TBJfl OMAHA DAILY BEE : UEBDAV , JAN ( TAR Y 27 , 1891 , THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rlvcrrd ! liy Carrier In any part of tbo City II W. T1LTON. - - MANAUKU Eustnci-H OlDcr. No. U NlRlit Editor , No. KL JltXHIt J X Y. P. Co. Council muffs Lumber Co , coal. Craft's ' chattel loans , 201 Sapp block. The remains of Mrs. Jnno Hcathcrlngton will ho taken to Oakland today for Interment. Robert T. Pair and Miss Mary A. Bnrnott , both of ttils city , teen out a llccnso to marry jcstcrdny. The Methodist Mutual Auxiliary -bold a social lust evening nt the residence ofV. . S. Mayno on Park avenue , I'nt Allen , a St. Louis pugilist , was run In by Oniccr Kelly yesterduy aftornoou on a charge of drunkenness. Mr , John Schlckcntnnz wishes to thank the many friends who kindly assisted him during the last sickness of his wlfo. L. S. Amy mourns tlio loss of a four-year- old horse which some ono stele Sunday night from his residence on Fifth avunuo. A case of dlphtliorln wns reported yester day nt 710 Washington avenue , John Ander son , aged fourteen ycais , bclim the victim. The Interest In the Hirelings wlileh nro now being hold In the Ttlnlty Methodist church nightly is constantly Increasing. They will Inst the rest of this week. The Jury In the Pralnoy law suit against tbo county brought In a verdict for thu founty , thus thiowlng the costs , which will amount to about to $150 , on b'ralnoy. Mtf Gladys , the Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Mullen , died yestcrdny after noon , The funeral will take pluco at U o'clock this nttcrnoon at the rosldeuco , 3J4 Williams street. The Methodist church at Crescent will bo dedicated next Sunday. Preparatory oxer- cruises will bo held beginning Friday nlflit. Siittmltiy evening Hev. T. McKay Stew.irt of the Broadway Methodist church of this city will preach. A benefit Is announced for Pat Alien nt Al Wells' gynnsluin next Thursday oven- Ing. Allen Is a St. Louis heavy-weight , who has achieved some notoriety In the pugilistic ling , nnd the ulTalr Is looked forward to with bonsidornblo Interest by local sports. The revival meetings that have been held nt the Overtoil misgloii in the western part of llio city for the past weak or rnoro will probably bo discontinued after tonight. The little mission has nwakoncdii good deal of In terest and the meetings have been well at tended. A gontlcinnn nntncd Halm , living in Adams county , was in tin1 city yesterdav on his way to Omuha , where his son Is under arrest , at the Instance of ttls father , for larceny. The son left homo last week , tuning with him MO belonging to his parents. lie will bo brought hack to Adams county nnd turned over to the authorities. DTlio plumbcis hnvo appointed the following committees , who \\111 have charge of their bull , whlih comes oft ut Ainsoiilu temnlo next Friday evening : Arrangements Edward Traboy , Jack Smith , John G. Mornn , It. H. Smith nnd Thomas Hlcb. Floor-William Jeffries , Frank Dnnlnger. Wallace Miller and John Mourn. Reception T. Cuffry , Edw.ird Trunoy and Donald Williams. Muster of ceiemonles R. II. Smith. A letter was received j'esterdny nv the authorities from Mrs. Ciithoiinc Maur , 141 Piquotto nvcnuo , Detroit , Mich. It stated that the writer's father , Jeremiah Maar , aged sixty-live years , left his homo last summer * nnd had not been heard of since. Ono of his 'children Is now dying and wants her father. Tbo police were requested to glvo tlio nltalr ns much publicity as possible , In order that the missing ono might bo induced to return If pos ib'o. Jndqe McOco heard the case of Elba Suth erland vs the Standard life nnd nccidcnt in surance company. The plalnlllT Is tbo sister of the colored ninn who was run over by a motor about a year ngo , anil died from the effects of his injuries n few hours after. Tbo dead man hntl carried u $ lr 00 policy with the company , but the latter icfused to piyclalm- Ing ttint his death resulted from his own neg ligence , ho having been Intoxicated at the time , nnd stood on the platform contrary to tbo company's orders. The residents mid business men near tbo North Second .street bridge continue their patientInouiries of the city oflictnls concern1 liig the length of tlmo that will yet intervene before the completion of the brldgo ncross Indian creek at that point. The structure has been completed with tbo exception of tbo band railing at the sides , nnd this they think is In n dangerous condition , Nearly n year h.is passed slnco the btldgo wns closed to trafllc , nnd the people who llvo near it are becoming weary of waiting for tbo flnal com pletion of the work. The delay has been caused by the failure of the company who tilled tbo orders for the Iron work to com plete their contract. The railing Is being1 made at UlrinlnKham , Ala. Ohnul-Moo Orau. An East Indian blood medicine ut Do Haven's. Why nay profits on every purchase when you can get nil your house furnishings in one place ut ono prolitl Mandcl & Klein. G i eat success. , ; . Hcllablo goods. ' - i' Fair dealing. Bottom prices. AtC ! . B. Jncqueuiln & Co. . No. 27 Main street M. F. Kolircr loft for Chicago last oven- Ing. Attorney Wntklns of Ulomvood was In the city yesterday. JudRO Ainhrosoof Omnlia attended district court jostc-rdny. Uciinty Sheriff. Hooker of Avoca was in tlio city yesterday on onlcltil business. S. I' . MncConnell , who hns been In Chicago for the past wcok , Is expected to return this morning , A. T. Fllcklngcr roturncdyestcrdriy morn- Inp from n two-weeks' business trip to Ulch- nrdson , Va. P. M. Hunter returned yesterday from Ifcokuk , where be bus bcou attending United States court , Dr , P. P , Ilelliiipor is maklnir a llyinR pro fessional nnd business visit to Chicago. IIo will return this morning. Mrs , D. 0. ArkwriRht loft lust ovcnlng for Montrose , la. , to visit tier inotliur. She will bo absent two or thrco weeks. M. II , noonnan , an attorney of Atlantic , wns In the city yesterday on his way to Mon tana , where ) io expects to loeiito. Hen Klsomnn or St. Louis Is In the city , the guest ot his brothers Simon and Henry , IIo will remain during thueok. . Mr , and Mrs. Asbury Morrison of Mount Plcnsnnt , la. , nro the cuosts of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gnrnmn nt351 North First strcot. Thomas LUUlcll , n WnsliliiKton township fanner who Is well known In the UlulTs , has pone to Si-otliuid for n lluvo innnths' visit to his old homo. Ho will aUo visit UiiKlund and Ireland , Dr. James McNntiRhton , well known In this city , now president of the North Dakota state normal , last week received a life diploma from tlio board of state examiners of Iowa. These diplomas nro awarded for excellence - cellonco of scholarship and moral oliaraetcr , coupled with successful experience in tench- IIIK , and legally authorizes the holder to tench In nny publio school In the state during llfo. Professor McNaughton'jLnmiiy friends here will appreciate this rcciTb'iiltloii of his merit. _ The best French cook In western fowa Is.at thu Hotel Uordou , Council DlufTs. Best heavy poods , ! ixr cent oft , cash. Heller , the tailor , 1)10 Broadway , Attention , Veterans. Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , will bold a regular meeting at their hall this ( Tuesday ) evening. A full attendance is re quested as inibincss of Importance is to bo transacted. L. Siuu\\oot : > , W. II , SITIIA , Adjutant. Colonel CoinuiaudiiiK. In receiving our spring stock wo make sweeping reductionsou uUof our furniture , r riM'ts , stoves , fancy lumps , crockery , etc. ' iM & Klein , THE NEWS IS THE BLUFFS , Finns to Facilitate the Business of the District Court. AN IMPORTANT MEETING OF ATTORNEYS , Hie New Driving Pnrk Association's Contemplated Iiiiprovoincnls Looking Aflnr tlio Hoys Minor Mention. . The slowness whlcti has characterized the present session of the district court has caused niucli dissatisfaction amonu the attor neys and their clients who are waiting for their turn to come. Tlio court convened on tlio lath , but so fur only the work 1ms been clone which lind been assigned to the first four days of the term. A meeting of the bnr was called In the court house yesterday morning to consider the advisability of extending the tlmo to bo de voted to equity caw from three to four weeks. After considerable discussion a vote was taken nnd a majority of the members wcro found to be in liivorof extension. Cer- tnin ones opposed It , however , snylnp that thoc'hungo would bo it good ground for the Granting of new trials in the cases which might bo tried in the extra \\eolc. rinnlly , to nvola complications , Judge Thoniell decided that the rules should govern the holuing of court , and that the extension should not bo ninile. This will probably ne cessitate the postponement of n large part of the equity calendar until next term. The creator pint ot the day wns then de voted to rending the law docket anil making assignments , after which the c.iso of Loilgo < & Henry vs Duller was resumed. The try ing of luw caics will bo begun next Monday. Our Kciniirknlili ; Succses Hnablcs us to present for your considera tion prices without a picccdcnt in the history of Council muffs. All goods are warranted row nnd clean , eijual to the best any inaikot affords. Only ono prlco and terms strictly cash. Call and see and bo satisllod that wo uru right. Duvis' ' Hoynl No. 10 flour , * 1.r 0 ; Davis' Nine UilourSl.c : > ; Gold Medal flour , $1.45 ; Minnesota Superlative. Hour , $1 ; Snowilako Hour , ? l ; 10 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 ; 17 Ibs cxtr.x O granulated sugar for $1 ; W Iba Now Oilcans sugar for 11 ; Arbucklo colteo , tier pkgo , tr ! > c ; Gcriium coffee , ucr pkge , 'Joe ; King's buckwheat , per pkco , lOc ; crackers , per II ) , .1c ; H 11)3 ) ginger snaps for JWo ; ! 2 loaves bread for fto ; it Ibs ininto meat , 25c ; 'leans tomatoes , y.'c ; 3 cahs corn , -oc ; IJ.igo. Norton & Co Hour , ? l.y. " > a sack ; JJ-lb pail lurd lor'Jiiu ; Mb pail lard forlHc : oil sardines , per can , fie- : cans mustard sardines for We ; Cal ifornia Imtns , per Ib. < Hjc ; good broom for 10c ; fiO good clears for 7."ic ; t Mli pall jelly for "HI ; IJgal pail syrup for far > eCgal ; keg syrup for § UO ; ao-lb pail white llsh forGOc. Brown's ' C. O. I ) . Grocery , Council Bluffs and Oniuha. Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , CK ) Broadway. Telephone 133. It Startled dim. Marshal Tomplcton wua presented some , tltno ago with a handsome wildcat alcln by some of his liunter friends who bad killed tlio animal In the timber along the river north of the city. The skin was made Into a rug by n skillful taxidermist , with the head nnd claws mounted In perfect style , ( jiving the heau of tlio beast a wonderfully lifelike ap pearance. Sunday evening the marshal brought the skin to the central ofllco and thiow It carelessly upon the office safe. A number of newspapers con cealed all of the skin but the head and claws , and when Deputy Mar shal Frank Fowler went into the office late In the ovculng nnd caino forward to unlock the safe ho was confronted by a pair of gleam ing eyes and naked claws that appeared to bo just fetching for his throat. The gleaming eyes , teeth nnd claws were within a few Inches of his face before ho dtscovered the monster. In the dim light It suddenly grew In torribloncsa of aspect , and the ofllcer re ceived such a shock that ho caino very nearly going through the wire screen. Buforo ho could draw his revolver a second glance showed him that the beast wius as harmless as a mummy. But tbo sudden discovery of the apparition gave him a shock that he now refers to with a smile. He Lioynl to Vatir Town. Don't go outside of your city to spend your money nnd be called a sucker. You can buy honest goods cheaper at home , thereby build up your city nnd invariably strengthen your credit. When you apply n few dollars on the old account you help the needy merchant , who pays interest many times for the money you owe him. jMnndel & , Klein are tbo head quarters for furniture , carpets , stoves , etc. Sncclal snlo of millinery this \veok at Louis' , Masonic block. Sco the bargains. Tlio Driving Park. The new Driving Park association has In view seine great improvements on the parn for the near future. The motor coilipany has n controlliiif , interest under tlio now regime , and from now oil the park will bn so manipu lated as to bring ns many nickels and dimes as possible into the coffers of that corpora tion. A meeting of the comuany was held ves'orday afternoon to consider plans , but it was adjourned without any delinito action being taken. Another meeting will ho held Fobumrv 13 , by which time it is thought the plans will have taken a tangible form. The general idea of the now company is to make the grounds a hcadquartois for all sorts of athletic sports. Races and base ball will bo the main sports , but all other sorts of sports will hnvo a pace ! there. An effort will bo made to have seine attraction there during nearly all tbo warm season. To bo sure that your children have pure candy , ouy for them the Pomona brand fruit lulce tablets. Pomona stained on each lab el. The trade supplied by Duquette & Co. It Is an acknowledged fact that M ami el & Klein sell furniture , carpets and stoves cheaper than any other house in the city. Look I nu After the IloyH. The committee which was appointed Sun day night to consider plans for taking care of the poor boys In Council Illuffs hold a mootIng - Ing yesterday afternoon at Mayor Maorao's oflleo. Dr. S. 1'hcluj , Superintendent Saw yer and 11 M. Bunker were selected as a committee to work the matter up and act In connection with the mayor. Colonel Hogoland leaves for Lincoln , Neb. , today , but will return the last part of the weak to resume- his op- orations. His plan U to form n society to tnko hold of the work. "This Is tli ( > only town I over was In , " said ho last evening , "whoro stray boys are taken charge of systematically. The muyor tolls mo tlioy have caught 150 runaway boys at the depots during the past year and sent them back to their homes. " Tlio American District Telegraph Co. has been reorganized nnd is now prepared to glvo prompt service. Special attention to express uud parcel delivery. Horse blankets and lap roocs at cost at Thco. Ucckman's , ' . " 'T Main street. A Hut-prlii * . Mr. and Mrs. Hutchlnson were very pleas antly surprised last evening at their rcsU dcnco on Mynstor street by a number of the employes of the Northwestern shops , who presented them with n magnificent silver set , consisting of a tea tray , coffee pot , tea pot , sugar bowl , creamer , spoon holder , water bowl and butter dish , Mr. Hutchinson bus been master mechanic of the Northwest ern at this point for several jcurs , and Is very iwpulnr with all who know him. Ho bus recently secured n similar position with the Iowa Central , and leaves for Ills now post In a few days , The present surprise was In tended as a reminder of the high esteem In which ho Is held. Hldo or It. ' I see the jiollco are taking mo to task because - cause I persist In not lining every unfor tunate that they bring in to mo , " said Judge llcGcolast oveuluf. " 1 used to think that It was n terrible thing for o man to bo loafing around the streets with nothing to do , but I have changed my opinions In tbo last year. Tliero are lots of those fellows lying around the Bluffs without any work , without nny money , without anything. A policeman oomos nloiiff , picks ono of thcmup , nnd btlngs him In to me. The next thing for mo to do is to line him , whether or no. Unfortunately , mv understanding ot the law Is different from that of the memocrs of the pollco force , A policeman hat no right to arrest a man unless ho can tnaka tome specific cbnrgo atrainst him. If bo can't ' do this , the only thing for mo to do Is.to lot tbo man go. 1 can't keep him in jail until they send word nil over the country to llnd out \\liothcr helms committed some crime or not. In sucn cases I have been discharging the suspects , nnd I expect to follow the same plan during the real of my term , the police force to the contrary notwithstanding. " IjAST WKUIc OF Tim Gil 12AT SALE. Only I'lve lnyn Mnro ot' tlio Rostoii Store's Great Annual Clearing Snlo New UnrunliiH Ibr This Woelf. The second nnnual clearance sale at tbo Boston store has been the most successful ever held In Council Bluffs. Among the thousands of customers who have visited the store during the week none have gone away dissatisfied , Saturday there wcro insuftlclcnt clerks to wait upon the multitude , but this will be remedied this week by n largo addi tion to the number of ladles nnd gentlemen , who will bo rrady to receive the orders of tbo customers. Every bargain advertised can bo found Just as described. Head the following partial list and see some of the prices : Head the following carefully. The prices speak for themselves. The greatest of sides ever held In the west. Below Is only a par tial ll < t of the thousands of bargains to bo offered at this snlo. Yard wldo bleached muslin , 4c. Our bleached and half bleached muslin sold for Oc to go at 7Jc. ' 4'J in. unbleached muslin 8c , bleached Co. 7-4 " " ICc , " ITc. 0-4 " " 21 c , " 22) c. 10-4 ' * " " - 2-JJito 5c. BLANKETS. Owing to tbo mild weather wo nro over stocked on wool blankets , which \vo will place on sale at extremely low prices. 11-4 heavy while blankets sold for ? 3.00 , at $2.00 pair. 11-4 nil wool and union blankets sold for 15.00 ftnd $ . " > .T5 , to go during sale , $1.00 , At $3.00 we show our complete line of ? 0.00 , W.7fi nnd $ " .00 , all In ono lot for $ . " .00. 11-1 gray wool ulaukts t'old $5.00 , during sale , $ ; ) . 'J. ' ) . Dr Price's sanitary wool blankets ntspccial sale prices ; S5.00 blankets for $ . ) .fi'J : Sl.oo for Si.78 , and extra largo size sold for 57.00 , re duced to $4.75. $4.75.COMFORTABLES. COMFORTABLES. Having over f > 'J ' bales of comforters on hand wo are determined to reduce our stock pre vious to inventory. Note the following prices : Our "fie comforters for fiOc. Special value regular $1.30 comforter for ei.oo. Comforters sold from ? J.25 to $3.73 all In one lot to go at ? 2.00 during sale. Comforters sold SJ.00 ) to W.50 , all in ono lot $ J 19. Our llncst quality sateen comforters , sold for $ .f.r > 0 to f .50 , to go at ,09. Oc canton llannel Il' ' c. 2."c turkey red damask for 17o. 30o towels forWc. S.1 pieces of bleached nnd half-bleached lincb , sold at ( Wo and Cc , during sale Me. Wash buttons So acara ( half price ) , Stewart's linen thread half price , lie or twofer for 5c. Irooks machine cotton ( standard make ) lo spool. Coats nnd Clarks spool cotton spool. Children's liose supporters oc , misses 7c , ladies' belt for 13c. All silk ribbon , satin edge , nt manufactur ers prices , No 7 sold for I'c ' , sale piico fie ; Xo. 0 sold for 12) ) 0 , sale pnco 7c ; Nos. 12 and 10 sold for ] Go and ICc , sale price lOc. Ladies' natural knit undersKirts aflc , worth 5Sc. 5Sc.Childs' Childs' plush , surah and cashmere caps sold for Me , $1,00 and 81.23 all at BOc. Bosiov STOKE , 401,403 and 403 BroadwayCouncil Bluffs , la , Now "Voik ofllce , 4" Leonard street. Too much California canned poods on hand must bo sold. Kcllcy & Younkcrmaii. Fighting for Churo'i IMnnn. The .Broadway Methodist church has had a good deal of trouble over the plans for Its new building. Ttioy have bad to hango archi tects several times because of unsatisfactory work on the part of the men whom they em ployed lo superintend the woik of erection , and now ono of these architectural llrms comes in and tries to shut off the work en tirely bv taking away thu plans. The firm of P. M. Ellis & Co. was the first ono whoso services worn dispensed \vlth. The church paid them $500 for the plans and thought that they owned them. II. E Crooke , who had been with Kills but had left the llrra , was then placed in cbnrgo of the woik. It was not very long until the buildiuir com mittee lost faith in him , and last week he , too , had to go. Vcsterdtiy a replevin suit was lllrd in Jus tice Patton's court by F. M. Ellis against H. O. Cooke and W. S. Ma.uic , to recover the plans , which wore In the hands of Mr. Mayno , having been sent to him by Mr. Cooke n fo'v minutes before the olllccrs arrived with the replevin papers. Ono of the building committee states that bo thinks Cookc it Ellis must have patchcdup their differences , and that Cooke must have entered Into nscliemo to help Ellis got the plans. Ho did not want to give them up himself , on account of the looks of the thing , but put them into Mnynu's bands nnd then had them replovined before Alayno could got rid of them. Whether there was such a schcmo or not Mr , Muyno still lias the ulnns and announces that bo intends to keep them until May , any way , when the building Is to bo completed. Ho gave a delivery bond Instead of the plans and that , according to the law , entitles him to the possession of the goods in question. J. C. Blxby , steam noatlmj , sanitary en gineer , 802 Merriam block , Council lilults The new dental rooms of Drs. Woodbury are the llncst nnd most complete in the west. Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , 143. " Preparation- ! tlio Summer. The directors of the Cluuitauijua Assembly association held a meeting last evening In the board of trade rooms , The main business of the evening wus the election of an execu tive committee. Messrs. P. O. Glcason , F II. HIM , H. II. Van Brunt , B. E. Hart and I. M Troy nor wore appointed such commit tee. The rest of the evening was spent in talking over the prospects for the coming year and hearing the reports of the old committees. The members wcro much pleased to learn that the indebtedness of the assembly bus been reduced to S12.000 during the past ye.ir. The program for the no\t assembly is not completed yet , but It is mapped out , and unless some of the attractions now under considera tion nro out of reach it Is prac tically settled what the ptogrnm will be , From present indications it will bo far supo- jior to that of last year. No manager was elected , nnd ills thought that the services of a manager will not be required , the executive committee having taken upon itself the duties heretofore per formed by that ofllcer. Should these duties bo found to require more time than the mom. hers of the committee can take from theii business , a manager will bo appointed , but not until then. Da\ls , headquarters for Chaul-Moo-Grau , Bell & Son's new grocery takes the lead on Upper Broadway. No old stock. Grocery Wngoii nnd Uuxsy Collide , A team driven by J. Jensen , a grocer , ran away yesterday at Vlulon nnd Sixteenth and collided with a buggy In which W , M. Kelso of the Star land and loan company , and r lady wore riding. A wheel was broken off the buggy nnd the occupants were thrown tc the ground. Mr , ICclso hold on to the relas and stopped the team without furttiordum ago. The lady was not seriously injured Jtmsen , who drove tbo grocery wagon , HimU ) gained control of his team before tboy huu broken awuy from tbo wagon. Don't ' experiment with your health. Voi may bo sure of the quality of your medicine oven If you have to tnko much of your foot upon trust. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Sanauarllla and tuko no other. It Is tin standard blood purifier , the most cflcctlvi and ccououilcul. HOUGH r A IHUVlffc PA UK. 'llio Bridge Company Hcyures Control or Iho lluflMVl ! jirk. The Onialm ft Council Bltffs ( railway nnd brldgo company lias secured ! control of the Union driving | iark on the other side of the river by n very kandsomo majority. Some tlmo ago a deal wn rmdo , by which the motor company took one-third of the stock , private citizens of Oiniha another third , and the balance wns hold hy citizens of the IllulTs. Being thns' Interested , the motor company extended their lines Into the park" , Still seine of the Dlunites , who hrul been holding up .the. enterprise for years at the expense of their own pockets , wcto dissatisfied nnd wanted lo got out of It altogether , nnd the result of this feeling Is that but two or three shares of the stock are now owned in Council HIiflTs. The motor company has secured about two-thirds of the stock , nnd Omaha , citizens have a cinch on all that is left. Mr.-D. F. Elchcr of Etcher & Ivipllngcr , who has been ono of the stockholders for years , nnd who was largely Instrumental In unloading the property , stated yesterday that henceforth the park would be run In connection with the motor line , nt > d that the motor company would have full swing. Said ho : "Tho motor company has been gradually getting control and now they hnvo considerably more than half mid will have more of It. I concluded that It wns tltno lor mo to got out and some of the others felt the snmo way , Inasmuch us under the new deal the motor folks will do ns they please and the others won't have a word to say. All they can do Is to como to tltno when tlio assess ments nro made. I understand that some ex tensive changes nro contemplated uml of course money will bo required. 1 bcllovo the motor folks propose to remove tlio birns to the north end of the tracks and milk ing u picnic ground of the south cud. Hegulnr racing meetings and ball games are also projected. Now buildings will ho croc- ted nr.d olhcrimprovements nude. If a. man Is Interested in the motor company It Is all right , but if ho is out of It bis park stock isn't ' worth so much. If the park barely pavs e.Mienscs or oven falls a little short , ft will still have a big thing for the motor folks \\lio will make a irood thing on tbo people they will curry back and forth , nnd they nutrht to own the park. That Is why wo sold our stock , ai wo didn't want to hold the bag. " Air. J. II. Mtllard , treasurer of the motor company , stated that bo knew nothing of the plans of the comrnny regarding the changes to bo mndo at thu park , although ho understood that certain ones would bo made. ' We now own two-thirds of the stock , " said he , "and the iccontly acquired sbnics were deeded to mo ns trustee , Our lines run into the park nnd wo will cnucavorto iind use for them. The next meeting of tbo company will not bo held for a month , nnd it will prob ably bo decided at that time ] u t what Is to bo done. After our nlans nro made wo will give them to the public , but at present there is nothing for publication. " Several years ago Chamberlain & Co. of DCS Molnosj In. , commenced thotnatmfncluro of a cough syrup , believing it to bo the most prompt nnd reliable preparation yet produced for coughs , colds aud croup ; that the public appreciate true merit , nnd in time It was cer tain to become popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than icalizcd. Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamber lain's Cough Uemedy are now sold eacn jear , and H is recognised as "tho best inarto" wherever known. It will cme a severe cold In less time than any other treatment. For side by all druggists. PUSHING OL.I . ) CljiVlMS. The ComniUHioiiers Cnllcd Upon to Itellcvo Financial TUB Hen Sunday contained an Item to the effect that the county commissioners were wrestling with some old claims , for ser vices that have mown with ngo. Two of these claims are from Henry Ehron- pfort nnd M. Lies for services ns assessor in the First and Second wards re spectively ; nnd aggregating $1'J . Boll of those men were itaid for their work at the tlmo the other assessors were. Another claim for * which favorable orablo action is solicited from the ooard is for some $730 for foes for dcputj sheriffs who served nt the Coliseum during the October exposition. The claim Is pre sented by Sheriff Boyd and a Mr. Hoth , who Is described as "tho gentleman with the big whiskers. " Two or three years ago , at the personal and very urgent solicitation of tn.inj private citizens , the board warranted the In currlng of a bill for deputies to serve at the joint exhibit of the fair nnd exposition. In the present case , Sheriff Boyd is said to have gone ahead and em ployed deputies without nny authority fron the board. Ho and Mr. Uoth have paid the bill , anil now are coming to the county to ro Ipiburso them. No greater triumph In medicine or chemistry try has been recorded tiiun Hall's Hair Ko newer to revivify and restore gray halrto the color of youth. KOH UK HO Oil ATS ONI/X. The Combine I'nlH Ur > the Hnr ; Against Republican Ollloc-ScckorH. Henceforth during the llfo of the piosen democratic rule In city affairs no republican of whatsoever stripe , color or degree , will hi appointed to any ofllce or position. Such was the edict promulgated in n secrc caucus composed of the mayor and demo cratlo members of the city council , held Ii the oflleo of the former yesterday forenoon. It seems that various republicans havobeei calling upon the mayor at different time lately and represented that they hud bee promised the vote of five democrats to the ! appointment to this tnlng und that. 'The mayor becnmo very weary of hearing sucl assertions , and not only this , but got all a sea as to the democratic sincerity of cottali council men who ewe their scats in the inu nicipal body to democratic votes. Aftc "bearing" the thing as long as ho could h vestcrdny called his political brothers abou him and demanded that they plcdgo him their support under any and all circum stances in the matter of continuing onlydem ocrats. They pledged , and hence the ver diet. diet.The The particular cause for the action at tbl time is said to bo tbo flllitig of the vacancy on the board of public works. I have a cousin who is a printer , says ex- Mayor J. B. .Loughran of North Des Moines , la. Sorao years ago ho was employed la this city where tboy were printing circulars for Chamborlaln. Ho hod a dceo seated cold and terrible cough , and while setting up copy ho mndo up his mind to buy n bottle. It cured him and that was the first I over know of Chamberlain's Cough Uotnedy. I hnvo been strongly In its favor ever since. My own ex perience anu that of my.family convinces mo that this remedy is the best In the world. That may bo strong language hut that Is what I think. For sale by nil druggists , " Rambling Cni'H Continued. Police court was crowded yesterday after noon by the sports of thd city to listen to the trial of Price nnd GyserJ , who wore arrested for operating a gambling room over Billy If awley's saloon on Douglas street. The ovl- denco against the defendants was very dl- ncct and harmonious , m6st of tbo witnesses stating that they wore In the room nnd saw the defendants engaged In waiting upon the phners who sat about the poker tables. The case was not finished when the tlmo cnmo to close court f01 } the day and as both the county attorney and the attorney for the defense have to bo absent for several dajs , the case wascontlnued."until Monday , Fcb- i-uury 2. Hearing I'rntoHts. The city council met as a board of equaliza tion yesterday moinlng' , with Mr. Tuttle in the chair , The mooting was for the purpose of consid ering protests against taxes for paving Siicr- man uvenuo from West to Commercial strett , in paving district No. 252 , nnd Fourteenth from Webster to Nicholas , in district 803 ; nnd curbing Commercial street from Sher man avenue to Twentieth street In uUtrlct li-MI , Luke nvcnuo from Mercer avenue to Hamilton street In district 270 , Fifteenth from Jackson to Lcavonworth in 2TII , Twen ty-second street from St. Mary's avenue to Leavonworth In 8W , Seventh nvouuu from Williams to 1'luo in U07 , Northrop uvonuo from Mercer uvcnun to Burl In 314 , alloy north of Worthlngton to Pine in ! iJJ-J ; and I grading too , Twenty-seventh aveuuc frcui TheGreat1 REM FOR PAIN Popplclon nvonueto Hickory street ; mid for construction of .sower in I I. On motion of Mr. Osthoft the hoard ordered that all protests bo Hied In , writing with the city clo'k. This necessitated nil adjournment subject to cull of the chairman , Of TIIEXOKTHWKST. J. TJ. Jensen , one of the entllost settlers of Mlndeii , died Suudny , after a short lllncis , of pneumonia , A militia company has been organized nt Valentino and bus been chrUteiicdtbo Cherry guards. The now Congregational church at Craw ford was dedicated Sunday , The Beatrice boanl of trade Is making elaborate preparations to entertain tlio state press association , which holds Its nnnnnl meeting Thursday nnd Friday. On the lat ter day a special train will convoy the vis itors to the paper mill , starch factory , oat meal mills , sewer plpo works , canning fnc- loryetc. , nnd a visit to the extensive Dempster mill manufacturing plant , water works , elec tric light works , Beatrice building and pav ing brick work ) , foundries nnd machine shops. Afternoon Carriage rldo about the pity , to the Institute for feculo minded , where a special entertainment will bo trlvcn by tlio pupils for In the Interest of the visitors. Exhibition drill of Company C , Beatrice's military com pany , in Iho evening a grand banquet at the Paddock hotel. President George I ? . Marvin of the Daily Democrat , assisted by Colonel A. C. Jordan of the Dally Express , are work ing Indefatigably to Insure the coniplotost success of ttio mootltnr , and they are ably seconded by tbo public spirited citizens ol Beatrice. A special term of district court will beheld hold in D.iwos countv beginning January 'M , for the trial of civil and criminal cases. Tbo Daues county farmers' alliance will hold a special meeting at Cuadron Febru ary n. Phclpj , county has another new town , Uock Falls. The Good Templars lodge at Alexandria now has forty-four members. Frank Dirlcek of Schuyler was married lost week to the mother of his children , with whom ho had lived for thlrty-throo years. Patrick Hogan Is now In Jail nt Dakota City and there Is strong evidence against him that ho set tbo lire that wiped out a good part of the town of Covinirton a week atio Satur day nignt. Thcro are others implicated and they will all no doubt bo brought to time. Six buildings were saturated with oil and set on lire. Thcro Is a prosp.ict that another election on tbo county seat question will bo held in bixty days m Chase county. Burglars secured a quantity of revolvers and watches by entering the store of II. W. Dimmot of Wymoro. A lodge of Good Templars has been organ ized at Ilartington. John Blust of Stanton was thrown into a barb-wiro fence by u runaway team and severely verely injured. IllXVII. Rev. J. M. Bowers , formerly pastor of the Congregational church atl'arkersburg , lately dlcclnt'Klddor , Mo. O.V . Heckling , trrocor , ot Sno City , lias decamped. He has been guilty of forgery , It la alleged. Officers nro after him. Frank Snodgrass of Jackson township , Grcone countv , has struck a gas well on his farm at the depth of eighty feet. IIo was after water. George Boeck , the Burlington pork packer , is putting appliances Into his house to manu facture Ico. The nrllllcinl ice crop Is sure and growing cheaper every year. C. F. Comstock of Cerro Gordo county , raised some tobacco last season that excels the best wood grown in Wisconsin. Ho pro poses to plant forty acres of tobacco next spring. Carl Olcscn , an employe of the street car company at Clinton , was ] erlted from a strocl carand'thrown in front of It , when his hcii was caught by some shovels on the car foi cleaning the snow , and mangled and his neck broken. IIo died in a few minutes. Mrs. John Oalnorls iload at Asbury , agei forty-nlno years. She had llvd In Iowa since 18VJ. Inhorjoung womanhood she cnjoyei" the distinction of being the most bcautlfa woman in Dubuque , and she combined grace ? of mind with charms of person. Her maidot name vns Funny Wall. Sol. W Miles , foimorly editor nnd propric tor of tbo Corjdon Times , has Just been nc quitted of tlio rhargo of murder at Mcado Kan. Be killed Dr. C. W. 1'ritchnrd will tbo butt of n revolver. The Jury dccldeu that the deed was doao in bcH-dofciise. Weather Up to this date our monthly prognosti cations linvo boon fully us rafiublo as the prophesies of the lute lamented Wiggins but at the buginnlnp of a now year we fcsolvo to dobtill better. The customary January tlinw will bo dispensed with and rmssenL'ors who travel in the olcctrl lighted , steam heated , vcstlbulcd polnc * car trains of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul Ry. , between Omaha and Chicago cage , will 'bo comfortably cared for re gardless of the outsidoatmosphere. City ticket ollico , 1001 Fiirnam street ( Barker block ) , Omaha. ' Articles ot incorporation of the Clark publishing company have boon filed with the county clerk The capital stock is $100,000 , with shares of $1CO. II. J. Clark. 13. II. Jones , Wank "W. Johnson nnd F. C. Hnrgiavo are the incorporat- ors. ors.J. J. Goldsmith , manager of the Misfit cloth ing parloi a. has gone to Now Vork on n six- weeks' business trip. Mr. T. W. Blackburn of Washington was in the city yesterday. Mr. E. A. O'Brien has rctutncd from Pine Hldo. M BE DECEIVED INTO BUYING CHEAP IMI TATIONS CLAIMING TO BE JUST AS GOOD AS S , S. S. If they had merit , they would not cnlm ! to be HB good as something also. SWIFTS Bl'nCIKIO , B. B. 8. 18 RCCOU IZKD A8 THJ ! STANDARD. THAT 18 WHY TIII ; COUNTRY IB FIX > ODID : "WITH IMITATIONS OK IT. Jiooks on Blood and Bkln diseases freft , TIIK swirr srccincco. ATT.ANTA.OA. rinleyBnrke.Qeo.W. Howitt-Thos. B. Oasadj Burke , Hewitt & Casady , Attorneys-at-Law PllAOTICI ! IN THIS BTATK AND KKDI'.ltAI , 0 J T Ir I. Offices : J , J. II row u llulldliiij. Council HlutTa , lowu To Soft Coal Consumers. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. What isOur Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , COAL AT $450. Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order early and avoid the rush. A. T. Thatcher , Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street PEERLESS BLACK PEERLESS , Is In every respect the best Cool for domestic purposes in the market. It lasts longer , produces more heat nnd burns up clonnor than nny oilier lown conl. One. ton will go as fnr ns n ton nnd n half ot the ordinary stuff , nnd It costs no more than the cheap , unsatisfactory grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking and heating. Sold only by L. G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , The best outside ooal pold In the Council Bluffs market is the OHIO L.UMP , superior to cnnnel and much cheaper. All kinds of Wood and Coal. Cobs a specialty. Full weight and prom pt delivery. 29 South Main St. Telephone 203. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. "lyANTEU-A cmiiiiolcnt sir ) ( or i > cni > rtil M liousuwoik. MIM , .limns J. lliown , . " > C 7th street , Couimll UUills. Foil SALiK-Mcat market iloliiR isood cash business , llttoil up In llr-a class stylo. Will hour Ini eslli'iit Ion , A simp for some one. Other business n'isnn for Milling , Address , lock box JSi : , Uoiini.ll Illiiirs. Oi'Oll SALi-Cholco : lot mi Lincoln nionuo , half block from motor line. Cull on J. M. ic.inlan , 1-8 Ilioadwav , Con null liluuV. LOST At Koynl Au'iiiinm linll. Council JllulTs , nil opul uiul ( llaiiuiil scarf via on lie oMiiln : of Inn. SX Kinder will fiu ro ll urd oil liy the return of same to lloo olllee. ACKO lljou mint tOKctono ncro or ruoro fur u nlou homo , and \\lioioyu" fan par- ilen and raise smiill finlt anil poultry , or If ,011vmt , tenor tnonty neies or u I.irjii farm n town , \\ocaii stilt you. C'.ill nml wo us. lohnstniut Van I'uttcn , ICM'ielt block , Coun cil UlUllH. s Trv Dr. Miller's homo trout- incut for fcninlo diseases. Safe , mild and Hire. Also Dr. Mlllcr'spilii pistllcs ; pilules ? itul Riiur.intecd to ( MI IT. I "or sain In Council Hull's nnd Onmliaoiily by .MM. A. A. Smith , 'iH. 1st st. anil .Mrs. G. K. lllgijliis , 1510 . . , Omalm. FOKSA.IjE or Kent Q.inlon land , with houius , by J. II Rico. 10i Main it. . Oounoll BluITi CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 TOTAL CAPITALAND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 iii I. A. Mlllnr , P. O. Qloason , E. U , E. R. Hart , J. D. 12dm uml ion , Charloi U. lliunuin. Trans. ict genor.il U.inkln , ' busi ness. barest ciplt.il anil surplus of uuy liankln Hontliwcstorii Iowa. INTEREST ON TIM E DEPOSITS , M. H. CHA.MBERLTN , M. D KYK , KAIt NO'i : AND THIIOAT HI'IXMAMST , Cinmcll HlutlK , la. llilliiii'osuf the KV1' KAIl , MSInnd TIIUO.M'f irc-ntcd with tlio itreaU'Sllr hklllnndnro. . ( CATAIIIIII , ASTHMA nnil HAY I'liVKU trcntol with eminent KUCCOHS. StJItlilOAI.OI'KltATIONH , nhero ncci-SHnrr. pnln- lessly iierfonru i v Illi thu utnuiit < 'IIIT nml Kklll , ns Miringrcrfict results UNl'sr ( JI.ASSl'.S iiccnr- utely prnscrlliud. ( urructlnx all rufrmtlvo trouliU's. nn Aljupln , II ) pcropln unit A tklnatlsn > , tlins rrn- ilcrlnxalulit viiy Ueur and iidnlcss CIIHO.NIC NiUHAI. < > IAnnil SIC'K HKAIIAUK , after yoirn of terrllilo sulfcrlni , ' . no rclli-f.cntlroly curnl Olllc" , llooiu 1. Hliuiriirt Illock , over Mono , V Cu.'a otore. Council lUtitTa , III. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main an'l Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFr'S , IOWA. Dealers In foreign mid donioUIo .xchin7 : < > Collection uuiilu ajitl Interest iiild ; on tlino doposlts. l nw. Prao- tlec in the state and federal courts. Rooms n , 4 und 0 bhugart lienublock , Council UlulTs , Iowa. D. II. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casing , Fplcrs mid BuiisiiKO Maker * ' Machinery. 830- KhiMutiist. , C/ounull III u If 3 , la. Also dealers n Hides and I'urs. For insect bites uae Pond1 a Extract. 8THIV9A CUR Echlffmtr-n's Asthma Cure ntrer/udi to clto tniiiinl nli'H Iho vorit caici , In fortablt llocpi tltcti cures utiero illttbe In tlm Circuit Court of tliu United States , Dbtrlct of TlinKarincr's I.oiin and Trust Compuny , vs Tliu lioldrugi1 Wiilcr Coiupiiny , ct ni. Notice Is lioiohy given that In piirxunnco of nn aider of tlio stild Court entered In this oauso on the 1st of .liiiinary , 1MI , thu 1111- derslirncd , rceolvorof tlioproncity liiiiuuallou In tliln cniiso , will kcll atimlillo auellon tntliu lilK'lic'Ht lilildiT , ut tlio north iliinr of the 1'i'd- ornl 1'ost Oillni und Court Hon > o In the city of Oiniiliii , on the -bill day of IVlmmrv no\t ut ID o'clock Ini the forenoon , the ( olloHlng dcscrlliul jiroportyi All tliu jirlvllcKcs , franchises. cascinontH. clitmcH In iictlnn. cstuto , propiTty ri'iil und iiorttonnl , olfojltt and nssct at the Holdiuxo \Vutor. t'oiiiiiiiuy. In tliu Oountv of 1'liclps , Stiito of NulirjBka , In and about Its won ; " , Kniiiiid nnd proiierly used for Hiipplyliu tlm city of lloulri'Ko uiul thu Inhabitants thereof \ > llli water fornll purposes and | i.irtlunla > ly lotHthiee , four und llvo In block twenty-four. In the Una addition to Holdreto , Nebraska , nnd all rentals , do'its iliun. dcriutnilH , nl.uscs . Iniietlonof u\nry kind nnd natuiiMnohidltiK wtitur rent from the in Id city of 1 1 old rote , un der llio contract mndo uetxvcen ha'd city ol Hold rojio mid Ilonjniuln H. Clnrkc , liy virtue of mi ordlnnnctt of hiild cltv In the natd mort- KUUO nnd Hiild lilll of complaint ontltltul , anil unilorund ly vlrtuuof nny contract liotwiiun b.ild city and uald lloldrcKii Water C'oinpiiny nml all watur runts from prhuto eoiiHiimorH wlntlboovur h luatcj , id all other Income ol nny kind whntMotiver tioni iiiiypoiniin nr pro petty In mild county of I'huliis. ' und Htato ol Ntbniklii. AUbTIN ll.UUOWN.lleculvur. JlTdltu RR1LWRYT1MEGRRD l.ra\ea ICIIICAdO , 1IUUI IN1O.\ ! O.l Arrives Om.ilm | Ui'put IDtli nml Mutton street * . I Umnlm. 4U | > in . . .ClilrnKU Hxpro" 800 n in HVI 11 in . . .I'lilciKU r.xpro'i. . . . li0 1 > ill' 1UO | > in . . ChlcntHj Kxpron lOWi a in JIM p m . . . .JllKjtJillCIll ui- . . . HIM "I _ _ . lllVr.lt.I Srrfvcs Onmlm. input lUlliuiut.MiiioiiiitriH'lii. | Onmba fifK n m * 4 OS ii m 10 55 m IU5 p n > 7 10 | i ni Denver NlKlit'Ktprut . ii.l.'iniu MM p m Lincoln J.lmllc" " ! Mi u in Lincoln l.ocnl Onmlin. Depot lOlli nuJ Mnnuiintroct'i t'TI n in . Kiiiinni City liny fipri ; i JMi p in 1C. 0. NlKlitKxp iln r Uiimli i | Dci'iil Hull anil Mnu'y M recta. 'zvi p ml O\i'rliiml I'ljror . . 7 J ) p in I'nclllo Kxprr-M 1UJO U III Ill'IIMT KXIlrwn J > Q7 11 mj JCiinpni * rity lxr | s , ( J ; U"ivo3 I Cllli'A < 70 . U T. A I'AflFlO. Omalin. I U. I' ilcpiil. l Ullijiuil M ircy ht- < , 0 10 p m Mxlit ixpr : < < 39 . IH ) " > a in . . . .Atlantic Kxpro > 9. . . . 1 U p in . . Vritlhiilo Mmltoil. . ] # HUi Uniiilm | U. t' ilupot. imii uiid liiri SI . 715 u mi bttiux ( Mty I'ui eiiKcr . . . fMi in | . . . . . . .t-t 1'iuil Hxprrvi J10JO ni "l CIITC J ? IO1)A O'nrA. ! _ 0innlii [ | Depot Ijlh uml Wutmtor SH AliJl'I ' Li . SI 711111 l.lnilU'.l. . . "l iivet iC'llR'AtiOi NOHTIIWltaTlillN Arrltos Uinnlm | U. 1' . ilc'tiol , lllth uiul Marc ? Sis , | Oiimlm. 1(15 ( a rat rhlcnxo Hxiirois. . . IM p m Vcjtlluilo Minllpil rIS p ni lonnAc'iuiniiiodntlontuYC. UK ) pin I InitcrnKbu. , II 4' > ii mlloxf Sunl-u ) ! t Kint lxoif ! ( Mini ) "I faverR3llilATrJrMlir7rSY. ( rai7iTArrl c ' Omaha. | U. 1' ill-put. 10th nml Mnny his.I Oinalin. ' IIIU pml ChlciiKoK xpress I , V.4 ! > a lt , IL * * n uij Chicago Kxprc a. . . . . . . . . I r.u : ) p m Arrives Uinnlm. "T.u rives 1' . , 13"X Ml ) . \'TIli ; TArrlves Omiilin lepot 1'itli nml Weliiter Bli. I Oman i. II l ) n"n7 Mini * Hills Kxpruss fi 'JO p m IIUO n lit . .Iln tlnx4 Mtp. ( llx : Huinliy ) | R.SO p m 5 10 v ni \ViiliotiVMncutn iiHi'JC. Sunil'yl H" ' * u mm JU ) p m n in 1.0IIV01 . . . . ArrTro * Omaha _ Depot lltli nml Wobslor Btv On i nil it , * 8 10 n m . bliluxMty Aocnniniodntloii II 65 p m ] U ) p in Sluux City Kxprvsa ( ex 12.40 | < id 600 p ill . .St I'nill l.lmltoil ti.U a tu JU& jt ni lanc < it l'ft iengi'r ( ex. Hmiiliijr ) is I jiiSMimir Arilvns ( minli ii I Doiiutl'ith mid \vantor Sl Oiimliit ll ) ; ' . ) ii IP I Ht. I.oiHlTAK. ( J. Kxpri'n 4.6l ! ii"m D.15 ] in\ _ \ ! . bt. _ l.iiil \ K. O. Kxpron 'l.cn\r I CIIICAOO , U I. A. I'ACIIIC imsfi'rl Union IM , > ( > t , Council lllulH. Tra mtu't ' n.Snpiul N'iKlit 13vpre tLttinS ! l'Uiini ! Atlantic 13\ir | 3' < . . . . .V.'i'i ' Ii irx _ 6JIO jii | VcatltiiiluUnill _ < > i ! . . . W. )3 tt irt' ' TXMIVOI rcillC'AdDXNOHTIIWI'.SlDKN Arrlvi-s Iriin fcrl Union lioiiotCouncil Illnll * Vc.-tlhnlu I.linllt'il ' . ) : n lit I'.iiHturn I Ior ) 2Ulp ig. TAtluntlc Mull T M u lot i in I Inirn Aocoiiiinoiliitlon I I3xo wnn ) ii jo p m _ _ , T. I'AAl , " ] ArrTv ' ? * Tj-iuisfcrl Union lc'i ) | ) t , Council WnlT" . iTrnniifuit liWpmT ( hlciik'u lxiroa-i : | . . I 11 16 a nil )2.to ) p in 1 Chitnw H\prtHM. J * ' { ) ( ljijri' ' If ( i. . SI' .11)11X1 ! . H I AnrTvu TriiniitiTl llnloii Di'pol , Comicll llhilT . ITrmiiifmi iuil" | . . . . > iiii Cliy Day ixpTcii : i & 4lp ) i "a.'i p | . . , > n"im fit ) NlHlit Kxpio - . I li'JOr ifll Tiun > Cf "I OMAHA'S' 1 ArrTve * llnliiii luioli ) | ( 'oiincll llliilT < . iTrimifoit . . . St I.ouls rniion Iliill. . . . " liaj p 31 TArflvia ! ' Truniferl Union IK'put , Council lllnlT < . ITrnnsfej * V.40 u nil ( lilcnKu KxplcHt "ifJUp lOUUpiu Clilciiito Ktprcin . . . , U.40 n uf _ 7. ( p iiiL. . , .c'rp lon l < icnl ± , . ± . . . . li.SU.n TO Arrlv ! B i Tinnifurl Union llopot , Courcll llliura. 7.45 n in' , fcluux City Acrouiinoilnlliin U 40 u U05pui | . . . St. 1'aul Kxprciis Xotit-v to Itrltli/c Itnllilei-H. Nntlc'o Islioirhy plvun tlint sonleil liliN iioj llticiil foul , for all lirlilk'i'f to bu bulll , In VnrU county diirlni ; tlio ri'miuwli-r of tlmyoar IStd. will bo iccolvuil ut Ihu olllcn of tliu countjf chirk on or bufoiu iinon of Kub. si , IHiil , siila lirldiios to bo built iicuniilliig In the follow In * plans uml n | > oilllcitli ! > iis : All liililuos filinll cons st \\hllnoak ] ) llo bunH , tluuii plllims In uucli bunt , otcoiit wlirn tliu u ] > | iroicli bunl CMH'I'dH hlfOl'tlll ' llPlullt. tlll'lfl Hlltlll llOfOltf pIlliiL' In sulil limit. pllliiK lo lu wull MI ISDIHH' . Htul.lil an I tliu Dark iiuoluil nil' , uml notlcsj than n Inu I nc lies In illainutiirat lliu-iiiuill uml , I'iU'-t to l > e < lri\on not luss tlniii IU foot If In bofl Ki'oiiml. nml IIM iluop IIH iiii sllilo Inliiird minimi. Cai snflillo oak Hxl. ' nnd i fret In lun tli. limits Unit in u iniiiu than 7 fi' < : t aliova tliiicroiiiiil Hliall boswuy brueitl with U ploci xlllliunl ] ) liHisiierstmctiiU | ) JolstH III to ouch span , " * ! . ' ( ic'orKln nine , umUcHSfil , lirhlk'eil onrclo fiieh spun with 3\4 iiiiitc rlnl ; HIIUIII Unit mo mom tlmn IB fiM't IOIIK l < i liu lirlilKuu twlco. I'lii'iilni ; to bo ot.'l-liiiliMiiitliurn plnn , 111 fmt In liiimtli anil nut Insx tiiiin 1 1 Inolius In uMiltli , nmliiisscil , nnd to lu Hplkcil to tha Jiilhts with t o HplKo-i In oaoli i > lnnitocach ( loM , JtallliiK , sliimliiril wool , roiietMliliracoil finni onilsof oiis | with 4x4 Himfitllow unarils IXl > | lllll > . ClipfllSll'lll'd 10 pllC'rt Ultll ? 4-llllh ! dilfl bolts , "U InuhcH In luii th , fellow KUiirill faxlc'iiuil ' to iilli'H with 53 anulior lions , M to ( nth bent , Joists to bo Hull spll.ol to uthur anil to thu caps. Itulllnir mill ouls'do ' J lsH uiul onil cui/s / to bu painted onu uuut boiled o'l inn ) inlnmal jialiit. It illni ; ; lo bolted to/uther with Imlf Imli holts. Aim bids will bo ircelu'il ( or wliiK pllliin' ut so much m-r foot. Tnu unuid it'Murvci ) the rlpht to rJoct nn nnd nil Mils. Tarty iiwarilud tliucontract will bu imiiilnxl to KltuKOod anil siilllclont bonil. coMiUtlonoil fm tliu faithful purfiiriniinoo ot Ills contract , to bu uppruvud by tliu county liiiaid. Datud this 10th day of Jiiniiiiry , Ifni. W. II , ItCADKK , Cuiinty Clerk. illuiihurvlee. Hosubnd AKi'nc-y , Houtli la kdlti.Jiiiinury IIK ) ) . Smiled pnmoialH on- dnrxud "l'ronal for Kleld " | * boudn. and ud ( Irc'soil to Dm nnduitilKiicd at Hmnbuil A'-cncy. hontli Dakotii , will lie rcti'lvc'il until 1 o'clock of I'ebriiury f > , Ml , forfiiriilHhliiK iinii ( li'llviirlnic tlinsiiinu at Vali'litliii ' ) , Nubriilint fdObiuhels of suuUontH , I.IXW biiHholH of Ructl jiolatoi'S and I.UOO bnslicls of tic'ud corn , lli'U dersmiibt Htatii tliu proposed nrlcoof each nr tlulo to bu oltiTcd for dellvury iinilor u con tract. CniiTiFiK.n CIIKCKH. l.'acli bid must bu iiocMimpnnlod by u coitU iloil check or draft upon KOIDII Onllod Htatei ] ) eiosltury | , iiindo payublo to the mdur of tb iinilurslgnud , for nt least 1'IVK liur cent ot tliuuiiioiintof thu proKMal | , which check off tlritft will ho forfiiliud to thu Unlloil HlutoHln L'asu any blddc'r or blddcru iri't'lvlnu nn. awiird ihall fall topromptly uxoeiito u foil * tract with uooil and hiilllolunt Hinltlcs , otho wltn to ho ri'inrncil to the blildor. J UCUlt \vitiaur , u. a.