O J. _ .i _ > .TXJLI A JtlfC/i AOKJL'JJ.XVJJilO. . TUP Tll/MfO/APIT O OI'MITIHIO FIIE BACKS 01 ( UA SENATORS , A View 1'rom the Gallery of the Nation's Housoof Lords. EACH STATESMAN HAS PECULIARITIES. Kvnrl ' SloophiK Htinnhlors nnd BcntKticcH lii nllfl'Aiimilar Frnnio- Wnlcott the John Sullivan of the Clininhcr. WJHIIINOTOV , . .TanJ3 [ Special Corro- itiondaiiccof TIIK lltn.1I wrlto this letter Incnoof the puhllo gallorlos of the United Btatoi scnnto. I hnvo loft the press gallciy , which faces the clumber , and hnvo coino huro to pet n rear view of ourstntesreon , 1 want to note them ni the stranger docs , nnd J sit hero surrounded bv colored citbcnn who hnvo crawled In to got out of the cold , by OUrhU who nro doing Washington in th Irty- slx hours nnd hybridal jurtloi who whispur awect notliliiBH to cich other while Senator Shcnnnti iniikos ono of his greatest speeches. An old , ray-hnlred , blncn-fncod undo slum bers penec.full.v by my side , with his Iron spectacles resting on the tip of his tioso , which omits nn audlhlo micro us I write , and hnckof mo 1 hear n green country girl i k- liiK the guldo to show her Senator Tom Heed and saying that she don't bclievo that Vlco President Morton wears n wig , as the pnpcri hnvo reporled. Below mo ii the bl ? iloar 1'lt tinown as the scnato chamber , and I count eighty odd tacks with quoor-shnped heads tied to the backs of them resting 1n nil attitudes limiKhiablo in minogany arm chairs with red cushions behind little mahogany dcski These are the b icics of our jjro a\ , United States senators. They are owned by these eighty incu who have slx-ycus' con- trncU with the governinent at t jJO ( ) a year , jatilo monthly. They rcoclvo nearly IIOO per wool : or about flfi a dny > car iu and year out , mul to all outwaid appo ir.inccs thoygot the money chiefly for resting these tiacks ngalnst these red leather cushions for about twoho months out of the two ve.irs which innkuup tholifoof a congrois Thoto ono of thorn droppi n pencil on the floor and a pie In knickerbockers runs and picks it up for feur ho should bond tint f.'i.UW hack. Hero a prlvutu secretary furnished by the govern ment ntflii d.iy , talcos dou-n the illrcctlons of onnof the sonitorifor fear ho should get a student's stoop In these $ . " > .t)00 shoulders by bendlinj over t ho desk , and thcro a third sen ator In order to test the eviicr , has thrown himself back ngalnit the rod leather cushions and has propped his feet on the chair bosldo him mul sccinn to bo going into a do/e. It Is n soft snap. I don't know anything bettor than the poit- tloii of a United SttiteJ senator and In'ro from the rciv It seems softer thin over. See how the grant men ntiuise thoin elves Cullom of Illinois Is playing with n string. Ucng.ui of Texas is poking the end of hia spoctncloa Into his cnn , and Puyno of Ohio Is chawing a. wooden tootlipick to digest the broad and milk which has formed his frugal lunch. Ice co two round , fat backs below me and I bear the clink of silver as I bond over the rail mid look down , Qoorgo Vast and Phllotus Sawyer are sitting and chatting tosother and their big heads almost bump oich other ns they whisper under their bieuth. Sawyer has two silver dollars in hU hand nnd ho pnsses these In a fondling way as though ho loved tliciu from ono paw to the other. IIo Is urging Vest to sign ft petition which lies before him , nnd by this hov v111 bo cimbled to pass a j > ensw _ ; Ut 'f1' ' " ono of hit constituents out.ftT > - * ' " , ' " lor Her. Saw jor J Vli. - " : " 1 1 ° . "sulnr or- uiua.uui'- ' ' " ' Joey liagstock. i _ "rocoii , HUT nuviimii si.v. " Ii , , Ho gets through more pension bills thnti Jf any ether mnn in the senate , nnd this is the way ho operates , IIo Is ono of the successful men of the sonatc , nnd these silver dollars which clink mo only two oubof the 4.000,000 which ho is snld to \\ortliandwhlchho hns nmdo out uf thnt bit' , round bald-head which Is pasted do\Mi into these big broad shoulders below mo. The back is a good index of character. Theio Is n positive force in tUatb.iuk of Saw- jor'.s , Every one of Its f.it IWinps is Indioi- 11 vo of pjsh anil perseverance , nnd the brond shoulders , the firmly But head nnd tha great powerful nrms , nro unblonmtio of the BUCCOSS of Its owner. Senator Vest has tlio back of a lighter , nnd hero from thoirnllery It looks like the back of n bully. Vestio- inindi one of the bad nmn from Hitter cicck. Ills shoulders are thrust forward nnd his neck pokes his great head with Its frowning ovus , out fiom thorn , nnd u look toseotho chip on Ins shoulders whlth his manner nsks you to knock oil if you dnro. And still Vest Is n good fellow. IIo has been a gicat mnn forjears. IIo wus a member of the confed erate conmess , and ho ranks hero us ono of the strongmen on the democratic ido of the chamber. Ho hns n strong back , but not ti diplomatic onn , and hoholds liisou-ii by sheer force of Intellect nnd will. TIKK TIUT IUCK op It Is stooped with the study of many ycnrs. The frame inside Its hi ondclotli cent has lost Its uprightness from the burning of tjnlloiis of inmnifjht oil , and I'vurts Is one of the best road men in public hfo. IIo has n mighty bend , fastened by a thin neck to these otoop- iiK shoulders , and when ho begins to speak ou think Ids words nms % bo coiled up insldo 1 Ids , fi.inio llko n wutch-spilng , for ho uulls them nut , ndjectlves , nouns and verbs , until jou nro dl//v in trying to keep trnck of them , nnd he will reel ott 100 of them before ho makes n pcilod. I nsked him ono day as to these -100 word scntcin.es , and ho replied : "My boy , I hnvo been inoro th.in n genera tion in public- life , nud 1 have occupied n number of positions of trust , and it seems to me that when n man hns gone through the different tioiiodsuf public lifo that I hnvo and the only thniK that can bo said against him ii that ho uses sentences 400 words long , It docs seem to mo that the criticism Is such nn 11110 ns should not kocp him inv.iko o' nights. Hosldes'rlio went on , "nil the great orators of antiquity used IODK sentences. Demos thenes reeled out pages ofwoids without n Btop. Cicero used ] o\\g \ sentences , nnd , in fact , It Is n question as to whether the proper oratorical sentence should not bo a long ; ono. " SEVATOIl HOAK's CONSKUVATIVi : IUCK. Senator Hoar has n good , fat , old , conserva tive back. It Is prosperous nnd veil- rounded , and its owner seems to have that contented spirit which is hotter than Kient riches. Senator Cul lom has as many angles in his hack ns Hoar has curves , Ilo thinks hit back looks llko that of Abe Lincoln's , but as ha &tnnds erect Inside of his desk , ho makes mo think of the frame whkh the farmer puts up in Ids corn- Held when the crows are plenty , and his coat Bcoins to bniiR from his shoulders. Another nnpular buck is that of Senator Sanders. Sanders looks as though his bones wcroliung \\lrosnml ho thiou-s hU stomnch to the front Instead of his chest , ns ho stands up right , Ho has not the fat launch of Senntoi Saw ) or. nnd hl belly hns ten wrinkles to that of Uontfun's onu. Ills shoulders stoop slightly nnd ha has the lighting backol Senator Vest. IIo is ono of the bravest nien in thosonnto and when ho has gotten out ol the Inbyhood of seimtorshlps ho111 make hlimelf felt. 1M1AI.I.S HAS AX AMICLAll IIAK IIo Is tall and thin , and tlio newsboy who called him u skeleton dressed up was not very fur wrong. The top of his frnmo is the most curious part of It , and from the ie.ir ho ap pears to have n Miry largo head , Looking at him from the press gallery his forehead Is narrow unit hU head small , Here , it Is iu bit , as that of any of the United States senators and the rctnprk that 1 hoard Inst night In ro parti to It , made by Congressman Tnisonoy Is Unjust in the extreme. SuliiTunuuoyi "Talk about IngalUt' head. He hat no bend at ufej His neck has merely grow n up and baliU out. " Ingidls1 head intvnllty Is not baa look IDE : . At tiny nitJ It has inoru In It than ) oi Will flnd In nine-tenths of the bends of his brother senators , and the gray matter In his bruin will outweigh that of any member o tbo house with tbo exception pcruans of that Of Tom Kml'i ! . HOMB XOT.VIIIK CIIUI 1CTKIIS , Senator I'lutnb has Just ilsen to speak. Ho baa the afgrtisslvo business buck. Hu is fa end stroiij ; and blustering. .Every lluo of bis rear U practical. Ills nhouldnrs nro nqunro nnd so square thnt they hurt jour ojcs Ills shoulder ulndcs nro turned In towards bU I'hr-st and ho doubles up his lists nnd pounds the nlr when ho tnlks. Ho whins himself this way and tlmt mid jou see that tbcro Is not n weak joint In Ids vertebra.1 , nnd yon cnn nlinoJt nee the hnckbono of the tnnn , though it Is pnddcil with it thick covering of Hush. He Is sponklngon the silver bill end 1 won- ilor whether tlio biff sihor mines uhicli hu owns in Colorado Inllucnco hU speech. Ho Is h general speculator ns well nsabntikor nnd broker , nnd hu tins lots of money out at Interest , .lust bnck of him stands jou tic Senator \Volcott. \ IIo has n pair of shoul ders so broad thnt hnd ho been Slnbnil , tbo "old man of the \\oulillinvotioverleft him , nnd ho Is n gnod dial llko Plumb , only batter made nnd bettor rounded. Ilo has n short neck , n big v.rll combed head , nnd ho hns shown himself to bo n good speaker. Just bosldo him I uotu A is\v IITTH H : i.iw > of nbout ono hundred pounds ucJRht , I would tnko him for n clerk If I did not know thnt ho was Senator Chandler , nndns I look nt the big frnmo of Woliott , ono nf the leg * of which is ns bli ; around almost as Chand ler's \vnlst nnd the bond of which corres ponds to Chandler's ns n footbrill does to n bascbnll , I see that advohdupols Is no index of brains anil that n llttlo mnn may do us much as nK \ \ one. Chnndler's ' bnck does not measure inoro thut n foot nnd n bnlf from shoulder to shoulder. Ills neck Is so thin Hint It could bo twisted off llko thnt of n chicken nnd It bobs this wuy nnd that , nnd ho tulsts his shoulders In nnd cut as ho slUs thuro nnd thhiKS. IIo Is llio most nervous body in the senate , but his djipcptlc organization is packed full ofltnllty nnd ho bus bad enough brnlns to inuUo him secrctiiry of the navy nnd to keep him for years in tlio United Stales senate. VOOUIIIIM HAS A TAT , lIl'TCIt IUCK. Ills frame is tall , hcuvy nn dnpoplcptlc. It Is nn aggressive back und n soil of bulging bnck , anil ho has nmdo lots of money at the huv by throwing these \J\K \ \ shoulders back and bulldo/lng the jury. IIo Is DUO of the incst linuors In Indiana , ana it is said thnt 10 makes 92.1,000 u jo.ir at the practice } . Ilo s famous ns n criminal lawyer and ho has jottcn off its miuiy murdeiois us nny mnn in ho scnnto. I ustls , who sits besldo him , Is also ft lawyer , ami his bacK looks up'totho ijallery with nil the lines of good living nnd ; nod clothing , IIo has an Income bigger ban that of Voorheos , and I hnvo no doubt nit thut ho could buy Voorheos n half doron lines over. His bis frame hns been fed vithn silver spoon from the time It llrst aw light ns n uounclnR big baby , until now vhen it holds Its own ns ono of tbo six-foot nilllonairi's of the United States sena'.o. Sustls comes frdm ono of the oldest families of hucountry. Iloirrudimtedatllarvnidniidhas > ociin piofessor for \enrs In ono of thouni- crslties of New Orleans. Ono of His irothora muriiul Mr Corcoran's daughter mil tbo sumtor himself Inherited n fortune. lo Is a man of grout abtlltv nnd grc.it culture nil ho is too rich ami too la/.y to cut u great Ijjiiro In tbo United States senate and ho akcs things easy nnd seldom makes u speech. senator Vunco hns the back of n fnt , old grandmother and tils double breasted coat. vltli long skills innkos you think ho Is nn old voman inn black "Mother Hubbaid" nsjou ookat him Jrom the pallery. His buck is 'nil of Rood nnturo und ho is ono of the ablest us will as ono of the most genhl men on the democratic sldo of the chamber. A n\/oK-miKii > SINVTOH. _ . . New .ferscv Is ono of tbo ra/or- mekodbcnotois. lie is tall and thin and ho scares you when ho begins to KOt up. IIo rises nnd rises until you wonder \vhcro he vlll end nnd the bald spot on his crownwhen 10 stands cicc ls soinowhniu ne.ir boven feet 'rom the floor. IIo has the student's ' stoop but ho Kotit fiom bondingovortlio inndiinory ) C n locomotive rather than over books , and ils icputatton has been mndo out ef railroads rutber than politics. IIo began lifo.is a loco- notlvo engineer and ho worked bis engine so well that ho wheeled himself Into ono of the chief o likes of the road nud ho lias for some , ears been the head of the Long 131inch dl- risloiiof the Jersey Central railroad. Ho Ivcsut Long Branch and Is said to bo In close connection with the Sowell party of "ow Juisoy politics. Another tall , lean aonntor is Waltlmll of r. "mgii nnu nbout " " ' " 'Clrtliciics broad. His shoulders nro larrow and his longhair flows down in curls unon them. Looking nt him from the gallery , rou would limdly know whether .ils head was that of u ninu era a woman , for the hair is combed a la pompadour nnd It flows In graceful cut Is lown tbo unno of his nock. Ilo is n blgli- : oned southern gentleman and ho is said to bean an eminent hivvvor. He is always dressed In .ieancst anil neatest of clothlm : and in this ho is somewhat different from bis col- . . . i , ScuntorOeorge , who looks as though lie had ueen modeled by ono of natmo's iiricklayers inalo.id of onoof nature's sculp- lors \\hosoiiOKllqent ways hnvo caused . " bitter-toiiKued enemies on the other side of the chamber to cull him the i'ii ( or mi : iioov , " . , , however , is n very good fellow. lie Is n nnn of rqnsidornlilo brains and lie is n great constitutional law v or. Itisnottruo Unit his trousers urocut with n circulnr saw , and bis co.its are in icalltvmndo in Wnshini- instcail ot nt homo. Vnncd snys ho takes niuarviewof his old Xiiend \ \ itlioutthliildiiKOfhntonoofhls coloied coustiliunts said nbout nn clephunt. This old undo had been to a chcus anil Sen ator Vance , upon hisioturn , was asking him about the animals. Ilo bad his o.vn opinion iibont all of them , and nt bust asked the sen ator "And how nbout the elephnut , Uncle Ned I Did you we the eleplmntf" "Yes , " ropliei the old uncle , "i done seed the elephant , " " 'Anil ' what kind of an elephant wns It. Uncle Ned I" "Wai 1 never seed an elephant afore , bull low tills n mighty sm.iit elephant , only it peaird to mo that ho sutmly bad u heap of slack leather mills pjnts. " And so It is la Senator George's clothes. Theio seem3 to bo a lot of ahu i cloth in them and his dress nnd inannor would never toll jou that hu had boon n soldlor in the Mexi can wnr under Jofferaon Davis , and n briga dier gcnci.il dining tbo lute niiplensaninoss , that bo bad been chief Jmlieo in the su promo com t of Mississippi , thnt he had published sninooftho best law books In Gcoigta und that ho is now serving his second term with credit In Urn Uniteii States pcnntc. A OKNtllLV1KW. . Ono of the broadest backs from the gallery is that of General Stanford , but broad as it is , his Iminenso wealth could pluto it with diamonds mends nnd le.-u'o millions to spare. It Is a straight back nnd a comfortable back und tbo sonntor's Chinese- cooks have padded it out with muscular flesh. It would mnkoUvoof that long , straight , thin back of Senator Sherman's nnd Stanford'- , head nt the top of it , is onu of the largest in the chamber. Sen- aton Coekrcll lias u luird working buck. Ills shoulders aru stooped with the burden of the United States government which rests upon , them and ho pens away over bis papers nil day , from the time- the honato begins until it closes. His stoop might bo culled the sena tor's stoop or the student's stoop , for ncaily all the old senators have It , Edmund's shoulders ere bent. The top of Evnrts' bad ; Is turned Into a bow , and Henry I ) . Pnyne , Dawes nmt Islinm CJ. Harris are pulling their chins down into their chests. Higglus Is ns strutght as n string. Illscock Is too proud to bond into any Uiapo whatever. Dlxon is as straight ni a Lsiko Superior oak nnd Blair's head is so often floating in the air that it pulls his shoulders Into line and Iccops them still. THANK ( J. OAUI'ENTKH. No nvlilnnco t > y In Terence. rl'lio Utah cnnremo court last week liuaril luuippeal in the case of George W. Hancock , convicted of murder nt Provo last full. Tho" crime \\.is t'oiu- mittcd In ISoS. Honrv .Tones was the victim. At the time of the killing there \voruMiIdtoba about forty witnotisos. But two uoro living nt thu time thu triil : bogan. This fact , wild Mr. Drown , \\lio npjx'arerl for the mmollaiit , was Bulliclont to wnrrnnt the judge who prchlilcd In giving' Iho jury un Instruction to the ef fect thnt tlio law prusuinos thnt these u'itiHissos , if living , or MIIIIO uf thorn at loutit. would have testified In favor of thu defendant , liut the court rou-.od [ thin instruction , hence the appeal. Counsel conhl not understand why the man had not boon nrrnignod boforo. Tlio crime was eonimlttod thirty yours iifjo , nnd yet no complaint hnd boon lllcd until lust fall. Decision was reserved , Of all articles used to grace n tutlo none Imparts inoro brilliancy than Dorlllullur's American cut plass. It U the richest cut tflass in the \\orhl , In ( Hiiro for it of jour uoalcr. livery picco has Uorlllngor'a ' trade mark label. 100 31VUII 10II Itl3t , A'ctc 1'orte Herald. Ho could talk In Dutch or latin , And could translate from Ohoctnw , Chinese /ell as Mlolt nt satin From this vcrbalMt jnckdaw. Ho was learned in nit thosi > e lies Of this lingual liurnnn race , . And \\na novur knoun totonchhls Pupils ono word out of nlnco. llutlio tumbled doun completely In ciulcavoiing to I .Ok \Vitli n maiden \\hosaid wcellr She resided in "Now Yawlc ! " THE MllllUSKA FUGITIVES. A Story or the I'rcncnt Indian ITl rts- I UK * iir sA.vi > r o. v. oui oi.D. CHAl'TKll VI. Till } FATAL 1.CAP. " Upon ordinary circumstances 1'icrro llnp- "tlsto would have scorned to turn his hack upon a single too , whlto or rod , but knowing thnt tl.erowert ! other savages not fur behind , ho now acted the part of wisdom , nnd did his best to get nwny from his engcr pursuer. But Dig Crow din not intend to bo thus signally bullied In obtnlLlng the coveted fnmo with which the scout's death would surely vest him , so ho stralued every tiorvo and muscle In his hugo body , and his moccasins seem to hardly touch the earth as ho flow along. .It was plainly evident thnt his quick , pan- thci-likelounus would soon carry him within throwing distance , unless something 1'rovl- dcnlhil interposed to save the hardy half- breed from his frightful peril. Unptlsto was now swlltly approaching the mansion , Ho was running down n narrow nnd un frequented rnvino widen led down througti the giovo from the northwest , and wns secretly coiigratulnting himself that ho would soon reach the house , when ho dUcov- cicd Immediately lying across his path mi old cotton wood , which hud been prostrated by some severe stoi in , Numberless , sharp-pointed , broken nud rag ged brandies , stuck up perpendicularly from the trunk , obstructing the scout's way as ef fectually as' if it had been u bristling chov- nux-de-trise. A single glnncc toolc in tbo situation , nnd nu expedient was not lacking in ono so versed In the loroof Indian wnrfiuo. I'iorroknow too well the nature of the struggle ho \ \ as engaged In to lese ono single precious moment. He also saw that his only hopovns to clear the up rooted cottonwood nt a slnglo bound , for should ho turn to run around it the impetus nt which his big pursuer was coming would nttcily preclude all possibility of escape , It wns certainly a stupendous leap for n already nearly exhausted man to make , and u rlee/lng chill lan thiough the bcout's frame s ho realized that it must bo attempted. Desperate clicumstnnccs require desperate i email us , and our inuomitublo hero deter mined to throw his life into the hazard of ono tremendous bound , With a jell of defiance Baptlste shot right nhoad with unslaekened speed , ns if resolved to tear his way literally through tno Jagged bainor , and In sooth , a collision between him and the pondeious cotton wood seemed net- ually unavoidable , when , with a quick nnd powerful impulse , his body rose iu the air , nnd wont completely over the formidable oh- struUion like n biid upon tlio wing. 1'iorro hnd leaped upward with nlmost superhuman strength ; but only for nn instant wus his doubled form seen In mid-air , when it dlsap- pcutoil our the fallen cottonwood I Alighting .safely on thoothcrsidcBaptIsto , without a glance behind , or hardly a thought of the marvelous nciobntlc feat ho had Just achieved , ran on out upon the clearing to ward tbo dwelling with scarcely diminished speed. But hnnlly hnd a score of yards been traversed , when ho was pierced through and through , by a wild , lion id , luithened cry , so stirill , so keen , s.o penetrating , that It rang far and wldQ rTun slumberous evening air. TJien.jr * J , ' , nf such - proiQtv- s succeeded his fierce ircctiupiion , thnt ono who had for the first imo he.ud such a sound , might roadlly have niaicd it the effects of some wild and learf ul lluslon. Turning his bend as ho ran , the go\crn- nent scout saw a sight thnt murdorcd his sleep for ninny and ninny n night after , and one which ho cm piob.ibly close his eyes and recall with chilling vividness to the last day of nls lite. en The daring Sioux , in blank astonishment , Hid witnessed the almost incredulous vault undo by the scout over the prostrate cottonwood - wood , and nothing daunted , but with un shaken confidence in his own capabilities ho md attempted the same feat. Though the Sioux \\js Iket nud powerful of limb , azilo and muscular in body , tie lacked tho. desperation of molho which hnd rendered the half-bieedN leap successful , and his fail- uio to accomplish ttio mighty bound was u fatnlonol Just as ho sprang Into the air his foot caught among the lower branches and his whole weight cumodoivn upon one of tbo shin p , jugged , uptight points of n shivered 'nub , whiih passed upwaul into the cavity of ds dark thest , letting out the lifu blood In n .iokeaiiiL. torrent und hopelessly Impaling the mlbciablo wretch between heavou and earth I ciunxn vi. MQHTIUWK , TIIK FHIES'IH.T , The sun was un hour or so past the morl- dlan when the cumbersome farm wagon with its load of anxious refugees was gotten fully under way. On entering the nariow belt of woodland that luy a couple ot miles south of the llanett ranch , the seemingly cautious Sioux ordered u halt until ho hud made u careful ob"crvntlon. licportlng the coast clear of imminent , danger , the little party once inoro turned their pallid faces to the southeast and thu lumbering old vchtclo moved on. The character of the country through xvhlch the fugitives wuio obliged to Jouinoy , was not \ery well calculated for rapid travel with such uu unwieldly conveyance as the farm wngon wns. Instead of stiiKingu compar atively lo\cl pialrlo after emerging from the woods , Uiosuifacoof the country was diver sified by luxuriant vegetation , streams , hills , vnlleja and occasional mottes of timber. Of these the ugly gnldo invariably evinced the strongest apmohunsiou , and took scrupulous pains to nmicc as gieat u circuit around them im possible. The horses were only kept in a model ately fust walk , as the red guide tn- lormed our friends tnat be thought it highly probabla thut their utmost speed and endur- unco would bo required before tbolr destina tion wus reached. Lo Loup maintained his position in ad vance oi the horses , his black , icstless eyes continually Hitting hither und thither , apparently on the constant nlcit for danger. Scipio managed thu quud- vupods wilh the dexterity of n veteran iu the pioti'ssion , yet his sublu countenance were a grit\o , thoughtful expression , and it was ijulto evident that ho was wrestling with some problem too ubstrucc for his not over brilliant Intellectuality , and the many cur sory , half suspicious glances flushed at the dusky guide \\ould have led ono to think luut this fndlvlituul was in some wise connected with the negro's pondering. young Cameron sat at Nun's side , chatting gajly in an undertone , endeavoring In every wu\ imaginable to dissipate tno shadow that had settled over her bright , girlish face , but .sho was uncommonly uurespon- bivo , sober and thoughtful. The sudden and toiriblo change in the current of her smooth flowing life , mid fora lime , driven nil mlrthfnlness from her disposition , and moro than this , an unpleas ant suspicion had entered her mind on sev eral occasions during thu afternoon , as to L.O Loup's fealty , IIo deported himself in so singular a manner thnt she was roiolved at at least , to keep an eye on hum While It wus not at all unlikely for the Indian to bo Just what ho had represented himself in every particular , still there was uu inconsistency , an air of Improbability about his story thut hud not escaped the notice of thu qulcic-slght- ed girl , and she watched every movement ho mndo with a jealous eye. Once the red uldo seemed to conceive the idea thut tbo youncr girl was keeping an unwarrantable surveil lance ui > on his actions ana ho glared at her llko some ferocious beast of pray. Then ob serving the shudder of apprehension which run over her body , the cunning Sioux chungcu his tactics und it would be difficult to depict Iho look that illumined his swarthy counto- nuaco. Ho permitted his dark ojos to re main full upon Nan , but their saviikM llerco- uess subdued into a softer light , the muscles nround hU mouth twitched n llttlo. A wrinkle or two gathered , Ids whiu ) glistening tooth became \blblo , but she only half sua- poctccl thai he wus smiling. As the old wagon slowly mocd across the prairie * , thcro was but little conversation ln lei changed among its occupants. Occasiouly , however , the odd humor ot the sublu driver would brcnk JorTn in some casual observa tion , mnueer- t o conundrum puzzling Ids brnln. mitt t rarf Intervals tlio pungent wit nud silvery lauglltcr of Nell IlrownluR broke the pru\ ailing kllcm'e. ' These , however , wcro but the spasmodic reactions of n gcnlitl temperament , weighed down by doubt nud ploom , for Hiu face of everyone wns sad. pdnfully ex pectant nnd terrified. It scorned that they \\cro hurryliirfVtJto their doom , Instead of to ii hnvi'ii of seuavij- , Once in a wWlo Le Loup would glide for ward a huiulnw vnrds ot so In ndvnnco of the wagon , steallini IBs \\ay along as carefully ns II pursued by uiifiunrelentlng foe , his whole nature secmlnglv engaged iu searching tor signs of his hostile kindred , mid as circum spect , \ Uilnnt and skillful as the most faith ful whlto gulde'ciJUId have boon. Thus our llttlo party ml van cod , neglecting nn preeautlonuryiincasuro that could contrib ute to their chaiues of safety , and although nuiuuilcally small , they were still far moio powoiful than many another partv flying fur their lives at that very moment over the boundless plains and through the great sand hills of Nebraska. By the time the sun hnd reached the west ern hill-tops the demands of nnturo became Imperative and the scarlet guldo Informed thu fugitives that they had bettor halt ut once nnd secure food , ns hoas confident there was no Immediate likelihood ot mo lestation from any of his copper-colored brethren. The plains In thU section abound with chicken , and our fiicnds gave them selves no concern on the score of being able to secure all they should need. As they were now traveling o\er n consid erable stretch of perfectly level prairie , Lo Loup ordered Sclplo to sw'ervo to the right , in which dheetlun , nbout n milo away , could bo.soentho shiuiowy outlines ofagrovoof limber , whom , ho coujcctuicd , there would bo no difllculty experienced in finding water and in bringing down what chicken they would need. , To tbo perspicacious senses of the sus picious Nan this mo\cmcnt on the part of their guide appeared like a very ques tionable and equivocal ono , and she awaited in extreme al inn for his next demonstration before lifting her voice In open remonstrance. This , however , h id n tendency , In a certain degree , to dispel her fears , for after giving his Injunction , the lltho form of the Indian glided forwaul as noiseless as a shadow , to rcconnoiter the grove , before allowing the wagon to enter it. As our friends iieared this little patch of woodland they 'descried their rod lender standing on its margin und beck oning them to hmry forward , The wagon shortly entered the grove , and after penetrating it n short distance wns brought to n halt and tbo little band of wan- deiors alighted from the conveyance andnur- loivly survojcd their surroundings. For n moment nil wns ns still as the tomb , when suddenly every .soul was startled bv a sound such as a dving man would utter. Our fihmdsshivcied with anovertowerlng'inlstriv- itignndga/cdfurtivclyaroundttnd again came that strange , chilling sound this time with such distmcncss thnt tbero could bo no mistake in Its character some poor mortal was in bodily distress. The sound had evi dently issued fiom n dense copse of under growth , not fifty feet distant ; and actuated by ono hum ino impulse , the en tire partv hur riedly tcpaited to the spot , where they found nn \\airiorstretchedoutntfuU length upon his back , apparently badly wounded. At the llrst glance , it occurred to Nan Bar rett that theio was something strikingly familiar in the wounded Indian's face , despite the coagulated blood nnd hideous paint with \vhlch itas disilguied. Bond ing cautiously over him , she closely scanned the besinenied lineaments , nlmost instantly exclaiming , as she turned to her wondering parent , w ho stood n few pices back.Jwitii . her arms thrown protcctlngly around Noll. "Why , mother , it is Night Hawk , as sure ns wo live. You lomember the joung Ghoj- emio whom Bob used to call' my sweetheart , because ho visited our house so often last winter. " And without the least manifestation of fear the excited girl beat tenderly over the pros- truto liguro of iUQAi ! aro.vanJt xilai j jJT ' ' " ' " * "W l7ias ! irnppencato"theIlawk ! Who hurt jou don't you know mo Nun Barrett Sunshhicou u'od to call mo I" The wounded Indian , waom Nan had thus suddenly rccopnizid , had once been a firm and faithful fiicml. llo had Ubitod her father's ranch many times during the past several j cars , ns had scores of othiirs. How ever , the Night Hawk was especially remem bered nnd singled fiom among them all , as tie hnd tnkdii quite n strong fancy to the old rancher's daughter , bestowing upon her the euphonious appellation of "Sun shine , " besides innumerable strands of beads , gay colored feathers , beauti fully worked moccasins , and ether gifts , whlo ) the sensible girl iu return had recipro cated the poor Indian's ' kindlv cUdencesof favor nnd Irlendllnoss , by many gentle and Oonsldciuto acts. Nan Barrett understood the chnractcr of the Noilh Ameiicau Indiaii _ too well to repel or mistreat him. She know" them to bo n nice of people who never forgot an Insultbut , never forgot to avenge one , and thus it came to pass that a somewhat Intl- i nil to friendship sprang up between this in- congrueat pair. TO 11D CONTIMJLI ) Ni\T : VlLEIC. Mitt IF 1W COXES , llo ton Courier. "Weren't you surprised to find , " said Joe , "Miss Salllo lloynoso wittyl She lias the dullest face I know Of any in the city.11 "Not in the least , " quoth Tom , "for it Quite definitely tallies With my experience , that wit Oft comes in little balllei. " SJ.Vf ? l/li.l llfTIKS. A French pair of Siamese twins hns been born iu Cannes. They are girls. A West Virginia mnn hns lost a hah pint of brains und yet retains his souses. Geneva , O , thinks it has the only Morse In the woild that can tuiu a complete somer sault. There are 1,000 unclaimed Christmas pros- cuts iu the New York postofllco because of the senders' carelessness. The wlfo of Mr. C. Boaupro of St. Hay- inond , Quotx-o , has presented her hego lord , who Is sovonty-11 vo yeais old , with twins , A druggist in St. Potcisburg has invented n method of tipping cigars with a prepara tion so that they are llgntod llko n mutch by rubbing aguiust nny hard surface. Artificial eyes are supplied to nil the world from Thuringiu , Germany. Nearly all the grown inhabitants of some of the vil lages are engaged In their manufacture. An eminent Uormnn has been counting the numberof hairs in human heads of differing colors. In a blonde ono he found HO,400 , In u brown 1011,4-10 , iu u black 102.80J . , and iu a red one 88,740. The largest amount of wild honey over taUen from ono tree was reported from Oregon recently. A fnruier took 700 pounds from one cottonwood trco , in which a huge swuna of bees hu l stored up the annual ac cumulation for many years. M. L. Lovl , noarNowtonvlllo , Ind. , had nn npplo trco wnich bor9 three crops in one sea son , This led to uavvflPipor comment , n par agraph fell undc.r/t'ho . eye of 'Mrs. . Lou Clifford of MtCorJjjyille , his sister , whom ho hnd not seen nor heard of for thirty years , and they were reunited , Km ma Wiley , nsoven-your old girl of Au- hum , while recovering froji the diphtheria was nflllotod with a clot of coagulated blood in the main artery of the left leg , As u re sult the limb mortmud from the knco down and amputation was found necessary , The clot that caused tbqtrouble was the result of the diphtheria. " , , , There was boniiiou the Plummor ranch , fourteen miles from bucrutncnto , a few days ngo , a pig whloh bud /two heads. The heads were closely joined ; mid while thcieworo only two eurs , therftwero three ojea one on each side nnd oiio-jiju the center nnd two wcll-detluod unoutrtjaud mouths. The pig suriived only twontyjfour hours , but during its brief career evinced a monopolistic tun. denoy , as it would , when feeding , tuku a teat iu each mouth , The mother may hu\o do- spalrod of so many mouths to fill , and she cndud the monstrosity's life by crushing it. Now It'H Chilly. I.l/e , I placed on her swcot mouth a kiss As wo stoad'ncath the sycamore tioa : My heart It ran over with bliss As she shyly returned It to me , I placed on her linger a ring As wo stood 'nenth the syoamqro trco ; Now it's ' winter and then it wus spring And she's also returned It to me. A squaw man , or u whlto man who innrrl s an Indian woman , Is defined as a man who wnnta a wlfo who will work for him and allow lilm to so six mouths without cbaugins hit shirt. POOH ID'S TENDER PASSION , Pflthetlo Stcry of the Burning Love of an Indian Maiden , IN SPITE OF ALL , SHE ADORED THE DOCTOR , lilts or Indian lloitmm'c Sp > ttoil Tnll'H Slayer llio Bolt SUlo of Indian Natuio A Suenu nt I'lno lUdgo Agency. I'l.sn Uinnc AonN , S. U. , nn. 2l.-Spo- [ clal toTnr. Ui'.r.i Iho Indian Is generally not credited with much regard or nltectlon for his family , hut this impression was dis pelled from my mind during inv recent tilp to ljlno Kldge. Of u numberof friends I iniido umonir the Indian chiefs , ! will alwajs ru meinher American IIoi-sc , n man of much prominence nmong the friendly Sioux. When no lenrncd thnt I represented n nowspiper ho RBVO my hand n cordial shnkcand ronmrked ! "How coin ; Rood. " IIo had one of his squaws with him , nnd through a simple but beautiful sign Inngunga Infoimed her of my \ocntlon , and she too said "How ; good. " nnd shook hands. Amer ican Hoisu then brought out njoutnrpnppoosaof nbout six > cnrsof age , und informed me thnt it wns his youngest , and then ho patted the llttlo ono on the head nnd pa ; o It nn nlTecllonnto squoo/o Inn joke 1 asked him what ho would tnuo for the llttlo hjlouxvcnlr. Ho did not nt llrst under stand whether Iwas In earnest or Joking , nnd I was afraid I had offended the old Horse , hut ho shook his head , pointed hlsllntcr toward n bunch of several hundred Indian ponies , then to n troop of cavalry horses , stamped his foot upon Iho earth nnd waved his hnnd nbout bis head , nnd lumleistood that not for nil the hoises and ponies on caith would ho imit with his child , tie , however , did wh.it ho could nnd cut an elk tooth ornament from the llttlo Sioux's ' dress mid presented it to TIIK UKB correspondent ns a memento , nnd with n grunt of xatisfnr- tlon and another "How , " ho took the llttlo ono by the hand and walked nwny. At the close of the Indian campaign of 1870 the Cctphvo Choyennes and others weie taken to Pott Lcnxouuorth to bo transferred to the Jndtantcrrltorv. Cuphln Udio of the tioi- pltil coi ns nt Pine Kldgo was nt th.it ti mo stationed nt Tort Le.ivcnwoith , and t elated tome another instance of Indian nffection nnd piido in theh oflaprlnp. The transfer to the Indian tcrrltoiy \ \ as a terrible blow tu the proud Choyennes nnd was rejiaided us humiliating and degrading in the extreme , Ono of the noted chiefs of that trlbo whoso name Ins unfortunately .slipped my nicinoiy. Aas especially bending under the imagined humiliation , nnd unido su\eral iniudoious attempts to escape. Ho hnd for n .squaw a member of another tribe , and two bo > s wcio the icsult of the union. Ucfoui the Hnal tunsfcr wns made from tbo fort to the toril- toiy , the military concluded to scpninto the different tribes , unit while the Cheyenne bos- tiles viero to be sent to the tcrritoiv , tlio others wore to boictumod to llio north This news was convejecl to the Clxcjcnnc chief , and the prospects that his sons should not share in his dlsgiaco guvo him undtsgulscil pleasure , until bo was Infoimed that families ould not bo separated and that they would have to accompany him. IIo giow moiose and down-hearted , and ono day ho walked into the hospital , nnd bofoie nnv ono was aware of his Intentions ho had sei/ed a pair of scissors and with the point of it ripped a gash clear ncioss his abdomen , from his loft side to the light. IIo expected to die , and said ho wanted his wlfo { W'-rtlUiirVn ' 10- Kr11iwn--t--oir Jfrn'5 ' the'north , but his i'rUiVj'8elf-saeriflco availed him nothing , for in spite of himself ho recovered and with his family was taken to the Indian tenitory , whcro ho was lost to public notice. When Spotted Tail , thnt noted chief , was In the Height of his glory at the head of a largo band In Dakota , and before ho mot his death at the hands of n rival thief , his hopes and nfloctionsero centcied in a young daughter , whom minor credits with h'avlng been n remarkably handsoino girl. The daughter of Chief Spotted' Tall wus the leader of the Indian women of her tribe and her heart ami hand wcro bought by nil the young braves far nnd noiuhut , she refused them all , und thiougli his grunt uliectlon for her Jier fnt her allowed her to have her own way. L.iko many of her white sfstors the beautiful Indian piincess bestowed her love unasked nnd un welcomed. Thu object of her heait nnd soul uns n ivhilo medicine man , n doctor who lUod with n wife and sumily in a neigh boung Ullage , nnd who had been summoned by Spotted Tuil to at tend his daugnttr , v\ho wui stilckcn with that hopeless maladj consumption. She would follow the doctor Irom her tupeo to his house , and from his house to nny place lie might go. She lofusod to belio\o that ho was bejond her ruich , and llko n faithful dog she was at his heels upon ovuiy opportunity. Expostulations nnd reinousti.iiict's from her friends nnd- the doctor woio useless ; arrest and confinement had no jjilect upon her , for us soon ns released she would drag herself to the house of the whlto medicine man where she would sit from night till morning , UmntlnK weird Indian tales of Icno , until xoniovvd i > y forcu , Tbo doctor refused to coiao again to tlio ledge of Spotted Tall , and the chief was InoUen- hearted over the condition of his daughter. The diead disease made terrible piogrcss upon the unhappy girl , and ono morning her dead body was louud on the load leading to the doctor's homo. The death of his daughter made a uo.ider- ful change la Spotted Tail's elmiacter. ITiom a good nnd peaceable Indian , ho be came quuiiulsomo and tuibulent which was thu dltect cnuio that led to his death , Theio grow up a rlvnhy for snptom icy in ins tube between himself and GiiMt 121k , unit it soon loathed that point whcro each threatened to shoot the other on sight. The tw o chieftains met ono day , nnd Great Elk being the nnlckorof the two , Spotted - ted Tail's spirit took its flight to the lumpy limiting giouuds. The famous tiail of Great Kile is familiar to many newspaper leaders. Ills own people tried him for murder , nnd was lined a , largo number ol ponies , which bo paid. Hotis nftcrwaiilb arrested by the civil authorities , and had two trials , und each time \ % as sentenced to bo hung. His case was appealed to the United States supreme court nnd decided Iu his favor , and ho was released. J mot him nt Pine Kidgo , ana a mutual frlcna mndo us acquainted. My friend told Elk that I was Hiiowspiper man , and presented theater of old Spotted Tail with a cepy of TUB HIT , which ho niccpted with oUdont gutificiUloii. Thoold chief asked mo to put his name in tbo paper nnd tell the people ho was n good Indian. IIo then wanted to know \\hero Tun BJ'.K'S tepee was , and I c-nllght. oned him upon tnat subject the best I could , but hu evidently understood mo to say that it xvas published among the Omaha Indians , for bo answered interrogatively ; "Indians ! " lie bad forgotten thoimmoof the lawyer wno defended him In his tilal for life. and ho wanted Tin : Bur. to tell him to wilto to his old client. The old chief's ' assoL-iation with the white peoplu duiiug Ids conlliH'ineiit in jail has about iv- llizcd him ami ho U an odd character nmnng the Imlims at Pine Kldgo. It hat made an old wotuuu out of him , fur in.ite.id of allowing hissquuvs to do tlio hard work und drudgerj , hu 1s credited with doing it all hlmsolf now ; cutting the wood , moving the tepto , and car rying the pappoobO. Alter nil 1 don't know but what Major Hurko'i scheme to take nil the Indians on a tour of civilization to Ku- rope in not a good ono. Its effects on n limit ed number has certainly been bencllciul. Thu Indian is not slow to rctognizo his friends , and I do not believe tbcro is an In dian around tlio cutirn agency who would intentionally harm a newspaper mnn. They believe that the newspapers are their friend's and it U wonderful how soon they learn what the newspapers me saving about thorn , nnd theya.ro just lus anxious tn seoor hoar of their names being In print as n white man. N. M. RUDDY OPTI01HN ill South 15th Bt. , Omaha. Dealer in Artificial Eyes Selections sent to by Ptpiaw to any purL of tlio U , t. c- oxi-v-nr. licaue * 1'eriullcul nth UieFrttnch roawlr. * ct nil Hit ) iDoinirnnl ifniom and care * upiru | > iluD frum wbiiorer caiug. 1'rumow nienBtruuiIuii.'lliuHU I'llU ' iliaulil nut In taken dur * niprevnanor. Am. I'll ! Uu , Kuynllr t'foix . Spun- rer.ClarCo. . ) i Uunulcu br aiiormaii A McConnell , IXKlno l , near I' . O , Omahv C. A. Melcliur , KoulU Onmlm , M. I" . Kllu. Vuuuwll Uiufl ft. uf I furU OUR RED INK "War to the Knife" \ FIGURES. Have convinced the public that w arc in EARN EST ; that ours is a BONA-FIDE closing cut sale , to make loom for the workmen , who are to make our establishment one of the HANDSOMEST of its kind in America. It will take CONSIDER ABLE TIME , to make these chanfjes and improve ments , as EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE will be added to our building , which is already the FINEST in Omaha. AVe wish to begin work as EARLY AS POSSIBLE , but must first icclucc our immense stock o ( STERLING SILVER And F7ie Silver-Plated Ware , Rich Gold Jewelry , Art Goods , * Golcl anil Silver Headed Caues Umbrel las , lamps , Bronze Ornaments , Pine China , Bisque and Terr a-Gotta Pigures , Spectacles , EyeglassesEtc. , Nearly a HALF MILLION DOLLARS worth of the FINEST GOODS.MANUFACTURED to be SACRIFICED. Stein Chickering way , , Knabc , Vose & Sons , STERLING , AND 0 TJIER FIR S TCL PIANOS , ORG0NS. . Ml Kids of OFFERED AT Greatly Reduced Prices , For CASH or ou EASY WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Our sales were ENORMOUS during tbc past week , but we expect to do DOUBLE THE BUSI- y NESS this week and have increased our force ac cordingly. Watch our show windows from clay to day , and note the REDUCTIONS we are making on STAPLES as well as fancy goods. COME EARLY and make selection before stock is too much broken. . SPECIAL ATTENTION'Given to REPAIRING. / Mai Meyer d to Sixteenth and Farnam Sis , , Omaha , ESTABLISHED 1SGO. NEW YORK DBNTHL PMLORS N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. FLx. . BROWNEL \Vo will make you u sot nf tootli. uslns tlio host rnblior , nnd GUAKANTnRn flt.forllOT PAINIiKSSKXTKAUTION-Wlthoiir inutliod. tortli uro Kxtr.iultid Absolutely Without l'.iln ( iolcl. Sllvur und Bonn fllltnps. Urown nnd Itrldirn Work. Our Motto-Tbo 1I1.ST dunt.il work , at unVUifL' ll\iiiK prlccH. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE COMPANY A mnRnlllcont display of everything useful nnd ornninontal In the furuituro raiikor'snrt , nt rcnsonivblo prices. NO GI5R.E1 ! NIO r 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. Sovontcon jcnm orpnrlonoo. A roxiihr trroduatnln niDdlclno. ni itlpiomanhntr. I "till treating nllli Ili0rciito t RUCCU9H , nllN < rvium , ( lironlonnd I'rlvulo DIHOH'UI A | i rminunt ruru ifunrunluiMI fur ( ' Urrh , h > | iirmntorr > iira , Ixi t Munliixiit , Cumlnnn\ujki , Mulit IXKJOJ , lnii | < ituncx. Hnilillls. Htrlcluro , anil nil ilH > I'uiosof tlio Illooil , Hkln iinitUrlnirr Oman * . N.U. 1 xunrnnluu WM lor urery canii I uniturtiiku neil full t ) 'curt ' ! . OnBtiluiluii fruu lioot ( il/'lurlui o l.lfo ) unt f ruj ( jnicohouri 'Ja in. In I" p. iu. UuniUri U u ui. to It in. OMAI-IA'STOVE REPAIR WORK'S 12O7 © troot , . Steve repairs of ulldoK'jrlpt for cool : nnd liuntliu Ntoves , family anil hotul WuU'r ittucliniunU u biiutliiltv. HOBERT UHL1G , Pfoprlotor- Telephone 06O- C. M. EATON , Manager. VSK DIAMOND OIUND * \\iUS \ < TH I ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Thconljr Hafr. Hurr , n4rtU W fill far ! . [ * Hillt t " " I'racctit fvr CkitknHr I'ngUtktamonj . J/ranJ / In | ( f < t MI I tJUd tu t l i | M > X M Ird > fllht > tu rlbt > ou 1 aLu n utlirr kliMt. Ktfvtt # ufc Wutn/ni ami Jinitttic All itlllllnpiuktxikrd boin , tplLk wr i | vnar dtmifiruw * UHterrtll . * Al UruKgl l4 01 * * n4 nl 4o. In iuiiii fir i articular * tmlninttUli . , aud ' | t llf tur l.MilUH fit tttttr by rrturit Mull * IO.4HIO r < llmrtiiUu Aam / f * ' CHICHCBTER CHEMICAL Co , MwilUan Kijunrcr. '