Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1891, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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A Ohango of Officers in the Salvation Army
An Inorcimcd Interest In tlio Work
of tliu Army In Onwlia The
OIHuorfl iif tlic Corps Other
Hollglotif ) NCWH.
The sound of n small bass drum accompa
nied by the rattle of several tambourines and
.tic singing of n do/en men mid women ,
marked u march westward from Sixteenth
street on Davenport. The procession soon
halted in front of the old Methodist church
on Davenport street near Seventeenth.
All who had followed the drum and the
tambourines wcro Invited to enter tlio
church , and n reporter for Tin : lien accepted
the invitation so earnestly extended nnd soon
found himself in the midst of a red-hot Sal
vation unify Jubilee. People kept coming in
until there wore fully -00 In the house.
The large platform was occupied by about
llftv of the soldiers nnd singers. The tain-
borincs were there nnd n largo accordion nnd
n violin wcro also in use.
"Now , ns this Is the last time I shall bo
with you , probably In all my life , I propose
to do just about as I please , " said Knslgn
Porker , who took charge of the mooting.
"And I want every soldier hero tonight to
come right to the front nnd uo his duty.
"We are going lo have a grand fnrowcll
- 'Jubilee tonight God bless vou. hallelujah !
Wo are going to have about fifty good ring-
Ing-gilt-edged testimonies from the ofllcers
nnd soldiers of this post. "
And then the ensign led off In n Salvation
army hymn In which the chorus choir joined
with a will. During the services there
were two huge flairs unfurled on the rostrum
In the hands of p couple of soldiers. One
was a United States flag nnd the other n Sal
vation army Hag. During the singing of the
numerous short songs tlieso Hags wcro
waved above the heads of the- chorus choir.
The speaking , singing and praying continued
for about two hours nnd then a farewell
handshaking took place.
Ensign Parker , who has been the leader of
the army In Omaha for seven months , was
holding his last service preparatory to leav
ing for the cast. The evening was ono ot cx-
roptional Interest to the army nnd nearly nil
the soldiers belonging to Council Bluffs post
nnd to Post No. , on Cumlng street , wcro
present. Ensign Parker Is a young man of
great enthusiasm and of pleasing nddress.
He Is of Swedish pnrentngo and has ft > r a
nu nber of years been storming the bnttlc-
JL of sin by leading Salvation army
battalions against' * the world , the flesh
nnd the devil. When he came to
Omaha last Juno the gnrrison hero
was not very prosperous , but hosoon Inspired
the men and olllcors with now llfo and vigor
and the ranks have been filled up with valiant
recruits who have become active workers in
the Held.
Tlio Salvation army now numbers about
11 fly In Omaha and its future seems brighter
than ever before since a post was established
Ensign Parker will bo succeeded In n few
weeks by Adjutant Thomas , who will take
hold of the garrison hero nnd beiid nil his en
ergies to the building up of army interests in
Following nro the officers of the Omaha
post : Lieutenant Lyre , Cadets Johnson ,
WoodhoutiC , Cornelius , Purdy nnd Baum.
All the others nro private soldiers.
The services are held in the old Methodist
church on Davenport street , and they begin
nt 7 In the morning. There nro services at
) : ! ! , ! ! p. in. nnd nt7 p. m.
"A ItoU-cnt"
at Trinity.
The special services , called "a retreat , "
held at Trinity cathedral during the past
week came to a close yesterday. All the
services were conducted by Hev. Fathei
Hall of Boston nnd have been largely at
tended by the clergy of the diocese. The
subjects of the session , beginning with Tues
day afternoon , wcro as follows : "The Word
of God , " "Tho Lamb of God , " "Tho Good
Shepherd , " "The Christ , " "Tho Kosurection
and the Life.1' '
Friday the service was spcclally.dcslgned
for ladies and was called "A Quiet Day foi
Women. " Father Hall took as a subject fein
n very sensible mid entertaining address
"Tlio Llfo of John tbo Baptist. " The ser
vices were attended by u largo number of
ladles who were very much pleased with the
The retreat has been n pronounced success
and has stimulated the church people to more
devoutness und genuine Christian living
The services will assist in preparing the
minds of the people for the Lenten season.
Trinity SI. 1C. Ijooltiro Course.
The Trinity Methodist people , whost
church is located on tlio corner of Twenty
first and Bin nay , ICountzo place , have in
nugurutcd a choice "lecture course. " It wil
open Tuesday evening , February 3 , when
Hon. J. M. Thurston will deliver his popular
lecture on "General Grant. " Two weeks
Inter Hon. N. K. Griggs of Beatrice will
lecture on "National Character , Illustrated
by National Song. " One week later Professor
ser L. L Crosthwnlto , principal of the School
of Elocution and Oratory , Lincoln , will give
un evening of "Dramatic Headings nnd Hesi
tations. " March S Bishop Newman will lec
ture. The course will conclude with a splen
did musical nnd literary entertainment , In
which tlio tlnest talent in the city wilt take
part. Tickets for the course , $1.00. Single
admission , 25c
Cliimli Noon.
It is rumored that the dllTerenocs of opin
ion between Congregational clergymen
caused by the Bcechor scandal are lo uo' ami
cably adjusted.
Hov. T. C. Johnston , pastor of the Presby
terian church at Tokanmh , lectured at the
Knox Presbyterian church on Thursday
night on tne- Irish homo rule question. His
address was an excollentonoand was listened
to by a largo and highly pleased audlenco.
Two more prennhers are on trial before the
Hcformed Presbyterian convocation In Pitts-
burg , Pa. , for maintaining that the exorcise
of the right of suffrage should not bo a bar to
church membership. Five clergymen have
been suspended nlroady on these grounds ,
and vote will bo taken on the other two
today. Strange antics nro performed in the
name of religion. Toledo Blade.
Bishop Llttlojohn of Long Island has refused -
fused license to Father Ignatius , tlio Angli
can monk , to hold services In tils diocese.
Tlio Wesloynn Methodists of England nro
discussing the desirability of extending the
pastoral term beyond three- years , the present
Bishop Cioodsell of the Methodist Kpisco-
pal church , U about to start on an Episcopal
tour of tlio missions of the church in China
and Japan.
Miss Edna Lynll , the English novelist , has
given tMM ) iu aid of tlio Salvation Army Gen-
cral Booth's scheme ot regeneration , and
tenders It "as u protest , against Prof , Hux-
ley's criticisms.1' '
The Fivednum's aid society of the Metho
dist Episcopal church , organized , twenty-live
years ago for the purpose of promoting edii-
ration and religion among the freed men of
the south has boon holdlnc a Jubilee.
The Society of Friends in America , accord
ing to a table of statistics Just published in
the Christina Worker , has 7SI meellngf ,
1IK > 3 ministers and 7,1 ( ) ) members. These
figures only embrace the ton yearly meetings
belonging to what is known as the I'roijress-
ivo Body of Friends.
There Is not a richer or more sought after
man In the Now York clergy than Dean Hoff
man of tlio German Theological society. Ho
1 $ a philanthropist and is worth something
over , ( HXX.XJ. ) ( Besides being a lucky ami
learned book collector , Dean Hoffman Is a
charming speaker and it Juagoof curious
According to the Congrcgntionallst , u
clergyman recently sent to the supply committee -
mitteo of a church , which was without a
pastor , u telegram simply containing the
words ! "Hutu i. 111. " The words of that
passagonru : "Thy people shall bo my pee
ple. " The reply which went over the wire
was : "And nil the people salu Aincu , "
The archbishop of Lima. Peru , has ex-
cotumuulcatodf Miss Clnriuaa Turner , a di
rector of the ! > hc t El Peru llluatrado , be
cause -hn translated and published in her
paper " 1 ho Mngialon"n novel by a Bra
zilian Journalist. After Ilia excommunication
nil numbers of Mis ) Turner's paper contain
ing parts of the objectionable work were
burned in the public square.
Among the churches the United
let-Inns , wl.o uro mainly found In the Middle
nnd Western states , have moro than half
their membership In Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The Xow Jerusalem church , which has 13-t
organizations in tlio United States , has
thirteen of them In Ohio , the only states ex-
cceding Ohio In organizations being Massa
chusetts with twenty-two and Illinois with
Hev. Fred Jlell , the singing preacher who
has been the pulpit sensation In Columbus ,
O- , for two years , will retire from the relig
ious Held. Originally n manager of n , min
strel troupe In England , ho came to America
In l S" ) , traveling nwhllo with a dramatic
pompany that went to pieces at Lima. Ho
then joined the church and officiated as the
head of a lloiirNliig congregation thero. In
1 8 ho assumed tlio pastorate of the Central
Christian church In Columbus.
According to the action of the last annual
meeting of the American Homo missionary
society , Sunday , February S , has been desig
nated as Homo missionary day. Every Con
gregational church Is expected to observe
this uny , and to inako mi appeal for offerings
for the work of the society , whoso llscnl year
closes Mnrch.'ll. Tno society needs $ s'J3KH ( )
in the three mouths which remain in order
to close its year without debt , or detriment
to tlio men In the Held.
The oniclal Catholic directory for IS01 gives
ths following statistics ; The Catholic popu
lation of the United States Is estimated at
8Ml , ! , m7 ; they nro attended by S.77S priests ,
yi."l : regular , and ( ) , - ! - Isecnlnr. Tlieso priests
attend ' . ( nil churches , 1,730 chapels nnii'.Sll
stations whcru inn.-is Is said occasionally.
There are 18 orphan asylums , which care fur
SI,6T2 children. The il'J ' semina
ries contain 1,711 students. Tlio number of
educational Institutions nro given as , colleges
l l , academics ( J''l nnd parochial schools
! ! , ' -77. The number of children attending the
' .alter is estimated at ti.Vi.a-M.
The Hov. Howard McQueary , the Episcopal
clergyman whoso trial for heresy has made
'inn prominent before the public , Is thirty
fears old and a fine spccltnan ot manhood , bo
ng over six feet tall. A little incident that
tas liapcncd to him slni-o ho becmno known
.0 every newspaper reader in the land Illus-
rates the hollownosa of the "literary test"
hat magazine editors apply to manuscript
iffered thorn by contributors. Just before
his trial Mr. McQueary sent to a Boston mag-
azlno n carefully written nrtltloonShelley. . "
it was at once "respectfully declined" with
the usual apologetic circular , But ns soon
ns the trial began to attract attention the
Boston editor sent several urgent telegrams
to tlio heretical clergyman begging mm to
mail the article back again , as It was now
available. It Is nt present In the hands of
the magazine compositors nnd Mr. MeQueary
is the richer by n check for $100.
I I'll. IT , I ItlVVCLE IU It.
ttlifl 1(0/1. ( /
Ho loved her to distraction ;
She loved him in return ,
And they thought no fnto
Could separate
Hearts that like theirs did buru.
But she became n victim
Of the bold bicycling craze ,
And she used her beau
As n pi-on , you know ,
To bold the wheel in place.
She fell and bruised her elbow
Then fell and cut her chock ;
And the love they Knew
Broke square in two
They pass and do not spealt.
Friend Have they raised your salary this
year )
Minister Gracious ! No ; they haven't '
raised it nil for last year yet.
Judge-- Boy do you understand the nature
of nn outhi
Juvenile Witness Yes'r , It's human na
ture , I reckon.
The devil would rather attend the mooting
of n committee outraged in investigating
charges against tho" character nf a minister
than sec tlio best dot' light that ever took
place in America.
The people who use religion ns a cloak will
nor. need anything ns heavy as a cloak to
keep them warm in the next world.
In slippery places stand the bad-
It brings a feeling somewhat sail
Whoa tlio observer stands nnd views
The good nrraycd in hobnailed shoes.
Stand Put nnd Keep Mum" that was the
subject of a Kansas City '
clergyman's s > cr-
mon last Sunday.
Kxhorter Brother , do you want to bo
saved ? Young Broker ( absent minded )
Anything in itl
St. Peter What's the matter ot the portal ?
Spirit One of the Four Hundred has ar
rived nnit refuses to go in by the regular
gate. Ho wants to know where the stock
holder's entrance Is.
Three deacons of Bcllalro , Mich. , throw a
brother out of church because ho refused to
slug , or speak or pray. The new style of re
vival will hardly prove popular except with
prize lighters.
Miss Minnie Chadwick , n Brooklyn girl ol
sixteen summers , nto nn average of two
pounds of candy per day for seven months
nnd then died singing n Sunday school ode.
MePhersqii was a canny Scot
Who'd skin u cent or rob n cripple ,
Get what ho could , keep what ho got
And know no conscientious ripple ;
But when ho loft this mortal stnto
Wo think this dealer had to feel
That , ut the last hard hearted fate
Gave him the worst end of the clo'll !
"Brudders , " Hev. Poimlcxtcr U ran berry
began , as ho wiped his glasses , "nebbor opeii
an account wld do dabble , fo' sliuali as you's
bawn doro will bo n day when lie's n-gwino
torclosomo colleetln1 and you won't hnb
much tor say about it den. "
Henry Clay was asked by a lady , after the
dpatli of Jackson , what his belief was ns to
tlio fnto of Jackson. "Is holn the good placel"
"My opinion is , madam , that if Jackson rondo
up ids mind to go to heaven all hell could nol
keep him out. "
A man writes to a religious paper that his
pastor "Is n true minister , n man of God
more than that , n man of bruins. " This sug
gests the old story of the English parson who.
after lecturing a parishioner for somooffcnso ,
said ! "In no'.ing ns you do you not only slti
against God but treat mo with positive dis
courtesy. "
A pastor who has "been tlioro" nnd knows
nil about it says that many churches treat a
pastor as people treat n cat. When they are
calling him , It Is "Como pussy , come pussy,1
For a time after ho is settled , nnd , while nl
hope to use him foi-thcirown purnosos , thoj
stroke him nnd say : "Good pussy. nlc <
pussy. " And after they tire of him they say
"Scat ! " nnd away he must go to fresh Holds
and pastures now.
The First Presbyterian church of Mont
clnire , N. Y. , is in a state of nervous ueltn
tlon over the discovery of playing cards
among the merchandise offered for sale at the
church fair. The irreverent brother whothus
rung in a cold deck on the good sisters prob
ably Justifies his action on tlio idea that a
church fair is always 11 brace game.
A Boston paster recently announced fron
the pulpit , that n piano was to bo given awaj
by a business ilrm to the young lady receiv
ing the largest number of votes , and ho re
quested the coiiirrcgatk > n to go atict vote fo
one of their own members who was eager to
secure the prize. The Congregatiomdls
vouches for the truth of this story , in whlcl
religion and thrift are so curiouslyblended. .
There Is nothing in dress moro attractive
than the graceful lounging wrappers Urn
nowadays form u part of every lady's warn
robe. The materials used for those garment
nro light , soft wools , In a varletv of delight
ful llower-llko colorings , and with their soft
clinging fronts of silk they leave nothing in
material or color to bo desired , Tlieso gown
may follqw the Japanese style , with square
sleeves and eccentrically u raped front , or bo
modeled after the Grecian fashion of robe
but they must always bo loose and comfort
Don't Fool Yourself !
Notwithstanding- rumors to the
contrary , the Chlciigo , Mllwnukoo &St
Paul Hy'tf now steam hunted pulaco
sleeping cars , with "olcctrie lights it
every berth , " atlll lonyos tlio Union depot
pot , Otimha ut U:10p : , iu. dully , nrrlv
in ) ; ut Chicago ut OiliO a , in. , in nmplo
time to inalfo nil eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1601 Furnum st.
C. PUSH. AgC Con.
Portland's Industrial exposition will bo
it-Id In Septomoer.
Some opals have been found on liny creek ,
Cook county , that sold for f 200.
There Is much excitement over the finding
f ollln the vicinity of Hubbnrd , near Salem.
The people of Llnkvlllo nro getting fat on
nallards that cost only 15 cents a brace all
eady for cooking.
A bill has been introduced in the Icglsh-
uro to make the IORII ! rate of interest U per
out and S per cent by contract.
The ship Cambrian Princess rcacho.l As-
oria. having made the run from Valparaiso
n thirty-eight days , the best trip on record.
The steamer Champion , which has tilled up
'idiiown the Wlllianiotto river for sixteen
cars , struck a snng the other day and went
o the bottom.
Mr. Polhuinus , who has charco of the gov
ernment work nt the mouth of the Sluslaw ,
s making preparations for commencing work
n the jetty curly in tlio spring.
II. W. Davis , a pioneer of Portland , died nt
he ago of eighty. Ho crossed the plains In
WO nnd was one of the early merchants of
ho place and held the ofllco of postmaster for
u time.
At Alba a young girl playfully accepted the
iivHatlon of her brother to take a shot nt his
oot , Her aim was better thim ho thought ,
ntid the young man Is now laid up with n dls-
ibled member.
The contractors for the construction of the
extension of the Orcgoniun railway from Co-
> urg eastward have completed the grading
as far as Jasper and commenced on the tres
tles nnd cattle guards.
Three employes of the Western Union tel
egraph company at Portland have been ar-
cstcd for robbing the company. They nro
iVilllum Brackett , receiving clerk , and L.
Sophie nnd C. Xeller , his two assistants.
Reports from the Blue river mines uro that
snow lias fallen to a depth of live or six feet
nnd the work of the company has been sus-
lended , A number of prospectors have loft
the camp nnd moved down the river tor the
The Kugcno board of trade is agitating the
question of establishing a fruit and vegetable
cannery In that city nnd it is thought that tlio
n-ojcct will succee'd. The business men nro
inking the stock and talk of employing some
competent person to manage the enterprise.
In the stntn circuit court nt Portland the
application of Sandy Olds for a change of
venue was granted nnd ho will bo tried in
Washington county for the murder of Emit
Weber , committed in May. ISS'J. Olds has
already been tried in Multnomah county
three times. .
Papers for the ilrst < ngainst the
Southern Pacific comnnny on account of the
Snbish railroad accident of November 11 last
have been filed with the clerk for the county
of Oakland. Becltlej- , one of the passengers ,
seeks to recover damages for personal Injur
ies iu tlio sum of J3S,000.
The prolonged litigation over the estate of
the late "Ben" HollUlny and the custody of
ttio minor heirs has been seMled in Portland
by the appointment of C. B. Bellinger as
guardian. It Is the result of a compromise
between the rival contestants. Mrs. II.
Campbell , the children's grand mothot , and
General Uufus Ingalls , who was appointed in
the mother's will.
As W. Friodlnnder , a Portland jowclor ,
was closing his itoro a. man throw a brick
through the window and seized a tray con
taining about $13,000 worth of diamonds. Ho
had a horse waiting for him , but his attempt
to mount scared the unhnnl and It ran away ,
leaving him on foot. Before an oDlcer ar
rived ho made his cscnpe , but in his haste ho
lost his hat. Tlio police tlilnlc the man will
soon bo captured.
Boise City has a now hotel , the Capitol.
Hex burg will build an opera house iu the
spring to bo10 by mo feet.
The Suit Lake , Hniley & Puget Round
railroad Is surveyed as far as Shoshone
Montana men who have recently become
interested in the Seven Devils country are to
erect a smelter there.
A stamp mill Is tallied of for the Little
Giant mine nt Warrens , Idaho count ) ' , where
n rich strike was recently reported.
Pocatello expects a boom. Word lias come
from Washington to the effect that lots tlioro
will bo advertised Immediately and sold bv
May 1. ,
Willis Sweet bos been appointed to repre
sent Idaho at the convention of railroad com
missioners to bo held In Washington city on
March 3.
It is not expected that the legislature will
have time to bother about county seat wars
ns there are too many other matters to take
up its time.
Julian Hill , n miner and pioneer of Idaho ,
died at the Warm Springs near Idaho City , of
Inllnmmatory rheumatism. Ml' . liill was a
large mine owner at Atlanta.
The board of trade of Boise City offered
$10,000 in cash and ( MO acres of land within
1/lvo / miles of the city as a bonus for the loca
tion of the stole agricultural college thero.
About $10.000 of bonded indebtedness of
Idaho territory will fall duo next December ,
and the proposition is being discussed of ro-
bonding the indebtedness at a lower rate of
Kotchum Keystone : Idaho Is the bestngri-
cultural country on the globe. This Is
proved by the fact that every town In the
state is the cst possible slto for the location
of an agricultural college.
Idaho Falls Times : The monopolists are
after our coal. Wo learn the Union Pacific
has bought up nil the valuable coal fields to
the north ami east of town and will extend n
branch line from Idaho Falls to them as soon
as possible.
Two school boys , Leo Mcsnrvoy and Clyde
Jack , wore washing cue another's faces in
the snow at ICnlntuk when Messorvoy got
mad. Whipping out his pocket knife ho
stabbed Jack in tlio back near the spine ,
making n dangerous wound.
Joseph Firkons ran away from Idaho Falls
with Ktnina Hawker and married her. But
she wasn't of consenting age and her father ,
mother and a deputy sheriff who overtook
the couple yanked them back. Firkons was
held for the grand jury on the charge of ub-
A steam pipe explosion at the North Star
mine at Hailoy severely Injuiou four men-
Dave Mahoney , Nels Peterson , William
Kcsslor and another. ICesslor , the engineer ,
was liadly burned , another had his scalii
noarljBtukon oil , nnd another received n se
vere wound in the leg.
Peter Knight , who lives on Daggott creek ,
has discovered a true fissure vein which has
given un assay of $517 in silver and some
gold , says the Boise Democrat. His claim is
located right in front of his door. Daggott
creek Is nortli of the Half-way house and
near the Boisonnd Basin road.
A. K. Nordikc , assessor and collector-
Logon county , who was known ns "Honest
Bon , " is reported to have skipped , leaving n
shortage of 3 1 , ( MX ) . Gambling , wine and
women nro riven as the cause of his down
fall. Friends In Bellevue say thoj would
have helped him out if ho had asked them.
Two hunting parties were organized n
Liberty recently for killing various animals
destructive to crops , Captain J. W. Ilytnas
led his men , women and children on to vic
tory , by a score of over 4,000 scalps of wolves ,
foxes , porcupines , rabbits , squirrels , etc.
The other sldo paid the expenses of a supper
aim daucofor all hands.
Lewlston Is excited over railroad projects.
It Is expected that shops ami a depot will bo
built tins spring. The Teller reports tha' '
work on the Tammany branch will begin a
once. Ills thought that aline will bo pro
jected from this point into tlio Seven Devils
before another season closes and tha line to
Camns Prairie completed this season ,
The Do Lnmar mine Is turning out mori
bullion than over before. It produced nbou
$ $0,000 in a thirty days' run. At this rate ,
says the Silver City Avalanche , there \vill be
no necessity of drawing on any reserve fund
to pay for the construction of tlionow$7. ' > 0l00a
mill contemplated. Bullrl It as rapidly as
they may , the current product of the rain
will pay for it.
Messrs. Tootlo nnd Heed of St. Josep
brought suit at Halley to dissolve the mining
partnership existing between thorn nnd John
T. Murphy , Colonel Doniphnn and Judga
Uonlphnu , owners of the Camas No. 3 mtm
nnd mill , and J. M. Vcnnblo was appointe
receiver and put In charge. For the present
ho will only keep the mine clear of water ,
without operating It.
Work Is progressing well in removing ob
structions in thoSimkn river above the Seven
Devils' landing by the government force.
Mote water is found than was exacted , and
only ono place was found where a steamboat
won't tloat. It will take only a few thousand
dollars to cut a deep channel there , nnd with
$ . * > 0,000 It is estimated the Snake cau bo mnJo
navigable the year nroundi
An express car on thtf Jfitylio Central was
broken Into last Friday bytramps , , who stolen
n valuable package and the messenger's over
coat nnd shot gun. Oiie < roubcr dropped a
liandKcrchlof which had been wrapped
around his Injured hand , nud.ho was recog
nized nnd arrested , His partner was also ar
rested nnd both wcro lodged. In the Bolso
City jail. The overcoat and package wcro
Mountain Homo Mail : 'Thousands of head
of horses and cattle have drifted down on the
Snake river plums , where the food Is exceed
ingly good. A few bands of sheep have also
been taken to the river , There seems to bo
considerable more stock In the valley on the
south side than on the north. All the stock
Is looking well nnd the raneo far better than
last year. The Snake river vnllcis not lia
ble to see much loss of stock this winter.
The Indications nro that the high license
bill will pass the sonnto In nearly the same
form ns It cnmo from the house. This bill
provides for n license of ? . " > 0U a year in towns
and cities nnd SiOO for nil wayside snloons.
The applicants for license nro required to
give n tlXW ( bond to keep orderly houses. It
has a habitual drunkard clause , by which n
heavy penalty Is Imposed on saloonkeepers
who sell liquors to parties after being for
bidden by relatives.
Pat Hayes , n section hand at Monlpelier ,
recently met a horrible death. There was n
wreck on tlio railroad fuur miles west of town
Imd Hayes was ! scat to watch It. Ho bought
hnlfn gallon of whiskey and drniiK all but
naif a plntof It. Building a lire he sat down
to warm himself and ins troiuors caught lire.
He was so drunk ho could not help himself
nnd In tlio blaze every rag of clothing on him ,
ami Ids boots nnd overshoes were burned oiT.
Ills legs wcro burned to n crisp , as also a
part of his body. If ho did not dlo from his
burns lie must have frozen to death. Nothing
Is known about Hayes save that ho had been
n section hand on the Oregon Short Line for
three years.
Nevada ,
A rich and Important gold strike Is re
ported on Kstes mountain.
A Caraon boy named Stevenson was bitten
by a Chinamnn.'s vicious dog.
An effort is being made to have the govern
ment establish a military post at Ueno.
Five dollars on the hundred is what the
taxpayers of Virginia City hnvo to pay.
At Austin Junction the thermometer rcg-
stored ii ! ; below zero one night lint week.
It Is estimated that U.-tOO men nro employed
, n ICuroicn and almost as many moro in the
surrounding districts. '
A bill providing fora sccrot ballot on the
plan suggested by the federated trades has
been Introduced in the legislature.
Frank A. Hammond was killed in the Occi
dental mine at Virginia by the premature ex
plosion of n missed liolo while blasting.
John White , sent from Lander county in
1S7S for life for murder , was pardoned , It be
ing shown that ho wai dying from assump
Tlio outlook for wool Is considered unusu
ally good this year in Nevada , us there is
plenty of feed and sheep are In an excellent
Commencing with the present month the
Southern Pncilio company will contribute
? u'00 each month toward running the Nevada
state board of trade.
J. C. Brown , who was Indicted for selling
whisky to Indians and pleaded guilty , was
sentenced In Ueno by Judge Cheny "to 10 ! )
days in tlio county jail.
Austin Hovcille : Another consignment of
antimony ore from the Big Creek mine of
about twenty-live tons was Shipped to Liver
pool , England , last week.
Controller Hallock says that if the valua
tion of property In the state is not increased ,
the rate of taxation for tills year must neces
sarily bo raised from 80 cents to f I.
Snow Is reported to bo a foot nnd n half
deep on a level at the Summit : at Cisco , live
feet deep ; two nnd a half nt Emigrant Gap ,
and three aim a half at Blue canon.
The mines of Stafford , near Palisade , are
now principally owned by one man , who
promises to commence active operations
when ho perfects his title to , the properties.
It is reported that a ntriko of considerable
Importance bus been made by tho'Eureka '
consolidated company in their 1C 1C mine. It
is said to bo extensive unu of a high grade of
The mine owners in Jefferson district , Nye
county , are busy developing their properties.
Some of the richest silver and gold ore over
uncovered in eastern Nevada came from that
W. J. Hantts , a prominent man and pioneer
of Nevada , died nt Wells of blood poisoning.
Ho was formerly sheriff of Stonoy county ,
and was twice elected to the legislature Irom
Elko county.
The Pittsburg company has resumed the
reduction of ore at the mill in Crum canon ,
Lander county. There is enough rock on
hand and in sight in the tunnels to assure a
long nnd prosperous run.
A brakeman named R. L. Gartin was cut
to pieces and instantly killed at Hnlbronc , a
sidetrack fourteen miles cast of Wells. The
train broke in two while ho was jumping
from one car to another ,
The severe cold weather nnd snow storms
in eastern Elko has the effect of breaking up
the ghost dances and dispersing tlio Indians ,
who announce , however , that they will con
tinue dancingat Battle mountain in ten days.
The Klko and Winnemucca papers score
the so-called military companies at the latter
place nnd Tuscarora. The papers say that
since the recent Indian scare the captains
caiinot get a corporal's guard ot thei'r men
Winnemucca Silver State : The Bliss
water suit Is still occupying the timooftho
district court. Judging from thn number of
lawyers engaged aud experts on hand it will
cost money enough to buy the water of the
Humboldt river at $1 an inch for the next ten
The Winnemucca Silver State says a Chi
nese section hand was cut in two at Hot
Springs on the Central Puclilo and the otlior
Chinamen would not touch him , giving as n
reason that ho was alwas stealing. It Is sus-
poeted that they nssistou him in getting
under the wheels ,
None of the mills at work on Comstock
ores are running at their full capacity , with
the exception of the Eureka , which employs
Us full complement , sixty stamps. The Ne
vada Is running twenty-five out oi sixty ; the
Mexican but twenty-two out of forty-four
and the Brunswick thirty out of seventy-six.
The Morgan Is running on tailings. The
electric power at the Nevada mill has been
shut off and It Is being worked exclusively
by the Polton wncel.
Local stock gamblers invested money with
in the last few days in Con. Cal. & Vu. upon
the strength of street rumors to the
effect that high gradu ore , six feet In width ,
had been struck In the westerly workings of
the mine above the 1200 level , says the Vir
ginia City Enterprise. Things looked for a
day or two as though they would realize a
handsome profit on their Investments , but
yesterday the stock was again as low as they
bought. From the 1100'level ' to the f.05 there
has really been no prospecting work done in
the Con. Cul , & Va.
Call Torn la.
The first grade stako-oMbo Pomona nn <
Cliluo extension of the Southern Pacific rail
road was driven lost week , The surveying
will bo completed and traok-laying commenc
at once. '
The Snn Joaquln Valley warehouse com
pany has been Incorporated at Stockton with
a capital stock of 1100,000 , Its purpose is to
erect a grain warehouse Jat that city with a
capacity of nt least lOO.ljyq tons.
William Bryant , a sixteen-year-old bo ,
bulling from Sun Franpisco , Is serving n
ninety-day sentence fori vagrancy and beg
ging Iu Sun Mateo county jail. Ho admits a
record of ten prior convictions for similar of
fences In different towns of the state.
David Pnttorson , who was superintending
the work on the insane asylum building at
Highlands , San Bernardino county , was
fatally shot by Hobcrt Errot. The latter
hnd worked for Patterson , but wns dis
charged aud was told bo could not get his pay
until next month. This caused the shooting.
Tlio Palnco hotel nt Walkervlllo wns par
tially destroyed by lire. The guests escaped
from the burning building In their night
clothes. Mrs. William Ensmlngor , wife of
the proprietor , Jumped from the second story
window to the ground , sustaining serious in
juries to her limbs aud sldo. She will re
n There- much speculation over the identity
of the two persons found ono dead , thu
other severely wounded nt nhutclln Bakers-
Held. The man is supposed to bo John Beck ,
a discharged soldier , and the tvoman the di
vorced wlfo of Cluiideuulu , who shot Judge
Pierce nt San Diego because ho gave the cus
tody of his child to the womnu.
Two masked men carrying doublo-bnrreled
fhotguns entered the store of J , H. & M. E.
McDonald nt Urayson , Stanislaus ccunty.
There vero llvo men In the store nt the time.
One1 of the robber * covered lour of tlitiu
whllo the other compelled M. E. McDonnM
to turn over the contents of the safe ntul
tnouoy drawer. The robbers then decamped.
FltnU COlN.UilS OV SltjVKIt.
lion , iletui V. Knrwoll , Hie atcrotiaiit
I'rlnop , Protests Against it.
John V. Fat-well In the Now York Inde
pendent : Having hnd In my business ex
perience of over forty years In Chicago , some
opportunities of observing the result ) of state
nnd national legislation affecting thu cur
rency of tlio country , 1 wish to protest , Iu the
inline of all business Interests , ngainst the
present craze for the "free coinage of silver"
by the government , to which the United
States has nftlxcd Its ofllclil endorsement.
If this measure becomes effective law , It
must inevitably mnrsluil all moneyed institu
tions , which control the money of the country ,
against all other business Interests , simply
to protect thir own property from the Inevit
able depreciation which must follow the Hat
of the government , that debtors can pay their
obligations wltti silver , nt about bO cents on
the dollar.
Can anyone blame them if every gold coin
nnd gold certlllcato in their reach ( and they
have most of them ) , is tnkon out of circula
tion nnd held for the premium , whlcl- gold
must command in the face of such a law I
The silver legislation of the past ( not re
ferring to the present law , which utilizes sil
ver on a gold basis , to the extent of Sf > ' . ' ,000-
OUO per annum ) , has had the oITcct to induce
monetary institutions to niuko their time con
tracts payable in gold. Probably 75 per cent
at least of the western farm mortgages are
thus payable.
The farmer is bad enough off now , ns the
result of rapid utilization of nraololauds since
the war ; but with gold at a premium of i0 !
per cent , nnd his mortgage , principal nnd In
terest , payable in gold , whnt would then bo
left of him but n llminclnl corpse , without
Hcnellt , of clergy for burial I
Hnilroads have almost universally issued
gold bonds for their construction. If they
have to collect -freight and passage money in
silver to meet their indebtedness , they must
necessarily collect ! U ) per cent more to moot
their obligations , which tlio dear | > coplo must
pay. Do tbo present dividends on railroad
stocks and the herculean efforts of railroad
managers to make them more satisfactory to
their owners indicate that it will be nn easy-
job , with the business interests of the country
cast Into the vortex of a monetary revolu
tion ?
Our vast acreage has been turned into
money making machines till the United States
is supposed to bo the richest country in the
world. Farms nnd railroads have been made
just a little too fast in the past decade , and as
is always the case , farms have to sutler llrat ,
when und won't bear
corn potatoes transpor
tation for want of remunerative markets.
It Is 'not too little money , but too many
railroads and too many farms , as compared
with other Interests , that alls the country
just now , and a demagogic legal patent
to retire Immediately several hundred
millions of gold from our circulating money ,
and wait duo process of law to fill tlio
vacuum with silver , as our only lawful
money , and to discount our obligations at : < 0
per cent for the richest people iu the world-
tills looks to mo lika political , financial and
business dishonesty. It is the full team
which bogus democracy expects to pull It
Into power by the farmers' vote in 1S92 ,
without reference to results In tlio meantime.
It does not follow , because the farmer said
In unmistakable lancuago at the polls that an
increase in our tariff ( which should have
been reduced ) was a republican blunder , that
n democratic blunder two years in ndvnnco
of the election , which oy its operations will
make thorn all paupers , will put the blunder
ers into power by their votes. If anyone
thinks so. lot him wait tand see how tbo
farmers will vote in Ibiy , with a free silver
coinage law that will certainly crcaVo the
most colossal p.mlc that ever cursed our
In 1-57 and ' 58 "stumptnll" state currency
was the heritage of Illinois , and my Ilrm
ndoptcd'wheat us the then best currency , be
cause It would , nnd aid , pay its debts , while
"stumptnil" state bank bills would not. Wo
got through the panic of ' 515 and ' 53 by tbo aid
of tlio farmers' wheat.
From the panic of 1891 , with silver as our
only money , no farmers' wheat will deliver
us , and so , for one , I expect our senators to
get wisdom , by the way of a white house
veto , provided the other house does not re
lieve the prosldonj by giving the country un-
llniitod coinage of American silver into legal
tender certificates on a gold basis ns a com
promise measure instead of $ tfiOO,000 per
month. Sueb a measure would bo endorsed
by monetary institutions until the volume of
such currency was equal to the demands of
commerce , ano such use of silver , by botli
bankers and people , demonstrated as benefi
cent by fair trial , would probably open tho.
way for nn International agreement for un
limited coinage nt rn ngrecd ratio with gold ,
which , to my mind , Is the only cure for scar
city of money nnd periodical monetary panics.
Senator."ones " , in proposing such a method
for the Inniteu use ol silver , has become the
John the Baptist in monetary science , if such
a result shall follow Us unlimited use on the
same basis as It very likely will. England
needs bi-mciallsm moro than America , and is
discussing it now vigorously. She borrowed
iJ,000OOOof gold from Franco at a per cent
when her own rate was 0 per cent in the late
money squeeze. Franco has moro silver than
gold , out was able in the late panic to lend
England at one-half her own per cent.
Allow mo to add that unwritten law may
intervene to prevent the realization of our
worst fears. Cool-headed bankers know that
panics and business failures proceeding from
monetary changes will react upon them , and
lienco all their sitill will bo challenged to
counteract the bad effects of unwise written
law , until calm publio sentiment can repeal
it. Congress cannot enact a permanent embargo
barge upon the business Interests of u free
Drury college in southwestern Missouri
has a property worth &JOO.OOO with , a debt of
By the will of the late Dr. Alvan Talcott
of Ciuilford , Conn. , Yale college will receive
$ > ,000 aud a valuable medical library.
Hov. Mr. Peck has recently been appointed
dean of the faculty of tbo University of Den
ver. Ho will at once try to secure * IOJOJO
for the Institution.
In consequence of the present severe
weather In Europe the school authorities of
Brunswick have oruered that a warm break
fast bo supplied at tlio public expense to all
pupils attending the publio school.
Tno work of building the now Trinity college -
lego at Durham , N. C. , is being pushed for
ward us rapidly as possible. President Crow-
ell expects to bo In his now buildings by next
October. Xho endowment fund is now over
Co-education seems to bo a grand succois
in thoJVIissouri university , the numbjiof
marriage engagements between tha nv.ilo aid
female students being forty at tholaost
count. Prof. Cupid evidently has been given
a chair there.
Mrs. Walter Baker of BBojton , whoso ho-
qucsts to charitable and educational I nstitu-
tions nearly reaulili.OiOJJ , is said to have
carefully studied the nurlts nnd uosds of
these bonotlclarles during her llfo , nnd did
not give at haphazard.
The catalogue of Obarllu college , lust
Issued , shows that the projcnt attendance Is
the largest In the history of the institution.
Tlioro wore 1,707 students last year , and
there nro now over 1,300 pupils , of whom 10)
are in the theological department.
The Georgia legislature , nt Itit last session ,
provided for tlio expenditure of more than
$1OIX,00 ( ) for the common schools this year ;
also for the quarterly payment of teacher. } ,
which will prevent the disgraceful delay
hitherto experienced by teachers in waiting
for their pay.
In discussing the needs of Barnard college ,
the woman's annex to Columbia. Dr. Storrs
described the human race as limping down
ttio ages like a man with but one good leg.
President Low thought the race llko a rider
with but one spur ; if tie could make the side
of the horse the spur was on progress , the
other sldo would amble along bomchow.
William Gay Unllnntlno , professor of Greek
nt Ouerlln college , has just been unanimously
elected president of the college , succeeding
Charles S , Pnlrchllds. President Ballnntino
was born nt Washington , D , C. , December ? ,
161S , graduated from Marietta college In 18118.
and was for at line a member of the staff of
the Ohio geological survoy. In Ib7 lie grad
uated from Union theological scuilnury , New
Leading Jewelers ,
Opticians and
16th and Faniam Streets.
Great Reduction Sals
U'fll be continued another week. ITe invite your at
tention to t/ic following EXTXAORDIXARr
Genuine Diamond Rings Irom $2 up.
Genuine Diamond Collar Buttons from $3 up.
Genuine Diamond Scarf Pins from $4 up ,
Genuine Diamond Studs from $5 up.
Genuine Diamond Lace Pins from $5 up
Genuine Diamond liar rings from $7.50 up.
Genuine Diamond Lockets from $8 up.
Genuine Diamond Hracelets from $10 up.
Children's Solid Gold Rings from 500 up.
Children's Solid Gold Earrings from $ i up.
Solid Gold , Lace and Scarf Pins from $1.50 up.
Solid Gold Collar Buttons , uj-lc , fron $ i up.
Solid Gold Plain and Chased Rings from $ 1.50 up
Heavy iSlc Plain Engagement Rings from $5 up.
ElegantSolid Gold Stone Set Rings , from $5 up.
Fine Solid Gold Cull Buttons from $2 up.
Soid Gold and Diamond Cuff Buttons from $5 up
Solid Gold CiifT Buttons from $2 up.
Solid Gold Bangle Bracelets , from $3 up.
Solid Gold Bead Necklaces from $4 up.
Ladies' Solid Gold Watch Chains from $5 up.
Gents' Solid Gold Vest Chains from $7.50 up.
500 Fine Roll Gold Plato Vest Chains $1.50 up.
500 Rolled Plate Charms and Lockets from 500 up
Fine Rolled Gold Plate CufT Buttons from 25c up.
Good Rolled Plate Lever Collar Buttons from 5c up
Solid Sterling Silver Bangle Bracelets from 250 up
Finest Rolled Gold Plate JBracelcts from $ i up. ,
Handsome Brooch Pins and liarrings from $ t up.
Fine Silk Garters with Oxidized Silver Buckles
only $1.25 a pair.
Ladies' Solid Silver Watches from $5.00 up.
Gents' Solid Silver Watches from $7.50 up.
Gold Plated Watches , ladies' or gents' , from $10 up.
Gold Filled Watches , Am. movement , from $15 up.
Solid Gold Watches , all kinds , from $25 up.
Howard Watches , silver and gold cases , from $50 up
Clocks from 756 to $2OO.
Le Maire's Opera Glasses from $4 up.
Pearl Opera Glasses from $5 up.
Solid Gold Spectacles from $3 up.
Finest Steel Spectacles from $ i up.
Good Spectacles or Eye Glasses from 500 up.
Silver-plated ll arc , Lamps , Fine China and Art
Goods offered at about half price. Fine Silk Um
brellas , with oxidized silver handles , from $2.75
Pianos NU "Or gains
Are now being offered on
> u
Avail yourself of those between
neuron bargains.
A mupnlllcont display nf everything useful nnd ornuuiontul in the furultura
nmhor'a art , ut reasonable , prices.
York , nnd ttio snino year entered upon post
graduate studies at the University ofLolpslo ,
( jcrnmny. Ho was made IX1) . of his alma
mater In lbS7. Since IWjl ho has boon ono of
the editors of tlio Blbllothcca Sacra and has
contributed many scholarly articles to Its
pages. His breadth of culture brings him
Into sympathy with nil department * of the
college and his election means its develop
ment iu every dircctiou. The present attend
at Oberlln is the largest during Us
whole history.
Mrs. Mnrln Cor.i Mng.iiro , who Is sulnir
her husband , Hoy. Hugh Mugulro , pastor of
the Protoitant Kplsuoiial church of Our Sa
vior in Brooklyn , forulvorco , deilaroJ on t e
witness sliiiul that she would have ulop .t
with his Satunlo Majesty himself to
her husbuiid.