Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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liouso roll 79 , except In Uio first two sections
Which provide tor the Issuing und sain of tbo
The committee row nnd rcportcil buck both
lillls with thu recommendation that they ba
r The recommendation was agreed to , nnd
tlio liousu adjourned till 10 n. 111. tomorrow.
Vain Attempt nt Ituiiritniilzittlon ,
liiscoi-y , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HKK. ) The independents held
n long conference tonight nnd inado n vain
effort to reorganize their forces. It Is now
conceded tlmt the resolution recognizing
Uoyd a * governor will pass thu house , though
It may lead to n protracted struggle. Governor -
ornor Tlmycr's message will almost certainly
bo delivered tomorrow , nnd probably during
the morning session.
Kurnns ( 'otinly'n NVmls.
LINCOLNNob. . , Jan. 2(5. ( [ Special to Tun
lliin. ] The county commissioners of Furnns
county have made a careful oUlino p of the
condition of affaire in that county , and have
written to Ucprosentatlvo Stevens that they
will ne-cdnt least 0,000 bushels of wheat for
need alone , making no oUlmato for bread for
those absolutely dcUltuto. The nraour.t of
corn ncccssarjfor | seed and for consumption Is
flxcd at 12,000 bushels. The cotninisslonors
toy thatwilt'ss this nuantlty of cereals Is fur
nished much of the land must Ho vacant the
coming season. The people In that section
will bo thankful If they can secure bread ,
licans and some kind of meat. They do not
iisk for any luxuries , nnd will bo satisfied If
they can got enough of the coarser kinds of
food to keep the wolf away from the door
until th y can ralso another crot ) . They have
plenty of cows nnd will not suffer for the
want of buttcror milk.
Mr. Taj-lor'H HIM.
LIXCOI.V , Nob. , Jan. ! iO. [ Special to TIIH
Unn. ] Mr. Taylor ( Ind ) of Johnson has sud
denly blossomed out Into prominence by a
single bold step. Ho has Introduced a bill
which provides that wholesale houses shall
sell Roods to farmers' clubs or Individuals
who offer to p.iv cash , Just as cheap us they
etll to tlio retail trdo. On being Interviewed
ns to the purpose of this unltiuo bill , Mr.
Taylor unlosomod himself ns follows :
" 1 propose to : nako wholesale merchants
Boll Jusl as cheaply to mo as to any retail
dealer , when I have the cash. I have bee n
refuseil right hero In Lincoln , oven when I
offered to tnko poods by the barrel. A great
many alliances buy through n , purchasing
agent , nnd they cannot get the goods on ac
count of the barriers put up by the trade ,
nnd wo propose to sco If thora Is not some
remedy. The wholesale merchants will not
fight this law nt nil. They are so-
srctly In favor cf such u measure ,
all tbo opposition will couio from the retail-
* rs , nnd I expect they will fight It bitterly.
Some any this bill Is not constitutional , but
* o have n right to prohibit trusts , and this
agreement Is m the nnturo of u trust. At
nny ruto. wo propose to put it through if nos-
nlblo. The penalty is not largo enough to
rauso much of a light. The fine for the first
offense Is $ ; . " > , for the second : ? r > 0 nnd for the
third $100. If tbls bill is nut constitutional
wo will have a show of reason to change the
constitution. I want you to understand that
this is neb n caucus measure. I got up this
hill myself and have not asked the boys yet
whether they will stand uy mo or not , hut 1
assure yon of ono thin * , ' , nnd that is I an :
going to do my level best to put this measure
through. "
As he made these remarks his countenance
lit up , Ms eyes twinkled und the roportoi
turned away , firmly convinced that ho uiaaut
every word that ho said.
The htnto Mhr.iry.
LixcoiiV , Nob. , Jan. 2ft. [ Special to THE
DEE. ] The report of the state llbrirlnn
] ust published , Is made up of three reports ,
ono by 11. II. Wheeler , acting for Guy A
Drown ; the second by Walter A Lecso , and
the last by > . A. Campbell , the present 11
brarian. The latter covers the period fron
July 14,18SK , ) , to December ! 'VJO.
The report shows that thcro were at th <
dnto last named 2IUW5 books and pamphlet :
on hand , an increase In two years of3301 , !
Of Biipromo court reports idU ! had boon soli
nt fci.Wi each and there wore 0,248 on hand
The llbrnrv fund had a balance of $0,281.20 or
hand. Dulanccs In other funds amounted t <
$11.10. The librarian asks for an npproprla
tlon of $ , " > , OIX ) for tbo construction of a vnul
forthosafohecpinsof the records of the supreme
promo court. Ilo also \\nnts ? )0 ( ) for a nov
catalogue , the last one being about sovei
years old.
Figures From the I'enitcntlnry.
LINCOLN1 , Nob. , Jan. 20. [ Special to Tin
DEB. ! In his biennial report , Just published
Dan Hopkins , warden of the penitentiary
estimates the number of convicts for the llrs
year of the next period at HO and forth
second your at125. . Ho asks an approprin
tlbn of $ .y. , bjO ( for the Jlrst and &W,0iO ; for th
second year , being -10 cents per man per day
Ho asks for $5,000 for general repairs am
$1 , l8 ! ! for other purposes. Four convicts did
and : K1H wore sick or Injured. Of tholattc
150 suftered from lacerated or contuse
wounds , and In two cases death resulted
There were forty cases of la griupo. At th
> time of the report the prisoners numberei
! ! 37. They were classified : Temperate , 05
intcmpcruto , OJ ; moderate , ! 17.
State Trcnmircr llill'H lloport.
LiNCor.x , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special to THI
DKK. ] State Treasurer Hill sent In the fo !
lowing estimates today of thu financial coi :
dlllon of the state :
Amount on hand &W2,5fl
luo from county treasurers 100,00
Total available funds W9S.50
Ho figures the expenses of the current yen
and legislative expenses at a total of ? 7U7,00 (
without the extra appropriation of $100OC
for the .drouth sufferers. This would lud
rate that the state Is about $200,000 behind 1
her fiscal account.
To Keiluco Freight IlntoH.
Lixcot.x , Neb. , Jon. 20. [ Special to TH
iJi'.K. ] Chairman Stevens and other Indi
pendent members of the sonnto commlttco o
lallroads are at work preparing a bill on
bodying n schedule of maximum frcigl
hitcs. The work has not progressed fc
enough to give an outline of the rates , ! bi
Ino bill will probably bo Introduced th ;
tvcok. Itlil propose a radical roductlo
from existing rates , but Senator Stover :
aya It will bo reasonable.
It timpani Prohibitionists.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 20. [ Special to Tn
DM : . ] The treatment of Senator Hill i
Hod Hlbbon hall last ovenlnfl Is the talk c
Uio legislature. After being called out b
liaino and urged to express his views , tl :
leutitor fi-om Adams arose and said : '
promised my LoiiBtituents that if a majorlt
of the people of .Nebraska cost their ballol
for the prohibitory amendment I would vet
to enact laws to carry out their cxprcssc
will , but if a majority should dt
dare otherwise I would not favo
the enactment of statutory prohlbltloi
In regard to woman suffrage or munlclpc
suffrage , I must say I uo not favor the men :
ure > . I bollevo the women hnvo other duth
to perform , and that suffrage would slmpl
Introduce n nuw clement of discord In tl
homo to divide the family , nud not material ]
change the lesult.11
These remarks were received with ovuiot
disfavor , not a few of the women going so fi
as to utter a very audible hiss us the bcuatc
concluded and took Us seat.
M. L. Trostur , a well known tcmperanc
nmn and prohibitionist of this clty.wns i-alle
out , uud ho venturing co suggest that If wi
man deslrod tholr sous to vote right the
fchould train thorn properly in their youtl
was also hissed for nls pains. Ono lad
declared that she was Just as much of a sluv
as the negroes of tlio south , and was ontlms
ustlcally applauded. A gentleman name
I'nrker , who has , apparently , undertaken tl
lob of converting the whole legislature , fo
lowed Senator Hill and violated nil the lav
of common civility in his wild Urido. So' '
erftl ether members. of the legislature wo :
present , but declined to put thonuolv o * c
Parker has transferred his Held of oper
tlpns from Hod Ulbbon hull to the leglsl
tlvo chambers , nnd may ba sooii daily bu
tonhollng uiombers and endeavoring to1 pe
auado thorn that all the Ills of Immunity cou
ba cured by investing women with the olc
tire franchise. The ball will open in oarno
In a few days. Ho-enforcouients uro contlu
ally arriving , both from within the state ui
from abroad. Col. Helen M. Cougar w
urrlvo in u day or so and assume command.
Senator Shea U seriously ill , and at o
tlmo satit for a colleague io wtlto hU will and
prepare for the worst.
The speaker today Instructed the commit
tees , in making out tholr reports , to tend up
"two duplicate copies" of tholr recommenda
Senator Kclpoj : says : "Ood tempers the
wind to tlio shorn Inmb.hut thu Lamb of con
test fnmo Is evidently not getting hl | itinroof
the caresses of the gentle zephyr. "
Hon. C.V. . Hennlch , rcurcsentntlvo from
Garfleld county , was called homo suddenly
last week by a telegram announcing a serious
accident to his son , who had been thrown
from n horso. The death of the son was an
nounced In the house tbls morning , and reso
lutions of condolence were adopted.
The coal In the furnace rooms has been fin
ally removed , and the stilling gas In the cniil-
tel building is becoming less unbearable.
Nearly ono hundred tons had been piled up
nnd took lire , apparently by spontaneous
combustion , and the gas escaping through the
tunnel nearly drove the legislators out of thu
Under existing laws a saloon license maybe
bo issued In u townshin containing no incor
porated town or village , on a petition signed
i > y thirty freeholders. Mr. Fnxou of Ongo
has Introduced a hill requiring n majority
vote in such townships , or n petition having
the signature * of tnoro tbnn one-half of the
legal voters.
Vandalism Is running wild nt the cnpttol
building. Yesterday tbo cards were nil torn
oil the doors of the committee rooms , and last
night the south doots were burst open , as
well as the eloors leading to the dome. It Is
supposed that a day watchman is In charge
of the building on Sunday , but he failed to
show up whore most needed.
The chair corrected Senator Switzlcr on a
poiuf of order and pi enounced his name
Swcltzler. That gentleman countered on the
chair with n correction of bis nntno and
added : "I hnvo also been conloiindod on
this lloor with a gentleman named Stricklcr ,
and I protest. " It was nil good natured , and
the cjulik retort raised n hearty laugh.
Lieutenant Governor Majors utter a vigor
ous pronunclamento from his chair this af
ternoon. After reading the rules which gave
him control of the lloor of the senate , ho con
tinued : "A subordinate of the senate has
Keen lit to Issue cards for admission to the
lloor of this houso. The clmir feels this is an
indignity offered the presiding officer , and
such a disrespect ns no subordinate should
offer the dignity of the senate. This course
will not bo tolerated. It has been the custom
to admit visitors at the request of the sena
tors , and that courtesy will not bo denied ;
but other than this the doorkeeper will ad
mit no ono except on n card of the presiding
otllccr. Employes must understand that
they are to bo absolutely subordinate. They
are creatures of the senate , and under no cir
cumstances will insubordination ho toler
ated. " It seems that the secretary bad had
some admission cards printed , probably with
out thought of its Impropriety , and the lieu
tenant governor felt indignant at the as
sumption of authority that belonged to him
A Land (3rant Suit.
Dr.s MOINES , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE DEI : . ] file case of the citizens
of Fort ledge ) vs tbo Chicago , Uoolc Island &
Pacific railway was argued in the supreme
court today on appeal. The case Involves a
largo land grant and right ot way In Fort
Dodge. The state holds that the grant was
conditional on running the road Into the lat
ter city. The line was built six miles west
of Fort Dodge. A plug road was built into
the city nnd operated until two years ago ,
when the same was abandoned and the track
taken up. The present suit is to compel the
company to operate the main line Into Fort
Dodge or surrender the land grant of over
100,000 acres.
Tlio Hupromo Court.
DBS Moixcs , In. , Jan. 20. Special
Telegram to Tun EEC. ! The following
opinions wore filed by the supreme court this
morning :
Daniel Corhln , appellant , vs. W. F. Mln-
ahen ; Audubon district ; reversed.
Ira K. vVetmoro. appellant , vs. Henry
MursU ct al. , appellees ; Polk district ; uf-
John Cnroy , appellant , vs. the DCS Moines
Co-operative coal aud mining company ; Polk
district ; afllrmed.
Hobcrt Johnson vs. E. V. Miller et nU , ap
pellants ; Block Hawk district ; ufllrmcd.
Sarah E. Dunn , appellant , vs. James C.
Wolf otal. ; Aueiubon district ; affirmed.
The Connnra-IIiiriiH Wrestling Mntoh.
DBS MOIXBS , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun DKU.I A wrestling match took
plnco hero this evening , heat three In flvo
falls , for a purse of J500. between Tom Con
nors , champion of England , nnd Farmer
Burns , champion of Iowa. Thcro was a
largo attendance of local sports and the
contest was exciting , both men being
well matched. Hums won the flrst
fall at the end of twenty minutes , Connors
the in ten , Burns the third in six , ami
Connors the fourth in ten , it being given on a
claimed foul. The last round lasted cloven
minutes and was won by Connors , giving
him the stakes.
KnyclUr'H AduvltR.
SmcxCm , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKH. ] Kx-Indlan Agent Iloyet
was in the city today curouto to Washington.
Ho has a great mass of aflldavits , totters ,
statements and other material which tie will
use m nn effort to secure reinstatement as
agent. Ho protests that tlio representations
on which ho was removed were false. He
expects to soon bo issuing rations as agent.
The l < * armcri ) are Orjjanlzlusr.
NDUN'OH , Iu. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to" TUB DKK. ] The farmers' alliance
bus been rapidly gaining in interest during
thu past three months , and undoubtedly nil
figure conspicuously in next fbll's election ,
A mooting hold in this city on Saturda >
showed full delegations from the seven or
gnnlzations In the county , nnd a county alll
unco organization was formed.
DcmniulH $ : ! OO ( > < ) Damages.
Dns MOINKS , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun DKK. ] Deforo Judge Holmes o :
the district court today the case ofC. Derj !
against tbo Chicago , Hock Island & Pncilli
railway was bogun. Mr. Berg's two little
children were run over and killed on Oetoboi
12. last , by nu engine on the Uock Island
railway near Valley Junction , and this suit I :
for ! 0,000 damages.
iV Now Alluinon I'apor.
Ken OAK , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tolograa
to TIIK DEE. ] The farmers' alliance in this
countv will soon start a weekly paper , am
they are going to act Independent of both o
the old parties. They are ignoring the pro
hibltory question entirely. Information fron
ether parts of the state Indicates an impend
lug political revolution.
After Many Yearn.
flt-ooMixeiTOV , III. , Jan. 23. [ Special Telo
gnun to TUB DKK. ] Today , the s9u of Mr ,
and Mrs , Moss , who hvo at Kawnrk , cami
home to gladden the cyos of hU parents , wn <
have not seen him for twenty-throe years
Ho ran away wueu ton years old und thuj
bad not heard from him until today. Ho 1 ;
now n resident of Tacomu , Washington , au
Is rich.
The Gorman Helolistng.
BEUUN , Jan. 2(1. ( In the relchstag todaj
Ilerr Kardoft proposed that the Gemini
government open negotiations with Amoric :
with reference to the roinonetl'ntion of til
ver. Herr Hamburger and Dr. ICocb , prcsl
dent of the rclchbauk , opposed It , holdlui
thutthpro was no ground for intorforlnj
with the present standard ,
The lllliinln KnHtcr Growing Wcuccr |
NEWI.KKN , III. , Jan. 20. The thirtieth da ;
a of the strange fast of George Harris nasal
i most exhausted his wonderful vitality and i
is new only u nuoHlon of a few hours whci
lilsunnntural Jiwlro to dlo will probably hi
gratinod. _
Gorman and Kronuh Hallnrs Sornp
Iloiuieu'S , Jan. " 0. In a serious scrim
mage today between German and Frencl
sulloi-s a number were dangerously wouude
with knives.
> 1
A California
SINTI lUuiuiu , Cal. , Jan. .U Uuinc
Lopez was hanged this morning for thu mui
dor of Mary Dealrolly , October 20 , 1890.
TrlencUoftlio Todoral Elections Bill Now
Acknowledge Its Defeat.
Senator I'ntldook Mnlccs n Stnieinont
ItcK-irdlng Ills Action on the
Omiilin Hrldgo Dill-Mis-
ccllnttcuus .Matters.
M8 FouiiTKBVTit STUHKT ; , , }
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan . 20.1
There Is more rejoicing on the republican
aide of the senate , and on the republic.
side of thu house , ns well , over the disposi
tion of the elections bill than the loyal mem
bers of that party will acknowledge. There
are not tnoro than eight or ten republicans In
the senate of the United Stales who sincerely
desired the passage of the bill. Dut parly
fealty Is u fetich they worship , nud It takes
more moral courage than most men are capa
ble of sharing to vote against the decree of a
The incident that occurred today would
have taken place several elays ago hut for the
Indiscretion of Senator Cameron. Ho has
been opposed to the hill nil along , but ' until
todnv ho has not been willing to vo'to with
the democrats. This morning ho signified
his intention to do so , and then Mr , Stanford
loft the senate chamber without getting a
pair. This gave the opposition a majority nnd
atn , signal from Mr , Gorninn the young
senator from Colorado arose and mndo his
motion. The republicans were surprised at
the coup dootat , but many of them were de
lighted. There has boon n very great nnd
increasing dissatisfaction nt the legislative
situation. Several very Important measures
are pending , the fate of which has been in
volved In the elections bill , and their advo
cates were becoming accordingly restive.
vVhllo the roll was being called Mr. Gor
man sat in his chair wearing n smllo of satis
faction and confidence , for ho knew just
what the vote would bo. When the result
was announced Mr. Hoar heaved a deep sigh ,
and jamming bis hands far down into his
breeches pockets stnhtcd awav to his com-
mltteo room with mi air of indifference to
subsequent proceedings.
The uest friends of ttio elections bill frankly
admit tlllit the outlook for Its success is almost
hopeless. There can no longer bo any excuse
for maintaining that either tlio closure reso
lution or the elections bill has any real en
couragement. There remain of this session
but live weeks and ono day. Mr. Allison ,
chairman of the senate committee on appro
priations , told your correspondent this after
noon that all of throe \\eoks' long continuous
consideration of the appropriation bills
would bo required in order to complete these
measures before March . This would leave
but two wei'ks and a day for general legisla
tion. Not one-half of the \\crk upon the reg
ular appropriation hills has boon com
pleted. it is stated that the rcappor-
tlonmont lull will occupy nearly
all of this weak in the senate.
Then there are the bankruptcy , supreme
court reorganization , general agricultural , iu-
' .ernatloiinl copyright and other measures ,
ivlnch , of necessity , must bo passed , but not
liulf of this can ho acted upon before the
time comes whoa the appropriation bills must
bo taken up if they are passed before
March ! .
Senator Paddock is very indignant over
the report in Omaha that ho bus been opposed
to the construction of a rival railroad bridge
over the Missouri. " 1 am a loss to know , "
said the senator this evening , "who could
have been so malicious as to start this
canard. I fqel , as I have felt for years ,
that a competing railroad bridge is a prime
necessity , no.t only for that city , but for Lin
coln , Beatrice and the rest of the stato. Ko-
cent dovtlopmemts with the Uiiloti'Paclllo
bridge made the need all the more ) apparent.
I have always "boeu ready , and am now ,
to tnko off my coat and worK
for such a bridgo. Dut I am not
ready to assist in duplicating the Dbuglas
street fiasco , which was chartered bv con-
grcsj as a competing railroad bridge and was
constructed in dcfianco of the charter re
quirements to prevent the very competition
which it was supposed to furnish.
The Uast Omaha bridge bill as Introduced
was clcaily and on Its face merely
a street railway and pedestrian bridge. I
have the best o [ reasons for suspecting that
it was originally intende'd for npthing else.
My colleague saw the point and at once , with
the assistance of Mr. Council , inado radical
amendments to the bill , designed to prevent
the occupation of another bridge site by a
structure which would only block the way
for sccurlnir to Omaha n f rco railroad bridge ,
Several days later Information came to mo of
such a positive nature that I asked a delay of
a day or two in the report until I could verify
in the interest of Omaha Und the stnto
the news sent mo , my object being to offer
such additional amendments ann only sucti as
might bo found ncodcd to absolutely assure
a steam railroad bridge , adequate In size nnel
strength for the use of nny line which de
sired to use. As , owing to the
deadlock iu the senate , the biU
could not possibly bo reported
for a number of days to come , compliance
with my request would not have deferred
for a moment the progress of the bill in
the son u to. It is still , iu committee , and
cannot bo reported until the tangle
of closure and elections bill is
untied. Let mo make a suggestion
right hero. The owership of the Union Pa
cific bridge and tlio Douglas street bridge is
to a largo degree the sumo. The names ol
heavy btockholders In both appear in the
prospect directory of the ICast Omaha bridgo.
In the light of post experience Omaha
cannot nITord to take nny chances.
The brldg bill must bo Ironclad.
Congress will , I urn sine , demand this If the
city does not. With the two most available
brfdgo sites already occupied and the Iowa
roads barred from access to our state by way
of Omaha wo cannot afford to tjlve awny a
charter for the last remaining slto if It Is
only to bo used for speculative purposes anil
to prevent through the sanctloaof lawwbal
It was Intended to suoservo. I at nny rate
cannot bo made a party to such a schema. "
The Callaway postofllco dlfllculty has at
last bcon dcthiltoly settled. Some tlmo ago
their olllco was removed from the old town tea
a position near the railroad ! , aud there
was a vigorous protest sent hero in
opposition to the move. An Inspector was
dispatched to Callaway , which is in Custer
county , and ho looked Into the ground * upon
which the protests were made , ilo has movct
the ofllco back to the old location and loft ll
hi charge of the bondsmen of the ellsplncoe
postmaster. The act of the Inspector is sus
taincd by the postoflico department so far as
it relates to the removal of the postoftlco to
the old location , but Gcorgo P , Malr , the ells-
placed postmaster , has been reinstated.
Messrs. Bryan , McKogban nnd Kom , the
newly elected congressional delegation fron
Nebraska , arrived today ana circulated freely
on thu floor of the houso. Thcso muii will he
given a hearing by tlio house committco ou
agriculture upon tholr proposition to make an
appropriation of fl , 000,00 , J for the drouth
sulTorors In Nebraska. Their mission was
variously discussed by the members of the
commlttco today nnd the prediction made tha
they would not bo rewarded by success ,
.i IOWA 1-03TMA8TE1W Al'l'OlNfKI ) .
Iowa postmasters were appointed today as
follows : AltirVista , Chlokasaw comity , P.
A. Norton , vlco A. Hadtko , removed ; Lamb-
villo , Marshall county , I. KinibnII , vlcfl'J. L ,
Slovens ; Uepubllc , Chlekasjw county , J. Vf
Pierce , v'co ' A , M. Hull , ro'aovod.
Dr. II. II. Hunt wn ; today appointed u mem
ber of the pension board at Independence , la
With the approval of the secretary of wui
leave of absence until further orders on ac
count of disability Is granted Kirst LttuUii ! <
ant Wallace Molt , Eighth Infantry.
L. A.DayofI.eclalro , Wls. . United States
inspector of steamboats , is nt thu Randolph ,
It. I * Power of Fort Dodge , la. , Is at the
Hopresontatlvo Dorsoy hw appeared be
fore the house committee on appropriation )
and advocated a favorable ro | > ort upon hi :
hill appropriating JAUOO for seed grulu to bi
given to the drouth sufferers In Nebraska
The conmilttco told Mr , Doraoy that it wai
considering tlnTnmdry civil appropriation
bill and .that should the pro
vision bo nVorpornted In that meas
ure It would "nt bo available
mill Juno 1 nittt ! ' * Mr. Dorsoy will bo given
another hoariinf Mien the deficiency appro
priation bill coiucuiup within n few days , and
f Ids withes uro rewarded the provision will
M Incorporated' ' ' 1 that bill and mndo avail
able Immediately latter It is signed by the
wsldciil. i , t
There has bejcn a rumor current that Gov
ernment Dlrecfpr I'lumtncr had made n second
end effort to ftiilnco thn government to as
sume the responsibility of Jay Gould's rcpu-
llatlou of tncnicontrncts between the Union
Pacltliiand the ) Itwk Island nnd St. Paul com-
milieu , but It Is Muted uu the highest author-
ly that such U'not the cnso. Secretary
Noble fiecly states that ho sees no reason
why the govurhment should lularfcro In tha
matter nnel Unit ho has no Intention of
doing so.
There were about ten bushel haskct-sfull of
petitions piled up awaiting uu opportunity to
act before the house of representatives when
the democrats of the house beirnn their ob
struction tactics last week. They Instiled
upon the rcndini ; of every portion of the Jour
nal , including many long petitions. From
llfty to one hundred petitions with
thousands of names attached conic
in dally , and If the clerk
was compelled to read all of Ihese petitions
about six hours a day would bo consumed In
the houso. The republican members have
therefore concluded to hold back tholr pe'tl-
tlons. It happens that there Is an unusual
deluge of petitions Just now for the farmers'
alliance , tbo Grand Army of the Kopublic ,
and numerous other organizations are
pressing their particular hobbles. The
Grand Army of the Hopubltc posts through
out the country nroscndiug petitions in fnvor
of woman suffrage. If llio odstructlon lasts
through the coining week there will bo an
accumulation of about twenty-live bushels of
petitions. Pcniir S. HKATII.
Soiuitor On moron of Pennsylvania Ue-
f'ore iho Committee.
WASIIIKOTOX , Jan. "fl. In the silver pool
Investigation today Senator Cameron testi
fied thnt ho bought silver rfm a margin In the
early part of Juno , before the silver bill
was passeel by the senate , and disposed of It
before the bill became n law. Ho had no
knowledge of any ether senator , representa
tive or olllcinl of the govcrmeut having any
Interest In the purchase of sliver. Cameron
said ho bought the silver Just ns ho would
nny other commodity , nud gave the matter
no thought. Never know Owcnby , nnd
novoi talked with other senators about the
silver pool.
John 'Innnerof Illinois know nothing of
silver pools or transactions except one deal
ing of Ins own.
The correspondent of a Chicago paporH.D.
Bogart , was questioned relative to state
ments made in his dispatches , ho having said
among other things thnt Congress man Flower
was in tlio pool. Ho said ho was repeating
what was commonly said among correspond
ents. He-had no ; > crsonal knowledge.
E. G. Uunncll , correspondent of the Now
York Timeswas asked concerning a dispatch
sent by him suylngin substance that If Payne
and Dlngloy , members of the committee , had
known the revelations regarding Cameron
would bo made they would have boon re
luctant to cntbr into the Investigation.
Dunncll said ha'got his information
from a gcutlcihnti whom ho thought had
spoken the truth.1 Ho .vould consult the
person in question nud see If ho would con
sent to give liis ilumo to tlio committco.
Duiincll had no personal kuowlodgo regard
ing the pool.
Congressman Flower took the stand and
said ho never boust , ) | u , dollar's worth of sil
ver nor certificates In his life and had no
knowledge of a pool.
Nrhrnskn , Iowa and Dakota Pensions.
WASHIXOTON" , ifan < 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKE. ] P.ensjons were granted today
to the following .Nobraskaus : Original
Willis B. Putnam , .Arnold ; Robert Craw
ford , Violet. Inproaso Ironus Donaldson ,
Arnold ; James , ' . Lutzheishor , Dorchester ;
FigJjWlnch.-Uopo Hqnry MoArtyu. . * : , kin-
coin ; Charles Barber , South Bend ; ' Jntnes
Mlcklo Woseott. ( J elssuo Bash Smith ,
Clcarwater. Original lyldows' Jennie Stnu-
tou , former widow of .1. J. O'Doll , Lincoln.
Iowa : Original Gcorgo W. Cummings ,
Randolph ; Morris Todd , Dos Moines ;
Charles D. Hawov. Oshaloosn ; Thomas
Wldduz , Alcrton ; Henry A. Welch , Logan ;
John A. Clark. Wilson vlllo ; Stevens
Shaw , Eagle Bond ; Commodore P.
Higby , Leigh ; Henry MnSro , Waterloo
lee ; Stoohcn II. Willis , Creston ;
Robert MeCoimolt. Crocltor ; William Dona
hue , Temple Illllr'Courtland Chapman , Moil
tlcello ; IJanicl J. McDonald , Quasawquclou ;
\\illlamRoof , Winthrop ; Thomas Allen , Os-
kaloosa ; Charles if. unuum. Dos Moines ;
Preston Tucker , Akron ; John Hell , Mnr-
shulltown ; Soloman Gross , DCS Moines ; A. J.
PrattCcntortfillo August WagnerVundnlin ;
George L. Spnuldmg , Snnborn ; John W.
Kirk , Chesterfield. Addition Thomas
Lvndo , Grundy-Coutro. Increase Benjamin
Wlllaloy , Ghurlton ; Ilcury II. Fathers , Ma-
sou ; BenjaminH. . Hurt , Hedrick ;
Silas Hufus , Connelly ; Frederick Dor-
ham , Lvons ; David T. Welch , Wintorsut ;
Jnmos W. Miller , Osage ; Louis P. Vance ,
Sioux Rapids ; William Lewis , Dos Moines ;
Peter J.Toncgar , Murray John Fetch , Col
umbus City ; Charles C. ( Srogor. Lalto Park ;
Matthew G. Hammol , Grandvlow ; Thomas
Arroneod. Altoona. Reissue Michael
W , Cook , Oxford. Heissuo and in
crease Thomas Cummins , ( Jroscent ;
John W. Erickson , Lorimor ; Henry Bnckol-
berg , Lomars ; Andrew J. Thayer , Charles
City. Original widow's Mary A. , widow of
David Longaker , Tnlntor ; Nancy j. mother
of John J. Parker , Livingston ; barah J. ,
widow of D. M. Clark , Ottumwa.
South Dakota : Original -William C.
White , Reo Heights ; Freeman Spencer ,
Siouv Falls ; John Kverhart , Eden : Henry
L. Notmoycr , Pierre ; Alvo Allen , Wulsoy.
Increase Lot D. Wiley , Honry. Ratssuo
John Langdon , IroquoU. Original widow's ,
etc. Eleanor B. , mother of Keaton L. Luso ,
Changes In tlio Mipremo Cnnrt Itti'es. '
' WASinxr.TOV , Jan. 2(5. ( The United States
supreme court today announced some Import
ant chouses la Its rules , designed to meet
cases brought before the court principally lor
the purpose of delay. The changes are
framed especially to meet habeas
corpus cases and are the result of
the proceedings recently Jlu the Jugigo
electrocution caso. The most important
change is the requirement that all appeal ,
writs of error und citations , unless specially
ordered othcrwlbo , must ho made returnable
to the supreme court within not exceeding
thirty days from the .decision of the lower
court. Unless the record nnd case is dock
eted within the sjloiil lied time the case must
bo dismissed by tho'eoutt If in session aud by
the clerk during vhcUtiou timo.
it VV.'IH i | Surprise.
WASIIIXOTON * , Jon'J ' 20 , Senator Aldrlch
and most of the roimbllean senators today
vcro complotclyMirp'lsed at the action of
the senate In lnyyujttsielo the closure resolu
tion und taking , ujiytho uppoitlonmont bill.
Tborowoano cxflccKitlou of any Important
vote , nnd ono ropjUbJl an senator was absent
attending to dopq'r.btgent business when the
vote was tulieii , ! ) ) ) It was with diniculty
that n pair was n rajiged for him. Senator
Stanford was aljjeij/ . and unpaired. The
future evmrao of qy/jyts / dojtcnds largely U [ > on
him , as Aldrictff ( vfathat if Stanford nyieoa
to support the ruloJio , will ask the senate to
resume Its eousldpi-ajjon Immodlutcly.
r ircutrd roidi-nnt n. New Tri-il.
WAsiuxeiTOV , Jan. 2ti. Tlio supreme court
today rendered uu opinion directing that the
cases of K. E. Copu and Six others convicted
in the circuit court 6f tlio United States for
the Eastern district 6f Texas for a murdci
committed In 'No Man's Land bo remanded
with Instructions to grant a now trial. The
uttornoy gonerul admitted that the ruling ol
thn jud'o | at tlio trial was erroneous , und thU
in the pround on which the action of the
oiurt is nascd. Tbo court , however , decldod
against the pilsoners on the ether points al
Issue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To CompaiiHiita Grow Crook lnellniiH.
WASIIIN-CITON , Jan , ' _ ' < ' . -Tlio president sen !
to Iho senate today a letter from Socrotarj
Moblo wommeudlng fuvorablo conaldoratlon
of the blllajIprqpriatlngflBT.OOO to compon
state the Crow Creek Indians In South Da
kotn for loss suslnlned In receiving loss Innd
per capita lu their diminished reservation
than Is received by Indians occupying ether
diminished reservations.
I'ulillo Hiill < < lnij Hl7nr Approved.
WAsiiiNdTox , Jan' . 2J. ( The president has
npprovodlho aeU for public buildings nt
IJavenport , In. , and Sioux Falls , S. D.
The Itnuin liiiilry. | „
WisitisoTov , Jan. 20. J. D. Ferguson ,
national bank oxiimlner , was called to the
stand by the Haum Invcstluntlni- committee
today , but nothing new regarding the case
was elicited.
J > I SI'I ( J | ' / > ! . ? > f.'OK I.I I'/- ; .
Two Llttlo Hoys Hold Over 11 Fire nml
'Jcrrlbly Hiirncd.
MILWAUKUP , Wls , , Jan. ' 'D [ SpecialTel
egram to Tin : liKi'.j This afternoon two
little ooys , each twelve years of age , Freddlo
Ilnckhorth nnd August Prlc.secnt to n
pond near the corner of Twenty-third street
and North avenue to skato. While skating
three older bovs came up and lighted a
lire. After a good bed of con's had
formed they seized the little follows
and held their faces over the Humes ,
telling them they were going to make niggers
of them. The cries of the broiling youngsters
attracted some woikmen , who rushed up In
tlmo to save the boys' lives , but not In tlmo
to save them from being dlstlgured for life.
The lads' faces were so badly burned that the will full off and they may lose their eye
sight. They were taken In charge by the
police aud taken to their homes. No nrrosts
have yet been mado.
HteaiiiNlil ] > Arrivals.
At Now York Steamer Aurania , from Liv
erpool ; La Brctagno , from Havre.
At Liverpool The Iowa , from Boston.
At Glasgow The Siberia , from Boston ;
the State of Nevada , from Now York ,
At London Thu Egyptian Monarch , from
Now York.
Introduced hut Not Passed.
AuujfV , N. Y. , Jan. 20. A resolution was
Introduced in the general assembly today
providing that If the elections bill Is passed
l > j'congress Now York will make no appro
priation for nor take nny part In t'ao world's
Killed lllw Sweetheart and Suicided.
GLRNNOOD , Minn. , Jan. 20. In Den Wade
township this morning Christ Abrahnmsou ,
need eighteen , killed Annlo Smionson , aged
fifteen , aud then suicided. The girl had re
fused to marry htm.
A \Violiila Hank Clones.
KANSAS Cirr , Mo. , Jan. 20. A special
Troin Wichita , ICnii , , says the savings bank
of Wichita closed Its doors today. Liabili
ties , J 1.000 ; ossota , ? rr ,000.
Pnrnell lit Wntorfnrd.
Wvnuroui : > , Jan. 2. " ! . Pnmoll today ad
dressed the largest meeting during his cam
paign. Tlio McCnrtliyltcs held a counter
It Ijlstcns to Protests and X'raiisnctH
ICnntlno HnsliH'Hs.
Mayor Cushlng , Mr. Hartmnn and Mr. Gil
bert were the throe members of the board of
lire and police commissioners who mot last
night to superintend the weekly grind of rou-
tlno business.
The board first took up the protests which
linvo been filed against the issunuco of a
license to Gcorgo Foster , who wishes
to open n saloon nt ! tS03 Sher
man avenue. Mr. Edward Rosewater
presented a protest against licensing Mr.
Foster , for the reason that his notice of ap
plication for a saloon license was not pub
lished according to law and In accordance
with the rulings of the board viz. , In the
paper having the largest circulation iu the
county , which Is Tun BUR.
Foster was called before the board and
stated that ho filed his advertisement ut the
World-Herald ottlco on. January fi , nnd did
not learn until the following day that Tun
Bir. : had the largest circulation. He ad
mitted that his advortUcmaut did not appear
in the AVorld-Herald until after
the board had ruled that all such
notieesrto bo legal , must bo published In
Tin : DKK , but said ho had loft his notice at
the World-Herald ofllco before ho Know bet
ter , so he decided not to rhungo.
Tlio other protect against Mr. Foster's II-
ccnso wnjj by cltbons In the vicinity of the
store whcro ho proposes to open the salooi.
They claim thnt it Is a rcaidenco portion of
the city anil a saloon is not a desirable insti
tution in that neighborhood. The protests
were taken under advisement and will bo
heard in full huxt Wednesday nl2 p. m.
Henry Hornbcrger and Gus Schultz will
have a rehearing of their cases on Thursday
at 2 p. m.
Ofllcers Fidilis nnd McCreary were found
guilty of leaving their beats nnd going to
Storz & Ilor's btowory at 2:30 : in tlio morn-
h.g to drink beer. They were lined thirty
days' pay and were suspended for that
longlh of time.
Chief Seavey , In response to the request ot
the board , handed In a lint of the officers
whom ho thinks are Incapacitated for police
duty. Several of them have been sick all
the way fiom sixty to eighty days during the
pjst year.
The committee on laws , ordinances and
regulations reported adver < ely upon the pro
posed amendment to the laws regulating the
police relief association.
Tlio Coliseum Pnulc l 10 tlio Doors on
tni ! Oiipninjj Nitrht.
The great six-day bloyclo race began nt the
Coliseum last night , nnd If the crowd in at
tendance is any crltcj Ion to go by , it will bu
the most intorcstlnpr event that over took
place In tills famous structure. There was
not a soul less than eight thousand people on
hand and the crush was sumathltig appalling.
As early as 7 o'clock the crowd began to nr-
rlvo , and a half hour lalcr the street in
front of the building was ono scathing ,
Jostling sea ot people. Many ladles
fainted ia the Jam as the crow el
surged forward to gain entrance , and the
clubs of a half score of policemen were in
effective in keeping them back. Dy half
nuat 8 every available- space inside the amphi
theater , In the roiervo seats nnd on the
promenades , lu fact throughout the whole
vast building , was occupied by man , woman
or child. A line band was on hand and Its
stirring strains only enhanced the oxclto-
metnt of the occasion ,
The riders Keadlug , Martin , Schill , Gor-
wingand Ashiugor were promptly given a
snml-otT at 70 ! ! , nnd tbo struggle at once
became enthusiastic in the extreme. The
crowd cheered ami the liders bent to tholr
work , with Nod Reading cutting the pace.
Gerwlngauei Martin also rode well , and the
hotting was about equally divided between
thoiu three.
Kiulriiuil NI'M H.
Superintendent Goodnow of the Iowa llnrs
of the Chlcnpo , Milwaukee & SI. Paul road ,
has sent out the lollowing telegram minting
to the recent strike of operators ou that line :
'Everything Is now open on the main line
and branches of tliU division. There has
never hcen any trouble In llUlug the places of
the men that < ] uit. V/u huvo bean husulgcd
with hundreds of applications , some men
coming to us from the Now York Central
railway on account of hotter wages. The
class of men wo now nuvola superior to these
who wont out. "
E. L. Lomax , general passenger agent of
the Union In Chicago attending the
meeting of the Transcontinental association ,
Jo tin Francis went to Chicago last night to
attend the meeting of thu Transcontinental
und Wustern traffic associations.
A. H. Newton , traveling p monger agent
of the Illinois Central road , U In the city.
Ex-Mustor Mechanic Hvwuwr of the Utah
division of the Union Paclilc , Is now master
mechanic of Iho Utali Central.
'IJirnwil I-'roin Illn
A. P. ilaloywholceopsu grocery store nt
Brown Park , South Omaha , was thrown
from his wagon lust night on his way homo
from the city and sus mined a very painful
scalp wouiid.v Nine stlte-hos were required to
BOW up the giush. Mr Huloy sustained
several other slight injuries , but Is not
dangerously hurt.
An Exceptional Feat PorforniDd by a
Youthful Ohiingo Daily ,
Iho Cnso of Gonornl Pnlmor
lloielesi | and HarHnon'M Election
Will Leave the Mayoralty
Open lor Crogler.
Ciiicnno , Jan. 2(1. ( [ Special Telegram to
THE UKB. ] For the lint time In the annuls
of Journalism n now paper has built Itself n
new homo and paid for it during the first
nlno months of Its existence ) .
llirly this morning , while the industrious
milkmen were still busy with the hydrants
nnd long before merry sparrows on Iho house
tops had completed their matutinal toilets ,
Llio Kveulng Post moved Into Its uow build
ing at 101 and KM Washington street , and
today's paper was Issued from that handsoino
domicile with the gilt cclgo aud bronze front.
The now llorald building , which is two doors
east of the Post , Is rapidly Hearing comple
tion and the Post's monilni ; rival for excel
lence In the journalistic Held will move Into
it before very long.
Chicago democratic loaders nro bogiung to
urge thu retirement of General John M.
Palmer from Iho senatorial light. They say
In substance that tlio general never can bo
elected and hint that thoouly salvation for
the democrals Is to throw him overboard and
take up n now man. In case this Is done the
now man will p'rohably bo Carter II. Har
rison. Harrison's name Is said to be brought
forward by Mavor Cregicr , who wants to
keep him out of the majoraity nice. Within
a few days it is believed that , the Palmer
boom will have wasted what little strength
It has. Then Carter Harrison will bo
sprung. Ho will ho supported by the solid
deir.ocratlo vote , reinforced , ho hopes , by re
publicans from the west division of the city.
These would bo enough lo elect him , aud his
adherents would then turn to Cregier during
the fast approaching spring campaign.
Mil , OWI'.MIY 19 I'.l.flVi : .
Mr. J. A. Owouby , who was served with a
summons nt his rooms nt the Richclluu to ap
pear before the silver pool Investigation com
mittee at Washington lias , it is aliened , man
aged to elude the government oillclals who
cnmo hero to escort him to Washington. At
the hotel this morning , it was learned that
Mr. Owcnby had given up his upirtments
nud his confidential fi lends said that thu
prospect of the trip to Washington to reveal
stiauuro stories about the silver scheme had
not exactly met his ideas , and ho had deckled
to icnudii away.
"I am positive that Mr. Owcnby will not
testify lu Washington unless they find him
and take him there by force , " said the con
fidential friend.
Karly tomonow morning work will be com
menced on tbo temporary building to bo
erected on the lake front for the UHO ot the
construction huro.m of the fair. This in a
certain sense marks the opening work ou the
exposition buildings. In case Lyman ( iaga
carries out his intention of resigning tbo
presidency of the world's fair directory It is
said Ferdinand W. Peck , father of tbo great
Audltouum , will bo his successor , although
names of several other men , including Secre
tary Hutterworth and Vlco President. Urvan ,
are mentioned for the place. Secretary Dut-
tcrwortb , who arrived from Washington this
morning , said the Candler report would not
cut much of aflguroin future legislation af
fecting tlio fair.
Alternate Mercer of Wyoming Is In the
city and protesting against irritutlnp inani
tion in world's fair matters and , particularly ,
as regards the Hvo stock exhibits. Ho stated
that unless thd board did something S.OQU
that the western live stock men would not
muko an exhibit at nil.
M1S.S WlrtM1iY > ClIITICI/Kn.
Tbo Presbyterian ministers at their weekly
meeting , at ttio G md Puoifio today , dis
cussed the temperance movement. Rev ,
James Lewis of the Central , Joliet , led with
a lengthy paper on "Dangerous Tendencies
of the Present Great Temperance Move
ment. "
"Tho most dangerous tendency , " ho said ,
"was tlmt to lead the multitude of Christian
men nnd women In the train of nntl-Cnnst. "
Anti-Christ In this case was the toinpor-
nnco movement led by Miss Willurd. With
the lattcr's ends and motives Mr. Lewis took
no Issue , but her mode of procedure ho
severely criticised. It was sacrificing the
church of Clulst.
. si'ii.mxo M\V nn KINO.
It is not at all improbable that Chicago
will henceforth ho tlio throne of the king of
baseball , A. S. Mills havinir , iu his uou-ac-
ccutunco of the chairmanship of the national
board of control , thrust the ciown from him.
A. G. S paid Ing is Hltely to bo chosen aa
scepter wlolder , lus Mr. Mills , in declining ,
H trough * urges Spiildlng for the place ,
It will probably bo n month before the
action of the board in choosing a president
will bo made known. Spalding declines to
commit himself us to whether ho will accept
the impoitaut place If it Is offered him , out
the impression prevails in baseball circles
that ho will do so.
The exnmplo set by Chicago m the syndlc-
cnto skin grafting in the case of Sir Knight
Dickinson on Suncmv n week ago was fol
lowed yesterday nt Springfield , O. , In the
cnso of Dr. Uunyan , n prominent dentist
there , who had been suffering from necrosis
of the bone in the right leg. The operation
of removing the dead bone loft nu exposed
surface four niches long by two Inches wide.
Ruuyan Is a Mason , and to cover up thu ex
posed .space fourteen members of his loiliro
yesterday submitted to thu operation of hav
ing taken each from his left arm n portion of
skin , which was doltly translurred to the
right leg of Dr. Runyan. It is thought the
doctor will rapidly iccovor.
Among the westerners In the city today
were the following :
At the Wellington T. II. Taylor. Omaha.
At the Grand Pucillo D. D. O'Shea , Lin
coln ; K. L. Lomax , J. J. Johnson , J , U.
ICatbrcns of Sioux City In. Mr. Lomax Is
hoio attending thu special meeting of the
transcontinental passenger ngeuts.
At the Palmer C. Mendelssohn , Mrs. Lan- Omaha ; M , Ciukeon , Sioux City , la. ; E.
U. Coon , Hastings , Nob.
A XltT'Kt I'll A till.
Whore. Does the Old Agreement 12nd
and HID New Ono llnKln ?
CIHOAOO , Jan. 2 ( ! , [ Special Telegram tote
to TUB ilun.l The commissioners of the
now vVestorn Trafllo association wore to have
hold their initial meeting today , hut , owing
to the absence of Commissioner Smith , the
meeting was postponed until tomorrow. The
hardest point they will have lu decide , next
to pooling the busine s , is us lo wlton
the jurisdiction of the old agreements
shall und aud that of the now ono begin. The
old agreements and pooh uro getting extremely -
tromely wobbly and there Is as yet nothing
to take llioir places. In tbo southwestern
pool , for Instance , the last order of the board
of Uiuinnen was to the effect thnt
some of the roads should turn
over 1,500 , cars of grain to tholr
competitors. Not a cur bin been diverted ns
ordered and Chnlnimn Walker bus repeat
edly tried In viiln to have the tralllu equal-
i/ed as ordered. Thu not th western passen
ger pool Is lu almost the t > umo position.
It is n blind pool over which Chair
men rinloy , Mldgley and Don
ald have complete control. Saturday
they ordered a diversion of traffic and In
stead of compelling thu road to obey the
order they have grunted u hearing of the case
for Wednesday. TialUc olllclals Justify their
action by Haying that tlio western traffic
agreement bus superseded thoold agreements
and then acknowledge tlmt thuro Is nothing
In that agrccnumt to bind them until the
business Is pooled.
TrnriHoimtliiDiitnl Dlvlu on.
Jan , 21) ) . At u inoutlnv of the
Transcontinental association today routine
business was dUpoacd of und the association
merged Into the now Western TrnlUo associa
tion , us the transcontinental division. The
Both the method nntl results
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nml icfrcsliing to tlio tnsto , and ncU
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses thq sys
tem cdeclimlly , dispels eoltls , head
aches and levers nntl cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its hind over pro
duced , pleasing to the tuslo and no-
ceptable to the stomach , pionint In
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared onlv from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
inntiy excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale iu 5Qo
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Burlington announces that its Deadwood OK
tension was completed into Ucadwood vcs-
Ilcdpnberii Interviewed.
CnicHno , Jan. 'M. J. W. Hcdonberg of
this city , whoso name came ooforo the silver
pool Investigating committee lately , said
today that ho will testify before the commit
tee on Saturday. In nu Interview ho says ho
has no personal knowledge of the existence
of a silver pool , but believes pools have ex
isted and may still exist. When ho was
dealing iu silver bullion ceitllleates ho
sought to lenrn of the existence of such pools ,
believing thnt the parties connected with
them would have tellable Information icgaril-
ing facts that might influence the market
He wns unable to open i-ommunieutloii with
such parties , however. Ucilenbcrg
soul thnt to his mind the evidence
that partisan political Inlluencea con
trols silver legislation is strong nud
conclusive. Tlio leaders of both parlies evi
dently considered less Iho Interests of the
country than the Interests of their nnrtlcs.
Asked Ifho had attempted directly or indi
rectly by the USB of money o'r anv other
means to influence silver legislation , llcdon-
berg said ho had expended constderablo
11101103' in this line , of which ho Is quiteVIIl-
Ing to give the committee full knowledge
His last act , ho said , was a communication
nddiessod to Spoalcor Ueed regarding the
bill now in committco , nnd he said the ,
speaker no doubt would bo willing to give
the committee uny facts connected there
Ribbon Sale on Second l 'loor Bar-
Knin Table on Main Fluor.
The now ginglimns nnd oinbroldories
that wo have opened on second lloor tire
worth beoiti } ; ,
Ulack und colored ground Butiato oni-
broldorod muJla , ecru and hL'ij0 grounds
embroideries , all the now Scotch { jiiiK-
hums mid ether wnah goods ; wo huvo
ulso some choice new things in white
goods , " miitibooks , otc ,
Ono-qunrtor (23 ( per cent ) discount onn
lot of our choicest dross goods rom-
iianla , from If to 0 yards , on ono table in
the center aisle. /
Ribbons Ojc worth lOo , ribbons 8io
worth l-5c , ribbons lOc worth 15c , ribbons
bens 1 lo worth 20e , ribbona 18o worth
Uoc. This bulo for tomorrow only.
Sale of coal hods still continues nt 18o ,
22o , 20c , liOo nnel S5c , slightly damaged ,
but good sis now.
40 AND 90
counters arc boiling off rapidly , Como
Denied the 1'rtMtlunors' Prayer.
CiiKMno , Jan. i.0.Judge McConncll ren
dered nn Impoituut decision in thn superior
court this morning. When Hyde Park was
annexed to Chicago there were certain dis
tricts in It which under a village ordinance
prohibited thu sale of liquor and the city con
firmed thu ordinnnco. One of these districts
adjoins tbo nothl's fair slto , and ono Morri
son , backed by distillers nnd Imnvori , brought
suit to compel the mayor to Issue u llconso ,
claiming that prohibition In one portion of a
city or town was discrimination and class
legislation. Judge McConuoll denies thu
prayer of the petitioners and declares that
the ordinance is not unconstitutional In a
sense which would allow the court to declare
ItM ) .
The Sun mi the l-'ulr ,
NEW YoitK , Jim. ' . ' ( ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tun llm : . ] Tro Sun this morning publishes
a leading editorial under the caption of "Not
a. Cent for Tribute , " In which It denounces
the woild's fair ns a partisan republican In
stitution , nnd asks of the managers If they ox-
pcct to receive aid from u single democratic )
stato. SaJ-s tlio Sun : "If they do they will
find their expectations disappointed ; their
Hchcmes failed. Not ono dollar of contribu
tion , not ono dollar of aid towaid there- exposition In Cluc.igo BO long in thu
republican party persists in its criuy attempt
to fasten this nbluvrcnt forte bill upon lou
land. "
InillmiH UnjiiNtly Accused.
I'liniuK , S. I ) . , Jan. BO. Tom Hutlund nnd
Charles Thompson , ranchmen , woie urrostod
today for stealing range cattle on thu Dud
river. The extensive cattle stealing done by
them the pa-sl two months has been charged
to Indians until within u few days ,
' Positively cured by
thet.0 Mttjo Pills.
Tlioy also relieve Dis
tress from Uyepejahi , Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
Eutlnif. A perfect remedy
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste
la the Mouth , CoaUjd
Tongue , Pain In the Slilo ,
TOia-lD MVKH. They
regulate the Dowels. inirtly Ycgctablo.