8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1891 , THEjCITY. Mlko Konrns was sent up by Judge Hultloy for thirty dnys for vng rnncy. Mlf > 8 Km irm Mnnxtiipo. oclcrk In ttio secretary's ofllco olthouonril of educa tion , is on the sick list. .7. II. Dwell bellied himself to Mr. Wllrox'iSliorso and toupfyy yesterday and drove luvuy without the knowlodKU or coiiHcnt of tno owner , IIo wns over- hnuk'tl before ho hud gone fur mill locked up. IIo was undur the lnlluoiico of liquor. Several yours ngo Ohnmberlixln & Co. of DCS MolnM , In. , commenced tlicmnnufncturo of a cough syrun , believing It to bo the most prompt iind reliable preparation yet produced for coiiKhi , colds mid croup ; that ttio public npprcclnto true merit , und In tlmo It wns cer tain to become popular. Their rnostsatiKuIno hopes hnvo been inoro tlmn realized. Over thrco hundred tliouMiml bottles of Chamber lain's ' Cough Heincily ara now sold cacti year. nnd It Is recognized as "tho best inado1' wherever known. It will cure ; i severe cold In less tlmo than any other treatment. For talc by nil druggists , To DoiiH'htlo llolp. " \Vo hnvo kept n largo portl jn of the Parlshirr cloak company' : ) bankrupt stock which wo have not shown nnd will not pltico on siilo till Thursday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , so as to trlvo an oppor tunity to the domestic help who have little other tlmo at their disposal to got a share of thcso beautiful now goods at about half price. Hemcmbor Thursday afternoon. N. B. FALCONER. &OVTH OJl.lJl.l SIM'S. Surprised nt Thlrt.v-Nliic. The pleasant ifomopf Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlei ZlcRlur , Twenty-third and K streets , was fllloJ with friends Monday night , who took advantage of Mr. Zlcglor's thirty-ninth birthday - day to surprise Ulin nud enjoy a. pleasant , social evening , ntul ut the same tlmo to con- flrm the merited friendship of more than two scores of well wishers. A lunch was served , lidding much to the pleasures of the even- in ( ? . nirthclny The thirty-second blrtnJay gave friends of E. It. Button , Twenty-second und J street , a wished-for opportunity to manifest their friendship nnd nppredutton ; so unannounced , a houseful Hied In Monday night and mailo that pleasant home as light as heart could wish and ns plc.t aat at that meriting couple could ( tcslro. Music and lunch wcro of the amusements nnd all were spiced with con gratulations nud good wishes. Notes About the Cliy. Oscar MardU is sick. Miss INIIrinio llnfferty has received word of the serious illness of her father In Iowa. OeorRC H. Grutlot has gone to Galena , 111. , called thcro by the dangerous Illness of a rol- atlvu. John Dnuorof Walnut , In on his way way homo from Miles City , Mont , is visit ing Ins brother , \V. R Bauer. Manager , L. Holland nnd wife , of the telephone ofllco , who have been visiting friends In Lincoln , have returned. Miss Lillian Stott , of the post ofllco news room , who has been detained nt homo seine days by Illness , Is better and Is abla to resume - sumo her duties. Sanders "Welch of Chicago , who has boon at the bedside of his slclt father in David City , Is visiting his cousin , L. T. Murtiu , and from hero will return homo. The Ladies' Aid soclelv of the Presbyter ian church will meet this afternoon nt 2 o'clock nt the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Scott , II street , between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth. MOUSE'S. ClonkB One-Third Oft What clonks wo have left arc choice styles , have high shoulders nnd were all bought for this season's trade ; wo hnvo included nil of our sealskins and fur capes , cloaks , circulars , etc. All of our children's clonks , all ol our ladles' jncKots. stylish wraps , etc. , and will give you 33i par cent discount from regular prices. THE WORSE DRY GOODS CO. KnllroixU News. An ominous quiet prevailed about the Union Pacific headquarters. Even the rumors , which have been flylntr thick and fast of lato. wcro conspicuous by their absence and a fecV ing of uneasiness pervaded nearlj every department. Ileaas of depart ments were busy exchanging vis its and whispered consultations wen being held in the various sanctums. The burden of thcso was , "Havo you heard any thing I" In each case the nnswor was an ox preaslvoshiup of the shoulders nnd a shak < of the head. The arrival of General Man ngcr Clark has put ninny of the oftlclnls 01 the anxious sent nnd the uncertainty undei which several of them were dialing was plainly depleted In their faces. No one know on whoso neck the axe would fall next and naturally , a great deal of thought was dc voted to this very Intorcstlnc subject. C. S. La Follettoof Pcoria , 111. , the travel ing pnsseiiRcr agent of the Big Four route , 1 : iu the city. ( jcorgo Jenkins of Dubuque. la , , trnvcllni passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Hues , 1 in town. Some remarkable cures of deafness are re corded of Dr , Thomas'Electric Oil. Neve falls to cure earache. A .YA O V * C/J This morning nt 0. o'clock the sal ( opens for the engagement of.Joseph Murphy Thursday evening aoxt at Boyil's open house. Mr. Murphy's performances In thi city are always well imtnmi/ed , for the ret BOH that ho never disappoint * his audiences ills company this season is the best ho hu over had. und his plnys nro more elaborate ! mounted. On Thursday and Friday over inis next Mr. Murphy will produce his pla "Shunnlihuo ; " on Saturday nltrlit the bent tlful plav "Tho Kerry Gow" will ho the bll nnd on Sunday oven Ing his new play b Ocorgo Fawcot Howe , "i'ho Jonagh. " Mr. J. J , Brady , representing Charlc Frohnmn's now attraction. "All the Con forts of homo , " written by William Gillcttt author of "Held by the .Enemy , " "Tho I'rc fessor , " etc. , Is In the city. His nttraetlo will bo at the nttho Iloyd during the lira three evenings of next week. "A Cold Day , " which will bo the nextSui day night attraction nttho Grand , nt populn prices , is a ir.uslc.il oxtr-wiiKanzn , a mlxtut of music , fun , clover imitations nnil many e < ceutricltics , The Buffalo News says : 'Th singing was admirable and the pcriormanc < as a whole , was very clover. " The Gorman association of thU city wl plvo a representation of "Dos Goldoi Krcttz" ( "Tho Golden Cross" ) at Gorman hall on Sunday evening next. Freiiuon crs of the German theater w bo pleased to learn that Mi Ida Corcitof Ilnmburg , Germany , will a near for the flrst tlmo in this city. Mi ; CoriU created quite a favorable Imprest in Kuropo , and she carries wli her Ustimoninls from leading cltlzoi of Ilnmburg. certifying to her great nblll as n songstress and actress She Is a fuse natlng soubrutto and a thorough artiste every sense of the word. The Eden Musco this week is prescntli one of the wonders of the modern tunes , Jol Hanson Craig , thoIIoiulrlcUs equity \VomU weighs W)7 ) pounds , 1)011)2 ) ffllhout doubt t ! " heaviest man on carf , , . "riio Halls , in thi novelty , desci < ; < 9Spocialmcntlon. They she how a n ico-ttp is conducted and then ilo o : o'.Vno ' best blnck-faco turns cyor presented tills liouso. All the ether features are go nnd go Uiwa-d rauklnx up a llrst-clE * pcclulty performance. MORSE'S ' CLEARING SULE , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday nnd Satur- tiny , We Tnko Inventory S-ntiirdny and I'nr Four Dnjs Have n Bpcctnl bnto. Wo have 4 days in which to close out odds nnd ends before our Inventory and beginning tomorrow morning we shall place on special sale all odd lots and shortcut pieces of dross goods , silks , velvets , plushes , flannel suitings , blankets and particularly LADIES' ' AND CHILD'S hosiery and underwear ; everything will bo thrown on the counters in 'tho morn- Inp and wo will treat as odds and ends what wo do not wUh to Inventory , all shortcut piece ( joOds in every depart ment ; all broken aiv.cn In MEN'SWOMEN'S , CHILD'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Remnants of Hiien towels , sheeting1 , dress trimmings and broken boxes of buttons. Every department will bo represented in this snlo , beginning Wednesday , to morrow morning. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. THE fcCIIOJU liYW. Synopsis of the 11 ill I'repurjd by Ilin Onmlin Hoard. The following Is a synopsis of the bill pre pared by the board of education which will bo intioducod at the present session of the legislature relative to public schools hi metro politan cities : Section 1 provides that the board of educa tion In each metropolitan city shall have cor pora to powers und shall have the title to all scliool buildings or other property , real or personal , within the limits oftho district , and shall have exclusive control of the same for all purposes contemplated in the act. Section : j provides that the schools shall bo free to all children of school ago. Section 9. All proucrty In the city , ex cept such as Is already exempt from taxation , shall bo subject to taxation for all school pur poses. Section 4. Affairs of the school district shall ho conducted exclusively by the board of education. Sections 5 to 15 inclusive , provide for the election of members nnd oQlccrs of the board nnd define their duties. Section 1C provides for the annual enumer ation of all children of school ago In the dis trict. Section 17 relates to the examination of ap plicants for teachers' positions , nnd provides for an examining committee constituted as the ono'nowexistlnp. Section IS makes It unlawful for any mem ber otlho board to hnvo any interest , direct or indirect , In any coutr.ict awarded by the board. Section 19 relates to the selling of school board property and makes a two-third vote necessary for any such sale. Section 20 relates to the issue of bonds and Is not different from the present law. Section 21 provides for the submission to tno city council during.January of each year nu estimate of funds required for support of the schools. Sections 22 nnd 23 limit the annual school tax to 2 per cent on all taxable property , and provide tbat the tax shall bo subject to the order of the board. Sections 24 , a5,20 , 2T and 28 provide that the board may borrow money upon bonds which have" been Issued on a vote of the people ple , anil define the manner of issuing auO providing for the payment of bonds. Section 29 provides for the condemnation of private property for school purposes. II Is as follows ; " Whenever the hoard of education herein provided for shall deem it necessary to np propriato private property for the use of tm school district for sites on which to erect school buildings and such appropriation shnl bo declared necessary by a two-thirds vote ol nil the members of snid board , the president of the board shall , subject to ttio approval ol the board , appoint thrco disinterested free holders of the city , who , after being dulj sworn to perform the duties of their appoint incut with fidelity and impartially and aftei giving duo notice to the owners of the prop erty slight to bo npproprinted , shall asses : the damages to the owners of the pronort ] respectively sought to bo taken by such np proprintlon. Such assessment shall bo re ported to the board for confirmation , and , 1 the same shall bo confirmed , the damages si assessed shall be paid to the owners of sucl property , or douoslted with the treasurer o the board subject to the order of such own crs , respectively , after which such propert ; may at tiny time bo taken for the use of th school district. If the assessment bo not con firmed by the board , proceedings must b taken now to assess the damages. In a ) cases of damages arising under the provision of this section , the party or parties whos property Is soucht to bo taken by the nrovU Ions of this section shall hnvo the right to n ] peal from such assessment of damages to th district court of the county in whlc such property Is situated within thirt days after the assessment provide for In this net , and in case c such appeal , the decision nnd finding of thi district court shall Do transmitted by th clerk thereof , duly certified , to the sccrotnr of the board of education , to bo filed and r < corded In his oflico , hut such appeal shall tic delay the appropriation of the. proport sought to bo taken , and in no cnso shall sal school district bo liable for the cost on sue appeal unless the owner of such real cstnt shall be adjudged entitled upon the appeal I a greater amount of damage than was awan ed by said freeholders. The remedy of n | peal horoln allowed shall bo deemed amlhel to bo exclusive , and no person shall bo n lowed to prosecute or maintain any origin : action to recover any damage thoiissossmen and payment of which is herein authorize and provided for , " To Nervous ami Oolillltutcil MB-I. If you will send us your address wov send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated , Voltaio Be and Appliance. ? on trial. They will nulckl restore you to vigor , manhood and hcaltl Pamphlet free. VOI.TIIO BELT Co , , Marshal Mich. Tlio llotiirn of Spring. OMUIA , Nob. , Jim. 27. To the Editor ! , * I TiiuIlKu : I notice by nn artlclo'in Sunda 3 , morning's paper that your reporter hi jn amplified a brief conversation with mbi n that ho gives to the public utterances whl < it distort the facts and place Mr , II. J , Snil ! In nu unfavorable light. Mr. Smith's relation with the Omaha n exhibition association are fully set forth the contract between him and the associ tion. and his status fully settled to his sail faction and ours. Our position In regard to the picture whl < wns the sufferer from Warplngton's tanntl Is fully explained by the following letter i 11 Boussoef , Vnlodon & ( Jo. , the owners of tt 10 picture : ia " \Voarolegally \ advised that our associ it- tion Is in no way responsible for any Inju 111 the picture may have sustained , but und ssp the circumstances wo are willing to pay pss reasonable price for Its restoration or w ss send it to Purls and have It restored. " in Trustlugyou will give this room I roina th yours very truly , is PATIIICIT , Secretary Omaha art exhibition company. la ' Ilrnih of Mrs. Hnnly. Word vjas received ycstcrdayjof the death in BlgUaplds , Mich. , ot Mrs , Alrnira Hnrdy.t mother of Mrs. Hurry Ilaskoll aud sister J. II. Ilodnold of this city. The deceased was a former rosldont > w Omaha and her noble ( jualltlcs won t neat many warm friends here , who will be pain at to learn of her death \vlllsyinnath od with the members of the nflllctcd faml is.i Mrs. Hnslccll wus with tier mother at I tlmo of her death. Till , IMKIISTATB 111111)013. ) Tlio Time \VillHoinoiinbly Take ( o Oninplrlo the Work. . OUAIII , Neb. , Jan. U7.-To llio Editor 01 THE BKC. The following editorial was In THE BEE of .Monday i Ono of HIP resolutions of the real estate cx- chmijro concerning tlic brldpo chit nor relk'CtH unjustly on Senator Paddock , Tlio ntncnd- nu'iitH stiKKOsli'd liy the tuniitur urn not ou st met Ivo , us tlio exchange declares , nor doc-j lie Insist Unit Iho bridge bo eoinpletul In ono year , Ho wanti ucthu worlc lo I > ij'ln ) within onvyuarnnd the completion of the ttructuro within two years. Tlio moinbcrs of tlio cx- clinngo should po-rt themselves on the facts und not sn allow assertion for truth. Telegrams wcro received from Washington to the effect that Sciiutor Paddock was op posing the Interstate charter , nnd xtpon bc.ir- inp this many parties telegraphed to him tlielr regret. Ho thereupon denied opposi tion , but claimed that he only wanted to add certain amendments , Sections of the bill ns Introduced by Sen ator Manderson , published in Tun DEE , reads ns follows : Stc. 8. Tluit this act shall ho null and void If COM-U ruction of said bridge sluill iiotbornm- nicncud wltbln ono year nnd bo finished vrltli- lii tlnco ycarsfroni Its puss igo. Frnin Tin : Dun wo also llnd that Senator I'nddoi'lt says ho dr < lr is to amend thelillI sous turi'qnjro tliucoiiiiiiuiii'cinuntof comlruction not Inter than Jnimttiy 1. ISO' ' , liiMfiul of two years ftuni tlioimsingu of ( lie netnnd that Itslinllbu complcton un orbe- fuio Jitmmry 1 , IMXlJnstcad of 1'ebru.iry , Is'Jl. This does not allow a year , as you state , but only cloven months , and possibly only ten months , In which to begin worlc , Now , what must bo dotio before work can begin } I understand that tlio preliminary plans for this biUgo have been already drawn ; but any company would borccltlcss Indied to Incur the large expense of detail drawing und Rpccllleatlons before It bad a charter to build. It would bo unreasonable to expect this , nfid while I do not know , I think 1 urn snfo in assuming that the Inter state company has not. If they have , tlio amendments made In tbo charter will require radical changes. H will bo necessary then First , To prepare detail drawings nnd speci fications. How long will this requirol I cannot tell , but wo all remember tbo months wo waited for them for tbo now city hall after the competitive "plans" had been sub mitted and the architect selected. The city ball Is a work of hardly moro than one-fiftn themaRtiltudcof the bridge contemplated by the Interstate company. Section 2 of the charter as published in Tin : B r.c is ns follows : See. 2. Tlmtsiild bridge shall not bo built norcoinnieiiccd until tlio nlnn und specifica tions for Un construction luivu limn tibiiillted to the scciotnry of war for bis apr ival. nor until lie shall : i | > i > roio the plan ami location of suld btldgt1 ! und If any elinmc bo made In t lie pi un of connriKtloii o ( sn id bridge ut any tlmo such change slull bosiibjcot to ( bo ap proval of thosecretaryof war ; and any obniuo In ( ho construction , or liny iilteratlon of said bridge Hint may bodlrouted at any tlmo by eoiuroM or the socrotnrv of war , shall bo made at the eost ami expenses ot the owner tbercof. That said lirldgo thull bo c < m- strtictod without Interforuioo with the securi ty arid convenience of navigation of mild rltcr beyond wluit Is ncrctmry to carry Into effect the rights uiul privileges hereby grunted , and In order to soouro that object , the bald corporation shall submit , to the sec retary of war for his cvanilnatlon and nit- provul u design of and drawing for sild bridge , nnd aiuit ] ) of tlio proposed location , KlvliiR fore ho spate of one inlloabo\caiilono mile below such pioposed location , the hlcli nnd low water lines tiuon the banks of tlio rhcr , the direction und strontb o [ tlio cur rents at all sluRcs of the water , with sound ings accurately showing the bed ot tlio stieani and tlio locution of any other brldyo or bildttcrt , such maps to bo mifllclontly In detail toenahlotboneerutary of war to J mice of tlio propur location of said bridge , : md shall iurnlsb Buch othur liiforinallonns may ho re quired for a full understand Ingot the subject : anil until the said plan and lot-allot ) of the brldiso uro niiurovod by tho-ooretary of war tbo construction of said bridge shall not bo commenced. Those plans and specifications must then bo submitted to the secretary of war for his approval , and any changes ho demands must bo made , What sane man doubts that this will con sume several months i We have only to look nt the now celebrated block No. 80 and our new postofllco to appre ciate the rapidity of governmental red'tano. Second , ' 1'ho location must , bo selected. To do this fiecessltates the most careful surveys , soundings and borings to ascertain tbo depth and condition of hcd rock , I have inquired of a competent engineer the tlmo necessary for tuis , and ho sajs it cannot be don o prop erly in loss than thirty to sixty days. Of course this has not been done. No ono ex pects that the company has gone to tlio largo ex pen so of locating a bridge before they have n rlf'bt to build it. Third , After the exactloeatlon of the bridge has been selected , surveys must bomndoto ( take old surveys would bo a fraud on the government ) and a man prepared of the pro posed location , etc. ( See section 2 of charter above. ) I have asked an engineer who has had years of experience m work on the Mis souri rlvor , and who did this work for the bridge now In cotlrio of construction at Sioux Citv. what tlmo should bo allowed for this , mm no says uino months was occupied in making surveys , borings , drawings and speci fications for tno Sioux City bridge , after the ch-irter hud been obtained nnd the prelimi nary plans had been completed , and it would not be safe to figure on a less tlmo for the Omaha bridge. Fourth. After nil this has been done and the snr.ctlon of the war department is Dually obtained and pcimlssion given to co ahead with the work , the plans and specitlcations must bo submitted to contractors of all kinds and from all places , Fifth , After tbe contract is awarded the contractor must make his arrangements , col lect bis material and men and get them on the ground. This cannot bo done in a day or weelc. An anxious public waited many -i \ Vcoksor / the plans nnd specifications of - the union depot mid viaduct and o when everything seemed roadvYQ waited h many moro weeks for the worlt to begin , I 5it 5 have gone Into this detail , to convince you , it that the preliminary \york necessary bo'oro the real construction of the brid o can bo 0 commenced \\111 rcnuIrnaU , or nearly all , of 0y the ten or cloven months left of this year 0it after the passage . of this charter. it Senator Paddock's aincndtncnt , ns publish itv ed in TUB Ul'K , requiring the brldpo to bo ith completed before January 1 , 1S')3 ) , will give h only about one year for t tie actual work of building the bridge. Such a bridge ns o Omaha wants nnd such as described in the o charter cannot bo built In ono year. Will 1- - this amendment give us a better brldijol Does it make more certain the possibility of getting onol Will It not rather cause n con servative corporation to hesitate to accept the charter and enter honestly upon tbo work of construction when the chances are that they may bo unable to comply with Its terms , and may find themselvps , after largo expenditure , with nn unfinished structure and a void charter ! The real estate exchange did not sny more than this : Itcsolvud , further. That n railroad bridge such nsOniuhu iiowdcmandscnnnotbo prop erly constructed In onoyear , mid uo consider the amendment otSouator 1'uddook requiring this usobstructhc. OMAHA EJITEUPIIISE. Hnvo used Dr. Thomas' Eleutrio Oil for croup and colds , and declare it a positive is cure. Contributed by Win. ICay , 570 Ply iO mouth avenue , Buffalo , N. Y , iOh iOh : ; h Mr. J. R. Phelnsof the firm of Phclnsr & Co. has returned from a business tilp to rt Lcnvemvortb , Kan , Ina a- a3 3- 3h : h c- cto 10a a- ary ry cr cra ill In at ho of of icr ea Izo Izoy ! ihe Caed In Millions of Horaes- 10 Yoora the Btandwl. Cbntinental Clothing House. . CB . . . _ _ _ . Another Great Bargain Week. SPECIAL ' BARGAIN LINES OF BOYS' LONG- PANT SUITS The increase in , steady our business ever since the Continental in Apes 11) to 17 , Mnrkcil down from $10 & $12. was opened Omaha is due to the fact that the public have confidence in our methods Price of doing business , and that we manufacture and sell ' only reliable clothing , and always do just as we ad Boys' Long- Pant Suits , vertise , Last -week our successful 20 per cent dis Ages IU lo 17) ) nmrkcd down from $13 anil $15 , 1'rlco count sale of overcoats and ulste'rs , was another $9.SO. proof that a genuine discount is appreciated , Our spring stock is coming in and we feel the need of Boys' Knee Pant Suits , closing out all the winter weights possible , and will offer ' special values this week in the boys' ' and chil Prices $3.50 , $4 and $450 dren's . You make department. can money by taking All lilfli cost suits iniii'ktil ilMi to close. In snmll sizes there are of this sale. advantage sums clmiccs'.ylcj in best si.lt-i , I I Underwear Sale. Boys' Knee Pant Suits , Price $2.00. Tlio snloof flno i ndcnvonr ndrcrllssil Inst neck , Mill bo continued nuiitlicr week , nnd null orders tilled i ntll every dozen Is sol' ' , A { 'raml * cleaning up of b'oken sixes nnd \nrlcljof \ styles itlll bo on Mile nt $2 , Eurlj bnyen nlll get tluj he t. Lot No. 1 , Natural Wool at 75c. Lot No. 2 , White Australian wool at $1. QUERGORTS , \illl \ bo sent ti > niiy uMi-o H , nnd ir IK I found ns rcprescnle 1 nmy bo returned - Fornuollier wok n discount of 20 per cent A > 111 bo nllo\vol \ nt tlio turned at our expensd desk , on oviry cnorcoat sold In ilio men's find bjy s'doimrLtimit. FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. , Corner 15th and Douoflas Streets Drs-BetteABetts i , SKJ,30 K and Spicialisls , 1XLOO .DOUQ3LiA.S BTRISELT OMAHA , NEU. Tno most wlilcly un'l favorally known spec ialists In the Unite I Plntcs. Thcr : IOIIR ox- porlcnco , rcmnrkiiblo skill nnd univnrsnl sue- L-CI.SS In the trciUinunt nud euro or Nervous , Chronic und Surgical Dlscusca , entitle these eiiilnont physician1) lo the full confhloncu of the nflllotort ovorywlioi * . Tlioy RUirant ! < * n : A CEHTAIN AND I'OHITIVK OUKE for Iho nwlul elToctsof early vlco and the uumor- ous cvllB tliat follow In Its train. 1'KIVATfi. 111,001) ANU SKIN DISEASES ipoptllly. comnliMnlv nnd niTinniirntly oured. NERVOUS IJKIIIl.ITY AND SK.NUAL IJI3- OUDF.RS yield readily to their skillful treat ment. PILES. FISTULA AND ItKCTAI , ULOEHS ruarmiteed cured wltliout p.iln or detention . . . . .x. ur.- : A.NI ) VAltlCOOEUC , , u. . . . . . . nont'v ' and successfully cured Inevuryoaso , SYI'IIILIS. GONOltlUlKA , GI.F.KT , Snor- inntonbcu , t-einluiil Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Decayed Faculties , rcinnlo Weakness and ull dcllcuto disorders peculiar to cither sex positively cured , as well as all fu notional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excess of mature years , CTKMPT1 IT ? 17 Guaranteed pormunon tly o 1 l\iv > l u i\u cured , removal complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures ofTected at homo by patient without a mo ment's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A Q1TP1J PIIPK The awful effects of tt. oUixli UUlVll early vlco which brings orifnnlo-weakiii'fcs , destroying both mind and body , with all Us die deil Ills , permanently C P1JTTC Address those who have 1m- J , IJLl 10 pulrod themselves by Im proper Indulgence and solitary habits , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , stud v or iiiarrlaRO. MAKIIIED MEN or these enter tiB on that h.ippy llfeawuro of physical debilityquickly assisted. QUR SUCOBSS IB based upon facts. Flrst-l'ractlcal cxporl- once , Second Eiory case Is ipoclally studied , thus startlns right. Third in dlolncs lire prepared In our laboratory oxiiclly to suit each case , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA , NEB. To euro ntUouRnrss. Sick Iloadsclio , Constlpntioo , llalarln. Llvor Complaints , tiikn Iho eafo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS tTio the BilALTi SIZE (40 ( Uttla boana to flio bot. tie ) . They nro the most convenient : eult ollBBva. 1'rlcoor either elie , iS ; cenU perboltls. Ef IRQI I nt 7 , 17. 70 : Photo-Bravura , tV99 3ll1i 4 panel elio of thU [ ilcturo for 4 centicoppcre ( or tlarnpa ) . j. F. Bxirrn. &co. . l kenof ' llllallcans , " BU Louis. Mo. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO. " the AVondcrfiil bpanleh P.fmody , li cold with n AVrlUcnfiiinriuiti'O to cure ell Ncnoun lilt- caieo , inch at Vcuk Memory , Loss of Uralo Tower , Headache , \VjlefulDesB , Loit Mm- hood. KmouincM , Lai- iltuclc , all drains and BoforoA , After Use. loss of power of the Photographed from life , Generative Organ * . In either lot , ' caused ly over exertion , youthful JodeBCretlans , or Ibo e xcestUo unof tobacco , opium , oritlmuUnt" . which ul'Jmatfly lead to InOrmlty Cou umptlon nd Jntsnlty. J'ut up In conrenlcnt form to carry In the rest pocket I'rlce I a packag ? , or for f 5. > YHh every ionlcr we Bi , o written cuuroiitfoto euro or rnrunil the iKonoy. Bcutbynittliwanyaddrcu. Circular free , ilcntloa thl paper. Addrcts , MADRID CHEMICAL CO.Brjiifh , Offlee'for ' U.S. A. 417 IX-arhnrn Ptrfft. riHCAOO. IM * FOIt BALE IN OMAHA , NGB. , U5f Knhn A Co. , Cor , I5tli * Iloucl" Si * . 1. A. Tuller & Co , Cor Kill * HouKlaiBU. A.I ) . Koitcr & Co. , Council llluff . la. oxi.r--nr. I eduo's I'trloillcal nili tlieKr nchrmvdr , ctoi > th moiiilrual lyiiam and cnriuppre lon froin wlintettr cauia. I'romoU Bivnitrunllon. ' 1'Ueie imU tiouW nutba taken dur- , ngpretnincr. Am. I'lUUo , lloyaliy I'roin , Hptm- cor.CUj Co. , ! . ( Jonult-eUr bberiuaoi .McCoimell , Uodiiact. , near I' , U. . Uoiaha ; ( X A. M lch r , Soutlt OmaLt , ; M. I' . Ullii , Council UluSi. IJ.or 3 for . THE BEST \ 'IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE Woonsooket & Rhode Island Riibbsr Go And wo nro their western apeuta and alwivys carryalarostoolc. Address , 1204 and 1206 Harney Street DR. J. E. McGrE-EW - , THE SPECIALIST. Moro Than Fifteen Years Experience in the Treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES&sfc ? , ; I III IH I L UIUL.HUUV ) to llvs dujiwltli- out tlio lo a of an hour's tlmo. CTDIOTIID " I'ernia'ienlly cured without ill n III I Illir I' ' " I nor ln tnimontj ; no cut- u I lliu i Ull W [ , nK. no ( illiitliiu. The most cnuirknblo remedy known to modern aclcncu. CVDUII 1C Cured In SO lo M ilnr . Dr. Me- Ol rnlLlO < ! rc''l < trciitmont ror tliH terrlllo < Haca o lias boon pronounced the most powerful and Mlrcosnfiil remedy ever ilia- cu > ered for thoiiliaulute euro of this dl > eae , Hit BuoooMi with tills illicaio has uuvur boon equallod. A complete euro n < UHANTUI : ) . LnsT MANHonn "iVu xuiii" " ' 0. kUUI IllflllllUUU 0noM , , and nil un- ntu nil dljcJmrtteo , ore absolutolr curud. Itdlof l > rnniodlnlo iindcnmplcto. OI/IU n lOP 10rC Ulioura tl m nml all ills- ilIN UIOUHUUO eiNinot tlublojd , llvor , mancyn und bladder pur- marenlly cured. FEMlLE DISEASES dlKenioi IliirrcnnoH of tliu nnil - itonitiih or blatlilcr curril. Tlio Doctor' ! Homo Treatment far l.naici li truly a complete , convenient nnd mmilerCul rt'ineilj , ' - - - luNl.Y , Uookfioc , HI ! ID nOn rtll ) C marvelous tuccois Imi III. WllillnrW A won fur lilranrcpulntlun uiii muuiii.ii o which Is truly natlonnl Inolmractor , nnd his great Briny of imllcntn rcachet from the Atlantic to the 1'anltlc. Tlio Doctor Ian umriuntoor "itbOL'ian" racdlelno und lm hill loiu nndcarrful oxpurlenco In lioxplral prncllco , and H claiRinl milling the IcaUlnie spcclnlht In modern iclonec. TrentiiitMit 'by corrcnponilvnco. Iluolc or circulars about cacli of thgabovodlsuuiea , fine. Office , i4th and Farnam Sts. , Oinahn , Net ) . Entrance on either itroet. chlthraUr1 ! Knjll.h Plamond Ilr oJ. ENNYROYAL PILLS < lrllni > l > ni1 nlf Genuine. AH , nwiji irtituit. i oit iik Drutllit lot nUhlllcri SnfHlIt flit ' itBranil [ UrillD.1 O'uW m UIII ri , irftlod lth tlDfl ribbon , TaLe HO other. RtfuH ifan crou * lufrirffu. MOMianiJ imiltlionl , Atl > ralil , rir&d40. la ilkmr > B fur partlcaltrt , ItttlmoDfili AUJ . " < lillir. 1 turn " KrlUr fir IjiOln. n } rf MulL 1 0.000 Tnicn.onl.il .Vo. . . ; 'a ] . r , . li'lit > li'rCLeinlcMH'g.Jtuill "nHQuurf , Bold ; tU Lotkl lituutiu. I'hlUdi. , 1'h ADVICE vs. VICE. You ara not In manly ilintx , and yet you don't ct. Write to u > lo-di\yl llelay imperlli nil I " l"eicr"'t'a > our Cft8" loURNEW A 1.1. IllflOICIIIlltN .V WKAIiM-SM'.1 * 4U1 Sit. * . riirlm'rdim ( < illoolcmtlti > d/rrr. HUM It jtiKUiv.trco.auffitio.v. > , bou'iprefer VICE to ADVICE. Tempting Bargains Are being offered with ihe idea of reducing' our stock of Men's ' Suits , at $12 and $15. We are showing suits that would be considered cheap at a much higher price. Do not fail to visit our Children's Department. It is gaining injavor each day NO OU'RRl NO FAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Fote.itcen jenrs einerlonco , A rceulnr iraduato In medicine , us dlplonm show , Iiittll Ira.ttlni . wll * , all Xertoiu. Cliruiilo andl'rlmto Dbmioi. A poriimnont euro KUIMIItoed fr C.iturrbi HpcrmntorrlKPa tliOKrealoit BUCCOB , l. nt Munhood , Seminal \Veakue \ i , Nlk'litl/osioi , Inipntcncy , Hyplillli , Wlrlot.irj . , an Jill illl < ofthe lllood , Bkln uiul Urlniry Onjiiit. N.ll , liiunrantuo IVX ) furovur ; caiol uii.lcrtnVo nnd fill 19 eaios cure. CoiisultaUou froo. Hook ( Myatctluj o Llio ) unt fwj. UiUcohouriDa. . m , tof p. in. 3uuliy 11 a. ui , to It ! m. SERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , vrltti tieti urdir for tie HOIUM , will vcn'l ' | iunUA 9r OTii ? nt to r.funcl montf it th. ewlraent ( ilia to uuruit > Inuod andicvnuno oWunlrLr GOODMAN ORIJO CO. , aiOFurna ytreiU Nab , A. orlv ree er. I'lerce'i ' iluinotl ; TniB" It haariirrdtliouuniUI If yuu wjut the Kr.ioiid loin hl inpii < oi ( rrl > niliUt.Nii | , I , uKiicllc UlMllc'Irum t'u. , ti u yriiuclkfu , l. l DR. BAILEY GRADUATE CENflST I'M Set if footll on U unbar , for ' A perfect fit Kunrnntnoil. ! } ' - . ; - - - „ - _ : wllloiit aiiaCM without pain or danuer. an1 ; tiietics. Gold and ullvor fllljriz' at lowoil . wlthi. Work. aen > rntea llrldgo nnd Orown outulala-i. All work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , I6TH AND Entrarco , 18th street eloviitor Oporovoa * lit until t o'clock - Uadlim rmniily fir all uniinlurnl illi.ilinrtte pilv 'edlnp ( > ofuii > n fc cn'.nlncurolor tlifilttllU > . titlne wfa lo wumtn. ii Co. In riCommtp'Mc < It t * . , Kultl l > -