Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA JDAJfL5r BICE : l TDAY , FERTttfAOT 13. 181)1. )
Pally ninl Hnmlay , One Vcr.r . 110 M
HI * months . . . . . A 00
Threes month ? . „ . 2 ffl
h'uncliiy lirt1 , Unu Ycur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Weekly lice , Quo Your . . . . 100
Ornnhn , Tim line Iliifldlnc.
Fnillh Omnlin , Corner N mid Sfltli Streets.
Council IlItilTi , 12 i'etirl Stroct.
rhlenfio Oilier , : il7'liimti ( ! rnf Commerce. , ,
New York. Jw ( > tiisiiHnnd : I.vrrllnmu Jlulldliij ;
Washington , > ii : I'oiirtcrntli urcct.
All romnimilcntlims relating In iiows ami
rrtltorliil inntU'r should be addressed to ilio
Editorial ] JeKirtiiH'iit. |
All linltiFKilottcm ) anil rciiilUnnrpssliould
To addressed lo Tlio Ilco I'lihlMiltiR Conipniiy ,
Oinuhii. Drafts , cliooksanil postnfliroordprs
to do made poyiiblo to thu utdur ot tlio com-
1'lie ' EccPulilisliii Coinpaw ,
Tlio Hcoll'ld'ff. ' Fnriiam ami Seventeenth Sts
lPiifNobrnHhn , ! , . „
County ol ( > oiiBliis. I8S
( ! ( orcn ll. ' 1'uicliuuK , secretary of TIIR Hun
J'tibllMiIng roinpniiy. docs solemnly swrar
Dial tlivautual clrciilutlon nf 'J'liK D.ui.v IIKK
Jor tlio TOOK ending 1'cbruury .7 , Ib9lwus ; as
FiiiidnY.Fnbnmry J . 5VW >
Morulny. I'clininryS . - ' .W
Tuesday. Kelininry < l . . ! KilM
AVfunrsilay. Kubniarv 4 . Wl
Tlniixlnv , I'l'liruiiry . > . Hi.M >
I'rldnr. roliriiiiry (1 ( . SI.VSO
Hutiirutiy , I'cbrunryT
Bworn to Ijoforo 1110 nrul subscribed In my
jircscnco this Jth day of I'olmmrv A. 1) ) . 1SOI ,
\V. K. Kunrx. .
Notary 1'ublle.
Etatn of Ntibnskn , I.
County of Douslns , f Ba
Ccoruo II. Tzficliiick , being duly sworn , dc-
tioiosiind siiys that ho Is secretary of TIIK UEB
Publishing company. tliar. Ilin uctunfikvoragu
iliilly clrvnlatloit of Tun lUn.rltKK forldo
month nf I'Ybriinrv. ' 1MJJJ. l'J.701 ' copies ; for
Marcli , 1800 , 2U.81copies ! for April. IHIW , : vM
copies : forMny. 1H < J. a' ' , I so copies ; for June ,
IblO , aVfll copies : for July , 1MK ) . SftfifiJ topics ;
for AiigiiHt , IMK ) . 10.7.10 copies ; for September ,
IBM , Mrto ) copies ! for October. ISM. 'MW cop
ies ; for November , IBTO. 55im : copies ; fur December -
comber , Jftrt ) , U.'M'I copies : for January. IS'JI ' ,
t'wohi to before rue , nml suuHcrlbt'd In my
presence , tlilsUlstilixj'ofJiinuiirv , A. I ) . , 1H91.
N. 1' . Km. .
Notary 1'nbllB.
K are several joints loose In tlio
plumbing department of tlio Seventh
THE contest for spoils in Lincoln luis
subsided , but that in Omaha promises to
outlive tlio year.
THE register of deeds does not need anew
now deputy half as tiuioh as ho needs a
muscular guardian.
THE collapse of tlio distillery conspir
acy save providence froinboing charged
with nn earthly "visitation.1 '
DISTANCE lends peculiar charms to
South Omaha unnoxution , especially
when the tax collector camps on its
TUB people of the Big Third will ro-
Jolco to learn , on his own authority ,
that Congressman Dot-soy is a practical
joker. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tine reform in city nffuirs trumpeted
thirty days ago Btands n slim chance of
Bocurliifr a speaking acquaintance with
tlio council.
Mil. GOULD is moving' westward by
easy stages , carrying an unusually Inrgo
supply of good intentions to scatter in
his railroad provinces.
IT is possible Henry "NVnttorson's letter
dirt not reach David lionnott Hill. Tlio
important fuel is that Mr. nill chose the
road llonry pointed out.
Till ! legislatures of Kansas and No-
braslcn iiro entitled to credit for giving
n. piquancy to tlio cold formalities of ses
sion lifo. The onicial form of adjourn
ment in Kansas is : "Boys , it's tltno to
milk. " In Nebraska " '
: "Hoys , lot's plow
this furrow and then graze. "
TIIK disgraceful Hcramblo for a few
petty olllcos throws an arc light on the
callbro of the men controlling city
uffairfl. The pcojjlo who pay the bills
are not concerned about the political
complexion of subordinates BO long ns
they are competent to perform their
duties. 33ut they have a right to expect
decent regard for the public interests.
"Tun trouble is , " says MayorCusli-
Ing , "that EOinoo hesoono-horsostates
men think that the eyes of the world are
upon thorn. If they could only see thom-
Bolvcs as others see thorn they wouldn't
swell to the importance of their ofllco
quito so iiiuoh. " Lifo size and artistic ,
the picture will bo readily recognized by
the public , coming from a high demo
cratic authority ,
TiiKofllcial report on the number and
value of farm animals on January 1 does
not show any material change from the
report of the preceding year. The losses
on the Pacific slope and Koclcy moun
tains during last winter wore unusually
Bovoro , hut the gains in other sections
wore sufllclont to b.ilanco the loss. The
aggregate of Loot cattle is 30,875,018 , ;
Bhoop , 13,431,1,10 ; and hogs , 50,025,100.
A decrease of 2 per cent is noted i.n
the latter , the scarcity of corn causing
a rush to market.
TLoy , JKUUY SIMPSON- continues to
dazzle the country , not only with his
physical extremities , but ulso with his
unique originality as a financier. Gold
and silver are to his mind us so much
dross. Had ho hia way the mines would
bo closed , tlio precious inutuls loft In tho-
bowels of the earth , and the printing
press proclaimed the money maker of
the world. It is painful to observe that
the Boclcloss meteor of Wichita throws ita
dark shadow over Nebraska's 2 per
cent genius hibernating in nilchcocK-
county. _ _ _
Tin : ordinance licensing oonl dealers
is a dead letter and should ho repealed. 1.o
It was not drawn for on honest purpose ,
nor Is its enforcement practicable.
Even if the council has a right
to UcoiiBO the bus.incss , the power >
should not ho exorcised. With
onual justice all classes of business may
bo licensed. The pica of short vrolghtti
is absurd. The city has its Inspector of
weights mul measures , and if scales are :
tampered with for the purpose of defrauding
frauding purchasers , the denier can bo
promptly punished. The imposition OtV
a llconso Is not a guarantee of honesty > *
There 1 no use in mincing mattora
about the close corporation which now
controls the relief business of Nebraska ,
The lugrslaturo has vototl 8100,000 out of
the elate treasury for the purchase of
sunpllos. What quantity ol thcso sup-
jillo1Imd boon bought before the ap
propriation bill passed lias not boon
mndo known to tlio public. A liberal
estimate fixes the amount at $ i > , -
003. Those purehuscs were mndo
without compotltlon from Lincoln
jobbers who were smart enough
to take advantage of the soft
fiiuip within tlioir roach and In nil prob
ability had enough state inonoyon de
posit in ono ot thoii own banrts to cover
any contingency of dolny In the appro
priation. Now como i tlio question
whether tlio relief committee proposes
to control thcso purchases in the inter
est of a favored sot of dealers Instead of
throwing the doora open to competition.
TJII : UKK insists that the money con
tributed by taxpayers shall bo
expended only for such sup
plies us are actually needed
nnd thcso goods should 1)0 purchased
from dealers who sell the cheapest de
liverable in localities nearest to the
points of distribution.
"VVo realize that some of tlio merchants
who generously volunteered to ship a
lot of dried grapes and civ.inod fruit to
roll arc the hungry and thirsty settlers
were doing a smart thing' in
relieving themselves of goods
which were liable to spoil
on their hands. But wo doubt whether
the state should invest in luxuries for
people who are in want of brosid , moat
and fuel. And wo don't bellovo it to bo
good policy to buy a pig in a poke , in
stead of inviting bids and having stand
ard goods delivered accord ing tosninplo.
Tlio people of Nebraska are willing to
tax themselves for the relief of the poor ,
but they do not relish being taxed for
the benefit of any sot of merchants or
any locality through favoritism or dis
Public opinion will approve tlio efforts
of the interior department to protect
pensioners from tlio rapacity of Iho pen
sion sharks. Himself an old soldier.
Secretary Noble is properly desirous
that the veterans who are entitled to the
bounty of tlio government shall not bo
robbed of it by a pack of sordid and
greedy attorneys , many of whom are
canable o ( almost any disreputable prac
tice to obtain business. His llrst com
mendable move ngninst the pension
sharks was for a reduction of the fee
allowed in pension cases , and ho has now
taker a further stop that will have the
cITeot to save many thousands of dollars
to pensioners.
This latest action of the department -
mont is the cutting olT of a
source of information which the at
torneys hnvo hitherto found very profit
able. The published pension lists have
boon giving the addresses of persons to
whom pensions were awarded. As soon as
those lists appeared the attorneys would
write to each pensioner , informing him
that his pension had been'granted nud
suggesting that tlio fee for services ren
dered bo remitted. The dopartincnt
has ordered that hereafter the addresses
of pensioners bo omitted from the lists
furnished the press , nothing to bo pub
lished but the name of the successful
applicant and the state in which ho re
sides. As the co mtnissionor of pensions
gives-timely information to all parsons
who have boon granted a ponslon , this
now arrangement will not cause suc
cessful applicants to bo hold in
suspense very long , whllo it will hoof
very material bonolit to them pecuni
In the ofllcial communication to the
commissioner of pensions , after referring
to the illegitimate nnd unprofessional
methods of the attorneys , it is said : "It
is tlio judgment of the department that
those methods should not bo permitted
among attorneys who are admitted to
practice before it. To tolerate "thorn is
almost the equivalent to approving
thorn , and no room should bo loft for
misconstruing the department's attitude
by even the remotest application. " It
is suggested not only that the addresses'
of pensioner's bo omitted from the pub
lished lists , but that all par
sons engaged in the sorvlco of
the pension bureau bo prohibited
from disclosing to anyone outside
the address of such pensioners on piin
of dismissal from the sorv.ico , and that
this rule bo applied also to divulging
the names of claimants for pensions.
The pension bureau has boon the most
troublesome Draneh of the government
Eorvico to the present administration ,
but much needed reforms have boon in
stituted , bauoflcial bath to the govern
ment , and the pauslonors , and the latest
adopted is not the least commendable of
them. The old soldiers have ovorv roa-
son to font that the administration is
most anxious to protect their Interests
nndaacuro them the full bane It of the
nation's bounty ,
HK ir SJMI , i ( M/.Y.
Secretary Blaine has submitted to the
president tables showing the articles
which under the comtnarchil arrange
ment with Brazil will bo entitled tofroo
admission fnto the ports of that country ,
and als ? the articles upon which the
existing duty will bo roluco ; ! . The first
of these tables includes all kliuli of
agricultural products , coal , farm imple
- ments , mining and mochanlcal machin
ery , railroad material and oqulpmant.
The average annual riiluo of those
articles imported Into Brazil is $20,000-
000 , of which the United States supplies
only a llttlo over $ . ' 1,000,000 , worth. This
country exports moru wheat Hour to the
Brazilian markets than all other coun
tries combined , but of corn and the man
ufactures thoi'oof , rye , barley , and other
agricultural products , the nuppUosaro
drmvn almojt wholly from otho r coun
tries. In the Item of coal this country
does not ship any to Brazil , whllo her
Importations from olhor oou'i trios
amount to % ever $8,003,000 a year. Wo
do almost no business with that country
in mining and maehanlciil machinery ,
although manufacturing the boat in the
world , whllo other countries sail thorn
nearly 3',000,000 ! worth annual ly.
Of articles upon which the Brazilian
duty will ba reduced , the discrepancy
between our trudo and. thnt of other
countries is still moreglaring. . These
Include provisions , canned moats , fruits
and vegetables , manufactures of cotton
and ot Iron and stool , and leather and
Its manufacturo3 , oxcspt iron and stool ,
The average annual value of thoao arti
cles Imported into IJrazil IB ever $38.-
000,000 , of which the United Slates sup
plies only about $2,000,001) ) worth. The
greatest discrepancy between the trade
of this and other countries appears in
the manufactures of cotton , of which wo
furnish annually lo than $1,000,000
worth , while other countries , chlolly
England , find a inarkot there for the so
goods to the value of ever 820,000,000.
Another noteworthy discrepancy Is in
leather and its manufactures , of-which
there is to the nccount of the United
States the beggarly sum of a few thous-
andtdollar.s against several millions to
thnt of other countries.
AVhoro the United States may bo ex
pected to make the most important gain
under the reciprocity arrangement is in
increasing the trade in agricultural
products and the manufactures of cotton ,
In those alone wo ought to ho able to
enlarge our trade with Brazil within
the next few years to the amount of from
$10,000,000 to $13,000,000 annually. It Is
impossible to say how long wo can look
for any considerable demand for farm
products , because the promotion of
agriculture in may enable
tlio country in the not very
remote future to supply the homo de
mand for broadstulTs and other products
of agriculture , but in certain1 classes of
manufactures , and particularly in that
of cotton , a steady enlargement of trade
is reasonably to bo expected if our man
ufacturers will make goods doslrablp for
that market at prices that will compete
with tho' English goods. Of course it
must bo understood that this commercial
arrangement will Bccuro the beneficial
results sdught only when all the condi
tions essential to a successful compotl-
tion with dinar countries for the trade
are provided , and this will require
time. It is not to bo supposed ,
therefore , that our merchants and
manufacturers nro to 'at once
acquire control of the Brazilian market
A commercial conflict more or loss pro
longed will have to bo fought , and the
result will depend upon the energy and
enterprise of our people and their abil
ity to supply the demand upon as favor
able conditions in all respects as Euro
peans can mako. Granting they can do
this , the figures of Brazilian trade are
certainly tempting enough to induce a
vigorous and determined effort to se
cure It.
The joint resolution asking congress
to foreclose the mortgage on the Pacific
railroads is timely and should bo adopted.
Wo never can and never will have rea
sonable rates on the overland railroads
until the water is wrung out of them ,
and the only way to wring the water out
effectively is by compelling the sale of
the roads to the host bidder. So long as
the Union and Central Pacific
roads , which nro stocked and
bonded for about 8125,000 a milo
are operated with a view of pr.ying interest
torost on the bonds and dividends on the
stocks they must keep up exorbitant
exactions and cut-throat rates. When
the roads nro brought down to a bedrock -
rock basis and operated to earn an income -
como on what they nro actually worth
which moans what they could bo dupli
cated for they will bo content with
half the present tolls.
It is right and proper that tun Ne
braska logialatura shall speak out on
tliis subject in language that cannot
bo misunderstood so that her
representatives in congress may know
just wiiat is expected of thorn when the
question of extending the mortgage
comes up in the national legislature.
All the talk about such resolutions
being premature , because the mortgage
is not yet duo , is a mere quibble. Tho.v
should and would have been passed
years ago and at every successive session
of the legislature , had the railroad lobby
kept its luinds , off.
WESTEUN railroads having traflie ar
rangements with the eastern trunk lines
will bo affected by a decision just made
by the interstate commerce commission
which Kays that merchandise shipped
from abroad into this country shall not
bo hauled by the railroads from the
port of entry to the place of final del
ory at a lower r.ito than the regular
charge upon internal tratllc bntwoon
such points. In other words , that there
shall not bo discrimination against the
domestic shipper in favor of the foreign
shippsras is now the caso. Hitherto
the railroad and steamship companies
have combined to make a through riuo
from Ijivornool or other European porto
to any point in the United States
less than the sum of the ocean and in
land rates , thereby giving an advantage
to the foreign shipper. This arrange
ment the interstate commerce commis
uion declares to bo in violation of th
law and must bo abandoned. The rul
ing is manifestly just. No sound reason
2im bo given why n foreign Bhfppor o
merchandise should have any advnritiigi
in rates on our rallroids ever local
shippers , lloroaftor European shippers
must look to the steamship companic
for any advantages in transportatioi
rates , and it remains to bo BOOH wha
effect , if any , the now regulation wll
have upon the business tovhich it re
lates. He fairness , however , cannot bi
Now that the legislature is practlcall
in possession of thu olllcial census of tli
stale by counties there should bo no
dilllculty in agreeing- upon a fair and
equitable apportionment of congres
sional , legislative and judicial repre
IF Tin : whisky trust proposes to blow
up Its competitors with dynamite , the
country will presently demand that the
whisky trust bo broken up by the state
authorities , even if the Pinkortons have
to be called Into requisition.
Jraoic MASON is on hand again with a
strong nrgumont against the maximum
rate bill. The question Is , who paid for
all these duplicate copies of his elabor-
nto argument ?
TIIK war department has docldod to
experiment with Indian soldiers. This
is the result of a suggostlou of General
Miles Hint tho'Tnu'Inns ' would inalto good
Boldiora , and \vfo\\ \ their now responsi
bilities progress faster toward civiliza
tion. Tlio Idoa'Js to orgnnlzoa few com
panies and attaph them to some of. the
rcglinontsEorvlng in the west , and If the
experiment prQvlds ft success to accept
several thousand a-ecrults from Uio moro
Intelligent and advanced tribos.
The Indian troops would bo
treated In -all roapocts as the
other soldiers , ijnll would bo commanded
by ofllcors spoojally selected for their
knowledge of Indians and their habits.
In view of the g6od record made by the
Indian police during the late Sioux dis
turbance , both in courage and loyalty ,
there Is reason to hollovo that the opin
ion of General Miles regarding Indian
soldiers would bo justified by results. A }
any rate the proposed experiment is
worth trying , and it will not tuko long
to determine whuthor it will provo a
IK TUB legislature seriously contem
plates blowing In $5,000 In reviving the
bug department , by till moans Include
tlio phagocyte. Of till the bugs that
buzz around the stata treasury and
whistle for the old flag and an appro
priation the phagocyte is the most im
portant. Ho is not visible to the naked
eye , yet exist in millions whore ho does
the most good. The human family
is'his particular delight. Even legis
lators and lobbyists are moro or
loss within his province of usefulness.
To science the world is indebted for the
ngreoablo news that the average man ,
properly stocked with phagocytes , may
snap his lingers at bacteria. Tin pha
gocyte fattens on this and llko germs
that swell the procession to the grave
yard. But his digestive capacity is lim
ited , and every true patriot , anxious for
the wolfnro of the race , should aid in
tho-development of the human bug.
Lot us educate the phagocyte at any
cost of blood and treasure.
Now that the governor has got rid of
the contest and the Samosots hnvo given
him nn executive chair , it will bo in
order for him to issue an executive invi
tation to all heads of stale institutions
and employes to vacate the lobby and ro-
sunio their duties. If the legislature
wants any information or explanation , it
will send for them.
THE sinecures around the state house
are numerous enough to warrant tin in
vestigation. The number of persons
drawing pay without work would form
an interesting chapter on legislative
Got There .lust tin : Same.
Keie Yatit Continent.
Nebraska is Olvon a Slloo. Hoadln ? In
Tun OMAM.iUie.
And part of Uio "slice" oupht to be spent
in tlio erection of school hnusos wherein No-
uraslta editors may learn that tlio rules of
grammar do not permit the use of the
direct object "sllco" after the passive verb
"Is given. "
Money Rates Ijoiv.
The New York Suu thinks the tendency of
tlio money marlict is now as decidedly to
ward low rates n * It was towards strliiRoncy
during 1890. It dosms lt prtbablo that money
will ru.'oat ' y or 'psrcjat for some tlmo to
come , or even leas thin that , and if It con
tinues on that basis for any considerable
tlmo thcro will have to bo a readjustment of
the value of Incomcboarmsecurities ; , which
liavo for a long whllo been sellliifr.on the
basis of a 5 or 0 per cent money market.
Howdy licit moves I3nstwnrl. ;
Snn / Y.iiiefciro CVirnjifc/e. /
It seems to us that a necessity exists for a
relocation of the rcjr'on known as the "wild
and woolly west. " It is napulnrly supposed
liy many eastern people to represent that sec
tion lyln { ; on. this side ot tlio Kooky moun
tains and n tract on the custom slope of the
great chain. But when wo road of banks
ruhlcd in open daylight lit Chicago niul
bloody conflicts between n small army of
tramps and trainmen In central Ohio , wo nro
forced to conclude tbat tUo zone ougbt to bo
further east. ,
Nevada Up Tor Kids.
It Is reported that Tom Fitch 1ms n mluo
for which ho has been offered $ i,0li,000 ( ) and
that within' a few months ho will lualcun
uleau-up nud return to Nevada. That means ,
of OOUHO , that ho will bo n candidate to suc
ceed \ \ ' . M. Stewart in the United States
senate , \\oll , it Tom will chuck half a mil
lion or so into the pool ho can pet awny with
tuo 11 Klit , and If the scuator.-iUli > Is to lo con
tinued in the market for sale , wo would ns
soon see him got uwny with It aj any mem
ber of his party In the state ,
Seasonable Fable ,
San Fmiiehico Ktivnintr ,
Two politicians were exchanging ideas re-
fiardlns the reward * for public sorvico.
"Tho reward whlcti I most dojlro , " said
the first polltlcliia , "Is the gratitude of ray
folio w-citizons. "
"That would bo very gratifying , no doubt , "
sold the second politician , "but , alas ! in
order to obtain it ono has to retire from poll-
tics. "
For 0110 Instant they gazed upon ono an
other with Inexpressible tenderness ; then i
the first politician murmured ; "God's ' will
bo done I blnco wo cannot hope for reward 1
lot us bo content with tuo onleoa and perqui
sites. "
Anil raising thole right bands from the
public treasury to hqavou they swore to bo
content. The spot is still pointed out to the
traveler. T
"Who Is Sweating Now ?
The Union PaciHt' , .Toy Gould says , Is
bolus oporatnd with -J.003 loss men than were
on the pay rolls a year niro , writes the fin an-
clal innn of the Now York Epoch. It Is nho
said that , when Mr. ? ( Gould inada Mr. 8. II H.
Clarlc general manager of the "Union Pacific ,
the latter found thd rbail crowded with equip
ment belonging to btiicr roaJs , on which , of
course , the company .was paying mllengo.
His first act waste _ send tnow caw back
to their owners ns fust as practloablo
niul collect backjjtho cars belonging to
the Union Pacific -Which were stationed allover
ever ttio country , . UJbo saving from mileage
payments alone , It"Is asserted , will form a
big Item In the future results of the Union
Pacific. Ono of the oldast directors of the
company , a man thoroughly ucquulutoJ with
U condition , history and possibilities , said tome
mo recently : ' 'The investor who buys any
of the stocks or boniU connected with our
system will make a great deal of money In
1S91. Wo have gene through several 'swoats , '
but bcroafter the other follow wll } do the
'sweating. ' "
In It.
Why do not some of the energetic ferrets
nt Vaihington attempt to show that there
was a wheat pool ) If they look Into the mat
ter they will probably IInd Unit tho.Bame jncu
who bought sliver ulso speculated hi wheat ,
The absolute certainty that the prlco of
wheat , com and every other cereal would
rlso in sympathy with silver was understood
by every ndvocaloof the whlto metal , and
they would have boon fools If tboy hail failed
to back their belief with coin. It 1.1 absurd
la the extreme to accuse iiinu of corrupt acts
who openly dcclaro their lirtonllon of effectIng -
Ing rvoortnln object , and who wcro prompted
to tnako the effort by the whole country ,
which demands frco colnago for the avowed
purpose of raising the prlco of silver and
with it that of other products ,
n oiil 11 \Vnnnmnkcr. .
HUihtiiclim SiimfiGntctlf. ! ) / .
The public hns boon favored with brlof re
ports of what has been done , or rather of
the way In which tlmo hn ? been squandered
In the committees on ixwtofllco and post-
roads this session , the bono of contention be
ing Mr.Vatmimltcr's limited postal tele
graph bill. Messrs. Hlnghain and Kctchnin
have loJ the obstruction to Its consideration.
It now appears that AV , W. Dudley , who
has been managing the campaign against the
bill , has been provided by the Western Union
company with an extra fund of $ , ' > 0,000 to
work up an opposition to it. Strange ns It
may seem , Mr. Dudley has had the aid of Mr.
Clarlfjoii. Another ro-onforccmciit to the
lobby is Mr. Moore of Moore & Schloy , who
directly represents Mr. Gould , and has n
separate fund besides the $50OJO , placed in
Mr. Dudley's ' hands.
Slnco Oscar Wide cut his hair and pa
tronizes nn evcry-dny tailor bo has become n
decent looking and evidently cultured ap
pearing gentleman.
Judge I'elTor savs that of the hundreds of
congratulatory letters which ho has received
slnco his election ns senator not ono bus como
from the moneyed classes.
Senator CocUrell of Missouri has for n
steiiogrnpherhlsclgbtcoii-ycnr-oldsouEwlng ,
who , In addition to this service , attends the
public high school in Washington.
Dlsmarck has found ouo friend thnt ho can
trust without hesitation. It Is a llttlo wren
which comes nt call and perches upon the
hand that has swayed the Uostlnles of na
In the will ofJudge ICoysor , who tiled at
Marysvlllo , Cnl. , Is n clause giving Mrs. Ida
Leo of Yuba City 810,000 for her kindness
and attention during a long and dangerous
illness ,
Dr. Mclntoshof Ilnrrbburg says bo ro-
ccntly visited a Pennsylvania town where no
ono could understand his Kngllsh. Ha also
saw worklngmcn's ' notices posted In fouv dif
ferent languages ,
GovernorNorthen of Gcorpin refused to
mcot Jay Gould at the Atlanta banquet because -
cause ho objected to him personally and dis
approved of his policy of monopoly and his
business methods.
Idaho's new senator , McCouncll , Is said to
ewe a great measure of his popularity at
homo to the fact that ho taught the Bolso
City constitutional convention the mysteries
unit fascinations of stud poker.
Goldwiu Smith says that Mucaulay , whom
ho frequently met at Oxford , didn't look at
all HUe a man of genius , except for his cyo ,
and that housed to think "a cobbler's apron
would have hecoino him very well. "
Sophia Margucrat. a llttlo Belgian girl by
birth , pf Now York is ono of the few women
diamond setters In America , and Mrs , Cecilia
KluiKenhorger is ns good a judge of diamonds
mends and precious stouos as there Is hi that
Andrew Carncglo , who cannot now tell Just
how many millions ho is worthwas a telegraph
wossiincor boy at Plttsburg In the fifties ,
and tried harder then to master the Intrica
cies of the telegraph than ho docs now to In
crease his great fortune.
Colonel L. O. Wolr , superintendent of the
western division of the Adams express com
pany , was In early Hfo n telegraph operator ,
and used to work nt the other end of the wlro
that Tom Edison pounded. Wolr was ouo of
the few men who could "take" Edison.
Henry Ilaynlo , writing from Paris , says
that nearly every good slnRnr on the lyrlo
stafjo there was born in the United States.
Mllo. Adlny , leading prima donna of the
P.irls grand opera , nnd an American , was re
cently dncoratod with the vlolut rlbboo.
CarlSchurz and Seimtor-olcct Calvin S.
Brice of Oh'o ' nro frequently mistaken for
ono another In Now York , where they spend
nearly nil of their time. Both have the snino
colored whiskers , the satno cut and trim of
hirsute adornment , the sumo posoof thohcnd ,
chins high in air , and'might , bo taken for
brothers if they were sitting together. The
special abhorrence of Mr , Suhurz Is a bour
bon democrat , which Mr. Brice is. The
special ahtiorrciico of Colonel Brice Is a mug
wump , which Air. Schur Is.
Washington Post : There is a crowing
suspicion that the Illinois i > cople are trying
to nresorvetheir senatorial contest for a
world's ' fair attraction.
Brooklyn Life : Little Johnny Say , father ,
what iimltos the baby cry every time it
wakes up ?
Brown Well , from what I kt > ow of babies ,
It cries from vexation to find that It has kept
still for a reasonable length of timo.
Ufa ; She I nm sorry you must bo going.
He It doesn't matter. When ono moots
you ho Is already gono.
St. Joseph News : When a Parisian coni-
mlU suicide by drowning the jury invariably
finds that ho came to his death whllo tem
porarily iu-Seiiio.
Atchlson Glebe : Every man has a secrcc
feeling m his heart that somebody is not
treating him right ,
Mra. ClinUor Or. Ilytown seouis a great
favorlto in society.
Mrs. GnlHvimt Yos. Ho says bis prac
tice has grown beyond his personal super
vision , and ho must devise sonio way of
speedily getting nd of moro tbau half his
( Jo to the ant , thou sluggard , sco
llow much she labors uselessly ;
And then your thanks to heaven toll
That you know how to rest so well ,
Washington Post : "Thero is ono thing I
like bettor than all tlio rest , " said the young
man who works hi his father's store , us ho
was speaking of athletic sports nt the dinner
"No , " said his father , "I don't think there
Is , I don't see how thcro can bo anything
you llko better than all the rest you can pos
sibly got. "
"Did you see Maria brushing the cobwebs
from that , hottlo of port ! "
"Yes , I spider.1'
Atuhlson Glebe : No man's occupation Is
gone ns long as there is some ono younger
than himself to whom ho can give udvico.
Ijlfo : Tommy ( gazing after dude ) When
I got to he a man , papa , will I dross llko
Papa ( severely ) No , Tommy ; not If you
get to be a man.
Mnnsoy's Weekly : jlobby What's the
matter with the Indians , mamma ?
Mntnmn/ They haven't cnoughtocat , my
dear , so they wain to fight.
Bobby Why don't they send some mis
sionaries out thcro i
Johnny ho's my llttlu brother
. Often lingers nftor school ,
For It seems somehow or other
That there's always sumo small ruto
"Which ho hns n way of breaking ;
And ho says It Is a sin ,
"Whon ho tells In accents shaking
llqw ho not Uout h ) .
But the school-imam sho's a sprightly
Mpdost wlnusomo little
.And you'd give a fortune llchtly
In oxchiuigo for ono small kUs ,
And when Johnny uotnos ii-plning ,
I hnvo felt It would huvo boon
night to shako him for his whining
When ho gets kept In ,
Hut In youth you must expect It ;
When it sees n treasure rare ,
Like at not It will rojcct It
Tor some trlllo light as air ,
Wouldn't -1'vo thought H sadly
If the chunco I could but win ,
Do UlH pannnco for him gladly
When ho gets kept in I
Hourj Onmpbolt Ornshod to Death In the
Burlington Yards at Lincoln.
iV Couple Divorced Alter Nearly Forty
Years of .Married Ijlfo AVork
of Incciullnrlc.q Odda
and Kndfl ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 12. [ Special to Tnr.
Tiu HF.E.I Henry E. Campbell , a young man
if twenty-two , living at llL'O Uoso street and
inployed as n switchman , was killed at 2:20 :
.his afternoon in the Burlington yards near
S street. No ono witnessed the accident.
lo was rldiiiR on an oinpty coal car which
ivas moving slowly through the yards , ami
after setting the brakes uo jumped down to
pull out n plu , The pin was bent , and ho
ivns compelled to walk several stops back-
ivnrd. In doing so Ills font caught hi the frog
or tripped on a rail , and throw him down.
The cnr ran directly up his log , and when
stopped was resting on his ctiest. Ho was
crushed to death , and alter the body was re
eased frrm under the car It was removed to
.ho yarcTollleo.
Coroner Holyoke was cnllod , and after ex
amining Into the matter docldod that an la-
quest was unnecessary. The remains were
removed to Hobcrts it Co.'s undertaking
rooms , Campbell had boon In the Hurling-
, on's employ slnco December 10 last.
Mrs , M. J. Wedge , wlfo of a former pro-
ccryinan In East Lincoln , was brought up
before Uio Insanity board yesterday after
noon , The woman Is apparently about thlr-
y-flvo years of ago , and has hecomo Insane
on the subject ot religion. She has boon a
: nest dovowJ follower of Itov. Minehart , the
minister who croatotl a sensation n year or
.wo . ago by reason of his peculiar views , radi
cally Insisted upon and publicly preached.
Her people have endeavored of late to Icocp
her In restraint , but at times she slipped
away and came down town , and in saloons
and public places she proaciicd on holiness In
a r.unbllng sort of way , mid on ono occasion
rode to Ashland on the cars. She scornfully
refused to pay fare , saying that Christ had
told her to pot onto the train. She was sent
to tlio asylum.
From present indications the Mlnohart
craze has run Its course. The congregation
has dwindled down to about twenty mem
bers , and ono of the wealthiest of thcso Is
about to go to Chicago to live. From his
original belief the pastor has branched out
into now lines of thought which smack
strongly of the sensational , niul which hnvo
boon th'o cnuso of the gradual dropping oft ,
and lately caused trouble In the family of a
well known East Llncohiitc.
Another cause assigned for the decrease Is
the beiiof that Mlnohart Is a sharp , shrewd
man , but insincere , and a lever of the sensa
tional in preaching. A few weeks slnco ho
preached on thu sexual relations , a favorite
thcuio of his.
A. way hack In Fall Klvcr , Mass. , on Octo
ber 1 , 18IM. Richard \Vorswick led to the
altar a fair young woman who has been
known to the world over since ns Sarah
Worswick. They journeyed down the hill of
lifo together for thirty-eight years , but In
August , 1831 , Sarah klckod over the truces
and loft the placo. This was the story In
brlof as unfolded before Judge Field this
morning uy Ulchard , who got his decree , as
Sarah Is a lion-resident and was not. present.
Hobort Clarence Frlotag , n good looking
young man from Ilickman , was up bofot'o
Juugo Field this morning , Robert didn't '
llko the naino ho was bearing , ho had trouble
with his mall auU there wnro other little
things that made a change desirable. Fre
mont was what bo waiitcd to bo culled and
thu court gave the necessary permission.
The case against W. II. Rohb for larceny
from the person was Mulshed hi the district
court this nftcrnoon nt 8:30 : , and the Jury ,
after an hour mid n half spent In deliberation ,
found him guilty as chargod. The defense
Immediately Hied a motion for a now trial.
Detective Mnlono has unearthed another
good witness , who claims that ho saw Robb
cut the chain and talto the watch from
Biirclmm's pocket whllo they were drinking
at the bar.
A barn in the nllov , bounded by Eleventh
and Twelfth and U and V streets , was sot on
lire last evening by some unknown parties ,
either accidentally or purposely , but It
burned slowly and was easily extinguished.
A broken lantern stolen from a sewer ditch
was found in the nuiugor. Tbo barn belonged
to Bobiiiuin Bros.
Some ouo cut the ropes holding the arc
light at II and Seventeenth streets last night
and afterwards set llro to Sell & Cowdrov's
hay barn tit Eighteenth and Q streets , which
was partially destroyed a few weeks since.
It was fortunately discovered In time and ex
tinguished. The gas company has offered a
reward of SV ) for tlio arrest and conviction of
anyone cutting tlioir ropes , and the Fnnnow
ana Merchants' insurance company will pay
$500 reword for the incendiary.
Mrs. Snwtcr , nn adventuress who oper
ated In this city some years ago , is in trouble
at Butte , Mont. , nccordlnir to the dispatches ,
by reason of her peculiar financial transac
tions. She operated there and In Denver
under the uuiiio of MolTott.
The reception at tin ) Young Moil's Chris-
thin association last evening In honor of Mr ,
and Mrs. C. W. Parks was a very successful
social affair. The programme was n very
good ono and the various selections admir
ably rendorod. A very cordial welcome was
extended the secretary and his wlfo and they
made many friends ,
Johnson , Llttlo and Miller , tlio thrca mon
charged with burglarising the Lincoln tan
nery , will have a honrinc before Judge Hous
ton Monday ,
Nclllo Isewsura , charged with slabbing
John Taylor with intent to kill , was dis
charged , ns the prosecuting witness and t ho
majority of the witnesses had skipped.
The case against , T , B. McGulro , charged
with disposing of mortgaged property , was
stricken from the ilockotv The county attorney -
noy entered a nollu proioqul in the case
against Sam Chos-torlleld , charged with soilIng -
Ing a meat market with a mortgage on It.
This viidod the criminal docket for the term
and the jury was discharged until Monday.
H. J , Grceno , attorney for Hammond and
Chull , was allowed $30 for acting In that
capacity. J , IX Johnston , attorney for
llonry Mohr , the would-ba wife murderer ,
convicted yesterday , has llled n motion for anew
now trial ,
Fatal Natural ( Jan
LAFATHTTK , Ind. , Feb. 12. Gas from a leak
In the natural gas main today caused a tcr-
rillu explosion In n house nt West Lafayette ,
The whole sldo of the building was blown
out and MM. Luther A. .Tenners , nu old Indy
living In the house adjoining , and her son
were horribly buriiud , They cannot recover.
Two uioro persons were seriously injured.
'Jin ; JOIIHOII 11
The coroner impanuelcd a jury yesterday
afternoon and hold an Inquest over the ro-
mnlns of Jacob Jonscn , the Union l aclllo
engineer who mot n horrible death last
Wednesday forenoon In the Omaha yards.
Tlio verdict recites that Jensen catnotoh's
death by accident. The funeral will Iw hold
at the residence of the dccoasod , COO M.ircy
street , to day nt 1 p. in.
\VIII Hold nn Inqimnt.
At Iho request of the relative the coroner
will bold nn lnntiest , ever tlio remains of
Chnrljj Fms , the 11. ft M. swltchnmn who
lost n log in Iho 1J. it M. yards about ouo
week aeo and died yoatordav nt St. Joseph's
hospital. The Inquest will bo hold next
Tuesday nt ! J p , in.
Conditions of tlio Various Bills Now
WASIIIXOTOX , Teh. 12. [ Special Telegram
lo THE Bur.So ] much has been snid about
the work of congress and the chances of tin
cxtrn session that it may bo well to state just
what the ntatus of needed legislation ix _
There am thirteen regular appropriation bills
which must bo passed and signed by the
president before noon of March , The con
dition of thrso bills Is n.s follows :
Tlio military academy , fortifications , nrmy
and pension bills bnvn passed both house *
ami nro In conference ; thu District of Colum
bia bill has passed the house and U almost
ready to bo reported to tlio scnnto ; the naval
bill has passed the house and is now before
the scnato ; the sundry civil bill , which
passed the lion so last Monday , was yesterday
rcfurrcd to the committee nn appropriations ;
the Indian agriculture and postonico bills
have been reported to the house , but nro mi-
rictt'd upon , whllo the deficiency bill has not
been reported to the hour.o. Speaker Hoed
said yesterday that ho would have all the ap
propriation bills except the deficiency ,
through the house by Saturday.
til' .1 IRTTJttll ,
II Culminates In the Kvpulslon or n
Prominent Chiiruh Mouther.
BOSTOX , Fob. 12. [ Special Telegram toTitn
Bnn.J The culmination of n scandal thnt has
agitated West Uoxbury for weeks and has
been given much publicity in local news
papers , was reached last night , when the
South Kvnngelloal church of West itoxbury
formally suspended from fellowship . II.
French , n well-known lecturer , who has noon
n member a number of years. The clmrgo
which 1ms resulted In French's dismissal
was substantially that I'Vciu-h wrote a letter
in November last , stating that a Miss Helen
F. Smith of the same church was his wife ,
nntl had sustained that relation for six months
wtiou Bho was forced to leave htm through
the nnlnioslty of her parents. Mlsa Smith de
nied French's claim In toto. The i-hurcheom-
mlttco finds that such a statement n.s French
mndo. If true , Implied conduct on his part
both Illegal and scandalous , and If not true , It
was adopted nud seemed to bo Intended to
rulti the Indy'it reputation and good namo.
Both parties move hi the highest society.
Miss Drcxcl UccoiiicH Sister Catlicrlno
of the Blessed Sacrament.
PiTTsnumi , Pa. , Fob. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn. ] Cuthorlno Drexel , the
Phllndclphla holross who two years ago ca
tered a convent hero , took her final vows and
adopted the black voll today. The coromO-
ulos were private and no ono outsldo the s ,
church , not even the members of .Miss Drox- y' '
el's ' family , were present , Archbishop Ityan
conducted the services , assisted by Bishop
Pholnn of Vlttsburg , Uev. Father Stephen of
the Catholic Indian bureau at Washington ,
D. C. , und llov. Father Conway of Mcroy
convent. Miss Drcxcl , or Sister Catherine , as
she will now ho known , brings with her
$ " ,000.000 and will found the order of the
Blosscd Sacrament , the object of the order
being to educate the Indian and negro. " '
The .Tolnt Itnte Cnsc.
KloiuCUu Journal.
Tbo decision of the supreme court of Iowa
In what is known as the joint rate case Is of
creat Importanco. The decision ufllrnu In
the bro.adost sense the statute enacted by
the legislature nt Its last session requiring
the corporations to make joint rates or the
Rtnto railroad commission to establish maxi
mum rates for hauls over two or moro lines'
ths hauls being within the stato.
The history of this matter is a strlkhw Il
lustration of tlio arbitrary and oxusporatlng
cotnluct of the railroad corporations which
has compelled the people to net Insclf-dofcnso.
Tbo railroad law which was enacted by
the Iowa legislature in the session of 1S37 ,
the same being almost a literal copy ot the
older Illinois law , did not specifically pro-
vldo that the railroad commissioners might
establish maximum Joint rates , The railroad
companies were at perfect liberty to make
such rales themselves. They had nuido Joint
rates theretofore , but they refused to flo so
further the moment the legislature passed
the railroad acts.
At that tlmo the corporations began a/
strenuous litigation to annul the railroad
law. Whllo the litigation was In progress
they instituted a systematic plan to mnkotho
law "odious" to the pooplo. They proposed
to so harrass and badger the people as to cro-
nto a public sentiment In favor of repealing
all the railroad laws that the railroad own-
cr.s did not like. It wiu In pursurauco of this
schema that they refused to grant Joint rates.
The refusal In many cases caused great inconvenience -
convenience and loss to business mon and In
many cases It caused losses to the railroad
companies tuomselvos.
Cases wore taken before the rnllioad com
missioners , but they decided that they had
no power to compel the companies to grant
Joint rates , although the companies might dose
so If they choso. Then some of the com
panies claimed that they had no right to
grant Joint rules under the law , but later
they did inaico Joint rates whcro It suited
tlioir own convenience , but Rtlll refused
them whcro the publio Intorcst required the
rates ,
The last legislature promntly took ut > the
matter mid passed a carefully drawn joint
rate act. The representatives of nil the lead
ing Iowa railroad mon wcro called before the
legislative committee , and nt tlioir sugges
tion changes wcro made In the bill. Some of
them said that the bill was n fair ono.
Yet the law was immediately antagonized
by the railroads. They carried the war into
the courts and fnuuhtlt with nil tlio nrts
known to railroad cunning. Tlio case has
been dragging through the courts for over n
year. The supreme court now afllrms the
entire validity of the statute.
It Is lit lo remark that the companies , whlla
they linvo done their patrons u good deal of
damage , nave Injured themselves moro , Thcli
course has been Inexcusable. Thc-y have
gratuitously ngsr V-itcd tl o ( Oiplo. The ;
hnvo shoivn a factious and vindictive ) spirit
There wus absolutely nothing to gain thus Ic.
this case , hut every thine to loso. The com
panies could not nfford to do ns they have
iiono even If they could thereby have secured -
cured thousands of dollars of revenue.
Them arc some mighty smart railroad mon ,
but a good many of them , as tha old Kuur
tuokiuii says , "hain't got no sense. "
A MlHilt nil Around.
Kew r rli llenM ,
The looser crow hl.s Imblts
The harder bo was pressed ,
The smoother grow his putting off
The rougher ho wus drossca ;
Though a Uill man , ho was always short ,
Likewise completely broke ,
And ho wasn't uvcn well preserved ,
Thouu'h uvurinoro "In souk ! "
Highest of all in Lsivenhig Po wcr. U. S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889.