Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Again Disappoints All the Spsoulat-
ors" " Eipectatlons.
No OreiU Item of Hull News Effect of
the I'oor Tclcirntilo Service
Corn H Cainimrntivoljr
Mild Ilvo Stock.
DCillCAno , Jnn. 23.-Spcclnl | Telegram to
' tlio markoIs started
Tin llKKl-On 'change
with wheat ! 5o lower , othorcoreals steady nnd
provisions nt slljrlitly bettor prices. The
trading ot tlio drat lioilr brought good
strength anil higher prices to nil"tlio grain
markets , while products changed hut llttlo
and tliu activity In tlio provision pll soon died
out. The unexpected happened In wheat
again today. The majority of tlio trade came
on tlio floor expecting a reaction from the ad
vance of Wednesday. Them wns n hesitating
market the first hour , with the first trading at
lie decline from the close yesterday. About
11 o'clock there was a bulge tlut ) put the price
of May lo over the opening figure.
After ti slight drop from this price ,
a kucond period of excellent buying tot
In nnd the price moved up slowly nt first nnd
then with a Jump to 08'Je , or2'io ' advance
from the opening at iWic. July wheat sold at
the same time from 01J o to Olo. There was no
onuL'rout Item of bull news. It was the nat
ural strength of the situation which was
forced on the trade ) by outsldo buying. Per
haps the key to the market was the cash
wheat demand. Minneapolis at noon quoted
cash wheat strong tit 92J4o to 03c. Huffalo re
ported liberal sales to Now Ybrksttito millers.
Milwaukee reported sales of 2J.OJO bushels to
Hochcstor millers to go by rail. Detroit re
ported 10,000 bushels of cash vrhoat .sold nt ad
vanced prices. Ditluth reported a car o of
11 vu boat loads ot No. 1 northern sold for Glas
gow nt a fancy figure. The sales of 15,030
bushels of spring were hero re
ported at 4o iindur May. The re
port of the rainfall at San Diego , Cal. .
wns Interpreted early to mean a breaking of
the drouth In that state , Later ndvlccs re
ported the great wheat valleys f > tlll without
rain. There were snows In some portions of
the west and northwest , hilt Kansas and Mis
souri hud none and colder weather Is pre
dicted. Cables were bullish. Hurly , tlioy
were ! d higher and firm and the close was lid
higher. The poor wire service loft the trade
with monger news from scaboaid points. In
the pit i'ardrldgo was a buyer early , followed
by Mitchell , Maxtor , Armour & Co. , Hiitchln-
soii and oil Kirs. At first the scalpers were
Boilers. On the Ilrst good bulge Logan & Co.
led the buying , supposed to bo on St. Louis
orders. On the second strong buigo St. Louis
bought through 8. V. White & Co. The scalpers
nnd hhorts saw thelronrly mistake tind scram
bled for wheat , gutting it back at a loss. The
advance was accompanied by great activity
and for the hour at least there was a genuine
bull market and I'ardrlclgo was lost sight of.
At 1 o'clock the price of Slay was back to 07lie ,
but there was no Indication of any sharp re
action. There was EOIIIO reaction In wheat
the lust half hour on loallzlng , but the market
showed good staying qualities after a great
advance to 08 0 from IKiiJo at the opening.
The close of Slay was atOSJJe , 2o over the open
ing nnd ! Jo over the close yesterday. January
misquoted atOI'So to O.1'lo. closing at 93UO ,
July Ol'io to We. closing ntKIUc. The estimate
for tomorrow was sixty cars. Vessel room has
been taken for22,000 bushels of wheat hero
this month. There was a very bullish feeling
among the trade at the close.
There was a mild market In corn compared
with the great trading In wheat. Although
the receipts were 259 cars , against the esti
mate of 175 ears , the market started about
steady at 5280 ? for Slay. With an easier fool
ing In wheat early the price of corn touched
6'jic' ; , but at once recovered toKS c. The cstl-
inuto for Friday was qulto liberal at 203 cars ,
but the strength In the other markets could
not bo disregarded , and before 1 o'clock the
price of May moved up to S'o. ! Liverpool
cables were J4d to ? d up at the opening , and
at tlio close Id higher. The extreme top price
for May corn was 5iVc ) , not 53c straight.
The eloso wna at 52 ? . e seller , or but Uo up
from last night. January at the olosa called
OO'Sc , Kobruary , 40r ! OMo. oloilugit r > 0jo ! ;
July , 62ijo to 52.o to 5'2.Ce ? , practically with
May. Light slocks continue to bo the bull
factor. There was no remarkable trading.
The trade In oits : felt bullish nil day. but
the nctvancoswas slight , owing to the fact that
Hiitchlnson was against tlio market , selling
all day. May sold at 45o ? early and up to
4GUc , closing at 4Go seller. Juno closed at
45Mo bid ; July , 41 yo to 42c ! , closing at 42o.
Tlioro was some strength In provisions at
tlio opening , on the receipts of hogs falling
below the estimate at 43.0UO and prices tit the
yards being up lUc. Later In the day the cash
detnnnd for meats was reported IniDrovect
nud the buying In tlio pit booaino qultu brisk
for all products , pork nnd ribs lending. The
Btrong fcullug In all other markets no doubt
helped the price. On the early show of
fitiength the packers undertook to srll the
crowd all they wanted , hut later otforlngs
were loss free and prices moved up. May
porksold at * IOir > 461i'.rJii to SID. ' . ' . " ) , oloslns at
tlo.22J. ! This was Wic up for the day. Lard
sold at 30.05ttG.10 , and closed 2l'to up at $ < I.07K.
KIlis were stronger , selling T'/it ) up at I5.17W ,
and closing at $5.15. or 5o higher ,
COMMOIlTyOlBH. | | | Yes'r
Jlny . . , WW I B8'
July. . . , HIM U4 KM IB
Mny. . . , KK 1ZJS-3
Cnali. .
Mny. . .
Mny. . . 1015 1025- 10 10
HID * , . . .
May. . . 512 517Ji fi 12 0 K (10
LA mi
May. . . 007K 0 10 COTHi 007U COS
COMMQDIir I Onon. I HUM. | IAJ\T. | Cloao. I Ycs't.
Mar 1 00 TOM-H
COIIXMay. . . . . ,
Notna nnil Gossip.
Estimated hog receipts for Chicago on Fri
day. 30.000.
Itccolpts , Minneapolis : \Vlicat , 231 ; Duluth -
luth , 17 cars.
St. Louis reeolpts ! Wheat , 12,500 ; oats. 57-
000 ; corn , 2lt,000 ,
St. Louis shipments : Wheat' , 10,802 ; corn ,
10,370 ; oats , 8,570.
Estimated receipts for Chicago Friday :
Wheat , OOi corn. 2UOj oats , 103.
Chlcaco receipts : Wheat. lf,600 ; corn.07,700 :
oats , 03,300. Shipments : Wheat , 27,200 ; corn ,
W.ouo ; oats , 143.0W.
A sale of cash wheat was made at Chicago at
lo under Jlny. ThUstroiiKth of cash has clvon
u sudden spurt to the futures.
F.ckort & Swnn report the sale of 4,200 sacks
oflloiirlna foreign mnrkethlch has taken
from them nlncc last March.
llecolpts atChltag. ) ; winter wheat , 12 ; Colo-
rndo , ! l ; spring. VA. inspoetod regular winter
wheat , none ; Colorado , none ; spring , 43.
Milwaukee lopoits 211,000 bushels of wheat
taken for Koehoster , All rail freights , llnf-
fulo reports 10,000 bushels of wheat taken by
Interior millers.
A California message nays : No Indications
of rain In the San .loaiiuln valley. Merchants
arc countermanding orders for bags und fnrm
machinery on account of the continued
Without communication with the cast either
by private or public wires business la iniiuh
restricted at Chicago. Private cables gener
ally denote firm and higher markets , wiillu
the public cables uro not HO favorable.
lleorbohm's cable : Cargoes off coast Wheat
ntoponuiKquieter ; innlio at opening llrin ,
Arrivals wheat cargoes since last report , " , '
sold , 1 ; waiting , 1. Arrivals maize. U , waiting ,
4. Cargoes on passage and for shipment ]
JJliout at opening rat her easier ; malzo llrni ,
Wiillnallii wheat oir coast 3ls ( bid present
nnd following month IMsCd. Weather In ICng-
1 und wet. Liverpool wheat at opening Unn :
rnuUo spot at opening stronger.
0 , V. Logan li Co. to Tonoray & Ilryan-The
wheat market opened quiet utM'io. May of
ferings wore light. The principal oiiuso of tliu
Builden ndvaneu of Ho U iho good demand fni
cash wheat. Knriy loportH from the Pacific
const bald hey bad had rains , but later UK
fclgnnl service report stateu no rains , with u
cloud leas sky , All foreign advices are strong
and point to higher prices. A sale of No. I
hard xprlng for shipment to fllnsgow at 43s poi
quarter , say equal to tl.21 nt the Bonbonrd ,
wus niude this mornlnii by iv Duluth house , li
may bo prudent to tnuo pro Ills on such ad <
vances. but on all breaks wo recommend buy.
Ing , The trudtugln July Is llghU It Hold u
high ns Ole daring the excltomont. Thli In a
hlaliprlco for the now crop , unless there Is
itomo disaster to the growing ciop.
Keimctt. Hopkins & Co. to ChrlUlc-Uttirop
Com. Co. The biilllnli itilvlcoi wo sent out
yestcrdny have inntrrlall/.ed rather sooner
and to a more positive extent than scorned
possible nt the tlmo. Converts nro much
more numerous today tlimi yesterday nnd a
few dnys' mlsstnnnry work line today will
draw In recruits by the roglnu'iit. Of course
wo sliall have sharp and frcnnent reactions ,
and the taking of piolits on Imucs U the
policy of a good trader , but It Is bolloved that
tlio strength of the Hiirroundlni : conditions Is
such that no prudent nbsorlior can fall to bo
Impressed with tliciu. Though our cash wheat
Is nominally fie to fl'jo ' unilcr Jlny. Ills ix inct
Hint no consldernlilo ( innntlty of oven the
poorest can bo had at more than ! lho under
May , while 2o under May has been refilled for
( | iitteiiuiintlty. | Most of It Is owned by ele
vator proprietors who , having no corn or oats
with which to IIU bins , will hang on to
tdolr wheat unless they can get close to
May prices rathar than have warehouses
empty. Tlioro Is a steady demnnd In Indiana ,
Ohio , Michigan nnil southern Illinois. Mnny
tcetloii ! ) that were hellers ot wheat last fall
nro now buyers. It does not necessarily fol
low that these localities are barn of wheat ,
but local holders are convinced that higher
prices are In ptoapi'ut and current bids nro re
fused , thus compelling country millers lo buy
ut distant miirkctH. Of course It Is an unset
tled question how much still remains In the
farmers' hands , but wo think It Is considerable
In the states named. The market has been
broad nnd active and a more confident feeling
prevails at the clo e. TJioro is nothing now
to be said of corn. Wo can see no
induicment to buy for Investment at
present prices , nnd It seems foolhardy ( o
toll It short Should there bo any consider
able short Interest and gmdliiK shows no Im
provement , shorts might hat ii trouble In net
ting contracts tilled. That hogs should bo
higher when so plenty alarmed certain shorts
In provisions this morning , who proceeded nt
once toRctout of harm's way. The advance
made by their buying was hold by the buoy-
nut grain market. The upturn considered as
n rally after a gieat decline is Insignificant
and nirords. as wo think , favorable oppor
tunity for short Helling ,
CHICAGO , Jan , 29. [ Spcolnl Telegram to THE
HE 13.1 CATTLE lluslness opened slow and for
the tlmo ruled rather weak , some of the early
Bales showing n slight decline , but later , there
was an Improved demand or rather salesmen
accepted bids made when the buslnossmoved
along more actively , the ionornl market clog-
Ing much better than the opening , yet values
nro 15o to 2JC lower than on Monday on nil
grades ol fat cuttle. Low priced canning
Block nnd cows show llttlo or no change and
fat cows are selling fully as high as last week
and also all good grades of stackers. The top
price todny was $5.10 nnd only a few loads sold
as high as $1.00 , the bulk of the fat steers
sold ntl.2.Vfil.OO , while largo numbers of me
dium sold ati..rXlQI.50 : : co\vsS1.2.V&2.5j , stockers -
ors , W.5a3.5f ) .
lions lluslness was actlvo from opening to
close with an ndvauco of 5310o over the low
prices uf yesterday. The shipping demand Is
free and the run at smaller points was quite
light today. Hough nnd common sold at
KM.vni.50 : ; good to choice mixed. KUAtUi.GO ;
prime heavy and butchers' weights , JJ.C > ®
3.70 : light , J.I.KX83.GO ! ; pigs. J'
STOCKS AXit noxns.
NEwYoitK , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TiiEllKi : . ] STOCKS. The day In stocks began
with a slow reeovery from the sharp drop lu
atlway shares late yesterday. The foreign
tuatlou wns favorable , with another roduo-
: on la the Batik of England rate to 3 percent.
hero were some buying orders also from
jondon. The public on this side were still
liutolT from the street because of the poor
elegrnphlo service. There wns no remark-
bio fuuturo In the market. First prices were
cnerally a fraction over last night and an
pward movement , which proved to bo a hes-
: atlngone , followed up to 1 o'clock. The
bailees were limited to \ ' \ and ? . p.'r cent
iilns. Chicago Gas rose to 41 ! : Sugar to
Northern Pacific , preferred , to
liurllngton to 87U ; Koolc Island
* i ; St. Paul to Kiyi Missouri
. . toffiVi ; Union Pncllloto 44. Until the
allwny agreements In the west moan somn-
hlng , there can bo no well supported stock
st. There was n gro itly improved feeling In
fow'stosks latu In the day. Gould nnd VII-
urd stocks appeared to have the best sup-
ort , Northern Paolflo preferred led the list
/lib a gain of 1J ! to TJJi with common nnd
\ortli American each up H. Missouri Paclllo
vas the next loader with a gain of 1J to CO ,
ollowod bv Union Pacitlo to44St. ( . E'aul to
M ; Hock Island to G8.f , whllo Itnrllngton and
Atelilson wore up but ? s each. Northwestern
vas the exception with a loss of ! j. Chicago
Gas held up at 41 and sugar receipts about a
lolnt up. The sales reached 1MI.IM ) shnrcH ,
The following were the elosliu ( inotatlons :
) . S. 4i registered..UU ! Northern 1'ucltla . . . . 2U
U. H. 4s coupons 120 rtoprofcrroil 73K
7. S. 4KB rrglitrrcd..lift C. &N.W IOJ
T. 8. 4to coupons. . . . 10,1 < lo preforroj it'l ;
'aclflolis ' of'IU 103 Now Vnrk Central.101M
Jontral rncille 30 I' . . I ) . A 15 ml
Jhloiij. ! ] A Alton 120 Hock Inlnnil ( H
Chicago , llurllnijlon O. . M. , t St. ! Kl l
& ( jiiliicy flfiK do preferred 1W-M
) . , U A W 137 St. 1'nul & Oninlia. . . . 2,1
lllnols Central 118 doprofurrod. . , , . . . . 75
, . 11. AW Union 1'nclllc 4US
vnn ns , V Texas uu \V. , St. h. & 1' 10H
' ' ' ' doprxfurrod r.
! ! . . Ill Westoni Union 7'.iii
itlBsoiirl t'nctllc CM <
MONEY On call , easy ; closed ollercd at 24 !
[ > or cent.
1'iiiMR MBiiOANTit.cPAPcn n7 ! { per cent.
STEiiiiNoKxciiANar. Quiet : steady ; sixty-
day bills , fl.83 ; demand , Sl.bT'/j.
Stockii. I Uien. | | IllKb. I low. I Uloao. | Vc t'y
W. , V U K. . .
ocking Vul 27H
.nnliattan . 101
Wnbusli lifil 19I <
Krlo Ml
Cnnniln So. MlH
1'ncltlo Mall. IBS ? S&l 3.1) ,
, nko Shore. 107 i 107W
.AN 74 ! < i
.lOnil Trust ,
(3. O.C
Mo. 1'ac
Union i'nc. .
N. 1'ne. pfil.
N. 1'no. com.
O. , 11. A Q. , .
Hock Island
bt. 1'aul
S. I'nul pfil. 877U 87
Went , Union 7U 7UU 79
I ) . , L. AV. . . 137 137U 79M7M
Bncar Tni't 137C9
Am.SUK'.Uf. C9 K )
Jersey Cent. 111 111 111
New KiiRl'd.
Ulch.Turm'l '
Atelilson. . . . Kt-Xi
iiika(0 : Oui
Del. , Y Huil.
'ullniiin IS'J Ib'.l IS'J
No. Am Itt 1B IB
Midi. Coiit , , 1BVI IBD2
Silver 103H
111. Cent. . .
Wls.Cont. . . ft
Mex , Cunt. , * * ' ftKI
A. 0.011. . , . % 21
Toxns 21ms
Tunn. C. A1 85 i
NEW Yoiuc. Jan , 2J. [ Spoolal Tolojjram to
TIIK HUE. ! Tlio following ure tlio mining
stock quotations :
AilnmsCon 17S Mexican i'J )
Axpcn 573 Ontario 3'juo
CoIurndoCon 100 SriTnito J05
Con , , Cul. It Va 40U Sierra Nevada Ift'i
Kurcka 2.V ) Standard 140
lloiuestako 821 Union Con. . . . lix )
Iron Silver 2811 Yellow Jacket SOU
Tlio Coffee Market.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 2U , [ Special Telegram to
Tun HUB. ] CoKFEK-OptJons opened steady
at 5 points up to20 points down ( closed steady at
5 points down to 15points up. Sales : 20,000 bags.
Including January , JlO.75MKI.SOj February ,
J10.75 : March. JIB.3txaifl.IO : April , 810.10 : May.
$15.70I5.t > 0 ; Juno , J15.50@l5.55j July , $15.3048
15.41 ; August , flS.IU ; September , ! 14(13 ( ; December -
bor , tUlCO : Knot Ulo. firm and quiet ; fair car
goes , SIO.OJ ; No. 7 8I7.5 < > .
CiilOAao , Jan. CO. Close Wheat-Steady :
isli.tXHiOlo ; May , OJ'.o ; July , ttliso.
Corn I'lnn ; cash , 4'JJic ' : May , 52iQ52iO. ?
Outs Kasyi cash , 44c : May. 451 ® 4lc. !
I'ork-Htoady , cash , $9.7.1 : Mny , . lo.20ftl0.22 ! { .
l.nrd Steady : cash , * 5.70 ; May. $ a.05ft07Ji.
Short Illbs-Steadyi cnsh. S4.02)i4.75 ) ; Muy ,
Ilyo Steady at 7lo.
llarloy Slow at 7.Vii70o.
1'lax I'lrni lit J1.17.
I'rlino Timothy Steady at 11.18 ,
Whisky 81.14.
Wour Unohansoili winter patents , J1.50
Cil.80 ; spring putents , fMOQI.bO ; bakers' .
llulk Moats Sliouldora , Il.osa4.10 : short
clear. * l. ! rf5.05 ] short rlbt , ( lAKgl.ia ,
llutter Unchanged ! creaniurj-.lG30c : dairy
llldes-UnclmnKod ; llglit nnil heavy urcon
suited , 5 > itt3jo ! ; Broon , 4U4' ui Halted bull.
4140 ; Krt'on salteU calf , bu ; ilry Hint , but fait
bull. &a7oi dry oulf , * it9 ! duacons. oacb , 2io.
Tallow Unulinngedi No , 1 , solid puckoU ,
3jo ; No. S , 3ci cului. 4o.
Ont'oso Stronn : full croatn Cheddars , OlJii
lOo ; llutti , 10.littlOio ; YOUIIK Amorluus , luji
KBPSKuslor ; ( rush , Sic.
Heoolpts. Shipment * .
Moiir. libls . , . lil.OOO ss.003
\Vhout. bu . mow ! ! 7ooi
Corn , Iiu . &S.OOO w.ioc
Oats , bu . . . . , . , , C8.000 HOOCK ,
VOIIK , JfttuSft Wheat-Hecelpts , 10,60 (
biishclit uxportfl. XInoO bushels : pit I't'iT )
Sio ! higher ntid strong ; No. 2 red , JI.ONSH.W.s
In elevator :' n flout : il.10HOI.t2
f. o. h. | options l 4n o higher : fin od strong !
No. 2 red , January clo < ed at tt.O)1 ! ) * .
Corn -Itccelpts 1.V > 0 liushels ; exports , n.COO
bushulsi spot hlger anil strong ; Ao. 2 , ( K'i ' < ra
Kllio In iJlevntor ! KJH'S'MUe ' ' ulloriti tingrndcd
mixed , G2iy < tWic | opt Ions closed strong : Jan
uary closed at ( Vic ,
Oats-Uccolpts. S9.000 buihels ; exports , 450
bushels ; hpot higher ) No , 2 white. W' (
{ JM'iCl mixed western,60il5ll white western ,
fxIWUOiiCI options llrmorl January , { > 2Jo ! ,
sugar Unw dull : rollncd. quiet.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed , Febru
ary , 74'jc. '
Kggs-Western. S..o. . , , ,
Ijinl I'lrnr western itonni sales , $0.05 bid.
lluttcr Weak ; westerndulry , 12@Uo ) ; cream
ery , KiKfili ! Klgln , 2727Jo. !
Cheese strong ; light skims , & & $ ! >
ST. Louis , Jan. 23. Wheat Higher ; cash.
0fWeMny ! ) ; , BSHe.
Corn Higher ; cash ,
Oats-lllchcr ; cash. 40c.
Lard 15.55.
Whisky ! l,14.
lluttcr Creamery , 18COe : dairy , 10 < JJ20e.
KANSAS CmJan. . ' .U Wheat Stronger ! No.
2 hardcash , H4c bid ; January , U4o bid.No. : 2
rod , cash. Die bid ,
Corn Easier ; No , 5 , ciisli and January ,
Onts-Stomly : No. 2 , cash , 45GI5'iO ' naked ;
January , 45c bid ,
MINNEAPOLIS. Jnn. 2 ! ) . Wheat In good de
mand ; Inquiry is growlni for wheat to ship to
country nillls" Itceolptaincurs1 , shipments ,
100 cars , closing ! No , 1 hard , January. Mo ;
on truck , t.l5o ) ! : No. 1 northern. January anil
February , U2e ; May. l)5je ) ! : on track , O Scs No.
2 northern , Juuunry , Hallo ; on track , buffl'JOo.
Mir.wADKKK , Jnn. 20. Wheat/ Firm ; No. 1
norilicrn. Uic ; Mny. Kittc.
Corn I'iriii at 4'JJ ' o.
Oats-Quiet at lie.
Provisions Porlf , flrmcrj Mny , I
CINCINNATI , Jnn. LU'-Whcat Scarce aud
trouper ! No. 2 red , OSc.
Corn-Klrnii No.8 mixcd,62j53& !
Onts-Ilnrely ato-idy ; No. 2 mixed , 4 ( } c.
Whisky J1.14.
LiVKiit'oor * Jan. 29 Wlioat Firm ! demand
fulr ; holders olTer sparingly : red western ,
spniiK , 7s Gid7s"d ! percental ; red western ,
winter , 7s CJJd. , , , ,
Corn strong ; dcmnnd Improving ; mixed
western , Os 7d per cental.
OlllCAno , Jan. 20. Oattlo llocclpta. 15,003 ;
market slow und weak ; steers , $ 'i.ut > i65,10 for
best ; othersCJ.iiOOI.OU ; cows , ( l.S5O'.T5 ; stock-
eis , .WXt.5'J. : ) '
Hogs Koeelpts , 45,000 ; inarltet active nnrl
hlglier ; rouili and common , &J.45SW.50 ; good
choice mixed , * 'I..V > ® -.Oi | ) ; prlnio heavy and
butelior welKhtt , $ l.O.VW.7o ? ; light. Ji.5'J'J.i ; ' ( ! ) .
Sheep Kecnlpts , 8,000 : mnrkot a shade
stronger ; natives. J1.00OI.20 ; westerns , H.2.V3S
4.8D ; 'iexiins , R7M4.BO ; lantba , $ j.OC < Jj.73.
ST. Louis , Jan. ! . Oiittlo-Rocelpts , 11,200
head ; shipments , 1,000 huuil ; market easier ;
fair to fancy native steers , & 1.7MM.10 ; itook-
crs and feeders , ft.UOj.40. ;
lions Hecelpls.\500head ; stilpmcnts , 2,100
head ; market higher ; heavyKl.40a'J.53 ; mixed ,
KUOiM.45 ; llRlit , ita.g5aa.40.
KANSAS OITY , Jan. 119. Cattle Receipts ,
1,400 head ; shipments , 1,400 lioud ; inaruet
steady : steers. ( , l.45ti\5 : cows , tl.5oa'1.53 ;
stoukers nnd feeders. $ i' > "n 3.r)0.
Hogs Receipts. 11,000 liead ; shipments , 2,700
head ; market higher ; all grades ,
O31A U.I MA UK K'fS.
OMAHA. Jan. SO , 1S91.
OATTrn Estlmntod rocelnts of cattle 050 ns
compared with",283 yesterdav and2.153 Thurs
day of last weolc. The market on steers , on
very light iccoluls , wai steady ; on butchers'
stock , was active and stroll ? en desirable
grades , and steady on others ; feeders were
lions Estimated receipts of hogs 2OfiO
us compared -with 9,177 yesterday and ( W > 7
Thursday tf last , week. The market was
active and uneven , hut In general lOo higher.
The range of the prices paid was $3.15 ©
© J.55 , the bulk selling at f3.J > iW.40. Pig * , tl.50
12.00 : light-lights , ZU.50S2.0J ; light. W.l.ViW.40 ;
icavy , * ; ! . : iiiii.5."i : ; mixed , 4i.3ji63.4" ; ( ) . Tliu av-
rage of the prices pild ; was JI.3U. as compared
vltli $3.20 a' yesterduy and t&'Siy Thuisday of
nst week.
iiKEl1 There were no frcsli receipts of
beep. The market Is nominally steady. NaIves -
Ives , J2.5034.10 ; westerns , $2.004.20 ,
Disposition of Stock.
Showing the numbnr of cattle , hogs and
hoop purchased on this market as reported
by the welglmuistoi of the Stockyards com-
) auy'for January 20 :
? ho 0 , II. Hammond Oo 182
? lu > Uudahy 1'ucklng Co 173
t. Ueckor & Degen 711
.eo Rothschild C2
A els Morris 10
Shippers nud feeders 194
iho Cud ally Packing Co 018
Omaha Packing Co 37
Swift & ( Jo - 70fi
Tlio G. H. Hammond Packing Co 047
Shippers and feeders 1G2
Representative Sales.
No. AY. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1. . 8211 WOO 10. 011830. " ) 3. .1000 $4 00
2. . Ol'i U i'5 ' 13. . 1W1 370 20..10M 400
8. . 071) ) U 40 2..1130 370 18..1180 400
7..1100 340 1U..104370 14..1157 410
' . Ml JIM 10..1112 360 9..12M1 425
1..1053 350 1(1. ( .1095 365 13.1227 4 40
5. . MO 1 2. ' . 12. . 000 1 75 1..1130 240
. 80J 1 2) 1..11.V ) 1 83 0. . 010 240
1..10JO 135 5..1112 210 10..1111 240
4. . IkT , 1 IIS 2..114. ) 2 ( K ) 3. . O.JO 240
8.s 917 1 33 0. . O.VJ 200 0. 1108 240
5. . R08 140 1..1MO 200 2ft. . O'.X ) 245
0. . WO 1 f,0 20. . 072 2 10 21..161)1 ) 250
1 . 940 1 fiO 3.10111 2 10 1..12HO 2 ! > )
02. 9fi5 ISO 1..1050 210 17. . 1131 2 fit )
01. . 02J 1 no 11) ) . . Oil ! 220 . 14. . 042 2 C2H
22. . 720 1 CO 15. . 884 KV > 3..1070 275
8. 1103 1 00 11. . 1MO 2 23 1..101X ) 280
21. . 841 173 1..1110 233 1..1090 325
.llbO 175 4. . 073 240 22..1205 335
1..1110 200 4. .1183 210 1..13IO 2 CO
4. . 960 200 1..1500 200 1..1500 2 UO
4. . 217 1 50 2. . 93 2 00 1. . 190 4 00
10. . 450 1 23 1. . 450 1 50
1. . 700 200 18. . 770 2 95'
1..1140 2 00
No. Av. Pr.
Equitable O. Co.
rins AND iiouan.
18 125 260 111) ) 130 305
90 130 100 300
OJI.llI.l WllOL.KNAl.E 31.111KETS.
Gp ucrics.
CotTCE-Groon Klo 222le ; Java , 27c ;
Mocha , 2Se , Koasted Arloia , 25 l-10o ; llunola ,
25 1-lOc ; Uunuiin , 24io : Ullllworth's , 25 1-lUCj
Lion , 23e : Conlovla. 25 l-lOo : Moolin ,
3lo ; O. G. Java , 29o. Cotfeo K'ssonco Yt gro.
boxes , f lU3l.50i chicory. 7idtoKiC. !
WOOIIENWAUB Per dozoii Tubs , No. 1 , $8.00 !
No. 2 , J7.00J No. 3 , HOO : heeler , oak grain. 5-li ) ,
losi , tl.f-Oi whltn codur , 4-lu , best , gl.2V pulls ,
3-hoop , oaks rained. 11,73 ; hoop , J1..Y ) ; syrup ,
$1.85 ; dinvell , $1,75 ; paper , mutal hoop , iJ..Vj ;
cedar , 3 brass hoops , No. 1 , all red$5.50 ; cedar ,
! l brass hoops. No , 2 red , $3.00 ; cedar , 3 brass
hoops , No. 1 striped , J.VOO : cedur.3 brass hoops ,
No. 2 striped , $4.x ! ) : , extra heavy , No. I ,
J2.75 : well buckets. 13.25. lluttcrwuro Tubs ,
ash , 3-lncb , per , 7lo ) : : ish , 2-mt'li , 2 large
size , per nest , 43o : butter ladles , hardwood ,
70c : butter puddles or spndes,70c' . Washboards
Single. { | ,40a'iOO : doublefcJ.50S3.25. Clothes
pins 5 gross boxes , COo.
SiiOAH Urauulatcd , 07 e : cubes , 7 > io : cut
loaf,7Ho : pnwdorod , Htamlard , 5tc ! : XXXX
powdered , 77 c : yellow C , T ) ocanury : , ( , c ;
IlKht extra O , S'iftdSic ; confeotlonors , A , 0iC.
SAl/r Dairy , 2si ) Ibs In Ubls , bulk , S.MO ; best
Knido , , J-J.40 : best grade , 1003s. K.50 : best
grade , 2810s. * 2ao : rock salt , crushed , iiio.
SODA Packages , U ) Ibs to box , 5 io | kegs ,
( JA.NNKi ) VEOKTAlit.Es Tomatoes n-lb , * 1.03
C41.10. Corn Very line , : 1-lbsusar ,
11.13 ; 2-11) ) standard western brands. { 1.10 ,
Mushrooms l-lli I'rencli , extra line , SftbUoi
1-lb I'roiicli , line , IMf.'c ; 1-11) rrvnch , onll-
nary , 10lbc. I'eas 2-lb t-nrly June. * 1..5 ! 2-lti
Marrow , btandiinl Irunils , II , 10 : 2-lb Naked ,
70e. French peas Per case of luo , 1.50Hi2.00 ,
Siring beims 2lb high Kriidu , Wo ; 2-lb wax
beans , 85o | 2-lb string bonus , tsOc , Lima beaut
2-lb beaked , Uc. Uottou bakvd beans a-lb ,
fl.mai.Ki. Swoct potntoos-.l-lb Now Jersey
$1.50 ; 3-lh okraanilittAmilnr * . fl.iW ! IHb okrn ,
Jl.ffl ! tiMiarnaiH , iMt ) ; fj.s.'HW.TS ; rhubard , : i-lb.
tl.40 | succotash , } | ; wfol.V3.
Unu'KRiia-.Sodn/1 ( I * ; oyster. 5'4o : cream ,
P'ioiglngersnapvS'ici ' 10 percent off on box
| ) IIIRI Hums Turkish prunes , lc s than
lilitK ISiO , He ; npnlpvnporated. . new ring
cholcti , be i aprlcoU , faney , In sacks , voci
hlacUhcrrles , newui.'j raspberries , 25 Ibs to
boxc.'o ; ; currants , V'wo'jc ! Vollwl currants ,
p\trn , In boxesO'ii'j peaches. Cain. , choice ,
17'ie : California drlou snipes In lings lWc |
soi.'illess Sultanas , oaeks , 10'SCI liui-icatels ,
Hitc : new Valencia , ho ; Ondurii layer.Ue : figs ,
nyers l492Uct citron. I < cghorn , 20oi lemon
peel , l c. - i
NUTM-For Ib-Alnthnds , IBe : llrnzlls , 2lcj
filberts 1 * ! | peciins , lH14e ! wnlnuts , IScj pea
nuts , fancy white , Korroustod , lOc.
WliAl-i'lNfl PAI-HII PIT Hi. l > o t straw. 15x18
to 32x44 , lc ; dry v'bods , 44C ! extra iiuallty ,
munlllii.Ci.o : inanllla tea , r.'xl Vc ; dark rug ,
hardware , 240.
Oit.8 ISO prime white , 05c ! : 1M water white ,
HJc ! Ill-naught , mo ; T4gasollntil'.Jc. ' . oil
tins 1 gal. $ J.jOii.'l.25i ( 2 gal , W.'iai.Ml B gal ,
6TiAS ! Jauan , basket flicd , 20'v"c ; sundrlcd ,
. . ® l. > c : green. SU vtoi gtinpoindcr , 2tKQfcVic !
" ngllsh brenkfimt. . ' ' ' ) Voumr Ilyson. " 0 ®
Kc ; Uoloiiir , a5f(4.M < : 2-lb pacUauedust , 15c.
Axi.v : ( lunASB I'er cross 1'razlor's largo
ons , ji'.UX ; ' ) ; iniMllnin tins , $ .7.00 ; small , $ l5oij )
6ther makes , wnod. $ , Vf > ( K3. ! < .5'J.
III.ACKI.NO II doz In box , tloa'So ! ladles' shoo
dressing , 45cOtLOO ; stove polish , per gross ,
JlJ.OOui * . it i > 0t
Liquid , 4 oz. II doz In box , POc < iMI.T3 !
8oz , 3 doz In bo.\ , $ I.W@2.73j dry , small , 2Tic
largo , 45c'
spices , 10-lb boxes , 2.1e ,
CIIOCOI.ATK , KTC. 12-lb boxes , 3l3.ric : Ocr-
ninn sweet , 22 < JW4e ; coona , Ii9IOci Itromo , 32c.
COCOANUT i5-lb eascs , U and M Ib packages ,
prr Ib. 20Q,27c ; bulk , 15-lb palls , 2.12.
KXTHAUTS Lemon , 2 oz. McStJl.50 ; 4 nr. $1,00
< E13.X ! ) ; vanilla , 2oz , 0.1c2.60 ; 4 oz , $1,23(25.50 ( ;
Jainnlca ginger , 4 oz.fl.iC > .
MAICIIKS I'nrlor , .tiO nnd TOO per box , $1.053
1,70 per gross ; sulphur , Jl.lMM.3u.
lliiusiins Shoe , per doz , J1.2.VB1.30 ; dnubers ,
75c < iMl.UU ! fccrub brushes , uOcWfc-.uo.
Hum SLE Ml.\ud bird , 1-lb pncUnECS , 5ci
canary. 4o ! ; hemp , 4'c ' ; anise. 15c.
CANDLES 40 Ibs to box , 05e ! ; mining , 10 ®
lO'/io ' ; wax , lie ,
TOIIACCO Fine out. per Ib , 2.VT27c : plug. 22
< & 7Sc ; smoking , 224i03c ; fancy branus , UJc ®
CA'NI > V Mixed , ! 10 Ib palls. 8 < i8yc ; stick ,
( Hie ; twist stick. He ; French mixed , Illtfc : hoar-
hound stick , bio ! ; far and ease cnndlos.'Slb
boxes , l.vS''lu ; extra fine goods , 5305c.
MOI.AHSES H bbls-N. O. fancy , per gal. 40 ®
4So : choice , 40l , ' > c ; good. 28@3)c ) : Cuba , baking ,
2.yi& > 0c : blackstrap , 18S22 ! syrup , 70 grade ,
bbls , 20c ; ! J bbl , 2do ; 4 gal kegs , $1.21 ; 2 gal kits ,
CIIEKSIR V. 0 , twin flats per Ib lie : P.O.
Young Amnrlcan , ll'/Jo : domestlu Swiss , 15 > } c ;
brlok. 14c : Edam. In foil , each * 1.K ( ) .
VINKHAH Apple elder , lllc ; double elder , 12o ;
white wine. 12e : trlplebtrcngth , 19c.
KTAIICH I'er Ib , GSo.
PICKLES Modliim , bbls , $ .03 ; small , UO.OO :
gherkins , $11.00 ; Hoaton mlvor. $12.00.
HICE Java , Co ; choice , C : fancy , Ocj head ,
0ic. !
ClliKH-Por lib ] , refined , lfi.50 ; half bbl , $ .150 ;
hard elder , pure , per bbl , J5.00 : orange elder ,
half bbl , KM ; pear cldnr. liulf bbl. $0.50.
Provision ! ) .
SMOKED MUATS Sugnr Cured Hams , 14 to
irlb average , 8ic ? ; hams , 20 to 22 Ib average ,
B c ; bums. 10 to 12 Ib average , Oc ; skinned
hums , 04c ! ; shoulders. 5Hu : clear breakfast
bucon , 7'/iC ' ; boneless breakfast bacon backs ,
04e } ; boned ham , 7c ; California , or plcnlo
bams , 5'/ic ; boneless hum , 7lc ! ; dried beef
hams ( sets ) , 7ic ! ; dried beef clods , Co ; short
splecd rolls or ham roulette , 03 o ; smoked beef
tongues ( per do ? ) . $ < UO ; special hams , IS to 15
Ib average. lOc ; special boneless breakfast
bacon. lUc ; selected dried bcuf hams , Insldes
and knuckles , DC ; selected wide clear break
fast bn con , Oc. " *
DuvSAivr MEATS Fancy light weight short
jlenrs , lie : long clearsl5' c : short clears , 5'ic ;
liort ribs. 5 ? c : bhoiildcrs , 4Uc ; clear bellies ,
> ; o : clear backs , 5'Jc.
tiMOKr.n MKATS Dry salt cured Fancy light
vclght bacon short clears , ( ijc ; bacon short
ribs Gu ; bacon short clears , ( ! , ' ( - ' ; bacon long
ileurs , Cc ; bacon clear backs , GUe : bacon clear
jellies , Cie ! : baeoil shouldeis , 4''aC.
HWI'.KT PiCKi.Kii MJATS Hams , tierces , fe ;
shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tierces , 4 ? c : bellies ,
Jorces , 0So ! : California ham , tierces , 5c ; beef
.nun , barrels , Jr..Cfl.
PiCKr.Ki ) HKEI-TONOUKS ilarrcls , $20.00 ; half
jarrels , 100 Ibs , $ li. ( . " > 0quarter | , barrels , 50 Ibs ,
G.OO ; eighth barrels , 25 Ibs , $3..r > 0.
LAUD Compound , per Ib tierce basis , Cc ;
> uro leaf , per Ib tlerec biibls , do ; pure lard , per
b tierce basts , Co ; kettle rendered leaf laid ,
icr Ib tierce basis. 0 ? c.
1'OIIK AND IlEKP , llAIIRCr.ED NOW 111CSS porll ,
lerbbl. $10.75'family : pork , $0.50 ; back pork ,
' 11.60 ; short cut clear pork , $ L.7Jll.r)0 ) ; prime
ness pork ; f.5012.00 ! ) ; boneless pig 'jiork ,
fancy , 81X00 ; extra HICSB beef , S5.75 ; plate beef ,
$7.00 ; extra plate beef , fs.10 ; extra fumllr beef ,
boneless , $ S.OO ; rolled beef , bonoless. SS.'M ;
rump butts. $8.50 : choice boneless family beef ,
l'ia POUK , Barrels , 200 Ibs each ,
$13.00 ; halt barrels , 100 Ibs each , $7.00.
HAUSAaE Holo.mi , 4u ; smok d sausage , 7o ;
blood sausage , 44c ! ; II vcr sausage , 4Se ! : head
cheese. 4c ! } ; fresh pork sausage , ( links ) Co ;
fresh pork snniKo ! , ( bulk)5J4o ) ; smoKed pork
sausage , 8c ; t < 'rankfiirt sauaago , 7cj smoked
head cheese , Co ; Polish sausage , 7c ; Knoblauch
sausage , 7c ; tongue sausage , be ; summer
sunsagc , Klo.
The above prices arc for lots of fifty pounds
and upwards ; a less quantity a half cent more.
OILS 1'rlmo lard oil , ( winter strained ) 49o ;
extra lard oil , ( winter strained ) 47c ; extra No.
1 lard oil , U'Jc ; No. 1 lard oil , Mo ; No. 2 lard oil ,
J.Oc ; extra neut's-foot oil , 45o ; tallow oil , 4'lo.
half barrels lie over barrels ; 5 gallon cans ( ' , ' In
case ) 60 over barrels. . _
Country Produce.
Yesterday's market In country produce did
not pretont any now features and prices for
the most part were steady.
Koos Sales were generally reported nt ISe
and It would busafu to quote that price as the
market for fresh stock.
I'oui/ruv Quotations for chickens were G ®
7o for choice stock ; gceso and dimks , 7 < 3Sc ;
and turkeys , 10llc. The market was not
very active.
GAME Nothing now In this lino. Small rab
bits continue to go nt about 75c and Jacks In
small lots at tt.Ott. Shippers must near In mind
that the market will stuml only a limited sup
ply. as the demand Is light , and any consider
able number , especially of jacks , would have
to bn sold lower.
HUTTEH The best country butter Is In de
mand at lG@18c , mid good sweet country rolls
at I'Jc.
OAnnAOE Another oar of California cab-
bnso will arrive today. Per Ib , 2i ! < 2u'c.
UIU.KUV HOOTS I'cr doz , 40c.
ONIONS Supplies are light and holders of
good stock nro asking us high as $2.00 per bush.
bpanlsn , per crate , t'.Ol.
1'Aitf i.uv Krosh stock. Me.
s I'er bbl. K.50.
POTATOES The supply of Colorado potatoes
Isnulto large and curloud lots are olVered at
at { 1. 10 and smaller Jots atl. ' ' (1. ( Homegrown
stouk In small lots at the store Is held at D5o
© Jl.CO.
LKTTUCK Choice stock 40e.
SWEUT I'OTATOKS Supplies nro not heavy
and the market Isqtilot. Bomo Iowa htook ,
reds , are olTcred at { 3.50 ; choice Kansas , $4.0J ®
4,5' ) per bbl.
CKMSUV Choice stock 3040c.
ItUTAliAOAs Michigan stock , per bu , COo.
UKUTS 1'erbu , Jl.ou@tl.25.
Prcsli FruitH.
Ai-i'i.r.s The supply Is light and thn market
lilnli. borne fancy lock just arrived Is held
ut J5.M per bbl. ,
QoiNcns There arc still a few on thn mar
ket , but the movement Is slow nnd prices nom
inal at 50c91tl. ( > 0 per box.
I'KAIIS A 'ew largo California pears , winter
varieties , are olVcred at $ . ' .50 ® UK ) per box ,
OHANflES The market Is lower than last
week. A fresh caret Hallfornla stock has Just
arrived. Riversides sire hulling at W.2.vair > 0 ;
Navels , $4.WX35.00 ; ' iKauchlto , a variety be
tween Ulversldes utio Los Angeles , Rour > .M ) .
Mexican oranges , "ii.0'iiyi.2. : ( > ; Florida bright ,
t3.Wxai.50 : ; riifisott. $ J..04t3.00. .
LKMOSS ChoiceMfsslna , J3.Mxa4.00 ; fancy ,
J4.005.)0. ( ) TiingermiVs I'er double cnsc , f J.tO.
MAFMCIA OiiAi'Kn-l'or hbl. $ d.00uoo.
OiiANiir.niiiKS Slifmllesaronot heavy : , Tor
.sey , per bbl. $ llol ) | Oupo Cod ,
Capo Cod , bell and bugle. < M3.01KM 1.00.
. 'flour.
H. T. Davis Mill Co. , high | ) iUcnt , No. 1 and
Cronni , * 2. < K ) ; lllualh.full patent , Ja.4'j ; Ilawk-
eyu , half ) > atent ft5'J ; special royal patent
No. 10 , $2.70 ; Mluuasotn patent. $ - ' . , ' ! Knimns
nurd wheat pato/i ( , > M.45 ; Nebraska spring
wheat patent , J2.6U1
S. K. Gllman's goltl modal , $2.70 ; Snow AVhltc ,
KM ; Snow riako , J2. 0 ; low grado. Jl.iX ) .
lliokcn How rollwillUCroam.$2.70 ; Myrtle.
$2.10 ; Claim. } 2.2orXXX , Jl. ) ; Kldellty , libO ;
Mlnniisntii Chief , fiiU ; Patent , W.iP.
Oskhamp's riindy to raise buckwheat flour ,
$4.50 per case of 'MlL'-lb packages ; buckwlioat
In bblK , N. V.JI.OO ; Excelsior brand , W.50 ; Map
Jack meal , $3.75 poroasuot fip-lb packages.
Dry Goods.
I'LANNELS-rinld , raftsman , COc ; Goshcn.
IfiSJo : Clear Lake. : ; Sliinlo City. : ifi5c ! ;
white 0 II No. ' . ' , KlKol U 11 No . 2 , , Wios !
II 11 Na S , , ' . Sificj 11 II No. ! . ' . ' 4' , 20'/c ' ; ljuobeo
No , 1. 4'io ; IjuobjjNo. 3. ? { 4-(0 * ( ! Quebec. } } ,
No. 4. EJo ! ! ; Agwan , 13 ? c ; WlmUor X O , 21 la ,
ISlic uV.lSci U A r. W.SJc ; J U V , ? i. 37Ke ;
Uu'cK-Wost Point. SSIn. 8 oz. lO'.io ' : West
1'olnt , 23 In. 10 oz , ] 24c ; west 1'olnt , 20 in , U
oz , I5oVist ; 1'olnt , ' 40 In. II oz , 15J4o ,
IIATT8 Standard , he ; Mowhawk , 10Jo { ; Snov/-
flakilH4c ; 1'upcr. 12i-j lite , 14.75 per case.
KKNTUCKV JUANS Memorial , 15ci Dakota ,
. ' 'nnoy Eddystono ,
Itlvor. Co ; Itamapo , 4 < o ; ! > t. Ledger. Mic.
Khlrtlng Muitha WiihhliiKtonJ'io ' ; Merrlnmu'
411o. 'I iirUcy Ked rouiituln , 0 > o ; Uurucr,7c ;
Crunllelil , 8jfo ! llerlln. fi'ic. '
' ) Jlue-Not-Murtha
Ington.ftUc ! American. Cci Arnold , CUe I Arnold
II. lonn cloth , iocs Stlllu A. ll' ' o ; Jlorrlnmo.
J. " . iocs dold Leaf , 8'ic ' : Hamilton.Ho ; Allen
I'lnks. O'ic : Allen ( . 'liaiubray. Cc ) Olouccstor ,
5'e ' | ; Knrtol.MiC.
' \ VAiuIllbb , S , white , IBJici colored ,
Hlll'.KTINO AM > 1'IU.OW OASINOS-llrom
Net-l'cliperell , 45 In , 10'iot 1'cnperoll , 8-4. ISos
I'eiiperell , ! M,20c ! 1'epperell , lu-4 , SI > \ QI'tleu. \ .
4S In. l.lci L'tlca , M In. Ji'ic ' ; L'tlcu , i'J In , Slej
I'tlcn. 8t In , 2Cc ; I'tlca , IKI n. S8'c. ' } lUuucliecl
Net I'cpporcll , 42 In. Ill'ic ' : I'cpi.ercll , 4ln ( ! ,
lllio IVnperoll , n-J. 15c : I'eiipcrcll. 8-4. ! Xe ) ;
l',2v.'Sct I't-pnerell. 10-1. 23u ; Utlca ,
8-4. i4c ; Utlcn , 0-1. We ! I'tlca. 10-1 , L'Sc.
TicKS-York. : In , IS'il Swift Hlver. TUc ;
Thornuyko. DO. S'lo ' ; Tliorndyko , US , bso ! ;
TliorndyKu , 120 , 0'ics ' Thorndvke , XX , 14c ;
Coidls , No. r..0tf ! Cordls , No. 4. lOc.
CliWKS-Kinpire. l ic ! Caledonia XX. lO'.jc ' ;
LcoiHiiny. 8'Sc ! Utls , h'Sci Kxcolslor , lOc ,
COTTON 1 < t.A.NNr.ij-UtinrdlHii LL , S'ic. ' net ;
On.Ouiird . lVi ( 4ct S3 , 7 jc ; UK , bj ct ( KJ , m.e ;
XX , lo"i' ! OC > , U'je ; NX , 12'iJi AA. 14c ; ill ) ,
ir'icTr. ' ; IGlici S'V , 18C ! nil , lU.-t bleached.
AO.SO. 85e ! : > o. no. 1 , ! { C | No. 80 , I2 cj brown
and slate. So. 50 , Oc ; No. Tit. 12io ( ; No. 00 , IGc ;
colored Missouri valley , ISJJc.
HI.KACIIKII COTTON llerkoley Cnin'-rlc ' No.
( rt. UVJei llL-st Yet. ! ic ; lluttercloth. XX. 4'io ' ;
CJnbot,7Uc ; I'lrstCall 5 , 1" , Fruit of the Loom ,
8Ue ; llousokeeper , Hio ! ; King 1'hllllp ' ciunUrlc ,
llc ) ; Langdond II ; ! 4c ; I.onsdali * . Ric ! ; Lons-
dale cambric , lO'ic ; Now York mills , lloi Oak
Lawn , 7es l-'ull width , Cc | Clover , ( i > 5c.
CULUHKU CAMumc-Crnwii , 4JJc ! Hed Star ,
4c ! { ; Clover , 5o ; Slater llollcd.OJici high col
ors , lo extra.
OINOHAMS I'lunuot checks , ti'ir" Wliltten-
ton , UWcj York. ti4'c ; ! Norninndl drcsi , 8e ! t'al-
euttti dress , 7'ic ' ; Whlttcnton dross , bo ; lled-
ford dress. .
( JiNdiiAM AmoskciiR , 7c ; Amoskcag dress ,
8c ! { ; Hates , ll e ; Warwick dress. 8c ! Lancas
ter , tilfc ; GletmTre , Gic ! ! Whltti'iiton dress. fce :
KiNBllitow.NCorroNs-Atlantle LU tie ; Au
rora II , GUc : Aurora U , Cjc ! : Atlas. 0X11. 7o ! ;
cheesn cloth , 4e ; Clinton Pl'.riMc ; 1'cnpotoll It ,
( JJie ; LangdonUll,7e.
COTTONADRS- York , iiniikln , 10' Jos Kverott ,
R-oz , IFc ; Lowlston , inoz.22iicorklnginan | ,
litMaple : lllll , I5c ; Tiger Itrand , isc.
llKAvr HIIOWN COTTONS- Atlantic A , 7e ( ;
Atlantic O.7o ! Atlantic 1) . G 4u ; Atlantlol' ,
( ' > < ; Auiorii 0 , 4 ? c ; buck's bead , 7 ! ( ! Ciibot
W , 0'c ; Darlington , Gic ! Farmers' No. 1.4' , ®
4'ic ! ; Indian lionil , 7'ic | Lawrence LL , 5Hc ;
Henrietta LI5Uc. .
DENIMS Net Anmskeag , 0 oz. IfiiJe ; York
camlet , I2o ; Yorlc HI ) . V.c ; Kvorett , stand
ard , 12'.o ; Haymakers' , 7Hc ; Old York , XX ,
10'o ' ; Lawrence , 220 , 13Sc ! ; Lawrence. 0 oz ,
NiiJo ; fancy stripes and cheeks , lliie.
\vtnANs-Not Thistle , fiUc ; lied Cross 7'4c. '
CIIASII Stevens' It , lG-lncb,54'c ; Stcvuns' ' U.
18-Inch , GJic ! Stevens' A , 10-lncli. 7J0 } ! Stevens'
P. IH-lnch. Sc ; Stevens' M , 18-Inch , lie ; Stevens'
N , 20-Inch , tie ; Stevens' NN. 22-Inch , lOc ; Slo
vens' SKT , 'Jj-lnch , 12c ; blenched , Ic extra.
HACCOON No. 1 , large , 0070o ! No. 1 medium.
Ti40c ; No. Ismail , 3u40u ; No. i ! , 3 and 4. a ®
MINK No. 1 large.KWJfOc ; No. 1 tncilluin , 40 ®
45c ; No. 1 small , aVBIWe ; No. U' , 3 and 4 , 5 250.
MUSK UAT Kull , MSlOo : Kit. 3o ,
SKUNK IJIaok. 7.Vi8 Jl.OCt Strlpod No. 1r ®
40c ; Striped No. 2 , 15ft'5o ! ; Striped No. 3 , 10Q15o ;
Striped Iso. 4 , .VftlOc.
Fox Cross , No. 1 , $ .1.5031.00 : No. 2 , f2.00fa2.50 ;
red , No 1. $ l.lir@I 2J ; No. 2. 50@COo ; grey , No. 1 ,
40 < IW > Oc ; No. 3,2WS23C.
WOM- Mountain , No. l.$ , ; No. 2. JI.OO
01.50 ; prairie , No. 1 , 73cl. l ; No. 2 , 4X3.r ( > Oc.
lliiAVKU No. 1 , per Ib , 2.50'l.r.O . ; No. 2 , per
Ib , $ l.502.50 ; No. 3. porlb , 6075e ; No. 4 , per
Ib. 50e.
OTTKII No. 1 , largo prime , $ " > .00 < 37.00 : No. 1 ,
medium , W.OOR.'i.OO ! No. 1 , small. J2,53.00 ( ) ; No.
2,3nnd4. ftOcaJI.50.
WIMI OAT No. 1,40e : No. 2,20ir : c.
Oi'i'ossu.M No. 1 , cased. lXB12o ( ; No. 1 , open ,
ItADor.u No. 1 , full furred , 5C < 375c ; No. 2 , 2
G3'e ( ' : No. 3 , f/fjioc.
llKAit-ninek , No. 1. JIOift-0.00 ( ; Grizzly. No. 1 ,
J.1.00I5.00 ; brown , No. 1 , J5.oa310.00 ; cub , Jl.oo
( 5.00.
llucKiKiu-Indlan dressed , per Ib , 75e@1.00. !
DIJKU Summer , per Ib , 253c ( ) : fall , 2025c ;
winter , 2iX& ; green salt , per plocc , 75Ji60c ;
elk , peril ) , 12c ; antelope , 1520c.
FisiiEii No. 1 , nooStf.OO.
MAIITIN No. 1 , 7.1c(3tl.r ( > 0 : No. 2 , 25ffJ."Oc.
Ground hog , weasel , rablt and squlrrol skins
invu no value.
Quotations urge for car lots on board cars at
Omaha :
12. 14 &
1C , ft. 18 ft. 20 ft , 22 ft. 14 ft.
2x4.$15 OJ $1550 IlllOO Jlv CO $18 ( JO
2x0. . . . 1500 1550 1G 00 1800 IS CO
J.\8. . . . 1500 1550 IB 00 17 CO 1800
2x10. . . 1500 15 TO 1000 17 M 1800
2x12. . . 1000 1600 1700 1850 1900
4x4 to
Sx8. . 10 00 17 00 18 00 18 00 19 00
FKNCINO-NO. 1. Gin , 12and 14ft , rf , J19.00 :
No. 1,0 In. HI ft. ? 10.00 ; 4 In. $19.00 ; No. 2. 0 In.
12 nnd 14 ft. rf , J14.00 ; 4 in ; $14.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In , 10
tt. $10.00 ; 4 In , $ IU.OJ ; No. 3.0 In. 12 and 14 ft ,
F13.00 ; 4 in , $13,00 ; No. 3 , 0 In , Hi ft , J13.00 ; 4 in ,
SIO'INO A , 12.14 and 10 ft , $22.00 ; C , $17.50 ; U.
12 , 14 Illld 10 ft , J20.M ; n , JI4.50.
IIOAHOS No. 1. com , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 :
No. II , com , $13.50 ; No. 4 , com , $11.50 ,
Fi.ooiiiso-A. G In. white pine , $38.00 ; C.
J29.50 ; 11.0 in , while pine , $30.00 ; I ) , J20.50 ; E ,
3in , whlso pine ( sol. fencing ) , J17.00 ; dropsld-
Ing. 50c per M oxtra.
STOCK HOAIIDS A. 12 In , sis. M8.00 ; I ) , 12 In.
sis , $45.00 ; 0 , JIO.OO : I ) . J2J.OO ; No. 1 common. 12
In. sis , 10 , 12 and 18 ft , $21.00 ; No. 2. $18.50 ; No. 1
common , 12 in , sis , 14 ft. $20.00 : No. 2 , $17.50 ;
No. 1 common , 12 in. sis , 16 ft. (19.50 ; No. 2 ,
J17.00 : No. 1 common. 12 In , sis , 20 ft , $21.00 ; No.
2 , $18.50.
SmiT.AV No. 1 plain. 8 and 10 In. JlO.OOs No ,
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1. O. G. , 8 In. 819.00 : No. 2. Jlfl.50 :
II ) in. grooved rooting , 12.14 nnd 10 ft , $10.50.
FINISHING 1st nnd 2d cl. , 1 In , 2s , $1.00 ! ) ; 1U ,
li ! nnd 2 In' $19.00 ; 3d clear , lln , R2.s , $15.00 ; 1U ,
li ! and 2 In. $47.00 ; A , select. I in , s''s$41.Ufl ; IK ,
2 In , $45.1)0 ) ; II , buleet , 1 In , s2s , J.'ll.CO ;
and 2 in. * 40.dO ; C , select , 1 in , s2s , $27.00 ;
Ui niid2In.r : .00.
A , 11 or O select , all 16 ft , SI.OD extra.
SOIITIIKIIN YUI.I.OW 1'iNC 1st and 2nd clear
flooring , Ill-IB , star , $ . ' 1.00 ; 13-1(1 ( , I19.00 ; com
lloorlng , 13-16. J15.IW ; rift clear , 13-10. jai.OO ;
1st and 2d clear. S colling , $ l4.r > 0 ; 1st and 2d
clear , fi celling , $ Hl..VJ ; 1st and 2d clear , cell
ing. $25.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , s'is. from 1
In , $ . ' 7.03 ; 1st nnd 2d clear llnlsli , ss , from 1M
In , * : o.OO ; 1st nnd 2d clear , ilnlsh , s''s , frim l > , i
and 2 In , ifcM.oo ; island 2d clear , y p casings , ; bast ) , SviO.OO.
1'ui-LAii LU.MIIEH R-lnch and up , 1st and 2d
clear , 1 Inch , s2s , JG.H ( ) ; S-lnch and up , 1st and
2d clear , ' / Inch panel. $ Ji ) W ) .
SASH , Dootis , KTC. Tar board , ( JI.50 ; sash , r > "
per ct ; doors , 50 per ct ; blinds , 5U per et ;
mouldings , 50 per ot ; tancd felt , percwt , l.10 ;
straw board , $1.15. *
HATTI.NS : , WKM. TIIIIINO , KTC. O. a. 3H-lnch ,
f.5c ; yx'.l , sis , Iffic ; 3-lneh well tubing , 1) . & M.
nnd bov. .f2.I.UO ; pickets , 1) . & II. Hat , $20.50 ; O.
& II , square , 120.50 ,
SuiNtti.TS. LATH Extra "A. " plno , 15.80 ;
standard "A , " $2.45 : extra "A. " cedar , fi.r > 5 ;
G-lneh clear pine , Jl.'JJ ; clear redwood , $1 25 ;
lath , $2.80.
I'OSTS White cedar. 6-Inch , Ha , lie ; 0-Inch
qrs , lie ; white cedar. 5-lnch. ! HS , oo : 6-Inch
< irs.Sc ; white cedar , 4-Inch round , 15u ; split
ouk , be ; Tonnessco roa cedtir , split , 14c.
HHAN Sacked , per ton , $21.00 ; chopped feed ,
$2 1. 10.
HICKOHY NUTS Large , per bushel , $1.50 ,
CHESTNUTS Larco Italian , 15c pcrlb.
HONES Incur lots only Dry bulfalo per ton ,
J10.OflQ18.00 ; ilry country , bleached , per ton ,
flO.OXXiol3.oo ; dry coiintry.daiup and meaty , our
ton , (8.00 ® 10.110. Those prices are for bones
wnighed nnd delivered In Ohleago.
HIDKS Fro/eiihldop,4iUioiNo.l green salt ei
hides , bQAiic ; No. 2 green suited lililcH , : iJ4u ! ;
No. 1 green suited hides , 25 to 40 Ihs , ( V&5Vfo ;
No. 2 green salted bides , 25 to 40 Ibs , : ! ©
No. 1 veal calf , B to 15 Ibs. 7c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8
to 151bs5e : No. 1 dry ( lint bides. 7o ; No. 2 dry
Hint hides. 5o ; No f dry called hides , . 'aoc
Khcep units Oreen salted , each , : ! 5cTifl.25 (
green salted shearlings ( short wnolod earlj
skins ) , each. lOiS'.Vc : dry shearlings ( short
wooled early sUlns ) , Wo. 1 , each , MilOo ; Mo. 2
each , 5u ; dry Hint Kansas and Nohraslu
butcher wool polls , peril ) . , nctuiil weight , 10 ©
14ie ! ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska inurruii
wool pAlts , per Ib , actual wislgbt , fi12c ; dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per II )
actual weight. H > i412ic ! ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pells , peril ) , actual weight , H ®
lOc ; dry pieces and bucks , actunl weight 7
fC.Oe. Have feet cut oil , as It Is useless to pay
frolghton thorn.
TAM.OW AND OIIBAHB Tnllow No. I , 350i4'c ! :
tallow No. ' . ' , WlSie ; grcnsc , while u , 3ic !
crutibc , white b , 3)40 ) ; grease , yellow , 2J ci
grease , dark,2'.Jc ; old buttor'ii2fo } } ; beeswax
prime , lG20c : rough tallow ,
Total Iiiuea of CITIES ,
* * * r * mr ta DISTRICTS , WATER
Correspondence voltcitM.
163-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
IS Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State St. . BOSTON.
Commission Co.
! t09 nud ! H1 South liilli Street , Firs
National Hank DiilliIIiij , ' .
Grain , I'rovisions ' , Stocks & Bonds
OrdeiB executed for the iiiircliat-oor sale fa
Immcdlutoor fnturo delivery lit till the loud
In markets.
; ; : : : : : : ; [ KcnnotuHopuiiw , * c
Bt. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . D. U. Francis & Uro
luutui'ors' ' ' and
The Branswiok-Balke John L , Wilkie ,
Oollonder Oo.
nlll.irJ mcTchnni1li , Omaliatmper bos factorf ,
Hnloon fliluro ) . 1J17-1JI9 .
- Uounlat.
407. (00 S. 10th tltset ,
Omaha. Orders promptly nlloi
Omaha Republican Printiug Oo. ,
AW tirlafi , bank lupplloi , nnil OTcrrthlni In tht
prlntlnK line.
10th anil louila itrasti.
Ackormann Bros , k Hointzo ,
Trlntera , binders , electrotrpors , blank book manu-
( ncturors ,
1110 IlowarJ ilroct , Omaha.
) harle3 A , Ooo 4 ( b. , Kirkoudall , Jones & 0o ,
Manufacturer ! nnd Job- WholKsalo Manufacture
tiers. Aecnti tot Iloston Hub *
1109 llovfor t.crSliooCo. . , HW. 1101 ,
nnJltlXi llarnar St.
Williams , Van Aor- W , V. Morao & Co. ,
nam & Harto , Bhoo Kactorr , Corner llth
and'DouKltu nts. , Uma *
111 ?
Ilnrner street ,
ha. Mcrrhantt Inrltod
Omaha , Nob. tocnlt ami exnmlno.
Louis Holler ,
Ilutchnrs' nnd l'iickpr '
Tools A Supplies. Heat ,
bo ? A ihoop cajliiiji.
1110-1118 Jaokion at.
Columbus Bu jry Oo , , W. T. Seaman ,
"nrrbgos , rarts mlkloi , Omaha's LarRost Variety
O. I ) . Edirnrds , Manager. WAGONS AND
813-315 South ICtb. CAltniAOKS
Omaha Oarpet Oo. , Oilmoro fc Buhl ,
Cnrpeti , of. cloths , mat- Manufacturer * & Wholo-
tlnR , curtiln cooils.ota nalo Clotlilcra ,
UU Douxlas utroot. HOT Ilarner 3t.
"West & Fritsoher , Dean , Armstrong k
tanufacturers nnoclgari Oo. ,
Jobbers of leaf tob.iccoa. m ft. 19th Btruat.
1011 Karnnm street. "IIcllol" UM.
) moba Goal , Ooke and Ooutanti ; Squires ,
Limo Oo , llnrd and soft coal ship
Tlnrd nnil soft coal. pers ,
U K. Cor. lOtli nnd Doujr- 1303 Fnrruim root ,
Ins itrouts. Omaha
Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Wcoth ,
Ohio lumpKoch Springs , Acmolump , Kagln lump ,
KxeeUlor , Walnut block , Walnnt Dlock anil An *
tcrccno < l nut , anthracite , tlaraclto coal.
HUlthlnff , stenm.
Offlco21IS. 15th st. Office 119 N. ICtb street.
American Fuel Oo. P. n , Mahoney & Oa ,
Shippers nnd dealer * In llarU-Coal-Soft.
anthraclto nnd bitu
minous coal. Offices 813 N. 10th nnd cor.
515 9. Uth street. 10th and Douglas sts.
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Howell & Oo. ,
113S. IStliBtroot ,
217 B. Uth street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Omaha , Neb.
J. J. Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , ,
113 B. 13th street , fl ( Fiirnnm slroot ,
Omaha , Neb.
Omahe , Nob.
Mount 4 ( JriSJn , O.B. Havena&Oo , ,
113 S. llth a treat , 1C02 Farnam street ,
Omaha , Nab , Oranlia.
Hugh G. Olark.
fienl Weitcrn Auon
Dupont'i Bportlnu lun- |
powilor , Atliiii lilfh oxulo-l
| rfllla llnic.Tii1filiol >
1218 Humor itrcot.
Eeotor&WilbolmyOa Loa-Ohrk - Androossa
Ilardwara Oj. ,
Cat , lOtli and Jactiyu id
11M-11IU Ilarner itrsst ,
Goo. Oborao & Oo. , J , 8. Smith A
6113. mhitroet , 403'Kri Ieir nwoitU l
Omaha. Omaha.
Poxton & Viorlinj Omaha Bafo & Iroa
Iron Works , Works
Wroituht nnil CAit Iron ,
building work , onlno . Mnnuf'n tin Una bnrglif
brim work , gnnoritl proof iitfei , T iilli , } } ll
foiiiulrr , raarldne ami work , Iron ihnlt n Hq
Mnckimith work. 0. ! . lira ptonpfti. a. Anl
llrnJ ITtti it. d recn.l ( Itli A Jaekian su
Acnio Iron and Wlro "Wilson 4' Drake ,
Works , M'f'g tubultr nntu , Qrfl
iron , wlro niitbrn < 9 w'ki. box bollen , tnuki , at
ti\'iB. \ IClhMroot.
W. lloohl , - Proprietor. riarreanil Uth.tlwt * .
Rocs Printing Oo.
ilnd , 1'rlntlni
nnd lllank Ilookl.
11th nml Ho ward Stl.
Ilor & Oo , , William Darat ,
I.tquor Mcrohnnti. Wines , Liquors and Ct *
lU'JlUrncr itroat. .
' ' gars.
Knit India nittcrs. 1313 Karnam St. , Omnhi' '
E. R. Grotto , Frank Dollono & Oo. ;
'mportcr nnd Jobber of Liquors and ClonulnoN
\Vlno and LMuori Vth
nnd Icavonnorth Sti. vacln Clgari.
1'rlco lliti on application Strett.
L. Kiischt&Oo. , ' A. Friok & . do , ,
Wholeiale I.tquorDealon Wholesale Ua.norDci.lerl ,
(07 nd 4CCJB. lOthSU MlIO38. . 10th 8U
0. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wakefioltli
Impartxcl , .Amrrican.I'ort
Hnrdirood Lumber , land Cement , Mllnpuk *
llydrnullo On mtut 04
1310 North ! Clli StrooU QulnorYhllo Unia.
0. A. Stouohill , I. Oberfolder & do. , .
Ullllncrr , Nottoni Importers mid Jobber ! II
Ulnaks , Rte Mfllln ry. '
508,211 Mid 212 South lll\
116-1138.18th St , Omaha stittt.
Max Meyer & Bro , Oo. A , Hospe , Jr. ,
M'fV Jewelers , dealers In Manas , Organs , Artists'
musical Instruments ,
etc. , Materials , lite. ,
Fnruam and ICth. 15U DoniUi Stroot.
Oonsoli dated Tank
Line Oo.
Itoflncd and lubricating
oilM , ailn Krcase , oto.
A. It. lllihup , Manager.