THE OMAHA DAILY B1 G : rJTOJ6Sl"AY ) , FEBKTTAKY 10 , 1S91. THE OMAHA 1VEJE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PBAHL. ST. rrlfvrtfd ty Carrier In unjr pnrt of ( lie City .1 11. W. T1I.TON. - HANAOKll v. riiRrnf * Office , Nn. U Night rdltor , No. 21. MIXUlt 3IKXT10X. K y.i . co. Council lllufTs Lumber Co. . coal. Craft's ' chattel loan . EOtSapp hloclf. Wanted , peed girl for general housework. Mrs. H.V. . Tllton , IV27 Fifth avenue. Sclmyler Hnrrls nml .Miss MaggieOrr , both of this city , wcro married Saturday night hy Justice I'ntton. The Jury In the case of the Lake Mnnawa railway company tiuno In last night , ut 8 o'clock , with n verdict for tlio defendant. City Treasurer ICInnohan rcduoincd $ ' .iS. > 3 worth of bonds yesterday , whluh were held by tha Park National bank of Now York city. city.Tho The city treasury was replenished ycstor- day h.v on addition of ,74'which was trans- fcrrcd from the eotiiity treasury , iis the city's sbnro of the full taxes. The regular inlcting of Encampment No. S , Union Veteran Legion , will ho held nt the hall on Pearl street tills evening ut which n full nttcndancu Is dcslrod. I-nrgo gangs of men nro kept constantly nt work cutting Ice on the river , at Lake Mini- awn and on the reservoir. The ice men scorn to rcallza that now is thaclmnca of a 11 folium. The Dodge light guards gave ouo ot tholr always popular dancing parties hist evening In their armory. A largo tiunihcr of the lending young people of society was present , and n most enjoyable evening was spent. Onicers Kd Martin and Beswick and Dep uty Marshal \Vhito leave today for Fremont to testify against tlio lour alleged burglars who wore taken thcro from tno lUuffs , and nro now on trial In the Fremont courts , O. E. Boswlck received notice yesterday of the death of his undo , Henry Curtis , which took place last Saturday at the homo of the deceased In Avoca. Iln was the father-in- law ot Congressman Bob Hurt of Avoca. Nirholas , familiarly known ni "Jittlo Nick. " son of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Sherlock , died Sunday nftornoon uto'clock , aged two nnd a half years. The funeral will be had this forenoon at 10 o'clock from the residence , 6"0 Ninth avenue. Messrs. Stout , Abnoy Co. hnvo sold tlio Ogdcn liouso property to Mr. II. I * Parmclco of Valley Creek , Tox. It Is statcti that the now owner will close the hotel for n time , and will thoroughly renovate the building , Insldo and out. The question for discussion nt the meeting of the Council BhifTs medical society , to ho hold nt lr. ) Macrae's olllco tomorrow even ing Is , "What nro the Indications and contra indications for the use of alcohol In the treatment of disease ! " 'J'lio Cathollo Mutual Benefit association guvu a very pleasant entertainment nt Hughes' ' hall last night. A progrnmtno'was rendered In which some of the local amateur talent took part. The latter partof the even ing was given up to danulng. Tbo plan of celebrating thu anniversary of the Young Men's Christian association uy a double meeting next. Sunil.iy evening has been abandoned so far ns the meeting which wns advertised for the Masonic Temple is concerned. The meeting will bo hi'hl m the First 1'rcsbytorlan church and will bo ad dressed by the pastors of the city and others. Deputy Sheriff Campbell of Gluiwood was In the city yesterday , with the other member of the ont-thloving gang , whom ho failed to get the last time ho was hero. The iiamo of tlio culprit IsV" . H. Hunscii. Ho Is nn Omaha man , anil was arrested across the rivornl Campbell's request. IIo was taken to Glonwood last evening. A masquerade ball will bo given tbls eve ning by the Mncnnorchor society in the Ma sonic tcmplo. Tlio cominlttcea'whlch have in charge the evening's festivities nro as fol lows : Arrangements , E. Duorr , L. A. Berg man , IJ. Gram. F. Snerllug , F. Hermann , A. Kink , F. Qelso , It. Marx. Floor , 11. Marx , T. I > . King , L. A. Webucr , Harry Schmidt , J. II. McUennltt. John Latioy , a sympathetic soul whoso tcniler-heartcdnoss will seine day bo the death of him , was found passing a largo flask of whlskoy through the bars of the city Jnll yesterday to a crowd of prisoners who had llockou to the window to sco which should bo the ono to got the llrst pull ut the tempting looking object. Unfortunately Captain Martin Happened along Just before ho accomplished Ins purpose , nnd the thirsty ones were compoljeil to remain thirsty. Lnhoy stated that ho had Jiistcomoup from St. Joseph , Mo. , where ho had done a great deal of missionary work of that sort. Ho will tell Judge McGee moro about himself in tbo morning. It is reported that the school hoard has re considered Its determination navcr to have another meeting nnd will got together some tlmo during the present week. The presi dent has not yet bsucil a call for a mooting but it Is umlorstood that the other members will ask that a call bo made In a very short tlmo. Mr. Stewart not being n candidate for re-election , docs notcaro particularly whether the board meets any more or not , hut the members who hold over for another year feel some slight Interest in the matter. The work that , will conio before the board when it meets will bo principally connected with the coming school election , such ns the appointing of clerks and Judges and the selection of polling places. Some of the committees will also probably make their annual reports. The state convention of the Young Men's Christian association will bo held nt Burling ton from tlio ISth to the S d of the present month. A number of the most prominent association workers In tbo country will bo present and address the convention , among others Hon. .T. V. Farwcll of Chicago , F. L. Johnston of St , Louis , State Secretary Gor don of Ohio , John H. Molt of Now York , and Hon. T. K. Clark of this state. Prof. Towiier ; of Northtlold , Mass. , one of thomost success ful conductors of gospel singing In the country , will have charge of the music. Ho- duccd rates have been secured on all roads In the state and delegates will bo entortalnod frco during the convention , provided tholr names are sent to B. A. Barrett , Burlington , In. , not later than the ictli. Pure fresh drugs at IJavls' , opposite Ogdcn. Do not forgot the "Culinary Mystery" nt the Masonic tcinplo on Wednesday evening , an entertainment under the auspices of the , young ladles of the Hrondwny Methodist church. The programme will bo charming nnd the sunper well worth the 25 cents ad mission which Is all thu whole entertainment costs. Hoys Wmitoil nt American district telegraph ofllco. Congressman J. H. Heed has returned from Washington. John Hhlckcntnnz , sr , , has gone to Colfax Springs for n visit of several Avecks. Miss Koto Gciser of NOAV York city is tno pucst of her brother , Frank ( Jelser , vardtnas- tor nt the NorthAvestorn yards. L. K. Koubins , formerly a clerlt of the Council Bluffs savings bank , but at present a resident of ICnnsns City , sinint Sunday In the Bluffs. He la about to iocato in Texas. Mr. Thomas Matthewswho lived in Valley township , this couuty , fifteen years ago , oyas In the clly yesterday , tbo guest of Sheriff O'Neill. Ho Is now located at Pullman , Wasb" Orders for tables nnd chairs for parios formerly sent to C. A. Boboo & Co. , will bo tilled by Lund Sc NoUon at their now furni ture store , ' . ' 11 Main street. Pomona Brand Hoarhound tablets will ro llevo yourcough. Pomona stamped on each tublot. Ask your druggist or randy dealer for thorn. Recollect that the only Installment house in Council Bluffs nnd the laix-osl installment house In the west Is Mimdol & Klein's. We soli nt eastern prices every article of house - hold furniture you use , and Instead of re quiring you to pay cash AVO lot you hnvo it oOQ easy payments. There Is no necessity of denying yourself the use of any article when you can got everything you Avnnton such easy terms. The largest stock of carpets , stoves ftnrt furniture In tuo city to select from. 30 Broadway. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , The Bankrupt Eiseman Stock of Drj Goods is Sold to an Omaha Finn , A MERRY IIORSETHIEF IN THE LAND , A Serious Antiltlpiit. to a Hardln Town- ' fillip Ijiidy Tlio Iod o Guard * Alter u Hand Minor Mention. A sudden movement was made In tlio Else- man store yesterday afternoon that occa sioned n sensation , All departments of the building were crowded with shoppers and the clerks wcro on the jump. A conference was uolup held in the private olllco , attended by Mr. IIolJcu and sex-oral other gentlemen , among whom wcro some prominent Omaha merchants. The nature of the conference was indicated moment later , when mi order was given to close the door. ) and admit no jnoro customers. The pcoplo in the store wcro allowed to complete their pur chases , but after Imlf an hour had elapsed orders were elvcn to the clerics to ccaio sell ing goods. The announcement then made that the cntlro stock had boon sold to Omntia parties and that no inoro goods would bo sold 0111 the stock In Council Hinds. Tiio announcement created a sensation and there were many disappointed people who had put off their shopping until Monday afternoon. Mr. Holder was Interrogated hv n reporter for Tin : ItKiins to the nature of the deal. "Tho entire stock had Doon sold In it lump to Oinnlm parties , and the poods will betaken taken across the river and sold at Hoyden Urotners' . The snlojwos n purely business transaction , hut It was not made because wo feared that wo would bo unable to dispose of the immense amount of gauds in tlio short tlmo necessary to a prolitablo business. We bought tlio stock for the\ purpose of making money , and It made no difference to us if wo sold It at wholesale or retail. Our retail sales wore unprecedented.Vo have been In thl" business for the past eighteen years and have sold out such stocks In cities and towns in nil parts of the country , butour Business hero was record-breaker. It has quadrupled our expectations. The suc cess attracted attention all over the country , mid was of such magnitude as to attract the attention of tUo commercial pa pers , , where the first three days' sales are re ferred to as unprecedented in retail business. This remarkable record attracted the atten tion of wholesale buyers , and the consequence quence was that many otters wore mada to us , mid iieROtintlons have been pending with various , parties for several duys. Several propositions came from Chicago. The final proposition was made today , and tbo deal was closed up within live minutes , " \Vo have only the kindliest feelings for Council JilafTs , and wo dlsliko to see the stock leave the eity. Considering tlio Im mense business done and the number of pco plo encaged It is remarlcnblo that there was so little friction. Our clerks wore faithful and cflicicnt , and Mr. Wiseman's old employes have earned a splendid reputation for them selves in our estimation , " Tho'Manhuttnn. sporting headquarters. N. O'Brien. To Clergymen , liy returning your hulf faro permits , good In one state only , you Will then rccoivo per mits good over the entire Burlington system. CAITAIN- . M. BHOWN. Bell & Son's now grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old stock. The now dental rooms of Drs. Woodbury are the finest and moat complete In ttio west. Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , 143. " DlMturlicrs of llio Pcaen. Judge McGco bad before 1dm several of fenders for n change yesterday morning in police court. Frank Plko and J. H. Young , two man , who got into n light on Broadway Sunday evening and blackened each other's eyes , wcro lined $14.00. The same amount was taxed against William Lewis , the pro prietor of the hack line , for getting thrashed in a Broadway saloon at an early hour Sunday - day morning. Walter Illnes , a very young man who lnul a fight with another young man named Frank Bell , was lined $10.20. Ills companion failed to bo on hand for trial and his case was continued until this morning , William Prixcl , a saloon keeper , who hud boon arrested on the clmrpo of keeping his place open on Sun day , was discharged , when arraigned ho told a story , very much like the one that forms the stock In trade of the average saloon keeper who occasionally gets pulled up short for committing the same offeiiBO. A man had coins to him and besought him by all lie held dear to glvo Just ono drop of whisky , as his wife and child wore very ill unit he was very thirsty. The tender hearted saloonist nt last consented , and after wards found that the thirsty stranger was a spy , who testified against him. In splto of this touching tnlo , ho was found guilty and lined 815.70. Upon examination , however , It was found that no Information had been Issued against him , and ho was discharged. Host heavy goods , 2 , " > per cent oil , , cash. Ucltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Choul Moo Gra at DcIIaveu's. J. C. Blxnv , steam neatln ? , sanitary en gineer , 20J Morrinm block , Council Blufts - The best French cook in western Iowa Is at tbo Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs. ' Horse TIilcveH nt Work. The authorities received a telephone nies- siigo yesterday from the authorities at We.ston asking them to bo on the lookout for u couple of horse thieves that had Just been playing their trade in that village. They wcro described as Swedes or Dunes , wear ing broad brimmed huts , mid driving a team of horses , ono brown and the other roan , hitched to a bob-sled. "When last seen they wcro headed directly for the Bluffs. A horse thief also got In his woric at Ports mouth , n. station on the Milwaukee. The only thing that Is known about his looks is that he has n light complexion find a sandy mustache. The horse which ho has made way with ls n bay , with ono fore and ono hind foot white. It is said that the Cilenwood police think ho is the ouo who stele the horse at Glcmvood , of which mention was mndo in these columns about two weeks ago. It is thought that ho went in a northerly direction from , Olcnwood with tlio booty ho got thcro and Is now on his return from another similar expe dition In Portsmouth. Ho is now headed for I'luttsmoutli , Nub. , it Is learned from a letter which he mailed from Portsmouth yesterday , and u guard will bo placed there to. take charge of him when ho arrives , Evans Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl street. Tele phone ! ? 'JO. Goods called for and delivered. Call on Schurz-Smith Co. for chattel loans and rvul estate. 2(1 ( Pearl st. Colorado Coush and Catarrh HootntDo- Havca's Drug Store. The rifth Itoclmanl Hand. The members of the DoJgo light guard have Just received notice from Colonel Castle of Shenandonh that they might expect to see the Fifth regimental band of the Iowa Na tional guard'stntlonod in this city at no dis tant day. This Is what the boys have been working for for a long tlmo past. It will bo no small feather In tliolr caps , they think to go to encampment during the summer accom panied by a band that is all their own. No less than half a dozen military officers ore now itntlonca hero beside the members of the company , und it would make the city still moro of a military head quarters to have the regimental band hero also. At Present the baud Is at Bedford , but It is said they liavo grown tired of the honor and liava asked to bo mustered out. Their request has been granted , so that the place iru now open for application ) . Col. Castle has always hod \vurui place In bis heart for the crack military organization of the stale and 5 has accordingly done nil ho could to help them win the coveted honor. Mr. Dnlboy has bccon asked to undertake tlio organiza tion ot n band which would bo worthy of the position , and while ho lias not yet plvon o definite answer , the members of the company nro In hopes ho will not compel the honor togo nrgc bogging , Coucil. BLtTF. " , Jo. , Feb. 0 , 1S01. To the Citizens ! of Council Bluffs and to the Stock holders ( of the Council Blurts Theater Com pany ! All the ofllcors of the Council D luffs theater company take this public method to inn form the dtizHis of Council Bluffs , as well ni all stockholders of said company , that they will not , under any circumstance what ever , take , receive , acceptor retain any com- pllmcntnrlcs ' ! , passes or frco tickets which will entitle them to any of the benefits of any entertainment tliat may bo presented by said 01tl theater company. All the ofllcors of this company have assumed the responsibilities of their offices and will discharge the duties thereof without any pay or compensation oltf any kind or character. Their services are tfU bo rendered gratuitously und simply for the purpoio of helping along thu best inter- eats of Council Bluffs , and to not only have | j- jcl opera house which will bo a prldo to the city , but also entertainments which every patron thereof can eujov. . The officers of the company want It dis tinctly umlorstood that no passes , free tick ets or conipllmontnrlcs of any kind or cbar- ttctcT nro to bo issued to any ono , persons or corporations , except to the pro , and that no manager , ngent , servant or employe of the company shall have any right or privilege whatsoever to Issue any complimentary , frco ticket or pass. JOHN N. BALDWIN , President Council Bluffs Theater ( .Jo. , T. F. KIM n A i.i. B. W. HAIIT , P. II. EVANS , Executive Commlttoa Council Bluffs Theater Company. lionetVmit to llolil fie \\nx- The creditors of the ox-firm of II. Elscman it Co. , xvho tried to put a quietus on the sale of the stock by levying attachments upon it Just before the time nt which the sale was advertised to begin , came to the surface again yesterday , A petition was Hied In district court In which they were the plaintiffs , and Henry Elscman & Co. , Henry Bisomnn , Simon Kisoman , Officer & Pusoy , Hies , Stlx & Co. , Stlx , Krause & Co. , Simon Bomber- gorand S. P. MucConncIl nro made defend ants. Sims < < cSaundcrs are the attorneys for the plaintiffs. In their petition the plaintiffs clto that on January 28 they began suit by attachment against the Elsomans because they hud bc < > n loft out In the cold by the llrm when It mndo Its Christmas day assignment. The whole stock and all the fixtures , they claim , were covered Ity mortgages which had been exe cuted the day before the assignment was made for the purpose of favoring these cred itors nt the expense of the plaintiffs. The upshot of all of which Is that they want the mortgages which were executed in favor of Ofllcer & Puscy , Hlco , Stlx & Co. , Stlx , Krause fc Co. and Simon Bamberger can celled and declared null and void. They also want n judgment against the defendants for costs of the present actiou and for such other claims as may seem just. Buy your coal and \vood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 639 Broadway. Telephone 133. A StrniiKc Accident. News was received in this city yesterday * of a serious accident , the victim of which was Mrs. H. C. Smith , of Hardln township. Last Friday she was making preparations to start for town on a shopping expedition. She was getting into the wagon , when suddenly the horses became frightened mid started to run. Mrs. Smith was thrown to the ground , ono of the rear wheels of the vehicle passing over her. Mr. Smith who was la the wagon , had dropped ono of the lines , but ho pulled the other frantically. In the meantime his daughter ran out to help her mother up , but Doforo she could do so , tbo frightened horses , guided by the single rein in the hands of their master , bad circled around ana were directly upon the prostrate woman again. Mr. Smith's tupglnp and pulling wore of no avail and both Mrs. Smith and the daughter passed under the wheels , the former for the second tlmo. Tbo daughter escaped with no injuries beyond n few bruises , but Mrs. Smith was not so fortunate. An examina tion by a physician showed that several ribs und the collar hone were broken , and she also iDcelved severe Internal injuries. She is still In u very critical condition and her physician is far from sure that the outnomo will bo favorable. _ No. 104 Broadway contains the best stock of groceries In the city. J. W. Kelloy. Onr Itcmnrkatilo Success Enables us to present for your considera tion prices without o precedent in the history of Council Bluffs. All goods are warranted row and clean , equal to the best any market affords. Only ouo prlco and terms strictly cash. Call and sco and bo satisfied that wo nro right. Davis' Royal No. 10 flour , $1.50 ; Davis' Blue D flour , $ I,8S ; Gold Modal flour , $1.45 ; Minnesota Superlative flour , $1 ; Snowflake flour , $1 ; 15 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 : 17 Ibs extra 0 granulated sugar for $ l ; 20 Ibs Now Orleans sugar for ? 1 ; Arbucklo coffee , nerpkgo , 25o ; German coffee , nor pkge , 25o ; Icing's buckwheat , per pkge , lOe ; crackers , nor Ib , 5ci ; ! Ibs ginger snaps for 25c ; 2 loaves bread for Gc ; U Ibs mince meat , 2oc ; 3 cans tomatoes , 25c ; U cans corn , 25c ; Pago. Norton & Co flour , $1.25 n sack ; ! l-lb pail lurd for sac ; 5-lb pail lard for.ISc : oil sardines , per can , fie ; 2 cans mustard sardines for r c ; Cal ifornia bams , per Ib , ( So ; good broom for lOo ; ISO good cigars for Toe ; 2o-lb pail jolly for "flc ; 2igal pall syrup for 8dc5-gal ; keg syrup for 11.40 ; pall white fish forfWc. < Brown's C. O. D. Grocery , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Getting Down to Rusfito88. Mr. Low Smith , the now manager of the opera house , has arrived in the city and taken hold of his now labors with a will. The first thing ho did was to get the newly fonnSa1 orchestra together and have a ro- boarsal under Its leader , C. W. Dalboy. , The rehearsal lasted three hours and was calcu lated to impress the musicians with the fact that no half-way work would bo tolerated. The orchestra consists of twelve pieces and is to bo thoroughly drilled before It Is allowed to appear in public. The members of the executive committee hnvo greatly shocked the lay members of the association by Issuing a communication in which they state they will not consent to re ceive anv posses or any other pay for their work. They have decided to Issue no passes whatever excepting to the representatives of the press. Tbo proclamation is signed by the president and executive committed In full , and Is to bo preserved as a lasting monument of the self-denial of these gentlemen. DlKtrlot Court. The case of the Lake Muunwa railway com- pany vs J. W. Squlro was completed In dis trict court yesterday afternoon nnd given to the Jury. The next case to bo taken up was that of Hanry L. Haworth vs the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. The suit Is ono for damages \vhlch the plaintiff claims to have suffered' from a flro wbleh was caused by a spark from a passing enelno during April , 18S9 , at his farm near Yorkshire , Hnr- rlsou county. Ho claims that corn In the crib , orchards , and barns , to the value of $1,700 , were destroyed , and asks damages In that amount. N. M. 1'usey is the attorney ? for the plaintiffs , and Wright & Baldwin for the railroad. The case was tried In loch district cqurt a year ugo und resulted In loa disagreement of the jury. Tlio Capital \Vns AfnNtly Wind. NKW YOIIK , fob. 9. The Brooklyn branch of tbo Merchants Co-operative bank , do operations of which were made public st summer , Is closed and 1.0 ono can bo found WHO knows anything of Its affairs. The lost financial statement showed receipts of $3,243 , of which the directors contributed ft&V.i ! , from the expense fund , and the assets amounted to J-J.039. The ostensible capital was fiOO.OOO.OOO. Trains Blockaded , at Denver. DKNVBK , Colo" . , Fob. 9. No Hock Island nor Burlington trains have entered Denver for twenty-four hours , Tlio outgoing Union Pacific train la held hero. Attempted Suicide ofnu i\god Cltl/.cn uCnrniitl Inland. GiiANi ) l , \Nt > , Neb. , FcU/U,1 [ Special Tel egram to the llnn.J-Hetiry , Messcrschmldt , eighty-six years old , attempted sulcido yesterday - terday by cutting his throat with n razor. Since his arrival hero'about ' sU moatln ago ho has lived with his son. The old gentleman hjis been ailing for some tlmo past which Is , supposed to have caused his mind to wander and wblo [ In this state attempted to tnlto his life. A severe gash was Inflicted , from which ho bled quite freely. Ho was taken to pi. Francis hospital for U-cntmcnt nnd has fair prospects of recovery. Iliislncss Cluuifjcs nt Valparaiso. VAUUIIUSO , Nob. , Feb. 0.-Speolal [ Tele gram to TUB Huu. ] Today K. K. Johnson , who has boon doing a banking business In Valparaiso for nearly n score of years , sold his bank and good will to an Ashland bank' Jig firm , of which E , A. Wlmrouborn Is president , H. A. Wpgcnhorn vice president and A. 11. Chamberlain cashier. Thcso gen tlemen are favorably known to every old citizen of this vicinity , and will have the full confidence of every business man in Val paraiso , Mr. Chnmborlnln has charge of the business hero and will bo assisted In the of- flco by his daughter. Mr. Johnson will con- tlnuo in the grain and coal business , An important change also takes place In ttio general merchandise busi ness of Valparaiso March 1 , I ) . H. B. Weber , having purchased ttio pioneer stock of L , M , Butler , will take possession on tl nt day and will probably soon move the goods to tlio rooms formerly occupied by J. L. MagL-0 & Sou on the south side. Mr. \\obor having plenty of means mid enjoying the confidence of the community will do mucli toward J bringing back to Valparaiso a great deal of trade which has been of late years given to neighboring towns. IlcprCKCiitntive DIIIIII'H K < * cnpo. FHI.MO.NT : , Nob. , Feb. 9. Special Tele gram to Tun BCK. ] Hon. Francis Dunn , member of the legislature from Colfax county , mot with a very painful accident at the Union Pacific depot shortly after noon today. Ho was en route to Lincoln and had n ticket from Columbus to the capital via Valley. "When tlio 2:23 : train , upon which Mr. Dunn was n passenger , arrived hero , ho stopped off to see whether ho could not change his ticket or hnvo it redeemed bv the Union Pacific folks here , so that he might go down over the Elkhorn ut 4 o'clock. This could not bo dono. Before Mr. Dunn had finished talking with the agent the train had started and ho ran to got on board. In doing so ho slipped and fell between the cars and the platform and was dragged In that perilous position for nt least two car lengths , when he threw himself upon the platform , being greatly aided in this by the snow that had piled up under him as the train pushed him along. The Injured man was quickly conveyed to the Now York hotel and Dr. Devries called. The gentleman is badly injured in the sldo xvnero ho struck when ho fell from the car steps. Mr. Dunn hud two ribs broken and bis arm and shoulder baaly bruised. Nebraska City Gets'Its Bridge. NnmusKA Cur , Neb. , Feb. 9. ( Special to Tun Br.n. ] It bodns to look very much as if the Nebraska City precinct bridge bonds will bo legal after all , and that the city will have an .independent wagon bridge In spite of the B' & M. The passage of the bill , in troduced in the legislature for the purpose of legalizing the bonds , is necessary to protect lunocent purchasers or tha bonds voted jor the Mlsourl Pacific railroad , and the same bill will legalize those also voted for the bridge. Hon. John C. Watson is confident that the bill will pass , ' und the citizens nro equally determined to have tbo bridge , and accept no favors from the B. & M.which has been grinding thorn /or / years. The Interfer ence of the U. & M. has resulted la a syste matic boycott ou the part of the merchants against that road , and the result is apparent In the fact'thatthoMIssn.uri ' Pacific has been compelled to enlarge. Its yard and track fa cilities hero and put in a permanent switch engine and yard crew. Fire nt CAMIIIIIDOD , Neb. , Fob. 9. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bii : ! . ] Another disastrous con flagration visited this place last night. About 2 o'clock Kankin Bros.1 ice house was dis covered in flames , and it was only a few minutes In communicating to their meat shop nnd Hanning & Stevens general merchandise store , quickly reducing them to ashes with their contents. A ter- rifle hliz/ard was raging nil day and night , and but for the heroic efforts of our citizens the whole business portion of town would have boon entirely destroyed. The meat shop and tools were insured for300. There was no insurance on the Ice house , but most of the ice was saved and the general merchandise stock was insured for $ -J,500. The building was the property of Mr. Armstrong of ( Julbertbon. It will be rebuilt nt once. The origin of the llro is unknown , but the fre quency of llres hern of late and all occurring on Sunday night , too , is making the pcoplo do a good deal of hard thinking as to the cause. They Were Too Lenient. BEATiucn , Neb , , Fob. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bir. : . | City Marshal Glick nnd Patrolman Bishop were ofllclally decapitated by Mayor Ebrlght Saturday night. The cause of their deposition Is attributed to alleged louleney in pulling houses of vnguo virtue. The friends of the ofllcers claim that their removal is caused through tlie machina tions of some influential citizens whom they have arrested on several occasions for viola tion of municipal ordinances. Ex-City Mar shal John Ashenfelter and Sam Haruwlck have been appointed to the vacancies , Offi cer Ed Wilson will probably succeed Glick as city marshal. The removal of the oftlccrs is Hablo to create a lively commotion in the conncil meeting tomorrow ovcnimr , as both of the deposed policemen huve Influential friends on the board.t Ijltla ami Deb Experimented. KnAiiXBT , Nob. , Feb. 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKC.J Llda Pickering and "Bob" Mott , a pair of giddy girls , came near losing their lives yesterday by taking nn overdose of arsenic for tholr complexions. Promnt medical attention saved tholr lives nnd taught thorn that , a knowledge of matoria moil lea was most essential in administering drugs. Failure iit'Bancroft. ( DAXCROFT , Neb. , Fob , , " , [ Special to THE BKK.J A. P. Watson , who has been running a general store hero if or the past year , has been closed by some Omaha parties. Con siderable litigation is expected over the goods , ns different parties hold mortgages ou the stock. An Alliance Orfehn Wound Up. BKATIUCE , Neb. , FOB. U. [ Special Telo- grara to TIIK BKI : . ! The Dally Arbor State , the alliance organ started hero shortly after the election , discontinued publication with Saturday's issue. It * * suspension is at tributed to a lack of suftlclent financial sup port. .r.r . . An K -ConutjfuilK , Dond. NinniiAiiA , Neb. , ( via , , Hunnlug Water , S. D. , ) Fob. 9. [ Special Telegram to THE Ben. ] Thomas Paxton , the oldest continuous resi dent of Kiiox county , dial tonight. Ho was county Judge for fifteen successive years prior to 1STO. Labor Trouble * * in London. LONIJOX , Fob. 9. [ Special Cablegram to TIIK BKK. ] The unload ! ng of the steamer Parkmoio from Baltimore today was the oc casion for a fight between tnc dock laborers who are out on a strike and the stevedores and non-union men who were at work in the Pnrkmoro. The strikers overpowered the stevedores nnd their men obliging them to slopwork. The police force on duty about the docks then Interfered , effectively dis persing the strikers and enabling tlio steve dore * to resume work. ao Non-union men , protected by the police , are loading the steamer Tower Hill , which | soils tomorrow for New York , with a frco labor , or nou-uulou crow. Mine. 1'nlti Indignant. PAIII , Fob. t' ' . 1'atti Is Intensely Indignant over her troubles In Berlin with /.otto , who nmJo n contract with her for n St. Peters burg concert. She says ho did-not fill his part ol the contract and she will now1 sue him for Illegal distraint. 5TIM21' J/.tV ritlllT 1'KT. McCarthy Han a llaukor AVlio \ \ 111 Agree ( o Anything , NKW YOIIK , Fob. 9 , [ Special Tclocram to Tin : Uii : : . ] Tlio Purltnn Athletic club of Long Icland City will presently bo nn histl- tution of the past. The officials hnvo dis covered thutthoy cannot have boxing matches In the town where their club liouso stands nnd they have no Intentions of going else where every tlmo they want one , so they hnvo practically decided to glvo up the ghost. Jimmy Wnkcly today declared that McCarthy and Dlxon should yet meet. In the first place ho olTeroil to bo responsible on McCarthy's behalf for & > , UOO for that bet hud been made between Joe Early and Tom O'Uourko. The McCarthy money In this wager wns furnished by n prominent turf man , who considered the bet oT- ! when the boys failed to eorao together on February B. Wnkclcy said ho would bet Hint amount if Dixon would ngreo to box in privnto with the snmo gloves that were to huvo been used In Long Island City , or ho would bet $ lr > 00 orT , OOl ) , ns the Boston people preferred that McCarthy would defeat Dlxon with gloves , the light to tnko place with but ton men n sldo at tlio ring side. He was willing to go almost anywhere , even to Boston to have the dispute settled nnd snld so In n dispatch to O'Hourke. The reply to that message will settle the question of "Who's afraid I" The lighters" will have a few days to got back Into the form they were In on February B. In case the Boston people ncccpt McCarthy has expressed a cheerful willingness to Waverly's proposition. SFAXFOitlt'S ItOOJl. Gcorgo TUWIINCIU ! Unlisted In IlH CniiHC. WASHINGTON' , Fob. R [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bii : : , ] People who think that Sena tor Stanford Is not a candidate for the presi dency would better watch the papers. Any close student of the newspapers of the day will not fail to observe that the senator's bopm is on. His literary bureau is at work. Not content with employing a score or more of California writers , who are sounding his praises from Vancouver's ' Island to Key West , ho lias been lucky enougti to secure the ser vices of George Alfred Townsend , who is sending out in syndicate form it four-column screed containing on interview with the senator upon every subject under the sun. In that happy , dlscussivo way which Mr. Townsend well knows how to employ , ho interviews Mr. Stanford upon the prape crop In California , upon the land boom In Los Angeles , upon the growth of his great uni versity , upon the size of wine vats , upon the complacency of the California legislature , upo'n theory and principles how best to run a commercial railroad In nn agricultural coun try , upon who ought to succeed Uncla George Hearst if the latter should die , and finally upon whether anybody in California needs to borrow money from the government nt 2 per cent upon his land holdings. The senator freely aumlts that ho owns lands In California In fee simple equal to the whole area of the state of Connecticut , but himself does not cnro to borrow any money on it. Mr. Townscui ] does not seem to have put the question to the senator whether lie has money to loan to his less fortunate neighbors , and therefore It must bo assumed that ho has not. By the way , It Is said that Mr. Stanford's interview cost the Stanford literary bureau $ oOO and expenses. FMtOK THE I'VLVIT. A Chicago Clergyman AVnnts to Revo lutionize McthoilH ol * Preaching. CHICAGO , Feb. 9. [ Special Telegram to THE Bm : . ] At the meeting of the Congrega tional ministers today Dr. Simeon Gilbert read a paper on "Truths to Bo Made prom inent1 which caused a lively dobato. Ho commenced by introducing the necessity of news matter in the pulpit. Ho sold the only way to make the truth Impress tlio people wns to strike nt the leading topics of the day ; to find out what the people nro thinking about and to use the subject ns n medium for Instruction. The ancient proph cts did this and were the great , journalists o : their day. That there were no different lights in which to present the scriptures wn. a theory Dr. Gilbert did not accept. Hi thought there wcro and that they should bo taken advantage of and hackneyed ways of expressing the truth should bo fought clear of. "Ho- sponslbillty of citizenship , " ho said , "was nn over ready theme of Interest and one in winch the tmtn could and should bo clearly shown. " Incidentally Dr. Gilbert paid his respects to Mny or Croglcr's lax administra tion , touching on gambling and other sore spots in n way that will Interest the mayor when ho peruses the paper. A XEW tiUHEJIE. That of n Sfan AVIlh Knowledge o ( ' .Human Gullibility. PiTTsnuiioii , 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn. ] Several weeks ago a man named Williams advertised extensively throughout tbo papers for u farm. Ho received some three hundred replies and In each case noti fied the seller that his particular farm in every way answered the purposes , but that It would oo necessary to send car faro for the buyer nnd agent to defray the expenses of a trip to inspect the property before purchasing. Ho succeeded in getting several thousand dollars from his victims and last week departed for parts un known. Letters containing money and drafts are still coming In for Williams , but , they will DO returned to the writers by the police authorities. Williams' departure was hastened by a request from Inspector Mc Aleese to call upon him Una explain his method of doing business. Sliver CongressmenCnuuus. WASHINGTON , Feb. 0. A mooting of about fifteen republican representatives was held nt the liouso of Representative Townsend of Colorado tonight to discuss the present phase of the senate silver bill. While the extreme silver men wcro unwill ing to accept anything that did not embody the frco coinage Idea. Several moro conservative measures wcro discussed , among them the frco coinage of the American product and a plan of campaign , by which it is Hoped to bring the house to n vote upon the silver question , wcro outlined , though not formally agreed upon. nopresontatlvo "Wilcox of the house coinage cominltteo said to a reporter tonight that the senate silver bill will bo re ported this week. There will bo two reports. The adverse ono will ho signed by Wiekham , Walker , Comstock , ICnopp and Taylor , re publicans , nnd Tracy , Wilcox and Viaux , democrats. The favorable report will bo signed hy Carter and Bartino , republicans , and Bland and Williams , democrats. TAKE YOUR CHOICE VWVVS SWIFT'S SPECIFIC S. S. S. CONTAINS NO MERCURY OR POISON OF ANY KIND. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS. YET IT IS THE ONLY PER MANENT CURE FOR CON TAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. AND THE IliSUI-T8 : OF SI 1511(717/17 ( KVK.V IN TIIK HANDS 01' A BKII.I.KUI , 1'IIYHICIAN , Alti : TO Jill IHIKADKI ) , IN Tin : HANDS OK TUB F.XCIKDIN : I.Y DANiiitou3i : AND WIU.N' : COMIOIM > II : > INTO NOSTilt'MR IIV Id.VOUANT IIAXKS IT JIIXOMKS FATAL. lioolis on Illoo < l and Skin dlieascn tno. CO. , ATI KTA , QJL , . A. T. 'TH A/TO HER , 1G MAIN STRRRT. To Our Friends and Patrons : We have removed our office from 114 Main to 16 Main Street WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF HARD AND SOFT COAL Can supply you promptly at all times , Best Illinois Coal $4.50. Telephone 48. H. A. COX , Solo Agent , I took Cold , I toolr Sick , I TOOK ur.sui/r : I take My Meals , I take My Rest , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKK ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON ; ucttini ; fat loo. FOR Scolt's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limoaml Soda Nor ONLY CURF.I ) MY Ilicip- h'lit CoiistBiiiptioii HUT BUILT MU Ul' , AND IS NOW 1'UITINO FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OK A I'OUND A DAY. 1 * TAKE If JUST AS EASILY AS 11)0 ) MILK. " SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW. SCOTT'S EMULSION is DOING WONDERS DAILY. TAKE NO OTHER. fg\ IMP A IIflr&B SufTorlnff from TD WtAK JwafcRS010 cTretfl ! ol I V VV kniU CVlbR'V youthful erron early decay , wasting woaknnw , lost umuliowl , etc. I will Boml a valuable truntlso ( wntoilj containing full particulars for homo cure , Fill. Iof rltarga A tpionilld medical wortet lioiiM lx > ivad hy c-verj man who In ncrvnin anil debilitated. 1'rof. I' . I ! . \VLlCIt , ITIoodUB , Conn I'lttSOXtl. AYlint tlio J/PKinlutlvo .Toliil , Committee - too HUH to Itccoiiiniciid. Si'iitxariKLii , 111. , Fob. 9. Tlio joint com- mltteo appointed by the thirty-sixth assembly to invo3tlRHto the subject of pris ons , otc. , will mulco a lengthy report to both houses tomorrow. On the subject of convict labor the committee says that almost any In dustry which ciin bo profitably carried on by private parties can bo conducted with equal success In prison if the authorities In chnrfio are possessed of adequate business experience and capacity. His Inconceivable tuat the people ple of Illinois should wish convicts to bo Idle while undcrKoIng sentences for crime. As a constitutional amendment prohibits con tract hibor , tlio Koncrul assembly must pro vide whatever funds necessary to conduct the labor of convicts upon state accounts. The selection of the industries to bo followed must bo loft to the judgment of the prison authorities , unfettered by instructions from the legislature. The injury resulting from tlio competition of convict and free labor might bo reduced to a minimum by certain legislative restrictions , but all such restric tions would hinder the freedom of choice of the authorities in the selection of a prolitablo industry and might result in financial disaster to the state. The general assembly is therefore advised to waste no .lino in discussion of the question of n pur- .iculur industry or industries to bo adopted , jut to leave this to the discretion of the irlson authorities and miiko an apnroprln- .ion of sufllolent amount to cnablo .hem to employ the jirisoners nt such ndustries ns promise profitable pecu iary results. The committee also treats nt ( 'rcnt len th of reformatory cilselplfiio in prison mid recommends the adoption in Illinois of the Khnini , N. Y , , l > lun , which has been adopted In several ) ttior states. It recommends the establish ment of a reformatory prison , either as u separate Institution or by the conversion of ono of the existing penitentiaries , with proper limitation for ao of the inmates to bo received , separation of first offenders from linriloned criminals , the mnrlc system , grades and paroles. IX VOMJIOXS. The Question orCatliolio Kli.'jibillty is A Kill" Ili'otiKlit Uj ) . LONDON' , Feb. 9. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BKI : . ] In the house of commons today Mr. U. 1C. Canton , Gladstouian member for Soutbwork , asltcd whether Catholics would bo clU'ihlo to occupy 'ho position of lord chancellor of England or viceroy of Ireland. Sir Hlchard Evard Webster , the ntiornoy peuernl , declined to answer on the pround that eminent lawyers differed on tlio question which would hoeoinp practical if any government appointed a Catholic to cither of these positions. Sir James Fcrgusson , political secretary of the foretell office , replying to a question as to whether Great Britain could share In the commercial advantages with Brazil equally with the United Suites , said that Great Britain hud no treaty with Brazil , and therefore could not demand the same trading rights , GoodH Confiscated. Nr.w YOIIK , Feb. 0. Max Gibbs , of Indian apolis , who arrived on the steamer Ems to day , when searched by a customs officer was found to have about ? 2jOO ! worth of jewelry secreted about his parson. It was confis cated , _ TtoHiuncil Operation ; ) . CHICAOO , Fob. 0. The furnaces of the Illi nois steel company resumed operations tonight - night , the strikers disavowing the action of the sub-comtnlttco which ordered 'a cessa tion of work. _ Another Itevolt. Lisnox , Fob. 9. The plantation negroes on the Portuguese Islam ] of St. Tnoiims have again revolted. Troops huvo been sent. The SwItolimon'H Hull. Omaha Lodge No. 11 , Switchmen's Mutual Aid association of Nortli America , gave their i fifth annual ball at Exposition hall last evening - ing , and dcspito.tho low temperature outslilo , the spacious hall was nearly filled. Over three hundred couples wcro on the floor , aim scores of spectators looked on the lively sccno from the galleries. The hall was very attractively decorated with flags and colored lanterns , the loiter being ar ranged on the pillars and strung ubovo the dancing floor from comer to corner. The banner of the association was suspended in the center of the hall , and the same ondno , that has become familiar to thor.0 who attend these balls. 11 , of the 8. M. A. A , of N. A , line was backed n nlnnt tin west wall , and her headlight was trained upon the main entrance. Slio carried greer signals , Indicating that a second section ol lust night's festivities would follow another year , Tlio musical tones of the engine's hoi U announced "all set" for the firsts quad rilio at 0:45 : o'clock , after a grand inarch , In which 175 couples imrtlolpniod. 11A lengthy programme of twenty-olghtnumhorH was danced , and it was not concluded until long after midnight , SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WA J VK I \ cmujfe w 11 ImuVeh 11 d rrrTd c slroi Sorll looms completely fiirnlnlu'it fur Unlit limisolu'i'plnn ; west of 4tn nnd south or Itroadwiiv lirrfi'ired. Atldrtms III ) , Ilcu ot flee , Conneil UliHK U > ANTKP Cioiiil ulrl for gonprnl house- work. MM. 11.f. . Tllton. Kt ! Fifth avo. , Council111 n ITs : r 'ITlOlHSAIir ! Vi'ry line -yoir-ohl : roailsto ? -L and fiimlly tunro ; rhnap forcnsb ; on of slum. Will trade for upright plann. Mnr. lfiiiilclii , music teacher , 111 HtutsniMi ntroot , CoiiiR-ll Hi nil's. LOOAI * iiL'i'iils wauled In nvory county Ili loiva uuil NobniNku Tor thu o.veluslvi ) Hull ) of ( ho best prntitlual fuller over olTored lo farmers. Tall and two It ; or address Cauody Mfg Co. , 10114 Main street. L'lUincll UlnlTB. I7KK HAMv Kino slnKlo and tloilhlo roail- - Islirs and heavy driuilil : how. Will ttl o fill orders for nnv stvlu nt liorsus wanted. I.oavo orders with Dr.V. . 1 < . I'litdin. Con trill livery and sale xtablcs , " 1 and ' N. Malt Council A CUES -I f you want to ot ono ni-ro or more for a nice hiiino , und whore yon can giirj den nnd raise nmll fruit anil poultry , or II yon want ton or twenty ucres or a liu ii fund In lo\\a , we can null you. ( 'nil and MIOi \ , Johnston .V Van fallen. Hverutt block , Coun cil DUUVH. FpOhAWES Try Dr. Miller's homo troat- Jincut for fotnixlo dl oaMpi. Sufo. mild anil sure. AUo Dr. Miller's pile pnstlles ; palnles ? nud Biiiirantoed toenro. KorBulo In Council llliiltH and Oinulia only by .Mrs. A. A. Smith. IMS. 1st st. . and .Mrs. O , K. lllgglns , 151(1 ( l.eavonworth Hi , , Oiiialm. FOU SAliB or Hunt O.irdon land. ATftiT houiot , by J , U. lUoo. 101 Main it. , Oounoll BlulTi Sims & federal courts. Uooins II , 4 and lluno block , Council II In Its , Iowa. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butcliors' ' and Packsrs' Sujiplias , Market Fixtures , Casing , Pplccs and Sn.nft.ign Mnknri' Machinery. SMr M2 Main st. , ( Jonnoll liluifs , la. Also dealer * n Illilei and I'urs. rinleyBurke.Geo.W. Eowitt.Tlios. E , Oasady Burke , Hewitt & Casady , Attorneys-at-Law LMIACTICK IN THU STATB AND FKDKUAfc COURTS. OfTlccs : J. J. Drown liulldlng , Council Dluffn , own Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED. JR ) , C , B. JUDD. 606. Broadway , Oounoll Bluffa , la XISUOIMIONHS. OFFICE. 07. HESIDENOS CITIZENS STATE BANKer or Council Bluffa. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215,000 DIIIECTOIIS I. A , Miller , F. O , Qlaason , K. f * hUKiirt , K. K. Hurt , J. D. Etlmundson , Uharlei 0. Ilannan. Transact general banking hunl- ncin. hardest capltul and lurplua ot any Lank In Boutliwostern lovrii. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nml Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dcnlors In fornlRN and domostlo xohangl Collutitlon in u do und interest paid ou tlifla doposlu. M. H. CHAMBERL.IN. M. D KVB. KAH. NOSH AND TIIHUAT HI'KCI AI.lriT , Council Illuiri , In. A1l < ll t > n oii > r the KYK. KAIt , NOSK rfml THIIUA1' troiitoil the Krentoul' ' Kklllund raru * CATAUIUI , ASTHMA nncl IIAV I'T.VICU treated with eminent Diiccom. HUUdlCAIiOl'KUATIONB. wliuro necoiurr. pain- lc tlr ptrloniiO'l tf Illi tlio utmnit cnro iitnl iklll. a - MIring perfect ro ulu. KINKSr HI\HSK3 nccur- ntt'lr proscribed , corroctlnif all rofrnctlro troubles , ni Mjropln , Il7 ( > cropln > nnd Astliilnntlttni , thus ren * ( K-rlnxslEtit cnir. rlmir unit imlnloif. ( illllUNlU NKUHAUHAnnd HICK HICAlAili ( : , after real itl U'rrllilo nutfarlnK. no relief , entirely curort. Ortlco , Iloom I , Hliiiirart Ulock , over HOMO It Oa.'i store , Council llluiu. la. NEBRASKA National Bank U. 8. DEP03ITOKY , OMAHA , NED. Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - 02 , BOO Offlcrri find Dlrcctori-Ilonrf W. Vnlns , I'retldenti Ixinli H , ItuHil , Vlco-Proiulumi Jumoj W. 8 T Ke , W V. Murii . John K. Collliu , II. U. Cuililiu , J. N. II 1'Mrlck. W , II. H. lluiilio * , cashier. TI-1E1 IRON BANK. Corner 121U uuil KarnnniSH. A General Ilankltig Huslnnss Transaoteil W. G.ESTEP . . , t'ouiirll UliilTH , Iowa 11 North Miilii Broot ! , 1'uuoral Director uuil limb.ilincr.