Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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DVEnTISKMKNTS for thcso rolumi will
ho taken until 12-30 p. in. , for th eienlnf
trillion and until : : > p. m. , tor th * roornluH
* altlon nd BUNlUT 1UI.
OATE8 AaYortlM-rnenU on this p r will 139
It-charged for at Ilio rules o ( IK cent per word
tar the first Insertion and 1 cent tx > r word for
< yieh subsequent In nrllnn. and flM per line
cer month. No advertisement taken tot
Jf s than 21 cent * for the first Insertion.
"t NITIAIyB , figure * , symbols , etc. , count each
J ( in on worO.
rpllEBK ndTcrtliftncntJi most run conieeu-
JLtlrnly nml under no clrcumstnncfi will
they be tnkon or discontinued by telephone.
"OAHTIES advertising In tlieio column * and
J. having thulr answers addressed to a "nutn-
ter-U loltnr" In euro of THE HKB will receive
ft numbered check to enahln thorn to get theli
letters. Answers will ln delivered only on
presentation of this chock. Kncloso answers
-In onvclopus properly nddrctipd.
I.Ii Siivprtlsomnnti undnr thn heart nf
A "Special Notlfos" are published In both ths
morning nnd evening tdltloni of TIIH IFE. | the
circulation < > f which airitri'gatPfl inoro than
10,000 papers dally , and il\ps the ndvnrtlser
the benefit not only of the largo circulation of
TlIK III.K InOmnha , but also In Council Mulls ,
Lincoln nnd other cltlf. < ! tnwnln tiniwMt
AdvertlsInK f or these columns will bo taken
on the nboro conditions , uttho followlr * busi
ness IIOIIBC who nro authorUnd totnkospecIM
notion , nt Urn mine raten as can had ot the
SOUTH Btroot , Mster lllock.
YOU ! * Vf riKI.iM'harinaolit , 830SoutkTenth !
tl .
Btrcet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UASn ti. EDDY , "Btatloncrs and Prlnt ,
113 Houth ICth street. _
1'harmaolst ailSOum-
. lax Btrcot.
J.IIUOHES , 1'harinaclst , 624 North Wth
G EO.V. . I1 A nil , Pharmacist. 1718
worth street.
r" , ! lth nnd Fnnmm.
I trial rr , itciert < n > nf frl rnlumn < m Ihfa
WANTED lly youiiK man wltli bi , t rccom-
nieiKlatloii' , position as Hlilppluc clerk ,
bnoliliropcr or other ofllco work. Addrris ( >
5.7. llic olllco. M.Sg.1-1'
W ANTl'll Situation liycnllpgp student tr
do eliores , work In rostniirantor tiHu
en roof horses , lows , eto. Address 025. llec
ofllce. M 80S-31' '
AOTIVH , pdnrntpd man. in. will do nny sorl
of wnrlt voiy cheap. No roferenees. Ad-
drossO 31. llpo , 81V01
WANTI'.I > lly joung man. night \\ork.Ctt
12 o'clock. Address 0 23. lleo 810 DO' '
' \A7ANTnD-rcisUlnn by voting lady
> > o rnphcr. A ( I dross Olio , I loo. I82.VV
WANTKT ) Sltiiiitloii by mnii of cxporlonci
In dry coeds , carputs or groceries. Ad
dro tm I too. 731 1
\\TANTni ) Situation by party who lias line
T Kcnoral htisltii" ! oxpcrli'nco. < ! an Rlvi
sociirltv In pnstlionof titisl , or would takoai
Interest In paying business. Address 0 "n.llco
SITl'ATION wanted in law olllco hv yount
tiinii with Wt rears' oxperlrnoo ; ndinlttri
In pr.ietlco ; coml Htonoirrnpor and typewriter
first class rcforunci" ! . C 21 , Iti-o olllco. BOO 31
AOKNT1EMAN with sever U years' P\
ticrlanro. cnpnbln of flllhiK a rosponslbli
position , dosing such with a inortiKO ( : com
pnnvnr bank In Iowa or Nebraska , Oninhi
pio/crrcd / Address IIS2 , HPO. 415M
WANTr.D Situations for peed Rlrls : in ;
wnltliiR rnomi nro always full from 1) ) n
m. tn n ii , m. Canadian Employment olllcc
: iUJ81fitli. { Tohiphono 8S4. 12
/ Tor intft , etc. , ice topnf Jlrtl column on thtu ivr/7
WANTED Traveling siilesinan. oxcluslv
or sldo line ; must ho pnurpatlo and re
liable. E. S. Jewell , , ' " J Dearborn St. , Ohlcasr
M t-ao-l
A-HOMKTHING New tl.OO an hour easil
mndehy aeents , male or female ; sampl
and full particulars rrco. Charles E. Mar
shall. I.ockport , N. Y. MbRVUI
" \\f A NTin-Outtcrs : and tailors. The A. 1
T Kudo now method of cutting win produc
bright. vrcll-flttliitf , styllMli cnrmonts wlthou
a try-on. Tauehtonly nt Cltnclund enttln
Hchool , Clovulnnd , O. M757-3I
' \X7ANTED-Mnn with Rood references n
T > Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , IGOOlIowurd st.
254 FI
W 'ANTED-Slon totraol forourt'anadla
nurserles.StoneA : Welling ton. Sludlsou.W !
/ "or intef , dr. , fee toil nf firt roliimn nil thli yao
\VANTED-A coed girl , German or He
i i henilan preferred. Apply 1503 N. 2flth s
M 8711-3.
"WANTED First chiMsulrl. no wash In it o
' ' Ironing , ar.'l Hliinuystroet. Mt.77-1
AOENT8 Wn ha\o the best lOo article o
earth : IMXIp r cent profit ; $1 an hour ea <
lly iiiudn ; tun samples , postpaid. inoeliculai ;
fi eo. Novelty l 'o. , Cuyahoga Falls. O.
I WILL pay ladles a salary of JlO per wte
to work fomo In their locality nlhnm <
light work.gocdpny for p.irt time.Vrltowlt \
Mump , Airs , n , 1. Farrlngton. bo704 Ohlcag
\\rANTKD-In vholosalo Jewelry hous
' stenoBraplier and typo writer. Stal
loferences und salary expected. Address I
1:4 : , lleo. J1809- ( > ;
W ANTED A Oerinnn glr for gcnori
house work. 73I South 15th st. 8J1-3
\\rANTKD-Lady'or gentleman-salary J
Tl per week , HK)2 ) larunm st. bJl i
T\rANTEI-airlfor General housekeopln
Tl except cooking ; 52JN. aith st. tor. Call
L' . "VVANTnD-OIrl for house work. Call i
V iniflQapllol avenue. y.ei ;
\y ANTEIairl for general house wor
' liaoHconilq avp , 815
" \\rANTED-Olrl to assist at housework i
tuUucnruot chlldien , at Oil N. 17th.
For'rcitti , _ tic. , ttetop of Jlnt column ontht vav
"TT1OR KENT A nlno-rooni house with r
-L. modern lmpn\omonts , sDiith front (
Hansoom 1'arlc. Inquire of Kennedy & lilac
bum. 13 1'utk BVU. Mt
O now brick houses on North Nineteen
i street , 10 rooms , all modern Improvement
iilio burn ; only * ,5 per month. Omaha Ite
) JiUito and Trtiht Co , , Koom 4 , Hoe building.
TTtOU HKNT Olirnp. modern S-room hou <
J. Olobu Loan & Trust Co. , HUT 8. Itith st. CSVi
rr-ltOOM ilut with bath , cent rally locate
I rent J30.W ; furniture cost $50U ; been used
months ; will v > ll for I15i ( ; $25.10 cash , balan
UMKl per nioiitb. Co-Operative Laud anil I ,
Co.i.'u5X 101 list , 797
[ 71011 HENT-SoMMi-rooni cottaco , cor. 2ri
J. ' nvn and Cup. a > c. liuinlro LV1S Uodgo. Ml
" 171OU KENT-Now ft room cottaco on Btro
J-1 car line. ( Ohio M. but. STth and Mth ) ol
water ; 1 per month on year's lease to suit
family. Dun , II. Wneolur , Jr. , Insuruiu
Douglas and 1Mb st. 707.
"IT1OU KENT . ' 1 houses 10 rooms each , 1'n
J. live \\ool\\orth \ St. , ulty water.fiirnac
Ac , Cull ai onet ) . Miiiniuiu'li & . I-'ltchntt. him
lentliiK ngenU , S. \ \ . cor. Ijth and Howard i
"I7IOU HKNT Corner lint , 8 rooms range n
-L all ether couvcnlcncps. ut 701 a Itltli st.
Call nt store , ueorco CJInusur. Ml !
IlJIllNT 1''our0 " " ' 1 'TOOIII lints wl
J.'luitli , hot water , otc.i pined troot ; ne
buslneM ; all liiiurovcnipntg ; onlyls pern
Itofercnees roiinlred , The Mead luvcatme
Co. , 4 llt'o bulldliiK. i
" 17OU KENT Jan. 1 , C-room cottage , IIri
J. ' elms In etcry rcsncct , bath , hot and cc
water ; on motor line. Call utlXJlfcliernumti'
.M t (
"fjlOH IlENT-A larce lint of houses from
A' per month up. tico. J. 1'aul , 1COO Furnn
"lOIUIENT-2 lcsnut ll-room hoiibos , ffi
O. ' sm und 2310 IJouglus st. Kiiqiuro of A.
( ll&dBlnuo , Ulfl Douglas St. , or tilobo Loan
Trust Co. . aw SJlnth nt. :
rr-UOOSl house vrlth all modern convenient
I rrntinpor montli. corner Thirtieth a
VTaolwortli , fitolnit llnnscom I'nrk , Enqn & Mcliol , Vaih ana Loavenworth. N' '
TEAM heated lluUnt TCOBlGtlu Thos
ll I'axton biocic.
TpOUIIKNT-NIco 4-nwm cottiige , at lOlT
X'13th it. Innulroof Mrs. Duggan , S.V , c
13th and 1'nclllc Hts. i
"TH you with to rent a lieu a or atoro too
J-b. Cole , Continental block.
Ferrate * , tie. , ft top ofr t column nti tht paqa
TTIOIl KENT-Ono larco front parlor ami a
- * - small buck room. 1711 Dodge. M7tq- >
nOU llENT-Kooins furnHicd or unfnr-
J-1 nishod , ohcnp. 8. W. cor. 21st and Clark.
, 117103
"ITU'ltNISIIKD room for rent , all modern mi-
-i.1 provciiiiiiitn. 509 N. 18th sU 774 2 *
room * 12 per month.
street C03-1 *
, _ _
' ICE rooms , stctim heat , 1719 Davenport st.
Itr.NT-Eust front alcove room at the
nNT-Two largo front rooms cheap !
modurn conveniences ! ! M15 Douglas. 801 a *
( JOUTIi room for rent at 2IU9 Douglas at
ItOAUU and rooms , CM S Kill street.
I M 1' MU
ITMJHNIHlir.D rooms , Btoain heat , southern
JL1 expojiirc. Hat I ) , Kit f. ICth st. 7ini'
AHOE south front room , bay window , mod
ern conveniences , for one or two gcritlo-
mcn , JlO | > or inoiitli. J2I8 l.oqvunworth. Mac
li"iOK KENT l-'iirnlshcd rooms , gas , bath
JJ and steam , llill ) Howard. 715
QT. CLA1II Kuropoan hotel , with dlnlnff
rj room , Htcam heat In nil rooms. Vlth and
HodKL' . bpcelal rates by wcok ur month. 717
for housokccpltiKforman andwlfp ,
no children ; rcnttakcnJn board , 310 Ji,17th.
I ) front parlor.modorn Improvo-
nicnts. 191.1 Douulas , HI8 1 *
rooms , private house , location
J-1 central : It desired breakfast and 0 o'clock
dinner. : ilH N. ailli. _ § 10 i !
"IjlOUKKNT-rronlroom with alcovp.curtalns
J.1 nvintel. Btfxni heat , Kas and b.ilh , 2 closets ,
mltablo for 9gi > nllc > inoti or man and wife ,
818.00 per month. i-WH-'ltli st. _ 761
rpo I.r.T Hfiuitlfiil front room Is best part
J of city , clo e to ffood board. Kent reason-
able. 183 KiTH list. _ j
Jor tattx , etc. , Kf li'i > " / frt foliimu nn tlilr page ,
" "
l\JUniA'"firrnl-iliod" ) with board. 1017
IN Dodtrq stret. MS 10-1 *
DOIJI1LE parlors , with Kns , bath , furnneo
heat anil Krate , suitable for man and wife
or several Kuntlvnicn. llonrd If desired. H.
E. cor.i5lh ! a > o and llurnoy. 7K3' !
furnUhoil front room with board , must
ONE references , 1523 Howard , "itM 4'
iJIOll UENT Two furntahcd nmins. one with
- * - ? alcove. In best pirt of city , near coed
bonrd,2570llniney street. 730 1' '
Ii"iOK KENT Nice wnrm loom with board ,
J-1 ailg California St. KV5 3'
N'ICF.LY furnlilipil fiont rooms , strlctlj
tlrst-elnss table board , terms reasonahlo ,
No. .TO N. Ml i st. 700 r
S)10PouKlas ! , modern furnished rooms will
Aboard , 7713'
TjlIKST-OI/ASH table board with or without
-L room. Kas and hath In connection , rrlce !
very moderate. 2007 Cans. < 4.--
TTOK HKNT Well-fin nMied rooms nni
board ; nil coavenlences ; > Fnrnam. _
FOH UHNT A furnished room to gentle-
man. Hoard If desired. No other board-
ers. 'M 1'opideton avonno , G7S-i :
rpo HUNT Sn-story fipnt room , llist clasi
JL bouid. S01S. ! thtt\enuo. . 091-31' '
. . . 171'- Douglas street
ROOMniidLoard..JIOO. week. 410 31
EIiKOANT furnished rooms with board , can
boat and bath. MS N 17th street. 3 U-F15
and board $ o week , IWi 1'arnnni.
ROOM J17U1-J31
I'or rate * , ttc. . fft top of first nilumntin tlili
T > OOJ1S for rent , IXIl No. 19th.
It 74530
Forralr * , etc. , ree tup < > / flrl column on Ihto
FOU IinNT Desirable store and basement
southwest corner 16th and IJodKo streets
Apply to Leslie & Leslie , OL tbo premises.M873
FOH KKNT Ono store und 2 flats , 020 Fc
llith street , nnd several cottages cheat
11 J. Kendall. iOO Itrown bldg. 331-l'-l
at 709 H. Kith , steam heat lurnlsh ( l
STOKES 1' . Hull. : tll I'axton blk. 71
ofllco on ground lloor In Iloyd'
v > opei a house , 21.r > 9. 15th St. , at leasonabl
figures. Am. l'i lei Co. _ 7J
FOU RKNT The 4-story brick bulldlnc.wlt
or without powor.formoily orcupled byth
lice I'libllfihliiK Co. . Dili Fnrmuii st. The bntld
Inn has n llrojiroof cement quscimmt.complct
B ten in hcatinn tlxtnrcs. water on all the floor
Kas , etc. Apply at the ollleu of The Ilco. 01
"moil KENT lly January 1 , 4-story bulldlnf
-L aS.MO wju-iro feet ; sultublo for any kind r
wbolesaJluK , at Tenth nnd Jones snoots. (
A. , : > 1U South Klfteeuth street. 71
Fcrratet , etc. , ttt top of Jlrst r/iltimi on tills ; xij
FOH ItKNT Ilrlck warehouse , two Rtorle
hlKh. b.ihement , hydraulic elevator , trad-
age , llest locution la the city. A. U 1'owel
t. , > ft timnt firtt column on Into jxifli
L IbT your houses to sell or rent with 0.1
Harrison , Ol4 } N. Y. Life ,
Hi : . COLIC , rental agcncy.Contlncutal blli"l
I i"l
Farratef , etc. , tre tup of flnt column nn this nag >
WK hu\o Klrls with satisfactory reference
roK' ' tored with us for homework. Ca
nnd scouro tsaoA servants. The now emploj
mont agency , banK building , 10th and I tort K
M 881-3
For rate , etc , , Mttopnf ftrtt columnon Mitt 7x13
PULLMAN house Special i\ookly rates.
"I7UUS-OLASS table board. S378 Harnoy.
1 ? M810-F
Forrntff. tte. , Kilopof Jlnl column on Ihls pee
mitAOKAOE storaso atlowesUratosT Tvr !
JL jlughinan , 1311 Lcavenworth. 7
NICE dry storage room at Ulnzhani'sn !
storo. : ilP S ) . intii st. 7C8 V 2
QTOUAOE and trackage. David Cole , 815-8
llo\Minl street.
„ cloaii.dry , saf
kJanil privately btored at reasonable term
Omaha btuvo itepalr WKs.liMT Douglas. TclDi
Forrater , etc , reetopafjlnit column on thin jxi
WANTED To rente or 7 nxiiiTlioiisocoi
* * vonlont to IGth Htreot motor * south <
Kuril u in , guoil toiKtut Address U 2Ut Itoo olllc
M 807-
LObT Very small black nnd tan , I.lber
reward f or return to 108 Nutli. Oil volt nine
_ _ _
STWAVnn or stolon. Ono pray horse , le
car clipped , scar on loft hip , about
years old , u eight I.IOO ; 1 roan Deny with hu
ter , ulMiuttl yours old , weight MX ) . Howard f
return tob. b'umter . Ib'-J.S. L0th street. 7oO
T OST Ono white and llver-eolorod bird do
J-J t5 reward for return to Ed I'lynn. 10th ai
Lake street. M7y.
TOST Irish setter doz 10 months old ; r
JJward. Win. blincral , tol. 05 , rooms . ' 1 ai
> 3 Fir t Nat. bank. '
Vor ratttttf. . ttttnpafflrtt oumi > on ihtt
" | j"OUNI > A watch and chain. Owner ci
J- have mine by calling at 17JO S. 2Jth stn-
and proving property.
Torratn. etr , , ne tnp nf column on thl * i
o 8ALK I'lrot class milch cow , nlsoso
JlF. ernl Etxxl hones , Emiulru room 'M Oma
F. bunk building. i
ft Vor ratei , ttc , , ir lop nf fotrimn on thu JM
. .
i. k Co.lleo bulldlnz.Uumho. llrnnch ulHco
10 WaihiDKtou , 1) . U. Coubultatlou free.
For ratrt , tte , , are top nf Jlrtl column on Uits
PALE Handsomest ladjes' driving
Poll In Uinihni will sell cheap If hold In-
fore Fftiriiary 13. I ) . 11. Wheeler , Jr. . Insurance ,
Douglas and )3th ) st. _ MK1
iron tf A LKltlncif imported rrcuclistallion.
J-1 ImiulroCOiS. illtli street. MMiM'
" 1/IOK SALE-Cheap , vrnRim and double work
-13 harm's , or will exchange for buck Imird ,
also need side bar buggy , cheap. 11. t , . Colo.
Continental building. & 72
T710K SALE cheap A two horMj sleigh , also
JL1 largo pulleys , uid shafting. Wl Douglas.
T710II SALE 2Rood work teams. Inquire nt
J3 CIS I'axton block. TWO
Furratu , ttc. , fee top of frtt riAtuan nn IhurxW.
-owToiimUmid and St. lipr-
K tmrddog , 1 yi > uroldwclght80 toW pounds.
Uoom 14.004 3 lath struct. 710 at *
T7OU SALE Holler top desk cheap , also luird
J- con ) htove , biimi burnor. Star l.nnd A. l.onu
Co. . 1st lloor , N. V. I.lfo. 7T2-W
TnOHSAI.r-rorrets. Acldiess 0. D. ( Jrc'eii-
JL'wood. . Silver Ulty , In. 7M 2
TTlOHFAM'-CoinplotOfiot of drujt store fix
" - ' lures , show etc. 1 * . O. lloxUTU. B19
For rat'f , etc. , tee tup i > / " .r < t rmuntn mi i/iti
fANTKU Tobiiy nvoll established lutn-
w i borynrdnncl coul business In f > omoll\o
town In Nebraska , county sent preferred
Ran tiay nil cash or part cash and halauuo In
laiul orcltypioDcrty. Addrvssl' . L.Uuiteniu'i.
OJO I'axton block , Omnlm , Nub. M bOO-t
WASTED To buy ono or two olllco desks
In good repair , for cash. Addrusi O vt.
Hue. 51TS7
H AVi ; customer for some vacant loti nml
for equity In cooit rental property. J. 0.
Cortoljou , room 40 , Uhutnber of ( Jomineree.
M ! tOO
TTIPKNITUUB boufht , sold , Btoicd.foi. \ .
J : nn iir i si. tw
WANTEU-\VII1 liny lilchest ca li prlco for
liousohold BIKMIS. illU io. lath St. 7UIKaT *
WANTED to lluy A Rood her o forbiiKcy.
liarty having HUIHO nnd wnntlnKoiiHh
inoro than the horMi ) \ y find purchaser by
addressing H C > 9 , lleo ofllcc , glvlug nKc ,
unco unit full piiitlculars. oil
WANTED At oncoj rnoicliancllso ; all
kliula ; snot ru-h : must know nt once.
I. T. Kewoll & . Co. 141'J ' Douglas , Uiuaha. _ _ y.11
OliST.S wanted ut mi N 10th st.
Icr talet , etc. , tcetop of Jlitt column oi t/ilj
MONEV tolonnon Itnpioved Omaha prop *
crty. 11. 11. Irey.iMU. N. V. Life. M
, private inonoy to loan , 7 per cent
OinAha Itoal Esliito & Trust Oo , 4 Heo lililir ,
MM !
niVATE money to loan. J. D. Zlttlo. 01J
y. v. Lite. MJI.
/"IlIATTEIj IOIIIH nt lowest rat is. Iloinovcd
N. Y. I > lfo bidJ. . 11. Kinmiiwr. 7J :
I ONIJY loaned on furniture , oto.
Lllankeyu lnv.Co.33 Douglas blMO&Dodgi
EYSTONE JIortRimo Ca-Loans of JlO tf
K $1,000 ; . got our lutes before borrowing and
savt ! money ; loans on horsef , furniture or anj
appioved security without publicity , note :
bought : for now loans&vnowal of old andllow
rutes , call U208 bhuuly blk,15th & Howard
/ 1 MATTEL bunk , JllOH ir > thst. , loans monoj
Won chattels or collateral nt reasonable rate ;
"IT1IHST & second mortgages on vacant & Im
J-1 proved city prop. County warrants bought
Money on baud. r. M. Ulchurdson,818N.Y.Llfo
ONEY to loan on city nnd farm . .
M W. M. Harris , K 'JO , I'reuzer blk. , opp. I'.jD
BUILDINO loans , Oto 7 per cent ; no addl
tlonnl chant8 for commission or attorney'
fees. V > . II. Melkle. Hist Nutlonal bank blilc
Estate Loans Cnsh on hand. Glob
REAL & Trust Co. , a07 H ICth st. No delay
nojoxtr.i cliarsos. Houses for rout , good list
0 E. & 0. M. Anthony. 'J18 N. Y. Life build
lug , lend money on farms In choice cotm
tics In Nebraska and Iowa , also on cooi
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; bes
terms ; no dolny : money ready , Titles nm
values Passed on hero. 74
MONEY to Loan Short tlmo piper bought
Uronnnn & Co. . CJ N. Y. Life. 741-rj
LOANS on real estate ; money ready. Ale
.Mooi e,301 jihcely block. 7'JH 1'
MONEY to loan by II. r. Masters on chiittc
and collateral securities for any tlmo fioi
1 to 0 montns , In any amount to suit boc
Loans made on liousohold goods , pianos , or
gans. horses , mules , houses , leases , warohoiis
locelpts , etc. , at the lowest jioaslDIc rate :
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so at ranged that you can male
a payment of nny amount at any tlmo and lu
ilui'o both principal and Interest.
If you ewe a balnm'o on your property c
have a loan you w Ish changed. I will p ly H o
and carry It for you. If you Had II more con
vonlont. call up telephone No. 1021 and you
business will bu arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No put
llclty. Lowest rates.
II. 1' . Masters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th and Harncy bts.
MONEY to loan on Improved city proport
ut current rates ; fiinuson hand ; nodelaj
Oeo. F. Hlust. A Co. . iMJ Hamgo bldi ; . SUt
MONEY 30. GOorDJ days , on housolintd Jin
ulturcotc. 01B 1'axtou block , J.J. WllUIr
BOH. JIU70-1' '
For rates , etc- tea tn ot Mrt en umn on thtt jin.
WANTED Law partner , young unmnrrlei
cnoiKotlc. with some means , good habit
Address XH , lleootllcc. MW3- !
PAVlNO llrlek Can you bo Interested )
the manufacture of | mInK brleK ? . If s
correspond with the undersigned. Wo hav
Just purchased larvo tiaets of land npu
which is located the finest banks of vltrlfyln
clay In Knox Co. , Ill liest location fur brlu
plant In Illinois , Ono and one half miles f roi
the Rreat I'lirlngton llrlek works. Compnn
about to bo orR.inlzed. Communicate atom
wlthO. N. Car oiiorll , J. Churlts. KnoxMll
Illinois. S1887-3
FOU SALE Munt market doing Rood en'
business llttcd up In lint class stylo. Wl
bear investigation. A snap for some on
Other bushier reason for belling. Add res
lock box J183 , Council lllurfs. M7M
"I71OH HALE LunLor and eoul business I
JL1 live town nour Umnbn. 1'lno chuneo I
pet Into ugood paying business. 1. A. IJpto
Co. .770
V\7 ANTHD Enorcctlo man with Tma
i ' capital to miimiKu payliin business In Ni
braska. Addicts O8 , Iteeolllce. 7U-
IDAKTIKs contemplatlnff the banking bus
Jnt" > s and doslrlng nctho partnerwhowl
take half Interest , mldrcs O 20 , Heo. 700
Pint SALI-TalIorbuslncsa , Trunk Socho
David City. Neb. 7U8T2
Foil PALE or Kent The Tekiunnli i-mnli
factory , In complete running order : wl
bo sold clienp , or to the right parties will I
rented on favorable tormn. Cull on or ai
dress First National llaiiK , Tokaniah , Neb.
T > AKIIEK Shop for ? ao-t3 ! > 0.00eiisli will bu
JJa shop complete In n good Neb. town ; bus
ness has been established ovurKt years : rei
soui for solllnir , chiingo of business. Addre
Oil. Omalm lleo. 740
SALOON The best opening In Ncbrask
Address 11. A. Kufus , Itavenua , Nub , H.
agent. 70H T2
FOH SALE 1'urnlturo and lease of 40-roo
hotel la line location ; un n\erngo lui.sliie
( ) fl,1)aUny. ) Oood chuneo. licit rc.i ous fi
soiling. W. S. Cooper , Merrlam block , Couuc
itiuirs , la. M5iu r
il Foil BALK or exchange For a gin
farm or other property a forty-roo
hotel , furnished nml doing a peed buslno
One of the host towns on the Union 1'acll
railroad. Address II44 , Ilco.
HALE or E-xchanso Olonn stock ofdi
- - s. clothing. lxntH , fthoos , hats , caps , 1
11 dle ' and gonU' furnlMhlnK coodd. Addru
[ ; Itoxim. Kranhfort. Ind , _ CT ) I'
3 TTIOII KENT On'.y hotel In a good towiu
A. jo ( < xl opening for a good hotel mini , r
particulars address llox I , llurr , Noli. 043 f
Oil -HALB or Trade Largo livery nTiii7c"i
stable , fe > d htoro atUclied. This ls\u
locateu on puvcMl street and dolnnapo <
business. Muinauxh X I'ltchett , real etta
agents , cor. 15th nnd Howard at. c
HOTEL For Eule Do you want get Into
teed business ? If you do , buy the Cunim
ctal at llroken How , Neb. :
AN fstabltiheU business for sale or tru (
lioz 'M , city , l
Formtt * , tie. , M top t > tfnl _ column nn Oil *
" \\Tr.Itli locnlcd ncro property , free of on-
V t ctimbranco. In Omaha , to trude for tnotl-
nrn liouso nnd lot on South. Sldo , I'blcngo.
Give full description. AddrcssO S , lleo olllco ,
M884-1 *
\VANTED-To c chaWnoa Imlf lot or full
V lot for brlclc work nnd plahtcrlns. In
quire 1817 9. 13lh street. MSSO-2'
WANTED To pichau.ce good Insldo Im
proved property for acreage property. O ,
II , Payne , 1011 Kaniiim street. M783-31
"Y\7n have Boternl stocks of general mor-
chandlsp , hardware , boots and shoes ,
amounting from liOOO-tn f.w,000 to trade for
land In eastern Nebraska nnd Iowa and cash ,
lly Matmgren & LttYKren , llarnor block ,
room 14. _ _ na. 8.CI1
T710KSALK or Exchange-For clear Improved
J"Umaha real estate a clean stock of hard-
wiire. wagons ) stock of about J2.VOOO ! In noith-
ern Illinois. Address UK , uarcOuiaha llco. _
"IT'OIl SALE or exchange 500 farms In Iowa
JL1 and Nebraska , 'rom J oo to W > ,000. , Pond
for list. E. 1' . Klngcr , 1519 Knriiain. 718 4 *
WILL Irado a good clear lot In Armour
I Place , South Omaha , and takogood drlvliu
horse and buggy us part payment. Address ,
11 27 , Hue. > 7J3
OMAHA propoHyto exchange forllvoslock.
E. V. Ulngcr. 1510 rarnain. 70J 4 *
Xt'IiANOr * Ono $20,000 stock of morchan-
iINc ; nno 17.000 slock of merchandise ; ono
$1,000 Htock of notions , nuclear , and will trade
for peed real estate. Hutuuttisou & Wend ,
1521 Douglas st. 71)1 ) 31
rro EXCHANaE-Ftrstcln > .s dwelling house
JL property for Iowa nrcastuin Nebraska
farms , encumbered or clear Address O 2.
lleo olllco. C'5-31'
TJUSINnss property on 12th st , near Far-
JJiuiMi , for itsldener.
L'clear lots ( corner ) in Orchard Hilt forhouso
and lot ,
40\120 , Satindorsst. , south of Lake Clear , for
Simo ether good property for oxclmngo. J ,
D. X.lttlc , N. i. Life. OyO
TT10U nxOHANOn-4 small stocks of dry
JL } goods and notions for clear land or lots ;
102 lots near Walnut Hill for meichamllsu or
clear land and cash ; 24.500 Htock of llnomll-
llnery hi Omaha , 1J.OOO cash ; will tnUo teal es
tate or paper for balance. E. 1' . Ulngor , ir > 10
I'ariiain , 71)84 ) *
acres flno farm land adjoining good Nebraska -
120 town ; nearly clear.
180 ncics iluclv improved land 2H miles from
county scat In Nebraska ; lluhtlr encumbered.
120 acres good land In Ncbraska.Omtlcsfrom
county scat ; 2nos Inhabitants.
Honso and lot In town la Kansas ) clear.
Ulcnr lot In good Nebraska town ,
4 room house and lot. barn , well and cistern.
ICth street. Oin.ili.i : slightly encumbered ; will
trade for Omaha property nnd assume cuciim-
br.inccs. II. E. Colo. Continental block. 100
pIO AUS for piano. Addiess B 4J , Ueo. „ ,
UTII AT have you to trade tor two good lots
In Mt , Pleasant addition , the future resi
dence portion of Omaha. Make offer. Address
- ; i
ronuttt , etc , , ife toppfflrtt column imifa < / ynpt ,
will ssll you a lot nnd build house to
WE on monthly payments.
15 acres , Pciinliijfton HclghtA , $050 per acre.
Lot on bpauldlng near Both , only $000.
Houses anil lots on monthly payments.
Paying banking business In llvo Nebraska
H.uoo bank stock , paying ! ' per cent ,
btar Laud & Loan Co. . 1st lloor , N. Y. Llfo.
FOU SAI.K-GOxIOO foct on South 10th St. , be
tween Ht. Mary's aYo. , and I/eavonwortli
St. , east front cottaso 'of ' nlno largo rooms ,
closet , bath room , furnace , comcntod collar
and f oo < l barn , for I12.00J ; worth J15.000. Ad-
aiieo ) oiiico. < sao-raa
OK HALE Choice lot hu Lincoln avonno ,
I half block from motor line. Call on J. M.
Scanlan , 128 Diondwuy/C'ouncll IllufT" . iM700-l
Tj-OKSALn-llloek (4Vtour in Hellovue.Snrpy
J-1 Oo. , Nob. Inqulro ot John Sllscullck , War
saw , IJenton Co. , Mo. 709 Sl
"I71AIIMS of from 40 to3,000 acres for rent or
J-1 Halo on onsy tcrnw In Snrpy. Cumlng ,
Tlinycr and other coutiUea. U. T. Clarke , 10
Hoard of Trado. M751-10
IT1AK51 KorSalo or Tffide A section of 1m-
Jpioed land located at Tlldcn , Madl&on
co. ; : uo acres under enttlvatlon , 240 in pasture ,
M acres hay land ; Nq.'l Improvements. Rood
house , barn , feed yarjls.rsheas , wlud , mill and
7 miles of wire fences ltd acres joining can be
uecurcd with It. Address AI , II. Hpsarty , Ex
change building. South Omaha or Tom Me-
Donald. Tlldnn , Scb. 714-i
TK you have bargains In real estate to offer ,
or If you want , to buy , rent or exchange , sec
E. F. Klngcr , 1310 raniuin. ground lloor. 7'Jfj ' 4' '
OK SALE New five-room cottage on full
lot , good location , only $1,000 Hhin.ll ousl
payment , long tlnie.oiie-thlrd loss than value ;
must bo Bold as oivnor Is leaving city , L. S
SUInrior , 1014 Fantnm st. 7 3) )
FOH SALE Cheap. The residence at ail (
1'lerco strqet , at a bargain for a few days
only. Inquire at the Neb. Steam laundiy
ICth and Howard streets. M51 ;
BAIIOA.1NS 5-ioom cottage and lot , city
water , sewer and barn , centrally located ,
} 2,7. > 0. Terms easy.
Largo 5-room cottage , nlcoly flnlshod and
\\oll located , JJ.OOO.
South front lot on paved street near motor
5900.Somn nice lots In west and north part of city
$550 und upwards , J , P. Zlttlo , UH , N. Y. l.lfo
T71OHSALE Several good Improved farm"
J2 also unlmproxcd lands and town proportj
In best located counties hi Nebraska am
Iowa ; all are bnrgalnsA. Address I > \ L.LoomU
Uth nnd Douglas , Omaha. Neb. Klll'l
LIST your property for sale or oxchangi
with J. O. Cortolyou , room 40 , Chamber o
Commerce. . il lift
B1GUEST baririln In Omaha. Only three o
tboso elegant houses on 41th and I'urnm '
loftnut of six ; other three occupied by IIrs
class parties. Houses are open all day lor In'
pppctfon. Every convenience In the houses
Including gas and gas fixtures.
Take a look at them during this flno weather
buy ono and take life comfoitablo durhiK thi
Only'tnkos from $ .100 to $300 oa li. See then
without fall for they will piouso you , L ) V
fehojes. SUI'list Nafl bunk. 74
OUNTZE I'laco I still have onoO-roon
house to boll on easy payments ; price
. ; 1300 cash , bnl. &I5.00 per month ; wouli
lake some clear property In exchange. J , J
lilbson , solo agent Kountzo I'lace. rocnn I
Ciolghton block.
TT\OH \ SALE Or trade. Improved farm , 3 !
J acres , in Gospcr county , Not ) . , clear. Ad
drobsJ. II. Khaw , 40th ana Ilumllton st,0mnhn
SPECIAL Uprgain-Largo lot , KlxlW ft. ,
blocks from I.owo ave. nnd Cuinlng St. , lay
cplendtd ; cheap for cash , or will trade fo
farm. Address L O. Merrill , 42nd and ( Jasssb
Wo-room house and full comer lot , very chea ;
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lotH. Addros'i the owner at 4-'nd and Oas
sts. . U O. Merrill. It
THOU BALE Jly rtsldence , 3020 Farnnr
L strrou Oholcest location and best bous
In Omaha for the money. Hot water am
every convenience possible , llarn , connocte
with pewer , water and Jtaf D. V. Sholcs , 21
1st Nat , bank. f ' ' MTU
K-HOOM house. lot Itk&S. 1,700 ; also6-roor
< - > hou < io. loti4MxB2 : , s. a ? Kr. llth and Vlnto
St. , KOOO. Hrlck bousd-'nnd American hou
lot UixGU , n. e. cor. luth'nnd Douglas , W0,0i ) (
Mrs. Kuhlmann. 2121 Sjlfth. 4 !
POK BALE Ono of thai most boaiitlful f rul
farms In Harrison county , Iowa. Improve
menu all good. Addruwi. U. F. Eaton , Oran
View fruit farm , Miignollic , Iowa. 817-
etc. , tee lap of Jti.-rt column on tltla jj < t < ji
A nc1mr ! L"allnfi'(3cslring ( ( thoTrlTand
manicured In an artutlutnanner.nftorth
Improved London ToUjjf. Itazaar Metho <
should call on Miss Allgijf Now York Ulty.u
2205 Douglas street. . < > 7.0- :
UtilWer , over U10 S. 13il
j. . . > 3 85-1-
" \rAbSAOE truatinent.elcotro-thorinal bath :
I'lscalp and hair trorituient. mnnleure am
chlropoulst. Mrs. I'osUlUii a 15thWlthnoll hiT.
lurrat't , tic , rutnpvf frit column on Uitt pin
MASSAGE Madnin Oclzlcr , over 610 i * . nil
850-I1 !
4 1 MH8. Naimln V. Warron.clalrvoyant tranc <
spenUIng , writing and reliable buslnei
medium , four years In Omaha. Ill ) N. IGth.
MSI 1C. Ilurtuugh PalmUt tells the pait , urc' '
cnt nnd future from the lines ot the hum
In thoold Oypsy way. Foe , 111 ladles onh
1H17 liard street , Onmlm. KJO 3
Forrattx , rir , tee lap of inC columt on ttitt 117
TTlINESToleotrla and electrothermal but
-L' rooms. Including TurkUh cnblnut bath
Ladlesb to 1 dally & Tuesday ti Friday ov'ni
0 to 10. Dr. lllcliardi , roomnUlb i ; MIoo ) bid
Davenport has wcoiveJ bldi nnd Is about
to let tbo contract tor about $100,000 worth of
brick paving.
The Iowa state board of health declares the
old iMlriKO about a wnnn winter and a fut
churchyard n baseless superstition.
State Dairy Commissioner Tapper Is test-
hiRtho milk thni Is .sold In various cities of
the stnto. Ho found poor milk at DCS Molncs
and Cedar Uaplds ,
Carl Tinton , who used to llvo In Marshall-
town , Is or. tbo longest mall run In the United
Stales. Ho pees from Cheyenne to DaUor
City , Ore. , a distance of ll"00 " miles.
T , H. Kommorcr died nt D.wemiort from
blood poisoning , resulting from n cut received
while rcpalrliiR his house \ \ few days before.
Ho had lived In Davuuport inoro tliini tueutr
years , bcliiR for a ntimborof years In the
jrrocory business. Ills ago was sixty-five
The Clinton lumber company will again
this season bring Its loss by rail from near
Northern Pacific Junction to Stlllwatcr. The
Iocs coino In bolter condition , nro rcnJy to
ship as soon as navigation opens und the extra
cost Is inoro than luailo up by the RWtor
value of the logs.
Mrs. Charles G. Knstmnn recently died nt
KmmotsDurg , where she had lived since 1875
with her Bon-tn-la\v , Captain E. J. Harts
horn. Mrs. was scvonty-four yours
old , Her second husband , Chnvl s O. I'ast-
man , who died in 1SGO. was the editor of the
Montpcllo ? 1'atrlot , the loading detnocnxtio
newspaper of Vermont. Mr Eastman was n
poet ns well as a politician. Hownsnnlnllnmto
Irlenil of the poets Whlttlcr and Saxo nnd of
thostfltcininn Stephen A. Douglas. AmoiiK
the papers which Mrs. Knstman hnd care
fully preserved wcro congrattilntory letters
to her husband from thcso notou men. Mrs.
ICastninn was a beautiful character , ch in
toned by many sorrows.
The record of murder nnd suicide In Clin
ton nnd Jackson counties during the last
twelve months is stmpiv appalling , says the
Dclmnr Journal. In Jackson county there
was a saloon murder In Bcllcvue , the Park
inson suicide , the Russell suicide , the Hoi-
Ucn stncldo and that of an unknown man at
Gordon's ' fcrrr. In Clinton county Is thoDlco
suicide , the Nurro murder , the liowon murder -
dor , the NVca ells murder and the Dovnm
murder nnd sulcldo at Grand Mound and
kistly the Davis murder. There may bo
ethers that wo don't call to mind just now ,
but those are enough to show the abnormal
tendency to violent translation In this notch-
'jorhood. Wo doubt whether there is a place
n the United States of equal population that
an show so n recoid. AVhnt Is the cause
f this dcplorablo condition ) Who can sug-
est a remedy 1
HID Two Dnkotan.
Morgan Culbcrtson , aged sixty-six , a
ilonccrof Brooking , 13 dead.
Moody county has been repaid all out 5 per
'cut ' of the $5,000 loaned in seed wheat last
"Lot's tnlto another ballot , " Is the war
Jilfltuous refreshment is suggested at 131s-
The first ahlomcnt ot Yauton cement was
made last week , when 3,000 pounds was sent
' -o Mcnno.
Gettysburg wants a test well. The Herald
'iclicvcs flowing water could bo got at a
depth of 1,800 foot.
lirulo countv , it is claimed , has 12,000
sheep , six times the number credited to it by
the auditor of state.
The Grand Forks Plnindoaler believes it
, vould ho money in North Dakota's pocket to
ralso inoro sheep and fewer politicians.
The Rapid Cltv Journal is authority for
tha statement that there nro ten moro colonels
nels than privates la the South Dakota rut-
Wahpoton has been selected as the loca
tion of the North Dakota Methodist college.
It pledged $2J,000 cash and I'M acres of land.
J. ( J. Adams of Chicago will give $10,000 , of
tbo O'isli.
The Woonsockct Times says the wife of
Leon Stevens , the btirsted banner , has be
haved generously , turning her own property
over to some of the most needy victims of
her husband's ' failure.
Prof , McLcuth of Brooklyn college , who
has analyzed the waters of the Dakota ar
tesian basin , declares that it is not only not
only not injurious to vegetation , but that Its
constituents supply good plant food.
Louise Gcrlach , a domestic in the home ol
' Positively cured by
these I.ittlo Fills.
They also relleTO Dls-
trcsa from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness , Bad Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain In the Side ,
regulate tljo Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
/orrnta. etc. whip of t rat column oiiWili
TT OU SALE Cheap , a nearly now Hallott
-1- Davis & Co. , upright piano In llrbt-olns-
condition. Iiiqulro ut 1010 Douclas st. M
ROr. Charles Peterson , piano.violin , rlther
JL &gultarlnbtructlon. Studio 503 Sheoly blk
I HAVE a few now pianos for sale awfullj
ciie.ip , as I have conooutof the plhuo bust
ness. H. Jonason , Farnnm and llth st. K :
T > E1'OHE buying a piano examine the nov
Usealo Klmball piano. A.IIo = pe,1514 Doughs
IEO. P. Ocllcnbock , teacher of the bunji
rwlth Hosue , 1913 Douglas. 24
Forrattt , etc. , tee top of finst column n t/itu / ptujs
WORTH'S tailor system taught 0128 IGth ,
NX ) rae
ENOAGHMEM'S to do dressmaUIni In fam
Illc * solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2U10 ifarney s
For7if ( . etc. , leei'ifjit it tl column nn IV * 7x191
CALL or write for catalogues and Investl
Kate the merits of the bnilth Premier typo
writer. Manifestly superior features. 1m
portnnt changes made. Typo-writers sold
exchanged or rented. 1009JJ Furimm st. , K , II
Mayhow , mannsor. a7
Forratet , ttc. . netitp nf flnt tnlumn on ( Alt
BEST llnu hair goods In west ; hair drcssltis
wles , switches , bangs , hair chaliH , etc. . i
specialty. Davlcs. hair goods and mllllnoi
oppoblte postollle. Ill B loth street , Omaha.
For ratrt. etc , ttt top of f.rtt enluinn on tlitt aqt
ASSAOB bath ut Madame Smith's parlors
: M lloor. TOJ H. ] Utli at. 024' '
M "Ai-HAOb .Madam Uoliler. over CIO S Kit I
for rntes , tie , , ite top nf Jlrnl tnlumn on tlilt j > m
Mohlo loans money on diamonds nn
watches Juwclry.etc.s. c. cor. rarnam Ac lit
, tte. , fee top of Jirtl column on Hits
WANTI'.I ) flentlemnn room mate of BOO
habits ; family of four ; good location o
Faruain. Addiess O 18 , lice. MTbO-3 !
/ "or i a 11 * , etc. , ire foil of fret cnlvm n on thU i
T ADI ES and gentlemen can rent munquoi
JUadH hulls ivtKi'N. luthst.
T. 0. Barns of Mitchell , was found doail in
the kltchon Monday morning. It Is supposed
that she fell In a faint and suffocated from
gas that escaped from A gasollno stovo.
Seed wheat notes totlio amount of Kit-
C2S.U In North D.iUota remain unpaid on
account of poor crops , nml ttio tlmo of pay
ment has boon extended to next fall. The
total amount of scod wheat notes wns fS',1-
Tom Hetluml and Charles Thomson , ianch-
men. have been urrested for stealing rati o
cnttlo on Iho Had river. This cxttMislvocat-
tlostculliiK done by them for the past two
months lias been charged to the Indians , until
within n few days.
The body of a man was seen floating past
BrooklupheaJ , twelve miles down river
from Yank ton , some days since. It is sur-
ml < ed that it may have been the body of
.lolm Hobson. who lately mysteriously disap
peared from Ynttkton.
The American I'lbro association of New
York has offered to put up a Max factory at
Aberdeen if the city" will guaranti'O it 5,0(10
or 0,000 tons of llux straw and plvo It a bonus.
The company announces that It contemplates
erecting at least twenty plants this your.
Tuo Gettysburg Ilornld sees in the recent
Indian banquet at Pine ItUlgo evidences ttiat
the reds are gradually becoming self-sup-
porting. On the occasion in polnl the gov
ernment furnished only the c-ofleo ; the na
tion's wards themselves rustling tbo dogs for
the soup.
HIghinoro , S. D. , Is cursed with a number
of seventeen to twenty-year-old boys who are
would-bo toughs. T hey have been In the
habit of waylaying smaller boys on thulr way
to on ten till u moil Ls nnd locking them up until
after the entertainment was over. They did
this a few night * ago. Three citizens went
to the building whcro the boy was cotillnod ,
when the youtig toughs assaulted them. The
rescuers wcro lee much for them , and before
the fracas was llulshed the boys were badly
The Anaconda mining company has reor
ganized , with a capital of flL'.oOO.OOO.
Uutto Is still lighting the Salvation army.
Juit now the barracks are in a cellar.
The Cumlierland company of Cnstlo is talk
ing of putting up a sixty-ton smelter In the
spring. '
Joseph Lncon , an artist , formerly with
tlio Now York ; Graphic died at Butte of
Helena's olei-trlc car system will shortly
bo In full operation , covorimr the cti tire middle -
dlo division of the city.
I. ICnrotofsky , a Butte clothing merchant ,
is under arrest charged with having bought
§ 100 worth of stolen railroad tickets.
Missouln citirons recently held a mass
meeting nnd appointed committees to work
for getting tbo state university located thoro.
Fines amounting to about $ , r > 0,000 assessed
gainst last year's fugitive senators wbo loft
ho state to avoid voting on United States
enators have been remitted.
Hnrry O'Dcll , a brakeman on the Northern
? iicltlc , was arrested In Helena. Hois sits-
icctcd of being the thief who robbed the
'jarrlson ' House in that city a fuw weeks ago.
frank Heather , a railroad engineer , re
cently loft his homo in Great Falls ostensibly
"o look for work nnd nothing 1ms since been
icnrd of him. The case is shrouded la mys-
Whoa the state legislature pets Into shape
o pass bills onu will bo Introduced by a Sil
ver How representative permitting the hold
ing of prize lights In the state under the aus
pices of un athletic club.
During the past year the Uutto minors' '
union paid out $15,0 , 0 in sick bcnellts. Dur
ing less than four mouths , from Aucust 31 to
December S4 last , the sum of JS10 was paid
out for funeral expenses and $5,170 for sick
W. T. Field , candidate for congress on the
; abor ticket at the last election was seriously
; nurcd ] by tbo front on the boiler of his en-
glno blowing out. Ho is an engineer on the
Northern Pacific. The accident occurred nt
Timber Line station.
Householders of Billings are reaping the
benefit derived from a war between the
agents of the Kocity Fork and Bear Creole
coal , respectively Coal is now offered at one-
third less per ton than formerly nnd people
are lllllng Ut ) coal houses nnd sheds , expect
ing a rise in prlco at any time.
The Yellowstone company at Castle U said
to bo contemplating the addition of another
stack to the Honsloy smelter so that jt may
treat a portion of the output of its mine at
homo. Besides the mine and smelter , the
Yellowstone company is largely interested In
n field of coking coal fourteen miles from
Castlo. -
W. S. Hutohlnson of Chicago Is in Butte.
Ho is accompanied bv two experienced moa
and tboy will Immediately try to abate the
smoke nuisanco. The Parrot smelter has
been selected as the place for the initial
test. A portion of the machinery is on the
ground , and the apparatus complete will bo
on hand In a few days.
A story is tola of a former loading stock
grower of Augusta wbo went to Now York
with all his capital , amounting to S700 mid
won 812,000 nt faro. The Choteau Mon-
tanian , which Is responsible for the yarn ,
gives the man credit for investing in Helenn
real estate all the money ho raked in except
tlf > 00 spent on diamonds.
It is given out that the Cameron properties
at Georgetown , Including the saw mill , quart :
mill and the nflncs , have all been bonded tc
Anaconda parties , who will push work al
onco. The quartz mill started up on Januarj
5 and Is running on ere from the Southern
Cross mine , the dump having been purchased
by Mr. Cameron some tlmo ago.
It has been discovered that much of th (
milk used in Helena is a spurious article
being a mixture of saltpeter , burned sugar !
chalk and water and some red substance. II
was concocted hv a gang composed of Her
man Brass , his son John and two brother !
named Mildred. They made their lieadquart
ors in an old cabin in the upper part of town
Brass , who owned no cows , sold too nmcl
mlltt , and the authorities , becoming susplc
ious , apptelicndcd him and ilually arrcstot
all the conspirators.
A teamster named Knowlton mot with i
serious accident near Rnriorsuurg a few day !
ago. Ho was hauling ere from the Keating
mine to the railroad nnd tried to jump on !
loaded wagon while it was moving. HI' '
clothing caught on the brake nnd throw bin
to the ground , the wheels of the heavy wngot
passing over his body. Ho wns picked up al
most unconsrious. Ills collar bono wai
crushed nnd ho received ether severe injur
IPS , which will probably cause do.ith , ICnowl
Is about forty years old and has n family.
There are 7,000 Welsh In Salt Lake.
Work on the Castle Valley railroad is to b
Ogdcn wants a chemical fire engine am
wants it badly.
Tno Edmunds coal mlnant Sterling Is com
Ing to the f rent. They are now working li
g n molrtuo ; but the grateful
people , that B. S. S. has cured , after
physicians had declared them Incurable
in the thousands.
ble , number way up
Oscar Wiles of Iltintln hurK , Ky. ,
Hays : "Forjoarsl was allllotod with
h-illlcd the skill
a blood taint , tint -
of the heat
The cltaoai o affected ray oo , until I
was almost blind. I am thankful to
say thit a few bottles of S. S. S. . cured -
od mo onUto'y. My eyesight la com-
pletiy restored , and my Ronural
health is better than it has been for
yoar.1. "
Book on B'ooil and akin diseases f o.
The Swift bpecill'3 Co. , Atlanta. Ga
Chemist and A snjcr.
Formerly In Ohomlral Laboratory of Ihe Uiilo
1'aolno Hallway Company.
Special Attention Given to Ores
Waters nnd Oils.
1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , NeL
two veins and have commenced tapping thi
J. W. McNtitt was the cholco of Oguon' ' *
primaries for mayor.
i'ayson has organized n bank with a paid-
up capital of IsM.OOO.
'Die motor lluo lias been completed to tha
Hot Springs near Ugdon.
A hospital Is among the numerous Improve
ments contemplated in I'ai'k City.
The electric line of the Salt Laka City r.vll-
road company Is completed to Fort Douglai.
Ulah lake Is to have a line of birges estab
lished upon It for freight nnd shooting pur
The annual exhibition of the Utah poultry
association will be held at Ogdeu , February
The Klrst ward Mormon meeting house at
Ogilcn was burned. Loss , $11,000 ; Insurance ,
Salt Ijiko's council leased thu warm springs
to Henry Barnes and Hdward Byrne for 4100
a month.
Ogdeii's registration list contains ft.flOO
names. The "Homing vote" Is estimated at
from ; tOO to CM.
It Is estimated that there are over thirty-
llvo thousand acres of lunil under cultivation
in Hmciy county.
Sutton Brothers of 0rantsvlllo have purchased -
chased for range purposes 8,000 acres of latul
in Summit county.
Citizens of Loin voted a tax of 1 per cent
for th.rcove.trs for buiUUng a central school.
The con fs to bo ? r.,000.
A sampling mill has bocu put In nt Mammoth -
moth switch that will ho largo enough lo
hnudlo the ores of Tlntlo district.
Tire bugs have boon operating In 1'rovo.
The Roberts hotel bnrely cseajiod destruc
tion , the stable adjoining bolng burned ,
It Is reported that each ot the fourteen
children of the Into U'llllum Jennings of Salt
Lake will receive etin 000 from the ostnto.
Salt Lake's public schools liavo fi.'JOO pupils
and the denominational schools lf > 00moro.
Accommodations for scholararo Insuftlciont.
A ten-story butlnots building to occupy
half a block on * upper Main utroet. Salt Uako ,
Is what eastern capitalists will Invest la , His
Many miners have been taken oft the mines
in the Tlntlo group. The Immense quantity
of ere on hand and tbo low ratltig of the
jnetnl ate given as the causo.
The company working tbo property adjoin
ing the York at lllnglinin broke Into a streak
four or llvo Inches wide , carrvlng gold ere
running up into the thousands.
niTorts are Uolng made la Salt Lnko to or-
gani/o a company with f 100,000 capital to
build a factory and equip it with a iroomutrl- wood carving nnd moulding plant.
The town of Castle Gate , but little moro
than n year old , is now a little city with its
electric lights , colio ovens and the extensive
coal works of the 1' . V. coal company.
The will of the late Bishop Milieu Atwood
, vas offered for probate In Sail Luke last
, veck. It disposes of 1175,000 worth of urou-
: rty , the bulk of which iroes to his widow
und thrco children.
Ogdcn's ordinance prohibiting dentists
'roin ' practicing without llrst procuring a
iccnso from a board of examiners appointed
by the city council has been declared illegal
by the supreme court.
Edward Manahan of OgJon , seven years
old , was accidentally shot in the nock by an
unknown man , uho shooting at a doir.
The bullet glanced and struck the child , la-
'llctlnga seiloua wound.
Work on the Anchor tunnel at Park City Is
very active. A now Hand compressor Is
being erected. Contracts have boon made- for *
putting up hoisting machinery adequate-
a shaft to a depth of a.DOO foot.
CItbons of Hcdmoml. Sovlor county , nro
jlated over the recent discovery In the low
illls near that town of an enormous quarry
of what Is said to be some of the very llnost
building mid decorative marhlo in the \vu3t.
Mrs. Douahuo'of Marysvlllo. Mout , , wlfo
of a mine superintendent , died from the ef
fects of Injuries received from being run into
by nn unknown hlcyclo rldnr In Salt Lako.
She was thirty years old and mother of three
small children.
The Burlington syndicate , composed of B.
& M. onicials has platted an addition of U10
lots on the west , side of the Jordan hi Salt
Lake. Contracts have already been tnadq
for twenty cottages to cost II ,00 0 each. Tno
syndicate will also build eight stores costing
? 15,000. |
The Ncphl plaster works are not running
full now. but nro sending out forty or fifty
cars of plaster a month. It can bo delivered
"u the territory at a cor of W or $5 a ton.a
mlf a ton an aero makes a big dressing U
ivill probably be used exclusively for fertiliz
ing pm poses.
Bingham Is booming and now has 1,200
miners at work. The number will bo In
creased ns heavier machinery Is planted and
lower levels reached. Carr Fork has sprung
Into prominence as n camp on account of a
recent strike In the Jersey Blue mluo which
assays ? 125 to the ton.
Two little boys , Ed and Charles Colton , of
Vernal were burieu under four tons of bay ,
which slipped from the top of a stack near
which they wcro standing. A brother hap
pened to be near and went to their roscuo.
when uncovered both of the little fellows
were black In the fnco from suffocation.
Work on the now factory of the Utah sugar
company between Lohlnh and American
Fork Is progressing rapidly. The company
will pay farmers i per ton for boots do-
llvercd at the factory. It Is estimated that
the works < , wlll bo ready by March 1 , and
machinery will bo shipped there beginning
February 1 ,
Joseph A. Quihell got a judgment of 83,500
against ttio Union Pacilio for Injuries re
ceived while wonting in tha Almy coal mines.
An appeal lias just been argued in the su-
prcmb couit , So wns the case of William K.
Hvdo of Honoyvlllo , Box Elder county ,
whosochlld was run over and killed In 1S80.
'V Jury gave Hyde judgment for $ JUOO.
President Franklin of the Niagara mining
company has returned from the east , where
ho succeeded In raising inonoy to continuo
work on the Kinghnm icroup of mines. The
uiuo feat square tunnel , now In nearly
100 feet , ho proposes to continue to a
total of 0,000 , feet , thus connecting all the
mine ; , nnd a shaft is to bo sunk on the Utah
mine claim.
Ucport has it that work will begin on the
railroad extension south of the Kio Grand o
Western as soon as the weather permits.
Sallna has donated real estate and cash to the
amount of (3,000 as nn Inducement to locate a
depot In the town. Kisinoro will make a high
bid for the HloGrnndo Western general depot
and machine shops , believing she will have
water power equal to any city In the terri
tory as soon as the Sovler valley canal 1
The Union stock yards company was Incor
porated in Salt Lake lost week. Capital
stock $ a.'iOnoO , divided into B.BOO shares , 6.t
which ? . " 0XM , ( ) was subscribed by the in cor
porators. The directors are D. C. Dodge- ,
John W. Ilndofcr , H. C. Chambers. W. II.
Hcmlngton , Fred Simon , John K. Dooly , M.
1C. Parsons , Charles Crane , John H. White ,
Hebor M. Wells , Ooorgo A. Lowe , 11 , b\
Saumlors and \V. P , Noblo.
The future of the Centcnnlnl-Eurcka mlno
promises well. Not only the dump but thu
power house and some of the drifts' In the
mlno are flllod with ere , which will remain
untll.tho company resumes shipments. De
velopment goes on and the vein Improves.
The last sale of ere was made November 10
and the last shipment was in October , but
the company continues paying dividends.
When thu Salt Laka mining exchange ottcncd
last.funo , Centcnnlul-L'uruka stock sold for
J 17.50 per share , and last week $10 was bid
for It without being taken.
Papers have been drawn for loosing a
group of six mines In Tlntlo. They are the
Normandco , Lady Duflln , Kvenlug Star ,
Provlncetown , Union Boy , Indutiondenco
and Comstock bltuatcd near the Northern
Spy. The property Is owned by John A.
Pelt , A , McCIoud anil U. K , Norton and wc
leased by Judge Rockwell and other parties
of Denver , who will commenrn development
within the next thirty days. The lease und
bond runs for six months and Is for f 10,000.
and provides that the prospects IM worked
continuously. A tunnel has been already
located and will bo run ns rapidly us possible.
When lUby wia rick , we gtve her Cwtor.'t ,
When i > WM * ClilU , tlie cried for Cantoris ,
When ih become HIM , ilia clung to C&storlA ,