Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Judge Clmkfion will go lo Toknuuth
on February to hold court.
C'lorttfl tire tit work inukliii ; up tlio tn.v
llfit for 18HI. The tnx bccomos puyublo
May 1 nnd dclinquont.Iuly 1.
The lamporatm'o us reported by tlio
local Blf'iiul soi-vlco ollleo wua H followa :
At" a. in. , . ' 12 = ; at 10a. in. , 81 ° , and tit
1 p. rn. Oil ° .
The Omnha Assnciatinn of Stationary
KnglncorM IIIIB moved Its hcndqunrtors
into ncnt nnd cuminodlotm roams on the
i-ovonth floor of Tin : Bui : building.
Evorv thing1 points towards nil who til-
tend ImvliiL' a very enjoyable evening tit
the benefit ball to Ciiptuui John Andor-
Bon'.H family , by the Modern Woodmen
of America , lit Washington hall , Friday
mcnlnp , JiimmryHO.
At thn lust tneotfnp of the board of
tmdo n resolution wn passed expressing
tlio iipprccliition of the honrd nt the ap-
iwlntinetit of Colonel O. S. Cliuso of
Omnliaafl cluilrmnn of the committee on
FCOO ) and plan of the proposed pan-re
public CDtiprcsH.
Suporliiloiidont .Tnincs li.TH complained
to tlio chlof of polli'u that two hoys
iinmcd Kd Smith and Tim Sullivan
created n dibturhatiro at the Fninkltti
Btrcet school by Hcrcamlrifr , wlilotlin ,
UBln bttcl IniifruiiKa and gplttinf ; in the
\valor ) KiilH. The hois arc about fifteen
years of u o.
Mayor GiHiinp is Rottltiff matter for
his annual report or address to the coun
cil in order. lie has decided to KWO n
brief synopsis of onuli of the roporta of
city ofllcorH toyethor with his personal
recommendations ay drawn from those
HtaionientH. The reports will not all
bo in his hands before February 1 , and
ho hones to get his review before the
council about February 10.
.1. K. O'Neal has rotitrued from State
Center , In. , where ho was callfd by the
death of Allw iMollio Ward , his sister-
in-law. The young lady died of diph
theria. The aiithoritos of the Iowa ,
village wore so frightened over the ap
pearance of the disoiiBo that they tried
to prevent Mr. O'Neal from leaving the
city , and it WIH : only after a most per-
hlst'Mit olToit that ho secured proper
medical atlcndiuiuo for the unfortunate
young lady.
The Kings' Daughters of All Saints'
cburch will gtvo an cntortainmenl
this oveiiing which proiuiseH to bo a
very interesting and enjoyable event. A
cantata will bo rendered by a number of
young liidlcH who will represent various
llowot'H , while another company of the
Daughters will give a pretty tambourine
drill. MM.V. . C. Sumlorland hns
chiirgo of the entortnJnint-nt and she
hr.s worked indofiitigiibly to make it
what it deserves to bo ono of the Mie-
ccssos of the bcasoii.
County Trt-asuror Snyder insists there
is not live , times the amount of work con
nected with the city treasurer's ollleo ns
with hin. He says however , that there
is borne more work connected \\ithMr.
Hush' * ollico than with his own , but
"when it is proclaimed that tlioro is n
dillorenco of five times in tlio amount ,
the assertion immediately falls to the
ground in the face of facts. My clerical
force never hesitate to work over hours
whenever necessary , which is something
that occurs very frequently. "
1) . II. Whuolor and others have been
in the city n week or ten days past pur
chasing stcors , which were shipped
Thursday to Columbus. Nob. , fiom liar-
din , Hays the Grcoloy ( Col. ) Democrat.
These gentlemen litivn a lease on a sec
tion of land near Omaha , whore they ex
pect to pasture the cattle from this herd ,
which nro not In condition to bo fed or
fattened for murkut. .The number pur
chased from CJreuloy persons was homo-
thiug ; over live hundred , which greatly
reduced the supply of young steers in
this vicinity at present. The gentlemen
who were second pai ties to this deal are
J. A. JJ.ildn , Alexander Mend. Asa Slor-
linp , Itobort Boyd , Albert Howard and
II , F. Currlor.
There is nn nnnpcr of a cold resulting In
pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cou li Uom-
cdy la uscil ns directed "for severe cold. "
It effectually counteracts unit nrrests any
tendency of n cold to result In pneumonia.
This fact was fully proven hi thousands of
cases during the eplilomlo of influuuzu lost
winter. For sale by all druggists.
A. Statement oC the Case by the Keller
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 2vS. To the Udltor of
THE DKB ; For the lust few days editorially
you linvo rather been malting lljrht of the
llpiirc.s that I guvo your representative in the
house of representatives last Sntuniny. I
stated to him very distinctly that they were
not my figures , tliat it was the estimate ns
made by the county oHicers in the various
counties that were affected by the drouth
of tlio past season , nnd I asked him particu
larly to make that statement , offering him a
copy of the statement which appeared in
Tin ; Urn this mornlm ? . Ho said that ho
thought the Mimimiry of the figures as given
would bo suflldent.
The figures on this tabulated statement are
taken from tlio ottlehil reports made January
1 , or thereabouts , not varying more than
three days , by the county oftlcors in the va
rious counties named. These reports are on
fllo in our oftlco , signed by the county com
missioners or boiml of supervisors where
they are under township organisation , county
clerk , county attorney , and in many cases tliu
sheriff , comity treasurer anil county judijo ,
some of them oven going bo far ns to make
uflldavitto the truthfulness of their report.
lu the majority of the cases they reported the
names of the township , raugo and lot numbcc
of each and every one asking for nUi. I do
not know how wo could have a report made
any mom accurately than that. Wlioro they
give us ttio actual count of the destitute , wt
give them credit for it in the column.
In the first column following the niitno of
tbo county you will notice occasionally one-
Half or oncvfourtU Inserted. In ttieso coun
ties the number asking provisions was esti
mated , and the actual count was not given ,
"Wo simply divided the county officers' fig
ures liv two.
I think that TIIK Din : has done the relief
commission a little injustice in the mamioi
they made ) their report Saturday. The totals
you see nro now 1UK ! higher for seed giuin
than what I gave your roportcrlastSaturday
This Increase is caused by. the faci
that a few of ( lie counties bave filed add I
tional reports over their report given January
1 , and the increase of those requiting food
supplies is nil.
It Is true , ns you stated in TUB BCB ol
yesterday , that Dr. Martin iiiuJo a canvass o !
live counties , and reported -,000 families des
titute , but since that time the number of live
destitute counties has Increased until this
list gives thlity-two , whllo wo tmvo foui
other counties , Fr.mklln , Nuckolls , Valloj
nnd Grant , asking for supplier of seed grain ,
AVti have , not tbo ofllcinl statements from thes *
counties and hence have not included then :
in this tabulated statement.
The uewspapnrs next to tbo railroads , K
possibly not first , have done moro towari !
brhigini ! about the work of relief than nnj
other force in the stuto , ami we do UUo tc
have them publish ttie matter just as it
In muklncr our estimate of the grain needed
wo took the estimates of the various counties ,
Btnick an average ami divided it by two , anil
then simply cast up ttie account by the sim
plest rules of multiplication , so many bushel1
of grain per family , at the price grain wa <
Belling , as quoted in Tins BEB tuo day tha
vo made the estimate.
Very respectfully yours ,
General manager ,
11 , Li. EUctt , representing Ellott , nocn
bnum llros. & Co. , Union stockyards of C'hl
capo , is In the city and is a guct of Cnptalt
Thursday , Friday and Saturday , Great
Wo Tnko Inventory Saturday Night
nnd for 'llirco lnyn
Have a Special
Wo have 3 days In whleh to close out
odds nnd ends before our inventory and
) lace on sale all odd lots and short cut
ileccs of dress goods , silks , velvets ,
) lushes , flannel Bultinga , blankets and
loslcry and underwear ; everything'
, hrown on the counters and wo
vlll treat ns odds and ends what
vo do uot wish to inventory ; all
short cut pleco goods In every depart-
ncnt ; all broken otzcs in
Remnants of linen towels , sheeting ,
Iress trimmings nnd broken bo'xes of
Every department will bo represented
n this sale. Wo call particular ntton-
Ion to our cloaks , all goods being closed
out at ono-thlrd oIT regular prices.
Grand Opsnln ; ; .
Thursday evening , January 20 , at
Charles A. Kohhnoyor'a biiloon , N. W.
cor. 13th and Dodgo. Everybody in
vited ; fine lunch and irood music. Krug's
cabinet beer on draught ,
Several Witnesses 10\.iiiilnnil Dy the
Corntior'H , Tury V'rbtorilny.
The coroner's inquest over tbo remains of
Peter Duffy , who was killed by n motor train
at the corner of Eighteenth and BuHTucs-
lay evening , was held yesterday afternoon
at IIcafTy ft Ilcaffy's undertaking rooms.
Elwood Nixon , Che motor train conductor ,
nnd Thomas Moses , tbo motormau , wcro
called as witnesses and related the incident
n substantially tlio same maimor. They
stated that their train was running
eastward on Durt about 0:15 : Tues
day night and the conductor gave the
notormau one bell , the usual signal , to stop
nt the east side of Eighteenth. This signal
was given when the train was about twenty
feet west ot the west side of Eighteenth
street. The ninlormaii applied tbo brakes
mil began to checlc tlio speed of the train.
About tbo time the train readied Eighteenth
street tlio motorman s.uv a man coming from
the north driving a horse and buggy at n very
rapid rate of speed. Ho seemed to bo Intend-
.ill . ? to cross in front of the tr in ,
but ns ho cnmo up to Hurt olrcnt , al
most to the track of the motor
ho turned eastward , driving to the cast side
of Eighteenth in the nortn street car track.
Ho was about .six feet In udvancoof tlio motor
train , but not directly infiontof it , for it is
a double track and the motor train was on the
south track. Soon after the man in the
buggy , who proved to bo Peter Duffy , passed
the east crossing of Eighteenth street , ho
suddenly turned his horse to tbo north. The
bupgy tinpcd up on the right wheels and
throw him over on tbo south rail of the
tAick upon which the motor train was then
running , nnd about lire feet in front of the
guards on the front end of the motor car.
The motor man said bo reversed the elec
tric current and put on tbo brakes as hard ns
ho could when lib saw the buggy tip , but ho
could not stop until the car struck Duffy nnd
shoved him about six feet. When ho and the
conductor ran around tbe car they saw him
under the guards and baclced tbo train off
him. Duffy.was lying on his back and was
bruised about the head and face and in the
rlirht hip and groin.
The train men botli claim that the tram was
not running moro than four or five miles nn
tiour when they went across Eighteenth
A colored woman named Ophelia Clemens ,
who was on the front car at the time of the
accident , was called. She said the man or
woman , as she thought nt the time who
drove the horse seemed to bo in n great hurry
and drove very carlessly. She exclaimed tea
a friend in tbo car as she saw the horse and
bupgy dash up , "Look nt that fool woman ;
she is going to drive Into the train. " Just
then she saw the man fall out of the buggy
nnd right in front of the train.
O. W. Blankonshlp , a colored man ol
South Omaha , who uus with Miss Clemens
on the front car , gave about the same version
of what , ho saw at the tlmo of the accident.
He thought the train was uot running more
than six miles an hour.
W. II. Tetor , who lives nt 2525 Calttwcll
street , was standing on tbo front platform ol
the back car. ho saw Duffy coming down
Eighteenth street and says that the horse
was in n gallop. Ho saw the horse nmUo n
sudden turn and saw the buggy tip ami the
nmn fall over. Ho thought the train was not
mailing over live miles an hour at tbo tlmo.
The jurv went to DufTv's residence and
viewed the remains and then , as there were
several other witnesses that could not be
present ycsteroay , n postponement was taken
until Friday nt I p.m.
Mackintosh Coats.
Wo have a special lot of men's mid
women's English mackintosh coats ,
beautiful styles , warranted watorproo !
and suitable for any kind of weather.
Men's on main floor , ladles' on third
The play at the Grand next Sunday oven ,
Ing will bo "A Cold Day , or the Laplanders,1
The play does not lay much claim to nnj
plot , but has been wijtten to give the com
pnny n chance to mnko the audience laugh
The action of the play is at Long Branch am
aboard a steamer at sea. During the plaj
Misses Cnrlotta , Height , Brooks and Mar
conir and tbo male members of the com
panv sing a number of popular songs
among ' which nro numbers from "Ermlnio,1
"Adonis , " "Evangelino , " nnd 'Spectri
Ivnight.1' ' MlssCarlotta also Introduces be
specialty , "I'm So Shy. " "A Cold Day" ii
altogether ono of the funniest plays of tin
season. The reserved seat sale , at 50 , So nut
25 cents will open Saturday morning. .
Yesterday morning seats wcro put 01
Rnlo for thofournlRhU'cngagemcntof Josopl
Murphy nt the Bovd , which commence
this evening. On Thursday and Filda ;
ovciilnps Mr. Murphy appears as Larry Don
nvau in Fred Marsdon's great play , "Sbnui
Khuo. " The Philadelphia Times says of Mi
Murphy la this part :
"Joseph Murphy , ono of the most natura
nnd cleverest of the score of Irish comedian
now on the American stage , appeared at th
Walnut street theater last night in Ills fftmll
Iur impersonation of tbo hero in 'Shaui
Hhue.1 The play , which Is full of interest
hip and sympathetic scenes , was given in admirable
mirablo style , and a largo nudlciico oxpressc
its appreciation by frequent nud "hearty n [
plause. " _ _
The attractions at the Boyd next week n
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , U'illlui
lillletto's "All the Comforts
now play , o
Homo , " which Will bo presented by Charlo
Frolumui's company , headed by that popula
leading actor , Mr. Henry Miller ; nnd o
Thursday , Friday , Saturday nnd Sundaj
lironsou Howard's great var drama , "SUcn
'nudoab. "
uti\t 1 011 i r TnfMf nMltrMTUP
They Shlppad Oattlo 17 the Oarloai From
Idaho Eangos to Northern Mukate.
Careless Utah Mine Euirlnncr Illaks
Ten Men's MVCB Three Pros
pectors Killed by llolil-UpH
llallroadcr tliiriicd.
N'ows comrs from Pocatcllo , Idaho , of some
bold cattle stealing. It appears that a ropre-
cntatlvo of Freyo k Co. , butchers/of Scat-
le , applied to II , II. Hand for cattle , nnd
nna was told that his company , .tho Wurbon-
net cnttlo company , had none to sell , Some
lays afterward two carloads of cattle wcro
hi'von Into the Pocntcllo yards and loaded
nnd started for Seattle. They were recog-
ilzed ns belonging to mostly to the Wnrbon-
net company , while six of them
vcro from the hereof Wllllntn Burke. After
ho two cars bad gone west an oniccr was
sent in the same direction on the passenger
r.ila and reached 1'nyutto before the cattle
reached there to bo taken out to feed. The
icrsons in charge of the stock wcro arrested
ind taken back to ningham county for trial.
jhoycnno Dill , tbo chief of the cowpunchcrs
of the Wnrbcnnet company , who is reported
is implicated in this steal , has Jumped tbo
country , but there are M > mo four or live men
ichl , nnd Messrs. Hand & Burke are at
: ilackfoot looking after the prosecution of
the thieves.
Knl nc Careless Tliros'irrs.
The burning of a Held of grain was tbo
emulation of tbo suit of the Boston land nnd
security company end Snydcr vs Holman ,
says the Denver Times. Snydcr had leased
i ranch of his co-plaintiff on a basis of shares ,
10 to have two-thirds and the company one-
tlilnl. When the harvest of grain had boon
gathered on September 2 , IbbO , Snyder en
gaged Holman to thresh bis prain with n
steam thresher. While the work was in
irogrcss the prain euu ht fire from n spark
cinerftlng from tbo machine and was totnllv
nst. The nliitnttfT charged that tlio con-
lagration was duo to the negligence of the
lefcndant in placing the machine to the
\\indward of the grain , in failing to provide
I with proper appliances for the prevention
of snarks and for not having men handy to
suppress the ( lames. Tlio defendant con
tended that the machinery was provided with
every reasonable prevention against conlln-
gratlons. The loss of the grain was due. ho
clmrccd , to the fact that the plaintiff bad
failed to furnish a supply of water njralnst
contingencies , which was the custom'of all
.ho ranchmen throughout tlio country. The
plaintiffs nllcgo that the grain was worth
Sl.OlO . , but the defendant 100 less.
"White Oirl Wedded a Mulatto.
7. . C. Coleman , a mulatto , steward at tbo
Merchants' hotel in Helena , and Mary
Leonard , a pretty white girl , wore married
by Kov. J. C. Holllns , pastor of the Metho
dist church. Coleman is an intelligent and
well bred man , and last summer was head
waiter at the Hot Springs hotel , National
iFirk. Miss Leonard went to Helena from
.ho cast ubout two months ago and nought
work ns a music teacher. Falling in this she
accepted a responsible position in the hotel ,
whore she met Coleman. Both being musi
cians , an intimacy spruntrnp which blos
somed into love and ripened into wedlock.
The mairiapo was quietly conducted at tbo
parsonage and tbo newly married couple loft
for Great Falls on their bridal trip. The
marriage created considerable talk , but
strange to say , the negroes professed to bo
more incensed nt 1 than are the whites.
Coleman is a leader in colored society.
Sheriff McCarthy of Pueblo proposes to
stop sparring bouts on Sundays , llo made a
beginning last Sunday when he , with two
deputies , went to a road-house five , miles
from town. There a crowd of 100 , many of
whom were prominent citizens , was gathered
to witness a contest between Kobert Dobbs
and another negro. The piincipnls had just
squared up to one another when the sheriff
Tbo fight was turned into n running match ,
nnd tbo wild scrambling was ludicrous. Some
inon jumped through the windows , carrying
the casings with them. The doors were pulled
off their hinges , the steve overturned , whllo
numbers of the men were bruised nnd bad
their clothes badly damaged. Fully half n
doen men attempted to drive off without un
hitching their horses , express nnd hackmon
started out without their loads , and ia all di
rections men on foot lied in terror.
SenHatlitnnl Su t Settled.
When Lewis M. Starr died in Mameda
county , California , in 1SS7 , leaving an estate
valued ut nearly half a million dollars , a
young man claiming to bo an illegitimate son
of the dead man contested the will. Thocaso
was quite sensational and tbo contested was
ruled out of court by Judge Gibson. An np
peal was taken to the supreme court , which
has been pending for three years , ana nowon
motion of the attorneys for both sides , the ap
peal has been dismissed. The basis of set
tlement was that the young man gets ? 10,000
of the Starr estate , when tbo case was tried
the contestant produced documentary evi
dence to show that he was the son of Starr
nnd a woman named Bridget Brinov. Ho I *
a clerk la a wholesale house In PortIaadOro. ,
A Tatciruiier'4 ! Find.
E. A. Street , a telegraph opurator , accorfl-
ing to a dispatch from Helena , Mont. , is
? 100,000 richer than bo was a few weeks ago ,
but is also aware that lie has sold millions
for that amount. Street works nt telegraphy
In winter nnd prospects in the summer. Some
tune ago ho located a placer claim in Lohini
count ) ' , Idaho , nnd bought up adjoining ono.s
until ho had 1,000 acres. Ho reported his find
to ex-Senntor Tabor , who sent experts to ex
amine , and on their findings he paid Street
? 10J,000 for his property. It is now reported
that the placer property is worth fully 815-
Old Illoolc nnd Chip.
"My God , papa , what are you hero for ? "
was the greeting Thomas Maloney , sr. , ro-
celvod from Thomas Maloney , Jr. , in the Oak
land city prison ono night not long ago. Maloney
lonoy pero was brought inon ncbargoof drunk
nud occupied a cell adjoining that of his sou.
The younger Maloney Is awaiting trial on a
charge of petit larceny for stealing some
sacks of sand from a warehouse of the Komil-
lard brick company , 044 had been in prison
for some time. Father and son appeared in
the police court together.
Murray \Von.
Tom Murray made a great legal fight In the
county court yesterday afternoon against
Martin J. Ward , a Chicago hotel brokervvho
was trying to get $750 of commission out o :
him on the pica that be effected the lease o :
Murray's ' hotel to Mr. Sillowoy. Murray
won and loft the court room about 4 o'clock
the happiest man in Omaha.
Uacfl la Millions ot Homes
o Yews tbe BtandortU
Boils and Pimples
Arc nattiro'1 cflorbifto eliminate poison from
the blood. Tlili reknlt mny be accomplished
much more cflectn.itlr , ns well as agreeably ,
through the proper txcrctory channels , by
the use ot Ajer's Haisaparllla.
"For several yean I uns troubled with
bolU and carbuncles ? In casting about for a
remedy , It occuirvd > to mo that Ajer's Hars.v
parllla had been mod In my father's family ,
with excellent success , and 1 thought that
what was good for the father would nlso bo
good for the son. Three or four bottles of
tills medicine entlrojy cured me , and 1 Imvo
not aliico In more ) ' ! two years had a
boll , pimple , or any other crupllvo trouble.
1 can conscientiously speak In the highest
terms of Ayer'3 Sarsnparilla , and many
5 cars' experience In the time business en.
nblcs mo to apeak Intelligently. " 0. M.
ItatHcld , I'aimt.uul , Ind.
Ayer's Sarsaparalla
DR. J. 0. AYEIl & OOX > owoll , Mass.
1'rlcoJlJ ililotlkiiti. Worth (3 a bcllla.
Drs , Belts &Betls
Pi/Sim / , Salons and Specialists ,
Tno most widely nnfl fiivnrnlily known spec-
ullstslntlio I'nftol States. Ther : lone ex
perience , romiirkiitilu skill and
nss In the Iri-ntinciit ami cutuor Nervous ,
L'hronlo and Huitrlcal DKeiKUs. t'litltln these
ninlnoiit physicians to tbu full confldciu-u of
houflllctrd ovorywhoro. Tliov eiiariintnn :
A CR11TAIN AM ) I'OMTlVK Cl'liE for
ho nwltil Piroeti of eirly vlco and the minicr-
IIIB evils Unit follow In Its train.
HpiMMllly , completely anil nurmnniintly cur < l ,
Nr.Kvous iiiiiurv ) : AND BHXUAI , nis
OUDKIIS yield ro.iUlly to tholr skillful treut-
iriiunititeecl cured without pain or detention
'rotn ' liuslncsq.
icntly and Htiecessfiillv c-uruil In every uiiso ,
SYt'lllUS. aONOKUIlKA. OI.KET. Spur-
nutorrhea , i-eniliml Weiikm'ss , Lost Manhood ,
S'lslit Kinl8slun < < , Pei'ayud Faculties , I'omnlo
Weakness ami ull ctallrata disorders peculiar
.o ulthor snx posltl\ely cured , us well as nil
'unctlonnl ' disorders tliit ; icsuitfrom jouthfnl
follies or the excess of mature yours.
TkMCTlIKMJ ( Juanintcod n tly
J I 1\IV _ > 1 U l\l.i mired , lemovnl complete ,
without cutting , caustio or dllatatlnn. Cures
otlrcted at homo by patient without a ino-
uunt's pain or annoyance.
A QITTU fill,1 17 The awful directs of
tt. OUiVU Vj U 1L Ciry | | vleo wliloh
ornanlo weaUni'ss , dcstrojlnir both mind and
body , with all Its dro dcd IUH. permanently
R1JTTQ Address those who have 1m-
. lHj I 1O paired tliemselveft by Im
proper Indulgence and sollt.try liabltj , . which
ruln'botli mind and body , uullttlng them for
} inlnpss. stud v or inarrlaKC. , .
MAKUIED MEN or llioso oiikrini ? on that
happy llfd.'awaro ' of physical docility , qulokly
Is based npon fruits. rirst'-l'riictlcnl experi
ence. fcuuond Every cn-io Is specially stud led ,
thus sturlltiK right- Third inedlolnos lire
prepared In our labor.itoiy exactly to Htilt
each case , thus ulTectlnB cures without injury.
Drs. Belts Belts ,
With Double Wire Suspensory.
PATENTED AUG. 16,1887. , IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890 ,
I'KNSORY will euro all Bhou-
mntlcComplalnta I.urabnKO. Oen-
oral and Nervous Debility , Costive-
ness , Kldnoy iT Diseases. Nerv
DusnoRS. Tremb- llnK > Soul11 K * '
ln of bod' ' Ul8"
haustlon , Wast- ' '
eabca caused by Indiscretions In
Youth , AKC , Mar- _ rlcd or Sluglo
Life , Suspensory.
Also an Eloctrlo Truss nnd llelt Combined.
Bend 80. postaRO for yilKB lllii'tratod book. 2M
pnt'es , which will tie front you In plain eoalod envel
ope. Mention tills paper AddrceB
Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co , ,
3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo.
EDV. An unfail
ing euro for Sera-
Inal Weakness ,
BpernintcrrUoe ,
ImpoUncr and
all diseases tuat
follow as a so-
qucnce jf ) Belt- (
Pain In the Hack. Dimness of Vision , i'romatur * OK
Ase , and miur other dtM-aiea tliat lead to Inianltj
or coniumptlon and a preinaturo ifrnva.
rWfull particulars Jnour ( mmpUlct , whlckwe do.
lro to eond free br malt to ovcrr one. tyrho 8po.
cltio Medicine In > old attlpor pnckano , or ilr puck
age for K , or will bo ant free Df mall on receipt ol
tba moner , ndilreiitnf
On account of counUifclts we bave adopted tbi
Tallow wrappnr , tbe enl > genuine ,
Wonderful Remedy
For Sale by leading Druggists.
rnEpAniD ONLY irz
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
Blake , Br uce&Co.
CliannlngWinlcr Resort In tlielllglilanils .
11AHVKV S DKXlSO.N , Mnnwor
liYUON I' . UUMSUN , Assistant.
In a few clays we intend making extensive alterations and addition
: n our Shoe Department , which we hope will prove advantageous botft
to our patrons and ourselves. This department of our business has
grown so rapidly since its beginning that we are forced in spite of ourselves -
selves to give it more room. This we intend doing in a very short tlmo.
In the meantime , while preparations are being made for the changp.
we will offer special inducements to buyers of Men's and Boys' foot *
wear , in order to reduce the stock as much as possible.
At ( We will sell a good , strong , substantial Shoe for workingmcn. Thfj
shoe is made with solid sole leather insoles and counters , and is fully tli'tf
equal of "shoes in shoe stores" at one seventy-five.
At . We will sell Men's Calf Shoes , made for solid wear. This shoe sellg
every day in the year for two dollars and a half.
At We will sell an excellent Sewed Calf Shoe that you'll find worth fully
I three dollars in cash.
At ! We will offer a bargain not found every day. This Shoe is a genuine
"Goodyear Welt , " is made of solid calf and fully warranted in every
At We will sell a genuine Cork Sole Shoe , made of solid calf stock. Tlu'g
| is a shoe sold all over the country for four dollars and a half. If you
want solid comfort in wet weather you can obtain it for two seventy-five ,
At | Weyill sell you a Shoe made of the very best American calf or fing
Kangaroo. To gentlemen who always pay five or five and a half for
their shoes we will say : This is the shoe , but the price is different.
At We will sell as good a shoe as any man wears. This shoe is made of the
1 very best French Calf ; is strictly hand sewecl , and is fully the equal of any
shoe you'll buy for seven dollars and a half. You simply pay more money
but don't get any more shoe.
At eighty-five cents , one dollar , one forty and one eighty five.
Men's Rubbers , Men's OvershoesMen'sArctics , Men's Rubber Boots.
Boys' Rubbers , Boys' Overshoes , Boys' Arctics , Boys' Rubber Boots.
We close at six thirty. Saturdays , ten o'clock.
WoonsookBl & Rhode Island RUbtiBP Co
And wo nro their western agents nnd always carryularostoclc.
Address ,
] tad Sewed Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 llarncy Street.
A California Herve
Makes New Frosli lllnod and 1'ro-
ilticca I'lfsli.
Cures Anirniln , Kcrolul.i. Unit Circulation
ami all Imnurltloa of the Blood as well as thn
rnfloulriK Nerve Diseases , vn : Nrvnus nnd
I'hyslrlM l ) , , ! > llltVltnl Kilniutloli , I'rc-
mntiirii Dwnjr , Trembling. Hmtrrln , Ner >
vims yitmilnrtiH. Linn of 1'iiwur In nltlipr < * ,
NiirvonniuiKs In any Inrin. Cold lliinds or
l' ' ot. I'.lilt in the lluck nnd oilier lorms ol
* . ? * > akiip .
Ilr. Ilobb'4 Nerve Tonic A'llN brine the
rosy tint of health to the Bhollow cheek.
WeaV , nervous people should take this treat Life
Ronower. Try them , and jcm will Join tl.o lliousaiitls
cl liumir ini-n and uninxn ho dally Wrss Ilr.
ilobli forma ( treat work In tholr behalf , llii'jr are
sugar-coated. 50 cents n vial , for tale tij Dueglsti
KIeSeS0. . , MOM. , M mWISMi ML
Knnn A Co , Cor. 15IH A. Ooutilna Streets
.1 A Fuller A Co , Cor 14lh * Homilm Streets.
A , D. FoMer & Co. . Council llluCU , luwu.
IILE.G-.WE [ ! S
Bpcclflo for Hjrit rl , Dliilneii. Fti , Ktnralirla , Wn
( ulneii , Mental Iwpreiilon , Btmenlnirot the ! irftlnro-
rulllntr In Insanity nail Uulta ? to mlierr dec r anil
Uoitii. I'rsranure DM Ag , llnrenncii. Iow of rownr
Uiolthor MS. Involuntary Lonef , and Biixrmitorrhna
ciuitii bf orur-okoitloa of the brain , eelf-fcbuie or
Ofer-lnduljnnce JCaeh box contains on 9 montb'a treat
ment. It a bo i , or > lx for V , > nt bj m&llir % > [ > al < l.
With earn order for ilz lioixi , will rend purchiusr
puaranUo to refund ncney If the treatment folia to
turn. Guarantee * luvnl aJiU enniun * sold oulr ur
lUOFurnuu StreoU - Omaha Neb.
i A 1'ull Sot ot Toat'i
on Itubbor , ( or
jijt r- TlVR 1)OI.I < UIS.
AnnrfpotfltiMinrantocil. Tooth extractor !
and wltLout aniies-
wlthoiitmln or danBor.
* Crown Work. Tootu wllu-
rotes. nrldFOfinU
outulntes. All work waff'-
En trarre , lOtti street clovator Opouovon-
Ki until 8 o'cloclr
early decay , woMlnjr weakneim , lost manhood , elo.
I wniwnil ATaluablo atua ( al ! | contalnlnj
full iiartlculan for homo euro. I'll Kli of cuamu
A plendld medical worki i should IM read by everj
man whn Is n-rvous awl doliUlutod. Addrest
l rof. 1' . C , VO Wblilti Moodui , C
Tempting Bargains
Are being offend with the idea of reducing our stock of
Men's Suits , at $12 and $15-
] Vc arc showing suits that would be considered cheap at
a much higher price.
Do not fail to visit our Children * Department. It is
gaining in favor each day
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Feteiilocn ycnri experience , A regular KrMimto In mndlclno , i rtlplomn ulioir , Imtlll troatln ? irltti
the greatest success , all Nervous , Chronlo nnd I'rtvuto DUcnsui , Apcrmunont euro guaranteed for Catarrh.
bperm > lorrhoa , Ixjtt Manhood , BeruliiitnVeuknons , Ntiilit Jxmu * , Impotonor , HriiMlls , Htrlcturn , undalldlsJ '
ea e of thu lllood.bkin iinilUrinarjr Orttans. N.II. liiuarnntuu IVlUfor uvercaio I undcrtako and fall to
euro. Consultation Iruo. lluok ( Mysteries o I.lfo ) sent frou. Ollico hours -Un. m , tot u , to. B titular * It ]
. . .
a. m. to 12 ui.
Old Mon , Wo k M < lillo npcd inon , 1'rcinn-
turulyolil YouiiR Men. brlns Jmt'k Biirliiay
( tuuuriK > itoy , klroiiKtli , niiitiltloii mid ilu-
Iroby u o of Nurvo Itouns. They correct
youth's orrorH. euro ull norvu troubles. Jl hoi
MX boxes M. Ni-rvo lloiin Co. , llulTulu , N , > '
Boly byaoodmunDruKt'o , 1110 rurniiiu bt
\ttdlcttlvvtukl Debility , A trophy. I tnjiotency ,
Fears , Kvll 'J'houe'it" ' , Vnrfi-oreie , I.obiti ,
Hlavrry to unmanly practices , Nervousnus.
Kliruntcn OrcHiis , ull , tin no are cumMcl
. . I U'lU th ItOfV. Malldl
llr. .If III nnnit
OUR NEW BOOK | ' " ' (
'JSV"lfSI. riilS :
, . . , :
und ulii a .Tfuiini fu of AIICCCM ,
Kltli : .tIKIIlC-AI. C-U. , liullalu. N.Y. You