THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , TAKCARY 25 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES , 11 GRAND SIRE OF ODDFELLOWS , Bkctcbof lion , Oharloi Manly Bmbsj , Ra- cently Elected Grand Sire. UNIFORM RANK BIENNIAL CONCLAVES , Movement to Organ Iza tlio U. It , 1C. I * . Into Ih'inrl m.itiu for Until- ConcluvcH NVws In tllO lion Charles Manly Husbee , who was 9 chosen grand sire of the Independent Order ol Oddfellows at the last session of the sotciclRii grand ledge of the order , U the youngest man \\lio has over necn elected to this high position , Ho Is In his forty-llfth year , having boon born October 2) ) , IStt. Ho Is n natlvo of Italelgh. N Chcro ho was picpaicd for college In ono of the local schools He afterward entered the Junior i-lass at Ilnmpdcri'Sldnoy < , ollegein Virginia Ho was not destined to remain long In the classlo walls of that old Institution , as the civil war broke out , and the cap nnd gown of the student weiu exchanged for tlio uniform of thn confederate soldier In ISM , \vhllo not much over seventeen j ears of ago , ho enlisted as u pilvate , nnu after some service hoas appointed sergeant major of the Plftli North Carolina Infatitiy. On May 1'J , in the haid fought contest at Snottsjhanla couit house , lie was captured and con lined In prison at rt Delaware , from which plueo ho was Bubsciiuently tiunsfcneel toPott Puluskl and Motrls Island It w.ishtlo at the last mined prison that bo vas forced to bi-como exposed to a most unusual danger In the civilised wnrfaro of the nineteenth centmy. With 500 follow prisoncis ho was placed In front of the re- doiibls on Moil Is Island and exposed to the shells fiom the eonfc-derato b.ittciieson Sul- llvan'a island. ' 1 his act of tlio fedenls-was in lotnhatlon fora similar act of the con fed- ciates , who plae-ed 500 litIon prisoners in the exposed poitioncf the eitj of Charleston , which was being shelled by the teiies. Passing through this ordeal unharmed , the joung soldier \viis uttenviiuls paioled and subsequently exchanged. Ho at once Joined his re-ginienl again , finding it intrenehocl bo- fero I'etorshiirir , and participated In the last struggles of thu war , suirc-ndcilng with his command at Appoinnttox. HeUiniliiL' home , he lost no tinio in enroll ing himself as u student of the North Carolina lina unlveisit. , at Chapc-1 Hill , ho 10- tnaincd not all of \vholosesslon Ho went to lialrlgh and applied himself studiously to re.iding law. In I MM ho u as licensed to piactico , and fiom tliatdntoup to the pu-sent bo has enJoyed - Joyod u sleadilj increasing success as a law yer. Hois a member of the Raleigh law , Hi in of Messis ltoudoHiisbco & Ilusbeo\\lio hold ono of thelatgest practices in Noith Caioliiui. Mr llusheo Joined the I O. O P In 1ST1 , hei oinliiK n ini-niber of M ititeo loclgo No. & , in the city of Unlomli. Ho was an early iccip- ie-ntof distinguished honors at the bunds of his bicthieuof the tlneo Units. Less tliau a ji-ar after his initiation as nn Oddrellow ho was elected grand p.itn uoh of the giiind encamuinciit. In lblu ! : bee-amo a member of thu giand lodgoof his native stale , and In IhN ) this boclj elected him de imtj giiind ninsti-r. Thojcai follow ing the highest olllco in the gift or the state organ- ! zution , gimid master , was given to him. In IbTI ho was elc-ctoa us a rc-picscntntlNC to the suinemo grand lodge , the national or- the fiatornity. It assembled ia Ulanta , ( in , year , ami heic It was he made his llrst appoaiancc among the bioth- ren who have iccently Imposed upon him their highest trust. lr fifteen years with out an Intel mission ho has ic'piosented his grand lodge in the national body , and in 1SV : ho was iniido deputy giand sire , and in the meeting a short time ago at Topeka , ICuu , he was promoted to the ofileo of grand slro. From the llrst ho has been an enthusiastic Oddfellow , and has made a painstaking umJ thoiough study of the laws of the order. There nro today few mm , if any , among the 700,000 members of the I. O. O. F. who are moro familiar with the tonoes of the ordci mid Us Insult ) workings and history. Mr. Busbeo was nrirrled In July , ISfiS , tc Miss Llltlojohn of (3ran\lllo county , N. C. who died In IfcS ? . Ho has six children. While not u politician In the ordinary sensi Mr. Uusbeo hassovouil times been intrustec by his party with responsible leadership. Ii 1H74 ho received the domociatie nominutloi from the county of Wake for a scat in tin North Carolina state sennto. The county wa : republican in politics , and had not given i democratic majority since the war , Air. Bus bco's giont popularity and einlnont lltncs1 won the dayutid his entire ticket \\aselected Ho was again nominated In IbSI and success fullv elected as a member of the state bousi of reDresentathes. Ho is an eloquent speaker with line addro and pleasant delivery. Ho has n state o liumor and u fund of ready ropaitco tha makes him a popular and cutcitainlng aftoi dinner talker. K. ol I' . Kansas City intimates that she will put u ? 10,000 , for the supreme lodge mooting in I bit. suboidlmitolodgo ofllccr in Missoui Is loiiuiied to piss an examination by tn district deputy and mast bo able to confcrth CUic-o ranks bcfoto he installed , and i ciojted for ono jear. Tlio ledge at Friend installed oftlccrs n follows : W. lWolfe. . 0. C. ; H. L. Lewi- P. C ; J. 1) . Pope , V. C. , I ! U Leonau IV ; U. Cr. Hopkins , 1C. of It. ; H. P.Sch.nid M. of 13 ; A. i : . Moeller , M. of P. ; II. Wi- KOiiburg , M. of A. , W. A Allsman , I. G. , . Stai key. O. O. Siar loilgo Fo. ! i of Ashland Installed th follou Ing olllcei-s for the ensuing j : P. lull , chimcellor eommandorj Shiiler Well : \lc-e chancellor ; K. K. Moon , master-n aims ; F C. Oliamheilain , keeper of record rind seal ; Jeff Smith , master of tlnunco , an llobart Hrusli , master of oxchecjuor. The following ofllcoi-s of Sewarel lodge Ni 78 have been installed : O. W , Dickey , C.O. J. C. Mulllngcr , V. U. , ( J. F Hurkot. P - , fc S. Woathcrby , 1C. of It. and S. ; L Hjmai M of F. j U. B. Chase , M. of E , Ueoig tschultz , M. A. ; W. U. Laiigworthy , 1. ( j H. A. Ciraff. O. (3. ; J C. Mulllngcr , C. i Alllngand , u , P. Uiekman , trustees. Omaha ledge No. " ( ! installed the follow in ofllcers last Thursdav evening by J. P. Lun ) . ; ) . Ci. C. : William von ICiogo , P. C Henry Amheseii , C. C. ; LoultMetz , V. C Traiilt Grossimui , P ; Hi-niy M .lohnson , J ofl1. ; Honij Hornhorgei , M of K , Adol [ J. Ilaituly , 1C. of K and S ; .loss Poteiso M. of A. ; Clnules Kupp , J G ; Hum Khlcrt , , O. G , Peter lliiw , J P. Lund at William von Kiogo , titistcos. Gauntlet ledge of Plattsinouth has elccti und Installed the following olllccrs tor tl comliigyear- Past chancellor , UV. . Cool cbanci-llor cominander , Or. C. A Marshal vice chancellor , M N. Grinith , prelate , Pr < llnwland , keeper of i-oe-ords and soul , fr.u Uli-ksou , master of llimnc-o , Clnules Wlcke shain , master of exchequer , C. C. Piiimel inistor-ut-nims , Hen Hempel , insldo guar Otis Do\ey , outside guard , G S. Sage. Njsian ledge , No 1C , of Giand Island ho installation soilces Friday evening. Tl following oftlccrs were installed. A i Lederinun , P. C. ; t ) . A. Flncli , C C. ; K JJair , V. C. ; C. H. llailoy , P. ; K. Powell , 1 oflt. and S. ; Charles A. Wiebe , M. of U James Pedeison , M. of iTnd ; Haniiufor M. at A. : A. H. Hairiott , I , G. ; Willla Murr , O. G. Past Chancellor Al Lederin , VM pivscntod with a beautiful i . C. Jowi the presentation speech being made by \ \ IMcrtci-son. The installation was followed 1 a ban n not , Uho to.ists weie , "Tho 1'i-oss 13lon Cole ; "Our Ladies , " Dr. II C. Mtlle "Our Order , " K. H. Hoith ; "Our Visitors A. ( iiles. NvHlan lodpo lain a llourishli condition mid under the- charge of the ne onicoi-s w 111 niaito a grow th this \ ear imp : ollellcd in Us history. The orders of the grand chancellors Ohio , to their district deputies , sajs T Knlgnt , are that no oHlcer of a Io4io ; shall installed Into Ids chair if , after open rxni nation bcforo the lodge , ho cannot deliver t uork written and unwritten "from men ry. " Ai a hciiucuco Ohio has today , as i believe , in the pi iucliul chairs of her lodgi competent omccra than any in t world , and tnU Is us it should bo. The me bcr who is not competent to " 1111 the chair Is inclined to ututiU back and let 1 moro fuvoied brother udv mice. We adn thut there nro many brothers who vvou olhcrvv Uo uittko good olllccrs \ \ ho are co polled tnstand back ) > ccaii9o of lack of mom1 orjct , on the whole1 , it Is an Improvement on the old way of permltlng no onicer to spmigo his way throuirh nnd gain the tionorn of onico by the work of others , If the grand lodge nun grand ofllcers do their duty It will result In having bettor work ovcrywhcretind that without thu Intervention of "lines , " which never can remedy the deficiencies of the derelict nfllcer. A movement Is on foot , says the Pith tan Hccord , to organize the Uniform rank In the states and territories west of the Mississippi river Into n department , with the piupose In view of creating an Interest In the rank among the Sir Knlgnts b.v holding biennial conclaves , similar to those now held at the tltno nnd place of the supreme lodge meeting , but on the alternate jcais , In some inrt of the proposed department that will bo con- \cnlnnt of access to all , so that those Sir Knights who are debirrcd the privilege of attending the supreme lodge sessions may have on opiwrtunity of attending some gen eral gnthoilnir ot the rank. The proposal Is that the rank , as so organized , shall go Into camp ( or u ui ck or thereabout , and enjoy a taste of military life without the irksome du ties attached to the realty. If this b j accom plished , theio should bo a levlval of Interest In the rank throughout tlio territory included In the department , and naturally bo huge accessions to the tanks. Many of the blr Knights who are now pi eon ted from attend ing the sessions of tlio supreme lodge and participating in the festivities of such an occasion would then , In all probability , bo nhlo to attend such n conclave when held at n lesser distance ; from their homes , thus re ducing the expense and loss of time consequent quent upon traveling so great a distance As the project meets with the appiovalof the Major Gencuil J U. C.irnahan and Is being widely agitated In the icttlon to bo Included , there Is n. stiontr piobabillty of Its success In fait It icimiics but an attempt to carry U Into effect to piove Us ailvantago and add to its Interest , and each succeeding meeting would lend 7est to the following onu and koepnllvo adeslio and feeling to bo present in the mti'iiin between meetings It will also have a tendency to popularl/c the among the membership of the older , many of whom are woefully ignoiaut of the pmposo of the rank and laoor under a mistaken belief that it Is a higher i auk of the order , and that Its ircmbers me nbovo the ordinarj rules gov erning the order proper. Tims far In Its his tory the Unlfoim rank has been pinductlvo of only general good to thu paient organiza tion , nnd , while lefused representation on the floor of thosuprsme lodge , it yet rontiibutes in a huco measure to the Income of the sumcine lodge , nnd in a grater propoitlon than the subordin ate lodges An ) thing legitimate , therefoie , that will biing the tank more prominently hcfoio the order and the outsld'i world , mid make it moio popular with those knights who are or have been opposed to It , should bo adopted and earned Into effect at once , to the end tint the tank may contiibutoinagieater degicu jot , if that weio possible , to the fuither advancement of the older , and in this laudable object the Sir Knights of the ask nl the membership of the order a caioful and conscientious - < tudj of its purposes and au honest and sliaightforward opinion of its me its , and such assistance and help as they can consistently uccoid it. O. S. C. Clan Gordon No til will cclobrato the 1'iJnd unlvouar } of Scotia's minstrel , the linmoitnl Utirns , at Waihiiigtoi lull tomor- low evening. An entertaining programme has biio i air.i'igoJ , ojnistmj of an nJiuis of welcome by A C Troup , chief of the clun , follow ed by a bmquet , this to ho followed m turn by toists intersperse I with songs and Instrumental music. The following is the progiainrneof toasts , roaponsoj , etc : Music I'heiu v\as a L , KI . .a Ui > rn In Kylci Ilincl To 1st' llio Memory of llilin1. . Hi-spouse . . W."blili-lds " I'ust Chief ' onu . Dooii the limn , I. Uinlno 0. rail' I'l.inoTrlo Mii S. 1) ) . LI-IS n nil Missus Howie1 Music Hod ' uvo thu Quuon , btnr ' iianitled llannei . . . . . . Hand Toast : The Ij.ind vvu Loft and the Mind vvo l.ixu In , Itesponsu Ulnnsm m George Multpn/U bonrf AftonVnlei. . . . . Miss Muldriiiii Sin , ; . .M > Naniilo s Awa . .Itohut Hltltn Muslu eiicc-n OIIUVH thu Kushcs O' .Ham Toast : 'ihe I.asilcs. Ke-sponso . . A lev I/yall.I. II S > iu . . IJIIIB , Lang Syno . . Mrs. ? 1) ) Lee ; I'hiiui and Violin . .Mnitlispruys ind He-uls . . . .MNs Howie , Mr. Miller Tnast : flio Press Hesponso Victor E , Homier Illicit . . . Slilp Ahoy ! . . . Me-ui" . rindlaynnd Gull Do llioliuin March ( llugplpus ) James Dill Itoynl Arcanum. Fraternal council at its regular mcotini Thurday evening installed the following otllccrs , who had already beenoleetol , forthi ensuing joar : Trank L Woivor , logout : Uobcrt M. Kichinond , vleo logout ; Gcoree ICor , past regent ; Prank Gregory , secretary : William Glllar , collector ; Thomas O , Uichel- beiger , treasiuor ; Uean 0. H Gardner , chap lain ; William U. rinley , guide ; James S Stone , vvai den ; James Caldcr , sentry Deputy Supreme Repent J. W. Mnynan outdated as installing ofllcor nnd was abl < assisted by D i other Du\nl of Pioneer coun ell No. lls. Colloy of Unloi Paclllc No. 100't. ' and Rrother Klildel of Chicago cage Thoio was a good attcndaiico and al present enjoyed a line evening and llm cleats , tno latter nt the expense of IJiotho Hilley Giller. Uofoio thocloio of the meet ing it was agieed totako stops at onio townn liavlng in the near futuio a joint meeting o the thivo Omaha councils , ono of the feature of the entertainment to be a lecture 01 Robert Bums b } HrotherHlddell of Caieago It is hoped by the members thit the commit tees will meet with success and that a moot Ing will soon be held and that it will bo mad an "open meotini ; " in every sense ) of th words. "Open" not only to all mcmbeis o Hojal Arcanum but to any nnd all person w ho ma.v feel an Interest in the affairs of th Older or In the subject of Diothor Hlddell' lectuic , "The G real liobert Burns. " MlNOIl 1C. John riiuor , a prominent Mason of Loin * ville , Ivy. , died at Borne , Swltzei land , las Sunday o\onlnK. Mr. Plnzor was well know : as a tobacco manufacturer and was prasldair of the Five Brothers' tobieco works at tin time of his do.Uh. A cablegram niinouncln ] his death was the first intimation of il health w lileh reached his family In Louis villo. Ho had gene to Borao to visit hi birthplace , as hid been his annual custom. Mr Flnzer was pioniincnt in Masonic ci c-les , was a Master Mason of Abiaham loclfj No. b , a member of Kuroka Hcnal Arc chapter No. 101 ; Louisville , council No 4 , I a > .d S. M ; DoMol.iy commandery No. 1 ! ICnights Tomplnr. of which ho was pa- commander ; in the Ancient and Acccptc Scottish rite of Pieo Masonry ho hud a tallied the thhty-thlid degree , ho was also member of vaiIons other orders , prominent ! Oddfellows. ICnlghts of Honor , Knights ( Honor , Knights of Pjthlas , Ancient Ouli of United Workmen , und for many years n honorary member of thoLlodcrKnmz society for years ho was a member of the famoi "Old ICaintnck" volunteer IIro eomnui ; 'i running tnrough Its actlvo existence wit eiiRlno No. 1. r- Koyal ' The now olllcirs of the uipldly grovvlti ' young council of the Koyal league , Oniah No IV ) , having been duly Installed at thel regular meeting held Monday , January 5 , di cidcd that bamo evening to hold an ope meeting January 19 at the Elks lodge roon of oii-h month , with a view of becoming be tor acquainted with the great addition of r cently accepted members. The evening wi very sociably ami onjoyahly passed. Ni bnwka'spopular game of hlgn-llvo provalto < Ur. U. M. Stone , the orator of the counci delivered an eloiueat address of welcome i the \isltlng friends , impressing very fore blv the aoolabllltj of the order and callln special nttontlon to the many risks exclude together with the low rate of nsMcssmon making the expense of insurance no voi nominal tnat It does not begin to pay for tl benefits de-lived from Its social feature. M William COY read In his inimitable manner selection from Mark Twain , which was vei well received , the Sutoiius mandolin oil furnished the music , which was superb , duet by Prof. Sutoiius and Mr. Weldne tnncn from the opera "Susotto , " rtielri loud applause. I. O. O. Silver Link loJgo No. 00 has elected at installed the follow ing ottleers : 0. W. Hi lor , N. ( J ; A. K. Hoi-clay. V. G. ; J. W. Si vciison , K. secretary ; C , D. Moffatt , per se retary ; E. Whltcomb , treasurer ; W. I Wilson. U. S. N. f. ; .tool Andrew , t , S , N. O : T.B. Brown , H. S. " \ . G ; N. HHiKou- stiff , L. S. V. O ; H Dine , W. W. ; A. Whit comb , conductor ; \V. \ W , Thomas , O. U. . H- P Schmidt , I. 6 , The following ofllecrs of Valley lo Itfo No. Sof Superior were publicly Installed last week ; J P , VotingP O. ; J. S. Johnston , N G. ; J. B. Hcadrick , V. G ; L. S. Smith , seciotarv ; 0 M , J-icobs , per. secretary ; C i' C. Lolllch , ticasuier ; John Itoillv , chaplain ; C. 13. Adams. K ) S. N. O ; T. Lewis , L. S. N O ; John Bruce , warden ; \Villlam M McKlnzle , conductor : It. W. S S. ; W. A. Pnrks , L. S. S. ; J. W Mitchell , I. G ; A , Kin * , O O. : George W Henderson , K S. V .O. : John M , Owen , L S. V. O. SI.V. . of A. Omaha ramp No. 120 will give a bill next rrldny evening nt Washington hall tor the benetlt of the \\lfo and family of John An dei-son , captain of No 5 engine company of the lire department , who has been nJJndgcd InsiitiennJscnt to the nsj.uni. The family of the attlictod brother are in destitute c-lr- cumst-incos and the boys of Omaha camp have assumed the icsponslbllltv of looking nf'cr their necessities , The eatnt ) has been ke-onlng up the asse-ssmonts on tlio be-nollt ccitlllcntoof Neighbor Aiideison , so that In the event of his death his wife would receive the full amount of his policy , and they have been looking after the temporal needs of the ttfllletcd family. The ball Is given for the tmipoio of raising funds for the wife and children mid Is a most worthy object. a. o. U.V. . The oftlecrs of Omaha leplon No. 0 , Select Knights , will be Installed Wednesday even ing at the hall on Douglas street Jim Hus lodifo No KM of Schn\lcr In stalled the following ofllccis at Its latt meet ing. Jo'in Hiulovlc , past master workman ; Thomas Molacek , fore-man , Joseph Kublcck , overseer , T II. Shonka , receiver , P. 11. Clu.istll , financier ; John Cnlck , treasuier ; Joseph Bartuiu-k , guide , Petci Stolnberger , Inside watchman ; Tiank Buros , outside watchman , 1C. of II. Omohn ledge Installed the following ofllcers Monday evening : J W. McCano.P. I ) . , George \Vhitlocn , IXV. ; . M. Carter , V. O. , fi A Parmeleo , A. D. ; W. It. Mtitthiis , It ; J B Hiuner , F. It ; Thorn M Falconer , T. ; H T. Cooley , G : C. J. Mentor. C ; C J. iilg.ird , (3 , C. L. Fritscheis , S. Following the Installation the members adjourned to Gottj's ' \\hero a lunch win served. o. t : . MI Vesta ohiptcr No 0 , will hold Us sc\en- tconth annual social at Ficcmason's hall on Thursday ovcnlnir , February 5. A jovial time is antlcip.itccl und mister Masons with their wives and daughtois aio cordially in vited. Note's. Supreme Dictator A. It Savage has re cently Issued a stirring nddiesis to the Knights of Honor of the countiy. Ho com pliments them on the splendid position the 01 gani/ation occupies among fraternal' soci eties anil predicts still gi eater success for the future , 'llio accomplishments of this order in the Held of charity and benevolence nro ccrtiilulv almost bojond conception. In less thnu eighteen jcars It has distributed nearly $ .1.1,000,000 throughout this land. Prom u membership of seventeen It has giowa to 1:15,000 : and is incieasinu lapidlv. The report from Senate Secretary J. W. M.vcrs of the supreme lodge of the National union for the jear IbW ) is tiuly liitcrestiinr to the largo membership of that order in this city. The National union had a net incicaso of over six thousand meinbcis dining tlio last jear and paid to the families of 141 mem bers ' 'who passed to that bourne from which no traveler returns" the snug amount of $ -1511,000. Since the organisation of the pider. May 1 , 1831 , the families of Ih'l deceased members have leceivcd benoiits amounting to $ lrJ7,000 , the production of ninety-one as sessments spread through the nine nod one- half years ot the oidci's existence. There will bo a gieat gathering of Odd fellow sj at Green Bay , Wls , next Friday to paitlcipatoin the cciemonics of dedicating the 01 plums' homo. Prominent members ol the order fiom all parts of the state will attend. The Owls of St. Louis are preparing for n flight to Cincinnati , there to open tbo great Incubator for flcdglrg u brood of the ancient hooters. A car load of costumes , parapher nalla. and stage effect will bo forwarded in charge of a trained corps of carpenters and cos turners , and everything provided to hatch a gieat uumocrof tno feattiery tilbo. The event is set for Jan. 4 , and the banquet will bo given at the Hurnct house. 'TIs evident that a little nonsense now and than Is relished by the best of men. Among the Jewish population of this coun try arc many excellent and worthy seorel benevolent and fraternal orders , the purpose of all being to unite the people of that race and faith in bonds of fraternal fellow shii and for mutual aid and protection. Tlio ain and work of these various 01 dors are in al respects similar nnd the question of consoli dating all the orders Into ono hits been dis cussed for some time , but no definite actioi has boon taken except by the lodges of the orders in Cleveland where meetings hav < been hold during the last week and plans foi thopioposcd consolidation discussed. Tin B'nal B'lith society , which is the oldest fra toinal Jewish organifiitioa in the country , ii cmbiaccd in the plan of consolidation. A CUV FIIOM miij\NI : > . | The Condition of Ono Dlntrlct I'lc t til-oil by n Clcruyimin , CAUHOVUGahvay , Ireland , Jan. 2. To th Editor of Tut Bun : On behalf of a larg number of my poor people , I earnestly re quest you will allow mo to bring under th notice of j our leaders the sad plight in whlcl the calamity , with which U has pleusoi 3 Providence to visit us , has left them. I write from a distiict , admitted by ever English visitor Mr. Balfour , Mr. Wyni ham , Sir West Itldgevvay Included to b the poorest and most desolate in the whole o Ireland. It is also the most congested. W have over 1,000 school going children In comparatively small nica. The names c over 400 of these are on the rolls of on school , hut owing to a want of suOlcion clothing the attendance of this school hu fallen below 100 , and Is proportionately levIn In the other schools of the pausti. By "sufllcient clothing" I uo not mea enough to shelter them from the cold. I d not mean boots for tbo boys or girls , for non of them possess such luxuries ; nor do I mea head covering for the boys , nor a warm wra of any sort for the llttlo girls. Pew of thei possess these comforts. 1 mean only as much as would cover thei nakedness a single whole garment le.ichln fiom the neck to below the knees with whlc they would bo quite satisfied. But , unforti nately , hundieds of them are without tha single garment , mid consequently preclude from the inestimable blessings of education To anv child this would bo a serious and Irn paiabloloss. To our poor children the los is eteublv deplorable , for they are almost c ; elusive Irish speaking and thehp u-onts at so illiterate as to be unable to instruct thei oven in the rudiments of Christian doctiim What then is to become of thcmt The cannot lomaln heio ; the place is ulroad over-crowded. And if they emigrate the are debarred from over rising above the pos tion of the nrovotbial druclgo , "hewers c wood ana drawers of water , " while the ! eternal welfare Is Imperilled by their Ipno mice of the fundamental dogmas of rellgloi faith Their only chance then Is education , the only hope the school , and it Is to enable n to give them that chance and to realize th : hope tnat I appeal to all those whom God In blessed with moans to do so , promising thei In return the fervent prayers of the Htt ! ones and of their pastor. Your obedient sci vant , V\'AI TEH Co.s w ii , P. P. He-tier St ok to Oiniilm. But if it's absolutely necessary to g cast then bo sure nnd trnvol on tlio grot Chicago and Northwestern. I-Mvo otis orn trains daily. The two fast trail lea\o direct from the U. P. dope Omiilm , innko a note of thin nt liO : ; j m. nnd 11:10 : p. m. daily. They nro vest lulled nnd carry tliu iiowost and bci bloonors , parlor curs und "NorthwoB urn" dining ear * . City tlukotolllco , U ( Farnam street , nuggngo checked froi residencies in jiny part of the city nn { . sleeping car bo'rtfis bocured on nil "eas 0. ornunofl. ll. R Iti mm : , 0. I G. lWKST , Geu'l Ag't. 1. City Pass. Ag't. HIS AUTHORITY IS LIMITED , The Ocmm'ssionsr of Indifw-Affairs in an Anomiloui Positiatf , SHORN OF AUTHORITY , YEt RESPONSIBLE , llio llsliit'niiM of tlie In Jl in Iliircnu \\lt'i .Votive SI ninKeiiiint ol'In dian AiT.ilrs SoiiibUilnji of Pnn.u > rii'iiu.lan. M. ( Special to TUB Bi p. ] The discussion of tlm bloux outbreak ntiit tlio rotation of the government to Its uards reveals the fact that very fuw of the people of this country , outside ol Immediate ofllcial cli--lcs , undoistiiiul the duties of the cominissloni'r of Indian iitTutis 01 comprehend the relations of the Indian buiouu to the vex- ntlous I lull in troubles Thoontcoof liiillan nffiilis is ono of the numerous divisions or Imre.ius in the depart- incut of the Interior. Llko the general hind onleo , the pension oftlco , the patent ofllco and the edue.itlonnl bureau , Its chief executive of- liter Is culled tlio commissioner The secretary of the Interior subject to the president is the supieine authority In Indian matters. In the secretary's otlleo is n divis ion of Indian affairs , presided o\or by a chief \\hoso desk all communications dltccted to the scctctary rcpinUm ; Indian affairs are opened Ho has a hilf do/en clerks for the performance of the details. The Indian oflleo is half a square from tlio interior bulldlnc , on the seonth and eighth floors of the Atlantic building , h.iving many \ciits since been cioxvdcd out of thclnit'O building known as thepitcnt onico by the giowtli of the intent and 1 md bureau In the Indian onico proper are the com missioners of Indian alTaiis. the assistant commissioner and scvent ) clerks. Ono of these eiei Us Is the pri\ato seuetarj of the Lomnilsslonur and is appolnkd by that ofllccr The details of the otUcoaio lefcric-d to the following dnislous Accounts , finance , education , land , flies , depiedations , and miscellaneous , each of \ \ hlch is in cluugo of a chief , \\lio is nppointul b.\ the sccietary of the interior. The clei Its under the eliiefs are civil sci vlio apt olnle-es and arc entitely IndcpoiidLiit of the lluU jatlons of politics. .The scinetaiy of the intcilot , the commis sioner of Indian aff dis and tliu tisblbtunt com missioner aio appointed by the piesldent The chluf of the liidl.m illusion in the sec retary's ofllco and chiefs of division * in the Imli.ih olllce aie appointed bj the sccretaiy. All these olllcials inaj ornm not bo leplaced by cich change of aUmlnlsti.itlon Geneially not moio than one or t\\o of the cniefs in ttio Indian olllco suffer political decapitation at the quadiennid behc.idini. In tlio Held are a superintendent of Indian schools , six in pcctois , IHe special agents , iUty-nino Indian agents and about thieo thousand school ana agency cmplo\es , he- sides \nijliii ; number of spcuul allotting agents and cotmnlssioncii for negotiating bai gains of some sort and another. The In dian agents , inspcctois and superintendent of Indian schools aio all appointed by the presi dent , subject to the continuation of the sen ate The IU o special ugents and the allotting agents are appointed by Uws > Cctotaiy ot the interior. The agency employes "consist of clerks , ph\slcians , fanners , mechanics , anil Indian police. "With the exception of the phjsicians these employes are appointed by the agenUs , suhjeot to the approval of the commissioner. The commissioner lesenes thtr right to appoint physicians and school employes. Neci' ily , hO\\b\ei , : bo most of these are selected bv the agents.V Itli the exception of the svlperincndents and teachers , it is safe to saj that nine-tenths of all other school employes hip named by the agents and supeiinlendents. Among the 3,000 subordinate employes are something near2,0v)0 ) Indian unpreiitlcos , assistants , la- borcis and policemen. There nro seventy- six superintendents of schools diuttlntc snl- aiics ranging from $7:20 : to . ' ,000 per1 annum. The agent ? and special agents after ap pointment pqrform their duties under reuuhi- tions established by the secretary of the in terior and report to the commissioner. The supeiintcndcnt of Indian schools , the Inspectors specters and the members of special commmissions report to the secretary of the Interior. The superintendents of the schools report to the commissioner through the agent. Bonded school superin tendents report to the commissioner. All the details of Indian administration are referred to the cbmmlbsionor , such as ac counts of agents , the expenditure , the educa tional work , questions involving titles , gov ernment upon the reservations , allotments. etc. . What ho does is however , under the diiectlon of the secretary. All positions not definitely created by law are anthoi teed by the sncietary of the Interior and permission must bo asked and obtained from this mem ber of the cabinet for every cxpendituio of money , for cntei ing into contiactsof what ever sort , for every change of policy or inodi- Hcation of the icgulations and la fact for about ovcrj thing else The head of the bureau perfouncs duties of gicat Impoi lance and responsibility but the limitations of the service are of such u cliuractor that he I- practically u high salaried clerk held to ac count foi all matters of admialstratlon but with only such power as may DO ( 'specially delegated to him by his superior ofllcer With the exception of the school emplojes , plislcliins and pilvtito seeictarj theiuau absolutely no persons in the seivieo diiectlj appointed by or removable by the head of till1 bureau which deals with the most perplex Ing question that comes foi ward foradmlnls tratlonnt Washington. Congress mav fail to make nppropiiatlon' and Indian affairs aio thrown into contusion The seciotary of the interior , with moiebu leads under his supeivislon than ono mat can properly manage , may tie the hands o the commissioner so that ho shall be able ti cariy out no pollev. The lirst assistant secretary rotary may , out of wanton indlffeiem-e , opoi opposition or otherwise , thwart him at over' step , ev en after the secretary has given i pioposition his nppioval geneially and spo cillcally. The chief of the Indian divlsioi In the secretary's olllce , though meiely i clerk , can pigeon-hole communications an < prevent the consummation of the commis sloner's most cherished plans. A chief o division in his own olllce. cr a combination o such chiefs , may hinder and delay the prog ress of details essential to the success of hi administration. Agents at the reservation and special agents in the Held may defy hi authority mm refuse to comply with his 1m poratlvo Instructions. The school employe and ph.vsicians , his own appointees may bo prevented by the agent from properly performing their du ties. The superintendent of InUlai schools may go about the undoing the vvorl of the commissioner , and the Inspectors ma ; 1 ovcr-ridu his authority on the reservations All the commissioner . under these clt cumstancos is to appeal iq , the secretary t sustain him or resign Hu occupies the anom nlous position of figurehead and executive If not sustained by the secretary as exeeutlv ho becomes merely a llgure head. Vet the newspapers cnarpe the Indian bur , . eau with all manner of evil ileeds , such as tb ; , removal of good agents , .tjlb appointment o : , bad ones , und the systematic robbing of tin Indian , when as a mattec of fact , as shovvi above , tlio commissioner la charge of tha but eau can bo neither gdod1 nor bad , hones or dishonest , able or iinb ( , llo without th consent primarily of tha department ofllcial1 and secondarly of congtvss'and thopiesldont The trouble with the Inillan bureau and In dlan affairs Is that the ofllcjeiresponslblo fo both Is the busiest man in the cabinet and i too removed from this Important branch o the civil service. Congress should cither It : crease the power of the commissioner of Ii : dlan affairs or the secretary of tlio Inteno should delegate all details to the coniinU sloner or o new department should IMJ create which will relieve the secretary of the intei lor of a part of bis immense rosnonsiblHtlc : B. W , THOMAS. ODItH AM > E\MtS. It costs tlio government $350,000 a jcar t print the Congressloncl Kccord. A farmer in Norwnlk , Cole , has realize M..HX ) this jear from sixteen acres of onion A man In Lancaster county , Pennsylvania catches rabbits with n hook und lino. The largest county in the United States , is said , is Ouster county , in Montana , \vluc contains lltl.UJO square miles. In Tall Hiver , Mass. , Anna Allen has sue James U. tirlnuell for danmges. Shu allogi that ho had u wooden snake which nt thought was real , lie lloutisued the snake i her , and In endeavoring to run iuvn\ she fell and broke ) her ankle. Hoforo annexation Chicago contained forty- five snuaro miles , or IKMH ) acre's. Since an nexation IS ) square miles , or I"t'i0.l00 " acres. The Hev. David ICiiuffmnn of Indhuiu puts himself asleep while In the pulpit. While apparently asleep and uncoiisclou , It Is said that ho de-Users sciinons ot nmazlni ? olo- n lien re The icglou at Limn , 0. , and Its 'iciirIeln - Itv is honevcombed with ' , ' , eXio oil wells , nleti produced In the your MM I 1,000,000 barrels of oil Thov coat $1,000,000 , nnd the outnut was worth ? T > ,000,000. Henry Johnson.a slave \vlth a hlitor.v , who \vassetfroo bv his mister. Mr ToMill. and who waited upon Clay. Webster. Calhoun and other great men , and who Is said to have como In contact w 1th every president save Washington , Is living In povoitj at the age of ninety jeurs in Washington It Is not gcnoiallj known that in the j oar 1875 n hi other of the now ct-lobi uted Dr Koch of Berlin went to Xovndn City ami re mained for so\cral jc-.irs. He was a lull , soldierly-looking fellow , not over twenty-six jcnrs of age , and was full of encrgv anil am bition ami very posltlvo in his convictions , Ho had a stilphuiet-siviti ) ? machine' , with which ho oxpeilmemted at the Pioudenco mine , but with unfavorable results. Captain John l > lesson , t ha in\cntor , whoso body was returned by'tho United Sttitca gov ernment to his native Sweden , made sncclllc bequests of Jl'JVHX ) In his will , but it now appears that ho left an estate notevccedlnf f'rJ.OOt ' ) Per this icasou tbo executors , George H. Robinson and C S Huslinell , began n hull In the supreme couit for a ] udi i lal construction of the \ \ 111 They w Ish to know whether or nut puy of the legacies should have a piefcreuco. The Marshal Noy mjth , so dear to North Carolinians until Itas sinotherd under the \velKht of evldciif-e , Is ncaln icvivcd mid seiiously advanced by Hov James A. Westot. , an Hplscopal clcrgyinan of Hickory , N C Ho Is llrmly con\fined that PeterStliint Key , the drunken schoolmaster who died In North Carolina , Iorty-ll\o j cars ago , was the \oritablo marshal of Prance , whoso execu tlon Is mliuitetv descilbed by Viuilibello , liouiricnnc and Moiitholon Convinced him self , this clerijj man has wiltten n booh to convince others that Stuart ami Michael wore one and the same. > Thcro are neatly t5,000 ! school teachers In Pennsylvania. Walter J. Quick of Columbus , Iml. , has iccelvcd a tcndci fiom the state ngrliultuial college at 1't Collins ot the piofcssoishlp of the chair of agriculture and will piob.ib accept A person vvho o name is witnhcld for the present has Just presented to the Hololt\Vis , colleeo * . ! * iUOO , for a new dounltoiv The building will bo of bilck , four stoiics high anil will bo built dining the coining summer Piofossor H. II Jesse of Now Oilcans has formally accepted the i > to iilcncy of the university of Virginia , unanimously tendered him last December. lie goes into olllio Julj 1 , Ib'JI ' , nt a salary of j.iliUO per jear nnd the use of the piosldcnt's house. The fact that the average ape of those who passed the examinations presciibeil bj the state civil service commissioners last jear was thlrtj-tineo j ears , while that of these who failed was thhty-Iivo. seems to show wisdom doesn't alwujs Incieiisovith j cai s The young Polish Countess -Wanda von Scrnvvlnshi has been made an M 1) hj the unlvcislty of Geneva Her graJuatlon thesis was a remarkably learned i.i [ > er con cerning the eyes of i rustaccous animals am' the effect of light and ilaikncss upon tlieni The Countess Wanda will practice in I'olund Klmlrn colletro at niniila , N. Y. , the oldest regulaily orgmil/ed college for women in thl' countiy , his iccently been given f 10,000 b.v n Mr. Glllett for the eieaion of n hull The students In this depaitment of tno college lego have so Increased that additional ac commodations ' "ere imperative. Several Ne braska young ladies aie iltteatling Klmlui col lego. lego.Tho The recent icport of tno Hungarian minister - tor of education shows homo remarkable pio- gross in popular education in that county. The number of childien of a proper ago to at tend school bus Increased 17.U5 per cent since Ib09 and now reaches ! i-108J2S. ! The number actually attending school has incicased In the saino two decades fully Sl.tVi per cent and now reaches 2,015,1111 ! The number of schools KI.TOi , an increase of 21.04 per cent. The sum spent for elementary education is more than 15,000,000 floims annually. Of nornm' schools there are 71 , with an attendance o ; ,7b4 , while In IbW ) it was only 1,5' 0. These schools cost 1,000,000 florins annually Hun gary has 17 schools for the higher education of girls , with an attendance of -,1-1 , and u cost of-b".7J7 florins per j car. In 1M > 'I there vveic lf)95 parishes without schools ; now there aie only 14I. ! ENUOUblNG Till ) HIUIM.i : . The Konl Kstnto llxchniige Al'lor the New Hridjje Clinrtpr. The regular nieeting of the real estate ex change was attended bj a lariro crowd of members and interested spectators. The pow erful volco of Sccretaiy Wilson awoke the echoes throughout the building and oveiy body in the vicinity came in to see what was going on. The Hrst business was the consldeiation of the following icsolutions , whlilivciointio - duced by Mr. L ) . C. Pattorsou and unani mously adopted : Whoieas , 1 ho Interstate Inlilgo and street railway company are now seeking from cou- gioss a charier to construct u lallroail , wagon and motor bildgo across the Missouri ihor between Hast Omaha and Council Bluffs , nnd Whereas , Said comp my has promised and assured us that if they piocuro such chmter they will build a railroad bridge as soon as possible ; therefoie , Unsolved , That we , the Omaha real estate exchange , extend to the said Iiileivtato biidgo and street railway company our hearty suppoit in Its otToits to procure said charter , and we call upon every member of the Nebraska delegation In congicss to put foith every cftort to secure the granting of said charter this session ; also fuithcr Hesolved , That Tioiii our knowledge of tlio men composing said company and the work already accomplished in East Omaha , wo have every confidence that said company honestly intends to build n lailroad biidge * , and full } carry out the rcpi oscillations made by them. Hesolved , further , That Omaha needs above all things a bridge over the Missouri river that shall bo Independent of any orto railtoad , imcl open to all railroads for en gines , curs und trains oq equal terms , and lie-solved , fuither , That while vvo desire in said cnarter all the conditions to attain Mild object and all the safeguards noo- ossaiy for public security , wo denounce as unfair nnd antagonistic ; to the Inlcichts of Omahu any unnecccssary or oppressive con ditions. Kosolved , further , That a i ail road bridge , such as Omaba now demands , cannot bo proorly | constructed In ono jour , and wo consider the amendment of Senntoi Paddock requiring this as obstructive. Illclnvayinon Hoi I Up a Partner 'With out I'rollt to TlieiiiNclvca. Otto Lung , a fanner residing on the bottoms toms north of the city , was held up by live tramps near the Florence lane hotel , yesterday morning. Two of the highway men hold his horses by the head whtlo u third covered him with a gun and demanded his money. Lang bad none to give up , but the robbers would not bo satisfied until they had searched his pockets and his wagon as well. When they were convinced that ho bad told the truth they told him to proceed , and ho gladly uvailed himself of the permission. It was tmlto dark at tha time , nnd Lang , who was badly frightened even alter ho appeared at the police. station , could not give a very min ute deaciiption of the hli/hwaymen , AthletlcH tor Kloven ladles occupied chairs in the Y. M , C. A. gymnasium yesterday morning while four younir ladles went through several exer cises In calisthenics under tbo direction o I'rof. Sheldon , the Instructor of the gymna slum. A class of ladles Is about to bo opened am the gatticrlng this morning was for the pur iiosu of seeing the methods employed une learning the practical details of the pltin. Prof Sheldon announced that ho proposei to OIKJU a class for ladles , which could nice \ Tempting1 Bargains An hi 111 % offered with the idea of reducing out' stock of Men's' ' Sails , at $12 and $15. We arc showing suits that would be considered cheap at a much higher price. Do not fail to visit our Children's ' Department. It is gaining in favor each day C.S. RAYMOND'S Sacrifice and Removal Sale m ° . "iY3a"Just whnt wo "I ? 0 r uricoT Si HI ' . ° A'r. " ' " "toclt ( except Pato'j ' Phillppa & Go's Fine .itches ) , Is on silo at such b-ierlflco prlcos , th.itlt HlioulU insure the H lie of every article JilH , " A.&T DEPAUTMKNT wo are simply MI"n8 without lojnrd to cost Crur " ' "eount onWatche ? , Dlainonds.Sollcl . ilvor , t fne Joweli / nnU all goods , mikes tne pr cos lower than our people have over 11 cHssof Goods- C. S. RAYMOND. Doujjbs und 15th St. ContiactoiV Supplies , Wheel B.inows , Shovels Scoops , Bais. Hoes , Hose , Picks. Wiicand Manilla Rope , - Tackle Blocks , All Kinds Twines , Butchers' Tools , Carpenters' Tools , Coopeis1 Tools , Machinists , Tools , Moulders' Tools , Builders' ' llaidware. AGCNTS FOR Yale & Towne Fine Bron/e Good , Ym.T , Wood & Go's ' , Ice Tools , ifliuroiHwrwIDffl 1511 Dodge Street , A $5.00 BOOK FOH ONLY $1,00 ! Now to Build A House ; Da Tour Otcn Architect , Tills book will 'Sftvo ' jou liundrrclj iOf dollars K 5011 are thlnklngahout Ibullcllngft house. Ifyoti arc think nj "fhullrlinc n houtr you eight to buy the nrw b ok. PaUiaer An erltAn Aichilcclure. or I very M.m a Coin ] Icte llulldtr , pitpaieil by 1'illiici , 1 allncr \ Co , Ihe well knc , .iArclillcai. . T ! ere is not a Uulldcr ur & ! y erne Int ndlnc to Ilul < i or other wlseinterrstedtl fttcanRlTurilto b withoutit Itliapractlcal work and ever ) bo ly bu > k It 1 lie Ult. cheapest arii mot l pularbqok evrr Usued cu Hull lit y Neatly four hundred Urawintti. A $8buok luitzeQUd style but elmvetletermitied to make It intet tieioiuUr demand to sulttlic times , so that It can be easily te tcl el by all Tliliboo cintalns 104 | ii K ulncneslnslie.nndronshts of large 9 x liplate pines filvinif | ilan < , elevations , ] ers ] ective views desrriptnns , owners names actual CfM of const uctton , no cuesa work , an t instruction * How to Build 70 Crttices , V dUi Uoutle Houses llrick lllock Mouses suitable for city fuburbstown and country , lot ses for the I rm And working men s horrcs for all sections c ( the country , ait 1 costing from footndsoo also Ilarns stables , School Houia Townllall , Churches and fither public buildings , toget ) er with specifica tlnns , fem of contract and a lat e amount rf informatioliwl the erection of buildings iclectton ( jf site , emt loytnent nf Archllects. It Is rotlrt $5 lo any oir. In t 1 v.,11 tend It In paper cover by mail postpaid on receipt of ft ) boultd In cloth , $2. Address all orders t ) . h. OUIM IK , ribllshtr. 61 Koie St. , Neirort Are You Thinking About Getting a Nice 1-MeKSKNTV An Imnortcd 1IAKT/ MOI'N'IAIN CAN A UV , Kiinrnntocd RoodHliiKer , and uu o will iiuiKu an tlrgunt and KiinirlsInK iit'riont , I fiiithrr n lomim nd my stink of liniioitcd 1'iiniy Cnnaili's siie-h IIH : Norwich , clt c ] i or uik'C ! eiiloied ; Kiuf- llsh I'nppur I'ed iilinost rc'il : Miineliostcr tUpplcs and otlu-r hi-aiitlftil can irks Tulklni , ' I'nrrots from JU'tO upl ! l Japuncsi ) Golddsh and Klohoforllljo. MAX G 417 S. IBth St. , Omaha. StifTorlng from tlio i-iUcU ol _ _ ) otitiful ! erron cnrly decay , wiuiUnii wcakni-mi , lout mnuliool , cto , I will neiij nvaluaClo trtutlso ( w nlil ) contnlnlnt full particulars for homB cure , I'llllli of cliarBo A tplenillcl nicxllcnl worlci Mioulil Iw uoU by cvtrj intin who Ii nervous nnit ilplillllat'il. Aitdrcsa 1'rof. l..C. POWLUniltluodua , C'onu Tuesday mornings at 10 o'elock and Saturday inoriiliiKs at ' .I o'clock The eour&o U to ln < elude twelve lessons , clurlnt ; which the slut pier forms of exorcises \vlll bo used. A I lunlni : Mill Ilia/-- . A bin/oat Ahiaham Hoscnboigr's pliinlnfj mill , corner Fifteenth and Murcy streets , ai 9 o'clock yesterday mornlni ; damaged th < building to tliu amount of tfOO. The cause of the llro la not knovvu , It orl glnatcei in some manner in the shaving' ' chute , which Is constructed of brick ami ex tends to the top floor , with u dust duo nhovi the roof , Thn llainosvero quickly extinguished nflo thu arrival of the depaitment. The loss I covered by insurance , Mrs. A. P. HurtloU In suing to foio close a mortuiik'o by her on the estate ) o Lend Aust , deceased. S'ir ' 23ii5 and Specialists , 14OO DOUOLvTVS S OMAHA , MU. : Tno molt vvlilnlv and f ivoruhly known speo * liillsts In the 1'iiUol ' Stiite-s. The r long cx- IH'rli'iicc , remiirknhlo skill and uniM-rsul suo- e-ciss In tin ; Ircutiiionl und euiuot > ( r\c ia. Chrunlo imil Sirglcnl nisciiSt-s c-ntltln thcso oinliii-nt phj xlc-lanx to thu full lonllclonooof the nlUlc led tivi rv vvhi-ie The-y piutnuit'-o ! A ri.KTAix AM ) rosi ri\rn crun for thu a wlul offci Is of o nlv vlco nnd thn nu mor ons i < \ IN Unit follou In IIB train I'HIVAli : . itl.OOl ) AM ) SKIN IlSiASE9 Hii illly. coinplotf-ly iinil m-riiinniintlr i-tirt-d. Muvout , | > imuTY : AND --KMJAK DIS- OKDnitSyluld ro idlly to tholr skillful trcat- ANM > HHCTAI , IM.OF.US oniccl vtllliout pain or tletontlon friini biixlncss iiYDituuiin AND VAHICOCEI.T ; pormn- noiitly mil sniLi-ssfiilly riirt-d In ou'iy oiiso. hVl'HIMS. ( iOMltltilKA. ) Ol.r.r.T. bpor- iiiiiturrhcu , Homliliil Wi-nkiii-HS Lost Miinhciod , MRht KiulBslonM , Dcc.ijul rue-nit les , romulo \\ciiUnr9t and till ( U lli-nti ) dl-wrik-rs jicoiillur totltliur nnpoaltlvcly cure-d , us wt-11 IIH nil film tlonul ( lIsordeHtliat rt-siiitfrom youthful folllc-s or the uxc ossiif iiuituro yearn < \TP ICTI IPK lliniriiiilcoil iiurmuno ntly O 1 IXlv/L U l\l cured , rotnovnl coiuplolo , without cull Intf. fimstionr dlliitiitlon. Oure-t elleutod at homo by jidticnt without a mo- mc-nt's piiln or annoyaiicu , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A miRF niRl'Tll ° nwf" ' nn-oots of OU1\L , VjUlXL , uuriy > | tu Wth ) , | brings rirnnlu weakness , clt'Hlroylnu both mind and ocly. with all Its dreaded Ills permanently n rod. llf'Q RPTTQ Address those who luivolm- L/1\.O. / DlvllO puluiel tlic-m e lvi" ) by Im- iropor IndulKPiico nnd solltury habits which nln both mind nnd body , unuttliiR t lie-in for liiHliu HI dtiiilv or marriage. MAKIUii ; ) MCN or them onlcrhiK on tlm * i tpjiv life , aware of iihjMunl dublUty , < iulokly c OtfB SUCOESS s based upon fuels , rirst I'ruc-tlcal oxwrl- nco. Heeond Kvory e .o Is apoi-lall > HtuflU-cl , bus stiirtliiK rlKhf. Third nuulloliiuH urn mmarcil In nur Inboi utory c-xnull ) to Bult > .iili cu e , thimeilTictliiK cures wltluiut Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 109 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. , J. E. THE SPECIALIST. rlor j Than Fifteen Years Kxporleneo In tha Treatment of A euro In Kinrnn- RIVATE DISEASES tc-oil : In from llirco to live ilayn with * ml tlio IIIKK of an hour's time ? TDinTIID " I'l-rinanc-ntljr red without A I tl III I II n i I' ' " ' " "r Inxtriimon , no CUt- O I II | U I.UIIL. { , IUt no , | | | , , tK | | , ' 1 ) | U lUQMt ciimrkntln remedy known tomoikrn nclcncu In 10 to lit tiny * Dr Mfl- SYPHILIS sss t Lrerttuiont ! for this tcrrlblo U I I IIIUIU | , jMll | ,11 .ne-ase , Una heon pronounr-i-cl tlio most powerful nnd riiiccciitful rc-iiuilr c-vor ilia- < > orcil r < * r llio iitiNuliitu euro of lliN illnou-o , IIU wllli Hits tllMciiHu tuts uuvir been uiiunlloU. A c < unite tu c uru u IMHAM N n I ROT ID KllJnnn > " " ' > l nrnknoM ol I lliSI MANnllllll llin ii imlow innerv UUUI IVIdllllUUU „ „ „ , „ nnil nil im- nturnl clli > clinrKt"s , nrn ixlisolulcly euted Hellof Ii minoillnto iiniliin | > lito Uliuurantlriin mill nil ( tine - o IHL-S ctf the hlo M | ( Ivor , mnnoiitlr cured mflll r niPClPPO llnrmnnou nml FEMALE DISEASES r ir"iuv.0 ! , cnrcil Tlio Ditctcir'a Homo Tro-ilnionl ( ctr l.ndlun U truly nrotuiililo , coiiTi-nlunt niiilnniuloriml rcniudj. IAlilrSfroiiitii 4cis'i.v. Hoik free , ' " " lin OR McGREW'S" - ' ' Imriruimtritlun Ulll IIIUUIIUII U wllUl , u truly niilluiml In olmrncti-r. nnd ld t-rnnt iirmyof imlli ntri rcoclioi frcini llio Alluntln to tint 1'icMlc Tliu Doctor Inn lni < UmUiofIIHIIII Ml' fiiillclno iiinl hn-J hnd Ionic iiiul inruful oupcrlciKii lii hu iilrnl iirnitlrn , nntl u iln-motl DiniinK llio ImilliiK npeilnllit.lii luxlarn tclt-ncu Treatment by rorrt-sponile-nca llnok or ilrciilnriiibuulencliof llioHbo\cill oni > , fitlE OiTicc , 14th and Farnam Sts. , Omitlin , Null. Kntranco on cither etrect. REMOVAL OF JNO. H , CORNES Letter Files , INDEXES. TRANSFER CASES , IMPRESS ION HOOKS Burr's Standard Indexes , Mlmoo raphs and Hu. j To 318 South 15th St. Tel. 630. Omaha. ,