0HB ? OMAHA DAILY 13EE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1891. HE OMAHA COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 1'EAIIL ST. .Tolhrrrd by Currier In uny part of the C\lj. \ \V. \ TlLTu.N. . - - MAXAUKH Fi , ! ne-M Office. Nn.ll NlxlitKdltui.No. S3. .T/K.1 K V. 1 > Co. Council Illufls IjimbcrCo. . con ! . Craft's chattel loan . 201 Sapp block. Lloyd I'orgiavcs nnel Sadlo Hytin wcro mnrried last evening Justice I'ayton ofllclat- Ing ( leorgo Bo.scn , who wns taken 111 with ellph- "tfiTrlu n few dajs ago , Is reported very much better. 1' , Gounnouclo lias nnnounccd himself a camlielnto for the nomination to the city council from the Third ward on the demo cratic ticket. A motion for n now trial wan submitted and taken under lulvl&omctit by Judge Mes- < ! eio ycstcnlny in the cnso of Scldesiugor Uros. vs. h. C. Baldwin. Hov. llyers , who has hocn holding meet ings nt Overton's mission , is h.iving a plaeo for meetings fltteel up on the corner nf Ave nue 1C nnd .Elghtn street. . .lolni Jorelun died ut Missouri Viilloy last Thursday of con.miinptlon. ills body will bo brought to this city today and will ho burled in ttio Catholic cemetery. Justice I'iitton dlschargcel lid Mnrklo yes- tcrdny , tlio boy who was charged with steal ing a blanket from Ilov. liyers ut Overtoil mission a week or two ago. _ AJlnoracoon overcoat , valued at M5 , was J BtoTen from n rack In front of Me tc.il f's cloth ing store last , nlirht at about T o'clock. A re wire ! of WO Is offered for Its return. A ellvorco was granted to Mrs. Maggie "Vim Horn Iroin her husband Prank Van Dorii In ihsti let eiotirt yesterday. The ground was cruelty nnd inliumaii treatment , Chester A. Stevenson , who has snout some time in Indiana ninco ilnltliinghis course at the Iowa CUv law school , lias roturnoel to this city nnd expects to hang out his shlnglo next week. The Klonns social club was entertained last evening by Miss Lou Kronen nt her homo on Avenue 13 , between Tenth and Eleventh atreots. Tlio young people enjoyed a \ory pleasant evening , Dr. I-1 VV. Houghton is about to commence the election of n &JX)0 ( ) residence on West 1'icrco street , on the slto wheio C. A. lleebo fonnui'.y lived , The work of tearing etown thu old llcobo house will bo hegnn soon. The XonatucU silk company has Hlud ex ceptions to the elirlnis of Hlco , Stlx .t Co. . .Simon Hamuorger , Sllx , Crouso ft Co. . and Ofilcerit I'usoy on thu stock of II. Hiscnmu ( * Co. , and the mortgage' ' ) securing the same. The following onicors were In tiilloel at the last regular meeting of the Troubund lodge , No r > ( i.VJ : Trotitnelbter , Robert Uobig ; bun- dcsmelster , II. Voss ; secretary , The-oiloro ruhnnaii : trcuauior , John Allies' , guard , ! Paul. Tlio case of A. A. Ilnzzard VP. the city of Council Bluffs , wherein the patient seeks to recover fti.OlH ) for tlio loss of a horse which felt and broke Us leg on account of a luul pltico In the road , will bo put on trl.ll in ells- court next Monday. Ytrlct McCilnuis , the iilloged omhoizlor. Is confined in the county Jail , where ho was put night before last immediately after his return from Texas in company with Cliief Cnry. Ho has become very reticent since his return and v/hcn uskcel savcr.il questions hy n icportir yesterday , his invariable loply was , " 1 have nothing tosay. " The Nonparlel olllco wns entered by bur- rVirs night before lust. They tried to get in fy removing a p.mo of glass in the partition bot\\cen the olllco and the piess room. They were foiled in this attempt , however , nnel ' next forced the door. They rilled the casl ilruwcrt and took several dollars in small chunge , but beyond this they ( jot nothing. Ono of the most enjoy able events of the season took place in the Hnyal Arcanum par lors last evening , In the Hhapo of o masquerade party given by Prof , Chamber : to his dancing class. About thlrtx- couples were present. Prizes were offeree ! to the couple having the llncst costume , nnei also to the couple with the inosi comic costume. These consisted o a full term and a half term of lessons rcspec lively. The winners of the llrst prize wen E. A , InRoldsby anel Miss t'loruLatiRinaeloni Jockeys , while the second was carried oft" bj ( } . N Coats anel Miss Ora Piper ns the King'i Fool anel Topsy. The pri/os wCro awarelui bv a committee , consisting of Mrs. Thomas Mctcair , Mrs. T. A. Cavin and Mr. AVIllinu Hoblnson. Host ? 1.5 laumlried reinforced back ixni : f rout line shirts , host mneio , cut toMc ; bcstun lauiitliicd $1.00 shirt ntliilo ; heavy workmen1 ! woolen mittens nnel Rloves , worth 75cto 'Mo cut to Uo ; gentlemen's nil wool Scotch ( 'love ; 2 Ic until the Krcat bankrupt sale of the Mode clothing company Is over. It commences thl N1 morning ' in the Sann hloulc. ' Slic overalls for ! JSc : all the > flno $5 camel' ' hnirunelenyoai'po at Sl.M ) ; outniK ilanim shirbMe'all ; the line of caps , ranging Iron fl to'J , goat " 'Jo elurinti the great banUrup Biilu nt the Model clothing company , Sup block. Huy your coal and wood of C. U. Pud Co. C30 liroadway. Telephone 133. Best heavy pooels , 2r > per cent oil , cash Keller , the tnllor , ! il ( ) Broadway. Oar llrinnrkablo Knables UB to present for your constdera tlein prices without a precedent In the histor , of Council Bluffs. All Koods are warruntc now anel clean , equal to the best any nmrkr . MTemls. Only ono price anel terms strict ! ; cash. Call and see and bo sutisllcel that w Uivls' Hoval No , 10 flour , $1.50 ; Davis BlueD flour , * ll.r ! ; Gold Medal Hour , $1.45 Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowllak Hour , $1 ; HI Ibs granulated sugar for $ t ; I Ibs extra U granulated sugar for $1'JO ; Ib Now Orleans sugar for $1 ; ArbucUlo coffee Dcrpkgo , 2. > c ; tiorinau cotTeo , nor pkgo , lr ! > o King's buckwheat , per pkge , lOo ; crackers Corlb , flc ; ! ! Ibs ginger simps for'Joc ; 2 lonvc re-ad for fie ; ! l Ihs mlnco meat , 23o B cans tomatoes , 'Joo ; it cans corn , S. > e ; Pug ( Norton & Co Hour , $1.25 a sack ; 1Mb pail lar for lite ; Mb pall lard for : t-c ; oilsnrellncs , pc can , fie : 2 cans mustard surdincs for 2'ic ; Cu Ifornlu , hams , per Ih , ( Jl < e ; . Bood broom fc lo ( ) ; 50 good elpars for Too ; 20-lb pall Jelly fc 70c ; l4-gftl ? I U syrup for SSe ; fi-gal ke yrup for ll.-tt ) ; SUMIt pall white Ilsh forOOt llrown's C. 0. D. Grocery , Council U luffs and Omiiha. Not tlio Guilty OUCH. Two men were arrested Thursday night li a detective hamoel liny on the siippoaitio that they were the parties who bunjlarlze the Uock Island ticket otllco ut Perry on tl night of the 'J2d. They gave the names i Smith anel John Van Deuogart nt tlio polli station , but Smith's nuino was found to bo false ono , hisioal iituno being L. U , Kci worthy , They were both formerly emploji ofthonwd. They ciuno to this city sever duys ago , and their actions cause * . ! tha polli to think that they would hoar watching. 1) vclopments which wcro made yestorda lion-over , showed that they were not 11 .parties wanted , ntid they wuro both dl ulmrgcd , The great bankrupt sale starts Sfiturda Jan , 111 , ut 8 : ! W. Model Clothing Co , Sapp new block. _ Itish fnozo ulster overcoats , formerly sent nt fcB ! , go at $9.0' ) ; best grades of Scotch suit sold by Mr. Mossier at from $11) ) to SS , nowi ntfS.lS ; Gloho ctisslniere fUri suits , iiiarki down to 17.15 ; nnd will bo held at the : prli-es until Urn eiitlw line is doted out , i Iho icrcat bankrupt sale of the Model clothli company , in Sapp's block. .Great success. Hcllablci goods. Fair dunlin s. Bottom prices , I. B. Jacijucinlii & Co. . No , 27 Main strc J. C. nix by , sto.im hc.ittn ? , nanltar.v 01 ( tlnecr.SW Morrlam block , Council Illuns The best French cook In western Iowa 1 > tbo Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs. Too much California rannexlgoods ou han bust bo sold , Ktlloy & Vounkeruiin. MfiFWS IN TIIF HI IPS lujiio lil 1 Ilu ULUHOt The Beat of the Indictments Reported b/ / the Grand Jury. DID NOT ROB THE COMPANY'S TILL , A IjtitmdroN.q Meets \Yltli n Had Ac- cldciit Tlio Ctinutniiiiani ( | Kluot 11 MUM.II : or Tor ( lie I2n- Vonr. Yesterday the rest of the Indictments which were returned by the irrnnd Jury \vcro rondo public , thu parties having been placed under nrrest. Colthard , Uioallugcd swindler , wns arrustcel in the morning. Ilont once sent for his friend , F. L. Davis of Missouri Val ley , to como nnd holj ) him out. Davis came , mid its soon as ho went to the court house to arrange with the erlurlf about Colttmrd's ' bond he was confronted with nn Indictment of his o\vn , charging him with the same ofConso. Davis1 arrest was n matter of much surprise not only to him self , hut to all who hail paid uny attention to the historv of the case. So faros has been learned , the only connection ho had with the casu wan the fact that he had acknowledged bonioof the deed * in the deal. Ho was sub- [ lujiiacd ns a witness buforo Iho prand Jury , and was Indicted , It Is said , largely on his own testimony , Ills friends Insisted that there li not ti iwrticle of evidence to show anything criminal in his transactions , and bellevo that the result of the trial will show liis innocence. Wills and Wouber , the other two who wcro concerned In the swindle and hnvu been In the county Jail ever since , were also Indicted. Each of the four are Indicted on two counts conspiracy and utteiltiK forced instruments. Colltinrd and Davis each Rave bonds in the sum of $1,000 and were released to await trial. IIKIID'S lUCHMSjS VOK YOU. Itnnkfitpt Sale of the IjnrKe-'St unit ClcnncHt Stock of ClothiiiK In the West 7fi Per Cent Discount. M 8 o'clock this morning an event will begin to transpire in Council Bluffs that will bo of rnoro than passing Interest to the nco- plo of the city , ull surrounding cities , eastern Nchr.isUannd western Iowa. It will be the bankrupt sale of the Immense stock of clothIng - Ing and furulshhiK goods In the magnificent store knoivn ns the Model clothing house. The citizens of Council DlufCs are well aware of the fact that this stock of ' goods was not brought ticro to bo sold at auction nor at any kind of n sacrifice , but for the purposeof ostabllshltiK a permanent business enterprise. The stock was selected hy n connoisseur in the art , and was designed to mod the requirements or n , llrst-elais trade. Whtlo it covered a , wide nnico In quality and vuvietv of nooils , owing to the Immense quan tity purchased , the majority of the poods were doslnnod to moot the demands of the lliro trado. The remaikably j > oor season that paralyzed the clothing trade all ovnr the country crippled Mr. Mossier , the manager , and drove him to the wall. The heaviest creditors were Moore & iilnr of Rochester , N. Y. , who held oer if .OlK ) worth of lia bilities. They compromised with the other creditors and bid in the stock at a sacrifice of more than half the original manufacturer's cost of the poods. Among their largest cus tomers In the west Is the llrm of A. II. Gold stein & Co. of Carthage , Mo , , who operate live of the Inrcest retail stores iu southwest Missoml. The whole of tbo Model block was turned over to the Goldsteins , ana they hnvo detormlnec to establish n branch in Council Bluffs. Mr. . .Tack ( Joldstuiti of Carthage has been placet in charge and will bo tbo resident partner. Ail iloy ear lease has been taken on the splendid did room in the new Supp block ns the firs' move in this now enterprise. The secoiu move will bo the event spoken of. This wll bo the absolute cleaning out of all the presou stock nt usncrltlce that will positively bolosi than fill per cent of the Jobber's prices. Th < entire stock will bo sold without reserve , There U no disputing the fact that It is thi cleanest and llncst stock of poods In thoTwii cities. Everything is marked in plain figures uros , and you will find upon inspection tun , you cannot get a single article , if you bouph $1.000 worth from the manufacturer nt th prices wo offer you every article in tb store. Wo are determined to close out tb stock In the shortest possible time and n reasonable offer will bo refused. " \Vo don't behovo in making false reprc sontatlon about anything , " said Mr. Jac ! Goldstein.Council ' Bluffs is to bo my horn hereafter , anil I stake my reputation upoi the representations irmdy here. The sal opens ut 8 o'clock Saturday morning , mid i there are noi Bomo agreeably surprised pui chasers hero then the people of this countr nro beyond surptlslng. "If you hoar of n dozen extra salosme send them , nnd wo will give. them pormancn employment , " Roys AVniitcd at American district telegraph ofllco. He Ioynl to Your Town. Don't ' go outside of your city to spend yov money and bo called u sucker. You can bu honest goods cheaper at homo , thereby bull upyour city and invariably strengthen yoi credit. When you apply a few dollars on tl old account you help the needy morchan who pays interest many times for the monc you ewe him. Mandel & Klein are the heat quarters lor furniture , carpets , stoves , etc. The now dental rooms of Drs. Woodbur are the llncst and moat complete in tno wosl Next to tbo new Grand. "Telephone , 143. " Horse blankets and lap rooes at cost i Theo. Heckmau's , 227 Main street , Kiinclclnir Out the I > eo l. The case of Woodward vs Bench , wblc has been on trial In the district court for se 01 nl days past , was completed , all but tt arguments of the attorneys , yostcrday nfte noon. Nn very sensational testimony hi been introduced at any tlmo during the trl since the llrst day , when one of old in ; Woodward's sons made some stntcmcn which rather tended to show that Mi Woodward was not Just the good , pious so she pretended to bo. The rest of the rai stuff which the probocutlon claimed to ha1 on hand was knocked out of the rii when it was decided to withdraw th part of the peiltion which alleged ii morality on the part of Mrs. Bone Yesterday It was shown that Woodwn during his lost yours had a great distrust Ids children , and was very anxious that tin should not have any share In his proper ! At ono time his dnughttT-iii-law sent hi some food , IIo was afraid that It contain' ' poison and refused to take it , Mrs. IJeai told him that if ho had that fear hovou better not tnko it , as if it should bo true th It did contain poison she would bo bliim , s as the ono who bud administered It. o All the 1110118 suits , originally sola for $1 will he closed out nt fur ! > at the great ban rupt sale of the Model clothing company. A. Illrtliilny Party. A pleasant blrttulay party was given It Wednesday afternoon from 11 to fl o'clock , the Misses Jnnlo and Vesta Jameson , at t residence of W J. Jameson. Many hoau ful presents were received by the you CURES PEnMANENTUY SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. 410 Kearney St , N. Ogdcn , Mich. , Ban Francisco , Col , Hay 17 , 1800. April 28. 1SDO. " > nv * "My brotucr-Kev. ' My wife nnd I loth E mucl I'ortcr , ha\e been nflllctcil cured l > y St. Jacolij with lame-bark nnd Oil of excruciating core throat , and have ditto piltis in bit euro fmnd by permanent utu of tt. it thigh. " Jacobs Oil. J. M. L. FOBTEB. E.J. IMIU i ; IT 13 THE BEST. 135,000 , Will Be Openec FOR SALEatCOUNCIL BLUFFS IN A FEW DAYS : a Fearful Sacrifice Without Reserve hostesses. The followlne Is n list of the guests : Winnie and Vera Marshall , Ethel Shepard , Aelah Sargent , Claribel Chambers , Grace Phorson. Lou Hazard , Jcssio and Alma Pontius , Minnie Foster , Polly Erb , Ethel , Evelyn and Edith Thomas , Klla Wtrt , Zoo Hill , Nelllo Lutz. Shirley Moore , Sophie Lange , Phoeba Judson - son , Mary Arcttor , Edith and Helen Runyon , Bcsslo Wright , Laura and Marie Bunker , Ada Dally nnd Mabel Christie ; Cora Holmes , Hattlo Smith and Gertie Evens of Omaha. Jeans pants marked ? l.i > 0 , cut to 30c ; child rons * overcoats 90c , worth $1.00chil- ; drcns' complete suits utSoc and ! ) So a suit ; i > Ucsuspenders forSc ; finest silk neckwear Ho ; Mosslor's ' best $1.00 neckwear 29o ; host 4-plv collars 8c , all cheaper grades Cc ; silk mulllers marked by Mossier at $3.00 to & > .00 goat 89eduring the great bankrupt sale of the Model clothing company , commencing this morning , Why pay profits on every purchase when you can got all your house furnishings in ono place at ono profit ) Mnnelel & Klein. TIIK IjAST DAY. The Inst Iay of the Boston Store's Great Annual Clearing Sale Prev ious to inventory , Coun- ell IlluITH. The great annual sale Is drawing to a close. 3No\v is the time if you need anything In un derwear , hosiery , blankets , comforters , dress goods , coats , shawls , etc. , etc. Wo Imvo thousands of bargains , too numerous to men tion. This has been without a doubt the most successful sale over conducted hy us. The rlsht ( goods at right prices always speak for themselves. Again , wo never advertise anything but what wo have in largo quanti ties. Kead tno following list for underwear. See other papers for other special lists. GENTS' ' UNDEHWEAH. Gonts' shirt and drawers sold for 2oc re- ducoel to l5c. ! Heavy gwy shirts and drawers , former price ! ! 'Jo , during sale nt U."ic. Our all wool shirts nnel drawers In grays and scarlets sold for $1.00 during sale O'Jo. ' Gents' Scotch gray underwear ( all wool ) reduced from $1.00 to 75o. Beautiful light gray underwear sold for $1.50 unco during sale $1.00. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladles' white and natural ribbed vests sold for13c ! reduced to2.r > o. Ladles' white merino vests and pants , formerly sold for SOc , now 3'Jc. ' Ladles' all wool vests in white and natural wool , both plain and ribbed , sold for 11,00 to go at 7r > c each. Misses' fancy ribbed vests in three 8Uus sold for -fie , special nrlco 17c , 3 for 50c. llo canton flannel , I 25e turkey reel damask , 17c. 80o towels for 25c. 15 pieces bleached and half bleached llncni sole ! ntCOc and Too to go eluilag H.alo at We. Be > vroN 'STOIIE , Fothcrmgham. Whitelnw & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now York ofllco , 47 Leonard st. It Will Do n Fearful Rue. The work of markine dowa the Elscman stock preparatory to throwing open the doors of the big establishment is being pushed with nil possible speed , It's ' a big Job , for every 5 , article In nil departments of the k store has to bo ro-mnrkcd. Ttio cut made in prices is simply astounding , For instance , the tlno combination suits that the Klsomnns imported last sum mer for the fall nnd spring trade nnel marked to soil at from $15 to $ ! . " > huvo bcoa reduced Jy lie to 1.03 , and some of them as low ns $2.50 , while a few of the choicest spring styles tl- hava teen fixed ut $5,50. A terrine cut has been made In the immense stock of silks , and thu ladles will bo able to get a party silk at pretty near the price commonly asked for a einnhiun. A still greater cut has been mntlo In the olg stock of velvet and plushes. Every thing ID the line , Including plushes that bold at f i om f 8.03 i to S15.W , huvo beou reduced to We. "Ills simply murder , Mr. Ilohlon , " sale ) a gentleman yesterday while looking at the great slaughter , "and I should think you would be afraid the prauel Jury would bid let you. " _ Cost or value not considered , come and take the bargain at the great bankrupt salo. Model Clothing Co. , Sapp's now block. Cruihed llnr Aim. Miss Maggie Yancey , the daughter of J. E Yaiicey , met with a serious accUlen vestcrday morning. She works In Evans laundry. While she was dusting off the machinery her hand became caught In a nmnglo and was drawn in between the swiftly revolving rollers. ' 'Tho ' machinery could not bo stopped until nor arm had passed between tha rollers almost up to her elbow. Her screams brought some of the ether cm ploycs to her rescue. They tried to un- scroiv tbo machinery , but it was impossible , and the rollers had to bo sot in motion back wards , and thus the arm was withdrawn the same way it entered. Thr girl was taken to horhomo , 711 Broadway , where she was at tended by Dr. Plnney. IIo found no broken bones to speak of , but the muscles of the arm had been horribly crushed out of shape. It will be several weeks , it Is feared , botorc the injured member can bo used. Overcoats for men $1.00 and upwards , ilodcl Clothing's great bankrupt sale , Sapp's new block. Chinchilla overcoatsmarked from $10 to $15 , nnrkcd down to ? 2.85 ; plush pea jackets and osts , marked $10 , go at $7.80 ; line molten ackets and vests , marked S0.50 , go at2.1S ; special chinchilla overcoats , marked by Moss- or at § 23 to $30 , go at $3.00 during the great jrcat bankrupt sale the Model clothing eom- iauy , commencing of 8 u'clock this morning. Come early Saturday and avoid tno rush at .ho great bankrupt siilc. Model Clothing Co. , Sapp's new block. The elegant G. A. K. suits , nil wool and incly made , that commanded a ready silo nt $15 during the past season , have been markcel down to $1.85 for the Model bankrupt bale. To bo sure that your children have pure : andy , buy for them the Pomona brand fruit ulce tablets. Pomona stanied on eacli tab- et. The trade supplied by Duquette & Co. Gents' furnishing goods to ho slaughtercel at any price at the great bankrupt salo. Model Clothing Co. , Sapp's now block. All the flno Scotch and cheviot suits , all wool and tbo best product , of the manufac turer , sola by Mr. Mossier at 8 0 all go at the great bankrupt sale at $0.30. Model Clothing Co. , Sapp block. Bell & Son's now grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old stock. Pine dress suits and overcoats nt your own price at the great bankrupt sale , Sapp's new block. " Attend the great bankrupt sale of line clothing at the old stand of Model Clothing Co. , Sanp's new block. In receiving our spring stock we make swooping reductions on all of our furniture , carnets , stoves , fancy lamps , crockery , etc. Mandel & Kloin. All the flno cassimero suits , good enough for a prince to wear , which the Model cloth- Intr company formerly sold at from $18 to $ d4. , go at tno grc.it bankrupt' salo. commencing this morning , at $0.20. ' ' i It is an acknowledged ffict , tlmt Mnnucl & Klein sell furniture , carpets ami stoves cheaper than any other hriu b in the city. You will save from 100 'to pOO per cent on everything you buy at the great Model bank rupt clothing sale. Bcllovo nothing you hear but go and soo. , „ a r i I Evans Laundry Co. , 520 'cnrl street. Tele phone ; "JO. Goods called for and delivered. Davis , headquarters for Chaul-MooGrau. Ladles are especially Invited to attend tl o great bankrupt sale , Model Clothing Co , ' 'k ' ' Sapp's ucw block , The Company Organ Izpel. The company which has been organized within the past two weeks for the purpose of leasing and managing Dohany's opera house , met in the board of trade rooms last evening to perfect ttielr plans , This company con sists of the following fifty gentlemen , whose names were secured by Mr. F. H , Evans : B. B. Wadswortu , J. H. E. Clarke , H. A. Cox , C. U. Han nan , H. L. Shep herd. Poregoy & Moore , Bono & Co. , Charles Bono , A. P. Honchett , H. A. Wood bury , A. T. Elwcll , Gilbert Brothers , D. Macrae , Dr. Thomas , Qlobo publishing company , Judet-Wolls company , J. M. Lane , J. K. P. McGee , A. W. Askwith , W. H. Thomas , I , F. Homirleks , C. L. Unas , ( J. R Wright , L. Wolli , Oeorgo Motcalf , E. P. Wright , W. Hieknian , A , Blenheim. Ttomai Mctcalf , T. J. Evans , S. P. McOon ncll , W. C. James , J. F. Klmbull , U. H Champ , F. II. Evans , C. T. Stewart , M. P Ellis , I. M. Troynor , E. E. Hart , S. N Bald win , W. F. Sapp , B. M. Sargent , II. J. Evans , W. C. James and E. W. Hart. The company wns organised into an incor poration , wltn a capital stock of $10,000 , to run for twenty years. The following ottl- cors were then elected : President , J. N. Baldwin ; vice president , C. T. Stewart ; treasurer , A. T. Elwcll ; executive commit tee , J. F. Kimball , E. W. Hart and F. II , Evans. The management of the whole affuir is to bo loft in the bauds of the execu tive committee , who will , ns soon as possible , have on interview with Mr. Dohnny with a vio.v to leasing the op'ira house. He has already made them a proposition as to tbo rent , which is to bo f.'i,000 for the first year. $ if > 00 for the second and 1.000 for the third , the lease to run for three years. It ! } understood that the company will accept this proposition and taUo possession as soon as possible. _ How to Break Up a Severe Cold. From the Virginia City , Mont. , Madlso- nian : When we llnd a medicine wo know to possess genuine merit , wo consider it n duty , nnd wo tnuo pleasure In telling the public what it is , Such a medicine we found Cham berlain's Cougn Komeely. By the use of this syiup wo have relieved , in n few hours , se vere colds , and in the course of two or three days , entirely broken them up as has several of our friends to whom wo have recommended it. It is till it is represented to ho by the manufacturers. If you have a cough anel want to stop it , Chamberlain's Cough itcm- rdy will do ttio work. For sale by all drug gists. SPECIAL NOT10JBS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOK HALE Vine bltfsln nnd douhln road sters and heavy ilniusht uorscs. Will also (111 ( orders for any stvlo of Imiscs wanted. Leave orders It h Dr. W , L. Vat ton , CVntral livery and Halo stablus1 and K N , Main Council llhiIts. WAN'L'KD Rood girl for noneral hmixu- \Mirk ; small faintly Airs. Jame.s , 0 J Klfth avenue. A competent Bill for general lioiihuwork , MM. James J. Ilruwn , > 0 7th street , Council HlutTs. ACHES-IC you want to cot ones aero or moro for u nice homo , nnd where you can unr- elcn and ralso small fiult and poultry , or If you want ten or twenty acres or a lur u farm In lown , wo cnn stilt you , Cull nnd sou us , Johnstont Van fatten , Kvurvtt block , Conn- oil ninth. mo LADIES Try Dr. Miller's homo trrat- JL mcnl for fcninlo diseases. Hufe , mild and sure. AKo Dr. Miller's pile p'isttlus ; painless ami untiiantocd tocuio. 1'orsalu In Council HliiUs and Omahu only by Mrs. A. A. Smith , I'MS. 1st St. . anil Mrs. 0 , K. lilK ilis , 1510 I.pnvunuortli st. , Omaha. FOK SALE or Itont Oardoa land , with bouiei , by J. It Uloo. 101 Mala it. , Ooimoll Bluff * NEBRASKA ' National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - B7.BOO Olflcorinnrt IlrPCtorIIcnry W Yntos , Prescient , I.i'wl * H. llencl , Ylcu-l'rexlck'iit ; .lamas W.'Snvnxit , W V. Morne. John H. Colllni , U. U. Cuslilntf , J. N. U rutrlclc. W. 11. B. Iluglio/ , TI-IEI IRON BANK : , Corner I2tti nud Fiirnam Sts , A General Ilu nidus Ilunlncws Transacted WHITE BEAVER'S | Ouro CoURhB , Colds nnel Lune Dlsenooe * ! BOLD DY ALL DRUCCI8T * . * * j rinleyBurko.Qeo.W. HewiU.Thos. E. Ooaady Burke , Hewitt &Casady , Attorneys-at-Law I'ltACTlCK IN TJI15 bTATl ! AND KKDUUAI. 0 > f I I. Ofllcosi J , J , Ilruwn Uulldlu ; , Council IllulTn lowu To Soft Coal Consumers. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. What is ? 'Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , COAL AT $4.50. Best in the market. Nothing like it. Ordei early and avoid the rush. AT ThafpJhflp A JL JLlC uw AIwJL 9 Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street PEERLESS BLACK PEERLESS , Is In every respect tlio best Goal for domestic purposes In the market. It losts longer , produces moro hent nnd burns up cleaner than any other Iowa conl. One ton will go ns far as a ton and a half of the ordinary stuff , and it costs no more than the cheap , unsatisfactory grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking and heating. Sold only by L. G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , The best outside coal sold in the Council Bluffs market Is the OHIO LUMP ; superior to cannel and much cheaper. All kinds of Wood and Coal. Cobs a specialty. Full weight and. prompt delivery. 29 South Main St. Telephone 2O3. ' roii''iru ( : > snRns.-u. s. IN- Pitoi'osALs dlnn service. Hosubud Atciny [ , Heiuth Di- kota.Jaiiiiuiy 12 , IMIl. Scaled piopo-.aU on- dulled "I'reipoMilb for 1 lelet hoods , and ad dressed to the ) umlotslgni'il ut Hosoliuil Aiienuy. Boutli PiilxUn , will ho received until 1 o'clock of I'ebru.iry ft , lwi | , for furnishing nnd delivering thoMimo at Valentino , NuhraKu : MiObiiHlitilsiif seed oat H , 1JOO ( buslio'K of seed potatoes and 1,000 buulieils of sueid corn , lliel- < lers must state the proposed prlceof each ar ticle to bo offered for dellveny under u con tract. ChllTIFIKI > CHUCKS. Kilt'll bid must bo accompanied bv a cut ti lled check or draft upon some Cnlted Mates Depository , nmdo payable to tlm order of the undersigned , fe > r ut leiiht I'lVlC per eent of tbo iiinount of the proposal , which eheek or draft will lie fin felted 10 Hie United Slates In casu uny bidder or blddein reciihlng nn award shall fall to prompt I v U.MTUIO u eon- tract with good and hiillluleint surltlejs. other- wlsu to lid letnrncil to the bidder. ,1. CJI.OKUI , WUIQ11T , U.S. IndluuAgent , J-ta-d-'l-tm Ilpcclvor'H Sale of Capital HotJl Fur- niturn , Ily virtue of an order of the dlbtrlet court , in and fur Lancaster county , iippolntlni : the undeiislKiicd recclvor In the suit of Italph Kit hen vs Ildward I' . Itocgcn , et ul. . notluu Is lieruby Klven that I will on thu Utli day of I'ubruary , A , I > . IhUI. ut 11) o'clocU u. in. of Kuld day , at the L'apllul bolol , ut the southwest , corner of Kk'ventli nnd 1'strciitH , In the pity of Lincoln , In the county of Lancaster , ton at public , atuitlon to tins highest bidder for cash , all the pe.tf.onal property , furniture , good * , chattels and fixtures In Hiild hoteil belonglni ; to thu llrm of lloKiten & MuDoimld. Thu In- ve'iitory and list of the said chnttel property can lietuxamlnedat thesieldluilnlbulldliiit and ut my ofllcis bAM Jle-ChAV , Lincoln , January 10 , Ib91. Heeelvcr. Jaiill(12ltm ( OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Muln and Ilroadwiiy. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Pculera In forolijn unit doruoitlu xohanit , Cnlluctluu mudu unit lutoruit , palel ou deposit * . CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215,000 Dliir.OTOiis I. A. Millar , K , O. Gloason , EX K KluiKurt , K. K. Hurt , J. 1) . BdmiindsDn , Olmrloi U , Iliinnan. Traniaot Ki > neiil tianklnz bu l- ne . Largest capital and iurplu of uj Imnkln Houtliwosturn Iowa INTEREST ON tIME DEPOSITS , nt l < aw < tCU | „ , thu Btato i.ml federal courtn. Rooms I ) , 4 and 5 bhugarC llunoblook , Uotincll llluffs , lowiu M. H. CHAMDERLIN , M. D KVK. KAlt , NOSK AND Cnunrll IllutH , la. All ( H ( ninHo ( the KVK. KAIl , MMKiu.il TJIHO.Vi ; trcnted wltti thu Kr al iklllnnrt tnro , CATAIIUII. AHTIIMl nnil MAY riiVl.ll Iruatuil wllh eminent UPCCII. hUlUill'AliOI'KIIATIONB , where nuiutnnrr , Iinln- Irnily performo I with thu iitinint cnro and "kill , mrlllK jiorfi'it ri)4Ulti H.NKHP OliAKHKH nccur- nli'ly iiro'crlliwl , curructlnx all rufructlru trouble ! , ni Mrupln , Il7croil& | | HIM ! Aitlulnatlim , ehui ron- ( IcrliuiUlit caiy , tluur nnil ualnluu , OI1IION10 NKI.'ltAl.OIA nnil HICK 1IHAIIAC1IH , nftcr ronrl ofterrlblu aullcrliiK. no relief , ontlralcurod. . Oinco , Itoiini I , Blmimrt lllock , over lleno A Co. ' itoro , Cuuncll Illuni , la. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packers1 Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casings , f pices and HaiuHKo Milker. ' Maohlnary. K&- t1. Main Ht. , Coiinull Ululfn , lu. Also deulen u llldti uud l''urn.