Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1891, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Movement ! of the Devotees of Dine
Fashion ,
Tlio Dancing I'nrty nt Hillside-Mrs.
1 0. I'ock'H I'rctly Kntcrtalriincnt
Utlicr Doings I'VIiluli the
Stuart U'orlil
Blr Cupid once , on I have heard.
Determined to discover
- IVhntklnd of a man a maid preferred
Selecting for a lover.
So , putting 011 a soldier's coat ,
lie tilkcd of martial glory ;
And from the way ho talked , they say
She seemed to llko the story 1
Then , with a smile sedate and grim.
Ho changed his style and station.
In shovel hat nnd gaiters trim ,
Ilomndohls visitation.
Ho talked of this , discoursed on that ,
Of Palestine and Mormon ;
Ami from Iho way he preached , they say ,
She seemed to llko- the sermon I
Then changed again , ho came to her
A roaring , ratllliM sailor ,
Ho cried : ' 'Yohol I love you so I"
And vowed hc-'d never fall her.
Ho talked of star ntm compass true ,
" * " " Tbo glories of the ocean ,
And from the way ho sang , they say ,
She seemed to like the notion !
Then Cupid , puzzled In his mind ,
Discarded his disguises ;
"That you no preference seem to find ,
My fancy much surprises. "
"Why , so ! " she cried , with roguish smile ,
"Why , prithco , why so stupid )
1 do not care what garb you wear
So long as you are Cupid ! "
AVIdlo the wcolc just past has not been
particularly remarkable for largo entertain
ments , llko its predecessor , there have been
a number of very pretty and modish affairs
which have been the talk of the smart world.
The dnnclng party nt the beautiful resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates do-
fjcrvcdly ranks hlghamong the lead Ing events
of the season , and the ultornoon tens at
Hamilton place brought out llio leaders ol
the beau monde In largo numbers. A lun
cheon or two nt the homes of several well
known society favorites gave piquancy le
the week , and afforded an opportunity foi
many of our residents to renew past friend-
( .hips and form new ones , something that is
tlwnya pleasing nnd delightful.
You rnny not know it , but the very propei
thing in thcso "tlmo bettering days , " a ;
ShnKCsncaro says , is to have your guests an
nounced , notwithstanding that the host am
hostess nre on quite good terms , with over }
guest expected.
In Now York all first class caterers now
send out "callers , " along with door opener :
and maids for the cloak rooms.
In si > ealtlng of this very pleasant custom f
Now York lady said : ' 'It's too much llki
Washington niul olllclal crushes. It's Enr
lish too you know , but ! lllto to pay my guest ;
.the compliment of recalling them withoii
having my memory stimulated by n servant , '
"That's all very well , " said her compan
ion , also often n hostess , "bu
in my cnso without their ah
I should pay many of ray very gooi
friends the poor compliment of inability t <
say their names at all. I really couldn't go
through an 'nt homo.1 creditably if doprlvoi
of this assistance. I find great difficulty h
making names fit faces nnd in tbo constantl ;
arriving throng 1 ahould fret hopelessly con
fused If things wore not arranged for mo. "
The only inslanco we recall of annouuclni
guests in ( Jmaha , was at the reception tendered
dorod Hon. . Hussoll A. .Algor last summer b'
Hon. John M. Thurston. Then Major T. 3
Clnrkson ofllcmtcd in the capacity of "caller' '
and knowing everybody almost in llio city
ho made Mr. and Mrs. Tlmrstou'n duties pai
tlcularly light.
It is a very pleasant custom and w
look forward to the tlmo when It wl
be the custom In tbls metropolis of the nortl
The London Graphic prophesies that th
fashion of wedding rings for the husban
will rapidly become popular. It is an lime
cent fashion enough and might sometime
prevent nwkwnrrt mistakes. Dutiful hut
bands , unaccompanied by tholr wives , -wotil
not Inadvertantly have the nlr of being ga
bachelors , thus lending the ether BOX to Ios
valuable time. Of course , when a ma
wishes to pass himself olT as unmarried d <
signing persons nro'sonictimos guilty of tbl
Impropriety n mere linger ring would be n
obstacle. It would have to bo a nose rinf
nnd tbls fashion is unlikely over lobe-con
thovoguo. Ilowover.lf married men wish I
wear wedding rings ihero is nothing to pn
vo.nt them. Some busbunds seem to like the
domestic stnttis to bo known as. widely i
possible ; people have been known to talk i
their children to strangers.
What kind of paper do you use ? Tlio vci
latest is card-like In shape , being thoordlnai
notu size , but not doubled. It is'tolcrab ]
stiff nnd a palo gray , mid your cipher mui
bo wrought in gold nt tlio top of it , whi
your aduress Is hi gold at the foot of tl
sheet. This is written on with whlto in !
atvl in Ihe largest uanu-wrillng imaginabl
The sheet goes into Iho envelope withoi
folding , nnd when the letter comes to you
looks line an onicia ! document. A mcsscngi
boy can't ' got It Into his pocket , so ho usual
marks It with hand decorations. Thopoa
man can't strop It m with his other letter
BO ho carries it by itself , nnd considers you
great swell to get it , and thu person wl
wrote U somebody with moro money than 1
has. Nobody over makes a mistake In wr !
ing oti plain white paper that folds once ,
The Vales Dnmiiui ; I'nrty.
"Hillside. the very beautiful homo ol M
nnd Mrs. Ilcnry W. Vnto * , situated on Da
onnort street and Thirty-second , was t
sccno Tuesday evening of the handsome
dancing party given this season , In honor
IMlss Yules and Miss Dessle Yates ,
Thoroughly Komanesquo in nrclntectui
this house of ono of Omaha's promlnc
bankers , Is pointed out to thustrangor with
our gates as the representative mansion
thu city , and not without reason , for it wou
bean ornament to any eastern city whi
limy bonst of beautiful liomoa.
Intorlorally the residence Is quite In kec
Ing with Its prevailing style of archltcctui
I'hn largo , square hallway i panelled inoc
Tlio lartjo stone mantel extending from Ik
to ceiling gives nn imposing npixarnnco
the hall , wlillo wide oaken sialrs nnd the b
cony which iirojects from the second land !
remind ono lor nil the world of the plctui
jTOW and then seen of Komun Interior * .
The decorations , which were a cliarml
f calm-oof the occasion , were in pink. Up
the innnlols In the drawing room and libra
plants stood In pots , these pots being (
closed In tissue coverings prctlllv tied wi
] lk ribbons , and bunches of La Franco ro ;
itmced in prominent places gave nn add
beauty to the scene. Thu dining room tal
gave n tropical tinge lo the ontcrtnlnmc
being luxuriantly decorated with fruits a
plant * from the south land. Hoses and fer
were Interspersed throughout the roan
everything being on a scale of magnified
seldom seen In tbo west which has alrea
Hindu u reputation for lavish display.
The Musical Union orchestra stationed
the music room Interspersed fho dance mn
with x number of concert sotccllous , the i
cclloiu'oot Iho inuslo being particularly
marked ,
Mrs. Vutes received her guests In a beai
ful gown of blncu lace , prettily trimmed.
MissYuttts were u handsome costume
blue tulle trimmed with whlto hyacintb
which became her delicate beauty wend
fully well.
iMlss Bosslo Yntcs were yellow 8
trimniixl with Huttings of yellow , ( i
MiKs Orchard , fresh from her trlumpb
Knoxville , Tenn. , wore a modish gown
yellow crepe , deml train , very simply ma
but none tLo less directive. Yellow slljin
\ nnd she carried a beautiful bunch of roses
Miss \ \ illlams , who u ono of the be !
this \vlnlor , were a pretty mousselllno do
Bolro , whllo she \voro as n glrdlo nn oiTcctlvo
arrangmnontof sinllax nnd carnations.
MUs Wakcloy appeared In a pretty costume
of whlto silk trimmed onoctlvcly with
pans lea ,
Miss Doanco \ \ has stood tbo season's
round remarkably well , sot oft a combination
dress ot whllo Bilk and not , wearing rod
roses In her lialr and carrying a bouquet ot
the same flowers.
Miss Curtis wore a retelling gown of white
net trlmmod with forget-me-nots.
Mrs , Hill , whlto satin and laeo majo In the
style of the empire ,
Miss Murray , n very pretty , potlto blondo.
graced n costume of bright bluu clilnn sltic
tnado with soft shlrrmgs of the same
Miss Carter , blue cropc niado Grecian
style , full draperies nnd carries a beautiful
bunch of white row ) .
Miss Mabel Smllli , whlto moussolhno do
solro trimmed with whltoallk mulle.
Mist Nash were a prottv pink nun's veilIng -
Ing trimmed with lavender , high nccit aud
lonif sleeves ,
MlsiIIibbard , black crepe trimmed with
yold ptmomcntorlo.
The following were the guests who were
fortunate enough to bo present nt tills , the
crowning dancing party of the year : Mr.
nnd Mrs. Alfred Mlllard , Dr. and Mrs. Gil
ford , Mr. and Mrs. Richardson , General and
Mrs. Uowln , Mrs , Rollins , Mrs. Hodlclc , Gen-
cral and Mrs. LJruoko. Mrs. Hill , Mrs. Scoblo
of at. Louis , Mrs. Mnthcion , Mr.
and Mrs. William H. I'oppleton ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. L.cvl Carter , Mr. nnd Mr * . J.
N. H. Patrick , Mlw Summers. Miss Naih ,
Miss Williams , Miss AVoolworth , Miss Amos ,
Miss Orcluird , Miss Lull r a Honolulu ) , Miss
Wymaii. Wl Smith , Miss MuCord , Miss
Kir.ilyvakeley , Miss Uoauo , Miss Norrls of
St. Louls , Miss Carter , Miss Leola Carter ,
Miss Shears , Miss Murray , MUs Curtis ,
Miss Knight Miss Hlbbard , Mr. Saunders ,
Mr. Shears , Mr. Hnrtou , Mr. Hamilton , Mr.
Kennedy. Mr. Turner. Mr. Uralco , Mr.
Harlow , Mr , Clifford Smith , Mr. A. O. Smith ,
Mr. Hodges , Mr. I'utrlck , Mr. J. K. Patrick ,
Mr. AVyninn , Mr. Will \Vyman , Mr.
Mr. How , Mr. ( lulon , Mr. llorlin , Mr. Fairfield -
field , Mr. Couichlin , Mr. Jordan , Mr. Cragln.
Orclinrd'WiiliiHt Hill U'hlst Club.
The third mooting of the Orchard-Walnut
Hill club was held at the cojy rmldonco ol
Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Noely on West Hamilton
street last Saturday evening. High ilvo had
been chosen as tbo game to bo played on this
occasion , there being presont'unough for six
tables. After a spirited contest of ntmosl
three hours tbo nonors were awarded to Mrs
E. It , Perfect and Mr. II. B , Coryoll , the con
solatlon prizes being carried away by Mrs
W. G. Toinploton and Mr. 0. IJ. Noodhain.
A dainty lunch was served in tbo course ol
the evening , doing much credit to the host
ess. The following members and guest ;
were' present : Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Austin
Dr. nnd Mrs. It.V. . Hailoy. Mr. and Mrs. II
H. Coryell , Mr. and Mrs. K. U. 1'erfect , Mr
nnd Mrs. A , 13. Carpnnicr. Mr. nnd Mrs. U
F. Fngnn , Mrs. U K\ Weeks and Mr. W. C !
BoVui. Guests : Mr. nnd Mrs.V. . O. Temple
ton , Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Noedliam , Mr. and
Mrs. Charles 13 Johannes , Mrs. J. IT1. Wag
n r , Dr. Kern and Misses Johns.
A Church Hoclil. :
On Thursday evening of this week thi
young people of Beth-Eden Baptist churcl
held asoclnl In the church parlors , In spiti
of the bad condition of the streets , makini
podostrianlsin anything but ngreeahlo , thor
was qulto a gathering out. Tbo stay-at
homes missed a rare literary nnd inusica
treat. During the evening a very plcasan
programme was glvon , consisting of an orgni
solo rendered by Mr. Cole In n very pleasini
manner. Hecitatlonsby MIssBulch , ayouni
elocutionist of no little merit , two thorougnl :
cnjoynblo vocal selections by Mrs. Stnitl
and selected readings by Mr. Charles 1 <
Drcxcl. Later something more substantin
was ollored In n delightful little lunch serve
by the young ladles of the church. It migb
bo said thcso monthly social gatherings o
the young people of this church are becomin
quite a popular feature in tbelr end of th
city. _ _
Daisy's Valentine.
Ho may bo true. Yet , Daisy- dear ,
That oven youth grows colder
You'll find Is no now thin ? , L fear ;
And when you're somewhat older ,
ITou'll ' read of one Dardanian hov
Who "wooed with gifts" a maiden coy
Then took the morning train for Troy
In spite of all ho'd told her. *
Ijiincliocm and HlgliFlvc.
On Wednesday Mrs. Albert Heller gave n
afternoon luncheon and highllvd to some <
her numerous friends , in honor of Mrs. Si
Lewis of San Francisco , who is visiting h (
sister , Mrs , M. Ilollman nnd other relative
In this city. The tluio was spent In cai
playing , chatting , jesting nnd partaking <
the rich menu set before them by tl :
Hostess. Tbo first prize , nn elegant oll\
dish , was won by Mrs. J. Lobman ; tl
second , a handsome cup and saucer , by Mr
S. Lewis , nnd the booby prize , a doll's nurs
ing bottle , by Mrs. U. Hillcr. Mrs , Helli
will glvo another liiehlivo party on 1103
Thursday. Those invited were : Mosdanu
S. Lowls , M. Hollman , S. Itace , C. Klrsl
braun , Ij. Klrshbrnun , S. Suhlcsiinrcr ,
Obcrfolder , 13. Newman , Aaron Cnhn , I
Uosewator , 13. Seligsohn. Max Meyer , A
Meyer , Moritz Meyer , .Teanetto Meyer , I
Uohfohl. I. Fisher , F. Adler , G. Becker , !
lUatb , A. I'olak , S. Katz , A. Jncnbson , Lou
Holler , Leopold Heller. H. Jllllor , H. I
Grotto , S. Ilorcman , I ) , KohnJ. L. Braudcl
J. Lobman.
Mr. n'icl Sirs. Puck Kiitrrtnln.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd P. Peckentcrtalnod qul
a number of Omaha's society ladles and ge
tlomea with a charming high five party
their residence , 17'J4 D.ivonuort street ,
When the guests were nil assembled ea <
was presented with a small round Japane
basket Illloil with roses. At the completion
each game Ihe winners weio presented wl
' pinks , which they placed hi their basket f
tallies. At the rounding up of the game the
who had played most cleverly had quite
basnet full of carnations , The prizes , ah
were all In the form of sonio llower , the lit
being won by Airs. Thurston and Mr. Hark
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Hill. Tbo boobv priz
were In the form of paper popples and we
r.r . won by Mrs. Barker nnd Mr. Funkhousor.
r- The guests enjoying the hospitality ot ft' '
10 and Mrs. Peck were Judge and Mrs. Thui
10a ton , Air. and Mrs. II. 11. Hingwalt , Mr. n
Mrs , Morse , Mr , and Mrs. Vllos , Mr. a
Mrs. Gaylord , Mr. Mid Mrs. Funkbousi
Mr. nnd Sirs. Charles Green , Mr. and M
Chnso , Mr , and Mrs. Hill , Mr. nnd M
It Barker , Mr. and Mrs , William Wallace , IN
ill and Mrs. W. V. Morse , Mr. and Mrs. C.
Jf Yost , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mlllard , Mr. n
Idh Mrs. liarkulow , Mr. and Mrs. Kainsor , A
: h and Mrs. IScnnctt , Mr. nnd Mrs. Contai
Mr. and Mrs. Stebblns , the Misses Mlllai
Lyons , Bishop nnd Mr. J.andor.
] | | H Demurrer ,
"Send mo a simple rose to tell your levi
toLl she said.
Llic And ho milted , " 1 think I'll ' semL/i note
ic stead ;
Foruoto and postage cost butonoimalldli
all told ,
Whllo roses cost today just twice tholr well
> n In gold. "
"Tno I/lull" / Meetings.
111 At the lust mooting of "Tho Club , " wh
Ml CS was hold at the Llnlngcr art gallery and I
10 sided over by Mr. Frank U Hallor , Mr. J <
'V ' 11033 road an excellent and exhaustive pa |
id on "Money. " Mr. Hess had evidently sp <
is consldemblo thno in the preparation of
COin IS , paper , and the result wua that ho was able
give his auditors a moss of Information
this subject , couched m very attractive 1
in guago. Ho also gave a concise opltomoof '
inx financial policy of the United States sli
re- tbo year 1789. At the close of his paper
was greeted with a burst ot hearty and wi
ti- deserved applause.
otis Mr. John Wilson Buttlti performed
duties of secretary on this occasion. At
is ,
ir- next mooting , which takes place Mont
evening , the Sd ln t , , a paper on "The ]
ilk glish Drama and the Shiikcspcarean Pla ;
Id will bo road by a member of tbo local pri
Tlio beautiful an gallery In which th
inof meetings of "Tho Club" take place has b
of entirely renovated , the sldo walls be
le , painted a rich maroon color and the arcbc
jrs l ompollan yellow with gold leaf mouldlt
A canopy has been hung under the sky 11
ies to cut on the direct light from the eye i
throws U on the pictures. All the pictures
hav'o been ruhtniR and all copies excluded , so
that every picture now In the gallery is an
original. Among ether additions to the col
lection are six now pain tings from the Omaha
art exhibit , Just closed , which was held In
the 1) M. Stceto building , nnd twenty-two
gems just received from the center of art ,
Naples , Italy. Tin ) gallery I' open to the
public all day on Sunday and every Thurs
day , nnd Is free.
The queen of Shcba , so folks say ,
In coins nnd jewels had all things ;
I'll ' bet an cai ; ! ' ) to a jay
No baseball diamonds came her way
Or saw Just circus rlugs.
CclebrntliiEf Her Natal Iar
Monday was n glad day for the friends ot
llttio Lily Nltrn Chase , who celebrated her
sixth birthday by entertaining nt the home of
her grand parents , 'JWl Hurt street , with her
aunt's nislstanco. Her schoolmates of the
Omaha kindergarten , Davenport street , In
charge of Miss Kvelyn Orlffoth , and her Sun
day school classmates of llio Second Presby
terian churcb on Saundcrs street , with tbelr
teacher , Mrs. Anderson , with many other
friends , were present. The house was
gnyly decorated with bright ribbons
and overirreens. A beautiful tree
hnnglng between the spacious parlors nt-
tiMcted special attention from the little folks ,
being loaded down with candy bas and
ornnges , The company was entertained bv
songs and recitations and the nrotty circle
games of the kindergarten ctilldrcn. The
little whlto-robed horotno of the day , sur
rounded by lovolv presents , niado the center
of n picture worthy of tbo brush of nn artUt.
Intense interest marked the little faces nt
the lighting up of tbo birthday cake uuil
as Mrs. Angel lit the central tapur for
the coming year all wished little Nina
every Joy. Among the children present
were : Oracle McMillan. Lnvinla Craft ,
Myra Anderson , Alma Cl.illln , Lyda Kdmls-
ton , Walton Woolly , Adcllna Fauan , Amy
Martin , Fannlo French , Ira McICclvey.
Frances UHoy. Ethel \Varo , Mauit MeCagu e ,
Marguerite Caldwell , Lillian KichnrdsonVll \ -
soMcLaln , Uottio Hunter , Frances Murphy ,
Gladys Hayncs , Itlsloy Haynes , James "Dot-
weller. Jay DlcUoy , Jesslo Cutler , Mlnnlo
Mo/er , Herbert Mevor. Viola Calm , Amelia
Ciitlln , May Scollard , Joey Bullard , Madgo
llullnnl. May Oberfelder. Morton Ilurvoy
Frank Slmpsou , Maggie King , Annlo Hun
ter , Florence Murphy and Cyrus Bowinii.
The I'roinniuide.
A'cm Yitrlt Herald ,
The music for the promenade
Began to fill the null ,
And by Its sweetness slowly lured
The "flower" from the wall.
CHo fnmc and stood beside her ,
And his .supplication niado ;
Ho asked to bo her partner
In the hazy promemde.
She bowed assent nnd half arose ,
Then settled down again ,
With a look of mingled misery ,
Koprouchfulncss and pain ,
"Won't you rise ! " ho then besought her ,
But beseeching was In vain ,
Till she murmured , "I should like to ;
Won't ' you please get oft my train 1"
I'lonsnnt Churuli F.iitertiilnm Mit.
The entertainment clvon at Washington
hall Thursday evening by the King's Daugh
ters of All Saints church was a very enjoy-
nblo one nnd resulted in a financial success
that placed a neat sum in the treasury of the
organization. Over 8100 worth of tickets
were sold , aud the purchasers very largely
The programme , which was well arranged ,
opened with a tambourine drill by sixteen
misses dressed in whlto , and led by Miss
Mattie Hothwell anil Miss Fay Colo. 'Tuo
drill wai very creditably executed.
Miss Alice Howcll recited "Searching foi
the Slain. " Miss Howell Is a young lady of
ilno stage presence nnd more than ordinary
elocutionary ability , and her recitation was
well received.
Messrs. Max Lentz nndT. J. Ponnell gave r
violin and 'cello duet , with piano accompani
ment by W. S. Marshall.
Mrs. Heel recited "Tho Sick. King" in
pleasing manner.
In conclusion the cantata , "Tho Musical
Flowers , " was presented , by Mr. Ponnell ,
chorister of All Saints , and ok'ht members ol
tils choir. The parts were taken as follows
Daisy-Mrs. . S. Marshall.
Pansy Dick Welly.
Hose Frank Manchester.
IJuttorcup Miss Daisy Iligglns.
Tulip-Charles Ball.
Lily-John GUI.
SUP llower John McKwlng.
Man-ln-tho-Moon Walter Dalo.
Gardener T , J. Ponnell ,
The participants wert > stationed behind r
scenic curtain , on which also appeared tlu
ilowers , the faces of the singers forming th <
center of the ( lowers. Several catchy songs
solos and choruses wore sung.
The affair passed off very pleasantly am
rcllcctod much credit on the young Indies o
the society under whose auspices It wa
Luncheon for MiHS MuCnril.
Quito out of the ordinary was the lunchcoi
enjoyed by Mrs. A. C. Wakcloy , Mrs. Hen
jnmm Smith , Mrs. Bennett , Mrs. McCtortl
Mrs. W. B. Millard , MM. Rollins , Mrs. Yos1
Mrs. Kichardson , Mv3. Morris , Airs. Mors
man and the Misses Amos , Yates and Smltt
on Tuesday last given bv Mrs. Ooorgo E
Prltchett fn honor of Miss McCord of SI
Joseph. Between the courses were passe
slips of paper on which were written miotr
tlons , each guest trying to place the mitlio
of the couplet on her card. Miss Ames name
correctly cloven of the authors thus winnin
the tirst prize , whllo Mrs. W. H. Millar
took tbo second prize. After the lunchco
tto guests assembled in tno drawing room
when n game of character study was lntr <
ducod , each woman being given a card coi
taining fourteen questions , from the answet
all were asked to guess the writer. Mr :
Morseman coming off winner by bavin
guessed the greatest number of charactoi
and was given a handsome prize.
Kounlx.i 1'lauu I'layH Ilull Fivn.
TboKountzo I'laco High Five club wa
entertained by Mr. nnd Mrs. Geonjo I
Flshor nt their charming residence , lK (
Loth top street , on Friday evening. Th
r rooms were very prettily decorated with cv
( lowers , which , covering the mantels , bool
cases , sideboard , etc. , together with tl :
brilliant illuminations and all the cosy nn
handsome appointments of the house , pr
ducod n ni9st plcaslngoffect. Aftortho gam <
n most delightful luncheon was served I
the hostess and a most enjoyable tlmo wi
had by all present ,
The genileman's prize , a handsome papi
knife , was carried away by Mr. D , C. Du
bar , whllo tbo ladles' ' prize , a delicate !
engraved silver spoon , was taken by Mrs ,
I1 , Hay , for the second lime Ibis season ,
Tbo following Is n list of the niombo
nnd guesls present : Members : M
nnd Mrs. Hay , Mr , nnd Mrs. Dlui
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley , Mr. ni
Sirs. Dunbar , Mr. and Sirs. Kdmlston , M
and -Mrs , Fowler , Mr. and Mrs. Gibson , M
and Mrs. Jaynes , Mr. and Mra. Low Is , Ml
Llpps , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrio , Mr , and Mi
Mlnnban , Mr. and Mrs. Shields , Mr. in
Mrs. Van Court. Guests : Mr. Burdlck , si
Mr. Burdlck , Jr. , Mr. and Sirs. Htiymon
th Sir. nnd Mrs. Tnte , Mrs. Captain ItoynolO
the Sirs. Kildreth. Mr. C. Klshor , Miss McCa
e- Sliss Miles.
cr The Unity Club Meeting.
nt Victor Hugo's masterpiece , "Los SHs <
ils ablos , " was the subject of discussion alt
to Friday night meeting of the Unity club ,
tom largo audicnco gathered in splto of the stoi
and were abundantly repaid for their trout
nao by the masterly paper of Hov. Mr. Mann ,
co which bo sketched the career of the or
lie great French pool from his remarkable cbl
II- hood to the marvellous height attained
his old ago. The work was manifest
ho alaoorof love on the part of Mr. Mann , w
said what perhaps no American and f <
ho Frenchmen can sayviz. . , that ha had ro
ay everything bo could find written by Hui
Ins" Ills conclusion attor this exhaustive study
s" the author Is that ho Is greatest as a pocl
99. In which capacity America knows but lit of him , because ho Is untructublo and mo
cu over , not only the greatest French poet , L
ng In the opinion of tup wrltor of the paper p <
i a haps the greatest of poets.
13. This splendid paper was followed by
ht short but Interesting study of the charactt
nd In the first part of ttio atory of "Lea SIIsi
ttble.V by Sir. Fowler , Attar which a general
discussion ot the story-was participated in.
The same subject will bo continued at the
next meeting ot the novel section of this
club , whlcii occurs FeUrunry 1U.
filnrringcs < > ! ' tlio Week.
Thomas A. McDonald of Hastings nnd Miss
Dorn Slewblrtcrof this city were married by
Hev. T. K. Crntnblot , Tuesday evening at 213
South Twenty-ninth avenue. The young
couple left at once for Hastings , whcro they
will make their future home.
Mr. Harry Halo and Miss Emma Ilnmmnn
were married on Wednesday night , January
SJ. nt the residence of the bride , 2010 Grant
street. The ceremony was performed by
Hev. J. P. D. Lloyd.
Mr. Jnmos Crulcktbnnk nnd Miss Eflle
Hiilncs of North Omaha were united hi mar
riage last Thursday night nt 9 p , m. nt tbo
Church of the Good Shepherd by the rector.
Hov. J. P. D. Lloyd.
Die Clcol'an.
Under thU title , the word "Cleofan" being
the good old Saxon for club , nn organisation
has been formed , which Is the culmination of
Sirs. W. H. Hnncbott'solTorti ' as a teacher
of Knglish history.
For several years the Indy hai conducted
a class or two tnrough the mazes
of Knglish history , nnd ns her classes
have grown each season tnoro popular
she conceived the Idea of forming a closer or
ganization than a more class.whlch eventually
might grow to bo ns famous as tbo Woman's
club In Grand Haplds , Mich. The subject
wa broached to the leaders of her English
history class early in tbo season , aim a short
time ago the constitution nnd by-laws were
adopted , thus forming ino nucleus of n wo
man's club ,
One section ot tno constitution provides
that members shall pay an initiation fee of
, " > , and yearly dues to the amount of $1 , pay
able quarterly. All the business of the club
is vested in conunlUco of censors composed
of seven members , llio officers nnd three
others elected by the organization consti
tuting the committee.
Yho club meets every Wednesday morning
In tbo Pythian ledge rooms opposite the pub
lic library , and this Is a great help for all tbo
members who Hud it necessary to spend n
good deal of time In tbo library , especially
when preparing their papers , which are read
every two weeks.
Mrs. Hanchett disavows any attempt to
teach history , but on the contrary she says
she gives only the outlines , which act as
helps to a more Intelligent reading of the sub
ject now under consideration by "ThoCleo-
fan. "
Tbo members are enthusiastic nnd they
study tholr lessons like children at
schools , with the Idea of having to stand an
examination upon the periods covered "at
stated times. The class lias completed the
Celts , the Homans and the Picts aud Scots ,
tlio Saxons , and will take up tno house of the
Plaiitagenets ut the next meeting. It is
hoped to complete the whole history of the
English jwoplo down to the present by the
limb spring is fully established in Omaha.
The authorities used are llumo , Froudo ,
Knight , Greene , ITalbun's "Middle Ages , "
Blackstone nnd Shakespeare for certain his
torical characters ,
The founder of the club has been greatly
interested In all that would tend to the higher
development , of her sex and her worlc Is con
tributed to "Tbo Cleofan" con amoro.
The olllcoi-s of the now organization nro :
President , Airs. Goo. Clousor ; vice-president ,
Mrs. It. C. Moore ; secretary , Mrs. M. H.
Kisdon ; treasurer. Airs. Geo. Nattlniror.
The membership Is composed of the following
ladles : Slesduines Bullittgom , F. N. Jaynes ,
Buchanan , Gardner , Haj'tics , Lcavenworth ,
13. S. Dundy , Kvnns , Gco. Clouscr , Nattlngcr ,
A. J. Simpson , Geo. DamnnvV. . O. Sloan ,
M. C. Mchols , K. C. Sloore , M. K. lilsdon ;
Miss Ilnttlo Hawley , Sllsfe Crozlcr , Mrs. Goo.
J. Gilbert , Mrs. W. F ; 'Allen , Sirs. James
Vilcs , jr. ; Mrs. C. C.J Hughes , Mrs. Geo.
Kelley , Mrs. / . T. Llndscy.
Tbo organization is not exclusive by any
means ana members nro desired.
* * *
Mr.nml Mrs.Oilbcrt's Iliuli Five Party.
Mr. nnd Sirs. Gcorgo. S ; , Gilbert were as
sisted by Sliss Hartmau , Miss .StcClolliiud ,
Miss Mnblo Pratt and 'Mits ' Clark Gilbert hi
oiitcrtainingiata delightful high five party
on Friday opening , 'Mr. and Mrs. , ' Whitney ,
Mr. and Sirs' . ' \y. \ V , Morse , Mr , 'and Mrs.
Wcssols , Mr. nnd Mrs. 'Stobblns , "Mr. nnd
Mrs. Pratt , Mr. and Mrs. Turner , Sir. and
Mrs. W. F. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Ames , Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker , Sir. and Mrs.
Branch , Sir. arid Mrs. Bennett , Sir. nnd Mrs.
Hill , General and Mrs. Brooko. Sir. nnd Mrs.
Catlln , Sir. nnd Mrs. Cornish , Mr. and
Mrs. Cowin , Mr. and Mrs. Horbach ,
Mr. and Sirs. SlcKenna , Sir. and Mrs. J. N.
II. Patrick , Mr. and Sirs. Paxton , Mr. aud
Mrs. Wakelov , Sir. and Sirs. Kennedy , Sir.
nnd Sirs. Hlchasdsou , Mr. nnd Sirs. Howard
Smith , Mr. nnd Sirs. Thurston , Sir. nnd Mrs.
Webster , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Clark Jones ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrtman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dundy ,
Mr , nnd Sirs. Penbody , Miss Fooa nnd Miss
Itnto Fees , After rolreshmcius , which were
particularly pleasing , In keeping with Mrs.
Gilbert's well known reputation as a hostess ,
prizes were awarded to Mrs. Hill , Sir ,
Branch and Mr. Augustus Pratt.
Two Very Prolty Tons.
Mrs. Charles W. Hamilton and her' sister ,
Mrs. T. B. Cuming , gave. . two very charming
Kensingtons Wednesday and Thursday after
noons of this week , nt iheir residence Hnmll
ton Place , Twentieth and Leavouwortl
The decorations were especially pretty
roses predominating. The house Is flllot
with rare pictures nnd marbles which Mrs
Cuming acquired during a long residence h
foreign countries. Probably In no home
In Omaha can ono rcalizo inori
fully what Is meant by tbo old schoo
I In the matter of entertainment thai
i at the house of Mrs. Hamilton nnd Mrs
Cumlne. They nro lavish In their warn
hearted , generous hospitality , nnd ono in
stnntly feels on entering Hamilton place tha' '
hero is found that , southern grace which U t <
bo found so rarely odlsido the first fiuiilllo :
of the south.
Assisting the hostesses la the sorvlco of refreshments
froshments , were Sirs. C.Vill Hamilton
Miss Hamilton , Sllss Mno Hamilton nnd Mis :
Curlis. The guests present on Wednesday
nnd Thursday were Slesdamos .foe Harkcr
Sam'l ' Burns , Hulsc , Slercer , Berry , Smith
( Jowln , Colpotzor , UuBols , Turner , Dai
\Vnoelcrsr. , Doano , Wnkeloy , Brown , Cor
nisb ; Broatch , Briggs , Thurston , Meredith
Denlso , Daniel Brown , 0. M , Carter , Cou
taut , H. H Smith , Uobcirt Clnrkson. Linln
ger , W. V. Morse , SlcKenna , Yost , Pritehell
Huatln , Wallace. Dan Wheeler Jr. , WI1
Hedlck , Kd Baum , Dr. Smith , Arthui
\Vakoley , Estabrooke. Cuaso , Keller , Hnllei
Miss Cannlo E. Curtis of California. Mos
dames. S. S. Curtis , dowry , Douol , llodlck
and Barkalow.
A Pupils' .Jlpcitnl.
Programme to bo eiA'fln by the pupils c
Mr. Fred S. Kobblns / i 4tho Llningor ni
gallery , Wednesday evening , February 4.
( a ) r.tudo ( Op. 10. No. 12) . , , ; , ' . Ohopl
MIsHLvnu Curtis.
( h ) Per' . . WuKnor-Sohwnli
JIUs '
( o ) Sonatlno ( O | > . 'M , No. BT.v . Clemen
Hunrlclta Hcos.
( Henrietta has had wodt equal only lo ub'/i
a year and a half. ) ) dw
( a ) SOUK Without Words fljo. 2 , Hoik 1) ) .
Sllss Luoy Urpflorlck.
( e ) Duett ( SpanlschoTttilrK Nos.1 and ! ) . . . ,
. . ' . lull . Moizkows'
.Mulilo lloyd , Annlo McDowell.
( f ) Serenade . , , . . . . ICrocgi
SINs Ciifj Is.
( a ) SonalaQp. ( 13 Vnthatjann ) . Heethovi
Miss May V MIller.
( bTromolo. ) . . . . . . . . . . ; , ; . : . Oottscha :
MLss Mablo Cotton
( o ) Etude ( Op. 10. Nn. 3) ) . . . . . . . . . . . Chop
MUs l.lzzlo Llddcll ,
( d ) Eron Bong . Isldor Bo'
Mr. Fred J , Adams.
( Mr. Adams has iiad In all thirty-eight lo
sons ; le s than six months practice.
( o ) The dairies . KlUloy Aront !
Ilulcn Adama.
( This little lady lias had In all four terms <
twenty Irssoni. )
( f ) 1'asquluudo . , . Gottscha
MUs Miller.
A Prrtty Yellow Inuiohenn.
Sllss Fanulo Coburn , revived pleasa
momorlos of "yo olden times" by Inviting
number of her friends , who have figured
the social circles of tbo city for several sc
sons , to n yellow luncheon Friday aftcrr.o-
at her residence 2023 Vobstor street. SII
Coburn was assisted by her slater , Mrs. S. i
V. Grlswold.
The decorations were very dainty ai
pretty , the dining room ospoctnlly calling out
many pleasant words. The center piece was
of llnon , embroidered In yellow silk. A huco
china bowl occupied n place on the cloth ,
filled to the brim with jonquils. At each
plato wiw placed a yellow rose for the guests ,
wlnlo the nllvor sorvlco waa tied with yellow
ribbon. The guests wore ! MUses Hoag-
Iwid. Laura Hoaglnnd. Mary Ludlugton ,
Mrs. Dr. Smith , Miss Nclllo Hall , Miss
Burns , Sliss Lyonhorgor , Miss Htitchlnson ,
Miss Slargnrot Williams , Sirs. Chambers ,
nee Miss Emma Field , and Sllss Browu.
B. Peck's Pretty Luncheon.
Thursday at 1 Sirs. Ed Peck gave ono of
the prettiest luncheons of the season. The
house was elaborately decorated with daffo
dils , jonquils nnd narcissus , In the dining
room the flowers were particularly numer
ous nnd artistically arranged. The re
freshments were served at both
largo nnd small tables , the center pieces
of silk worked In colors , the bouquets cor
responding In color to the hand wrought cen
ters. There were nn endless number of
courses almost , nnd the guests who were
representatives of the smart world , were en
thusiastic In praise of Sirs. Peck's success.
Among the guests were : Slesdainei Clark-
son , Kllpatrlck , Miss Norrls , Slosdainos
Sleday , .r. , f. Brown , Burns , Llnlnger , Till-
son of Illinois , Lewis Heed , Hitchcock , Joe
Barton , Cotton , lion Wood , Hlllman , Levi
Carter , Sllss Carter , Mrs. Mulr , Sliss Leo.
Sirs. Homlngton , Sirs. Harry McCormlck.
.Mr. niul .Mrs. HIMIHOII'B Card I'nrty.
Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the
weather tlio Dundee high live club had what
might bo cnllod n rod letter evening at the
spacious homo of Sir. and Mrs. E. A. Benson
Friday night. The largo number present
testified most decldodly what a social success
the club has proved. The largo billiard room
brought the seven tables Icto closer prox
imity , thereby Increasing the merriment and
enjoyment. After very delicious refresh
ments were served the prizes were given.
Sirs. W. Murphy carried off In triumph a
glass rose bowl filled with choice llowors.
Sir. T. Smith won a bottle of line porfumo.
Sirs. II. II. llonson received a lone sllppor In
china ns a consolation. Mr. W. II. Hancock ,
who had won several ilrst prizes , was obliged
to accept a booby in the shape of a small
sized minstrel show. Sllss Clurkson was a
guest for the evening.
Mr. niul Mrs. Murphy I'Jiitortnln.
Sir. nud Sirs. SI. T. Siurphy gave a very
pleasant high live party at tbelr cosy Homo
on North Twentieth street Tuesday evening.
After the cards elegant refreshments were
Sirs. Thomas Godfrey received the first
prize , a very handsome drape , and Mr. Will
O'Slmughnessy a beautiful vase. The booby
prizes , a bisque ornament and Jiick-in-tho-box ,
were awarded to Sirs. Jerry Whalen and' Mr.
A. Housor.
Amonir the guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Mufllt , Sir. and Sirs. Herman
Dclss , Sir. and Mrs. A. Housor. Sir. nnd Mrs ,
Thomas Duly , Mr. and Mrs. Victor Morwin ,
Sir. and Mrs. Hayes , Sir. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Godfrey , Mesdames Whnlen , Hannobery nnd
Hawley , Miss Hawley , Sir. Will O'Shaugh-
uossyand Slastor ilcnry Hannoberry.
Ail Angllnir 1'aity.
An angling party In midwinter is an artis
tic novelty , and though the ponds were con
fined to tables nnd outing costumes were sup
planted by full dross , the affair glvon by Mrs.
S. J. Flshor to Miss Bloom's friends was de
lightful. Every detail was perfect and twenty
couples were charmingly entertained. Mr.
Ed. Wcsscl , nn excellent nnglerr won the
royal prize , a silver topped blotter ; Miss
Llllio Newman , a silver pin tray. Mr. Alex
Wesscl and Miss Bonus carried off second
favors. Tlio gay thno enjoyed by all Is an
other proof of 'Sirs. Fisher's charming hos
pitality and Sliss Bloom's capacity as hostess.
Doud'H Ten.
Mrs. Eli II. Doud , Twenty-third and II
streets , South Omaha , served tea to a com
pany of lady friends Thursday afternoon.
Those present were : Mesdames D wight L.
Holmes , .lames C. Cnrloy , Ooorgo F. French ,
A. V. Sliller , Fred C. Van Licw , L. C. Gib
son , John P. livers , B. F. Carpenter , Wil
liam G. Sloano , James H. Van Duson and
Nathan E. Acker.
Mrs. Iloliiii'K lOntcrtnlns.
Mrs. Dwlght L. Holmes Friday evening
added another to her list of social triumphs
by her tea served to a dozen ladles. These
present were Mesdames John P. Evors , Li. 0.
Gibson , John A. Dee , Ocorgo T. French ,
James C. Carloy , Howard Sloycrs , Fred M.
Smith , Fidelia SI. Von Orsdol , Arthur W.
Soxo and Fred C. Van Liow and Miss
Augusta J. Clark.
A. Dinner at Happy Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick at tholr
home , Happy Hollow , gave a dinner on
Wednesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Kil'
pntrlck , Mr , nnd Mrs. Bennett , Sir. and Mrs ,
Pritchott , Mr. and Mrs. Mnr-soman , Mr. anil
Illchardson. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley , Miss
Hawley , Miss Ames and Mr. and Sirs. Burt ,
Calla lilies and whllo roses composed the
decorations , the green and white throwing
out the beauty of the rooms to great advan
PrnmlHod Pleasure * ) .
Miss Curtis , on Friday , a reception from
until 11 , 517 Virginia avcnuo.
Mr. nnd Sirs , Ben Smith , a dancing partj
for Miss Smith , Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Remington and Mrs. Harry SIcCor
uilck , a recaption from ! l until 0 on Friday.
Mr. nud Sirs , A. P. Wood give a recoptior
Thursday evening from 8 to 11 , nt their real
denco , 123 South Twontv-llflh slroot.
Mrs. J" . C. Cowlu , a reception on Thursday
afternoon from 3 until 0 o'clock , U Worthing
ton Place.
Mrs. UlchardC. Gushing has Issued card ;
for a luncheon and progressive high flvi
party on Wednesday afternoon , February 4
Miss Nichols , a Kensington , Thursday ati !
3012 Slason street.
Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Barker , a high flvi
party , Thursday evening.
Mrs. Ij. P. Funkhouscr , a luncheon 01
Mrs.v. . II. Alexander , n Kensington
Wednesday afternoon , followed by a suppc
on Thursday.
Wednesday evening , n recital by the puoll :
of F. S. Uobblns at the Llnltiger gallery.
Movements and AVhercnboiitH.
Mr. and Sirs. Samuel Burns will go abroa
In May.
Mr , nnd Mrs. George A. Joslya are In Chicago
cage this wook.
Miss Webster of Kansas City Is the gues
of Miss Tukoy.
Mr. Charles Wilson Is back among ol
Omaha friends.
Tbo German club will glvo a dancing part
Thursday evening.
Miss Maud G , 1'nul Is visiting In St. Loul
and will return March 1.
Mr. and Mrs , M , L. Rocder have gene t
Denver for a short tlmo.
The closing assembly will bo glvon o
Shrove Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Sirs. F. Smith of Dundee Phu
open their homo next week.
Colonel C. S. Chase and Sir. Clement Cha :
loft for Now York on Friday.
ThoConcordia Singing society will glvo I
annual masquerade February 14.
MUs Orchard has returned homo from
delightful visit of two months m Kuoxvlll
Mr. Harry Douol and Mr , Charles 1
Deucl left last evening on a six week's toi
through Moxico.
Mrs. J. D. Bird of Now York city la tl
guest of her daughter , Mrs. 8. S. Curtis , 5
Virginia avcnuo.
Miss Brown nnd Mrs. J. J. Brown i
soutb this week , If Miss Brown la w <
enough to travel.
An old Omaha boy , Mr. Morris Hall , no
of Boston , Is to ho married to a lovely Cai
bridge girl In April ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Squires left Tuc
duy on a fortnight's visit to Boston , Syrncu
and Now York city.
MUs Downs gave a pretty Kensington yc
torday aftarnoon at her residence , 1'SM Sou
Twenty-ninth street.
Mrs , W'bcaton gives a dancing rocoptl
Monday afternoon , February 9 , botwcou t
hours of " anil 5 o'clock.
Dr. and Mrs. Giftord bngan housekocpl
tln-l week at their now residence on Copli
avcnuo and Ninotocnth slrcet.
Mr. Fred dray will go abroad this mon
and Join his slstora in London , nnd together
they will seek warm weather until they find
Miss Curtis , who announces n reception
from 8 until 11 next Friday ovcnlug , will bo
assisted by twonty-ouo of the prettiest girls
in the city.
Sir. W. H. ICamlg has returned from n
fortnight's visit to Now York city , In the In
terest of his llrni , Ktlpnlrick-lCoch dry
goods company.
Sllss Luna Dundy contemplates n visit to
Chicago , this week. It Is now well known
that her marriage will take place In April ,
which will bo ono cf the big socluty mar
riages of the year.
A literary and musical entertainment will
ho given at tlio Young Women's Homo , 100
South Sovouloctith street , Tuesday , Febru
ary I ) ; tilso a number of Mrs. Jnrloy's wax
works will bo exhibited. Admission " 5 cents ,
The cngngoment of Sir. William Krue ,
well known in Gorman circles nnd Sllss Kate
Grlesedook , the eldest daughter of Sir.
Anton Griesedook , the St , Louis browcr , is
announced. This will DO very pleasant news
to Sir. Krug's host of friends In Omaha.
Sirs. Charles Noodhnm gave a lovely
luncheon Thursdav nt her home , 42'JO
Nicholas street. Tno guests were Sirs. John
Guild , Sirs. F. L. LoomlsMrs.T.C. Brunor ,
Mrs. P. O. Ilawes , Sirs. SI. A. Atwood , Sirs.
Charles Crawl , Mrs. C. J. Ncedham , Mrs. H.
U. Neely.
Sir. and Mrs. H. P. Stoddart gave a high
flvo party Wednesday evening nt tlii'ir homo ,
( VJ1 Park avenue , In honor of their guests ,
Miss Kccnnn ol Madison , WIs. , a cousin of
General Vllas , and Sllss Allou ot Fort Sid
ney , who nro visiting them. The guests of
the evening numbered thirty-Mix nnd the
occasion proved very delightful for nil.
Dr. J. C. Denlso delivered n very Instructive
ive- lecture on the oar to the pupils of the
higher grades of the Lake school Friday
week. The pleasing address of tbo doctor ,
his kind thoughtfulncss In Bringing a num
ber of Interesting specimens , his euro to suit
Ills language to his hearers , all .served to
make the lecture ono that will not bo soon
The members of Prof , Lambert's ' classes
nre delighted with their rapid progress In
French , us they realize that they nro nt lust
grasping facts' and not shadows , and that
tliero is a practical wav of mastering French
conversation without books or grammars , by
n fascinating , common sunso system , whore
every lesson tells. Tlio classes meet dally nt ,
! l ik m. and 4 p. m , , nt 717 Now York Li fo
building , where all nro welcome to trial
A treasure which thno cannot blot
Is matrimonial punco :
But ho must bo an nrguo not
Who culls this golden llocco.
Slay Slclvinloy of Wllllnmsburg , N. Y. , n
pretty blonde of nineteen has already had
trouble with two husbands.
Therolsablll buforotho Oregon legisla
ture prohibiting tbo marriage of divorced
persons with a third party within ono year
after the divorce is granted.
Chicago has again boon discredited in n
domesticway. . A Judge In that city has Just
granted n man n divorce because his wife
preferred life in Now York lo living in Chicago
cage with her husband ,
A Maine man being sued for alienating the
affections of another man's wife , contests the
charge on the ground that thcro were no
affections to alienate , and that consequently
the claim for damages is based upon a mcro
Delaware Is coming to the front ns a divorce
state , as decrees are granted there by legisla
tive enactment and without publicity. Fash
ionable pcopto take up n residence thcro to
frco themselves of Irksome bonds. Already
there are ninety-five applications before the
legislature ,
Mrs. Mary Macojko of Pnssalc , N. J. . Is
entitled to the belt as a champion clonor. She
has run away from her husband- and boon
forgiven six times , and is now engaged In n
vain effort to otfeot a seventh reconciliation.
Slacojko's patience has been at last worn out
with the monotony of forgiving , nnd tlio
cruel man positively refuses to take her hack
Cora SIny Ellison was granted a divorce
from James H. Ellison In Cincinnati on the
ground of negluct. Ellison is n laborer and
bad a bniidsomo wifo. Ho asked her to pose
for nn artist In a costume which she thouKht
too scant. She declined to submit lo the
proposed Clemcnceau-llko unveiling and they
quarreled. As a consequence ho failed to
properly provide for her , whereupon she sued
for divorce.
S. B. Nichols of Cold Spring and Mrs. Sa
rah A. Gross of Huntlngton , L. L , sovond
months ago eloped , taking with them Sirs.
Gross' three children. Nichols loft n wife
and family. A few weeks ago ho wrote a
'letter from Denver to his wife asking her
to forgive him nnd lot him return homo.
Friends subscribed money to pay his way
back. Mrs. Gross has boon beard from , too.
Shn Is now in , a hospital , but promises to
make things lively when she returns.
Sirs. John Hand , the wife of a well-known
fisherman of Essex , Conn. , recently eloped
with n young man , "a handsomer man than
John is , " ns she told n neighbor. Sirs. UanU
Is n good deal younger than her husband , nnd
exceedingly high mettled. She "gadded
about , " the neighbors say , with the young
man until finally the forbearing fisherman
was nettled , and approached hor. Then she
retorted : "Well , John , If you don't like it ,
you can get out. " John didn't llko It and
didn't pot out. That night , however , Sirs.
Hand ' 'got out , " and some of tbo neighbors
saw tbo young man go dnt of town with her ,
Mrs , Edward Cnrr of Freedom , Pa. , took
adoso of laudanum with the intention of
committing suicide. Her husband is a Cath
olic , and they were recently mnrriod , tbo cer
emony being performed by a Presbyterian
clergyman. Friends kept insisting the mar-
nngowas illegal , and husband and wife be
came greatly agitated. The wife would not
consent to another mnrrlugo by n priest.
The husband loft hnr nnd went to Plttstmrg.
She linally went after him. They came back
together. Again ho urirotl the ro-solomnizn-
lion of the marriage , threatening to leave
her. She still refused nnd ho went away
Are You Going Kontn Thin Winter ?
Parties contemplating a vlnit to the
fnr-fiunod Sutherland , the favorite resort -
sort of Omaha people , or to otbor points
in Florida , will llnd that the rates nnd
timoaro the Biuno via The Burlington ot
Chicago and tlionco via Cincinnati or
Louisville , as via St , Louin , with the ad
ditional advantages ) ot the vestibule
limited trains and olcgnnt dining cm
Borvlco which are characteristic of thic
route. The Burlington also has on Bale
round trip tickets to all southern point !
either via Kansas City nnd Memphis , 01
via St. Louis , olTorlng a grantor vnriot }
of routes than any ether lino. For full
Information , tickets ami Blooplng borthf
cull at city ticket oillco , 12 ± 1 Par : air
street.V. . F. Vaill , agent
Wcnlbor Indices.
Up to this dnto our monthly prognostl
cations have boon fully us rolinblo as UK
prophesies of the Into Itimontcd Wiggins
but at the beginning ot a no\v \ year w <
resolve to do still bettor. The ciiHtomar ;
January thaw will ho dlsnotiHod with am
passengers who travel in tlio olootrii
lighted , steam honied , vcstibuled polnci
car trains of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee t
Paul Ry. , between Omaha and Chi
cngo. will bo comfortably cared for rh
gnrdlcBH ot the outsldo atmosphere. Clt ;
ticket oillco , 1601 Farmun street ( Burke
block ) , Omaha.
California KxonrHlons.
7Pullman tourist stooping car oxcur
slona to California and Pacific cons
points leave Chicago every Thursday
Kansas City every Friday via the Sant :
Fo route. Ticket rate , from Chicngi
$17.60 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Llncoii
orKansas Cltv $ ,1 > , sleeping car rut
from Chicago $1 per double berth , froi
Kansas City $3 per double berth. TCvorj
thing furnished except inoals. Thos
excursions are personally conducted b
experienced excursion managers wh
accompany parties to destination , Fo
excursion folder containing full purtici
lars nnd map folder and tlmo table <
Santa Fo route and reserving of sleopln
car berths , addrosg S. M. Osgootl , gei
oral agent , E. L. Palmer , freight an
passenger ugeiit , A.T. ft S. F. railroad
h 411 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Ointihu , Nebraska
$10,000 WORTH OF
\\To have no "oiltls and otula , " wo Imvo
no "ahop-wornjjoods , " nil our shoos tire
now and fresh stock. Thn object of our
" 0 per cent discount eulo istoruiluuoour
immense ) stock of line shoos.
Wonilior too line , down ao prices.
Wo will { jlvo a ifonurnl discount of 20
per font on nil warm or foil shoos , nro-
tics and rubber goods , iintl a hirjio lot of
Indies' anil gouts' linn shoes.
A ( llio kit ! $5 shoo , 110 per cent discount ,
nt $1.
A line kid patent leather tip $5 shoo ,
SO per cent discount , at $4.
Our French kid Imml-inado $7 shoo , " 0
per cent discount , at $5.00.
A HbynoldH Hros. ' U. T. 1C. line kid $4
shoo , UO i > or cout discount , $ I.2i ! ) .
A lot of $11 kid ahooa , iiO per cent dis
count , nt$2.4l ) .
A ladies' liand-lurned $3 shoo , 20 per
cent ilisauinl , at10. .
A ladies' hand-welt , flno kid S2.CO shoo ,
with patent leather tip , liO per cent
discount , at $ " .
A Indies' It id patent tip $2 shoo , 20 per
cent discount , nt $1.00.
A ladies' kid $1.60 hoe , 20 per cout dis
count , utSl.SJO.
A ladles' wonting shoo nt $1.
All goods nmrlfod in plain figures.
At Cook's Shoo Storoyou can buy Burt
< & Mdars' French calf hand-inudo $8
shoo for $5 , as I want to close out this
Stacy , Adams & Co.'s flno $0 calf
shoos at1 a pair.
Attend our cut price clearance sale.
Cook's ' Shoe Store ,
1312 FARNAM.
Kisses don't Improve with ago.
Noah saw tbo first ark light.
A sea of trouble the Bchrlng.
Uttering false notes falsetto singing.
An old-time song grandfather's clock.
Love catu axlo-crcao and calls it butter ,
Tbero is nothing improbable to a Jealous
When small people fall In love they Increase
heir sighs.
A Knight of Malta an evening spout In a
: ) cor tunnel.
The Plttshurg couple who eloped on skates
probably fell In lovo.
The coming lobbyist will wear moro whis
kers than diamonds.
'Oh , what a sunn , " ejaculated the tramp
.vlion tbo dog bit him.
The only man contented with his lot occu
> lcs it in the cemetery.
Do not tell your wife of things you would
: iot wish hoi to toll you ,
The fool overestimates himself , the wlso
man is prone to modesty.
The man who teaches people to waltz Is
, vcll up in society circles.
The pioduction of lymph doesn't ' appear to
bo equal to thu consumption.
The fortune hunter Is not after the girl
whoso complexion Is alone rich.
In every love affair , ono party gives the
love , nnd the other the gratitude.
It is when ono lacks the hoar necessities of
life , that the wolf Is at tbo door.
The successful theatrical manager has a
good deal to thank his stars for.
No laiiph sounds moro mechanical than the
laugh of the wife of iv funny man.
When a lover 1ms his iirms around nn
adored ono ho knows wunt ho Is about.
A passage of arms a promenade through
the United States arsenal at Springfield.
Too many people believe that the milk of
human kindness needs to ho kupt on Ico.
"My heart failed mo , " ho said , ns ho drew
a club to 1111 a bobtail Hush of red cards.
'Then what reason have you for marry ,
ing } " "I've no reason at all. I'm In lovo. '
The i-lilo f value of procrastination is In put
ting oft 111 tempered letters nnd interviews.
A man who is crushed unilur a falling cell
ing would not bo apt to consider tbo situation
The kind-hearted policeman who returns
the lost child Is the host heir restorer over
A reputation must bo tarnished Indeed
when it no longer returns reflections cast
upon It ,
In pcaco prcpnrn for war , especially when
It Is ono piece of plo and two hungry hoys are
after it ,
Thcro never was a cheeky man who did not
think native modesty his dlstlnculshlngclmr-
Well , that's the Hrst break I ever made re
marked the bright young chicken ns the
shell parted ,
The man who lost his money Is In a position
to denounce prize flglilltig and Its attendant
The dancing master and tbo dairyman Imvo
this in common , that they both use pumps In
their business.
For a now way to pay old debts see Shakes
peare. For an old way to pay now debts see
ninety-day note.
"Advertising pays" said the artist who
abandoned "studios" nnd went to work deco
rating dead walls.
This has been a very had season for dra
matic companies. As the ghost doesn't walk ,
the actors have to ,
The man who lias something to soil has a
great deal to say about ether pooplu Improv
ing their opportunities.
It Is the man that never { advertises who
discovers that hi ) gets more dutttou his goods
than in his cash drawer.
A man of the world Is usually well ao'
( lualntcd with the other members of hli fnm
iiy tbo flesh nnd the dovll.
When Shakespeare wrote that parting li
such sweet sorrow ho voiced tliu regret of
many a bald-houded man.
You can't hlamo some people for seeming
ashamed to bo found at work uf tor you have
seen the kind of work limy do.
It Is a had Idea to lock tbo stable door after
the horse Is stolen , What If 'tho thief should
ri ) ) > entatid bring back the horse.
"Lovo Is a devouring flame , " tbo poet says ,
H'H a pity It doesn't burn up moat of tbl
love-leltura that are written , tuo.