Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE CWUHA BAlIi\r UEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 11 , 1891 ,
A. rmrrinfjo llcoii o wn ? issued ycstcr-
dny to .lolin A. Johnnson mid Alintx
Bloom , both of thlHcity ,
The regular meeting of the Veteran
flromcn'8 association will bo held ut the
police court room this evening.
Jonnlo Ui-unor , tlio colored woman ur-
rcsted Monday night for bi'cnkiiif ! up
some furniture , was discharged yestor-
dny for want pi prosecution.
1'nUoy Dooley fnlled to kcop his prom
ise recently , inudo to Judge Ilclslcy
about Kolnf to Iowa , and will polish the
bars of tlio county juil for the next ten
HenC'ohon has boon appointed by the
local Ilubrow Relief association ns a
delegate to tlio nalional convention of
the order , which meets In Philadelphia
next Sunday.
Flvo hundred warrants for coroner's
jury /UGH / woronitulo out yesterday allot-
noon and now nwalt the coming of their
ou'nciH. Thuso are tbo first issued for
many months.
The receipts of the customs liouso yes
terday consisted of thrco eases of woolen
goods from England two for tlio Morse
dry poods coiiiuany and the ether for
I'Vank I la intfo.
Tlicro will bo a meeting of the board
of innn'iKorri ' o ( tlio city missionary and
church extension society at tlioouiif , '
Men's Christian anboclatlon rooms to
day ut . ' ! o'clock.
Shot-ill Uoyd took two men to the pen
itentiary yesterday morning. JimUoy-
noldH , convietctt of killing young Nlstlc ,
poc.s for ton years , and Ilobert Johnson ,
burglar , two yean .
Miss I5e lo II. Bcdtoo of ilurlington. Vt. ,
hail n disease of the scalp which caused tier
imlr to bccuino very Imrsh niul dry and to
foil so freely Mm sc.irecly ilnretl comb it.
Ayor's llnlr Vigor gave. her a healthy scalp.
anil iniKio tbo hair beautifully thick and
_ _
National lllUorloul IMilsc.
A reliable , honorable , truthful , edu
cated gontloinan , with rofornncos , has
for monoy-maklng a cortitinty. Any
lady or gentleman huving SlUOO.OOean
double it in. sixty days. Address D 0 ,
Predictions for I < Vlirunry Weather.
As there are but twenty-eight days in
this mouth there ought to bo leas cold
atmosphere than in January , but "all
signs fail In dry weather , " therefore wo
can only bay that the electric-lighted ,
Btonm-hoated , vostibulod , limited trains
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will continue to run dally be
tween Omaha , Council BlulTs and Chi
cago. The oloctrte light rending lamp
in cnoh berth IH the novelty of the ago.
Ticket ollico , 1501 Farnam street , Omaha.
PriHoncr.s l > lml Not Oullty Kynit &
WalNd'H Claim.
Tea white men multtrco colored \vcro
M-rnlpnod before Judge Clnrkson yesterday
and the entlro unlucky number pleaded not
pullty. Most of thorn wore without money
for defense niul worn assigned counsel hy the
court. The records show as follows as tlio
result of the inatinco :
Jack llawWns , colored , a biter ; Lowry
UIco , colored , assault ; GeorgoSnyor , colored ,
assault ; Henry Gibson , forgeries to amount
of 131 ; Edward 0. Hiilstoatl. stealing ilia-
monils to vnluo of $ (510 ( ; ( J. M. Cook , steal-
InK gold watch valued at § sS ; Charles
O'Hriun , stealing Jewelry valued nt S100 ;
Doll Perkins , assault with a pistol containing
cloven bullets ; John Uroivn and Joseph
Lockwood , BteatliiR Wnrrcti Switzlcr's over
coat : JostphLocUwood saultlnj , ' an ofllccr ;
Lewis M , .loncs undBurt Bush , ; F. II.
Golihburoujjh , Lewis M. Jones and Burt
Bush , assault ; Charles Hoborts , obtaining
50 by mortgaging a horse and bujjgy that ho
had stolen.
The cases against Parsons tind Mullen for
disturbing the peace , niul nxaliiiit Kirfoy for
an unmentionable crime , were uollcil.
Edward D. Mnllcry has potitloicil the dis
trict court for nn orucr rcstratnliiR the iron
moulders union No. 190 fromlutoi-faring with
niul obstructing him la the use and onjoy-
moiit of the privileges , bcnellts and cmohi-
inonts beloiiKlnK to and urowlnp out of mem
bership ia that organization , unit from inter
fering with his scokiiiij employment clso-
whcro. suits of Importance were com
menced yesterday afternoon. Ainonu them Is
the biggest action for damages that hits been
instituted for months wherein the city has
been made defendant. The plaintiff if MmUi
C. llcccher , who says that slio h the owner
of lots ! 1 and 4 m blocit 11)3. ) Those properties
she claims have been badly damaged by
reason of the building of tbo Sixteenth street
viaduct , laying , as they do directly opposite
and below tlio level of tbo north end of the
structure. She charges that the datnajjo
which has accrued amounts to a round § 15- ,
000. for which sum she asks juilcnient.
trances T , Funk , tlio wife of Albert Funk ,
tells the court a lengthy story of bitter
wrongs which she alleges to have
Buffered at the hands of her husband. It is
one of great brutality and which culminated
in asccno to put it mildly on last Christ
mas night which is revolting. Mrs. Punk's
object in pouring her woe into the ear of the
court may easily bo imagined. She wants a
James P. Gould Is after the Bohn sash and
door company. Ho has Illt-d two suits agoiast
the concern , one for over $1,100 and the ether
for7TO.K ! ) .
The big , but very oldsultof IJyan & Walsh
ngalnst IJouplas county was taken up by
Judge llopowoll yesterday afternoon. Mueti
time was consumed in securing a jury. The
preliminary and a stating of tbo case was
completed at adjournment of court.
To Nervous and Dobllltnt-jil Man.
If you will send us your address wo wil
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaio Dolt
and Appliances on trial. They will quickly
restoi-o you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet froo. VOJ.TAIO BIU.T Co. , Marshall ,
Claim to Ilnvo Won.
George S. Drown , the local representative
of the American live stock commission coin-
p.iny , says that the company sold all the
stock received yesterday nnd claims that this
virtually settles the contort. The lirst load
of hogs received was sold to the Cudahy
packing company for $3.30 , the full market
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
"Witt's Ltttlo Kmly Kisers ore token. Small
pill.S nfoplU. Host pill.
Hulliliiii : I'erami.
TUo following porralts wore Issued by the
Buporintcudcnt of buildings yesterday :
1'ubst bru liiK company , repairs on
' building , WO rnrnuin t S.OOO
Ono minor permit , 150
Total IS.150
Quo of the best nnd strongest attractions
ol the entire season \\lll bo presented at the
Grand on Sunday evening next , for ono
night only. It U the old and original J , C.
Stewart's Two Johns comedy company ,
.Tliey have alwns been great favorites here ,
nnd invariably have played to largo
nudionco * . They turned people awny the
lost time tloy visited Omaha , mid the com
pany is very materially stronger now than it
tvaa then.
Miss Cora Tamicr will present her now
, One little word will sum the
J HH liVl i \/f 4U * * VHVI t * 'H11 t * MMII * up V * * J
causa oT tlio notnblo suecosi nttalnoa. by
Cora Tanner In her latest production , -Tlia
' Diuiphtcr.1 That word is nbllltj. "
llclucco's * /i HHIIfcJ * AMt fc' lWiV- * * * * HlVtT
Stop or stop Miss Tanner lias worked hoi-
way till now she stands n Dri ht luu-lU-ulnr
Btar In her nrofosslon. Miss Tanner tlays n
powerful emotional role and tnnlies n roat
bticcws. Tow actresses txwscss greater per-
EOtinl charms than Con * Tanner , yet her
bcautv has never been used to advertise- tier
plays. ' She asks no inoro thna ttiat shoi shall
bo JudRod by her merits , and by them It can
W mitufully saW she Uus iiiado her success.
IIo In U'nntrd to Answer nn Indict
ment in Dunvcr.
Dr. Gcorgo W. Williamson wa * nrrcsted
yoturduy by Deputy United Stntos Mar
shal .Morcur and t.ikon before Juclgo DunJy
to answer an Indictment found against him
in Iho United Stales court at Denver , Hols
charged In tlio indictment with using llio
mulls for tbo purpose of defrauding.
According to tlio indictment , Williamson Is
chargcJ with bclnir ono of the princi
pal * in n land compaay formed tor
the purpo o of selling lots In Moat-
rose , which lots were extolled to the
sides for their beauty and their
convenient and cloKant sun-omul Ings. All
thcio allurements were declared to bofrrmdu-
lent anil to exist only In the vivid Imagination
of the principals who sent extravagantly
worded advertisements through the malls
anil disposed of numerous lots to thot'Ullihlo
dtmizsns of Colorado and the surrounding
When the victim remitted the cash fora
lot In this modern paradlso a deed was ro-
turncd to him by malt and the company did a
veritable land nfllco business.
The Indictment was sent to the district at
torney nnd mnrshtil In this city and steps
wt'i-o atoncutnkentoap | > re1icntlMr , William
son. He was In the headquarters of n medical
linn on l-'arnam street and at once admitted
that ho was the Identical George-W. William
son named in tlio Indictment. Ho was talcon
before Judge Diindy und expressed his entire
willingness to lotuni tn Dourer to stand
trial. Ho stated that ho had been employed
by the land company as n clerk antt had
sk'ned tlio deeds merely ns a clerk and had
no Interest In the business any further than
to draw his salary. lie said an indictment
had been found against him in Juno hit and
ho gave bonds for his tippeai-nnco. Ho then
caino to Omaha and tlio indictment was
nflorw.irits sot aslcto. The Indictment on
which ho had been arrostcd was found lo- )
CTinbcri-'O , last , and was news to him. IIo
expressed adoslro to have the matter settled
ns HOOII as possible and only nslccd for tlmo
to arrange ills practice so ho could leave
without Injury to his patients.
Ho was pivcn over to tlio custody of llio
marshal to be taken to Denver at tuo begin
ning of the next term of court.
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg ,
JtO ! ) ; [ : KS HOUND OVI1H.
The \VotiUl-Jlo Suluido Held to tlie
District t. onrt.
The would-bo sulcltto , known as Henry M.
Kodgcrs , was arraigned In pollco court on the
charge of forgery and forged in-
sti-iuncnts. Tlio information was Illed by
Uotcctivo Z M. Kills , and the name of Mrs.
1'lckcring , to whom Itodgcrs gave ono of tlio
forged orders , appears ns ouo of the witness
es , although she says' she had no idea of
prosecuting the defendant.
Kodgers promptly waived examination and
was held to the district court in tlio sum of
$ lUoO , IIo askud for a copy of
tlio information -mid was Informed
tlmt the district court would furnish him
with ono. In default of ball Hedgers was
sent to the county jail.
A telegram from Cleveland states that
llodgcrs formerly resided at Sandy Lake and
Ilutler , I'u. , but that nothing Is known of
the murder or dlsanpjaranco of a girl , nnd it
is beljovcd that his confession ho is
wanted forimmlcrmg his sweetheart is a
hoax. This does not shako the
conlldenco of the police in
the young man's ' story , ns It is
known that ho Is not the if. M. Kodficrs
whom ho admits tint lie was personating.
The orginnlll. M. Holgers ot western Penn
sylvania Is not Implicated in this c.iso exeunt
that his naino was adopted by the would-bo
suicide without the Imowledgb.mul consent of
the rightful owner.
The bogus Hedgers was tickled over Ills re
moval to the county jail , as his quarters at
the city jail wcro not to his liking.
The Rov. Win. Stout , Wlarton , Out. , states :
After being ineffectually treated by seven
teen different doctors for scrofula and blood
disease , I was cured by Burdock blood bit
ers. Write him for proof.
TCxamlimtinnB fur Postal Positions.
Examination by the United States civil
service commission for the railway mail scr-
vice during the year 1S91 will bo held at
points In and adjacent to tlie seventh divi
sion as indicated below.
ach applicant must select from this
schedule the tlmo and place at which he
wishes , to bo examined and notify the com
mission of the choice on the accompanying
slip for that purpose , which is furnished all
Tlio slip and application complcto , includ
ing the curtillcntcs of vouchers , must bellied
with the commission for examinations to beheld
held at Washiniton nnd points cast of the
Mississippi river at least six days before the
date llxcd for the examination ; for examina
tions to bo held at points between the
Mississippi river and the Hoclcy mountaiiTs ,
at least ten days before the examinations.
Examinations for Nebraska will bo held as
follows :
Omaha Friday , April 17.
North Plattc Monday. Juno 15.
Lincoln Wednesday , Juno 17.
Omatia Friday , November 1U.
Do Witt's ' Little Early Risers ; best llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
Cliaiiucs of Omulm'n Clerks.
To decide which clerk in the service Is en
titled to the medal offered by the postmaster
general for the best general record made
throughout the ontlro service during the
ycarlS'JO. the following committee has been
appointed : A. Curt , superintendent Fifth
division , chairman ; J. I1. Lindsay , superin
tendent Seventh division ; b. L. Tioy , super
intendent Sixth division : OeorgoW. Pepper ,
jr. , superintendent Ninth division.
The chairman has been authorized to call
upon the superintendents of the various di
visions foe all the necessary records , and ap
point a date for the meeting of tlio commit
The chances arc that the medal will como to
the Omaha , and Ogden runas it is understood
that a number of the railway clerks are
known to have a record of 100 per cent.
I'vo ' been a sufferer from rheumatism for
years niul hnvo been unable to obtain any re
lief at nil. Salvation oil gave me entire re
lief and I heartily recommend it. HENRY
WINKEL. , Baltimore , Md.
AVhnt so wonderful as a severe cough cured
by Dr. Hull's cough syrup for tie cents. Try
it I .
The Governor's Chilli- .
The Samosct club has arranged to go down
to the capital Thursday morning in a body ,
They wilt take the 8 o'clock train to which
will bo attuOlicd a special car und the A. O.
II. band.
When they arrive nt Lincoln they will pro
ceed to the executive chambers , whore , in a
formal manner the chair , widen the club had
made for that purpose , will bo presented to
Governor Uoyd , Mr. Charles Ogdcn will
inako a brief presentation speech. Quito n
number of Omniums , In nnd out of tbo club ,
will go down with the boya.
Ueel la lUlllons of nomcu
10 i'cirs th 8tao6ar&
A Flour Tlilcf.
There is ft warrant out for the arrest of E.
W. Jennings , it young man who has worked
M grocery clerk about the city for some
Mr , Bruno Tzscliuck , who keeps n flour
store at HIS Jacksoa strost , chnrffos Jen
nings witn having stolen 000 pounds of Hour
from his store last Friday wlilto Mr.
Tzscliuck was gene homo at his dinner hour.
Jennings hired a dr.iynvin nnmoU Hartor to
deliver the flour to some people living on
South Thirteenth and South Fourteenth
streets , nnd In this way the
theft was soon discovered. Hartor
suspected , after ho had tlono the hauling ,
that tlicro must have been something irregu
lar about the matter , because ho had not scon
Jennings about Mr. T/.schuck's store prior to
that day. Ho Informed Mr. Tzsohuck of the
matter nnd yesterday n search warrant was
Issued and Ollli-or ICeyscr , accompanied by
Htirter and Tzsehuck , went to the houses nt
1111 South Fourteenth street and 1109 South
Thirteenth , where the Hour was sold , nnd re
covered it all hut ono sack.
Jennings had bold the Hour at $1.75 per
100 pounds , or for each two sacks. Tlio
purchaser * wcio llohomlans and were Inno
cent purchasers , but on account of the re-
tmirkable cheapness of the flour were very
willing to buy It.
Jennings has not yet been apprehended.
The Rftajonty
so-called ilo little than
Of - cough-cures inoie
Impair the digestive functions and create
Hie. Aycr's Cheny Pectoinl , on the contrary -
trary , while It cure * the cough , does not In-
tcrfeic with the functions of cither stuninoli
or liver. * No other medicine Is so safe and
cfllcaclous In diseases of the thioat and
"lpour years ago I took a severe cold , which
\\as followed by a teirlble congli. I was
vciy sick , and confined to my bed ahont four
months. 1 cinplojcd a physician most of
the time , who finally said I was In consump
tion , and that lie could not help me. One of
my nclglihots adUscd me to try Aycr's
Cheny Pectoral. I did so , ami , befoio I hail
finished taking tlio fhst bottle was able to
sit up all tlio time , and to go out. Hy tlio
lime 1 had finished the bottle ' was well , and
lia\e remained soever since. " I * 1) . Illxby ,
Itaitonsvllle , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Eiass.
Sold Lynil Druuulfts. I'rlcjSl ; sl
Drs.BeM Belts
Pii/sim , 8'if ' jj ) in anl Specialists ,
Tno moat wldolv nnd favorably Vnownspee-
lallstslntlio Undo I StutcB. Their lone < ix-
Dcrlunce , rcmnrkalilu skill nnd univormil sue-
cess in the tru.itiuont und curour Nervous ,
Clironlo and Surgical DUoascH. ontltlo the o
otiilnont physlcliint to tlm full coiifliloneo of
8tao6ar&A . They piiirnnti ! > o :
the awful Pffoota of eiirly vice and the numer
ous avllsthiitfollmv In Its train.
speedily , coninlotolv and m-rmnnrntly ( juri-d.
OUDEUB , yield ieullly ; to their slillltul treatment
ciiariintced cured without liuln or dctcutlon
ironi buslncsi.
nontly nnd succossfullv cured In ovuryeiiso ,
niatorrhcu. f-cnilual Weakness Lost Msmliuud ,
NlRht Kinlssloiif. Decayed I'lieultlcs , roinulo
\Vcaknris and nil dullcnto disorders peculiar
to cither sex positively cured , na well as ull
funetlonal disorders tlmt rosutt from youthful
follies or the uxcossof nmtiuo yearn.
C'PD ir'PI 11 ? K Huurantcod ) ) oriua nontly
o i ivlv iJ ivi cured , ionu > vul comploUs
without cnttlnc , caustic or dilatation. Cures
effected at homo by imtionl without a mo
ment's imln or iiiiiioyancu.
A . < sTT1I ? riTKR The awful offocta of
fi. OUIXU UU1\L OBriy vleo which brlnm
oruanlo weakness , drstroylni. both mind and
body , with all Its dro.dod Ills , permanently
n t ; RUTTQ Address those who have 1m-
L/1XO. UI l 1O puiroi ) tlioniselvcs by lin-
proper IndulRpnco und solitary habits , wblch
i-ulu both mind und bed } ' , imllttlng them for
business , study nriiinrrluRO.
MAIUtIKU MEN or those ontcrlnd on that
h.inpv llfo , uwuro of physical debilityquickly
n twisted.
Is based upon facts , rirst-l'ractloal oxporl-
onco. Second IJvcry case Is spoclally stiiuled ,
thus sturthiK rlRht. Third medicines nro
prepared In our liibonitary exactly to suit
each cuso , thus olTectlni ; cures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
One of the troubles of life is
the breaking of lamp-chimneys.
Needless. Macbeth's "pearl
top" and "pearl glass" are
tough against heat.
You will save nine-tenths of
your chimney-money by using
them ,
" Pearl top " fits most of
the little lamps ; " pearl glass "
is for " Rochester , " Pitts
burgh , " " Duplex , " etc.
We make a great many sizes
and shapes , all of tough glass.
You can get the right ones.
Talk with your dealer about it.
I'lttiiburg. CEO. A. MACIIETU& Co.
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , J
AND roDLiny.
flOO race Hook n Treatment of Animals
uiulCliiirt Htmt 1'rvc.
A.A.tHplnitl AIuuluultlH , 3IIIU i'over.
11,11. Strnliu , l.umiMii'HH , ItheunmtUm.
< ; , ( ! . -.Dlntciiiui'r , > imnl Dlscliurtn's.
1 > ,1) ) . llolH or ( riibdVornm. .
K.K.C < iuicliH , lIcnveK , I'lK'uuinnm.
JM' . Colfo or Orlpt-H , llellynclio.
! ] . < . niUcarrliiBf , llcmorrhitecs.
II.II. Urinary mill Klduny Il uu ca.
l.I.'KruitlYD DlNriiHcs , ninnuc.
Jili. < "lUcuiirii of Dlucstlon , I'aralynU.
BlpgloDottlo ( over 50 doses J , - - .00
Hlnblo CnHC , with Hpecinca. Manuil ,
Veterinary ( 'uro Oil aud Moulcator , o/.OO
Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil. * - l.UU
Bold byDruB l t | or Sent Prepaid nnywhero
and in any quantity on Receipt of Prico.
Corner V/llllati and John Sta. , New York.
la u u 90 yrtri. The onlf ucecsiful remedy ( or
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
end 1'rotlratlon , from oxer work or other ratuoi.
If I per vUl , or i riiln nd Umu vj l ponder , lor 5.
boLD BY Dnuootg-rs , or cent ixutpald cm receipt
„ 0 r , William wd John SH , , N , T.
Special Sale of Trousers , S3.7B !
We make a point every season to close out heavy weight Trousers
before the arrival of spring goods , This week we will have the biggesl
bargain sale of fine Trousers \ve have ever *
Remember , $3.75 will buy some of the finest fabrics we have had in
s.tock this season. Sizes are somewhat broken , but so many lots have
been consolidated that all sizes fitted. They arc in fine fancy
worsteds , cassimeres and cheviots , Plenty of large pants for big men.
Mail orders will be filled with the same care and attention that any cus
tomer wouldre'ceive ' in making his own purchase. Send mail orders
with the understanding that you take no risk ; as if goods arc not satis *
factory they may be returned at our expense.
BOYS' LONG PANTS , $1.50 AND $2.00 :
We have accumulated a large lot of Boys' . Long Pants during the season and will offer them
at this sale in two special bargain lines at $1.50 and $2,00.
We mean to clothe the smallest as well as the largest , and will offer a bargain line of Kneq
Pants at 50c and 75c , which are worth a great deal more , but are remnants and must be closed
. ) .
America's Famous Comedienne ,
Supported by lior nilAJIATIC fOMl'ANV , un
der the miinaceinoiltuf Mlt CIIAUI.IIS AllliOTT.
"fniivhon. "
" /.oi-lr. "
HOT shcotopcn Sntunlny nt roRUlnr prices.
. SAit'lll AVNATi. fEB
Ooirunonoltio Tliursilau Kot > . I'-ith ,
An Especially Iraportaat Engagement ,
The talented young Actress ,
n Maltha Motion's Powerful Uomantlo
l'llCMi'Dlltl' ' ' $ ! ( ! ' .
\n Absarbliuly Interc'stlnK 1'lny. A Comp
any of 1'ro.alnent I'layers. ' A Gonulno
Druniutlo SurprKo. Superbly Hcuutl-
ful I'ottiiinus. ,
&aiooioii3Wodiiosday | at icRtilar prices. i
-J. O. S-Lo-warL's
FnraoiiH Fiinnr Comudjr Conceit.
llgger , Hotter nml DilBlitorTlinn Kvcr Iloforo. llox
fclii'ot -ntiirilny.Mornlnif ,
Will Lawler , Manager. Cor. llthand Farnim
The Xobnuica Triplets. Three Bountiful Ilnl > o .
The Arnile-n ItmiKiicie.u , Cn | > t. llnlclnln pnlnta
with Ills fi'ct. Tliulluiniin Ostrkli. Illll .Tones oils
Blns nnl Cnickciy. Tlio Honiillful Mnrtln SMtera.
H'scrlptlvo sonK , "The Lone ( iinvu" . I'liul LaDrcir ,
foivalu Impersonator , UoasHlianc , Irish comcillnns
Anilctiun llros. , nuvol nlmcra , anil u lioit of other
TwoClmmplon I.iily Kiucstrlennes , supported by
n f nil company of tlrsl-cl i s nrcnlo urthts ,
Cencrnl nilml alon.-6o. Itcsorioa sc.iti 25o oxtrn.
Ttie Mttrrnu , Cur. 1-ltli antl Jlm-ncy ,
llott-J Ilnll < llnif In Oimilm. Nevcrul
lictn-u brivltr ir /l riiimiitfroin
Ixtm-iin-nt tn row.1II tlic ccllinun mill
llooi'Hlincil irltli AHlifHloH llt-e. in-oof
llniiui , mnllntt It iiiniuHNlttlc to burn
< / ( ( / < / . . J'ii-c em-iijieH unit flvtt < ilnrmn
tlii-oiii/liont tlic tiiillilinititi'inn livut ,
hut anil cotil H-ntrr ntl HII null I in : in
ccrri/fovin. Tttbtc itnnnrjniHneil
giLLOWAY , Prop.
e. .
IneitUer ns , Inyolantnry Lp . n < l Bpermotprrtrea
- of Iho liraln , nlUbuia
cauiea lir muTnutteof or
over-lndulsenco. ; tatlitoi conlmlni one month' ! treat ,
rnont eiaboz. or l for . t nt by niellimpald.
With purli order f r III boltl , Wl I runcl nurcb OP
JimraSfee to. . r/ftrndlic-iey If the craatment falU W
cuni. Uaaraotwii fi m l w" Kfnmne tula oulr by
Ill ) I'a rnum Strtrt , Omaha. Nob.
National Bank
- - S40O.OOO
Capital , - -
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - 62.BOO
OfflCPM and Illrccton-nonrr W.Yntcj frojldoiit ;
J-cwtj H. Itced. vieu-lTciidonti Jnmo \ \ , Sava oN
V.5li - > r o. John S. Collins , It. O. tu tiln , J. N. U
1'atrlck. . 11. S.lluclio' . caiUlor.
Corner I2tli aud rnrnnra bit.
A General llanklnx jliwlnow _ Traus.i3te 1
Accnts to soil tin ; I'lnlo-i-i
cfotliui I.IHLtliu : only
line over invented that liolils iho oIotlicM w t i-
nut pins : a perfect gucci-ss : putunt rocciilly .
Issiii-d * . sola only uy iiBuutH. to ytlipiii thy us.
clusivo rlsht UKlvi-n. onri-polntof Wcinils wo
wllUciuUfiuiiiple Una by inallt nUo crcu-
luni prlcp lUt iitul terms to .we . 1 1. fct ire
our territory nt nco. Ailuross IHb I IN-
KsS CLOTIIKS LINK CO. , 17 llcruioti .t ,
J 1 (
Woonsocket & Rhode Island Rubber Go
And wo nro their western ugonts and always carryalaroatojlc.
Address ,
1204 and 1206 Harney Street
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Potcntpcn ycnrs oxporlonco. A reimlnrnriKliiiito In mcillclno. nullplnmai ehow , Ii stilt troatlnz nltr
OKrrMe t mcccss , nil Xervoui. Chrunlu itwl I'rlruto DUufoi. A permanent euro Riinr.intcjd fur C.iturnl
TiTmntorrlm1 : ! , 1.0.11 Manlmod , BumlnnlWciknoas , Nl 'lit lrf ) cv Inumtuncy , Sy | > lilll9. i-trloturj. ami nil ill 1-
cases of tlio llloocl. Skin nuil Urlmry OrKani. N.II. I uusrnntoo KiJO fur uvcry caio I umlortaku nnd fall t )
cure. Consultationfreu. Douk ( Myatcrlos o Llfo ) sent fioo. OlUcoliourJ So. ui. to8 p. m. SuiUayj IJ
a. tn. to 1'J m.
from which the excess of
oil lias been removed , is
Absolute/ ! ? ro
and it la Soluble ,
Chemicals "
nro used in Us preparation. It hns
more than thrco times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore far inoro
economical , costing less than one cent
u CKJJ. It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , KASHA" IHOKSTKD ,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
ns well us for persons in health ,
Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass. _ i
I A I'nil
' on Huliber , for
A perfect s- fitWrantoea. - Tcotli oxtraotol .
viaoiit iiiuoa.
danKor. and
vrithoutiialn or
thetles. Gold and silver tUliiB . ? at lowcgt
rates. HrldRonml Crown Work. leotu wiiu.
outuliti'i : All work
En t rarco. JCth street clovatu' Open ovon-
EH u ntll 8 u'ciluclr
In uniiirpnbicd In the truulmont of nil forma of
Stricture , 8yplilll , l.oit Mnnliooil.nll nnnnturnl illn-
cli > iricn niul Hkln llUunins. Anubaoluto euro (1UAH-
ANTKKI ) . Wlltd for Hooks.
C01tNEIlllril\.Vl | ) FAUNAM STS , OMAHA , Null.
"SANATIVO. " the
WuiHlurful bjiaulnh
Ilcnioily , l > Bold ulth a
to cure nil. 'Icrvoun Ills.
ratci , eucli asVcak
Xcmory. IM of Urnlu
1'owcr , llcndaclif ,
Wakcfulucta , 1/HtMan-
liocHl , Kcnouincu , I n-
( Ituilc , nil dralni and
Deforo & , After Use.
. luts uf iwncr ol trio
rhotoitraphoj from life. ( K'licratUo OrKaos , In ten. canted lif
OT r-exertlon , jouthful IndricrftloDi. o
use of tobacco , opium , or ttlumlautt , v/lilch ul'Jnilcly :
lead t Innnnlty , Consumption nnd Insanity. J'ut up
In convenient form to carry In tlioni jwckct. 1'rlco
tl a iMckagc , or ( for U. With every tSonlcr o viva
mvrltteii Kunrantre t cur nr ipfunil llio
nioiiiiy. SemUymalltonnyaaarCBs. Circular free ,
tilentlon thli paper. Aildroi ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Uwncli omcc for U. B. A.
< I7 l > i > irhorn Rirwt , CII1CAIIO. II.U
Kuhn & Co. , Cor , 15th & lnutcl > SH.
3. A fuller & Co. , Cor. lltli f. Dnuirlai St ,
A.U. Kottcr A Co. . Cuuccil lllulli. la.
< 'hlfhr.tcr > . Knglltll DUmon.1 111 and
Orlfflnu ! and Onlf Ornulne *
lire ilviii i lliMi , LAOir til
tntuM lor tttrlt rrri Anplii'la
, manj UraitJ lu Ho.l 0'1 ( . 'It pitulllt
tMLri kf&lcd wliil bill * rlMxitl I IlkA
noollltr. Jiifulilansl outlulHiliv V
IUi aW imitation * 4tl > rufg"i orirnl If.
In iumr.1 fur ( AMleuUrf , I'tlluiuoUU aM
"lvlr ! | For l.nilltV < > < " " I'lrilu. I
MM | ! . I O.OUU tfamt I itir ,
' ' .ll.nn > ; ( juur < ,
1'blUJlk , ! ' .
Wo beg to remind our
friends of the Children's Dc-
pnrtmont of our business.
Through Increased facilities
ana advantageous relations
with leading houses , wo are
prepared at nil times to fur
nish full and fashionable
equipments for the Juveniles.
One of our'firm Is now in the
East making special observa
tions of Children's Clothing ,
and selecting in that line of
.goodg an assortment that
shall leave nothing tobodo-
slred , embracing as It will all
novelties of the coming sea
e remedy fornUlh *
iiniialuiul dluclntKCH fit
lirlvaliiiliK-uktHuf men.
cartnln rurn for the ilchlll-
tnlliiK utakncBj jiu
to women.
UrUnlTk ; Iir | ( cribetan | < 1loeliif4
all un er ra.
J STONtRMD.DCUUii.lib [ <
Noli ! hy DrUcKl | U *
riticr. f 1,00. _