THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE HiRKETS , General Belling the Principal Feature in the Wheat Fit ! LESS FORCE THAN USUAL IN CORN , A Iteportoil Corner In Mvcrpool- lliitctilimon nn Intensive Iliij-cr of Onti A IIlKhcr Oponlnjr In 1'rovlsloiiH-Ijlvo Stock. CmcAno , .Inn. 33.-Spcclal | Toloxram to TilEllKE.I-Alltho markets on 'chanKoopcncd with fair activity nnd strctiKtli. Thla was followed the Ilrstlionrby asllKht aclvnnco In the leading grain markets nnd n bronk In mess pork. Sales for Miiy were ! Wlient , IWotoOSUo toortfo to ( ? 80to OSUcj com. 65 c nml G37i © Mo I oats , IUo ; pork , $10,25 to 110.014 to 110.10 ! laid , t0.07i ! tel .US | rllis. J5.SO to JJ.I5. Tlio wheat market was marko.l . by an ab- soncu of now * tind pretty Kencral selling , Tlicro winsoinesl iiof a bull market curly , when the prleo of May sold'i ' over tlio close of yesterday , but the Htrcnzth soon disap peared and on poundlnR hy bears nnd much BcllliiR out by loiuti the bl ? and llttlo mark at took a bncK-sittuf I editor mo robe forenoon. Cables were against the market , baintf simply firm early wlicn tlio reflex of tlili market yes terday sliotilil liavu bron > rlitliltlicr < | itotntlon3 undclosliu cable * were sllhtly lower on butter - torvontli r abroad. This market darted around 08o for May and nn smno buyltij ? by the northwest , some prospect of a cold wave from Nebraska nnd pretty Root ! local buying led by Mitchell and U'nlker A Co , the urlco recovered from 07-lio to 03Sc. In early deal ing I'OKan .t Oo. were free sellers. When the maikot stopped at IH4o ? It was lianunorud by I'ardn.lKe. Schwartz became a free seller. Itlooin jumpo.l In on the selling side . With so much niralnst the nnrket , Mltcholl , Maxtor nnd the other early buyers lot tholr wheat go. The price wont olT to We , n break of le before - fore noon and before 1 o'clock the Iirlco wont tumbling to OTc. Tlio Now York market weakened , although exporter ) worn reported bnyerj of future. clearances of flour , nearly 51,033 barreh , and Now York cleared fiO.OOO . liinholH of wheat. Receluts In northwest wore moderate ; receipts hero , 5S cars , wltliS * cars for Siittirdiiy. At * 1 o'clock , the market was nt the bottom for the day with the trade generally short and waiting foroutsldo uo s. There was a llttlo rally In wheat to9io for May before the close. The market closed dull. January was quoted at 03'je toOSKo tolGHc toOSJjo to close ; July mo tolfl'io ' tel iiloUS ! { c. Thuro was less than the uuml force to the corn market. Karly trudhiR was marked by fair strength , and tboprlcoof May moved up from 52yo to 51o. Tills was the top , and the market declined with wheat during the two hours following until May touched fVJ..ic ' with only n slight 10- covcry before 1 Qo'elock , The receipts toJay were 171 cars and the estimate for Sat- urdnyno'ienrs , helped to bioik : the market. There \vassomo bidding forlargo lots for Kok- ruary. the ncKleoted month , nnd although the wrlco was bid up to O''c for 100,0)0 ) busliol lots , there were no sales above r > 0ic , the regular discount from Miiy. Thoroworo cables saying that corn was cornered nt I/lvorpool and hold ut to for January , and calilos were ! irt up. There was a llrmor feeling for com just at the close , when M'iv was nt 58o ! or but Ho under the close yesterday , January was quoted nominal at 50o at the close. February was quoted ntM'.iaand ' oil to 49iC ? , closlnK nt SOej June , 52 ? c. olT to 52e , closing at 52'ic ; July , Me , off tofi'iiio , closluu atfac. . The outs trade would have been without feature but for the ouer.itloiiH ot Mr. Hutch- Inson. Ho bcKiin buying Juno oats , the neg lected month , around 45c ! and put the prlco up toJOo. . The close of that month was at 45Jic. Mr. Iliitclilnson bought perhaps ! M3OOJ bushels. Mnyoats started nt 40c , sold at 4.1 ? c ntul closed at 4i7 > c. July was quoted at the close at 417 ; o. There was a flrm nnd higher opening In the provision market , followed by such general Bellini ; by commission houses and packers that the prices broke sharply for mess pork and were depressed for other products. 1'ork started strong on limited receipts of lioss , U'i- 000 , and higher prices at the yards. May sold at (10.S7S ! and declined straight to $10.03 , clos ing at $10.1. ) , with a scratch sale at $10.1 ? ! ; . Itlbs opened up 5c also at JS.'JO for Way nnd closed ut the low point , $ . " > .12 5. hard was very narrow , with M.07 5 as the opening and clos ing prices and sales at W.OJ. I'llICES AT CHICAGO. riltCKS AT ST. I.OUI9. COwoiuir | Open. I High. I Low. | Cloao. | Yca't. ' WHEAT Jlny \a\ \ \ { D0 } < IS coiir , fc8 Mk 67H May KJ > ( j MK 9Tj < 9 ; ( U ) OATH May. . . . 4SJ ( l.VH 45H 45l < 4ft NotCHIWtl ( } < > 8sl | ) , Estimated boss forChlcugo , Saturday , 25,000. Oudnhy was a heavy seller of puts at the close. Latest cables are discouraging , comlnc In easier. St. Louis receipts , wheat , 22,870 ; corn. 32,350 ; oats , 25,000. llalthnoro cleared 40,000 barrels of flour Thursday. Minneapolis receipts , wheat , 812 cars ; Du- lutli , 27 cart * . St. IxnilH shipments , wheat , lO.OOOi corn. 89,473 ; oats , 27,070. Now York clearances 55,000 bushels wheat , 3,000 pnck ages Hour. Estimated cars for Clnc.igo , Saturday : wheat , 69 ; corn , 300 ; oats , 1112. HOB receipts at six points today nro 19,000 more than the same day last your. Chicago receipts , wheat , 58 cars. 13 No.2 ; corn , 171 cars , 3 No. 2 ; oats , 127 cars , 49 No. 2. A Minneapolis dispatch sayst One mill has told 2.0UO barrels of Hour for export and 10 WO fordoiueatlo use. 1'aekers huvo boon liberal sellers of pro visions toduy. They engineered a llttlo bulso to resell on after covering early In the week , lleerbohm'scable-Oarifoes oil coast , wheat , itcmly , corn btronit. On passafro.wlieiit quiet , corn HtnuiK. Mark Lntio wheat ijiilot , corn ftlroni ; . Hour steady. I'ronch markets quiet but steady. Weather in England mild. Liv erpool wheat spot Hrm , held strong , futures dearer. F. G. Logan & Co. to Toncray A llryan The wheat niiirkotoponea llrni at 03je. ! sold iiptoiw\e. tree realizing by holders soon tilled up the demand and the dccllno tolffo was gradual. It closed nt 07" o. a full cent and a quarter under yesterday's nrlco. There is llttlo If anyehaiiso in the situation. Cn- lilos nro lesi buoyant , but prices were the Pftnio. leloKramsfrom California nuyno rnln. The reaction today was to bo oxpooted iiiuion any further decline It will do to buy May for imidornto profits. A llttlo better trade In July ; Itolose < lat03 > ic. Without disaster to the uruwlnj ? crop tlitfonrof futures uro too hlitli nnd should be sold on all bulges. Corn Inactive , i.lttlo can bo said ruuardlm ; It With Increased receipts It will soil lower. Weather Is line nnd mutt tell on consumption. 1'rovlslons steady , the trading In them light. Kennct , Hopkins , V Co , to Chrlstle-I.atliroii Coin. Cn The reaction In wheat today wasj pcnorally expected. Even stralnht biilla thought uestto tuko prollts on sueh a buleu nswoluid yesterday. I'unlrldgo nnd IJIoum led early Milltnif. tholr offerings being well taken , but when longs saw the dullness of the iimrkotoii every llttlo rally they gradually let RO their holdings nnd prices broke down nbout l ! c. the boars trylnj ? tostampedo tlium , hut unsuccessfully. Continued dry weiitherlii L'nllfornla , where the whole wheat belt Iskuf- ferliiK , lame clearances of Hour , nnd reports of n sale of 12.UXJ by a Minneapolis inlllor.were nn aid to early strength , but tliusu lost liilhi- rnconsthe olTorlinJs of loiiKlnereused. We luivo scfn nutlilnit In today a operations to chniiKeoiir belief In a bettor market. This U not the season of the your to look for n sus tained bull movement. Bhurp rallies will IK stronger and inoro frequent us the bcurelty ol cash wheut becomes morn apparent. That la really the key to the situation. Thoroluu been nomuolt rtmlUliiK today that but link > nero dccllno for the present Is to bo expectei ! mid on soft fcpots tomorrow wheat Khoiild bu u purchase. ItecolveM ere the principal sell < rrs of com and there was eoiibldera- bio realizing by IOIIKH on the speoulatloi o ( liberal rucolptu tomorrow , The lias becu ruther Leavy u duo bnlnooliow of material weaknon. Oatnvnry dull. UOXP wore hither , hilt ni provljloni (1UI ( nnt follow local longs sold out. The volume of trndohus been sinnll. I'ackrrsi nro running full capacity and milking mnnoy. They wotiul rnllierpay fietlor jirlci't for hog than eo any fftlllnuoll In recelil | , Tholr policy wins to ho to krep prices about mllioy areallarounu. They sell tirnvMom freely on nil rallies. W. 0 , McCormlck A Co , to IV C. Swart * k Co. Tlio wheat market showed the clfect of the heavy covui-lng of shorts yes terday and the day hcfnro. In Ilia absence of ImyiTSon whom the bulls could unload tholr holdings today , holder * necincil unwllllna to IncrotiMi tholr loaili. The news was rumor bullish. Clearance * ( mm the. seabourd of Hour were very largo. Telegrams from California. continue to speak of lackof rain nml reports of very cold \vealherln Kansas and .Nebraska cniisod some iilurm In teirard to Iho winter wheat. An iirllcle In onoof the papers stat in ? that a careful and eoiet Investigation niailo by the fanners' nlllnnco provoa Iho crop to bo ID.OOO.OX ) bushels less than the government had estimated , was looked upon with great suspicion and had no nlfoct. Liverpool n.u otrd futures 'id ' lower The market closes ut a decline of ? j irotn lust night , lull we do not remird It as being very eak. Corn has been dull all day wlthtrau- Ing mostly by local scalpers. Wo regard this niarlcot very weak and It only needs fair iccelpts to develop Its inherent weakness. 1'rovlslons opened higher , but the ndviinco met free seillng by packers. The t'stltimtt'S-of stoc-ks are Inr e , well In formed gncsserrt stalltig tneiii iit..TO.noO bblw pork now and olil. i.VOOO.OW lln sliort ribs and lltO.OOJ tierces liml The market closes tame ut u reaction of lOo f lom lovicst price uf pork. CIllC.KiO 'K STUCK. CincAno , Jan. UO. LSpcclul Telegram to Tit E IIKB.1 OATTI.E The decreases In the run hns had llttlo or no oiret on the values so fur this ttcok. The ilomand today was ruther light nnd the prices only hardly steady. Buyers were ratln ; the market higher , but salesmen reported llttlo or no chungo nnd values maybe bo yet quoted 15n to-oc lower than last Mon day on the ordinary run of fiit cattlo. Oow stock , especially dinners , remains at low- watermark , while fit heifers and dry cows coiiinnind fair prices. Stoplicrs and feeders nro unehunged. The top price was $5.15 for three car loads of very nrlmo steers. Kxtra to choice steers , } l 7. > ® : i.00 ; luedlum HOC ® 4.2. " . ; common , JI.CO.i3 ; cows , } i.00a'.v ; stockcrs , * 2.30i.OO. : lloos The market opened with a sharp up turn of5e tolOe , and fora tliuutho bulk bold at that advance , but , after shipping and other urgent orders were out of the way , there wa a sudden drop and the general mar ket elosed weak , wltb all the advance lost. also the ail vunco of yesterday , making the close about the sumo as yeslcrday. Hough and common may bo quoted atf'l.-l./ixro ; good toL'holeo mixed and packers , M.tiiXtW C ; prime heavy and butohor weights , M.03.0 ; light , 5 ; pigs , * j. Tsava. STOVKS .1 xi ) itnxvs. NEW YOHK , Jan. 110. [ Special to TUB Hun. ] STOCKS. There win u hesitating market In stocks during the morning hours. Thuru was no controlling liilliiL'iico itul llttlo outside business. Hoom trailers were tlls- couriicd | ; over tlio foreign selling , cvun nftur the bunk , rate was rotlueed to 3 per cent. The bears claim to have soon very frco selling of western stocks on the market , partly supported by manlpulntlorrln Missouri I'aolflc. Tlili feellns gave slightly lower prices at tbo opening , after which tlio early trading exhibited t'reat fovcrlsliness. The marketbecanio strong and material advances were scored among tlio leading stocks during the llrst halt hour. In this rlso ChlcuRoGas trained PS , Missouri 1'ixeiflo 1 and llurllnittoii Ji , Hock Island and Union 1'aollle ouch ? * . SiiRiir rose ? j and others sinallor frac tions. Silver certificates , however , were weak , dropping from lei : to 10li ! and lluctout- Ins widely and rapidly. The Konernl list was dull as usual nnd without any feature of Importuned. The spur ! did not last long , however , hlRh prices bring- \n'l \ out onou''h stoeks to check the rise and afterwards depress prices nearly to the level of tbosoof the opuniiiK. There was no I tup or- taut chitiiKO In tlio character of business 01 prluus up to 1 o'clock. Blocks continued heavy dnriiiK the chHln-j hours and lust prices wen from ! i to 1 per cent under those of last night. The exceptions were Missouri I'uelllc , htoad.v at 0" , and Union Paclllc , ' / } higher at44Ji , Lake shore made a bulge to 109J5 and closed at 100 , m up for the day. Hugur and Gas wore fi to 1 point higher. VHKrd stocks and tht ontlroiiriuigcr group showed weakness wltli Nortlier I'aclllo preferredundllurllnsitoneacL > i lower. The sales reached 1(4,770 ( bhares. Tliu following were thocloslni ; quotations : MONEY On calleasy ; closed at3 percent 1'itiMR MKIIOANTILB rAPiit-5S7 ! { per ecat. STKHLING E.XCIIANOE Dull ; easy ! slxty-duv bills. $4.85 ; demand , $4.H. NEW VOIIK STOCKS. Btocki. | Opun. | High , | low. | CloscTl Ycat'j W. A U K. . . llocklnit Vul 27 .Manlmttnii. HM'f , 100)4 ) .ttO Wnbusli pffl ll ! Krlo 1'JK Cnnaili : Ho. J'.l'l ' I'nclllc .Mull. 83'4 Iiiku Shuru. lOfJ * I.cml Trust. & 0. O. C. Nortliwcut'n JIo. I'nc M Union PHC. . 44M N. I'nc. pfil.i 73H W 7II > ! N. I'ue. com. 28 29 C. , II. At ) . . . Hock Island O''M ' 28sx Kt. 1'nul ' MJi alt 1 ? sx & S. I'aulliM. S ? Wont , Union II. , K. AW. . 137 134)1 BiiKtir Trust B4 65 KITl Aui.i3uii.Uf. ' 73 * JiTHpy Cunt. 111' Mil ill 111 111 New Kngl'il. 38 Ittch.Turm'l 1UH Atchlaon. . . . 2U > I 41 llemilnir 3i Del. A llutl. 131- ! , liil ) . I'lillmun IbU IbSI 18'J 1K | No. Am IbUW IbSIVt .Mich. Tent. . VI W Vt tfj U2 Mlver lO''M WiJi 10IJ4 1W 103J1 111. Cent. . . . Wls.Cont. . . ilox. Cunt. . 2.1 2J 23 A.U Oil. . . . 21 21 21 21 21li Tuzna 15 li 16 14 ! Tunn.C. A I. The Wool Market. HOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 30. [ Special Telogran to THE HUE , ] Tlicro has been a good trade li wool the past week , with sales of 3,090,00 pounds of ull kinds. Ohio fleeces hnvo beei in better demand and ( Inn , X Belling nt332c ! XX iitXK&lSouiidN'o. 1 at : i7Gi75c. : ! Mlehlgni X lleccos have been firm , no good wool belni offered at loss than Oo. No. 1 Mlelngan ha bold nt ! l.Vii7o. ; Combing and delaine lleeeo have been tlrm. No. 1 combing selling at 40 $ 4''c. Ohio line dolalne at 'MYS io and Mlclilgni line ( h'liilno at U4lGo. Territorial wools havi a big demand and uro well sold up , sclllin at tiO&uoc , clean line Died him at tvii mostly and medium at 5 , ' ! ® . " * * . Ono sali of oliolco spring Texas was made at Slliio iitu there were other sales of spring and fall at 'J Wtiic. Uallfornlu wools are In demand at lldi 'Ma UK to quality , and there have been soini fair sales of valley Oregon at a.V320o. I'lillei ' wools have been actlvo , eholee super solllni ut 404. > o , fair to good super at : m'ISu niu extra at " ; . ' ® : Ke. There have been large sale of Australian wool , on the spot and to urrlvi ul lOUI'-'c. Carpet wools have been iiulet , SlinrcH. NKW VOIIK , Jan. 3D-Spo3lal [ Tolonm to Tin ; IlBB. ] The following uro the uiluitij stook quotations ! Alice ITS Moxlran 210 Amnuor. . . . 1UO Ontario 'i'M I'olormlo Con ] UO Ophlr iiix ) Con. , I'nI. A Vi\ ( tu Plruiuuth 2UO Cuiild A Currr 'IM Hnvuiie 2UO lliiloA Norcroaa. . , . UU SlurruNoviula 210 Honioitnko . , , b25 Standard I''i Horn Silver ' . " .KJ Vollow Jacket VOX ) Tlio Coffv-o Market , Nnw YottK , Jan. 30-SpcclaI [ Telegram ti Tun lluc.l-CorrEK Options opened stead ; at 5 point sup to 20 points downi closed will near months steady , late bare steady at 1 polntsdown to5iolntsup. | Sales : 23.7M bagi Including January ; lli5.70iitlB.75j Kebrtiurj ( IK.7UI Murcli , S10.W ; April , Jlfl.10 ! May , J15.t Ctin.hJ ; June. tl5.V > ; July. 115.43 ; Boptvmbei m.OJiil4.70i Uecember , tta.0,1 , I'll ItUVVK .T/a If K KT. . _ _ . . . Steady May. t 7-S.u ; July , U2Ho. Uorn tftomly ; cash , 4'J'io ' ; Mny.J2 ? < UMVio , Oats Steady ; cash , 4liC14Uc ; Jluy , 45 0. Hyp Steady nt7le. llnrloy Mow at7.va70i > . 1'rlnio Tlinothy-Steady nttl.20. Kliu Firm util.21. Whisky -II.H. IV > rk Steady. eiiBb , W75 ! May. (10.15. l < urd Steady ; cuub , IS.TiiH ; May , < 0.0"J. ! Short lUbs-Stcndyi cash. tl.Slt&l.9l I5.1.X Flour t'nehangpili winter patents , } l.f > 0 Til.M ! _ prlii ! { patents , < l.4oai.M ) | btiUcrs' , ' " ' iliillf 'Mouti-Shotildprs , SI.O.VTZ1.IO ; short clear. ? I.9J1.V0.1 | short rllx , $ l.V > 3.l.Vi ( , Iliittor unclinngt'di creiunery.lO'sl'Mo : dairy. light nnd hoary grcon altcd , .V5 > iot Kri'vti , tU&l'iei silted bull. 4 > 40l cri-cn Halted oalf , 801 dry Hint , Hoi rait bull.CBTc ) dry calf , StJJcl deacons , each. 2. > c. Tallow-Unclmnxed ; No. 1 , solid puckotl , 3Vct . ! , : ( ! rnko , 4c. o Stronu ; full rrcnin clieduars , Oijlo inct Hats. 10Uffilo ? c | Young Americas , lUJi © lie. lleoolptB. Shlpinontt. Flour , bbls . H',030 1J. 00 Wheat , bu . SO.OJO ! V,000 Corn , bit . „ . 201,000 104,000 NE\V Yottic. Jan. \Vhcat-Uccclpts. . 5J.RCO bushels ! I'vports M.-VX ) bushels : np' t closed we.iks No. y red , .Jl.tKMS In elevators $ I.101-4O tl.Wl alloat ; Jl.0li'4 < ai.ll ? < f. o. b , ; options easy ; No. S red , .January closed nttl.OU'fi. ' Corn Hceollits 24,050 bushels ! exports , 27.000 bushels ! spot aimed lower ! No. . Ci'i © KJoln elevator ! GI'lJ614Uo ' nlloali utiRraded mixed , ( UttQlxia : uptlotis lower ; January , U.its Itecolpls. n < 1.000 bushels ; exports , 2.000 bushels ! spot einler ! No. 3 white , KWJ KlVJet inl.xoil western , 00554) ) whlto weitern , KMlf/Je ; oiit loin lower , Siiitiir-Kiitr , nominal : rollnrd. quiet. I'ctrolcnin Steady ; United closed. Febru ary , 74 ! ic. filft Western , 24Ulic. ! Vurk rirm. Inni Western stoatn , J1.07H. Ilutter-Qulet : Klitln. 2.'ic. e-yultt ! Unlit pklms , ST. Lout ! * . Jan. 30. Wheat Loworj cash , 09e | Muy.Oii'iP. Corn-Kasieri cash , 40'Jc. ' Oata Ijoweri cash. 45c. 1'urk Weaker atJ9.S7 ! { , l.ard lu ) U ul M.M. WhlsUy-Hteadv utSI.ll. lliittor-Unchanged'.ercanicry.lSillOa ; dairy , _ . . . . Jim. 30 , 'Wheat-Good de mand for wheat , prices a fraction lower. Heeolpts210 curs ; shipments , M cars , Closing : No , 1 hard , January , Uio ; on truck , OUo ; No. 1 northern , .limitary and February , OlVicj .May. 04e ( ; on track , 52ot No. 2 northern , Jan- uarv , b'Jel on traek , Ml'/SffiWo. CINCINNATI , Jan. 30. Wheat Stronger No. 2 led , WWM1.IW. Cum I'lrnii N'o. 2mixed..Tic. Oats ( jtiluti No. 2mixed , 47ic. ! KANSAS CITIJnn. . DO. Whnat Qnletl No. 2 liiit-d , cash and Jauuiry , Me bid ; No. 2 red , cash , Ulcbld. _ Corn Steady ; No. 2 , ensh nnd January , Oats Qnlott Xo. 2 , cash and January , 41 Jic. E , Jan. Ito , Wheat 1'lrm ; No. 1 northern , l)7ei ) May , Ql c. Corn Oulet ! No. & 4lHio. Oat.s l\rinat4CiO. ! Provisions 1'orU , easier ; Jlay , 510.10. Lirniii-oou Jan. l0 ! Wheat Finn : demand fairs holders offer sparingly : red western. spruit , Ta ( iid(2 ! ( Ts7il percental ; red western , winter , 7i ! iu. Corn I'lrini demand fair ; ml.xcd western , 5s 7d percental. IJL\'K BI'OC'K. CitiOAno. Jan. 30. Oattlo-Hccclpts , 9,00'J ; market steady : steers , llrm ut tJ. ! ; cotnmon to ehoicu Bteorw 41.00(23.1)0 ( ) ; cows , KU.tVii".U3 ; stockeis , $ 'J.iOaj.OO. : ( ; UOKS Uoeolpts , a , " > ,000 ; market wenk : rough and conunon , } . \ : > 'ii''Mmixed \ \ and butchers , $ 't.Wi. ) : ( ' > . ) ! prime heavy hutehei welKbts , W.70SH.75J llnht. * I.GO@i.7.J. : Slieop IJecnlpts.OOO ; shipments , 2,500 ; niarkcl nctlve an'l steady ! vesturni. * .t.7')5i4.8J ; na tives , $ lIXxa4.8o ; texans. t3.7at4.70. ST. Louis , Jan. ao.-Oattlo Itocolpts , 70 ( head ; shipments. 8)0 head ; market steady ] fair to fancy native steers , $ ) .7uB3.UO ; stoclc- ers and feeders , Ji.WS'UO. lloas-ltecelots , 4OJUhend ; snlpmonts , 2,00 ( head ; market a shade hlKhur ; heavy , KJ.5 y.7u ; mixed , W.15i 'J 55 ; Unlit , JJ.ioai.5U. : ) KANSAS Cnv. Jan. M. Oattlo-Rocelptj , 1,400 head ; shipments , 1.400 ; mari < cl stcudys steers. iJ.75JW.M ; cows , * 1.50'J.50 ! stuclcorii and feeders. $2.l"iWI.S3. ! lloKs-Ueeelpts , 1U.700 head ! shipments , St ( head : niurlict steady to weak ; ull gru.dc : ) , OJl.tlfA IjlVK HTUCK. OMAHA , Jan. 30 , 1R91. OATTLE Estlmntod rocolms of cattle liuo : as compared with 1,035 yesterday nnd2.I8D Friday oflastweolc. The market was slow , uneven and unchanged on both beeves and butchers' ' stock. The market closed actlvo nndBtioirj with everything sold. Feeders developed nc now life. lions Estimated receipts of ho s 2.800 as compared with l..l'O yesterday and 7.27J Krlday of last week. The market was active and higher. Heavy hogs were steady to 5c hlghor and Hubt and mixed ho s flat 5o hlRher. All sold early. The ratine of the prices paid was JII.OUQffia.W the bulk scllliiK nt KUGm.W. Pigs. J1.5C ® 2.JO ; llRht-lU'hts , S'J.Co'aJ.OO ; Unlit , $ J.ooa .40 | heavy , fi.40tW.t0 ; ! ; mixed. C.4liU3.S'J. ) ' The average of the prlees paid was &U5 as com pared with yesterday and W-UJU Friday of last week. - BIIUBP Estimated icelpts of shrop 200 as compared with 817 Friday of last week. The mutton market was actlvo and strong. Na- tlvus. S2.50 < ai.)0 ) ; wcateriH. 8 .MKKB4.5. ! ! . U. . 140 2 00 M . . . .223 41 340 i 141 . . . .311 40 362 ! { 61 . . 2(17 ( 280 II 42 ! { KS . . , ! IIO 355 61 . . , .27.1 2HO 34.1 " 67. . , , Kit 40 35.1 82 , . . .24.1 SO1 . 3 4.1 ' fit 310 JIM co . . . . .an 120 a 4.1 . KI . , . , . : i70 icn aw < W 212 N ) 345Hi ' 408 80 300 75 240 40 34.1 C2 232 80 3CO nti3 AND jumdii. n int 2oo . iijr. . . , us 2M 10 01 22.1 72 100 20.1 104 75 840 - 8 ,120 300 " No. AT. I'r. 09 western' ? , rwcs 101 380 101 westerns , owes.- , . . , 101 380 OM.lMtA It'llOl.JtS.lLE JTAHKJKTS. Provisions. BMOKHD MEATS i-upnr Ctirod. llamn , H to 10 lh iivvritRo , 8Ho : hains.'JO tu93 Ibuvcrnito. Ho ; hams. Kilo 12 Ib a\oraRe , 8Xol skinned hams. Ho i shoiilduM , 51.41. ' ; clear breakfast bacon , 7'ic ; boneless breakfast bacon backs , ti'ii'l f unions bom-d ham,7c ; California , or pie- nlu linm , r.jjci boneless ham , 7o ! ; dried beef linn.s . ( sets ) , 7c : dried beef clods , Ocj short spiced rolls or hum ronletto , fi'fe ; smoked beef toni < uusior ( | do/ ) . $ ' 1.M ) ; special hams , 12 to 15 Ib avorauo. iocs special bonclusn breakfast bacon. DC ; selected dried beef hams , Itisldon mil knucklesDe ; selected wldo clear broak- UHilmcoiii Oo. DitrSALT MKATO 1'ancy lllit ; wolfjht short cleitrs , 5i ! : IOIIK clears , 5)e ) ( : short elear-s.fikte ; hort ribs , 5'act shoulders , 4Uc ; bullies Vie ; clear backs , 5'ie. ' PMOKKU M MATS liry salt cured I'nncy light weight Imcnti short clears , G.'iC ' ! bacon short ribs r > ? C ! Imcon HhorUcleiirs , D'ies bacon lout ? clears , fiSej bacon clear backs , Oo ; bacon clear bellies , Get bacon shouldcis , 4tie , HWKKT 1'iuRi.Kii AlKATt ! limns. tlorcei.Sc ! shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tlorcos , 4 0j bolllea , .lori'es , illie : California ham , tlorees , 5os beef s , barrel ! ' , fl2K ( ) . _ UKI.EO llKKKTosilUKS-jliirrcls , $20.00 ; half jnrrols , 100 ! ! ) * , $ lt)0j ) ( iiiarlor barrels , 50 Ibs , JO.OO ; cljtlith barrels , 2,1 Ibs , JASO. IiAlttt Coinpounil , pur Ib tierce basis , 5o ; uiiro leaf , perlb tlert'e basis. Gel pure lard , per .btlorcobasisdo ; liottlo rendered leaf lard prrlb tierce basis.O'te. ' ; : ) I'otn ; AND llnr.r JIois pork , now ) per bbl , $10.7. ' ) ; family pork , { 11.50 ! back pork , Sll.5'1 ; short cut clear pork , $11.75011.5' ' ) ; lirliuo mess pork. J.r : ) > 0ij.oO : ! boneless pis pork , fancy. J13.K ( ) ; extra mess beef , 13.75 ; Dlato beef , * 7.0J ; extra plate benf. Ji.OO ; extra fninlly beef , boi.elesi , sf.s.OO ; rolled beef , bone less , * S 50 ; rump butts. WO. I'm I'diiK lloncless llbls , 00 Ibs. each , $ li.K : ( ) ; half bbls , 100 Ibs , oiu'h. ' $7.10 ; ijuurtor bbls. 50 Ihs , each , * 3.73i oiRhth bbls. 23 Ibs , each , $2.00. Oir.s 1'rlmolard ' oil , winter strained , 40o ; c.xtra lard oil. winter strained , 47o ; extra No. 1 Inrd oil. IHo ; No. 1 lard oil. 3le ; No. 2 lard oil , tOc : extra neatsfoot oil , 4' > e : tallow oil , 43o ; halt barrels Hoover barrels ; 5 gullou cans,2 In a case , 5c over liarrols. SAUSAOK liolo nu , 4o ; smoked sausiiRO , 7ct blood sausaKC. 4'c ; lIversansaRC , 44e ! : head cheeso. 41 e ; fresh pork sausage , ( links ) Ge ; fresh pork sati'iiKC , ( bulk ) filial smoked pork sausage,8c ; Frankfurt sausage , 7e ; smoked head chccHe.Gc ; Polish sausa c,7c ; Knoblauoh saiisauc , 7c ; tongue suusu c , tic' tjummur BansaKI3e. . The above prices nro forlotsof fitly pounds and upwards ; * ) lo&siiuantltyahalf ccutuiore. Groceries. COFFHE Green lilo 22ia24ci Java. 27o ; Mocha , 2ic. Roasted , 23 l-10c : llunola , 251-lOc ; Qormiin. 2l'Sc : Ullllworth's , 2.1 l-IOc ; f.lon. 2.1c ; Uonlovln , 23I-10c ; Jloclm , 3le ; O , ( I. Java , 20e. Coifoo lissonco VI sro. boxes. Jl.'AIQI.M ) ; chicory , 7 (16 ( 10. AVHOIIEKWAHB 1'er dozen Tubs. No. 1 , $8.00 ; No. 2 , $7.00 ; No. 3 , JiOO : keoler. oak eraln.S-tn , best. SIM ; white cedar , 4-In , best. J1.25 ; palls , 3-hoop , oaks rained , 8I.7J ; hoop , $1,50 ; syrup , $1.83 ; dowell , $1.7.1 ; paper , metal hoop , $2.50 : cedar , 3 brass hoopi , No. 1 , all rod , $3.50 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops , No. a red , $5.00 ; cedar. 3 brass hoops , Nn. 1 striped , M.OO ; cedar , ! ) brass hoops , No. 2 strlued.St.50 ; horse , extra heavy , No. 1 , S2.75 ; well bucliets.'t.25. llutterwaro Tubs , ash , 3-Inch , per IIOM , 70u : ash , 2-ineh , Z lurco sl/e , per nest. 4.1e ; hnttur ladles , hardwood , 70e : butter paddles or Hpade. ,70c. Washboards -ilnKle.1.4inW.OO ; double , 2.50ai.23. : Clothes pins 5 Rross boxesCOc. Si'dAii Granulnted , OJjc : cubes , 7Ho ; cut loaf , 7'io : powdered , slandurd. 5Vic : CXXX powdered , 7je ? : yellow U. 7ic ! ; canary. Go ; light extra U , .I'afiti o ; iconfcetloners. A.O'gc. SAt.T Dairy , 2sJJ Ibs In bbls , bulk , J2.10 ; best grade , CO5s , $2,40 ; best grade , 1003s. $2.50 ; best grade. 23 Ids. } 2.tO ; ; rook suit , crushed , $2.10. SOUA I'aukages , U ) Ibs to box , ? ; ko s , 4c. llAKiNd I'offDKn-Hoyal , dime cans , per do/ , Of a ; Ji-lbcuns , $1.43 ; H-b ! cans. $2.115 ; I-lbeans. S3.00 ; Price's "i-lb " cttiiH.Jl.35 ; 'S-lb ' cans , $2.50 ; 1-lb enns , $4.73 ; other kinds , 1-lb cans , perdoz OANNEt ) VEor.TAlir.ES Toinaloos-3-lb , JI.Oo ® I.10. Corn Very llnc.$1.2.YBli5 ' : ; 1-lb sugar , ifl.l.'i ; 2-lb standuid estern brands , $1.10. Jlushrooins 1-lb Trench , extra lino. Sili c ; 1-lb French , line , IMW.'c ; 1-lb Krcnoli , ordi nary , 1&5M8C. l'eas--tU ! early June , il.X'S ; 2-lb Marrow , standard brtiniB. $1,10 ; 2-lb naked , 700. Krcnuh ] ) oas-l'er case of 100 , } 1.SO2.00. SlrliiR bonus Sib high cnido , O0u ; 2-lb wax beans. Me ; 2-lb strlnn bouns. SOe. Wina beans 2-11) soaked , 85c. llostou baked beans 3-lb , $ l.3.iSil.M. Sweet potatoes ; j-lb New Jersey 81.60 ; : i-lbokra and toinaloos. 11.05 ; 3-lb okrn , JI.CO ; nsparacus , ! l-lb. J'J.RVjyj.75 ! rhubard , 3-lb. $1,49 : succotash , SUWBl.'S. CiiACKEiis t'oda , Oc ; oyster , 5io ! ; cream , 8 > io ; ginger snaps , 8Ho ; 10 per cent off on box lots. lots.UHIED UHIED FUUITS Turkish prunes , loss than hhda , 18.X ) . Oc ; apples , evaporated , now ring choice , 15o : apricots , fancy , In Backs. 20o ; blackberries , now , Oc ; raspberries , 23 Ibs to box , X'c ; currants , new. 6ic ! ; Vollzzl currants , extra , In boxes , Ui''i ! ' peaches , ( Jiilu. , choice , 17Kc ; California dried crapes , In bns ( , S'ie ; seedless Sultanas , sacks , lOKo : niuscatolB , WtUi now Valencia , Ro ; Ondura layer. Do ; HRK , aycrs. 1420c ; eltron. Leghorn , i0o ! ; lemon peel. Inc. NUTS Pet Ib Almonds , 18c ; llrazlls , 21o ; filberts , We ; pecans , itllc : ; walnuts , 18c ; pea nuts , fancy white , 8c ; roasted , lOe. WHAITINO I'AI-KH I'er Ib , best straw , 15x18 to Xx44 ! , 17 c ; dry ( toods , 4Sici extra quality , iiiuiillla , C'/jc ; nmnllla tea , 12x19 , Oo ; dark rag , hardware , 2Ji < ! . U1L.S-1.V ) prlaio white , 05c ! ; ISO water white , Uic ; h caullKht , 13o ; 74 gasoline , 11 He. Oil niw 1 ( ta 1. WOOOIM ; 2gnl , JJ.7S3l.hO ; 5 gal , 3 TiA8-Japaii , basket fired , 203530 ; sunclrled , CilT'C1 ; crccn , 20iJ. > Oc ; gunpoindcr , 205dc ; Engllhh break fabty.V375o ; Youne Hyson. 'JO ® c ; UoliiiiK , 2.Va.45c ; 2-ib packaito dust. 15c. "Axr.K OIIKASB 1'er ' gloss Trazlor's larso ° ns , WO.OO ; medium tins , $27.00 ; small , $1. > , OJ ; thor makes , wood. J5.B098.B ' . IliAcniNi-tlo7. : In DOxa7" : > c ; ladles' shoo drcsslnir. 45c@fl.00 ; stove polish , per gross , - HL.UEINO Liquid , 4 oidoz : In box , 00c@ll.7fl ; 8oz , y doi In box , J1.5u ® 7o ; dry , small , 23o ; IIITKC , 45c' SI-ICES Pepper Pin saporo , sifted , shot , -'e : allsulc'C , lUci olovcs , reliant , Iccted , 17llc ) ; cassia , China , 4-11) , mats , 1)3 ) ; nutmegs , No , 1 , 75o ; macassor , Me ; pickling Bplces , 10-lb boxes , 2Je. CHOCOUATK , ETC. is-lb boxes , St&OSo ; GOT- man sweut. 22IS24C ; cooaa , : iO40ci : llromo , 32o , CocoANUT-15-lb cases , 'i ' and ' /J Ibpackages , per Ib. 207t27c ; bulk , 15-lb palh , 25o. EXTHACTS Loinon , 2 oz. BSciWI.SO ; 4 oz , JI.OO ® y.50 ; vanilla , 2 oz.lijcQK.bO ; 4 oz , I1.2J5.00 ; Jamaica Kinder , 4 oz. * I.K' > . MATCHES I'arlur ' , 2uO and : 0 per box , J1.05 ® 1.70 per cross ; sulphur , } ll , " > ® l.i0. ! lliiusilES i'hoo , per doz. $1.'M41.30 ; daubers , 75c1.00 ; scrub brushes , ( WcOW..QO. Hutu SHED Mixed bird , 1-lb iaekagcs , 5c ; canary , 4ic ! ; hemp , 4'i ! ! anise , loo. CANDLES 10 Ibs to box , WJo ; mining , 10 ® iOio ! : wax , lie. TOHACCO 1'lno cut. per Ib , 25 < a27c ; plup , 22 ( fl'ito ; biuoklng , 22ffiKJc ; fancy branas , DJc ® 11.50. OANDY Jllxed , 30 Ib palls , SHS o ; stick , fiSJo ; twist stick , tic ; Krench mixed , Wljc ; hoar- hound stick , Bjt' ; ! .tar and case candles , 5 Ib boxes , KtQfilei extra tlneKoods , STiQUo. MOLASSES ! 4 bblH N. O. fancy , per gal. 40 ® 4Se ; choice , 40tol5egood.28iIWlJc ; ; Cuba , waking , 2.Vit'Ku ) ; bluokstrap , iaQ2io ; syrup. 70 grade , bbls , 'Jflcj > ' , bbl , 2 c ; 4 gal kegs , tl.24 ; 2 gal kits , B7c. CHEESE V , O , twin' flats , per In lie ; P. 0. YouiiR American , Ill-Jo ; domestic Swiss , 15 o ; brick. Ho ; Kdum. In.foll , each $1.00. VINEHAII Apple cider , lOo ; double elder , 12c ; white wine. U'c ; triple btrength , 10o. STAIICII 1'cr Ib , ( Vat-ati PICKLES Modiuin.ibbli , (4.09 ; small , 110.00 ; gherkins. $11.00 ; Iloston mixer. $12.00. HiCE-Javu , Oc ; choice , Oo ; fancy , Gc ; head , 6ic. ! ( JiiiKit Per bbl , refined , J0.50 ; half bbl , J 50 ; hard elder , pure , per bbl , * . " > .OJ ! orange elder , half bbl , $ < i.5o ; punr elder , half bbl. W.50. ' Country I'rodnec. In the market no a whole there was no change worthy of mention and tlio quotations of thoda > before would apply equally well to ' ' " yesterday. Eoos-iSalcs were Rcrierally reported at 18o nnd It would bo sufo'tcyijuoto that price as tlio market for fresh stock , I'ouuriiY Quotation. * ) ' ° r chickens wcro 0 ® 7o for choice stock ; geese and ducks , 74 8o ; and turkeys , lollo.The market was not very active. 1 1 U AMK-Nothlng nowln this line. Small rab bits continue to L-O at about 7f > o and jacks In fimall lots at $2.00. Shippers must bear In mind that the market will stand only a limited sup ply. as the demand Is light , and any consider able number , especially of Jacks , would have to bo sold lower. lli'TTKii The best country butter Is In de mand at ICSlSc , and good sweet country rolls ut lac. _ Vogotntile * . CKttBitr HOOTS Per dor. Mo. LKTTUCK Oholco stock 4U3I.V ! . SWBET I'OTATOKS Supplies are not heavy and the market is quiet. Choice Kansas , (1.50 per bbl. CKI.Kiiv Choice stock 40 < ft45c. l'AitsNii'S-1'or bbl. 1150. UAiiii.uiK-Anothor cur of California cab bage will arrive today. I'or Ib , 2iWc ! | IVNIONS Supplies are llplit and holders of peed stock are asking us high as fc'.OO ' per bush. Spanish , perorate , * 2.Xl. ( ItUTAiiAdAs Michigan stock , per bu. OOo. 1IEBT6 1'er bu , J OIIAMIEB- The market Is lower than last week. A ircbh car of California fltook has jitit arrlvvd. Ulvurildes urebullluK at Navels. fl..10.VOO ! llnnclilto , a var'oty bo- ween Riversides nnd 1,01 Angeles , f l.oOitt.'t.riO. Ivxlcnn nrangri , H.O' W' ' ; 1'lorlda bright , UHXrt I.M ; rilsictt. J..SOiJ'I.OO. Ai'i'i.ES The tuiirkpt Is not very well snp Jllcil nnd prices nre hlfth. There are a few ipples In the mnrkct dill which aroeoliiK > ut to the local trade nt (1.5034.7.1. hut fancy shipping apples of such varieties u llou ) uvw nro held at } .Vft'j. and seine fancy largo vlneiap * . sultuulo for the stand trade , are told at 13.00 nor bbl , QUINCES There uro still a few on the mnr- cul. but the movement Is slow and prices ttoni- nnl at ftOcSWI.OO pi-r box. I'KAiis A. f w largo California pears , winter varieties , areuirered at $ J.fWM. ( ) tier box , IJMO.N : * C'lmlcu Mi'sshm. Jl.r.VTt4.00 . ( ; fancy , 4.00ii i.OO. TntiKorlnes 1'urdoiiblo ease. 13,00. MAI.AOA UIIAI > IH ; I'er bbl. fs oiXBJ.OO. I'lNKAl'l't.V.M-l'or ill/ , | .I.AXVItlH ( ) . UiiANiir.iiHiRi * StipiilU-Hnrunot heavyi Jersey soy , pur bbl , tn.iui oupu lod. ) jrJ.uOf.uiBy Capo Cod , bell and bugle. UooilH. I'lnld , raftsman , 20cl Go hon. CiSc : Clear Lake. : t2'Je ; Maple City , Iifiijc ; vhlto OH No. 2. 2iUc ! ; tl ll No . S. M.ST'.io il II Na 2 , y. SlUe ; II II .No. 2. > f > 20io ! ; yuubeo No , I , 4So | Qiiobuo No. : i , ? { . 425io ; guebee , ij , No. 4 , : t2)p ) ( ; ARWIIII.I.I C ; Windsor X ( ! , 21 In ir.iiC ! O K , 150 ! H A V , ? ,2.V3 ! J H V , Ji.WKc ; Jt 34 rOCl DUCK West 1'olut. 23 In. 8 or. . 10'ic ' : West I'olnt. 2 In. 10 o12ic ! ; West Volnt. l"J In , 12 oISc ; West Point , 40 In , II or , l.'i'U1. IIATTM Stnmliird , Ho ; Mowhnwk , lOSJc ; Know- llnltv , llic ! ; I'i'por. IBo ; lice , JI.75 per case. KiiNTUCKr .IKANS Memorial , 1'ict Dakota , 22o ; Dunham , M'ic ! lleivules , I0o ; Cottswooil , J7tici iMidvllle , 2ocSprhiKlk'ld ; , 12t > : Uapldan , I0ic ! ; Ilorroyn , 18c ; Hamburg , V2tru ; Neb , Schoolboy. 2.10. 2.10.Kit nor Kddystone. 0ic ! ; Btcol Ulvor. Cc ; Kiuiuipo. 4Jc ! ; St. Ledger. M.o. Shlrllnn Maltha WashlnKton,4io , ; Merrltuao 4c. ( 'I nrkoy Hcd I'oiintuln. OSic ; Garner. 7o ; Crenfleld , HViej Herlln , ( Kin. I'niNTS Itidlso lllue-Net-'Martha Wash- netoiii flljc ; American , nc ; Arnold , C'leiArnold H , long cloth , lOo ; .Sttllo A , ll'ic ; Merrhunc. " - , I0c ; Hold lcnf,8'fc ' : Ilaiulltoii.ri'ie ; Allen [ 'Inks. O'Jc ' ; Allen Chnmbray. Co ; Oloueester , 5V'fc : llnrtnl , 5Uc. ' COTTON \VAiii' Illbb , 8 , white , 18Sc ! ; colored , > ic. SlIKHTINO AND 1'II.T.OW OASINnS llrOV'Il Vet I'uimcrcll. 45 In. 10'ie ' ; 1'eppeicll , 8-1. ISo ; rcpporelf , IM.20c : t'epperoll , lo-t , ff-'Hc ; Utlcn , 4h In , 150 ! Utlca , 58 In , J75o ! ; Utlcn , 22 In , 2lc ; lJllca.8Mn.Siic ; Utlca , IW'.n. 28V5c. Hloachcd Net I'eppo roll , 42 In. lOlie : 1'epi.erell , 4(1 ( in , ll'/iO ' I'epperell , 0-4. 15c | reppoiell. 8-1. 20c ; l'cppcroU.ll-4,22'5o , ' ; I'epporell , 10-4 , Kc ; Utlca , 8-4.24c ; Utlca. 0-4 , 20o ; Utlca , 10-4 , 2Sc. TICKSYork. . : t2 In , 12ii ; Swift Itlvrr , TVioi Thorndyke. OO , 8o | ; Tliorndykc , US , Bio ! ; Thorndyke , 120 , DJJe : Thorndyke , XX , 14o ; Cordls , No. ri.Oc ; Cordls , No. 4 , lOo. CHUCKS Empire , 0icl ! Caledonia XX. lOlie ; Eeonoiny. 8'e ; Otis , MHo ; Kxcolslnr. loo. COTTON FiA > Nii-Gunrdlnn : l.h , r./c , not ; On Guard CO.OKe ; S3. 7io ? ; KIC , Bic ; GU , OHoi XX , 10Je ! ; OO , ll'/.c : NN , 12'c ' } ; AA. 14e ; 1)1) , IfHJc : TT , lOJJc ; YV , 18c ; lift , lllc ; bleached , No.20. fi4o-No. ! 00 , 1 'He ' ; No. M , 12(4c ( : brown and slate. No. TO. Oo ; No. 70. 12Ho ; No. OJ , IGc ; colored Missouri valley , 12 ! ic. ll.tACiiii [ > COTTON llerkeloy Cambric No. 03 , lle ! ; llest o ; llutterolotn , XX. 4.jc ! ! Cabot , 7ic ? ; First Call r , ' o : l-'rult of the Loom , 8 ? o ; llouookeeper. 6io ! ; KIIDS 1'hllllu cambric , lOc ; LrmiHloiiU H ; IIHC ! Lon dalc , 8 > iu ; Lons- < lalo ounibrlc , 10'4e ; Now Vork mills. Ho ; Oak J awn. 7o ; Full Width , fie ; Clover. Gc. ! { CouitE OAMiniic Crown , 4ic ! ; Ited Star , 4'/e ; Clover , 60 ; Slater Uolled , OJ e ; high col ors , Ic extra. GINOIIAMS I'huiKct cheeks , OKc ; Whltton- ton , UJfc ; Vork. ( idC ; Norinandl dress , 8c ; Cal cutta dross , T'.ic ; Whltlcnton dross , 8c ; licd- forrt dress , 8iii l"o. GINOIIAM Amoikcag , 7c ; AmoskoiiR dress , 85e ! ; Hates , lise ; Warwlok dress , So ; Luncns- tcr.GJ e ; Gienaire.inac ; Whlttenton dress. 8e ; V'lNB HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic LL. lie ; Au rora H , CUe : Aurora HC ! c : Atlas , ONI ) . 7'/e ; cheese cloth , 4c ; Clinton liT.S&c ; 1'opperoll H , Lnintdon G It , 7c- . OoTTONAtiiis York , nankin , 10'fC ; Evurett , 8-02 , IFc ; I.owlston , 10-oz. 22'4c ; Morklngman , He ; Maple Hill , 15e ; Tiger Hrand , ISe. HHAVV HitowN COTTONS All nnt Ic A , 1Vtc ; Atlantic O.7e ; Atlantic 1) . GJJo ; Atlantic P , Co ; Aurora 0 , 4iie ; buck's head , 7ie ! ; Cabot W , 6l o ; Darlington , OKc ; Kurniors1 No. 1. 4 ? i3 41IC ! IntHiin liend , T'/ic ; Lawrence lAi , 5Vic ; Henrietta DENIMS Net A inoskeaK. 0 oz. 15 ! o : York camlet. 12c ; York 1)11. mic ; Kverott , stand ard , 124o ! ; Hayniakeis1 , T'.ic ; Old York , XX , lOSJe ; Lawrence , 220 , lliiic ; Lawrence. 0 oz , luUc ; fanoy stripes and cheeks , II ' .if. WitiANS Net Thistle , GHe ; Hod Cross , Tlie. CHA8II Slovens' 11 , Id-Inch , Af a ; Stevens' I ) , 18-Inch , ( iic ! ; Stevens' A. Ki-lnch. 7'/ic ; Stevens' 1' , 18-inch. Sci Stevens' M , 18-Inch , He ; Slovens' N , 20-inrh. Oc ; Stevens' NN. 22-Inch , 10c ; Slo vens' SltT , 2j-lncli , 12c ; bleached , le extra. TJlfcJ UEJAIjTX MAHKBT. rN3TUUMENTdpaooon ! ( ) rooord January 30. WAIIHANTY DEEDS. WO AlbrlKhtnnd wife to N P Nelson , lot 2 , blk 8 , llaker place $ 400 Andrew Ohrlstcnscn and wlfo to same , same 800 J E Curtis nnd wife to J M Hymor , lot 0 , Andrews W & T's sub 20,000 John Harper to Julia Thomas , nnd 2-7 lot 8 , blk ! M9 , and lots 2 and II , blk 211 Omaha 1,003 Ualthas Jotter and wlfo to Fred Ilelbow , lot 5. blk 5 , Jotter's add to South Omaha 400 O 11 Treckol to Fritz Stcen , tax lot 1 In 18-15-11 1,300 Jacob Wlnjicnder and wlfo to Frederick ftratmonn , c S of w 48.51 ft of n 150 ft lot 1. blk 2 Lowe's 2d add COO M It Wild and wlfo to Hans Wulf , uU lot S.blkUl Florence COO QUIT Cf.AIM DEEDS. Ed Pholam and wlfoto Wuiigliit Wcstor- Held , Iot22 , blk 4 Missouri uvenuopark. 1 DEKIIS. G W Covcll , special tuastor to HiiRh Kennedy , lot IS , blk CD South Omaha. . I.BS Total amount of transfers 130.720 Tor Imp rovtd andocoiioiulocojlcjry iu EXTRACT OF BEEF , for Deof Tea. Soups. Mtulo Dishes , Sauces ( Gnrno Vlsh , &c. ) , Apple or Meat Jolly. Keeps for any loiiKth of time , and Is cheaper and of ilncr lluvor than any other stock. Genuine only with J. von Llnbls's signature as above , In blue. One pound of Extract of Deof equal to forty pounds of lean heel. CHRISTIE LRTHROP Commission Co. 800 ami 311 South IJUh Street , First National Hank ttiiililing. Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Bonds , Orders executed for the purchase or sale for Immediate or future delivery In ul | the leadIng - Ing markets. JPrlvtite TO St. Louis . < . D. It , Francis & Hru' MONTANA , AS A PLACE TO IKVEST MONEY. ' The cnormonii amount of fnmln InTPStpd by the rltltens of lleleim In mining putunirlfiea Induced tiy Iho nbnorniallr lark'Q protlta nritlnn therefrom IciivoK open for Kaaturn capltul rxreptlonal O | > ! > or- tnnltles In runl i-stalo anil building Inveitmtintr , whleb , whlloabsolutely eafe , ylclU IncomeiipinelnK from Qftei'ntollttjr per cent , annually. Uvnl Kstato iscomtantlyon theiiUvnncolnvaliinm the rcKult of an outuutot wealth ucuquallud Iu Uio Ulstorjr of Kastcrn'incomes based upon B nnd Opor cent. In- Testinciitniuay bo lar ely uugmentoil without risk , by fliiniiiRtlio prlnclpul to ulucullty otlurliit ; wider opportunities. ' A visit to llclenawttlticmoniitralethctniihofthts { statement and convert the iwwt ( ncrcdukiiw. ITor full Information , mldross , L.G. PIIELP3Sec'y Citizens Commltlce , Helena , Montana. EXCELSIOR'SPRINGSE " " . - WATERS" ! : & Nature' * Tonic , Diurdic and Uric SOU ) ONLY IN 1IOTTLE8 El C B. MOORE & CO. , Agti. ISIS Dodg. 81. OMAHA DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. | BOXES. The Brmiswlck-Balko Jobu L. Wilkio , Oollontlor Oo. llllllnril merchandise , Omnlii\pi > porbo fnctorr , Snlnonflxtiircs , lat-tll9 407. 400 S. lUlh street , Omaha. BOOK DINDBR9 & : STATIONBR3. Omaha Ropnblicau Printing Oo. , Lnir briefs , bank gti | ' | < llo , nml crer/tldng In the printing lino. Iflth nnd Hoiik'lM trTOt . Ackcrraann Bros. & Hointze , Irlnler , binders , clcctrotypcrs , blunk book mnnu- farturors , IllOllownr.l utrjot , Oninhit. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ohnrles A. Ooo & Oj , , KirkemallJonei&Oo ! , , Monufnctiiron nmt Job Wholesale Manufnclur'i bers. Apcnlx for lloatnn Hull- 1IOS I'lTHhuo ' \ \ ( , 1101 , Ilownnlttreot. j > ml HIM lliirner st , Williams , Vnn Aor- W. V , Morse & o. , nam & Harto , Bhon Knotory , Corner llth 1212 nml Douitlni ntt. , Onia. llnrncj ulroct , 1m. Merchant * Invited Omalm , Neb. to cull nnd examine. BUTOHBES' SUPPLIES. Louis Heller , IlutchcrV nnd I'nctnri' Tool * , t Rupjillo * . lleor , noir A hoop miln < . II1U-1118 Jnckioa St. OABRIAQES , nUOGIBS , BTO. Columbus y Oo. , W , T. Seaman , Cnrrlntfcs , curt * sulklot , Oninlin'i Lnriiost Variety . etc. O. I ) . IMwnnu , Mnnnger. WAGON'S AND 3l'l-3li South liitli. CAHHIAOKS CARPETS. CLOTHING. Omala Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Ruhl. Cnrpots , ol ! clotbi , m t- MantifnrtnroM .V Wholo- tlnga.ciirtnlnitooiHotc. onlo Clothiers , 1611 DuilKlii ! ntroot. lltltillnrncr St. OIO-ARS. West & Fritsoher , Mnnufncturers nnocUars Jobbers of leaf tobaccos. 1011 Fnrnam otrcot. COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Goal , Ooke and Ooutaat & Squires , Lirno Oo. Hard nnd ooft coal ship- Ilnrd and soft coM. PCM , S. K. Cor. llith nml Doiiz- 1S03 Fiirnain rect , las etroet ) . Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Weetb , Ohio lumpHock Sprlnr { , Acme lump , Kngln lump , UxcelslorVnlnntblock , Walnut block unit An- ecrcencd nut , unthrnclto , ttirnclte conl. enilthlnf ? . ntonm. OIllcoZU S. 15th st. OIHcolION. 10th street. American Puol Oo. P. E. Mahoney & Oo. Shippers nnrt dealen la Hnrd-Conl-SofU autlirnclto nnd bitu minous coal. Otllccs 813 N. ICth nnd cor. 2158. iJth street. 10th nnd Douglas Bts. Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Eowoll 4 : Co. , 2138. IBtlittroot , 2178. UthBtruet , Omalm , Neb. Oinnlin , Neb. J. J , Johnson & Oo. , Johnson Bros , , 216 8. lBtli street , t'H Fnrnnm street , Onmbn , Nub. Omalm , Neb. Mount & Griffin , O.B.Havens&Oo. , 2138. muntroot , lC02Furnnm street , Omnluv , Nob. Omaha. CORNICE. Eagle Ooruico Worksi P , Ruemping Mainifactnrornof Rnlrnn- Galvanized Iron cornices , Ited Iron Cornlco. Dormer windows , door Window caps , metnllc sky- cnpa , llnlala , etc. Tin eto. 1110 nnd 1112 Iron&nil hluto roofer , fell Knnmni St. DBY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Dry toods , furnishing Goods OD. , goods , notions. Dry troocH , nntloni , Rontj' furnlshlii/i.'oods. Cor. llth and Howard .its. Corner lltli unit Harnoy BLEOT IOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated t'ataloguo free. 1GU Capitol Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , ETC.1 Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo. , Gcncrnl western aKo Corner Jonoa nnd Utu sts. Sknudla Plow Co. , Oinnlin , Neb. I34U-1.V > 1 Sbcrman nro. FLOUR. Broken Bow Roller R , T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. , C. 0 , Underwood , Unico nnd warehouse , Manager nt Omaha. .N. lUthitreoL Cor. 8th nnd Jacknon tin. S. P. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , M'f'K ' of roa'ly to ratso 1014 N. 10th street. Hlap Jnek Unudt cakus In the world. C. E. Illack , - Manager. 12U7-1215 H. Will ntrcet. PURNITUBH AND CARPETS. Dowoy& Stone Pur- Olms. Bhiveriok & Oo , niture Oo. , Furniture and Carpets. Furniture and carpcti , 1115-1119 Karnam trcot , 1200-1210 Knrnaiu St. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J , T. Eobinson Notion Oo. , Jobbers and Importers of ' , Gents' furnishing good * notions nnd furnishing ' ' ra'f'i ! colubratod brand Roods , "Buckskin" overall1 * , pants , shlrtH , coats , etc. 1111 Howard street. Cor. 12th and Howard stt. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. , WOOL , HIDES , Goo. Oberno & Oo , , J , 8. Smith & Oo , , (133.13th street , 140S-I4I3 tx > .ircnnorth it , Onmrm. Croatia. IRON WORKS. Fazton & Viorlins : Ournlm Safe & IronWorks ° Iron Works , Works Wroiniht and cn t Iron , , htillilliiKwork , engine * , iMnnurm flrc nml burglar brin * wort , mmornl I proof nfo , vault * , Jll J < foundry , ntnclilno itivl work , Iron shutter * nml tilicV ; inllli work. U. I' , i "re o dip < " . II , An llrnnillHIiat , ilrconl4thA Jnckson U Acme Iron anil Wire Wilson & Drake , Works , M'f'c tubular flup . ( lr Iron , wire unit bran w'k . box liollors , tnnkj , eta. 512 S. IClli street. \V. lloohl , Proprietor. IMorro n l Iflth ulrott' . LITHOGRAPHING. Rces Printing Oo. I.lthoitrnphlnir , Prlmlnj mul Illnnk Hooka , lltli unit ItmTiirilHU. LIQUORS. Her & Oo , , William D-irst , Liquor Merchant * , \Vlncs , Llqunn nml Ci 1IU llnriu'y ntrrct. . ' ' gars. Mntuidictur'rB Ki'iininlf's Dun India Hllti-r * . 1.113 1'arnam St. Otmlit R. E. Grotto , Frank Dollono & Oo , , Imi'orter ' nml Jobber of Llquornnnd ( leniilnoNo- \Vlnes nml Liquor * . 1020 n nil Ur.'J Kimmm St. vniU Clif.irs , rrti-ollsU nnipltci\tlon' | li DoiiKluj Street. L , Kirsclit& Co. , A. Prick & Oo. , \Vhelejnlo LtquorDonlors \Vliolcsnlo Llauorle 1crs 407 nut ! 1W S. 10th St. Rll - (03 ( 8. 10th St. 0. A. Btonohill , L Oberfoldor & Co , , Millinery , Notions Importers and Jobbers In Ctu.iki , Kt3 Millinery. aS ) , ' . > IOniiir.-12 youth llth HC-llS S. ICth St. , Omaha Mreet. MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS , ETC , X * . Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. I A. Hoape , Jr. , M'f'K Jowclers , dealers In I'lanoi. Orgnns , Artists' musical Inatruineiits , etc. , Mntcrlnls , IUc. , Fnrnam and IGth. 1.M3 DoiiKlns Street. OIL3. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. lleflnod nnd lutirlcntliu oils , nxlo Krense , eta. Y A.H. lllihop , .MamiKor. OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Co. , Platf& Oo. , Oysters , flan nnd cnmioJ "Tiger brand ters , " , fresh Ofs Omaha branch , 1303 Lcnvonworth. 815 ndE17 llowaril. PAPER. | PLATING. Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Plating Wka Jj Curry n full stock of Golrt , silver nnd nleliul nnd lilatlnir on all metals , , wrapping printing , . . MtiloK nre otc.rcplated. wrlllnu pai'or. card jia- l' < ) UtlilnKliriw& olinn- pcr , etc. dellornorlc. 1111 l > o > l(0. Bates & Co. , Williams & Orosa , Country produce , fruit * ' . Produce nnd fnitti , TcpctHblo-i , urocors' epeclultloJ. tea * , xplcoj , etc. 417-41'JS. lltUHt. 1214 Hnrney street. BUBBER GOODS , EPO. Omaha Eubbor Oo. , Munufncturlni ; nnd Ja'j- ' tersull kliula rubber liuod I. 1003 Funniii itroot. SAFE3. I SEEDS. A , L. Deano & Oo. , Emerson Saol : Oo , , General nirent * for Halt'j Sccil eronor * , do iton In Hnfl3. k'nrdon , irrasa , vnilnima 821 and 3U South 10th St. , tree ee < li , Oiunbii. ii-r.'i South 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETC. M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Oo , Maniifnctiirera of . . . . . Mnnufiu'tiiror.i of tnould- it o o r B. b 11 n d H anil luiis , bllndi , duorj , MouhllMKa. llrnnchof- eto. Ucu , 1-tli nml Iznr.1 ati. 10th and Clark ttrccti. SYRUPS. STOVES. Farrell & Oamp ny , Wbnlcsalo inanfactur rs Stova Manufao'g Oa , , srrupn , iunlasio < and 5Ianufntur'g stovusaal 217-Sltt South 8th street. jo TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , CIGARS. Consolidated OofToo Oorapany , 1414 nnd lllfl Hnrnoyst. Omaha. Nob. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S , Wind Engine & A , L. Strang & Sons , Pump Oo , , Ilnlllday wind mills , m 1CW2-1091 Farmm atrcot , nml Ml .loud Kt. U. b\ Hess , acting ii Omaha , Neb. Orane Company , HOHO lieltliiK , pncklni ; , Btnim puuipH. plumblnK Kcods , 022-21 Fnrnam street TOYS. I TYPE. H , Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typs Tors , dolls , albumsfancy Foundry. | [ ( iodshousufurnlshlnx I'rlntors' Supiilloi New nnd nocun goods , children's car machinery. riages. 1118 Howard street. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED. LIVE STOOK COMMISSION. Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros. , U-M Uichango llullillnf , 68-W Kicbnnuo llulldlnir , . SKxclmnue llulldln , South Omaha. Houtli Uomha. S , J , Ooffman , Bmiloy Iluutor & Green , &Uo , | 30 Kjcchanica llulldlnf 20 Kxcbanxe HutUllnir , Houtli Omaha. Boutb Omaou , Wood Brothers , Jiliictmn o llulldlug , boutbOm U .