Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1891, Image 1

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His Conduct at the Eittlo of Wounded
Knee Tally Endorsed ,
I'rcHlilcnt Harrison ami General Sclio-
ilulcl ndilTIn.-lr Approval to tlid
Itcport Gcucrnl Miles HaH
> Say.
Feb. 12. The secretary of
war today mndo public the report of his In
vestigation Into the battle of Wounded Knee ,
particularly with reference to Colonel For-
sytho's conduit on that occasion.
The record of the court of inquiry Is en
dorsed by Major General Miles under date of
Chicngo , January 31. Ho says In part :
Colonel t'orsytho bad received repeated
warnings M to the desperate and deceitful
character of Dig Foot's band of Indians nnd
repeated orders to cxcrcso | constant vigilance
to guard against surprise or disaster under nil
circumstances. These warnings und orders
wcro unheeded and disregarded by
Colonel Foray tho. * * * Ho had been
warned that this particular band
contained many of the most desperate
and deceitful characters In the Sioux nation
nnd. the religious excitement made them
peculiarly dangerous. Under these circum
stances the apparent indifference and security
of thoofllccr in command of the troops at
Wounded Knee is incomprehensible and in
excusable. * * * Not a slnglo company
was so disposed as to deliver Its lire upon the
warriors without endangering the lives ot
Borne of tbcl r own comrades. It is dlfllcult to
conceive how n worse disposition of the
troops could ha'o been made. * * Tbo
testimony goes to show that most of the
troopa were forced to withhold their lire ,
Ic.iving the brunt of tno affair to fall
upon two companies until such war
riors as had not been killed broke
through or overpowered the small
force directly about them "and reached the
camp occupied by the women nnd children.
Tbo battery of four Hotchktss guns hud until
then been useles' , the friction primers hav
ing been removed from the guns by order of
the captain commanding tbo battery lest the
gunners might in their excitement discharge
the pieces and destroy tbolr own comrades.
These guns wcro now opened xipon the In
dian camp , oven at that llmo placing In peril
troops C and D of the Seventh cavalry , which
were obllccd to retreat for some distance
owing to the Ilro from thcso euns nnd from
the small arms in other portions of tbo com
mand. The fact that a largo number
of the 100 warriors were without firearms
when tlio outbreak occurred Is shown by tbo
evidence that lorty-eight guns had been
taken from the tepees and a personal search
of twenty or moro warriors resulted in lind-
Ing them unarmed. This fact , taken in con
nection with the extremely injudicious dispo
sition of the troops and the largo number of
casualties among them , constrains the belief
that some casualties were suffered at the
hands of our own men , The fatal disposition
of the troops was such us at the outset to
counteract In n great measure the Immense
disparity of strength nud would hnvo boon
Inexcusable In the face of an armed nnd des
perate fee , oven had no especial warnings
nnd orders been received from higher au
thority. I can only partially account for
thn singular apathy and neglect of Colonel
Forsytho upon the theory of bis Indifference
to and contempt for repeated and urgent
warnings nii'l orders received by him from
the division commander or by his incompe
tence and cntiro inexperience in the responsi
bility of exercising a command where Judt- ;
jncnt mul discretion jxro required. I also for
ward herewith the report of Captain Baldwin
of tbo Fifth Infantry concerning the lluding
of bodies of women and children thrco miles
from the sccno ot the engagement on Wound'
cd Unco creek.
This report indicates the nature of some of
the results of the unfortunate affair , results
which are viewed with the strongest dlsap
proval by the undersigned.
Major Oonoral Commanding.
General Scholleld submitted the case to
the secretary of war with the endorsement
that the interests of tbo service do not de
mand the longer continuance ol Colonel For-
sytho's suspension. In his Judgment the
conduct of tbo regiment was well worthy of
the commendation bcstowcdupon It byhlm in
uls llrst telegram after thu engagement.
In roturnlnir tho.papers to the major gen
eral commanding tbo secretary reviews tbo
testimony ns to tno surrender and comments
on the desperate and sullen character of tbo
band. Ilo said it was manifestly an Impera
tive necessity to prevent the escape of these
desperadoes during the process of disarming.
The troops appeared to two been well dis
posed to prevent nn outbreak , whlob was not
mid coultt hardly have been anticipated oven
In dealing with Indians. The secretary savs :
Nothing illustrates the madness more forci
bly than the fact that their ilrst llrownsso
directed that every shot that old not hit tbo
soldiers must have pone through their
own village. There Is llttlo doubt that tbo
first kllllngof women and children was by this
first flro of the Indians themselves. They
then made n rush to break through nnd
around tbo flanks of troop K , commanded by
gallant Captain Wallace , and reached the
teepees , whore many of them had loft their
arms with the squaws , mid continued tiring
from among their own women and children ,
nnd when tboy started from their camp their
women and children were mingled with them.
The women and children were novcr uwny
from tbo Immediate company of the men
after the latter broke from the circle. Many
of the men and women got on their ponies ,
nnd It was Impossible to distinguish a buck
from a squaw at a little distance when
mounted , The men fired from among
the women and children in tnelr
retreat. Cautions wcro repeatedly glvoa
by both regular and non-commissioned ofll-
cent not to shool squaws or children , and the
men were cautioned Individually that such
nnd such Indians wcro squaws. Firing by
tbo ttoops was entirely directed on tha men
in the clrclo and In a direction opposite from
the tepees until the Indians nfter their break
mingled with their women and children , thus
exposing them to the Ilro of the troops , nnd
as a consequence some were unavoidably
killed and wounded , n fact universally re
gretted by the ofllcors and men of the
Seventh cavalry. This unfortuuto phase
of Iho affair grow out of cir
cumstances for which the Indians
themselves wcro entirely responsible. Major
Whltosido emphatically declares that at least
Jlfty shots wcro tired by tbo Indians before
the nroops returned tbo Ilro. Several special
Instances of humanity in the saving of women
and children wcro noted. No doubt the po
sition of tbo troops made It necessary for
some of thorn to withhold Ilro for a. time In
order not to endanger the lives of comrades ,
but both Major Kent and Captain Daldwln
concur that tbo evidence fulls to establish
ttint a single man of Colonel Forsy thu's coin-
mnnd was killed or wounded by bis fellows.
Tills fact-ami , indeed , the conduct of both
officers and mon through the whole affair-
demonstrates an exceedingly satisfac
T tory state of discipline in the
Seventh cavalry. Tbolr behavior
was characterized by skill , coolness , dis i-
cretion and forbearance nnd reflects the high
est possible credit upon the regiment , which
sustained a loss of oiio ofllcor and twonty-
llvo enlisted men killed andthrcoofllcrrs
nnd thirty-two enlisted men wounded , The
situation nt Wounded Knee creek was a very
unuiual wul very dlfllcult one , far moro
dlnicult than that involved In ordinary
battle , whorotho only question Is of gaining
a victory without an effort to save the
lives of the enemy , It is easy to
ninlto plans whoa wo look back
ward , out In the light of actual
conditions &s they appeared to the command-
there does not sccni to bo any-
thinutn the arrangement of the troops rn-
iiulrlng adverse criticism on tbo part of this
department ,
f therefore approve of tbo endorsement of
the major geiiernl commanding , that the In
terests of tlio military service uo not demand
any further proceedings In this case. Hy di
rection of tlio president Colonel I'orsytho
will resume command of his regiment.
Rci > rnu > Pitocroii ,
Secretary of War.
Ocnornl ailleH Jin * Nothing to Say.
CIIICAOO , Fob. 12. ticncral Miles , when
asked toJny whether ho bad anything to say
in regard to Colonel Korsytbo's reinstatement ,
said : "I know nothing about the nctlon
taken at Washington. 1 do not care to maUo
any statement In regard to it , nor do I care
to review the case. What I did I would Uo
again under the same circumstances. "
jni > jM > s o\ THIS
Warner Miller on the Prospects of tlio
rs'u.vt Presidential IClcotloii.
Cuicico Orncn OP Tun Urn ,
CHICAGO , Fob. 12.
"If the west votes as It did In 1SS3 the re
publicans need have no fear as to the out
come of 1S92. " So spoke ex-United States
Senator Warner Miller of Is'ew York nt tbo
Auditorium hotel this morning. Ho added
that , while ho believed Now York would bo
found In the republican column In 1S93 , yet
so long as tbo west went republican it did not
" \Yo can lose New York nnd Indiana nnd
win with the now states , " ho concluded.
"Tho democrats cannot lese ono of tbo doubt
ful states. "
"What Is your opinion as to Senator Hill's
Intentions forlS03i"
"I see no reason to doubt that ho will bo a
candldato for the presidency. Ills friends
claim that bo will , and , instead of his elec
tion to t'io ' senate boins u bar to such , n
course , they claim It will prove but n stepping -
ping stone. Mr. Cleveland's friends claim
ttio opposite. "
"Is it your opinion that the recent band-
shako of the two was a healing of the breach
in their relations 1"
"Mr. Cleveland says tbat they have boon
friends constantly since ho loft tbo guberna
torial chair and , despite the general belief , I
prefer to accept his word In the matter. It
Isdlnicult to predict their relations in 1892 ns
Hill's friends dcclaro they shall send a Hill
delegation to tbo convention. "
IT wu.t , runirr POMTIC * .
Great Interest was aroused toaay in busi
ness and political circles by the publication
of Uenresentntlvo ICeriis' ' bill providing for
radical changes in the administration of the
city government , the most important of
which Is that which stipulates that the mayor
shall not bo eligible for re-election for four
yo.irs after tlio expiration of his term of
ofllco. A number of citizens of Chicago , well
known men , wcro asked their views on the
matter and generally expressed the opinion
that it would do away with a great amount
of political trading and scheming which now
disgraces almost every city administration
nn'd the injury to business Interests which
frequent elections brings about. It is felt
that no man cwi successfully manngo the
affairs of the city.during n two your term of
ofllce for the simple reason tbat ho doesn't '
really get started before ho has to begin pull
ing wires for his noxttonn ; that , If the
mayor could go i.xto ofllce , feeling that there
was no chnnco for a second term and that ho
could afford to do his duty , Independent of
the men who elected him , a degree of purity
would result wbicli has never before existed.
WEST'S iiiiir.r.iAXT cAitcnn.
Mr. .Tames J. West's dnzzllng newspaper
career as manage of the Times was reviewed
nt length in Judge Biodgelt's court this
morning. Lawyer Bulkley , who has under
taken to help Captain Huiskamp nnd his
friends to gctnii accounting from West nnd
tolnduco him to glvo upsomo stock In the
Times company , told how confiding Iowa people
ple placed their substance in the wasteful
and Italian hands of Mr. West , nnd what
wrong stories ho told them about the com
pany's condition. Incidentally , ho threw a
Hood of light upon tbo value of Mr. West's
theory that to make a newspaper a grand
success it Is necessary only to ruiso
hades. Incidentally , Mr. Bisbce , attorney
for West , remarked that not all of
the corresponitcnco between Mr. West and
tbo Iowa party bad been put In evidence.
There wore some two hundred letters con
taining friendly Hawkeye requests for thea
ter tickets , railroad passes and the like which
had not been printed. Ho also recalled n cer
tain conference held nt about the tlmo the
\Vost-Snowdon-ICeokuk combine took con
trol , ! u which it was debated whether or not
they should takoln Clarkson of lown. At 4
o'clock in tbo afternoon it was decided not to
take Clarkson in.
An exciting runaway match terminated in
a quiet but hurried wedding at Kacine , Wis. ,
last night. Tbo Hoeing couple wore F. P.
McDonald , n poor but hard working young
man , and Miss Mamie Evoy , the
daughter of wealthy parents , both from
Saginaw , Mich. On account of the disparity
in their rank the parents of tbo girl objected
to the young man's attention , but the lovers
met. In secret nnd laid their plans for their
marriago. The father discovered their plans
and tried to prevent tbo wedding ,
but ho was eluded and the
couple took tlio train for Chicago ,
followed on the next train by the irate
parents. Aided by friends , the lovers wcro
piloted through Chicago yesterday afternoon
nnd put on a St. Paul train for Kacino. They
nrrivAl in Uacino last night , having fooled
tbo papa , and wcro immediately married.
wnstEiiN rcoi'uj ix cmcnao.
Among the western people In Chicago today
were the following :
At the Grand Puclflo Tames II. Douglas ,
CedarUapids , In. ; L. , f. Uralto , Omaha ; J.
W. Morrow , Fargo , N. D. : Mrs. Marcus
Daley , Anaconda , Mont. ; John H. Gambley ,
YunUton , S. D.
At the Sherman Charles \Vagnor , Great
Falls , Mont. : T. Mlltonberger , Lincoln ,
Kob , ; James Mason , Helena , Mon.t ; II. C.
Choynoy , SIous City , la. ; J. W. Munn ,
At Iho Tremont VI. B. Connor , Bolso
City , Idaho ; II. S. "Wllllston , Montana ; Mr.
ami Mrs. Ii. II. Foster , Omaha.
At the Auditorium William C. Beer , Ed
ward llrandt , Mr. and Mrs. II. T. McCor
mlck , L , A. Uarucr , II. Manloy nnd Miss
Manloy. , Omaha ; II. It. Lyou , Mnndan , N.
D. ; W. II. Quick , Des Molnes , la. ; Mrs. J.
A. Wllcox , Ceaar Uaplcls , la.
At the Wellington 0. J. Crawford , Miss
Crawford , Omaha.
ALtho Palmer- ! . E.Markel.W.B.Jllllnrd ,
J. H. lluuhaiian , Omaha ; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L.
Watrous , DCS Molnes , In. : John I . Mitchell ,
DeorLodge , Moat. ; 0. T. Ilolmau , Ores-
ton , la.
At the Cllfton-F. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley ,
At the Commercial L. Armstrong , Council
At the Graco-C. F , Bard and 11. C. Gush
ing , Omaha.
At the Saratoga C. J. Compton and M. W.
Turner , Omaha ,
At tbo McCoy-F. IHulno , Mr. and Mrs.
Carter and \V. H. Hagan. Omaha.
At the Urovoort S. B. Wadswortb. Council
At the Gore E. B. Echkart. Nebraska.
W. lBcchcl , auditor of the 1'ncltlc ex
press company nt Omaha , Is attending the
meeting of the Expressmen's ' Mutual Bcno-
llt association hero. This evening the mem
bers were guests of the Chicago express
men's club at dinner iu tbo Wellington. This
club was organized about a mouth age and Is
composed of managers nnd superintendents
ot the different express companies doing
business In the city. It has n dinner on the
second Thursday of each month , to which
ofllclals of tbo express companies from the
rank of superintendent up are invited , The
11 rat dinner was given this evening.ATK
Txventy-llvo Thousand Short.
AiEnMass. , Feb. 12. President Ilnrt
welt of tbo North Middlesex Savings banl
said this morning that the deficit of Caihler
Simuldlnt : will reach at least 3,000 ,
Bravo Struggle of General SheinunWth
the Qrim Monster.
There Is Yet ix Fnliit Hope tlinltltc Old
"Warrior Mny Conic Oil' Vic-
torluiiN Turn Time
NEW YOIIK , Fob , 12. CJencral Sherman thought to be dyinc this morning , but nt
! : , ' )0 this afternoon ho had rallied somowbnt ,
ind the doctors expressed n faint hope that
10 might recover.
The lights and Hitting shadows In the
death chamber of tlio old warrior were caro-
'ully watched by a score of newspaper men
nnd every bulletin Issued by tbo doctors wus
quickly wired all over the country. During
the ni gbt Ho v , Father Taylor of the Cburcti
of the Blessed Sacrament was called to the
jcdslilo of the dying general , whore lie rc-
nalncd until about B o'clock this mornitii , ' .
At about lltfO a message was sent to Sen
ator Sherman calling him Instantly to the
jcdsic'o ' of his brother. Ilo arrived iu n car
riage nt 2:30. Two policemen are on duty
outside , and everything is kept as quiet ns
possible In the neighborhood. Tbo electric
bell was removed from tbo door so it would
not disturb the rest of the sick man , and In
structions wcro given not to admit any 0110
except relatives mid personal friends.
ll through the night messages of sympathy
were received from the president , members
of the senate and many of the general's ' old
army friends.
At 10:15 : n. m. it was announced that Gen
eral Sherman was dying. This was told by
the general's private secretary , who was seen
wiping Ids ojes. Shortly after a second an
nouncement was made that bo would not live
over nn hour. Tlio members of the family
wcro all summoned to Ills bedside.
A bulletin nt HilR a. in. Announced tbat
extreme unction had been administered to
tbo general and ho was expected to die in a
few minutes.
The following bulletin was issued by Dr.
Alexander ut noon : "Cicncral Sherman Is
still nlivo , but there are uo encouraging
symptoms. "
Shortly after noon it was announced tbat
Uio general's condition was n llttlo better.
Tlio family thought ho was dying nt 11
o'clock , but ho rallied slightly though ho Is
still unconscious. Ho is suffering from
mucus on the lungs and may bo smothered.
Ills breathing Is very labored.
A bulletin at 1 p , in. stated that his symp
toms wcro such as to give n faint hope of re
covery and the following dispatch was sent
by Senator Sherman to President Harrison :
"Tlio Improvement In Sherman at 1
o' clock today Justifies a faint bopo of Ms ro-
covery. "
At a o'clock this afternoon General Hora
tie C. King loft General Sherman's hoiibc.
Ho said that a few minutes before lie left the
slcls chamber General Sherman showed signs
of Improvement. The n.itlont , lie said , had
arisen from his bed , and walking across the
lloor , sat down in n chair. The phvslclans
regard this as a very hopeful Indication ,
They do not now fear erysipelas so much.
Their chief fears are of Dneumonla , because
ot tbo accumulation of mucus iu the general's
At OI.TO tonight this bulletin was Issued !
Physicians In consultation say there Is no
chango. irQenernl Sherman mnlntainslii3 , , ,
present status for twcnty"-four"hours the
situation will bo hopeful. JOHN SIIHIIMAX ,
The condition of General- Sherman during
tbo latter part of tbo afternoon was encour
aging up to as late as 5 o'clock. At tbat hour
a change for the worse took place , Tbo gen
eral lay In a comatose state and it was ex
ceeding dlfllcultto reuse him. Ho could open
but ono eye and t.ppeared to bo suffering
greatly , but the doctor thought ho was not
troubled with pain. Tbo patient continued
In this condition during the curly part of the
During Iho evening ti great number of
persons called to ascertain the dying gob.-
eral's condition. A great many telegrams
were sent away tills evening1. What the
nature of thorn wan could not bo learned.
On the sidewalk opposite tbo house quite a
largo crowd of people stood watching the
windows of the cbambcr wbero the sick inun
lay fighting the battle of life.
At 11:25 : p. m. Thackcry , General Sher
man's Eon-ln-law , left tbo house. Ho said tlio
general was In a semi-conscious condition.
Lieutenant Fitch said tbat at 11 o'clock
General Sherman got out of bed and walked
half way across the room without assistance.
Ilo could not speak , hut appeared to rccog-
nizo these in tno room. The general had to
bo helped back to bod. Ho Is very much ex
At 1 n. m. it is stated that General Sher
man appeared to bo asleep. His lircatlilni ;
Indicated that his lungs were filled with
mucous. Dr. Alexander thought erysipelas
was leaving the patient , but the general Is
not improved.
_ _
More Dnmngiiif ? Evidence Against
Secretary Gibson.
CHICAGO , Fob. 12. It developed today that
It was about January 10 when Gibson deliv
ered tlio explosive to Dowar , nnd Gibson has
dally been expecting news of the carrying
out ot the plot. Since tbo 10th Gibson has
written several letters to Dowar and sent
him several telegrams. All of those are m
the possession of the authorities.
Of these Solicitor Hart says ; "Ho frequently
quently ndinonUhoa Downr that ho was not
using the dispatch ho ought to in tbo matter.
Last Monday the department dictated a decoy
letter to Gibson , having Dowar wrlto a
letter to tbo effect that ho ( Uownr )
baa made several attempts at carrying out
the plot and failed on account of the liquid.
Ho said lie thought it had lost Its virtue. Ho
instructed Gibson to como to Chicago
Wednesday nnd brind n now hottlo of the
stuff. Ho also told him to bring cvldcnco
that ho Intended to pay him for the Job.
Gibson answered by ntnlogram that ho would
como to Chicago Wednesday morning. He
did so and was arrested , The contents ol
bis grip wcro a shirt , a few col
lars. n bottle of the liquid nnd 100
shuros of whisky trust stock assigned to
Dowar , It was a part of the deal to pay
Dowar with stock , " said Hart , "and bo evi
dently brought the bonds to show Dowar and
spur him on to do the deed , "
United States District Attorney Mtlcbrist
says the only offense under tbo federal stat
utes for which Gibson can bo tried is offering
abrlbo to a federal oftlcer. The extreme
ixmnlty for this Is tbroo years' imprisonment.
Tncro ore several state laws under wjilch lie
can be Indicted , but after a conference with
tbo state's attorney today It was decided that
tbo state would not mcddlo with the case
until tbo federal government had finished Its
_ _
of Aotlvc Hostilities on the
Dulcotu Prohibition Question.
BISMAUCK , N. I ) . , Fob. 13. [ Special Tolo-
pramtoTim BEE. ] The first rcsubiulsslon
gun was tired m the scnnta this afternoon.
The chief dork of the house apimred with a
message , about 3:80 : o'clock , which the sena
tors ascertained to be the resubmlsalon reso
lution which tbo house passed yesterday
Before the message was received a motion to
adjourn was made. The prohibitionists op
posed the motion nnd demanded a roll call ,
which was had. The veto for adjournment
showed 17 to 18 , ono bolug absent. The ro-
tubmlssloolsU appear to bo lighting for moro
tlmo , but Iho vote indlcatoj tbat they already
Imvo a , majority. Two democrats voted with
the prohibitionists. The latter still claim to
have u majority. The rcsubnilsslonlsts do not
Intend to lot tbo bill go to the temperance
committee ,
ll'.l S IT
The llody of a Murtlcrod Girl Fount !
in Whltcclmiicl.
ICopiirtglitetltsai by Jamb Oonlan JltnneM
LONDON , Feb. 13. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE IIE. ] Intense ex
citement was caused in Whltcchapel nt an
early Hour tliti morning by the discovery of
the murdered body of ayounewoman Intho
street , not far from the scenes of Iho previ
ous crimes. Everyone Is mining about tbo
Hipper , but the police acted so promptly in
removing the body to tie mortuary Hint It is
'mposslblo to ascertain , nt this late bour ,
.vhetlier . tbo victim's body was mutilated.
The present Indications point to tbo case
being tbo work of some drunken fiend.
TJiiejiititfi : jittrfjtue XXM'I.OSIOA' .
At Ijeimt Thirty 1'coplo 1'crlHli In u
DlsiiMtcrN'cnr Quebec.
Qunncc , Fob. 13. 'At 95 : ! this morning n
boiler of the Quouco worsted company's fac
tory nt Hiiro Point exploded , completely de
molishing the engine house nnd about half of
the factory. A largo number of hands were
killed , thirty bodies having been removed up
to tlio latest accounts.
The buildings of tbo Quebec worsted com
pany , where tbo explosion occurred , are
situated In the northwestern outsklits of tbo
city. They have boon dosed down for two
weeks , while Iho boilers and machinery were
being overhauled anil refilled. Operations
wcro resumed this' morning nnd about thrco
htind red operatives wCi-0 on hand. About 9
o'clock there was a sudden explosion which
completely wrecked tbo cnglno house and
dye bouse , and damaged a largo part of the
main building. A great crowd gathered Im
mediately , and thowork'of rescue commenced.
The ilro brigade "was called out , but
fortunately the debris did not catch lire. As
great confusion prevails , It Is impossible to
get n list of the killed nnd injured until the
ruins have been thoroughly examined.
A force of doctors and surgeons Is on hand
nnd the wounded are receiving promut atten
tion. The cause of the accident is not at.
present Known , but It Is thought some of the
pipes may have frozen up while the Urea
were out.
The work of rescuing tlio unfortunates
burled under the ruins It still going on. The
known dead number twenty-two. Some are
still missing and are supposed to bo in tbo
rums. The wounded number thirty , of
whom six at least are not expected to live.
Jay CJonlU Fallen Suddenly 111.
ST. AfousTixc , Fla. , Feb. 12. Jay Gould
was taken suddenly ill this morning and by
the advtco of hli iphyrfclan left for Now
York. Dr. Munn did not state tbo oxnct na
ture of his illness , built is understood that
the attack Isonoofncrvpusnrss , accompanied
by loss of nppotltoand nn occasional fainting
spell of short duration.
NnwYonic , Fob. .12. George Gould late
tonight received a telegram from Jay Gould.
dated Waynesboro , Ui , , saying ! "I'm all
right. "
Special Police Display Tliclr Usual
ItcoUIc.Hsiicss AVltli Hovolvcw.
Nnw.iuif , N. J. , Fob" . 12. There was riot
ing nnd bloodshed at Clark's thread mills
this evening , Uhcn the non-union splnnors
quit work they \vero carried over the river
and when they landed jit the Kearney side
they' * woroMrfnet'yy- > JiljroriB > b'f * ' 2,000
men , women and children. A boy threw n
rocic nnd the special police attempted to rush
into the crowd. Chief Turnbull of the
Kearney police ordered tlio specials back ,
and they retired. Immediately after n
woman tnronr another stone and the specials
tlicu ruslK'd upon the croivd , nourishing re
volvers and shooting In tbo air. The crowd
surged back , but flung showers of stones ,
which crashed through the mill windows.
Tlio yelling and window breaking was kept up
until the tumult attracted hundreds of peo-
from Newark. For half a inllo along the
river front there stretched a mass of human
ity. The men inside the mill played a line of
hose out and met the crowd. This made the
rioters more angry and the window smash
ing went on. Several girls were crushed
and ono badly crippled. William Richmond ,
aged nine , was shot through the foot by a
BJiccial officer. With darkness the crowd
dispersed. There is scarcely one whole win
dow in tno mill. It is ( nought there will bo
nworso riot tomorrow and ttio probabilities
are tbat the militia will bo called out.
ix , i 3WitnL.t : .
Ijntcst Aspect of tlie South Dakota lo-
litical Situation.
Pinimn , S. D. . Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Bun. ] The political situation tonight
is greatly disturbed. All parties are laying
their deepest and closest schemes. The re
publicans charge that there is far more In the
deal between this stuto and Illinois than it is
given credit for. Whlto on the face it may
appear fanciful it is really the oapturo of two
senators by a combination and will have n
wldo effect upon the polities of these two
states , reaching to tbo presidential election ,
The feeling among republicans is that
Palmer will bo elected in Illinois shortly and
an independent will follow hero , As to whom
It will bo there is diversity of opinion. Some
say Dye , others Harden , but ICylo seems
most likely in cr-so of such a deal ,
At any rate , it is acting favorably on the re
publicans nnd they are making almost super
human efforts to cireiwivcut the schcpio In
any way they can , honorably to the repub
lican party , Many of the republicans think
that Uio deal between tbo independents and
democrats may bo consummated not later
than next Tueudny , Many members are
planning to leave for homo over Sunday , but
whether pairs can bo arranged satisfactorily
or not Is a question. To say the least things
arc decidedly mixed.
The republican caucus tonight nominated
Thomas Sterling of Hcdflcld ns their candi
date for senator. The vote stood : Sterling ,
; Melville , 23 ; Moody , 1. Sterling's '
friends think ho can receive some independ
ent votes , but no ono knows where they are
coming from.
Greater credence Is given the Illinois-South
Dakota schemes , by'whlch Palmer is to be
elected senator In Illinois nnd nn Independent
ho ro by a fact which has-Just leaked out to
night , that Speaker Reward in the morning
loaves for Chicago , and presumably Spring-
Hold , to bo gene several tlays. Seward was
elected by the Indopcndent-domocratlo com
bine and lias the reputation of being ono of
the shrewdest politicians In the state. If
any ono could begin a deal of this kind , ho Is
certainly the man. Ilo could ilguro with
Sockless Simpson to his''heart's content. It
Is ti well known fact that Simpson Is very
close to Tripp and < the democratic
managers hero , being1 rated moro of a'domo-
crat than an Independent. In fact ho
Is about half way between them. Of all men
ho is the ono to put through such a deal ns
this. There is no doubt but Tripp could bo
bought off bore with prospects of the control
of tbo state patronage In case the democrats
are successful in the next presidential cam
paign , in which Illinois at least may cut
< lniton , ilguro.
Against Cleveland.
DENvnn , Colo. , Fob. 12. The Kocky
Mountain News ( democrat ) in an editorial
nn Cleveland's letter says In part : "There
Is nothing left for tuo free coinage demo
crats of the country hut to organize to defeat
Mr. Cleveland's nomination. It can bo und
should bo done , and it can and will bo done. "
DuiyDonii'H Arrest.
VF.nMiiJ.uyf , S. D.Feb. , 12.-Spcclal [ Tel
egram to T K llEK.J-Doputy United States
Marshal Kecimn arrested Dan Doan this
morning for selling liquor without n govern
incut license. Ho was takeu to Sioux Falls
for examiiialoa ,
! hq Western Association Porformi Us Task
in Perfect Hatmouy.
jlsl of ( lie I'lnyerH Signed , Itcsorvcd
niul KeleiiHed Oninliu'n Slronj *
Contingent "Work Vet
It ) lie Done.
CHICAGO , Fob. 12. [ Spscinf Telegram to
THE Unn.l President L , C , Krautlioftsat
n the thTono In t.ho smoking room of tlio
Ytidltorluin hotel ntlO0 : ! o'clock this inorn-
ng nnd called the Western association to
The business Included , the adop-
ion , of a schedule , cousldera-
lon of the iic\v constitution ,
arrangement of the circuit niultlio sottlemcnt
6f all the troubles that might appear to re
quire ofllclal nctlon. The delegates present
vcroi L. C. ICrauthoff , president ; Ed
Jrnndt , secretary ; Milwaukee , Manager
2ushman , President Mngulre , Director Gil-
etto ; Minneapolis , President Ilnch , Mana
ger Harrington ; Sioux City , President Heck ,
DirectorFoloyj Denver. President Van Horn ;
jlncolu , Manager Howe ; Omaha , President
McCormlck , Director Brandt ; Kansas City ,
'resident Spcas ; St. Paul , Manager U'ut-
dns ,
'Iho association's circuit was not changed.
3Ioux City , the wavering nicmucr , proved
ts stability. Director BOCK offered to
leposlt JI.OOO to guarantee the association
against loss , but this wus not deemed neces
sary on account of subscquentaction. It was
lecldcd that each club give a guarantee of
s5,000 so that the nssoclntlon might not suiter
f a member dropped out. No formal
ippllcatlous wcro received fiom Grand Han
ds , Indianapolis or Toledo for ndinlssion , nl-
.hougb. II. "W. Ueccher of Michigan City , lias
not yet given up the hope of breaking into
the organization's ranlis. Humors of 1m-
> cndlng trouble In refercnco to alleged
: hangos In the circuit were many , bu
they must hnvo been smothered before the
nectlng was called ! o order. An old conten
tion between Minneapolis and Sioux City
wus settled after a boated presentation of ar
guments. The Corn Huskcrs claimed $100
luo on receipts of Decoration day games
n Minneapolis , and the question arose over
the proper Interpretation of the agreement
nado by the managers of the two clubs. The
expected decision was in favor of Sioux City ,
nnd President Hach at once drew bis clieclc
for MOO.
Complaint was niado against the Lincoln
club , which , It was alleged , owed several
debts to follow clubs , but the matter was
amicably settled without allowing the details
Lo become public property.
During recess the scbedulo committee
Inisncd its report , which was presented at
.he evening session. Objections wcro inndo
.0 dates hove nnd there , nnd the committee
was instructed to amend thovard in nccord-
inco with the action talccn.
It was agreed when this was done the
schedule should bo adopted and the matter
will bo disposed of tomorrow. A huge
amount of work in connection with the con
stitution was avoided by relegating the adop
tion of that document to n committee inndo
up of Knmthoft' , AVatkins and Hach.
TUo Snauldlng ball and bat were adopted
is the onlolnl Instruments of warfare , the
manufacturers agreeing to glvo each club
-lirco dozou-balls and.two dozen , bats gratis. ;
The association adjourned until tomorrow
morning when its business will undoubtedly
jo completed.
President Krautboff must tomorrow act
with the national board , and this , of course ,
would prevent his presiding over bis own as
sociation. Krautboff will submit a sugges
tion to the board tomorrow that all clubs play
; hcir teams Intact during the season. This
Doing adopted , It will do away with carting
ragged portions of ball nines through tlio
country , Thd Milwaukee's claim to Urhn
will bo contested heforo the national board
tomorrow by the Hochestor club.
Following Is an ofilcial list of all players
signed , reserved or released , by the western
association clubs as sent to Secretary Young
for promulgation among the parties to the
national'Agreement :
Ornalia Signed : Baker , Hnlllgan , Now-
nun , "Willis , Shannon , Macauloy , Eitcljorg.
Itcservcd : Stenzel , Clarke , Knell , Walsh ,
Cleveland , Canavan. Terms accepted : Shiir-
rott. Heleased : Ilanraban , Pagan , Aloran ,
Uruqiihart , Works , O'Connor.
Kansas City Hcservcd : Manning ,
Hoover , Stearns , Ounson , Hocrievcr , Burns ,
Donohuo , Smith , Conway , Swartzel , Carpen
ter , Pears , llollund. Heleascd : Nicol.
Lincoln Hesorvcd : Patton , Flanagan ,
Hart , itoach , Cllno , Brimblccomo. Signed :
Bushman , Trallloy. Heleasod : Phelan ,
Hoover , Uomp.
Sioux City Reserved : Zeihel , Crossloy ,
Black , Schclltmsse , Devlin , Wldncr , Bell ,
Brosmnn , Kappcl , Genius , Straus , Glenn.
Keloascd : Powell.
Minneapolis Kescrvcd : Dugdnlo , Duke ,
Killcn. Hyn , Ilonglo , Day , Allllor , Minnchan ,
Carroll. Twohy , Mitchell , McQuald. Signed :
Shugart , Bartson.
St. 'Paul Signed : McMahon. Brown ,
Frost , "Kid" Baldwin , Ford , Dalton , John
O'liricn , Abbey , Osborno , Ely , Ilnrt ,
Meolcln , Mains , MeLaughlln , Murphy , P.
Milwaukee Reserved : PettitDalrymplo ,
Poorman , U'olch , Shoch. Alberts , GrllUtb ,
Clansscn , Kcnwlck , Kreig. Signed : Grim ,
Vickeiy , Schrlvor. Dungan. Heleased :
Jantzcii , Westlnho. Morrlssoy.
Denver Kcsorved : White , McOlono , Me-
Clcllan , Curtis , Trod way , Whltchead , Trom-
poy. Signed : Lohbcck , Reynolds , McNnbb ,
Hamsov , ICcofo , Fournler , Payne , Kennedy ,
Novcs , O'Hrlon. Worriok , Mcssltt , George
Tebcau. IJcloased : Flood.
KiifEi > ur jus oirx soy.
Sad Kato ol" linden I-iewIs , tlio Terror
nl * Kentucky Desperadoes. , ICy. , Feb. 12. Judge Wilson
LowK who has boon active In prosecuting
the desperadoes of this region , was shot and
killed last night by his own eon , Sidney
Lewis. Tlio judge had put his sou under
bonds as one of the unlawful gang ,
Reply to Civil Service flcfbrinerfl.
BOSTON' , Mass. , Feb. 12. The Cambridge
Civil Service Heform association has re
ceived Irom the president a reply to their address -
dross of January 31 , in which the president
says : " Vour reference to the recent out-
Urcak among the Sioux as affording convinc
ing evidence of the necessity of a chance In
the manner of appointing ofllclals of the
Indian bureau leads ino to say that I have not
found In n full examination of all the facts ,
evidence of any deterioration in the Indian
service. Oil the other hand , the hoard of
Indian commissioners , through Chairman
( Jutes , has , as n. result of close ooscrvatlon , de
clared to mo under date of January 10 , Inst
that upon tbo whole the Indian service Is
now In bettor condition than ever before.
The objector their communication was to
urge the extension of the civil service rules
to the Indian service , but they wore oiroful
to recognize that the argument was not to bo
found In any epeylal or recent Incident , bul
In tbo broader fact that the work among
tbo Indians is educational and philanthropic ,
and should , therefore , DO separated from
party politics. 1 may add that before any
special appeal has been inado to me tbo sub
ject , Including Indian agency clerks and em
ployes in the classified service has been under
consideration. "
IndlniiH Call on tlio I'rcHldent.
WASIIIXOTOX , Feb. 13 , Tbo Indian chiefs
DOW la tbo city called at the whlto house this
afternoon ana paid their respeots to the
president. They listened attentively to a
short address by the president. Ilo pointed
titl V of the ! rgolngto war with the
vhitA ynado It very plain that If they
mdoi Vro trouble they would bo pun-
shed. - . . Mil thorn they must teach their
ottng f , u , to bo warriors , buttltlzons ,
ml end * "s \o cam their own living by
omopeil \lnduslry. . The gavenimont ,
o snld. \ \ " : . \rotect nnd cncourago every
ndlnn wh Vposecl to bj peaceful and In-
ustrlous.tidlaii9 then shook hands
1th Uio pr\ \ and withdrew.
i : ix JA&IAO/.V.
tnpiibllciini. niul I'\irmers Still Co
quetting \\lthout Itusnlts ,
SpntNiiciKi.n , 111. , Feb. 12. The farmer
nombers of the legislature ngrccd with the
cpubllcans to take two ortlireo ballots today
nd then adjourn until tomorrow In order to
Ivo the steering committee a chance to get
10 recalcitrant republicans in line for Moore ,
f that i possible.
I'ho republican steering committee held n
ncetlng tills morning at which It was an-
ounccd they had not yet decided whether
o accept tbo farmers' candidate , but would
Ivd a dcllnlto answer tomorrow. Tbo re-
ubllcnns Issued a call for n party caucus this
veiling at which n fitvil attempt will bo made
o unite the party upon Representative Mooro.
In the Joint assembly n number of ballots
vero taken , resulting : Palmer , 101 ; Llud-
oy , 100 ; Stelle , 3. Adjournment was then
It Is Impossible tonight to predict with any
ertnlnty the outcome of tomorrow's session
f tno joint assembly. It is conceded that
'aimer's election Is a foregone conclusion
unless the republicans decide to sup-
> ort Moore or continue negotiations until
otnethlng unforeseen comes up. A republican
aucus was Held tonight , at which the slum-
ion was thoroughly dlscusseit. A larpo ma-
orlty of these present favored n combination
vlth Mooro. senators Evans anil Crawford '
md Representatives llutchlns and Patton
till Insist that they will not vote for Moore ,
o the matter Is In doubt. The caucus np-
iroved the action of the steering committee
nd negotiations will bo continued in the
nornlng. Senator Evans says emphatically
lint ho will vote for no man but n straight
ut republican. It Is believed that unless
lore tlmo Is granted the republicans tonior-
ow tbat Messrs. Moore ntid Cockroll will
nst their votes for Palmer In a day or two ,
bus electing him. If an extension of tlmo
s granted tno republicans there will bo no
lection this week.
rCcmiirknblc 31 ichl nn Hills.
Lixsixo , Mich. , Feb. 12. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to THE Bcc.J One of the mostdnngcr-
us features of the recent Michigan loglsla-
urohas been the tendency of some of the
awyev mcinbcH to drop the mantle of lcis-
ntor and npponr ns attorneys of big corpora-
ions. Today Representative Miller Intro-
need a Bill which provided that lawvcr
nombers shall ba prohibited from practicing
licir profession during the session. The bill
vas referred to the committee on agriculture
ud the attorney members scored n point In
crurn by giving notice of a bill prohibiting
nrmer members from following their
pcation during the session. A remarkable
Jill introduced today provides that the rail-
oads of the state must transport members of
ho legislature ana fifty pounds of bngpngo
or cituh , frco of charge- , when the members
ro engaged upon legislative duty.
1'arty Ijlncs Drnwn.
Pinnnc , S. D. , Fob. 1" . Thrco ballots wcro
aken for senator today and for the first time
esultcd in drawing party lines. Moody ro-
cived on each ballot 00 , Kyle 53 , Tripp 25.
Although Moody was rcnointnated at the
Caucus last night , ha failed to draw the indo-
icndents today. Many Insist ho should with
draw , which lie opposes. > ,
f > CLKVEt tXO.
Tlio TarlfT Illll Author rays His Itc-
Bpcots to the ICx-PrcHidcnt.
Toi.cno , O. , Fob , 12 , Lincoln's birthday
vus chosen for the fourth annual convention
f the Ohio League of Republican cluba and
ho session was held In this city. Tbo event
f the occasion was a banquet In Memorial
ball tonight. Three hundred guests wcro
iresent , hicludlng many mon of national
cpute. Congressman Ashley responded
the toast , "Abraham Lincoln. " lion.
William McKinley responded to the toast ,
An American tariff for American people. "
In address was essentially a reply to ex-
'rcsldont Cleveland's speech at the Tbur-
nan banquet last November. "It was , " ho
said , "gratifying to the friends of protection
o have that eminent democratic leader inako
an open confession of the purposes which ho
and his party associates aim to accomplish
jy a frco trade tariff. Assigned to respond
to the inspiring sentiment , 'American Citi
zenship,1 ho mndo 'Cheapness' tbo theme of
us discourse. His avowal Is only that which
M-otcctioulsts have always claimed to bo
; ho inevitable tendency of his tariff policy ,
which exalts cheap poods from abroad above
good wages at homo. The tariff reformer
jravcly asks why wo wantinanufucturlnges
tablishments in the United States when wo
can buy our poods in other countries as cheap
as we can manufacture them at home , If not
cheaper. * * * Tbo masses of the people
nroin no temper for such a suggestion , and
will never eonsont to the inauguration of a
policy which will scale down tbolr wages and
rcn'lo' * it harder to obtain ttio necessaries of
life. 'Cheap coats , ' to which the gen
tleman is so much attached , do
not tempt them , for many remember that in
the previous frco trade eras of our history
they wcro too poor to buy thorn at any price.
* * * * js American manhood to bo
degraded that merchandise may bo cheap ?
Cheap coats at any price , at an v sacrifice ,
oven to robbery of labor are not the chief ob
jects of American civilization. Wo scorn cheap
coats upon any such terms or conditions.
They are 'nasty1 at such a price. * * * *
The gentleman who is now so Insistent for
cheap necessaries of life , while in ofilco and
clothed with authority was unwilling that
sugar , an article of prlmo necessity to every
household , should come untaxed to tbo
American people when It was known that It
was nn annual burden upon thorn of 50.000- ,
000. Ho stood then as the uncompromising
friend of dear sugar for the masses. During
his term he was dishonoring and discrediting
silver nnd enhancing tbo price of gold. He
endeavored oven before his inauguratiotl
to stop the coinage of silver dollars , , and
afterwards and to tbo end of his administra
tion persistently used his power to that end
Ho would have increased tbo value of money
nnd diminished the value of everything else.
Money was bo master , everything else its
servant. Wns there- over a more glaring in
consistency or reckless assumption * The
tariff reformer bus In bis wild ccstncyovor
so-called vlctorv been betrayed into an
avowal of bis real design , Ho believes
poverty Is a blessing to bo promoted and en.
nourapcd and that shrinkage In value of
everything but money Is n national benefit
Ho no longer conceals his love for
cheap merchandise , even tbough It entails
the beating down of tie price of labor nm'
curtails the comforts and opportunities o ;
the masses. These who advocate duties
solely for revenue BOO only as a result cheap
er prices , which are but temporary at best
and do not see the other side lower wages
cheaper labor , agricultural depression am
ponoral distress. " Mr , McKinley went on t <
eulogize the protective system am
said : "If this policy Is to bo reversed
versed it must bo done , not b ;
clamor or representation , not l > y school moi
and theorists , but after the fullest dlscusslor
and Investigation by th'J sober and mtolllgen
Judgment of the majority , constitutionally
registered. The only monuco to our advance
ment and prosperity to our wage earners nni
farming Interests is the party pledged to th
repeal of tbo now law and the substitution o
the British system In its place. Frco am
full discussion will avert the danger. Noth
Ing clo will. "
MlilllstH MiiHt Leave IJulgarln.
SOFIA. Fob. IS , Premier Stambuloff ha
decided to cxpell all ulhlllsta from Bul
garla ,
loportctl to the House For Pamgo by tlia
Committco of the Whole ,
Several Important. .MiMumrc * Affect *
lug the Uoiuls I n trod u IUM ! In
itotli Itranultos of I In ; l/c-g-
Isliituro Yesterday.
Lixcm.y. Nob. , b\sb. 12. [ Special to Tim
Ir.r. . ] The house tins morning wont Into
committee of tlio whole to consular the com-
nlttee bill establishing maximum freight
Mr. Porter ( ind. ) said the bill w.v cailly
explained. It simply adopted the lowaclasst *
Icntlon of various articles of commerce niul
ixcd the sumo freight rate tlmt now prevails
n that stato. "This is the issue upon whlcb ,
vo were nearly all elected , and upon which
hero ought not to bo any radlc.U difference )
n opinion on the lloor of the house. "
Oakley asked I'ortor where ho got the Uy
ormatlon that the people ot Nebraska do-
nandcd the Iowa rates.
Porter answered , "It Is a part of the plat *
form on which I was elected. "
Newbcrry ( Ind. ) expressed surprise that
ho mctnbers wcra not familiar with the pro *
Islons of this bill , when it had been undel
consideration for nearly n month. No otii
should plead ignorance at this late day In tha
Scott ( ind ) thought the effort to delay con <
slderation of the bill was simply carrying
out tlio udvico of tbo railroad louby , winch
vas gathering from till , points of tbo compass
o the Just demands of the people of
Hr cn snld that all ho doslroil was to goj
copies of the present ratoi In Nebraska from
ho board of transportation.
Faxon ( rep ) objected to tbo Independents
saying that tbo gentlemen on.tilts sldo of the
louse do not want any railroad legislation.
'I nm a farmer , and 1 nm jiiBt us much
n favor of some measure tuat will grant ro-
lof from railroad extortion as nny ono on
tlmt sldo of tbo house. "
Modlo ( ind. ) said that full and careful con
sideration hail b-en given to thlt bill by the
committee , and ho for ono , nnd also some of
its colleagues , bail been approached by some
if the railroad cappers , who proinlied them
hat If they would not favor nny laws rogu.
atlng freight charges the H. & .M. would
ship all the goods frco that mlu'ht bo donated
to their constituents , but ho had spurned the
Shrador ( bid. ) thought the matter bad boon
lebiitcd long enough'und for utiowasicudy
0 nut.
Oakley snld ttio people bad given the con
stituents of Modio , Stevens and other western
members n liberal donation.
Stevens ( bid. ) of Fnrnns could not see
what' that had to do with the question of
emulating railroads.
Oakley ( rep. ) of Lancaster strongly op-
loscd making a.inaximiim rate. It never bad
icon a success anywhere , nnd If enacted in
tfuliraskn this winter inembew of nil partloj
, vlll bo falling over each oilier two years
lonco In their efforts to repeal the law.
Fclker ( dem ) of Douglas said :
"Air. Speaker It seems rather strange
ho reason why this matter should ba forced
upon us at tbo present llmo. It has beoa
well said that there are a largo number of
members on tlio floor who have not con
sidered this bill sufficiently to ascertain its
merits or demerits. Now , If that bo tbo
case , which it is with mo. I am not prepared
: o vote on tbo bill. This Is a matter of great
mportanco , and I say hero to my follow mem
bers upon this floor than any Injustice wo t'lo
; o capital or to nny enterprise within tbo con.
Hues of this stato. In that proportion wo
Injure ourselves. If wo Injure a locitlmato
corporation , wo Injure tlio fanner ns well ,
Now. the question Is hero : It is slinplv ask-
ng for time that wo may consider tbo bil )
mil vote upon it in an intelligent manner ,
It Is for us hero to do Justice between man
ind man. It la ImmnUTial whether tbo man
tins been injured heretofore or not ; that h
no reason wo should Injure him today , but
two wrongs , Mr. Speaker , never made
ono right. I sny tbat members hero
who hnvo not exninlncd the bill ought to have
the privilege to do it. It may seem n very
trivial thing to pass upon a matter llko this ,
but 1 will guarantee to say , without fear ot
contradiction , there is no member upon this
lloor that can go to work and explain to you
Iho workings of tbo freight bill such ns will
uo given to the farmer , such us will bo glvcil
to the mechanic , to the merchant and tha
railroads of this country.
" \Vo must bear In iiilnd that the rallrondj
no longer follow civilization , but that civili
zation follows them. It is a >
duty that wo ewe to ourselves1 ,
to our constituents , to deal fairly
honorably and Justly with this capital , that
Is associated together to promote tlio wclfnrd
and development of tbo country. I sny It
ought to bo postponed until such tlmo as wo
can gather our statistics from these states
and see what they aro. 1 venture to say that
no man upon this lloor , except the committed
that Investigated the bill , knows the former
rates the railroad has charged In this state. "
Mr. Uobson of li'llltnoro said : "Mr. Speak
er This railroad question has agitated tbo
minds of tno people of Nebraska for tha last
twenty years , mill the people have applied to
this body to glvo thorn rohef. U Is not abso
lutely necessary to understand freight rates
altogether. It is a very simple matter to
ilnd out nnd to form some basiswhether they
nro charging extortionate rates over the state
ur not , and whether tbo business Is a paying
Institution or not. That Is the only
basis upon which wo can ven
ture , and If nny gentlemen will
step Into the stato. library and get the manual
of railroads nnd investigate It , lie will Ilnd all
the information ho may want. And that will
glvo him a good foundation to stand upon and
vote Intelligently upon the subject. When
wo take the 1) . & hi. railroad for Instance ,
during the last seventeen years , we find that
corporation has paid about $31,000,000 in
dividends on a capital of $ TO)00,000 ( ) In that
time , besides the interest , and wo uro forced
to come to the conclusion that railroad busi
ness Is n paying Institution. Now I repre
sent tbo farming Interests of this state , and
1 ask every gentleman on this lloor
that you nourish that Institution and aid It so
we can make a decent livelihood for our
selves , and clothe our children und families ,
and glvo them opportunities for enlighten"
mont which they ought to possess in this
nineteenth century. The agricultural classes
have made the state what It is today. These
pioneers rame out hero and wont through
grasshoppers , hailstorms , drouth and everything -
thing olsu to make our state what It Is , und
when wo como to this body and ask for relict
when wo ask for broad they viva us u
stone. Wo are asking nothing but Justice
yes , and wo claim tbat 'Justice Is the law of
God , ' and my fulrthlnkliikfriends can at-
tacli what meaning they will to the phrase ,
but you shall novcr convince tbo people that
they who toll tbould starve. " ( CFiccrs.1
Watson ( rep ) thought n special committee ,
of which the Independents should have a
majority , ought to bo appointed to draft a ,
bill , and suggested that tbo minority of tha
committee should bo named by tbo
republican and democratic party caucus , and
for ono ho pledged himself to support any
bill tbat inib'lit bo drawn up by tbo commit *
too ,
Glllillan offered a resolution that the bill
should DO considered without having tbo
chmlllcatlon read , but beforu n vote was
reached on nny of tbo propositions pending ,
the committee uroso and tbo house adjourned
until 'J p. m.
In the afternoon the house resumed consid
eration of tbo maximum tariff bill , which ,
was rend section by fccctlon.
On motion of Kruso tha reading of the
classlllcutlon was dispensed with.
Shrader moved that section a. fixing tbo
distance tariff and car load rates , Uo adopted
without reading. Carried.
Sections 4 and 5 wcro also passed.
Hhradcr moved to strike out all that part of
section 0 which prohibited * railroad froai