THE OMAHA DAIUY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1891 THE OMAHA 11EE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. r lrcrod hy Carrier In any part of the City 11. W , T11.TON. - - - MANAOKU TEI , Night Kdltot. No. 5X1 itAW It 31KXTI O.V. tf V. P. Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. . coal. Craft's chattel lonn . 204Sntip block , The city council will moot next Monday evening. George , the son ofC. Boscn , is suffering an nttnclc of diphtheria. C. Wesley has announced himself a ciintll- date for the democratic nomination for the school board. A bulletin has been arranged to bo posted In district court , containing theltst of assign ments for the week. Hartley L. Monroe and Miss Mary Mich- nnr , both of Bellevue , Nub. , were married by Justice Hammer yesterday. Uobcrt T. Fair and Miss Mary Darnell , both of this city , were married yesterday. Hev. T. F. Tblck'stun officiating. Frank H. Hudson and Klla C.Vlcliroy , both of I'lattsmouth. Nob. , were united In inntri- mony yesterday , Justice Cones officiating. The Social union of the Presbyterian church was entertained last evening by Miss Jnnlo Baldwin at her homo on Willow ave nue. nue.Miss Miss Alice Williams Is conllncd to her home on Harrison slreot by injuilos received In a fall down an cmlmnlimcnt In from of her house. " Robert O'Oonncll , who hns spent the lust four nights In the city Jail as a bonrJer , was given u seven-days' sentence yesterday for vagrancy. Tlio pool match which was to have come off this evening between "Long Peto" and D. Uossonetto has been declared olT , ono of the partly having refused to put up tbo money agreed upon. An effort will bo made to get up a pool tournament , to bo held In the Manhattan , In the near future. Articles of incorporation were filed yostor- tlay by tbo I'owntila mining company of Council Dluffs , consisting of Lewis Hammer , J. I'lumcr , William Uoblnson nnd O. P. Wright , for the purpose of working mines In Gllpln county , Colorado. The capital stock Is $ . ' 0,000 , but may bo Increased to $500,000. AVllllnm Barry nnd Miles Buck , two sol diers who claim to have been conquering the tbo Pine Uidpo Indium , were conquered themselves last evening , prohibition whisky proving too much tor them. They were found at the Northwestern depot by Officer McDonnld , raising a disturbance , and were h landed behind the b.irs. ' William SIcdentonf began suit In the dis trict court yestoruay against Mellamllton nnd twenty others for the possession of lot 4. section 4 , township 10 , range 44. The de fendant claims to own the land by virtue of n tax deed , but tbo plaintiff alleges that the record of delinquent taxes was entered ir regularly on the books of the county treas urer. urer.While While the family of Dr. H. W. Hart was at supper night before last at the residence on "Willow ; avcnuo , the front door was left un locked. After supper , when they returned to the front part of the house , they found that sneak thieves had entered the house and taken a fjnu overcoat belonging to Mr. .T. D. Kdmundson , which was hanging on tbo hall tree. tree.Wall Wall McFnddcn has Just had a fine pold Seventh corps army badge nmdo for him nt Btirborn's ' Juwelry store. It Is made out of n chunk of California gold which D. A. Farrell picked up in the west during the days of tbo , / trolu fever. It Is handsomely engraved and bears the Inscription , ' -Company A , Twenty- ninth Iowa Infantry , " together with the iinmo of the owner. Mrs. Anna Tvng of Minneapolis gave a lecuro last evening before thoGoodTemplars , who hcld'a ' district convention Monday and Tuesday. The audience was not large , but It was in close sympathy with the speaker , as shown by tbo frequent applause wltn which she was preotcd. Mrs. Tyng is a very talented lady , and her talk was much moro practical than such lectures frequently nro. Jud go McGco beard the testimony which 0. J. bhea brought forward In the Ycrgen Lew C.IBO last Monday nfiomoon. Sbon brought in J. II. I'almcr and a man named Peterson , who Is a relative of Lew's. Thej tcstilled that they hud overheard u converse tion between Shea and Lew in which the latter told Shea to go on will : his suit against Fllckinger Brothers The Fllcklngers were neither of them there , as they had not been not Hied that the c.isi was to bo called up. There was no cross examining of witnesses , mid the whole affali is apparently about where It was before. Charles Young , alias "Butch , " has been ir the county Jnll for the past two months , IK having bci.'ii placed there in the first place 01 the supposition that he bad been held t < await the action of the grand Jury on i charge of highway robbery. Yesterday hi' attorneys , Messrs. Llt\dt \ and Sweet , Imp poncd to think of him , and on looking ovc : tlio court records , found that m such action bud been taken in hi case , hut that ho had been mcrel ; sent upon n thirty days' ' sentence for larceny The long imprisonment over time was the re suit of nn error la tbo entering up of the rec ord. No tears were slied over tbo affair however , as Young has not a very savor ; reputation , and It Is said that tbo only thin that'prevented his being convicted of higli way robbery was a certain legal complicatioi that made It advisable to change the clmrg from highway robbery to larceny. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. I ) . Fuel Co. 639 Broadway. Telephone 1 * ) . Pomona Brand Hoarhound tablets will r llevo your cough. Pomona stamped on enc tablet. Ask your druggist or candy dcalc for thorn. _ 1'KilSOX.t L I'.t It A GIIA I'ltS. S. P. MncConncll has returned from Cbl cago. Frank S. Pusoy nnd wlfo have gone t Denver. O. Vlcn has recovered from a week's serl oils Illness. Ocorgo F. Wright loft lor Butte Citj Mont. , yesterdav. William Hoblnson has returned from a visl to Central City , Colo. John P. Burke , cashier of the Exchang bank of Walnut was attending dlf trlct com yesterday. "Patsy" Butler , cblof clerk of tbo Milwaukee waukeo road , with headquarters at Ml watikco , Is In tbo city , Clinton Clark of Duhith , has arrived in th city nnd will remain hero with his fathci the proprietor of tbo Hotel Gordon. Mr. William Mowhlrlnr , ono of thooldcs settlers of this county , has moved to Snlen Ore. , where bo has purchased a , fruit farm. K. II. Huntliigton , wno das been very lev from nn attack of typhoid pneumonia for th past two weeks , was on the streets yostoi day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Charles T. Oftlner , who has spent th last three months In Chicago In a bn-ipltu whcro for a time her lifo was despaired ol has partially recovered and la expected bom In n few dajs. Charles Allen was wandering about tl streets yesterday with nn enormous Jug. II finally realized his condition , and , going I tbo jail , nslfcd the city marshal to lock hi : up until ho became sober. About fifteen years ago the stuta grant decided to put n lady lecturer into the llcl mid appointed to this position Miss Julia Gu rctson , whoso eloquence and enthusiasm still remembered In many parts of lowi With the rolling by of thn years , Miss Ga rotson has become MM , Pratt , and dovott herself mainly to the domestic duties of hi Nebraska home , but occasionally giving public address , showing that she has by t menus lost her gift. Her husband bclhc delegate to the farmers' alliance , In scssh. nt Omaha , she Improved the opportunity i accompanying him nnd visiting some of hi old friends , among whom are Captain at Mrs. 1) . B. Clark of Council Bluffs , who. guest " * " > "iw Is. Great success. . liollubU ) goods. Fair dealing. llottom prices. At 0 , B. Jncquemln k Co. , No.27 Main strc The now dental rooms of Dm. Woodbtn nro the liuest und most complete In too \ve : Next to the new Grand , "Telophono , 115. " THE NE\VS \ IS THE BLUFFS , Mr. McGtonis Taks a Decided Upward Course from Texai. AN INTERESTING MAP OF THE' CITY , An tliiivcloomo Midnight Oncst Tlio Inmates of St. llcrtmrils Hosa , AVII1 Have Her \Vny- Minor Mention. Chief of Police Cnroy hns been out of the city for several dnvs , nnd his absence hits caused it good dcnl of anxiety to the report ers , which was not relieved by any of tlio studiously non-committal answers of the cap- tnlris nnd sergeants left behind to look nfter the city's welfare. The rlddlo was solved yesterday by the announcement that n tele gram had been received from thcchluf , dated San Antonio , Tex. , convoying tbo Intelli gence tlmt ho was suffering the rigors of thut wintry cllino , but enjoying the snt- Is faction of liaving In his custody the person of a much wanted man. The Individual Is the well known Dan Mnglimls , the co.innerclal traveler who ha made n great reputation as a very successful candy man , and hits represented on the road all of the leading candy manufacturers of this city and Omaha. For n year or moro past ho has been traveling for Votfelnr & Hemming of Omaha. About the time ho completed Ills holiday sales ho severed his connection with the ilnn without notifying them. After two weeks had elapsed they realized tlmt something serious had happened. A man was sent over his territory and the fact was discovered tlmt ho w u a heavy de faulter ; that ho had collected several thousand dollars. Itcprcscntutives of the firm spent sovernl days In this city in consultation with the police , endeavoring to find some trace of the unfaithful servant , but failed. Maglnnls formerly owned a nice little homo hero , but this was broken up some time ago by his wlfo procuring n divorce. The police have boon working on the case , and last week lo cated Maglnnts In Texas , whcro ho had down after leaving hero. Chief Carey's teleL'ram announces that ho will reach homo with his prisoner on Thurs day evening. Our llcinnrknbln Siicorss Knablcs us to present for your considera tion prices without n precedent in the history of Council Bluffs. All goods are warranted new nnd clean , ccjual to the best any market affords. Only one price and term * strictly ash. Call and see and be satisfied that wo i-o right. Davis1 Hoyal No. 10 flour , 11.50 ; Davis' BlueD flour , 3I.H5 ; Gold Medal flour , S1.45 ; Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowllako our , ? l101bs ; granulated sugar for $1:17 bs extra C granulated sugar for $10 ; ibs ew Orleans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo coftco , icrpkgo , 25c ; Oorman coffee , nor pkge , Me ; Cinq's ' buckwheat , per pkge , lOo ; crackers , crib , 5cl ; ! Ibs ginger snaps for25c ; 2 loaves read for 5o ; U Ibs mince meat , ' 2jo ; i cans tomatoes , 2'c ; ! t cans corn , 2r > o ; Pago. S'orton & Co Hour , $1.25 a suck ; 3-lb pail lard 'or Slo ; Mb pail lard for Sicollsardlnes , per an , no ; - cans mustard sardines for ; fornla hams , pur Ib , 0 } c ; good broom for Oo ; 50 good cigars for 75o ; 20-lb pail Jelly for iicj IJgnl pall syrup for Me ; fi-gnl keg yrup for ? 1.400-lb ; ! ! pail white llsh forOOc. Brown's ' C. O. D , Grocery , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Flensed wllli fi The sisters of St. Bernard's hospital arc really pleased with the results of their llrst vcek's experience with Insane patients. "cry little trouble has been had with even ho most fractious , while , as a rule , they ave been no harder to take care of than so many suno person- ? , There are now twenty-four patients in the ospitnl , of whom twelve are men. These utvo quarters on the llrst floor. A long cor- idor runs along the building , with the bed oems opening oft from each side. When n BBC reporter called yesterday the patients , voro taxing their after-dinner stroll back tnd forth through the corridor. Each one : ias his peculiar fancy ; one had been an iiictioneer , and the endless chattering which mdfoimerly earned him his daily las become so much a part of him that ho sits with his face in ils Hands all day long and mutters : iis ' 'going , going , gone , " with indesctlbjblc velocity. Another had conceived thn idea ol traveling around the world. Others are com pletely confused In their conversation anO seem to change their Ideas every few seconds , The women , who live on the second floor , mvo their queer Ideas like tbo men. Ainoiij. them is Anna Fair man , who. It Is said , nsec ' a ho city librarian and a frequent eontrib , itor to the city papers. Mary Hughes is one of the private patients. She Is occasional ! ) seized with a mania for undressing people nnd at such times her hands have to bi strapped behind her to keep tier from ( .trip pmg the clothing off herself and the othei women. In the main , however , all the patients an aally managed. When loft to themselvo ; they fall inco their delusions , but a touch o it word from oneof the sisters Is all that I : necessary to bring thorn back temporarily t their senses. Tbero tire cloven sisters now In thohospltal hut it Is the Intention to Increase the numbc In a short time to twenty , and that iiumbc will not bo any too largo for the preset ! needs , if the other counties hi this vicin it ; send their patients hero for treatment , us i is hoped they will , the wholu building as 1 now stands will be devoted to hospital use while a piece of ground a short distance fror the city will ho procured and a now buildtni erected there for the exclusive usb of the in sune. This idea is not the result of olj jcctions of the neighbors. On the coi : trary. It Is said that oven those who were th fiercest In their opposition to the location o the insane hospital whcro It now Is , have at ] mitted that the patients cause no dUnurbunc outside whatever , Davis , headquarters for Chaul-Moo-Grai Hell' k Son's new grocery takes the lead o Upper Broadway , No old stock. The Clturoh Architects. F. M. Ellis , the architect , feels 'that an li Justice is done him by the comments of th Broadway Methodist church folks conccrnln his relations with the preparation of plnr for their now structure. Ho rofera to tli contractors and others conversant with tl : details In proof of the fact that the work wr satisfactory so far as it progressed under hi management. The church folks desired 1 employ Cooke as architect , as Cooke had sul scribed JoOO to the enterprise , and it won I bo an accommodation to both the subscribe and tlio church to have the subscription pal for In Architectural services , llenco th change wni made , and not because of an dissatisfaction with Mr. Ellis. Mr. Ellis say It is absurd to intimate that there is an collusion botwcen himself and Mr. Cooin Since tlioy dissolved partnership tie has hit no relations with him , and In fact , unt sundry differences are settled between thoi there Is no possibility of any undoratandln between them. Mr. Kills says the plans provided by hi ! have been subjected to such changes an alterations us to Justify him In demundln the originals , as the plans belong to tl church only for the purpose of guldauco I erecting this building , and tlmt In view of u the circumstance * ho believes ho out-lit have his plans returned to hit possession. Too much California canned goods on ham must bo sold. Kelley & Youukorumn. J.C. Blxbv , atoam noatln ? , sanitary ei glneer,20J Mo rdam block , Council Bluus An O'd Map. Several copies of it very old map of Comic IllufTs have recently como to light , and it regarded witti a good doul of Interest sin the Host Omaha boundary line question h come up. The map shows the city ns Itv , In ISM. It shows nearly all of Knno tow ship , and consequently gives the location tbo river at that time as well as the govcr ' ment survey defining the boundary line b t.voen Iowa ana Nebraska. The corporate limits show the city to have bet | duly then about alf the size It U now , ui .ho principal nolnls of Interest were the I'flcllle house , the public square ( now Jlay- llss park ) and the several stcamhont landings and ferries. In the thirty-five years that have Intervened slneo the publication of the map there have boon great topographical changes. The Missouri river then ran near where the Milwaukee city passenger depot is now , nnd the principal steamboat mndlngwai nt the foot of Main street. The map shows nil the territory adjoining Council Bluff ! * and outside the limits. The portion now known as East Omaha then laid a good longdistance east of the river nnd almost wholly within the present limits of the city , Indian crcolc then emptied Into a pond In the northwestern part of town , It Is possible that tbo map may be of some Interest , to Iowa attorneys In lighting the boundary cose in the United States supreme court. Ij.YST WISKIc OF THK OH 13 AT SAhK. Only I Ivo Days Mure ol' the lloston Ktore'H Great Annual Clearing Sale New Bargains for Tills Week. The second annual clearance sale at the Hoston store hns been the most successful ever held in Council Bluffs. Among the thousands of customers who have visited the store during the week none have gone nwny dissatisfied , Saturday there were insutllcient clerks to wait upon the multitude , but this will be remedied this week by n largo addi tion to the number of ladles and gentlemen , who will bo ready to receive the orders of the customers. Every bargain advertised cun bo found just as described. Head the following partial list and . co some of the prices : Head the following carefully. The prices speak for themselves. The greatest of sales ever held In the west. Below is only a par tial list of thn thousands of bargains to bo offered nt this sale. Yard wide bleached muslin , 4c. Our bleached nnd half bleached muslin sold for ! ) c to go at 7V c. 42 In , unbleached muslin 8c , bleached PC. 7-4 " " Kic , " 17c. ' 9-4 " " Ulc " . - , 221-ifc. 10-4 " " 22&C , " 25c. BLANKETS. Owing to the mild weather wo arc over stocked on wool blankets , which wo will place on sale nt extremely low prices. 11-4 heavy while blankets sold for $3.00 , nt $2.00 pair. 11-4 all wool and union blankets sold for J5.00 nnd $3.75 , to go during sale , 1.00. At $5,00 wo show our complete line of $0.00 , $0.75 nnd $7.00 , all In ono lot for ST > .00. 11-Igray wool blunkts sold to.OO , during sale , $11.25. Dr. Price's sanitary wool blankets ntspeclnl sale prices ; $5.00 blankets for 1.09 : § 0.1)0 ) for $ . ' 1.78 , and extra largo slzo sold for § 7.00 , re duced to f-1.75. f1.75.COMFORTABLES. COMFORTABLES. Having over 60 bales of comforters on hand wo nro determined to reduce our stock pre vious to inventory. Note the followiug prices : ' Our 75c comforters for50c , Special value regular $1'J9 comforter for $1.00. Comforters sold from $2.25 to $3.75 all In one lot to go nt t'.OO during snle. Comforters sold * 3.00 to W.50 , all In ono lot $2.19. Our finest quality sateen comforters , sold for M.60 to $4.50. to go at $2.00. ( ic canton flannel ! 3' c. 25c turkey red damask for 17o. 80o towels for 23e. 25 pieces of bleached nnd half-bleached llnch , sold atGOc and 07c , during sale { jOc. Wash buttons So a card ( halt price ) . Stewart's ' linen thread half price , Uc or twofer for Be. Brooks machine cotton ( standard make ) lo spool. Coats and Chirks spool cotton 4o spool. Children's hose supporters 5c , misses 7c , ladies' belt for l , " > c. All silk ribbon , satin edge , nt manufactur ers prices. No. 7 sold for ! ) e , sale price 6c ; No. sold for 12J c , sale price 7c ; Nos. 12 and 10 sold for 15o and Kic , sale price lOe. Ladles' natural knit uudersnirts i)9o ) , worth 680. 680.Childs' Childs' plash , surah nnd cashmere caps Bold for & 0c , $1.00 and $1.25 all at 50c. BOSTON STORE , 401 , 403 and 403 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. New York office , 47 Leonard street. A Crnzy Ca'ler. Lewis Smith and A. F. Clattcrbuck came Into the city early yesterday morning , bring ing with them a man who was suffering from a severe attack of something , but whether It was Insanity or delirium tremens , it was hard to tell. Smith , who lives a few miles east of the city , was awakened dur ing the night by the sound of some ono trying to get in at the kitchen door. Ho at once went down stairs and asked who was thero. RccelvltiR no reply ho pulled a gun and threatened to blow him full of buckshot if ho didn't leave , Tlio stranger couldn't see the gun through the door , but something seemed to tell him he'd hotter go , for ho wont. When daylight came Smith went for Clat- terbuck. his neighbor , nnd together they went to hunt the intruder. Ho wiia found near Parks' mill , on the Kock Islnnd track making u bee line for tin Bluffs. After a decided resistunco , whlet rendered the application of Smith's (1st ( nee ossnry , the stranger was quieted nnd wa : finally landed In the county Jail. It was at first thought that ho was Insane and an information charging him with in sanity was filed against him , Later on however. Sheriff O'Neill came to the ecu elusion that the man had drank too much am had been meicly "seeing snakes. " The best French cook In western Iowa is a tbo Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs. Best heavy goods , ' 2 , " > ; per cent off , cosh Keller , the tailor , 310 Broadway ( Tlio Iloiit C'lul ) lano- . The weather last night was not exactly th kind that tends to bring out dress suits , bu it was not bad enough to keep the lovers o the dnnco at homo. The Royal Arcanun parlors were full enough to make things In torcsting without being crowded , the occa slon being the annual ball of the Councl Bluffs boat club. The programme consists of sixteen dances. Among -those prcscn were the following : Mosdnmos Francis , Ricb inond , Hcndrlcks , Robinson , Maurcr , Klf linger , Shepherd , Wnkeflcld , Riekmnn ; Mlssc Bench Bowman , Nellie Bnwmnn , Butts Xurmouhlcn , Nelllo Zurmeuhlcn , Ross , Glca son , Keating , Wells , I'usoy , Gertrude Pusey Anim Hess , Wndsworth , Rockofcltoi Sackott , Rockwell , Oliver , Carrlo Wells Nettie Wells ; Messrs. Francis , Richmond Hendrlcks , Uobinson , Maurcr , Kipllngor Shepherd , Wukoflcld , Hlokman , Stewart Inahitm , Bowman , Ned Shepherd , Keating Patterson , Kirk Patterson , McWilllams Cnsady , Atwood , Pusoy , Uoss , Damon , Git son , Beadloy , Ham , Stacy , Chamberlain Hungerford , Trumblo , Fenlon , Ogden , Haas Roff , Motcalf , Frank Wright , Goorg Wright , H. F. Smith , Ingoldsby , G. F. Pal tcrson and Richards of Omaha. Horse blankets and lap roues at cost a Tuco. Bcckman's ' , 237 Main street. A IvnwIcHH Crow. Several men who nro working on the Ir dlun creek extension in the west part of th city were In Justice Pntton's oflleo yestsrda entering complaints at the treatment the , claimed to have received ut the hands o three brothers named Lawless , who run boarding house near the place where th worK is being done , Thomas Kelly Hied ai Information charging Dun Lawless with mal ing malicious throats to extort money. Le Murphy ut the same tlmn tiled an Inform : tion against Joseph Lawless , charging hii with assault and battery. Ho stated to reporter thut ho wanted to leave the wort but although ho had more than enough mono coming to him to settle the board hill , Lav less made him pay before ho would let him K < Later hi the day an information was flic by Mike Lawless rmarglng Thomas Kell with larceny. _ The American District Telegraph Co. hi been reorganized and is now prepared to gl\ prompt bervlco. Sreclul attention to ex pro : und parcel delivery. I'refers Ilor Aunt. The man Alexander , whoso lawsuit ovc the possession of his ward , itosa Holder , we ' tried In the district court a week or two ag h having trouble again , it Is said , the gl absolutely refusing to llvo with the guardlu ' who was appointed by tne court. She > living with Mrs. Gardner , her aunt , audit 1 claimed that her aunt U aiding her in h' ' attempts to elude the law , Some legal pro ceedings may bo looked for won , but whether It will be In the tvuy of nu notion for con- totnpt or a writ of habeas carpus for the girl has not yet been decided , 1'OVK LKO'H SfCKSH01l. The Italian Government K.verclslnj ; IlNcIT niitomiulaiiy. | ; [ Coii/rfu/il / ISO ! bvtheXtw York Astnl ittil Prvu. ] ROME , Jan. 27. The Vatican has been ad vised that the Italian go'yertdncnt is occupyIng - Ing Itself diplomatically regarding n successor to Pope Leo In order to provcnt the election of a pope unfavorable to ofllclul Italy and favorable to France. Premier Crlspl will endeavor to demonstrate to the triple alllanco that in view of the hostile spirit which exists In high quarters It Is to the Interest of tbo allied cabinets to prepare tor the coming conclave. Kvcry ono at the Vatican , however ; appears serene.'partly because tbo pope still enjoys perfect health nnd again bocnuso the sacred college can , in case of necessity , meet elsewhere - where than Rome. In conversation n highly placed personage snld the times had passed when the cardi nals accept the vote of monarchies. Abso lute liberty will henceforth bo the principle on which conclaves work. The personngo in qucUton said It was difficult to determine the probabilities of the next conclave. Various candidates have been mentioned , but HOMO have been decided upon. Under the extraordinary conditions , if the conclave Is held abrond , and In the midst of Huropcnn complications , it is to bo presumed that the cardinals would choose a neutral foreign pope for instance , Manning of England , Gibbons of America or Mallnci. It Is to bo home in mind , ho said , that foreign cardinals ere long will form a majority In the sacred college. With the de velopment of Christianity the church needs more cardinals In America , Australia. Canada , China nnd Africa , and this will modify cssontlnllv the conditions of the papacy. Further , the world becoming Horn- nnizcef , It is necessary that the papacy should become universal. From this It is evident that it can no longer bo exclusively Italian. Manning nnd Gibbons have especially gained In ecclesiastical opinion during those latter times. ItOLI , OP TlIK VKSTMTUTE. NiimbcrorFamilies In Nelirnnkn Need ing Provisions Fuel nnd Grain. LIVCOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 27. [ Special lo Tun Br.u.J Tbo state relief committee- has been receiving reports from the various counties in the state concerning the actual needs of sufferers from the drouth. These reports are nil signed by the county clerks and county commissioners and In many cases by other county ofllcials. In some cases estimates only have been made by these county ofll cials. In such coses trio relief commltto has cut the report down one-half or one-fourth. Following sire the estimates : Tlio Uloyoln Ilncc. Notwithstanding the damp and dlsngrco- ahlo weather of lust evening , tnoro was an other fine utlendanco at the Coliseum to wit ness the great bicycle race now In progress there. Tills is undoubtedly proving the most ntorcstlng of all the many races that have tnken place In the building , nnd by Snturdny night the enthusiasm will bo worked up to the highest possible altitude. Schlll , owlni ; to tbo injuries ho received In bis fall with Martin on the opening evening , did not start lust night , which left hut four racers on the track , Heading , Martin , Uorwlng nnd Asb- inger. They nro all working with a will nnd a determination , however , that counterbal ances the lack of numbers , and the excitement maintained by their almost supor- huinan efforts is something wonderful. Manager Mnrdls Is sparing no pains or ex pense to make the event a successful ono nnd perfectly satisfactory to the patrons of the Coliseum. Any of tbo riders failing to tra verse iiOO miles is debarred from any portion of the purse or gate receipts , but judging from the pace they nro keeping up overv one now in the race will come In for n slice. Ucadlncin particular , is riding inurrcl- ously well , nnd barring accidents , looks like a sure winner. Ho has worthy opponents , though , In Gerwing nhd Martin , and even the old Oklahoma Cyclone is surprising tbo natives , ar.d the soldier dare not lose a mo ment or tbo laurels will bo cortamly snatched from him. The band rendered a line pro gram last night , nnd at times the chose waxed tlirilliiiL'ly Interesting , Tbo score follows : Miles. Laps. Reading 104 ( J c rwln R 104 Ashlngcr. 103 Martin 103 9 The llrst UK ) miles was made In 5 hours , 40 minutes and SO seconds. Ladles will bo admitted free ut the race to night. Accidentally Shut. HOT SritiNQS , S. O. , Dee. ST. [ Special Telegram to Tm : Bnn. ] This morning nbcut 10 o'clock William McMuuon , who Is em- ploved In Davies & Coloman's ' meat market , was accidentally shot nnd seriously wounded by John Boulln , another employe , who was endeavoring to remove what ho supposed to bo an empty shell from a Winchester which ho had recently secured , Tbo ball , size 44 ; passed through McMahon's loft fore arm just above the wrist , badly shattering the bones and entered the abdomen. Extensive probing bos been done by Drs. Shclnlck and Wight , tbo phy sicians In attendance , but as yet the bull re mains mi found. Tncru. is no blame attached to Boulln. Intcrnntliinnl Prcxs Clnl ) Convention , Pmsnuno , Pa. , Jon. sr.r Tbo first inter national press club convention opened In this city this morning. Sixty delegates are pres ent from the principal cidbs of this countrv and Canada. Foster Cpatcs of Now Yoil was elected president. ' ; After the appoint of a committee' to prepare plans foi organization , tbo convention adjourned. How to Break Up n Severe Cold. From the Virginia City. Mont. , Madlso nlnn ; When we find a medicine wo know t < possess genuine merit , wo consider It n duty und wo tuxo pleasure In tolling the publli what It Is. Such a medicine we found Chum berlaln's Cougn Hemcdy. By the use of tbl : syrup wo have relieved , In a few hours , BO voro colds , und In tbu course of two or thrci days , entirely broken them up ai has govern of our friends to whom wohavorecomniendei it. It is oil It is represented to bo by thi manufacturers. If you have n cough am want to stop It , Chamberlain's Cough Hem edy will do the work. For sale by all drug gists. _ That beautiful glossy .sheen , so much ad mlivd In thu hair , can bo secured by the us of Ayer's Hair Vigor. There Is nothing bet tor than this prt , ' | aratlon forstrcngtbcMilii ) ; th scalp und keepli g It free from dandruff uui Itching eruptions. The coming woman can be healthy. She will be , if she's wisely cared for. As she enters womanhood , Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system and regulates and pro motes the functions. It's a supporting tonic , and a quiet ing , strengthening nervine. It corrects and cures all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar to the sex. In every case for which it's recommended , the "Favor ite Prescription " is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If there's no help , there's no pay. It does all that's claimed for it , or the money is refunded. It's a risky way to sell it- but it isn't your risk. SKAVUV'S ANNUAL. Tlio AVork of tbo I'olloo Force During the I'nst Year. Chief of 1'ollco Seavoy Hied bis report for the year ondlntr December 31 , 1890 , with the board of flro and police commissioners last night. Tbo document , which consists ol forty pages of type-written manuscript , Is , in sub stance , as follows : At the beginning of the year tbo police force numbered nlnoty.four men. It was In creased to 101 during the month of May , but has since decreased and at present has ninety- two names on the payroll , as follows : Ono chief , 1 clerk , 2 captains , 1 chief de tective , 4 sergeants , fi detectives , 2 jailors , 1 court ofllcor , ! i patrol drivers , 2 patrol con ductors , a turnlteys , 4 mounted men , 1 hostler nnd 04 patrolmen. Tbo force has been thoroughly drilled and every ofllcer carefully Instructed as to his duties , and tbo cfllcieney , discipline and gen eral condition of thj force will compare favorably with 'hat of any western city. The city has been moro orJerlv during tbo past year than nny year since I have baa com mand of the police department , which may bo accounted for by the peaceful Inclination of our citizens and the Vigilance of the polico. The detective force hns accomplished moro this year than over before. Tnoy have ar rested Tiili erlinlnnils , many of whom were the most prominent and dangerous crooks In the United fatates , and have recovered and returned to owners stolen property of tbo vnluoof 17,702.05. Tlio paltry sum of f21.75 bus been puld by the city this year for de- ectlvo services. A large number of burglaries nnd house robberies have been reported during tbo j'car , the police arresting nearly all of tbo crim inals , but not having suftlclcnUevldoncc , very few of them were convicted of the crime charged. Many of these burglars nnd house robbers , however , wore convicted of vagrancy and after serving their time In tbo county jail were run out of the city. Of the * 33,7'J8.CO ' worth of property re ported stolen during the year , $ l.ri,5sri.l4 nas been recovered , which Is a larger percentage than ever before. Crime will bo committed , no matter how carefully the police guard it , but the efficiency of the police is shown by the celerity and cor- -talnty with which It hunts down and secures the criminal. My best efforts have been put forth nnd di rected to so organize the force and discipline Its members as to make it effective In sudden emergencies as in the every day routine of duty , to prevent crime , to protect persons nnd property nnd to detect and bring crim inals to Justice. The members ol tbo force linvo responded on the whole with prompt ness und good Judgment. Potty crime is Increasing In this city , and it is mv opinion thut It will continue ) to dose so untU-a work house with a substantial rock pile Is established to compel this class of criminals to do hard work. Our well reg ulated and well filled county jail , that can ac- commodnto 140 prisoners , U considered by the uvcrago vag and crook the most delight ful of winter resorts. During the year the police have nrrcstdd 8.113 persons , of which number 2,010 were convicted , 184 remanded to tbo district court and 5,013 dismissed , which makes the per centage of convictions nearly double that of any previous year. Tlio members of the force nro , svith few exceptions , always on tbo alert , and suspi cious strangers are closely watched. The dlcipllnc of the force Is good. There are , of course , many comnlnlnts , but the great ma jority of them are for minor infractions o the police rules nnd regulations , which is the best evidence of tbo vigilance of tbo superior officers. Sixteen patrolmen have been brought before - fore your honorable body for violating the rules and regulations who were fined to the amount of $137.1)1 ) , which sum has been paid Into the city treasury to the credit of the po- hof fund. The Police Relief association organized by electing a board of directors , April 2 , 1800 , The nssoclaeiation has been very successful , and at the close of the year its financial state ment shows the following : liRCnilTS. Amount paid Into treasury , 1889. . . . $ 013 22 Amount received from picnic , 18'JO. ' 2,3'X ) M American waterworks company. . . 25 OC W. S. Seavoy 1 BC Twenty-live per cent of reward money 102 2C Solo of unclaimed property , December - comber , 1800 344 7C Pollco fines , 1800 13701 Onoporcentof pollcosiilarles , 1800. 807 li Interest C4 7 ! Total $ 4,417 fl ! Disbursements 852 0. Balance in treasury ? 3,30-1 7- During the year ton men have l > cen dis missed for violation of the police rules am regulations , seven have resigned , nnd oni honorably retired from service. Oniccr 1' N. Leo was honorably retired from the ser vice September 0 , 1800 , nftor several months of serious illness caused by injuries from ni assault while attempting to make an arrest Ho died December 1. IbOO , nnd was bunc < with police honors. His wife received $3 < x from the police relief fund immediately afto his death. Tbero Is n great deal of work done oy thi police that is never reported. The sanltarj and other police officers have served ! ) ,90 : notices and abated 2,054 'nuisances. There have been 10,244 meals furnished t < prisoners , sick , Injured and destitute person : who have been brought to tbo station durlni the year , tbo expense of which amounts U S4.U01.84. Males arrested during the year , 7,514 ; females males , 5'JO. Number days lost by policemen caused b ; sickness nnd.accidents , 1,788 ; boys arrc&tci under sixteen years , ltd ; plrlsnrrustcd undo sixteen years , 14 ; accidents reported , ICO burglars frustrated , 23 ; attempted suicides ! ) ; dead bodies taken to morgue , ill ) ; dcstltut parsons cared for , 113 ; disturbances sui pressed , U ; tire alarms recorded , 272 : fire attended by police , 1W ) ; intoxicated person arrested at homo , 1 ; lodgers accommodated 8.Vi ; lott children found and sent homo 142 calls for ratrol wagon , ! t,79.'l ; nuisances an dead unlnmls reported , 4lll , ! ; packages stole property recovered , JJWJ ; prisoners taken t | couuty Jail , 1,107 ; runaway horses stoppci To Soft Coal Consumers ] GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , COAL AT $4.50. Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order early and avoid the rush. A. T. Thatcher , Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nn'l Itroadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In fon.'ljti and doiuustlo xolr.injs Collection miulo paid on deposits. Pinley Burke.Qeo.W. Howitt.Thos. E. Castuly Burke , Hewitt &Casady , Attorneys-at-Law I'llACTICl ! IN TUB STATB AND FKI > BtAI ! < unr tt'i. Offices : J. J. Drown Ilulldlng , Council HlulTs. Iowa 15 ; sick nnd injured persons taken to station , hospital or homo , ! ! 04 ; suicides rcuortcd , 11 : horses and cattle sent to pound , S'-i ; street lamps reported not lighted , 111 ; stolcn horses recovered , 4 ; nmounl money taken from und returned to prisoners , &il,4'.f.i.l. ) | ! 1 have the honor to make the following sug gestions for your consideration. 1. That the honorable mayor and city' coun cil bo requested to taxo action toward build ing r. workhouse for this city. 'J. That the police force bo Increased to 123 men , and that t vo sergeants nnd two moro detectives bo appointed to go on duty May 1 , 1SU. ! 1SU.y. y. That nn amount of money not to exceed $500 bo act aside to be placed at the disposal of 'tho chief of police for doU-ctlvo services , subject to the approval of the mayor nnd the finance committee of the board of fire and po lice commlssloiiurs. 4. That an examlnintr board , consisting of the committee on men and discipline and the city physician meet during the month of April in ench year nnd examine every mem ber of the police department ns to their men tal , moral and physical condition nnd general fitness for police service , and report the re sult of their investigation to the board of llro and police commissioners , 5. That on the first day of May of each year the board of flro nnd police commissioners grndo the police force as follows : Officers of the llrst grade to receive 675 per nonth. Officers of the second grade lo receive JTO > er month. Officers of the third grade to receive ? GO per month. The expense of operating the police depart ment lor the year was as follows ; Calan co from levy ISM ) . $ I1 , ! > 72.n.3 evy 18'JO . OO.OOu.SS From other sources . IX > , SH Tptal . ? 1U1,703.0S 1HS11UUSEMHNT3. Salaries . $ 78,7M.7H Pollco patrol . 5,477.011 , Police alarm . S.iHII.-W [ tent . 2ttt7.1 ( ) License board . 1(1VJ..H ( ) Board llro and police . 1,400.00 Horse biro . I.IOJ.OO Repairs . l.U&K ) Gas . ftH.78 Janitors . 07,00 City Jail . 414,75 Boarding hostler 23 months . SKM.S.'i Printing . StW.5'2 Chlol's oflleo . ! . : ) Fuel . 1.VJ.17 Special police . 12H.IIO Veterinary surgeon . . . . . . b'.l.40 Plumbing . 71.111 Electric light . 7100 Stenography . 00.11) ) Rogues' ' gnllnry . fifi.UO Pollco buttons . y3.50 Telegrams ( J months 1SS9 . Ift.SO Telegrams 1 VK ) . Dii.80 Detective services . 21.75 Moving to now Jnll . UI.83 Kodak . 3'J.W ) Photographing criminals . 1S.OO Six dark lanterns . 15.80 Nine slurs . 0.00 Carting garbage . . 7.00 Repairing tools . . . . 1.47 Amount In police fund . 521.7 ! ) Total . tlOl ,701'JS An appended table shows that in Omaha there is ono patrolmen to every .2,057 Inhabi tants as compirid ! with San Francisco ! > 10 , Cincinnati 8.V > , Haltlmoro 770. St. Louis 'J'j ' , Boston , 03-J , Chicago , 781 , Philadelphia 712 and New York 012. In Omaha there is nn average of SJf patrolmen per square mlle , while In tbo other cities named they range from eight to sixty-nine per smmro mile. The report of the city Jailors shows that people of almost every known occupation were nauled in during tlio year. The list goes nlphubottcally from "agents" to "washerwomen , " nnd Includes clergymen , shepherds , grave diggers und homo rulers. There was ono of the * latter class. There worn 1,51)7 ) drunks , 0.'IS drunks nnd disorderlies , 10 drunks and reckless driving , making n total of 8,357 arrests duo to Intoxi cation. There were 1,00(1 ( suspicious chat-ac tors , 1,109 vagrants and 523 arrests for lar ceny of various degrees. REQUKSTIUI ) TO IIKS1O.V. 1'oliofiiiun Who Have Outlived Tlu-ir Ofllu nl UfccrulncH ? . Chief Seavoy has recommended to the board of tire and police cominUslonors that the fol lowing officers bo requested to resign from the force on account of the fact that tuey are incapacitated and unfit fordutvi Peter Matza , Frank Johnson , A. II. Burr , Robert McBrlde , George Undo nnd Yuuct Fields. These ofllcorb have been absent from duly during the past year , chiefly on account ol sickness , as follows : Miitzn , 00 days ; John < son , 70 days ; Burr , 05 days ; McBrlde , 7 days ; Undo,07 days ; Fields , 41 days. The chief says that Matza nnd Johnson an both men of excellent record , but theli physical condition If such that they cnmio perform tbo work of a flrsUclass police officer , With regard to Oftlcer Burr tne chief has but little to say , excepting that ho has beer sick a grcnt.dcul and Is at present unable U report for duty. OIHcors McBrlde , Undo and Field ! uro , in the opinion of the chief , very ordlmirj policemen , and should resign and find some employment for which they are belter sultci and In which they will take some Interest. The report is in the hands of ttio commit tco on men and discipline and will probably bo acted on ut the next regular meeting o tbo board. Dangerous Use of Strong ; Furga tivcs. ' I'llls and purgatives which net ( julckly upoi tbo bowola , Irritate and destroy the miicon coats of thu Htonmch nnd bawols. A contlnnvi use of Bitch remedies produce ) ) ohnmlo Inllani matlon of the Htomnch nnd bowels. Vliu UN of the genuine Imnortt.'d CurUhud Kpnult fait In. thorofoiu , hlithly miommuiidi'd bu cause ItH net Ion Is duo Hololy to ltd Milvun und HtlniulultiiK properties , und It docu no trrltutu tlioBtnmuuh , Obtain tliugeuulnu liu ported article ouly. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\rANTKU-A competent girl for goneruj IT lioiiMMTorlf. Mrs. .lumen J. drown , > 4 7th street , Council HhiiVs. LOST At Itoyiit Arcanum hall , Council 1)lull's ) , an opal and diamond scurf tiln on tlio ovi'iiltii : of .Inn. Itl. Kinder will ho rewarded warded by tin * ri'tmn of sumo to Hconlllcc. Al'ltr.P-lfyou want to not ono aero or nuirq for a nice homi' , and whoroynn can gar- * ili'ii nnd rn'M ' ) sinnll fruit and poultry , or 1C you want ten or twenty acres or a luw > turiu In IOWH , uo cim suit. yon. Cull and M'O ns , Johnston & Van I'attun , Kvaretl block , I'oun * ell HUiirs. FfU ) IiADIKH Trv Dr. Miller's boino trimU Jnicnt for fciiiiito ill oiituH , Safe , mild ami sure. AUo Dr. Miller's pllu putt HIM ; palnti" , * mid cnuratiU'cd to euro. I'orsalo In Council lllitlTsuml Uinaliuiiiily by Mri. A. A. Smith , ISSH. 1st H ( , . . and Mrs , 0. K , HlKSliiH , iMt ) l.oiivonwoi'tli St. , Uinalin , FOH SMiK nr Kent aardun land , wltti hnuiov , by J. It. lUyo. 104lila ; it. , ( joiluull VlutTi CITIZENS STATE BABK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 DitiKCTOiis-I. A. Miller , V. O. Qluwun. K. U Slinmifl , K. E. Hart , J. I ) . Ediimndson , Olnirlo * 0. Itannan. Tramaot Kenoral Uaukliu UutU ncis. l.arjosl cupltal und inrpliu of an tiank In Southwostoru Iowa. INTEHESTON TIME DEPOSITS , EleetrJ.3 Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Eto. AGENTS WANTED. DR.C.B , JUDD. OO3 Broadway , Council Bluffa , la OKFIOR. or. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dylni ; and Cleunlir- done In thi ) UKhcstritylo of the Art , Kudod and Stiilnnil . 'iihrlcM nmdo to look us uoinl as nv. . WorK iromptly done und dellvnrud In nil purU oi tlio 'Jimntry. oml for price list O. A. MrtOIIAN , I'ron. , OU Hroadwuy. Near Northwestern Uupat COUNCIL UurvFa. I A. M. H. CHAMBERLIN , M. D KVK , HAH. NOSK AND I'llHOAT Sl'KCIAI.IriT , Cmilirll Dlun * , In. Allillst < n < ninf tlio KVK , KAU , NOHK nml TIIUOAT trcntiil wllh Ihu ( [ rentes ! ' , Bklilm.t ] rnro. CATAUUIl , ASTHMA nnil IIAV KKVKII treated with I'lnlnvnt ' PUCCC.HS. ilerlnitnluht o.iiy. climr inn ! imlno ! i , ( JllltONId NKUItAUilA nml HICK IIIOAilAOHI. , after rtiiir ) of tcrrllilu HiitTrrlni ; , no rollerentirely cim-it. Oillcoi Kuuni 1 , Stiuir.irt HUick , over llono * Co. ' Bturoi Council mulls , in. 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0. 11. Jnciiuuniln & Co. , .Jewelry Stors. KpfnriiiRd Convict. Dnniol Mnthanoy , sent up for Hfo froirt Eurokn county for murdur , and wlio hatj served sovotiteon ycurH. hits been part doncd , says tlio Virginia ( Nevada ) Kn * torjn-iso. Ho was aontonccil in 1873 < beiii ( , ' nineteen yoai'H of nge ut tlio time < Ho conies out bahl-hontlcd nnd jjrny. Hi \vus in all the omoutes utul prison breaUtj that linvo occurred since his inctiroora. * tion , nnd ho was always at the front. Ho was Bliot through the luiigH in the broall of 1878 , at the banio time Captain J. II. Mathowson wan shot through tlio linn , ho liavlnp liold of the captain at tlni time. Since that time ho not away from the prison by cutting through ut3 iron cell , tlio work occupying months of the niOHt careful , paiiiB-lulcIng and pa * tlcnt toll. Ho was recaptured , and novotr binco liua ho violated a rule of the instl * tutlon. Ho forhool < liltT old chums anil pursued a straight-forward course until ho gained tlio conlldonco of tlio tilHcer of the prlBon , and tlio result is Ills | ) ar' don. . ' Mrs. Wlnslow's SootbliiR Syrup for child * rcn teiulilni ; euros wind colic , dlnrrluca , cto " 5 cents n bottlu. The Oinnha AKSociation of Stationary Englncoru has moved its headquarter into neat and commodious rooms on the Eovontli floor of THIS Uisu building. William J. Kennedy loft JnU ovcnliiB for Hot Springs , Ark. , where ho KOO.S to taUo ) cliiirgu of ono of the lending hoULs la taut city. _ A IMoiiHliiK Bouno of health and strength rcnowod nnd of casa and comfort follows tlio USD of syrup of HK-I * ns It nets In Imrmouy with nature to cffcclu * ally cleanse the system whuu costive or lill- lous. For HII'.U In SUe and 11,00 bottles by all