Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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* A rTvEUTISEilENTS for th e colums will
cxbo taken until 12'SO p. m. . for the evonlnf
edition and until 8an ; p ro. , for tb mornliiB
edition and SUNDAY lice.
rpUllMS Cash lu advance. .
TJATK9 AdTertlafmenUon thlpaf trill bo
J-lchargod for At the rate of 1H cent par word
tor the first Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
flach subsequent 'Inoertlon. ' andllJOpor Una
tor month. No advertisement taken for
less thnn 21 cents for tlm first Insertion ,
TNITIAL8 , figures , symbols , oto. , count e&eh
J ni one wotd.
TIIKSB advertisement * mniit runeonacct-
lively and under no circumstances will
they bn taken or discontinued by telephone.
PAHTIKH advertising In these coluinni nnd
harlnc their answers addressed to * ' "num-
licr-d lot ( r" In care of TIIK HUB will receive
A numbered check to enable them to get their
letters. Answers will be delivered only on
presentation of tills check. Enclose answer !
In envelopes properly addressed.
ALL sdvertliemenU under the heart of
"Special Notlers" are published In both the
morning nnd evening editions of TIIK HBE. tlio
rlrculntlon of which aggregates moro than
20,000 papers dally , and gives the advertiser
the beni'llt not only of the lame circulation of
TIIK HKK In Omnha , hut also In Council HlulTs ,
Lincoln mid oilier cities nnd towns In ( > ' " wy t
Advertising for these columns will hs tAkcn
nn the above conditions , at the folio win ? Diisl-
nem houses who are authorized to take special
notices , at the satno rates as can had at the
naln nlflco.
O 'Mta N Street. Llitor lllook.
, Pharmacist , 82U South Tenth
MASH tc. Kimy , Otatloneri and PrlnUrt ,
113 Bouth ICth street.
_ _ _ _
nVFAUNSWOHTH , 1'harmaoUt , 15 Oum-
Ing street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\r J. mjOHE3l > hannaoIatC24 North 16th
VV itroot.
G id.W. : I'AHTl , I'harmaolst , 1718 Loarcn-
worth street.
TTITOIIET I'HAHMAOV. 24th anrt Farnam ,
Jtrralct , ttc , , tec Inn nf frrt cnlumn
H7XNTKlPosition IM lioloTclerl. , long ox-
i perloneo nnd bent of references : would
gooutof i-lty. Address H Dl , Dee olllco.
pFPATION wnnted hy a yonns man of
good habits , as clerk or assistant book
keeper ! hi'Ht of city rofurcuce. Address Itoom
147 , lleo building. liTH-'G *
WAN'riCD-Sltuation nconcilium ) ( colored )
l.vporlenccd , well recommended. Ad
dress 11 Cl lire. Mim.'JC *
m.NTl/T.MAN with sovcial years' ox-
pcrli'iieo. capntlo of filling a responsible
position , ilvsltes such with a morlBiiKo cnm-
panv or bank In Iowa or Nebraska , Oiniiha
ptoforu'd AddressHffi. Dec. 415 IIP *
" \V AN'TRD-Sltuatloni for peed girls ; my
T waiting rooms aiualwnys full from 0 a.
m. to dp. in , Oanadlnn Kmployment ofllco.
: ill } { HlSth. Telephone W . 121
FIT talrt , etr. , ttetojutf Jiift column i > n tht * van *
WANT1CD An net be , niliable man B'llnry
S7flto n monthly , with increase , to rep
resent In his own sect Ion , a responsible Now
York hoii e. lleferences. Manufacturer
I.ok ! hn'i& \ . New Yurlt. .
AUIIANOtiln n lifetime for men with rnpl-
tnl and actIve men without capital to se
cure a M-ry pleasant and profitable business !
nn drones or ouilosity seekers need apply.
Addles * vtlthSueiitstamp. Consolidated Ad
justable Shoo Co. , Salem. Mass. M009-20 *
WANTRD Young man as stoukkeonor In
cloth I me store ; none but experienced lined
apply , 11X10 I'llrninn st. 'CT8 24
WANTKl ) Salesman owning own team to
sell lubricating oils and grouses on com
mission to consumers thiouch thoKtate ; luriro
prollts to not Ivo mnn , Address Chicago OH
Co. , : il Milwaukee avo. , Chicago. III. CIC-27
W ANTED Plist class coatmakcr. Address
1' . Sougoy , Aurora , Nob. fa'4-20 *
WANTED ARonts Wo want llrst-class
men who are already traveling salesmen
tocnnyoiir lulirloatlng oils and ( /rcasn sam
ples us a sideline. Columbia OH and Grease
Co. , Clnvoliind , O. M018-30
V\rANTlI ) Klrst class eanvnssors to Invcs-
vv tlgato the liesl business la cxlslenco.
lioam WJ Paxtou block. MCl/T-ao / *
PUTTKH Wanted Why Is It efforts are
\J made to counterfeit the A. I ) . Kudo now
method ot cutting ? Did you over liciu-ot any
one trying to eounterfult u bad dollar ?
WANTED Gentlemen competent to han
dle nn 1'iitlrcly now business , never In
troduced In this city. Very lluoral Induce
ments , and worthy ot lnestimation. Koom KK ,
1'ux ' ton bulldlnc. U)5 ) 29
\\7ANTED-A good steady mini with about
it J.Vk ) capital as partner In a flrst-clnss
butcher business located In host part of city
or will sell out untliely. Address 1150 , Hue
olllco. KM Sit ) '
A GIINTS wanted Light Hork. Call after
noons. Itoom 4 , No. lOli N.'lOth. Kl-27 *
\\7ANTKD Mnn with good references at
V > Metropolitan Mfg. Co. . ICO ! ) llowaid st.
251 P 10
\\rANTri ) Men to travel for our Uatmdlnn
VT iiuraorlus.Stonu&Welllngton.Madlsun.NVIs
For rait * , tte. , fee lop of fnt column nn tlm JKJUJ
WANTED Olrl for general
wages paid to competentglrl.3. N. Slstst.
" \\TANTKD A good girl for general ho'uso-
VV wnrk , B17 S. lllth St. f > ! C' 21'
ANTKD At once. Good girl for fiimlly
of two ; good wages. 4iCl Hamilton street.
Walnut lllll. C07 20 *
W ANTKD A girl for general housework at
, ' 1111 Knrnani.t. ! Mli.iO-2C'
\ I ANTKD-Olrl to do Mrs , ! work for private
family. Inoutru 510 So. 22nd street.
CB 2C *
\\TANTiJD-Ono cook ut tlio Ulty hotel.
\\7 AN'IT.D Lady or gentleman , 415 week.
V > li G I'lininmst. tea 27 '
Fortatia , tie. , ftetap vf fnt column unilipiai (
ASSAGK Maduiu Delzlcr , over OlOH.iattr.
MRS. Nannie V. Warrenclairvoyant trance ,
speaking , writing und reliable business
medium , foiirycnrs In Omaha. HU N. IBlh.
MMK. Uurrougli I'lilinlst tells the pnit.Drcs-
< . > iil and future from tbo linns ot the hand.
In theolil Gypsy way. Koe. 11 : ladles only.
1X17 Izaid street , Oiiiuhn. UK ) III'
J'ornid. ' . rlo. , Ktiii ' irit colii'ii'i nn fill jxigt i
OAbL or wrlto for catalogues and Investl-
cute the merits of thu Smith 1'rcmler tyx | >
\vritiT. Mntilfcstly snporlor features. Im
portant chanuos inuilr. Typo-writers sold ,
fxchangud or ronteil. 1U)9H ) 1'arnam at. , I. , 115
Muyliew , niaiitigur. U7 ,
" " " '
J or rait * , tie , netoi > uf Jtr l column o'lUill ' ) ii7 , .
roH'SALE Cheap , a nearly now Ilallutt ,
Davis X Co. , upright piano In llrat-clas. ?
condition , luqulru ut 1U1U Douglutist. UX1
BEI'OKE buying n. pluno oxnmlno the now
scale Klmbull pluno. A.lluspt.I511 Uuuglus.
Gi0. ; r. UcjllciitiecU , toucher of the banjo
| lh lldsno , lll.l Douglas. 1W !
Forrattt.ttt. , teetoitnf flnt column < m thli
TJKhT line hair goods In west : hair dressing ,
. wlK * . swltobi's. bnii(8 ) , hnlr elialns , etc. . a
Hpeelulty. Duties , bair goods und milliner ,
postolllct' , 111 S 15th street , Oniahu.
etc , net ! oi > ot r t culunin on ( fll p i7i
FINEST electric und elnctro thernnit bath
riHHim , Inelucllnc Turkish cabinet'baths.
Ladlcai > to 1 dally x Tuesday & I'rldny er'ngs
C to 10. Ur , Ulcliurds , roomsUtB & Ullvo bldi ; .
. DnEssrviAKiNa.
Forraltt , tic. , Mtlrpiit fnt ciMumimn ( AUjxigi.
taUorJiytonruuBht 012 S 10th.
6W I'-JO *
\ , ir 'S todo dressmaking lufuni-
lll oollcltcd , lllsi Sturdy , WIO Harnoy nt
Forttilr . etc. , fff trip nf Jlrrttntumn nn thlt prt < 7 *
ir\OIUKNT \ ! t'hoap. modern 8-mom houso.
J-1 oiobo ixiiin st Trust t'o. . : ; H. icth st. ba.v-jo
TOOIIRKNT ( 'ntlaRo , three roomst reason-
* - able. 2CK ) rapltol avenue. CO 27 *
IJHOIt KENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 2Sth
JL nvn and I'np. ate. Inquire 21)18 Dodge. M714
TTIOH KENT 3 houses 10 rooms each. 1'ark
-L1 ave nnd Woolworlh t , city wali'r.furnnco ,
ttc. Call at once. MtinmtiKli & I'itchott , house
renting agents , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Howard st.G04
"filOll UKNT C'orni'r Hat. 8 rooms , range nnd
JL nil other conveniences. t 701 8IGlli st. 140.
Cull at store. Ururiiu Clauser. CllfS )
CTOKUKNT I'mirU and 7-rixjni Huts with
-IJ Imlh. hot wittar. etc. : paxed street ! near
business ! all Imuroveincnts : only 125 per mo.
Koforrnecs required. The Jleud Investment
Co. , 412 Heo building. 6J _
OhTUKNT TFTiuHO of rooms , N. altli nt. ,
F No. 171S. In jrnod rup.ilr , Imrd fiiul soft wntor.
dollar under house. Alsol llntof 0 rooms
steam In-lit. Llnton block. Inquiry of John
Ilainllii , U17 Llnton block , fcoutu lUtli st.
T71OH HO' ! ' Jan. 1 , C-rootn cottage , Hrst-
JU chiHS In oxcry rcsneot , batb. hot and cold
water ; on motor lino. Cull at 1M1 Sherman nvc
M , ' lo ,
FOK KENT A large list of bouses from W
per month up. Uuo. J. I'aul , 1009 1'urnntn.
SIXUOOM"house , city water , roirof 1SH N !
i.ijth st. ; $12 month. on 29 *
FOU UENT 2 oloannt 11-rootn houses. Nos.
2.WS nnd 2:110 : Douglas st. Kmitilro of A. A.
Gladstone , Klin Douglas St. , or Ulol > o Loan fc
Trust Co. , 'M S lhtli st , -'TO
rr-KOOM hou * e with nil modern conveniences ' ,
I . Thirtieth nnd
runtJ23per month , corner ti iii
Woolworth , facing llaiiscoiii 1'nrk. Kncmlro
I.eo A. Nlcliol.gth ana Ijumciiwnrtli. AIM
hnati-d lints nt 719816th. Thus r.
Hall. : ill I'axlon block. 7ff >
TTlOlt linNTKlro l-nioni cnttu o. at 10U S.
J-1 lathst. Inquire- Mrs. Dtlggan , fa.V. . cor.
latliuml I'.ielllc'Ms. E J
_ _ _
Tll lUINT IAVItcst stciiiii-hi-atedC-room
Hats in the city ; mudurn convenience * : rof-
erenccs rrniilriMl. Kmnilro > cthcrton Hull.
Koom 1 , ' 'IDb. ISIhst. ilrKJ5-27
'iriOK KENT Nice H-rcioin cottaao near con-
.1 } tcr ot city , price { 15. \\cbsterstrect. .
IK you wish to rent a housu or store BOO II.
E. Cole. Continental block. 700
1'ormtc * . ( tc. . rf tun of Krt column on thto jxtos
TJ10K IinNT Nicely furnished rooms , with
J all model n coiiMjiilonecs. 2IKI California.
: i ) room $12 per month. 110S.2 : > th
ONE front room nnd alcote. suitable for 2 or
4 young men. N. W. cor of IStli and Daven
port. U'fl-ii ! *
710H 11KNT A nicely furnished front room )
C all convenlonues. 1817 Davenport street.
JSO ! ii ( *
VTIC/U rooms , steam hout , 1710 Davenport at
> 418 0 *
1J1UUNIS1IEI ) room , soiitborn oposuro.
JL1 steam heat , 521 S. ICtb St. , Hat . 423 ' . ' 0 *
TTIUUNISHni ) rooms , 1003 Capitol avcntio.
_ . Glu' '
lOll KKNT ElCKiintnowly furnished steam
heat rooms , cor. lath and Jackson stJ.
ItCNT Kust front ulcovo loom at the
Murrluin. _ Mj
"I710K KENT Two ploiiRnnt rooniH hnndy to
J Jmslncss , modern convcnlunccs. 'J015 nouR-
las. 012 27 *
LARGE south front room , bay window , mod
ern conveniences , fur ono or two gentle
men , * 10 ner montb. 2218 Leavenworth. SIJJ2
ItKNT rurnlshea rooms , BUS , bath
nnd steam. 1510 Howard. 715
S T. OLAIR European hotel , with dlnlni ?
room , steam lieat In all rooms.M \ anil
bpt-clnl intcs by week or month. 71i
TjlOHIlKNT-rrontroom with alcove.ciirtalns
JO mant'ul. steam boat , Raaand hath , 2 closets ,
suitable for 2gentlemen or inun uiid wife ,
$18.00 per month. Also adjoining room \vlth
bis closet and all conveniences $10,00 per
month. 207 824th st. 019
rilO LET Uo.iutlfnl front room Is best part
JL of city. clo o to good board. Kout reason
able 122 6. ! Sth st. 413
Fet lain , etc. , tcr < ii | > nf flrtl cnlwni on th\r \ ; xiai
T71OII KHNT A furnished room to gentlo-
JL ! man. Uoaid If desired. No other board
ers. 2817 I'opplelon avenue. 076--'ll
TTIUHNISIIKD rooms ( ono unfurnished ) with
JU board. 407 K. lltli ) , Paul block. COO- ! . ' ? '
IJ10K KENT Nice warm room with board.
JL1 2010 California st. 555 27 *
LAUGH south ftontroom with boards rofor-
ciicos. 2214 rarimtn. MrilO-ai'
rPO HUNT 211-story front room , flrst class
-L board. 201 S. 2 : > th avenue. C'Jl-31 *
ROOM nnd I card , $1.00. 1712 Douglas street.
Day board , W.OO per week. 400 31 *
ELKGANT furnished rooms ylth board , pas.
heat and bath. 20S N 17th street. 3 'J-1'15 *
ROOM and board K week , 10211'arnani.
M-Ql-JiU *
Fcrratff , ttc. , nftup of Jtnt coiumn onif ( / *
OFFICE or desk loom for rent on first floor
N. Y. Life , fao , Star Loan and Trust Co.
"I7IOR KENT-Storo and olcKant flat , 1130 N.
J.1 18th st. 07(127 ( *
FOH UENT Ono store nnd 2 Huts , C20 So.
10th struct , and .sovorut cottages cheap.
11 J. Kendall , 100 Ilrown hldg. 321-F-b
STOHES nt 700 S. Kth , steam boat f urnls > hd.
Tlios. F. Hull. 311 1'a.Mon blk. 718
_ _
PK ( HENT-Tho 4-story brick hnllnlnp ,
or without powor.formorly occupied b lythe
live I'nbllsliim ; Co. , H10 Knnintii st. The build
ing 1ms a lliopinof cement ( | nsoimiitcomplete !
Htciini hvatlng tl.xturus. watur on'nll the lloors ,
gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Ilc'o. 1)15 )
ITlOIt RENT Hy January 1 , 4-story building.
JL1 its.MO niiuare root ; sultablo for any kind of
wholbsalinB. Ut Tenth and Jones stieots. G.
A. Llndqucst , 310 South 1'lftceuth street. 710
ftrralM , ( tc. , ire tup of ftnt tyilumii un this paji
"jmOH'WENT oiraate Fine"iii avy brlolc flvo
X story corner warehouse with most central
trackage lu city ; lloors are ii.VX : ) square feet ,
fctrlngor * Penny , HarUor block , 720
T71OK Itr.NT Ilrlck warehouse , two stories
JL ? high , basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age. Heat locution In the city. A. O I'owcll.
FtirmfcK. etc. , rtt Jnp of fiet column on thtt jxw
rilRAOICAGK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Ilusliiiian , 1311 Lcavciiuorth. T4
STOHAGE nnd trackage. IJavld Colo. 815-817
Howard Mit'oU 7-1
STOKAGE The best In city clcaii.dry , safe ,
and privately stored at reasonable terms.
Omaha Stove ItepalrVk9,1207 Douglas. Tot DiX ) .
_ For rota , ttc. , tietnyiir pifictilumnim tl\t \ M'jt.
A LADY wants two unfurnished rooms or
one room und aU'oyo In di'slrnblc lopiitloni
references oxchiiiiiieil. Address , stating lo
cation and terms. I ) G7 , lieu olllco. ( J.J3 iO'
f "rrtiltf , tie. , ft l"flifletiluinit \ nn Ihlwje. .
LIST your houses to sell or rent with 0. K.
Harrison. 013 N. Y. Life. fl
HI" . COI.K , rental ugiMicy.Contlnental blk.
TO * )
Fur nit < , etc. . fte dip of Jlnt c ilumuon tlili intye.
"PULLMAN houso-Sjieclal weekly ratos.
.t MMu-r.ii *
" VS ! table board. tU'd Ilarntiy.
For ntta , ttr , , rte ( on of Jlnt column on Iifao
"TilUIJt ) Mohlo loans money on diamonds and
-L' watclicslcwelryelcsc , , cor. rurnmu & llth
For rattit etc. ttt tupof jlret column on thU yog *
T.AD1ES ami gentlemen can rent muwiuor-
J JtUu lulu ul K ! N , lUtb St. UiJJ 84
Fcrratff , rte. , y * ion of flrtt fofiimn. . onftt ( mat ,
tUAYKD-rrom Union dtockyardu .Inn. 10.
sorrel vnclng marc , saddle und bridle on
whi'ti lust se-en. Address Yardmasler , 1.8.
yards. Mouth Omithn. C"3 S4
T 03T A pu do from 10S1 1'nrnntn. with
JJ name S. A. llonford on collar. A llbrral
reward for return IKil furnani street. UV-27 ) *
T OST Irish Hotter d ig 10 months oldj rc-
JJwnrd. Wm , Hlmeral , tcl. 00 , rooms S21 and
K2 1'lrwt Nat. bank. 628
rorraln > , ett , , _
TT\ul \ SALK-Enrnlturoof 5 rooms. K\cry-
JL1 thing cloar. Will sell any part. Address O
5 lice. IM-'M *
1'w rain. etrtee ti > \ > nf flidttitumn 'in Hits f < Vlt _
" 1/1OH SALE Ohf > iip , wngon and double work
JL1 harness , or will exchanco for buckboard , ,
also good sldubitr buggy , cheap. II , fc. Colt' ,
Continental building. 672
"IjlOlt SALE cheap A two horse stclgb , also
JL large pulloya and shafting. U01 Poiiglns.
T71OK HALE 2 good work teams. Inquire at
JL1 018 1'axton block. M >
Fvriaten , ttc , , tee fop nf first column on Ihui ixiqa ,
HALI'-Complotesot of drug store 11 v
Icnata , etc. , tte cop of flrst column on iMt itaue
] \L \ ONKV to loan on Improved Omnha prop
erty. H. H. IroyI8 , N. V. Life. UW
$1,000 private mutiny to lo in. 7 pur cent *
Umnlm Heal Estate A. Trust Uo , 4 Doe bldtr.
Sl'KOIAL fnnd.s toloan on Inside Omaha
business property at very
low rates In sums of
f.'i.OCO to J.VI.OOO.
KImbull , Champ A , Itynn. 1205 Tariiam st.fW
fW t - > u
PKIVi\.TE money to loin. J. I ) . Kittle. 1 > U
N. Y. Ufa Mitta
CHATTEL IOTIIS at lowest rates. Kemovod
totfJIN. Y. Llfouldg. J. H. KmmliiK'-T. 7:12 :
MONI'.Y loaned on furniture , hor-cs , etc.
Hawkey u In v.Co.33 Douglas blk,10& Dodge
fit ! )
EYbTONK Mortgage Co. Lo-uis of $10 to
? l,000 : gctourr.ites before bortowlng and
save money loans on horses , furniture orany
appioved bccnrliy without publicity , no us
bought ! for now loansilrenowal of old uniiio\v- ;
cst rates , call H 203 bhecly blk,15th & Howard.
GlIAlTBLImnk , HUH Hth St. , loans money
on elmUoUor collatoril at reasonable rates
T.s :
"TTUKHr it.second inortRttKos on vacant A , 1m-
X1 nroved city prop. Comity uarrnnH bought ,
Money on hand. 1' . M. lllchardson.SWN.Y.Llfo.
7.1(1 (
MONl'.Y to loan on city and farm property.
\V. M. Harris , U ! , Truuzor blk.opii. r. O.
T > UIMINO ) leant , 0 to 7 per cent ! noaddl-
J-HlonulcharKeH/or commission or attorney's
fees. \ \ . It. Mulklo. I'hbt National bank blcU' .
"IjnAfj Kstatu Loans Cash on bund. Olobo Sc. Trust Co. ! K)7 ) S 10th st. No delay ,
no u.Mra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OE. & O. M. Anthony. U1B N. Y. I.lfo hnlld-
IiiK , lend money on farms In rliolco coun
ties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on good
Omnlm residence property ; lowest ratrs ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on her' ! . 743
MONEY to loan by 11. V. Masters on chattel
: ind collateral securities for any time from
1 to 0 months , In any amount to suit bor
rower ,
* Loans mndo on household Roods , piano ? , or-
cans. horses , mnlus , house * ) , leases , warehouse
ifcolpts , etc. , ut tlm lowest possible , rut us
without publicity or romovnlof property.
My loans nro so arranged that you can niakr
a payment of any amount at any tltno and ru-
duce both principal and Intoiost.
If you owe a balance on your property or
li.-ivo a loan you wish clmiiKed , I will pay It off
and carry It for you. If yon llml It more con
venient , cull up telephone No. 1021 and your
business win ho arranged > it homo.
Money always on hand. Nodulny. I\o pub
licity. Lowest rates.
H. P. Masters ,
Room 4. Withnoll blk , 15th and Harnoy sts.
MONKY to loan on Improved city property
at current rates ; funds on hand ; no delay.
Ceo. P. Hlust & Co. 203 llamge blUtf. M7U2
MONEY a ) , COorlU days , on household fur-
nlturo. etc. Cml'axton block , J. J. Wilkin
son. M070-K1
Forralw , ttctce to of tiirit citumn on tliii
IJ1OH fcALE Ono of the best located urooer-
J les In city , ilolnj ; a good business , Addri'ss
It CO , lleo ollioc. CIS-CM *
HAHDWAUE. fnrnlturo and Implement
stock and building for Male cheap for cash
oronn-half cash nnd peed land or Omaha
Utoporly. Adtlrois liox 77. Ncoln , la.
FI.OUH and feed store forHiilo , between $ .100
nnd 3400 ln\crftt'd. carry a largo stock of
commission goods , A rare uhanco for : r Rood
man. Address > > orfolk , Nob. , llox 402. C76-U7 *
\\7ANTED-Capltallt ! whowlll Invest$10.000
IT In a well established business that will
pay 40 per cent dividends 1'ull explanation
and Interview can bo had by addressing I ) TJ.
lion otllde. ( tl U6 *
ITlOIt HALE Small stock of Jewelry , llcpalr-
JL' niK business ! uooil. No Juwolcrhoro now.
Chance won't bo open long. Good location ,
llest ot reasons for belling. Bust small town
In dtnto 1'opulutlon 1,000. Address box IM1. ) ,
Nuola , la. 0770 *
HAVi ; you uny capital to Invest ? A rare
chance. Address ut once , 11 03 , lion.MEH27
BAUIIEU shop for Rale. Good location , 10th
and "Williams streets. ME.i-2j ( ( *
FOItHALKorTrudci-Abotit W.2UO of hard-
wurt1. stoves nml tinware- a good Iowa
town. Only stock In town. Partners disagree
reason of s.ilc. } 1 cash , ' /i land. Address W.
Hedge , ft ! . ) . I'uxton blk , Onmlia. MGIO-L11 *
FOU BALK or lient The Toktimah canning
fiictorv , hi complete rumiliiK order ; will
ho sold cheap , or to the right parties will bo
iL'iitocl on fuvorablo terms. Call on or address -
dross first National IliinK , Tcknnmh , Neb.
FOH SALE rurnlturo and of " 40-room
hotel In linn location ; un average biislncs
ofiaadny. ; Good chance , llest reasons for
selling. W. S. Cooper , Morrlam block. Council
HUills , la. Alolll 1'1'J
KICK yard for sale or rent ; wall built ,
'now. Apply 0. F. Kaul , Madison , Neb.
iWO 2V
1OH BALE or exchange For a good
hotel , furnished and doing a good bualncss.
Una of the best towns on the Union I'aalllc
railroad. Address n 44 , lleo. MS-lil'
FIUST class 4-roller flour mill , running
ilk-lit and day , In first class condition. In
good llvo town of four thousand Inhabitants
( the only mill there ) for sale or tiadu for stock
of hardware and Implements. Corrosponduuen
solicited. Muniaugli ti FltohcH , 150J Howard
St. , Omaha , Nub. , solo agents. lai
POI ! SALE or r.iohanso Clean stock of dry
goods , clothing , boots , shoes , hats ; cans , lu-
dies' and gents' furnishing goods. Audrtm
Hex HO , Frankfort , Ind. 270 I'll
FOU IChNT Only hotel In a good town : a
good opening for a good hotel mnn. Kor
particulars address Itox 1. lltlrr. Nob. f > ! 3 1'i *
Half Interest In a well ostab-
Hslied business In this city : will require
llS.uuocaah. Address V04 , Iloo otllco. M5M J2il
OU SALK or Trade-Large livery' and food
ntuhlu , fcod store attached. This Is well
locatul on paved street and doing a good
biihlncss. Muinnugh A Kltohett , real estate
agents cor. Kith and Howard st. ul )
Hornii Tor giilo Do you want got Into a
niHHl business ? If vou do , buy the Comniar
clal at llroken How , NoU.
AN cstiiullslicd bublnosb for sale or trade ,
lln * ftlS , city. 1& )
, tte. , tee ( op of frntntuinn on UiU jxifli
I TV f ASSAGESIncluru Delxler , oveniio s'TatlT.
| JU. S5-1- "
MASSAGE treatment.oloctro-thorninl baths ,
scalp and hair trcatnioat , nmnlcuro and
chiropodist. Mrs. I'osUlOVi ti iSth.Wlthncll blKWl
For mtM. tte , ret toy affril column on tftd ! ,
MASSAGE bath ut Madame Smith's parlors
7lB 8. 13th at , tfJ28 > ,
MAbSAOlMudum Dolzlor , over CIO S 13th.
Ferrate * , tit. , ref Inn nt fortl tofumn on IAU
ITtOU THADK-Kor Vmalm property a good
JL' elemi stock of genorftl nierohnjidlso In one
of HIV bust towns lu tliqlUato. Wright .V Lai-
burl , IC01 Howard st. ' 573 it
ANTKDbno stock df furnitures wilt pay
some cash , tmlajieo In Omaha lots. Ono
stock hardware of about MouO.OOortHOOflH ( ) ;
will p ly part cash , balance clear farms. Ono
stock of general iiicrchnmllso of about $10-
POO.OOI part cash , part ln > M. Culloit HyMnlm-
gruuA Lovgri'ii.Uoomm. ) Marker block. ( V)127 )
WI'/have a nlco homo'to mdianso fora
clnr lot. Alex. { More , IKJI Shcofy block.
6S2-Z7 *
.1 . dwelling house
JL property for Iono or custom Nebraska
farms , enuumborod orclear. , Address 02.
lien olllue. 07j-il : *
W ANTKD Two clear lots In Omaha worth
tl.oot ) to II.50J each for dry goods and no
tions , Duilleld , U23 N 20tlnt , O10-20 *
'ILL trade well improved Nob. farms
tenants on for merchandise or houses
and lots Omaha or vHowhere. II 05 Uee olllcn.
BUriINr.SSproportyoiil2th gt. , near I'ar-
nani , for residence.
2 clear lots ( corner ) In Orchard Mill for liouso
nnil lot.
40x120 , Pnundcrs St. , south of It\lo Clear , for
Some other good property for exchange. J.
I ) , y.lttlc , N. V. Life. ClK )
] 2u acres flno farm land adjoining good Ne
braska town ! nearly clcnr.
ICO acres llnelv Improved land 2K mlles from
county scat In Nebraska } lluhtlvencumLerod.
120 iierct good land In Nebraskafi mtlos from
county seat : 2f > 0) ) Inhabltniits.
11 ouso anil lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room hoimo nnd lot. barn , veil and elstern.
10th street. Unuh k ! sllglitly oncumbertMl ; will
tnidn forOmnlnt property anil assume- encum
brances H. K. Cole. Continental block. 1MO
" \\7lMjtradolnsldo city lot for luaso of
> i lioiisiMuid lot Omaha or Council ItlnlTs.
It ( B Dee olllco. CM SO
for pluiio. Address 11 4.1. lleo.4071'tS'
CAN use lots within r > mile limit for Insldo
property. Aildre s II 4 ! ) , lleo. f > J52a
\ \ IIAThnvuyuu to trade for two good lota
In Alt Pleasant addition , tlm f utiiro rcsl-
deiien portion of Omaha. MuUo olTor. Address
H 20 , Itee olltce. l
A N UJI11EH of stock ranches to exclianpo for
XXiuerchandlscGlSl'uxtonblk.lCaineroiuVCo. '
/ 'or rnfcji , tc. , see fop offlnl column on thtx IKIOC.
EIiEOANT homo north of Ilui : i'oni park.
Ciiulty foreleuroutslile lots. $7,500.00.
East front. Hnifcotii place lot , W.OOO.W ) .
Alerehandlsu for Omaha pioperty.
lltitvhlnbon & NVeud. K > . ' 4 Douglas. 574 21
TTMjKaANT double front lot on Karntim , e-ist
JUJnf Lowe avenue , U500.00.
East front lot In Windsor place , on paved
stieet , Sl.bOO.OO.
Ilodford pluce , south front , fciW.OO.
Orchard hill , corner , 4700,00.
llulchlnson & Woad , lf Jt Douglas. Sit 2
$1,000 oath will purchase a two-story 10-rooin
frame house , In good condition ; must be
moved to make room for a brick structure
within liodays. A big bargain. J. II. I'nrrotto ,
Douglas block. 53J 24 *
$2.1K)0 ) buys lot and gooJ five-room cottage
with barn , 21st near Lcavciiworth. Alex ,
Moore , aoiaiieoy tilock ' ftjl--ut'
"TJIASY terms , 7-rooin House , full lot , street
JU cars , near nnved street. I'rlcoW , 100 ; 1300
cash , Imlimco to ) per niotith. l arge list of
houses on easy terms. , Ji , K. 3olo , Continental
block. ' B8-27
TV you want a flrstclass Inside residence
property wo havegotit. Hy MulniKreii &
n , Darker block , Koom H. I.N ) 27
"IT10K SALE Cheap. Jhe residence at 2MO
JU 1'Ii-rco street , at d bargain for a few days
only. Innulroiit the Neb. Htoani laundry ,
lOthand Howard streets. M51
BAKGAINS 5-rooni cottage and lot. city
water , .sower and barn , centrally located ,
$2,750. Terms easy. ,
Largo 5-room cottage , nicely finished und
well locatedHOnu.
youth fiont lot on paved street near motor ,
fsoinn nice lots In vcsUand north part of city ,
$350 and upwards. J.J > . Xlttlo , 014 , N. Y. Life.
ft. i CUO
TjlOH SALR Several freed Improved farms
-I ? also unimproved lauds and town propurty
In best lodated coubtlos In Nebraska and
Iowa ; all art ) barraln ( A. Address P , L.Loomls.
Oth and Douglus , Omaha , Nob. .131 ID
"IT'OU SALR-'If you llavo boon waiting for
JJ opportunities to buy cheap , you had bet
tor "got thoro" within the next UOdaya. I
oner bargains In
Business ,
TraoUaco ,
Cholco residence
and aero property.
J. n. Evans. 303 N. Y. Llfo. G35 26
BlC5OiST : bargain In a line residence In
Omnlm. 11 rooms , with over/ convenience ,
line large barn , only Ji mile from court house ,
Vt block fioni motor and paved street ; will
Bl > o Immenlato possession or will pay 1100 a
month rent fora year ; H cash will s < vlnc It.
JI. A. Upton Oo. 57126
LIST your pronertv for snlo or exchange
with J. t > . Uortclyou , room 40 , Chamber of
Coinmoico. . JI ! > 09
BIOGKST bursnln In Omaha. Only three of
those elegant houses oa 44th nnd li'nrnam
leftontof six ; other three occupied by first
class pai ties. Houses arc open all day lor In
spection. Every convenience In the houses ,
Including gas and gus fixtures.
T.iko , i look at thorn during this fine weather ;
buy ono and take Ufa eomfottable during the
Only takes from WOO to 8500 cash. See thorn
without fall for they will plctoo you , II V.
Sholes. 21.1 IMrst Nat'I bank. 743
KOUNTXE 1'laco I still have onoO-room
honso tosoll on easy paymonta ; price ,
ffu,800 ; $ JOO eusli , bal.tU5.00 per month ; would
take some clear property In exchange. J. J.
aihson , fcolo agent Kount e 1'lave , room H.
CroUhton block. 424
T71OU SALE Or trade. Improved farm. IBO
-L1 acres , In Uosper county , Nel ) . , clear. Ail-
dress J. K. fc'linw , 4Uth ami Hamiltonst.Oiimha.
"TTOIl SALE or Trade Ono clear lot In Ar-
J mour I'lucu. South Omaha. Mnko otTer.
Address 11 27. lleo olllco. 301
Bargain Largo lot. C3xI05 fu ,
hlooks from Lowe nvo. and Onmlng st. , laya
Rplcndld ; cheap for cash , or will trade for
furm. Address E. 0. Merrill , 42nd and Uasssts.
room house and full corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Address the owner at 12nd and ( Jass
sts. . ! ; 0. Merrill.
TT'OH ' SALE A largo list of choice residence
JL1 and business property. Houses and lots on
monthly payments ; < 1,2.V ) and upwards ;
vacant lots ? 500 HIH ! up. Gcargo J , 1'uul , icoft
luinuun , 126
"IjlOll SALE Sly residence , 3fi20 Karnam
-L BtreoU Choicest locution and best house
In Omaha for the money. Hot water and
every convenience possible. Barn , connected
with sener , water und gas. U. V. Sholos , 213
1st Nat. hunk , , M7H1
PT-HOOM house , lot 33x82 , J1.700 ; also ( i-room
Jhouse. lotHU\8J ; , s. o. cor. lltli and Ylnton
st. , $ . ' .000. llrlck bouhVjfiina American house ,
lot CGxGU , n. o. cor. 10th and Douglas , $40,000.
Mis. Kiililmann , 2181 Slltli. , 4JW
For ratr . fir , , rte tnnfifiu \ nuiiMiii n itili jnt/i
WANTED To buy a 45orH-horso ) power
TV boiler and engine.1 Address Itoohoford A
GoulU.b.M t'uxton blocta or201K1 S 18th. CIS 2i *
rANTED-llorso. harness and bucKboard.
Must bo good und. clioap. Lock box 401
HAVi ; customer forVinno vacant lots nnd
for equity In good rental property. J. G.
Cortelyou , room 40 , Climber of Commerce.M .
M .iOO
\\7ANTEDto Iluy A good horse for buggy ,
ii iiurty having siuuu anil wanting cashmere
moro than the horse f/fiy find purchaser by
addressing II 59 , Hoa omce , giving age.
price and full particulars. Ull
\\7ANTEK-At oncui inerohandlse ; all
' kinds ; spot cash I must know at once.
I. T. Newell & go. . 1410 Douglas , Omaha. 2U1
I71UKN1TUUE. household poodseto. Highest
V cash price. Wells. 1111 Farnain. 730
" "
O1JSES wanted at 1331 N 10th at.
Fttrratfi , rte , , tte top nf frit cotuntrj nit thli pao *
ITIUEHH cow for sale ; registered
* - ' yoiiinr. ireiitlo. haudsouio. 1 < \ 11. La. . . . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1KI i
Farrattt , tte. , no ( opof flnt column on tlilt JHIO ;
ATENT lawyer * and solJoitors , G.V. . Sue
& Co , Hoe buildingOniiihu. Itranch olllco-a
Wash luiton ; , 1) . U Uoiibultutlon frto. 7M
pnorosALsrou nELDSiED3.-o. : S.IN-
X rtlnn norrloe. Hospbinl Agency. Bouth D -
( otnJanuary 1 ! . 1KVI. Spalrtl proixnali en
dorsed "rroposals fer Field Bocilii.nd ( d-
dresscd 1 to the uiulorKlcnod at Itosobud
Agency. South Dakota , will bo received until
1 o'clook of February M8UI. forfurnlolilng nnd
dollvorltiff tbo name at Valentino , Nnbraka :
800 bushels of ccrd oats , 1,000 biiiliclo of ft'od
potatoes ana 1,000 biiohels of seed corn , llid-
I1t lernmustBtnte the projiORrd prlcoof each ar-
t llolo to bo offered for delhrry under a con
tract t , Cr.nTiiiKD ciiKCKn. iacb : hid
must bo acconipanlul hy a cortl-
llod checkur draft upon some United States
IIit Depository I , tnado payable to tbn order of the
undersigned , for nt least 1IVK tier cent of
the amount of the proposal , nlilrh chock or
draft will ho forfeited to the United States In
case any bidder or bidders reei'hlng ' an
a \rnrd nlmll fall to promptly execute u con
tract with good ami sulllclpnt nurltlcs , other
wise to bo ruturned to tbo bidder. J. OIIOUGi :
WKIGIIT , U. S Indian Agent. J-U-d-ai-tin
Hccolvcr'H bnlo of Caiutul Hotel Fur
niture ,
Hy vlrtuo of nn order of tlio district court.
In nnd for Lancaster county , appointing the
undersigned rvculvor In the suit of Halpli
Kitchen Kdward P. Hoi-'gon , et al. , notice N
hnreby Kb en that I will on tlio Dili day of
Tebruary , A. D. IP'.M. ' at 10o'clock a. in. of said
day , at tlio Capital hotel , nt tlm ( southwest
corner of filoveiith and I' streets , In the ety nf
Lincoln , In the county of LnnciiRlvr , bell at
public auction to the highest bidder for ciiHh.
all the pi'tsonal piiipertv. fur1 "lure , goods ,
chattels nnd fixtures In said holul beloiiKlni ?
to the firm of Itnugon & McDonald , The Inventory -
vontory and list of ( lie salil ehattel property
can bo e\amlncdat the said hotel building and
at my ofllce. HAM MrnLA V ,
Lincoln , January ID , I69l , Hecelxer.
Ilymutiinl consent we , the tiinmbcr * ! of the
Inman liny oomnany , do withdraw from said
rniutniiiy and will not hold ourselves responsi
ble for any debts contracted oil and after this
date ,
Inmtin , Holt Co. , Neb. , Jan. in. ISO ! .
I ) . L , I'OM ) .
Jan. So dnt'ni O. W. SWAIN.
Omilm. | IJopot jOth aniljlnmin troc jJDuinlm.
4 S0p"ni | . . . ClilciiKol5xiiro ii S U ) n in
I ) Win in I . Clilemtu Kxpross . I ) 20 | > in
U 10 p in . Chlcnco K | Ts ( . 1005 u m
lM ! | > mj . . . . . . . . .lotn 1/icul . . . . . . . . 12(10 ( m
, cFTei " MO.
Oi maha. ; I Di'IKU 10th and Mn'iin ulruots Omaha.
10.2. ) a m . . . .lonTer"lajr ) Kxpros' . . . .
10/J5 n m Denver Kxpro n . .
7.10 p m . . llenver Nljjlit Htpnu
6 Ul p m Lincoln Limited
J.15 n m . _ . . . . . . .Llncolti I icnl. . . . .jil
Omnba. DoiKit 10th'an i Mmou ntrcots ,
" 0.80 a in' 7"Kiinfaj City Day ISxprcsa
t _ 13. Night Kx | . Yin U. 1 * . Trnni < U5 n m
Dinahii. Depot IQIhnnil VIurey 1 Ouiohu.
m Ovcrlnml I Iyer il.Oi p in
7.3) ) p m Piicttlc Ktpreni * 11.4.1 a in
J 3) ) n in Denver KnproHS. . . : i & 5 | i m
5 07 u m Kansas City B | ir < ? i"i. _ . . . . l3U.i n m
Tonvt-s T"T3lirOAJo ; 1C fT ATX
Omntm. lU. 1' . depot. lOlh nml M nrcy SH.1 umnlifi.
. . . . .Nlisht Kxpros" 110.0'inm
Atlnutlo lxirt" | < s . . . I C..W p m
4 M p m VoBtlbiile LtmUiiit [ IU.45 a t
cnves I SloUITClTY STAClPlC ; I AirTvin *
Oiualm. | U. 1 > . depot. 101 li nnd Mnrcy Sti I umnlia.
7.1i a mi Sioux City I'lUtst'tiKcr. .
JjjO Pni _ | . . . _ . . , . .jittJ'aiil.Ktpress , . _ . lO.10 m
nvca I 810UX OrTY Xri > ACIHC.
Unmlia. I Depot IMIi nnil WcbMcr hta.
QUO p.m | . . St. I'aul Limited I ' . ' 'i a m
Loavoa lOlllCAOO & NOUTHWKSTMHSl Arrives
Onmlm. | U. 1' . ilopot , 10th and Murcy Ht . | Omnlm.
u m . .Chicago 6TW p m
4 M p m Vestibule Li ited P.50 n m
II15 p m Iowa Accommodation ( esc. Hun ) 7.05 p m
11.10 p 111 Knitcrn Hyo * 3.45 p m
' 1.45 11 m ( oxe SunH'ma Knst lv ! ( mc.Moiil 7.40 n m
"T : IK Arrives
Omnlm. It ; . I'.di-pot. lUth and AInrcy fcu.l Cm ihn.
tl.ll ) p nil. . . . . Chicago llxprenn , .
1.55 a nil. . . . * . . . ChlcuKo 13:1 : irea
. . / I OMAHA , t S'r > I.OlJlH. I Anlves
Omnlm. | U. 1 * . depot. Idtli lunl Murcy St . | Omnlm.
4.10 p m | St. IxiulH Cnnnun llnll. . . . | I.3U p to
Lcnvos I K. , K.VMO.'AIjiTli" ] ! TTkrHvOiT
Omulm. I Depot lith nnd Webater Bta , I Omiilm.
1)1X1 ) u nil Illnck Hills llxprou i JO i > in
UUO n m . .Hmtlnsf ! Ktp. ( lr. ! Bimilny ) . 620 p m
fi.10 p uilU'uhoo.U.lnioln 1'nsiol. Snnd'y ' ) 11.35 a m
A-lLl' rnj. . . L.Nurfulj [ ( OT. SunOajr ) . . _ .
Tenves . . . . . . . . .AO.
Onmhn , Dopjt lath anil Webster Bis. umnlm.
8 10 n m . .KluuxCltr Aeconimo < liton. ! fl 05 p m
1 00 p m Sioux City Uipress ( ox. Huntlny ) 12)0 p m
. . . . . ' . . . . ' . '
i ) GO p m .St. I'uul Limited . y.'S a m
5 15 p m llnncutt rn < aongerQT. 8 t"i n m
Omaha I I.eipt | IStlinniVi'Inter Sts. Oiunha
10.Kn : ) m.8t | l7oula&K.O. s. , . | 4.VJ p m
11.15 p raj .St Louis A K. C. l'ipra i3 < j I ttiU n m
leaves i " ( ! 111CA0 ! , It. I."A 1'ACIFICT I Arrives
Transfer ! Union Depot , Council HlutN , iTrnnsfor
& 3n p m NiKht Kxprcai I U83 a ra
O.flnm Atlantic Kxprou . . . ri.M I > in
[ M in Vnitlhiilii Limited . . . ' 1080 u inm
"Tx'nves TtJHl ATIffX NOHTllWKSTIiltrf.I Arrfves
Trnmfcrt Dnlim Depot , Council Illugi. ITrmnfer
il 40 a in ClilcuKO Exprati , . UU ) p m
SU ) p m VuHtlbulo J.liiiHoil (1,10 ( it m
10OOP m Kiutern H > er. . 200 p m
1.IW p m , "Atlantic Mull. 7 : w n in
blO p in lown AccoinmoilntlDii ( Hue Sun ) C.40..P in
Transiforl Union Hopot. Council llluffa. ITrnnsfer
OSOpml Chlo.iKO Kxprcsj I U 15 n ra
12 * p ro | . . .Chlciuo Kipre ii . . . . . . . | UUP pin _
Tninaforl Union Dcpni , Council llliig . [ Tfiinafur
J ( TOT n m.Knn8nsClty | I y Kxprcm. . , . ! 541p ra
P rol..Kiinsna City Night l' prm . . . | C.JU ix m
Tnintferl Union Depot , foundl llliilTi. JTrnnHfor
ml 81. l uls.C'niinnJll.all. . IK1S.P ja
tinTRATJurrifjni7.v ; , . Afrlvun
Truimfur Union Depot. Council illulTj. 1'rnnifor
0 41) n m it y > p m
10I J p m n 1(1 ( n m
70ip in . . .Crcnton l.nenl llaia _ _ [ m
"BIDOXTlTVTf I'AlMI'lC. "Arrivns"
Union Depot , Cinincll Ulullv Tnmafer
7,45 a m'.bloux City Accommodation , y 10 u in
BOJp ni | St. I'aul K.xiire. < s 10.00 | i m
Handy in n Crowd.
During n crowd the other day on Fourteenth
street , near Fifth avenue , a very solid man
wns pushing his way through the mass of
humanity , when ho encountered a palo , thin
vounK mnn with the look of a consumptive ,
aajs the Now York Sun. The big mnn did
not swcrvo n hair , nnd the thin youtiR man's
elbow , which wns held out nt nn nn lo , took
him In the loft sldo. The big man gave a
gasp , followed by a curse , and nearly lost
his balance , while the other passed on na
cool as Ico. lie bad turned aside to gaze In a
window when the blpr man carao un and snld !
"Friend , I want to feel of your right elbow ,
the ono you gave mo a dig with bnck thoro. "
"Oh , certainly , " was the reply , as the
elbow was oittonaed.
"Why why it's hard as iron 1"
"Vos , it Is iron. That is , I have an iron cop
made for It. Just n lit , as you see , and pad
ded with flntmol. It's an Invention of my
own. Haven't ' long to Hvo , nml don't ' want to
surrender any of my lights nnd privileges.
You are No. 23 todav all big men. Amor-
icnu hog vs Iron elbow , you BOO. Elbow al
ways comes out ahead. Good day , "
My physician snld I could not Hvo ; my
liver out of ordur ; frciiucntly vomited
Brecnish mucous ; skin yellow ; small dry
humors on fnco ; stomach , would not retain
food , llurdocls Olood Bitters cured mo.
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brlon , 873 Exchange street ,
Buffalo , N. V.
Penalty of Fashion.
Washington Post ; "Edgar ! "
There wore italics in her volco that sent a
thrill of apprehension through him.
' "What is Ul" bo cried.
"A hair on your coat lapoll"
"It can't bo any one's but yours. "
"Do not think to deceive mo. My hair is
brown ; this Is blonde , very blonde. "
Edgar was silent lor several heart boats
and then with a sigh of relief said ;
"Yes. ray dearest. But this Is art old coat.
When I last were it to see you blonde hair
was the fashion. "
Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years.
Slnco I Hlnrtod usl.ig Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil hnvn not had an attack. The Oil cures
sore throat at once. Mr * Letta Conrad.
StandlBb , Mich. , Oct. 24 , IbSJ.
The Into George Bancroft was a good man
of business , In which respect ho was unlike
nine literary men out of ton. Though ho was
never economical la tils living expenses , bo
loft a very snug fortune. As an illustration
of the enthusiasm of his old ago , it Is related
that ho took up the study of tilmkospearo
when eighty-seven , nnd prosecuted his ron
pursuit with all the ardor of youth.
Kx-Govornor Van Arrimn of Arizona
Hecntl * Homo Stirring TlineB.
II. M. Van Armati of Oakland , Cal. ,
who was autlni ; governor of the Torrlto-
ny of Arizona m 1881 , nnd from the vig
orous measures ho took to suppioss tlio
Itullnti outrages nt thnt tluio wns kuuwn
us "tho lighting governor , " was nt tlio
Shormmi house , Chicago , the otbor day.
Mr. Vnn Ariniin was u personal frlotul
of President Arthur , nnil for his horolo
conduct during thow exciting duys was
complimented by the chief executive ,
6tv.V8 the Chicago Tribune.
"It wns during thoClilrlcahua Aiweho
outbreak when Ueronlmawns clilol , thnt
I brought the rods to tholr souses , " said
Mr. Van Ariunn. "Wonion titul chlldrou
were bolnir inassacroed and tholr bodies
frightfully mutilated. In order to sup
press the atrocities It wan necessary to
take some doclslvo stopi. Gcnornl Crook
wns then lu command of the dopurtmont
of Arizona , but ns the regulars were not
fiunlllnr with the country und far from
the LJluo Ulvor region , where the mur-
disru wcro committed , I dotormlnoo to
call out the tnllltln. I also Issued a pro
clamation ottering $1200 nploco for tlio
scalpy of the Indian murderers , and you
cuu wager all you have that I got them.
"Tho militia was compooodot men who
know the country , would tight for the
safety of their relatives , Irlcnds and
homes , and the savages noon discovered
thnt they hnd resolute men to deal with ,
and the result was the end of tlio out
rages. The most exciting light the Ari-
7ona boys had with tlio bavuges wtis at
Duncan's Mills , and the reds found tiio
whilhcs moro than tholr equals in hid
ing behind trees and rocks. The entire
band would have boon entirely wiped out
hnd it not Ikd the country during the
"Thoro is ono singular tiling about ttio
way tlio Indians are treated by the gov
ernment. In tlio Salt i Ivor valley there
Isa tribe of industrious Indlniis thnt is
bolf-supportltig. It plows the ground to
this day with the same kind of a sharp
stick Egyptians used , and the members
of this tribe got nothing from Unelo
Sam. On the other hand , the good-for-
nothing savuuos who nro too lazy to
work secure thousands of dollars ouch
year to support thorn , In 1883 , $100,000
wns appropriated by the nation to resist
the murderers belonging to Goroninio's
band. This idea of the Indians being
wards of tlio country is all poppycock.
They should bo treated llko citizens and
criminals nnd tlio chiefs should not bo
rccogniirod. If tno governor of Dakota
wus to trout tlio Indians the bmno as I <
did in 1881 the end of the trouble there
would boon bo reached. The Dakota
militiamen would bo heart and soul in
tlio tight , us they have their homes to
protect. If there is a criminal fund
bore the governor could olTcr rewards
or scalps , and I will venture to say ho
would got all ho could pay for. "
California being the adopted homo of
Mr. Van Annan ho naturally thinks his
state is the greatest in the union and is
loud in its praiso.
"Last year California produced
47,000,000 bushels of wheat moro than it
consumed , more thnn $20,000,000"worth
of fruit , and 20,000,000 gallons of wine , "
said the ox-lighting governor. "That is
saying a great deal when you take into
consideration that tlio population'of the
state is not more than that of the city of
Chicago. Land there can bo purchased
for $20 an acre on eight years' time , and
each acre will produce the first year and
every year aftesward from SCO to $100
worth of produce. Christinas day
oranges were picked from the trees , and
today in tlio city of Sacramento there
are thousands of varieties of roses in full
bloom. "
How the Clreuit-Ultlor Itcspected the
Memory of the 1'ant.
The days of moonshine whisky mak
ing down in the O urks nro ubout over ,
says a writer in the Free Press , but the
natives in the southern tier of Missouri
counties and these of tlio northern Ar
kansas group btill have a kindly fooling
for the uays when oven thu preachers
circuit-riders down there indulged in
making "pino top. " It was at the house
of ono of those good men that wo stopped
for the night not over two vcars ago ,
and before going to bed in the loft the
question of moonshine whisky making brought un by the old host. lie felt
around very carefully for awhile , and
finally , after feeling assured that wo
were "not hostile to the nunnery of the
old days , ho ventured :
"An11 art'ios , " ho biiid , "that hit's all
right tor make er lectio whisky for homo
purposes. "
Wo agreed that there was certainly
nothing morally wrong in such a pro
ceeding , although the law was clearly
agalnBt it.
"I ustor make or lectio , strangers , "
ho bitid , "an' I never felt no onoaslnoss
of mind erbout hit. "
"A good man like you should never
have fear on that seoio , " was the res
"Yor don't think " ho
so , roturnail.
"Bless yor for thot. Kz I war sayin' , "
ho wont on , "I uslor make hit , an' hit
war good , too. I wlsht 1 had or leotlo
hyar now , jos1 tor show yor what it war
like. "
"It is too bad that you haven't , " said
my companion.
"Would yor like or bitV'abkod the old
man , eagerly.
"Whv " , certainly that is , If you have
"Sal , " called out the old preacher ,
"bring in thot jug. "
The white liquor was poured out , and
after the old circuit-rider und his guests
had smacked their lips over" It ttio
former said :
"Good , warn't lilt ? "
"Yos , " was the reply , "but it tastes a
trlllo now. "
"Well , tot toll thor truth"drawled
the old man , "hit is now , I made hit
Ins' week , outen memory tor thor good
old days. "
1 have n cousin who is n printer , snys ex-
Mayor J , 13. Loughran of North Dos Moincs ,
la. Some years ago ho was employed In this
city where they wcro printing circulars for
Clmtnbi'rliiln. Ho had n duet ) seated cold mid
terrible coupli , and while setting up copy Uo
m.tdo up his mind to buy a bottlo. It cured
him and that was the llrst I over know of
Chamberlain's Cough Hemody. I have been
strongly in its favor over since My own ox-
perlonco ami that of my family convinces ino
that this remedy is the best In the world.
That may bo BtroiiR language but that is what
I think. For sale by nil druggists.
IJco Watering Place.
Ed. la Smith gives the following sug
gestions in Gleanings : I use a ton gal
lon keg : bore u hole near the bottom ,
nut in a faucet , then tuko a soft plno
board about two feet long , nnd with a
hatchet I hack U all over on ono sldo to
make it as rough as possible. Sot the
keg on a block ( a box will do ) about
eighteen inches high. Now place ono
ond. of the board just beneath the faucet ,
and the ether end in a very small
trough. Fill the keg ; cover It well so
that no boos may fall In ; turn the faucet
so that It will drip just to suit. With
this arrangement near they don't trouble
mo much in the watorlng-ttougli , ex
cept on a very hot day , when a little
coal oil rubbed in the trough just
nbovotho water will keep them away ,
They will not go Into a trough that is
painted with coal tar on the inside.
Gcsslcr's MagtoHcadacho Wafers. Cure all
headaches in 20 minutes. At alt druggists.
APUAID HIS mum : iioi'Ki : > .
She \Vai Only Sliopiilni ; , II at An Old
liovor Gets Arrested.
A bridal cotiplo , well known young
jMJoplo of this city , returned n day or
two ago from their honeymoon trlu to
San Francisco , where tholr now-found
happiness was nearly wrecked , says the
Los Angeles Herald.
The day after their arrival they started
together , thu brldo wishing to'do some
shopping. They were not too happy ,
for an old lover ot the girl had , by
merely n coincidence , gone up on the
.same train , and bv another coincidence
had stopped at the same hotel. The
bride , porhapi fooling a little worry for
him , had foolishly exerted herself to bo
pleasant , nnd the result was that the
Iiusb'ind , who Is naturally very jealous ,
allowed unworthy suspicions to enter
his mind.
As they walked along market street
the ox-rival passed them , ami the hus
band was Irritated by the gracious salu
tation his wife gave. However , ho en
deavored to I'hoor up , and when they
reached a largo dry goods btoro , whore
his wife of two dajs Intended to pur
chase some shUT to adorn herself with ,
ho pulled out his pockotbookand handed
It to her , and told her to go ahead and
pmvhaso whatever she wished.
"I'll finish my cigar and como right In
and ceo what you buy , " ho added , and
she Hushed with pleasure at his good
ness , gave his hand a squeeze as she
took the purse and walked into the
IIo smoked for a short time nnd then
Bought Ills wife in the s ore. She waa
not to bo found , lie hlarted to go up to
the upper floor on the elevator , but was
mot by a boy stationed there , who ex
plained that something had just broken
about the machinery , and the car was
stuck fast up against the roofso ho wont
upstairs and hunted thoroughly but
fruitlessly. As ho on mo down ho thought
ho saw his former rival ahead of him ,
but the crowd was so great ho could nol
be sure. It made him feel uneasy and
ho began Inquiring of the clerks. At
last ho found ono who remembered pell-
Ing a lot of goods to a lady who answered
his wife's description , and who had or
dered thorn delivered at the hotel ho was
staying at , so there was no doubt about
her identity. The cleric know nothing
elbe about her.
Another bcnrch of the establishment
resulted In nothing. I'orhapp she had
missed him in the crowd ,111111 gone back
to the hotel , lie jumped into a cab and
drove there post hnsto , to find that she
had not returned. 13y this tfmo ho
began to Rot wild with worry and sus
picion. The presence of that hated ox-
lover at the store , his wife's ' Hticiden dis
appearance , all suggested horrible Ideas
to him. Two hours had passed and no
trace of hor. Ho hurried lo the police
headquarters and told his story. A big
detective , to whom ho talked , smiled
pityingly at him and at once accepted
the elopement theory. Olllcors were
sent out to find the detestable wretch
who wns suspected of having wrecked
the budding happiness of two souls.
The husband wandered frantically up
and down the streets , until ho found that
unwittingly , ho had walked back to his
hotel. Ho was weary , and mechanically
took the elevator up to his room. lie
opened the door , and there on the gpfu
lay his wife who , as ho entered ex
claimed : O my dear , I've been shut up
in an elevator lor hours In that horrid
storo. Something broke nnd the car
wont to the root and bumped so hard I
fell down , and I couldn't got out , and
they could not got the car down , and O ,
it was dreadful. I fainted at tti-bt and it
was a long time before anyone know I
was in it. Then I cnmo to , and hud to
sit there hour after hour while the men
wore working. O , I'm so glad to got
back to my own lovoy , " and two round
arms were around his neck in a minute ,
and a kissing match was in full progress ,
when it wns interrupted by a boll boy
who ushered in a big policeman , accom
panied by his hated ox-rival.
This detestable man was smiling in a
most exasperating manner.
"Thlsolllcor wanted to arrest mo , " ho
said to the husband , "for eloping with
your wife " there was no necessity to
Ilnlsh thosontonco. The husband swore a
little to himbolf , gave the olllcor a ton
dollar gold piece , made a mumbling
apology to the young man , who was the
only ono of the trio who boomed to enjoy
the situation.
The young wife was astounded. She
mndo her husband explain , which ho
did with many pleas for forgiveness , but
it is probable that she made the lesson
so severe that ho will not soon suspect
his wife again.
That beautiful glossy sheen , so much nd-
mlrud in the hair , can bo secured by the use
of Ayer's Hmr Vigor. There is nothing bet
ter than this preparation for strengthening the
scalp nnd keeping It free from dandruff and
i tolling eruptions.
Wo think wo have some big churches
here In America , but few of thorn have a
seating capacity of over 1,500 persons.
Compared with some of the big churches
of Europe ours are but as mole-hills to
St , Voter's church , Komo M.lXjfl
Jllhin cntboilriil Ifi.iKO
Kt. I'aul's , Komo : c.XU ( )
Kt. Paul's , London . ' ! . ' > , ! ! JO
Ht. I'otrlonlo , IluloKtin VI , 100
Ii'lorenco cathedral ' 'IK)0 : )
Antworpoathedral 21,000
St. f-onhiu'H. Constiiitliioilu | KI.IXIO
St , Jolin's , Lntornn ' . .rx >
NutruDiinu' . 1'arLs 21,000
I'lb.iuatliodra ! 1X000
St. Stephen's , Vienna 12,403
St. Donilnlu's , lloliiKlia IL',000
St. I'etiir's , llnlOKiiii 11,400
Oathodrnl of Vlunna ll.OCO
St. Murk's , Vrnlce 7.000
Hiiurireiin'H tabornuolo , I/ondon 7,000
lr. Hall , thu Rreat church ut Fifth uvo-
Nuw York , but 2.000
No greater triumph In medicine or chemis
try has been recorded tnan Hall's Hair Ko-
newer to rovlvlfy and restore gray hair to
the color of youth.
Sal'cHt InvpHtmnntSlinroH.
A'cio I'm * Her ) < ! .
"They tell mo n mnn can make money In
Wall street,11 said a fanner to a broker re
cently. "What shares would you advlso mete
to Invest In 1"
"Oo you own farm property J" replied tbo
broker , who had been pinched in the money
"Yes , I o\yn , free nnd clear , 20,000 acres of
the best form land in lown , " answered the
"Well , then , tnko a friend's ndvlco , " said
Wall mnn.Invest In
the street mnn. plough
shares. "
The Importations into this country during
1800 show Wl'M cases of U. II. Mu in in ft
Co.'s ' Kxtra Dry , being an increase of ! J7,000
oucr the previous year , evidencing the high
appreciation In which this wine Is held for
Its excellent quality. U is recommended by
the most eminent physicians In this country
for its puilty , small amount of alcohol and
wholosoiuuhcss , whllo for a line dry chain-
pnguo , "G. H. Mumin & Co.'s Kxtra Dry" Is
considered by connoisseurs an unsurpassed.
Don't l'V > ol Yourself !
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul Ily'a now steam heated palace
elooplng ears , with "electric lights in
every berth , " still loaves the Union do-
not , Omaha at 0:1(1 : ( p. in , dally , arriv
ing tit Chicago at 0liO : u. m. , in ample
time to muko all eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam st.
J. K. ij KsTON , tA. . NABH ,
C. Puss. Agt. Gen. Agt.