Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 rn DMA1JLA DAlJL\r BEE : MONDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1891
Hcnntnr Miuntcrson'H HIM Now 1'ctid-
Ing A iitluirlr.lnu Amillicr Ilrltluo.
following 11 a copy of the proposed bridge
bill now pending In the United States seiuto
ns It was rcportod from tlio cotmnlttoo on
commerce :
A bill nutliorMng the ronstructlon of < \
ralhvrt.v , street railway , motor. wngon nnd
pedestrian brldgo over tlio Missouri river ,
near Council IJliilTs , In , anil Omalm , Nub.
Ha It mulcted liy the scnato ntid house of
representatives of the United States of
America In congress assembled , Thnt
tlio Interstate ? lindgo and street rail
way company , a corporation duly authm-
led and existing under tlio liuvs of
thostnlu ofNobaslcn , its successors and as
signs , be , nml nro hcicby authorized to con
struct and maintain n bridge and nppraichcs
thereto across the Missouri river between
the city of Council lllulfs , lu the stuto of
Inwu , and the lands of the Hast Omaha land
company , at some point nt least ono-thlrd of
n mile from any other bridgeto bo selected
consistent with the Interests of river naviga
tion. Said bridge shall lo constructed to
provide for the passage of railway tnuns ,
unions mid vehicles of nil kinds , street
railway cats , motor cars , nnlmnls , foot
passengers , and for all road travel for such
leasonablo rates of toll and under such
reasonable rules and regulations ns may bo
piescribed by said corporntlon , Its successors
nml assigns , and to bo approved from tlmo to
tlmo by the secretary of war , and all rall-
roads reaching the Missouri river near said
point shall bo permitted the unobstructed
use of snld bridge and tlio approaches thereto
for cnirinos , cars mid trains nt reasonable-
compensation nml rates of toll.
Sec , ! ! . That said bridge shall not bo built
nor commenced until the plan mid spcclllca-
tlons for its construction Imvo been sub
mitted to the secretary of war for bis
approval , nor until ho shall npprnvo the plan
and location of said bridge ; andlf any clmnpo
tie nmdo in the plan of construction of said
bridge nt any tlmo such chnngo
shall bo subject to the approval of
the secretary of war ; and any change In
the construction , or any alteration of
said brlil go that may bo directed at any
tune by centres' ) or the secretiry of war ,
shall bo made nt the cost and ejiponics of the
owner thcieof. That said bridge shall bo
constructed without Interference with the se
curity and convenience of navigation of said
rlver'boyonu what is necessary to carry into
effect the rights and privileges hereby
grunted , nnd in order to secure that object
the said corporation shall submit to the see
rctary of war for his examination and an-
tiroval a design of and drawings for said
bridge , and a map of the pro
posed location , Riving , for the space
oC 0110 mile nbovn and ono milo below
such proposed location , the high and low
water lines upon the banlcs of the river , the
direction and strength of the currents tit all
stapes of the Water , with soundings accur
ately showing the bed of the sttcatn and the
location of any other lirldgo or bridges , such
maps to bosufllcicntly in detail lo enable the
secretary of war to Judge of the proper loca
tion of said bridge , nnd shall furnish such
other information as may bo required for n
full understanding of the subject ; nnd until
the said plan nnd location of the bridge are
approved by the secretary of war the con
struction of said bridge shall not bo com
mon cod ,
Sec. ! l. That said bridge shall bo con
structed ns n pivot draw bridge , with one
draw span affording two clear opening * of
not less , than two hundred feet each , which
draw span shall bo maintained over the in.iln
channel of the river at an accessible and
navigable point and with a Jixed span or
spans each not less than thico bundled feet
In length in the clear , and the head
room under such spans shall not he less
than ten feet above the standard
high-water grndo line established by the
Missouri river commission In isyjnml now in
ferco ; nnd the piers of said bridge shall bo
parallel with , and thu bridge itself at right
angles to , the current of the river : Provided ,
also , that said draw shall bo opened prompt
ly by said company , upon reasonable signal.
lor the pussucu of boats and rafts , and said
company or corporation shall maintain at its
own expense from sunset till sunrise such
lights or other signals on snld bridge as the
light house board shall prescribe : Provided
further , that the said Interstate bridge nnd
street railway company shall , at Its
own expense , build nnd maintain , under
the direction nnd supervision of the
secretary of war , such wing dams
nnd booms or other worlts necessary to main
tain the channel within the draw s\mn of said
bridtre , nnd shall at their own expense main
tain a depth of water through said draw
npnn not lesS than now existing , us shown by
the report of the war department , at the
point where said biidgo may bo located , nnd
if said Interstate bridge and street railway
company shall fail to maintain such channel
ns aforesaid then the secretary of uar may
cause snld channel to bo opened and main
tained nt proper depth for navigation
throuuh said span at the expense of ttio own
ers of bald bridge.
Sec. 4. That the secretary of war is
hereby authorized nnd directed , upon re
ceiving such plan and other in
formation , nnd upon being satisfied
that n bridge so built will conform to
the requirements of this act , to notify the
company or corporation authorized to build
the samb that ho approves of the same ; and
upon receiving such notification , the said
company or coiporatlon may proceed to erect
said bridge , conforming strictly to tnonn-
provcd plan and location , nnd should any
change bo made in the plan of the bridge or
accessory works during the progress of the
work thereon , such chnngo shall bo subject
likewise to the approval of the secretary of
war.Sec. . 5. That any bridge built under this act
nnd subject to Its limitations shall bo it law
ful structure , nnd shall bo recognized nnd
Known ns n peat route , upon which
nlso no higher charge shall bo
nmdo for the transmission over the
same of the mails , the troops and the muni
tions of war of the United States than the
rnto per mile paid for the transportation over
tlio railroad or public highways leading to
the said bridge , nnd it shall enjoy the rights
nnd privileges of other post roads in the
United States ; and equal piivilogos in the
use ot snld bridge shall bo granted to nil tele
graph companies ; and tlio United States
shall Imvo tlio lightof way ncioss snld bridge
nml its approaches for postal telegraph pur
poses ,
Sec. C. That all railroad companies desiring
the use of snld bridge shall have and bo entitled -
/ titled to equal rights and privileges relative
to the passage of railroad trains or cars
over the snmo and over the approaches
thereto , xtpon payment of n reasonable
compensation for such use ; nnd in case the
owner or owners of said bridge and the sov'
cml railroad companies , or any ono of them ,
desiring such use" shall fall to agree upon the
sum or sums to bo paid , nnd upon rules anc
conditions to which each shall conform It :
using snld bridge , all matters at issue bo
twcea thorn shall bo decided by the secretary
of war upon n hearing of the allegations am
proofs ol the parties ,
See. 7. That congress shall have the powei
nt any time to niter , amend , or repeal this
net , nnd the secretary of war , whenever In
shall deem it ncooisary , may cause the owners
ors of snld bridge to remove all material nni
substantial obstructions to the nnvign
tion of said river by the construe
tlon of snld bridge and Its accessory works.o
to prevent such obstruction ; nnd the expons <
of altering snld bridge or removing sucl
obstt actions shall bo at the expense of th
owners oC such bridge.
Sec. 8. That this net shall ho null nnd vol
If construction of said bridge shall not b
commented within ono year nnd bo ImUhc
within tlueo years from its passage.
Ask for Van Ilouten'a Cocoa. Take n
Important to
IX Lolower , the furrier of lr 5 Stnt
Btreot , Chicago , is Btouning ut tlio l'a >
ton , room 28 , liolng homeward ooun
from Ills business trip , liia samples , cor
elating of elegant sealskin garments , n
oxtaiiblvo variety of Indies' ehouldc
capes , In seal , otter , hcavor , Persia
liunb , nstniclmn nnd mink , nlso mutl
ami boas , oknvo olTorod at very inoiloi >
ute prices. Old seal gurmonts rellttc
and repaired innrtiBtlc manner nt shoi
notice. Ladles Invited to cn.ll to luli
ndvnntnfjo of this rare opportunity. > i
D. Lolowor is noted for ( ho mauuinclin
of high grade goods only. -
Chicago VVrtvs t Cannot Succl bo sudden'
tnlicn into congress ns n senator ! A mi ;
Vvlio could talk forty-live davs nml nigh
without having to stop to cat is the innu f
this emergency.
Parisian Suit & t'limk Co.'s banknv
Block fciilo at Falconer's.
A HIM to Immediately Foreelono Those
on 1'nutllu Kullrimd 1'ropcrty.
Following is the text of n bill now before
congress providing for a settlement between
the United States anil various railway cor-
coratlons which have received bonds for con-
stru'ctlon nnd other purposes'
Whereas , The United States loaned to cer
tain railway corporntlons , known ns the
Western Pacific , the Central Pacific , the
Union 1'aclflc , the Kansas Pacific ,
the Central Ilninch Union Pacific ,
nnd the Sioux City k Pacific , its 0 per
centum thirty-year bonds to the amount of
$ iiVJirl'J ( , ( : , , secured by n second mortgage on
the property nnd franchises of said corporn
tlons , nnd '
Whereas , The United Stales has paid the
accrued Interest on said bonds to the amount
of ? MIMJUW : , ( , of widen sum only fJI/WI.'J'Jl
has icon repaid , by snld corporations , the
debt lo the United Stntei being thereby in
creased $ < > 'JK)3i4 ( ) ! , a"d now amounting to
Jiai.GOi.-lMl . ; and
Whereas , The Indebtedness of snld cor
porations to the United States is Increasing
annually nt the rate of about S'-.UOO.OOO ; and
Whereas , The said corporations are in
debted In another sum of 4-OJbti.OOO : ! secured
by a lli'st mortgage lien , the bonds lopresent-
ing which nro now about to become duo5 nnd
Whereas , The holders of said Ilrat mort
gage bond : upon their falling duo may , nnd
probahlv will , foreclose said mortgage , and
cause the franchise and property of said
corporations to bo sold , tints rendering the
debt duo the United States of no value ; and
Whereas , The Income of said corporations
has amounted to an average of § 11,000,000 , a
sum amply sufficient lo Imvo pro
vided fully fortho payment to
the United States of nil the
money advanced by it to said corporations
with the interest thereon , bad not the same
been diverted and misappropriated ; and
Whereas , Under a decision of the supreme
court of the United St ites a default In the
payment of the interest does not authori/o
the United States to foreclose its mortgage ;
and Whereas , The bonded indebtedness of said
corporations , exclusive of land grant bonds
and Including unpaid interest duo to the
United States , . Is over WOO.OOO.OOU , and the
terminals and approaches at Omaha , Oak
land , Kansas City and SanO'Vanclsco will bo
valued at about S20,0KOOJ ( ) , nnd there is a
floating debt of many million dollars ; and
Whereas , It Is the duly of the United States
government to protect Itself from possible
loss through the foreclosure nnd sale of the
franchises and property of said corporations ;
therefore ,
Bo it enacted by the scnato and house of
representatives of the United States of
America in congress assembled. That the at
torney general of the United States bo , and
ho is hereby , directed to commence , within
sixty days after the passage of this net , pro
ceedings of condemnation under the right of
eminent domain , against all property , real
nnd personal of Mild corporations on which
the United States holds a ( .mortgage ,
together with the stations nnd the
lines leading thereto nt Omalia , Oak
land , Kansas City and San Fran
cisco , not included in said mortgages.
Sec. 'J. That the president of the United
States bo , nml is hereby , requested to detail
three olllcers of the engineer corps of the
army , not lower than the lank of Drigndior
general , any or all of whom mav bo taken
from the retired list , who shall constitute n
board of appraisement , whoso duty it shall bo
to examine , appraise and fix the value of all
the property described in the llwt section of
this act. And the secretary of wnr shall detail -
tail from his ofllco and the army such assist
ants ns may bo icquircd by said board of an
Sec. ! i. That said board of appraisement
shall organlro , and within ninety days
after their detail , proceed to discharge
the duties prescribed In the second section ot
this net. Said appraisement shnll bo of each
line of railway aopar.itoly , including all
realty except land granted by the United
States to uid in building said roads : nil the
rolling stocks , locomotives and so forth , be-
lousing to each of said corporations , nnd the
stations or terminals hereiiiLeforodesignated ,
nnd report the same to the attorney general.
Said report shall bo completed and filed
within six months after the organization of
snid hoard.
Sec. 4. That , within sixty days after the
filing ot said reports , the "attorney general
shall file n copy of the same In the supreme
court of the United States nnd furnish to the
nresidcnt or other chief executive ofllccr ot
cnch of said corporations a copy , with notice
that In thirty days a motion will bo made to
confirm snld reports.
Sec. 5. Thnt the attorney general shall ,
wlthm sixty days after the passage of this
act , institute proceedings against the com
panies herein named In the Ualtod States
court to forfeit the charters of said com
panies , with all the rights , franchises , grants
and privileges conferred by the United
States , nnd the judges of the courts wherein
such suits are instituted are hereby required
to advance on the dockets of said courts nnd
give precedence to all such proceedings for
Sec. 0. That the secretary of tlio treasury
bo , and lie is uoieby authorized
and directed to prepare , in dcnomina
tion of $1 , Si , So , S10 , $ M , S'M and § 100 , full
legal tender United States notes to the
amount of J'J)0COO,000 , which notes shall- beheld
held and disposed of for the following pur
poses only , to-\\it :
1. To pay off at their par value when duo
tbo $ (50,0 ( 1,000 thirty-year 0 per centum
bonds loaned to tbo corporations as hereinbe
fore stnted.
Si. To pay off at their par value the S5T-
330,000 llrst mortgage bonds.nuathoSlO.lsri.OW .
of income bonds issued by suid corporations.
3. To pay the assessed value of said
stations and terminals herein directed to bo
condemned for public use , and fuither to pay
any flouting indebtedness of said corpor
ations , and accruing claims against said cor
porations : Provided , that none of said
money shall bo used to pay off or return any
of the capital stock of any ot said corpor
ations ; snld payments to bo made when the
supreme court of the United States shall
have rendered a decree confirming nnd ap
proving the findings of the board of appraiso-
mont herein provided for.
Sec. 7. That when said payments have
been miulo as piescribed herein , the
title to all property , rent nnd per-
so'.ml , and nil the franchises and grants made
to snid corporations , excepting only the grants
of alternate sections of lands inndo by the
United States to aid in constructing snld
rends , shnll bo vested in the United States.
Sec. 8. That it shall DO the duty of the sec
retary of tlio Interior , and ho is hereby nu-
thorizcd nnd directed so to do , within thirty
days after the investiture of title provided
for in section 7 , to give sixty days'notice
by advertisement in ono or more newspapers
published In the cities of Washington , Boston -
ton , Now York , Chicago and San Francisco
for proposals to lease for a term of fifty years
the railways with all thelrnppurtenauces and
rolling stock thus acquired.
Stc. 0. That snid advertisements shnll con >
tain certain terms or conditions required ol
tbo bidders and lessee as follows : No bid
will bo considered for an anniinlreatnl of less
tnnn $3.000,000 that Is , a per centum
interest on the $ 0,000,000 , Invested in
said property ; which sum shall be
due nnd payable on tbo UOth daj
of Juno each year. No bid shnll bo ncceptec
from any corporation operating a compotlnt
30h line or from any company or corporatloi
h composed wholly or In part of the officers 01
to managers of such line or lines ; nor shall anj
bid bo accepted fromnny foreign corporation
Id The lessee shnll ho required to main
Lie tain the property ns llrst-eluss
passenger and freight railways ; shal
notenter into pooling arrangements with nnj
corporation or company operating paralle
lines ; but pro rates and traltlo arrangement
may bo made with corporations oporattni
railway or steamship lines from the caster
nnd western terminals of said railway , an
to with connecting lines at any point on"el
X- of snld railways : Provided , that all pi
Xid rates and trafllo arrangements entered hit
idn with any railway line shnll bo upon the basl
nMl ot the mileage carried , with a reasonable n
lowanco for termlnr.l expenses ; that tli
or lessee of said railway lines shall make no dl :
an crimination In favor of or against any porso
ITs or place upon the line of said anilwnys , nc
! shnll said lessee engage or bo interested i
0(1 tlio mining of coal or Iron or in the. munufai
irt turo of stilt or lumber on or near the line <
ko snld railways ,
Sec. 10 , tf hnt the whole amount of con pcnsntlou which may from time to tlmo I
ro duo to said lessee for services rendered fe
the government shall bo I'Ctatnoil by tl
United States and credited Upon the nunn
rental. Provided , that if in any year tt
nu amount so retained shall exceed the sum di
Ills ns rental on the 0th day of each Jun
for then the secretary of the treasury shall n
mediately draw n warrant in favor of sa
lessee lors'uch excess.
tpt 1 See. 11 , That the secretary of tbo Interl
shall , every year during tuo mouths of JIM
August , September and October , cause to bo
made a complete inspection of nil
the property leased under the
provisions of this net. Tno board of inspect
ors shnll consist of llv'o persons , of whom nt
least ono shall bo tx competent civil engineer ,
ono a'mastcr mechanic conversant with the
construction of locomotives and railway car
riages , and ono n locomotive engineer. Each
member of this board shall receive $10 per
dny and traveling expenses during tlio time
employed , which sunll not exceed four
months , nnd shall bo furnished by the secre
tary of the Interior with a competent clerk
and stenographer. The board slmll examine
Into the road bed. bridges , trestle work nnd
superstructure or rnld railways , the stations ,
turn-outs , side tracks and other leased prop
erty , together with all additional prop
erty used In the transaction of the
business of the lessco on the leased rail
way lines , ami shall report in writing to the
secretary of the Interior the. condition of snld
railway lines , whether they nro In proper order j
for the safe and speedy transmission of malls ,
freight and paisengcrs , nud whether the
lessco provides all proper facilities and main
tains and operates said lines ns fli-At class
railways ,
Sec. 12. Thnt the losscco of snld roads slmll
report annually to tlio secrelray of the in
terior , wltnlii thirty days after the 1st day
of July of each year , the entire business con
ducted on said leased lines , giving in said
report the rates for the transportation of
freight nnd passengers from nil points or
stations on the lines or nny connect
ing roa'ls to the terminals , of
all traniti arrangements made
with connecting lines , a spccillc
statement of receipts and expenditures show
ing the net rectlnts , nml such other Informa
tion * ? the seciotnry may require ,
Sec. 13. Thnt whonnvor the nnnunl report
required by section 13 of this act shall dii-
close the fact that the not receipts of said
roads , niter the tiayincnt ot the rental , are In
excess of the sum paid as rental , the secre
tary of the interior shall direct tno lessee to
lower rates upon all farm nnd mining rro-
ducts to such an extent that the net receipts
shall bo lowered to the amount paid as
Sec. 14. That all laws and parts of laws in
conflict with this act nro hereby repealed nnd
this net shall take effect from and after Its
The following Is tho. full text of the bill
introduced by Mr. Shradcr providing for n
stay of execution in certain cases :
Section 1. That section 1 of an net to pro
vide for stay of oxecutionsiand orders of sale
approved February S3 , 1875 , bo amended to
read as follows :
Sec , l. Hereafter no stay of execation or
order of sale upon any Judgment or decico
slnll be granted fora longer tlmo than nine
months from nnd after the rendition of such
judgment or decree except as tieroi.inftcr pro
See. 2. That section 2 tot the snld act np
proved February SJ , 1875 , bo amended to read
as follows :
Sec. S. The order of sale on all decrees
horotofoio i-endcred or hereafter to be ren
dered , for tbo sale of mortgaged promises
shall bo stayed for a period of three years
from and alter the icnaitloa of such decree ,
whenever the defendant shall , within twenty
days after the rendition of such decree , file
with the clerk of the court a written request
for the same ; Provided , that if the defend
ant nmkono such request within said tvcnty
davs tbo order of sale may issue immediately
after the expiration thereof.
See.I. . Whereas , an emergency exist" ? , this
act shall take effect and bo in force from and
after its passage.
Parisian Suit & Cloak Co.'s bankrupt
stock sale at Falconer's. '
T ire
n n.
"You ne'er can object to my arm round your
waist ,
And the reason you'll readily guess ; ,
I'm an editor , dear , nnd I always insist
On the 'liberty of tbo Press. ' "
snt : .
"I'm ' v minister's daughter , believing in
texts ,
And 1 think all the newspapers bad ;
And Pd nialfo you remove your nrm , were it
You were making the waist nlnces glad. "
Story of tlio Times.
Mwiscu's n'telsly. '
St. Agedorc I've got to have some ready
money today. My only resource , I suppose ,
is to McKinley my overcoat.
Do Mascus To what ? >
"Put it up. " _
Parisian Suit & Cloak Co.'s bankrupt
stock sale at Falconer's. '
A Conncotluiit IlnrHO that CIiows To
bacco A Dogwith Filled Tccfi.
Connecticut has a horse that chows to
bacco , says the Now York Sun. Ho bo-
luiifjs to George Olmstcailtlio feed dealer
of yiielton , mid ho acquired the habit
years ngo when Mr. Olinatoiid Qid busi
ness in iJ.inbury. Franklin Pierce
was his driver then , and Franklin , who
chewed the wood like a deck htindnever
took a paper of flno cut out of his pocko
without inviting the horse to take t
chow. After a while tlio animal nibbled
nt tlio stutt fastidiously , and finally bo
caino nu fond of chewing ns his driver
wits. His nnpotito is graduated in pro
portion to his size , and ho will take linl
a paper of flno cut when ho can get it.
'Whenever ho sees a person take a chow
lie begs for ono , tooiind if ho gets it rolls
the quid about in his mouth , his counto-
niuico expressing lively satisfaction as
docs so ,
Mr. Oltnstoad has another odd nni-
mnl , a cat that has no tail and weighs
bixloon and ono-lialf poundd. The cat is
the biggest ono in the town , and as grave
as an nldorman.
A traveling dentist that now nnd them
visits Birmingham has a pat dog whoso
decayed front tcotli are tilled with gold.
The ilog had the toothache some time ngo ,
and hlb mitatOL * , nttor examining the de
cayed teeth , tiled out the cavities very
neatly and put bovonit dollars' of gold
into thorn. Tlio dog vigorously
against the operation , and howled , too ,
but homo ono hold him in the chair and
the dentist performed the job success
fully.Vhon the dog grins tlio irold
gleams beautifully.
Mrs , John G. Cooley of Norwich has a
cat Unit slept in Colonel II. U. Osgood's
little kirn on Church Btrobt that was
burned two weeks ago. After tlio flro
the animal was not &con for nine days ,
then ono morning it crawled to tlio
house door of its mistress. It was like a
Hying skeleton , its whiskers hud boon
singed off , its hack soainod as if with
a brand from head to tail , and its foot
wore burned and bleeding. The cat Had
boon cnucht between fallen timbers in
the wreck of the barn nnd hold by them
for nine elnya without foot or water , until
boys playing about the ruins had acci
dentally tipped the timbers and released
the animal. Puss ia getting well.
Continental Clothing House.
Another Great Bargain Week.
The steady increase in our business ever since the
Continental was opened in Omaha is due to the
fact that die public have confidence in our methods
of doing business , and that we manufacture and sell
only reliable clothing , and always do just as we ad
vertise , Last week our successful .20 per cent dis
count sale of overcoats and ulsters , was another
proof that a genuine discount is appreciated , Our
spring stock is coming in and we feel the need of
closing out all the winter weights possible , and will
offer special values this week in the boys' arid chil
dren's department. You can make money by taking
advantage of this sale.
Underwear Sale ,
Tin silo of line iiinlcnvcnr iMhrrIsd ! lust Mccfcll \ \ IIP continued
nnolhcr week , nnd mall orders tilled i nlil cyorj do/on is sol I.
Lot No. 1 , Natural Wool at 75c.
Lot No. 2 , Wh'ite Australian wool at $1.
IIP sent to nny aMre-s , nn > l if nut fjunil as rcpicscnto.l may be ic-
tnrni'il nt our expense.
, . , and Douglas Streets
DPS. Belts ABetts
Pii/sliN / , Safjso 115 an.l . Specialists ,
Tno meat widely and favorably Vnownspec-
lullslslii the Unltol Status. Tncr : loni ; ox-
pci leaee , remarkable skill nnd universal suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro or Nervous ,
Chronic and Surjtlcal Pliea cs. entitle those
eminent pliyslcliins to the full confUlcnco of
the allllctpd ovorywliPie. They auurnntpn :
Iho awlul ptfoctsof c.uly vlco and the numer
ous evils tliutfallow lulls train.
speedily , completely and permanently cured.
OUDIIUS yield readily to tholr bklllful treat
cuurnntced cured without pain or detention
from business.
nently and biiccessf nlly otiri'd In o\ pry case ,
inutorrlieii , bcinlual Weakness Lost Munliood ,
NlKht Kmlsslon , Decayed I'acultlcs , I'cmaio
WoaUness and till dullmto disorders pponlltir
to olthor BPX posltl\ely cured , as well as all
fuiictlonaldlsoulerstliat result from youthful
follies or tlio excess of mature years.
'sTHlfTIlRIt ' Ounrantced pornuinon tly
LJ L ii1 u ivi > cured , removal complete ,
without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures
otTucted at homo liy patient vltbout a mo-
aunt's pain or annoyance.
I QTTP1. PITPT7 Tlio nwfnl effects of
V olIKll LLJKb early vlco which wrings
rifanlo weakness , destroylni : both mind and
jody. with all Us drojdcd Ills , permanently
Y\S. \ TIUTTQ Address tliose wbolinvo 1m-
Vl\0. lbl lo pnliod themselves uy iin-
iropor Indiilgcnco aiul Milit try bnblt" , wliluh
uln both mind and body , untlttlng them for
iiislnpss. stud v or marrlago.
MAKItllU ) MEN or tlioht ) onterlnK on that
i.tppv llfe.awaro of iihysleal dehllltynnlcl < ly
.s based upon facts. riist-Bruetlcal exporl-
cnco. Keeond Every case Is specially studied ,
.hus startlni ? rlRht. Third medicines are
iireparcd In our laboratory exactly to suit
eacli case , thus effecting enics without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
These Adjustable lee Creepers fit any
shoe. Anyone can put them on or ofT tlmy
are always in order , imcl you are ready lor
anych-inge of weather. Agonti Wanted.
; V Send of fore ami hind shoe.
t4TOn\y \ tne "Points" wear out : anyone
can put in a new sot. "Indispansabia. "
Points , 8 set , $1 , to onqaddress.
Points ! 1 bet(10) ( ) aOc. by mall ,
V. Kent , Sole JITr. , Jlcridan , Conn ,
imv-nr. l * ao' Terlojlcat I'llli
tfiiiil aaa
menitrmulim. Thetu
ejr. Am. I'm Co , llojriutr Hpen-
UrnaUu ; M. I' . UluB . U , or t lor J.
DR. J. E.
Mora Than Fifteen Years Experience In the
Tioatnun * of
A euro U Kimmn-
PRIVATE DISEASES i teed la from Ihreo
to tlvo tfuys without -
out the lots of mi hour'a tlmo.
PTn IOTIID < I'ormanently'1 ' without
A In III I llnr pnln or Instruments ; no cut-
U I IIIU I Ull U tiu. | no rtiimiiu , ' . The most
ctunrkablo rcmi-dy known toinoik'tn sclonco.
Cured In SO to M dnyj. Ir Me-
( jrew'H tToatinent for ItiU torrlbtn
I bluoil dlsti tuo tina been proniuincpd
tliomo't powerful nnO nuccoaifnl remedy uvor ills-
rovoroil for tlio nbsoluto euro of this illsca-o , 111 *
miicoks with this itl cii o Ins never bciiu uiiuullod.
A complete euro airAiMNTEKii.
I HOT I nnii all weakness of
I UN I tie ) o < timlorimn < , n < > nr-
UUU I 01U1M | , ( llnj all „ „ .
nturnl illFclinrues , arc absolutely cured. Itullof Is
romodlHlo mnU'ompleto ,
fl I PP ft OrO Uhouinntlnmnntln'ldU '
II lNrfli\r.S enomf tlubloict , llvor ,
kiancruliu bladder per
manently cured.
I LllinuU UlUUrtUUO nom i or bladder
cured. 'Ilio Doctor's Homo Troatinuut fur l.ndlus U
truly n compk'to , convenient and wtmdcroul rciuody.
LADIES rom 2 to 4 lioak rroc ,
flD ISftPDClll' ' C nmrTOlou' ' nccojs lias
Mil. mPilntW O won for him n reputation
Ulli O Wich | , tl truly mtloiial
In olmrnctcr , anil Ills gront nrmyof iintlentH roarlios
from the Atlantic to the 1'nclllc , Tlio Doctor Is n
Krnduntvof "itBUULtli" nii'dlclno and luia Ijnil lonif
andcarcful oxporltmco In liofplml practice , and Is
classed luuoiu the leadlnii ttpetlall t In modern
Bilunou , Truiitmnnt by correspondence , llnnlc or
circular * about each of thu ubovu diseases , rius.
Office , I4th and Farnam Sts. ,
r * ' Oinnha , Nob. Kntrnnco on cither itreet.
Full Set of Tosth
oil Kuhljur , fur
A perfect ( It K..arantocu. . . /cotU oxtraotwl .
nnd nnaos.
without pnln or ylUout
thetloi Gold and silver at l''wc t
and Crown u wuu"
lates. Ilrldpo ploutu
outulate * AH work
Kiitranco , 10th st root cluvator Openuvou-
until d o'clock
orKlvcirolk'f HUo"lr. riorce'n .Maunctlo .
. " ItUasruredtliouaaniljl If ) oii vaut tlio
IIKKI'.Bond la In Manila < or friol'.uii.litet\i ] > . I ,
Maaucllo UlutlcTruki Co. , bau , Cai
Ages lit to 17 ( Mnrkc.l iltMMi from $10 & $12.
Price SY.QO.
Boys' Long- Pant Suits ,
Acs ( ItJ to 17 , nmrkoil ilmui froin $ ll ! nml $1 , I'i'tco
Boys' Knee Pant Suits ,
Prices $3.50 , $4 and $450
All high cost suits nmrkril ilnnu tuclixo. In small sizes there nro
sunic vluik'o styles In Itcst sulK
Boys' Knee Pant Suits ,
Price $2.00.
A pr.intl cleaning up ofln-olicii sl/os niul n inrlotyof fitjlcs will bo
on fate at $ - , Kiirly kujcr ulll get tlio bo t.
rornnother week ix tlbfoitist of 20 JIT cent A\lll \ IJP ullon oil nt tlo ;
desk , on m cry overcoat sulil In ho men's anil l > oys' leinrliiiciit. |
Woonsockeli & RhodB Island Rubber Go
And wo nro their western agents and always carryalarostook.
Address ,
BraeriGantal ] [ Serf Shoe Go
1204 and 1206 Harney Street.
Arc Icing offered with the ideaof reducing > mr stock of
Men's ' Suits , at $12 and $15-
We are showing suits that would be considered cheap at
a much higher price.
Do not fail to visit our Children's Department. It is
gaining in favor each day
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Hpcrnmtoi eases of Iho lllnoil , , bkinnmlUrm iryurunni. n.n i KunmiHeoj.iuu mr uvory cam i unuertnta iinn imi w
euro. Cuniiiltulloii frco Iluok ( Myiturlui o I < lto ) oat froj. OillLoliourJ 'Ja. in ton p. 10. rjuajuyi 1J
a. m to . ' ' "
No other preparation
is the "aame as" '
Pond's Extract ,
.K rouiHily lur all Urn
nnimtuinl dhiclinrRon and
prl\ntudlieuh i < iif nii'M A
certain ( urn ( urtlu * ik-UII-
tatlni ; vcukntus iieculiar
to worn in ,
J f reccnhe It nnil feel safa
In r < > cumnu'inii | ( ; It to
Irt >
SnUerlnis from
Uio iiructi ol
ran ? decay. froxtlnwcal ; ( > n < 83 , lost mouliool , ftc-
1 will kcnu a valuable UintlM ) ( unl < ill contalnlnq
full particular ! for homo euro , 1'ltljli of charRi
A iplcnilld medical HorK | tlioulilliu nail by cuij
man who 1 in > rvom nml di-lillllat'il. A 1 liv *
Vrof , F. C. 1'OU'JLIiU , lUoutlui , C'oiiu
It tun 10 clvcu In a rtid tr vullvM r ICM , or In Mr *
leK of Iuu3 , without Hie knowluclKool llio patient ,
tf ataetantf. It U > b oluiely hurmli-.b ana will ejleel
a yerutiiiieutaatl speedy cure , wliettitr the Dktlant Is
traoi < er.ii < idrlucororuualoolioliovi reek. I'l , > K\ Kit
L'Ail.l. it oiiaratei no quiaily uuU Tilth ouolt ocr.
taiuty that tht pttlant iiDdoruoo * nn InonnTealoncv.
and ere n U uwara. his complete rota , nation u-
elloolM 18nuoboolt | ofpirUcularuIrfe Tolirliadol
KUIIH CO.iath < c Do.iBU . ii , ll-lll
Cj"irnUo iiiiinlleil by UhA KB , llitUUU 4 , UO , i
* J'IIl\UniON JHUO Ol > . . Um lis.
of Debility lmioiuiicytakniki | , IJlcnit ok
7tnrrluKt'ni't rcthinii.l o"inl vllritrrl illn