G THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : WjESDAY , JANUAEY 27 , 1891 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. 8atnrda/B Bull Force Tclt at the Opening in Wheat. EFFECT OF THE STORM ON THE SEABOARD , Everything Indicates n Continuation ol ttio Hull Fccllnj.-1'lvely I'luutif nitons in Corn Provisions 1'col an Influence Mvo Stock. CHICAGO , Jnn. 2a-Spcclnl [ Tdceram to THE Ilr.r.l The bull force In the wheat niarkut which \MI out short nt the close Btitiir l y was fcltut tlio ojcnlii ) l ( liiy. May started ' .lo v atticIxjuiicuit Io07fc. ! hack tel 7 ! cnfinln to W o , back lo 7o and stcnilluil at O'Hc. Corn opvncd ' ( cup nt W. c and sold at once at Kc ! , buck toMi'tU to fO'io to BiMc. Outs HOlil nt < Gfo ! ntid 4Co for May. I'rovlilotH opened utronif mid holier , but yluldud on ( rvu 'JlTcr- Ings hy pachcrs. Tliohant trndo liud u big day of It , Tliorc was less than the usual iiinount of outside nuws , bultr.iUliiK wnt vigorous mid tlio miir- Icut nervous and suhjcot to vur violent clianRC1) . The storm at tlio so.ibourd loft the truilu wlthoutconirniinlo.itlon with Now Vorlt nnJ , worse than that , loft Now York without a clmnco to roach this iniirkut to cover nhurt wheat. The HtrcnKth wliloli put > hcat up 8Ho on Saturday was felt nt the opening. Tlio llt'st triidos were wild and the pit Rrcatly excited , but a fnlr quotation wiiH07o for May , or ! io uji ( rein the top iirloo on Haturdny , Tlioro was u great whirl of buy In * at unco and the prlco wont to 07.ic. ? TliU brought out a lot of rualirliiK s iloi from local partlns and from St. Louis liuyora Hatur.lay. The price dropped bncK to 07'Ju. btilKcd tnin iv , drnppod b'iok toO'c , up again toti74 ! < ' , dtr toOr'io , up to l 7''c , off to08ic ? , n brc.iU of l'.lo from tlio top , up to07'/ ( and buult to07'io before 1 o'clock. The curly trading wns a ( .ovurlng hy Hhorta and n roall/ln ; by lonjf ! , There was also good buying fein n further ml viui'-u. The buyliiK was led by Mltuhull , Pfhw.ift/ . V. Wlilto ft Co. McCor- inlolt > "c Co. 'Iliu Helling was led by Cud.iliy. I'ardrhlRo , lllooni nntl IlryanU I'ardrldsc boiiKhtionio whuaton tlio dips early , hut ho dldiiot atUunnt tocovor his bis short line Now Vork shorts could not cover Imro. The vl lblu supply Htatuiuont could not bo uoni- jilotul for xviint of ruturns from Now York ll.iltlinuro and Philadelphia , nnd wlthoui tbtHU tlio polntH thoucd a decrpaso ofovci 000OjO biishols. Tlio total Iliturcs are expected toshowaducruaso rxceidliiK last year , uliun It wiis 575,000 bushels. Mverjiaol ca bles were Btroiig and Id higher. 1'rlvato cables rcpU'fconted Blocks abroad decreaslqs rapjdly and buyers holding the in irkots very flriu. Heculpts hero and at northwoi torn points \\oiofroo. hut cut little llnuro with the trade. At Now York May who.v t was up tt fl.Oliuxl nt t-t. I.ouU to'JSc , early , \\lth sales ofcnshnhoat at the latter plneo Ho undoi May. SI. Louis also reported barges loading foroxpart. r.vorytldiiR Indicated ai'ontlnuu- tlon of Ihn bull fcolliiK. At 1 o'clock the price of May was ntlffUc. The corn market had n rnmo of nonrly Ic during the session , hut oliisud at only a Hlxtcenth dilTercnco from Satur day. The market started Htions an < 1 lilghcr atRUJfc and on tlio stirn th displayed by wheat rose nt once to .Vic. At this ll' uro the market was vcrv nctlvo and ultlion h of ferings were ery free. It looko'l for a tlmo us If the nurket would ansorb all and go liUliur. AVIth the elii'ck In the moveinont In wheat , corn stopped at We , sold ut " > ' ? aO to .VJ' o tci 62Jc ( toK' . SXic to r > 2"o to M OSJUcattho close. 1'ai drldio's brokers bought corn c.u 1 y. The lonxs supplied the stulT. Sta ulTcrwnsi free seller later. No. 2 January closed noml- n.il at40Jc ( ; I'obruary at 497io to .Wju to 4 OJ.JI to40' c to the eloso ; Juno JJo toHcundci Jlny ; July , ra c. elf to KHo , uloslnc atRJKG K o : May corn , puts , fiJIHo : e.dls , Ri.'iQoJ o. The oats m.'irkct was not very Interesting Ilutchln on led the trade , selling at the to ] nnd biiylni ; at the bottom. The opening wa < the host price of the day t46'io ' and the do- cllno was but Ho to 43 oand thocloao uUWa < 0cor about the simo as on 8 iturJuy. June was quoted'nt43Hci July at41o to 43Jio to 41 ( at the close ; for January 4lo was hid , The provision trade felt the bullish Influence of thoKialn puts at thooponlni ; nnd the Ural Iirleea were higher than the close Snturdaj and practically the highest of thu day. Or Hay contracts pork started 15o up ntflO.AO [ < ard started at * l.l-t ! and sold at } J. 1T > ; ribs al I6.S3 nnd sold at W.TH. Tlip- wuio the top Igures. I'ackers bocnnio free sellers nt once , tnkliiK nilvantaKO of the gonural strcnztlh Armour & Co , S\vlft & Co. . ( Judahy and other : nil old poik licu\lly undothorptodnctHHotci ! With pork. 1'ork declined to ( IU.UO and oloseil nt tio.'in ; Jiinunry at t'i.80 ' and february ai 10.85. Lard olosvd ut the bottom ut W.10 : 1'ebruarv ittU.70 : Miirch. at S3.83. Ulbs sol ( don 11 to jj.'JO at the closo. AT cuicAao. 1'IIICES AT ST. I.OUI8. r I Open Illlxh I | Closo. | ynt'jr " WllKAT- jiTiy : ; : : : ISKK W > i COItNMny 49J. 49J : OATS Mny. . . . JVM 40 40 NO OH nnd Gtmslp. Closing cnblo wheat ! 5d higher. Ihiliith stocks In store , 3OJ2,010. Increase 28,200 , Rocclnts , Chicago , wheat , 41 cars corn , 161 oats , \A \ Olllelal rcportof South Dakota wheat eroj 13 I'.W OOO. Indlciitlons fuvorilecreisoln : visible aboul half million. Minneapolis stook In store , 0,010,013. In/ crcnsc. li.'Si84. ( Estimated receipt ! ! of hogs for Tuesday a' ' C'hlL'IiKoU1.000to4 : > , M)0. lletclptH of IIORS ut six points O.COO inon tlian .lio Hiuiio tiny lust your. Estimated receipts for Chlcngo Tuesday : licat. M > ; voru.au' : oats , 2U St. I.ouls reports cash whrnt sold 1 cent un der Mny on call , and offered freely. St. Louts receipts , wheat , ll-.OOO ; corn , RS.5RO oats , 47,000. .Shlpmunts , wheat , ' . ' 1,000 ; corn , 44 , Clilcapo roeelpts : AVIicat , 41 caraj corn , 1C4 oatn , IJ ; * . Inspoetod re ulari Wheat , 15 uu corn , V ; outs , ill , Ft. I.ouls wlips several barRCs loadlnj wlioal. Our stocks will show a liberal do ITOUSC of "bO.OOO busliolE. Vlhllilo supply of lioat shows Itt.'i.OOO Imsh fa docroiibo with llnltlinoro. l'lillailoll > lila New \ork und Uswogo to lie.ir from. John Tyson says : "NotlilnR In the tt na tion , hhorts scared nna covsrlnu : . Whui tlirotiKh thu mitrkut will go down us fubt us li advanceU. " Ilarllett A rrttilor say thnt millers fcld then PSo lust week foriw.oooiiuhhcls of wheat whli-l they have In an Dviuisvllhi , I ml. , elevator. I1 Is red \ \ Inter , but not all No. S. Itccolpts at OhlcuRo : Wheat , no.ntx buslii'lsj corn. 310.400 tmsliols : oata , 'M , 'M buslii'ls. hhlpincnts Whont , 15,1109 liushels corn.CO.lOObusliulsi oats , lini.uoo Lushcls. Trlvatocablo from Liverpool toapitvnti party says : Wheat strons mil hlshori stock ( llinlnlMliIni : , LookH rm thoiiKh St. l.otils iico l > lo bold u great deal of wheat this forenoon , W. O. McCormtck to V. U. Swart & Co : AMieat has been very firm am KrU ! > lila communication wltli the east consul crnbly curtailed the uilumo o trading , Tlio feellnp of our loca tradi'is was very bullish at the ononlni inoileratoly not ho. althoiiKh tholuok of tele and an Idea existed that our prlnrlnal loca beiirwrxs likely to undertake to cover nt leas a portion of his > ery extended line of short' In this , however , they seem to hav been mistaken , und u break follo\\e < tlio first bulKO on realizing bale nf IOIIK wheat by parties who hai boiight it on Baturtlny. Tlio decline wns.liow c er , reco\ored anil tuo market closes ktroni at n Ix ) ut top prices. Cables noted an advtinc of a ] > rmiy In Liverpool and Pi i.oula vrlrou the stroiiKcst umrkc for cahh wheat that sliolias shown to Mnnn tlmo. We boltovo that If thu east lu been ftblo to roach ns by wire wo would hav hail nitot nor own mlvauco today , Corn wa ftrong curly In sympathy with the advance I wheat , but hud a sharp uroaK us soon as th rstlinatos of largo receipts for toinnrro < woroaniiotinccd , Tlio trade was announoe end It Is evident from the action of tlio tuai kot that tlioro are row short * . ibU li u wca oattiro nd wo do not believe that iiuch further nilvnnco la possible * 'rovlslotn oponened strnnu nnd ilKhcr but tlio mnrkctwas very dull , nnd In the absence of buying orders stiiiacd.nwl closed lower than "aturday. Thorn was no fiensntlomil trnilliiR and puckers scoincd to bo outuf Iho market. V , 0. Lognn A Co. toToncrayA. Ilrynn The wheat innrket has been strong from the npcn- nt'until tlio close. Opened nt UTUcsold up oui'ic ' , declined from that to Wye. l.ato cables \HTO higher , with the udvunco Rin- stnlncd.owInK to thoscarclly of wheat. ThU iinrlicl Is very aetho with n , lar e business loin ? , 'I he ueneral sentiment Is for hlithcr irlccs. The only bear feature or nwtiiuent or n decline Is the line outlook for the KIOW- as crop , hut this for the near future will not naki ) 11 leif of bread or (111 shorts , and there area fowof them. Cash wheat continues In cooddemand hero nnd ut Interior points. Ue earn the Hour demand Is Improving , Our opinion expreited for the past week It mi- chanced ; buy uhenton all breaks. Coin , In fcyinpathy with wheat , sold up to 6'J c. The trade In Ills light. Kcnnctt , Hopkins iCo. In Chrlstlc-Lathrop Com. Co.lieat opened utroiiK nnd ex- ellid nt n good ndvnncn over Satur day's clom iiilclly | ( Rcoreil n further rlso tci Ui' o for today. This let loose u good deal of IOIIK i-tiiir. euisliiK ; u reaction toUTe , but Lheru wore apparently Rood buyers nt the lat ter price and the market did not get lou cr for moro than two hours after tlio opening. A close wntoh was kept on I'ardrldgo , but no seemed to lie doliiK little and was apparently iiiillo uniMinecrnud fur it man reported to bo short from 4,000,000 to 8,000,0 ; 0. H loom came Into the pit several , times and looked the crowd over It was hoped by hulls that ho mild try to irct even with Pnrrtrldgo by bld- Itut thu market up , but ntUT'Iohu bold stid- deiiiy iv round total' , which hiul an encourag ing ciroct on the loin ; end and prices dropped over I cent. A wood many startllue iindlni- probable rumors have been circulated , us nlwiiys Is the ca&o when n sharp nnd unexpected mo\o oectirs In cltlior dlreetldii. O h wheat was reporlod to ha\o soIdluoNer M ly nt St. Louis. Hlackbourd ( inotatlons showed It I'.u under Mny , but our oorrospondent thtrestutes a few sales were maile aic under -May. It Is stated on Rood au thority that southern Indiana mlllert bid USa lust week for 1W.WW bushels In store at Kvnns- vllle. Thoiu Is no doubt eash hMit Is appar ently sciirco In some scetlons and comniand- ln faney prlecs. lint so Ion. ; ns Chicago .stocks liu'roMso nr remain near their present iiiaK'it- ' tudo It will bedllllcult to malntiilii current prices. It should not be forgotten that the situation Is essentially unchanged from what It was when .May wheat , w.ts IKle. and tliut iir- ptiment In fuvtir of IdKlior prices will count for iiothlin ; on the next shuip decline , It Is yet too curly , wo think , to In- aiik'iu-ato and sustain a bull nio\r- inent and lower prices are confidently eviootcd. Corn opened stron and prices held well for a time , but finally sold olT onliiR tc the lack of demand. Itlsieasonod Hint eon Is not lilith liccatisu the aU'ruKO for ten yoirs past lias been about 4iVic ( for cash , but the av- Prage eiop for three years past has oxeeolod the u\ur.iKo for ton years by about IGO.OOO.UOC btiMiols. Uatsmiido their host prices ut the outset , but \\ero ( lull and llrm all day. The fall ) at the opening In provisions wns princi pally on soverlnK by blunts , l.on s wore sell- Inx and shou a readiness to sell on every ad- vatiee Instead of Increasing their lined. At the present comparatively low prices theto Is [ in absence of Investment hnyhu nnd the mar ket looks heavy in consequence. It droonod toiluy , although hogs were higher and otnci markets were strong and excited. CIIXVAtiO K STUCK. CHICAGO , Jan. 20. ISpcclal Telegram toTltc IlKB.1 OATTI.K The light run which was en tirely unexpected on account of the favorn- lilo closing of Hie market Friday had thoof- fect of set tins tip the prices lOo to S3o one very- thlnj. that carried llesh or that was In unj way useful. The best steers , best cows , and , in fact , as above stated , nearly everything , not excepting stoakers , sold substantially higher. Kxtra 1IIOJ to 1500 , wore nt IS. 10So BO prime export , H00 ® . " > 03 ; lough export , $4.402 4.50j good to cholco , 1U.VJ to 1500 , JI.70O48'J : medium to Rood , 115) to ir : > ) , } ) . ? % . .I.IO ; com- moil , 10.V ) to 1.150 , ) W5)1.7."i : fat pony smooth 1100 to 1.100 , $ .1.00 ® 1.40) ) choice helfurs , $ ,1.0033 50 f.ilrto Rood cows , 600 .to 1053 , . . ' .OOassOj com. inon to fair cows , tl.5'X3I.T5 : poor to good bulls 001 to 1.TOO , WOOSJ.cholco ; bulls , 1500 to MX)0 ) J-.Wtta.V ) ; stock steers , 00) ) to 600 , $ : .3offi3.T5 fuodltiK steers , 8JO to 12.V ) . J..wai.'JJ ; voa : calves , 100 tel 0 Ibs , $ J.505.00 ; inlleli cows lorlioad , J15toaas.OO. lloos Trade was active and prices 10 higher than at the close Saturday , Uonsl nnd common were at $ J.I02 ' ) . " > 0 ; paukord , tl.OQ © 3.70 ; prime hoavrand butcher weights , H.70 G63b5 ; largely , * J,75j light sorts , tJ.03QJ.70 pigs , ' .00483.50. STOVItS AX1 > IlOXItf ) . NuwYoiiK , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram tc TIIH llEK. . STOCKS. The stock inarko showed some evidence of support early , per Imps the foollns carried over from the close Saturday on account of tlio bank statement. The best strength at openhiK wan In Louis ville , Itmllimton , St. Paul and Northwestern , cnoh of which bold at botlor t'rnn the closing llsmres of hist week. The forjlgn business was of a dllTorunt character , Iho street bolns almost entirely shut oil from the world by the storm , which mido the wires useless , and tlio local trade soon KUVO way to selling. The result wa a prolly noiicral collapse In the prices o \\ostornstocks. lUirlliiKlon sold at 'loin 837 1087M. Northwestern from 103 > _ to 1043U , Uoul IslandCS'S toG7J ; St. Paul , 52'i to 51J8 ; Mis sourl Pacific , 6.H4 to OH4 , recovering to G'J',5 Union Iliiclllont4l'i U > 4lji before 1 o'eloali Olilutno tins held pretty llrm lietn ecu 38'/i ' am 3'J'i. ' with SiiKtir Jtecolpts 1 point olt nt 77j ! Vlllard stocks held up well. The trull lux wa altogether local. Money wns easy ut 2 nnd percent all day. There wns HOIIIO reco > er ; during the last hour , lint the lust prices nor Konurully tiniler those of Saturday. Northeri 1'aclllc preferred was higher. Ohlcaso On wits higher al 40 ! . . Union I'.iclllo was th weakest nt n l\ loss for the dny to 42J. . St 1'iiul closed a traction higher. The sales won 177,457 shniei. The following were thoolosln ? quotations : MONEV OU cull , easy ; closed olToro'd ut 2J per cent. I'ltiME MISHCANTILE PAPEii 57i ! per cent. bTEitUNO KXCIIANCIK Strong ; sixty-da bills. 14 63 ; demand , J-1.871. . NUW VOIIK STOCKS. Stocks. Oion. | | lllKli. | l.o > r. | Cloae. I But' ; 5V. & I. . K. . . llocklnn Val 20 27 Miiilluittnn . 10.1 5Vntin8h pfU 18T llrlo 1UJ Canada So. I'ucltlo Mail. : u 82 SJ > Ijiko bhuru. lt > A 107 73 73 I.ciul Trust. ID1 C.O. O or 113 Northwost'n 105 10 ( Mo. t'lio. . . . IUJ Union 1'uo. . N. 1'np. pfil. aw * , ' N Pap. coin. 27' O , 11. A.Q. . M Hock Island bS' bl. Paul . . . . bS'w M Paul | ifa. \U > M. Union 7U v" I ) , I. . AV. . . 7U7li ( v"mi 1MJ Muuiir Trust 7li mi 78" Am Sun.lit. Ji'ruoy Cont. ! ( , ' New Kniil'd. Hd" S7 ? Itlch. Ti'rm'l Hd"nji IH Atchlnun. . . . 28 211 t'lilcmolllis 28XM Kciullni : asni am ai.U Dtil A lluJ. ni Ul iu I'M rullman iw ( 1H-.W UlVI .Nu. Am 1 ! , ' ! 15VI IK Mich. lent. . IB VI VI VI fllvor 10.1TJ VIWi IttlM law 111. Cent. . . . 20J 5VI . Cont. . . 20 ' " Mux. Cunt. * SUTi joti "aii A.C. Oil. . . . 2JH Tetns 14U 15 Tenn. U. & I. 5 8(1 Mining Shares. Nnw YonK , Jan , 21-Spoelal [ Teloxram ti TUB HBE.I The following are the nilnin ; ( took .notations ! Alice IRi Mezlrnn 210 Aa.iuuCou , ITU Ontario 3UUO Aipcn too Olihlr 311) ) Cuminonwonllh. . . , , luo Plymouth 125 CuloruilatViittnl. , , , 100 havniii ) 200 lioulil , V Currr U HlerraNovaila 150 Unto A Norcroii. . , , 1.15 hlunilnril m Ilomoitnko , , , , 80U UulonCun. , . . , ICO llombllvor K4) Tlio Coffjo Mnrkot. Nnvr YOIIK. Jan. 20.-Spcdal [ Telegram t THE llKK.-OorifKr. Options opened steady 5 points up to 5 down ; closln Heady ; unchanged to 15 points u ; Salosi 10,750 ba''t. InoludltiR Jan uary , IO.Wiil7,00 | February. lIO.63.Mfl.70 Murcli , flS.S3ai.Ut ! April , 114.00 ; May , II3.70C 15.75 ; Juno , J15..V > .415 55 ; August , f 1VI5 ; Bcpton bor , JII.75-iiH.SO ! December , ( IU.bOaia.B3 : sp < Ulo llrm ; yulotur ; fair oayoca , | iu.oOjN'o. 1 : 3i.inic.KT. Oiucxno. Jnn. M. Clo < o-Wlioat Stc.idyt caih.icci May , O7o ! ( : July. tt."ie. Uorn-atcmlys citsh , W.f ® 'J'4oj May , WiO ? M'5u. ' Uats-Ptcudy : cash , 4 < ci Mar , < & . Hyo 71c. Ilarloy 7.Vl70o. ! Tlinothy-Jl.Sl. ritixr.i7. . \VJilikv JI.U. rork-Iull | eu h , fO.SJi Mny , $ IO.tt. ! I.iinl-Dull ! unsli. f. > .7ili May. taiOftG.I ! ! . . Short Ulbs-Uull ; cash. Jl.iJ ; May , M.ITSiO I'loiir Unchnnnod : winter patents fl.fiO Ctl.80i spring pttcnts , * MOtM.t)0 ) ! bakurs' , U.ioii.75. : _ ; Hulk Moits Shoulders , tlo.V3t.10 ; ihort -tir.ri.O'J .VO\ : short ribs , N,7K34. 3. Mutter Unchanged icrontncry.u/ii''o'c : dairy. VlStifUv , ( 'hot-so t'nolinnircil ! ( nit cronm cliodilars , OU < IM _ o ; Huts. OjjO'.Oo ! Vontii Amorloan , loa 10V40. I'sps-Flnni frcsli. U3I12JC. Hides ITnrlintijtcil : llifht nnd heavy prcon salted , fiVtWioi troi-n , 4 01'ic : silted bull. 4'ic : urouii siilteil onlf , Ho ; dry Hint , 8o | Hull lnillVit.7c ( : dry c.ilf. HU3o : dcucons. cncli , " > u. Tullow Uiiclinncudi No. I , solid packed , 3 c ; No. 2,3c ; otiko , 4o. Rcocliits. Shipment' ' . Hour , bbls . ll.OW 0.00) ) Whont. bu . ! ( i,03J ) 10,0K ( ) t'orij , hll . 3IO.OJO W.fOO Onts , bu . . M. . 2M.OOO 13'J.OOl ) NKwYoltK. .Tun. 20. Wliotit Ilocclptq , 2. * > .POO liiislicli ; uxporK ' . ' .VWO huthulH ; n it hlehun Nu. 'Jicd.f dl.Paln elevator ; JI.GUWH.10 iilloiitl.ii'iiliu5 ! ( ( ! f. c. li. ; options lulvitncutl 15 ( ac. ! . cIotliK ? sluttdyi No. S red , February , closing at )1.0UX. Corn Hcccllita 44'JOO bushels ; oxportn , 10.H50 hnslicls ; spot lilRhor ; No. 2 , dlMfySo In clo- \tttor ; OS'tflKia nllotil ; uiiRradod mlxud , 8I1 ! Q8Jo : options ( Inn ; Jummry. O.'c. Uats Koc'cliits. 70.000 bushels ; oxpnrK 10) ) biishols ; Hpot litelrur ; N'o. while. K'i'U 'lc ; nilxu.l western , MiWIl whlto wc torn , Wdt Ko ; options stroiiRor ; Jnn nary , M'.o. SiiRar Itclliu'dqulot , UfJiJi" lower. I'ctrolonin United closed. Vobruttry , 75'/Jc. ' KjtRs Steady ; western , 'Jj e. Jjaitl btroiiKcr ; western steam. 18.07 ! ! . H utter Kasyj western creamery , lK327ci Klein , "So. o Strong , _ MiNKEApor.ts. Jan. SC.Wheat Gash when ! hlKlicr to correspond with blx ltd- Muioo In future ! ) . There .ivns n good Kuneral doiuiinil. tiliout air stun boll- ln ttoll with the exception ot hard. Ite- col.itsfnr two davs.UW ears ; slilpinvnts , 110 curs. Uloslni ; : No 1 hnnl , .Jauiiury , OJol on track , D.lo ; No. I nortliorii. 02o ; Janu ary , We ; lubrtiary. tttc ; on track , We : No. 2 northern , b'Juj January. 8 Jo ; on track , SD3 l)0c. ) _ ST. Louis , Jnn. 20. Wheat Higher ; cash , 03S4C ! Slay , U7lJ 'J7sC. Corn lilnlior ; cash , 41'io ; May , 49 ; c. Oats Iiowur ; c.tsh. 45Ue ; May , 49iie. Pork Oulot atflo.'J.x l.itrd Quiet at J3.CO. Hnttor ttisys crenmory , 2K322o ; choice U fancy dairy , "u&X'c. KANSAS OITV , Jan. ! 0. Wheal Firmers No 3 bind , cash. 820 bid ; Janinry , b2o bid ! No. : red , cash , DOc bid , Corn Stronger ! No. 2 , cnsh , 4So bid ; Janu ary , 47i o lid. Oats btotdy : No. J , cash , 44V5o bid ; Janu. ary , 44.io ? bid. Jan. JO. Wheat-firm ; No. C sprint ; , unsli , OUQUlc ; May , OUJc. Corn Firm : t\o. \ 'J , 4'J'/ic. ' Onto Finn ; No. 2 while , 4VIOc. _ Provisions Qtilct ; pork , May , $10.33. CINCINNATI , Jan. 26. Wkcat-ririu ; No. ! rod , % c. Corn Firm ; No. 2mixed..Me. Oals Firm ; No. 2 mixed,473Uffi48o. WhIsUy-il.lv. titreiti'OnuJan. 20 Wheat Slronjr ; supply peers red western , spruiK , 7s O'id ' < i 7s 7U pei cental ; rod western , winter , 7s O.itl , Corn I'lrui and quiet ; inl.\0d western Os Cd per cental. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K HTOVK. OIHOAOO , Jan , 20. O.ittlo Uocotpts , 12,000 head ; innrket higher : cxtr.i steers , $3.50 , nml from Unit down loJt.M for uood : advances largely on cattle that bold $ l.'J5&l,75 lust week. Hogs Receipts 30,000 head ; market active and Iilger ; roneh and comnion , $ J.UX&\\ \ \ packers J.UKK&3.70 ; prime heavy and Imtchoi 1 - - * , il.70 "ja.Ki < : ; Huh" $ .I403.70. Sheep Itocolpts , 10,0JU ; inirkct moderately nctlvo nnd lower ; westerns , t4.7.V < J4.UO ! Toxuns , W.OJQ1.40. ST. Louis , Jan 20. Oattlo Receipts. 1.20C ho.id : shipment1 ; , ; market stioiiKj falrlc fiuiey native steers , tJ.73U3.lU ; stockorB and feeders , JJ.OCXfS'UO. lions Itccclpts , 4,200 head : shipments. 500 head ; market slcadyjhonvy , $ -4.5Jii.50 ; mixed , tJ.20iKI.GO ; llsht , W.251W.40. KANSAS OITV , Jan. 20. Oattlo Receipt ! , 2.400 head ; shipments , 4.750 lio.ul ; mantel higher ; steers. * .l.4"4 03 ; cows , . . „ > , , . „ , stockers nnd feeders , t2.000.103. HOKS Receipts , 5,100 heiul ; shipments , 2.15C head ; inarkot steady to strong ; all grades , * J.OO@J.03. 031 AltI JtAUKJBTS. OMAHA , Jan. 20,1R01. OATTr.E-Estlmatcd rocolots ofcattlo OflO as cnmparod with 1,211 Saturday and 1,493 Mon- dav of last week. The market was active and lOo higher on desirable grades of steers and bulls und cows , and steady on lessdeslra- blo trades , feeders wore unchanged. lloos Estimated receipts ot IIORS H.7.V as comuarrd with 5JT > 8 Saturday nnd 2,41 : Monday of last week. The market was no- tlvoand hlroiiRto5o higher. All sold early , The range of tlie prices paid was M.10 < ai.X : ( ) , tlio bulk solllm ? at U.'fX&UJ. I'lss , fl.SOS'.W : liKht-ll'-'hts , 82D aJ.oo : : ll lit. $ J.103.40 ! heavy , ; : i.0&i.GO : ! : ; mixed. J.li'iSW.43. The avcraKOOl the prices paid was H37 i. as compared wltli * .t.Wi : Saturday nnd W.42'1 Monday of lasl week. SHEEP Tlioro were no fresh HTOCKE11S AND FKBDER ! ) 3. . 820 350 10. . 018 255 1. . 870 300 1. . UOO 250 40. . &SS 363 1. . 8.10 300 1. . 5'.H ) 250 23.700 280 SO. . 027 300 11. . tUJO 250 30 , . 755 285 CO. . D75 300 MIXKD. 10.,1018 355 S..1123 380 10..1150 360 U .1112 3 53 BTAQS. 1..1470 3 50 OXEN , 1..1520 1 75 CA1.XE3. 1 , . 240 3 00 UEIFKII8. VI. . 021 3 00 WESTEUN CATTrB , No. Av , Pr. M. U UIU- 3 COWH. . . . : 1070 t00 ! 5 feeders 074 310 \V. K. PiulTord 20foodcrs. 019 290 IK.JS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. AT. Bh. IV. 1 > 3 VA 320 KI 10 4 ! J23 IJ23 68 170 60 3 15 3 7U 335 0 331 0 15 78 21U 419 3H3 . . . . , * 60 3 15 01 223 130 340 104 177 3 13 71 2IV4 40 1140 03 174 100 320 CO U07 440 340 3. . . .117 320 70 210 340 61 313 130 323 11 Ml M 340 50 335 280 8 23 75 IN ] 40 340 71 104 100 U 2J 03 240 K343 > ! 73 . . . . 101 - 32.5 M ) , .273 189 3 42 4 72 191 200 323 tWt . . .37 ) 120 342' . W ) , 240 40 ! l S3 . . . M . .Stt ) 40 3 42'4 77. Ski 240 227'l > , 53 . . . ,285 130 343 75 . . .211 40 3 : , | ] | 2 . .151 200 34' , 85 , , . .2U3 120 3 30 i , (11 ( 31(1 440 341 70 211 N ) 3 30 < i. M 315 - ! l4'i as . . . as 230 aw : . . M ae nno .us 77 11H ! i : t „ M 27H W ) 1143 M ) 200 40 3 31 , , ; > 0..3I'J 345 75. . . . 218 120'iW M 270 0 345 OS 2. > 8 440 3 a.'U 43 334 100 315 77 237 N ) II 115 u 5J. . . 2tW 210 34 % K ) . . . M 120 3 M J 73..2115 40 3 474 * 57 241 80 3 : i5 00 270 40 347H 7.1 227 flCO 3 35 - 5S . . . . 31X1 12U II47H 0 234 3 3S " \ 119 1128 ICO 350 4 : w a : - 03 : ioi 40 av > 77. . . .ssa 120 arts un 50 : i so 353 ns . . . .2.B M 3:13 : ' ttt : i sso : ino 70 . . . .240 ice a 35 . M wo 350 0 . . . .223 3 : i3 - 5 5S3 350 0 2 < U 80 3 : O'i ! 157 353 r > : ioo 3 as M : it > r > so : i53 4 .W a 33 44 400 300 rids ANU notion. 3 120 823 70 113 40 371 81IKE1- . No. Av. 101 westerns , owes OHtil.I I'rovlHliins. S OKFI > MKATS Sugar Curcd-llams , 14 to lOIb avcinKi-,8 _ cj hams 2utoS21b aveniKe. 8oi ! hams. 10 to 12 Ib uvornxr. Ot'l skinned hums , li'io ; shoulders. 5Vc ( ; clear breakfast bacon , Pie ; boneless breakfast liacon backs , CUc ; btiiicd liain , 7c ; California , or picnic hams , fiiic ; boneless ham , 7'ic ' ; dried beef bans , ( sets ) . 7'ic : dried beef clods , Cc ; short spiced lolls or ham roulette , 0 _ e ; smoked beef totiKoeslpor do/ ) . i.Mspecial \ \ hams. 12 to 15 Ib averaci1. lOc : special boneless Uri'tikfast li.icon. lOc ; selected ilrled beef hams , Insldes and Knticklus , Do ; selected wlilo clear brcalc- fnst bacon. Do. PllYHAt.T JlKATs-raney light weight short cle.irs InI ) limit cleats , ! > \c' short clears , .VJuj short rlli * . fijuc : Hhonlders , 4lic ! clear bellies , 5o ( ; clear backs , f"io. bMOKUt MIJATS Dry salt cured 1'nticy light weightbacon short clear ? , U'ici bacon short ribs lie ! bacon short clears , tiUu ; bacon Ions cloiirw , ( < ' ; bacon clear backs. C'c ; bacon clear bellieslUu ( : baconshouldcis , 4Jic. SWKKT VirKi.KU AlKAM Hams , tlorccs 8c ; shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tierces. 4 c ; bellies , tiercesfilies California ham , llorccs , Ccj beef ham , barrels , { 12.00 1'lCKl.KD ItFKt'ToMlUKS ilnirels , fJO.OO ! half ban els , 100 Ihs , $10.50 ; nuai tor barrels , 50 Ibs , } 00 ; uUhtl. barrels , 23 Ibs. JJ.fiO. IiAiili-CJoiupound , per Ib tierce basis fie ; pure le.if , per Ih tierce basis , Uc ; ptiro lard , per Ih tlorce basli , Go ; kotlle rendered leaf lard , per Ib lleico h.tsls.tl e. I'oiiKANii lump , ItAniiKT.in ) Now mess porlt , per bbl. JIU.75t family pork , J9.50 ; hack pork , fit M ; short cut clear porlc , $ 'l.7.ViMt.5U ' ; prime mess pork , JU.C03l2.00i boneless pl pork , fiincy , } I3.00 ; o\tra mess beef. $3.73 ; plate beef , J7.0J : extra jjlato beef. WO ; extra family beef , boneless Ss.dO ; rolled beef , boneless , HW ) ; rump butts. $ $ .50 ! cholco bonelebs family beef , Pin PoiiK , Ilo.NH , : : ? llarrels. 201 Ibs each , ? II.OO ; halt barrels , 100 Ibs each , $7.00. bAUSAOi : llolojna , 4c ! sinokrd sausage , 7o ; blood sausage. 4'/te : ll\cr satisaKe , 4je ! ; betid cheese , 414e ; fiesh pork saiis > at.o , ( Units ) Oc ; fresh pork sausage , ( btilk)5.oi ) ! smoked pork sausafte , 8e ; I'rankfurt simsiiK" , 7ej smoked head cheeso.Co ; Polish sausage , 7e ; Knoblauch sattstiKe , To ; tongue sausage , hot bitminer sausitKe , 13c. The above prices are for lots of fifty popnds and upwards ; a less quantity nhnlf ccntinorc. Oii.s-Prhne Inrd oil , ( winter strained ) 40o ; extra l.trd oil , ( winter str.ilnedl 47c ; o\lri , No. 1 lard oil , IIUc ; No. 1 lard oil , : ilc ; No. 2 lard oil , .J3a ; o.\tra neat's-foot oil , 45c ; tallow oil , 4 tc. halt bariols ; ic over barrels ; 5 gallon cans (2 ( In case ) 5o over barrels. Vej-ctablcs. . . . . LEY Proslistock.SOo. 1'BliSNii'S Per bbl. S..V ) . OAUUAdR Uholco California , 3c per ID. POTATO KB The supply of Colorado potatoes Is quite IniKe and cinrlq.td lots aiu olfereil al atil.Uand smalkr loU atil.20. Home prown stock In small lots at tbo store is held at 05o OJI.OO. IjCTTUCK Choice stook 40c. SWKKT 1'OTATOFS auppllcs are not heavy and the market Is qtllet. borne Iowa stook , icds , are ollcreil atJ.50i cholco Kumms , Sl.O.iJ 4.50 per bbl. OMONS The marketIs pretty well cleaned up , but some reds can be had at 81,50 per bu. OEI.EHV Choice stock 30fi 40c. RUTAIIAHAS Michigan slock , per bit , COo. UKUTS 1'er bu , tl.ooffll.23. FrcHh Fruits. AITI.ES Good slock Is firm , and such varie ties us lion Davis and iVlnesaps arc held at J3.00. Quiscr.s Tlioro are still a few quinces on Iho market which are offered at , 53c@JI.00. OitANOcs California . Riversides J'or box , t3.75 ; uiiVolg.J.VJSBS.fflfWcstshoro ilQXlctuis , $3 505X1.75 ; Vlorldn brlghts , $ J.751.W ; 'russets , $ J 503.75. PINBAPW.KS I'er doz , t.50400. LKMONS Mcsslnu , per box. Hr tftl.OO. MALAOA GitAi-ES-l'erSj-lb bhl , $300900. OHANIIKIIIUES Supplies urouoL heavy. Jcr soy , per bill , $11.UU ; Oupo Cod. $12.UO ; fancy Capo Cod , hell und bugle. JllLOOffiUOO. ruAiis Some cholco winter Ncllls uro still on the market und uro ofTcred at $3.00 ® ' 1.50. Knstor liuurrc , another variety , uro held ut t..50. Country Produce. Eons The marliOt yesterday was a llttlo firmer and they were selling ut 18e and not many below I7'jc. PouLTiiY The market did not present nny decided changes In vulues. A eood many good chickens wore going ntlk * . while 7c wns the outside for fancy stock. For turkeys lOc wns a KOod prlco , though a few sales of cholco stock Hero reported ut llo. Uouso and ducks , If cholco. brlnft 7sc. GAME Hsibblts wore slow sale. Cotton tails bring nbout 73c. but jacks lu any quantity uro hard to sell. llUTTEii Good butter was In Rood rcnuost. Choice selected rolls brliiK IfifJlSo and the shippers are paying about I.lo for good b\veet rolls. Low praOes soil about us low ns nt tiny time. Klimr. U. T. Davis Mill Co. , lilKh patent , No. 1 and Cream , $2.GO ; Hluo I ) , full patent , ( A4U ; Hiuvk- eye , half patent $2.20 ; special roynl patent No. 10,52.70 ; Minnesota patent. ti.K > ; Kansas liurd wheat patent , $ . ' .45 ; Nebraska spring whont patent , tz.50. S. KQIlinim'HRold modal.70 ! ; Sno\v White , f2tJ : ; Snow ritike , $ . ' .00 ! low grade. Sl.ilO. Ilrokon How roller mills Cream.-.70 ; Jlyrtlc. $ , ' .40 ; Claim. J2.20 ; XXX , SUO ; I'ldollty , * , .SO ; Minnesota Chief , * . ' .40 ; Patent , S'-MW. Oskhamp's ready to rulso buckwheat flour , $4.50 per case of 502-lh packages ; buckwheat In bhls , N. Y.,8.1.00 ; Excelsior brand , tt.50 ; Slap Jack inoiil , JJ.75 per case of 50 2-lb paekages. Dry Goods. FI.ANNEM rinld , raftsman , 20c ; Ooshen. ' l'o : Clear tiiiko. n3Jo ! ; Mnnlo City. : w wlillo.G . U N0..3. 231.CJ ; Gll _ no. 2 , J.S7ioi ( _ \ II11 No. 2 , ? 4' , 2Pic ; 1) II No. 3 , "i. 2CJ.c ; ouubec Nol.4.'o : Quobuu No. . ) . ? i. 43 ci ynebec.J , NcN ( . 4,33Uo ; ABWIUI , 13c _ ; Windsor X 0,21 In , ISJic ' ; G F.IJO ; H A F , K , 23o ; J R V. U , 27tfo ; Duck West Point , 33 In. 8 oz. lOUo : West Point , 2s In , 10 oz , lajic ; West Point , 29 In , 1J oz , 150 ! West Point , 40 In. II oz , l.V.io. UATTS Standard , 80 ; MowhawklOVJo : Snov- llaki ) , ll'/Je ; Poper , 12o ; Hoe , $1.75 per cnso. KUNTUCKV JEANS Memorial , 13c ; Dakota , 32o ; Diuiliaiii , 2S.c ! ; Hercules , 10o ; Cottswoou , 37fo ! ; Melville , 25e ; SprlnsshYld , 13i } ; Itnpldan , IGUoi Herroyn , )8o ; llauiburtr , 32. ci Neb , Schoolboy , 3 , o. I'niMS Fancy Eddystono , 0)4ci ) Steel River. Co ; Ramapo , 4.o ! ; ht. Ledger , fiiJc. bhlrtlni ; Martha Wnalilnffton,4.ci ( Morrlmnc , 4"io. 'I urKoy ] { ed Koiintnln , OMei Garner. 7cj rrorifleld.8'o : llcrlln.OVJo. I'ni.NTS Indigo IJluo Net Martha Wash- f.iclon , 55-.e ; American.Co ; Arnold , C'ieArnold ; It , Ions cloth , lOo ; Stlllo A , ll'/fo ; Mcrrlniuc. 7-8. 100 ; Gold heaf , S'.Jci Hamilton , 5l4o ; Allen I'lnks , flVioj Allen Ohambray , Co ; Olouccster , 5ic ! ; llnrli'l , 5Uc. OOTTON AVAiulllljb.P , white , W o ; colored , SlIKETINO AND 1'lI.I.OW OA8I.NOS llrorn- Not-rcpperell , 43ln.M01c ; 1'eppcroll , 8-4. I8cs I'oppcicll , 0-4,20e : Peppuroll , ItM.S.'Sio : Ullca , 4Sfn , 13c ; Utlen.Mln. J"io ; Utlca. 22111,240 ! Utlca. 84 ln,2ile , ; Utic , U ) < , n.2S c. lilcachcd Not 1'epperoll , U In , .Illije : 1'eppori'll , 40 In , ll'io I'epperell. 0-4. lie : I'oppurell. 8-4. 20c ; l'eppcreU,0-4,231ioiPcperell. ; | 10-4. 23oj Utlca , 8-4 , 240 ! Ullca. 0-1 , 26o.Utlca ; . , 10-4,28e. TICKH York. 32 In. J Vi ; bwlfl River. 715o ; Thorndyke , OO , a i-Thorndyko , RS , svios Thorndyke , 120 , OUoiiThorndvke , XX , I4cj Coidls , > < o , 5 , 9ot CorTlls ; No. 4. 10 . CllKCKiS-Kiiiplio , tH : Caledonia X , 10. ics Economy , fi io ; Oils , 84e ; Kxcoltlor. lOa. COTTON ri.ANNETjOimrtllan liU SUc , nets On Guard CO , eye ; H.4/71. / a ; KK , 8 o ; OO , UVJct XX , 10 So ; OO. UKof-KN. 12io ( ; AA. 140 ! 1)1) ) ) , 15Uo ! TT.IOVio ; VYii l"o ; 1111. lUc ; bleached , No. 20 , H'/iOj No. 00 , J'Jio ' ; No. SO , l3Ho ; brown and slato. No. 60,0or > 0. 70. 12 0) ) No. 00 , ICci colored Missouri vandy. 12ie. ! Ill.EACiiEi ) Corro uilerKcloy Cambric No. 60. OVici llcst Yet. Oiidi Hutturclotli. XX. 4 > ( c ; Cabot , 7i ! First Call STi'ej rrultof the Loom , 82c ; llousokeeper , 8Hc : Kin ; ; 1'hlllln cambric , llo ; l.uiipdnn Gil ; OVic ; l.onsdale. 8Jci } Kons- dale cambric , lOijo ; New York mills , lie ; Oak Lawn , 7oi I'lill Width , Ce ; Clovor.G.io. COI.OIIKII UAMiinio-Crown , 41c ( ; Rcil Star , 4V > c ; Olovcr , 5c ; Sinter Holled , O.Uu ; high col ors , | o extra. GiNdiiAMs PlmiKct checks. 0"oVhltton ; - tonOlio ; York,04o ? : Normandluress.Bo ! Cnl- outtadrost , 7 ei Whlttenton dross. 8c ; IJcil- ford dress 814 < i4U'o. Aiiioikrui ? , 7c : Atnoskcag dress , BVio ; Ilatps , UH'O ) Warwick drew , Bo ; l.uncus- tur.euo ; Ulcnalro. fi'ic ; Whlttrnton dress , fc ; FINK IlnnwN t'OTTOSn Atluntlo LL.iie ; An rora II , n ( i' < oi ! Aurora U. OSt : AtlaK. ONII. 7.o ! ; chocso cloth , 4c ; ( Ollntou FI,5Uc ; Peppeielllt , ( J4ui LunidonOlt , 7o , COTTONADKH York , nankin. 10'So ' ; Tverelt , 8-oz , Ifo ; I.ewtston , 10-oz. 22'ic ' ; WotUliiKiuiiii , He : MaplolMll. I5c ; Tlsor llrand , IHc. HKAW HitOWN conoNS-Atlnntlo A , "H'e ; Atlantic0.7 ; Atlantic I ) , U'4o ; AtluntloP , I'xi ; Auiora O , 4' e ; uwK'H head , 7Ue ; Cabot W , O'Jo ' ; D.trlliiKton.CUc . ; 1'nrincrH' No. I. 4'ft 4V4d Iiidlun hcud , ; > ic ; LavrvnceLL , C' ' o ; HfurluttuLL,6Uc. . . . _ , , r > CNiMb-Net-Auiojkeu , 0 oz , lOJici Yorli camlet , 12ot York DI1 , l ici ( K\orott , tnnd- nrd , ISWoi Haymakers' . 7'iej ' Old York , XX. lOi.c ! Unwrpiicc , 220 , ia .c ; Luwrom'O. Dor , Jli'tC ) fancy stripes nnd checks. lIVJo. \NloiNS-Not-ThlstIe , cUd lied Cross 7jfp. ' , . . , - , vens SUT , SJ-luch , ] 2c ; btc.\chod , lo extra I'llM. lUcCoos-No. I. Inr.'o. ( waTOo ; No. 1 mpdlum. a ! oi No. 1 Hhiiil. iwaioci No. 2 , 3 and 4.6O . . Ji'JK ' No1 Innse.BlKiflnci No. 1 medium. 4oet No. 1 niiill , avrtcnci No. 2. : i nnd 4 , ria-'j lt 8lt lUT-ruii. Mttiucs Kit. : io . SKlJ.NK-llliick,7.V , . ,1.00) ) Striped No. Fox I'nwB. No. 1. $ l..0ti0) | : No. S. f.0VIJ2.Mi ! ( Not t ( WO ! KKy' Ni1-1- _ Mount iln. Xo. I.J..roiWO ; No. a. } | oo © l.iOi prnlrli' , No. I , 75eftfl.ooi No. 2. 40'iOc. , 11 J'l'Alr.'N"1J. ' l > cr " ' tiWJi'Wl ' N < . 2 , per II ) . tl.5o < 32.jO ; No. 3. perlb , f > oa75e ; No. 4 , per OTTKII-XO. I. larfto primp. $100 < a700 ; No. 1 , Ii\NV No. 1.JJ..VXIW.OO. Wll.ti OlT No. 1 , 4Jcl No. 8. aft. Oi-rosstiM No. 1. casud. l < xar.'ej > 'o. I , open , HAiinKii-No. 1 , full furred , nc73o : No. S , 2 ® ; ifci No II. Wjloc. \Voi.vnniNK No. I , f4.00i00. ! llKAit Illat-k , No. I. tlOUCOGrl7ly ; , Nn. 1 , $ , VoP15.08i brown , No 1 , JVOOaiOOJ ; cub , tl.OO < & . " > (0. ( IIUCKSKtic Iiidlun dressed , per It ) , 7.V DJKII biinitner. per Ib , 2. ' lfJOC ! full , IN winter , SiKjJXIoj pruen salt , per ploco , 7oit80c : oik , per Ib , 12o ; antelope , Isit'JOo. I < 'lsiiKii-Nn. I. $ ! .0ViM.Ofl. ( ' JI UITI.N-NO. 1 , 7 , " > c < iWI.r > 0 : No. 2,2.VS'Oe. tround ! hog , weasel , rablt and siiulrrel skins huvo noaluu. . Ijiuubor. Quptntlons argo forcarlots on board cars at Omaha : DIMKNHIONB JL . U & 111 ft. 18 ft. Mft.2 ft. ! 4ft. 2x4..SIS 00 Jlr. M J1000 til 00 tIBOO 2\ . . . . r > 00 IS 53 1800 IS W 18 CO 2\8. . . . 1500 MM 1500 17 fiO 1H 00 2.\10. . . 1500 1550 IB 00 17 W ) 13 CO 2x12. . . 1000 1000 17 00 18 CO ID UO 4x4 to 8xS 10 00 1700 1800 1800 1000 1'KNCiNO No. I. Gin , 12and 14ft , rf , S19.00 : No. I , 0 In. HI ft. Jlil.OOi 4 In , JlP.rfl ; No. L' . 0 111 , 12 and 14 ( t. rf , (14.00 ; 4 In , { U.uoi No , ; , ti in , iu ft.JW.OOi 4 ln.lIttOll ! No. ; i,0 In. 12 and 14 ft , $ ii.H : ( ) ; 4 In , UlIMO : No. 'J , 0 In , 10 ft , tll.OO ; 4 In , $1.100. , SmtNO-A. 12.14 and 10 ft , 52-J.OO ; C , } 17.r > ) ! . 12. II and 1 ft , t.u ij 1) . 811 Bo. lloAlins No. I. coin. $ lS.rifl ; No. 2 , com. 815.00 ; No. II , coin , $111 M ; No. 4 , eoni , S11.SO. I'MioillMI-A. 0 111 , white plno , K19.00 : O. J2'iOi ! ) II , 0 ill , uhtto plno , J.10.00 ! I ) , tSO.SOj E , \vliKoilnosol. ( . feneliiB ) , Jl'.OOi dropslu- liDr.nou per M extra. broCK HoAiiliJ A.I ! ! In , als. $1800 ; II , 12 In. slsH".Ofli O , $4000 : I ) . S2S.OO ; No. 1 common. IS In , sis , 10,12 and 13 ft , IJi.iiO ; No. 2. 81S.M ; No. 1 common , 12 In , sis. 14 ft. J.'O.OO ; No. ' . ' , $ l7iO ! ; No , 1 common , 12 In. sis. 10 ft. Ha/it ) ; No. 2 , $17.00 : No. 1 common 12 In , sis , SO ft , JJl.W ; No. " "SimMrNo. . 1 pliiln. 8 and 10 In. fIO.00 : No. 2 , $10.00 ; No. 1.0. G.,8 In. tlD.OOl No. 2. $1050 ; 10 III. grooved rooflnK. II1.14 and 10 ft , SIO.W ) . KiNitiiiiNn 1st nnd ad el. , 1 In , BH , f 10.00 : lli , I'.J and S In' Jl'J.OO ; M clear , 1 In , n2i , $11.00 ; Hi , Hi nnd 2 In , WT.OO ; A , select , 1 In , H''S , J4I.UO ; 1H. I'/Sund 2 In , J4100 ; II. select , 1 In , S''H , MI.OO ; l . Hi nnd 3 In. J40.00 ; 0 , select , 1 in , s2s , t.7.00 ! IJi. I'/tttiidl'In. J.C.,00. A , li orO select , nil in ft , tl.0)o\trn. SOUTIIEIIN Ytr.uowl'i.M-1 Istimd 2nd clear floorlnK , KI-IO , star , 8-'l 00 ; la-IB , tlJ.CO ; com lloorlnir , KI-10. tl'tVl ; rift olcar , IIMB. } 2000 ; 1st and 2d clear. Ji cnlllujt , $ I4/ ; 1st und ld ! clear. ? ScellhiB , $1050 ; Island M clc-ir. ccll- ItiR. Ji'iOOj 1st und 2d clear , llnlsh. s''s. from 1 lnt-7.0J ! 1st nnd I'd clc.ir llnlsh , h2s. from 151 In , SlO.OOj 1st and 2d clear , linlsh , s'-N , fn.in 1'4 unl2 In.U.OJ ) : l.stnnd Sd'clour , y p casings , S.HOO : liso , J.B.OO. l'oiTMiil UMiiKU-8-lnchand up , 1st nnd 2d clcnr. 1 Inch , s.'s , $1000 ; 8-Inch and up , ltt und 2d clear , ! i Inch panel. JM 00. SASH , loons KTG Tar hoard , Sl.riO ; snsli , 55 per ct ; doors , 50 per ct ; blinds , fiO per ct ; mouldliiKs , 50 per ct ; tancd felt , percwt , $ .MO ; straw hoard. $1.15. HATTKNS. WlM , TuniNO , KTC.-O. a.2'lnch , Coc : U.\t : , sis , 35c ; : i-lnch well tuhliic , 1) , > i. iintlbov 2.I.IO ( ) pickets , D & H. Hat. { 20.50 ; D. & II. square , 120.50. SiltNdU.s. lMTii-rxtr.i "A , " pine , IV80 ; standard "A , " J2.4"i : extra "A. " cedar , j..V ; G-lncli clear pine , Jl.'JJ ; clear redwood , $123 ; lath , J2.M ) . 1'ovrn-Whlto ccdnr. 0-Inch. ! } s , llo ; 0-Inch ( jrs , lie ; whlto eodar. CiVi-lnch. ! s , Ou ; S-lnch < irs. Re ; Vfhlto cedar , 4-lnch round , 15c ; split ouk , 8c ; Tonncsseo rca cedar , split , llo. Metals. STEEiWinnNAiLS-Uase. 8J.55 ; stool nails , base , J.M5. Coi'i'Eii rianlshcd boiler size , 29o per Ib ; cold rolled , Wo per Ib ; sheeting , 20o per Ibj pit und flats. 28oper Ih. WlUK-Jap. liarb , $ ,1 25 ; cal. . H.C5. ItoOKiNQ Charcoal , I. 0. , 14\20 , IK , 80.00 ; I. ' ' BIIIIT'IIION-NO. 20 , $ .1.50 ; No 27. M.GO. EuiiiiEii Strictly half and linlf , 15Kc. TIN 1'l.ATE-I , O. , 10\24 , $7.50 ; I. X. , 10x14 , $9.'j ; coke , 4xt.O , 112.J0.75. llr.oCKTiN-Sinnllplg , 50c per Ib ; bar 40o pen Ib. GAr.NAj iZEl > PIUET IIlO f Discount 50-10-5 per cent ; put. plan. Iron. Nos. 21 and 27 A , lOlic ; ? riscollnnooiig. IlnAN Sacked , uerton , J21.00 ; chopped feed , rlilCKOll\- NUTS Lnrpe , per bushel , $1.50. CiiEBTNiiTS-IdirKO Italian. T > o peril ) . HONKS In cur lotsonly Dry bnlTalo pcrton. $10.001SOO ; dry country , bleachi-d , per ton , JlOOOMlllOO ; dry coiintry.damp and incaty.nor ton , * 8.tioaiO.iO. ( These prices tire for bones Nvenrhed nnd delivered InUhlcuRo. KSKrozDii hldoa.lQliJciNo.l preen silted _ _ _ _ _ " " ' ' ' " " to" 15 liV o"No. I'dry ninVhides'Toi'"No."s dry lllntlildus.noi No 1 drv salted hides. ftStic. hhoep pclts-Orcen salted , each , U.VQil.25 ; Rrccn salted shourlliiK ( short woolod caily skins ) , o.icb , lOiaWo ; dry Bhcarllnes ( short wooled early aklnst , No. I , ouch , 5 JlOc ; No. 2 , each. 5u ; dry Hint Kansas and NohiasUn hutchor wool polls , per Ib. , actual weight , 10 © 14'o ' ( ; dry Hint Kiuisas and Nobiaskn murrain wool polls , per Ib , actual walcht. ha 2o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , uotiml wclglit. 10312'ios dry Hint Colorado inurrntn wool polls , per Hi , notunl nulclit. 8 ® lOo ; dry pieces nnd hacks , nctunl wclplit 7 fflflc. liuvu feet cut off , ns It U iiboless to nny freight on them. TAti.o\v ANU G IIEABK Tallow No , I , : i. . tallow No. ? , i a.'l > 4ctroase. ( . white u , Jlie ; . reuse , white 1) , il'lo ' ; KIOIISC , yellow. 23ie ; Kiease. dark,2Uo ; old buttor,2at2'io ; beeswax , prime. lV320c ( ; rough tallow , H.lJio. LEATIIKH Hemlock slnuRhlcr Mile , 2W 20o per Ib ; homloolc dry hldo sole , wa. u : oak nolc , ilOS'Uo ! French Ulp skins , OOoWJl.tO ; Krcnoh calf skin , $1.2.1L'.00 ; American oak calf , COcBil.l ! ; Amrrlciin hemlock calf , 75c ® 91.10 ; American ouk kip , 7S&81o ; American hemlock kip , ( XXBTric ; shcop skins , 50e(3I.OOj goat skins , net foot , WXSSOc. HONKV Wlilto clover , 1 Ih frames , per Ib , 18c ; 2 Ibfruiucs , 1'c. C'OAiOn board curs ut Omaha AthraltO } , 1 Chestnut , rungo and n < K$8.'iU per Ion ; i ru " > .2i. Soft ooul-Ohlo , iVM ; Southern lIMn 1J J4.50 ; walnut block , 8J.25 ; lowu. lump. Ji. lown nut , $2.75. LIME CEMENT , KTC. OnbourdcnrsntOmaha 1'or bbl Ash Orovo lime , UOo ; Cliuiuplon lime , We ; Qnlncy whlte.POo ; 1/nulsvllloceincnt , $1.M ) ; Mlhvnukeo cement , tl , 45 ; Utlca ccnicnt , 21.40 ; KnjillKli 1'nrtlniul cumunt. ( .1.45 ; Now York plaster..25 ; JllthlKun plaster , J2 00 ; Tort DodKO plaster. S1.75 ; white sund , K'.OO ; 1' . 1' . hair , per hale , Jl.OO. HI.ACK \\'Ar.MJTS-l'er bushel. 81.2.1. COCOAMJTB - 1'er 100 , sacked , $4.50 ; Iml The Qonu ne Mann Hoff's ' ft Malt Extract Unparnllcd ns n Tonic Nutritive for impaired Di gestion , for the Weak nnd Debilitated , for Mothers while Nursing und during Convalescence. Bu- WAiiHor IMITATIONS. The genuine has the signature of "JoiiANN IIorF" on the neck of every bottlo. EISNER , MENDBLSON & CO. , So'o Agents , 0 Barclay St. , Now York. GHRISTIE LHTHRDP Commission Co. 800 nntl illl South 1'Mh Stroat , i'.rsl > 'atloiiul linnk Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Bonds , Orders exfeutcil for tlio purchase or snlo fni tminvdliitti or future dcllvury lu all thu load ing JV/i' fe HVfe. Con-eni > onlcnttt , to t , HoPbiHi , & co . . BU Loulu. . D.B. PranoU & Bro' ' OMAHA I'lanofacttiiffi' ' ' DIRECTORY BILLIARDS. BOXES. The Brunswick-Balks John L , "Wilkio , Oollondor ( lo. . . Billiard niMctiniKthe. Omnlm pnpor box tuctorr , Saloon ftituroj. 131T-13I9 IMuxlni. 407.109 8 , 10th itroot , Onmlio. Ordcra promptly nilo.L BOOK DLNDBR3 & STATIONBRg. Omaha Kopubllcan Printing Oj , , Law brief * , bank Bitpplloi , iinJ CTCfJlhlni la th printing ling. 10th nntl HoUBlM itrooH. Ackcrmnnn Bros. & Hointzo , binders , clectrotrpcrJ , blank book mnnu- fncturcrs , wnrJ flret , Omithv BOOTS AND SHO33. Charles A , Ooo & Cto , , Kirkcndfill , Jones & 0o , Manufacturers anil job- Wholonlo Manufactur'J ' bcr . AKfnti for lloitnn Hub- IcrSlioDfo. , 1IW , Hill , 1IW Howard itrcoU l\nJ lllWlUriicr Ht. Williami , Vnn Aer- "W. V , Morse ( c Oo , , rmm & Hnito , Phoo Knctorjr , Corner llth 1112 and Doiislit its , Omv Humor street , 1m Mprrtmnti liiTltod Oinoha , Nob. tocnll anl examine. DUTOHEB9' SUPPLIES. Louis Hellar , Butcheri1 utm I'nc TooU .IPlipiillci. Hoof , hoe A iihcop cmlniit lll&-lllSJnck > on , ETO. Oolumbu ? Bugpy Oo. , W , T , Seaman , Carriages , carts tulkloi , Omnha's LnrRoit Varlctr etc. O. I ) . Kdwnrd , Mnnnucr. WAGONS AND 3I3-31 ; , South icth. CAIUUAfiKS OABPETS. | OLOTHINQ. Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Oilmore & Ruhl. Carpctn , all cloths , mat- .Munufncturors , V Wliolo- tinea , cnrtnln Koods.oto. onlo Clothiers , lill Douitlns ntroab. 1109 Humor Ht. OIQABS. West & Fritsoher , Dean , Armstrong & Manufacturers flnoclgnri Oo. , Jobbers oflonf tobiccos. 101 N. 10th atraot 1011 Fnrnnm ntroot. COAL , COKE , BTO. Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires , Lima Oo , II rd nml soft coal ihlp- Hard und soft coal. POM , 8E. . Cor. lllth nnd Doug 1303 Fnrnnm roet , las itroets. Omnha Eagle Oomico Works. . I * , fiuempin ManufacturoraofOalTin- Galrnnlted Iron cornlco , lied Iron Cornice. Dormer irlndofrp , door Window caps , metnllcikr- caps , flntnla , etc. Tin llghta nto. 1110 and 1112 Iron anil * lnto roofer. 811 tarnam Bt. DRY GOODS. M , E. Smith & Oo. , Elpatriok-"Ko3h Dry Dry Rooils , furnlshlnj Goods OJM Koodi , notions. Wrj coodj , notions , ucnti1 . Cor. llth nnd Iloirnrd its. Corner lllh und llarney ELBOTRIOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Catalogue frco. 1CU Cnplto Avonuo. FARM MACHINERY , EVO. Parlin , Orondorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo. , General weitorn ntoat Corner Jonca and Oth all. Bknndlrt I'lovr Co , Omnlia , Neb. 1319-lSiI Sherman avo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Boiler E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. . C. Q. Uutlcrvrood , Office and warehouse , Mnnaror nt Omnlia. 1012 N. lllth street Cor. 8th and Jackson ats. S. I. Oilman , 01 omens Oskamp , Jt'fV of roadj to ratsa 1014 N. 18th itroet. Hup Jack Meal , Hnost cakoJln the world. C. E. Dlack , - Manaier. 1IU7-U1SH. WtU.trcot. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Pur- Ohas. Shivoriok & Oo. nitnro Oo. , Furniture nnd Carpets. Furniture nndcarpeti , 1I15-U19 Farnnm street , 12O1-1510 Farnam St. OENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J , T. Robinson Notion Co. , Jobbers and Importers of GentV furnishing goodi. notions and furnishing m'f'tf colabrttod bran < I goods , "lltickskln" overalls , pants , slilrts , coats , etc. 1111 Howard street Cor Uthand llowitrdsts. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennaid Qliss and J. A. Fuller & Oa , , Paint Oj. , i Strut , 1103-141' ; Ilnrner street Omuhs > , Neb. Omaha William Oummings , Blako. Bruce & 0o , , 417 and 019 South 10th St. , Omnhn , Nob. Nob. FUn , WOOL , HIDfcS , TA Qoo , Oboroo & Oo. , J.S. Smith"i 1138. 13lhstr.el . , 1406'I4I2 Omnhiv. Om h . IRON WORKS. Paiton & Vlofllng Omaha Baft & ; Iroa Iron Workj , Works , Wrouclit nml cnil Iron bulldlne work , onjtnoi , Muniif'rs llro nl bnfitir brim work , Konsrfit proof mifos , r alt , j ll foiin.lrr , nnrlilnt an ! work. Iron nhtitteM fad Mnckimith work. U. I' . flro "c po . O. AOt Hr and 17th lU dri'Cn,14Ui A jACklonlli Aomo Iron and WIre Wilson & Drake , Works , M'fu ttibnUr flaoi , ( lr Iron , wtro unit hriMi w'ki box bailers , Unki , l MJS. It lh. trt. ol. 5V llorlil , Proprietor. rierronnl ISthitrwti. LITHOGRAPHING- . Rocs Printing Oo. UUioimiptilnir , Prlntlai iiml lllnnk Ilooki. lllliitnil HownnlSli. LIQUORS. Her k Oo. | William Dwat , I.lauor .Morchnnls. Wines , Lttjuors and Cl- HUHnrncr otrcnl. sari. ' ' MnnufiK'tur'tn Kcnneilr'i Kmt liKlln llllters. 1313 Knrnim Bt , Omitit L. Kirscht i Oo. , A , Priok&Oo , , \Vholc ale MquorDealeriVtiolesnlo ltquortcalir < 07 nmliona 10th Bt. P01-P03 B 10th St. Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford , Lime , Cement , nto , Bto Lumber , llmo , comcnt.oH Cor Oth mil DotiKlai. 073 DouelMitroct MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonenill , I. Oboifolder & Oo. , Irnporternnnd Jobber ! It Millinery , Notion ) T Cloits , KU 706,210 nml 515 South llth 110-113 S. Kill St , Omilil treet. MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO MaxMoyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hoepc , Jr. , MTuJowolerK , ( Icilcri In l'l no , Oraani , Artlity mtiilcal ln trunionts , etc. , Materials , Etc. , t'ornmniind 16th. 151 ! ) Donglu Street OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo , Iloflncil nml Inhrlontlni oil * , nxlo Krcnio , on. A. II lllsliop , OYBTBB3. A. Booth Packing Oo , , Platt A ; Oo. , "Tiger brnnrt , " fresher- canned Oyitcrn , Il'li nnd tors , . ( roods. Onnlia brunch , 1308 I-oiTonworth. ElSundSlT IIowanL PAPER. PLATING. Oarpentor Paper Oo , , "Westorn Plating Vks Curry n full ( took of Gold , IUor and ntoksl and plating on all metals , printing , wrapping t iblnnsra , et4.rcplatod > writing paper , card pi I'ollshlnKbrnis A chart' per , etc. dcllcrwork , 1IU VaigO. PRODUOB , OOMMIS3ION Bibbel & Smith , Sohrooder & Oa. , Dcnkrs In country prod- Cash huiers butter UCP , frulti , Tcgotables , cunt , nnl general com * tii. mlstlon niorohioUi 1207 lloiriml itreot IU South llth street RUBBER GOODS. BTO. Omaha Rubber Oo , , Manufacturing nal Job- tersallklnilsrulber KOOdl. 1XH ( Karn ni iitraat SAFH3. S0HD3. A. L. Dcano & Oo , , Emerson Send Oo , , Ooncral attonti for Hull's Bcoil srowors , dsileri In Hafus. tardun ur.iis , rulanod 821 and DW HoiitU 10th St. , rou atedi , Omrtho. ill-ttl South 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETC. M. A , Dishrow & Oo. , Bohn Saih 4 Door Oo. Manufacturer ! * of siuh. Mannfnctarors of moui&- doors , b 1 1 n it s ami IMKJ , lillniis , doori , Mouldings llranohof- nce,12lh and IitrJsti. Kth nnl 2lark streets. SYRUPS. I STOVES. Farrell & Oorapiny , Daffy-Trowbridga \Vhol09nle manfacturari Stova Minufao'g QJ- , syrups , molniioi aaJ Tlnezars , Maiufu tur'g it atore plpj. 21J-JISI South 8th stroot. 1213-1211 Ixinrenworth st. TEA , OOFPBB , BPIOB3 , Consolidated Ooffoo Oompriay , . 1414 anil 1119 Humor U Omaha , Nob. BTJ3A.M AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. String & Boas , Pump Oo. , llnllMarwIndnillK 919 lXn-lWI ( ( Karnim itreal ana 1OU Jouol t O V. Oaiahit , K b- Itois , acting monncer , - Orano Oorapany , licit tcltlntf , parklnz , loam pum | > s , plumbing KomU. 922-24 l-anmniitroaL TOYS. I TYPE. H , Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typa Toyi , dolli , nlbumifiner Foundry. { ooilstliousufurnlihlnz Printers' Buppllet Now ami icoond-hant ( outls , chlMrtm'i c r- macliluerr , I'urraamit. 1118 Howard ttroet. SOUTH QMA.HA. UNION STOCK Y .RDS CO. , . . LIMITEO LTVB STOOK : OOMMISSION. Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros , , 11-50 Kichan. * DullJIn * Uulldlng , i6-J9 ICldmnge Chlc-ttfo. 8 Kiruiiigo Uull.lloa. . BoulU Omaha. Huutti Omaha. B , J , OofTnmn , Smiley Hunter & Qreon , & 0o. , tOiicli : rg llull(31n | a llullilln. , tiuutb Omaha. Bouth Oman * . Wood Brothers , U Kichantfo llullcllui , HoutU