THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JAmiAEY 29 , 1891. THE OMAHA 1VEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. ornci : , NO. 12 PEARL ST. r > ) l\rrrl hy Carrier In unr partnttherity il W. T1I.TON. - - - MXNAUiil . rnlnrMOmcc. Nn U Muht ftlltot , No. SI K Y. V , Co. Council UlufTs Lumber Co. . coal. Craft's chattel loan , 201 Sapp block. A marriage llconso was issued to Martin Whlto and Miss May Lewis , both of this county. ' 1 ho case against 0. A. Henry , the man Who pulled n gun on Conductor Mitchell of the Milwaukee n few dujs ago , has been con tinued until thofllst , UH the grand Jury Is now ut work on the case. An information was issued In Justice Pat- ton's court jestcrdny charging Dan McGIn- nn , tlio traveling man who is exacted to ur- rlvoln thoelty tonight under the escort of Chief Giry , with granet larceny. Ilarbara , the daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Oscar Albert ! , died TuesiHv evening at the npoof twentj-llvcjcars , after an Illness of two weeks , from tjpbolel fever. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon at i ! : 'M o'elocK nt tlio family residence on Ilubbard street. Intuiincut at Walnut Hill cemetery. Appltton'sencyclopej'dla for lb)0 ! ) will con tain nn elaborate doscilptlon of the decora tions in Dohany's opera house during thn fanners'congiess ' , which was recently held in this city. It will also give n cotnplcto ac count of the opening exercises of the congress. Iho material lor the write up was fjmilshcd by lion. 11. r Clayton. Three young men wcro before Justice J'nttoncsterduy morning1 , charged with disturbing the Salvation army meeting night before last. 'Ihelr names wcro Claronro Ulakely , "Dutch" Ilartcr and rieclLangdon. 'llipy were charged with eonmiiting nn assault upon Oeoi go Sirnmonds , one of the members of thu army. After an oxnmtuntlon } lartor was dN ( barged , but Lntigdon and lllakclj were given a ten elajs' sentence in tbo county jill. The following cntrv was mndo yesterday upon the iccords of the superior couit. "Now on .Tnnuaryii" , Ib'll , thhcauso Is dis missed upon the aflldavlt of Ycrgcn Lo\v \ , thoio being no rcblstanco inudo to such dis missal , but the couit 11 nils from the affidavits llled nnd from tlio statements under onth of John II Pliunor nnd'i'beodoio Peterson that the plaintiff anthoibed the biinglng of tills nctlon and that Attorney .lotin M Gahln did not make un unautboiUcd nppcaranco In the cae. " Our llpinnrkablo Success nnablcs us to present for jour considera tion pi lees without a picccdctit in tlio history ol Council DlulTs. All goods aio wanantcd now and clean , equal to the best nny maikct n If o i els Only ono price and ternn strictly cash. Call and sco and bo sntlsllcd that wo lire right. Davis' Roval No 10 flour , Sl.fiO , Davis' Iluolflouil.n ) ) : ; Gold Medal lloui , ? l.4" > ; Minnesota Superlative flour , $1 ; Snovvllako Hour , $1 ; Itl Ibs granulated sugar for $1:17 : Ibs extra O granulated sugar for $1 ; 120 Ibs Now OilOans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo cortce , i > cr i > kgo , "r > c ; Geimaii coffee , nor pkge , 2" > o ; King's buckwlicit , per pkge , lOo ; crackers , jcr Hi , 5u ; : ilb ginger snap ) for tiTie ; 'J loaves Licad for Gc ; i ) Ibs uiinco meat , 2 > c ; il cans tomatops , 2c ; I ! cans corn , 2"ic ; Page , Norton & . Co Hour , Sl.21 a s.ick ; ! Mb nil I lard for UIIc ; 5-1 u pall larel for35c : ollsmdines , per tan , fie ; U cans musttud sardines forli'c ; Cal ifornia hain ? , per Ib. d' ' c ; good luoom for lOo ; W ) good clams for" " > c ; i20 It ) pail Jelly for 7Sc ; lli-Riil pall syrup for 8fte ; Vgal keg jyrnpfor Jl.H ) , 30 Ib piil wlilto llsh forCOo. S IJrovvn's C O. D. Grocery , Council UlufTs and Omaha The American District Telegraph Co. has been reorfiani/cd nnd Is now prepaieil to give prompt sen lce > . Special attention to express and parcel doliveiy. J'.l K.I tt.i I'll . W. II. Anderson of Olcnwood was n Bluffs Visitor ycstcrduy. Attorney .fncob SItns loft for DCS Molnes jestcrdaj afternoon. Mrs. E. J. OKdon of Sioux City is a truest of Mrs. J. T. Oliver on Park avenue. Miss lonn MoiRiui of Sioux City Is visiting her slstor , Mrs j , E. Lukcns , 3-17 Harmony street. Flnloy Bnrko , W. S. Mayno nnd A. T. PHcklnpor nro nttcndiiiK supreme couit at Dos Molucs. Mr. Gcoigo O. Tyler , advance ngcnt for the Little Tjcoon npeia company , was In the city vcstcidny. ibavld JO Lnyton of Malvcrn wns In thocity yesterday looking about with a view of inuli- IiiK this his home in the futuiC. Harry Jock , formerly a conductor on the motor line1 , was In the city ycsterdiy. Ho is nuont to emhaik in huslncss in a town in the uoithoastcin part of t'ho btnte. IMr. C. 1C. Hesse , who has been connected ' w ith the linn of llurnlmin , Tulloj s & Co , foi several joins inst , left with his family lust ni ht for Now Yoik , whcie ho will make bis homo lu the future. Irs. Klttlo Gllmoro yesterday received the snd news from Kclinlniipli , Scotland , of the ( li-atli of her only brother. James Sutherland , who full and fractured his scull , causing hit ( loath on Jnnuaiy II. Ho wus twenty-eight } cars ol nge. Do liojnl to Vdiitlouii. . Don't RO outsldo of j our city to spend j oui money and bo called a sucker. You can bu\ honest Roods cheaper nt home , thereby built up jour city nnd invnilably strengthen voui credit.Vnon you apply a few doiiars on the olel nccount you help the needy mcrchnit who pays interest many times for tlio monoj you ewe him. Alandcl & Klein aio the head- ( juaitcrs for fuinltuiv , cat pets , stoves , etc. Buy your conl and wood of C. D. Fuel Co. , C39 Uroudw ny. Tulephoiio 1 J J. AVorkhiKincn. A worklnpinan , scomliiKlv strnlglitfor wnrel and well posted , applied to the citj marshal jcsteiday to see if someway couli not bo dovlscd for stopping n scheme b ; which , ho claims , laborers aio being ci : trapped by unscrupulous contractors. Th' ' mini's story is but n repetition of that o his companions. Tliroo of them , being ou of work , responded to an ndvcrtUcinon of nn Omaha einploj mcnt agency , and WOP assured they would bo given \\oikonoacl pnvlnctho fcoof $ J. Tliev pild. anJeucI man tecelveda card , with Instructions to 10 wort for duty ou the Indian creek sewer extension tension In Council IllutTs. They came hen Sunday , and Monday uiornhiB bo an work On Tuesday afternoon another pinj ? ot mei bearing llko caids , appeared at the sccno o labor , nnd the boss at once mndo roon for them by discharging an equal number o men. Thu three had woiked about twodavs They i\ero to reecho $1.60 n euiy and weio" beard in n tent on the giuumls , pajing $ ii i \\cok , or r > 0 cents n day. On being dh clmigod the men got no p.xy for what the1 lind done , and tlio ainounnt due for two days after deducting the board , was only f. , si that It did not pay to sno for it. In fuel , the , luuo no money to sue with. Some of the city ofllclnls have been Inquli inglatotbo matter , for it looks very much n If there was a scheme between the emplov incut uconcy ana the conductors. The eii : ploytnent agency , under such an arrange incut , makes f J each from an indefinite nun borof worklngmcnand the contnictor tret two dn > s' wofk for the cost of board , leavin lilm a clear piollt also of i'J a man , thus mnl Ing tbo "divj " about oven. 'Iho contractor to whom the city lot tb work lias sublet n portion of It to other pni ties so that it U n llttlo dlfilcult to dotcnnln as to tlio responsibility or the bpwilk's method of securing n remedy. The cltv of ) clalslll investlgato and if they llnd tin such a schoino is golnt ; on as now ap | > ouii they -\\IIl lose no tlmo in doing all in tliel power to end It , and that right spcodily. To bo sure that your children liavo put candy , ouy for them the Pomona -brand frill lulco tablets , Pomona stained on each tnl ct. ' 1 he trudo supplied by Duquette & Ci Dost heavy goods , 2. IH.T cent oil. casl S Ucltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Davis , hcadrpjuitcrs for Chaul-Moo Grai ' v Hell ft Son's new grocery takes the loud o \ UppurUroadnay. No old stock. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Tbe Eistman Stock Bought by Ihrahall , Field & Go-of Chicago , REPORT OF THE W , C , A , HOSPITAL , A Sleek Hellenic to \VorkltiRiitoii of Their \ \ nsji'H I'lro In tlio Men lam Illook Minor At 10 o'clock yesterday , in the midst of a drlv hip storm of ram nnd snow , n crowd of men representing a great deal of wealth gatbcied In the Klscman building for the purjiosoof attending the assignee's sale of tbo Immense stock of goods that has been locKcel up since Christmas day. Tlicro wcro many representative business men in the gathotlng , and as the purchases they wauled to make cahcd for thu usu of 1 irgo sums of money , ev cry man cariied certified checks Hinging from WO.OOO to $100,000. An order was given to exclude all hut bidders and crowds of several hundred cur- ioils pcoulo A\ho were nnxlous to note bow men conducted themselves when they \\ero bidding sums that aggregated fortunes wcro put out. Among the bidders wcro N 11. Talconcr , S 1" Morse and repiesontatives of Urandcls As Son and ICe > lley , Stinor & , Co of Omaha , Hen niscmuti , lesrcsciitlng nice , Stlxz A , Co of St. Louis , C. C. Lny , repre senting Marshall , 1'leld &Co .Chicago , and a number of other gentlemen who ellel nol reg- iite-r at any of the hotels and whoso names wcro not called Deputy Sheriff McFnelden was the sales man. After the preliminary announcement nnd tliu call for bids was madethcio was an interval of several seconds , which grew Into minutes The suspense grew almost painful , and it began to appear that t obody wanted the property Unit all sccirod anxious to got. ' rinully tho'slicnco was broken by a timidly spoken bid of f ilOO. ( It dime from ono of the Omaha gentlemen. The auctioneer did not dwell long until bo had several bids that brought the price offered up to f Ifi.OOO. 1 his bid was made In tholntcicst of the St. Louis linn. A number of other bids wcio nude , eluclly bj tbeOinihii men. and the price was nm up to S.IM.OOO. Tnlroner then bid nbovo this and Morse followed with a bid of * 70000. Among the c illy bidders was Mr. C C. Lay , and tbo list bid made DV him was rTI.OOOanU some odd hiindicds. 'Ibis leached ncnly the nppialsement pilco and tbo stock was Knocked olT to him The crowd was then bustled out of the store nnd thodcputy shciilTs were again given possession. It was subsequently learned that Mr. Lay's ' bid was maOo for Mr. J. E. Holden of Oshkosh , Wls Additional Interest \\ns given the sale bv the filing of a number of new attachment suits. ' 1 ho suits w01 o Hied In the district court eaily In the morning , but the notices were not served upon the assignee xintll a few minutes bofoio the sale begun. 'Ihoy were for the following cieelltors and wcro n-escnted by Attornojs Sims and Harl. IVaiucr lliothcrs , corset manufacturers , S ; (5 ( E. Shubtrt & . Co. , $15r ; I ) . Wolf & oils , ? oG7 ; William Broidhcad ifc Sons , J.j.'i ; ordon At Terguson , ? & 44 ; PfalzorUiothers , iO(5 ( ; 1st. Mnrj's woolen manufacturing coin- any , J.3Y7 ; Worthiugton & , Co . ? "w3 ; JS'lekey iiotbers , $201 ; American lubber company , , 'S7 ' : Leo. 'Jwcody & Co. , Slt" ( ! > ; Langfold Jios It Co , $ M4 ; Lehman \ , Clark , 1184 ; ; ohnoknlttingcompanjl,0.10 In the district ouit L Hcllprin i , Co also tllcel a claim for oods sold 10 Kiscmaii & Co. to thc.amount of ViO and replovined the goods , alleging that t the time they were shipoeel to the firm eie , ntsomau Ac Co. , the latter knowttlmt liov wcro InsoUcnt and were tlun in tending o eilsoso [ of their property with the intent of ; cfraudlng their creditors. In the supeiiorcoiutVolI , Drcjfus ICo. lied an attachment forSTOO. All of the nbovo lilts were attachments , except the ono ro- ilovln suit mentioned. In the federal court hero were filed : J. II Leo & Co. , & ,7lD ) ; Joodman , Bastincll Ac Co. , f-l.-lOO ; Woods , Jrom A. Co , ? J,700 ; Harris & Uussak , ? . ' ,07t3 ; Colin U rot tiers , $ .I,42S. When nslicel why the filing of these claims ad been postponed so long , the nttorncjs for he ntuidilng creditors stated tint thcv had jccn waiting to give the Elsemnns a chance o do the squaio thing by them ; that 110 imposition of any kind had been made by hem to tbo creditors , and that they had be come convinced that the only way in vhieh they coulet hope to realize any- hiii on their claims was thiough some such move as thcj have now proccceled o miiko. "Wo figured on the case , " said one of them , "and lounet at the highest calculi Ion tliuro would bo not to exceed " 0 cents on ho dollar left for the rest of us iftcr these profencd creditors had icon paid wo wcro not satlslicel led with the outlook , very naturally. We thought that the fact of the chattel nortgagi's liming been tiled the vciy lay befoio the piesent assignment was made was a suflident ground for claiming fraud , We don't claim tint Ofliccr& Puscv and the rest of the moi tgagr-M w ere Implicate d In the fiuud , however. Uui idea now is to turn the the tables on tlioio fillows who were goiii | ! to shut us out In the cold. If alt oui plans turn out us wo now think they will I see nc 10 lion why wo shouldn't icalizo 100 cents or , while they have to plav the second end fiddle. " The stock Is now in the possession of Mr , J. 1 } iloblcn , a commercial ti.uelor for the linn of Marshall Field & Co of Chicago Some ouiioslty was felt us to wli it ho would do with It , now that ho has It. When asked nboat the matter by a HII. ropoitor , l.o ro piled : "I am going to keep It light here and soil It Just as soonnsl can iniko tin necessary .iinngoincnts vVlioslior I shall make the establishment a permanent thing or not I can't tell just now , as I am 11 stranger hero and I can't tell how It will pat ; out. " 'I his statement sets at rest the fears ol some who thought tint the stock would In taken a\vav in oieler to pii'vcnt the uttci demoralization of theCoumil Bluffs market , Marshal. Hold & Co having some of tin largest eliy goods linns in thoelty on thcli list of patrons It Is said , indeed , that tin purchase by Marshal , Picld & Co was slmplj a shitmd move to piotect their Hluftspitroni from the inroads which would have been m.idi uK | > n their traein if seine ouu else bad bough the stork and placed it upon the markat a bankrupt sale. Under tlio eircu instances It is not lilcclj tha the goods will be placed on the maikot a much of asucilllco. A number of reporters found John N , Bald win , attorney for S.vnuol 1' . MacConnell. .is signco of Hum ) & Co , at his ollhe nud got his statement with reference to tin sale of the Kiscrnun stock of dry goods. Mr Baldwin said : "Tlio stock of goods w\s sold forSTO.OI' ' to J. E. HolJon of Oshlvosti , Wls. Mr Holden of course will not coutinuo the busl ness ut Council Bluffs. Ho evidently pur chised the stock as a moio mutter of spccui i tlon. Ho will probibly open for a fov elays and sell what bo can bore , although don't ' know definitely \\lntlils movement \ \ 111 bo. I rcgivt exceedingly that the stocl \\as not sold to persons who would keep till store oi > cn and coutinuo tbo business bore , had propirod aiticlei of incorporation am had incoiporatiul a comiiinj , called th Council Bluffs mercaiitllo company , t purchase this stock of goods and to continu tbo business nt Counell Bluffs. It would hnv be en acrv strong compny , and it woul have added to the stock mid run It in an eve more extensive aiauucr th in it was run b ( tbo niscmnns , "I was authorised to bid for this romp-in an amount equal to the amount for which tb slock actually sold today , At the list me incut , however , at 10 o' < lock this mornliit justasvvo opcneel tlio door for the sale , number of creditors filed attachment' , chart ing fraud upon the pirt of Henry and Himo Ktseman. This preclpititos , of cours-0 , tight , and the parties I ronrescntcd elidn care to Invest In and bur not only the stool but also a law null xvltb it , anil they Ii structod mo not to bid for then I did bid for other parties , bt would have bidden moro for tli Council IIIulTs mercantile company , bud m this litigation endued. "I have been lighting hard as a citizen ( Council IIlulls to ke p this magnificent stoi open. The result U duo to thu husto of avi rielous creditors , nud In my Judgment wholly without warrant and authority. C course it would have been Imposs possible for these attachments I have been levied without gettln bondsmen lu Council HlulTs , I was vei much surprised U ) dud thut tbo boudsmc who aided these foreign creditors In thus In- | terferhitt with this vniuitblo linpro\oinent to Council Bluffs wcro J , D Kdtnundson and John Ileno , also ono James fohns. The amount of the attachments is about M0,000. Wo will fight these attachments to the end and will institute suits ujwn the bonds for the wrong ful Issuance of the attachments and the In terference with the salo. I am quite reliably Informed that nil these attachments were brought for the purpose of endeavor ing to force a settlement , I inn i fearful that It xUll bo a long tlmo before wo can gcUny ono \\ho will put tip money enough to stock such n line store as the Klseman building. I hid the matter nil arranged nnd Iked to got n good company In there to run It , M I have stated before , but wo will now have to button up our coats ngnlnst another lick nt Council UlulTd. Let the blnmo rest upon tho'o who hn\o brought nhoutthis untonnrd result. It seems that the nciponsof war to bittlo down another enterprise in Council IllutTs wore afforded by Council Bluffs men. " liAST TU Ilii3 DiVYS. Imst Three r > ns of the Ilonton Store's Great Annual Clcnrlni : Sale Prev ious to Inventory , Connell - ell lllllflH. The great annual sale Is drawing to n close. Mow is the time If you need any thing In un derwear , hosiery , blankets , comforters , dreas goods , coats , shawls , etc. , etc. Wo have thousinds of bargains , too numerous toniPii- lion. This has been without a doubt the most successful snlo c\er conducted by us. 'Iho light goods at right prices always speak for thctnsehcs. Again , wo never advertise any thing but what we have In large quanti ties. Head tlie following list for underwear. See other pipers for other special 11s.ts. OKNTS' UNDEIWEAK. Gents' shirt and drawers sold for 23o re duced to IDc. Heavy gray shirts and drawers , former pr'eo ' 3'ic ' , during s.xlo nt 2T > c. Our all wool shirts and drawers Ingrajs nnd scarlets sold for $1.00 during sale C'Jc. Gents' bcotch gray underwear ( all wool ) icdiieed from ? 1 Oil to73e. Beiutlful light gray undcrwcir sold for $1.50 price during sale $1.00. LADin& ' UNLiit\VEAR. \ Ladles' white and natural ribbed vests sold for ! t Ic reduced to 25c LnJIes' white rneiinocsts nnd pants , formerly sold for 60c , now 39e. Ladies' all wool vests in wlilto and natural wool , both plain and ribbed , sold for f 1.00 to go at 7"C ) eieli. Misses' fancy ribbed vests in thrco sizes sold for a.'ic , special price. ITc , 3 for 50c. ( ic canton Hanncl , K'J'o. ' 2. > o turkey roil damask , 17c. ! J9o towels forMe. IS pieces blenched and half bleached Hnons sold atOOcand Too logo duiing silo at50c. * BOSTON STOIII' , Fothennghain , Wldtelaw & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now York ofllce , 47 Leonard st. J.C. Blxuv , heating , saultarr en gineer , VJ01 Morrlam block , Council Blutts The best French cook in western Iowa is at the Hotel Gordon , Council Hluffs. The Christian Ilonpltn.1 At a recent meeting of the Woman's Chris tian Hospital association of this city the cor responding secretary was Instructed to ren der a report of the hospital work for the j ear IbOO In accord nice with these Instructions the following report was submitted : "We testify to the goodness and mercy of our Heavenly rather in enabling us to earo for the sick and destitute that hnvo como to our doors , and w6 are happy in saj Ing tint our efforts have been crowned with success far beyond our most sanguine expeditions. Dr. Hull , the superintendent , offers the fol lowing icport : Patients received during the ydr , 101 ; pajlng pitlents. including county charges , 70 ; charity patients , 2" > . Of these 41 were men and ( ill women. There were lour births dining the yonis and four deaths , and two foundlings were received and homes found for them. Ninety-eight patients were discharged during the 'Iho following Is the na tionality of the patients : Americans , 21 ; EnglUh , 10 ; Scotch , 1 ; German , 0 ; Swede , ii7 ; Irish , 20 ; Dane , 10 ; Norwegian , 1 ; Afri can , 2 ; total , 101. Five professional nurses wcro trained nnd granted certificates The hospital employes included the supeilntend nt , housekeeper , two regular nurses and ono in training , and ono errand boy.Vhen required special help is engaged. Mrs. J. B. Atkins , treasurer , offers the fol lowing reports QKNUIAI , FXlTNSn FUVD. Bahnco on hind January 1 , 1300 , from hospital patients reccUcd. . . 1.221 03 From tash donations 187 1Q Ladles'exchange UO 00 Thanksgiving offering- 51 95 Dues 072 Total ? l-i03 1.1 FMCMIED. Telephone company $ 44 CC Pud ' 1038.- Hcnt 290 OC Employes 470 OC Ice 2J9 : Insurance 10 IK Building fund K 01 rurnttuio 10 0 ( Giocerics 227 a ( Meat 10J 01 Sundries 100 0 ( Total 81,018 31 nunmxo FUND. On hand January 3 , IbOO S COO 0 ( Interest on sinie 21 ( X Ccititlcato of deposit 218 0 ! ISibybind concert ICO f ( Cauls of donation , ! " > CM Mrs. F.B. Hart 8 0 < L A. Casper 10 0 ( 'IhomnsMctcUf 10 0 ( U. Crlttcnden 5 L' ( (1,001 Ot Paid to J. W. Siiulro. On building $ C21 Oi Buby band concert bJ 31 Dohiuieyoper.i house ! ! 0 Oi Printing (1 ( John Hammer , brick 200 O Balance on hand $ ICO A From the Council Blurts waterworks com piny wo have had water free , for which wi aio vorj grateful. From thofollowinp named ladles wo havi received baskets of groceries In the past jea ranging \nluoJroin $ . ' 50 tofo per basket Mcsdnmcs Kielmil Uicen , II. A. Cole , \Vil Hun Haverstock , Willhin Pctorson , It. M Osborno , Dr. Green , J. T. Stew-ait , S. Farns woith.T. U Cavln , HobertMullIs , L. Me lliide , W. S Majno , II. II. Field , J. Illco J. T. Uuldwln , E L. Shugart , Irallondricks t\ Grass , 'llieodoro Gulttar , J.V. . Hrod been , U. 11. McCuno , M. A. McOec U II. Ordittt , L. Clinton , A Bloomer P. C. Dovol , J. F. Uvnns , L. C Kmpklfl , O. M. Hnrlo. S. UisonianV. . .1 Jameson , Gcotgo A. Kcclinc , A. 1) ) . Casey J J. Ur.ivnito , Dr. L. U Hoe , H E\erett Fanny Walker , E C. Smith , A. W Askwith Leuttcr Wairan , A. Louie , W. W.Vnllacc l < B tHohrer , John bchocntgenVllllni Kobinson. L W. Tullojs , J. B. Atkins , N. P Dodgu , John Bennett , J. II. Arthur , Tboma onicer. .1. W. 1'ciegoyV. . H. M. 1'usoj Nenl , Dr. Mieraj. Geoigol'hclps , K. II , Mei riani , Uiuia Baldwin , H. I'ucu , Sprag'ao , C II. Lucas , .1 Lymin , A B. Wulker. In mldltlon to the above we luvo man others who have not been called upon In I8'.k and some who have but recently been adde to the list comprising our basket fund. W add the names of special donors who hav given material aid to our hospital during th > ear : Tlio Thatcher coal company , ono ton c coal ; George P. Smith , ono cord of wood ; B. I Shugurt , onoJersov cow : A. D. Kostor.drugs J. B. Atkins , lamp * and chimneys : \VIlliai McAtee , groccilesV. . H. Millard , gix cerles ; Mr. Uaymond , fruit and cgetablea Claia Johuioii. produce ; AVashincton tuonu siliool , lurgoThankbghmg donation of caiinc goods , moats , vegetables ana poultry ; Mr btnion Eisoman , wafers ; Cnstnl mills , ttirc barrc'ls or foea for cow : Kov. Cool ay , vcgt tables from Homo sen Ices ; Mr Uaymond , fruits \egotablcs from fannei congress , and many donations of the sum kind since : Miss Kced , merchandUo ; .Mr. V II. Cftsoy , merchandise ; E. L Shugnrt , moa lard and vegetables ; Mrs. L li. Tullejs , me clmndUo : Mrs. L. W. Hess , tableware an murchnndUo ; Mrs. C , P. DoVol and Mrs . J , ( Jnivutto , lucrehandibo ; Hobert Mulll one baud swcot potatoes ; Mi'sila-iK norland , Odoll and 1'lielps , linen oindagt and lint ; Mrs. Chambers , Jellies ; . A. ICcellno , merchandise : Mr , [ Panforth anil C F Swanson , incrclundUe ; MrsV. . A. Maurcr , chtnn , lamps nndchmnp\s. ) Stewart Brothers , rending matter ! > Jn , 'Illlam Pat terson , mngalnes nnd mcrichtndUc : Harry James , refrigerator ) Mr * Hlu\ linen bnul- aces ; .1. M. Sranlnn , poultry Mrs Meschen- doif , celery and fruit ; Mrs. 0. M Brown , table linen ; Mrs. L. II. Hobrcr , merchan dise ; MM. L.O Personfruit , ) Sunila schools dctmtod eggs on Easter Sunday , Honors , dishes , furniture and merchandise ) from the Ivlng's I ) ui ghters of the I're-.lirtorlaiiclnireti ; Mrs. Bradbury and Mr . W. II Burns , bind- n ret , books andiucictmtidtso ; 0. II $10 check ; bhaefe , ? 10 check ; Mis , L. 11. Atkins , fnnts and jellies ; Mrs. HEverett , Christmas dinner. ' > To the generous public arid friends of the Woman's ' Chmtiiin hospital , wo render our Kiateful thanks , iniel hojio In the future , as In the past , to bo worthy of your c-onlldcnco by strMngto use well and wiselv all that maybe bo Intrusted to our rare for the suffering and the poor that may come to us for healing and comfott. It is nn acknowledged fact that Mandel & Klein sell furniture , cirpets ami stoves cheaper than any other house In the city. The new dental rooms of Drs. U'oodbury nro the finest nud most complete in the west. Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , 14V Too much California canned goods on hand must bo sold. ICelley & Vounkerman. Why my profits on e\ery purclnso when you can got all your house furnishings In one place nt one protltl Mandel & Klola. Ijnst Tlielr Abstrnuti. Messrs , Kerr &Grny had a nnrrowoscnpo fiom a serious flio In their ofllcoln thoMcr- inm block jcHciday noon A joung ladv \sho\\aspasslng on Poirl street dlsco\eicd smoke coming out of tholr window nnd gn\o an alarm Mr. James , who keeps a grocery on the Ihst floor , Immediately seized n wet blanket and rushed up stairs. When ho entered the room ho found that the otllco lesk and the waste basket w cio both on llro nnd the flames . \eroripldly spreuling. An pnllcntlon of the wet blanket , however , julcklj extinguished them. Thooftlco fuinl- , uro was baillv ihinaged , but the woist p irt if the d imago Mas the lo s of about $75 \orth of nbstiacts which \\cro in the eha\\cr of the desk. How the file started is a mjs- ' .eiy , ns the pflieo was locked at the tlmo nnd x > th the gcutlcincncro at dinner. In receiving our spring stock \\o make > weeping reductions on all of our Turnituio , cnrneti , stoics , fancy lamps , ciockery , etc. Mnndcl&i Klein. Horse blankets and lap roocs at cost at Tueo. Ucckmau's , 227 Main street. Great success. . liclhiblo goods. Fair dcillng Bottom prices. At C. B. Jncqueuiin & Co. . No. 27 Main street A 31A AMF/C/ivVT DXSI'Jd.t 1' . . Will lie Provided for ( lin Xnvnl Department of th I'nfr. Cnictoo , Jan. 28. [ Special Telegram to Tim Hri.j Lieutenant Taussiir , represent- ng the navy on thu government boanlol ontrol , this morning made his oftlein ! report f the woild's fur exhibit. The fair is to gain a novel feature and the city of Chicago a magnificent gift after the ! alr closes. The naval display will icp- resent a battle ship of ISO" " , nnd \ \ ill uo erected on piling on the h'c o fiont Ir .ho northeast corner of Jackson pirk , at the fifty-ninth street pier. The structure will have nil the Sittings which belong to an ao- 'ual ship , such as guns , turrets , torpedo .ubos , torpedo nets , etc. The nivv depart : nent will detail for duty a corps of official1 and seamen. Gun and torpedo drills nil bo given dnlly. 'Hie ship will serv < the double duty of housing the naval oxhlbi and illustrating the mode of life la the navv The design was executed by Captain It. W , Mcnde , of the United States navy and w il cost $100,000. It Is proposed at the conclusloi of the fair to turn this vessel OUT to the cit of Chicago as a naval drill plado fo : use of the navnl reserve of the lakes , Chlcagi to bo the central station. The boat will bi named "Tho Illinois. " Several jears ago Ctiimiborlaln & Co o DCS Moi lies , la , commenced thomnnnfactur of a cough syrup , believing it to bo the mos prompt and reliable pieparation jot producei for coughs , colds and croup ; tint the publt nppicclato true merit , nnd hi tlmo it was cot tain to become popular. Their inostsacguln hopes have been moro than realized. Ovc three hundred thousand bottles of Cuumbei Iain's Cough Remedy in o now sold tacn jc.ii and It is recognizcit as "tho best mnelo' ' \\herevorknown. It will cure n sevcro col In less time than nny other treatment. To sale by all druggists. fX CAGJCiAXXf. 1 ho Prejudice AC Unst American flco Has Disappoaroil. ST. Louis , Mo , Jan. 23. [ Specul Tele ram to TIIC I3n : . ] Mr. S. B. Martin o Texas , a largo ownoi of cittlo la that stat and Kansas , is In this city todiy from En land. Mr. Maitin his forears been oxtci sively otneagcd In shipping stock to caster and foreign markets. "I have just retuined from n trip to TME hind and Scotland , " ho said , "whoro I wen to see what the prospects of the meat bus ness were. I found oterywhei that the prejudice that formcrl existed against American beef ha practically disappeared. Our inspection law have restored confidence , and the mnnnc in which they have been administered piovc to the English that the chances of disease beef being shipped are so slim as to t utterly insignilloam TUo English , cattl growers are the only class which opposes th itnpoi tiulon of American cattlo. Butchei who were at first opposed to us hive no como to our sldo and are anxious to have 01 beef. " _ "Give us a rest" cried a bootblack , fro the gallery of the opera house , to n part who had been constantly coughing durln the performance. "Uso L > r. Bull's ' Coug Syrup , " chimed in another. At this season of fast diivlhg and accldcn to iu.ui and Dcastkccp Salvation Oil on bam Serious Wrook in Utah. SALT LAICI : CITY , Utah , Jan. 23. [ Sped Telegram to THE BKIJ j 'Ihero was a cc lision on the Utah& Northern , eight mill north of Brigham City last night , which r suited in the demolition of the engines at : nearly proved fatal to seycral employes. Tl work train loft for IIoiiQf villa on the sout bound freight train's tlno | , As the frelgl tr.iln has been Into very often recently tl conductor of the work train thought I \\ouliltako no risk running to Ilonryrill ten miles distant. Contrary to his expect tlons , the freight was oaiilino , and in roun ing u curve they cimo In sU ht of each oth about ono hundred yards tupit t. The tral men Jumped for their lives and then came tl crash , both locomotivcm and a dozen ca being piled up in an iadiHcriminato mann and badly wrecked.'Jlheio ' were nbo twenty Italians on the work train and i though iiouo wcro killed , several receivi serious Injuries. 31 ' That beautiful glossy i sheen , so much n tnlicil in the bnir , can be secured by the u of Ayer's ' Hair Vigor. Where is nothing b ( tcrthunthis preparationfavstrengthening t scalp and keening It faii froni dandruff ai Itching eruptions. IMivl Dojf Konre. Ciucino , Jan. 23. [ Special Telegram Tut BEE. ] A mad dog created a panic Twenty-second and Dearborn streets about o'clock this morning. The animal was lurgo black inastlfT and came running elo\ the middle of Dearborn street , snapping the heels of horses and tossing foam from 1 lips. ' 1 hero w ores large number of ladles the street at the tlmo who took refuge In t stores. The dog wajj shot by a pollceni before It had bitten unjono. An Heroic SUter. SAOINAW. Mich , Jan. 23 [ Special To gram toTiiKlliir. ] Miss Sarah Little , w \\ns desperately burned sc\ernl weeks ni while dressing fora party , was subjected a dilHcult skin graltlni ; operation todr Klavcu pleccs no Inch wide and so von iucl CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.003 Iinr.CTOiii-I. ) A. Mil lor , P O ( lloxson. E L Shnijart , II. F. Hurl , J I ) DlnmmUnu , Uluirloi 0.11 linn m rr.iniict Bonoril UantcliK bml nest. Larjcit cipltil uiul surplus of uuy INTEREST ON TIM DEPOSITS , M. H. CHAMDERL1N , M. D 11AI1 NO"I ) AND i srrciAi.i r , Council lllutT , In All illioniosof the KM ! 1 Alt , MSi ) : iil ( ' 11IHUVI ? Ircnlcil null the irei > losi. ( kill nnd litre [ CA'l.MUUI ASlltJIV nnd 1IAH VKH Ironic I with tinlnonl SHI CCJB _ r ln- fonno I Kith tlio ntinoit cure an. I rklll , M rurlnit iierfrrt roiulls UNI SI ULA I.S nix.iir- nlilr iirrscrllieil. Kirrcctlnit all ri'fr ictlvo troublis. us M > o , > l . llrporopla nnd AxtlittnnllMii , thus rui- dcrlnKklit ci y. iloir ami pilnloit ( MUOMO M.l'llVI.Ci \iiiul I sICK IIKAlUi UK , dflor yenra oftcrrllilu Hiillcrlnii nonllof entirely curtl OHiiL' , Kodiii I Hhiiitirt llluck , over liono .V Co 's sloro , Cuiinclllllulta In. OFFICER & PUSEV , BANKERS. Corner Main nn 1 Ilro-ulw.iy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dnalorn In forM n nn'l dmnu < itlo xcli nub Coltuctlon iniulo nud Interest paid on tint ) deposits. long , were tikcn f romlior sister , rtliss LouUo , who heroically plTeud the nceossaiy saeil- flco. The result of the operation is all that looked for. The doctors saj that the demo tion and suffering of Miss Louise on the behalf - half of her sister wus far hoyond tint of the Knights Templar of Chicagowboso Met of fiatonnl love was heralded throughout the country. It'ITJWV'JCA.ItCMt. . Itev the HoHllIo Sioux iVro Now Left in the \ \ out. CmcAoo , Jan. 2T. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui ! . | General Miles , \\licti asked by Tim BISK correspondent this morning what uouldbo the tlnal disposition of the Sioux now in custody at Tort Sheridan , said : "Well , I don't ' Uno.v. They will bo the subject of much discussion Perhaps it miiv all end in a decision to keep t no hull ins at tlio foit in much the snmo gencial way us Viicl Sam provides for Qeroiilmo nnd Uls loninuit of the once hostile Apaches. " "How soon will jouelotermlnotboinnttcr ? " "ihut la impossible to state , The fellows are mostly j oung scalp-hungry wnuiors ando \\o must look after , tbls loivon before It work * up another outbreak , The Indians who uenton to Washington will rotuin to Tort Sheridan. " lu answer to another question General Miles said : "Now that Sitting Bullnnd the other chiefs are klllod and I have most of the others here , the Indlms me left without a leader and there * la no danger of a further outbreak on the reservations. " "Tho Excelsior Springs , Mo , waters arc delicious to the taste , and splendid in results , especially as cathartics when used in bilious mid malarial conditions of the system. " C , H. Matisur , M. G. 2d dist Mo. AO 1VOIIK IX VJiMVAGO. Honest Ijiib irors Forced to the Police .Stations IVir Shelter. CHICAGO , Jan. 28 [ Special Telegram tc TnrUiE [ The Herald tomorrow moraine will print a lengthy article to impress upon the great arm ) of mechanics and other wngo workers who are thinking of coming1 to Chi cngo , the necessity of being in no hurry or , Ir fact , of coming to the cltv at all , \v Itliou' SOIDO definite aim.orcoitalnly of employment T ) eio uio enough mechanics and laborers h Chicago at the present time to build th ( woild's fair buildlm ; and nearly ovcr > thin } elspthatls likely to bo wanted in connection with it. Tlioio ore nny number of these mei in the city who are unable to get work am who , though honest and respectable worldnf men , are driven to apply nt pollco stillon : for shelter. At Harrison street station ap pllcants lia'vo averaged recently batweei lift ) and sixty a night , not of the typica class of loelgcrs , for the weather has been to ( line to drive them In , but of decent moi wboso only misfortune is that they can no get wont. At Desplnincs stiect nlso a mud better class of lodgers has been noticed , people plo who wcro willing to work , but who couli not got the opportunity. How to Ilrenlc Up a &c\ ere Cold. From the Virginia City. Mont , Madlso nlan : When \ \ o llnel a medicine w o know ti possess genuine merit , wo consider it n duty and \va tune pleasure in telling the publl \ \ bat it Is. Such a medicine we found Chain berlain's Cougn Remedy. Bv the use of tbl syiup wo ba\o relieved , In a few hours , severe vero colds , and in the course of twoorthrci dns , entirely broken them up ns has sovera of our friends to\vhom\\e hnvo rceommendei it. It Is all it is icprcscntcd to bo by th manufacturers. If you have a cough nm want to stop it , Chamberlain's Cough Hem cdy will do the work. Tor sale by all drug gists. gists.'E 'E TO rui ; Astound Ing Presumption of a "Voiiui Gnnlleiiian Uwlior. > - . , Jan. 23. [ Special Cablcgiam t THE Bn-It is antd that Queen Victor ! has sot the seal of her displeasure on Aubro ; Fltzclarenco , her majesty's third cousin , v > h < receives JCsO a jear as ono of gentlemci usnord of tbo court. The young man is great grandson of King "William IV. ana o account of bis relationship ho has boon nl lovvod ftgoodmnnv privileges It h hinted tlu ho lias gone so fai ns to make love to tb Pilucess Maud of Wulcs , not altogether t the dissatisfaction of the joung lady , hu much to the annovnneo of the queen an prince , vvhoaro said to baoanother arrange ment in view. Maud has been rclegitod t her lessons and Aubrey , It is said , has bee told that if ho wants his jEbO to continue h must retnoniber the distinction between legit mate and Illegitimate royal pedigrees Tli stipend is qulto Important to the \oun ? Fit ; clarence , \\lio would otherwise have to d somothlng useful fcr a living. Chlouco Gns Trust's Now Nnmo. SrmsoFinn , III , Jan. 23. Articles of Ii corporation wcro Issued today to the Cnicag contract construction company with a cap talof $1,000.000. The company , it Is undci stood , U intended to take the place of tt : Chicago gas trust. Wenlhor Indices. Up to this ( Into our monthly profjnosl cationn hu\c boon fully its rofiiiblo ivsth iiropliosloaof tlio lalo lainentcd Wig-glni but nt the beginning of a now year \v reboho todoBtlll bettcf. The cuatonmr Jti nuary thaw \\ill \ bo dlBiotisoel with tin trassonpoiH who travel In tlio oloctrl , Btciun licntcelcstlbulcd poluc o.10 car trains of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee .10 St. Paul Ily. , bolweon Oniulin. nnd Ch cngo. will bo comfortably curoel for n to gnrdicHS of the outsUloutmiwplioro. Cit y. tlcljot olllco , UX)1 ) i'urimm Btrcot ( Uurke y.cs block ) , Omiiha. To Soft Coal Consumers. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , COAL AT $450. Best in the niarkct. Nothing like it. Order early and avoid the rush , A. T. Thatcher . . , . . Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street PEERLESS BLACK PEERLESS , Is in every respect the best Conl for domestic purposes in the inntket. It insts lonqor , produces more hent nnd burns up cleaner than nny other Iowa conl. One ton will qo nsfni'nsnton eirulnlmlfot theorctlnnt-y stuTt' . aiicl It costs no morethnn thechcnp , unsutisfnotory grades commonly sold , Try H for cooking nnd heating. Sold only by L. G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , The best outside coal sold In the Council Bluffs mnrltot Is the OHIO LU MP , superior to onnnel nnd much chonpcr. A.11 kinds of * V/ood and Coal. Cobs n speclnlty. Full weight and. prompt delivery. 29 South Main St. Telephone 203. JAG IIL.S < S refTcroii tlio t'rcoil of tlie * In- fli'liciuleiit I'aity. TOPKKA , Kan. , Jnn. 23. [ Special Tolo- Rintn to TIIC llr.r.l Tljo vole foi United States scimtor In the joint session of tholcR- islntuio today icsultcd In thu election of PetTer. Nosooncr luiil Llcutcnint Governor Tolt , \vlio presided oor the senatorial convention of the house and senate , nnnouncc'l that Pcffcr lud been duly elected to succeed In galls thin tlio nllhtico legislators lalseel n cry lor I'dTer. Tbo galleries caught It up anil the noivly olcrtcel scnatoi iniulo Ills \vav to the splicer's dnir. Ho was Introduced by Speaker Elder , iiUo graspeel him bj tlio hand as lie cunu on the platform , nndsnul byny of congratulation , "Hullo , Poffor. " Jiidio ? Peffer , iiililiessiiif ; the spoulter , snlel : " 1 sco bufore me the representatives of the people of ICaiisiis. You are commissioned to do lie people's will and I am hew in losponsu to oiu call , simnly ai ono of the people , to say hut \\o , the people , liivo commenced the nilliliiiKof n now , distinct and Independent jolitlcal orgnnl/ation | applause ] , liiscd upon nlnciplcs wrought deep as humanity pi'lu- : iples ttiit niotho coininon lioritngo of mon , . .ubor is the coni'noii lot of mortjU. 1'iani- ) ortation is ono of the common iiesc-.sltlcs of , ho people , wlulo inoiKy Js the oil which lu ll leatcs the michlncry of civilisation. Upon tioso fuiielninental Idols wo propose to 3utld the grandest stiucturo over ciectcel among mnn , nnd upon these wo have formulated a creed. Wo are opposed to the B0\erntu ( > nt Issuing money to junking corporations. Wo are opposed to the people's inonov pomg to them freighted clovnith Interest charges.Vo bcllovo in tlio people making their own money.Vo uro opposed to national hanking Institutions for .lio reason tliit ! they combine ngnlnst the In- .crests of the misses. AVu bcllevo in the tro\ermnont , which is simply the aijent of tlio people , Issulnit this money directly to them without going around Uoblu Hood's ' barn ; o flnd them A\'o bcllovo in etjual and just tiixutloii.Vo nrc opposed 10 the laxluc of ono Industry for the support of another.Ve aio opposed to lilphtiirilt dues upon any article In com mon use. no matter what.Vo \ bcllovo thai free tiauo , absolutely necessary in many arti cles , is often the stroiiKcst form of protec tion. Wo uellovo In reducing thorovenuos to defray the expenses of the igovcinmcnt , and after Unit in the uljustmcnt of duties Wo believe In distributing the Imrdnns of taxa tion cquallv nmoiiK the people as far as it is pooslnlo to do so. In other wordso believe in the people ruling 1 tills countij. The great middle ) classes ai o now assertliitr tliemsehoa. Thov are establishing iccruiting stations In nil pjits of the country. Next year they \\ill niirshul tlio giand anny of the people and pieparoto tnko posscssioa of the govern ment , ami by the tlrao that the nineteeimi centuiy closes In upon us these United ' States'of America will ho governed bv tlm people. When I loft the republican party 1 left It for good. Some joira ngo , I came to the conclusion that It \\as desirable that the connection be tween the grand old paity and myself should bo hrokcn , but thoio was uo com pulsion used except on my pirt. For jcnra I hael been a member of that party , and it was a struKRto for mo , and now I elUIIUo to bnealc of It in harsh terms of censure , but it seems to mo that the purty with whom I associated so long bus gradually dcnai ted from It3 old principles of justlco to all.Vofocl hotoiii K.msas that \\a must have a cliango I started out to assist this fiiiincrs' niovemcnt , and thanks to tlio Master fust nnd tlio people of Kansas next , wo have succeeded. Hcio Is ono of thofiulta of it. " For couths and tlinnt troubles use "Urown's Bronchial Troches. " "They stop nn attack of asthma cough ery promptly , " O , Falch , Mmmlvillo , 0. i : ( iititexiri TO Ho l.lkcH thn I'dslclon nut DlttllkoH the Salary. Cincvao , Jan. 28. [ Special Telegram to THE UEH.J Judge Julius S. Grliuicll today gave n lengthy statement to the press , con firming the lopcnt that he will retire from the circuit bench within the next two months , Ills pilucipal reason for resigning Is that the Halary paid circuit judges is entirely toe small. "At my tlmo of life , " ho says in his statement , ' -vvitha family growing un , there H necessity that I should , If possi bio , put myself m tlio way of nc cumulating something over and abov < my expenses to stand mo in hanc when I may bo unable bj sickness or ago te earn a living. " Ha suggests that the salary should bo ni least $10,000 a year. It Is understood Judge Grimipll will accept the position of attorney for tlio Chicago city railway comp my. Hi was state's attorney during thcj , anurohls trial and did moro than any ono man t < bring the million of the Ilayinnrlcet massacn to justice. Ho was elected to the bench ii Juno , Oovrriiincnt ClericH Scnrcd. CHICAGO , aan 23. [ Special Telegram U TUB HUB. ] The employes of the pension dc partment had Just begun work this morntni when they wcro startled by aloud rumblln and a sound similar to that mnao when largo body of Ice is cracking. This was fol lowed by the falling of largo quan titles of plastering , \vhich came tuir bling down upon tnclr litaih. 1'or low momcnU there \\M u BCUIO of th wildest excitement. Ono hundred o moro girls in the oltlco , thinking that , tb building was tumbling , madoa grand rus for the door. In their frantic efforts to cs capo a few of thorn received severe bruises Thociuisoof the scare uas discovered to I ) the sudden tiottlingof the northwest conic { of Iho building. A crack was opened In th r colling ono inch wldo and running the cutir I IciiL'th of the rw n SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIU BLUFFS. _ _ \\7'A I'RD-Oood girl for coiuril liouso- . 'i work ; sinull lamlly Mrs. J , lines , 0.3 riftii iiM'niH' . " \\rAM HD-/V coniputont Rlrl for genernl ' lioiivuwnrli. .Mrs. .limns J. llrown)0 Till Htutt , Council IlluIVs AOIU.H lt\ou w. mt to get one ncro or moro for a nlco lioini1 , .mil ulu'to JIHI can Rur- ( Icn nnd ni'so stn ill fiult uiul poultry or If you Html tc-ii or twenty norcs or a 1 ir n farm In low n , wo run suit you Uull and M O us. Joliiistnn.V. Van I'atloii , UNurctt bltiek , Coun cil lllulfs rpo LAIIITrv Ir Miller's liiimo -L incut for fonuilo dlsoisos. Snfo. mild nnd sure. Also lr ) Miller's pllo pistlli's , pulnloss and cu ir mlrcd to euro. I'orsilo In Council llliilts and Uiniihn only liy Mrn A A. hinlth , ] 'SS 1st st. and Mrs U. U Ilig lns. IBli ) I.e iveintoi th tt. , Omiihii. TTOKSVLi : or llont 0 xnlon Innil. with J-1 houtea , by J. U Itlua. Wi Main ยง t , Oounoll BluIT * rialoylurko.Gco.V. Howitt.Thos. E. Oasacly llurke & , Ilewitt&Casaily , Attorn eys-at-La w riiAciior : IN 'inn SJ'ATK AND rK ontccs : J. J. Ilronn llulldlug , Council UlufTs. Iowa , ; Attorneys at law. 1'rao- ) tleo tn the state nnd courts. Rooms : i , 4 and 3 hliugait ) Ikuo block. Council Hlulfs. loiviu D. H.IcDaneld ] \ & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packer ; ' Suppllas , Market Fixtures , Casing , Fplcos nnd Piusisn Miikori' Miichlnory. 833- 8.hJ Mtiln St. , Cdiincll HI u ITs , la. Also ( toilers n Hides and Kurd IS HAMILTON AIlVr.f The Supposed Dead 9lnii Hnld to Uo I.ivlnj : In Anstrnlln. PniniiniiiiA , Jan. 23. The Times today savs that Kouoit Kay lliunllton Is now living in Sydney , IN S W.undornn asmimcd muiio , Adispitch from Now York , lion over , snys the stoiy Is the icsult of scns.ilioiuil rumors nnd conjectures. lib family nnd friends there ndhcro to the bellof that the report of Ills death In Idulio is correct , The Now Yoilc Sim hus the follinvhiRl ' . .Tliorovns only one srcut hi nnd suhstnn- tiling to tnlknhnut in the multitudinous pnjjcsof the New Yoilc p.vnors jpstenlaj , " snld the clerk of the Hoffman house , "und that wus the Sun's leader on Hay Hamil ton. Wo kiiow Mr. Hamilton hero pretty well , miel do/out of men \\lio huso been talk- ItiK on tha subject today Imvo Itivm iahly ro- muriicd Mr. Ilainllton as precisely the sort of mnn who would uct ns the Sim BUR- pests ha nilKht haVe done. It has not been forpotton Unit the Sun was tlio Hist pnpor to nr6tost aKiiinst the ahuso heaped upon Hum- llton when the oxposuio of his Unison \vltli the Mann woiiuii c.imo out. This piper lilt It nhout rlpht that time , and there is ft very sturdy Hort of suspicion Unit It's on the flight track again. " _ _ \VEttTEUK \ I'.tl'KtAU IKTfMESTS liiurcnHn In tlio Number of Ilotiw Haiidlod , CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 2S [ Special Tola , gram to Tin : IJcn. ] Tomorrow's Prlco'Cur- rent will say tlio number of hogs hnndlcd oy western pickers has boon Incieascd the past week , reaching a total of f > lT',0)0 ) against -ISO- 000 the piecedinK week nndt JO,000 last year , making a total of OKI , 100 slnco November 1 , against f > 11,000 , a year ago. Leading places compare as follows : Lewis Clark of Noith I'lntto , chairman of the gcncul board of adjustment of the Unmix Pacific system , was In the citj yesterday on business connected with Ills duties as chair- General Curr passed through Omaha Tues day on his way to Loa vcn worth He called on ( juneral Brooke a few inoincnt.s Mrs. Wesley Wliltson of San Diego is vis iting Mrs. ii. C. Carrier , at 1311 Georgia avenue. _ Don't Tool NotvvllhHtiiiielin/ / rumor * to the contrary , tlio Chicago , Milwaukee it St , Puul Hy'b now Htcam heated nulnuo HleopitiK curH , with "olecttio lights In o\oiy liorth , " still IcuyoB tlio Union do- not , Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. dully , arrlv- ingiit CliiciiKO nt U.iO u. m. , in ample tlinu to iniilio nil ctiBtorn connuutloiiB. Ticket olllco , 1501 Furnuin st. J. E. I'lii' rex , I-1. A. NASH , C. Puna. Agt. Gen. Ajt ( DIA rn AO riur.H. MUNN-In this city at 0 a. in. , January 28 , Iftil , Ualili | , win of Air. and Mn. J , W. Mnnii. iiKcd f.jiurH , 4 month * ami ' 'I iliiya. Kunural I rlilny uti ; p m from rosldunco. .tW.Mumlor- bonstr(0t , liov , Clinrle'H . Hnvlilgo to olllul- ule. iutcrinuiit ut I'orcut Luwa.