Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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gccondCnK tlio previous question and once
inoro ttio roll cull proceeded ,
The previous question wns ordered nyoa ,
W , nnys , 45.
Modlo demanded a call of tlio house , which ,
being objected to by Watson , was ruled out
of order by the speaker.
Shrnder moved to Itxy the resolution on the
table , but Watson maintained thnt the mo
tion was out of order , pending the previous
question , nnd read the rules sustaining his
Tlio speaker sustained the point.
Kruso thrn arose to n point of order nnd de
manded n call of tlio house.
White Insisted tlmt the call of the house
could not bo tnndo after the previous question
was ordered.
The speaker overruled the point nnd de
cided that the roll cnll on the resolution must
proceed , [ Wild cheers from the republicans
and democrats. ]
ICruso endeavored to appeal from this de
cision , but the clerk , having called the tmtno
of "Mr. Albert" nnd received n response , the
clmlr ruled that the appeal came too Into nud
the roll cnll proceeded.
When tlio nmtio of Mr. Gale , the mover of
the resolution , was called ho arose nnd said
In support of tills resolution : "I dcslro to
say that Its adoption Is but nn act
of courtesy to Governor Boyd tind In
conformity with all the acts ot tins legisla
ture and our solemn oaths to support the
constitution and the laws of our state. It
Coos not nppcar to mo that any one's rights
nro Jeopardized In tills resolution , aud It is a
filling tlmo for this body to place Itself on
I'ccord on the side of law , order and Justice.
"Ever ninco the work ofthis | body began not
n day has passed Invhlch Jtiines 13. Boyd
has not been recognized as governor , not. only
by Individuals of this body , but by this
house In Its organized capacity , and now It
Booms to mo that ordinary her u sense should
prevail nnd school boy foolishness ana mulish
obstinacy no longer rule nnd ruin n body of
so-called Inw makers. " ( Shouts and cheers
from democrats. ]
When the nntnoof Porter was called that
gentleman arose- and said ho proposed to rend
Borne law In explanation of his vote , which
was met by n shower of objections from the
' otner Bide of the house. Uoth sides shouted
defiance back nnd forth till they were hoarse.
The speaker's grivcl finally produced some
semblance of order , when the roll call was
Scott ( itul ) claimed that the resolution was
unconstitutional nnd It was the duty of every
true man to vote "No. "
Stevens ( tnd ) of Flllmoro had never tam
pered with his honor nnd esteemed It the
proudest privilege of his Ufa to vote no.
[ Great cheers from the independents. ]
Slovens ( Ind ) of Pumas As this Is no violation
lation of the constitution nor any mandate of
the supreme court 1 vote "No. " [ Derisive
cries of "Good 1" from the republicans. ]
The roll call on the resolution Inviting Boyd
to rend his message before n Joint convention
of the house ana senate had been completed.
The secretary was colng over the list of ab-
Bcntocs. Intense sllcnco prevailed and every
eye was upon the ofllcors of the house , who ,
It was feared , were anything but satisfied
with the call. Fifty people kept count on
the latter.
Suddenly tlio secretary discontinued the
call of absentees nnd turned to the sneaker.
Beside the latter stood the third assistant
secretary. Upon him the chair depended for
Up rushed Stevens ( Ind. ) of Pumas. Then
a second nnd then a third until finally the
speaker was concealed from view. The lat
ter wns studying the constitution of the state
and the manual and Stevens was scanning the
resolution upon which the vote had been
In the meantime everybody In the house
ascertained that the vote had gene against
r the ' indflpbmlcnts , and It ticcnmo apparent
that tnoy had resolved to prev " , t the an
nouncing of. the same on the grounathat the
resolution was in violation of the constitu
Stevens at the chair tool : the typo-written
copy of the document , nnd In a whisper to the
clmlr said , referring to the joint convention
referred to in It : "That's n mistake a very
serious oversight" and returned to his seat.
Watson ( rep ) Why don't you declare the
vote , Mr. Speaker !
Stevens of Pumas ( Ind ) This resolution
Is an illegal one and wo appeal to the decision
of the supreme court. You who thought sc
much of the supreme court a few weeks ago ,
why do you want to trample It under fool
now !
Watson You people nro the constitutional
lawyers now nnd we've educated you up to
Everybody by this tlmo began to grow ex
cited and half n doxcn members tried to gel
the speaker's attention. But that dignitary
Was in n stuay , with halt a dozen friend ;
prompting him to decline to declare the vote ,
Calls were made for another reading of tlu
resolution and the secretary responded t (
them ,
Church Howe then approached the score
tary's desk nnd In insinuating nnd paclflca
tory tones asuod : "Why don't you deelnn
the voto. There are flfty.flvo votes cast fo :
the resolution. We've all kept track. Yoi
can't change the result , "
The chair , after some deliberation nnd considerable
siderablo prompting , nnnounced that the resolution
elution was unconstitutional , nnd as such li
coula not bo further considered.
Watson Do yon decline to announce tin
vote ? That's the question.
The Speaker The chair holds that this
bouso cannot iuvlto Mr. Lioyil to attend i
Joint convention with the senate , over wbicl
it has no control.
White of Cuss -Never you mind. Wo'l
tike care of thnt. All you'vo got to do Is ti
declare tlio voto.
This wa. greeted by cheers from tlio demo
cruts and republicans and groans from Hi
Several more demands were made for i
declaration of the vote nnd a number of hide
pendents moved to adjourn.
"Cnll the roll , " yelled the Boyd men.
"The roll call Is demanded , " snld the chair
'I rlso to a point ol order , shouted Sloven ;
of Pumas. ,
WatsouThere can bo no question of orde
or any other thing raised pending a rol
Howe Every man hero is Intelligent. H
knows how this vote has gene , and you bnvi
no right to sit there ( to the chair ) and refuse
to announce the result.
The Chair I do refuse to announce th
Cries for adjournment and yells of dorlslor
by the Independents , and peals of laughte
from the north slilu ot the chamber grcotoi
th6 announcement.
White You may adjourn if you so desire
but I want to tell you that there nro l\rtj \
flvo people hero who will remain and run thl
legislature and lot you folks take the const
qucnces. Wo don't propose to bo bulldoze
by you ( thu chair ) or any ono else ,
The Chair It would bo unparliamentary t
declare n vote like tills under the clrcum
stances nnd because of the unconstitutional
Hy of the net.
Howe -T appeal from the decision of th
Numerous cries of "second the ; motion
greeted , this announcement.
McKcssQt ) of Lancaster I am satisfied thn
our chairman is a fair mun and I don't thlnl
ho ought to attempt tobo unfair In order t
support hU party. But bo ought Jo rcallz
that bo can do only one thing now , and the
Is to declare the yoto like an honest man.
The Chair It bos bcuu moved that tb
ucstion shall bo referred to the supreme
Cries of "Nol Nol UoUcnll ! Hollcalll"
'ho last Irom the detnocrats'and Indopcnd
Ford of Douplns I have only ono word to
ay , and that Is that we ought to bo fair ns
uen. Wo bavo not had everything our way
n our side of the house , but when I was
jcaton I lay down nnd admitted It. Now you
neil ( looking nt the indcpcndcnti'i have been
wnten iinil should admit It like man.
Mr , Pord stood In the main nlslo as ho do-
Ivcrod this niviceand was greeted with
cheers for his trouble.
"Why don't you call the roll , Mr. Clnr'Kl"
isked Howe.
" 1 wnsn't.pormltted ' to finish It , " waa the
Up wont some more prompters to the
Watson again repeated his admonition that
lothing could bo dona except to have the
chair announce ) the vole , nud again demanded
vhcthor or not tlio chair refused to do so.
Again the chair refused and repeated that
the matter would have to go to the supremu
Watson Then I nnpeal from the decision
of the chair.
This was the second appeal nnd brought
icarly every Hoyd tmn to his foot. Nearly
mlf of tlio independents liad nlso risen , but
nest of them appeared dazed and all of them
scorned moro or less discouraged. They clung
nninly to the hope that the resolution was ,
as their lenders claimed , unconstitutional.
Among the leaders were Slovens of Furnas ,
Sorter of Morrlck , Stevens of Flllmoro and
Scott of Dawsou. These literally bom
barded the chair with all Kinds of
notions. They hoped , soomlngly , to strlko
mo which might onivblo thorn to knock out
the majority , which was slowly but surely
n-csslng them Into n corner whence they
could not escape.
The loaders of the Boyd men Howe , Wat
son nnd McKesson were iis placid at nion
conscious of victory could be. White , how
ever , peregrinated from his seat up and down
ils alloy and then to the mala nlslo with his
omnipresent pencil traveling between his
uoutli nnd fingers.
Hy this tlmo the news of the fight had gone
ibroad and the gallery was packed with excited -
cited and Interested spectators.
In reply to Watson's appeal from the deci
sion of the chair the latter said : "Under our
construction of the constitution thcro can bo
no appeal. "
This declaration was greeted with derisive
yells and peals of laughter by the Boyd men.
Scott of Unwson vocifer.itod several points
of order , but they fell on the unlistonlng
speaker's oars.
Howe Will the clerk please ) toll bow the
vote stood as far as it went I
The clerk , however , anticipated the effect
oven su ch nn announcement would have on
the jubilant Boyd men and again evaded the
question by replying : "Tho roll call was not
completed. "
Howe Why don't you complete It , then ,
Oakley of Lancaster , ( in response to a
number of dilatory motions ) You know ,
Mr. Speaker , you can not reply to these , and
you are reversing your own ruling of yester
The Chair I am acting under the rules and
the constitution.
Oakloy Can the rules and the constitution
bo in error. It is preposterous.
White I rise to a point of order. Under
your ruling of yesterday no business could
bo transacted pending u roll cnll. Now , why
don't hold ? We'll hero
you so now stay any
v/iiy and organize ourselves.
Watsou Yes , and we'll answer no roll call
cither until this roll call Is mado.
This determination had a most depressing
effect upon the Independents. They resolved
themselves into bunches of twos , threes aud
half dozens and quietly'admitted that they
hod been beaten.
This discouraging effect was intensified by
Gale of Brown , who roio in the midst of the
Independent camp and said : "Tnls side has
continued this fight long enough. It evi
dently does not llko the vote that has boon
taken. J f It persists In Impeding the progress
of business nnd overthrowing the authority
of the majority It Is talcing In Its hands the
rope which will hang It. [ Loud cheers from
tbo Boyd men ] .
Stevens of Flllmore You are not the kind
of a man to mid shelter on this side of the
Ualo I nin a man who stands on his own
Scott of Dawson These follows n few days
ago wanted us to appeal to the supreme court
Now that wo have done so this is what wo
get. [ Cheers from the independents ] .
Porter of Morrick I hnvo no wish to con
tinue this filibustering. Wo hnvo given you
n doao of your own medicine. But I'll ' agree
thnt If you rescind this resolution so far ns it
relates to the joint convention with the son-
ute and bring in a resolution relating only to
this house I'll vote with you. [ Cheers ant
Inughter ] .
But no , the Boyd men would not budge.
Every one of them were a smllo. But the
smiles had faded from their opponents.
Thn chair was white In the face , expressive
partly of disappointment and partly of morti
fication. He was ruling to please his party ,
though It was not apparent that ho wns noi
nUo ruling according to his own convictions.
His people were deserting him. Some 1m
portuned him to retire. To them It seemed
the only manner in which to bring the un
equal strife to a close.
This move spread like wildfire , and accord
ingly , lifter n short and hurried conference on
the part of the independent leaden , Tayloi
retired from the chair.
There was sllonco of the most Impressive
character In the chamber for a moment. The
Boyd men saw that they had mortally
wounded the loader of the opposition , but
with kindly consideration for the fallen dU
not glory over their own victory or his do
The next instant the tall form of youiif.
Kruso of Knox appeared In front of the
speaker's chair. Ho rapped the stand wltl
the ivory gavel and the house came to ntteii
tion. "Tho.clerk will proceed with the rol
call , " snld the chair ,
Mr. Johnson compiled , calling the names o
Smith and Wcinor , absentees , Thcro was o
course no response. Ilo then added the
nfllrnmtivo aud negative votes mid unnounccc
thnt llJ'ty-llvo votes had been cost for the
uflirumtlvo and forty votes for the negative
us follows :
Yeas Albert , Aldoii , Amos , Bortrand
Broen , Brcnnan , Capok , Clapp , Cornish
Crainu , Decker , Dunn , Faxon , Felcht
Ingor , Folker , Flnmtno , Ford , Frost
Gardner , Gerdes , Clifford , Gilllliin
Hail , Heath , Hlnklo. Howe , Huso
Johnston , Jones , Lamp , Lomnx , Math
oson , McKesson , Moan , Nelson , Oakley
. Olson , Pohlmnn , Pnrncll , Hltchio , Shnppcl
Scholfeldt , tiovorln , Shipley , Shryoek
Stemsdorff , Stewart , Vnmloventer , Waldron
Watson , White. Williams of Franklin
Williams of Gage , Wilson S5.
Nays Arnold , Bartholomew , Carpenter
Curtis , I'eckerson , Uobson , Folton , Pulton
Ganlti , Ooddnrd , ( Jnnnett , Hemilch , Her
man , Henry , Johnson , Krlck , Kruso , Mo
Cutchon , Modlo , Mullen , Nowbcrry , Nichols
Olson , Porter , Hlloy , Hohiiu , iiugglos
Schelp , Shrader , Scott , Sodcrinan , Smith
Btobblns , Slovens of Flllmoro , Slovens u :
Furnas , Slovens of Plntto , Storms , Taylor o
Butler , Taylor of Johnson , Voorhoes I'J. '
Absent and Not Voting Drodown , Me
Hoynolds , Parker , Warner I ,
Independents Voting lu thn AfllnuaUvo-
Puiin , Fnlchtlngur , Gale , Jouos , Lomux , Ol
on , Punicll , Stewart , Wnldron , Williams Of
'ranlilln nnd Wilson 11 ,
Speaker Kldor snld ho dM not know
vhethor ho had voted or not.
The clmlr nnnounced the result of the vote
nil the announcement wns received with u
With n complacent smllo Wnlson of Otoo
novcd to adjourn nnd the motion prevailed ,
and Boyd's friends retired victorious from
ho field , the light terminating nt ten minutes
0 8 o'clock. '
In the I Inline ,
LIXCOI.V , Neb. , Feb. ! . [ Special to Tnr.
Jin. : ] The Joint committee of the two houses
appointed to wait onex-GovornorTliaycr and
nform him thai the legislature was ready to
ecelvo any information ho inlzht doilro to
mpart reported thnt they hud performed
hat duty nml that Thursday. February fi , at
J p. m. , was the hour ngrcecl upon for thodc-
ivcry of the message.
A largo number of petitions in favor of tmi-
ileipnl suffrage lor women were presented.
Among the bills Introduced were thy fol-
owing :
By Oakley Orcatlnir a state board ot par-
Ions nnd describing the powers nnd duties
of said board. Tlio bill provides for tlireo
commissioner. ! , to bu appointed by the uov-
ernor , who shall serve without salary.
By nillllnn A bill entitled "An net toon-
ible the board nf public lauds and buildings
of tha state of Nebraska to build sewers for
.ho Insane asylum , penitentiary , homo of the
friendless and other state buildings , and to
ippronriato funds for the same. "
By Dunn Compelling railroad companies
.o complete nnd put In operation tlulr lines
) f road , within four ycuw after they liavoob-
.alncd the right ot way tho'rcof , and In case
) f failure so to do , tlio snul right of way shall
jccomo vacated , and all rights thereunder
By Howe To render chattel mortgages
void thnt nro tainted with usury.
By Coinlsh Authorizing the constructive
service ot legal process in tlio case of non
resident parties mid notice by publication
when required of Inquests , npprnlsumunU or
sales to bo made In a weekly law journal or
other newspaper , ono in iho county , two In
the district If there are 110110 in tlio county ,
or three in tbo state where there are no such
publications lu the county or district where
notice 1ms to bo given.
By Krlck To compel adjoining land own
ers to bear equal share of the oxpouso for
maintaining Hue fences.
By Storms An act to require telephone
companies to erect mid maintnin telephone
, lnos and exchanges In cities paying for twen
ty-live Instruments , and regulating the
charges for the same ; aud to provide penal
ties for the violation.
By Bartholomew A bill lorau act for the
relief of Daniel E. DecKwIth by payment to
lilm of 5200 , being the amount of a reward
offered by the governor aud earned by said
By Dunn A bill for an net to establish ,
octite , erect and maintain n hospital for the
inobrlnto at Schuylor , within the state of
Nebraska , and to appropriate f50,000 for the
By John -A bill for nn act to control stock
yards and regulate the charges of the same ? .
ByShrador A bill for nn act declaring it
to bo unlawful for any number of persons to
become associated and Incorporated within
the state of Nebraska , or for any foreign in
corporated company to do business within
the stnto whoso obj'ect shall bo to acquire or
hold land If any interest therein for gain or
speculative purposes , and to provide for the
winding up of the business nnd the dissolv
ing of all such bodies corporate now existing
or doing business within the stale.
By Scolt A bill for an act to repeal section
12 of chapter13 of the compiled statutes of the
state of Nebraska.
By Pohlman An act to provide for the
wants of the poor.
By Pohlnmn An net to punish vagrants.
By Pohlman An act to punish the ho.ul of
a family for neglecting to provide reasonable
maintenance for his family.
Mr. Shrader introduced the following reso
lution :
Whereas , There exists within the state num
erous Incorporated companies wnosu soluob-
juot Is tu iiciiulio and hold reul estate for gilu ;
or speculative purposes merely i and
Whereas , It Is against the public policy of
Iho senate , to allow such companies to nold
hirgo bodlen of laud , as It loads tu crouto
titles In porpotulty. therefore bo It
HesolvL-il. That the secretary of state bu
anil hu luiroby Is ruqiitMtod. to furnish this
house , with tho.least possible delay , a list of
thu names or nil land companies , now existing
or lining business within tlio stutu , as may
appear of record In bin ollluc , together with
the names of thn lucorporators. amount of
authorized vupltul , nud thu principal plttcu of
doing business.
The resolution was agreed to.
House adjourned till 4 p. in.
At the afternoon session the report of the
Joint committee to wait on Governor Thayer
wns adopted , und Thursday , February D , nt 3
p. m. , ilxed as the tlmo for receiving the gov
ernor's message.
Bills on final reading were taken up.
The following were passed :
By Vnudoventer Requiring railroads to
build catllo guards and wings at privalufarm
crossings same ns public crossings.
By AlcKcsson Providing that the matricu
lation and doploma fees of the stale univers
ity shall constitute the library fund.
Bv McKesson Accepting on the part of
the stale of Nebraska for the benefit of the
agricultural nnd mechanical departments of
the stale university of a donation from Iho
United States government.
By McCutchcon Repealing the bounty of
1 per cent on sugar.
Miiny members explained their votes on
this bill.
Brcen and Brenner thought that the Indus
try s'jould be encouraged until Noornslca pro
ducer enough sugar for homo'consumption. -
Felker ( ilem. ) thought that beets are a
sure crop for the farmer , nud when you pro
tect the farmer you hem the city , therefore
ho voted "no. " Gale ( Ind. ) snld ho was op
posed to encouraging an industry when the
manager. ) could not afford to pay enough for
Ihe bools to justify the farmers In pulling
them , therefore ho voted "aye. "
Carpenter and Hluklo did not bollevo In
taxing ono industry for the support qf an
Tbo bill passed ayes 78 , nays 10.
In the Hoimte.
LIXCOI.NNeb. , . , Fob.1. . [ Special to THE
BKK. ] The following commlttoo reports were
made :
Miscellaneous subjects Kecomnicndlng the
passage of Hill's senate Illu No 22 , providing
for thu printing nnd distributing of ballots at
tbo public expense and to regulate voting nt
state and city elections.
Judiciary Favoring the passage of Bock's
.senate Illu No. 112 , providing for the issue of a
levy of 1 mill on assessed valuation of coun-
llos for tlio purpose of draining swamp lands.
Saniii Recommending the passage of
Mattes' sonnto file No. 8. . IcgnlUlug the Issu
ing of bonds for internal Improvement in pru-
cincts containing cities of the second class.
Finance -Uocoininondtnir the nassago of
house rolls 7U nnd 81 , appropriating $100,000
for the relief of people In the drouth visited
districts , aud # 10I ,000 for the purpose of pur
chasing weds for destitute farmers.
Miscellaneous corporations Hcconinicnd-
Ing lhat the bill providing for the weekly
payment of wages bo Indefinitely postponed.
Same Recommending the piusngo of
Coulter's senate fllo No. IW for iho repeal of
state bounty for tlu : manufacture of beet
Finance , ways ana means Recommending
the passage of house roll No. M ) , appropriat
ing ? * riKW ( for the payment of the members
and employes of the legislature .
Privileges mid oluctious Recommending
the passage of I'oyntor's senuto tile No. 70 ,
promoting the Independence of voters at
pnbllo elections , on fore. I ni : the secrecy of the
ballot and printing nnd distributing ballots
at public oxpouso.
faamn Reporting favorably upon concur
rent resolution No. 0 , urovluing for the set
ting of n llnio nt which to listen lo thu con-
teat against stale oftlccis.
Thu Joint , cnmmiltnu of the house and sen
ate , through Church Howe , reported that the
committee appointed to confer with cx-Oov-
cmor Tlmyor with ronpoct to delivering hla
messaguto the legislature had culled upon
thu gentleman and been Informed by him Unit
ho hud prepared mussngo In accordance
with the provisions of thu coiislltitllon nud
that ho is and Ims boon ready to deliver the
same to the legislature * , whenever U may be
disposed to luur it. Tliucommittee ) vuggestuit
Unit Thursday afternoon at j o'clock bu sot
for thu hearing of the meiHUgo.
The following bills were road the first
tlmo :
Senate Illo No. Ill , by Senator Ilandall ,
providing that when it is necessary to am-
ploy extraofllct-'ru fur the purpose of preserv
ing thu peace of thu tnU > , no person nhall'bo
employed who Is not n rlilcen of the stale.
Thu bill also provides ugulutittho Importation
of armed men lo the preservation of irdor.
rills U dhwlMUKalnst the employment of
Pinkcrton nud * mllar forces.
Senate Hie'o. , . 112'provldlng that when
now than tu U received lor Interest for ono
yi > nroii SIOO the iwrioiial representative * of
tlio p.iyco may recover all over and above tlio
amount named.
Tbo Omaha charter wns road a second tlmo
and referred to the committee on municipal
affairs. i.
The senate Went Into committee of the
whole with Senator Poyntcr lu the clmlr ,
mil reported recommending the passage of
louse roll No. n. for the rullof of western
After the members bad considered house
roll 81 , npproprlotlng § 100.000 for seed for
leedy farmers , Senator Collins of Oago snid
: hationiulhlnij had been overlooked in tlio
bill , No provision had 'been made requiring
; > coplo who sought relief to show that they
, voro In netunl need of the same , Neither
was there anything hilt which required the
county commissioners who delivered the re
lief to Insist upon proof that It was needed.
Senator SwlUler moved that when the
committee rose It report that the bill bo
recommitted for the purpose of supplying
the defect.
The oouimltleo also reported In favor of the
passage of house roll bO , appropriating
t7r , ( iOi ) for the payment of members and em
ployes of the legislature.
House rolls 70 and fct ) were then read a
third ttmo , and passed , the members present ,
thirty-two In number , voting lu tlio ufllrma-
Senator Horn of Hamilton Introduced n
resolution to tlio effect that n , committee of
ono bo appointed an the part of the house to
ict with a similar committee on the part of
Iho senate to llx nu hour on February fi , lit
which thcro would bo held n Joint convention
to receive the message of ox-Covornor !
Senator Switzler moved that the motion
relating lo the so-called message of the
so-cnllcd Governor Thayer bo held over until
Senator Horn wanted the rules suspended ,
A seemingly close vote was followed by a
call for division , when It was discovered that
more than two-thirds of the house had voted
for suspension.
Senator Switzlor Ihon naked for the road-
Injr of the resolution , which was complied
The report of thn Joint committee was also
called for ana furnished.
Senator Collins moved to amend the reso
lution so ns to make it read " 'ox'-Ciovornor
Thayor. "
Senator Switzlor moved to amend the report -
port so as to Include a message from existing
Governor Hoyd.
Senator Mattes raised the point that It wni
not possible to ninond the report of n commit
tee , which could ouly bo adopied or rejected.
At the suggestion of a frlond Senator Horn
withdrew his resolution and moved the adop
tion of the report of the Joint committee on
the governor's message.
Senator Switzler raised the point of order
tlmt other business having intervened slnco
the Introduction of the report the lattov was
not now before the senate.
Senator Warner of Fillmore moved the
suspohsion of the rules and the consideration
of the report of the joint commlttco on
Thayer's message.
The president annouuced tha question nnd
this brought Senator Switzler to his feet.
Ho said that ho was not oppscd to hearing
the report of Governor Thayer. It contained ,
ho thought , very valuable material. The
senate , however , nnd placed Itself on record
und ho thought in a respectful way. The
proposition came from the house to the sen
ate in the matter of Oovernor Tlmyer's deliv
ery of lib nunual message. That concurrent
resolution wusjad pted , not n senator objectIng -
Ing lo the appointment of the committee.
After the senate had mot tbo committee of
the house on the question of receiving the
message of tbaoutgolng governor , the senate
thought that thp present governor , according
to law , should bo heard. There was unanim
ity in tbo action of the aetmto regarding the
adoption of tlio motion that the committee
bo appointed in behalf of thu senate to wait
upon the governor-elect or do facto , and thnt
the getitlenmn'excrclnliig nnd claiming iho
right to exorcise the ofilco of governor be In
vited also to deliver his message. This was
nearly unanimously adopted. lu win curried
into tlio other where it was sat upon.
"I hold that nsrfgentlouiQii of respectability ,
who know their own wlll and as men
who nro. ready ' to "advocate what
they think'prm I > ov fllrtho way-if-procedure
thnt it was a i direct affront to the senate of
the state for the house in taking the action
which it did.Isay regardless 'of party nnill-
ations thnt it was the duty of the senate aud
house to hear that message. I am of the
opinion that it is not proper to sit hero nnd
allow the other house to run the affairs of the
state , to allow them to say the house will
hnvo what it sees fit , and tbo senate must
take what Is given It. I misjudge the senate
if it SJubmils to such a stuto of affairs. If
this report is adopted It will have the effect
that the senate advocates the procedure
which the house has Inaugurated , and , us
members of the new parly nnd members of
the republican nnd democratic purlieu I do
not ucllcvo that wo'should Inaugurate a new
system. Wo ought not to proceed contrary
to the regularly established custom. Wo
have been put back Into the proper method
of procedure by the highest authority
in this siato. I nm opposed lo any clement
in the legislature which tries to drag us Into
anything tlmt Is beyond the custom and au-
ihorlly of law. This report ought to bo voted
down for tbo simple reason that wo have not
had from the house a respectful report of its
action upon the concurrent resolution which
wo sent to it. They simply shelved It. They
have not oven sent it back , and let us know
what they did with It. They paid no respect
to it whatever. Are wo to recede from the
position wo took in this matter ? Let us call
for two messages and not recognize n man
who for n mouth nt least has not been in tlio
ofllco of governor. This report ought to be
reported back to this committee with instnic-
llons lo proceed in the regular way. If we
adopt this report , we commit ourselves to
the order of affairs which the house has rec
ommended. I say tub , not because there
is any special reason or dns'.i-o ' for
the .message of Governor Boyd to
bo put in here . by him , but I bollovo
there are senators who know some of the
contents of that mcssagu , unit I bollovo that
they know tlmt there Is mutter in Unit mcs-
sngo which this senate would bo glad to hear
unanimously mid DO glad to receive. So I
say , lot us take the position that wo started
out lu this matter to lot the report bo laid
upon the table mid ascertain what the house
did with our resolution asking for a concur
rent committee to wait upon Governor Boya.
I think it is unwlso to adopt the motion of
the senator. It will have a far moro reaching
effect than bo anticipated when It was Intro
duced. "
Senator Collins suld that If the senate re
fused to adopt the motion It would take Iho
same undignified stand toward Iho ex-gov
ernor of Iho slate which the house did when
it went back on Its own record. If the house
wished to assume an undignified attitude lot
it nlso assume the responsibility for the samo.
Senator Keipor thought that while the
action of the house was to bo regretted ho
felt thnt the Joint resolution ought to bo
adoplcd. , .
lt g.
The motion npova'lled , only a few votes beIng -
Ing distinguished In the negative.
'Adjourned umOVclocK tomorrow.
\ PerplexingJijphlciu for the legis
lature to Holve.
Ltxcortr , NobV 'Fob. 4. [ Special to Tnu
BKK. ] There is no more perplexing problem
before the ICKldaiAro than how to prevent
the hanks frouiietwrglnK usurious rates of in
terest. The platform of tha Independents Is
clear and explicit In demanding relief from
the "chattel mortgage fiends , " and " 2 per
cent sharks , " hul Ihu members of that party
are almost hopltle ly divided as to the
method of reaching'1 the much desired result.
Last evening tho'ihouso ' judiciary comtnit-
tco gave audieixJoivox-Senator 12.1C. Brown ,
a loading bankorottLlneoln , who argued at
length that all usury laws should bo ruuoaled
and competition . would then rcgulato thu
value of money. Ho urged that monuy , liku
hay and grain , was worth all it would bring
in the market , and held out thu Idea lhat this
"f rco competition" among loan brokers would
have a strong tendency to reduce the rates of
interest' , and In the cud bo inueh moro effect
ive than the most stringent usury laws that
can bo devised.
The majority of the committee were not
able to agree with these views , but all efforts
to unlto upon any of the numerous bills now
pending were fruitless. Some of the members -
bors favor forfeiting both principal and in
terest to the. borrower , whllo others think
bolh ought to po to the school fund , A few
advocate making the loaning of money at
usurious rates of Interest a felony , or at least
a high misdemeanor , punishable l > y both line
and Imprisonment. Tno committeu has prao
tlcally agreed to let the legal rate remain at 7
and 10 per cunt for contracts.
The bill finally agreed upon by the major
ity of the commlttco will nulto likely provide
Tor forfeiture of both principal aud Interest
to the borrower , with n line equal to the priii-
clpalfor the bonollt of the school fund. The
introduction of thu bill will bo followed by n
lirolonged discussion , nnd It Is by no mciius
certain what the final outcome will bo.
Bills IncittrcU liy the nml tlio
I'ruposrtl Appropriations ,
.LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 4 [ Special to Tins
BKE.I This afternoon there was a meeting
of what Is known ns the military board of the
Nebraska National guards , to audit Iho bills
presented as the consequence of the guards'
going to tlio front during the latu Indian war
nt Pine Rlilgc.
These present were General VlfquulnGen
eral Colby. Mnjor Bates of Beatrice , A.A.G. . ,
Colpucl Brett of the First , Colonel Bills of
Iho Second regiment nml Captain Wilson ,
brigade quartet muster , Tckatimh. Captain
Hedges of Shelton was to have been present ,
but wns proveiitod by duath , his deimsu hav
ing taken plneo Monday nlghl , No notion
was Inken regarding the captain's death , but
it was generally deplored. All the members
present hold that It was tlio result of over
work uud e-xposuro during the late cam
paign. The captain's duties kept him going
ilny and night yet ho norcr retired without
linviiig hh reports of each day closed and per
fect , The studious tr.nunor In which he > attend
ed to the duties of bin ollleo was remarked by
all around him , everyone of whom congratu
lated hlmsulf thnt un excellent man hint been
selected for a trying place.
On his return with the troops ho parted
from ninny of Iho boys who were going south ,
at Fremont , nnd almost prophetically re
marked that ho full very fatigued nnd that ho
was glad to get homo to rest. The rest , however -
over , which came to him was that which may
never bo disturbed.
General Vifqunln says that the first notion
which will bo taken regarding Captain
Hodgels death will bo by thoofllcora of the
brigade , who will bo called together before
The bills presented to tbo board aggre
gated ? 40,000. They cnmo Irom two or three
flrm-riii Lincoln nnd a couple of firms In Fre
mont. They cover everything used oy un
army In tlmo of war. Some of them are nlso
from private Individuals who wore compelled
to purchase articles of clothing In order lo lit
themselves for the field. The blllft , however ,
will not bu included in the recommendation
of iho board. A bill providing for an appro
priation of $40.000 to liquidate the Indebted
ness Incurred bv the late war bus already
been Introduced In the bouso.
This bill nnd the action of the board sug
gests a consideration of tno appropriation
which will bo asked In order to-support the
national guards the next two years.
The appropriation for the last two years
wns $ ' 20,100 , and thnt amount was consumed
in hall rent and other things the llrst year
after it was available. This leaves a dollelt
which must also bo provided for. Ill * thought
that nn appropriation of $10,000 will bo risked
from the legislature , and from this amount it
la hoped tlmt enough may bo saved to repair
Lho pro-sent uniform * of the force nnd supply
the men with winter clothing.
\\hnt IinlcpondcntH Sny ,
LINCOLN' , Nob. , Fob.I. . [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bin. : ] After the battle tbo followers
of Burrows In the house nro bowed clown
with sorrow nnd disappointment over their
miserable failure to prevent a formal recog
nition of Governor Boyd , nnd maledictions
nro being piled upon the devoted heads
of the eight or nine Independents
who broke away from the party
caucus rind stood un for law nml ordor. The
senators come in for an equal share of blame ,
and to all appearances the Independent party
is hopelessly divided and complete disinte
gration , may result before the session closes.
The most bittpr feeling has taken posses
sion of some of iho radicals nnd especially of
Iho employes. One of them expressed the
wish that when the weak-kneed fellows got
homo they might bo strung up :
Shrader says :
"It la no use for us to fight when our boys
won't stand together. "
Stobbins of Buffalo I was in favor of
standing by our guns and throwing this re-
sponslbllily back upon Iho senate , where It
Itohan When men won't stick togclhcr
what can you expect of them ?
ICruso says There Is no use talking ; wo
were done up. After the roll call
commences wo pould not honestly do
anything else than complete the vote
ami announce the result. Taylor might
have saved it once or twice , but bo did not
see the point. All the Independents , with a
few exceptions , concede tonight that the
gama Is up , aud business will bo resumed in
tlio morning with no outward slim of the
wild and disorderly proceed in trs that marked
the closing hours of today's sossIon.X
Ilosolvod Against Injunction.
O'NviLL , Neb. , Feb. , | SpecialTelogrnm
tp Tnu Bin. : ] A representative mooting was
held in the court house hero tonight to discuss
the action of certain citizens of this township
who hnvo Instituted proceedings In court to
restrain the couuly Ircasurer from paying
any of the interest , or principal of the G ration
township bonds voted in aid of the Pacific
Short Lino. Mayor McBride presided and
County Clerk Ha/Jot wns secretary. The
action of the parties who brought suit was
roundly ( iciiouncou in n number of speeches
and the following resolutions were unan
imously adopted :
Whereas , Certain nominal taxpayers , in
significant in number as in tlio amount
of their taxes have Instituted proceedings
looking lo Iho repudiation of the bonds voted
in aid of the Nebraska & Western railway
company ; and
Whereas , Said railway company has fully
complied with the conditions on which said
bonds \vero volod ; therefore , bo It
Ilesolved , That this mooting composed of
its heaviest taxpayers and most progressive
citizens of O'Neill , hereby disclaim all sym
pathy with said proceedings , and denounce
such action as not only dishonest , but short
[ Signed ] N , MUTIN ,
D , A. DOYI.K ,
A. U. Mounts ,
Is. UllKNNAX ,
J. L. MACK ,
C. C. MrHuoii ,
A. Meritorious Claim.
LIVCOLX , Neb. , Fob. 4. [ Special to Tnu
BKK. ] Ono of the few clnlms before the
legislature , thnt possess any real merit la
the claim of Daniel A. Boekwith of Antelope
county for $200 Voward offered by Ciov'crnor
Thayer , for the arrest and conviction o
Nicholas Foley ,
In Juno , 18S1I , Foley entered the residence
of 1'omeroy Clurk.thrro miles south of Elgin ,
nt the hour of midnight and shot Clark iu
the sldo , wounding him severely. Hu then
went on the outside , raised a ladder to tbo
chamber window and dollboraloly murdered
Mrs. Clark by shooting her in the torohond.
Not content with this dovillsh deed , ho stole
ono of Clark's horses und rode uwny.
The governor promiltl.v offered &JOO rovvard
for Iho apprehension of the cold blooded vil
lain nnd Mr. Bcekwlth , who was then deputy
sheriff in Antulopo county , succeeded in
making tbo arrest. The prisoner was identi
fied by Mr. ( 'lark and a grown up dangiitor ,
nnd confessed his guilt , but before the Irial
came off a mob look forclblu possession of the
red handed villain aud strung him up lo a
treo. Mr. Bocliwith was not therefore ! able
to claim the reward because the prisoner had
not been "convicted by duo process of law , "
as required by the governor's proclamation ,
hencu ho comes to thu legislature for relief.
This claim will moot with no opposition in
the house.
To llomovu County Knals.
LINCOLNNeb. , . , Fob. 4. [ Special to TIIK
BKC.J The liousc committee on county and
township organization after a stormy session
decided to report in favor of the bill repealIng -
Ing the law requiring n three-fifths vote to
remove a county Heat , BO thnt hereafter county
seat questions will bu settled by a majority
voto.The committee also concluded to report o
bill with & favorable recommendation , allow ,
ing a county lo bo divided by abaro majority ,
An Important Hill.
LINCOLNNob. . , Fob. 4. [ Special to THE
BKK. ] Ono ot iho most Important bills before
fore the lealslaturo was introduced In the
lower house by Mr. Schappcl of Pawnee.
The bill provides that all unimproved land
adjoining Improved farms or lots shall be
for purposus ot taxation at the game
figure as the Improved Intnl. Mr. Schnppal
says thnt over thirteen thousand acroi of
wild land in 1'nwneo county Is ownoel
by John W. llookwnlter of Cleveland , O , ,
and about -1,000 acres bv Ford Lenvls of Jei-
seyvllli' , 111. , and ills the object of this bill
to Insure Iho nssessmeiitof nllsuch Intiil nttho
snmornloas the ndlolning fiirms , bv the liu
provctnent of wblcti tlie.'o wild Inids nro becoming
coming moiiM-iihmbla e-ach year. The roni-
inllteo on rovenuu mid taxation have this bill
under consideration , nnd a fnvarnblo report
on the measure Is confidently predicted" .
ll ( > \vi > ' Now UNtiry Hill.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fou. 4 , ( Special to Tun
BUR.Church ] Ilowo introduced another
usury bill In tbo bouso this morning. The
bill Is nimod nt the "chattel mortgaqo fiend"
nnd to entitle anyone to foreclose a chntto [
mortgage hereafter It shall bo ess'-nthl : That
some default In the condition of
said mortgage shrill have occurred ;
that no suit has been Insti
tuted for the collection of the jlcbt
secured hr the mortgage ; that sudi mort
gage containing the power of snlo has been
received ; that the ilubt covered by such
mortgage did not couttilu usurious interest
when niiido.
The last clause Is the principal clmngo la
the present law.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. . ( , _ [ Special to Titn
BKB , ] Ono of the most important positions
about the logMoturo Is thnl of timekeeper.
Two years ago the employed came anil went
very much ns they pleased , some of llieni
being absent for weeks nt a time and still
drawing their regular per diem from the
state. This session n now leaf has been
turned over , and Mr. J. C. Swartzlcy , the
tlmo keeper , keeps nn eye on every employe ,
and unless they nro on hand at roirular hours
their tlmo Is cut down. Mr. Swnrtzloy Istho
right man In the right place.
The resolution passed by the house , ex
pressing the feelings of that body for the un
timely eleatb of Soefelnry Wlncloin , was In
troduced by Mr. Breon of Dougms.
Hon. A. Hoberta of Butler county , who
was a member of tlio famous legislature of
1S71-72 , which Impeached ox-Governor Butler ,
wns n house visitor today.
When Iho memorial relative to the 1'nildock
pure food bill came up for action in the house
thcro was no question whom Sneaker Kldor
stood on this Important measure.
The house has fallen into the habit of holdIng -
Ing committee meetings from a till , nud
regular sessions from ! till 7 , and often fol
lowed with oilier committee meetings liistitiK
from 8 till 11. At this rnto the business in
iho house will bo well out of the way bcforo
the contest begins.
Dr. TJIriioy cures uuturrh , Boo bldg.
1f'KSTttlJMf.'Kf.Vf ? IXTJiltJKSTS.
CINCINNATI , O. , l ob.1. . [ Hpochl Tele
gram to TUB BuiTomorrow's Price
Current will say : The western packing has
been considerably reduced the past week , although - *
though 100,000 In excess of tbo corresponding
period last year. Hotuuis Indicate -1-10,000
for the week against M' OOO the preceding
week and : M,09i ( ) ) lust year , making a total of
fUJOj.OOO since November 1 , against fi,07fi,000
n year ago. The leading places compare us
follows :
How to liroukUp n .Severe Cold.
From the Virginia City. Mont. , Mndlso-
nlati ! When wo llnd a incdlcino wo know to
possess genuine merit , wo consider it a duty ,
nnd wn tauo pleasure in tolling the puhfio
what It is. Such n medicine we found Cham
berlain's Cougli Hcmcdy. By the use of this
syrup wo hnvo relieved , in li few hours , se
vere colds , nnd In the course of two or * three
days , entirely broken them up as has several
of our friends lowborn wo have recommended
it. It 1s all It is represented to ho by the
manufacturers. Jf you have a cough and
want to slop It , Chamberlain's ' Cough Hem-
edy will do tlio work. For sale by nil drug
JT.V 1 VI It IXi TIIK S Til r I' .
Two Thousand JJo < nu rH Kurort e < l in
tbo Cherokee I'osorvnt Inn.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. ! . A newspaper
correspondent Just returned from n trip
through the Cherokee strip reports having
found dozens of families living in caves dug
into the high banks along the streams , with
a tree or bushes hiding the entrance , and
many are living in caves In the open pralrio.
There are at least 1,0)0 boomers occupying
the choicest ijuurlur sections in the strip.
d'H Ac-Id I'liospnlo
For Impnirctl Vitality
nnd weakened cnorey , Is wonderfully suc
War nn Ohio ( ininblirH.
FINDI.IV , O. , Fob.I. . [ Special Telegram
toTim UKK.J The common pleas Judges of
Ohio have practically agreed to suppress
gambling as far as lies in their power. In
pursuance of this plan .Tmlgo Johnson of this
district Instructed tlio grand jury to indict
all known gamblers nnd they returned twenty-
live indictments on this charge Ibis morning.
.ludfjo Johnson had the indicted parties ur-
niigncd and lined them from $100 to ? . " > UO anil
made them promise to quit the business nnd
deliver up their par.iphcriuilla to the sherllt
to bo doHtroyed , or eUo ho would send them
to llio workhouse. All promised and a big
bonJlro has been inadoof Ihonsmidsof dollars
worth of. gambling I'xlurcs , Dozens of
gamblers have already left the city.
Are you a lover of cnampatrlie ? Do you
wish a superior iirtli-lo ? Try Cook's Kxlra
Dry Imperial Champagne. His line.
" .Molly .Miiu u I ! ( , " llavivrcf.
Rni'.NANDO.Mi , Pa. , Feb. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hun. ] Thomas Lnvans , Inside
foreman of the Hammond colliery , imd tlireo
of ills ininciM , Alfred Klllc , Hiehnrd Slack ,
sr. , and Uichard Slaok , Jr. , all residents of
( llrardvillo. a small town about llvo miles
from this mace , have received anonymous let
ters warning them lo leave the enmity \vitliln
llfteen days under penalty of deiilh. Tbo
notes bcarllio skull and crosshones , a colllu
and blood spots , and nro written la tones
similar to of llio letters dlslrlbtitud bv
the "Molly Magulres" in the seventies.
Great excitement prevails , A few days ago
ox-1'outniaster ( ! lld ; of ( Jiradvillo received
a similar lottor. _ _
Gessler's Alaglo Headache Wafers. Cures al
headaches in " 0 minutes , At nil druggists.
A. Caiui'liaii U'roulr.
Sciiuinnnu , Out. , Feb. 4. A Bleeping car
on the west-hound express on the Canadian
Pacific railroad was thrown from the track
by a broken uxlo naur hero today. Nine pas
sengers were injured , hul only four seriously.
I''atnl C/olllNion ,
MtsaiiAX , O , , Fob. 4. A mir-ond collision
on the Cleveland , Loraln & Wheeling rail
road at Beach City this morning between
two freights iilllcil tlic llrumuti mid fa tally
injured a brakoniun ,
Bolh llio inctlioil and results wlicir ' * \
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the ta lo , nnd nets
gently yet promptly oil the Kidneys , )
Liver nntl Dowels , clenn&s the sys
tem effectually , dispels col tin , hcnd- :
aches ami fevers nnd cures haliitiml
constipation. Syrup of Figa is the
only remedy ol its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the Inslo nnd nc-
ccptublo to the utomaeh , prompt in
its notion and truly henelicial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , its
mnny excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have mtulo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc
and SI hottlcs by all lending drug"
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not ncccpt any
The Senate Amends and Passes the Fortifi
cation Bill.
Tlio Military Academy HIM Paused by
tlio Upper JlniiHO Kculproolty
\vltli Canada Talk Oil of
In llie
\VA3iiiNflTON , Fob 4. In reference to tlio
presentation of petitions ns to the Confer
1)111 ) , a colloquy took place point : to show that
nil tlieso petitions emanate from the .sumo
source and go back to that source tmforo
oy nro forwarded to llio senulors ; Unit they
are distributed from a central agency ami
seem to bo tlio result , not of a spontaneous
movement , but of solicitation.
Apropos of tlio manner in which such mem
orials are gotten up , Mr. Coultroll road reso
lutions ot the 1'hlladolplitn Maritlmo ex
ohnngc , protesting against the passage hy tbo
house of Iho senate hill of May , 1SOO , for
llio monthly purchase of1,500,000 outicca
of silver. No suoii bill , ho said ,
passed the sonuto In Alnv , 18PO ,
nud yet these wiseacres were mooting and
protesting against It. Ilo went on to se
verely criticise the views of Kdgur Atkinson
on silver und other economic questions.
Mr. Dnwcs ramarlcoj tlmt Atkinson's po
litical and economic iilllllntlons.vcro with the
sonntnrs who were Iriiductng him.
The forllllenllon bill wns again tolton up.
The cotniiiitleo amend incut appropriating
100,000 for rilleil sea const mortars of cast
Iron , hooped with stool , was taken up.
Chandler's amendment requiring them to ho
wholly of stool was agreed to und then , nt
the suggestion of Jlr. Dnwos , the committee -
too amendment us nmcnil'jd was rejected.
The eommltteo luncinlincnt to reduce tlio
Item for the completion of nn army gnu fac
tory nt Witcrvillo , N. Y. , from S-10,000 lo
$ MSUOO wis agreetl lo , in was nlso Iho coin-
initlco aineiidniciit to reiduco the appropria
tion for machinery \VutervlIet arsenal
from $ HW,000 toSJO WlO.
The comniltleo ameiulment Increasing Iho
appropriation for the hoard of ordnance , otti. ,
lo inako purchases , cxnonmonts and tests of
the most elTectlvo guns , Miiall arms , etc. , tf
from $100,000 to $ . ' 00,000 was agreed lo. _ /
The amendment hy Coekroll , rcaincndoil
by Chandler , \\as agreed lo" , providing for
tbo addition of two civilian nieiuhors to Iho
board of ordnance ami fortlllcntlon , not to bo
ox-oflleors of army or mivy , lo hold ofllru
four years anil receive a salary of $0,000 uml
netuul traveling expenses.
The eommitti'o amendment to Insert a par-
ngraph increasing to 1-IM > 00 the appro
priation in Ilia lorliflcalinn nut for the procure
ment of heavy onliianea was agreed te ,
Dolnb's ameniiiuent , appropriating $1,000,000
for the plant for heavy ontnnnea at some
point on llio Paeillc roast was disagreed lo ,
The hill was then passed.
The military academy bill passed with ono
Tlu : pension appropriation bill was taken
up uml went over , Adjourned.
fllMINO ,
AVAsniNnrotf Feu.-I. Mr. MeiCtnloy aslteil
unanimous consent that during the remainder
of the session the house meet at 11 u. m. , but
Mr. Rogers of Arkansas objected.
The house then went Into coininlttco of the
whole on Uio diplomatic uml consular appro
priation bill. During the debate on tbo bill
Mr. McAdoo of New Joraoy gnvo his hearty
assent 10 the position taken by the .secretary
of stnto reliilivo to reciprocity with CniinJii.
The United States should have unrestricted
Iriulo und commercial union with Canada or
It should hnvo no commiurlal relations with
her.Tho hill , after further discussion , was iulil
nsaldo with a favorable recommendation anil
the eommltteo proceeded to Iho conslderalloa
of the sundry civil tipproprluilon hill.
Mr. Chandler spoku in favor of llio amend
nionl instructititfthuscL-rctary of thelreiisury
not to approve of tno payment of any expense
attendant uuon the meeting of tbo World's
Columbian commission or the board of lady
managers except such meetings as may hu
called at the time of dedication und opening
of the world's fair. I'cndtng further discus
sion llio commillco rose und the diplomatic. '
appropriulion Dill passed. Adjourned.
"I lost a crutch and found heal that Hxciil
siorSprings. Mo.1 Mrs. J. II. Carruth
Lawrence , ICansas.
.Vo fjiinriini In JlllnolH.
SruiNdfiKi.i ) , 111. , Fob. 4. Coclcroll , ono of
the Farmers' Mutual lioncllt associa
tion members , being sick today , his
two colleagues and the republicans retrained
trained Irom votnn : for senator. No
ijuoruin resulted and iho nssunibly adjourned
lifter tko llrst bullot.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889.