TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TtTgSDAY , JANUARY 27 , 1801. SPE01KL NOTICES. " DVEttTISEVENTa for them ) colutni will > o taken until 12:30 p. m. , for tb crenlnf edition and until 8no : p. in. , ( or lb mornlnj edition and BUNDAr II. In ad Tinea. > \ * J T > ATE3 Aarortlionicnt8onthlipmr wlll t > / Jtclurgcd for nt the rate ofV4 ! c nt pr word v , / lor tlio first Insertion nod 1 cent per word foi * w < > ach subsequent tnitcrtlon. and 11.60 per lint S ? * per month , No advortluomont tnken toi yj * ins tliun 21 cents ( or the Orit Insertion. TN1TIAL.8 , figures , ytubols , etc. , count each vJ-aa ono word. . rpllEflfi ndvortlspmenta mnst run conicon- JLtlrely nnd tinder no clrcumtnnett will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. "OAKTIFSftd vcitUlnR In thcso column * and J. ImrlnK their answers addrosicd to a'-nutn- ler d lottor" In care of Til * HE * will recolr * f. numbered chock to enable thorn to getthdr etton. Answers will bo delivered only on presentation of thl.i clicclc , Kncloso answer * In envelope ? properly ftdd reined. ALIj itlvertlsemnntii under the heart of "H pec I ul Not Ices" nro published In both the Morning and owning edition * of TllR HUB. the circulation of which nBHrevatcs moro tlum JO.OOO papers dally , nn < l Kl e tbo adrertlser the bcnoilt not only of thu lnrio circulation nf 5'lin HER InOmnha. butulsoln Council II luffs , Lincoln n ml other cities utiil tnwn < ln ttm w t " BRANCH OFFICEST AdrertUlnR for these columns will } taken fn the above condition * . attho followlru busi ness tinuRuiwhonro authorized totakespaolal notices , nttho same rates as can Una at the malnolTlco. OMAHA. IIKANOII OFFICE No. SOUTH Btroot , Lister Hlock. _ _ ' OIIN street. W.UELM'nurmaclst , 820 Bouth Tenth _ _ _ HA8B & EDny. 'ofatlonera and PrlnUrs , Bouth IGtliBtroet. 113 _ " _ _ _ _ Sn".YAIlNSWOKTII , PLarmaolst , 2115 Cum- Ing atrcut. "tV * ntOIIE3. Pharmacist. O * North Uth Y T Btreut. _ GEO. W. PA11R , rharrnaclst. 1718 Leaven- worth street. IMIAKMAOY'.JIth and Farniim. SITUATIONS WANTED Itt ratts , tit. , irt lop nf A YOUNO ninn. 10 years of nKo. wishes employment us olcrlr. carrier , oollcctoror " m. Good reforcncos. Address 04 , jle"o. SITUATION wnnted t > y a youiiK man of peed Imiilt * . an Uorkor assistant book- kroper ; bent of city reference. Address Hnom 142. Itco build I MI ? . C73-'Q * WANTED Situation by a voiintr ludy as a Monographer. Address II M , lice. GENTLEMAN with several years' ex A perience , cnpnnlo of flllliiR n responsible position , deal res such with a mortKaito com- pnnror banlc In lena or NcbrnskuOtiinlin , preferred Address 11 2 , Ilco. 415:10 : * WANTED Situations for peed Klrlsmy wnltlnic rooms nro always full from 0 a. in. ton p. m. Cnnndlnn Employment ofllce. ? I4'S ir.tli. Telcnhoiin 881. 121 HELP. Far _ mlr , tc. ( , tee tnjiof Jlnlcnlumn n WANTED P.ilo.siiian owning own team to sell InbrlcitliiK oils nnd jireiiseson com mission toconsnniorsthroiiKh the state ; lariro proflls to uctho man. Address Chicago Oil Co. , HI Milwauluu ate. , OblcaKO , III. CIO-27 ANTED 1'list class coiitmaker. Address 1 * . gouguy , Aurora. Nob. 074-fli * WANTIID Auonts-Wo want llrst-class men who are already traveling salesmen to carry our lubrlcntlnit oils and prcaso siim- plcsns a sldo lino. Columbia Oil and Qrcnsa Co . Cleveland , 0. M018-30 \XTANTKI ) Klrot class canvassc.ru to Invcs- vv tlunto the liost business In existence. Room 5iq 1'axton block. MU17-30 * ( " \T7ANTED 3 brlclit cash boys , must comeT T T necoinntiniert by parent or guardian. Ne braska Oloth Ing Co. 70320 " \7V7ANTi ; ! ) Ocntloinon competent to lum- din an entirely now business , never In troduced In this cltv. Very liberal Inducu- nioiits , and wortliy of Inxoitlgutlon. ItooniMS. 1'iixton building. OOP 29 * \\7ANTKD A good steady man with about V * (550 capltnl as partner In a fliHt-cluss bntclior ljuslness loc.uod In liost part of city or will Hull out entirely. Address JIM ) . Ilco ol I . ! ! ( i * A wanted Light fork. Call afler- noons. Itoom 4. Ko. 103 N. lOtb. f.-'l-.fi * WANTED Mnn with good references at Metropolitan Mtg. Co , , IGOUllowuid st. t _ _ 254 I110 ,7ANTED , Jlon totraiel foroni1 Canadian nurserles.fctoiiCiVWollinBton.Madlsoii.Wls 700 WANTED FEMALE HELP 2'ur ratty , ttc. , fit top of furl column nn.dla TMQC T AIV Agents 't'lirco dollars capital will J-j build up a business paylncKS weekly sell- ln our novultlus In Indies' ' nnd children's wour. Ourolilld'H comblnodtnst \ nnd bose Riipnnrtor Is tbuculest llttln ciirinont ovorln- vunted and Bulls at sight. Address with stamp , Mrs , U. Campbell , 434 AV , Randolph street. Chicago. M717-27 * - . At onco. Good elrl for family of twos good vrn o i , 412.1 ItamlltonHtrcpt , OC7 20 * \7l7ANTnD So wing ulrLSSH Kariiam , nouo T ' bntcompelcntneod apply. 704 M * \J\7ANTiTlT- A compotoiit islrl , 15 or 10 years V > old , for Icltchon work. 7'JIS. lOtb. 70 ! ) I j \\7ANTFD Girl for Rcneral hoiiBOworlc.liTa I- > > Corliy-st. _ TOO "VI7ANTEI ) ( llrl todoflrst worlc for private > family. Imjuho MO 'so. 22iid street. _ C33 SO * V\7AN"i'fiD-Ono cook at the Olty botol.fKll _ > _ fKllC * " \\l ANTKD I.ndy or gcntlonmn , il& veok. TV looa 1'nrnnhi st. KB a ? _ = = : FOR RENT HOUSES. Forrnttf.ttc , , rtelnynf fiittnilwnn f i ! / ! ( . < , „ . „ „ " IT OlrUENT oiicApTiiiodoriii 8-rooin lionso . JC Olobo Loau & Trust CoiU7 : 8 , Kith st. G8.XSO * TTKIH KENT Oottnjo , three roonis ; ronon- JU1 able. 2KI90apltol avenue. 0(5 27 * I7IOR IlENT-Sovcn-room cottnuc , cor. ! Sth J avn mid C'ap. a-sc. Inqnlro M18 Uodge. J17U TjlOK KENT 3 lionsi'S 10 rooiim each. 1'ark Ju uvo \Voolworth Ht.clty water.furnjro. Call ut once. .Mumiuisli & 1'ltcbat. liouse renting iiBcnts , S. W > cor. Uth and Howard at. ( i04 "IjlOU KENT 1'nrnlsheil noiiso to conllcman JL1 and wlfu ( no chlldrun ) , terms reasonable no rlKlit party. I'lrjt-class reference required 1. Iuiiilroat51US. | 2athiit. TO 27' rpo KENTllaniKomo modern housd" , cen- JL t rally locrtcd. uomulolely tuinlshodi owner and \ \ Ifo will board with tenant It do- plrt'il. Adclrt'.vs 11 71 , Hoc. Q7'-1.'G' OR KENT-Corner lint , 8 rooms , rnnKO nnd nil oilier conveniences , at 701 S. lull st , ? 40 C'nll at storo. ( .Jeorgo Clausor. Ollf2 a ITKIU UKNT-l'ourO and 7-room Hats will J-biith , hot wiitor , oto.i pa\cd street ; ncai Inislne.ssi all liiiprorniiiciiU : only t'Xi per mo llcfeii'iicos leimlrcd , Tlio Mead Investmeiii C < i.,4 < 2 lleobulldliiK. as fj\OK \ HEN'r Tfousn of 8 rooms , N , 26th ht , J-1 No , 1712 , liiiioodieualr.hardundsoft water cellar under house. Also 1 flat of 0 rooms htenm licat. Union block. Inquire of Jnhi IIdinIIn , 1)17 ) I.luton block , Houtn l tlist. JI54JL IIKNT Jtin. 1. C-room cottnco , llrst . : class In e\ery respect , bath , hot and cob water ; un iiiohn lino. Cull utlUlShcrmiinuvc J\KI5 T7\01t \ 1IENT-A Iar o llt of houar * from JL1 per month up. Ouo. J , Paul. IGOOParm _ _ _ M5G OIX-KUO.M lieu e , ulty water , joarof lilt J ? Qjutb 8t.$18inoiitli. ; _ CU 20 T710H 11ENT-2 elocnnt 11-ioom bouses. Not JL1 ZioA mul 110 DoiiKltisst. I'.imuiro of A. A Olndutoco , 1J10 IJoiiKlasst. , or Gloljo Loan j Trust Co. , 'MS IHtliHt. 27 rr-ltOOM hoiiso wllb allmo < lcrn convonlencos . rout 13.1 per inoiith , lornor Thirtieth nil " \YooUvortli , facliiit Iliiuscoin l > ark , Knmilr Lee V "Nlchol , 2Mli ! ami l < cavonworlb , MTU " TKAM bcBtrd flats nt rcoaiotb. Tlios llull.uil 1'ouon block. 71 T\O \ UENT-NIco 4-rooai cottaRO , lit 10U S JLMJtlmt Innulmof MM. l > ujuanS. \ \ , co : ] 3tb and I'liclilj stt. c ; WU ltENT-W.-v-llo t ' .onm-hdiUMl G-rnot Hats In tliueltyj mixiern convniileiicejirol oronccs rojulrcd. Euqulro jNuthettoii Ihil itoom J , 2ia tj. i5th it. Kyou wish to r < int aJtouso or tstoro see I i : . Cole , Continental block. 7t MASSAQE , BATHS ETC. For mto , fir , u ( up of'J-ni rouinn nn ttitt nij > ASBAQKbatbtt MuJamoSmith's parlor \l ASBAQK-Mud iu Delilor , ever CIO ( in h.J FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rain , rtt. , tee tirp tit tnt column on tht * poga ItENT Nicely furnished rooms , with : all modern conveniences. SlsaCallfornlaj pUIlNlSlIEIl room 812 per month. 110 S.Mh ! street ! - ! . 0 NK front room nnd alcove , suitable fnrSor - 4 young men. N.V. . cor of IStli anil IMxon- port. OH HEINT A nicely furnished frontroomt all comcnlcuccH. 1S17 Davenport street. "NT I OK rooms , steam licat , 1713 nmcnport at. room , southern opoiuro. atoiiin bent , B34b.ICtli _ Ulhit I ) . * fl gU * TjTU It NTsllTity rooms , 1908 Captol avcnuo. TTlO'iritENt Klwiuitniiwlyfiirnhliocl steam X' boat looms , cor , Kith and Jackson sts. lilOll IlKM Kust front alcove room at the I1 Mori-la in. M.H Oil"HE NT Two plcasntit rooms hnnrty to business , modern coavuiilcucos. ! Uir > IouR- ) Us. CU LA1IOK Bouth front room , buy window , mod ern conveniences , for ono or two scntl - moii , 110 p r month. ail3I.oaYunvorth. Mac TpOH ItENT Furnished rooms , gas , bath X' and steam. 1510 Howard , 715 QT. GIjA.Hl European hold , with dlnlnz O room , steam beat In all rooms tilth und Dodge. Special rates by week or month. 717 iriOltllRHT-Krontroom with nlcovc.cuttatns J. ' mantel , etciin IIP tit , Ran nnd bath , 2 closets , siiltulilo for'-'nonlloinoii or man and wife , IIR.W ) per month. Also adjoining room with big closet nnd all conveniences J10.00 pur month. 207 B 84 th St. "W fpO LKT llomitlful front room Is best part X of city , clo o to good board. Itcnt reason able. I1. . ! HEithBt. 413 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD , tm-raltt. elt. , rcnlnfl f frl rohitnnnii tlttr front pirlor. with liourd for two. $5 SOUTH eaub. 1810 Fum mi. M 711-28 * furnished front rooms , strictly NICELY table board , terms reasonable. No. 30 ! ) N. 1HU st. 700 1 * FOU KENT Woll-fiirnlshod moms and board ; all conveniences ! SMS litruam. 705 1 * FOIl RENT A furnished mom to gentle man. Hoard If desired. No olhor botird- crs. 2817 1'opploton avenue. 078-31 UKNISIinO rooms fono unfurnished ) with boird. 407 N. I'Jth ' , Taill block , 690-27 * I71O11 ItENT Nice warm room with board , 2019 California St. 653 27' fliO KENT 2ii-story front room , first class JL board. SOia/JUhavoniio. 001-31 * ROOM nnd board. $4.00. 1712 Douxlas street. Hay board. fJOO per wook. 4UO 111 * TT > LKfiA-NT furnished rooms with board , pas , JUJlie.it and hath , 2p3N 1.71h street. 3iU-FJ5 * T > OOM and board S3 week , 1921 Farnani. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED for rales , fir. , tn tnjt nfjlrtl rolitrminu Wilt i agt / " \NE unfurnished room , OHN. 1 ? M717-20 * FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. for ratr * . tic. , ret tun nf fnt rulmnn uu ftilt 1x10 * FOR KENT Store and elegant Hat , 1130 N. ISthst. 670 27 * POll KENT Ono sloro imd 2 Hats , (20 ( So. IM\ street , nnd several cottages clionp. B J. Kendall. UOO llrown blilg. SJl-lMJ STOIIKS at 700S. ICtli , steam beat furnished. Tlios. I' . IIiillill : I'uxtonblk. 718 FOH UKNT The 4-story brick bulldlnf.wlth or without powor.formorly occupied by the Ilco Publishing Co. , Dllirurnniii st , The buildIng - Ing has a llroproot cement qiisuiiicntcumplcto steam houtliiR fixtures , water on all the floors gas , cto. Apply nt the olflco of Tbo lice. Ob I71OU UKNT lly January 1 , 4-ltory bulldln ? . I1S.510 square feet : suitable for any kind nf wholesaling , ntTnntband Jones streets. 0. A. JL.lndq.uost , 1110South Flfteuuth street. Tin FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. Icrrate * . itc. , rteloft nfmi i hiMiii on thlt FOU KF.NT orSiilo-l-'Ino , huavy brick flve- story eornor wnrcliouso wltb mostcontr.il trackuK IM cltyi lloors are 13WO squuro foot. ttrluKor ilTl'enny , BnrKor block. 73) ) FOR KENT Ilrlolt wnrcliouso , two stories blgh. basement , bydraulla ulu\ator , track age. Host location In the city. A. O. I'owcll. 781 WANTED TO RENT. t'orratff. tic. , i-femti "f fliKtmluinnnn ( ftIs 1x15 * ALAnYwantstwo unfurnished roonia or ono room anil uluovo In iloslrnblu locution ; roforonuos oxvltanircil. < Vddrot.s , atiithi'4 lo cution and terms , n 07 , Hoc ollluo. GJii 1C' RENTAL AGENCY. Forrnlw. ttf.rt ln | ) nt flrst a tumn nn thi > LIST your bouses to ull or rent with O. P. Harrison , Oil N. Y , Wfo , TTT U. COIjK , rental ngoncr.Continental blk. BOARDING. For rate . clc. . yea lop of flt-sl ( nlnmnnntMi PULLMAN bouso Speulal weekly rntcs. ' " M'M-VSl" FIUS-OLASS table board. "J578 Harney. Msi LOST Tcrratca , tie. , swlop of flrst column on th'ii ' LOST or Stolen Wblto fox terrier , with brown bond , UuarbiK tbo niimo "Tlco , " Liberal reward will bo paid for recovery. Henry Voss. 214 S. isth st , 1 710 LOST A iHic doK from lOUl rutiinin , with nniiio h. A. Ilonford onoolliir. Alllicrul reward forruturn Ki-1 Fiirimni street , U'4)-Ti' ) T OST Irish pcttor don 10 months nidi re- JUnnrd. Win. Mineral , to ) . 05. rooms ! 1 nnd 223 1'lrst Nut. bank. MS FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. Kor ratfj > .cle. , ftttnii nf first tutu inn un IM > i vj' . FOK SALE Eiirnltiiro of 5 rooms. Every- . Ililngclcar. Will sell any pnrt. AddrcssU 5 lice. WH-20' FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. - ' furntttfi.tto. , t fpj | afflr.il nilunuioii till * " 1/IOK SALE Cheap , wason nnd dotiblo work . JO burner , or will e.ichunro for buck bonrd , sldolur buggy , cheap. U.K. Cole , Contlnonliil building. F OK SALK cheap A two bor .o siolgh , also largo pulleys and sbaf tlni ; . V01 Douglas. 153 FOR SALE 5 Rood worlc teams. Inquire nt 618 1'nxtou block. 500 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1- ycrrratea. ttc , . lit top nf J\nt \ tolutnH on Id FOH BALK Complete set of driiB store fix lures , show cases , etc. I1. O. llox 37i 810 WANTED TO BUY. 11. 07 forratfn , tie. , itctuimf .firjt column nn Wit * t > vi 07o W ANTIU ) llorto. harness and buckboard. Mustboguod and olicni ) . Look box 401 , T. 0. UiO-2b - HAVE customer for some vacnnt lots nnd for equity In good rontnl property. J. 0. Corlolyou , room 40 , Chamber of Commerce. , 2L ® ? nl Vl/ANTED tolluy-A Rood horse for buggy , rt ) YI party bnvbiK snnio mid wanthiR cush inoro't bun the horse may find purclinsor by addrusslnz 11 'M. lleo ollleo , giving age. 05 price and full particulars. Oil WAN"11'1- OI1C ° ! merchandlso ! all VT kinds ; siHit cash : must knownt once. .70 I. T. No well & Co. . 1119 Douglas , Omulia. 11 ) fjUIKNITUHE , household pocKls.ctc. lllgbcst " Jcush ( irtco. Wulls , Hit rarnuii. ) 73C II" " 27 OUSES wuutud nt 1X11N JGlli st , KH II. rou MISCELLANEOUS. I-aratet , tie. , ut lap < / Jim column unlAU jxi0 , Dclilor. i _ . . 83-IV Tl I'ASSAOE treatiiicnt.olt'ctro-tborinal bath * , -I'liCttlpund hair Iroutineut , manlouro .and h. cbliOi > oUUu Alt * . I'oiWlOji u 13tk\Vltlmull , blu * 73 ! MONEY TO LOAN. i , ite Mtup ufflrtt column on tfli | M' ONEY ' to loan nnlmprovctl Omaha prop- orty. 11. II. Ircy. 'AMI , N. Y. Lite. 008 . private money to loiin , 7 per cent , $1.000 Omaha Uoiil Eslntu & Trust Oo , 4 Hoc bid * . _ l'EOIAL tundB tolnan on Innldo Omaha business property nt very low rates In sums of S.VOOO to J.'iOOOO. Klmball , Uhnnip A llyan , 120. rarnnin st.r . r > H4 5S . ill VATE money to loan. J. 1) . Zlttlo. ( Ill N. y. Mfo. MIW . loins at lowest rates , , V. Ufa bids. J II. rmmuiKor. 7J2 M ONEY loaned on furniture , horses , oto. llawkcyo InvCuX ) Douglas blk,10A.UodseMO MO Co. l.oanl of JIO to i Rot our rail's buforo borrowhut and money : loans on liorsrs , fiirnltiiroornny approved bocurlty without iiubllcity , nolou bouKht ; for nowlojinnlninownl of old iiiid.Iow- cat rates , call HSOS fclieoly bllc.lSth & Howard. / "UIATTKIj bank , : ilOH 15th st. . loans iiionoy V oiicJiattolsorcollatoral nt reasonable rutrs jlIHSTA second niortKajtes on vacant k Ira- J pro voJ city prop. Ton nty wnrrimtsbouuht. Moiioy on hand. F. M.KIclnirdaon.SlSN.Y.LIfo. ONEV to loan on city and fnrm pronort/ . W. SI. Harris , lisa. Frcuzor blk. , onp. I'.O. BUIIjDINO loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; no aclill- tlonnlelinrRrsrorioriiinlsslonomttoriioys feos.t , H. ilt'lkle , First National bank blilir. Cnsli on hand. Olobo .IOT H Ifltb st. No clol'iy , Houses for runt , good list. 7(2 OE. & 0. M. Anthony. 3IS N. Y. Life build Ins , lend monuy on farmi In choice conu- tlcs In Nebraska and Ion a. nlso on wood Otnaba nslclvnco iiroporty ; lowest rules ; best terms ; no delay ; mouoy ruudy. Titles nnd values uassod en ber'1. 743 TIIONEY to loan by B. 1' , Mtistors onqlintlftl . 'Lund collnlci.il M'curltlt's for any Uinci from 1 to (5 ( inonllis , la any umoiint to suit bur- rower. Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or- R'UIH. liorbus. mules , house1) , 1 oases , -ivureboino lucolpts , etc. . at ilio lowest iiosslblo rutts without publicity orromoval of property. Jly loans are so lur.mRcd tbatyonc.in make ( i p.iynunt of any aiuoiuit at tiny tltno mid re el uro both principal imd Intorost. If younwo a bulanco un your property or , t\o a loin you with chmtROH. I will u.iy lloll und carry It for you. If you llml It moru cun onlont , call up telephone No. 1KJ1 and your uuslncss will bo arraiiRrd at homo. Money always on hand. No dulay. ho pub licity. l/owcst / rates. H. P. Masters , ltooni < , Wltlmcll blk , lth and Ilarnoy sts. TlfONTA' to loan on Improved city property -l-'lut current ratesi funds on hand ; no delay. Goo. F. llluat i Co , IWi : atnmco blilff. l T\TONnV SO , CO or03 days , on liouscbold fur- 1U nit lire utc. CIS 1'axtoii block , J. J. Wilkin son. 11(170-1' ( " BUblN tjS CHANCES. , etc ttt to ot lUmt co unn onl/il / * \\7ANTKD-Man ot olmr.ietur , capacity and Tl some Ilnanclal ability , to conduct a west ern business for us ; remuneration JlOO nor month at the start. Addioss Til , euro Lonl & Tlioiiuia,01ilcaiiO , M710-27 * \\7 A.KTED-UnorKOtIo man with small ii oitpltal toinanaKo pay I MR business In No li r.i ska. Address 08 , Heuolllce. 7U-L' * T71LOUU and food store for sale , botivcon ? .iOO -t and * 400 In vested , carry nlarRO slock nf commission ( foods. A rare uhnnco for a Rood man. Address Norfolk , Nob. . Ilex 402. 070-27 * WANTKn-Capltullst who will InvcstSJ&.OOO Ina well cstnbllshod business that will p.iy JO per cunt dhldunds. Full explanation and Interview can bo bad by addressing It 72. Heo olllcp. CCfl''U * _ T71OK SALK Small stock of Jewelry. Kopalr- -L ingbuslncss good. No Jeweler lioro now. Clianoo won't bo open Inng. Peed location. Heat of reasons for selling. Host small tonu Instate Population 1,000. Address box IM" . Ki-ulu. la. 077-1:0 : * _ "irAVK you uny capital to Invest ? A rare JCL clinncd. Address at once , 11 OJ , lloo. M 053-27 _ SPLENDID chance for republican to sceuro pnnor In county seat for very little money. Address 0 7 , llou ollleo , Omaliii. 707 ! ! 0 * _ TTlOIt SAl H-Tnllor busldcss , Frank Socbor. y , Nob. 7U8 t'25 * SALTJor llcnt The Tokumuh cannlnc - factniy. In coinplnto running onlor ; will bo sold cheap , or to the right parties will bo rented on fa\orablo tcrniH. Call on or ad.- ilress 1'lrst National UaiiK , Tckiunuli , Neb , * HOIt SALE Furniture ami lease of 40-room -L1 hotel In linn location ; an morasebli.slnoss of ! TO a Uiiy. Uoodchnncc. Itost re.isoiis for st'llhiR. W. S. Cooper , Merrluin bloflt , Council lliu ITs , In. J1310 I'll ) " 1JKICIC ynrrt for sale or rents well built , JJnow. Apply 0.1Kmil , JIadlbon , Neb. TT1OU SALE or oxuliniiKO For a peed J fnrm or other property a forty-room hotel , furnished nnd dohiK a ( rood business. Ono of tlio best towns on the Union I'nclllc rallrond. Aildtcss 11 44 , Ilco. 5Qti-.ll * TIUUST class 4-rollor flour mill , runnliiff -L nluht and dny. In llrst class condition , In Rood llvo town o four thousand Inhabitants ( the only mill there ) for sale or trade for stock of hardware and Implements. Correspondence solicited. filmnauKh & I'ltobctt , 150J Howard St. , Oiuiiba , Net ) . , bold agents. 1L "TTlOUSALTIor Exchange Olonn slock of dry JRoodi. . clothing , boots , shoes , hats , caps , la dles' and cents' furnishing goods. Address lox ! 05 , Frankfort , Ind. 270 I'll T71OU KHNT-Only hotel In a Rood towns a J- good ODcnlne for a Rood betel man. 1'oc pirtlaulurs nddress llox I. llurr , Neb. 040 T5 * TTIOU SALE or Trudo Iario llvory und feed J.'stable , feed utoro uttuchcd. Tnislsvoll locatca on paved street and dolmaKooct business. SIumauRh & 1'ltchctt , real estnto agents cor. 15th and Honnrd at. 001 Tl OTEIj Tor Sale Do you want got Into a J.J. uood business ? If vou Jo , buy the Coininor clal at HroUen How , Nob. 288 A N established business for sale or trade. llox MS. city. 161) FOR EXCHANGE. Toi ratn. ttc. , ree t op nf Jnt , rnlumn ontfttt EO1 { SALKor Kxcbanse Forclenrimproved Onialia ronl iistaio a clean stoulc of hurd- wuri ) . wugoiis ; stock of about KTiOOOi In iiorth- orn Illinois. Address Cl > , caroOinuba Hcc. . 713-2 CO acres of cluar land , Improved , for flour O mill machinery. Addrobs I1.0. box 251 M 71MO * ANTED-Oiio stock of furniture ; will nay some cnsh , balance hi Omaha lots. Ono Btoclc liurdwaro of about $0,000.00or 18,00000 ; will puy part cnnli , balance oloar f urms. Ono mode of Ki'ncntl mrrohundlko of nliout 110- IW.OO ; partcish , part land. Cull on lly Alnlm- gren A. hovgren , uoom 14 , Darker bloolc. fti'lJ7 havoanlcs liomo to exchanpo for a clar lot. Alex. Blooro , 301 Sbeely block. [ C8J-37 * rpo rXCIIANOE-rirst class dwellliiK house JL property for Iowa or eastern Nebraska fur IMS. encumbered or clour , Address 0 Hen ollleo. fi75-3t < ANTRD-Two cluar lots In Oinnliu , worth $1,000 totl.503 each for dry goods and no tions. iu nield. 021 N 'join st. ' WILli trailo well Improved Nob. farms teiuuits on for morcbnndlso or housof and lots Omaha orolsuwbore. II 03 Uco ollleo c i. ( TlUSINKHSproiiorty on 12th at. , near 1'ar- JJnnin. for resilience. J uloar lotscorntr ( ) in Orcbard Hill forhousf and lot. 10r 40x120 , Saunders St. , south of Lalto Oloar , foi > residence. Some other eood property for cxchungo , T. D. Xtttle , N. V. Llfo. 'ox 12U nert'S flno farm land adjoining good No- J-braska town : nearly clear. lXl ( acres llnolv hnproyeil land 2W mlles froir county foatin NobniHka : llKlitly eiiciiinleered 120 acres good land In Nebraska , 5 miles fron county soat2.lOO | liiliahlliints , Ilousu and loC In town lu Kansas f clear. Ulunr lot In KIMX ! Nuhruaka town. 4 room house and lot. burn , well nnd cistern ICth street , Om.ihii slightly encumbered ! wll tradu for Omaha property and nssunio enuuta brancen. 11,1- Cole , Continental blook. 10 "V\7"IM < trndo Inildo city lot for lonso o > liouso nnd lot Oninbu or Council llhilTh 11C5 Ilco ollleo. CMS for pluno. Addresjll 43 , lloo. so lol within Smile limit for Insldi Address II4U , Deo. e salT l\T HAT hnvo you to tnido for two good lot ' luMt. I'loasunt ' addition , the future real iloncii portion of Oniuha. Make offer , Addrt'H 1110 , lieu ofllco. au A NUMI1KK of stock ranches to exchange fo \ Jl-uierchaiidUe.Ob 1'uxlou blk.Cameron A. Uc 7MJ2U FOR SALE-RDn : ESTATE. For rnlft , rte. , ttt tnp offint eotumn on t > it page. IjlA KM l'orSi\lo or Trade A neotlon of 1m- -L'prntcd land ( ( Mated nb Tlldon , Madison cnieonerosiuiicroultlvatlon. : ( 240 in pasture. SO acres hiiy Inndl No. 1 Improvement * , good IIOUHO. barn , feed yimlR , hcas , wind mill nnd 7mllo \vlrofonco : lUOarrus joining can bo secured with IU Address M. II , llcuarty , Ex- clmiiRu bulldln ? , Couth Omaha or Tom Mo- Donald , Tllden , Neb. 714-2 $2.WH ) buys lot and peed five-room cottnRo wltb barn , Zlstnmir Leavcnworth. Alex. Mooro. SOI Slice y olook IjlASY term * , 7-rouhi noimo , full lot. street J-oars , nour mncd Btrocu 1'rlco J-MOOj two cash , bnliinco tHO per month. Large Ht nf houses on ousy terms. II. I * . 7olo , C'oatliieiitnl block. 1.VS-27 If you wnnt o. first class Insldo rcsldenco property wo imvo Rot it. lly Jlnlmgrcii ft Luvprvn , Marker block , Itoom H. aa 27 T71OH HALE-Choap. The rcsldonco nt 2510 JL1 IMorco atreot , at a lursiiln for a few dnya only. Innnlro at tliu Nob. Stuam laundry , IClh nnd Howard ilreoti. M518 BAltOAINS-B-room cottase nnd lot. city wider , sewer and barn , centrally located , J.,7SO. Terms easy. Largo B'room cottage , nicely finished and well loeatcd.Ji.OOO. youth front lot on paved street near motor , tw. Homo nlco lot * In west nnd north partof city , too and upwards. J , 1).Ittlc ) , 014 , N. Y. Life. TTlOltSAIiE Several good Improved farms J2 also unimproved lands and town propeity in best located counties hi Nubrnskn nnd Iowa : nil nro barjjnhisA. Address V. Ii.LooinK Dili nnd Uoiljdiis , Omaha. Nob. "TOH SALK-If you hnvo bcon watting for JL1 opportunities to buy cheap , you had better - ter "Kot there" within the next 3) days. I offer bargains In Business , Trackage , Choice ii'Sldpnco nnd ncro p/oporty. J. B.-r.vnns. 308 N. V. Mfo. > 20 BIGGEST bargain In a flno rcsldeiico in Omaha. H rooms , with every cou\oiileiieo , flno Inrge barn , only \i mile from court house , ! 4 block from motor and paved street ! will glvo Immediate uossesslon or will pay JlOO a month rout for a yoarj M cash will swlns It. M. A. Upton Co. 67120 I IST your property for s.ilo or exchniiRu Avilh .1. G. Uortclyou , room 40 , Chamber of Commerce. M ! H ) ! > ST barsaln In Omaha. Only thrco of these olegnut IIOUHCS on 44th and luirniuu left out of six ; ether three : occupied by first class parties. Houses are open all day lor In spection. Every convenience lu the houses , Including gas anil gas fixtures. Take n. look ut them during this fluuwoathori buy ono and take llfo comfoi'.ablo during tbo Only'tnkes from S.10D to KiOOcash. See thorn without fall for tboy will pie use you , 11 V. SliolcD. 2111 Klrst Nat'l bnnk. 745 KOUNT7.E Plnco I still have ono 0-room house to sell on onny payments ; price , } . " > , f > 00 ; J.MJOeiisli. bill. $ ' 3.00 per month ; would tiiUe t.omo clear property In exchange. J. J. flllmon so'o KoUntzo I'laco , agent , room Crolgbtoti block. ' FOU SALE Or trade. Improved farm. UJO acres. In Gospcr county , ISob. , clear. Ad dress J. K. Shaw , 40th and iiauiUtoiistOninha. 414 a ( FOH SAI.R or Trade Ono clear lot In Ar mour 1'lucu. South Omaha. Make olTcr. Address K 27. Hoc ollleo. : I01 SPr.OIAL Ilarguln Lnrjo lot. C3xlC5 ft. . 4 blockH from Lowe tne. und Cuinlng St. . lays splondld : clioap for casli. or will trade for farm. Address R 0. Merrill , 42nd and Gasasts. i 1S7 WO- room bouse and full porner lot , very ohoap for cash , or will trade fcrr blear farm or Oma ha lots. Addiosj the ow iurat 4-nd and Ouss Bta. . RO. ilorrlll , { , ' . _ 187 TJ1OK SALK My leslUi-tico , MJO Kuruam JL1 street. Choicest lueatloa nnd best huuso In Oiimhn. for tbo inonoy. Hot water and ovciy convenience possible. Ilarn , connected wlthsowor , water nnd gU& D. V. Sholos , " 1.1 1st Nat. bank. M7H1 5-HOOM lioiiHO. lot aixffi. 11,700 ; also ti-room liouso. lotMVfx&i , s. a1 cdr. Uth nnd Vlntou St. , 9iOOO. HrioK house' and American house , lot OfixCO , n. c. cor. lOllrand Douglas , J40.000. Mrs. Kuhhmmn. 2121 S. Uth. 423 CLAIRVOVAN1 Forrettn , etc. , ecetop of frtll column on thtopiai. MASSAaE-Mttdum Dtlricn over 010 B. Uth. ' ( -ii 850-F5 * . MH8 , l iinnlQ.V. Warret , < slalrvoynnt franco , SpeukliiK.y .writingina"rullaWb Tjusliieas' niodlum , fourycifrs In Omaha. Ill ) N. * . JGth. 750 MJin. UUrYough Pahiflst tells tlie past.'rircs- cnt and future from the lines of the band. In thoold ( iyt > sy way. foe. U : ladles only. 1817 Izard street , Om alia , C30 ! 11 - MUSIC A'RT AND LANGUAGE. etc , witopiiF tn' column onthli new Davis & Co. , upright piano In first-class co i nlltlon. Inquire utlllb Douglas st. _ : tOl EroKE buying a pl.uio examine tbo now 'hculo Klmball piano , A-llospo.lOU Douglas. 751 IEO. P. Gellonbcck , toucher of the banlo fwlth HOSDO. 15U Douglas. 240 STORAGh. Forralm , dr. , Kttnjy of first cnlumn nn Uiti rruTAOKAGlTstoraBe nt lowest rates. W. M. - illusliiiinn , Hill l.-neu\\orlli. 722 S' TOUAGnand ' trackngo. Duvld Cole. 815-817 1 Hovijird ti cot. . 7a STOItAGB TIio best In city cloan.dry , bafo , and privately stori'd at rcusoimble terms. OmabuStovo liepalr Wks.ia/TUouglns. Tel OX ) . 1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. lonattt , etc. , teetniio 1 t roluinn nn t'lU 77008 CALL or write for catalogues and Inviffltl- Kuto t ho merits of tbu Smith I'remlcr ty po- writer. Ilanlfestly superior features. 1m port.int cliaiiKes niudo. Type-writers sold , exchanged or rented. 1609HIurnutu St. , K , 115 Miiyhow. manaser. U7. DRESSMAKING. Forratet , etc. , fcctcp of flr t cuiunnmn f/its / ; > a < j , XV OKTH'S ' tailor aystom tuught 012 S ICth. Sr)0 T7 < NlAGr.MRNTS ( tododicssmaklnR In fam- JiJlllos bollclted. Miss Sturdy , 1M10 llurnoy st 41iil'I6' HAIR GOODS WIGo , hTC. Forraten , ttc. , fee tap of flrst lotumn on Uili pugs. T > iST : line hair goods in vest ; hair dress In , ' , Jl > \vjs | ( , swltolics , banes , hair chains , etc. . n specialty. Iuvles ) , hair * Roods and milliner , oppoblte postolllce , HIS 15thstreet , Omaha. 707 MEDICAL. Ko rate * , ete.tce tn t n' ml aiiumn nn thltV [ l [ " 1711NlSTeiootrS amPo 1 oct"ro llionmflTjath JL } moiiio. Including Turkish cabinet bntlia , Ladlcs.H to 1 dully & Tuesday & Krldny OV'IIRS 0 to 10. Ur. Ulclmr < l , roonts.llH & 320Bco bid ) ; . PAWNBROKERS. it. ttt. . fee fop iO wt'column ' , nn IM paji ltKl ) Slolilo loahfl"iiiijiiv'y [ oii diarnbnds am watcbeBJowclry , ( , e , cor. I'arnuiu & lltl * ) I J. PATENT sbujOITORS. For rates , ttc. , ute top of flri calumn a n thin i > ao IDATli'lsT lawyers and Ablloltors. oTTV. S'uci JL & Co.Ilco biilldlnR.Omulm. lirnnch ollleo n Washington , I ) . U Conraltdtlou froo. 7S1 COSTU\ybS. , \ } Formtet , tic , set tap nfflreficnlumn on tliti L * \ I ) I ES and gontlcinra can1 rent inasu u e r ndoHulU at crN. ICUvyt. , WJJ2a r _ . Receiver's finlo or Cnpitul Hotel Fur 0 ni\iyr ) lly virtue of nn 01 tlerv9/j'tbo / district court , In und for Lancaster ifUmty , appointing tha n undvrslRnod receiver In. the suit of Ualph KlU'ben vs Edward 1' . Itbegen , ot al. . notice Is hereby given that 1 will on the Uth day of February , A. I1801. . at 10 o'clock a. in. of &uld day , at tlio Capital hotel , nt tbo southwest corner of Eleventh and l > streets , In tbo city of Lincoln , in the county of I.anoastor , soil at public auction to the highest bidder for cash , . - all the peiHomil property , furniture , Roods , clmttoN nnd llxturcs In Hald hotel boloiigliiB to tbu firm of ItoKKcn & McDonald. The In- f vontory and Hit of the said chattel property can bo examined at the said hotel ImlldlnK and at my ouico. BAM McCLA V" , Llucoln , January 1 ! ) , 1801. Hccrlvur. JiinlldSIlm SlTYPEWRITERS' ' - ftTjiB ii , . . nijtiiif-rJ 11 " Mai 'iVtTi ' * iro. WATER HAKES LAND VALUES , Irrrigation Will Make the Arid Linds Dloa- son and Add to Nebraska's Wealth. HOW OTHER STATES HAVE DEVELOPED , Cnllforiiln'fl "Wealth Mainly Duo to Ir rigation Dakota Una "Tried tlio Artesian Kystcm Successfully Plenty of At a mooting of tlio McCook Farmers' ' and Business Men's club hold at McCook , Nob. , January y , 1891 , It was decided that nn Irri gation convention bo held on Januury 23 at McCook , Nob. ; that the convention consist of twodclctrutos from onch precinct In the following counties : Koltli , Lincoln , U.iwson , Frontlor.aosper , Ilaycs.Cnnso.Dundy , Hitch cock , lied Willow , Pumas ntid Parkins la Ne braska , nnd Cheyenne , Rawllns , Decatur , Shormtui und Thorn ns counties In Kansas ; nnd Logan county In Colorado. Should DO public meetings bo hold for the nurpoio of selecting tlio doloimtoj to this convention the Justices of the peace In the vnrloui products of the nbovo counties were ronuestod to ap point two persons nnd endeavor to have them attend snut convention. The now Irrigation cimnl supplying water for tbo Kl 1'aso valley In Texas , which was completed last month , has already con structed laterals to water 15,000 acres , of which 7,000 ncro1) ) have been opened for cul tivation and nro being mostly planted In Muscat and Mission prapes. Tills section can look for a largo \vlno nnd raisin yield in the near future. A delotrntlon of Denver cu- pincers hare examined the cannl , which has n width of. thirty foot on the surface and car ries flvo foct of water. They pronounced It ono of the bust constructed canals of Its kind. Itls thtrU-onomllns long , runs through the most fertile vnllov In the west and It has a capacity of irrigating 50,000 acres. Chiisti County AwnUn. Now that definite stops nro being taken to commence Irrigation In the Champion valley of the Frenchman river , business Is assum ing a different aspect. A stock company with a capital stock of $5,000 has boon Incor porated nnd is ready to bo paid up in full. They propose to irrigate 0.400 ncros in this valley by Juno 1 , providing tno precinct votes $5,000 in bonds to aid In the work of construction. An election will bo hold in Chnso county on the bond question shortly , but It is thought certain the bonds will carry. Cnlll'ornln AVcnltli. J. W. Nanco , president of the State Asso- latlon of Irrigation Districts and ouo of the est known authorities on the subject of irrl- atlon on the 1'actlle coast , Is at the Palace rcsh from the late meeting of the association t Sacramento , wlioro a plan was decided on or securing needed legislation , says the San 'ranclsco ' Call. "Just to Illustrate the advantages of Irri gation , " ho said , "I need only point to the act that In the irrigated counties of San Diego , Los Angeles , San Bernnrdu fresno , Orange and Tularo the aggregate wealth has increased 8141,000,000 siuco 18SO , vhllo all the other counties of the state , out- Ido of San Francisco , have only increased " 205,000,000. In the Alossandro Irrigation district , for Instance , property has advanced vitliln six months from $10 to $120 an acre , ind8 , 100 ncfus of land , which a year ago vos cornpanitlvclv valueless , has been sold n small lots for $300,000. I toll this merely M show what tbo future of California will > o when arid lands have been given over to rrlnation. " _ Irrigation Nt'oessnry. Thosp of our visitors who study our ell matio conditions closely 'and Intelligently , ivith a view of investing In farming land : ind selecting for themselves permanon ionics , must arrive at the conclusion that tbi nest desirable localities are these wlioro fa cllitlcs for irrigation are obtainable at all seasons , says the Arizona Guzctto. For 1 they have been accustomed to funning where nature distributes horpluvlal favors through. outthojo.ir they will want green meadows wlioro they can grnzo their cattle , sheep und horses ; they will require orchards nnd gardens that they muy raise Trult on their own lands ; they will expect to jnvo their poultry and their hogs , nnd will naturally want to grow diversified crops , as iboy have been wont to do at homo , in short , x > practice that class of farming which ex > [ lenenco has Miown will yield the most Independent pendent and bountiful support to the groatca' ' population from a limited ntea of land. They will soon learn , however , from observation and Inquiry that this class of farming is pen orally poss'blo ' only with iirlgatlon , except li a few lavoiod localities nlonu the coast. .Small At Colonel Stevenson's office \ > as seen model of the attachment of the regulatlbi Hango valves made from methods designed n the colonel's ofllce. ways the Salt Lain Herald. It involves so little expense that 1 has been adopted at once by the Gunnisoi Irrigation company in Sanpeto county fo : whom plans wcro made for dam and attach monts. Orders have been piven by the com pnny to Colonel Stevenson to order the gate : from abroad , while all the other construction will bo done in Salt Lake. The darn which is being put In by the company corrals the waters of San Pitch river iu Sanpeto county to tbo amount of over 1,000,000,000 gallons nnd will Irrigate a very large area of the southoiuond of Sanpoto valley , which is ono of the richest tr.icts lu tlio Sanpoto legion. The plans for dam and equipments are some what unique , and as the expenses are co mnrvolously small. It has induced the people of the southern counties to enter Into like construction , ana the arrangement will no doubt outer largely Into future enterprises of a similar nature. The shipment of the wood pipes , gates , etc. , will bo made to Munti. over the uowly constructed Kio Grande MAJIICQT. rNBTHUMENTS plaoocton roooril January 20. WAUHANTV DEEDS. P J nnldvln nnd wife to H A OrlT , lot 20 , blk S. sub of J I Ilrdlok'nadd 135,000 G I ! Orosilo und husband to Alfred Writ , lotai.blk H. Uloviirdnlqnild 000 Anna Oorrljrun to J 0 Will , lot Sblkl , iDt add U > Mn A.VO 1'urk 005 AiiRiistfiUliollmiuuuicl husband to Al fred & 0 M IVrKlni.lot a , lilkl , Newport - port add , anil -'Mfsiitof n 378 foot , lot 5 , Obollman'H urtd to Hydol'urk cjoo Win 1' Dorurull mid wlfu to a I ) Ilasoro , lotfl , blk 10 , Ilixnscom 1'lneo D K Ilninon , trnstoo , to J T CornttooU. s ' { HW , ne sw 10-1(1-10 ( , lots l > and 20 , blk 2 , HltohoockSlstuild. . ] ax ) A li Mlllunt to K 1.0111. und M lots 8,0 and McKnUio's add 300 J I , Miles to F ISmith , lot20. blkO , Or chard lltll TOO Miles & Thompson to US Ilorlln.lot 18 , bll < 7 ( xsriftllnkor : ) 1'lucu . . . , , . CM T H Norrls ot nl to fl A Wliltulun , lot * l , Wkll.ailfton Hilt 700 Jnno 1'lekttrd to K O mid 01' Woymilllcr. lots 13to 10. blk Ifl , West Albright , n ! i noHenwm-lJ-l2 : t 1.800 A U 1'nultion ot nl. executor , tn Joiin Turrnl. lotl : , blicS. Win UnKodorn'H. . , 400 I'lonrcirTownHltoconuinny to I1 Hoist lotlT , blk 10 , Ilonnliicton. Neb 15 F.V Hnbw ot nl to 0 I' Wblto and wlto , lot 12 , bile T.McUnrmlck'sM nild. . . 600 Sumo toH i : llowoll and wife , lot 13 , blk 7 , sumo 800 South Oninlin Land company to 0 K Dennis , lots , blkW , South ( Jnmlm 700 Sumo to 1C M Stone , lot * 7 , hi undo , blk llil. sumo , S.250 O K Slaughter ot al to I'm no Is Goodull , kit fi mill south 20 foot of lot 4 , blk J , lloyd'gudd 1. COO J n Htovens and linsbnnd to Jennie I Weld , lot 10 , blk4Anitk'rpliici > 1,000 Hfimo toaniiii' , lotaHain nii place 1,400 FO and 0 F Woyniullor to I W Woymid ler , lots it : to 10 , blk IB. West Albright and ui ) nonoiiw aj-15-12 1,800 QUITCLAIM DEROa , John Drubakorto Kdwurd AIiucow , tax lotlOlnU-14-U t 100 Matrglo DloUlnnon and liutbaiia , to RW Hnow , Ioul2ancl 13 , blk7MfC'ormIck'i , SduUJ , 2 Total amount of transfers , , . . . . , SD'J.CK ! Western line , und will bo placed in position A3 quickly as possible , Dakota's Kctnriu. A farrccr of Hltchcook , Dftk. , reports an experiment on the advantages of irrigation , says the Field nnd Farm. Wheat WM the crop grown , and C. U. Uostwlck the farmer. There were two lots grown lu the same Hold and had like attention , except irrigation. The land had boon cultivated to whu.it for eight aticcossivo yoaw , and the ell was nat urally In such n depleted condition that a largo yield wai not to bo expect eJ. With irrigation the cost wa * S'.W per aero , nnd the yield was twenty- thrco bushels. Without irrigation the cost wasfJ.5por ( ncro , and the . \ lolda - four binheli. The former graded No. t northern hard , the latter grndod rejected. The former yieldgii ? li.r ( > "i twr aciv , the latter Viii per acre. The cost of growing the former w.w ! U cents imr buthol mid tno latter $ if > 0. It is not only in the so-called arid districts that irrigation will bo generally applied , but wherever maximum cropj would bo obtained with the minimum possibility of failure he- causa of nn untoward season. KucocHi < il' thu Artcrtlim Synloin. KeprosontatlvoHaymondof DavUon county , South Dakota , says that there Is little doubt among the farmers of his neighborhood that irrigation by means of artesian wells is alto gether feasible. George SohUnd of th.it county last fall sunk ouo of tlioso ; ) ! ( > fcot and has a fair How of water with which ho Is now irrigating a section of laud. This land land is being kept very wet all winter , the water standing qutto deep In the lo-v places. \Vlth this , it is thought from p.ist ox- psilcnces , that no further irrigating in the summer , with the usual rain fall , will bo needed to produce abundantly. Mr , Schl.md's brother Is sinking a well with in half n mile of Mr. Schland's place , which has already reached a depth of 300 feetwhero tbo boring has been stopped for tbo present until a drill can bo secured. In tbii well the water reaches uciirlr to the top already and when It gota through the rock will probably boas strong , If not stronger , than the other. Several other parties are at woik on wells of this kind , nnd It is confidently believed that they will furnish the solution of the problem that Interests the peoples of this country at this time. Ulr. llrown , renrescntatlvo from Brcwn county , ono of the largest and most populous counties In South Dakota , nnd ono that has suffered the mostsoveioly irom drouth for past two season1) , says thatn move is now be ing made in that county to begin work at once on thrco artesian wells. Air. Urown has a line Mowing well about two miles from Aberdeen with which ho Is Irrigating this winter. Mr. Brown thinks that artesian irrigation is the only salvation for this as a farming country If the droughts of the pwt season continue ) . In any event it will be money well expanded. Mr. Brown says that ho understands California has a most ex cellent spstom of this artesian irrigation on the higher lands nnd he has sent for their laws governing the snmo which ho thinks may bo of assistance to this state. Sovoial bills have already Iwcn introduced before this legislature for the purpose of allowing coun ties to bond for the purposes of this kind of irrigation , but their makers would do well to take hoed from the experience of a similar bill , but which was vetoed by the governor last year. It is understood that under the present condition the only way to reach this rpattcr Is an nmonUmcut to the constitution. So far a bill to this effect has not been intro duced. ' Water Regulates Vnluos. Another bill up in the Idaho legislature that looks like a good ono , says the Salt Lake Tribune , will compel all persons claiming water to go into court and establish the date of their locations nnd appropriation of the water , apd establishing by a statute that the ono who first appropriates has tbo first right to the water. That Is as It ought to be , and such a law would limit tbo settlement In any valley to the people who run make a liv ing In It. When llfty men own land In a valley - loy nnd have a common right In the streams running through the vallov , nnd there is only water to Irrigate the land twenty-live out of these fifty , the natural result Is that the whole fifty simply llvo an aimless , starving life. The truth really , in all these arid ro- gions. is that the value of the country rests primarily on the water , that the land without the water is not worth trying to llvo upon , and to have the law definitely establish what shall constitute a water right , is of much rnoro Importance than all the land laws In the world. Possibilities of Wyoming. People who Imagine Wyoming is a barren desert , susceptible to very little Improve niont , are greatly mistaken , declares the Northwestern Financier , The fact is that the amount of water available for irrigation in Wyoming Is very nearly , if not quite , n < great as that of any other arid states. Not only is there a great deal of water available for tals purpose , but It Is also true that the land , when Irrlgitcd , Is very fertile ; the climate , too is favorable to the production of most of tbo grains o the temperate region. There is no roa sou why she should not beromo a great wheat state , It Is possible that the north eastern part of Wyoming , which Is not very far removed from the Missouri valley , can bo cultivated without Irrigation. There Is a theory that the western limit of the so-called rain belt follows the course of the Missouri rlver > If this bo true , the rain belt extends much further west In Wyoming than it does in Colorado , for the channel of the Missouri Is much nearer Wyoming than it Is Colorado. IliK Utah Cannl. Charles A. Woods , who has devoted mucb , of his tlmo to study and reflection upon Utah's agricultural advancement , comes for ward with an Idea that contemplates the con struction of n canal from Utah lake , down the west sldo of the valley to a point duo wnst of Salt Lake City and to there build an immense reservoir , announces the Salt Lake Times. This ho conceives would decide the question of water sup ply for nil tirao , both ns to Irrigation and consumption. Citing the bonullts to bo derived from such a project Mr. Woo is says that 10,000 acres of excellent land could bo re deemed , wbilo by loweiing the waters of Utah laho ono foot from 10,001) ) to 15,010 acres would bo opened to cultivation. "Tbo two counties , " says he , "could accomplish this work by joint arrangement and splendid ro- suits accomplished In behalf of posterity. " lie will lay his plans before the chamber of commoico and secure nn exiuoislon from It. Comments and Goring Courier : Without exception the largo state papers hnvo taken up the subject ot Irrigation In western Nebraska , and are hammering away Just ns they should have been doing a year or so ago. Some of thorn favor state or government undertakings , wbllo all ufireo that "Irrigation is wealth , " nnd ScottH Blurt county Is getting some good advertising as the pioneer lu Irrigation in Nebraska. Sidney Telegraph : The third of TUB IIni ! Irrigation articles appeared Sunday. The articles are ably written and show Unit their writer has made a mostthorojgh and exhaus tive Hluely of his subject. In talcing hold of this question Tun BKK is doing n work for the west that Is appreciated bv every resi dent of the aria bolt. Irrigation Is bound to come. Ono or two failures may occur before a work of BO creat magnitude la brought to n successful termination , but it Is auro to bo ilono. It Is sincerely to bo hoped that TUB DKK nrtlclo may bo Instrumental in calling the attention of capitalists to tbo great returns that await their venture In bringing thcso wldo arcn * of fertile linul Utidor n system of productive cul tivation. They need only the water to inako them tbo most famous producers of tbo world , nnd In time they will have It. Superior Times ; In the western purl of tbo state great interest li being- taken In Irriga tion by moans of ciumls. Irrigation iu that part of the state la all right , but It won't work In this section , 1'oniii are what are wonted In this country and the sooner the farmers roallzo this and commence work In this direction , the sooner will tha country bo freed from the devastating hot winds. Klmball Observer : Tun OMAIUHKK leads the vnn in tbo agitation of tlio question of the Irrigation of western Nebraska , ns It docs on all other aubecta ( of Interest and benefit te the people of ttis stato. The notion of Tn * HUE in agitating the Irrigation question I * deserving - serving of roco/rnltlon by the wostenl people who are so vitally Intciested In the ntiustlon When a metropolitan piper like Tim IIKH tnlccs up the discussion of a question tbt world * Mm loams of its Importance and the discussion InTiiR IlRRof the advantages ot Irrigation nnd the ituluromonU offered for capitalists to makri pruntablo investments will result in good to this section of No- bras k a. Stockvlllo Tabor : These who can conven iently do so should attend the Irrigation con vention at McCook on the 'Jiitb Inst. No cold walor should bo thrown on this subject by any one , oven it irrigation ditches do not seem to ho feasible for thu country on account of the lay of the land , still we would bo bone- fitted by having the \ tiat \ \ the south and west of us irrigated , ami it would have a tendency to check the effect of the hot winds that usually rome from tboso direction * . \Vo \ hope to see the good woik go on , nnd would like to have all our rcailoM tnko an Interest in it und help it out as much as U within their power. Lincoln Journal : The bill now before con gress Is a good one and ought to pass. The state can niiiko thcso luudi , or a great portion tion of thorn , very valuable by adopting n comprehensive system of Irrigation , and the Increment in vnluo will piy the expense of thosntno audlcaVoa margin of prollt. It is the province of the stnto to tike tbo mntlor up rather than leave it to private enterprises ulili'li ulll be sure to end In grinding mo nopolies. IMviito corporations will run the irrigation business sololv for the inonoy that c.m bo nmdo out of It. The state can manage It for the good of tha whole public. And then , If this irrigation buslnuis Is shown to In ) a success In western Nebraska it will gradually work its way clear uu to the Mis souri bottoms. Chimney Hock Transcript : The people of this valley nriuleservlng of all tbo Interest o recently manifested by the press and should ha encouraged in their endeavors to build up this section. They arc deserving of aid from tha state anil the nation. Monovts needed and could bo well Invested In build ing canals for the people. The wlso men at tlio capital should take a prldo in rendering needed assistance to a people that mo trying and are willing to help themselves. A few thousand dollars loaned by the state to each of the small coin panics now so sorely pressed for cash would bo a wlso and Judicious ino/o and result In the more nipi'i ' and complete \\ork already Inaugurated by the enterprising ] HH > - plo now slowly pushing tlio worlc along , will our members of the legislature look into this matter from a practical standpoint nnd In form the people if the nbovo is not a sugges tion worthy of careful consideration t Denver News : But whatever may bo the futuroof iigilctilturo in tlio state boyoud tbo piosent line of oar Irrigating canals , there Is no question ns to the present or future of Colorado agriculture within the Irrigated limits. The production of hay , grain , \opo- tubles everything which will grow in this latitude bus already surpassed in value the output of our mines. The fruit Industry is in its In fancy , but is advancing with such rapid strides ns to warrant for it the most sanguine predictions. ICeoplng equal puce with agriculture and horticulture is the broadening murlcct afforded by the mines , \\liilo a growing manufacturing Industry Is each year adding to the demand for the pro ducts of Colorado farms. Heroin consists the industrial greatness of the stuto , depend ing as Its people do , not upon one single I to in of production , but upon many ; and the farmer who depends on Inlgatiou as tbo moans of raiding a crop Is less sohloiii disap pointed than lie who has no such dependence. Henceforward lot Colorado bo written down as u state not of ono but of mauy In dustries agriculture , horticulture , mining and manufacturing. and I'lnns. An Irrigation map of Wyoming will appear in the forthcoming census report on the arid belt. belt.Thero There are 1,500 miles of canal ami dttehos north of Blaclcfoot , Idaho , the cost of which was- over $300,000. Tlio work is only half bo- gun. gun.A A big reservoir on the West Bench is pro posed , to redeem 10,000 ncros of land , nnd loivor Utah lake only ono foot by bringing water from that natural reservoir. The Colorado Irrigation society has passed resolutions requesting the legislature to en act no legislative provision on irrigation until all interested in the subject bo satisfied. It is proposed to incorporate a company with n capital stock of $15.000 and sink pros pect artesian \volls at Hunllngtou , Castle Dale , Oraiigovillo , Ferron , Muddy and I'rico in Utah. Goring Courier : AVork on the farmers' canal Is progressing rapidly , and wo oxpuot toll em-of n regular Mvarin ol workmen mul teams over there pretty soon. It will bo n big undertaking , but they will carry it through in as abort a tltno as possible. There is tin anngcr of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Kum- cdy Is used as directed "for a severe cold. " It effectually counteracts and arrests any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. ThLs fact was fully proven In thousands of coses during tlio opldcmlo of inluen/a ( last winter. For sale by nil druggists. jiMXXEit's JtliAIXK. a ho 10 Defends Ilia Courtin in tlio IlnriMindia SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Jan. SO. Mr. Mlnior , ox-mlnlstor to Guatemala , who was recalled by Secretary Blalno because of his nttitudo In the Barrundia case , makes public his re ply to the secretary's letter pf recall. MIz- ner regrets the hasty action of the house of representatives In calling for the papers In the case before the committee had fully investi gated it , as ho could have explained everything satisfactorily. Ho cites Sec retary Bayard's ' action In tha Gomez raso and says ho ( Mlzncr ) was ruled by that in the Darrundia affair. Barrundia was ncltlx.cn and political offender against the laws of Guatemala , besides bolng Indicted for common crimes , and hocumn voluntarily Into the Jurisdiction of Guatemala on a merchant .stcamor. The captain of tha stoamcr asked him ( Ml/nor ) for instructions and ha advised the officer to surrender Barrundla If his ship was within onu leiiguo of the territory of Guatemala. Mlzncr snys if there Is any difference be tween thiv two cases it Is In favor of the ( .luntcmnlan government , which made the ar rest on tbo ground of liiuiiundiu being both a political and common crimes offender , and sustains him ( Mlzner ) In giving advice to tbo captain. Tim ox-minister stated that the entire - tire diplomatic corps of Central America , ox- cuptlng tbo representative from Hoxico , en dorsed his course In tha Bnrruudla ulfalr , SPliGl.iH ; UI3TTINR EVI3N. Ho CaiiHcs tlio Arrest oi * Ono of II ii Aleck Spleglo Is after Harris lUchtnond , tlio young man who testified advoranly to Spolglo at the recent Bornstoln inquest , yesterday ho hail lllchmond arrested for burghu-y , alleging that tno lattorls tbo indi vidual who brolto into his plnco about Jan uary 1 , and stole u lot of llijuor and cigars. Richmond protests that no U Innocent and claims that his arrest Is wholly duo to spite work. Ho says thnro Is not the slightest evidence to Justify the issuing ? of a warrant , Slidt nnd Killoil Ills Wlfo. SANMAHCOS , Tox. , Jun , 20. George IV Snyder , ono of the wealthiest citizens of thi tdaca and agent for the Southern agricuU , tu nil works of Allan ta , da. , shot and klllofi his wife. Mrs. Wmslow'i Soothing Syrup for children - ron teething cures wind colic , dlorrhcua , ota , ! i5 dents a bottla. Illow HlH Fiiuo Off. CROAK Hu'iiw , la , , Jan. 20. W. C. 4jtkin attempted suicldo last night by blowing off the lower part of his fuco with a shotgun. Ho cannot recover. For coughs and throat troubles use "Brown's ilronchial Troches. " "Thoy stop an attack of asthma cough very promptly. " O. Falun , Mlamlvlllo , 0. Ilnrsforil's Add I'hospliato KorMchl Kiumln of consumption , gives speedy benefit , Hontquoml CD Klnutrooutloni NKW YORK , Jan. 20. Harris A. Hmllor.tho wifomurderer , was fills' morning sentenced to death by electrocution. Hhoumatlo gout ! Drink nature's Diuretic und urloncld .solvent , The Excelsior Springs , Mo. , waters-