Til IB OjAlAlLA IXAUjV lUfiJil : JflttDAY , FEBRUARY 6. IS01 8PBOIRL NOTICES. . ' . " for I1if < > n column * will AllVl.in'lSKMKNT. : X ) p. m. . for tnnuvonlnK ( Million , nml until Xi : : > p. in. , for tlio mornltiK Kilt lull n ml BfNtiAr Hun. rpr.UMS foah In advance. KATTS Al\i > rtlHi < ini nl < nti thlMtnito wlllbo chnrcul for lit Ihti rutt * ot 1H cents | ior iiitl fur tin1 first Itixrtllnn.nttil Icontprr wind f T riuli ( mini iiii'tit | Insertion , nml II SO IKT } lno | > er month Ni > rtt'soincnt ' tnUun fur i * limn U cunts ( ur tliu tlrsl Insertion. "I MI'IAI.S. fluuros , symbols , uto. , count each J in one word. . -FSK nilvrrtlsnnicni.4 must run conspcu- I M-U nml iiiuler tin elrpiimstaiieuB Trill tUoy tie taki n or discontinued by tulc | > honc , 1 > AUTI1 "ndrertlHlnir. In these columns and . ' havniij their answers nddrosHi-ii toa"iimu- 1 end U tin" In cure of Tin ; HIM will rocc-ho a niiinlierid i-liri'U tncnahlc tlipm to got their letters Atmupiii will li ) > dolltcred only on irc eiitntlon nf tills cheek. I'ncloso unswcrs } n i melopes properly addressed I I , inUertlioiiienls under the head of A ' -ixelal Nutters" tire published In both Hie in.'MiiiiB and \cntnK i i-illtlontof I'mHVK. . the elrriilnll'iit of which nireiittcs ! | ! : inoio tlinn nunm papers dally , and Kluis tlio ndxnrtlser ihulipiu'lll not only of I hi ) lar o circulation of Tiif He-e In Oinnlin , but nl o In t'onncll HlulTs , 1 Inniln and other cities and towns In tlm mt t _ . " "BRANCH OFFICES. AilYertMiiR for thc < o columns will ' 'f ' tnken on Hie aliiiM' condltUuis. sit Hie fnllowlnc IniM- ni ss IIIIIISI-H u Iin are iiiithnrlri'd to take NUccliil notices , nt the NIIIIIO rates its can bo had at the innltiiitlli-a , Oul I'll OMAHA llltANl'H Ol'TlOK-No. fj a Si N. Street , I.later Illoelt. I OIIN W lilCI.I. , I'litirinnolst.S.'OSoulli Tenth J /1HA' K X KUDV , Pint loners and 1'ilutdM. ' V li.t "until lflt list rent. _ fll ? f'AUNSWOUTII , I'liiiriiiiiolst.SllSCmii- .n . it street. _ V .1 lir(7lir.S. 1'lmrruaclst. ( fil North ICth > street. 7 nu W. l VIurtli stMM' riMirJF1 IMIAUJIAtn .84th : uil ( rnriuiin. SITUATIONS WANTED. I it rater , tie. , lee fo at f.fnt . f hi m mi tht * l g < . ' lo cnKatfciiiCMt l-'lrsl-olnss bass sniper of 7 ye.irs experience Inelinlrs. lies ! of inferences. 1'ur paitloulars utldrpss t III , lleo. Jill ) 7 \\TAN'rflD-l'iisItlon ns iKiuloUceiier for TTddoer. . None but llrsl-class need nnnlr. Addn-ss. - ( ' & > , lleo. l.M 6 SIT1 A'l'lt'N wanted ns second Rlrl hy neat . girl. SO Sa.M street , down stairs. 1'JC-f ) * H\TANTnu Two s.ilesnion on salary at > > once.2112 Hurt.si , l.r > 0-'i * \\T ANTI'.D Position hy adrnsKlst , 5 years ' ' cxiierlence.V. . \V. \ Sherman , Luke Cllv , V' . KB-T * % \V AN"I"Hlsituations for nond Klrls ; my t wiiltliiK looms nro alwayH full frinn ll n. m. to n p. in. ( 'anndlan Kinployniont ollloe , lill'i S llith. Telephone hS | , 121 WANTED MALE HELP. for ittlrf.ttf. , rtetnittif firtt wlitmn nn Old TVI < ; ' . I ciKik. Address M. J. f V 1'rank , Transit house , South Oninha M 1711-fl " \\rANTii ; > M toaiin nt OUCH at l-'lorunco , > > Neb. date City Ice Co. , 1M5 S. l.Mh stMltHC MltH-C \\ANT1 1) ) Twenty men. Apply at Metro- ' ' polltnn liiuol , loom LU M ira-C * " \\rANTiD ; In a railroad olllco. a lli t-cla'.s t hook-kpejipr ono having nxperlcneo In rallro.id ai'i-onnts iirnferrrd , Must be a Rood penman. Address , O5I. Itco. 14fl7 * \VANTTn : KOnienlo cut ici\ Apply'lm- ' > medlatply nt hmlth i , Co.'s Ice hoii'-e. Ashliiiid. Nnb. M 1W-10 "I VT A N'lT.I ) rirst-clns.s hlnoksinllli aiiii ' helpi-r ; no other need apply.V. . U. Drumniond it t'o , 15.Vf pi TTKItS vnnted-T'ho A. I ) . Undo new V inethod of enttliiK pees hiind In hand with the MivccH-iiif the modern progressive cutter. Tauuht only at t'loveland cuttliiRschool. Jl 110-7' \\7 ANTKD Men to travel for our CaiKiillan iiiir.soilcs.Slonc&Wollliigton.BIaillson.WlH 8.11 WANTHI ) A ipRlslunMl iihammelbt. G. W. Condon , SprhiRview , Is'eb. ! ) S1-E W ANTKI ) Oond cook. Mrs. Jno. L. Webster - stor , HIS S. 85th aventlo. 101 f \ \ TANTKI > Sinn with good references at Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , 1COO Howard st. 2.4 V 1C WANTED FEMALE HELP 1'nr intr * . rlr. , trt fop nf lnvl nihtmnnn thl * \VANTI'I-T ) o dlnlnir room Rlrls. Address - dress M. J. 1'ranlc , Transit house. Pontli Oninha. Jl 17W A\TANTlin-At 813 N. 10th. girl for llshl i i lioiisonorl ; . 1M S * "l\TANTr.l > Healthy wet nnrsc , IDOiT Far- ' num. MKIT-i , \\TANTii : > A nurse ( 'hl , 2110 Kininett st. ' > KoiinUo I'hico. ' MlSi 6' ' " \\7ANTKU lnlliied ! lady as ImnscKpepci * fur wldmvcrwith one child , boy , 13 years Address. .1. ( ! . , llfoolllcp , Lincoln. 1K1 7 WANTI-.D Girl for Kcneral bon oworl < fall at Norrls it Wlleox's hhoo btoio. IM DouRlns. iai-i \\7ANTI'H A neat girl for ( joneral honso TT wnilc. liKinlro at Mrs. II. Meyer's , 'JvM ! Howard , Head of Sid' KHX ) I \\7ANTEll-KliM class plrl , no washlns 01 Ironing. _ 12I Hlnnpy itu-nt. Ms77-fi \\rANTKH iacly'or Kontleman salary $1 T iiur ueok. linci I'nrnani .st. h l 5 TOR RENT H < 3USlESl /or rntrit. tie , , fcr fnji ot tiist ruin inn on this j 1/lOlt Itn.N'I'-Nleo 3 rooncUago:17 : ! J.1ebs terstrect. SIlGC-t "I71OK Hl NT Sovun-rooin cottaKo , cor. "Stl -L' \eandCap. nvo. Imiuiro SHIS Podge. MS3 NT anonsea 10 rooms eacli , I'arl in nn \Voolwortlist. . , elty wnter.furnaei' ' c. Call at once. Muinauiili , V Kltcbett.hous rent Ing UK outs. SV. . cor. l.'ilh ami llouanl si siKl Kl II OUHKNT 'Jcleennt 11-room houses , No * 1 ythand' : : 110 Douulasst. Kimuiro of A. A Oladstone , 1.110 DoiiKlas st. , or Ulobe Loan i Trust Co. , WS loth st. \T \ FOUUKNT Meonxini cottage. utlOUS lllthst liuiulri ) nf Mrs. Diig an , S. \ \ . coi 13th and I'nclllc sis. 67 fiWU UENT n-inom cottatje. llrst-class 1 JL ; mery icspect , bath , hot and cold water on motor line. Call at 1521 Sherman avo. MS ! rr-ISUOSt hou-o with allmodcirnconvenience' rent J.V | icr month , corner Thirtieth an JVoolworth , fuolni ; llaiiscom Park. Knqulr I.eo i Nlchel , ' _ * sth and I.eaumwurth. JIK JTKAM heated Hats at 700 S. 10th. Thos.l Mall , Ull I'axton block. _ _ _ SJ | "I K you wish to rent a lious o or store see II J i : . Colo. Continental block. IJ1OK URNT T-room cottaso now , bath , Ac J-1 ply , O. S. ii0'Uttcr : , 47 , Klnt Nutlona bank. JIO ] IjlOIl UKNTnwin flat , southern oxposuri J.1 I.anso block. fi ( > S S. 13th Ht. MU7.V 1T1OI ! UK.NT-Cottnpes wltbS. ft and 8 room J-1 c'nss bet ST th nnd Mth , Clarke , room I1 board of trade. aijuat \ "IjlUH KICNT A iiliii.-riHnn ' liouso with n J. modern Iniprovuincnth , south front o llanscnm Park. Inquire of Kennedy & llluet burn , MHa I'.irk avc. MS f ) now brick houses on North Nlncteont street. 10 rooms , all modern Improvement ! nlso tiiirn ; only J.5 per month , Omaha lie ; 1'stntoand Trust Co , , Itooin 4 , Ileehulldlm ; . M7i ITIOH RENT Four 0 nnd T-rooui flats vr\l \ JInitli , hot water , otc.j jiavod street ! neo buslnesMl ; Improvement ; . : only ! , S per mi lieforcncos riMiutred , The Mead luvcatmei Co. , 448 lloo hullillin ; . 5i DRESSMAKING. ur nittt , etc. , ue top ot fntt nniimM ml EXl'KUIKNCKH ilressiimker to go out I families by the day. ItWJSi South lit htreot. .Mlll- tatlor system tauRht 012 S ICth. 650 PJ UtNOAGEMKNTS to do dressmaking In f nn J lllci solicited. Ulsj Stunljr.IJIU llurnoy i PAWNBROKERS. tor nitft. rtr. . tte tap > > f finl rnimnii tin thlt txi : ; ITUU-.I ) Molile luuus inoiiuy ou < llitiiiond an * watcheaOcwoiryetc. o cor.Karnam i lit FOR RENT-FUnNISHED ROOMS J'ortntft. tt ( . . rrtlnp > ' < lr t n > l mn in thlt KKNT rnru'shcd rootnn ntul first with boartl inn PotiKlnsHtreet. MU''M * _ tniNisliTT : > io iiiiri7ionm iioiil. Kns noun- las. . SMIS-IO * CT. CKAIU European liotel. with illnlnit > 'rtxiio , steam bent In nil ronn H , 1,11 h and Poil e. Sreclal rates by vtrok ormontli. fjfl 1/Olt itKNT-rnrnlslicd rooms , gas b.ilh nml 1 ? sioam , 1510 llownrd. . H5 IT < l < Kt ANT newly furnlnhed nloiitn lieated lu rooms , 102 S. Idllitt. MuTiM _ Cliiirchlll has fiirnlihcd room" , with MIIA . North lilt list , MlHM : _ _ looms , 1WS Capitol uveiiup. " 1J1OK Itl.NT Kast fiont alcove mom lit tlio I1 Merrliim. . _ _ COUTH loom for rent at 2IOU Doujrlasst. 1 _ > IIOAKDand looms , ULVS S17th street. IJlt'llNISHKO riioms. steam hcnt , sou thorn r exposure , lint l > .f-4S. ICth st. 10 C 1 AKCli : and small room. 1701 Capitol avenue. J J 101 IAIiflK poutli front toum , bay window , mod- crn conxcnlenees. for one ortwo gpntln- men , } IO jicr month.'IS ' l.caxenworth. M'.V.1 N'H'i : rooms , Hleam heat , 11 ! ) D.ivoiiport 1S17 st. _ ' } HUOAiS for hoiiix-KieplnRfiirinnn ami wife , < > iiocldldien ; rent taken Inbonrd , : iluN,17th. ' 7/UHKEXT-rrmil room wllli alcovo.ciirtalns J mantel , ste'ii'i boat , gas and hath , Selospts , miltulilu -gentlemen or man und wifo. JI1 * . per month i'oT S L'lthst. _ 761 AND BOARD. tin talet , etc. , rrrtitit ot ( lent cntiim'i n > i ( M Ij Olt KENT -Nice warm room with board. JMill Callfornl.i stieet. f > .V > II * N10ii.Y : furnlslipil front rooms , flrsl-plnss table board , terms reasonable , " 00 N. ISth t. ia > 10 * KST-A neat furnished room ulth J1 board ; Rtcnm heat. Hcferences. Ittl Doilgo ftreet. 127-B * p I.KCIANT furnlslipcl rooms with board , cas. l'liuat and hath. 'JUS N 17lh street. IWI-K15 * FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Tor tiilf.t , frr. , wo tnp nfttrxt rolitiiiniiii WiM 4\OM UENT 2 unfurnished rooms , pnM front , ] ; ICth street. WrlKlit & l.asliury , 1GOI llow- ard. MH5-7 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES , torintrt , rtc , , M , t" or tiift rnlilinii oil I lilt KENT-1'alt of business hulldlng KBW rarnam stioet , consistIIIK of stoio and iiptier IhHir with olllen rooms. Iiiijulio of John 11. F. l.elimimn , U. ' ! S. 17th street , SIlCBIf "TURKS at 70i > S. Ifitli. steam heat furnished. S Thos. V. Hull. : ill I'axlon blk. M7 1T1OU linXT The 4-story brlok liullcf Inif. wllli L or without power.formeily occupied by the llco I'nbltshln ; Co. . ' . 'Ill ' rarnam st. The build ing has a tlreprriof cemi'iit nasomcnt.complete steam lien ting llxtuius , water on all thelloors , gas , etc. Apply id tliouflleoof The Hois U13 171OUUKNT-Oi mile , my bnlldini , ' on Jonot JSt. . , bel tOth k < i lllh. a.A.LIndqulst.IiloS.l.Mh US " 171OU ItrXT-Hrlck warehouse , two stories " hlih , hascmciil. hydraulic uloviilor. track age ; best location In city. A. U. Powell. 8. > 0 1T1OU KENT-One store and 2 llats , ( SO So. J1 pith street , ami Mueral cottages cheap. llJ. _ jCeiKljdj " 00 llromi blilg. _ MI-K-b olllco on ground floor In lloyd'a VAjpera house. 2HS. 1Mb Bt. , at reasonalilo flguros. Am. Puel Co. 77'i STORAGE. Fnrraln. ftr. , rcctnpo' fist rnltiinnnn th.li flMl AOKAOI' storimu at lowest rains. W. 51. lliislimaii , Kill l.oaveiiworth. LJTOUAC.niind IraoKugo. llivltlColc.iil3-S17 Ol toward st. KTOIAOi-The ! : best in elty cloan.dry.safe , and privately stored nt roisonnlilo torms. OmahaStovo liop.ilr Wks.1207 Douglas. Tel ! HK ) . KHF15 . ' and best storage for furniture , CIir.Al'KST Wells. 1111 Karnain street , MUI.1 "VflCK dry storage room at ntnghnin's nld 1 > store. Ill1) ) So. lllh Ht. TdH V ! > 7 WANTED TO RENT. For mtt > , etc. rectnnof flrtl column on tliti jxio WANTED Hoom and boanl In n Mrlctly private family by ayoung Kcntlomaiiand wife l.ofulinii I oho within ten blocks of | M > st- olllco. Adchcss , CR.I , llee. 15C * : _ AA7"ANTED-l'y younifinaii loom and board J.1 'VAri'3 | N " ° " - J-y d ! at\VO rooms adjoining , for two Indies , wltli board. Address C : , Hee , m RENTAL AGENCY. } crratn , rte. , we dm of tint codmm nn 1/if.t ) HT < I . "IT n. COLH , rental agcacy.Contlnontal bllt LIST your houses to sell or rent with U. P. HarrisonHIS N. Y. Ufc. 8.V IK you want jour houses rented list wlti 1'arrotte Itental Axeney , Ibth und Dodges M'.HlJiKSr BOARDING. Furrtitc , etc. , ret ( up of fitt column tltd AVKVf day boarders solicited , 1721 DnclKc M 170-0' ' TTMKST-OIAKS table board with or llhou J- room ; > ; as and bath la connection. I'rlce very moderate. LW Oass. MIKi-11 ) ULLM AN house Special weekly rates. PERSONALS , jMr mffj , etc. , tec f ) i of ftisl ooliinin on tlite paire , " " " " " " " " " TU sviNSr Aldres' ? ' llL.onco : saino as formerly. A. 1.V5 8 * TAKEN UP. l\r into , etc. , rce top of fnt column nn thl * png 1OITNDVhltollver colored water spaniel , JL about 10 months old , Oall at 1113 Jones. 119-5 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Fur ratcf , etc. , tec lop of flrtl column nn I/it * 8AU A llrst class loam of younir InOH 1 driving horses. I'rlcoBW. U. II , Uall.'lliil llarneyst. 1IU-G * 17OK SAIjK-Hlack imported Tiench stallion. JL' Inquire COS P. 13th street. MSlS-13 ; Cheap , wagon and douhloworU or will OM'hamro for buck boird , . , do bur biiguy , uhcap. 11 , E. Coin , Continental hullcllnx. 072 TTlOIlSAhEchoap A two her o sielgh , albo -A. large pulleys and shaftlns. 001 1'ouglas. 1CS FOR SALE COWSi fnrrfite * . etc. . tee dm nf f.nl column on ( hfi inigg. IJIOH SALK-Cheai ) . First-class milk cow. 3 -1 } fresh May 1. I\Ins eight quarts per day , , 1'rlco jJixUO. Iniiulrc at 4i l Klk otrcet. Ml&i-u * IiiOU SALE l'lr t class milch COMt , also sov- eral good horse.s , Kmpilru room Wl Umaha iN'utlonid bank building. Sill FOR SALE FURNITURETFa For nti ( > .cte. . nee fop ofInt column on IIiln pug- . IjlOU SALK-Choap. furniture In a well fur- Jnlshed li-room Hat. Tlino Klvea to 10- , . spoaalblo party. Address U 43 , Otnaliu. llee , ' 150-5J h j , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ? ( .rn M , etc. . lettnpnf flrtt roluruik im I'liJipija. "IOH SALE Hy tieo. I'urr. nnleo Wasblnirn -L' Mandolin , chuap , at 171S I.ciivonwortli st. st.Vlti 0 "IOll ? ALE English pug pup , for sale. O -i ? 43. lleo olllce. iCT-i-J "iruU S.VLK-L'omploto et of drug store ll\- JL' turci , show cases , etc. I1. U , llox 37tv'i5 WOH 8ALR-An A I tire proof safe rumilro JL1 ut Iloston s'tore. MICl MEDICAL. Fnrfat.CT.ftc. tte tn nt' rtt coliim-t i it'i ( < m jj TplNKST electric and elcotro thiirmat bath JL room , IncliiJIiu Turkish eubhitt baths. l.adlos.Sto 1 dully A Tuetilay Krlday p 0 to 10. Dr. llJchurclB.rooni * JIB & UAl.llcc WANTED- BUY , _ Tor rxil'n. rfc. , < " fop i > f tint Mtunin on tliii j > t \ \ I'm ; io . New York Drens- nmUor. ! . ' < . llth Urct'l. _ 1 I OliSr.S wanted nt i.fll N. 10th st. .11 Kfi \\TANTKII-Olpiir town lots In Nobraslta. ' ' Kansas and Iowa. Aildross 0 37 , Oninlii lleo. M P40-7 IjirilNITl'UK tiought , sold , stored.Vell , iJUL'11'ji'niij'i ' " 'j ' t - \\7ANTKII-WIII nuy hlRhfst eaih prloo for household Roods , aill Nv. Kith st. 7d ! > - ! 1\VANT tolmy for n customer nn Improved MJiirlM ) acre truet ot land In eastern No liniHknor western IOWA. A.1C. Hllcy room II Contlnentnl block. MM G XXTt'll At oneei niprchnndlsci nil kind * ! "IK't ' easlii must Know nt OIICP l.T. NeuellCo , 141' ' ) lloiitflas. Omiiha. i-'lll MISCELLANtOUd Iinriilrt. ete.tfct ( > p " / llri < i ruluinnuiithLiinjt .l huwyur,11 Chun fist. , Now York city. MirT-li . ilciicflt fcook'ty , Snii Kraliolsoo , Cul. , liu'orpciriiU'cl. I'uyt ill ) iier wctik In c'nsoof .sli'kniHsi W t < i $ U5tnr wi > t > k In rnsii of ni'Pldont ; i" fiini'riil linni'llt. HucHJI JUT tnontli. McnilK-rslilp f ' $ ; i. No oilier ux- IIOIIMO. K ( < | irrsuiitiitl viwntilpil In OVIM y town nml t'lty. Coriu * | > uiiiiiiiL'u ! sulloltud. .1. \ \ . linn nn , MU'rt'tury. MltH-0 TAKIIIN , inortRapes. pniitrncls anil all -1 'liiilriinu'iits ciirufnlly cxi-oulod. A. K. Itlloy , iittoriiny mill notnry nutillc , ronin II , font I lien ta I liloi-k. NttK2H _ nOUDI.OllV Initrui'tloiH In tlio theorlci ofwntclics nml iMopk * will l > o cl\en nt re.iHDiiablti lerini l > y I" . Illoefer , watoli- iii.iki'r nml tlino luck mneit , 107 N. Kith stroi't , \ \ nA \ , iMlliolin. l S _ if. KIl.llY. notary iniblli * , room II , Ton- . tliientnl liloek NMTJ8 MONEY TO LOAN. let ralti , tt ( . , tee lop of flitt column < m Hill loiu-tt riitos , Ki'iiiDVi'd to Iti ) N. Y. Llfublclt ; , J. II , liniiuliiKiT. 8'ri rSHA"TTKIilmnlcilOS. : 15th St. , liuns monev V/oiirlinttcltorcullutti'ialutrciisoiiatiloratpi vooiiilnuirlRiiuoitoii viicnut k liu- X' jmiu'il city iiriip. Oiuinty ttarriuitt liouuht. Moatiyuiihaml , 1' . M. lllohirdson,81S : N.y.Mfe. t-Gl U1MIN(1 ) ( loans. 0 to 7 per cent : no uildl- IIU tluinl chur oi fnrpoiiiniUslon oratniiin'y's \V. II. Mulldr , First Nutluinil bunk blili ; . SlU "IJICAIi Kstntn LO.IIIS Cash on hand. Olobo JU < o.ui and Trust Co.i)7 ; ) S.16tb st. Is'odi'luy , noL'.xtr.i charges , lloii es to lent ; good list.KOI KOI OI--&O. M. Anthony. 1118 N. V. Ufi > uuilil- IIIK , lend inoncy on fiirius In eliolco coun- tics In Nebraska and Iowa , also on uood Omaha rt'sldcnco property ! lowest rates ; best terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and > nines passed on liere. KB " \IONTA' to loan by It , P. Masters on chattel lit imili'olliiU'rul si'fiirltloH fur tiny tlinofroin 1 to 7 months in any amount to fault bor- ro er. Uiiinsintidn on lunisehold gixids plmms or- KIIIIS , horses , tiiulei , homos , le.isos. waiehoiiso uilppt | . 'tp.iit till ! lowest po'-illilunitos with out inilillolty or leinovalof pnipoity. My louns lire NO urraiiKod tiiat you can ninko a pay inent of any iiiiioiint at any tlino and tu- both prliiuliinl and Intciest. If you owe 11 unlaiivo on jour property or liuvi- loanjou want pliinmvd.l will pay It off mid oairy it for yon. If yon find It inniucon- veiilont , uall up telephone No. HWl and your bnslnuss wllllio arraiiseii at Imiiip. Monuy always on hand. ISo delay. J\o pub licity , howcst rates. II. V Masters , Itooni4 , WlUiuclIbllc.titliand lliirnoy sts. Sfifl _ HONTV to loan on Improied city pioporly at eurrentratet ; fiiiidHoii linnd ; nodclay. Cieo K lllnatit Co.'Ol lUniKubldB.i Msf IONiV ; toloan nn Improved Omidia tirop- L e.rty. 11. H. Iruy. Jiii. y. V. llfu. 003 IONIIV to Loan Short tlino paper J ti ennaii & Co. . C ' < X X. V. Life. 741-Fai $1,000 nrlvntn iiionpy to loin. 7 per eent. Utnaha Kual K tatu \ Trust Uo , 4 Hoc hlilir. MftSO _ IDUIVATKiiiouoy to loan. J. I ) . Kittle. Oil _ l N. V. Mfe _ _ _ MH' : ' "IXIONHV louned cm furnltuio , horses otc. J. " Iluukoyu I.iv.Co.in Douglas blk.llJ . & PuJco . r. tn 549 BUSINESS CHANCES. l'o > rntu , etc fee to nt ftinl f/i unm on tliitiau' \ TOU SAM-Ilalf : Interest In a sodn and J- mineral water business ; price Jl.WH ) . Address - dress C' . , : > 4 , lice. M 171- 1- _ ACHANCIMn n life tlmi ) for men wltheapl- tnl and act I ve men without capital to HC- c.iiro a very pleasant and profitable business. Nodi-ones or curiosity spoken need apply. Address with 2-cunt. slump , Consolidated Ad- justabloHhooCo , . hiilem , Mass. M JGO-G "TJ10H HA Ll' Kino stock of jcwolry : In\olco J-1 about WU)0. ) Will liosolil at a lilc dis count. Must be .sold. A.J. IlrlgKS , Superior , Nuh. J1I1U-10 "iroit SAI < 7' Or tratle.ii .steam laundry in -L Omaha doln r UKiioil huslness and all new machinery' Aclclioss , Clo , llee. 117 S * TTOK SAlvi-Klnol'liieiiKO : stock of millinery J- ninny trimmed tprliiR oods. Stock nuvur pulon s.ile. HlR bargain If taken at once. Address M. 0. , Heeolllee , Council lllulls , w . 151-C _ _ T710H PALIv-llotel , 15 rooms , lnTiilmr.ini MliKh school and col lego la town. Address O. M. Otis. His V TJ10U SAbK or Trade l.urce livery and feed A1 stable , feed store atlaclii'd. This U well located on jiavod street and doing a good businehs , Miimuiuli > V Kltchett , real estate -s. cor. 1Mb anil lUmard hts. KC HOTlIh forSale Do \vanttoKoMnto a good business ? If youdo , buy tiioO'oiiimur- vlal at llioKon Itow , Nob. hia A N pstabllahed lu&lnois for .salo or tiado. -ti Box Sis. city. bou rt ) I'alntera and Paperhangers-IlM ) cash will Imv tlio leading paint shop , flvtuius , htil.'liiK : and ladders liiilliilnu- < ; 14 , with More front for sale of Koods. business part of piln- olpul street , ( irniul Island : hnlldlni ? nearly new , woith i'-ViOOO ; will ] > : iy It. It. faro on sale of same ; ground rents IJ.S.M ) per month. Ad- diesK. . U. I ) , , Grand Island. Nel > Mffil B * jlOR SAUTv-Tullor business , Krank Soclior , -t ? D.ivld City , Neb , 7DB r o rpllK furnltiiro and IKturesof tlio Tromnnt JL Imusi' , liliicoln. Nub. , fur bale. Inijulin of P. W. Coiieland , pi-oprlotor. 10ti-r > j TT10II SAhKor l { nt The Tckamah ivi JL1 factory. In complete runnliiK order ; will he sold cheap , or to the rlKht parties will ho rented on fuuirablo terms. Uall on or ad- iliess Fliat Nutlunal lliinK , UTckamah , Nell , QALOON The best opening in Nolnaska. KJAddit'b 11. A. Kufus , liavenua , Noli. . It. K. URi-nt. 70)1 ) ri.'h * "TjlOU SAI.K ruriiltiireand lease of 40-room - * - hotel In line location ; an .ivernRO business cifwladuy. ( lood chance , llcst jeusonsi for \y. \ S. Cooper. Merrlam block , Oouneli Ululls. la. MM ! ) Kl'J ' " 1710U SALE or E.\ehaime Ole.m stuck of dry Jpoods , clothing. Knots , shoes hats , caps , la dles' and Rents' furnlnliliig goods. Address IloxKlXi , I'rankfort , hid. 270 l-'u "IjtOK KKNT-Only hotid In a Rood town ; a J- good oounliiK for a peed hotel nun. Tor particulars address llo\ 1 , Hurr , Nell , 019 ! - ' _ MUblO ART AND LANGUAGE. J ta ratCH. tic. fftiiimr HIM' ' > il'i/n > i onCid p(7j. BEKOItniiuylnRaphuio oxainlno thonow scale Klmbnll pluno. A. Ilosiie.I.'MIDouglas. CiKO. I' , ( lollcnbcck , tpioher of the biinlo ' \\ithliospe , 1A11 ! Douglas. U'4'J ' FOR SAI.E-Choap. a nearly now Hnllett , DavU& Co. , iipilcht piano In first-clam condition. Inquliunl lull ) Donchib st , U)3 ) I'harles I'eter.sen , plnno , violin , rltlier , . \ guitar Instruction. btndloJ05 bhouly hlk. f IIAVKafew now pianos forsalo awfully Lcticap , as 1 have Konuout of the piano btisf- os9 , t * . Jonason , I ariiam and lllh st , h'"J MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. for nifn , ( tc , uelui > of Hit roltimii oa llifnny. \ , MASsAliK Madam Delzler. over CIO H. l.)7h ) . M UI-MO * "J\I ASSAUH bath tit.Madamu i-mltb'a parlors J.MM iioor , ? or > . lythst , IKJ a * , M AS-s-AOK treatmenteleclro-tliorniiil baths. calpuii < l lintr Irttiitmont , inaulctiiu und ohlropodlit. Mrs. I'ost..llHIiS.iritli\VltlinollliUc. t > 57 MASSAOK Madam Uolxlor. ovur BIOS , l.ith. M Ifll-MO * COSlUMtS. Ferrate * , rttKtliitm \ .lit' ro/iinin / nruh't ' tins , L ADI IC3 ami cunt Icniimcun runt mascpior- aUu bulu at 1C. N , lUth tu FOR EXCHANGE. , fit. , trttopaf l column nil fAU " f * i.w , . . - . . . . . . .jii.i-i.- , | jrii'vityNorlli 10th street , for plriO/lnmls well located rig lit k basbury. 1001 Howard. MHK ISO ncros tlno f.irm lniHl , adjoining coed No- brnsku town : nearly mu.ir. lf ) ncroa llnoly Impnnlcil innd 2l < mile , from ponntj sent In Nebraska ilglitly rnouinbcrcd ISO iii-ros good land InNiMir.isku , Smiles from ' . ' .VKI IlihnbllMiti. count v seat : , . llou r < and Int tn to\\i\jUi.Kiiiisn \ < ; elcar. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4-roiim hou o nnd lot. barn , Holland clstprn , tlitli street , Omaha : slu'hlly miciinilxircil ; will trade foromahn propculy anil ns < iinioiinouin- brancc * . II. 1Cole. . CuuUiioiituI block. WJ inoi ! i\OIIANOK : Mni'hliio sbop line foun- J dryoutlll Including puttnriis , In oxchangn lor Rood lands or city property. Address 0 , I1.0. box CCJ , _ MMI8 H A VIC clour lot to trade for liorio a nil buz- Ry. A. K. llllcy , room II , Continental Mk. _ _ _ _ 1\V1I,1. Irado n Rood ele'ir lot In Armour I'lnec , South Unuilin , and tttkt ) flood drlvlui hors ( > and bunKy as part payment. Address , IliT. llee. 7.CJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " \\rANTKU-IO slocks ot mcrcliAiulIsc , from $ .I.OK ) tot. ' < oKKl ( , for lander city puiportv i ; , R ItliiKor , IRIO'iiriniiii. lr.7-ll' _ "V\rANTKi--llorio anil bujL-y forc-quity and cash. W. J. 1'aul , looiiriirniiin st. : MlMO-7 BITSIXKSS property on 12th bt. , near Kar- mini , for residence. 2 clear lots ( corner ) In Orchard Hill forhcmso ami tot. 40\I'.U SnnnOcrsst. , south of Lake Clear , for residence i oincothor eoocl property for exebaiico. J. D..Illle , N.Life. . O'K ' ) "tlO AHS for piano. Address U 4,1 , lloo. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tor miff * , rtcnee ( up n'fii < ( column on thli paw OIIICAOU lots for s.ile or exehage. 10(1 ( lots , clear , new addition In Hammond. Maps plats abstract with each lot. \Vlil take good , clear farm In Iowa , eastern Nnhntska or Knn- sas part piiyini'iit , Scott llros. , U7 WaNlilngton st. . riilcaV'o , 111. lMIM- I)1(1(1I.ST ( liiirRiiln In Omiilia. Duly tlireoof J 'Iho-i ! elegant houses on 41th and I'ainain luft out nf six : other tlnce occupied by llrst class p.utli-s , Houses are open all day for In- upeetlon , K\ery conveniences In the houses Ini-lniMni ; misnnd gas llxtuies , Take a lonK ut them during this line ueathorihuyonoand take llfu comfortable dining the winter. Only takes from WOO to f.VXlcash. Peothem \\lllioiilfiill. for they will plca.su you. 1) ) . V. tihole.s , 213 I'lrst Matlonal h.ink. 870 Poll SAI.r An acre of ground with 0-ioom house nn 1 emeu\\oith street , faelng Kim- wood park. Kluctrlo curs n | | | soon run to the [ iiirk ; this Is a snap at J..Vju. ) , . K , KhiKcr. IM'J ' harnam , IV5-11 * TTlOH PA M-T : > 0.\2iH ) feet on South 19th st. , bo- J-twcen M. Marj's axe. , nml lA-avenworth St. , e.ast front cottuuo of nine larco looms , cloiPt.haih room , furnai-e , eonienled cellar nml Kooil liarn , for JI OO , ! ; worth ll.'i.OOD. Acl dress C'W , Ileootlleo. "ITIAKMSof flonHO toi,000 ; acres for rent or JL' wain on easy forms In Sarny , ( Jumlntr , Tlinyer and othurcounties. II. T. Clarke , 111 Hoard of Ti ado. MiJl-10 " 171OU SAU : Sly residence , IKKO Kniiiiun J-1 street. Clmlvvst location and best IIOIISH In Omaha for tlio money. Hot vator and uUTy convenletmoiiosslhlo. llarn , eonnected \vllli Minor , wutur und [ ! as. 1) . V. Hnoles. 2111 . hunk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ! L' ' pr-KOOM house , lot ICli ; ! , ' . Jl.TOOs ulso C-ronm 'Jlionse , lot : ilVi > tl' , s , u. cor. llth and A'lnton ht. . JL'.OIH ) . Hrlclv liouso , nnd Ainorlrtin house , IntWixnfi , n. e. cor. lot Ii , nml Douglas , $ IDOOU. Mrs. Knlilnian , L'12I S. 11th. 67. ' II AVi ; cash customer for a pi wo of Im- -Lurovod property north from $ .1,000 to { 0,000 , brliinliiR In fair rental.1 A. K Kllcy , Kocnn 11. Continental Mock. b'.H ' 0 "I71OH ln residence ) at 2.MO JL1 I'lcrvo streut , at a bargain for a few days only. Imjulreat the Neb. htuam laundry. Kith and Howard streets. M51S EAItfIAINS-5-ioom enttaso and lot. cltv water , sewer and bam , centrally located , ,7.V ) . Teriiiscasv. IinrcoA-rooin cottages , nicely finished and well locitc-il.J.in. ( ) ( S-outh front lot on paved street near motor , $0(11. ( Snmnnlco lots In west and north part of elty , $ .VjO and upwards. J. Ititle , 014 , N. V , Mfo. 090 I710U HAI/K Several gooit improved farm : ) L1 ulHO iinlnlprovcd Iqmls and town proiurty | In best located counties la Nebraska and loni ; ; all uro liarsalnsA. Address K LI.omuls , Utli and DoiiKl.is. Omaha. Nub. KlIVO FOU PALK-Onoof the most bountiful fruit fnrnisln Harrison county , Iowa. Improve ments all coed , Adilross I ) . 1' . Katon , Oran < l View fruit farm , Minnnllu , Iowa. S1T-5 ai'KCIAI. ' IlarRiiln I/urgo lot. KlxlOS fu. 4 -JIilocKs fiom l.nwo n vi' . and C'nmlng St. , lays Hiili'nillil ; cho.iii for cash , or will trade for farm. Address I. . U , Morrlll , 42nd and Cassst.s. OLIPTON HILI - 9-iooin liouso , ind full corner lot , very clioap for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma ha lots. Addicts the ' ' owner at 4'Jiul and I'nss hts. . Ii 0. Merrill. CLAIRVOYANT * , rtc. , tee top f .nrst cotiniiu a ] \I1S. ! NaiuiloV. Warren , clairvoyant , trance -I'l speaking , wrltlns and reliable business medium , fouryenisln Omaha. 1J9 N. Ifitli 8111 TXIKS. WAI.bACi : , clalr\oyant ; naturally A'l Rifted ; tells pnatamlfiiuiro love troubles , absent friends , change * , travel , business. I Hurt Karnam . * St. M974-S M PASSAOK Madam Deb.ler , over CIOS. nth. 8M-K5 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. toriattK , ttc. , ire HIKI tnt column onVia CAIjL or writes for catalogues and Imestl- Kate the meilts of the inllh I'remlor typewriter - writer Jliinlfestly superior features. Im- porliint changes made. Typo-writers wild o.\cliniiRoir icntpcl , 10091 , Parnurn St. , 1) ) . II Mnyhuw. manager. 87 : HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forraten , ttc. , tcetojxif Jus' (11(111,111 ( unllila BUST line hair Kcods In west ; hair dressing. wlKs. switches , baims , hair chains , etc. , a specialty. Davles , hair KOO Is and milliner , opposite postolllce. 111 S. 15th .st , Omaha. PATENT SOLICITORS. For tn to , etc. . ten tun or rnlnmii mi l/u / "PATENT lawyers and solicitors. 0. W. Sues JA , Co.lloo bulldlim.Omaha.lltancliollIco at \ \ iishliiKtiin , I ) . ( J. Cunsultutlon free. 875 TlllU KK.-VljTY MAH1CKT. rNSTUUMENTS plaoaaon rooord February 5 , AlbrlRht land and lot company to Fred Sl.'ii'iloke , lot 9 , blk 2 , llyppo's llonunra hill ) . , „ . . S CM Albright land anil lot niiji'pany ' to 1'red Stncdeke , lot 1'J , b'Kad , , , AlbrlRht's C'holco . ' . , , . 750 Albright land and lot oonipany to 1' I ) IMoiceet al , lot 'i ) , hl&IW , Albrlght'u Choice . ? _ \ , . 850 O Ut'alnandvlfotoV.'q Koboi ts , u.'Cl foot strip ail I n end lot 1. , Ualn I'laco . 1 O It Cain and wife to W.UKobeiH , lot 13 , Oiiln I'laco . . . 0,000 11 CJ Clnrk and wife tn BoTin Dldam , lot 1 -Insubof lllt ( Ij. Do 1'ont Place . l,7fXI , John DUhini and wlfn tciiUciseph Schllt/ . lota 1 und U In bubof blk 0 , Dul'unt 1'Iaeo . jiw . 5,000 Oust 1 1 a mil and % Ifo lo 1'rank Heller , lot 111. blk _ . J I Ki-dlcirskiih . 4'JOO C O l.nhcck , uxcuutor , ti > < Kale K ( Jruno , o ! i lot II , Spring Valley < . 1,100 John LuuU to J A LowIs.'iV 78 ft and -'I. blk S , Kiish * Colby's add to houth Omaha . "aj [ . 1,003 J B MolU.li ! and wife to til ll Maltlnovlclw lotl'J. J llHIIey's hiibiJJ.i . 1,803 Theodore Miller to , l anlh Slarnll , 8 Si lot H , blk 0. Totter. 1 1 olil ) ' ' 'd udd to South Omaha . XA Pnme to.leseuh Vuler n'j ' sain . UM Ahhik , Olson and wlfo to John Uiindor- s on , lotlJ. blkliW , tlrandvlow . 1,400 , J. U. I'm rut to mid \tlfo U ) David Uonnl- Min , lot K , Harrison I'laco add . 1'Od K. t > , Uood and wlfo to .Mary A. I'nizler , lot Itl. hlk 5 , Alnrlgbl's Annex to South Omnlm . 4M It. Schroder , trustee , to rranx Frnnuk , lotl.blk' llmwn I'nrk . I.1DO P. SI. Wilson to.1. ll.Tlpton lota I. ' 'nnrt ll. blk. "I , Armour 1'liico. . 3,000 , ZoihiM , Wilson to M. Maker ot id , lof.'O. blk. iHUIIIton Hill . frtO M. .1. Wilson to same , lot ' 'I. hlk. itsamo : COU J. M. Wolfe to Marv K Wolfe undivided lilots U 14 and 15 , blk. S , Ku-lmngu I'lacu. . . . . . . . 1.I2T , Q.V. . Woods and wife to W. U. and 1 ord Hmlth , let IV , blk. I HI , South Umaha. . . . OoO guir CLAIM IIKKIIS. I'etcr rirloh and wife to .1 , W. Her u 10ft strip adjacent to vrt'fct end ril { lot 17 , blk , , Cumpboll's udd . 1 Tolul umouut of transfers - y Strange indeed t-h5tt like SAPOLJO should 'A needle clqThes others , and is i sclj : naked"Try itin your next house-cleo.nin5 Wlmt folly it would bo to out prn&s with n pair of sciosorol Yet , plo tlo equally silly tliingo every tiny. Modem progress luui grown up from tlio hooked Hiolclo to the swinging soytho mid thence to the Invru mowor. So don't use BiuHsoral < Q But do you use SAPOhlO ? If you don't you nro ns mueli behind tlio nrjotia if you cut grass with a dinner Icnifo. Oiico there \voro no Bonpa. Thou ono Hoiip eorvod nil purposes. Now the sensible folks UKO ono noun in tlio toilet , nuothor in the tub , ono nortp in the Btublca , wl SAl'OLlO for all Bcouriug otid Louso-clonning , f I luiiiiiiiiiiiini i iniiiiin HIHIUMMIIMI OtnOULATION FOII B TRADE MARK. A. clicck for > > will secure insertion T(1ADC ( MAnK. of half-inch , one time , in papers below. PHILADELPHIA..Ladies' Homo Journal 500,000 , NEW YORK Delineator 300,000 , 11 Housewife 140ooo " Our Country Home I 10,000 , " Ladies' World i 00,000 11 Argosy i 30ooo SPRING-FIELD.O. . Ladies' Home Companion i 10,000 I , * * < RA NEWSPAPER Advertising Agents , 66 & 68 W. Third St. , . CINCINNATI , O. . TRADE MAHK. jnADEMAniK. _ Mill IIMIIIIIIIIIIIItllllUIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIH lMlttllllllllinnillllllllllllllllllMMIIIItlMllllR Dr-FlBILL OMAHA , NEB. During his pmernl months location and prnctlooln Omnlm , Dr. DlllliiKS lim onrui-fl iin envlnlilii r | mtn- tlon unioni ; tlioliuiulreils of clll/on * who npi > llo < ) to htm nbno"t na a last resort , nml fotiml 111 his nklllful nilnbtrntluns tlio full rcallzatUm of liupo long ilo- ferri'il. llol * permnncntly lociitoil nml Imi the best np- l < olnleci mid nu > t voiivenlently Incntud pliyulclan'a oltlru anil reception rooms In Oimili k ' 1 ho xlck will IIml tn Dr. ] > lllln < n true pbyslclnn nmla Bj'mpatlictle frlcml anil mlvl'cr , For tliu treatment oftbo follow Ins mimoil itlncn'O lr lillllm.'H ban proton blniEcll poscensud of mos uuuaim fikllL TOffc-VT&'CJ TIIK SEASON'S ONLV JDU X 1 > . IIIG sUO'LT.35. 5 Performances , Beginning. Thursday , Feb. SATURUAV llronsnn Howard's Greatest Triumph , AMEIUCA'S nA.Tr.ST C'llAZr. "Hotter than the Henrietta. " N.Y.lIuralil. "Slionundoali Is tliogunleu of love inaklns iincllir.ivcflouds. " Itov hlic-ot oufns nt rosulur prices Wcilnosdny. Grand Opera House * # * viRKouiPANCEsMntiaco : [ auJ Night. SATURDAY , FEBR'Y. 7th , 1801 JOSEPH WM. J. COMEDY COMPANY. Malinco , - - THE RIVALS. HEIR-AT-LA.V/ . Niglit , - - - - Scaloof I'rlccs 50f. Jl.00. JI.50 , t.,00 Salu of scats now In \ THE GRAND 1 > 01'UL'V\ioES ' , \ ' - - 8Lh , Suntlaij , I'olJt-unt-jj , THE LAUGHING BOOM The Mortlini'f I'omcdy Company , In tliu fun niest of all furcocoiiu'illt'suiitltliMl "LAR.KINQ" KosorviMlscatsWeiBo nndJo. . Itox sheet nponhuntlHy itln. in. EDEN MUSEE. Will I.awler , Mnnaxur. O < ir. lltUiiiitl I'arnuiu WKKKOK FKUIIUAUV 2. COU. AIuKXANOKIl OOOIM3H. Ttio Kuntiuk ) ( Joint , Jan. Wilson , iihcmmiciml expanBlnnlil , llnmi Vcrnon , KnclUb Cluu Daiico , a lionlily , AUcl'iiinbo Children HIIIU nnitdnnco iirtlnls , Hmlillrr nml Wont , ncrtuim CoiiitMtliini , XVuU'n rauil- cat mriU'ry , l.iulIllcjrcllil , A lirc'nt thow. DemandPond1 sExtracl. Accept no aubstituto. ITYPEWRITERS1 r' * ij jjiTiJij * ' iJ * * fc n [ * * T * > 'At Mnokholder- ' Notion U liurcby Rlvttd thai tlio rosulur mi' mini inituiliiir of ilm Ktookliolclursof the Boiitl I'latlo I .ami company Hill Ini held at tliu of. lloo of fciilcl roiuimny. In Lincoln , Noli. , on flic llrst WuUnvsday In Murvli , Isul , liolnp tliu ( tl day of tliu month , lly onlur of tlm board u : cllrcctora. H. 0. I'ltu.i.irH , Sucretary , Llneuln , Nebrabkti , r'obrutiry ! ) , IS'.M. b'-S-d-aO-t CATAHU1I-AJI Ol ensoi' ' f linn' nnd mme. Cat- nrrh Inipororliihos HIM 1,1001 ! unit nttrtit.i , produuln dcbllltr , Oucjy u i ul duuth , 1 > V-l'ii'SlA-Aiil : nil tint ph-noi of liullirininn liver troutiln. Imperfect iiinlmllntlun unJ nutrition. KIDNliV DHKAH1H Am ni'i.t ilnrelirlrwi nml In- fliliioiii , Symplons hint lo ri'oo nlzo lirtho i C'fliMi ' K'Kil to fntnl htlKlili illnuiiio ur illnlieto ) . Of Till ! Ill,001)-nioo.l . poNonlnr , orjslpolni , unil dlnuunuj moiilloncJ horo- nfliir. ALT , "fKIN DlSHASKS-Kc/onm , mlt rhonm , Vnrl- nlv nlceri , t'lhorrlnt , i prnful , lupin , miulily color of the skin , plinplo , mill dlsoiiioj of the sculp urj turiHl by l > r. Hilling , NKUVOUS DISKASnS-Ixiis nf vlKor , lo t mr n- liqoil. ik'lilllty , proilrRtton , iluspiinili.m-r , I'rili'llo ' 11 on the fneo , ln i of mmiinry. ilninil of flit uro , uto. A new treatment Hint NKVKIl KUUS. HIIKl'MATHM AN'D Nlf ItAl.nIA Are curjit by ] > r. nilllnas wliennll othorrt hnvu fiilloil KHAUI.H WKAKNK-4SK-Tin ImrMi. Irrntlonnl nml ininntiirul inotliwti iitunlly uinplnyoJ nro ro- rponsllilo lor fully lhr o-foiirlli' > < f Ilic niirTcrliu nnw enduriMl by voiiirn linmllfnlo the now , homo Ire itment of Dr. IHHIn ? * 1'II.KS AI.Ii IIUCTA. ! , Tlintmi.KS - INIci , Til- tula , nb po m. kttltturu , nml nil ilNciKcior rei-tum uircilnllli'iutllio knlfo , cjutcry ur iin hour's ilolny Irom work firlmnlnm I AI < 1 , lIKAIIArilllS am quickly cured. ' 1 VIINKHKAl , IHHKASKS-llnccnt or long utamlln * ryptillli. KOiiorrliii'R , utrlclurn unit nil re iiltlnit uf- fectlon * nro eurctl pprmuncntly nuil lorovcr without nnjr mi'reury nr mlncrnl iri'iitmont. i MOUrillNn IIA1I1T Quickly , positively nnd pnlnlenily oinvil , TAl'KVOHM Tnke.1 with lipiul romplctoln ono linurnttli one tcnspoonf ul o5 ploiiuut mollclnu. No ( antlnK I OTIIKIt IIISKASIMiirha olilnorM , ninllirnnnt ukorn , tiiiniirM , cnneurn , honrt trotiblon , iiilluna , cpllopiv. MVltiiH ilincu. milk In ; , clironlc coutlpi- : tlon nnd chronic dlnrrhaoi rro curoil. Till ! COMIT.KMO.V The moit unlihtly nnrt murtily ( onipli'xlon quickly froshene.it nnJ bonutlttiiil. POll OKKKXBIVB IWKATH A ponnnnout cure LOW KKKSI KHIIU CONSUIiTATIONI HOUIIB : 'J : 0 n. in. to S | i. Ul. KvLMllim , 7 to 8:30 Sundays , 2 to I p. tn. Patients Trailed 13y Corro pandonoa. Medicine Sent Evorywhoro. 322 South Fifteenth St. I GROUND FLOOR. NO STAIRS. I Dr. Billings prepares and dispense1) his own medicines , which are lar ely S9l"ctod Irom nature's lieallns planti , barks , roots , nus.shrub ? , t3. Njinnifal DB. J. E. . . . McGREW , THE SPECIALIST. Moro Than Fifteen Years Exporlonoa In the Treatment of PKIVATb DISEASES- ; out tlio losi of nu hour's tlrao. CTDIPTIIDE I'ormanontli cure ! without ol nil I II H P'dn or 'iittruiuonli I ' ; no cut * U I II I U I Ulll. . . , , , , , , no ( lllillnu Tlio most cmurLnblo romudy known to modern science. (7V Dill I IP fnreit In no to M rtnyn. Dr. Mo. U I rnlLIu < ) ruw'l < ircntiiii-nt for lliti terrltilo > > - u iijomi iscB | n lia boon pronotnipod the mo t powerful nml Biic Mful rumuilj over clls- ru oreil for tlitMibsuliito euro of till * i1l < cnso , llli puecuvd with thin rtlnMso IIHH uuicr boon ctiunllo.L A coiniiletu cur u < ' aknosi ol LOST MMHOaD , il nil tin' ntu ml dUclmrKoi. nro nliiolutoly cured. Hellef Is mmuill'itu ami ciuiipuo. Hliouinatlmii nnrl a'l ' SKIN DISEASES eiiNUi , of tlmliloiiil , llvur , kid ncs und tilnddor pur- miincntlr cured. nnrron 11011 nnd FEMALE DISEASES dheiiVM of tlic , Homiuhor hlmliloi curoil. Tlio Doctor I Homo Trontniont fur I < : idloi h truly nccmiiili'to. cnnvenli'iit iiml nmiifoitul ri'iuuJy I.AiiK5frurn2io 4 iivi.Y. llookfrou , ' marvelous miccosi 1m- DR. McOREW'S won for hlmuriipuliitloi which In trulj imllunu In annrncler , nml lili urcmt nrmyu ( pnilontH riii'hu Irinn the Allnnllo to the I'ficltlc. The llortor tn i KrnitnnUinr "utiifLAli" nmllrlno nnit hui hut lorn nnitrnrtful o pi rlenro In lie plrnl priirllco , > ml h I'lnniii'il uiiionu HIM Icnitlmt np clnllit In nudori iclunru. Truatmont by c-urrcapanilfiicci. Hunk 01 circulars nliouleiicli of thunbuvcdliouo : > , fun. OiTicc , i4th and Farnam Sts. , Oiimho , Nob. Kntranco on clllier street BRADFIELD REGULATOR COATlANTAni toLo trALL oKueasrA w * But Her Boarders tinil Orotlltora Won Badly Swiudloil. MODEL LANDLADY'S ' SUDDEN DEPARTURE Ninvinnn'H Upturn Moro hotter - tor fniT.orV.tnt itl lOnlnru * ImliiMlry Di" < ppr > n ( Dctnnuratn. Thern nro nny niitnbpr of nroplotn vho wiiulil itlvu nio > ) ( lilonl to lenrn tlio ox- net wlieri'iiboitts of Mlit M. T. Mrdliin Tluvo numtlii nft > tlio Iniiy In queMlon , who , liy tliov.iy , l an old iniilit on tlio utmily lilo of sl\ty , iirtlvotl Irotn Now Yoflt C'lty nml at otu-o liogiui to d v iiDUiii'O ttio Omnlm tionnlltiu IIOUHO.H , Wlu'roviT cliowoiil anil upon nil oconslotin thlt win thuMilijrot of liorIHVI. . A iiumbur of .voting men llstonod to tlilt tule , nml nt onro iiinclttileil flint tluii'iiHtvriiHiiliisturiuiiHt bo n model lund It.ily. Tho.v liolil n meeting nml appointed n ( oininilU'o to liolil a consultation with tliovniuitn for tin1 pur\Hwo \ oT Iniltielni ; her lo OJKMI u lionnliiii ; homo tint ! sliould Inuniltirtoil no- cm-ilniK to New York lileas. Tlio confoit'tn'o i > oiiitullttv'siu'ti > eiloil In lt i ni' ' lon nml two inonlhi nco MHH ! Mrllliiu lynU'iI Ilio oletiiinlliplelc Hats lit Ml uiul Mil Kortli Niniitiviitli Htiot't , iiKiivltit ; lo pay the liiiullnnl , Tlioinm llri'iiinui , $ IMl pur month rent. U'lio woitianVIH llnun- I'iiilly Miort , uml tit an nrroiiitiuulntlon Mr. nremian dnvli\tt > d from his niviistniiimi rule nu 1 lot her Into tlio liouso on u pronaso to pay , U'lio furniture ilpnlois woroiioxt soon , unil by lior winning wnys Mlsi AlcC.iun MIO- oeeilod In K'Htlnn ( : ttMil woilli of Iliu Illicit fin n It uro in tlio rlly moved Into the iipnrt- inents nlthuut over ] iu > IIIK aivnt. M'lui roiiint worn I'lirJM'toil wit Ii llio sotlnst cm pottvhllo at \vlmlo\vH liuiiK'.roiil liu-o citrtulns , and costly wllolo * of lirlon lirao niloriit'il the \\alls. A card hunt ; In the win- On iv : "Uoomors anil boauli'i-s wimtetl. " Tills ontiKlit the rnMl , nml on the llrst day of liistDoc-nmucr cvory ono of MissMi ( iiim'n rooms miltalnod an ooeiipiint , wlnlo twenty- llvn huallliy liounlei-s pilhrii'il iiiounil Imr talik'H Hint ( 't'onnoil iniilor Uu > smoltlin ; vl- niuls , I'ookoil iiccoitllni ; to Ilio littust Nuiv York stylo. All of tlii'sobonnlcrs hnd piid fiom $ ; K ) to fM ) in oilviinrc , the priro dopendintr iiiion tlio fnct of wliollier they oivii | > loil the front par lor or the ul tlo. Tlmy WCTO nil tuitlsfliid , uml bo was Ilio liulchor , tlio li.ikcr , tlio ruiil man and the liiiiiiiliy neoplo , all of wliniu alloweil tholf bills to rim simply because MUs Medina wis s.irli n nlco oh ! liuly. KvcryttniiK wtuit well until the first of the puisotit month , \\hon Miss Mrdiini innd aiioUioi-tour iiinomrlior boanlcrs and [ mm each colli'ctoil anoiliur mouth's piv : 'J'iio.1- ihiy inornlnKbliu put on hop lilurk silk divsn , imi'hi'd her Jowrla In u liniultig \ and wont clown to South Oinnlm to cnllect u hill In thl * collci'tlon trip It Is piosnnied tlio woman \vis : iiol sncreisful , as slin has not mtutnod. The Tnusilay dlnnoi1 and mippervcro served as nswii , thouijli the clialr sittho hoail of the tnbli1viis vae.tr t. The Wodtiriclay inornliiK' meal was eat mi inslloneo and sorrow by the boarders , who 1'iMtx'il that somu ImiTililu futo hail biMullcn their inl.strois. Koino of the tnqulsllivo bo.irilcn tutiJo n tour throtit-h Miss Mfdiiin's prlvnto rooms , nnd dis- coveriiip thnt nil of her Jowoln hnd hern tnlton nwiiy , nsvell as liur wnrd- robe , whlrh was tlio'onvv of the hlKli-toncd ItiJy boarders , A suspleion lloatoil tUrouuli their minds that possllily the woman hud llo.itod away , Tho.so suspicions wore ro- portuil to the committee of tliu uhole th t was in bass Ion in the double parlors , and upon comparing notes It w.is nscurtalnod Unit the Inndladj1 had colluctud robnmry board bills amounting to jr.'il ) This settlud the c\iestlon ( , and poor Miss McGinn was voted n fraud , wtiilo most of the bilked broird- urs wont out to bunt otliur plucos to ont and sleep. The servants next held a convention in the kitchen , and upon eastlni ; p accounts , to their sorrow they learned that they had con- trlbutoil flS worth of lahor. Tlioy at onto conroivud the Uon of poiiiRto Inw , out long ere this idea was carried out tlio hotiso was surrounded by creditors , who clamored loud rtud lon for their inoncv ami Miss Mcdiiin. Tlio liinillnnt wanted"SWO , tlio coal dealer $ ! K ) , the butcher $ r > , the linker ? 70 , the pas mini SO , thu milk muafIS , the laundry man 1) ) and tlio procer JISO llronnanvasiuound with n writ of attach ment , while the other creditors wt'i-o arming Uiwnsclvcs with articles of furniture , when ttio furniture dealers appeared upon the sccno and carried nu ay everything in sight , and the card "To Kent" was again Iiunu in the window. IHSIIOP NI3WMA.VH lll.TUUX. The AlclliodlRt I'rcliitH ut Uomu Alter a limit ; 'Irip. Ilishop John P. Newman of the Methodist church arrived in Omaha Tuesday evening , after an abscuco of eight months. Ho was found hy a Uisi : reporter in the midst of a very hxiyo heap of mail yesterday afternoon in his rooms at the Pnxton hotel , and after n few inquiries as to what was ironiK on in Omaha , ho said : " 1 left Omaha oiirht months ace for Japan. On Juno II I sailed out of San Francisco. I stopjHid a few days nt thu SatrJ wirh islaads. I spent one Sabbath tlieru and attended four services the Japanese , C'hineso and the Hawaiian and J preached in tlio American church. " 1 vihiu-d but two of the prhicln.il cities in JIIIMIIYoknlmina and Tokio. .My ollichil huslnohs called inooaly to those cities When 1 was tliero in lb 81 trnvelcd all over tlio em pire. " Continuing , Hisliop Newman expressed satlsluction with the pnyrossof the chuic.li in the lorcifrn countries , especially in Japan. Since ho rolurnoil to San Francisco la August ho has traveled extensively In A mar ina , holding eight conferences , ami attending four church patherinps. Ho.si > ole feelingly of the death of SucrotaryViiiiloin , who was his warm friend. Ho also &noko eneourag- inuly of the prospects of the gcnoral conference - once of the iMcthodist church , which mcoU in Umaha next year. Duruip his absence Bishop Newman trav eled UlKH , ( ) miles. Mow to HreaUUp n hererc Colil. Tiom the Virginia City , Mont. , Madlso- nian : Whonwollml a meilJcinovoknowto jiossess penuinoinciit , wo consider it a duty , and wo time pleasure In telling the publio what it U. yuch n medicine wo found L'bam- bcilaln's Coupii Humedy , By the ttso of thli sytup wo Imvo relieved , In n finv hours , so- vcro colds , and In ttio coursu of two or three dn > H , entirely broken them up as has several of our friends to whom \vohavo recommended it. It Is nil It 13 represented to ho by the manufacturers. If you have a oougti mid want to stop It , Chamberlain's Couph Itctn- edy will do thu work , For sulo by ull drug- Rlsls. Don't Fool loursein Notwlthstmidiui ; till rumors to tlio contrary , the Chiciifo , Milwnukco & Ht , 11111 ! Ky's now btoam In-atod nnlauo BluopiiiR cars , with "electric lights In every lurth , " Htill loi\ps the rtiion depot - pot , Omaha nt 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv ing ut Chicago nt OrtOa , m. , in innpto tiino to iiinUo all custom coiinectiona. Ticket ollico , 1501 Fariium st J. E. 1'HUSTON , V. A. NASH , C , 1'iibs. Aft. Guu. _ Vgt Foiin l on ji DlKMOutinp 'I' bh > . ST. Louis , Mo. , Tob , B. ISnwIal Tolo- Bram to Tim UKK , | I'atrlck Shoa of 13U North Ninth street went on n spree last weolc ana wound up in the city hospital Friday with delirium troincns. Ho illwi next day without the kno\\le.lKO of hU fuuiily or friends. They began niatvhln for him and Mrs. Shea WM horrlllcd } i > i3rday by thodls- covcry of the remains ol horlnisbmid on a dissectiiik' tatilo lit the Aiaoricuu medical col- IUKO , fcJho was onrriod from iho room lu a faint. The hospital authorities , claim ihoy did not know who Shea was or Unit ho had a family and frlcuda. A faded or iroy board vnny Uo oolorod a beautiful und natural hroivn or hlaclc , ut , will , by using Buckingham's Lye for the Whisker * .