THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1S91-SIXTEEN" PAGES ; TO BLOSSOM AS THE ROSE. The Destiny of Western Nebraska na the IrrigatlonutB Bco it. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING AT SIDNEY , Prosperity Prilluled IT llio I'rrwnt Motcinciit Hiiuoei'tlH Hpcrtjlics by VnrloiiM Advo- cntcs nnd Kxpi.'ilH. Sinxr.r , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. Urn. ] The court house was crowded .when . W. P. Miles called the Irrigation con vention to order nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mark M. N coves was chosen chnlrman and Joseph Oberfcldor nnd I * i ) . Carey secreta ries. Chairman Ncovcs briefly stated the object of the convention nnd Introduced William E. Stnytho of Omaha as the first speaker , wjio predicted that the present fight for Irri gation In Nebraska was destined to bo crowned with speedy victory. Ho paid a tribute to the services of Governor Furnns nnd Prof. Hicks nnd described the steps which had boon taken to nocuro the enactment of comprehensive laws , which should bo the Joint productive product of representative men appointed nt McCook , Sldi.oy and Ognllala. Ho then dwelt at considerable length on the manner In which capital will ba enlisted in Irrigation enterprises In this state , statlug that the wholesale merchants and capitalists of Omaha would doubtless Join with the people of western Nebraska to this end. Allusion was made to the tiros- poet of Bccciring the donation of 11,0 ) ,000 acres of public land by the government as a basis , for reservoirs and waterways , and a fund for thu encouragement of Irrigation. Ho outlined a systematic effort which will shortly bo made to interest eastern niortgugo holders In the development of lands hi which they nro already interested and closed with aprcdldion that the members of this convention would live to sec the pres ent desert blossom with the white rose of prosperity. Judge "J. E. Cochrnn of the Eleventh Hidlclul district of Nebraska next nd- dressed the convention , llo said this great movement seems to have sprung up spontaneously and that the convention had no conception of the interest now felt In it throughout the state. Ho described his cor respondence with member * of congress in ro- latlon I o thu donation of public lands to the sov- ernl states an d denounced the claims of eastern men to the effect that congress had no right to assist In such undertakings. Ho proceeded to Instance tbo appropriation of millions of dollars for the purpose of draining various control nnd southern states and .similar aid to various schemes for Internal Improvement. Ho said , emphatically , that Nebraska had the right to demand the donation of public lands and nlso a direct appropriation from the state government. Ho urged that , instead of ap propriating millions to prevent the waters of the Mississippi and the Mlssoini from inun dating the southern states , it would bo far wiser to make expenditures to provide forthe use of the same water in Irrigating the west ern states. Ho mndo a striking comparison between Colorado nnd Nebraska to Illustrate the prosperity which might have existed in southwestern Nebraska the past year. Ho urged the necessity of wise state legisla tion that would protect the interests of both Investors and patrons in irrigation enter prises. Major Joseph S. Lchow , chairman of the McCook committee on drafting n law , said that the problem of western Nebraska was whether her people should use the agencies nt her command or wnlk out of the country. llo said the only ques tion now was ono of finances , as it had been proven the water supply was amply nufllciunt. Ho hoped the present Wave of popular sentiment would bo wisely directed to the 'accomplishment of great re sults. Ho emphatically stated that the conv mittco had no pet scheme In regard to tno law to bo ndoptcd , but desired to have it express the best judgment of nil parties concerned. llo nnd his associates wort present to got the sentiment of the Sidney convention und would go tn Ognllaln to lean tbo doslros of that convention and hcnrtilj cb-oporato with the committee they shall np p6int. The other members of thoMcCool1 committee , Meeker of Red Willow and Mors ( of Dundy spoke In a similar strain. W. E. Hotiblnsof California , n man of mud practical experience on works of Irrigation said ho bad caretuily Investigated the sol and water supply of western Nebraska nn < predicted nn immense prosperity if tin present movement succeeds. Ho stronglj fnvorcd mutual ditch companies aril the con trol of waters by the state , predicting tha conservative rapltul would readily Invest li tlio securities of such companies. Ills com pnrlson of the condition of California am tlio possibilities of Nebraska was strikini and convincing. Hon. Henry Bt. Raynor spoke eloquently o the future of the western hnlf of the state , i it could get the assistance of capital m its dc velopment. Ho assured the convention thn the state nnd nation had an undoubtoi right to extend Its aid und strongl , depmcntod the enactment of law which would dLscourago the Investment o outside capital in Nebraska. As n strikln instance of the value of irrigation hod ( scribed the crop raised in Scotts Bluff count ; on twelve acres by George W. Fnirflel and stated that it brought mor money than one-third of the proiluc of Cboycnno county In the same year. Mr. R. H. Lawrence , n civil engineer fret Omaha , described the results of his invest : gallons in western Nebraska and assured th convi'iition that Irrigation was cntircl practicable. Albert Frnmo , county commissioner , nn Joseph Ileborl , president of the farmer ; alliance , made earnest speeches In support c the movement. Tlio committee on resolutions , of whic Hon. Henry * St. Raynor was chairman , n ported the following , which wcro adopted : Whereas , Woaro thoroughly convinced thr the western half of Nebraska requires irrlgi tion to assist Us rich soil and superb cllmat in producing successful agriculture ; there fora bo it Resolved , by tnls convention , rcprcsentln the remote western counties , That it uerob urges the legislature to speedily enact con prohcnslvo Irrigation laws of a similar chat actor to those of Wyoming and Colorado an providing for the appointment of an ox no : state engineer and the division of the stal into water districts. It Is further Resolved , That that wo reiterate our fall in the grand future of this state and that u cordially invite the co-operation of both fo elpn and domestic capital In its dovolopmou H Is further Resolved , That wo urge the legislature 1 niemorlnllzo congress In favor of the bill pr vullng for the donation of the public lands 1 the tovi-rul states. It Is further Resolved , That we memorialize the loglsl tuTotomako nn appropriation to assist I the beginning of Irrigation enterprises. The following additional resolution wi offered by L. U. Carey , editor of the Sldnc Telegraph , and was adopted with cheers. Resolved , That this convention extends 1 thanks to Tim OUAIU HIM : for its valla : services rendered for the promotion of irrig tlon In Nebraska. A resolution of thanks was nlso adopU with ivfuiouco to the npoakeri from abroa . 'The convention elected us Its represent lives to draft Irrigation laws for prosentatli to the legislature , Messrs. Carey , Rayuor ai Stnytbo. Organized Again. L.INCOI.S , Nob. , Feb. 7 , [ Special to Ti BEE. ] Under the recent act of the leglsl lure , the Nebraska Hollof association will reorganised , Speaker Elder of the house ai Mr. Hartly , the disbursing agent of the nl mice , having become members , the form succeeding ox-Governor Tlmyer. A now purchasing committee will bo a , pointed , and possibly uow otllccrs bo clccte The Ilrst mooting of the now board will hold either next Monday or Tuesday. A Murtlcror'H Appeal. FHKMONT , Neb , , Fob. 7 , [ Special to Ti BKE.J Sheriff Mullen last nU'ht detected plot of Charles Shepherd , who with Ohrlstl Furst is conllnod in the Dodge county ju nwultliig the carrying out of a sentence death for the murder of Curl PuUIfor , to i capo from the jail which Is to bold him un ho goes forth to the scaffold. A prisou named WlshnnlvhohndnnUhed serving a sentence of thirty da s. was nbouttobosot free. Before giving him hU liberty ho was thoroughly senrched , and neatly folded within his nocktlo was discovered n note from Shepherd to his brother appealing to him to secure nnd deliver to him in sotno way a quantity of acid , "which will work well on Iron , n steel saw and ft small file. " \ \ ishard was held for n time longer to prevent nny collusion which might aid in liberating the murderers. I/ivcly TltncM nt O'N'olll. O'Nnin , Neb. , Feb.Special [ Telegram tn \\r.v.\-O'Neill \ \ \ has been full of strangers today. The county alllanco held a meeting ; at the court houso. Ucprcscntntlvos Henry and Mullen were present and con ferred with tlio members , The Soldiers'nnd Sailors' association mot nt the county judg'cs ofllco nnd arranged for the next annual reunion , which will bo Ueld In Atkinson the first week In August. A meeting of citl ns was held tonight to 1 nkostopi looking towards securing a can ning factory for the town. Parties here have boon m correspondeneo with n Sioux I nils firm that proposes to eouio if sufficient in ducements are given. A committee , consisting of H. C. MrEvony , Bnnford Parker and W. 1) . Tvlathows , was aj > - polntod to look the matter up aud report nt a future meeting. Tlio Guard1 KxpenscH. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special to TIIK BKE , ] The military board of the Nebraska National guards , comprising General Colby , General Vllqunln , Colonel Bills , Colonel Brett and Major Watson , today completed the auditing of the bills presented by the sev eral regiments of nillltia In the Into Indian wnrnt Pine Ridge. The aggregate was about ? IOTOO , but this amount was reduced to f 10- 000 in round figures , to Iteop within the ap propriation sought. It is not believed that nny dlfllculty will bo experienced In passing the appropriation , be cause the general government will sooner or later liquidate the claim , as it does all claims which nriso In the suppression on the part of the state of nil Indian outbreaks. AVIcbo HUH FrlcndH. GRAND ISLAND , Kob. , Feb. 7.-Spedal [ Tel egram to the Bii-Charlos : ) A. Wlcbo , the dry goods merchant who failed last Thurs day , confessed judgment today in sums ag gregating $18,000 in favor of various credi tors , making his toUil liabilities $ M,000. His nsscts nro ntwut ? M.OOO. It Is the general Impression hero that arrangements can bo mndo with his creditors whljh will enable him to resume business. Mr. Wiobo is con- slueied n good business man , and is noted for his kindness nnd generosity. Ho has many warm personal friends , both in this city and throughout the state , \\\\o \ \ greatly deplore the misfortune which has overtaken him. Claims of the Trust. Nr.musKA CITV , NoU , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hp.c.1 Deputy United States Mnrahnl Mercer was in the city today- mid served the papers of another suit , com menced by the distillery trust against Gcoigo L.Voolsey of the Nebraska City distillery. The case was brought lu the United States court in the name of Weston Arnold nnd asks for ? 10,000 nnd the possession of two valuable blocks of lots , the property of the distill ing company , which tbo trust claims. The matter Is not cousldered ol much importance by the distilling company and is regarded as only another effort to harrass them. Cattle. Cnuii ttIMDJ , Nob. , Feb. 7. [ Spcclnl Tel egram to Trre Br.i : . ] A bunch of 300 Cher okee cuttle belonging to Mike Laoib have got the mango among them. Such is the state ment of J. E. Blackwell , a veterinarian pro cured from Omaha by several largo cattle owners. They nro the same bunch that was held nt the line between Oreeloy nnd Boone county , nine mlles northwest of hero , a week ago , n'ml the deputy sheriff , on unwarranted htntoment , in n letter to Lincoln , said that they had the Texas fever ntnong them The cnttlo nro now kept In corral by the author ities. _ ' Dorsey for tlio Cabinet. ' FttKMovr , Nob. , Feb. 7. [ Special to Tun Bun. ] A petition hns been circulated in Fremont and extensively signed , asking that Congressman Dorsey bo appointed to 1111 the vacancy In the cabinet caused by the death of the Into Secretary Wlndom. Many of his fellow citizens believe that his experience In financial affairs and his two years' service ug chairman of the house committee on bunking nnd currency lit hun for the duties of secre tary of the treasury. The petition has been forwarded to President Harrison. An Irrigation Committee. LoutCITV , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Telo- grnm toTnn BIB. : ] A call was inado today for a special mooting of the supervisors of Sherman county on February 11 to issut $15,000 bonds voted to the Loup City canal water power und improvement company , to aid In constructing n canal for irrigating nnt wntcr power purposes beginning at 01 near the north line of Sherman county ani terminating just east of Loup City. 1 Fire In llcncdlot- BEN-EDICT , Nob. , Feb. 7. [ Special to Tin BKE.J The fine residence of John Dalgrecn seven miles northwest from Benedict , burned to the ground last night at about fi o'clocl and loft the family homeless. The loss Is es tiniatcd nt $2,000 , with 81,000 Insurance. B ; the help of the neighbors the househoh iroods in the lower story were saved , but nl thn furniture and bedding was lost. Tin cause of the flro was a defective Hue. Tin r vent Ing Ico. FiinitosT , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special to Tin BEE.I All fears of an ice famlno hero havi now been quieted. The cold snap ofth present week has hecu sufficient to provide an abundant supply and every available mai and team lu the cltv Is now engaged In cutthii the cold crystal blocks nnd storing then away for next summer. It is a blessing t laboring men who need work. llllnoln IjCKUlntlvo , Absentees. Si'itiNannui , 111. , Fob. 7. Among the bill introduced In tno seimto today was one pro hlbltlngpool selling and book-making witbil the limits of the state. The full democrat ! membership was present In both houses , bu there were only two republican senators present sent and only about ono-nfth the member * a the houso. In view of this Cnrniod. ( dem. ) of Cook Introduced in the house n res olutlon setting forth that the member * wh nro unnecessarily absent or refuse to vet o upon Important questions , shall not bo call tied to compensation at such times. The res 0 olutlon was referred to n committee. In the Joint busslon today the legislntnr took several ballots for United States senator ator , but as no quorum was present adjourn incut was taken until Monday , Is Challenged. CHICAGO , Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram t TIIK BKE. ] Barney Allen , the famous Am trnllnn bookmaker tonight issued n formi challenge in behalf of Jim Hall for a figt with Bob FiUslimnons for $10,000 n Mdi Quecnsborry rules , before any recognize athletic club that mny bo agreed upon , 1 support of the chnllonca f 1,000 tins been di posited with n Chicago paper. Fitzshnmoi will arrive in Chicago tomorrow. After thu Train Itohltcift. TUUUIK , Cal. , Fob. 7. Sheriff Kay th morning sent a posse on the trail ot tlio Alii train robbers. It is thought there are tlirc of them. The sheriff left hero on a spec ! train for Huron , Fresno county , to head thoi off. The officers are hopeful of capturing tt ; robbers , though they hud ton tours' start. Collector of CiiHtonm for Dakota , WASIIISOTOX , Fob. 7.Tho president todn sent to the senate the nomination of Nclsc E K. Not son ns collector ot customs for the d trlct of North and South Dakoti. a 11 A Heavy Loss. , Pa. , Fob. 7. The loss on Sten berg & Sons' bolt und nut factory , will' burned lust night , Is placed at (300.000 : ii auruuco , 1175,000. THE ATCIiiSON'S ' DILEMMA , It Must Either Leave < ho Association or Cancel Tickets. CANADIAN LINES ARE OBSTINATE , They ItefiiHo to Meet American Hales as Proposed UiiHthoinul Hates are Still Manipulated | ItnlUrny Notes. ; . CIIICAOO , Fob. 7. The Atchlson road finds Itself In a predicament as n result of the boy cott ngnlnst the Jacksonville & Southeastern by Chairman Flnley of the Western passen ger association. Under the agreement of the association the Atchlson Is bound to refuse to honor Jacksonville & Southeastern tickets. Under its trnfllo contract with that road It Is bound to honor them. To uxtrlcato Itself from the dilemma it must cither withdraw from the association cr cancel its contract with thoJaeUsonvtlleJ&'Southcnstcrn , Ills more likely to do the former nnd If it docs n pnssengor rate war is almost certain to ensue. Chairman Finley has not yet granted the ro- qucst of the Alton for nuthotlty to make n cent rate on milcngo tickets , hoping tbo Atchlson would put n curb on Its unruly ally. The whole matter was discussed at a meeting of the general passenger agents of Iho Pcoria lines today , but without much ro- btilt. It was agreed , however , to withdraw all round-trip tickets between Springfield nnd Chicago by way of Poorin , taking effect Tvlomliiv , the reason being tlio tickets are manipulated by scalpers. For some reason it was decided'to mnko the Jacksonville rate , by way of Peoria , apply only oa continuous passage. Canadian Lines are Fighters. CntCMio , Fob. 7. [ Specinl Telegram to TUB Bun. ] The northwestern lines are considerably exercised over the apparent double dealing of thclrCanadlnn competitors. A month ago It was decided by the eastern connections of the Canadian lines thnt the rates should bo the snmo to St. Paul from the hoabonrd via Canadian lines or via Chicago. The Cnnidlnn and "Soo" lines have Issued tarlfts raising ton basis beginning Monday to $ ia ) from New York to St. Paul the same as the rite via Chlengo nn advance of 15 cents n hundred over the present Canadian rate. The Chicago lines confidently expected this tariff would be followed hy another quoting the agreed advance from Boston. This advaiico has not been made and the Canada ft Atlantic does not propose oven to advance the Now York rate. Under this state of affairs the advance from New York cannot bo maintained and the Chicago lines will got none of the through business to St. Paul on account of the 15c differential of the Canndlan lines. The Chicago lines sco no way to settle the matter except to light It out , n process upon which the CanauUm Htios scorn to thrive. i Rates. CHICAGO , Fob. " . [ Special Telegram to THE BKI : . ] Grain rates cast bound nro still manipulated to almost ns largo an extent as heretofore. The Lackawantm Is accused of doing the largest share. Trafllc is now getting so scarce that the larger rends nro feeling keenly the effect of thcso manipulations nnd , during the com ing week , will call a halt on their weaker sis ters. The matter has been a subject of re peated conference between tho" trunk line and cbntral trafllc ofllcinls. They declare the manipulation will cease next week , but they propose leaving the public in the dark ns to the methods to bo employed until they are successful. TH K 8AltH SYSTEM. A. Player IH Sorry to See It Done Away IVIth. CIIIOAOO , Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram ol TIIF.BKK.I The Ilrst ! actlvo player tbnto hasj spoken without reserve On the sales system since the recent ngltati'on is Fielder James Ryan of Chicago , bpeaklng of Robinson's scheme to abolish the system altogether among the clubs of the National league , Ryan said this morning : * "In my opinion the solos system was and it , n good thing for ball players , f , for one , am sorry to see It go. A player Is the man in tbo world that should'object to It. I do not know of nny Instance la which a man was not benefited hmneikiely by being sold. White , Hnnlon , Dunlap , Clnrkson , Kelly nnd any number of ball plnycis hnvo improved their llnanccs by being sold. Dunlap espec ially. In every instance ho received an in crease In salary and also took a nharo of the money paid for his release. Kelly was re- ceiviug fc2,500 salary when ho was with Chtcturo and when ho went to Boston this was just doubled ho signed for f5,000 a year. Clarkson's p. y was also in creased nnd so was that others. In fact , you can't bhow mo n single Instance In which n player has not been greatly benO' lited by being sold. The sales system was a good system for league players and it Is the salvation ol minor leagues. It helps to save clubs from failure and it acts ns a big advertisement foi young and unknown men who come fron minor leagues Into the major leagues. " COOI'EU < ! .U'IittS. \ Local Preacher HrlnjjN CrleT 01 Himself and Friends. Wn.iciisiiAitiiE , Pa. , Fob. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BBC. ] Rev. George W. Coopoi of Wnpwallopen , a local preacher , was ar rested at the Lohlgh Valley mllrdtai statloi this afternoon on a cknrgo of forgery. / short time ago ho gayo up his minis torinl calling nnd secured an ngcncj from Davtdow Brothers , Jewelers o this city. In payment for tin goods bo received , ho gave the firm twi notes signed by Henry Amgstant , ono foi ' $200 nnd the other for $300. When they fcl due It was discovered that the notes \\cri forgeries. A warrant was swpra out fo Cooper nnd ho was arrested Just ns ho wa stepping on the train. Ho was to hnvo beei married this week to an estimable ladv o this city. The Situation at Springfield. SriiiNnriBM ) , III. , Feb. 7. The members o the general assembly of both political pat tics have ncafly all loft the city tonight Whether all will return before Tuesday is i matter of doubt. Tna Farmers' 'Mutua Benefit association representatives say then nro no new developments In the senntoria matter. Cockroll thinks the republican will not give a favorable answer t the proposition regarding Strcolot Moore nnd Stcelo , aud says hi party will never support Palmer , Ogloaby o nay recognized old school democrat or ropuh llcan. Regarding ttio reports that nny mcni bers of their organization in different part of the country have been urging them to sui port either Piilmcr or Oghsby , Mr. Moore lu night said such recommendations wcro ver few. President Hall of the Missouri alllunc expressed n preference for Palmer and th roprcsdntatlvos wcro led to believe that It had been requested to do so by Prosldcn Polk of the national nllianco. Cockre wrote to Mr. 1'Dlk and has received nn on phutiu denial , the national president savin that ho will never compromise on prlriciplc in uny way , John Sailed Alone. NKW YOIIK , Fob. 7. John Montgoincr Wurd , the famous short stop , sniped fc Europe this afternoon on the Cunard stean ship , Uuihrla. Baseball and theatrical cl clcs were much excited last night when tl : news leaked out that only John would cro < ttio briny ocean. This was occasioned by rumor that ho was about to join his wlfi Helen Dnuvrny , the actress , in London nn forever heal the domestic rornpllcutlou whic now and then has been talked of lu the now : papers. Cold-llloodcd Murder In MIHHQUI-I. HKALDSVII.I.K , Mo. , Fob. 7. There is muc excitement In this ( Clark ) county over cold-blooded murder committed lust nlgt near hero. Lloyd McICcc , a prosperoi i farmer , was o ) W to the door of n school house , where Tie was attending a spelling match , knock < tojdown nnd fatally stabbed by William Sebnoffcr , a discharged em ploye. Before hbclng overcome McKco drew n knlfoff nnd fatally Mnbbed Schncffor. SulinejTor was accompanied by three other fcltow.s and the people nre now searching for I them with the Intention ot lynching tliemj M run j'tu'j : o.v jsitvv.iTjo\ . Preparing a 1) ) < mg Letter to Cnrdlnnl Ulliboji on the HuUfect. ROMP. , Feb. j'jfho j pope has finished the long nnd exhnjij yo study ho hns been mak ing of the cducijtujnul question in the United States and is ypjiarlng a letter to Cardinal Gibbons upon Uq ubjeot of Archbishop Ire- laud's ' discourse. The pope ts hlithiy sntlstlcd _ with Cardinal Gibbons' statement nnd bases' Ids reply upon the facts set forth In the car dinal's ' letter. Thopopo has forbidden Catholic papers common ting on the fall of CrLspl aud believes the ox-premier will return tn power owing to the Influence of the uralbund. During his recent visit to this city Count Herbert BIsmmvK dined with Dr. Kurd Von Schlofcr , the representative of Prussia at the Vatican , but Count Herbert was not re ceived at the Vatican. M. Pieu. n incmberof the right party Intho French cnnmoer of deputies , while at the Vatican recently , was authorized to express to his colleagues the pope's sympathy for the pollcv of adhesion of that party to the re- public. Cardinal Jaconlni will probably bo np- polntcd papal nuncio at Lisbon. French Tax on American 1'ork. PAIIIS" " , Feb. 7. Ono of the members df the deputies today snld he was satisfied that the chamber would adopt n tax of lii francs per 100 kilos on American pork Instead of the 10 francs tariff urged by United States Minis ter Reid. Kx-Minlster of Commerce Harrison snld that n 12 francs tluty moans exclusion ; that tlio deputies are protection mud. Jules Ferry In nn interview said the pro tection spirit In the United States has ad vanced the cause of protection In Franco. The temper of the chamber and senate is more in favor of protection now than in 18SO , when tlm existing tariff was adopted. 11. Berger , director of the late exposition , said today that favorable action by Franco on tbo American Invitation to the Chicago exposition is certain. The only difficulty Is the npathy of merchants and others. The McKlnley tariff , according to Berger , has somewhat ehlllod the ardor of ttioso whn would IMJ exhibitors , but tie thinks the feel ing Is changing A brother of the late Robert Ray Ilr.mllton , now in this city , lias obtained the evidence of n man establishing tlio identity of the body found In Montana. Ho was personally nc- qunintcd with him , nnd states that there Is no doubt that the body was that of Hamilton. International Copyright. LONDON , Feb. 7 ( Special Telegram to Tin : Bnij. ] In the house of commons yester day , Sir Hopes Lothridgo ( conserva'tlvo ) asked If the government's nttentlon had been called to the American copyright bill nnd the effect It would have uppn the British print ing nnd publishing houses , nnd whether the government wouWfacilitate , thu introduction into the house , a measure which would exact similar condkioii.sJVom the British copyright , with extension to nil countries ndhcrlngto the Berne convention. William Henry Smith/govertnnVnt : lender , said the copyright had boon before , the American congress for three years and , It , , was unnecessary to con sider Sir Rones Lothbridgo'ssugpostionuntil the net had beni passed , and the shnpo lu which it had been passed has become known. Clemming the Kronen Htni p. LOSDOX , Fob.(7. , ( [ Special Cablegram to Tim BKK.J The French pollco authorities nro reported to"luivo under contemplation some method of'restralnlng ' the exuberance of stage i.erforin'anejus. In ono of the theaters the figurantes toceuto farandolcs ever the ops of the orchestra stalls , nnd the tendency s to the alinoat 'al ' bluto absence of attlro.on ho pnrtof fho' ' ijillot'glrls. . . ! . Bourgeois , .ho minister of pulJUi- instruction , is inclined 0 a more rigorous censorship of plays aud apparently is resolved , that complete nnstl- icss shall be debarred from the French stage. In this hoj is sustained by n powerful religious sentiment , but his scruples are not popular "with the largo majority of theater goers. A Dynamite Discovery. LEKDS , Fob. 7. JSpccial Cablegram to Tun BKE.J A tin box containing dynamite was discovered today concealed in the gas works of this city , It Is supposed that the dynaniilo was placed where It was found by workmen who have recently been discharged [ rom the gas works. The police nro investi gating the outrage. The company has offered 1 reward. XclirnHKa , Iowa and Dakota Pensions. WASIIIMITOX. Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | Pensions wcro granted to day to the following Nebraskans : Original Navy , John Condon , South Omaha ; John II. Osborn , Omaha ; John F. Duncan , Daven port ; Henry M. Brooks , Howard ; Phil H. Hlldcbrund , Hartlngton ; James T. Wood ward , Tokamah ; John W. Berry , Gibbon ; Joseph S. Tarnor , iCr.ib Orchard. Increase Joseph A. Mall , Hebron ; James J. Spencer , Kearney ; Albert Woodruff , Stanford. Original widows , etc. Snsan , widow of James G. Walts , Spwnrd ; minors of J. Kin- sny , Tublo Hock ; nnvy , Mary J , widow of Franklin S. Batcholdor. Saitoria. Iowa : Original Gcorgu A. Campbell , Bngley ; John IIulllharKer , Mcrilmnc ; John Waters , Linegrove ; Joseph Nolnnd , Pan ther ; Albert T. Edwards , Vlnton ; Peter Wolf , Stacyvillo ; Michael C. Prior , Now London ; HoracoB. Crouch , Boone ; Culvin Butler , Rodney ; Benjamin F. Johnson , Fairtield ( navy ) ; Jnuios M. Burr. Waukeen ; .Torre B. Frooburn , Atlantic ; William Rider , Montrose ; George D. Rottlgill , Jefferson ; Martin V. B. Sigtrer , Currolltown ; Edward H. Squiures , Lohrvlllo ; Arthur L. Burt , Fulton ; John T. Hoblnson , Now Al bion ; L. Utz , Mnrshalltown ; Henry S. Guhck , Marion ; George Bron- Imrd , Collins ; William Bates , Lansing ; Garrotson C. Walker. Missouri Valley ( nnvy ) ; William Wll on , Red Oak. In crease John T. Ruddle , Frederick ; James Pickott , ; Lebanon ; William Jamison , Albia ; Hiram Fairbrolber , Waterloo ; Harry Cole , Clarion ; George S. low.ish , Robertson ; Al bert D. Coloman. Cedar ; Nathan Parish , War.Uhan ; John B. HiUninn , Burlington ; William B. Walker , Now ton ; George A. Baker , Selma ; Henri' GHetty , Ilnodcs ; Joseph - soph Mnnloy , Pringhar , Original widows , etc. Luclnda , widow of Kphralm Keller , Greene : Sarah 'JiV widow of William L , Teets , GrandvicvMnnvy ) ; Eliza S. , widow of Joseph D. Pngft'Sfgourncy ( navy ) ; Susie , widow of WUHnmlQV : LoVnlloy , Shefflcld ; Phoebe A. , widow'df Charles K. Provost , Glenwood ; MarcartSt L. . widow of Francis M , Crane , EddyvlHor } Nancy L , , widow ol Francis M. ThonijisMi , Van Wort , South Dakota--Oi'Inal-.Iohn : ( P. Brehl , Fnulktou ; EHsha.I..jCoatc.s | , Ynnkton. Increase - crease Ruper Elisujpitb , Castnlla. Meot. NEW YOIIK , Fcb.'j-Spceial [ Telegram U TUB Oisi.J A ijKjrti , dissatisfied and ua happy lot of spor l would bo hard to llm ! than those 4,000 whpk , wont to Long Island City on ThirsdnxHVfiPi"B ! lo sco McCarthj pint Dlxoapummgbjiuch other for H,000. AI well Known places , v U > ro men of pugllistli Inclinations resort m ( no city , were yu-stcrdaj tilled with disappointed sports , and dlsgus for Long Island authorities .was plainly man Ifest , There U still u strong possibility thai the men will bo brought together and tin disappointed ones will have a clmnro t < witness the most sciontlllc mill ever seen li this countrv. This tip is' fouuded on the fac that Tom O'Ronrkor Dick Rqebo and Tin Wnkely , tha three men moil Idciitilled will the bnntums held n council In the St. Jninu : hotel last evening to talk over the jxisslblll ties of a meeting , The eonferpnro was shor but decisive. An offer from the Hudson club of Jersey City , was considered. It was t < the effect that the -tight could bo nr ranged toUko place in Hudson county , prob ably nt tha Oakland rink vvhlch has soatlni cap'acity enough to uccotnodnto all who comu Thn Flro lleooril. NKM. , III. , Fob. 7. The business pot tlon of the vlllugo of Kllsvillo , fifteen mile northwest , burned today. Loss , $10,000 ; pat tlnlly Insured. i WANTED FOR MANSLAUGHTER Hi II , Rodgers , the "Would-bo Suicide , Makes a Confession to the Police. HE IS1 ALSO A HORSE THIEF AND FORGER. The Young 3lan'n Attempt to Dotlco Ills Record by 8cli > l > cHtriictloti J-icndH to Some Bt II. M. Kodgers , a young man who at tempted siiicido Friday night by taking a dose ot chlorpform. Is now In the city Jail , nnd according to Ills own confession 11 Impli cated in crimes enough to send him to the penitentiary foru 11 fo tlnio , About n week ago Uodgcrs came to Omaha nnd seen roil a situation ns solicitor Tor tha United Suites Mutual hfo Insurance com- lauy ) , but lie was caught n tow days ago In Fonui dishonest transactions , tint ) Mr. Kcrr , the local agent for the company , was In formed by the general agent nt Chicago that Kodgcrs was a scoundrel' that ho should have nothing to do with lilin. Rodgers was .promptly discharged and It went hard with him. Ho was rooming nttho residence of Mrs. Pickering , 1701 Capitol nrotiuc. Friday evening , utter being dis charged , ho went to a drug store nnd pro cured two ounces of chlorlonn. Ho thou wont back to his room nnd retired. Yester day forenoon ho was found by Mrs. Picker ing tossing on his bed In nn unconscious con dition. A physician was culled and by the prompt use of the stomach pump Kodgors was rescued from the grasp of the grlui reaper , who was about to gather him In. Mrs. Pickering nnd Mrs. Brecii , with whom Uodgcrs was boarding , discovered soon nfter the young man had been rescued from the ef fects of tlio poison , that ho had paid thorn In bogus orders upon the insurance company for which ho was working. Three tatters were nlso found In his room , ono addressed to Mrs. Breen , ono to Mrs. Pickering , and ono to Air. Kerr. his : ormcr employer. In these letters the young man said no was tired of 11 fo , mid that ho could not slooi ) or rest under the terrible weight of fear that pressed upon htm. Ho stated m these letters that ho was n fugitive from justice. In ono place there Is Sl.iMO reward offered for his arrest , nnd in another place ho is wanted for horse stealing. Tha young man was permitted to leave the house , however , when ho recovered and the letters were taken to Mr. Kcrr , his former employer. After looking the letters over Mr. Kcrr decided to give them to the pollen. When ho reached the station the ofllcers had read the account of Rodger's attempted suicide In Tun Biu : , ana Detective Ellis was about to go after the young man. lie at once started out to find him and soon discovered Rodgers on Dodge street. The young man made n verbal con fession to Ellis of nil that ho had stated in the letters written heforo ho took the poison. Ho would not say where the crime was committed for which ? l,00fl is offered for his nrrest , but said that it was for manslaughter. Ho is charged with assisting in an attempt to produce a criminal operation upon a joung lady. She died in her room and ho nnd tlio other young man implicated ( led. Ho loft his valise nnd umbrella in the room where the dead girl was found next morning. This crime , ho says , was committed in 1837 , nnd since that time ho ha ? lost his left hand. A. few days after the young lady died ho was arrested and taken back to face the punish ment , but by the assistance of his brothers ho broke jull and escaped. Sheriff Mallou of Fremont happened to bent nt the city Jail lust night looking after sotno other matters , and the moment ho saw Hedgers he recognised him as the voung man who broke Jail it Fremont two weeks ago and IswanteU at O'Neill , Nob. , forstcalingateam of horses and a wagon. Kodgcrs stele this team near O'Neill and drove twenty mlles down the road townrd Norfolk , where ho 'tried to sclltho" horses. 'Failing in this , ho loft the team nud beat his way on freight trains to Fremont , wbcro ho xvo arrested nna held until Sheriff McEvonoy of Holt county came after him. Rodgers was placed in the calaboose at Fremont two weeks ago last Friday night , nnd the next morning when Sheriff McEvoncy called for his prisoner to talto him to O'Neill Hodgcrs had departed , leav ing no token or memento behind excepting the hole through which ho escaped. A re ward of fc > 0 was offered by the sheriff of Holt county for Uodgcrs' arrest. Kodgors is tkveuty-oua years old , of medium size and a bright , energetic looking young man. Ho Is of dark coinploxlon nnd wears short burnsldo whiskers that oomo about to the bottom of Ins cars. His loft hand is off just nliovo the wrist. ' Rodgcrsisa clever Imitator of different styles of penmanship. In the forged orders given to Mrs. Brcen nnd to Mrs. Pickering ho Imitated Mr. KOIT'S hand so perfectly that Kerr said when he saw them that hud they been copies of notes or letters that he had written ho would have sworn the writ ing was his own. Rodgers was soon last night nt the city jail by a reporter for Tim BKK. Ho talked freely , but would not dlvulgo his real naino or the name of the place where his greatest crlmo was committed. Ho said : "I will not tell you now my real name. Everything has gene wrong with mo , nnd It would bo better for mo if I wcro dead. I am innocontof the crime for which 1 am hunted , but there is no way by which I can prove my innocence. ' "Havo you kept company with the young lady whom you nro charged with having murdered I" "Yes. Wo were very Intimate , but 1 Bivoar to you now that I was not the cause of her death. I went and purchased some chloroform for her the evening slio died , nnd I was soon leaving her room that nlcht , but I am innocent of tha crime. " "Who is the guilty party1 ) ' "I do not know. That is the trouble. Everything points to mo , nnd I have no way of escaping the suspicion. I wisli they had left me alone this morning ; I would have boon' dead uow und out of my misery. " Rodgers is evidently very much troubled about something , but ho will not reveal any thing more than that which ho has already told. When nskcd about the charge of horse stealing , ho suia : "OH , that don't amount to anything. 1 wish that was ull that troub les me , " Clilcago'H Improvements. Cmovoo , Fob. 7. [ Spoclul Telegram to Tin : HiiK.l The Herald will tomorrow morn ing print a carefully prepared 11 vo column article making A comparison of municipal debt , population and street Improvement of Chicago , St. Louie , Now York , lioston nnd Cincinnati for the purpose of showing what Is necessary for Chicago to do In order to get ready for the world's ' fair and how It may bo douo. The hliowing is favorublo to Chicago In the number of miles of improved streets and the percent of taxa tlon nnd indobUHlncs' . . , I.iiiorlaiit IMcco of Kvltlcnco Hlolen ST. Louis Mo. , Fob. 7. A sensation was created hero today when it became generally known that tha overcoat of Charles Vail who is now on trial for the murder of hli wife , had bcon stolen from the police. 1 was the most important plcco of evidence h possession of the prosecution , us they ex pec toil to provo by it that thu shot was lira by Vail out of his overcoat pocket nnd that 1 was not accidental. The Deadly Minor * ' Lamp. Wii.Kcsimmn , I'a. . Fob. 7.By an oxplo slou of gas In Simson & Walton's mlno a Wyoming this evening Nat Cnna nndChnrlo' Kirk wcro killed and William Koss and Lu ther Michael fatally injured. A riukcd miners lamp caused the cxplotilon , Donolinu Won Tnoin All. Neununu , N , .1. , Fob. 7. Tlio ilcatlm races for lee amateur championship o America oogun today. Joe Donohoo woi ull four race * quarter mile , ouu milo , llv miles and ten mites. ( Jetting Hack at C'liiing < > . DEXVKII , Cole , , Fob. 7.On learning of th fact that a dumber of members of tha Chi cugo board of tmdo had petitioned congrcs not to pais the free coinage act Ki'iu vo Topping this morning introduced In the Colorado legislature a resolution that Iho Into of Colorado tnko no part In the world's Columbian exposition to bo held IM Chicago nd urge the citizen * of Colorado to divert iclr trade so far 01 | > osslblo to some western Ity other than Chicago where some Interest s manifested hi the great industries of the vest. _ _ jo 1 1,1 wir. < . Died IVoin the Shock. Buiiu.NHToy , la. , Feb. 7. | SH | > clnl Tele- ram to Tin : Hix. ] This community is tor- Ibly shocked over the death of Colonel W. ) , Culbortson , a prominent lawyer hero , nnd ho distressing accompaniments to the death cone. Mrs. Erastus Chamberlain , Mr. yiilbertson's law partner's mother , was so uTccted by the death which she witnessed hat she was overcome nnd expired In a few noments. Mrs Henry Wymiin , whoso hns- Kind Is now in Now Yorn , was present and N us also overcome nnd Is now dying , ! Stiprenro Court. DesMoiNr. ! > , la. , Teh. 7. [ Special Telo- train to TDK DPI : . J The supreme court filed ho following opinions today : K. 11. Je-ssup vs. Chicago it Northwestern allwny , appellant ; Hamilton district ; ro- orsed. V. L. Smnll , administrator of the estate f .1. O. Small , deceased vs. 11. P. Wicks and btophon Wicks , appellants ; Clinton distllct ; iftlrmcd. , H. Doty , nppol- ant ; Cnlhoun district ; reversed. First National bank of Mnrshnlltown vs. V. W. Wright , appellant ; Polk district ; ro- erscd. John and Ell/aboth Rea vs , E. S , .Tnftrny t Co , appellants ; Jasper district ; modilled and nflinncd. .T. F , Smith vsV. . P. Blnchstono ct nl. , ap- icllaiits ; ( Uithrlo district ; nftlrmcd. II. W. ( ilo.ison vs Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , appellant ; Kookukdbtrlet ; fllrnied. .T. Van Alien ct nl , , appellants , vs E. Clark tnl. ; .Totmson district ; nftlrmcd. George \ \ Parker vs D. II Scott ct nl. , np- icHnnts ; Clinton district ; nnirmed. G. W. McLucn. appellant , vs district ownshlpof Hoar Qrovoet al. ; Guthrie dis- rlet ; dismissed. Jiot'M'.s iti:3tin\ ' . Vii American lloiiu-npaili Claims to HUAO Discovered It IUIIAKO. . CHICAGO , Feb. 7. | Special Telegram to I'm : IJiiK. ] An afternoon paper says that the rcatment of consumption by attenuated bac- 111 of the disease , exploited by Dr. Koch islet lot new , that in fact It was discovered years ago by J. A. Dlcglor , u homeopathic physi cian of Rochester , N. Y. , nnd has since been mown to that school of practitioners. The llffercnco In the treatment Is merely in the ( reparation of the medicine and the mode of administering it. The paper goes on to give ho names of patients \\lio wcro far gene u consumption who have recently been cured jy the lilcgler method. Doctor W. D. gentry , a prominent homeopathic physician of this city , was the practitioner In these cases. Speaking of them he said : " 1 have used , in this treatment , what ho meopaths know as tubercullnuin. This mnt- , cr is mndo by taking an atom of tuberculous tissue containing the vital principles of the poison nnd triturating this for a long time in sugar of mlllt. It is then reduced by adding noromilk sugar and triturating to the 100th latency. That Is all of It. It is then given i } ' the mouth instead of , as Koch gives it , with n hypodermic syringe. The ilrst tnowledgo 1 had of this remedy I got from nn article by Dr. J. A. Ulcglcr of Rochester , N. Y. , who wrote of some experiments ho nude with it in tubercular meningitis in the London Orgnnum , second volume , lbJ ! > , near ly thirteen years ago , you sco. Dr. Bicglcr [ ully explained his experiments nt that time , but , on account of the radical views of the discoverer , the profession failed to grow en thusiastic on the subject. Since Koch ex ploited his theory of the treatment or tuber culosis by attenuated bacilli of the disease , however , the profession has taken the old natter up with agility nnd will see to it that lliegler nnd not Koch shall hnvo the credit. " 1 am preparing a paper now , showing the superiority of Ulcgicr'n ' method over Koea'.s nnd tha development of the latter's system of preparation of lymph frouiBiegler's tuber- culium. " A CHUKh KXI'KHIXEXT. Notice That it Mnxt Not llo Given. J'or Any Purpose. Nnw York , Feb. 7. [ Special /t'elogram to 1'nu Ilnn.1 Little Johnny Gothlns , the tlilr- tccn-year-old boy whose log was sawed off est November in nn attempt by Dr. A. M. Miclps to plcco it out with the foreleg of n dog , Is still hound to his cot In Charity hos pital , pale nnd wank from his three months , imprisonment. Dr. Phclps and the Charity hospital surgeons have refused to make any statement ns to the progress or result of the experiment. An Independent Investigation of the facts in the case has , however. been imulo by ono of the most distinguished of New York's physicians nnd his conclusion is that the boy nnd dog torture hns been utterly in vain. In Decem ber ono of the dally papers , published the fact that Dr. Kelly , lr. I'liclps former assistant , would repeat the experiment at Gouveneur hospital , December mi. The medical faculty of that hospital was at once notified by the city commissioners of charities nnd correc tion that this experiment must not bo ro- peatcd in uny city hospital or institution. This order was presumably given at tie | in stigation of some of the profession. A ( Jroat I'ropoHi-d Amalgamation. NKwYowc , Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEK.I Counftng upon the acquiescence of the managers und stockholders of the Atchisoa company , Jay Gould nnd C. P. Huntlngton have had their lieutenants pre pare an exhaustive analysis of the capitaliza tion , the IndobtcdiiCBs , earnings and mileages of the Missouri Pacltio und the Atchlson sys tems with n view of determining from them a basis upon which the three systems mny bo consolidated or brought under the control of n single operating coinpanv. The executive officers of the Southern Paclilo system hnro bcon summoned from San Francisco to take part in the work and It Is trustworthlly stated that Senator Stanford has given his support to the scheme. As yet none of thu three interests Is absolutely committed to the proposition , but all havetnkcn it up with n degree of cnmestness that argues strongly In favor of its adoption. If the programme of amalgamation which has been outlined should be extended to include ull the seven railways tributary , the system so formed would foot up ! ) " > ,3. > -l miles or moio than one-fifth of the total railway mileage of the nation. The ag gregate capital of those roads , par vnluu , Is MOS.'J18Oot > nnd the present market value of tholr shares is approximately SHi T OOU. Caught Ilclweon tlio Carri. DKAIIWOOD , S. D. , Fob. 7. [ Bpoclul Tele gram to TIIK UKB.I John Rourke , a grtulor employed by D. D. Streoter it Co. , contractors on the Fremont , Ulkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , died today- from Injuries received while working on an excavation yesterday. Mr. Kourko was caught between two dump cars on the tramway used to haul cnrth away nnd horribly crushed , Hoth logs nnd several libs were broken. His sutfcrlngs wcro ter rible. The unfortuimto man leaves a wife mid eight children residing at IClgln , 111. Defalcation la the Gcndollu Survey. \VAbiiixnTox , Fob. 7. A defalcation has been discovered m the pay department of the coast and geodetic survey and ono of the clerks to Mr. Parsons , the disbursing ofllccr , has been discharged. Professor Mondcn- hall , chief of the survey , says the amount taken Is only a low hundred dollars unit thai it has been made good , The clerk's name Is a secret. lii Colorado , Ot'iuv , Colo. , Fob. 7. The road between here and Irouton is completely blockaded by gnowslldos for n dtstanco of 1JOO ! fcou At another jxilnl called Llttlo Hlver the road In blockaded for Wx ) feet. Several small snow- slides occuncd at and near the Mickey I3recn mlno. _ The Dentil Roll. 11.NOOII , Mo. , Fob. 7. Kx-Chlof Justice John Appleton died today , aged eighty-seven years. KOCH'S ' RIVAL IN CHICAGO A Oltvlm Tint the German's ' Discovery is uot Original. A VARIETY OF ILLUSTRATIVE CASES , V Thinks llo Can See * Through MIHsionc-IIU Views on the Senatorial New Hank. Cmruio Ornrn OK TUP BIT , 1 CiiK'um ' , Fob , 7 t If the testimony of two Interested p rVloi _ n'nd two largo coinnuiiiltlas nro worth nnyT thing there 1 another euro for consumption besides Koch's ' lymph , nnd If still another testimony nt hand Is worth anything , Dr. Koch's discovery was nodtscovorynt nil , hut a straight out appropilatlon of Information tleilral from the eminent professor s rival brethren , tlio homeopaths. Tluvo months ngoPmi ! Bratt.sttom , ncnffoo dealer living nt 7U West Van Bureii street , h l been eonsigned by twelve differ ent doctors to n consumptive grave. Today ho Is a well man , Mrs. Com Wcidlnger , a widow living at J.WJI Wcntworth nventio was brought from South Hond , 1ml , on Dcccmlw 14 last on her bed. She could not even alt up to lie moved. She wnsln the breaking down state of tubercnlnsls With n large , freely discharging cavity lit the upper lolo of the loft lung. Said her doclorsu. . * . She weighed nlnoty-flvo pounds and In tended to bo burled in this city. Tod\\ she Is going about everywhere. She has hud no fever for weeks ; is gaining steadily In llesh eats ravenously ; has stopped coughing , spits up nothing ; the hectic Hush Is gone , nnd though still not strong she Is getting \\ell as fast ns it Is possible for one to do. Them nro nt le.xst two other cases , equally us bnd as those , available for investigation , but these two will do for the purpose of this nrti- elo , which Is intended to sot forth the claim mndd by the homeopathic physicians In this city that tnbeiculasis is n cur.iblo dibo.iso ; has been cured by homeopathic medicine for twelve years nt least , und that the remedy Is that from which Prof. Koch got his Idea of attenuated tubercular bi'.cilll ' for the treat ment of consumption. "Why , " said Paul Hr.utstrom today , ns ho dragged n.sack of coffee ncnm the lloor of his store , ' ! feel like a new man. I nm ns well over I was In my Hfo , " and the quondam consumptive gave hliiibolf a blowou tlioUiest that would have done harm to nu athlete. 1.0x0 JOMS' : mdi.i : ivc. : The ouglo eye of "Long" Jones , elinhman of the republican central coinmittco , who ar rived in the city this morning fiom Spring- Held , perceives a tendency in the dark clouds which , since the assembling of the Illinois legislature , have lowered on the capital , to break. "A senator will bo elected ere the next two weeks shall have passed , " ho exclaimed In his room nt the Grand Pacific hotol. And in his voice was the ring of a prophet. Y "Palmer is no longer In the nice I shan't sny about Oglesby or Strector. But you may have observed Hint , slnco the beginning , boh : republicans nnd Fanners' Mutual Benefit association have worked together and well , If they should work together on n certain candidate they could elect him , couldn't they ! Well , I mnko this prediction : The republicans will vote fortho next United States senator. Who ho Is , I'll ' not say. " TIIK iirnnAU or IMIOMOTJOV , Promoter General Handy of tlio world's fair today issued his first monthly report of progress of the bureau of promotion. The dopnitmcnt will mail 'JoO.OOO documents per month henceforth. About three thousand mull packages will have to bo mailed and ad dressed dally theyear ; round. Conimunlcailoi.s with 10,000 daily nnd weekly papers and 3,000 tnulo papers la this country hnvo been estab lished. Arrangements hnvo boon made to send dally nnd weekly mnttor to these pa pers , nUo , signed articles by the chief oxbcu- live ofllcinl * . Considerable attention Is being given to counteracting the prevailing errone ous opinions in Kuropc. A MJW msic. Another nnw bank is to bo started In Chicago cage , the Commercial loan and trust com pany bank with Mr. J. 11. Hobbs as presi dent. Among the gentlemen associated with him nro Win. Dcering , John Worthy , Ander son Fowler , Postmnstei1 Sexton , C. W. Dobb , George W. Cli.unbcrlaiii , 13. W. Burke , Henry Cribbcn , J. S. Wonl- ncott nnd many others. The capital stock is $ > 0 , 'It will bo located in the southwest corner of the chamber of com merce building on the ground lloor , fronting on LaSallo street. It is to bo a state bank , depending for its proAts mainly on loans to business men. A Wrl.ljCIOTIIRD TIUMI' . Last nlsht Charles Euchnch , n tramp , stepped oir tbo train standing on tlio trcstla nt Bloomington and fell forty feet into the creek bottom. His shoulder wns smnshed and the bono protruded through tlio skin , llo wns taken to St. Josephs hospital , wbcro it wns found that ho'woro seven shirts , four pairs of draw ers , three vests , two coats nad four pairs of socks. The surgeons say ho would probably have bcon killed bnd ho been dressed lllco ordinary mortals. 8KIX ( IHIPTKIIS The Knights Templars who , n few weeks niro , participated In skin grafting operation on Sir Knight John 0. Dlckorson were ten dered a uiaguillccnt reception nnd banquet to'ilght by Acacia club nt the club rooms. The Acacia club Is the loading Masonic so cial organisation of the west and the recep tion will bo a memorable 0110. Knights from all parts ot tbo eo tin try were present. A for mal announcement was made at the uanquut Hint the operation on Sir ICnlght Dlckcrson had bcon a complete success nnd that It Is only n question of time whun the nlllictod ' bro'thor will bo among his friends iigniii. A I'KCtJI.UH FATALITY. Mrs. Kmtna Fell of O'.il Seminary avenue , Lake View , was fatally burned this morn ing. While walking ncross her parlor Mrs. Foil stopped on a mutch , which lay on Iho carpet. Her clothing was sot on llio , mid the next instant she was enveloped In flames , all her clothing being burned from her body. She was removed to ttio Cicrmnu hospital , whore she is dying. WESTIIIN I'l'OI'l.i : I.V CIIICAOO. Among the western people in Chicago were the following : At the Windsor -Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Bruce , Lincoln. At the Brovoort J , M. Bowman nnd W. H. Smith , Omaha , At McCoys T. Turner , Omnhn. At the Clifton Mrs. Hardwood , Lincoln. ; L. J. Wilson , Omaha. At the Grace S. W. Case nnd C. A. Smith , Omnhn. At llio Cinult : II. Little , Omaha. At thu Leland SV. R. Tail , Huron , S. D. At the Wellington George M Heath , Limo Springs , In. ; Mrs. W. O. Clurk , Da- kotn ; Ii. J , Adams , Omaha ; Mrs , Cooper , Newton , la. At the Palmer A. A. Glllctto. Stuart , la. ; K. K. and F. Cobb. Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank'IIcnry and child , Livingston , Mont. At the Cirand Pacillc-Joo T. Carroll , Butle , Mont. ; , Ogden , Utah ; Air. nnd Mrs. II. McAllister , Orn.ilm ; Mr. and Mrs.V. . S. Cunlor , Wyoming. At the Tromont John Field , Omaha , At the Sherman A. II , Stone , Sioux Falls , S. D. Secretary Sharp of the Union Block- yards .company of South Omaha is lu the city , on his way homo from a pleasure trip In the cast , Tlio party consisting of Mr. Sharp , A. S. Patrick. Low Hill , N. N. Crarv nnd W. A. Puxtou , jr. , loft Omaha u.'uly In January on a pleasure trip , They vlsittxl Nu\v \ York , Boston , Washington and other eastern cities Mr. Pax ton Is now In Lexington , Ky , , attending n horse mtla ami looking nftor the lmoro.U.s of some blooded horses from bis ranch In Nebraska. Sir. Crury Is visiting friends m Bnltlmura and Mr. Hill l In the city with Mr. Sharp. ATKIN'tOV. J KtonniHhlp Arrivals. At London The Knglaml from Now York. At Boulogne The Obdatn from Now York. At Boston The Noscman from London , the state of Indiana from Glasgow. At Liverpool The Michigan from Ijoitoa ,