Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Horn T < iint HumliiVi Kuliruiiry I. to
Mr. anil Mr * . O. A. Bcollof Ainblur
IMiico , u diulKlitor.
Tliri-o minor | wniiltH , riKKWKntlnir
? MK ) , were Iflhiicd by tliu BUporliitoniluiit
of bulldliiKHycBturdtiy.
John II. Lovl find wlfo linvo sold
eighty-one nml one-half ticroH ono nml a
liiilf tnllcH oust of thu poor fat in to liyron
1 Jcod for * 10,000.
George C. Whitlock loft for Now York
Inittniuht , whorohu will nllond a con
vention of tlio buildings Itmpcctoro of
the United States.
VcHtu Chnptor , Order of the Eastern
Stiir , will glvo ItHHovnnth annual social
at r'rectrmfions hall , Sixteenth and Capitol
tel avcnuo , tlilw ovoninf.
Owing to the Huddun and severe Ill
ness of MTH. Dol'ulo , rnothor of Mrs. M.
( ' . Nluliolft , the InvltatloiiH for Mlsa
Nichols' Koiislni'ton tea on Thursday at
2 liavo buon recalled.
Tno moinlwrs of the order of the
Moilorn Woodmen of the world are pro-
Tmrlng for a biff meeting to ho hold at
Metropolitan hall tonight. J. C.
Hoot , the founder of the order will ho
present and will fjlvo tlio camp an In
formal talk. In addition to thia spcecheH
will ho delivered by iv number of the
incmhofB of the local camp.
1 have a cousin who is n printer , says ox-
Mayor J. 15. l.ounhnui of North DCS Molnes
la. Seine years ago ho was employed In th
city where they wcto printing circulars f
Cliiimbnilnln , Ho had a deeii seated cold and
terrible rough , and whllo setting up copy ho
inndo up tits mind to buy a bottlo. It cured
him and that was tin llrst I over know of
Clmniberliiln's CouRh Hcmcdy , 1 have been
BtroiiKly In its favor ever since My own ex
perience ana that of my family convinces mo
that this remedy 13 tlio beat in the world
Thntmay bo stronif laiiRuaRohut that la wha
1 think. For snlo by all druggists.
Mardl Grnfl at New Orleans.
On February 10 the grand carnival
will titko place. The great "Wabash are
no\v boiling round trjt > tlckota to Now
Orleans peed returning until February
28 very cheap. Time only forty hours.
Twelve hours In advance of all ether
routes. Also round trip tickets to all
points In Florida. The favorite route to
the Hot SpringH of Arkansas. For tick
ets and full infonnallonin re pard to
time and routes south or cast call at the
"Wiibtwh ofllco , 1502 Farnani atroot or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
IJorth western Puss. Agt. , Omaha , Nob.
Sinn's Fine Undershirts.
Wo have some special bargains to
offer In men's line underwear that wo
want to eloso out and will eacrillce so
cheap it will pay you to buy for next
year.MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS $2.00 ,
reduced from 9'U" > 0.
reduced from $1.00.
Men's sealskin caps , llnoat quality ,
choice of all styles for $10.00.
Wanted For an Insurance company ,
at a low rate , a largo loan on inside
brick business property.
310 Omaha National Bunk.
Ijctter Carriers' Bull.
The first annual ball of the South Omaha
division of Branch No. 5 of tlio Notional
Letter Carriers' association will bo given
in Ilowloy's hall , Monday evening'
February 0. The following committee
appointments bavo been inudo : Arrange
ments Messrs. Mark IJoukol. M. A. Martin ,
C.V. . Miller and William O. Mongan. Re
ception Messrs. William G. Mon an , Oorgo
J. KlofTner , H. b. Lu rente ! t , O.
N. Blrkott , K. C. Davis nml 1 > .
V. Hanson. Decorations Messrs. Mark
Boulcol , J. II. Cunningham , J. H. Bueter ,
Wlllinm Victor , E. L. Iloatr , C. C. Uoso and
F. II. Monroe. Floor Messrs. M. A. Martin ,
Ctmrles Crclehton , S. 10. Collins , William
Mohcr , I ) . "W. Tillotson , William Owens and
C. W. Miller.
61. / \ K"H' Ftiilnlity Entertainment.
The young ladles of St. Agnes' Sodality
will give a musical and literary entertain
ment In Blum's opera house Saturday oven-
Inp , February 7. An excellent programme is
being prepared.
The 'J'liroat. "Brown's Bronchial
Troches" net directly on the organs of the
voice. They have an extraordinary effect in
all disorders of the
Patterson's Olilcnj ; < > Doalfl.
K. M. Patterson , a former woll-lcnown real
estate agent of Omaha , receives the benollt
of a column write-un In Tuesday's Chicago
Tribune. According to tbo story , Patterson
mid DeWittC. Cregier , Jr. , son of the mayor
of the city by the lake , formed a partnership
mid entered into the real cstoto business , buy
ing a tract of swamp land thirty m'.les from
Chicago. This they platted and named Pat
terson. They rcnroscntod It as being on sev
eral lines of railroad , and the future manu
facturing center of the universe. The tract
was boomed as only Chicago men know
how to boom , and in a short time
lots sola rapidly ittiii at fabulous prices , most
of the purchasers being employes anil men
about the city ball. A day of reckoning soon
came , ns some of the buyers were sent down
to view the purchases. They returned dIs-
gustL'd nad reported the whole tract a swamp
und absolutely worthless.
Dr. Ulrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg.
Mnrrlnxc Incenses.
The following raarrlaso liconsoj were is-
sued yesterday :
Nnmomid address. Ace.
JliloydW. 11. Holder , Omuha 22
1 AdulJ. Do Jlnrs , ( Jumna
t Henry l ( . Itrowii , Omnhu Ifl
1 AnnuM. llurkorOnuilm 21
i Albert 1' . llutterllold , Omnhn 31
I Marjtarotl'nrrull , Oumliii 21
i Louis W. Buultcr , Oinnlui 21
I Nollloy. Keollnu , Omahn a )
iuimrlrs IlrlsUor , Itollovno. Neb 31
1 Bully I'hllliis. lluUuvue. Nub i
There Is no danger ot a cold resulting In
pneumonia when Chamberlain's
Cough Kern-
ixly is used as directed "for a severe cold. "
It effectually counteracts ami arrests any
tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.
This fuel was fully proven In thousands of
cases during the epidemic of Intlueiua last
winter. For sale by all druggists.
Dcnt'i ol * It. J. Wolf.
Doollaynes received two telegrams Tues
day , uno from Joe Weber of Como , Col. , an
nouncing the death of Mr. E. J. Wolf , who atone
ono time played n cornet In the lioyil orches
tra. Mr. Wolf was uUo employed us a cleric
In the B. X M. headquarters In this city. Ho
was a bright young man anil mado'umny
friends during u year's residence here. Ills
family live ut ( iottysburrf , I'a. , bis father
having boon a dignitary In the 1'rosbytorlan
church. No Information is ut hand liulle.itIng
the cause of bis untimely death. Itov. Mr.
Knlm of this city was notllled and ho at onua
telegraphed the sail news to young VS olf's
mother . In Pennsylvania.
Colonel Stnnton , paymaster of the Depart
incut of the i'lutto , will Mart today for
a trip through the northwest part ot tlio
Mate to pay the troop ; . .
Wh n IUl > < r wan tick , w cure her CiutorU ,
\Vlifn thewM a nilMihocrl for CaitorlA ,
Wlir n ! > bccnine Ml , li clung to fAklorln ,
Vf Lea b * Imd CUll Jrvu , ti\a cam Uwtn CastorU ,
niton ,
Hpri'lnl Hah1 , Nirolnl | I'rlorM Tlnim *
Kvory Inily Hint romlH tliln ml nhoiild
iittund IhlM nulo for nil will bo itblo to
wivo innnuy , ThoKO prlccn you will llnil
till flpoclal , not for Friday , hut for TlitirH-
day , l''ob. ft.
Htntuoof Liberty line brown
Oc yard.
Lawrcnco LLfthootlnu < > u
Ma InnlH KE yard wide ahcotln , < lie
Hrttfliton soft finished bleached mus
lin , Goyiird.
Lonodnlo and Fruit of Loom , 7jc ynrd.
Yard wldo soft finished bleached mus
lin , OJcyard.
Jjincuon 70 12 yards for $1.00.
Ullca and Wamaut ta bleached lOo yard.
MtiHonvlllu 8Je yard.
1 Inch blcacliod pillow caslnp lOc yd.
10 Inch bleached pillow canlnp ISJjcyd.
fiO inch bleached pillow casiny Kljcyd.
51 Inch blciichod pillow cnsinf , ' lee yd.
8-1 brown poppcroll sheeting Ific.
0-1 brown popperoH shectlnjf l"ie.
10--1 brown pcpnorell shcetinj , ' 20o.
8-1 bleached pcnporoll bhecting 171c.
0-1 bleached peppercll fiheolin 20c.
10-1 bleached popporell sheeting 22Jo
Wo alno have a nuinbor of ether
brands of double width uliuutlntjauuh as
Mohawk , Uoston , Utica.
Wamautta , Lookwouds , fruits , Allan-
tic , Pcquoti ) , etc. , at lowest prices.
Bleached Turkish towels lOc each.
Checked nainsook HJc , G and 80 yard.
Black checked nainsook lOe yard.
Turkey red damask lee yard.
Double fold table linen , cream color ,
ICc yard ,
Largo Bqtuu'o blankets OSc each.
Wimlbor twilled toweling "je yard.
All linen bleached toweling Ujc yard.
11-4 nizo crochet bed spreads , oOccach.
Bleached fringed doylies , all linen , Cc
India linon. Be yard.
10 inches wldo linen lawn , lOc yard.
Remmmts of table linen cheap.
$7.50 California blankets reduced to
$1.80 a pair.
H yards long linen scarfs , Hoc.
2 yards Ion ; , ' linen scarfs , 50e each.
Manchester prints , spring htylo , 5c
Yard wide B indigo blue prints , Sjc
Largo figured comforjcr calico , Sjc.
Cotton batting rolls 2oc.
Apron checked gtngliatua , Cc.
Dress style ginghams , Cc.
Shaker Ihinnol , Co.
Outing Hannel lOc yard.
All wool lliumo ! skirt patterns , 9Se
Now stvlo spring skirting , 15e ynrd.
Dry goods and carpets.
Painting damaged by Warblngton on
exhibition , u few days only , Now York
* Ife.
Mr. Andrew Corrects Er
roneous Stiiciiints.
OMAHA , Fch.I. . To tlio Editor of Tin :
BII : : : Several days ago , whilst riding In the
trcet car on my way to the depot , I was en-
aijed In n conversation with a reporter upon
, ho subject of electrlcul subways , conduits ,
, , in connection with the work In band lor
.ho District of Columbia. I had forgotten
11 about that interview until last evening ,
rvben , to my surprise , I discovered what
purported to bo u report of that interview in
n half-column , article , largely In quotations.
Ordinarily IvouM pay little attention
to publications of this hind , but in
this instance I an quoted as
saying many things which , to engineers and
particularly olcctrlclani , would seem so man
ifestly absurd tbnt I do not feel Justified in
allowing it to pass without correction. I am
quoted ns saying that subways and conduits
have both beentrled in cities of the United
States with varied succc s. On the contrary.
I stated that whilst conduits had been tried
with varied success , subways had not ns vet " ,
owing to their expense , been Introduced" , to
my knowledge , either in this country or
Europe , Paris being the only cltv where ,
owing to their extraordinary size , the
sewers were used for pipes , wires , etc. I
stated that , under ordinary conditions ,
the introduction i.f electric wires in sewers
would lead to collections of lllth upon tbo
wires and otherwise interfere with the proper
performance ol their functions ns sewers ,
and hence their Joint use us sewers and elec
tric conduits would bo deemed inadvisable.
As to the largo sewer in Washington to which
the reporter refers I o.iprossly stated the re
verse of what 1 am reported , namely , that
as It never runs nmro than half full under
the most extreme storms its upper section
mlghtsafely bo utilized ns a conduit provid
ing its location should prove suitable.
Again , referring to induced currents in tel
ephone wires from those of a higher poten
tial , I did not state that tbo overhead wires
therefore needed better insulation , oa the
contrary , dynamic Induction Is not overcome
by insulation , but by doubling the wires ,
thereby bringing two Induced currents In op
position , and thus neutralizing ono another.
Klsowhere 1 made to ' -One
, am sayOne great
hindrance Is the waste of electricity that at
tends the placing of wires so near the
ground. " 1 certainly mndo no suph state
ment , but did say that the difllciilty bad been
to secure cables which would not only insu-
Into properly , but provo desirable under
ground. The other objection urged to plac
ing telegraph wires under ground I stated
was the retardation of current caused by
what Is known as static induction from the
ground , With these corrections the ronortod
Interview will bo approximately correct.
Several years ago Chamberlain &Co. of
DCS Molnes , In. , commenced the manufacture
of a couch syrup , believing it to bo tbo most
prompt and reliable preparation yet produced
for coughs , colds nad croup ; tbnt tbo public
appreciate trao merit , and In time It was cer
tain to become popular. Their most socgulno
hopes bavo been moro than realized. Over
three hundred thousand bottles of Chamber
lain's Cough Homedy are now sold cacti year ,
and It is recognized as "tho best made"
wherever Unown. It will cure a severe cold
in less time than any ether treatment. For
sale by all druggists.
Predictions for February \Voathcr.
As there are but twenty-eight days in
tills month thcro ought to bo less cold
atmosphere than in January , hut "all
signs fall In dry weather , " therefore wo
can only my that the electric-lighted ,
steam-heated , vcstibuled , limited trains
of the Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul
railway will continue to run daily be
tween Omaha , Council lUnlTs and Chi
cago. The oloctrio light reading lamp
in each berth Is the novelty of the ago.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Fnrnam street , Omaha.
llnlNloy'H Visitor- ; .
C. J , Bradley , ex-block watchman was
found lying on the sidewalk Tuesday night
aud'wus locked up ns a runk. Ho denied the
charge wbun arraigned before Judge llebley ,
and exhibited n lump over his eye which ho
said was the result of a fall whllo attempting
to Jump from the inlddlo of the street to the
sidewalk. Ho was discharged.
Kd Alien wni un for breaking his furni
ture and nrcclpltatlng a family row. Kx-Po-
lireman John Morrissey appeared as his at
torney , but hi * pluu wiu not successful and
his client was lined ? 10 and costs. Morrissey
paid the fine.
( loorgo Phllllpi and T * . Brown created n
disturbance at the union depot and were nr-
rested by Oftlcers Cook and Fleming. Phil
lips had lust been discharged at Fort Robin
son , nnd was celebrating the event , Ttic
Judge allowed him to go , but Drown \viu
lined ( 'M anil costs.
Will Not Appoint nn liupoator.
Owing to the non-arrival of the Iron gird-
on for the roof of the new city hall , WCTK on
that utructuro will bo delayed two month * ,
In view of this , Mayor t'aihlngsay * he. will
not appoint an Inspector until tuu work Is ru
turned , This will save the city about f&o ,
A MotimliiK Mollmr IfniilM tlm I''nth or
\Vlicrn lltuli'Kliiknr * lt l n.
Dcnth was present nt tlio Cnrmcnultn Imll ,
days the Now Vork Continent. Whllo the
ilaiicors within the big Million Hiiiiro | : ( lar-
dcn worn nt their wildcat , whllo clmmpainio
corks were popping In volloyn and the elec
tric lights word ( ( puttering before the first
strrnki of dawn , a dead baby was being hold
close to a mother's broiut ,
The mother stood within the doorway of
the Fourth nvenna entrance , from her posi
tion Mia could 100 the guy box parties , could
hear the shouts of laughter and watch the
danclngof gay young women and wild young
men ,
The Httlo woman was qtilto alone. She was
crying bitterly , hcrsobj bolnir drowned by the
strains of merry music.
The woman was Mary Brown. Wrapped
up In n gray shawl , Its pile face made more
gimstly by the electrlo lights , n two-
monthf-old girl baby. The poor pinched fea
tures indicated longsufferhnr.
Of the live or moro thousand rovclers nt
the ball , It is unlikely that half a doion knew
of the death of tbo infant or the mother's
Mnry Crown's husband , Edward , Is an em
ploye of the illuminating company nt the
garden. His duties are to replace the burnt-
out carbons with now ones. Mary was the
iinino of the child.
When the husband loft homo at night the
baby was very 111. The Httlo ono had been
nlllng for n week , and the family doctor
despaired ofitsllfo. Brown reported nt the
garden and asked for n leave of absence. Ills
request , was denied. The electric light com
pany was short of men and ho was told that
ho tuust work.
In tbo dark bedroom of the tenement Mrs.
Brown ivatcbcd by tbo bcdsldo of her dying
child. Slowly the hours passed and tbo
baby's breathing became fainter and fainter.
About midnight the heart of the Httlo ono
ceased to bent. The young mother was alone.
She would not believe that her baby her llrst
born was dead , nnd soughtJu every way to
revive it. Finally the agonized motbor gave
ono piercing shriek that awakened her neigh
bors. Slio hastily snatched up a shawl , and
wrapping the dead child in it , ran down tbo
two Illghts of rickety stairs.
Without bat or wrap she rushed Into the
treot. A neighbor called oa her to stop , but
ho did not hear. Through dark Twenty-fifth
treet she ran like a being possessed. Less
ban ten minutes brought her to the Fourth
ivcnuo entratfc'o of the Madison Square
The door was latched , but the woman's
necking brought nn attache. Then followed
pathetio scene.
With her hair flyingln all directions and
ig tears coursing down her cheeks , she cried
rantic.illv for her husband.
"Oh ! Ed. U hero are you , Ed ) My God ,
iocs ho know Mnry is dead I"
In a moment the woman was surrounded
> y three of the attaches of the garden. These
ed her away and questioned tier. She wanted
or husband.
The men nt last understood. Brown had
jcca seen u few moments before , and ono of
ho men went in search of him.
Mrs. Brown had become quieted , nnd was
alien to a darkened corner Just within tbo
door to bo out of the chill night air. Hero she
lould sco tbo mad capcilngs , the high kicking
ind listen to the gay shouts of thoao on the
The man who went in search of Brown re-
urned , saying that the lineman had left the
building n short time before , telling a follow
.vorknmn . that his baby was ill , and ho in-
.cniled going homo.
With the dead babe still In her arms the
grief-stricken mother started home again
Her stops were even fnstor than boforo. She
reached the house just as her husband was
entering the door.
So llitlo was known of tlio pathotio inci
dent at the garden that a reporter was the
'Irst to Inform Superintendent Sherwood of
Mrs. Biown's visit. Her anxiety to lind her
msband and the fact of her carrvlng the
dead babe to the gay scene were evidently of
iO slight importance to the attaches that
hey had not seen lit to report tbo matter to
A tiny bit of whita crape on the door of
! 3U Seventh avenuO yesterday wai ample
ividonco of a mother's love and anguish.
Jttle Mary Brown will bo buried today.
Shakespeare will please excuse us if wo
modify him thus ! Thrice is he ciad who hnth
'ils svstcm strengthened with Ayer's Sarsa-
> arilla , and ho but naked , though arrayed In
'urs , \ \ hose blood is poor or with Olsoaso cor
runted. An incomparable medicine 1
Tlic One Given Ijast Kvciiint ; at the
Yonnis WOIHIII'B Hum1 * .
The entertainment given at the Young
Woman's ' homo Thursday night was attended
by as many people ns could bo conveniently
accommodated in tbo largo double parlors ,
nnd the general verdict of the audlonco was
that the entertainment was n decided success ,
Tbo lirst part of the programme consisted
of a novel duet by tbo Misses Liby , a vocal
solo by Mrs. C. S. Whitney , a recitation by
lihetta Webb , a sign solo by Mabel Glllesnle ,
a recitation by Dei-tba Morris and a novel
solo by ICuto Ball ,
The second part was the well known bur-
csquo called "Mrs. Jarloy's Wax Works. "
and the performance was highly amusing.
Miss Lily Brunor impersonated thn enter
prising and ludicrous Mrs. Jarley. She ap
peared in a gorgeous costume'in keeping
with the superfluities and absurdities of the
character. In the manner of presenting her
"marvelous collection of art" Mrs. Jnrloy , as
Impersonated by Miss Brunei- , was all that
could bo desired. She added several excel
lent hits to the original lines , paiticularly in
presenting the wax representation of Henry
M. Stanley ,
Tno collection of wax figures represented
were as follows ;
Ucd Riding Hood Jennlo Daley
.Mury unrt Her Lunil ) Koso Million
Maid of llouor. Mary Wholiin
Mgnnrlna hqimlllim Ithuttn Webb
Tlio 1'lirt Nudno Schlntor
llenrySI Stanley Orln Unit
The Woman Who Did Not Sneak for Six
Weeks Niiinol SchcncK
The Sleeping Duality and I'rlncn
Nettle wllson ami Tlnloy Combo
The Savugo and tliu .Mnlduii
Aggie Hudson and J. 0 , Haiti
Tbo most thoroughly artistic Imitation of
nn automaton was the icnrescntatlon of
Henry M. Stanley by Orln Hurl. After Mrs.
Jurloy commanded Pctor , tbo attendant , to
"wind him un" the figure begun to gesticu
late "Just as Stanley did when ho lectured , "
said Mrs. Jurloy , and the audience was con
vulsed ,
"Tho Flirt , " represented by Nadno Schlater.
was ono of tbo best In the collection and
"Tho woman who didn't ' speak for six weeks"
was cleverly impersonated by NamoiSchenek.
Tbo mo-it amusing bit iff work done by the
figures was that by Uoso Million la represent
ing "Mary and her Lnmb. " Her movements
after she was wound up were mechanical
und automatic in a ludicrous degreo.
Delicious refreshments were served after
the regular programme and a very enjoyable ,
sociable closed the evening's enjoyment.
The Majority
01 fin-CAllcilcoiirtli- ilii Illllo mom limn
lni | > iilr Ilio illKcsllriv liinrlloni nml ncalo
lilto. Avcr'i ' nicrr jVctnrnl , on Ilio con-
tttiry , wlilte It ciitciilhccoiiRli , < l c < not hi'
leilciuwllli tlio tunmioin olflllicr Moiiiiicli
or liver. No oilier tnnllclno li ( > ' i unit
( nicacloiis In dlscaxei ut Ilio tliruat ami
"Kuur yc.ars ngn I Uwk a severe cold , ulilch
wni tollowt'd liy ft tt'irllila coucli. 1 WM
\ty sick , nml connnnl tu my licil nliout ( our
months. 1 eniploytiii n t > liy lcliin moit of
the time , who ilnn'ljralJ ' I MM In coiistim | > -
tlon , itiul lie cmiia not help mo. Ono of
my neighbors nilvla d mo tu try Aycr'n
Cherry 1'ccloml. 1 illit so. nml , before I had
finished tnklns the nrst tiottlo wns nblo to
alt ii | > nil the time , nml to go out. Ily the
time I hail finished the tottlo ' wat wull , linl
have remained so cor since. " L. U. IJIxhy ,
llnrtonsvlllc , Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. O. AYER < Sr. CO. , Lowell , MasH.
6oldbyall UiUKuliti. Trlcailj UboUlct$5.
Drs. Belts
Pl/slia / ? , n ? and Specialists ,
14O0 ST11EIE1T
Tno most widely and favorably I'nownspcc-
liillsls In tliu Unllol Suites. Thcr : loni ; ex
perience , remarkable skill nnd umvorsril suc
cess In tlio truiitincnl niul euro or Norvoun ,
Chronic and HtirKlcnl UKousi-s. entitle these
oiiiliicnt pliyslclnns to the full confidence of
thoullllctcd OVITwhore. . They Kuiiriinti'u :
the nwlul rIToots of early vice and the nuinct-
hutfolloii lulls ti.iln.
speedily , cninpl.'lc'ly and iifniniiiPiitly curi-il.
OHDEliS yield roidlly to. their skillful treat
iriiariintced cured without p.iln or detention
from lUHlne ) s.
AM ) VAK1COCEUE ponna-
nontly nnd Ruccussfully uurud In 'ryenso ,
Sri'lIILTH , 13ONOHHIIKA. OI/r.ET. Spei-
matorilicu , bcnihiiil Woaknese , Lost .Manluiod ,
NlRlit Emissions , Hecnycd Kaoultles , Komiilo
WeaUncis nnd nil dullniite disorders peculiar
to either snx positively cured , ns well lit nil
functional dUordcrsUiat resist from youthful
follies or tlio o\eessof mature yenis.
< s'rK' ITTIIPK Ounranteed pornmnon tly
O I IVIUI U1VL. cured , removal complete.
without cnttlntr. caustic or dilatation. Cures
effected at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
eaily vleo which brines
ortfanlo weakness , ilontrovlni Doth mind nml
body , with nil Its dreaded Ills , peimanently
rUQ Ul < 1Ts ( Address those who have 1m-
L > i\O. DLillO palrotl thuni'.elvert by Im
proper Indulgence ami solitary habits , wbleh
lulu both mind and liody. null ttlng them for
business , study nr.marrhiRo.
MAHIIUJI ) MPN or those entering on that
li.ippy life , aware of phyulcalileblllty iulokly
Is based upon factH. Vlrst 1'rnetloal cxporl-
enco. Second Every case Is specially studied.
thus itartlnK rltht. Third medicines urn
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cm cs without Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
With Double Wire Suspensory.
PATENTED AUO , 16,1837. IMPROVED IDLY 29,1851 ,
.1 n-r.v x .
I'HNSOItY will i euro nil Blicu-
matlcComplalnta JjumbnKO. Ocn-
cral and Nervous Deblllty , Costive-
ness , Kidney Diseases Nerv-
ouftnces , Trcmb- llzu. SexTml Ki
bnuttlonVast - Ingot body , IMS-
case rauscrt by Indiscretions la
i'outli,4gc , Mar- rtcd or Slnglo
Baspo 1:017.
Also an Electric Trum ami IJclt Combined.
Bend 80. rostnRO for niEK Illustrated book. 2W
pases , wfalcWlll bosentyouln plaineealodun-vel-
ope. Mention tills paper. Address
Owen Electric Belt & Appliance CoM
3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis. Mo.
EI > V. An unfail
ing cur ? for Sena *
Inal WenkncM ,
Hpcriiiatiirrbot .
liupotciicy and
all dUeaioa that
follow a o-
qucnco of Self-
abuao. &s IjOiBOf
I'aln In the Hack , Dlmneii of VUlon. I'rematur * Old
/KO.andreanrothDrdlm * " * U" > t lead to Uianlty
or coniumpllon nnd a premature ur .
rVFull particular ! moor pamphlet , whlcj wo do-
lire to lend frco l > r mnU 10 ovur ) ono. tV'he Bpo-
cinoMedlcliialj Hold ntll per pickaxe , or ! < package -
ago * for K , or will bo mtni trot ) tij mull on receipt of
the money , by mldrt'lsluB
1110 FAllN'AJI S'BItHKT , ,
On account of countorhlti wo linvo adopted tti
yellow wrappnr , tbo onlr. iviiulne ,
Wonderful Remedy
For Sale by leading DnigB' ' t ! .
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchia ! Remedy Go ,
CtoniilM\Vinltf \ Iteoit In IliclllSliljniK
UV110.N 1' , U .MUUX , Alilitant.
Ik J. i o
Something1 like four years ago we placed on sale iii our funihhhi department , a white
shirt , This shirt we hart made for us in four different grades , cadi grade being made ot < s good ma
terials as it was possible to put into a shirt , and sell it at the price we expcted to make , to show on if
faith in it , we branded it with our own brand and named it
We sold this shirt to our customers and guaranteed them they were buying a better article for the
money than they had ever bought before. It stood the test. Men who bought it then , biu it yet. I'rom- '
a really small beginning , our sales have reached enormous proportions , our orders now running ; into
thousands of dozens annually. Hach season we have seen opportunities for improvement which wo
have not been slow to adopt , until now we think them as nearly perfect as a shirt can be made.
A-f. C ± Kfi A shirt , the equal of a good many dollar shirts. It is made of good heavy
- O.UJ J < L muslin , and has reinforced linen front.
A 4O fciri A splendid Shirt , made of Wainsutla muslin , linen front and bands , reinforced
- LU OOt ; front and back.
A 4O " | fA Shirt made of New York Mills muslin , linen front and bands , rein-
- Xu < p iJJ forced front and shirred back. [ This shirt is open front. ]
A "t" " 1 1O Our best Shirt ; made of New York Mills muslin , very fine linen front
XX u O J. M\J and bands , fully reinforced both front and back ; has felled seams and '
hand-worked button-holes. Better by far than most dollar and a halt
A 4Qrf / A shirt tbat usually sells for thirty-live or forty cents , according to where you
JU OVJO buy it.
A 4tCr f * A Shirt that we think beats all the half dollar shirts in the market. It is made
-O.U OWU of New York Mills muslin , linen front and bands , fully reinforced both front
and back.
A "f'Off ' ' * ° se as 00 a S'1I ' rt KS you can buy. Made of New York Mills muslin ,
Xa , U lJj four-ply linen bands , 2200 linen front , lined with butcher's linen , double-
stitched , and fully reinforced both back and front.
All our Shirts have potent extension facing in the sleeves and backs.
200 dozen All Linen Collars , standing or turn down [ sold the world over for a dime ] at a nickel
5oo dozen All Linen Collars , eight popular shapes [ sold by everybody at fifteen cents ] at a
dime a piece.
500 dozen Best All Linen Collars made , in ten fashionable shapes [ sold cvcrywhc e at twenty
cents ] at fifteen cents apiece , or if you want two , a quarter buys them ,
ice dozen regular twenty cent Cuffs at a dime a pair , and just ay many forty cent ones at a
quarter a pair.
We close at six thirty. Saturday : ; , ten o'clock. X.
in in > AArnn
WoonsookeL 4 Rhode Island Rubber Go
And wo uro thulr western agents anil alwuv'd uarryuliiroilo. > ' . ( .
Auuresj ,
Sewed Slioe Bo /
1204 and 1206 llarney Street.
I'll. HOllU'S '
CURB . ?
coi.Htlv tton ,
IndlKPKtlon , VYIIIfro *
' ( la ) itfm
BILIOUSNESS , if all th ;
AND AIL / uiiovo And
'other Ul or-
. . and
Jcn. They * . .
riiut tirlpr , ery
- Complaints. , -mullcu.j In UUo ,
Complaints.J Anil purely iticriu *
J , jlc , bfinKccimiKJUnil'
/el of vegetables In.
/dlsinout ti/CallfnrnU ,
'Try Ihfm.IS pill * In
'Sicka Headache
u nbiulutcly cured by
85 r nl ix vlali 8 fur OK rent * ,
, or 5 ( orl. Kiirtnloty cliustmili ,
- - or by null. AJilrc <
HUB'S KtBiriHt 80. , fROf'S. SAB NAHCIJCO ( Al-
Kuhn & Co. , Cor 15lh A lloucl" blreelt.
J. A. Fuller ft Co , Cor Ilih & liouph * StrccU.
A. . O. Foslcr A Co. . Council llluRi , IUWB.
Ill ) Tarn urn Street , Oinalm. Ni-b.
A I'tiH i'ot of Toafi
on Itulilior , fur
- . _ . I'lVK | IIA
A pcrfoct nt R.mrnnloed .
without pi\ln or dnnijnr. nn ll .
tliotlol Onlit nil /llvnr l .
llrlilRoiimlCrnwn W > " Tcotli wltu-
Kntrarcn. Will troot cluvntoi Oycr uvuii <
uiitiir _
TO WEAK MEN luutliful Ib * fntt'ta vrron fruin til
earlr dwar. wwtlnic w .1 inaiili' " " ! . < 'U' .
' '
I Mill iuhl ( nvaluulilu trv tatlM ( M'lilnli lIMltUllllMI
fur lioiiio euro , I'llliK C.I
A | il H'l 'i Jli l wort i fi"lV0"V !
ilrlnllUli I
ii 'l wli-i If lurvniu rul
1'rof. "
-I - 1 1
Are now being ofToid oi
Winter IVcigH Suits
Avail yourHolf of these between
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , N ) ] : > .
an Mporlonra A rcjiulnr vraluati In rnmllrlnn , a * illirioumi iliow. I ntltl Irvttlnj wilt
fit nil M'Mi'iu riii ulaaii < l I'rKru'Hliliotioi A pcnimiioirt curn UHntool fur I'uUrhJ
MiM.rmaTnrVliu ii . Scniui ilWt-aknm , l/.iie . liiiputencr. Hril.llU | , rtt ur > ninlnll.llf
Nulihollir. . uLNkinuiitl rinirjilrKirn .Nil I vuarnnlM I. . J for ou'ry cuio I u i mk iui < l ( all U
tuif u , ( . lliJ.iMMUrle. J Ufoi J > . OfUcolumci . m to v. in. SmUu * U
a. ui toUiu
. " ' ' "
01 Jfc-JL _ _ . .
rlof > rtlll ai < 4 tin t IttrUCM < Littati O
A POSITIVE indptrmininl CURE lor all
boillj. Hilct.oni dollir. 8 ilgnituraol E , U
8MHU for Halo Uy All
Irr1 ju can \\Vlirirnaac , ilr lli.VoMlnu.
i < i | II lilt or lie IHmtnl'V JUilli ullr
( mi- All Wi-nliiirocaauil li n r if Jlrii t
CiiliilfiUitla4ila / / '
U4 > riat i4 Tillt > lali , Er r hta | c l4ia