Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1891, Image 1

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They Are Assembled in Full Force at the
Etato Capitol ,
A Iloinarknblo Convention Now In
lliifglai-siin Trial In l-'re-
Cattle and Flour
Tlilovef ) in CiiHtody.
LiiN-cotr * , Neb. , Feb. 11.- [ Special to Tnr.
BI.E. ] The state irrigation convention that
tnut In Lincoln this nfternoon wag , In many
respects , the most remarkable and important
that wns ever hold In Nebraska. It was n
gathering of progrcsslvo and far-sighted men
whoseo in irrigation the moans of develop
ment of the now almost dormant agricultural
wealth of the stato. It was a representative
body and Included among its delegates , old
jners , mennfveatth and gentlemen rep-
rcscnthif ? almost every Industry In the stato.
The tiicatlngi ! were hold In representative
hall at the stnto houses and nlthough not as
largo as expected proved an Interesting.and
enthusiastic convention. Many persons liv
ing In the western pirt of the state were
kept nwny by the snow blockade. The open
ing session was held at representative hall
at Up. in. , Hon. H. M. Onliloy , president of
tlio Lincoln board of trade , calling the meet
ing to order.
Mr. Oakley extended n hearty welcome to
thodclojmtosln a oriof speech and asked the
plcnsuroof the convention.
Professor Hlcki of the sttxto university
nominated ox-Governor Robert W. Furnas ,
ttiopioneer ailvocato of irrigation , for the
position of chairman. The motion wns put
nnd Governor Furnas was unanimously
elected , As ho came forward to tnko the
chnlr ho was greeted with enthusiastic np-
Mr. Furnas , after thanking the convention
for the honor bestowed upon him , tersely
mentioned some of the benolits to be
derived from Irrigation nnd declared thai
this convention meant the ultimate
doubling of tbo products of thu stato.
IIo added that as the delegates had come to
gether more for action than foropcahlng that
it was best to launch ntonco into action and
niter the election of the necessary olllcers to
proceed to the taking ol proper action for the
promotion of Irrigation.
On motion of Secretary Giichrlst of the
si.ito board of isporlalion WallM. Sceloy
of Lancaster wixs chosen secretary Mr. U.
A , Atkinson of Lancaster was chosen assist
ant Kocretnry. The roll of counties was then
called , IMf. Hathaway of Lancaster made a
motion that any persons present from
any unrcMtrcsontcd county bo allowed
thn full rights of representation.
This motion prevailed. Among
these substltuto dclogales was presented the
inline of Mi's. Fnniilo O. Lynn of Chad ran.
? r naino was presented hy Kev. D. F. Dlf-
_ In a vary neat speech , nnd her ap
p pint men t was greeted with applause ,
Mr. I'urkor of Perkins county modestly in
timated that ho would DO plcaacd to uo uddcO
to the list of delegates from Perkins. The
three delcpatcs from thai county gladly
ndded Mr. Parker's iiaino to the list. Mr.
William 33. Smytho , whoso vigorous articles
In'J'nE Hiion : : the subject of irrigation have
intruded BO much attention , wns ndded to
the Douprlai rounty delegation. Governor
Furms was chosen to represent the unor
ganized territory. Up to 4p. . m. the tlmo
was mainly consumed In organizing and in
( citing the ( lacks ready for action. Up to
that tlmo the following list of delegates had
arrived and were accredited :
Lancaster county O. P. Mason , U. II.
Graham , A. J. Sawyer , Josonti IuriisThomns ) ,
H. Hyde. C.V. . Moshor , H. D. Hathaway ,
J. II. McClay , 13. O. ( Joodoll , C. A. Atkinson ,
William McLnuRhlin , L. C. Pace , .lolm Fitz
gerald , N. S. Harwood and S. D. Cox.
Ucd Willow county William Wovgent ,
William Fitch , Ora Chirk , A. T. Harden , J.
II , Everest , II. II. i'lckens , J" . P. Squires , A.
M. Barton , Charles Iloylo , C. W. Bock , Sid
ney Dodgo.
Scotts llluffs County W. .T. Richardson.
Dundy County F , 13d Tulbot , J. I ) . AVest ,
Simon Ulckcl , .1. D. Graves , L. . Moore.
\Vcbster County W. S. ( Jarber , C. W.
JCnley , Ansou Illgloy.
Xporklns County C. S. Purncll , J. L.
Hoard , 1C. H. Hill , * \V. \ L , . Kutlodgo.
Hitchcock Connty-W. D. Wlldman , C. G.
Crows. AIM. House , GeorpoO. Elsonlmrt.
/A. L. King , S. 13. Salomon , II , Uclnnunn , , L
M. Ki > lloi % Noah Miblder , F. 11. Hlsloy ,
C. ' W. Shurthir , It. Knowles , C , II. Hock.
Box Hutto county It. M. Hampton , W. E.
Hltelwoch , A. P. Field , C. A. Porter , Tliost.
Heck. K. Cotton , J. It. Van Buskirk , L. W.
Giichrlst , Jas. iinthaway.
Logan county G. U. Shrndcr.
Gasper county Samuel C'oddnrd.
Stanton countv J. Q. Mntthowson.
Cuss II. W. llycrs.
Adams T. L. Converse.
Buniior Cvrus "Vnn Pelt.
Frontier0. ! . Hamilton.
Greeloy-J. W. Wallace.
Other delegates came In und reported and a
complete Us' will bo reported to the conven
tion in the morning.
On motion of Mr. Wlldman n special com
mittee of twelve was appointed to prepare a
bill to bo presented tothologlslalure. Chair
man Furnas appointed thu following mem
bers of that committee :
McCooH district J. L. Lohcw , C. W.
Meeker , ti. Mprso ; Ogallala dis-
trlct-E. J. Short , .1. H. Brother-
ton , Thomas Stiinpson. Sidney dis
trict- Henry St. Hayner , L. I ) , Corey , W. li.
Sniythe. State at largo Thomas Ilcelc of
DoxButto , 0 , I' . Mason of Lancaster and
William WilJimm of Red "A lllow. (
The following comnilttco on resolutions
wns appointed : L. B. Corey , L. Moore , LJ.
W. Gllcbrist , L. K Hicks , K. J. Alurlin and
Mrs. Fannlo 0. Linn.
Mr. J.J. Jones of Garden City , ICan. , was
i called put and made some very extended re-
murks'in tcgaiil to the work of irrigation in
Kansas. Ilo nald tnoy had 000 miles of canuls
now In operation In that state that were a
signal surccss'nnd nil they had to do was to
open thu Hood gates nnd let the \\ntcrponr
forth. This work haa been done with for
eign capital , but ho feared such a course us
unwise nnd radical Itvlslnilou by thu farm-
el's. Ho exhorted the Nebraska farmers not
to pass laws to scare capital
ists , and snld thtit casttrn money
would tlow In if u con ill
bo assured of a prolll of 0 percent. He suld
ho was about to invest some Kansas cuplt A
in Irrigating ditches In Nebraska , lu liis
opinion the proper way would bo for the
county to to vote bonds as a bonus , to tempt
eastern capital and give the capitalists full
control of the water supply.
Professor Hay , also of Kansas , spoke nt
length. Hovn glad the people were waking
upon this question during the winter months.
In Kansas they uo longer sav they do not
ticca irrigation. There win u stretch of
country reaching from British America to
Texas and -100 miles in width that wns n
trackless desert , without irrigation and that
nn experimental commission sent out by the
agricultural department of the government
of which he was a member had made an in
vestigation ns to the feasibility of sinking
artesian wells throughout this vast territory ,
und had made a fuvorublo report. Irrigation
is no longer n uolutablo question. It must
bodone. The people uro not going to let *
100,000 , acres of productive laud Uo idle for
0. P , Mason took Mr. Jones severely to
tnsk for proposing to place the whole control
of water supply in the bands of eastern cap
italists who could levy a perpetual tribute nn
the land , and uriiln the country of nil Its
surplus wealth. Ho believed the county
boards should have full charge of the rules
nml regulations governing the watersupply ,
und the system of Irrigating ; rannU to bo
- established , and would favor no law that
\ puts these matters out of the power of the
Adjournment was then taken until 7:30 :
p. m.
m.At the evening session of the convention
, hero was n marked increase In attendance.
.There was a great deal of enthusiasm and
earnestness manifested and the benefits of
'rrlgutlon were dwelt on at some length.
Secretary Giichrlst offered n resolution
recommending the sale of 14,000 acres of
sullno lands In Lancaster county nnd using
ho proceeds of the gnmo for purposes of
rrlgatloii. These lands are worth $ J$0,000.
rim resolution wn adopted.
C. II. Parker declared that Hayoi , Dundy ,
crklns nnd Uhmo counties could bo best
Irrigated by artesian wells. The convention
then adjourned.
of Liihor Convention.
LINCOLNNeb. . , Fab. -Special ( to Tin :
Bnn , ] The state convention of the Knights
of Labor meets in this city tomorrow for the
election of otllccrs nnd the consideration of
mallow of ijencral Interest to that order. An
extraordinary feature of this convention will
bo the presence through the deliberations of
this body of General Master Workman T. V.
1'owderly , who , will nrrlvo in the city from
Omaha tomorrow on his first visit to the Cap
ital city. On Friday evening Mr. Powdcrly
will li-ctiire publicly at Bohanan's hall , and
this simple announcement li a guarantee that
the hall will bo crowded to overflowing. Ills
lecture will bo of Interest to every laboring
man , and hence It behooves thorn to repair to
the hall ns early as nosslblo to procure scats.
The convention will contlnuo in session
two days nnd probably three , nnd while in
the main the work will bo secret , there will
likely bo mattcrjof Interest thntcau bo given
the public through the columns of the press.
It Is understood that pending hills 1 : before the
legislature will bo thoroughly discussed < , anil
measures Hint uro accinccl to the best inter
ests of Nebraska laborers will bo considered
with a vlow to securing their passage If pos
sible. *
The state convention will bo largely at
tended , as there lire soina two hundred dele
gates to it. While Nebraska ns n state is not
as much of n manufacturing section ns sonio
other states thu Knights of Labor Is n very
strong organization hero and ono that is daily
growing In popular favor and strength. This
convention will bo called to order at ! * p. in.
Messrs. George W. Blake , J. W. 1'tnorson ,
A. C. Shattuck and L. S. Gilllck have ueen
appointed n commltteo of reception to Hon.
T. V. 1'owderly.
A I'oruililo Arrest.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special to Tin :
TIL ? Bm : . ] lion. Henry St. llayner of
Cheycnno county is In the city for the pur
pose of filing a petition with Governor Uoyd
that ho make n demand upon the governor of
Wyoming to liberate William Kingcn , whoig
now confined in the county jail of Larainio
county , stnto of Wyoming , on the char-jo of
cattle stealing. The demand is miido on
the grounds that In violation of the
federal constitution and the laws of the
United States and Nebraska , the defendant
was forcible kidnapped from his homo in
Scott's Bluff county by a posse of men from
Wyoming under the ndvlco of the prosecut
ing attorney of Larsmlo county and his direc
tion and that Kingon bo permitted to return
to his homo from whence ho was abducted.
Mr. St. Kayner says that a posse of thir
teen men came from Wyoming and , under
the pretext of wishing to buy some cattle ,
diverted his attention and suddenly , pulling
their revolvers , made him their prisoner and
took him forcibly into AVyomlng territory.
They Tlilnk it n Sulicmo.
NnnitAsKA. C'lir , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special
to Tun Hin. : ] A Central avenue merchant
has sent out a number of circulars toloea
capitalists asking hoiv much they are willing
to subscribe towards three new railroad
branch lines the Hock Island and two exten
sions of the "Q" and Mhsouri-Pttclllliu lUuii
John C. Vv utson nnd L. F. DoGotteo have
each agreed to give "ft.OOO , anil half n dozen
ithcrs uro willing to give similar amounts ,
> ut all the railroads mcntldtioj hnvo repeat
edly clvcn H out that for the present they
would not build for amount of bonus , so that
io merchant's scheme will probablv result
in nothing nioro than cheap advertising ,
City Kuihvnyn.
OITV , Nob.j Feb. 11 , ( Special
to Tun Bcu.I Engineer Lewis , who ha
charge cf building thu Union cut-off of the
Missouri Pacific , says the new branch will
not bo re.uly for trutllc hoforo next May.
With the opening of that line Nebraska City
will receive mi extra passenger train running
to Lincoln.
Manager Clark Is quoted ns saying that no
moro building would o'o done this year by the
Missouri Pacific.
A Klour Thief.
GoTHCNiiunn , Neb. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bin. : ] The glass front of
Wlnchell's grocery was broken last night.
Four bass of Hour were taken nnd hauled In
a cart , being spilled along the road and traced
twelve miles north , The trail stopped nt a
neighbor's. ' A warrant was issued antl a
constable tins gone to arrest D. K. Young , a
former of Custer county.
TIilevcH on the Farms.
NKIIIUSKA Crrv , Nob. , Feb. 11. [ Special
to Tin : Bun.1 ] John Haddy , a farmer living
north of town , reported to the police today
that some ono stele n wagon load of corn
from his cribs last night , nnd ho suspects
some parties from the city. Ell Brown , an
other fanner , also had fifty bushels of pota
toes stolen from hint n frw nights ago.
A Change in tlio Auditor'H Olllcc.
LINCOLN , Neb , , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele-
pram to THE BKK. | It was given out to
night that n change will talto place In tho'
auditor's office. Mr. U. B. Allan , insurance
nudttnr , will bo succeeded March 1 by Myron
Wheeler. 3Mr. Allan will have charge of the
western business of a largo insurance com
He Stele Cattle.
FIIEMOXT ' , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Spsoial Tele
gram to' Tin : BKK. ] In the cas > o of tlio state
vs Frank Homnndorf , tried for stealing
eighteen head of cattle from Phillip Scott
hero last September , was completed , the Jury
finding a verdict of guilty.
Iturglurnou Trial.
FIIEMOXT , Nob. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to liiu BBE.I The trial of Michael
Swift and Frank Uttorsou , charged with
burglarizing a store here some weeks ngo nnd
afterward arrested in Council HluiTs began
today. Colonel Daily of Council Bluffs Is for
the defense.
Small Flro at Kearney.
KnAiixr.y , Nob. , Feb. II. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ilni'.j Flro partially destroyed
A. J. Shopnrd's drug stoi-o last night , Loss
about W.OOOj fully Insured. The Uro -
innted from a defective flue.
David Donli'H.
Ai.iuxr , N. Y. , Feb. 11. Governor Hill ,
when shown the letter purporting to bo from
Henry Wuttcrson , published in the Baltimore
Sun this morning , said : "I never received
any such letter. It Is the first I have heard
of any such thing. It must bo a forenrv. "
IlALTiMoiiR , Md. , Feb. 11. The Washing
ton correspondent of the Sun , anent the dec
larations of Governor Hill that ho never re
ceived such n letter as was published In the
Sun this morning , telegraphs. "Henry Wat-
tcrson wrote and sent the letter. Every word
of it Is genuine. Of course I cannot say Oov-
ernorllill received tholutter If bo denies It. "
Signed Away n Fortune ,
ST. PAI-I , Minn. , Feb. ll.-AUutte.Mont. ,
special to the Pioneer Press says : A docu
ment was filed today in the circuit court ,
dated last Juno , by which Thomas Jefferson
Davis , natural son of Millionaire Andrew J.
D.ivls , deceased , who lives In Iowa , assigned
to John A. Davis , brother of the deceased
nnd legatee under the will of 1SS ' , now being
contested , all Ids right , title and Interest in
the estate. By this action the young man
has thrown away the chances of the fortune ,
asjf the will is broken , he would huvo almost
a certainty of being declared tbo heir.
A Bchomo to Blow Up the Great Sobufuldt
Distillery in Chicago.
'he ' Secretary of the AVhlsky Trust
IH Charged with Attempting
to Urllio n Government
Ganger to Iu the Job.
CIIIOAOO , Fob. 11. If the stories told by
.gents . of the national treasury department
ow In this city nro true one of the most
labollcnlof dynamlto plots , involving great
oss of llfo and property , has been discovered
nil Its consummation prevented just oil tbo
vo of its putting into effect.
The Western Distiller * ' and Cattle Peed-
rs' association , hotter known us the whisky
rust , Is a corporation with a capital stock of
. " ,000,000 mid controls the pnco of high
incs throughout the country , as It controls
.11 of thodlstlltciloa with two or three ex-
icptlons. The most important distillery out-
tdo of the combination Is that of II. H. Shu-
'oldt of this city , and It was against this
oncorn that the plot \vas nrranucJ.
The exposure of the conspiracy occurro.l
his morning. Ocorgo J. Gibson of I'corln ,
11. , arrived at 0 o'clock and on complaint 'of
Solicitor General Hart of the treasury depart-
: nont , wno cnino here from Washington for
ho purpose , was arrested as ho was nlight-
ng from a carrlngo nt the door of the Grand
? aclllo hotel and hurried across the street
n to the government building , whore ho was
ocltcd up.
The arrest was made as quietly ns possible ,
and tbo fact was not undo public until some
: iours afterward. The laid nt Glb-
on's door is that ho offered ( iovcrnmcnt
. G : ! auger T. S. Do war , who is on duty nt Shu-
J 'eldt's ! distillery , nbrlbo to blow up the dis
tillery with dynnmlto.
Solicitor Hart tells the story of the plo t
lo says that Gibson opened communication
vlth Dowar some tlmo ngo , tolling him at
Irst that Shufeldt's concern was in the way
nd that they were trying to get it out of the
, vay. Finally ho offered Dowar SIO.OOO. and
then Increased the offer to2fi,000 to blow
up the concern. Gibson told him ho had a
dynamite machine that could bo exploded ho-
tweou two largo tanks , releasing and setting
on fire a sea of alcohol. There would bo
plenty of time for Dewar to get away , aud
.10 was the only nun who could place the imi-
chlno because of the fact that as
government oflluor ho had access to
all parts of the building. "Gibson
lied , " said Hart , ; "whcn ho told Dowar that
the mi'.ehlno would not go off until ho had
time to got out , for it would have exploded
nt once , killing tha man who placed It before
ho could possibly got away , thus destroying
only evidence against the trust people
and ut the same time ) saving to thorn the
$ ! 5,00i ) biibo. In addition to tlio destruction
of aad the bulUllii ? ) , Iho SUCUB.-H of
the plot meant the unquestionable death of
lf j > 0 men working In the placo. As I sny ,
Daivnr , under our instructions , wont the
.lengtlj . of the conspiracy to the point of doing
tiio diabolical u03d , RSil-when Gibson was ar
rested ho was waiting u * " "til- "XDCctlng
to hear of the explosion and the dostruclloTi
of nil these lives and nil that property. Wo
tiavo In our possession all tbo evidence to
substantiate Dowar's story iho dynamlto
machine , letters of contract between Dewar
and Gibson. In met everything. The case is
practically over so far as our department Is
concerned. The case Is made. "
"Havo yon any uvideuco to show that oth
ers hoildes Gibson were Implicated in the
conspiracy ! " Hart asked.
"Gibson is secretary of the trust , and while
wo might reason that ho was not alone in
this und that somebody higher up in the
trust was the responsible party , wo have not
a bit of ovineiico tending to implicate unynno
else. Everything wo have points to Gibson
and to no other person. "
The machine , materials to make it effective
and inculpating documents were in the
satchel which Gibson carried at the titno of
his arrest.
Some unknown person who bad knowledge
of the conspiracy warned the owners of the
distillery on Monday of the danger which
beset them and fixing the ditto for the explo
sion for yesterday or today , and they were
carefully guarding the promises day and
Two previous attempts , which were attrib
uted to whisky , were made to destroy Schu-
feid's wltti dynamite. Ono of thorn occurred
two years ago - last fall. Dotectlvo Dan
Cougtlln of the city pohco force was
detailed on the case and It was
while at work on It that ho made the ac
quaintance of tl.o llttln German , John H.
Kunzo. Both of them were afterwards tried
for complicity In the assassination of Dr.
Cronln. Coughllii Is serving a llfo sentence
for the crime , hut Kunzo was acquitted.
This ufternoon Gibson win taken hoforo
United States Commissioner Hoyno and re
leased on f . ' 0,000 ball. Ho declined to make
any statement regarding the matter.
GIliHon'flrrcHtSuriirlNcil 1'eorla.
PI-OIIM , 111. , Fob. 11. The arrest of
George J , Gibson In Chicago today caused
Intense surprise horo. At tnut headquar
ters nobody could be found this afternoon.
President Grecnhut went to Washington
ten days ngo nnd is still there , although his
relatives nnd friends ilo not know at what
hotel ho Is. Ills son sntd tonight that If his
father desired to say anything qn the subject t
bo would make his whereabouts known , but
otherwise not. The whisky men hero
assert that Gibson's arrest is the re
sult of a conspiracy between nnti-trust
distillers. Gibson has been n resident ot this
city since 18T9 , when ho cnino hero from
Cleveland and entered the employ of the
Monarch distillery as book-keeper When
the trust was formed in ISSl ho was elected
seerntnry and has since bold that position.
Ho made money rapidly nnd Is now rated at
Mayor Clark , formerly a member of the
association , snld tonight : "Gibson wns not
such a fool us to deal with a ganger hi such a
tcrrlulo affair , if it were true , "
There is a rumor hero tonight that United
States detectives who were hero a week ngo
gained entrance to the trust headquarters
aud searched It carefully. In the basement ,
It Is alleged , they found n dynamlto machine
and explosive cticmlcals sufficient to destroy
all the distilleries In the world. It is known
that the olllcers were here , but the story
about searching the he.idquartci's cannot bo
traced to any reliable source. Several prom
inent whisky men will go to aid Gibson ,
A ILlXCinm 8llttT.
IIo IH AttnckcdVhllo ANleep by a
Drunken Kiiiployo ,
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Fob. 11 , ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : But- . ] William Wittinghuni ,
foreman of tlio Douglas William Sartoris
ranches , near Luramio , was shot last night
while asleep in bed by a drunken range rider
named Uufus Kobinson and dangerously
wounded. Early In tbo ovoniug Hoblnaon
hud been ejected from Wittlugham's room.
After Wittin 'ham bad gene to sleep , Robin
son crept into his room , placed the muzzle
of a revolver at his head and fired ,
fortunately the shot was high nnd
inflicted n deep scalp wound Instead of
proving fatal , Other ranch employes came
to the seeuo of the shooting , but Hohispn
stood them oT ( with his revolver and for two
hours kept AVIttinghnm covered with the gun ,
momentarily threatening to kill him. Finally
VVIttingham fainted from loss of blood und
Hoblsnu went to the burn and rode away
with two horses. The Albany county officials
were notilicd of the matter today and will
capture Kobluson If possible.
( , HirfiltSlAX HfXKtXH.
Jlls I'liyHlulniii CoiiHldcr Ills Case Al
most. Hopeless , '
Niw Yonic , Feb. 11. tionoraj Sherman Is
very low this morning. Ills condition has not
changed for the better slued last night. Last
night tlio general only spoke when addressed.
The members of the family were about
his bed all night. Ifhollvos1 through today
the crisis will have passed. ' The doctors announced
nounced nfter consultation this morning , that
the ! condition of the general 'Is ' loss favorable
than yesterday. Ho suffered considerably
last night nnd is constantly growing weaker.
Shortly before noon Dn Alexander , , * when
nikcd for the latest nowi 6f 'tho sick general ,
said : "The general passed the worst night
liti tins had slnco ho wai talcfeu 111 and it is not
too much to say that his condition this morn
ing Is extremely erltienl.AHo Is very much
worse than yesterday mnrujngutid the slight
Improvement observed during the day was
entirely lost. A change cumc after midnight
and slnco that ttmo hoAcorns to have been
gradually slnklne. The wprst feature of the
cnso is that ho s'eoma to llc tnoat of tha tlmo
in a state of coma and can only bo
roused when food is ndinlnlstored. The
only nourishment ho has .taken for several
days has been whisky and , inllk , und ut times
ho'hus been delirious , especially during the
lost twenty-four hours. IIot < lees not seem to
suffer much pain and it is Uils weakness and
gradual sinking wo nro afrajd of. "
At 1 o'clock General Slfdrmnn's son said
Ids father was slightly bottpr , but not enough
to give much encouragement
The condition of General Sherman this
evening is still considered 'precarious , but
the success with which he.lf.Utled this after
noon was the foundation of hopes for his ul
timate recovery. In the afternoon ho fre
quently rallied sufficiently to rccognlzo mem
bers of his family and somqjjold fiicnds ad
mitted to the slclc chamber. *
General Kwlng sayft th H when roused
General Sherman Is intelligent and free from
all hallucination , but yosUmlay and today ho
has boon ranch of the tlmo lit a state of scml'
comn. IIo moves with great dinicutty nnd
The doctors' bulletin , Issued at 10 o'clock
tonight , says the general- lost but llttlo
strength during thodayjincUds condition U
about the snmo. i
President Harrison telesjrnpbod twlco
today for news of the general's condition.
At 1:15 : this ( Thursday ) morning Miss
Sherman sent n telegram (40 ( the general's
brother , Sonntor John Sherman , saying :
"Papa is tnucti worse. Ypuhad ] hotter come
nl once. " jf1) )
Senator Sherman reached the house at 3:20.
Niw : YOUK , Feb. 12. ! I10V ; n. m. The an
nouncement of General Sherman's death is
expected every minute no'wrf
Emigration lo Hrazll. Beset with Ter
rible SiilTorlg. ! )
LONDON . Fob. 11 , M. tiygaslnskl , corre
spondent of the Wnrsnw Cpurlcr , just ro-
turhed from Brazil , declares 'that tlio BrazilIan -
Ian government throw obstacles in bin way
when ' ho tried to elicit the truth eonce-rnins
the emigration question.Ho says tlio
Brazilian j government decided some time
ago ! to import 10,000,000 emigrants an.l the
Noith German Lloyd steamship company
has already hmded 140,001) . .ejliigr.ints , receiv
ing HX ( ) marks each for thorn ; The emigrants
were not allowed to form colonies , but were
scattered In forests in the Interior and loft to
their fate to dlo of hunger , fever oi1 snake
bites or i > o devoured by wild boosts. A few
retraced their stops to I id Janeiro , begging
sustenance of plantersiyho exacted from
them exorbitant services in foturrt for scanty
meals. At Hlo ' ' *
Jaiieli'Qr'HlQJcorr ; siontleiit )
found 701) ) emigrants In a ( ' .Vinff'stato , ' huddled
in a wooden chapel , , whllu4Vllousonds were
Ciijnpjng " in the streets of th'a cities through
which "hoT 'Cd CH Jproj9Ho ! ! has testi
fied on oath to the triith o
before Bremen judges , but still the emigra
tion ofllces are doing a roaring business.
A llj
The Xorth Dakota Lower House
Initially Catric.l llqNulHiilssIon.
BISMJUCI- . D. , Feb. 11 , ( Special Tclo-
rram toTiiii Bui : . ] The liquor men carried
the house this afternoon. The ono democrat
voting with the prohibitionists , flopped ; an
other was 111 , aud this gave the rombmission-
ists : t3 to "U. The bill was passed and sent to
the semite , where the light will bo equa'ly '
sharp. Hoth sides claim a majority in the
upper branch. Two democrats in that body
oppose rosubmissloii. Liquor men nro here
Irom all parts of the state , and there Is great
rejoicing among that element iOvor their pro
gress thus fur , und the prospects of a com
plete victory. Axvlg , the democrat who loft
the temperance man In thd house Is Irani
Cavalier county and was elected specially be
cause ho wns believed to -reliable oa pro
hibition. This is ono of the hiirdcat fights
over made in this or any other state on the
liquor question.
Cleveland on Krcu Coinage.
NuwYoiiK , Feb. 11. Several hundred people
ple assembled in Cooper union tonight to op
pose the free silver bill lu response to u call
ofthoHofonn club. Amohg the letters of
regret read was ono from.oxPrcsldent Cleve
land , In which ho says in partIt : surely
cannot DO necessary for mo to make a formal
expression of my asrceuieiit with those who
behove the greatest perils would bo initiated
by the adoption of the schema embraced in
thoadvplitigof the measuvo'tiow pending in
congress for unlimited . .coinage"of silver
nt our mints. If wo have developed unex
pected capacity for the nsMmllntlon of n
largely Increased volume of currency and
oven if wo have demonstrated the usefulness
of such increase , these conditions full fur
short , of insuring us against disaster if in the
present situation wo entoi upon a dangerous
and reckless experiment tnf fruo , unlimited
nnd Independent silver coliiago.
Hcsolutions condemning unlimited silver
colnngo were passed. K-Sccrctnry ( : oft
Treasury Falrchlld was the chief speaker ' In
opposition to the pending bill.
A Damp Proposal.
CiUMiium.AiN- . I ) . , Fob. 11. [ Spoclnl
Telegram to TUB D KB. ] The Iowa invest
ment and loan company diU | recently ob
tained possession of a lnrgou\irnber of tracts
of land In this state , through ] mortgage ' fore
closure , and now proposeHfo' irrigate the
tracts by sinking an nrtesjan well on each
farm. To bring thl * about U entered niton
contract today with T. J , U'Ol. a well known
contractor. The cpmpany" will purchase a
first class well machine and IbtiBull run It.
Herd of Caltlcl i-owiiod.
FOIIT COU.INS , Colo. , , ljch. 11 , ( Special
"UeUjpram to TUB DuK.J-rOno hundred and
luTy head of cattle bolqngiug to Howard
Wyndham , nn Enghsnnnn , ) were drowned
hi the Charles Darnell lalro , on Sunday last.
During the stld cold wiqll which blow all
thatday.tho cattle drifted biilp thu Ice which
gave away with their weiKh'tjun'd precipitated
them into the deep water. Thn herd had
been brought down from Lar mio , Wyo , , to
bo fed preparatory to shipping ,
m '
National Iliilldcrs Ff.vor Arbitration ,
Nnw YOIIK , Feb. 11. The National Assocl-
atlon of Builders today considered the report
of the committee on arbitration , advising and
suggesting a plan for un nmlcablo settlement
of all differences that may arise between em
ployes and employer ! . About forty delegates
took part In the discussion and the speakers
seemed to bo about equally divided for nnd
against arbitration. Tin ) report was finally
United MiUu
COM-M ill's , O. , Fob * . 11. . At the session of
the united mine workers today routine busi
ness was transacted and the convention ad
journed till tomorrow to give the committee
un opportunity to nreparn reports. Tlio con
vention declared In fuvor of the bill In con
gress for the ventilation of mines in terri
A Frightful Wreck to the Union Pacific
Yards Yesterday Morning ,
.The Kit-flnccr AVns Crushed Ur-yonil
Heuognltloii In Ills Cult nnd Horribly
ribly Scalded by the
Escaping Steam.
"This Is the lust tlmo I'll run up this hill
If I have to take my time for It , " were the
| ) rophcllis words uttered by Jake Jensen , the
engineer , yesterday morning.
Twenty inlnuloj later ho was a corpse.
Ho lost his life In the disastrous wreck that
occurred on the Union Pacltlu at the foot of
Harney street at VI : 13 yesterday morning.
The mogul freight engine No. 11 Ml , which
left thu shops for the first tlmo Sunday
morning , pulled away from the smelting wonts
at 0:16 yesterday morning , with twenty-two
curs attached , the Ilrst three laden with bull
ion , in chuvgo of William Hayes , a yard fore
mannnd with Jacob Jnusenuu old and reliable
engineer , and Hd Ball , the llrcinnu , in the
cat ) . By the time the train reached
Farmim street they had a pretty cnoil
head of steam on and were going at consider
able speed la order to get over the grade.
Just south of the iocond switch , without
an apparent cause other than the heavily
laden bullion curs , the engine jumped the
track nt a ( mint where the rails were In
perfect condition , and with but modcr-
"ntcly diminished speed ran -done upon the
tics between the rails for thodlstancoof lltty
yards , when nho wont over the slight em
bankment to the left. The descent nt this
point is barely three feet , but In the
flash of an eye , the splendid now
cnuiiio was an almost unrecognizable wreck ,
with Engineer Jensen lying crushed , scalded
and dead beneath a tangled mass of iron nnd
Bull , the fireman , who wns on the
right side of the cab , jumped
the moment t.ho engine loft the
track and fortunately escaped injury ,
except a rather painful bruising sustained by
fulling upon thu hard ground ,
Jensen wan at his own window , whcro ho
wns seen with his elbow on the &IU , cnlmly
gazing outa few seconds before the accident.
It would bo a dltllcult matter to explain
Just how ho was caught , but the
fact Is that the bulk of this enormous
weight caught him just across the client mid
crushed his mangled form Into the frozen
earth. 111 ? death was instantaneous , mid the
fact that both cocks in the cab exploded and
noured their volume * of super-heated steam
into Ids face , added nothing to the horror of
his death.
William Martin , a cnr-taggcr , was also
aboard the engine , standing on the Iron sheet
ing that serves ns a gang-plank between the
cub and the tender. He saw Jensen raise up
anil reach out his ' right arm as if
to grasp the throttle , and then attempted
to save himself , but before tie could
act , the crash came and his right leg near the
thlph wnsls.ught between this sheeting und
tlio boiler. Ho was quite seriously burned
by the escaping steam , but In some mir
aculous manner succeeded lu ex
tricating himself , and Jumped to
the ground , notwithstanding his
leg was crushed and broken in a horrible
wii3' . lie was immediately picked up by
members of the wrecking crow , who .woro
upon the scene in ten minutes after the
calamity. Mid carried into a shed ncau
by , " being subsequently taken to
St. * Joseph's hospital. Dr. Qal-
bralth , the attending physician , said
that he had sustained a comminuted fracture
of the right thigh bone , and would probably
eventually loose the limb.
rncVrctfittri&J 3 ? pee < hly nt-
tnehed to the 'demolished
engineer removed from the wreck by Danny
Shon , Robert McKinley and William Grove.
The remains , which wore sent to Burket'.s ,
presented a most levelling appearance , the
body being mashed and crushed out of nit
semblance to the human form , and his head ,
swollen to twice its natural size , with
features hideously blackoneil nnd distorted
by thu steam , which hud literal
ly cooked the flosh. burnimr off ono cur. His
right hand was still Urmlv clutched about
the throttle , showing that he died at his post
and hi's last act was nu attempt to save his
After the engine had gonn into the ditch ,
the momentuul at which the train had been
going curried the tiink on nt least sixty yard4
further , where there was a general collapse.
The tender had been pushed along
minus the fore wheels , and the ties
nnd rail had been torn up lor a considerable
distunco , ono railing being twisted like so
much wire , Its Jagged ends penetrating the
tank and protruding through the top. The
tender had also actually been forced through
the foremost of the iretght cars , rending it
into fragments , and scathcriug the
bullion bars in nil directions , while two other
cars were likewise thoroughly demolished.
William Hayes , In whoso charge the train
was , hi relating the circumstances of the dis
aster , Eulil there were three cars of
bullion , eight of ice , and cloven
empties , nud that they were
pulling up to get oa the Council Bluffs track ,
the Ice being destined for that point. Thu
load was not nn extra heavy one by nnv
means , but sufficient to render considerable
speed necessary to make the grade. Ho
was on the rear car , and In Jumping
fell on his fnco , mnshhig his ni'ht
check painfully mid knocking several teeth
out Ho was also ipjito bndlv contused about
the shoulders and chest. Young Martin re
sides in the IllulTs. Ho was a transfer clerk
and checker , and had gotten on the engine
with Jensen to rldo over homo.
Jarob Jonscn , the dead engineer , was
about thirty oichtyears of ago ,
and ho resided with his wife
and two sons , one aged sixteen , em
ployed In the shops , mid the other , a lad of
eight , nt OO'J Murey street. IIo was much es
teemed by the company as a reliable and etll-
cient engineer , nud in addition to ton or
twelve years of experience hero had run an
onglno.m the old country , nnd was-n flnisned
and thorough railroad man. His death indeed
Is u lamentable 0,10 and fell with crushing
weight upon his llttlo family. Jonscn was
about to got a leave of absence and Inul made
every preparation to take his wife and youne-
est son on a trip to his old homo across the
The damage entailed by the wreck will
probably reach in the neighborhood of $10 ' .
Cashier Gone and Two Hnnkn Clone ,
AYKU , Mass. , Feb. 11 , The First National
and North Middlesex savings hanks closed
their doors today and ugly rumors nro afloat
concerning them. II. B. Spauldlng , cashier
of both Institutions , has boon missing from
town since Monday evening and whcro ho
has gone no ouo knows. The exact financial
condition of the hanks is not known. The
books will bo examined nt onee.
hast week Spaulding ascertained that the
directors of the Nortfi Middlesex bank were
about to have it examined , and ho loft homo ,
not saying when ho would return. Colonel
Needtiam , formerly bank examiner , has ad
vised the banks not to pay out any moro
money until there has been nnotllclnl investi
gation. Ho states that a letter wan found
which indicates that Cashier Spaulding has
been speculating In stocks ,
Investigation but tends to show that both
the First National and North .Middlesex Sav
ings banks nro solvent , the Inttor especially
so , as none of its funds have been tampered
with. Iftherolsanylosslt will full on the
national hank. Cashier Spauldlng has doubt
loss boon dabbling in stocks. Spanldlng was
a regular member of the Methodist Episcopal
church and was always considered a man of
sterling habits and uprlcnt character.
Commissioner of Savings Hanks Locke
sold that from a supcrlldal examination ho
should think the savings bank was all right ,
rbo only chance for a discrepancy is on the
pass books of depositors ,
Hank Inspector Mitchell has arrived to ox-
ammo the condition of the national bank.
The last balance sheet of the North Middlesex
bank showed assets nnd liabilities of 3UH.OOO ,
The supreme court this evening Issued an
njunctlon restraining the North Middlesex
Savings hank from paying out any money
until mi Investigation of the finances fins been
American lloro Tolls of the Buttle of
Wounded Kni-o ,
WASUIIXOTONFeb. . 11. The Indian confer-
euro c'lowl today and the Indians will start
homo Friday , The fe.Uure of to-day's talk
was thostorvof the tight nt Wounded Knee.
Turning Hawk said that at a given tlmo ,
whnu the men had delivered up their guns ,
they were separated from their families
and taken to a certain spot. A crazy man , n
young man ol very bad influence , fired his
gun , killing nu ofllcer. The other Indians
began drawing their knives , although they
were exhorted from nil sides to desist , nud
thollriiif- begun .Immediately on the part of
the soldiers. All the men who wore In n
bunch were killed right there nnd these
who escaped that llrst llro got Into
n ravhio , and us they went along
the ravlno for n long distance were
punned on nil sides by the soldiers ami shot
down. The women iiad no nnns to light
with. They were standing off at a different
place and when the living began those ot the
men who escaped the llrst volley went In one
direction up the ravine and the women wont
in a diflcrent direction through tin open field ,
but met the same fate as the men.
iVmcrlciin Horse said that when the firing
began the people who were standing Immedi
ately around the young man who fired the
llrst shot were killed and then thn soldiers
turned their guns on the women who were In
the lodges standing there under n Hug of
truce. Of course as soon ns they were fired
upon they fled. There was a woman with an
infant in her arms killed as she nlinosl
touched the Hag of truce. Hlght near the
Hug another was shot down , her child , not
knowing the mother wns dead , wns still
nursing , and that wi.s a very sad sight. The
women as they were fleeing with babes on
their back wore killed together and women
heavy with child were nlso killed. After
most of the Indians had been killed the cry
wns made that all these not lulled or
wounded should come forth and they would
bo anfo. Llttlo boys who were not wounded
came out of places of refuge , and ns soon us
they came In sight a number of soldiers sur
rounded nnd butchered them.
Commissioner Morgan said to the interpre
ter : "I wish you would say to him tl'nt
these are very serious charges to make
against the army , I do not want any state
ments that are not absolutely true , and I
want anyone hero that feels tlio statements
are too strong to correct them , "
American llorso replied : "Of course It
would hnvo been all right if only the men
were killed , but thu ( net of the killing of the
women and moro especially young boys and
girls who nro to make up the Hit uro strength
of thu Indian people wo feel Aory sorely , "
Commissioner Morgan Does American
Horse know these things of hi ? dwn personal
knowledge or hnsNio been tola them !
American Horse 1 was not there nt the
tlmo hoforo the burial of the bodies , but I
did go there with some Indian police and
many people from the agony , and wo wont
through the battlefield nud saw whcro the
bodies were from the track of blood.
Hov. Mr. Cook , a Sioux half breed , pastor
of thu I'piscopai church of Pine Kldgo ,
among other things said : "Much has been
said about the good spirit with which the
members of the Seventh cavalry
, went into that action. It has been
said that a deslro to nvongo
Custer's death was entirely absent from their
minds. In coming towards Chicago In
company with General Miles I talked with
one of his own scouts , who wns almost killed
because ho was coiniiollt'd to fly with the
Indians , being fired
ho tried to save an *
ho recovered from
10 Wttl B T nfe
rank uu / , „ . ,
not ,
( now cftmfl
have avenged Ouster's death. ' And
this scout salil to him : 'Yos.lmtyou had
every cause to light for your lives that day.
Thc40 poor Indian people dlu 'not liavo that
opportunity to protect and light for them
selves. ' If this is an indication of the spirit
of n number of men in that company 1 nm
sure the Seventh cavalry did not go there
with the kindest of motives simply to bring
these poor people back. "
Afler several others had spoken the com
missioner declared the conference at on end.
Congressman Dorsey Says tlint
Owcnby la a Mar.
WASHIXOTOX , Feb. U. The silver pool In
vestigating committee resumed its sessions
this morning and Congressman Dorsoy of
Nebraska said ho desired under oath to make
a statement , ilo called attention to an inter
view with Owenby , "who was somewhat
notorious and not unknown to fame , " in
which Owcnby said that a Nebraska
congressman told him that there
was ? 2 , ! > 00 waiting for him If ho
would forgot wimt ho know when ho went on
the witness stand. Dorsoy said he was satis
fied that his colleagues ( Laws nml Council )
had never soon Owenby , IIo himself had
known Owonby's face three or four yours ,
but until Owenby came hero to testify ho had
never known his name. He had met Owonby
in hotels and about Iho capital. Owcnhy
had nskcd him about the tariff , silver and
other bills. When Owenby wns brought
hero under arrest witness went to the scr-
gcant-at-nrm's ofilco out of curiosity and
found about a dozen members around
Owcnby , whom ho recognized. Owcnby
greeted witness nnd said ho wanted to
sco Mason of Illinois. Witness went out , not
being there thirty seconds , If witness was
the man Owenby meant ho ( Iorsev ) pro
nounced hlmiiti infamous liar in nil that term
Implied. IIo never hud been interested him
self in silver , cither directly or indirectly.
Dorsoy said ho never had gone to anybody to
hnvo the investigation stopped and never
asked Senator Cameron or miv ono clso to
hnvo it stopped. Dorsoy described a jocular
conversation between Jllnnd himself , Senator
Butler , Cameron and others , m which the
senator jokingly twitted the members of
thohoiiso about silver speculation and wit
ness jokingly uphold the house. At that
conversation something wns said about the
Dockcry resolution , and ho ( Dorsoy ) re
marked that It was the Impression on the
house slilo that Dockcry was after ono of the
senator's colleagues , whoso election at that
time wns pending. He had laughingly told
the senators to look out for Dockcry ; that ho
wns a "had man. "
Kx-Hepresontntlvo Thompson of Kentucky
and J. Hudil of this city testified that Owen-
by's ' reputation was not good.
IiiHpeulloii ( if Ijlvi ) Slock.
WASIIIXUTOV , Feb. 11. Koprcscntntlvo
Hatch , from the coimnlttco on agriculture ,
today reported to the house a bill as an
amendment in the nnturo of a substitute for
the scnnt.o bill to provide for the Inspection
of live cattle und hogs and the carcanscs and
products thereof which nro subject to Inter
state commerce , etc. It embraces the pro
visions of Vest's bill for thu Inspection of'cat
tle intended for oxiiort , nnd also nuthorlzcs
the secretary of agrlculturo to make a cnro-
ful post-mortem examination of cattle , sheep
und swine killed at sfaugntor houses , etc.
The AVuathor Forecast.
For Nebraska Fair ; variable winds ; sta
tionary tomparaturo.
For Iowa Fair ; variable winds-cooler ;
Friday ,
For South Dakota-Fair ; warmer ; south-
crly winds ,
Absconding SouVolary'H KImrlnio <
WII.MINOTO.V , Del , . Feb. 11. Thu evident
shortage of J. EldgrodgO Plorce , the abscond
ing secretary of the City Loan association ,
will amount to $90,00 ; ) instead of W.OOO re.
ccntly computed. It is believed tbo assets of
the concern are now about SoO.OOO.
Defeat of tbo Ooncurrcnt Resolution m th
Sonftto After a Protracted Debate.
IiiilopomlcntH Tlir < > nUn to Introilucl
Another ItosolutIon Collins , Tay
lor and Tumor to lie Called
to Account.
LIXCOI.N , Neb. , Fob. 11. [ Special to Tin
Bun. ] The concurrent resolution providing
for the contest of the election ot CSovornor
Boyd and the other executive state olllcow
came up this afternoon In the senate for the
last time ami was lost ,
ItutlMctedonly the usual union nt of at
tention nt llrst. Later , however , the houst
having adjourned to allow the irrigation
meeting to bo held la in Its roommany of tun
members of that body filed Into the senate
chamber to witness the light.
Still Inter , many of the loading delegates
to the irrigation mooting heard of the pro
posed stnigiilo and came in to witness It ,
These witnesses filled the available spacfl
on the lloor and packed the lobby , disputing
thouniiallowed territory with the hungry
mortals who have designs both upon the sen-
atom anil , through thorn , the people of Ilia
The gallery wns packed , n largo number of
the spectators being ladles.
The contest was almost spiritless. Only
four or live senators tcok part In thu discus
sion. These confined thoiiwlvos to an earn
est yet unlinpnssloninl expression of their
views. Several references were imide , how
ever , to the consistency of the sonutors wlia
had abandoned the Independents , but they
failed to evoke a reply from the parties re
ferred to.
1 ho great majority of tbo members scorned
disposed to listen mfd vote according to tliolr
convictions , Thh they did with Intelligence
and without prompting.
The contestants on the independent tlcliot
were on the floor , nu were also sumo of their
The latter , moro than any of the parties
involved , scorned to bo conccrneil in the out
come. When , therefore , the vote tabling
Senator I'oyntcr's resolution to recommit
was taken , those paid servants could not con
ceal the disgust which the move occasioned.
Governor Uo.vd'a attorneys , too occupied
positions' outside thu rail and looked on with
the complacency peculiar to people who an
ticipated victory.
The management of the governor's case
was In the hands of Senator Swit/lor of
IJouglas. The commission wns excellently
executed. The gentleman made no speeches ,
displayed no intensity of fcolinir , though ha
studiously watched every movement aud
look advantage of every opportunity. Had
ho been moro demonstrative , In view of the
lact that he made a dozen motions , it Is not
improbable his opponents might have been
aroused to a warmth which might have re
sulted disastrously.
Tholiulepeiuleiidcnts uro discouraged , and
the disappointment scorns to bo more keenly
felt than they are willing to admit. They
propose to arraign before tholr party Sena
tors Collins of Gngo , Taylor ofLoupand
Turner of Saline , to whom tnoy chargp tholr
ilofoat. Collins and Tumor voted with the
'Vd * ' neoplo , while Taylor absented Himself
'to chamber. The senators who were
Ileck of Hurt with Shea of
. hnyer with Horn of
l mn with
Koonte of 'Jluyva.
The Independents say the resolution will bo , " ' . ,
brought up again. It must originate in the
house , and several wdolcs , it is thought , must
ellipse before it can reach the senate , If in
deed It should over reach It.
Tlio Boyd men inndo no display after thov
hud succeeded In tabling I'oyntcr's motion to
commit , which virtually showed that the
Independents were in tiie minority. They
seemed to bo satisfied with their work , and
tomorrow will bo ready to enter upon the
work of legislation with renewed energy.
.Senator Mattes of Otoo moved that the
scnato in committee of the whole consider
concurrent resolution No. ( ! .
Senator Warner oi Fillmore objected , be
cause the resolution wns not next In order.
This resolution set the date for the contest
of stnto ofllcors for the ITlh inst. The motion
'to take it out of its regular order was under
stood by the Independents as an attempt to
force thu resolution In the absence of some of
their members.
The chair said there was some doubt as to
whether or not there was such a thing as n
regular order on the general lilo. Ilo would
decide that the senate could taUo ill ) any
thing on general lilo by of a vote to
that effect.
Senator Eggleston of Lancaster snld the
senate had irene into commiUco of thu whole
on general lilo , which Implied Unit the bills
on that Ilia should bo considered in their
order , mid that that order should not bo
changed ,
Senator Mattes though the senate ought
not to bo at tlio mercy ot the secretary , who
find charge of the file in iruostlon.
Senator Swltzlor wanted to know If the
hills now on the lilo were in the order in
which they had been received or considered
by the scnato ,
The secretary said tlwy were supposed to
be there In the order in which they were
road ,
Senator Swll/.ler wanted further to know
whether there was any means ot ascertaining
whether or not the bills were Hied us they
hud been roci-ived.
This query Beamed to imply that the contest -
test resolution had been placed so far down
on the list as to provonl ltd being considered ,
nt least until thu absent Indcpcndeatsenators
should arrive.
The secretary , answering Mr. Switzlor's
question , said no could not say whether or
not the bills were on the lilo according ns
they had been Introduced into the senate , be
cause some bills were delayed more than
others by amendments ,
The chair announced that the order on the
lilo was not arbitrary. It was a matter
which could be regulated by the senato.
Senator Moore said It was customary to
take up things just as they had been put on/
the general lilo. Ho quoted rule ! ! ( J , bearing
on the subject , and thai to take n hill up out
of Its order would require a two-thirds vote
in Its favor.
A motion wns m.ido that the regular order
bo proceeded with and the sumo prevailed.
Senator Christoffor.son's scnato tile No. SO ,
defining thu powers , duties nnd obligations of
homestead association" , win read.
The committee asked leave to duo , report
progress nnd sit again.
Adjourned to 2 p. in.
After the passngu of Senator Dysnrt's bill
regarding homestead associations , Senator
Swlulerof Douglas , moved the scnato ( jo
into committee of the whole to consider con
current resolution No. (1 ( , providing for tha
contest of state ofllcors.
The motion prevailed and the ayes and.
nays were called ,
Heuator I'oynter of Boone , explained his
vote by saying that ho In favor of going
into coinniittco of the whole to consider bills
on the gcnural lilo , and to take up the con
current resolution when It should bo reached
anil not before.
Scnntor Heck said lie was paired with Sen-
ntor Shea , Senator Starbuck with Senator
Horn , Senator ICoontz with Senator Wilson.
The vote resulted nyes 10 , nays U. The
necessary Iwo-thlrds vote required not
having been obtained , the motion was de
clared lust.
.Senator Switzter then moved that the
committee go into coimnlttco of thu whole to
consider bills on the general file.
Senator Mattes of Otoo moved to adjourn.
Thu motion wua lost.
Senator Kwitzler withdrew his motion to
golntocommltloeof Hie whole to consider
nllls on the general llle.
Ho then moved again that the senate go
Into committee of the whole to consider tha