THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWENTIETH : YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNIjtfG , FEBRUARY 4 , 1891. NUMBER 228.1 XABRIELLE'S ' PARTNER CONE , Michael Eyraud Guillotined in Paris for His Bloody KEPT HIS NERVE TO THE LAST , IIo IlofiiHod n OIIIHS of Comma nnd Angrily Declined to Union to the Prayers of tlio At tendant PrlcHt. PAIIIS , Fob. a. Michael Kyraud , the inur- dcrcr of Notary OoulTo , was guillotined at 70 this morning. Kyraud met bis fate with fortitude nnd resignation. Thcro wcro but few witnesses of the execution , owing to the fact that the time It was to take plnco was not generally known. The condemned man declined a glass of cognac which was tendered iilm , nnd In splto of the earnest solicitation of 1'Abbo Fnurc , the mur derer angrily refused to listen to the priest's Vrayors , to prny for nlmself , or to hnvo any religious rites per formed in bis behalf. By mud's iron will was not shaken oven In the presence of death , am1 ho continued to refuse religious consolation wlilto on the march to the guillo tine , which was erected on the Plnco do la Itouquctto. After the execution Eyraud's body was given to his relatives and acquaint ances. As early as 2 o'clock this morning tbo CUH - ternary barriers were erected upon Place do la Kouquetto. Shortly afterwards two divis ions of police and a detachment of the garde rcpubllcaino took possession of the Place The night was most bitter cold. To make the scene moro gloomy ihan usual a heavy , damp cold fog hung over the city. The cafes near the place were full of carousers , male nnd female , singing in maudlin tones n dis gusting song , having for its refrain : "H it Kyraud whom wo must liavo. It is his head wb must have , " The scenes in some of the cnfcs can bo better imagined than described , but they gave the stranger a good idea of the untiiro of a Paris mob when "blood Is in the air. " By 5:45 : nil was ready. Dolbler , the executor cuter , tested the knlfo nnd found It was mov ing easily in the grooves. Outside the place , in the direction of the boulevard Voltaire , there wcro about live hundred spectators who could hardly sco anything of tlio pro ceedings , but who were thcro out of their morbid curiosity. The main crowd , particu larly referred to , was composed of those scoundrels who prov upon fallen women , convicts , gambling club croupiers of tbo low est class , and girls who come from the dregs of sodety. S At , (1,45 ( a. m. n party of officers In company \ with the governor of La Hotrrouquett entered the cell occupied by Kyraud. They found E\i-n.ud sitting crouching on his bed and when Informed the politlon for n pardon had boon rejected Eyrnud replied' "Very well. " The condemned man , a few mlmilcs after ward , removed his prison uniform which ho hnd been wearing and chnnged his trousers and socks , refusing all assistance whllo preparing - paring for death. Being asked If had any s lcmcnt to mnko the murJoior replied in .yao negative. < Abbo Faucro then approached the gulltv mail nnd offered to receive nnd convoy to Eyraud's wllo und daughter any message which.ho might wish taken to thorn. To this kind oll'er Eyrnud replied : "Tell them that I bid them adlou nnd-hopo they may bo happy. " Abbo Fiiure then npnm olTored' Eyraud a glass of cognac , but ho pushed it to ono sldo saying : "ifo , that will do tno no good. Eyrnud then walked with the chlof wardo/- ' pad Jailor"rfdrCfislti < rKwmrr"IIu ; Jooueo % attentively 'at the gentlemen there present and did not utter a word. Ho then sut'down while Uiobler pinloncd'him and during tbls part of the preparation for the guillotine , Eyraud turned to the governor nnd said : "Might I request that my body should not bo given to the surgeons ! ' To this request AbboFauro replied : "Your body will bo given to your family. " Kyraud thnnkod the abbe , whereupon the latter offered to embrace thelmurnorcr's wife nnd child for him. Eyraud , gazing at the faces around him , then angrily exclaimed : "Constans , minister of the interior , was right. lie has won his t-oso. now his prize. Ho will bo tonight with Gabriello. What grand personage is going to decorate Gnbrl- cllo BompatxH" Suddenly , as DIublcr was completing the task of pinioning him , Eyraud conllucd , "you S ! hurting my linger1 nnd Uiruintr to tbo assistant , who wus tying the bandages , ho eald , impatiently : "Don't pinch mo so tightly. " Previous to commencing the inarch to tlio [ Told , Eyrnud again refused to drink a glass of cognno which was offered 1 to him. nnd was afterward rigIdly - Idly silent until ho arrived at the guillotine. Passing from the cell to the i-nlTold Eyraud scanned everything right nnd left , and then fixed his eyes upon the i guillotine. Arrived at the foot of the guillotine and I within a few feet of tno block , Kyraud eluded the executioners for n moment nnd 1 angrily shouted to the assembled crowd : "Constutis Is n murderer ; ho Is moro of n murderer than 1 am. Constans is * ' Before he could complete the sentence the executioners solzod the murderer nnd throw him UDOII an Inclining plank of the guillotine. lloblor pressed the fatal kupb , nnd the Hashing blade fell with a sharp sliding sound nud tlio Head of GoulTo'.s assassin rolled Into the basket below. Eyraud's body was then lifled into a wagon and driven olT at full gallop to the cemetery , escorted by a detachment of gendarmes. Abbo Fnuro followed the body In a cab , and , after leading the burial soTicoover the remains at the cemetery they wcro turned over to thu dead man's relatives. Immedi ately after the execution tbo mob made a wild rush toward tlio guillotine and wus with dif ficulty repulsed by a strong force of mounted gardes republlealiies which had been loft in charge of that instrument of execution , , nit : ri it K . IT it c n ire VK. " One of tlio Most DlHiiHlrotis In Ibis < ? lty'8 History. Dt'nuQi'H , In , , Fob. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to Til c BII : ; . ] Ono of tbo most disastrous llros this city has known for years occurred in the Bishop block this evening. Mr. Solo mon , n member of the linn of Solomon Brothers , dry goods , who had Just moved In , received n cigar from n traveling man , lighted It and threw away the unoxtlngulshcd match. It struck a pile of cotton batting nud In a moment flames sprang up which it was Im possible to extinguish. The store of Solo mon Brothers was entirely destroyed with contents , nho a largo part of the Golden Eagle clothing store , board of trade rooms , government steamboat Inspector's oOlce , Smith , Mntbls .t Co.'s urlntlng ottlco and other ofllces above- . The loss h roughly estimated at $ . * > ( > , ( iOO , with ample insurance. Tom Hurko , llroman , was overcome by smoke and heat and is thought to bo fatally Injured. Overcome With SALT L-AKI : , Utah. , Fob. 3 , Near Sandy , fifteen miles south of here , Albert Batcmnn and Ole Hnwklupon were overcome with gas , rind both fpll to the bottom of nn 80-foot shaft. The man attempting to iccovor the bodies was also overcome. The bodies wore Anally recovered with grappling hooks. The Weather Forootist , For Omaha and Viclnity-F.Ur ; slightly warmer. For Nebraska Warmer ; southerly winds ; fair. fair.For Iowa Fair ; variable winds , becoming southerly ; warmer. Fatal Itallronil Wreck * . MEADVILIX , Pu. , Feb. 3. Two freight train * on the New York , Pennsylvania & Ohio road , collided near Corry , Pa. , today during a snow storm. The cnglnecraml fire man of ono train were killed , while tuo crew of the other train wcro Injured. SVIIACMB , N. Y. , Fob. 3. The North Shore limited on the Now York Central was wrecked at East Rochester this morning by n collision with n wild-cut engine. Engineer Brown was Instantly killed and Fireman Fecnoywns fatally Injured. IN ono of the passengers wcro hurt. CI.EVII.ANI : ) . O. , Fob. 3 , A passenger train on the Cleveland-Can ton. on the southern. road , was partially derailed near here this morning. Engineer Grccmvnld nnd Flro- mnn Hcilmiin wcro killed. None of the pas sengers were injurcj. THE SJIItXiKl' CUXl'tiiXTIOX , It , Will lie Hehl Saturday , February 7i at SJ P. M. Thcro have boon many inquiries concern ing the dnto ot the convention nt Sidney. Yesterday the committee on arrangements telegraphed Tin : lieu that It would bo hold Saturday , February 7 , At 2 p. in. It is ex pected that all thu counties In western Ne braska will bo represented , from Lincoln county to the Wyoming lino. AVI.OAT OX IX 1VK t'LOK. Terrible Experience of Two Hundred Imko .Michigan ! " H' ci-incn. CIIIOAOO , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.-Tho Herald's ' Bay City , Mich. , special says : "Fearful was thp suffering of liOO fishermen cast adrift on nn ice flee In Lnko Michigan. A heavy gnlo from the west loosened a great sheet of Ice in the bay , and before the hundreds of llshormon who were busily plying their occupation upon it were awnro a vast expanse of llercely rolling water separated thorn from the shore. The weather was Intensely cold , nnd the wind which at times readied the violence of a hur ricane , cut the faces Ilka a whip and chilled the blood In the veins. The men who were ou the moving raft of Ice seemed doomed to certain death. Few could withstand tbo fear ful cold of the night , nnd the floating field , forced onward by the beating windcould not long withstand the growing might of the heavy seas. 'When the cry was raised that the Ice had parted from the shore , nnd bad carried its freight of hardy lives out into the stormy lake , the greatest fear was excited , and it wus thought that few if any of the castaways would ever bo seen again. At once efforts were made to locate tlio men on their unsafe craft , but from no point could It. bo scon , Great seas of stormywater struck outward , and liopo that the men could bo rescued grew fainter. IJeliof parties went along sboro nud preparations mndo to send out tugs , though tbo peril of facing the rising waves was enough to appall the bravest. "This winter a majority of the fishermen have erected their shanties on the east shore of the bay at u point about fifteen miles from this city. The village had reached consider able populniion , numbering ever a hundred houses , with a population of nearly twice that number. The llrst report yesterday was to the effect that the ice on which the village was situated had been separated from the shore and blown out into the buy nuci broken up into fragments. The first definite news was received about 4 o'clock this afternoon. Dennis Burnott arrived at bis homo lu the suburbs of the city in an exhausted con dition. Ho had driven out to the fishing villugo oa Monday morning to make purchases as usual. Ho coTitirniod ill a measure the nuws that had been spreading all day , but thought that all of the men bad reached the shore la safety , although a number of them bad very narrow escapes. But from twcntyllvo to thirty of the mon tiavo not boon heard from , audit isatooUcertain Unit some or all of theai ha injcen lost.fLitb3 . > iI"PJ 'l1la a'galbTind'tirlvlntr ltd "led" lloo" rapidly into Lake Huron. "A number of narrow escapes were re corded , but Mr. Burnott thougnt that nil of the Inhabitants of the village hud succeeded in reaching the shore. If there wcro any who did uot escape , they wore iso lated from the main village. Thcro are grave fears for tlio men in shanties isolated from tbo village , many of which were strung along doth shores of the bay. It is thought some of thcso men must have been lost , and the number is estimated at from thirty to llfty. If they are on the floating Ice they may may drift about in tbo bay for days without reaching Innd , but oven If tbo Ice floes which they nro on do not break up , llioy can scarcely survive moro than n few days , for none of thorn wcro sup' plied with fuel to last very long during surli i blttor weather. Their supply of food is also not very extrusive , Steamers will bo sent out in searcn of men as soon as the ice in the river can bo broken up enough to let then 11 out. " I\HUIIT. 1 Illinois Fiii-fiicrs Propose a Compromise - promise \Viti tlio 111. , Feb. 8. At a late hour tonight tlio Farmers' Mutual Benefit association party submitted to Long Jones nud the republican steering committee the names of A. J. Streeter , John P. Steclo of Ml. Vernon , aud Itxproscntntlvo Moore , all of the Farmers' Mutual Bcucllt association party with the aniioiincemcni that any ono of them whom the republicans might endorse would receive tlio full support of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit association representatives. This matter is now under advisement. It is confidently expected by tbo republicans and Fannern' Mutual Donulit association meu that u combination will boofTocted between thotwo parties tills week , which will result in the election of a sountor. Many republicans are Inclined to prefer ; Moora to Street or. Another meeting of tlio steering committee will bo hold tomorrow at which the mat tor will bofullydihcussed , If thcro Is a serious division in the committee u caucus will bo called to settle tinquestion. . Kcnrcscntatlvo Cockrell , who made the proposition , said to the com mittee : "You republicans now hnvo a chance to defeat the democrats und at thu same time make yourselves strong with the agricultural and Industrial elements of the state. If you throw away this clmiico you may never have liny other. " This signifleantuttoranco aroused the fears of the republicans that If the proposition of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit association men was not accepted the next propo3itlon may bo made to the demo crats , if indeed Moore and Cockrell do oot go over to the direct support of Palmer , Tbo reason for the proposition the republicans Is understood to bo Unit Moore nud Tnubncck became tired of supporting Slrcotor. Messrs. Galloway and Pctrlo hnvo been lie day nnd report tonight that a feeling Is grow ing for the endorsement oC Streeter by the republicans , Several conferences were hold In Strector's rooms today. Chairman Jones of the state central republican committee , while not exposing himself in advocacy of the movement , seems Ilkclv to favor It upon assurances from Potrlo and Galloway that Streeter , If , elected , would .not witli the republican party on the tariff nnd ether issues of im- jiortance. Streoter , when asked by Jones to detino his position , stated that , If elected by republican support , ho would consider him self under loint obligation to tbo parties which olcctrd him and vote with the republicans illCt cans on every national question not in direct ( contradiction to the Farmers' Mutual BcnolU association principles. Homo of the republican legislators are opposed to Strcotor , but it ls thought the puny caucus will bring them around , South Dnkotii'n Voto. Piniiiic , S. D. , Fob. 3. The twentieth and twenty-first ballots for senator were tnkon today. Tbo highest vote was : Moody , ! I'Jj ; Trlpp , 24 ; Harden , 43 : Melville , 10 ; Croso , 0 ; halanco scattering. All sorts of combinations nro being talked of. Tliu l-'lro llcunrd. NEW YOIIK , Fob. 3. The Hceln bronze nnd Iron works of Brooklyn were almost com pletely burned out tonight. Lost. $300,000. CHICAGO AS BAD AS CHEYENNE A Wyoming Cattleman Loams to His Goat the Skill of Garrotters , REAL ESTATE MEN RECEIVE A LECTURE , The IJHW of Contracts null n Seller's Illglits Explained Hii ; Injuns Tioltlcd l y launch Counter Cof fee "Western I'ersoniils. CHICAGO Orncn or Tun OMAHA BEH , 1 CIIIOAOO , Fob. U. ( Jnmcs Davis , a wealthy stockman , came in from Cheyenne yesterday with several car loads of stock. Last night ho came Into the city to transact some business , and returned to the stockyards oa the 0 o'clock dummy this mortiliitf. Ho loft the train nt the union depot in the yards , and stood a moment on the platform. The cold crisp nlr mndo him think of his mountain home , and ho was breathing In ozone and other things found In the nlr nt the stock yards when four men sur rounded him. The stockman Is broad shouldered and , muscular , but ho was no match for the four athletes who , as protosslonal robbers , know how to hold n man up. They seized the Wyoming citizen much as Texas cowboys haudlo n steer In branding time , By pure force of muscular power they pinioned his arms and then turned his pockets wronp sldo out. Fortunately Mr. Davis did not have the proceeds of his stock sale with him. His pin money , however , amounting to ? 5.3. " > , was taken and then the victim was released. Quito a crowd of people witnessed the robbery , but somehow the thieves pot nway. The stockman says ho can describe the color of their hair and the police rely on him to help them catch the highwaymen. 1NFOHMATION" roil lIKAIj KSTATB MKX. Judge Anthony of the superior cour got his dander up this morning and ho gavon lecture to real estate mon In general as to certain rnettiods of conducting real cstnto sales that was far from being am biguous in its meaning. The case was one wherein Charles A. Seymour sued S. II. Kobblns nnd .lames A. Ulooa for com mission on a sale of $10,000 worth of property. It seems that Seymour went to Kobblns and Blood and desired to know if they wanted to sell and lor what price. Figures wore given nnd Seymour secured a purchaser nud the deal -was effected. Seymour demanded $ . > 00 commission , which was refused , the sellers claiming they had made no contract with Seymour. The real estate man sued nnd the case wus presented to a jury in Judge Anthony's court today. Seymour had Just ended his presentation of the case when Judge Anthony arose and took the ca o from the Jury. "This has got to stop , " said the court , "and the real estate mon might as well know the law now as at any time. It is Rotting so nowadays that if u man talks at all to a real estate man ho is deprived of his rights to sell his property hlmsolf. Where there Is no specific or positive agreement between parties , there Is no contract , and In order to maintain his right to make a sale it must bo pro\ d that ( lie agent's power is an exclusive ono. The seller may designate 500 agents to sell ills property , nnd yet if there Is no con tract , the owner can soil the property hlm- sr'f at any hour. Tlio law Is that commis- & ! isJbac.oUccteiUiJhlasE , . there as a.spcclttjvi toh'traet , " : ' " .i" ' ' TIIF.T CNJOVRU TUB COTfKC. Old John Grass , once the mortal enemy of the late lamented Sitting Bull and n redskin whom the Into General Crook used to char acterize as the smartest and wisest chief of the Sioux nation , sat lu the union depot today and drank unlimited quantities of cof fee. With1 him were such distinguished ' chiefs ns American Horse , White Ghost. Ho Dog , and others from Pine Hideo , Standing Itouk nnd Hosobud agencies. AV'hnn the In- dluns had finished their repast at the luneli counter , they gave a concerted yell of de light. "What's the matter ! " gasped the depot master wlio.camo rushing into thu room. "It's the coffee that tickles them , " said Agent T. W. Blackburn who was in chnrgo of the Rosebud party. "They're not used to such elegantly brewed Java. " John Grass , the most Intelllgcn looking Indian of the lot , is rather a thickset fellow with a head that is not bad and eyes that arc expressive. Grass is quite n dude , wearing a derby , high col lar , luce shoes and cutaway coat and vest , Ho even smokes cigarettes. "What about wnrl" ho was asked , Grass is not n brilliant man to Interview nnd his oifort in this line may b-j summed up as follows : "No more ghost dauco. N < more war. Guns give up. All bo friends Now go see Harrison , white house. " In the Uoscbud nnd Vine KU'lpo party which was llrst to arrive nt the depot were Hollow Horn Hear , Ho Dog , Good Voice , Quick Bear , Whtto Bird. Turning Hawk , John Grass , American Horse and Thrc Stars. A little later party of Brulca froi the Standing Hock agency arrived in chare , of Agent Hiinedd , "With these wore severn Indian policemen , who wore their blue uil forms and brass buttons with great pride. Sioux minister also accompanied the party Ho wore regulation clencid black. At 10iO : ; party loft for Washington in their own Pull man couch. A COXTIMJOCS MUSICAL CAHSIVAI , . William Stelmvay , the plnno manufacturer , of Now York , has a- plan to submit to the world's fnir directory for making musio ono of the principal features of the exposition. Ills idea if curried out would provide a con tinuous musical carnival during tbo fair. Mr. Steinway wants to organize a grand orchestra , composed of musicians from all the great musical centers and have them perform every day in a palace of music. In addition to thu orcbcstrn , bo would have the most prominent musician from ovcr.v for eign country present at thu exposition for nt least two weeks. Those various stars would lead the orchestra each for a week nt a time in muslo peculiar to and popular in his own country. Thus there would bo nu Knglish folo , nn Italian fete , French , Spanish , Ger man and all others. Mr. Stetnway is so en thusiastic over this musical Idea that he is willing to furnish a considerable sum of money ror Its support , . NOT sconr.o nv TIIR HIM. , . The gentlemen interested In the piping of natural gas to Chicago do not seem lo bo alarmed by the bill passed hi the Indiana state senate yesterday prohibiting the pump ing of gns from ono locality to another. ' , " said President Winston of thu Economic fuel gas company. "Twoyears npo the legislature passed a law forbidding trio taping of iis ; : from that state Into another state , and the supreme court of Indiana declared the mcas- ure unconstitutional , All other lows of a similar character must meet n similar fate. So , no matter how many times the Indiana i Bcimto passes such laws , they nro invalid. Wo have'bought our lands down in Indiana , and havospunt a good deal of money on them , nnd wo can't bo defrauded of our rights in this manner. " CXTK.NDINO THE UN'IVr.KSITT. The trustees of tbo Chicago unlvorslt , have determined to usk the citizens of Uul- cage for KiOO.OOO more to expend for build ings. The scope of tbo university has been ! so much enlarged and the endowment in creased to such an extent that It is now be lieved that Chicago mon who realize the : inngnitlccnco of the protect are willing to add yxW.OOO to the 5100.0UO already contributed. Money pledged to the university Is coming In rapidly. Mr. Rockefeller has paid $131,000 and Chicago men fliio.OOO. The last amount Is In excess of the sum promised , ns but t0,000 , of Chicago mouoy was uuo & year. WKSTEUX 1'BOl'I.E IS TOWN , Among other western pcoplo In Chicago to day were the following : At the Auditorium : W. J. and Hussell J. Pratt. Hurry West und H. A. Elliott , Dos Molncs , la. ; It. S. Keith , Crcston. la. At the Wellington : Mr. and1 Mrs. S. J. H. Wolf , Cedar Kaplds , In. At tho'Pnlmor ! Henry HlHcr nnd Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott , Quiaha ; B. F. King , Dead wood. S. D. ; C. MJ Wolss , Hast ings , Nob. : W. Wnternouso , Cedar Utapids , la. la.At At the Grand Paclflo : Georco Hancock , Fargo , N. D. ; H. 0. Hand , Salt Lake ; Frank Murphy , Miss Hamilton , H , M , Marshall , Omaha ; John P. Vollraor , I/wlstgn , Idaho ; F. A. Fuller , Schuylcr , Nob. ; James G. Derryhlll , Dos Molncs , la. ATKINSON. Took All Classes. CHICAGO , Feb. , 3. General Miles , speaking today about the band of Indians on the way to Washington , said the matter of dealing with them had been taken entirely out of his hands. Ho declared the report that ho had selected a certain class of Indians to go to Washington was false. Thososont by him represented nil classes. Ho expressed belief that some enemy Is trying to injure him by circulating false rumors In the press. Ho did not believe tlio prosldont disapproved of the susinmsion of Colonel Forsytho. The latter ofllccr had pot been vindicated ns the report of the Investigation when made public will show. Two Moro luBurarme.Wlncl-TJpH. CIIICAOO , Fob. 3. Attorn6y\Gcnernl Hunt , on behalf of the stuto , began proceedings in the circuit court this morning , to wind up the affairs of the Cook county Iv6 { stock Insur ance company , which was organized January 10 , 18S8. The membership of the company has dwindled away and a largo number of policies hnvo been cancelled. The outstand ing liabilities amount to only $9,000. TriEit , Tex. , Fob. 3. The , East Texas flro Insurance company with headquarters here , went Into voluntary litigation today. Adverse legislation In Texas is claimed ns the cause for the suspension. Thu company Is in good financial condition. Itcuiilntlii1. ; Insurance Itntefl. CIIICAOO , Fob. 8. Ilcprcsout'tttlvcs of nearly nil the flre underwriters in the northwestern states are in session hero endeavoring to form a now organization , the principal object of whlcti is to bo the regulation of risks and the establishment of uniform rates. SHE GOT iran A "Wronged but Dctcrmlnca AVIfo Onuses n HciiBttloii. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 8. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] The largo congregation m Mrs. Wood worth's church on Lucas avenue was greatly demoralized by a sensational scene which occurred last night , Mrs. Wood- worth was Just going to speak from the text : "Put aside potty jealousies andj work for the glory of God , " when Mrs. G'eorgo Guines , a rather largo , handsome brunette , walked up the loft aisle of the church Jintll near the center. Then she reached over deliberately nnd slapped n woman in 'thtiQfaeo , at the same time announcing in n lou-Jtono : "You've got my husband ; ' you nasty thing. You can't have him ; yew can't have him. " Only tboso near the scene saw ( tbo slap , and the palo frightened face bf Jiho chastised lady. The husband sat motionless , and his companion appeared to bo struqk dumb with fear. . I Then Mrs. Wood worth * spoke again : "Please sing" nnd about half of the congre gation broke out with "Happy Day , " while the others shouted "Put her out. " She was put out , and stayed out long enough to get n guiu , Thett she returned , en tered the church once moro and said : "I'll ' kill her this timo. " ' . Her husband lotttho etilo. p hia charmoiy nrtfhis wlfeyHliued hlm'too 'wlth the gun. iiB"rfl8 < W vu7ihor'bybAylrif ho"'ivnatn6t' ! with the woman , but stvo .would uot be llovo it. - Games had boon gftlntj .with other women uudcranothername. < SAX MS A 1'lGllTKH. Evangelist Jonc.s llnving n Lively Unto in Texas. ATLANTA , Ga. , Feb. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnc.l Hov. Sam P. Jones seems to bo having a lively time In Texas. The fol lowing characteristic telegram from the evangelist shows what ho has been doing : OAKWOOD. Tex. , Fob. 8. The one-gallon mayor of Palestine tried to cane your Uncle Jones this morning at the depot. I wrenched his cano from him and wore him out. I am a llttlo disfigured but still In the ring. I criticised his pfllclal career last No vember. It needed criticising.SAM SAM P. JONES. Tlio Fanners' Preference * . SrniNOFiEi.n , 111 , , Fob. Sc The 'Farmers' Mutual Benefit association representa tives are receiving daily dozens of letters and resolutions of instruction and encouragement from their constituents nnd fellow farmers. They generally recommend the representa tives to stand flrm for tbo party candidate. But not all are of this character. Ueorgo W. Hhoadcs of St. Elmo , 111. , la a communica tion requests them to do all they can for Palmer , "As that seems to'bo the choice of the brothers in this part of the country. " G.W. Smith , superintendent of the Arcoln , 111 , , public schools , thinks they should take up Felix G. Cockrell , brother of the repre sentative , and elect him. Swindled uya OlilUaiiutii. SAN FUANCISCO , CalFob. % 3. The customs olllcials have ] ust learned that they uavo boon swindled out of about30,000 revenue by n sharp Chinaman. It is tbo custom hero when goods are imported to take to the ap praiser's store 10 per cent of thorn , from which the total duty is cnlculatsd. The broker Hies n bond of $100 lor the payment of duty and the owner is iheh allowed to take the other nine-tenths out. January 1 a China man went through this routine with a largo shipment of opium , but now Vhat hols wanted to pay duty can't bo round. The government has 10 per"cent of the shipment , worth about $3,500 , while the Chinaman carried away , vunt would bring n duty of fully $30,000. Will UaUo tlio. Ulooknclo. PAIIIS , Feb. 3 Advices received by Gaulols from a correspondent In Buenos Ayres nro that the Chilian insurgents have been obliged to abandon La Soronij nud Coqulmbo and the harbor of Ipulqtio | sj reopened , Ho- ports also say the government will rnlso the blockade at Valparaiso in three days unless the insurgents make anotb'cr attack In the meantime. Murder and Sr. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 8. At Bmlthton , III. , this morniiig , Henry Bechtold , a farmer , dis charged a shotgun at his Blsljor-ln-lnw , strik ing her in the log. The wound not proving fatal he struck her with' Uui butt end of the weapon Inllictlng fatal Injuries. Ho then ro- londcd the gun and shot and killed himself. No cause is known for the trhgody. An ICxilo Attsugfdnntoil. LAIIEIIO , Tex. , Fob , 3. Dr. Ignatio Mar tinez , while making tho-routids among his pa tients this morning , was waylaid by two un known men and killed , the assassins escap ing. Dr. Mar.ttnez , at ono time general in the Mexican army , was n political exile from his native country. J _ Two People I-'utnliy Itiirnrd. ' EDMUND , Okl , , Feb. 3. While burning prairie , the young daughter of Dave Stark weather was so ba'dly burned that she died. James Funk , who attempted to rescue the chlld'was fatally burned. 1 A. Holclnn'H Ctlms. PAIIIS , Fob. 3. A Belgian has been ar rested In tbls city charged with supplying thu German war department olliclals with plans of the Franco-Belgian and Dulglan- Geimau frontier * . NEBRASKA IS GIVEN A SLICE , Provisions for Public Btiildinga in Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota. PADDOCK AMENDS THE EIGHT-HOUR LAW , Treasurer Wlmlom's I'rnlxiMo Suc cessor Still the Subject or.Si > ncu- Intlon Now NIIIIIOH Mentioned Onuxlm'K Population. WASHINGTON nuuiuu Tnn CnutiA. DRB , J fi3 ! FourtTKENTit STIIBBT , > WASHINGTON , U. 0. . Fob. ! ) . | The sundry civil hill was completed In the committee of appropriations today , andiiinong its provisions are tbo following of interest to Nobrasknns ! For the piirchnsn of a slto nnd construction of a building at Beatrice , $00,000. For tbo completion of the Fremont build ing under tbo present limit of S35.000. The following were Included for lown ; For the purchase of a slto and the erection of a building at Fort Dodge , ? 7o,000. For the slto and construction ot a building nt Davenport , $100,000. For thu completion of tie Burlington build- Inc , $70,000. For the commencement of the proposed new bullafng nt Sioux City , $81,000 , , the limit of the cost of this structure having been lixed at * 250,000. There Is also nn appropriation of $50,000 for the purchase of a slto and the commencement of tbo building nt Sioux Falls , S. D. TO SKCUIIE I.AllOItr.1131 WAOES. Senator Paddock today offered the follow ing amendment to Mr. Blair's eight-hour bill : "That to secure laborers Umlr wages for labor performed by thorn , nnd material men the amount duo for material furnished by thorn for the use on any government building or other improvement for tbo United States , said laborers or material men may lilo with the proper ofllcer or agent having charge of such work , a sworn Itemized statement of such labor or material furnished showing the amounts past duo and unpaid to them with a duly authenticated cony of the contract , if any , under which such labor was performed nnd material furnished. And such notice shall constitute a lien on any and all moneys duo or to become duo from the government for such labor and material for the benefit of the laborers nnd material men By whom such labor was per formed or material was furnished nnd payment for which Is past duo and un paid , whether said money may belong to the original or nnV sub-contractor , who actually employs such labor and purchased such ma terial for sucli use , nnd the same shall be paid out of any moneys In the hands of the proper disbursing ofllcor or ngent appropri ated for such purpose on the demand of said laborers nnd material men , witti unques tioned proof that the same is past duo nnd unpaid , nnd thu inonoys thus paid shall bo charged ngalust the balance or balances duo or to become duo on the government work for which such labor was performed und such material furnished. " IIELP roll imOUTIl St.'l'FEHClig. The Nebraska committee .of the house coin- mittco on agriculture , having the bill in charge has reported favorably to the full commlttco the proposition of Mr. Dorsoy ap propriating &if)0,000 for seed grain for the ( drouth sufferers In Nebraska , The sub committee has cut down the amount to foOjOVO. It seems that the sub-committeo -coueluUedjthatthisamount , would bo suul- cicntto buy seed grain'tor thiTlmfferiira'-'ana that beyond uocd grain it has no authority to go and therefore the extraneous questions Involved in the proposition for a larger ap- nropriation for sulTorers froirl drouth nnd Indian depredations in Nebraska will have to go to the committee on appropriations. OMAHA'S roruL.vTioN. Following is the population of Omaha by wards , ns promulgated by the census ofllco today : First ward 11,007 Scconu ward 17,51 , ! I Third ward Ul.iiOl Fourth ward 10,001 Fifth ward 15,517 Sixlh ward 18.050 Seventh ward 8,7.'K ) Eighth ward 17'J73 Ninth ward 8,731 Total for the city 140,453 WISDOM'S rossuu.c scccnsson. The successor to tlio late Secretary \Vin- \ dom was the prime topic of comment nt the cnpltol today. It was also referred to , at least in an Informal way at the cabinet meeting tills morning. The president lias begun to think of ttio selection of u secretary of the treasury , although ho may not name the man under two or three weeks. There was suOlcient intcrciango | of opinion nt the cabinet mooting to lead to ttio con clusion that thcro will bo no change in its present orcaufzatlon- ; transfer of cabi net oOIcer to Jill the vacancy. This probably disposes of tbo idea of transferring Secre tary Proctor to the treasury department. At first the suggestion seemed practicable in view of the fact that the secretary of war is so well versed In the routine of the oflloe an d has been ono of the president's advis < ors regarding financial policies. But , hai ring unforsocn or unthought of situation s ihero will bo no transfers It cabinet ofllcers und the president will mat n tain , if possible , the present arrangement until the end of his term. Hoprosentativt McICinloy of Ohio continues to bo regariici : as the coming man for tbo treasury depart' ment. Tbo only question lu tlio public mini' is , will ho nccepti It Is safe to say that I there Is a formal tender of Iho portfolio ho will. The president would not hawk a cabi net ofllco on the political market or lend it to give individuals capital. Some of Major McKlnley's colleagues in the house advis ( him not to accept , arguing that ho would ae knowledge by nn acceptance that ho did no' bellovo ho could carry Ohio thli fall If ho wcro nominated for tin B governorship and that such nn interpretation of his action would cast a serious dampci upon the republican organisation in tliostato , Besides , should ho not take thu nuinlimtioi which ho can have by acclamation , there will bo a light for it which will divide tlio state ngain into factions , but that with McKlnltn In the Held there would bo no factious. The ; have also impressed him wltti thu artiumen that bis political future will close with thai tenure if ho enters the treasury department What effect these statements from member of the Ohio . Ion In congress will havi upon Major McKinley and the president can not bo said. Numerousotforts wore mtidu to day to ascertain McKliiluy's feelings on th question. Ho said to all Inquiries : "It will bo time enough to decline or no cent the place after It Is tendered. " If the place does not goto McKinloy. I looks now us though ex-Governor ( jharlc : Foster of Ohio may got It. The mention o this man's nnnio was well received in over ) quarter today. Hols popular at the white house and tliat ho would make a clean , ublo und popular olYlccr nil cay , With McKinley and Foster out of the way , Congressman Joe Cannon of Illinois Is considered. Ho is being urged for the place by members of the house committee on appropriations of which hois chairman. His ( juullflcatlons for the po sition Ho In hli experience as a member of the appropriation commlttco. Ho has never occupied an executive olllcu. Hon. John C. New and Hon. James N. Huston of Indiana contlnuo to bo favorably mentioned , dosplto the statement that the president is disin clined to take two oftleers from the same state , The gossipers also immtlou Mr. Clarkson of Iowa , now on his way to Europe , and General OolT of West Virginia. Hon. HobcrtT. Lincoln of Illinois , at pres ent minister to England , is tonight mentioned ta a probable successor to Secretary Win- dom. Thcro are these who bellovo the sub ject has been sent to Mr. Lincoln In London. The West Virginia republicans lu the city . nro talking of Hon. titcphon B. Klklns of their stato. StISCEU.lNKOUS , Senator Paddock today reported hack from the committee on publ , * .ds , with favorable - blo recommendations , h - \ \o \ confirm cer tain entries upon tlio OU ? ml Missouri res ervation lands In Kansas " - N'obnulm under tbo sots of August IB , 18n - d March S,1S31. ) Subsequently ho called It In the seimto and It was passed. This cts nearly all the settlers In southern tn ! , unity. John I ) . Ftiray , Jr. , of Ol , was today taken through tlio capital i ocnator Pad dock. Tlm Nebraska , delegation Is overwhelmed with requests from constituents for seeds. It looks as though tha limited supply would very soon bo exhausted. Lieutenant Guy Howard of Now York Is In the city. The Sehustcr-Hax National hank of St. Toscph , Mo. , has boon approved the reserve agent for Dnwsou County National bank of Lexington. Nob. , also the Union National bank of Chicago Is reserve agent for the Northwestern National bank of Sioux City , In. Pciuir S. HiiATit. 011 'JEMI"S 'fits T1.1I OX 1" . Ho ToMa Many Things nud Sityfl lie KncrtVA Many More. WASHINGTON , Fob. 3 , Jntnos A. Owen by resumed his testimony before the silver pool investigating committee today. Ho said ho thouchtof about seven congressmen nt being interested In silver speculations. The deals were mndo through n number of banks and the silver purchased in London to "cover up their tracks. " The testimony then recurred to the conver sation with Donald , the Hnnovor bvnk : cashier. Donald , Owonby said , told him certain sen ators nnd representatives wars Interested In stiver transactions. HoofferoJ to glvo names , butPayno and Uowell made decided objec tions nud indstcdon what was said nt those conversations being given , but with the names omitted. Gates thought names should bo given , nnd Oivonby saiil ho could not properly glvo the conversations without na-ncs. About seven eongro.vnncn , ho thought , were mentioned. Donald stated that congressmen were Interested In silver , through certain u.irtlos or institutions. Tlio Fourth National and Chase National banks wcro doing dealing.1 ; for tlicso congressmen , Donald said. Donald also stated that Zimmerman and Forshay , August Belmont and Carson and Slmmonds wcro interested. Orders for silver were given them and it was bought in London to cover up their tracks. Yes , Don ald used that expression. Ho said politicians were pretty hard men to clean up after. Donald also told the witness ho got informa tion from private agents ho're , whom ho kept lu his employ. Donald saiu when ho had any doubts about mutters , lie came over nnd saw a represontati ve and also n senator with whom ho hnd close relations. Donald claimed to no interested in thcso silver transactions. The total amount of silver that was ngivcd to bo bought by persons Interested with Donald , witness said , was $1,000,000 worth. In the best of the witness' recollection sliver was bought ut 97o up to SUM. At ono llmo Don ald spolto of the sale of'silver , but did not state how much was sold. Before making these latter answer * Owenby examined slips ot paper ho carried. Payne nsked what those slips were nnd the witness said they were memoranda hu had made from some letters and telegrams from Donald , which ho handed the commit- too. Ho also .submitted a loiter from Mr. Parsons of Wells , Furgo &Co. Owonby said ills contract arrangements with Donald were verbal. Tno witness 'wo ? to give all the information ho could possibly get. His personal expenses w ro to Da paid , nud ho was to share , and share alike. \ \ lth""lho oA who'wcnt' .into the purchase.of , silver. Donald wus to carry silver for him and ngreod to carry 2.10.00,1 ounces. For his personal cxpoiisin in Washington ho drew on Donald. Donald never paid witness anything on the silver deal. Witness said Donald told him ho ( Donald ) had information of 11,000,000 , ounces of silver being purchased by the llvo banks and brokerage houses ho had named. Ho be hoved Donald named sonic of the persons for whom the purchases were made nnd the witness mentioned the nnnio of Representative Ketchum of Now York as ono of them. Ho in sisted on tills statement and again wanted to clvo names s o as to make his story clear , but Payne replied It would bo little short of nn outrage to permit the naino of any respectable man to bo given unless Iho witness hud other than hearsay testimony , Donald , Owenby said , told him that panics to the silver pool had got Into awrunglo ; that tie ( Donald ) had got out of It and. therefore , could not make anything out of it for the witness. Donald took that method of repudi ating the arrangement with the.witness. The silver purchasers sold out at ? l.l , and witness llgured lie ought lo get 15 cents nn ounce on I ! 15,000 ounces , or bottvocn $ 'ij,000 ! nudSIO,003. Owenby said ho hud also received Information from Dav id T. Littler. Hilly Hall , thoassUlantcashicrof thollnnovur uank , and J. S. Cunningham , of pardons being inter ested in nllver speculation. Tlio witness mentioned the names of persons interested nud Littler assented and also mentioned the names of congressmen. Owonby said ho had no direct personal knowledge of any congressional silver specu lation. The statement in Correspondent Slovens publication that the largest pool was ono of senators and Now York capitalists nnd that it was Interested to the extent of 7,000,000 , ounces was based by the witness principally ou statements made by Littler , who said the men wore frequenters of Chambarlaln's. Ho hnd stated to Stephens that Impecunious con gri'ssmcn were permitted to borrow money on thulr Individual notes without security for the purpose of carrying sliver. Donald cave him this information. Ho also told Stephens thatCullom , Teller , Cannon nnd other.- ! were not In the pool. Ills Rtatomcnt about Cullom was from personal knowledge. Witness went to Senator Cullom , stated ho was In terested in the silver purchase and la n polite way stillcd.a number of congressman were interested. Senator Cullom stopped him u once nnd told him tojjo no further' , trial ho ( Ciillomi had never specultitod and never would nllow any one to carry silver for him Tlio statements made in the publication by Mr. Stephens woru gone over carefully , iton by item , nnd the witness In each case Bald ho had made substantially that statement. Ad jourued. I'atciitH tii Wi'Bter.-i InvcutorH. WASIIINOTO.V , Feb. 3.-Special [ Telegram to TIIK Bin.J : Patents were granted west ern Inventors today us follows ; Wllllaip H , nnd.r. W. Hcttcndorf , Daven port , la. , machine for die rolling metals ; Da vid P. Hrown , assignorof ono-liulf to II. 'I Brown , Omaha , Nob. , brusti scraper .Utnch mont for paint palls ; Asa T. Cogswell , Hani boldt , Nob. , and S. P. Woody , Kansas City Mo. , mlnaturo billiards ; Harrison V. Conwaj lioouo , In. , combined harrow , seeder un mower ; .lames J. Uolllemoyer and C. H \Volfo , ICcoktilr , la. , educational device ; Jo sepli > V. CJnmblP , Adalr , In. , di-nft equalizer Edwin B. Knrn , , assignor of 0110 half to C. Hamilton , Brltln , S. D. , hand cutter tor and feeder ; fleorgo J. Keller , Osceola , Nob. , pump ; Frederick 'J1. ICresIngor , Port Madison , la. , agricultural fork ; Cornelius K , Leirg , . O. 0. Alexander nnd O. W. Lcgg , lunkertoii , la. , latch ; Henry (5. ( Lulsen- ring , Wayne , Neb. , syrlngo ; Talbot Lennox , Marshiiltown , la. , automatic grain binder ; John Shoargron , Burlington , In. , moat chop ping machine ; George VV. Hlawsou , Daven port , Nub. , fly fan ; Luther Smith , Cedar Falls , la. , lawn mower ! Thomas M. Stuart , Corning , la. , ear coupling ; Clie.ntor Wright , Fulrflcki , Neb , , potato digger. Tlio Gnvarnmntit Kxlilhlt. WASHINGTON , Fob. 3. Ttio Sunday civil bill , as completed l > y the house appropria tion committee makes an appropriation of 150,000 for a government exhibit ut the world's fair , $50,000 of which Is for tbb Latin- American department , The other items are for the expenses of the national commission. RELIEF FUNDS ARE INT S 'ho Senate Finance Oommlttos Agrees to Eoport Both Bills Favorably. 1AY REACH THE GOVERNOR BY THURSDAY. I'lio Iloppnl of the Sugar Itonnty Will bo IlcuomiMumlcd to the Srnnto of Ituth LI.VCOI.V , Nob. , Fob ,1. [ Special to Inn. ] Tlio two relief bills wcro roforrcd to hosoiiato linnnco TOintnlttoo this morning , Tlio commlttco mot at noon niul agreed to ccoinmciul tlio passage of both bills. They nuilo no niiimciulinctits. The1 bills will l > ( oportcd tomorrow niornliip awl probably bo ml through the cominlttoof tlio whole. They nay bo passed tomorrow nftornooti , and at all vents nro likely to bo sent to Governor Doyil ) } Thursday. Ono bill appropriates $100.000 'tit ' of tlio general futnl for tlio western Irouth sulTorcM. Tlio other provides for the sstlo nml sulo of bonds for $100,000 , tlio pro ceeds to bo used for tHe sumo purpose. As bcfo nrosoverul biiticlreil thousand dollars 11 the pertimncnt .school fund awaiting In- ostmont tlio bonds will probably bo placed vithout dolny or trouble. Tha tlimtiiio committee also Uccldoil to ra- > ort back tomorrow the bill appropriating ; r.,000 for loiMslatlvo salaries and expenses. Will Recommend lt < > ponl. LIKCOI.X , Neb. , Fob. ; ) . fSpochd to TUB BIX. ] The senate committee has ngrecil iiianimously to recommend the passage of tha )1I1 ) for the repeal of tno sugar liounty. The Icinocrats are likely to Join the independents n voting for tliu repeal , but It will be opposed i.v representatives from a , number of cities uul towns that in-o accklng beet sugar fac- .ones. Tliocoinnilttoo will report unfavorably on ho chill to compel all corporation to pay vagos weekly. In tlm Hciiate. LINCOLN , Neb. . Feb. a. [ Special to TUB $ Ki.l The senate hold a short session this riornhiR nud about nil it did was to go hroUf-'h it-s order of business nnd dispose of i few nutters hung up yosterdny. ' Switzler's resolution expressing the sense of the senate as opposed to radical changes n the interest nnd stay laws wus not allowed : o go to a voto. At its author's request It , vaa referred to tlio committee on banus und currency. Kfitidall's resolution to reconsider the vote nliowinrr reporters supplies nnd copies of bills was tabled by n vote ol ' . ' 0 to II. Tbo petition of the employes asking an , nl- ownnco of stamps and newspaper wrappers ho Maine as the senators was promptly killed. Only two bills wcro introduced , ono by wHzler embodying the Omaha charter imendinent-s , as agreed on by the delegation , nnd the other by Wilson prohibiting the snlo of cigarettes to minors under sixteen. The following resolution by Swltzlcr was adopted without dissent : volvo < l. Tluit In the dPiith of William Window , late secretary of tlio treasury , wo reconl/o the loss to Iho country of ono of ltd astern I in.'iil , statesmen. KoMilvod , That Iho sympathies of tlio sen- nlu bo hereby tendered his fuinlly nnd frteiuU. The chair announced Senators Effgloston , Mattes , ' Taylor Van Housou "and Shutnway aaJtboBtuudliifr commutes onrush. , and. garni Adjourned unhfiJrutoff.- JH * ; r'i In tlio House. LINCOLNNob. . , Feb. 8. [ Special to.T/ia / Bin. ] The following memorial from the Lincoln board of trade was adoptud : Whereas. The matterof rifllrond trunspor- tutlon Is of vital ImporUinco to tlio people of NotiriiHka ; and Wlicruas The national Kovorninont has cs- taldlsliud a harbor at Ualvcston. Tu.\ , , which Is 700 miles nearer Nebraska than Nuw Vork , and lias appropriated # 0,500.WO for the Itr- provoinoiitiif ihusaino ; anil WhcroiiK , There will bo liulil at Galveslpn from I'cbruarv ( Ho 10 a inuetliiK of duloKulna from all the Miiithurnand western states for Hie niirposuof porfccllnn urruiiKeiiicnlH for lliu Inloi-oli.uiKOuf pro.luotsutid ineiTliandlco between the sections of our country und for- ulK'i niitlons ! tlit'rofoic , Im It Itesolvod , Hy Iho board of Jrmlo of the city of Iilncoln , that wo rcApcclfully butenrnuHtly ask nnd iirui ) llioloclshituroof Nebraska , novr In Mission , to tiiiiiiedlutely appoint delSK ito4 to attend this int'otlii.r to represent and look lifter the Interests of the people lit our ntnto. In order that piopor uiK'nntauo may bu U'kon , of this splendid opportunity to eiilianco the mutorliil Interests of our people , and promote tlio general welfuro ot the stato. Wilson , of Adams , offered the followlngi Ilcsiilvud , Tliat our senators In congress bo Inslriieted to vote iinaliin. , nncl nsu all lioiior- ubio iiuians to dufoat the passnijo of tlio so- ualloil Conger lard 1)111 ) for the reason that If II Ijcoiiini'sii law , It will Inlllol. Krnatpecuniary loss upon llui euttle raisers of NoliniHka , Iteiolve I , That our ( .uiiators In conjtross bo liiHtriiuted. ami our representatives Incoa - ci-ess rciiucstt'd , to nsoail honorali'.o nioaiii by thutrliinnciice an I voles In onler to Hunuro tliu nassago ot SL'nutu 1)11111,1)1)1 ) , prepared nnd ropoiUid liy rliu i-oininltteo on agriculture of the United Status Honiito. uud known as tbo i'nddiiuk imro food 1)111. ) , Ui'solvcil , That the chief cleric ( if tlio IIOUHH bo Instriictud l trnnsinlt a eurlllloil copy of tlu"-o losolntlom to each senator ami ropro- sKiitativi ) from the stale of Nebraska , at Washington. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Swvons'of Furnas introduced the fol lowing : Whereas , Hy resolution of tlio IIIIUNO the Hpuukur appointed acdiuinlttooof two to oon- for with .ilikucoiumlttou on tlm part of the Konntu to wnlt upon thu retirlim novoruor , John M.TIiayor , asking him to dUlvor to tnis lioiiso sueh Informallim of the alt'alrB of state ( liirlmt bis torniof ollloe us Is provided for by tliu constitution ; anil. Whereas , Suld uoinmltteo has failed to report port ; tliurufore , bo It Uesolvud , That tlicy ho Inatrnuttul to report atnueo thu IUIM ; > of ilulay , and not Insult this lionsu by continued blleueu , Howe rose to a question of privilege , as a niombur of this committee , and suid tlio fault with the senators , who failed to moot tliom. McKesson , chairman of the committee , said there was nn evident misunderstanding lu the committee In regard to its duty , The resolution under which tlio committee was appointed was read. On motion of Ilowo the resolution was fin ally tabled. The committee on benevolent Institutions reported favorably on n bill by Oakley pro hibiting the harboring of boys and girls under eighteen in houses ot Ill-fume. Cnimb thought they should not be har bored there under imy ago. The commlttco on railroads made a fuvorn- blo report ou the bill Introduced by Moan to compel railroads to nuino their stations the same us tliu village or postoHlco ; also to re duce passenger faro to 'J cents per mile. Mr. Fee ( rep. ) rose to a question of privi lege nnd nlod a resolution that a list of all the employes bo furnished the member * . fitcnisdovll ( leaked to odd as to what rela tion the employes hoar to the members. The resolution was luiil on tlio tublo. Tbo following were introduced : Hv llennlclt A Joint ucsolutlon to submit to the electors of tlio state of Nebraska for their approval or rejection , an amendment to section I ol iirtk-lo T. entitled "ICIghta of Suf- fraco , " of iho constitution of the state , ro. ( { Hiring nil voter * to bo citizens of the United States , Hy Capok To Invalidate contracts of em ployers of labor from exemption from liabil ities for injuries to their employe ? while oa duly. Uy Fclkcr A bill for nn act to amend sec tion 7 of chapter 'M of the compiled statutes of Nebraska of 18SU onlllled "Klecitomt. " The house took up for final reading tbo bill Introduced by Ilowo , provldliiK that ohatwil tnortgngo.i given to secure loans lor wUiqa usurious raios or lutcroit are charged or col lected shall ho null and void , Stevens ( Ind. ) of Furnus moved to trlk out liio oimctlnir chiuso , which the gpoaUor declared out of onler. The roll wus culled ou the llual passage of