UMAHA JDAJOiY J5JUJJJ : JL-U4JJ3KUARY 13 , 1891 , ROBERT RAY HAMILTON DEAD , Bo Declares Dr. Jaines 0. Green , Who Ordered His Burial , HIS OPINION OF THE STORIES AFLOAT , Story oi'thc Demi Lawyer's M To In ( lie Mountains ] ! | H DOR Stayed Avltli the Body KCUIOMH Tor Ilurlnl. lS.1t 1 > u Jiimu Oonlnn TlewuUA Pf , Fob. ll.-fN'ow Yorlt Herald Cable Special to TUB Hr.B.1 "That Is un doubtedly the watch I took from the pocket of n dead mnn la the Kooky mountains last summer , " said Dr. .Tnmcs O. Oroon today , when thottmcplocoof Kobert Hay Hamilton was laid before hltn by the dead lawyer's ' brother , who ha * Jmt arrived from America with a commission empowering Consul Post to tike evidence proving the tlcatti. Dr. Grtcn turned to mo and said : "I wish the Herald would sny there Is not tbo slightest truth In the wild , fantastic stories nflont. Hamilton Is dead nnd ho un doubtedly was drowned whllo trying to ford a stream on horseback after dark. The Idea that n corpse was dressed up Iu Hamilton's clothes Iu order that ho mlirht quietly disap pear In sotno distant land whcro the story of his bigamous wlfo and bogus baby could not follow him Is absurd. To carry out such a 'theory ono would hnvo to assume n murder , for In no ether way could a corpse bo pro- curd" ! . Jackson's Ilolo valley , whore the body wni found , is surrounded by high moun tains , and Point Snake river , where the tragedy occurred , Is over ono hundred nnd fifty miles from Kentucky , the nearest rail way station. The suggestion of sutclilo Is equally foolish. "Mr. Hamilton was riding with his dop from his ranch at ono end of Jackson's Inlco to his ranch at the other end , 11 ftoon miles. Ills workmen , who were building a sort of log hotel , had cornptalnod that they needed Trcsh meat. Mr. Hamilton was , therefore , nnxlous to kill some g.imo and was led out of Ills path by an antclopo which ho klllod. It was probably after dark , because the mon fjonernlly wind their watches at dusk In the wilderness , and when I examined 3VIr. Hamilton's watch , I found it had stopped n few minutes past 9 and had only run down n couple of snake turns ot the winder. Ho had to cross the river to reach the ranch and -v there was nn Inviting looltlnR bar stretching Into the stream , Just where the body was discovered , but the water beyond was deep nnd swift and full of wood ) . Hamilton , weighted with a full cartridge bolt , had huge npurs , which , no doubt , caught In the woods. The saddle was pulled under the horse's belly nnd so the nog was able to pot nt the antelope's haunchs which were tied to It nnd keep himself alive , during the eleven days , before tbosearchors came upon the place. Until this moment , I have kept the secret of the real 1'oason for which the face of the corpse could hot bo recognized. I did not want to shock the family. The fact Is. It not only swollen nnd discolored In a most nwful way , hut the fishes or turtles had mutilated It as the body floated , face downward , of course. AH the blood settled at the bottom and Ham ilton's father could not have told anything about the corpse except by the clothing or private marks. I wish the Herald would say that I strongly object to the statement that I Lave , nt any time , identified the corpso. "I did not know Hamilton la llfo , and cvon If I had , It would not have bettered the case. The reason why Hamilton was tiot missed BOonor Is very simple. Ills partner , Sargont , was in the ranch at ono end or the lake und Mrs. Sargont was In the ranch at the other. Mrs. Sargont supposed ho was with her hus- Tjand and Sargent thought ho was with the wife.Vhcn \ the husband nnd wife met , they knew something had happened , and they called for a general search. They supposed ho had been killed byhorso thieve * nnd it wns through ono of these searching parties that the hunting camp learned the story of the disappearance. Mrs. Sargent told them Mr. Hamilton ihtcndod to go to Now York In October to hnvo his raarriago with Eve. Maun nullified nnd return to the Rockies In the sprint ; nnd stay thcro for the rest of his llfo. I did not meet Sargent , but was told by the men ho had fully Identified the corduroy Jacket , the coat , dark trousers , leggings , gloves and boots of the dead ram as the olothos of Hamilton. Bo- eldos that I found a leather book , of trout flies iu the pocket with the nnmo Hamilton marked In Ink. It will bo Impossible to roach Snrgont for some tltno , as there must bo , nt least , twenty feet of snow on the trail Into Jackson's Ilolo. It is ono of tno wildest , moil Inac cessible valleys In the Kocklos. The trail I followed was the ouu Sheridan cut for President Arthur's Yellowstone park trip. It will bo impossible legally to identify Hamilton's corpsouutil Mr. and Mrs. Sargont nre reached. They nro the onlypcrsons alive who can do it , but no ono need hnvo any doubt that Hamilton is really dead and that ha tiled by accident. The last I saw of the poor follow wus the boat containing the body , covered tvltti green boughs , gradually disappearing In the distance. When I got to the head of the lalto , I stopped n carpenter who was building a house for Hamilton and told Him ho must build another kind of n house , a coflln. ' All the surrounding circumstances show that nothing wa prearranged about the tragedy. Hamilton loft ono ranch to go to the ether ; took with him n horse and dog found near the body. The clothes on the body wore his. Tlio nntolopo haunches ac count for tlio late hour ot the accident and the place whcro it occurred. Ho floated away ; Ills rilln sank In tha stream. Searchers told mo they coultl find it by drugging the bottom but it would bo rusted and use less. Hamilton's blankets wcro loft in the ranch by him , showing that ho did not intend to stop out ever night. Besides no was-full of plans and actually died while they were In progress. I have no pitlonco with these who say the failure to bring the body to Now York U suspicious. The body was buried on my ndvico. I am a physician. I examined It to see If there wcro nny evidences of crlino nnd my duty to society was ended. Then I told the people there , that , as the corpse had boon In the water olcvon days nnd was bloat ed to such an extent that by the tlmo It was carried a hundred mid fifty miles to a railway It would bo In a condition that would compel the railroad to refuse It transportation , the project was out of the question , and so I said llatly that tbo body must bo burled at Jackson's Hole. "At Mrs. Sargent's request , oao of our party photographed the hillside whcro Hani- llton onca said ho would love to bo burled. You may bo sure , when Sargent Is reached , lie will knock all these iliino novel theories to pieces nud establish the death ot Hamilton perfectly. Ho is a mau of education and in- telllsronco. " This was substantially Ihe story Dr. Green also repeated to Consul 1'ost under oath. Ho positively denied any Identifica tion. Parnoll ( o OMlrlon. LONDON , Fob. 11 , 1'arnoll , in a letter to 'O'Brien , says : "Tho last luforinatlon 05111 convoyed to mo on our negotiations being of a final character , I concluded that nothing X U loft to bo iloao on my part but to bring our endeavor * to a closo. I roRrot that It baa not been rendered possible for mo to consider national Interests so safely guarded that I could feel thcro would bo no danger to the cause In my now surrendering the responsi bility which hai boon placed upon mo and which I have accepted from the hand * of our nation nnd rnco. I regret that no course is loft but a withdrawal from the negotiations. Tno seal of conlldcnco which covers what hai passed botwcen us prevents Inviting public judgment. Hut If tt is over moved I am conlldcnt It wilt bo hold that I did every thing In mv power consistent with national interests to promote peace and reunion. Whatever sldo true Irlimon take , they ewe you thanks for your efforts.1 HTATK31EXT. Hctinloii the Only Thing That Can Save the IrNli CIIIIHC. Lo.Nnox , Toh. 11. William O'llrlon has Issued another long statement on the Irish situation. Ho says : "Tho experience of the past llvo weeks , gathered from personal Interviews , letters nnd news papers , completely confirms my ton- vlctton that only reunion can save the Irish cause.-noferringto the ro- ccnt Boulogne conference ho soys : "lean- not too strongly express with what feelings wo found a sottlcmcnt so vital shipwrecked at the last moment by tnoro contests of words and phrases contests which , to my mind , offers a shockingly Inadequate excuse for committing the country to a struggle Involving consequences so ap palling. " In conclusion O'Brien save : "Ono of the saddest things In this traflic business is that circumstances rendered it Impossible to give organized effect to the overwhelming public longing for a reconciliation whllo the field is held by heated partisans who iavo done their worst by exasperating language and Insulting suspicions , scarcely veiled threats nnd rumors nnd Intrigues to mnko the work of peacemaking Impossible. The Irroconclllablcs of all sections have car ried the day. Dillon and myself cannot longer stand between them and their de plorable work.Vo \ can do nothing more till wo have recovered freedom of action by getting through with the sentence standing ngalnstus. " Mr. O'Brien expresses thohopo that the Inevitable conflict forced upon tbo country may bo conducted without personal bitterness , so when the unhappy passions of the hour have exhausted themselves all may again co-oporute In the nation's cause. Dillon in n short statement admits that ho has been largely Influenced to mediate by the vindictive notion of Parnell's ' most promi nent opponents. The personal clement in the struggle had in many minds hopelessly obscured great public Issues and driven thousands in Jxelaiut nnd America into Pnrnell's ' camp AVho otherwise would have opposed hn continued leader ship. "Kvents have fully berne out O'Brien's vlevs as to the method of compromise , but from the beginning of the negotiations power ful Influences worn working on both sides against pence , and wo arc now compelled to sorrowfully announce failure. " A. Heavy llcsponslbillty. " LONDON ; Fob. 11. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BKK. ] The Pall MallOazettoln Its Issue of today says n heavy responsibility rests upon Messrs. O'Brien nnd Dillon , who ac cording to the Gazette , have shown a strange vacillation iu treating Mr. Parnoll as co-equal with the Irish representa tives and in negotiating in the old lines of committee room as if no deposition or Kilkenny election had occurred. The Gazette adds that when Mr. Parnell's ' defeat promised to become final It was In credible weakness to consent to a one-sided truce , leaving Mr. Parncll free to prosecute his ends whllo Mr. O'Bricn suppressed the only organ of Dublin opinion left to the Irish people. Mr. Pnrnell has haughtily ruptured the negotiations his opponents humbly initi ated. The Unzotto does not doubt that Messrs. O'Brien ' and Dillon will repair the the mischief done nnd revert to the nntl-Par- nolllto position which they assumed in their December manifestos. "What Ijomlon Papers Say. LONDON , Fob. 11. Tlio Standard says It Is understood that Parnell took exception to the inadequate assurances given in regard to the right of imperial veto nud Irish representa tion at Westminster. The Irish campaign will bo based upon the principle of resistance to clerical dictation. The News assumes also that the negotia tions failed because the leaders de clined to give any assurance regarding the home rule bill. The Times says O'Brien's ' "lachrymose gehlus walls through the turgid and Inflated sentences of tlio manifesto like a literary banshee. " The Telegraph thinks It h a serious quos Uon whether Lord Zetland might not for the safety of the Irish pcoplo quash the convic tion of Dillon and O'Brien to cnahlo them to take such active part In the coming war as they and their constituents may eonsldor host for mutual urotoctlon , MoCnrthyitcB on Pnrnell. LONDON , Feb. 11. McCarthylto members who were seen In the lobby of the commons today say that Parnell's refusal to cotno to amlc.iblo terms will stiffen tholr attitude and increase their resolves to resist ; his claims. It Is not certain that all points will bo settled at tomorrow's meeting. I ariicll Will Not Hot-ode. LONDON , Fob. 11. Iu nn Interview today Parncll declared that ho would not recede from his position , which , ho said , was con sistent. Ho would not submit , ho Mid , to t ho dictnllonof Gladstone and tbo priests. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Dee bids' . JIM TtKH 1IA'S HIGH. But the Card Scandal Jtuiy Break : Up the Business. g LONDON , Fob. 12. [ Special Cablegram to. TUB JJEn.j The Chronicle , referring to the card scandal says : The prluco of Wales ad dressed Sir Gordon Gumming in very strong language , which was keenly resented nnd which according to Cummlng , was the cause of his signing in a moment of panlo and agi tation a document In which ho forswore the card table. After this midnight scene , the prince of Wales locked the doors and pledged the llvo partloi present to secrecy. When it leaked out , nil were vastly surprised and do- dared tnat they had rigidly kept faith with the princo. As for the prluco of Wales , though ho was laudably keen on the | > olnt of honor , ho Is not without responsibility for the evil fashion of high play in English society , Ho cannot complain that ho has received no reminder of Its dangers. Ono or two high dignitaries of the church addressed him privately , urging the use of his influence to stop the ovll , but the prince's parties nro still conducted on the old linos. I'crhapt it Is Just as well to receive a little healthy light. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Boo bld < j. No Mollie MagnircH 1'or Them. POTTSVII.LU , Pa. , Fob. 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BIE. : | Tli9 Ancient Order of Hibernians of the anthracite coal regions met yesterday In special session to take action on the contemplated efforts to connect , the order with the Mollie Maguiros of old , through the ( loath notices which wore recently received by prominent cltUens of Glrardvlllo. llcso- lutions wcro adopted Disclaiming all knowl edges of such circulars , strongly condemning the perpetrators , calling upon Postmaster General Wanamnkcr to lend his assistance to ferret out the criminals of the sensational correspondence , and offering a reward of ? , " > 00 for Information that will load to the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. For burns , scalds , bruises , and all pain and sorouess of the llosh , the grand household remedy Is Dr. Thomas' electric oil. Bo sure you get the genuine. Kid glovo3 that uro soiling for 50c , 7oc nude $1.125 nro odd fllzos , ( all now poods ) from Foster's , Courvolslor , Jou- via anil other best umkos in black , tans nud other good colors only they nro mostly In blzoa 5 } , 5 ! , 0 , 0 } , 7 , 7i , 7i ; H you wcKr any of these sizes como and buy what you want for the whole year. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. TRAVELS BY LAND AND SEA , A Tour of Europe with Oflbin Passage , Ball- way Pares , Hotel Expenses , Guides , Etc. Prepaid and Guaranteed. SIX PLEASURE EXCURSIONS IN AMERICA , The HPO'S Mntcliloss OfTor to Bo- llcltora for Subscriber * to Its Huiulny ana Weekly Kdltlotu. .Arrangements have bcon oftoctcd by tlio publishers of Tun HUE tvhtch enable us to make a novel and attractive , offer to parties who tire disposed to devote their tltno and energy - orgy toward procuring now subscribers for TIIEOMAIUVEIKLT : BEE or THK SUXDAT BHu between this date and the 10th day of Juno next. This offer will bo open only to parties solic iting subscribers in Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota and Kansas. A careful record will ba kept of all sub scriptions forwarded , and the awards will bo in ail o without partiality. Tlio European Tour. To the person that will sccuro the largest number of casb subscribers for Tim OMAHA WEEKLY Bun or Tun Stmur BEE before Juno 10,1801 , will bo given men or COST A HOUND Tltll" EimoriiAX TOUIl TICKET. Tills ticket will Include first-class passage from New York to Europe and return. This includes also all traveling , hotel and slpht-secing expenses. The trip will bo mndo with an excursion party notion up by Mrs. M. D. 1'razlcr of Boston , anil will bo in chargo. of competent guides. The trav eler lias no cares whatever. The tour covers all the principal coun tries of Europe England , Germany , Switzerland , Franco , Belgium , Italy and tticir principal cities , Including1 London , Paris , Brussels. Berlin , Homo , Florence , Venice , Milan , Genoa , etc. SEVENTY-TURKU DAYS OF StOIlT-SnnrXO. The party starts from Now York July 1 and returns to that city by September 11 , Taken by any individual alone , this Eu ropean tour would involve an outlay of at ' .oast $700. American and Canadian Tours. For the second largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to ban Francisco and Los Angeles and return. Magnificent mountain scenery , the beautiful jolden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits and loivers. ' 'Who has not seen California will not die bnppy , " Travel Is an educator , and to properly appreciate the vnttnoss of our great country one must sco its best features. For tlio third largest list of subscribers to the WKBKIA- SUNDAY Bun wo offer a ticket from Omaha to Quebec and return. What could bo grander than a trip down the bcnutl fill St. Lawrence in mid-summer ! To con template tlio beauty of Thousand fslos Is de lightful. How much more delightful to visit them when with vordurc clad. Anil all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the 'WEEKLY and SUNDAY BUB. For the fourthiargcstllstof ; subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Now York , Philadelphia and Washington and return. Thcro are no points on this continent of greater general interest than thcso thrco cities. An American citizen has not com pleted his education until ho has seen the seat of government. TUo persons and points of Interest In Washington nro innumerable and to the intelligent observer a visit there is full of interest. New York and Philadelphia as the commercial and financial centers of the country are always Interesting. All this sight seeing and traveling given away for obtaining subscribers to the WECKI.Y or SdxnAT line. For the fifth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara Fulls ana return. Ever smco your childish wonder was aroused by the description in the old school reader ol these wonderful fulls you have desired to see them. Here is tlio opportunity. A most delightful excursion and one without expense , given for securing subscribers to the WEEKLY or SUXHATBKE. For the sixth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Salt Lnko City and return. Tao famous Mormon city is fast bedoinlng n Gcntllo city , and will in time lese much of interest. Now , this sum' mer would ho n good time to visit the boom ing city. Garlield Beach is of course in- cluded'in the trip. This summer resort on the lake Is a delightful place to pass n few of the hot su minor * days. Why not secure a number of subscribers for the WKEKIT or SUNDAY Bui ; and take the trip' ' For the seventh largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket to Denver and Mntutou anil return. Whllo a shorter trip than any ol the others it combines many pleasant fea tures. Denver the queen city of the plains is always worth seeing while the health and summer resorts oIMnnltou are delightful In deed. Health-giving , Inspiring , restful nmld sublime scenery what trip could bo more restful ! All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY BHE. Comlitlons. Now what nro the conditions upon which thcso tickets are given away ! The securing of the largest list of subscribers to TUP WEEKLY or SuxDvr BEE. No newspaper In the west is so well and favorably known ant solicitors have always found it an easy mat ter to sccuro subscribers. Tun BEE'S sub scription list has always kept nace with its reputation and it desires to add now names to its lone list of friends. Being at nil times i people's paper it makes friends with ai classes. The subscription price of Tim WEEKLY BEE isjl.OO per year postpaid to any plnco ii this country or Canada , or S2.00 it sent to a foreign country. Tin : SUNDAY Bic : Is $2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for Tnu SUNDAY BEL will not bo counted in this competition. Got up a list. Havoyour friends subscribe for the paper. Sample copies forwarded frca on request. Persons desiring to compote for ono of these prizes will please say so when sending in their first orders. Hetnittauco in full must accompany every orJor. Two six months subscriptions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono oriler. MKOHANIG'S lilKNS. Tlio Subject of Animated Discussion by tlio liullilers' ICxoliaii o. An animated meeting was hold yesterday afternoon at the rooms of the builders' and traders' exchange In response to a call Issued to all Interested in the proposed changoln the mechanic's lien law. Tbero was a largo attendance of members of the exchange , and a number of real estate men and others , not members , wcro also present. The committee appointed at a previous meeting to consider and report unou any changes in the present law , presented the bill prepared by the real estate exchange , which changes the law In such n way as to give laborers - borers only a lien upon property , doing away with that feature of the , present law which protects material men and elves thorn a lion upon the property second only to a prior mortgage. The bill was submitted by the committee without recommendation. The report of the committee was nccuptod ana the mutter brought before the exchange for discussion. Chris Spocht was the first speaker. Ho was opposed to any change In the law. The greater part of the buildings in the state had been erected by Irresponsible parties , and the adoption of the lavas proposed would only servo to increase the number of these pooplo. Robert Llvosey spoke in favor of the pres ent law , and said that if any change was nado It should bo a clean sweep and not a one-sided arrangement which would bo only favorable to the rich contractor. George H. Boggs of tno real estate firm of Boggs & Hill was present and was invited by President Hussoy to address the mooting , Mr. Boggs said ho had had some disastrous experience with the present lion law , and had lost considerable laud through the construc tion placed upon the law by the supreme court. Under this decision nay person has u rletit to squat upon tno land of another and encumber It with a lion without the knowledge or consent of the owner. Ho ad vocated the abolishment of the present law and the adoption of the law presented by the coinuilttoo , which would give all au equal show. Mr , Boggs wont Into details In ex plaining his position and the oxperloncc ho had had in llio supreme court , during which rccltol ho was subjected to a running flro ot cross-questions by Urals Bradford , who sought to show that Mr , Hoggs was In the habit of selling lots on contracts with small cash payments with the UndcMttindlng that the purchaser was to Improve the land by erecting a houso. A member of the exchange rnlsod a point of order nnd Mr. Uofgs took lili scat. Mr. Gibson of the Una \\elshiuis &Gll > - Ron nrguod that tin malarial men should bo protected. If the present laws wore repealed material men would have no protection from the dcndbeats , and thorn would bo no Induce ment for them to comq to Omaha. Louis Uradford wos.tho next speaker , and ho opposed the stand taken by Mr. Boggs. Ho said the real estate men were In the habit of selling loti on contrast * , taking1 ? , ) or $10 an the llrst payment nnd compelling the pur chaser to erect a house on the lot In order to make the security better. Under the de cision of the supreme court referred to by Mr. Boggs , the seller who compels the purchaser to build becomes a ro- sponslblo party and n guarantor for the mnterlnl furnished. If the real estate men wanted protection they should sell lots legitimately and tuko mortgages , which should bo put on record. They would' then bo abend of nil the Hen holders , who would hnvo to take their chances. John Wakofleld endorsed what Mr. Brad ford had said , and was followed by Chris Spccht , who read the riot net to these real estate men who buy acre property nt $200 nnd sell It nt f10,000 to poor men , from whom they take a very small payment and require the purchaser to improve the property at once. If thcso men wanted protection they had It in tholr power to protect themselves , and should not seek the repeal of the Hen law , which gave the material men protection. Mr. Boggs took the floor again to protect himself ngidnst the attacks which had been made on him. Ho repeated his assertion that the decision of tbo supreme court made it possible for an irresponsible party to plnco a lien upon property without the owner's knowledge or consent , and challenged any ma terial man to contradict him. Then followed a prolonged dlscasslon in the matter , In which tlio sumo ground was gone over again and again without developing any now features , all the material men being op posed to any change In the law and Mr. Boggs being alone In his position in favor of Its repeal. During the course of this discussion Chris Spccnt , In Innguapo more forcible than po lite , denounced the contemplated change as a laud shark scheme designing to rob the poor tnau and sell property at n figure far In ex cess of its value. After these present hnd fullv discussed the subject , nil who wcro not members of the ex change were invited to retire nnd u vote was tnlccn upon the adoption of the report of the committee , which resulted in the report not being adopted. _ TUB ANi'i-Tim-r ; SOCIETV. Its Precautions Laughed to Scorn ly the IjIght-ViiiKored Gentry. The members of the Douglas County Anti- Thief society nro in sackcloth and ashes. Their heads are bowed In grief. Some weeks ago this society , which has its headquarters m McArdlo precinct , published to the world that a toward of $50 would bo paid for the arrest of any person caught stealing from any member of the society. Since that time the tiuovcs have been making the lives of the ofllcors very burdensome. First the treasurer , Car son Uhorcr. was visited by the light-lingered gentry , and when thoy'left , all of his turkeys and chickens , some ono hundred iu number , went too. A few nights later they visited the residence of Glaus Slovora , the late secre tary , aud whllo ho slept drove awav n line fat cow , no trace of which was ever obtained. The present secretary , J. U. McArdlo , was then visited , and two weeks ago ho was aroused from his slum burs , and gun in hand ho rushed to his hen house to ilnd that some person had walked iu\av with 150 gcoso , turltoys und chickens. But the raid that lays all others In the shudo was mndo Tues day nipht. The captain of the association Is .Tames Walsh. Tuesday ho spent the day In Omaha and remained over night. When ho went homo Wednesday morning it was to flr.d that during the preceding night some person had visited bis premises , broken open the granary and stolen nearly ono hundred bushels of oats , boslaea completely demoral izing bis stock of poultry by taking away all of the fowls. The members of the society hold a meeting ycstoraay , renewed their vows and swore vengeance on thieves. Hereafter members of _ the association will nightly patrol the pre cinct , and if a man who cn'nnot give an ac count of himself is found , his chances of llfo will bo exceedingly slim. fi I'ttl'VliATIOX. The Olllcinl Count by Counties Just Completed. WASHINGTON' , Fob. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Bnn.J The following Is the popula tion of'Nebraska by counties as shown by the official count Just completed at the cen sus oftico Adims i'1,10.1 Kunrncy tt.Oiil Antelope lO.siKi Keith 2.5M Arthur ] Ill Keyn. I'nha 9'tM Manner 5,4'ti Klmbnll M.VJ lllalno 1,141 , ! Knox R.M3 Hoono SOW Lancaster. 'OH" ) llox Btitto f > , * 'Jl Lincoln 10,441 Ill-own 4'i.V.I I.UK.III Ii78 : HuOalo SMia Ixiui l.OfJ Hurt llOti'J Mcl'lu-rson 401 llntlor I5.IM .Madison 13W > Cnis 24.CN ) Mcrrlck 8TM Cinlar 7K3 ( Nnnco 6,77. ) Clmso 4,807 , Nfnmlm H..UO .ChPrrj- M-JilNntlcolls 11,117 Clipyunnu otoe i'5.10) ) Clay I'liwneo 1UI4U : Colfnx- 10,4. ' . ( IVrklm 4'iHJ Cumin * laa-is riicipi Dw/j Custer Slt77 ! 1'lcrco 4,81 ( ! Dakota fi.WI . 1'lntto n,437 Dawos. , . . , . . * J,7 , - 1'olk 10,817 l > , iwf.on 10,1211 llcil Willow BK7 ! Deuol 2MH Kk'liarUson 17,574 IHxon 8.US4 Hock sus.1 Snllnc 20.0117 Dunily ' .or,1 SiunilcM 21,577 Klllmuro Jli.lC.'li-cotf . a lllttir 1.K8S Krnnklli 7l'U Suwanl Jii,14U Irontlor H.i'J7.Slierlilnn 8S7 ( ! Furnus 1',8'UlSherman ti.T.'j ( Jnfc'o 5 > i,1llSloux | 2,45. ! ( inrlleld IC.V.I Mnnton 4Mi ! Oojpor 43Hi JTIinyer li.THS tirnnt < iS"riHiin s .117 ( Jrcoloy 4Sii9'Tliuntun ' 3,17'l Hull lliM3 Vnlluy , " " Hamilton ll.uin ! Washington ll.H/J llnrlim 8.I6H Wnyne c.lcii lluyc's tf&t Wt'liiter ll.-.MO llltclictK-k ( \,7ty Wheeler 1,1,8.1 iiuit u.or. Vnrk 17.8W Hooker. O ImorKnnlzcd ter. . . U1U lluwiuil I'l.W ' Jt'ltcr"on Total for atnto. . 1,063,910 Johnson - A Nine-Year-Old Siilultle. NKW YOICK , Fob. 1'- . [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ] The day's record of suicides seldom Include the nnmo' of a child of such tender years as these of little Magglo Glldor , nine years old , who threw herself from the llfth story of a tenoinont house on First avenue last night. Maggie was a bad girl and , to keep her In thp , Uouso last evening , her step-mother took off her shoos end sent her to bed , threatening to tell her father of her bad Dehavior. About 10:30 : o'clocktho inmates of the adjoining 'house ' heard moans and cries on the roof of ( heir house andgoing up , found the child , lying unconscious , tilit hail removed her clothing and thrown hcrscll from her bedroom window. She is not ex pected to recover. As a Rule , It Is best not to attcmilt to remedy costiveness - ness by tlie USD o ( saline or drastic purga- tUcs. Wlien ac Uiartlc.niedlcIiio Is necilctl , the most PP' ij-t and bcncnclal Is Ajcr's 1'llb. Th r ertcct Is to restore tlio regular action of .lio bowels , \vlthout weakening thoni. Heine sugar-coated , theio 1'llis ictsln their medicinal \lrtues for a long time , and are easy to lake. " I can recommend Aycr's Tllla abnvo all other * ) , Imvltig long jirovcd their value as a , cathartic fur myself und lamlly. " J.T. Hess. Lclthsville , I'a. . " In 1858 , by tlio advlf e of a friend , I began tno tun of Ayer's 1'llls as a remedy for bil iousness , constl'iatlon , high fevers , nml colds. They served mo better than any thing I had jn ovlously tried , and I have ued. them In nttnck.1 of that soil ever uliice. " II.i. . Hcrsli , Jttdsonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , rnirAiiiD ur DK. J , O. AYEtt & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all Dealers In HeJtclues. Df.FIDILLI OMAHA , NEB. During Ms pevernt month * location nnd prnctlco In ) ninm. ! Dr. Dllllng * ) Imi unimvl nn cnvlnlilo roputn- IOH anionK the hunilrvds of tltlzons who nppllt'ilto him almost n.i n 1n l resort , nnil fouiul In liln rklllful iilnlstrntlons the lull realization ol hupo lung du- ferrcU. Huh permanently located nml ! mi tlio l > e t np- xiltiti'd and munt conveniently locntcit pliyalUan'a uniioancl reception room * In Omnlia. Thonlckvlll IIml In Dr. Dllllncia truotilijrilclan nnd n tjriupallietlc frlcnit anil adviser , Fur the treatment of tlio following nnmeil dlsci'oi Dr. DlllliiKs line proven himself. posjossoJ of most unuiun , ATAIUltt-AII Jlie.isoi of thrortt nit noio. C nrriTDrltitih * ti til nl nt'rji , blltdMiy on * , d c > ilt nVPI'ICr-SIA-Anil nil Iho plimM of Irertronblo , Imporftict aiiliQlUuon anil nutrlllim. KinNKrillBKASRa neil ilooolrlnx nnt In * Iduoni. 8ymptom hnrJ to rcooznltit tiy Iho pallonl often lend to fatal brlsliti dlicnno or dlnbotoi. 'HRRA8K.1 OK THK IltOI ) > Illtmil poltrmlnf crofuK crrilpcl&i , anil Ul e 5tfi muultunoJ Uoro * ( tor. AUi PKIiV HiaiASK9 ! Kojcmn , Mtt rheum , VnrU pin. ulepM , litticrcloi , norofult , lupin , tnmlily color of tticokln , plmr > lp . nnd Olsoasoi uf tin ) ioAliuri | ] curwlby Dr. Dlllltijii. NKItVOlM nt9KA9K3 T.o i of tleor. loit min- lOoit.ilobllitr , ptoitrnllon , ilrnpomlonry , nrnptlnx on the fnro , lo i of inrmnrr , ilrpml uf fnturo , oto. A new treatment Iliat NKVKII KAIU- < . UIIKI'MATISM ANIl NKUIt AIXUA-Aro cureJ by llr. DllllnKK vrhon nllotlion hnvo falloil. > FKMAT.r. WlJAKNKMMKS-Tlin linr < h. Irrational nnit iiiinnturnl ractliixK usually omplnrol nrn ro * fion | lblo for fully thrpo-fourthi of the RullKrliK now fixltiriMl liy nonion. Itivuill nto the now , liomotroatmont uf lr IMlllnxi I'H.Ka AM. lIKCTAIi ritOinit.KIMIei , Fli- luln , nb ro ietrlrtvri * . nml nil cllspniotof rectum rnrttl without tlifl ktilfo , cnutory or nnliour'iUolAf Iroin work IT Innlnpin. Al.l , UKADACIins are quickly curoil. VliNKItKAl. DISHASKS Ilceanlorlon * ulin.lln * ryplillli , iconorrhivi , utrlctiiro nml nil roMiltlim nf- ffctlom nrocunil vcriiiitiiciitly ntiil forovcr vrltliuut ny tni'rcurir or mliu' trontnionu MOlirillSK 1IAU1T Quickly , positively anil pntnlenly curoil. TAI'H WOHM-Tnko.l wllli hpml complolo In ono liottr with ouo U'ais > oou'ul o * ploasnnt luoJIclno. No fmtlntr. OTIIKU DISKASKS-Suclmi olJ unroi , mntlitnant tilcor * , tumor1 * , cnncoM , honrt troubloi. nithtun , rpllepsy , SL Vlttii ilnnfi' . milk lox , clirunlo conitlpa- tlounnil chronic illnrrliii-a pro curt-it , THK COMI'tiKXION Tin mo't un Uhtly find nitnlily complexion ipilrkly frushonoil nnil liontilltlod Klt OKKKNSIVi : 11IIUATI1 A pormnnotit euro 1.0\V \ KKKSI Ir'ltKK CONSU1.TAT1OXI IIOUIIS : Usrofi , iu. toOl ) . in. Kronluz * , 7 to 3:3 : } i , > to t p. m. Patients Trotted By Corrospoudonoo. MoJIclno Sent Kvorywhoro. 322 South FifteentliSt. O ROUND FLOOR. NO STAIRS. Dr. Dllllns prepares and dlsnonsoa hli own medicines , which are lartioly ssleotod from nnturo'a healing plant ? , barks , rootJ , inuia , hrubs , etc. No mineral or drtiB ; their housesloo.k T' _ _ . " * * ' * . * 'amfc-i. irm * * * * \ $9Sfet * A A * * V Swt CI Try .acdke ia A SENSE OP DECENCTT Constrftins rnnny people to hide tlio dirt of tboir hilclions. Tlioy rnako the titchen a secret chamber , into which it is forbidden to enter ; Imt half tlio trouble which they tnlto to hide the dirt nnd the disgrace which it en tails , would keep the kitchen clean , and ull its jiota nud pans bright aa a dollar , that is , if they use v. . © - -a 3 u . 3E O X I O - KO OURE , ! NO PAY. r.DO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Fcvcntocn yfirs oxporlonco. A ronulur ( rrndtiatoln rncillolno. ai rtlplomii nliow I still trnatln ? wltr lho cato < t success , ullNervous. Chronlonnil 1'rlvntoDlaoisoi. Apornniiunt euroKunrsntooilfor C.itirnJ Hpcrinntorrhiim , Lout Manlionrt. Sciulnnl Wunknesf. MBlitl/Jitui. ImDDlenojr , Sjrphllts. blrlcturo. nnd nil illc CHIOS Qf the lllood. Bkln nml Urlmry Organs. N.ll. Ik'unraritoo forovorr caaol undortivko nml fall W cure. Consultation free. Jlook ( Mystorloi o Llfo ) sent rroo. OfflcoliouM-3a. ui. toB p. in. Buudaj-J U a. iu. to VI m. One of the troubles of life is tile breaking of lamp-chimneys. Needless. Macbeth's "pearl top" and "pearl glass" are tough against heat. You will save nine-tenths of your chimney-money by using them , "Pearl top" fits most of the little lamps ; " pearl glass " is for " Rochester , " Pitts burgh , " " Duplex , " etc , We make a great many sizes and shapes , all of tough glass. You can get the right ones. Talk with your dealer about it. G EO. A. MACIILTU Ic CO. YGUR STOMACH IS OUT OF ORDER , Your breath is bad , your complexion is yellowish. TURKISH TEA is what you need , for it cures all liver , kidney and nerve troubles. 250 package. Remember that HAHN'S ' GOLDEN DYSPEPSIA CURE is warranted to cure dyspepsia , sickheadache , billiousness , lump like fooling In the stomach , or money refunded. 1'rico 60c , of your drufrgist or by mull on receipt of price , TUliKISH REMEDY CO. , Onmlm , Nebraska. Samples ot Tea & DyspcilaCuro | ) for L'entaiiip Young Mothers ! 1FY > Offer Von a Kemedu r/ic/i ( Insure * tiafclito JAe of Mather inxl Clitlil. .it ' " MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jtoha Confinement of its 1'aln , Horror find Jttik , AfterutlnRonobotlloof "tUiilliPi-'n I'rlrnd" ! lufturiil but llttlo | iuliiand illil lint cxixTlcncu that weaktiPM ntturwnnl uiual In Htiuh caau * . Sin * ANNIE UAQk , Lamar , Mo , Jan. 15th , I'jDI , . 8nt liy CJprcsi , clmrgen ( irrpulil , on receipt of prlci-,51.10 IHT bottle , lljolc to ilotliuramatled rroo. EIICI : I.ATOK co. , ATLANTA , ( i.V. BOLD HV ALL , U1IUOGIST3. orglYBrelief lllto"lr. J'lorri < * > . . . . . .15SMS TriiBi. " Itliaarure < ltliou anUI ( If you want the IlKhT.BOiiit lolunUmp * turfrroI'amplilotlNo. I. Alicuello I'lutlcTrui * * Co. , bin l'r ucl co , Col DR. J. E. McGREW , THE SPECIALIST. Mora Than Fifteen Years Exporlonoo In tll9 Treatment of A euro Is frunrnn. PRIVATE DISEASES teed In from tlirco to ivltii- Uro Ja ; - out tlio lost of nn liour's tlrao. PTDIPTIIDC rormsnonlly curoa wlthont H III I Ull I''n'T ' liKtnuiionU u I L I'- ; no cut- I 1 1 1 u I u 1 1 Un _ , . no rtnauuu. The cmnrknblo remedy Lnonu tuiuoilorn sclonco. CVDLIII 1C Cur011 ln M l M 'I y"Dr. . JIo- tjlr lllLliJ * ' * ' " * ' treatment for thU terrlblu * * w jjiooil tllsoiio lias Uoon proiiouncaJ tlio most powerful nml siiccoisfut romcdy oror nil- cutorod for tlicnb-ioluto curu of tlili dlson-.o , lili BUCCOSS with tills dUtmiu 1m uovor boon oquulloj. A cotiiutctu euro < ! l'MiAMKbi : > . I HOT All bill Cinn " "I nil weaknesses of LUo tVIANHUUU - tliu-oxunlorKnnMiotT- - i.uu i iiiniiuuuu Olllona , , , n ) | nmml. iirnl illsclmrKosnrc" absolutely curoil. llollof Is liu- imilliitonnilroaiplclo CflM niOCAOCO Hlicuninlltm nnd nil < il - Orvlfl U obAoCO io or tno 1.100,1. iuor. kldnoys undblauaar por- innnontly cured. " " " " " " FEMALE DISEASES ? . i Linnui. uiouMoi.oktorallohorblndcr ( , cured. Tlio Doctor's Iloinn Trontment for I/ulloilH truly iicomplcto , con\i > nrnt , nnd wonderful romoily J.uiiKHfroin2to 4 UM.V. DO MnPD CII/'V / ' ? marvelous BUCCCU lias Ullt liluUllCiV A "on for him n roputatliin win niuwiibii vnhiciiH | truly imtlonnlIn clmraotcr , nnd IIH ! Rroit army of piUonti runclica from the Atlintln to tlio I'ncltlo. 'llio doctor l < a Kr.iiluntuof-ituuL'l.AU" incdlclno nnil him liud lonu nnilrnicfiil oiiprlenco | In hoipltiil pructlca , nnil In cl.l "i'il nniiilix tlin lomllnx npuclnllit'i In inodi'rn tclonco. Trontmont by corrospondcnco.Vrllo for circulars about citch of the ubovo ( INonsos , Office , i4th and Farnam Sts , , Omnhn , Nub ICntranco on oltlier ntrcct , IVl NHOOD RESTORED. "HANATIVO" tlio Womlcrful bpanl.h litniuly , u told wltli a AVrltlcnCItianiiilco to euro all Ilcrruun tin- tine , eueli ta"cak Meinur ) ' , I/is * of lirnln I'owor.llondachc , M'ok cf ul net s , Lost Mnn- hood , 1'crvoufncM , } M- tltnilo. all ilrnlnn nnd DoforoA. After Uso. IOM of | H > cr of thn Hiotosraphed from llfi ! . Gcncratho OrRann. In rex , ctusrd liy OTCr-ciertlon , youthful IndencrcUoiit , or ttie occiuUc use ot tobacco , opium , or Mlinuliuti , which ultimately lead to lutlrmlty , C'oniuuiptlon and Insanity , J'ut up la convcnleut form tii carry In the vcl pocket Trlco fl a pitk Bc , or6for 3. with every lionlcr wo ( tlto n written Kuarunt nto euro or ri-riinil the money. Pcut ljr mall to any adilreu. Circular frca. Mention this piper. Aildreu. MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Urnnrli omco for U. S. A. 417 Drirlxirn fiireft , CIllOAOO. II.K Foil BALK IN OMAHA. NKU. , I1V Kulm & I'M. , Cor , llili & DiitiKlai EU. IA. fnllor & Co. , Cur. Ulli A Ikmc A.I > . lrouter & Co. , Council llluffi. la , ; E.C.WESI HERVE AHD BRAIN TREHTiBEHT. Bpeclno for 'Iritorla , Dlnlnori.Flta. K urnll ; . WiJtO | uln , Mental Ovprmilon , of | nlnK ( tbe liraln r ullln In Inifcnltyaad UMllnv to inlicrr d c r un.l iljAth. I'rcnulura Old Ant , tiarrtnnru , J.ou ot l > on laolllter vax.liivolunt-iry Lonei , ami tlu rm > torrLm. cauitxl tioT rrUcM ot the liriln , ulbu aor Qtor Indiilceuco. tuh b i conmlinon mnnlt' < lrt u rnent. tl abox. or ls lor rji , n nt by mcUIir0pald. | Vrltti encb order for fix loin , will lenil par mmrantuj to ivfund ucaur If Ilia Irtttmcot f euru. GOODMA.K DHUG CO. , 1110 I'a main Street , - Omaha , Nob. An Especially Lnportaut Engngoraont , The tnlontcd yoiitiR CORA TANNER , In .Martha Morton' * I'owerrul IComtintli ) Drains JliclMiiice'sliilte ' ) An Abiorbliiijly Intcrostlnc I'lnv. A romp- any of 1'ro.nlnont I'lnycn. A Ocnnlnu Draniutlo finjirUe. Supprbly Itciiutl- flll t'O-lllllll't. S.uo npoiM Wcdnoiiliiy t rcunltir nrlcri. " ' THE GRAND Bl > otvr > SUNDAY NIQ1IT ONLY , PEB. 10. 'fnniott'i Kuimy Comedy Ounccll THE TWO 30HNS ' llettcrnml lUltfhtnrTImn Kvnr cforo. Hot Shct'l Upon i ntiirituv Mr i ( BQYIP'S.THKtfc ' ONLY. 1RNCINO7i / / , „ , , , , „ , 1 MONDAY , reuniuiy o WM. I'lUUTY COMKD-t , "Tlio inott fiitiious work of thtitinos. ! fiuuuiu nuthor. " N. V. Sun. 1'rosonted by a Metropolitan Cntt , I'rlucs us usual. Siilo opens anturday. GERMHN "THBRTRE Gcrmania Hall , 19th anil llarncy. SUNDAYTFEB. 15TH. IDA GOTIDT In the tllte role. Keiervcd neati on Snlu now. EDEN MUSBE. Will I.txwlor , MnnaKor. OOP. llth mill l'nrnnm VfKKK 01 * 'KUUUAIIV mil Tlio Nc'jrnsKa Triplets. Three Ilentitlful llnlios , The Armleii llniicuoioiu. t'apt. llnldnln inilnts vlth Ills ft-et. The lliininnOitrlch Mill JOIICH oiti lil.iss nnd Crockery. The llo.intlliil .Mnrllri HMcro lescrlpthotionz , "Tim Lone CJiaTo" Paul lilirav 'einnlu linpornnnntor , UiflsKliitno ( , Irltth conioillnni Anilurmin HrU9uu\el singers , nud a lioit of uther nttrnetluna ADVERTISEMENTS Belts , Beds , Babies , Drugs , Drinks , Dry Goods , Lands , Ladies , Laws , Alden Advertising Agent , Pins , Pills , Piles , Routes , Roots , Rheumatism , Sand , Soup , Saws , Tennis , Teeth , Ties , end advertisements on nlmost every conceiv able Biilijcct. Some of our efforts have been great successes , and have made n grcntdcnl ot money for our customers. We liavc spent 5500,000 on n single advertisement that was written , designed and made un entirely la our oflke. Do ) ou need our services along this line ? IVc understand the art of advertising , and Ihiiilt we know sometimes what wilt taKe \utli ( lie American people. Uvcryliody lilies us ; we nre the popular Advertising House of ( he West. Let us luiy jour nilvcrtising for you. We know liow. Samples of ndvcrttscments we have Mitten will be facut on appdcation. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , 66 & GO VY. Third St. , Cincinnati , 0. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOKY , OMAHA , NEB. ' Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - 02,500 Otllccrs ant Directors Henry \V. Yntos , I'roililent ; Ixjwlj S. Heoil , VlcC'I'mililonl ; JarnoiV. . Hava'io. W V.Morto. John H. Colllrn. U. U. Cusliliu , J. N II 1'ntrlck. W. 11 , a. Utik'lioJ , caalilor. T1-1E1 IRON BANK. Corner I2tli aud I'urniiinStj. A General lluiiltliix Iluslncss Transacted HOTEL. STurrav , for , J Itlt innl Jlnrnry , inont HnbHtuntlnllu coiiHfriiffcil lintel MluiltltHH in Oinu/iii. M < > ri'i * f ( for/rfc / / ! < tnilln runnliiu from iit to roof. All tin' ci'llliliiH tintl irltt : AHlii-Htim / / < ! JH-OII/ liiiini/ , mil Id nil it i ii > < inHtliIt : to Ittii'n ittitrlt. I''lrti'Hc < iH'H tind Jtft' til unit H tlirinif/hotit tin : litilltllniHttntit licnt , liut nml fiiltl ic < ( f < ! i * n ml Hiiimliliiulii c * < < > / / I'ouiii. Titbit : tiiiHiifjiiiHHfil < illt/ B. SILLOWAY , Prop. For noae-bleod inject Pond's Extract , A f/ < * * . Notion Is hereby Klviiit that houlod bids will bn roculVuri liy-tho llnurd of TritsUiesof the vllliiKU \VlsiuT , NrlniHku , from < \ alii up tiit- tll Knvi'ii (7) ( ) o'cloult p. n > . , Hlniiilnril tlmo , llui ' 'nd day of March. IH ) | , for llio nxtuiislon of the wnter worm Hystcm of said rlllii'foofVl8 - n r. I'lutis. hpojllloatlons and dut.'tllH uroondlo with llio vlllaijouliirk , at Ills olllut * . whcro hlil- tlors niiiy Inspect tlioHamu ; und thoHanuisliall lo extended nrjconlliu togald iiliuiH. Kpt'clll'ti * lions und details , nnil Mmll bo ioiiiilnUd | within thu tliaiiiiiiiiiod und of inatoilala niuii- tloiu'd. All lildsiniiBt liu InvrltliiK , fllml with tbo vlllauu uli'rlc. ' on or buforu sovi > n o'olooit p. in , Uiimliiril tlinu. llio''iul duy of MarJh , Iff II. The lldurd of Tru tuo-i lusorvus lliu rUlit to rotovl uny or nil bin i Thu Hticcessfiil lliilurH ) ] will bo rninlrrd to Klvdbonds to halt ! vlllaxu of Wluncr us rc- imlrud by law. lly ordi-rof tbu llonrd nf Trnstoos of said vll- liito of WlHiiur , tliU Uth duy ot [ HKAly ] Fubruury. JH'JI. ' AUi-bti S. S. IIKKIIK , Cliiilri.un. . L. Li. Kit xui : , Vlllu u Ulurk.