8 THE OiMAHA DAILY BEE : TJLOJRSDA.Y , FM1UUAKY 12 , 1801 , THECITY. _ .Tnmea Qrommn , the cnbmnn who stole CO ccntH from Jim Btophenson , was llnuil $ 5 mid costK. C. A. Johnson had a wnrrnnt Issued ye.sturday for the m-rest of Uoso Puce , charging her with stealing SJ. ! Frank Dlckonson , who was arrested for stealing flour , wns given thirty days In the county jull yesterday by Judge Uclslcy. Chru'lcs IT. Connoyor , nrmcd with the proponed uniondiiionts to the school law pertaining to the Independent drstflct of Oinahii , went to Lincoln yunterdav. The inuiiiboi'B of the Htioklngham dl- vifiloii of the Women's Christian Tom- tiornneo union will hold a business meet ing at the Y. M. C. A. hull tit U:30i. : \ . m. today. The MeLcod-IIolmos liardw.iro com pany flludnrtlclos of incorporation yaator- clay. C'apital , * 7i > ,000 ; J. N. Cornish , N. II. MeLcod , O. U. Holmes and II. O. Dovrles Incorporntora. Charles i'"rii3 , tlio 11. & M. switchman who was run over and lost a leg in the yards near the union depot last Thurs day , IH lying at St. Joseph's hospital in a very critical condition. Ex-Slulo Senator .Tamos P. Lin dsny , wlio has recently boon appointed 10- colvor of the land olliuo at MeCook , Is in the city for the ptiropso of having Ills olllclal bond approved. License Inspector IJlloy has asked the city attorney to prepare a now ordinance respecting the collection of license money from coal dealers ono that will stand the test of the courts as to legality and ofl'cptlveness. J , Kiid/.wieli of South Omaha Is In jail for trying to pass a counterfeit silver dollar at Jiollman's store , Thlrtoonth and Farnnin , yesterday. The coin ia a very poor counterfeit , and it is alleged that ittulv.wlch previously attempted to pais it at the olllco of a local insurance company. I'M Stronga white man with a colored wife , with whom ho has had a great deal of trouble , w.is attacked by her yesterday morning , and she threatened to 1 < U1 him with a razor. Both wore arrested , and after reaching the jail the colored amazon - zen gave her husband a hearty thump ing , befuro the olllcors could interfere. James Walsh , who Is wanted in Suda- ljn , .Mo. , for the seduction of Carrie Smith , is in jail lioro. IIo was arrested at Ashland , whom ho was working1 as a bridge carpenter for the B. & M. The requisition on which ho Is being taken was the llrst ono honored iti this city. \Valsh admits that ho is guilty of the crime charged. The Itt-Ht l'ir Children. "While Minnesota is ono of the most healthy states in the Union , It is ono of the worst fo'r colds , owing to the severe winters. Many of the druggists thuro , inako It n rule to give their customers just what they call for , but when they COMIC back anil say it done no good they most inviiriubly recommend Chambur- laln'9 ' Cough Remedy , as will bo seen by the following Irpni Messrs. Wells & Shroeder , of Bnnborti , Minn.Ve : ; recommended Chnm- berlnlu's ' Cough Kcmcdv after other loading cough iirupnrationu had f.illed to do anv good. and always with the best results , wo can always icly upon that remedy , as it is sure to effect a euro. It has no equal for children ; especially is cases of croup or whooping cough. " Wo are having special sales on our new spring linens , all now open ; on now muslin underwear ; bomo now all wool dress goods , GOc ; now ginghams , white goods , embroideries , etc. ; also , a special line of men's unlaundried shirts at 39c. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. PAUn GOnS TO I'lIlljA.nKIjIMUA. Up IH Chosen .Supreme Delegate by Nebraska Culliollo Knights. The state conventioa of the ( Jathollo Knights of America was hold in Grand Army hall oa Fifteenth street Tuesday. The following oftlcors aad delegates wcro present : .T. 1C. Otcnstirn and M. II , Har rington , North Platte ; J. J. iChngo , Grand Island ; . ! . B , Dolsaian and .1. P. Abst , Co lumbus ; Hev. J. Uucslng , II. Healckor and J. II. Liu dale , West Point ; J. McHride , O'Nrill ; J. Kenney , T. A. Colby , J. Hurls- hard and George .1. Paul , Omaha. A number of laws \voro onactcd and sev eral changes lecommomled for the consldora- tioa of the supreme council , which meets ia Philadelphia. May 12 , 18UI. The following oftlcers were elected for the ensuing year : George J. Paul of Omaha , delfgato to the supreme council ; J. B. Dels- man , Colnmlms , president ; M C. Hnrrlug- ton. North 1'latto , vice president ; B. A. Colby " , Omaha , secretary ; John II. Llndalo , "West 1'oiut , treasurer. A \XOCXCK3tJE\TS. This ovcntag Shlpp & Ashtoa's Now Yorlc circus commences a fortnight's engage ment at the Coliseum , and the personnel of the company is sufficient proof of the merits of the performance. Miss Julia Lowanda , who comes from a col- ebr.itod family of bareback riders , who waa with Foropaugh during the seasons of lbb - 8-0 , and Miss .Toslo Ashtoti , who was with Koi-opaugh during the season of ' 90 and with Hulls during 1SSO aio the leading cnuos- trlenncs. Ilerr Dr.iytou , the modern hercules - cules , who tins just returned from a success ful London season , is a member of the com pany. Mr. Shlpp , the world's champion bounding jockey will appear together with twenty other well known stars of the arena. The Coliseum has boon converted Into a winter circus building , with a padded ring and all tholiocossury paraphernalia of a teat show. This feature of winter circuses Is now to the west , but ought to prove a.s successful as In eastern cities aad across the ocean. The company is excellent and a flrst class performance may bo expected this evening. Miss Cora Tanner will appear at the Bovd this croning , presenting for the llrst than tn Umnlia people Miss Martha Morton's romantic drama entitled , "Tho Uofugeo's Daughter. " The piny Is an emotional drama mid affords scope for Miss Tunnel's best efforts. The costuming of the piece Is mar- vclouslv rich , most of thorn nnvingbeon inndo la Paris. Miss Tanner Is well sup ported , the principals Including Harold Uns- Bell , Uebort Kdson , George U. Bdsou , Kdson Dlxon , Owen West ford. Misses Ada Dwvor , Mlnnlo IJupreo and Virginia. Huelmnaa. Miss Tanner's engagement nt the Hoyd Is for llvo performances , coaimonclng tomorrow evening. The sale of seats opened yesterday morning. William Qlllotlo's great comedy , "Tho Prlvato Sonrotnry , " will bo the attraction at the Iloyd on Monday , Tuesday aad Wednes day of next week. It will bo played by a very competent company. The next attraction at the Grand opera house will bo J. 0. Stewart's comedy com pany In the three-act musical fnrea coineuy "Tho Two Johns. " The Philadelphia Tunes of September ! ! , 1800 , nays : "That familiar but still popular fnivo comedy , 'Tho Two Johns,1 was given at the new People's thea ter. The pleco Is now plurcd by the best company ever seen in this city , and no umlionco over mow thoroughly enjoyed as sisting In the settlement of the question which was Potcraud which Philip than that which gathered at the People's last night. " When Bnby waa tick , w gave her C&atorU , When the waa n L1UU1 , ihn crktl for CtialorU , When ilio bmvino MUs , aho clung to Coitorlo , Whtm ( ha bad CliUJrvu , die cave themCastarta , THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Opening of Now Spring Goods To day , China mid AVagh Hllkn Dress Goods Slid UrcnrullncH , ICto. Special MUCH Bale Oilil Sixes Khl Glovi-H. Trade has bcon BO good , ami wo have had so many demands for now sprltiff goods that wo will have a special open ing sale and exhibition of the latest Paris novelties In OUKNADINES , HKRNANI , GLORIAS CHINA AND WASH SILKS , ETC. , this morning , and Ir.vlto nil tHese who wish to sue our now Importations to como. AVe have some lovely all-wool , double widths , spring plaids at GOc a yard. They will make vary nloo wrappers for prcbout use or street costumes in u few weeks. All the latest colors. LLNENLEAU13KS. CO pairs fancy homstltoho.l , finest qual ity linen PILLOW CASES , at $2.50 a pair. 60 doz. satin damask towels , lace bor- dorcd and plain , worth 81.00 and 81.23. now 50c. 100 doz. "Old Homestead , " hemmed buck towels 2oe , worth 33c. Damask napkins , J2.9 ! , worth $3.00. Damask napkins , 81.-15 , worth $2.00. Damask napkins , 07c , worth SI.23. Bleached table linen , 50o , worth Goc. lileached damask ( 70c , worth $1.00. IJloached damask , 97c , worth $1.2-5. Bleached damask , $1.2-3 , worth $2.00. GLOVE SALE , oOC. Don't miss It In the oOo lot of kid gloves are the genuine Foster and Wil liam o-hook , worth Sl.uO. In the KID GLOVES , 75C , are gloves worth SI.75 to $2.00 a pair ; only broken sizes. KID GLOVES , $1.2-3 , the very finest inado , worth $2.7(3 to $3.00. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. li.NNlS * IH-UllIjU JOINTS. lie Has Two SclH of Tnsppctora ami Still Isn't Happy. In the dim religious light of Major Dennis' odlco yesterday morning could bo discerned two groups of men , separated by an Invisible boundary llao anil sev eral .cable yards of frigid space. They had apparently never been Introduced , and tliey seemed to bo sedulously endeavoring1 to ( jot no bolter acquainted , In which attempt they werefalrlv successful. There washow- ovcr , a method in this lack of cordiality. The men on oae side wcro the assistant laspectors who were recently bounced to make room for "democrats only , " whllotho frroup at the other end of tholittlo , tucUetl-uponicow.is en tirely made up of the aforesaid democrats. The Idea suKuestcd ikclf that the major had anticipated the prophecy of the scriptures and seated "tho sheep on his light hand unit the goats on the left , " but thlstlmo the major was not guilty. A head was pushed Inside the door , bur. quickly withdrawn , aim several forms went stealthily scurrying down the corridor to a dark corner whoio they halted In secret ron- forcnco. A lltful blaze of the gas revealed the features of President Lowry and Cuun- cilmcn Oatliolf , Tuttle and Morcnrty. Just then Ehasbpr came In and hastened to join tha confreres after remarking that ho had bcca throwing the reporters off the track. Finally the body advanced to the nlumbiajr Inspector's olllco and made a formal demand upon his vacant chair to produce the head of that department , when presto , the door ODcnert " and the major blow in. "I understand your name Is Denais , " vouchsafed Osthoff , grabbing the major's hand , while the latter emitted a brief pipglo and effusively greeted the other members of the delegation. "Anom , business Is business , and I want to speak to you , major , " said Tuttle , taking a policeman's prip on the inspector's arm and marching him down the corridor to the recently vacated corner. After about live minutes of ladustrlous coachlnf : the major was released , and ho ro-cntorcd the of fice alone. He picked up the cushion In his chair , beat It savagely , tossen the papers oa Ills desk from ono side to the other and back again , mid after thus working nn his muscle and outraged dignity , turned toward the two ox-Inspectors , Henry Dunn anlt John Bolan , and in a voice Intended to bo choking with rage , demanded : "What do you two men ivnnti" ' 'We're hero business " on , replied Dunn. "On business , oh. " chirruped the major. "Well. I'll just toll you that this Is my pri vate olllco inside the railing , and I want you to get out of It. Do you understand thatl" "Wo belong to the ofllco , " eonildently ro- pllod Dunn. "No , you don't , " shouted the major , and then the pair Industriously chewed the ruff until the cpuncilinaaic terms again loomed up In the horizon. "Major , you are aware of the council's ac tion last evening and wo want to know what you propose to do with those two parties , " said ftlr. Tuttle , pointing toward IJolau and Dunn. 'I ' have Just told them to cot out of my ' Positively cured byl CARTER'S these Little Pills. Tlio.v also relieve Dls- | tresa from Dyspepsia. Indigestion - ! ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty I SVER Eating. A perfect rcm- [ cdyfor Dizziness , Nausea , ! PILLS. Drowsiness. Bad TnstcJ In the Mouth , Coated ! Tongue. Tain In the Side , I TOIU'ID LIVEH. TheyE regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE From City Hospital.JColumbus . , XcbrasKa. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TuRED WHERE OTHER DOCTORS FAILED. Will euro any slcl.nus where oilierp'lynlelnnn fall under miarantco Uiubs which other dootnrj would uinpntnto ho will euro without amputation , hyu Bilvo in nlo hy himself. Tlio doctor will tay nt Ilio Afcado Hotel , mi Uouulas utruet , only from Woilnos- duy , the lllh , to Krlday. Ilia IStli , of tills month , wliero he CUD Lo leon by poplo. NIUMVOOH CAI-SI I.KS nro the host and only cnpsule pruoillied by . ri'uulir Phynlilini for the cure of aanothaii nml Ulncharnes from tlift urinary orcnns , whether rt'iil or uequlred , JLJipurhox Alldru.'il : t wl' ' ° lacking In vllnl force ami vluor. "tluk nml > * lvoii fromnny cause , icml at onto for scalcil Inforinatlon. J'llKi : , of the Ne v Coinmuii Nrnin Home I'urc. Jio electric non- cnse. No HouiaclnlriiKRlli * . Certain euro tor ull \\eakno < t > soincn. ( Ailiirm Albloul hiiruucrCa.lloxUt , AlbionMIcU. I Battering from the erfi-ctii ol . , . . . . . - H. n H > outhful erron early deoar , wat > tln weakness , lost uiuihootl , etc. I will tunil avuluiiiilo tivatlw ( u-ololi coutalalni full imrtlculars for home euro. Vlliil : of rharea A ( plenilld medical work i ihoum bo read by ever ) man who U nrrvoin ami delilllutwl. AddruM 1'rof. v. o. I'O WJUIUl , Kloudus , Couu private ofllco , nml that Is all tlicro Is to It , " ngnin warbled tlio ninjor. "Well , " saltl Morcnrty'wo ' want to RIVO you notice thnt wo will ilo/cat nny appropria tion bill that ratty como Up for pnyluff ttioso men , " Nothing moro wns snlil nnd tlio Interested jinrtlos looked nt cuuh other until the situa tion bccnino very cmbarrasslnp , when tbo coiindlmcn stnlkcct out , tbo major bcgmi writing as If his Ufa depended on It , nnd the ox-liiipcctors llftC(14liolr feet on n desk nnd smoked Industriously , nnd ICavnimu h , God frey nnd Murphy , the democratic npnolntccs dropped out to look nftor pipes , joints nnd tranches. Tbo major wns nskrd wh.it ho Intended to do rc nrdlng the notion of the council. "Evcrytlilntr Is nil right , and tbo business of tbo olllco will KO nlotiK Just tbo sauio us It did boforo1 was the rouly. " \Vhnt will you do with the men who have been ordered reinstated ! " "Tno vncunclns nro all fllled , " wns the ovuslvo rejily. "Didn't the majority of tbo council order their reinstatement ( " "I Imvo nuthority to sny thnt tbo new men will I'ontlmio In tbolr present places. " "What nuthority I" "Authority to know that tboro nro no vacancies , " snapped tbo niiiyar , shuttbib' his mouth like a uliiin saving guod tilKlit. Across the hall tn the olllco at the chair- mini oT the hoard of publto worlc , Mr. Clinf- fee wns rplntlns the 1'iclitorits of lii < 5t oven- Inji's so lou for the bc'iiortt of Mr. Ulru- hnuscr and City Engineer Tlllion. "Tho clmiiU'is nro , " suld bo , "that there would have boon a Unlit In about two srcmiu * , If Oi-nvo' ' ? b.idn't discovered his mlstiko. "John wn ; all riuht , Ho meant to do nil rli ht , hut bo honestly mutton mlstuUo In re cord In Olsen's vote. It was n menu advitn- tupo for Lowry to take to refuse n poll of the houso. Ho tlliln't act decent in tbo matter. "Hy the way , there wns something kinder filiniv about the report of thnt committee thnt Investigated the plumbing Inspector's cn'so. \ \ bun tbo report wits submitted the ovidunco wns not nttnchud , nltbougn It wns nil taken by a stenographer , nnd 'tbo notes ox tended nt the oxputiiu of the city. "Tbo city clerk asked for tbo notes , but Morcnrty Informed him thnt the notes were bis personal property. Another rather peculiar feature of the case wns that ouch member of th it committee ntipolnted one of the now assistant plumbing inspectors , and the ono with the most 'inllooonco' appointed two of them. Donncllv says wo must tnku our medicine , and wo will if they can give It to us. They must bo careful to see wno mixes the lust dose. ' The situation is rnthor funny now , as cnch side bus n majority of ten members. There will certainly be a full attendance ) nt meetings hereafter , nnd the couni'lltiion will earn their salary. They needn't lot our men go back Into tbo plumbing Inspector's olllco unless they want to. but they will draw pay nil right whether they work or not , nnd the new appointees will not draw pay. Davis is with us , and wo can pass an appropriation without them. They might as well take a litllo medicine whllo"wo nro taking ours. " While Cbnffco was talking tbo democratic delegation appeared nt tbo door , being evi dently unawtu-b that the councilman from the Seventh wns about the place. As soon as they saw him they boat n precipitate * retreat - treat , falling over ono another in their haste. "Good morning , Mr , President , " called Chnlleo In bland nml childlike tones , hut Lowry closed his stnrboard car nnd led nway his lloek without noticing the salutation. Tbo nction of the council nt its last session wns also discussed in the mayor's ofllco. " 1 don't see what the council is trying to do , " snitl the executive. "Thoy have no business whatever to Interfere In the matter of appointments In nny of the departments. The plumbing inspector is appointed by tbo mayor ami approved by ttto council , ntul there tnelr jurisdiction cuds. The inspector Is held responsible lor hii oOlcc nnd should have competent men underhim , and not polit ical heeler ? nnd bummers. What dliferonco does It make what n man's politics is so long as ho tloes his work well. The council might Just as well attempt to tell Flannery that ho should not employ shovelers on the streets unless their politics wcro nil right. If the plumbing inspector is not all right tbo council must impeach him , unit If the mayor will not discharge him curry tbo case into court. Ten of the democratic councilman cnmo in hero and wnntod no more men ap pointed except democrats , and I decided that if that was the kind of feed they wanted I would give It to them. If the assistant inspectors specters recently discharged wc.-o let out at the commind of the council because they were not democrats , It was wromr , no matter who dictated , oven if I clla so , nnd Dennis is not tbo man for the place. Ho ought not to pay any nttentlon to the council , but go ahead and run hi ; ofllco as it ought to bo run and as bo will bo rcsponsiblo for running it. " "How would the mayor's veto of nn appro priation to pay these Inspectors affect the sit uation I" If n man works for the city ho can sue nnd collect his pay. There is no doubt about that. The trouble is thnt some of tbcso one-hor o statesmen think the eyes of the world nto upon them. If they could only sco themselves as others sco them they wouldn't swell to tbo importance of their ofllco quite so much. " Uflcdln Millions of Homes 40 Years thoRtnndard. POR COMPLEXION. DOES YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE INTEREST YOU ? If HO , read this. PLANTA BEATRICE will entirely remove all moth an i liver spots , wlllwhiton your skin , will prevent Sunburn and Tanwill permanently restore'the yanth- ftil toft ness to yonr skin nnd keep'it lit per fect condition in any oil mate. Price 1.25 , postpaid. FLESH WORM PASTE Skin Itolliior nml rin.plo Itemmpr. To thosa men and women who hive an Unsightly , Red , Coarse , Rough , Wrinkled. Dry , Disoolor3d , Pimpled fnce , with Dis tended Pores fllloJ with Bliolt lload-i ( flesh worms ) , xs ) Fles > h Worm Paste , which , with each and every tippl.catlon improve the ap pearance of your skin , and with n a few weeks you will have a pure , clear and bril liant complexion. Prlco $1.60 postpaid. OUR GOODS ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE. For sale by T.rsllo & Leslie. IBlli and Dodco strco'i. Kuhii .V Co. , corner 15th anil Dougli \ and North lilth nml Ilelt hlno. t-hurnmn & .McL'nnnell. ] Mi : Ioil o strrnt. AMioU'salu Asonti Ulchurdsou Drug Co , , 100 * and 1011 Jones htrcot. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. ' LONDON TOILET BAZAR CO. , 38 and -10 West S3d Street , Wholesale ( Ullco No. 20 llast ITthStroct , Uc\v York. Valuable book mailed free upou application. As a Rule , Ills best not to attempt to remedy costiveness - ness by the u o of Milne or drastic purga- t ves. When a wlhartlc medicine Is needed , the most jn'-jiiit and beneficial li Aycr's rills. Ther crtcct l.i ito restore the regular action of .ho bowels , without weakening them. Doing sugar-coated , these I'llisictaln their medicinal virtues for n long time , aud are easy to take. "lean recommend toycr's rills above all others , haOqg long piwcd their valno as a cathartic formysclf and family. " J.T. Hess , telthsvllle , 1'a. "In 1858 , by the advlco of a friend , I bepm tno usoof Ajcr's 1'llU as a icmedy for bit- lousness , constipation , high fc\crs , and colds. They sencd mo better than any thing I had | uolonsly ti led , ami 1 have used them In attacks of that soil c\cr since. " II. W. Ileish , Jutlsonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Maea. Sold by all Dealers la Medicines. Drs. Belts $ Belts Pii/slii ? Strj : anl Specialists / , { } n1) ) , 14O9 DOUGLiAS STREE1T OMAHA , NEU. Tno moat widely nml f.ivornbtv knotrnf pec- Inll.sla lit tlio Unllol Mates. Tlicr : long ex perience , remarkably skill and universal sue- co , s In the treatment mid cure or Nervous , Clironlo and SurRlenl ll ) < oa e . entitle those eminent physicians to the fall confidence of tlio nllllctotl oxorjwlioro. They ennrant ii : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITIVK OUHE for the awful effects of curly vlco and the numer ous evIlH that follow In Its tr.iln. I'ltlVATK. IJUIOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES ppodllv. complotolv nnrl nrinianpntly cured. NKHVOUS bKIIIUTY AiND SEXUAL 1)18- ORDERS yield loullly to their sklllfultroat- mpnt. IMI.rS. KISTUI.A AND ItHCTAL UI.OKK3 irnarantecd cured without u.ilu or Uotontlon from hiislness. UYnuoUKI'E AND VAIlICOCKLn perma nently nnd succcssrtilly nured In e\oryui80 ; , Sri'lUMP. GONOHIilirA. OLKET. Spt-r- matorihoa , bomlunl We.iluies" , Lost Mnnhood , Nlglit Emissions Pt-caycd I'licultlcs , I'cnuilo weakness nnd all dullc.ito dNordcrd pconllur tn either BOX positively cured , as well as nil functional disorders that result from youthful follies or the uxcossof mature years. QTI. > ITTl II U Guaranteed ponnun o n t ly o i iviv i Ul\.lj cured , roniKvnl complete , without outline , ciiustioor dllutiitlo : : . uiirei cPcctcd nt homo by patient \vithoutttino- munt's pain or annoyniice. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A . STIRF niNl ? Tlin nwful effect of A. OUAL UUKll cnly | vice wldoli brhiK oriianlo wcakiiess , deHtroyliiK both mind and body , with all its die dod mv. ptirmanently cuiod , IM ? Hl < TTls Address those who have lm- Ll\v3. Uljl 1G paired thcmsclVL" ) by Im proper Indulgence and solitary Imblts , which ruin both mind anil body , unlit ting them for business , stmlv o' luarrluxa. BIAUItriCl ) MKi. or those entering .on.tliat happy llfubwuro ; of phy.Mcul ( luiillltyn.ulcUIJ aoslsted. , OTTR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , rirst-l'ractlcal oxporl- cnco. Second Kvpry case Is spoelally studied , thus starting rlK'litTiIrd medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to milt each case , thus effecting cures without Injury , Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB , COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit fraud In tubstl * tutlns any other porous piaster when BENSON'S IH naked for. They do so In order to make moro money out of you by sell ing you something that costs them less , llcwaio of worthless Imitations. Wo beg to remind our friends of the Children's De portment of our business. Through increased facilities ana advantageous relations with leading houses , we nre prepared nt oil times to fur nish full and fashionable equipments for the Juveniles. Ono of our firm is now in the East maklng > speclal observa tions of Children's Clothing , and selecting ; in that line of goods an assortment that shall leave nothing to be de sired , embracing as it will all novelties of the coming sea son. llnlilt HoptrtllUor.d 8R J BTErUCMB.Llttngn.O. _ | 8THMA i Asthma Cura n rtr/ n l n / / la ih rnt I * , ! l"n 3 con- U furUUa t'-cpi ' cC u crc wboro a I ctbtrj ( ul. ji f Bli-lol tm mni ( At CTOJI .Aolical. I'rlw , { CJjf , and BIBl.OO , ft UrncfUii er tr r-sll. 6irar.l . TIUB for 'PR. KTSCnirFMANM. Btipaul.MTnn. As a science , like electricity , is as yet in its infancy. But it lias today rcnchcd a point alike beneficial : o the merchant and his patron. In olden times the merchant's ideas about advertising were confined : o putting a barrel of brooms out on the sidewalk and labeling it brooms. Later on he put a notice in the paper , announcing the arrival of his new spring stock. This ad he usually let stand about six months without change. That period passed , he stopped advertising "straw hats in the winter , " and be- jan to advertise "goods at cost , " "goods at half price , " etc , Still another change in his ideas and. ; ic began the gift scheme , advertising to give away a "house and lot with every suit sold , " etc. People" soon discovered that they were paying dearly for their presents , and this sort of thing stopped. Today the advertising man simply aims to lay before the readers . about his wares. He uses plain English , written in an engaging style. Me endeavors to make lis corner of the "Big Daily" he patronizes just as readable as the editorial , telegraphic or local news columns. To-day we want to lay before you a few facts ABOUT the ' clothes of winter. " In a short time we shall open our new spring stock. Before we do" this we intend to close out every single , solitary heavy weight suit of CLOTHE n our store. This means a cut in prices , wide and deep. It means that we have reduced tha price on the few heavy weight suits that we have left , two , three , four n some cases , five and six dollars. It means that we intend to follow our well-known custom of closing out all seasonable goods at the end of each season , in order to begin the next with an entire new stock. This means a saving to you of from two to six dollars on a suit of clothes , if purchased within the next week. - , We open this week one hundred cases of New Spring Styles in soft and stiff i n all shapes , shades , sizes and colors. y 5 FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. We close at six thirty. Saturdays , ten o'clock. THE BEST UJJ IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsookBl & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo nro their western ngcnts and nlw.iys carry a hire stock. Address , BmeriGan ] iaM Sewed Shoe Go 1204 and 1200 Ilarney Street. ia Medical and Suiwl INSTITUTE. Kor ttm trontmont of nil ClIItONIC AND h DISlOAhK.S llracci , Appllancuifor Deformities iinil Tru"-ca. licit Futilities , Apparutm mil llenilli' fursmt'pxHfiil triMtmiMit of ornry form of cllsra-o roinlilni : JUvllc.ilor Hiiriilcal Trontunnt. NI.N'KTV IICOMh KOlt I'ATllINTS , Hoard nml Atlun.liinco llo < t ACuniiuliitkii3 ! t. Wrltii fur clrctil ire on Duformltlos und llrncoi , Trusses , Club Ki'ut , Cur\a. turoi or Splno , I'lli-i' , Tuaiori , Caaoor , Catarrh , llruntliltln. Inhalation , Klcctrlclty , 1'nraly.iU , ipll- ; t'piy. Klilnuy , lUiuUliT. Dju. ICnr , Skin nml Illooil , anil nllSiirKlcnl Uporatluns , DIMIASHSOI'VMiN ( : n xpvclnltv Hook of DUrasun of Women Tree Wo linvoUtoly nilile 1 a Lylni ; In Dcpnrtmont for Women During ContlncmiMit ( Mriotly I'rlvato 1 Only Holla- hlo .Mullcnl ln tltnto Making a Specialty of rill- VATIIUIHIMSIIS. .AH lllood Il ) rni e ncco ftilly tronloct. Jlcdlclno or tni > triiiiieatH tent by tnall or OXIUI'HS rocuroty pitckcd , no innrk > lo linlliiilit cuntiMtU or Hemh Omi | criKinal IntiTTluw prcforrud. ( 'nil nml consult UK nricnit lilalorr of your cjini' , nml HO will rend In plain wrapper our HOOK TO MK.V I'ltin : ; upon I'M- M\tu. Spcrlnl or Nervous Dlioanei , wllliqucBtlon Hat. Artdrcts nil letters to Df % ArT. McLaughlln , President , Otli anil llarnoy Strocls , Omiilii. ; " " "DRT BAILEY GRADUATE CENTIoT A Tull Set of on Kubbor , fur _ _ II'IVK Doi. nits. A perfect fit Btmrnntocil. Teeth oxtriotod without pain or danzor. nnjl without iinaoi. thotlci Oold and 1lvorfl Hii8nt lowest rates. HrldRo nnd Crown Work. Tootli with out uUtn3. All work wiii-rantou. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Eu franco , Iflth street olov tor Oponevon- es until 8 o'clock For earache use Pond's Extract , WINTER RESORTS , Charming Winter Resort in tbc Highlands. ' lluntsvillellotcl.Snbslantial.l'Icgant.Xew . . . 1IAUVKV H. Ii.NISUX : , 11V110N F UUNltiUK , Aiilitaiit. KO OUREX ! NO FVS.Y. - 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. SOTonlccn years oxporlonco , A regular griutuntg In mctllclno , imtlplomai show , It Rtlll troitlnz wltr Uioercnloit BUCCCHI , nil Ki-rvoui. Chronic nuil 1'rlvnto l > l oncn. Apcrmnnout euro imr.inUod for Ciitiun | hlH'rmntorrlKPii , Lout Mimhomt. Somliml Woikneis , Nliiht I.o o . Inumtunejr. Hyphllli Htrlcture. nnd nil ills- cn ciiortlio Illuiul , HkliiiindUrln'irr Oruanj. N.ll 1 cnnrnnloo f.VX ) Tor every cmo I un lurtako and full W euro. Contultalluu fiiw. Hook IMystorloj o Llfo ; Kent troj. UlllcgUouri 'Jo. in. toS p. m. BunUayi ID u. u ) . to 1 m. fl OalSfornia larve" Foot New I'rOHli Itlood nnd 1'ro. Cilri'S Anirinla. hoioliil.i , Itiitl < 'lrcu1alliu and nil Imnurltleo of the Blood I > H cll at n , fiidowlnit NorvB Diseufios , vus Nurious nun riiysliilnl Dilillityltal i\liiiutliiii : , 1'ri- in.itnrn Decay , Troiiilillni ; . Hys'vrlH , Nfi- TIIIM Iliiuilliclir , IJIKH ol I'ntvur III "HIliT rx , Nurvonnniijih In imy liirin. C'nlil Iliiniln IT 1'Vot. I'alu In tin ) Iliiclc antl ullitir toriua ul 'lr. Iliitili1 * Nr \ i Tunlo J'UlH brine the rosy tint of health to the shnllow cliqek. Wuik , imrvouj peoplu should luku thin vreat Lire Ronewcr. Trj Uieni , ami > ou will Join I'm tlmuunils HI liuppr men and WIIIIIKII wl < o dally tit ! > ] Ir ) , llnlih f.ir . lilt Kfpat wniK In lliflr bchair. 'It.ef an- Butar-roatrd. CO cenU a vl.il , tfor bale by DuacUK . . . . S M fRMCIJCB , CXI. FUlChM.K IN O IAIIA. Niil. : I1Y Kunn A I o. Cor , 15lli A PoiiKtiw Mrnia J A Fuller A To , for Hlh & DuuKlai itreiti A I > . Footer > v Co Council lllulln , loua AND PRINCIPA' . riucaicra cvcRVWHrRC NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bneeina far Mjitertn.lMnlnfii.rUiXuumlRla , Wuko lulnu i , Mental Iwprniion , voltn\ntt ( \ ot tbo liraln.ra- . tultln : ; In Iniianlty a.iJ Iwa'llntf to mUGr ? < | CCAV urj Uoiili. Pr m ture Old ABO , liJirenniii. I.nin or I'owur la cither lux , Involuntary l.ouei , anil K | tnnolorrjci\ cau > e < > tir oT r-exeilio > at Ilio lirnln , mir-j tuio ur OTer lndirHnc . .ueh box contalniond moult' * trrau raont. II u box , or ilx for 9) . ent liy r.iril prt' l , ! . NVIth I'Ach urd r for ill lioin , will tend ntmluair miirantoa tu nfiim ! ncner II the ( rexmrnt lulHW curu. Uuarcuitotf" l uwtl and euumo * uli4 vuly b GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Ill ) I'd mum Ktictt. - Omaha. Nob. . ii'fuk' Dcijllityirojilij . liiiixitcncy , I'vnri , l.vll ThoniihtK , VurfnicvhIOMI > II , Hliwrry to uniiiiinl ) ' inactlen , .NervontiHej hhrunkcMi Orwium. ull UK to uro en m.lf OUR NEW BOOK Hix \\iti a JHOI Oof Nitrrru , KHII : ? uin ; < 'AL ' . , ituiraio , > . v. you CAN'T HOOK HEALTH I . In iinMiirp.ikntid In tha tri-ulmont of nil forma of PRIVATE DISEASES Stricture , SyplillN.Uxt Mnnhooil , nil unniitiirnl ills- chnrii > * mid hkln DUuiiiiu. Aniibsoluto euro UUAK- A.NTKKIl.Vrltofor llooUn. COIIMKIlllCIIANIl F.MINAM faTH.OlMIlA , Nl II. IS THE NAMEOFTHAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLO la the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , X , , I'rlcp 81.00. I'Jnt Ilollle % Vfl For Sale by leading Druggists. ruEI'iUIU ONLY UT . Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ; 02 JACKGON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. Dlako. Druca & Co.