Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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" *
"A DVEnTISEMENT8 for eohimawlll
* r\botaken until 12:30 : p.m. , for thievening
Million and until 8:30 : p. m. , ( or the morning
edition and 8 us DAT HKB.
rilEKMB Cash In adranco.
EATKB AdTertlaftnentoon thliptf * wlllbn
charged for At tha rate of 1H cent per word
tor the ur t imcrtlon ami Iccnt per word for
lach nuliHcciucnt Insertion , nnd 11.40 per Una
month. No advertisement tik a for
ret than 21 cents for th first Insertion.
INITIALS , figures , symbols , cto. , count ch
ni ono word ,
f * nllESE Bdvcrtlnrmonti ! must run oonieet-
JutlTnlT and under no circumstances will
they botakonordlicontlnucd by telephone.
PA11TIES advertising In thcio column ! and
harlnK tholr nruwcra mldrnMcd to ft nura-
ber d lottor" In care of Tnr. HBIS will receive
numbered chock to enable t ! ) m to get their
n liters. Answers will bo delivered onljron
presentation of tlili chock. Enclose an wor
In envelopes properly addressed.
trtverllsomentB under the head of
Altli Notices" nro published In both the
mornliiR and orenlnK editions of Till RBK , the
circulation . > f which azRroaatrs inoro than
20,000 papers dally , nnd gives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the largo circulation of
TiiK IlKKln Omaha , but nlso In Council Hlutfs ,
"Clucoln nnd other rltlos " "d towns In thowMt
Art vcrtlilnfj for the o columni will b taVon
on the nuovocondltlonn , Httliofollowlri ? DUM-
nen houDco who are BUthorlzod to tnko special
notlcon. at the same rates as can had nt the
main ofllco.
\J 2C2.-1 N Street , I.lstor lllock.
50HN W. HELL , l'lmriuaolst,620 South Tentft
ft. EDDY , Btiitlonon and PrlnUrm ,
CHA8B . 10th street.
Sn.'FAIlNBWOUTlI , I > harni&el tZU6Cum-
J. HUGHES , rharmaolstE24 North 16th
itroot ,
EO. W. PAItR , 1'harmaoUt , 1718 Lonron-
worth nticut.
1 ? ' I'HAKMAOY. 24th nnd Farnam ,
Jtt rattt , rtc , , itt ton of frtt column "i
"YKTANTICD-Sltnatlonby mnn of experience
" In dry floods , carpets or Rrocerles. Ad
dress 0 12 , Ueo. 7:11 : 1 *
"POSITION as clly salcsninn or collector.
J. having here nnd buggy : best reforcnco. O
10 , llee. 710 M *
STKlCTI/Vtr-mporato yoiniK married riirin
desires poiitlon on fjardon or fruit farm ;
would kocphnnso lor owner ; roforonctss. Ad
dress box 15 , Alda , Nob. 777 lib ?
with several years' ox-
perlenci' . capable of filling a responsible
posltlitu , desires ( inch with a mortgage coin-
jinny or bank In lown or Nebraska , Oinnlin
preferred Address U.'C , llee. 413 ISO *
W ANTED filtnntlons for peed girls ; my
waiting rooms are always full from 0 a.
m , to dp , m. C'linndlan Employment ofllco.
: il4KH15tli. Toll-phono . 121
For ittttt , etc. , ice topnf flrtt column on tht
rA NT E I-Cu t tors ami1 tailors. ThoTX j5i
Hilda new method ot cutting will produce
brltrht , woll-llttlmt , Ktyllsh garments without
n try-on. Tiitmhtonly at Cleveland outtlria
fidicol , Cleveland , O. 1757-31 ;
\\7 ANTICD A man In Omaha to canvass
i' and innnaRO canvassers and control all
pales of the clieanest , best and most H.ileahle
llslit on earth. Address , for terms , Ino mdes-
. ' 1'a. 5It50-'JO'
cent Lamp Co. , 1'lttsburg , -
W"ANTKD-A hey 15 to 18 years old forofllcc
work , must bo a good poniinm. 1'aclllc
liotol department. 721
' ANTED-A. boy 10 to 18 years old. lllOt
Kariiiimst. 7C42J
ANTKD-AKonts Wo want llrst-olas <
wlio are nlrtindy traveling salcsmer
/ to carry our lubricating oils and ere use sam <
pics as a slilo line. Columbia Oil and Oroasc
Co. , Cleveland , O , M018-a
EI-At ) once , a first clnss harbor
Stiuuly work for right man. Jo. Turn
niond. Wostl'olnt , Nob. Wl a
\ATANT1CI ) First class canvassers to Invos
vv tlgato the lest business iu existence
lioom 6X11'uxton .block. aiC17-
WANTEP Oentlomcn coinpotcnt to ban
< llo art entirely now business , never In
trodueed In this city. Very liberal Indnco-
iiient.s , and worthy of Investigation. Room Kt >
1'axton building. COO 20' '
WANTED Mnn with Rood references a
Jlotropolltan Jlfg. Co. , 1COU Howard st.
254 I ? !
\\7 ANTEIl-Jlcn to travel for our Uanadlai
T T iiursorles.Stone&Welllngton.Madlson.WI
ctt. , fee tap af frtt column on thin
" "
build up a paying J'J. > wcokl ;
selling our novelties In ladles' and ahllilmn'i
wear. Our child's cemlilned waist and hosi
supporter Is the cutest little garment over In
vented and holla nt slulit. Address wltl
stamp , Mrs. G , Campbell , 494 W. Handolnh St.
Chicago. Jl'Bo-'JU
' \ W ANTKD Immediately , ono lady ( mlddli
ngo ) , twoyouiiK men to recolvo Instruc
lions , and keep books. J. U , Smith , expert ao
couutnnt , room KJ5 , Now York Life building.IS
TI : I IS ; :
" \T7" I ANTKD Girl to assist at housework o
take oaro of children , at Gil N. 17th.
7CT. 30
WANTED-GIrl IS to ISyoarsold to hcl
with bouso work , SS15 Hurt street. W7 SS
T\7 ANTED Girl for general housework. 1IK
V St. Mary's are. 7KU
WANTF.n-GIrl for general housework , IIC
N. Vfltli atiuet. 7J5 a
ANTED-SowliiK girl. 234 Farnam , non
but competent need apply. 704 2i
ANTFD-GIrl forponerat housework , 181
C'prliy st. 7 (
I'orrata. etc , , see top of flrtt rulumn on thti JXTOI
9 now brick , houses on North Nineteen !
< -i strcot. lOroomi. all modern hnnrovonit-nl !
also Imrnj only } .iT > per month. Omalia Hen
I.aUito and Trust Oo , , Itoom 4 , lloo bulhlln : ; .
TJIOl ; KENT Clioaj > . modern 8-rooui liousi
J Glebe teen > 1-Trust Co. . JIU7 S. ICth
I71OU KENT Seven-room cottnire. cor. 2St
JL av and Cap. ave. Inquire 1)18 Dodgo. M7
OH"UE.N1 * House , sultnblo for boardln
houso. conior 14th and Howard streets , ah
two small roiuns , . Inquire HHtoutli 0thst.
77U a
T7\OH \ HKNT Now 5 room eottagu on strct
-Li car line , ( Ohio st. bet. _ ' 7tli anil 2Sth ) oil
water ; $15 per month on year's lease to sum
fainjly. Dan. II. Wheeler , Jr. , hisurnnc
Douglas and Iftthst. 707- ;
T OHUENT 3 houses 10 rooms each , Par
-L live \\oolwortli St. , city wator.furnnc
i\e. Call nt once. MIIIUIIUK'I & Fltrhott , bou :
ronthiK asents. 8 , \ \ ' . cor. IJtU and Howard , s
TTIOH UE.NT Corner flat , 8 room * , rniiKO .nn
JV nil ether couvonlcnees. ut 7018.
Call nt storo. tieorKoClausor. &llf
I7IOUUKNT FonrO and 7-room lluti wit
* - lintb , hot waU'r. etc. : paved street ! net
business ? all iniprovninanlHi only * ' . * 5 tier m
lofi'ieiicesri ! > ( iulrod. The Mend luvestiuei
HOIS UKNT Ilousaof 8 roonn , N. mil si
_ r o , 171" , In jrix l repair , him ! nnd soft watc
cellar under house. Alsol llutof 0 room
Mean ; hunt , Hlnton block. Inqulro of Joli
Hamlln , 017 Llnlon block , foutu 13th st.
KOK UKNT Jan. 1 , C-rooin cottage , lira
chihs In every respect , tilth , hot and co
water ; on motorllnc. C'all ut 15.Hbhoriiian in
Oil KENT A larso list of houses from
per month up. Ueo. J. 1'oul , 1000 I'urnai
SIX-HOOM liouso. city water roar of iau :
JutU st. ; Hi month. OKI 2
FOHUKNT ' 'eU'cant 11-room houses , is'c
lildS and K1IO l ouglim st. Knuulro of A. i
( Hailstone , iilO : Douglaa St. , or tllobo I.oiui
Trust Co. , 'M a 10th t-t.
7-ltUOM liootio with all modern ran venlencc
n'utftilpcr month , corner Thirtieth ai
woolworth , facing Hnnscom 1'ark. Enonl
ih anu I.otncnworth. W ,
" TKAM lirntcd flats at 7198 16lu. Thoa
Hall , ail I'axton block.
FOU UKNT Mco 4-rouin mittaeo , at 1011
Whnt. Inquire of Mrs. DugKou , S.V. . cc
iath nd I'aolliostu. (
IKjou wish to rent a bouso or tloro BOO 1
K. Colo. Continental block. 1
LADIES and gentlemen can rent uuasmie
ude ulu at e i N , liitli > u Oi JJ :
Forrntf * . rte. , trttnjy < > t frul tnlumnnn thlpagt
Foil UK.NT Onn larro front parlor nnd ft
small. back roam. I'll Dodge. M7S3-31 *
FOH HENT Itooinn furnished or iinfur-
nlahod , choup. H.V , cor. 21st and Clark ,
_ _
T7\tIUNISIIKD \ room for rent , all modern lm-
JL1 provcrncnta. fOT N. 16th t. _ 7742 *
IIHNISIIBU room 12 per month. 110 S. aitti
strcot Ctti-1 *
_ _
D OUlHiK rinrlora. with gas , bath , ( nrnaro
licat nnd grato. silltablo for mnn and wlto
or several goutlctnen. B. E. cor. th ave and
llnrney. 7023 *
NICE rooms , steam heat , 1710 Davenport st.
413 uO
UHN1SIIRI ) rooms , 1D08 Capitol avctino.
"IIKMl KENT Elegant newly furnished steam
J3 licat rooms , cor. 13th nnd Jackson sts.
IJlOIl IIKNT East front alcove room at thoU
-U ilcrrlnm. SIHCB
1DIIOA11D and rooms , C23 S 17th street.
J J t iio I * * G
"I" AKOK south front room , buy window , niod-
J i orn coavenlenccs , for ono or two Rontlo-
mcn , $10 per month. 2J18 Loavenworth. l'.V-
FOR KENT- * Furnished rooms , gas , bath
nnd steam. 1511) Howard. 715
ST. CLAIIl European liotol , with dlnlnc
room , ( ten in boat In all rooms. iith : and
Dodge , t-pcclal ratcaby wcokormonlli. 717
TJIOItlinST-ri-ontrootn with nlcovc.curtalns
4tnantvl , stoim heat , gasaud bath , Zeloset1) ,
Riiltablo for Sicnntlpmon or man and vrifo ,
* 18.00 per month. SOTSSUIist. i701
IET Hciiiitlfnl front room Is lost part
-of city , clo-ioto Rood bonrd. Kent roason-
nhle. 183 Ik ailh st ,
l-'nriatfii , ttc , , ret ton nt flnl column n Ihlr ; * ifl .
homo , rooms and board for
DESlHAHIjE four Kcntlemon. Modern roil-
denco , terms inodcrato ; references oxchnriRed.
liao ! Hartley. M7bw ; *
T7\OU \ HKNT-Two furnished rooms , ono with
JJ alcove , In best part of city , near coed
board , 2370 Unrncy stroot. 7.X ) 1 *
TjlOH ItENT Nice warm room with hoard.
JJ IIOII ) California Bt. W3 a *
furnished front rooms , strictly
- llrst-clnss titbit ) board , terms reasonable.
No. am ) N. 18th bt. 7t)0 ) 1 *
6) I0.r > Douglas , modern furnished rooms with
lioard , 771 3 *
TJ1IUST-OLAS ! * table board with or without
J- ' . room , gas and bath In connection , 1'rlcos
very inoUeriite. " 007 CUBS. 742 *
rOK KENT \Vell-furnlshod rooms and
board ! all conveniences ; U5 Fiunam.
7051 *
T710H KKNT A furnished room to pontlo-
JU1 man. Hoard If desired. No other uonrd-
ors. 28171'opiileton avcmic. (178-31
rpO KKNT iii-story front room , first class
JL board. 3)1 ) S. liith avenue. (50KII ( *
BOOM nnd loard. ? I.OO. 1712 Douglas street.
Day board , per week.tlfl 31 *
"TJUjKGANT furnished rooms with board , cas ,
Jlllioat and bath. M N 17th street. 3SO-K15 *
TJOOJI and board $ o week , IftJl Farnnrn.
M71I1-J31 *
I'or mte , > efc. . ire ( up nfjlrsl column on 1/iN / ] agt
EOOJ1S for rent , im No. 10th.
745 :
/ \NE unfurnished room , 614 N. 17th street.
torratrtt , ( tr , , tee tiinin" J > r l column oulftlx ixv/e.
TTIOK HKNT-Oiio store mill 2 llnt , ( i20 So ,
- Kltb stroct , nnd several cottages cheap ,
JJ J. Kendall , i'OG llrown bldtf. 321-K-U
utTOi ) S.lCth. steam bent fiimish-d ,
Tlios. lHull. . 11 I'ltxton blk , 71i
C11O10R olllco on ground lloor In lloyd's
opera house , yiSS. loth St. , at roasonablr
flRiires. Am. Kuol Co. 77J
T71OU HKNT The 4-story brick bullrllnir.wltli
J- ' \vlthoutpowor.forinurlvocciipled by the
Ilco I'HUllshliw Co. , 111(1 ( Knrnnmst. The build-
Jog bus n flrojiroof rumont iiisoiiiontcoinplotc |
steam hcatlnK fixtures , watoron all tho'floors ,
BUS , etc. Apply at the olllco of Tha Ilco , Ot ;
| : iOIl HKNT-Hv January 1. 4-story bulldlnz.
JL' afi,540siiihro feet ! Bultablo for nny kind ol
wholesaling , at Tenth and Jones sticots. G
A. LlndquestDili South Fifteenth street. 71 !
lirratttetc.irti > i > i > f fnl c/ > Jmniin tht *
" "
Oil KENT or nlo Fine , heavy irlcllve-
story corner wnrchuuso with most contra'
trnckiiKC In city ; Doors are l'i'M squnrofcot
tlrlntrcr& Penny , llarher block. _ 72J
TT10H UENT-IIrlck warehouse , two storio :
JU1 hlsh , basement , hydraulic elevator , trac'r '
nso. llcst location In the , city. A. U I'owcll
LIST your houses te soil orront with 0. F
Harrison. OUi N. V. Life. 73
HK.COLE , rental agoncy.Contlncntal blk
. TO
Forrata , ttc , ne tajinf flriit column nn tlite pag
WANTED lly a mnrrlod couple , fnrnlsbei
room where no questions are asked. Ad
dress 017. Ueo. M781-DO
Forratt * . ttc , , tee'tapo ? flni rnlumii nn tills
Jl Husliiimn.laii l.eavciiwortir. * 72
"VT1OK dry stoniRO room at Hlnslinin'Holi
1L'l 1 store , : i9 So. 13th st , 7(58 ( K 'J7
TOUAOE and trackage. David Colo. 815-81
Howard street. 7"J
STOltAGE-Tho best Incity-clcan.dry.safc
and privately t > torud at reasonable term ?
Oraaha > itovo liepalrVksl207 Douglas. Tel ( Mt
_ _
For rate , etc. , fee tn > > nf frtt coluiuiion t/ifx / pno <
1)UIjIM AN house Special weekly rates.
_ _ _ _ _ _
T71IUS-OLASS table board. 2578 llarnoy.
* JlbU-Pl
fcrrattt , rtc. , rce tnptif flnl , column nn Ih'j
OTUAyED-sraitcso kitten. Itoward. IU
( j t ura to 1002 S. goth avo. M758-25
LOST Very small black and tan. I.lteri
c rowurd for return to 103 Ntltb. Olive Hranel
cl 778 ' .
ci _
LOST Monday , Mth. a ladles' small pur *
i contaliUni ! ? I5 In bills and about J3 In si
i vcr. He turn to lluo otllcc. KowarJ. 77,12 !
OST-Ono while nnd llver-colorcd bird do ;
f3 reward for return to Kd I'lynn. lUth an
I.ako streo'ti ' -
r LOST lUillilliiK plans and speellloatlon
Iteluru tolfics 1'ariiam atrcct and iccolv
reward , 7Ji-2i
STHAYKI ) or stolon. Ono cray lo !
ear clipped , scar on left hip , about
years old. weight I , ICO ! 1 roan nonr with lm
ter , aluiutOyeiirxold , wolirhtMX ) . lioward fc
return lo S. ' isa S. ath ) street. ? M a
TOST IrMi Bolter clos 10 months old ; n
Jwnrd. Win , Sliueral , tel. to , rooms 221 an
2M Kirn Nat. bunk. K
For nilw , ete , , tee tn > > nf flnl rolunm < i tttlt jxio
" 1/1OHSALE Cheap , WIIROU and double wor
JL linmi'SH , or will e\cliaiiBu : for tuck Ixian
also uooil sldo Imr bu sy , cheap. H. E. Col
Continental ImlldhiK. 5' '
FOHSAl Kcbeaii A two bor > o iiolKli , ni
largo pulleys .uul dbaftlnj. 001 PoiiKlas.
1 <
171OH BALK -good work trams. Inquire i
1'Gial'uxtoublo.'k. C ,
I errata , etc. , xe tap of fnt cotuiiui mi thu pee
OHSAl l-'errotV. Address C. D. On-ei
woxl. Silver City , la. W4
" TriOIl PA.LK Coiiiiilotobot otdruj suiru U :
L1 tures , show cases , eto. 1' , 0. llox 372. U
T3A.TENT lawyers and solicitors. O. W. 811
Ift Co. . 11 ou bullclliiROmaha. Itranch office
D. U C'onsultatloa frto. 7
For rain , ete , , tre top nf fnt column , on thin
WANTED To buy ono or two ofllco desks
la good repair , for oasb. Address 0 10.
Ilcc. M787
\VANTKD to buy a dhow case for front
W sidewalk. Inquire 1318 I'arnain. M743-SQ
customer for some vncnnt lots and
HAVE In good rental property. J , U.
Curtelyou , room 40 , Chamber of Commerce.
WANTEI-\Vlll ) ) ) : > } hlRliml pn li price for
household goods. 311 > So. 18th ist. 7GU-IW
WlLlt buy ono or two lots In Cloverdalo ,
Uramarcy 1'nrk , or other good outside
addition. Alex Moore , UU1 Hhccly block.
757 S3'
ANTED to liny A good horse for buegy.
jmrty liuvlug same nnd wanting cashmere
more than thu horse may find purchaser by
addressing It ca , lloo olllcc , giving age.
prleo nnd full parlluulars. _ ( ill
WANTED A.t onroi incrolinndlso ; nil
klndsj snot cnslu must kriowiit onc-t1.
I. T. Xowell k Co. . UIO Douglas , Oinuliu. STJl
rTlUHNlTUIlE. household peed so ti' . lllghost
4 , ' cnsh price. Wulln. 1111 Farmini. _ TUJ
011SES wanted nt 1331 N 10th St.
let raU , tic. , tec top of flrtt column on M w
M ONKY to loan on Improved Omaha prop
erty. 11. 1) ) . Iri-y. al ) ( , N , Y. Life. COS
1,0(10 ( private money to lonn , 7 per cent.
$ Omaha Itcal Katule & Trust Uo , 4 Ilco bldir.
funds tolonn on Inside Otnahu
buHlnuss property nt very
low rntus In sums of
Klmball , Champ & Kyiui , 1"C5 Kurnarn st.
PIIIVATE munoy to loan. J. D. ZIttlo. 01 !
N , Y. I.lfo , yi\Wi \
, loiun lit lowest rates , Itcmovud
to034 N. Y. Life bid'J. . II. Emiiilnger. 7IU
M 11XEY lonnoil on furniture , horsei. etc.
II iwkoye I nv.Co.Xl Douglas blkid & Dotlco
T7"EV8TONE Mortnuso Oo.-l.oani of $10 to
JVjl.ooO : not oiirratct Loforo borrowing and
savn money ! loans on horses , furniture orany
approved security * without publicity , notes
bouglit ! fornuw loinsruiiuwnl : ; of old nnd.low-
'cst rntoM. call Il20l ! Sheely blk.l.'ith * : Lloward.
7 1
fill ATT EL bunk , R10S l.Hh st , . loans monuy
v on chattels or collateral at lonsoiuiblurntcTItf
A povond niortiiairos on vacant & Im
proved city prop. County warrants boiipht.
Money on baud. 1' . M. Ulclinrdson,8l8N.Y.l.lfi ; .
MONEY to loan on oily nnd farm property.
W. M. Harris , K'JO , Fren/cr blk , . opp. I1. O.
BinijTMNO loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional rharKosfor commission or attorney's
fees.V. . 11. Jlclklc. First National bank blilu.
Estate Loans-Ciidhon band. Olobo
Loan & Trust Co. . H07 S IClh st. No delny ,
no extra charges. Houses fur rent , good list.
OK. & 0. SI. Anthony. : I1S N. Y. LlfoUilld-
Inu , lend money on farms in choice cuuii-
ties In Nebraska nnd I own. also on coed
Uinnlia risldciico property ! lowest rates ! best
forms ; no delay ; money icady. Titles and
values unssod on her"1. 743
MONEY to Loan Short tlino paper bought ,
lllonnan & Co. , ( K2 N. Y. Life. 741-KJil
LOANS on real estate ; money icudy. Alex
JIoorc.301 Sheely blook. 728 1 *
to loan by II. K. Masters on chattel
mid collateral teeuri tics for any tlnui from
1 to (1 ( months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horses , inukvs , houses , leases , wnruliousu
receipts , clc. , at the lowest possible tales
without publicity or removal of properly.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
n payment of any amount at any time and re
duce both principal nnd tnturest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you wIMi elmnjji'il , I will pay It olV
and carry It for yon. If you find It more con
venient , call up "telephone No. W'l nnd your
business will tie nrransicd nt home.
Money always on hand. Nodolay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
It. F. Musters ,
Room ' . Wlthncll blk , 15th and llarney sis.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
utcurrent rates ; fiimlson liiindi.nodolay.
Geo. K. Hlust & Co. , 203 Itningo blUg. M7I
MONEY ! iO , CO or 1IJ ( hi vs. ( in house-hold * ur-
uilure. etc. 0181'axto'n block. J. J. Wilkin
son. Y070-K1
Fortnfej. etc see to nt > . ( > < < { c/i ii'ini oil tli ! $ ji'i. n
FOH SALE Meat market dolns coed en.sli
business , llttt-d up In llrct class Htyle. Will
bear Investigation. A Hnap for some one.
lOtbcr business reason for scl'lng. ' Adilrcss ,
'lock box SK ! , Council Illuirs. M7.VJ-I
FOU SALE LunLor and coal business In
llvo town near Omaha , Kino cliiinco t (
get into a good imyliij ; business. M. A. Utoi ]
( . 'o. ,771)- ) ;
V\7 ANTED Emu-Ketio man with small
T capital to nmnngo paying business In Ne-
brnslca. AddiessO 8. lleo olllee. 713- ' . "
braF IOIt SALE-Tailor business , Frank Soclior
David City , Nob. 71)8 ) K X'i'
FOU SALKorliunt-Tlio Toknmnh canning
factory , In complete running order ; wll
bo sold cheap , or to tbe tight , part.LMvlll In
lentcd on fiivmablo terms. C'all on or nil
"ross I-'lrst National lliuiK , Tekamah , Keb.
B AKliPit Shop for Sale WiO.OO cash will bin
asliopeoinplnte In a good Neb , town ; busf
HCA4 has boon cstalillshcd over 23 yeais ; lea
sonsfor selllnsr , L'hango of business. Aiidros' '
O II. Dm aba Hoc. ' 74i ( 1
TjlOH riAIiE Furniture nnd lensoof 40-roon
J- hotel In line location : nn average buslnes :
of WJ a day. Good chunce. Host reasons fo :
Boiling , w. S. Cooper , Merrlam block. Councl
lllulls' , Iu. Til.MU Fl !
HICK yard for sale or rent , \\oilbullt
now. Apply 0. F. Kaul , Madison. Nob.Mil
Mil 23'
FOH SALE or c.\chiiiKO For a pee (
farm or ether property u forty-rcion
hotel , furnished nnd doing a peed bu <
Unoof the best towns on the Union 1'acltli
railroad. Address 1144 , Bee. , rJJS-'Jl
"IjlOK KALE or r.xebango-'lean stock gf dr :
-L.1 goods , clothing , boots , shoos , lints , cniis , la
dies' and gents' fiirnlslilng goods. ' Aildres
1'u.xac. Frankfort , Ind. ' . O Fl
FOlt KENT Only hotel In a peed town : i
Rood illumine for a good hotel man. Fo
particulars address llox I. llurr , Nob. 049 F5
T7\OU SALE or Trade Lnrgo llvory and feoi
JBtahlo , feed store attached. This Is wel
located on paved street and dolir ? a pooi
business. .Mutnii\ijli \ ( & Fltchett , real cstat
cor. 15th nnd Howard st CO
HOTEL For Sale Do you want got Into i
jiood huslnosn ? If rou do , buy tbo C'ommo
da ! at llrokcn How. Nob. sa
A N established buslncbi for sale or trade
llox 51S , city. 10
I )
c" fe
FOR SALE ' ( ollor top desk ohcap. also ban
coal stove , base burner , blur Lund ft I.oa
Co. , 1st lloor , N. V. Life. * . TO-a
"VVANTKD lly ti\o Kontlomen. board I
TT pi-lvnto family. In vicinity of 2Hh and St
Miiry'.s live. ; brenUfast and supper. Adilret
C IU llee , 77tl ttl
ANICUKINO Ladles dcsirlnp tholr hand
manicured In an artistic ninmicr.aftorth
Improved l.omlcm Toilet llnzaar Metlioi
should call on MUs Allen of Now York Olty.a
* ! inloilKlUH ) Hlrceu -7-U- :
M Dolzlor , over UIO S. Kit !
. ' -
scalp und hair troiitment. nuintciyo nni
chiropodist. Sirs. I'Obt.llI'Jli b 15tb\Vlthnoll bl
fit ratn.ttr , , tcctiipvt JinA coJiniui ni
TIT US. Nannln V. Warrcn.clalrvoyanttrauci
J-'l speaklnp , writing and reliable buslne ;
medium , four yean , In Omaha. 11U N , lUtli.
"JVIMK. IturroiiRh I'tlmUt tolls the past , nre'
l--lentaiid future fronrtlio lines of tlie bnni
Jn thoold ( Jypsy way , 1'oe , tl : ludles onlj
Ibll Izanl btruct , Omaha. CUD U
_ _
Fop-ata , ttc , , ut ( up i < f flrtt com nm n tftU peg
\VOUTIl'H / tailor VyaUmtu iigbVemTDtVi ;
fV 650 FJ
_ _
ENOAOKMENTS to do dressmaking In fan
Illus solicited. Miss Sturdy , ailO llarney :
" 071
Forratf * . ttr. , rrr ton nf ( , mj column mi thtt
WANTED To exchange good Insldo lin-
proved property for acreage properly. O ,
11. I'nync , 1(114 ( Karniirn strcoU M7M-31
VV ANTED Horses , harness or wagon In ox-
V > change for lots. O 1,1. lloo. 749- ' , )
"iriOU 8AhK or ExohanRC Korclear Improved
JL.1 Omaha ronl estate a clean stock ot hard
ware , wagons ! stock of about { liv.OOO ! In north
ern Illinois. Address 0 0. euro Omaha Hoe.
rpo TIIADE four fine n-ildont lots In St.
-L 1'nul , Howard county , NOD. , to trade for
horses or mules. Iniiniro of It. 8. Morrow ,
room 10 , Neb. Nat. Hank , Omaha. 70(121) ( ) *
\\7HAT have you to exchange for U20 acret
A 1 clear land In Improved cltv property ?
I'nrty will pay some cash. Gco. 1,1'nul. 1109
Fnrnam. 741 1
SOncrosof clear land. Improved , for Hour
mill machinery. Address 1' , o. box KVl.
M 7l--no *
IWIMj Irado n peed clear lot In Armour
1'lacc , South Omaha , and take good drlvhu
horse and buggy as palt payment. Address
HU'7 , Itee. Ta
HOUSE and plinnton wanted in trade for 40
acres of choice farm land In Chase county ,
Nob. Frank N. K. Orir , 1(112 ( Chicago sticot. _
ANl'FAOTTKI NO establishment dolns an
excellent business rlijlit hole but , owned
by non-reslilent can bo bad for Rood Omaha
- . Owner In Omaha a few days ,
iii-operty. ftVoad. . l.VJ4 _ Douglas. 721-a )
MX ) KXOIIANOK 1'lrst class dwelling house
J- property for Iowa or eastern Nebraska
farms , encumbered or clear. Address O ' . ' ,
lleo olllcf. Ii7.'i-il : *
BUSINESS property on 12th st. , near Far
nam , for residence ,
U'clear lots ( corner ) In Orchard lllll forhouso
and lot.
4Uxl2i ) , Sanndersst. , south of Lake Clear , for
Some otlior peed property for exchange. .1.
) . Kittle , N. Y. Life. : two
20 acres fine farm land adjoining Rood Ne
braska town ; nearly clonr ,
ItiO acres llnelvlmptovod land 2H miles from
ottnty Miat In Nebraska ; lightly cncumlered.
I'M acres good land In Nobr.iska.S nulesfrom
onnty seat ! -JO ) Inhabitants.
HOIIHO nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In tfood Nebraska town.
A loom bonso and lot. barn , well and cistern.
5th street. Oin.ib.i ; Bllglitly enoitmborcd ; will
r.'iilo forOiiiiiliu property nml assume encum-
ranccs. H. K. Cole , Continental block. UOJ
niGAllS for piano. Address H 43. Hoc.
i jifiifim
\ \ * II AT have you to trade for two good lots
' In Alt. I'loasant addition , the future resl-
'leneo portion of Omaha. Make oll'or. Address
1(20 ( , licit olllcc. : uil
A N UMI1F.K of stook ranches tocxohnneo for
- "MiiL'rclKiiicllieG18 I'axton blk.Cuiiioion'c Co.
73IJ2a *
"or rates , etc. , sic ( on nfjttwt column on ( Ms pn < jf.
WKwill sailyou ; a lot and build bouse to
suit on monthly payments.
13 acres , I'cnnlnglon lleliliis , SS3 ! per acre ,
hot on t iaiildlng ncarautli. only SWO. :
Houses nnd lots on monthlv payments ,
I'aylng banking business In live Nebraska
iM.OOO bank stock , paying 13 per cent ,
btar Lund A Loan Co. , 1st lloor , N. Y. Idfo ,
J'Olt ir'ALK Choice lot on Lincoln avenup ,
half block from motor line. Call on J. 31 ,
Scniilan. U'8 llniadwny. Council lllnlTs' . M7GO-1
| j1AK.Ma of from 41) ) tq,0i)0 : ! ) acres for rent or
Jt- silo : on cnsy tenqs In Harny. Ciimlni. ,
I'liayor-and oilier countltih. 11. T. Clarke. I'J '
toaid of Traile. , " M7. > l-10
I71AHM 1'or Sale or Traijo- ! section of Im-
JL1 proved lurid located at Tlldcn , Madison
o.r0 ; : acres under untilvitIon. ; 21'Jin
) acres liiy : bind ; NlK.'l.lmurovemonK good
house. Inirn. feed ynrtlK.sheds , wind mill and
7 miles of wire fence : IU ) ncrns joining can bo
secured with It , AddrrttH M. II. Ilegurty , Ex-
eliango Imllillir- , South Omaha or Tom Mc-
Donnld. TlliliMi , Neb. 714-2
J.fOW does this strllto you ? 22x13' ! feet south
Lfront , Farnam near loth st , . only & 1.M ) front
font ; ( ili.VU 14lh nuur1 Dodgu. S19.0JU. Oeo. ,1.
Paul. 1G09 Tarnain " 741 2U
3j OK SALE New live-room cottage on full
- lot , good location , only $1 , ( > 00 Binall cash
[ ) aynient , long tlmoomtilrd ! less than valuoi
.mist bo sold as owner'Is'leaving city. I * . S.
Skinner , 1B14 Fnrnam s'l * 7ii : 1
1T10U HAI/E-Cbonp. ilbo resldonco at 2.-.10
J1'leire strcot , at nib.irxain fora few days
: > nly. Inqulrunt the 'Keb. Steam' laundry.
IGth and Howard streets. " < : MS18
TJAHOAIJTS o-roonvcotUigo and lot , olty
J 'wutor. "soiVcr aii'd barn , 'centrally located ,
$2,7,10. ' Terms easy.
Ixirgofi-rooru cottage , , nlcoly finished and
well located. Ji',000.
South front lot on paved strcot near motor ,
Homo nice lots In west and north partof city ,
JjTiJ and upwards. J , IX Zlttle , OH , N. V. Life.
Foil HAM ! Several good Improved farms
also unimproved lands and town property
In best located counties In Nebraska and
Iowa ; all nro bargnlnsA. Address ! ' . L.I.ooinls ,
Jth and Douglas , Omaha. Nob. KliFO
LIST your pronerty for sale or exchange
with J. (1. Cortelyou , room 40 , Chamber of
Commcice. M 399
B1UUKST bar.'aln In Omiiba. Only three of
tboso elegant houses on 41th and I < 'arnnm
left out of six ; otlior throe occupied by tlrst
class parties. Houses are open all day lor In
spection. Every convenience In the houses ,
Including gas anil gas fixtures.
Take u look at them during this fine weather ;
buy ono and take llfo comfoitahlo during thu
Only takes from IO > ) te SZJOO oash. See them
without full for they will nlcusu you , JJ V.
Sholos. 213 First Nut'l bunk.- 715
Place 1 still have ono9-room
KOUNTZK hell on easy payments ; price ,
W.atO ; ftyjucusli , bal. K5.00 per month ; would
take some clear property In exchange. J. J.
( tlhson , MI'O agent Kountzo I'laco , room U
CroU'liton block ,
TT1O11 PALE Or trade , linprorcd farni.UIO
JL ? ncres. In Oospor county , Nob. , clear. Ad
dress J. U. huwi 40th and Hamiltonst,0maha.
414 SU1
I'EOIAU-llargaln-Largo lot , 03x165 ft , ,
blocks from l.owu avi > . and Ciimlng St. , lays
splendid ; cheap for cash , or will trade for
farm. Address K. U. .Merrill , 42nd and ( Jass sts.
> -iooni liouso and full corner lot , vcrycheaii
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Address thu owner at 4'ml and Cass
His , . B. 0. Merrill. "
"IJ'.OU SALE My residence , 3fi20 Farnan
Jstreet. . Cliolcost location and best bousi :
In Omaliu for the money. Hot. water am'
every convenience possible. Ham , connoctoi
with sewer , water and gas. I ) . V. Bholes , "lil
1st Nat. bunk. _ M78'
5-UOOM bouso , lot 31x82 , J1.700 ; also ( . -room
bouse , lot W/jxR' . ' , B. o. cor. llth and Vlnton
st. , fJ.GOO , Hrlcic house and American house ,
lot BlxCU , n. o. cor , 10th and Douglas , MO.OUO.
Mrs. Knhhiinnn , -M-'l H. llth.
Jcrratfjt.etc. ir ti > i > < if } trt col'tim ' ontlitt
TTOll SALE Uhoii ] ) , a nearly now Ilallctt ,
-L Davis A : Co. , pVino In flrst-ola ( > 4
condition , Iixmlro' iniUi/ouclas st. '
BEFOKE buying a piano examine tbo now
scale Klmball planOU'A.IIo pc,1514 Douglas.
. * u-\ 7H
_ _ . . .
GKO. F. Ciollcnbcck , twichor of the banjo
with Hosuo , 1&13 Dousl-ts. SlU
lorratittto. , tceiinn 'jrj ft'otUnnii n t/itj / rng >
CAUL or write for ca'f/Hogues / and' Investl-
Kitto the nierltiidf tfi < ) ' ? mlth 1'rornlor type
writer. Alunlfchtly biuiprlnr features. Im
portant L'hiingfs madrt' Typo-wrltcrs sold.
oxchanKcd or rented , .ItJlWi 1' ' urnum st , , I' ' , 115
Muyhow , inanairer. 'J ; ' 37.
For tutfi , rtc , ttt top i/yi 'co'umaon ' , t > i ( ngt ,
MASSAGE bath at Mmiamo Smith's parlors
705 S. l.'itll gU , -Hi ! : ! IKS'28 * .
MA SAGK-Mudaui p4llor. over Olff S IStb.
f 085I1. . ! '
Korrcifci' , etc , tie tou ' rt' cntiiTi'i nn ( nU 1117)
T7MNKST electTlcTancl olnctro thermal bath
-L. rooms. Inoludlne Turkish cabinet loaths.
L.idh's.b to 1 dally K Tuesday & Friday ev'njjs
0 to 10. Dr. Itlghanls , roomaUlH _ ICODeo bull- .
forratrt , ttc. , ut top atrrt _ tollumt on ( ftU
T > E3T line hair Roods la west ; hair dressing ,
/ ' * wle , BWltcboukbangs , hair chains , etc. . a
specialty , buvloa,1 hair goods and milliner ,
opposite postupljo. 111 B Joth street , Omaha.
Fnrratti , etc. , ut top of flnl tnlumn nn this pap *
"rnitKO Moblo louni money on diamonds nnd
-L wutclie , Jowclryctcs. c. cor. Furnam & llth
lilHe kiltqs , soiled Heir
didn't kijov/ / L to do ;
/fill & Wise oldfrierid
eS'J ' id r
lillle killers , vested % irniiten5 |
tf Qulckj&njs
as as
5"ir rtifc ? , ( If. , tec tup nf flift rnlmim onthbjvtge
\\f ANTED Ocntlcinnn room mate of Rood
' bablts ; family ot four ; good location on
? arnam. Address 0 IS , Ileo. M7fcO-il :
rNSTItUMENTJ ptauoaon rooorU January 28.
fames Adnnm ( o Jnnics nonnolly , lot 50 ,
Moln tosh's subdlv . $ 2,000
iamo to 11 M Knsles , loty.blk 13. liodford
I'laco . 3.COO
II S Itorlln to A K White , lot 18. bile 7 , ( ox
sin feet ) Hnkor I'lstco . 1.000
IKConpdon , trustoi' , to Murtihy , Wnsi-y
.t Co , lots 5 to l : , blk IS. lots 4 to 8 mid
13 to ID , blk in , Druid Mill . 8.6M
V A Ewpll uiid wlfo to O HWalker.lot 15 ,
blk 7 , Manhattan add . 409
3 0 Hoiisnl and wlfo to Jnsof 1'ooplsil , w
1U foot of 5Ufoot. lots. bllc'JfAO . 1,600
rOJotTorlsutnl. to Mnrlu Stewart , lot 6 ,
blk S , JelTorlsreplat . . . BOO
0 W I.yniiiu nnd wlfo to G 1) ) Wallace , lot
1 , blk f > . Ijyinanl'liiio .
Miles it Thompson to S 1C VenKel , lot 14 ,
blk Ifl. Walnut III11 add . 375
3 A MoWiorterto Peter Iverhon , lots 2 ,
: iam4. ! blk 11 , llrown Park . 1,100
John Hllv to.F O'Oonnoll , nn Irregular
tract KB feet east of east end of Lo
cust Hi bridge . 500
0 W Kaiulall to N'lls Johnson , nYt of i2-
1R- ! ) . 8,000
A 11 Salisbury and husband to liM Salis
bury. lot U. blk 8 , Sh nil's 2 < 1 add . 3,500
T II Thompson to E K Kenhler , so no no
0-15-1:1 : . 13,000
W I' Thoniim and wlto to S C I'oitor , lot
filili < 10. Manhattan add . 700
OMVrleht to .John Ledwloh ot al , s70
feet of lot 0. lillc "U , " Loire's add , and
lota 1 to4 andO , WrlRlit place . 15,000
1 F. CoiiKdon , trustee , to Murphy , Wasoy
& Co , part of alley In blks 10 and 15 ,
Druid lllll . ; . 10
E I. Rlorbowor special administrator , to
Homo tnvostniont Co , lot 14 , W A
Itedlck's add . 1,007
Total amount of transfers Zft'J,20i :
dlan service. Uosubud Agoney , South la- )
kota.Jaimary 12 , 1MII. Scaled proiiosaH en
dorsed "Proposals for 1'lold Seeds. " and ad
dressed to the undoisluncd at Hosobud
At-'eney. South Dakota , will bo received until
1 o'clock of February 5,1MI1 , forfurnlsblng and
delivering the Haino at Valentine , Nobraka :
( ( X ) buslipls of Kood oatH , 1,000 bnsliols of seed
potatoes and 1HH ( ) bushels of seed corn. Ilid-
< lers must , st ati ) the proposed jirlco of each ar
ticle to bo otTurrd for delivery under a con
tract. CuiiTiPiKn CIIKCKS. Each bid
must bo accompnnlt.d bv a certl-
lled check or draft upon sdrno United States
Depository , made payable to the order of the , for nt least FIVE pur cent of
the amount of the proposal , which chcuk or
draft will be forfeited to the United States In
case any bidder or bidders receiving an
award shall fall tonromptly exeuuto a con
tract with ( rood and sutllclent Hiirltles. other
wise to lie returned to the bidder. .1. ( JEOHGE
WRIGHT. U. S. Indian Aont. ( ! J-13-d-21-tin
Oiinihu. | Depul loin and Alnnun streets. [ Oiunhu.
ClilcnKO Kxprens. . . . 8.0U a m
11.20 i > in
Clilrnuo I . 1U.UJ a in
.fiO j > ra . . . . . , _ . , . _ , . . lown _ _ JLnejl ! . 2.0U m
"Ieavea | lilTil7jNrTON"A"SIO7 [ ; itT\rKH. | Arrives"
Oinalm. t Depot lUtli und Mnion streets , j Omntm.
1U.2.1 u m Denver ln Kxprcss .
1U.2J II III , Uonver
7.10 p m Denver Night 12.tprcs. . . .
t.lX ) p ra Lincoln Llmltud
ft IS n m Lincoln Loejil
Depot Uth ) uiidJ _ (
I'-IIO ' n nil . . .Kansas City Day K.xproaa. . , , | 6.10 p m
JUS j > injK. C. Nlglit KTP. vln U. 1' . Trnm.l IU5 n in
l-eavuTT DriTojTrJClPIU ; I Arrives
Omnlm. I Depot loth nnil Mnrcy .streota. I Omaha.
2.W it in . Klyor ll.OJ p m
7.U : p iu 1'rclllo lOipross 11.45 a m
lO.'J ) n in Donrcr Kxprona .1.55 p m
fi.U7 H m KniimnCtty Kxprcss 12.0. " ) m
IjjavoiT ClllUAif ! ( , U. I.Jt 1'ACIKIO. " 'TArrlv 03
Omaliu. lU. 1' . depot. IDlh nnd Matey Sts L , ! Onmli .
l.envos SIOUX OITY & PACIFIC. ArirlTes
_ Oinnha. Depot ITitli iunMV li lcr Hta. I Omaha.
HOP p nil . . . .St. 1'ntil l.lmltoil. . . . )
Ixjnvoa | O111CA(1O A NOUTUWKSTKItN Arrives
Onmlin. | U. 1' . depot , lUth nml Mnrcy Sts. Omnlm.
' .US A m Chicago Kxprein O.'M p m
4..10 p m Vestibule Limited l > .Na m
Klb , p in lown Accomnio < ! nt'on ' ( oxc. tiun. ) 7.05 p m
V.10 p m .Kustern Klyor. . . . 2.45 p m
H.4. * > m ( o.vr.Hiinl''nntKaat ) ' K * ( e > c.Mon ) 7.40 a m
Leaves" u & 8'rTPATJlj.l Arrives
Omntia. U. t' , depot , IQtliu and Miircy Sts , [ Omnliii.
lt.10 p m . . . ClildiKo KxpreBi. I 'J.45 n m
ll.V ) n. m Clilongd ICxiirem , I ! ! . : ) p m
Lovot I OMAHA " * SiTTxn . | Arrives"
Omnlin. III. 1' . ilepot. IQtli anil Mnrcy St . | Uinnlm.
"JXI p ml . at. J iiiN Cnnnon l' ll. . . _ . . . [ 13 10 p m
TenvoTT PT. IfT * SiO " \"A"LT.K\ . Arrives"
Omalia , I DcpoilSth imd Wobatcr Bta. Oiimlm.
D.tX ) n , ro
9UU n in
ruu p m
MO p m
' ' '
Omnh.i. I Depit i'a'th nnii'wotisfer Bts. Omaha.
8.10 n ru.tilonJECItf | Accommodation. . . O.ftl p m
I.UI ) p iu SlonxCltr Ktprou ( ox , Sunday ) 12.40 p n
II.UO | ) m tit. I'iml I.I u ulted
5.15 p mljniicort | I'lmajytrr ( o.x , Hinidiiy ) H.I,1 , n m
OmalmJ DopiitYMIi anil Wolialor StiL
10tOa : : ml til l7oul .V K. ( , ' . . . . , „ „ . , . I 4..7.1 p n
11.15 p m.Bt. | IxmliA K. C. Kxytoa I tie ; n
Leaves CI1ICAOO , H. I. & I'AGIKIC. I Arrlvcn
Transfer Union Depot , Council lllulU. | Trainrui
( UopTiT Niiiht Kxprcm I 035 a rr
U.30 am Atlnntlo Hnireiu 5.55 u n
J.OO in .Vuntlhiilo J-Unltoil..jjJU ) ; : ! . ) _ ni
I Xrrivos
Trnasforl llnlon Depot. Omncll liluffa. iTranafui
'lUO u in ChlcuKO Kxpioin I li.UO p n
SOU p m . . , . , .AVitlbiilo Limited | .30 a n
1000 p In . KuMlurn Iyer 2.00 p II
1.30 p m .TAtlnntlcM ul ) 7.30 on
fiitt ) p in Jnwa AccqimmtiliiMim ( K o HmOJ.JP HJ !
. Sfil. .
Trannterl Union Dopot.Coun ll lIlulH. | Tran f i
ii.HO p ml. . . * Chicago Kxprcst , . 1U5 n n
18.30 p nil. Chlrano Kipri'si. nn
TT K , CST8T. 37)K"ilitr. ll. ] Arrive )
Tramitiirl Union Depot. Council Uluftii. iTniimfu
1U.U7 u ni.Knn | nii'lty Dar Kxprcas , . . . ! 6.4:1 : p u
1055 pjnl..Knn ni ( llr Nlglit Kxpro ii..I li.80 it ir
IA > UVU I "TfJl AlT ( li 8'f. TOlflS" . ' I ArrUoi
Transfer ] _ Union _ Depot , Council _ lUutn. _ _ _ _ Transfo
4 ID p nil . Ht. Ixmls Ciinun Hull , . . 112.15 p n
Trannier Unlun Depot. Council lllurN. Trnnsfc
U.40 a in ( 'hlcngo Kxprem. U.SU p r
10.00 p in Clilrnito Kipreu , 0.40 a i :
7,05 p ni . . , x. . . . .Crenton I Ur2LiJ
Ixinvun" ! _ ArrtVeii
Tr nifer | Union DciKit , Council lllnlla. Trantfo
7.45 um.HIour | Cltf Accommodation. , 0.40 a r
p in | 8U 1'nul Kxpreai. . . . . . . 10.00 p t
Arirs OF nn : SOUTHWEST.
FIre destroyed the i-csldenco of II. O. Wood
of Konesaw ,
Two Chinamen from Omaha have entered
Uelluvuo college.
A militia company with fifty members has
been organized nt Vannngo.
Ninety conversions have resulted from the
revival services nt Sterling.
Tno now $10,000 school hoiiso at Sterling
has been completed mnl was occupied for the
ilrst tlnio last week.
The Kcarnoy city council has accepted ttio
resignation of Mayor M. A. linker mid has
called Irn Johnson to till the vacancy.
.1. II , Powers , tbo contestant for governor ,
has resigned the ofllce of commissioner of
Hitchcock county. Ilo couldn't stand tha
protests against the way ho had neglected
his business.
The Grand-Army of the Republic , Women's
Itellof Corps nml Sons of Veterans of 1'lain-
view have lllcd articles of Incorporation to
build an opera house this year nnd will put
up n building -10x80 Jof sufficient height to
make -a stage and gallery. The estimated
cost Is $3,000.
Two boys calling themselves Frank God-
dish and "Willis Jones , ilftcen nnd elchteen
years of npo nnd claiming Grand Island ns
tholr homo , were put off the cast-bound mus-
senpertrain nt Berwyn. They burglarized
the store of Mr. Ilerrick there that night ,
tnking several pocket knives , four pairs of
ploves , two pairs of shoes , ono pall of candy
nnd several other trinkets. A section hand
followed thorn up nnd caught them In a liny
stuck two miles east of Anslcy. A warrant
was sworn out before Esquire Gecsanmn and
n preliminary hearing given them. Only a
small part of the stolen roods were found on
their persons. They claim to have had an ac
complice larger than themselves who cot the
lion's share. They are now In Jail nt Broken
Homo made brick will he used for paving
in ICeokuk next season , C3
Mrs. Monotto of DCS Moincs has died from
the shock of having sixteen teeth extracted
by n dentist.
A premium of $25 for the best bushel of
sugar beets nnd $15 for the second best will
bo ottered at the next stnto fair.
John J. Knapp , a member of the Iowa'
greybeards , died at the Mnrshalltown sol
diers' homo , aged cighty-flvo years.
Conductor O'Ncil , who was murdered by
tramps near Marshalltown. was engaged to
marry Miss Bertha Souor or Chicago.
Some proof shoots of Bancroft's history of
the United States , corrected In his own band ,
have bcon added to the Aldrich collection in
thi state library.
A Buonn Vista county farmer presented a
bill to the board of supervisors for caring for
his hired man. who was ill forty days. Ho
only wanted $5 per day.
Tno census of the Catholic population of
the illoceso of Dubutiuo is being taken.
There nro Hfty-livo counties in the choceso
mul the job Is a largo ono.
Twelve hundred dollars and costs Is
charged up against Prank Huff , the Vlnton
original package man , on various lines for
selling liquor. Huff Is In jail.
Nathan Hnydock , formerly of Ottumwa ,
died recently at ( Tulnro , ( Jal , Ho was for many
years u resident of this state , but went to
California in 1BS5 for his health.
The maternity of tbo Uttlo baby which was
loft nt the Dubuque homo for the friendless
so steeped in whisky that It died , has boon
traced to Tillio Jones , a girl who worked iu a
Ira MitobolJ is dead nt Salem in the eighty-
eighth year of his ngo. Ho had lived In Iowa
slnco 1853. His aged wlfo , to whom ho was
married sixty-four years ngo , and six of his
ton children survive him.
Two hundred nnd thlrty-flvo people nro
now employed in the Hulsknnip Brothers' '
shoo factory at Keokuk , nnd they are turning
out 800 pairs of flno shoes every day. Many
of tbo girls who commenced working In the
factory at | 3.50 a week , n year make
810 a week.
The coroner's jury at Dubuque has found
that tbo babe of Tillio Jones , loft at the home
for the friendless , died of marasmus , nnd
that tbo whisky given It was administered In
accordance with the Dubuque Idea that
whisky is good for everybody and every
thing , nnd without criminal intent. No ar
rests will follow.
Lieutenant George W. Head of the Fifth
United States calvary , who Is a former Dos
Molnos boy , has added a leaf to his laurels In
the regular army. In the January Issue ol
the Military Journal his prlzo essay on "A
Practical Schotno for Training the Kcgulat
Army m Field Duties for \Vnr" \ appears in
the place of honor at the beginnlncr of tbe
magazine. The essay was at the meeting ol
the executive council of tbe military service
institution , hold on r ovembor 14 , nwordoi ]
the prlzo medal. Lieutenant Head therobj
became entitled to u cortiflcato of life inorn
I have a cousin who ts n printer , says ox
Mayor J. B. Loushran ; of North DCS Moincs
In. Some years ngo ho was employed In till :
city where they were printing circulars foi
Chamberlain. Ho had a dcou seated cold uni
terrible cough , and whllo setting up copy Iu
made up bis mind to buy a bottlo. It curoi
him and that was the first I ever know o
Chamberlain's Cough Hotncdy , I have heoi
strongly In Its favor over slnco. My own ox
porioncc and that of mv family convinces mi
that this remedy is the host In the world
That may bo strong language hut tlmt Is wlia
I think. For sale by nil druggists.
Ijibor Pnlnoo Mnrn Ulrotinir.
There will bo n mass meeting under tin
auspices of the Union Labor Palace BuIIdlni
association at , the exposition bull on Frlda ;
evening tor the purpose of making public tin
plan's proposed for the location and orcctldi
of this building. .
Secretary Sobring of the board of director
urges nil who are Interested in tha untvrpris *
to bo present.
A band of music will be In attendance am
good speakers will explain tbo merits of Uil
enterprise , which is backed by tbo organize
labor of Omaha.
Don't experiment with your health. Yo
may ho sure of the quality of your rncdlcini
oven If you have to toke much of your fee
upon trust. Ask your druggist for Aycr1
Sarsuparllla and take no other. It ts th
standard blood purifier , the most efTcctlv
and economical ,
TIio Ijlconuo Hrtnrd.
The flro. and pollco commission mot as
license board yesterday afternoon nnd hear
the protest against the application of Uoorf
Foster , who wishes to open o saloon at 3M
Sherman avenue. The complaints were take
under consideration and will bo passed uno
at the afternoon session today.
Hornforir * Aold IMioxplinto
Far Night BwnntN
of consumption , gives speedy bouoQt ,
Tbo Exhibit of the Att Association Narrowly
Escapes Total Destruction ,
A Section of the North \Vixll Give *
Wnjr A Number ot AVorkmcn
Injured , Itut Nona
Shortly before noon yesterday n section ot
thcnorth wall of the I ) . M. Stoclo bulldlng.nt .
the corner of Thirteenth and Harnoy , fell lo
thoslitownlk with u deafening crash , but very
fortunately uo ono was passing nt tha
The build I tip Is being ; rcraodolod anil
another story milled , ami Is to bo occupied by
the Leo-Clnrk-Amlrecson hardware com
pany. 1'rcparatlons were being nindo
to rntso the roof , and It scorns
that too much weight wits allowed to real on
oneplor , causing the wall to bulge out and
The section that tumbled was about thirty
fectloiiKaiul fifteen feet hltth nnd comprised
the center of the front end of the top utory.
Five largo windows and nbont 8,000 hrlcle
went down In the crash nml several lloor
Joists that hud been put in position for the
fourth lloor were torn from their places and
Several workmen were struck nud bruised
by tbo falling brick , but tiono of them re
ceived severe Injuries.
Guards had provlonly boon placed across
the sidewalk to keep pedestrians out of dan
cer's way. although In this case they failed to
enclose all of thu dangerous territory , as
many of the falling missiles landed In tha
nilddlo of tbo strcot.
The building Is Just Ueing'vncated by the
Omaha Art Exhibition association and ever
$100,000 , worth of paintings were on the lower
lloor at the time of the accident , but none ot
them were Injured. All of tbom would have
been removed but for the storm.
Iliorstadt's $ r > U,000 "Buffalo Hunt" was
nmong the paintings boxed up nnd leaning
ngauist the wall nt the time , and Iloiiguor-
eiiu's ' $18,000 , "Koturn of Spring , " which
was so sadly mutilated by the crank Wnr-
blngton some time ago , was directly under
tbo toppling section of the wall and again
narrowly escaped destruction.
Mr. II. Jay Smith , the art director , who
had charge of the exhibit , remarked after ro-
vluwing the wreck r "I tun not Inclined
to ho superstitious , but hero Is
food t or reflection for n superstitions person.
When I was In Denver und was notified ot
Wabttigton's destruction of the 'Koturn ot
Spring'Mr. Alllot snld to mo : 'You made
your contract with the Omaha association on
Friday , you went to Omaha on Friday , you
gave your opening banquet on Frldav , and
noiv you'll bo lucky If you get out of Omaha
alive. ' It , begins to look that way , but still I
feel hopeful. I am preparing to ship about
100 of the pictures to Denver , and I have al
ready sent homo n number of tliorn.
"Neither the Omaha association nor the
owners of the plcturoaro willing to take the
Bouguoreau. I am endeavoring to got the
consent of both sides to allow me to take the
picture until the matter Is settled. 1 hope to
have it settled wit hout going into court , and
in the meantime ) I suppose It will have to uo
stored in nn Omaha warehouse. The picture
.now has a national reputation , and It would
exhibit well anywhere. If I was to exhibit
it I would keep It Just as it is , as it would
draw better in Its present patched condition
than after being restored. "
Iliilldlng Inspector Whitlock examined the
structure after the accident , and will rorjulro
tbo owners to put in stay rods to support the
west wall which has been bulged for some
timo. The damngo done will not bo heavy , as
much of ttio fallen portion was to have boon
rebuilt In anyovont.
SOUTH 0311 HA fiK tVS.
Illegally Swapped ContH.
Thomas Kelly of Grand Island Is in Jail as
a suspicious character. Thomas is auspcc'Pil
of being an accomplice of a mnn who today v
wears a pllfcrrcd coat. Yostcrduy morning
two men \vent Into J. Hnscnll's clothing
store on Twenty-sixth street , nnd whllo ono
was trying on some garments the other deftly
slipped oil his old coat nnd slipped Into a now
SJ5-coat and walked out. On discovering his
loss Mr. Hascall reported it to the pollco.
Mr. Kelly answers the description of thomau
who claimed ho wanted to buy , but the now
coat and accomplice have gone , where the
wind listeth.
Gooel Templars' Election.
South Omaha lodge , No. 100 , I. O. G , T. ,
elected ofllcors Tuesday night as follows :
D.'S. Curfman , C. T" : Miss Swiss Lee El-
Holt , V. T. ; Miss Lutlo Nunn , Supt. .1. T. ;
Klroy TIbbutts. secretary ; Ularenco 0. Buuk ,
F. S. : Miss Huby Orllltlh , treasurer ; W.
Ueed Dunroy , chaplain ; G. E. Hatcher , mar
shal ; Fred HIco , I. G. ; Orln Merrillsentinel.
Celebrate nn Anniversary.
The Invitation by Omaha Ledge No.
2.Daughtors of Robokch , to Alpha Lodco
No. 44 , Daughters of Uobokau , South Omaha
Ledge No. MS , I. O. O. F. , and Encampment
Ko. 70 to attend a celebration of the thirty-
third anniversary on Friday evening.
February 0 , bus been wicoptcd by the local
Notes About the City.
Mrs. Bayloss , wlfo of Daniel F. Daylcss , It
listed among the sick.
Miss Eva Strong of Ida Grove , la. , is visit
ing her sister , Miss Mary Strang.
Fred Craftman and .lames Knynolds of Dos
Moincs , la. , are visiting in this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. IsaacJnckson of Dunlap , la. ,
am the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. S.V. . Fran
Editor Bruce McCulloch of the Stockman
was taken suddenly ill yesterday and was
taken homo.
Residences are bcincr erected by S , } l.
Hathaway nnd M. Trnlll , ucar Nineteenth
nnd M streets.
M. M. Parrlsh has made nppllcatlon to bo
appointed Juitloo of the peace , vice Hon.
Joseph J. lillln , resigned.
The Epworth league will glvo an dntor-
talnmcnt In the lecture mom ofthoMotho
dist church Friday evening- .
Mrs. Taggart , wife of Veterinary Surgeon
AV. A. Taggert , has removed to Omaha. Mr.
Tnegert Is dangerously 111 in Illinois.
Misses Catherine Hayes anil Phecbo
Phillips of Platte Center are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Halo , 2103 N strcot.
Mrs. J. A , Plorson of Ccntervlllo , In. , who
has been vlsltlnir her daughter nnd son-in-
law , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A , Young , has gene
to Maxwell to visit.
K. A. Holyoke , the I31aclc Hills representa
tive of the Ctidnhy packing company , is hero
from Deadwood visiting with his many
friends at tbo packing houses.
The Metropolitan strcot railway company
of this city , has tiled articles of Incorporation
with the secretary of stnto , The capital
block h $1,000,000 , illvldcd Into shares of the
par value of $100 each.
The Odd Fellows' hall building commlttco
mot Tuesday night and adopted by laws. The
commlttco oti u situ made a verbal report.
The commlttco wa- continued with instruc
tions to ook up suitable ocatlons.
No greater triumph in mcdlclno or chemla
try has been recorded tnnn Hall's Hair Ilo
newer to revivify and restore gray halrts-
the color of youtti.
Ilolclininn Hold to Clio District Court.
Harris Uelchman , who was nrrostod at the
Instance of Kline & Splglo upon n charge of
having robbed their store a few weeks before
the llro and explosion , was tried yesterday In
pollco court and \yas bound ever to the dis
trict court under bonds of $ l,2r , > 0.
Marriage hioansoa.
The following toarrla o Itconsoj were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields j
Name ana address. Aco.
, Washington county , Neb 2t
Mnrr Tuttle , Ornnha SM
UlmrlfH 1'attornnn , South Omaha 24
Mury Kiiuilson , Houtn Umuhu . . . . . .17
Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea , ota
25 cents a bottlo.