbl. IVE-IowIs' perfumed. $1.50 ; Kcd CrossIMS Ainoilcaii , J.I.2. . ; HiiponlllorHSij Merry War , f..UO ; Stursorubbluj , il.75 ; Olllett'a powdered , - ' -Ml'l.K Condensed Kaglo. $7.40 ! Crown , l .25j Anglo Swiss. iW.70 ; American Swiss , IT.00 ; lllgh- landeXU"KISl ; | , > ( tO.OO , i , siw , 6k ! < { MI.M | 4 or. Jl.CO . . < * > . . * , \anlllti.-J oz. fvV ) { -.bU ; t ot , ei.2J4t5.50 ; Jamaica Kinsor , 4 ozJI.63. . . . . . . .M.\TCltiH-l'arlur : , 'JM und 300 per box Jl.CiS 1.7U ; wr box ; sulphur. H.1MI.30. OA.MIV .Mixed , 10 Ib pulls , fa' ' ttSUo ; stlok , 6)io ) ; twist ktlck.Oo ; KrencL mixedUl-icboar- ; lioiinil stick. MiC ! Jnr nml emo omulles , 5 Ib boxes , 11(12101 extra flnogoo < liva > v > c. liiit'iiiEs irhoe , per dot , ( l. ! Vil..iO | daubcru , 7.'Hy3f 1.00 ! scrub brushes. dOi-fSUOO. llntti SrKli-MI\ud bird , i-ib packages , 5o | cnnnry. 4lict hemii. 4'ic ' | iinlse , ! 5o. , n9ANIU9 < 0 lbs to bot' ' 0 ! * ° ! "lining , 10a ' 10' jcj wax , lie. 'loiiAccn-Kino ml , jicr Ib. 5 , ' < a27oi jilue , 23 C67N ! | smoking , asoosoi fancy bramls , We ® > lt5r.AF M 1 < blils-N. 0. fancy , per gal. 4M& 4ci f'holco , 404M1C ! Rood.Ktt'ioci Cubi.bnklnir , 2ri5J > Oo ; blnokstrnp , IPOJ-'o ; syrup. 70 crude , bbls , 20ci ll ! bbl.-so ; 4 gal kegs. Jl.ili Sgnl kits ! ' ' 'c'linnsE-P.O , twin nnta , peril ) , ll'Joi ' V. O. J oung American , 12o ! domestic Swiss , 15oj ! { brick , Mel Kilnin , In foil. each. $1.00. J iNKOAii-Appfo elder. lOo ; double cldor,12e , ; while w inc. io : triple strciiKlU , lOo. STAncit-iVrlb. &a , c. I'll Ki.KS-Mcilliiiii , bbls , J8.00I ninnll , 110,00 ; hcrklu-.Jll.ooi ii0t < m mlxor.J12.00. iIltCK Java , Cos choice , Co ; fnuoy , Co ; head , " 'ciWn-.rcrbbl , refined , M.SO ; half bbl , $ ,150 ; ' ' ' . . iicrbbl , tVOO ! orntiKo elder , half bbl , 1(1.50 ( ! poarcldor , half bbl , $150. . C NNKII rimt-Sulmon , I-lb Columhla river. $1.75 ® .80 ! 1-lb Alaska , tl.aot sardines. U s. French. llI4ei U , Jockey club , iocs Us. bono- ivi : > , .iiu , . , ' ; 4B , jiiuci ipiin , iwtta ; MS , iniis- tnril. iHMllOo ; oysters , S-lb 10 o ? , J.MOJK.2o ( ; Mb 0 oz , Jl.I&at.lS. Country Produce. Tlio markets on country produce were de cidedly qulot yesterday. The receipts wcro not lurpo , but there was wanting that nctlvo demand nopossiiry to the making of a i > or- fectly satisfactory market. At tlio snnio tlmo prices on everything excepting eggs \\uro \ llrm. The very fitot tliat prices were so strong undoubtedly had much to do with the lightness of the demand. Kaos The market wns weak and a peed many of the sales were reported at 17tf. Tliero wns a llttlo buying In n small way at 18c , but that wns really an outsldo price. The receipts were fair anil the supply on hand consider ably larger than was thocaso with most other kinds of produce. I'oyt.Tiiv Supply not largo nnd prices steady , but not nitteli snap to the undo. The strong prices of the past week appear to ha\olntlm > ncod the public toward the buying of seine other kind of meat than poultry. Chickens sold at HftOo ; gccso and ducks , 8 ® llr" turkeys. lllUa ! ! , HUTTBH The condition of thobtittonnarkot did not present any changes jcsterduy. The bcstcountry rolls continued lo command 17ffj ) IScaiid good rolls 14Qilc. ( ! Low grades sold even below lOc. OAMK Small rabbits sold as high us $1.00 , as there were almost none here. II tv Hccolpts light and arrival sold readily at W.00 < a7.7.1. An occasional ear of extra bright hay brought KOO , but that wns con sidered nu outsldo price nnd could hardly bo quoted as tlio market with safety. With tlio opening up of the country roads dealers still look for largely Increased receipts and loner prices. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vegetables. SriNACJf ror bbl. t..OO. CU.KIIV HOOTS I'or Ant , fiOc. LnrrucK Choice stock , 4na4" c. fettKCT POTATOES Supplies uio not heavy nnd the market Is quiet. Cholco Kansas , 11.00 per bbl. CFI.KIIV Choice stoew , < 3o. 1'AIISNII'S 1'cr 1)1)1 ) , $2 50. CAiuiAnK 1'er Ib , 'JlSSMo. JlttTAiiAdAS Michigan stock , per bu , GOo. m-KTS-l'er bu , * I.OO1V3. UMONS--SOIIID eastern stock Is olTcrod at $ . " > .50 per bbl , and Spanish onions at $ . ' .00 per orate. I'OTATOKS There are quite a coed many homegrown potatoes In store In tlu city and sales are made at inofSl.OO. Colorado potatoes are very scarce at J1.20. Fresh Fruits. OnANnrs Klvorsldcs are soiling at $2.75Ti 3.00 ; navoM , iM AOI&5.0' ' ; Itiinchllo , a variety bo- twcen Ulversldes and LosAnseles. J..li'JdW. ' " . " ) : Mexican oranges. $ .100 ; 1'lorlda bright , $ . ' .50 ® a.W ) ; ilissett. J..OOQ'J50. Quixcrs Thcro nro still a few on the mar ket , but the movement Is slow and prices nominal at 500.CO ! per box. J'EAIIS A few lingo California pears , win ter varieties , are olTcrcu nt $ i.VXfKl 00 per box. _ I.EMON3 Cholco Messlnti , SJ75QI.M ; fancy , JlAr.AOA GiiAi-ns-l'or bbl. , ? 00011,00. , I'iNKAi'i'i.ES I'crdor. } IOO@T.30. CiiANtinciins Slocks light. Capo Cod , J12.CQ per bill ; Jersey , flO.75. Ai'i'i.LS Supplies light ! Rood stocks can bo had at $3.00 , but there are some fancy Btand apples which are held atJG.OO. Flour. n. T. Davis Mill Co. . high patent , Uo. 1 and Cicain , $ . ' .TU ; Illtio I ) , full pntout , $2.59 ; lluwk- eye , half patent , J..10 ; special lovnl jiatnnt. No. 10 , $2.60 : Minnesota p.itont , ? 2.7 : > ; Knnsa haul wheat patent , 8J.M ; Nebraska spring wheat patent , { -'CO. S. K. Ullman'sgold medal , J2.70 : Snow White , $ J.iO : : Snow Klako..00 ; low grade , Jl.fiO. llroken How roller mills Cream , $ . ' .70 ; Myr tle. J.J.40 ; Claim , f..CO ; XXX. 11.83 ; Kldollty , $ . ' .60 : Sllnncsota Chief , $2.40 ; Patent. Jl.OO. Oskhninp's ready to ralso buckwheat Hour , S4.VI percaso of f > 0 2-lbj > ackages ! bncKwheiit , n bbls. N , V. , $0 00 : T\col Hlor brand. $3.51 : SlnpJack in cal , $1.75 per case of 502-lb pack ages. Lumber. Quotations are for car lots on board cars at Dmiilm : DIMKNSIONS 12.14 & 10ft. IS ft. 23ft , 22ft. 14 ft. 2x4.$150J J15 50 110(10 $1/00 { 1800 2x0. . . . KiOO 1553 1800 17 ( H ) 1800 2\8. . . . 13 00 IS BO 10 00 1750 1800 2x10. . . 1300 1550 18 00 17 SO 18'00 'x12. . 10 00 10 03 17 00 IS 50 19 00 4x4 to 8xb. . 1000 1700 1800 1800 1000 1'KNCiNn No. 1. Gln,12aiid H ft , rf , $10.00 ; No. l , 0 In. in ft. SID.OO ; 4 In. * 1 ! > .00 ; No. 2. 0 In. 12nndl4ft. If$11.00 ; 4 In , ill.1)0 ) ; No. 2 , n In , 1U ft.Jt .OOj 4ln.jm.00 ! No..l , 0 In. W and U ft , $ ri.no ; 4 In , $13UO : No. 3 , Oln , 10 ft , JU.OOj 4 In , E1300. SilHNfl-A. 12.14 and 10 ft. $22.00 ; 0 , $17.50 ; H. 12,11 and 10 ft , $20.50 ; I ) , JM.S'J. 110AHDS Xo. 1 com , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 ; No. 3 , com , $ u SO ; No. 4 , com , $11.50. KI.OOIUNO A , 0 In , whlto plno. $ .19.00 ; O , Ml50 ; H.Oln. whlto pine , $ J(1.UJ ( ; 1) , t.0. : > 0j K. 0 In , whlto plno , ( sel fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop shl- inz , 5c perM extra. biocic ItoAitns A. Ii ! In , sis. 848.00 ; II , 13 In. sis , $45.lOj O , J10.00J.I ) . $23.dO : No. I common. 12 In , sis , 10,12 nnd IS ft , JJI.03 ; No. 2. Jlb.fW ; No. 1 common. 12 in , slH. 14 ft. $ . ' 0.00 ! No. 2 , $17.50 : No. 1 common , 12 In. sis. 10 ft. $19.50 : No. a , $17.00 : No. 1 common. 12 In , sis , 20 ft , W.OO ; No. 8,118.50. SuiiT.u1 No. 1 plain. Sand 10 In , { 10.00s No. 2 , $10.00 ; No. I , O. (3 , , 8 In. $10.00 ! No. 2. $ IO..V ) ; 10 In. groo\ oil roofing. 12.14 and 10 ft , $10.50. 1'iNisiilNO 1st and 2d c ! . , 1 In , s2s , $10.00 ; 1U. I'/ und 2 In , $4'IOO : 3d clear , 1 In , s2sl5.00 ; 1U , 1'i and 21n. $47.00 ; A , select , 1 In , s7s , $41.00 ; 154 , Hi unil 2lnlr ) 00 ; 11 , select , 1 In , s2s , f.ll.GO ; I'i , 1'i and 2 In. $10.00 ; 0. select , 1 in , s2s , $ .27.00 ; 1U. ' 'i nnd 2 In. $ .11.00. A. II or C. select , all Id-foot , $1.00 $ extra. * SouTHKiiN YKLI.OW I'INK 1st and 2nd clear flooring , 13-10 st.ir. t21.00 ! 13-10 , $10.00 ; common flooring , 13-1(1 ( , $15.00 : lift clear , n-in , $ , ' (100 ( : Kt and 2d clour , ? colling , JH 50 ; 1st and M clear. ? . ' colling , $10.50 ; 1st and 2d clear , coll- Inir. $ ' > UJ ; 1st and 2d clear , tlnlsh , h2s. from 1 Inch , $27.00 ; 1st and 2a clcar.llnlsh , s-'s.from 1U Inch , KW.OO : 1st nnd "d elear.llnlsh , s.'s.from ' I'/ and 2 Iiioh.tm.OO ; 1st und2d clear , y.p. casings , $ . ' 1000 ; base. $ .10.00. 1'on.Mi LUMIIBII 8-Inch nnd up , 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 Ineli , fc''i , $ .1000 ; 8-Inch and up , Island 2d clour. < / Inch jianol. * Jt.00. ) SASH , Dooits , KTC. Tar board , $1.50 ; sash , 53 per et. : doors , ) per ct. ; blinds , iO per ct. ; mouldings , 50 per ct. ; tarred felt , per en t. , $2 Ii ) ; straw board , $1.15. llATThNS , Wt.1.1. TUIIINH , KTC , O. 0. 2'J-lnCll ' , G5oxi. ; : . HisIda ; ll-lneh well tubing. 1) . tt M. and bov. . $ 'JJ.OO : pickets , U. & II. Hut , $ U50 ; U. & H. square , JM-W ) . SiiiNiris : , LATH Kxtra "A. " pine. stnndard "A$2.4ixtr.i : "A , " , cedar. f55 ; n-lnch clear pluc , il.OO ; clear redwood , tl.25 ; I'O'STS Whlto cedar. 0-Inch. ! { s , llo ; 0-Inch qrs , llo ; whlto cedar , 54-lnch ! , lis.Oo ; 8-Inch qrs.fio ; whlto cedar , 4-Inch roil ml , ir > c ; split oak , Bo ; Tennessee red codai , split , He , Kurs. ItAccnoK No. 1 , largo , GOfiWOo ; No. 1 , med ium , : iv3loc ; No. l , Binall , uoxiil.'u ' ; No , 2 , U and 4 , SfitSOo , MINK No. 1 large. r > 0COo ; No. 1 medium , 40 < 3Ha ; No. 1 small , 2.v < ttOc : : No. 2. 3 and 4 , MWoe. MUSK HAT rail , 84lOc ; Kit , 3o. SKUNK lllaok , 7V3tl.OO ! slrlpcd. No. 1 , ; i.VP > 40c ! striped , No. 2 , 1VJ42.V ) ; ntnpoJ , No. y , 10IJ ir > o ! slrlpcd , No. . rov-Oross , No. 1. JJ.50ttl.OO : No. 2 , $ J.OOU2.00i red. No. 1,11.00111.2. } ; No.2.rwawo ) ; grey , No. J , 40ft.Vo ; No. 2,20 < S-i' > o. Wor.i'-.Mountalu , No , 1 : J2.r < anoo ; No. 2. $1.0021,50 ; prulrlc , No. 1 , 73cQJLOO ; No. S , 40ifi 50e. 50e.llKAVEiiNo. . 1. pcrlb. t250 < H3 50 ; No. 2. per Ib , $ l.M442.00j No. 3 , pcrlb , 5014750 ! Na 4 , per lb.50o. OrTKn-No. 1. Inrjo prime , * 5.007.00 ! ! No. 1 medium. JI.OOft.1.00 ; No. 1 , small , $2.50 3.50 ; No 2 , 3 and 4 , SOofttl.OO , How to Obtain a I''air ' Complexion by Natural McaiiH. The natural nrlsbad Sprudcl Salt ( powdci form ) . Is an excellent Aperient. Laxative ant Diuretic. Itoloursthacaiiinluxlonaml purlllei tbo blood. It Is easily soluble , plousnnt to taki und iiermiinciitin action. Tiiogonulno produc at UioOiirlHbnd Springs Is Imporled In rouni bottles. Karh bottle comes I n u light blue papu cartoon , and lias tlio Hlnnuturo. "KIsner&Mcn to si nio. , Now Vork"ono > ery botllo. WANTED Total l.suci of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , 6T.R.R.COM PANIEB.Uc. Corrcsi > oncUnco solicited. N.W.HARniS&COMPANY.Bankers , I03-IQ3 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO , 13 Well Street , NEW YORK. 70SID10 St. , BOSTON. OMAHA ' and DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BICYCLES. 'Lo Brnnswick-Balko A. Hi Perrigo & Oo. Oollcndor Oo. Illllard niorchnnclho. All Makes , All Prlcci , All Pnlonn futures 1'nrti. < 07. < 09S. 10th street , Umnhn. 135Hortgo ! Street. BOOK DINDEI19 & : STATIONBIIS. Omaha Republican Printing , Oo. , .aw brief * , bnnk inppllos , nml crcr/tlilntf In tlio printing lino. lOtlmnd Djtiglil atrfeli. Ackennnim Bros. & Hointze , 'rlulcrj , binders , oleilrotrpOM , blank book rainu- fnciurer , lllGHownrl utrott , Omihi. BOOTS AND SHOES. lhailes A , Ooo & Oo , | KirkendallJonos&Oo , Manufacturers ami Job \Vholoniila Manurnctur't bers. Aconto for lloMon Hiib- 1109 Howard droot. IrrHhflorii , 111W , 11UI , nml lllXlllnrncy St. Williams , Vnn Aer- "W.'v.Morso&Oo. , nam & Ilatto , Shoo Tnclory , Corner II th 1211 Humor utreot , Anil DmiKltti f , Oini. In. Mrrchitnt * Iniltoil Orn&lm , Nob. Id cull nml cxnmlno. BOXES. BUTOHBR3. CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. Jolumbns Buggy Oo , ( W. T. Seaman , Carriages , etc. enrts tulkloi , Oimlm's Largest Variety O. H Kritrarils , Mnnacor. WAOOX3 AM ) 813-313 South ICth. CAttimnKS OARPETS. CLOTHING. Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Gilmore & Ruhl. Cnrpcti , oil cloths , rant- Mnnufaclurors.tVholo - line" , curtnln goods.cto. enlo Clothiers , 1511 X1MHartley St. CIGARS. West & Fritschor , Mnmifacturprs flnoclKirs Jobber * of lonf tobacco ) . 1011 Karnnm street. COAL , COKE , ETC. CORNICE. Eagle Ooinico Worfoi F. Ruemping Manufacturer * of Onlran- Onlvnnlzod Iron cornlcoi. lied Iron Cornice. Dormer wlnduirs , door Window caps , nictnllo sit f- cnpi , tlnlnls , ate. Tin llKhta clc. 1110 and 1113 Iron nnd sltto roofer. DodftoSt. 811 Knrnam St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Zilpatrick-Kooh Dry Dry , Goods ( b. . goods , notions. Dry KooiU.notlonM.KOnts' . furnhhllUBOoilJ. Cor. lltli nnd Howard i-H- Corner lltli nnd llarnoy ELEOTBIOAIi SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated frco. ICll Capitol Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , BTO. Parlin , Orenclorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo. , General western nsont Torncr Jones nnd 'Jth 8ts. Sknnilln 1'loiv Co , Omaha , Nob. 11I9-1V > 1 Sherman nvo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. . C. G Underwood , Offleo nnd warehouse , Mnnancr ntOmnln. 1013 N. 10th street. Cor. 8th and Jackson * l * . S. F. Oilman , Olomens Oskamp , Jl'f'K ' of rondr to raHo 1011 N. ICtlntroot Map Jack Mo.il , llno-st ciiko In the world , . E. Black , - Mnnawr. 1.117-1215 S ajth Btrcct. FURNITURE AND OARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiveriok & Oo. niture Oo , , 1'iirnlturo and Cnrpots. Furniture apd carpoti , 1115-1110 rarnnniBtrcot , HOO-1210-Farnam Bt. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Scbaeider & Loomis , J , T. Kobinson Notion Oo , , Jobbers nnd Importers of GontV fnrnlshlnR notions and furnishing ra'f'K celubrntod bmrid foods , "lliickskln" ovoralH , panu , shirts , co-Ui. uto. lltl Howard street. Cor. 12tliand Howard nti. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennard Gloss and J , A. Fuller & ( b. , Faint OD , , 1(03-141. Ilarnor street , Oinalm , Neb. Omaba. William Oummings , Blake , Bruce & 03. , C17 and CIO South ICth St. , W3-003 IxiaTonworthst. Omaha , Neb. , Kcb. GROCERIES. Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapke , 705-711 S. 10th atruot , H03-KOJ Ilarnor itmt , Omnlia , Neb. Omaha , Nob. D , M. Steele & Oa. , Sloan , Johnron & Oa , 1201-120) Jones street , lltli and I-cavonwortu ' Btr'uets , Omaha , Nob. Omaha , Neb. Allen Bros. , MoOord , Brady & Oo. , 11H Ilarnoiitrcct , 13th and Jx vonworth , Oirahn , Neb. Onulia , Nebraska. GUNPOWDER. Hngb G , Olark , ( i0nlVo torn Auont Duponl't Hl > ortlnic Clnn powder , Atlua lilnh uiplo- olvi'.IIluBUnt,1 cap , ( uao. I.'IS llarnuy iitruoU HABDWABQ. EcotoT&WilbelmjOo Lo3-0hrk Andreosea Hardware Oo , Cor , lOtb and Jackson iti , llOa-IIIO llarnof street , Oinaht. Umulia Nc'J. FLTB , W OO HIDES , TALLOW. Qco. Oborno & Oo. , J , S , Smith & (13 ( 8. UUi street , 1106-1111 it Onmhv Omahi. IRON WORKS. Paxton & Ylorllng Omnba Snfo & Iron . Iron Works , Works , / Vrnnclit nnd rmt Iron tmlMlnirworX , riiKlno , Mimnf'M flroiuiill'iiralnf ur s irork. gotiornt | ironf afe , vault' , jiill foimdrr , maclilno nn 1 work , Iron shutters nnd blnck inlth Ttotk. U. I * . Urn r&cnpoi. < l An * it ; luuintiist. drccn.lltli.UuckiOnntl . Acino Iron nnil Wlro Wilson & Drtiko , Work ? , M'fV ' tnbulnr n c % nrt ron.Trlronnrtbnus w'ki. box tiollon , tnnk ( , etc. Wi S. luth Mroct- V. lloohl , rroprlotor. riorronml 19th directs. LITHOCmAPHINXJ. Ecos Printing Oo. lnir , Printing nml lllink Hook ) . lltli nnlltoxranlSt' . LIQUORS. Her & Co. , "William Darst , I.lquor Mcrclnnti. Wines , Minion nml Cl- 111. llnrnoy struct. . Innufnc tiir'rs KonnoJf's Kars. lnat ! liullu llltturJ. 1313 I'nrnam St. , Oambt R. E. Grotto , Frank Dollouo & Oo , , niportcr nm > .lotibcr of , . Mijuorsnnd OcnulnoNo- OCOuinl Wfl tnrntim St. 'rlco MsH on nppllcntton L , Kirsobti Oo , ) A. rrick&Oo. , VliolosnloI.tqnorDoilors \ \ liolcsnlo T.lfiuorDCklcr 407 niul < 0n S 10th St. SOI-BOSS 10th St. LUMBER. G. W. Douglass & Co. John A. WakcGold , Imported , AnicrlrnnPort Ilnrdwood Lumber , land lYtuenl.Mllnimkcil ll > drimlln Cement nuil 1310 North ICth Street. yillncj Whlto l.lino. 3nrponter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ks Cnrrr n full stock of Gold , silver and nickel printing , wrapplnn nnd pl lating on all tnetiili , nbU'Hnroetc.rcpntctl. ) writing paper , carJ pa- riillshlnk' braii .tclmn * rcr , etc. dollcrnurk , 1 PBODUOE , COMMISSION.