THE OMAHA.DA1JL1' . 13.EK FRIDAY , 23 , 1891 , lief of drouth nuftorers , but was onubbcd with on objection. Brccn moved the appointment of a commit tee to notify Governor Uoyd that the house WIM ready to recelvo communications. Ta bled by a vole of 00 to 29. A resolution VIM passed fora cotnmlttoo to oik ox-Oovcrnor Thaycr for nny information ho might \vlih to Impart nbout the affairs of the ntnta Mcltoynotds Introduced n concurrent reso lution naming February 5 as the day for be ginning the election contests. The tafo trcosuror was , requested to report - port the amount of funds on hand , nhoro do- jwslted and the Interest paid him. The Indfpi ndents resolved that look fiUb- llshcrs ouglit to put In tliolr books the reform principles on money , land nnd transportation. E. O. Wilson nnd Church llowo wcro r.p- polntod tha commltteo to wait on ex-Go vcrnor Thnyej , A ICiimor That Senator I'nililook Is AVorklng Agnliint It. The cltl/ens of Iowa nnd Nebraska , and es pecially the businessmen of Omaha and ' Councl'l IUuff.1 , are watching with great In- tcrest the progress ot. tlio now Missouri river brldgo bill now before con gress. It WM rumored yesterday thaC Scnatort Paddock was not actively supporting tho' hill and a party Interested In that company was scon last nltfht by n BEB reporter. Thn gentleman naid : "Private telegrams have been received from Washing ton stating that Senator Paddock had an nounced his opposition to the passage of the bill , but all others ef the Nebraska and Iowa delegation , without exception , nro favorable. "Jt Is Impossible to account for tUls action on the part of Senator Paddock. No recent measure before congress has received such emphatic undunivcrsalcndorftciunnt. Earnest pppculii to support this hill have been sent to Mr. Paddock as well as other members from the business men , bunkers nnd city onleial * of Omaha nud South Omaha , from the governors anil nil tl.o state oftlcors of Nebraska nnd Iowa , nnd from a very largo number of prlvatti individuals. These must have con vinced him beyond question that , the bill Is regarded by all classes as nn advantage to Omaha and Nebraska. Ills present attitude , therefore , In attempting to block the wheels of n public enterprise that will provo of incalculable benefit to so largo a number of people , is directly contrary to that which those people had a right to expect. " _ _ O.VJi V ,1 JIIZtUJ > x'llEFT. Hnd KlrnllH ro Whluli "Old Jlutoh" Han Itcon Drought OIIIOAOO , Jan. 2J. fSjioohil Telegram tote to TUB Jlii : . ] The fact that K. P. Ilutchlu- son , the votoron board of trade man , famili arly known a < "Old Hutch , " had suddenly withdrawn from speculation hat been a matter - tor of comment among brokers for weeks , hut It was not until today that thacausoof his re tirement beeatno known. Mr. Ilutehlnson's family is dissatisfied with his peculiar trades , nnd his son , Charles L. Ilut.chinsou , after consultation with his attorney and close pcr- Bomil friends , had a talk with his father and told him that , unless ho closed up his deals quietly and gave up nil speculative business , the matter would bo tnken Into the vourts and a conservator applied for. Ilulch- inson , sr. , was very angry for a time , hut Dually consented to the terms and at once evened up Ills trades and closed the bo'bks. It Is rumored thatHutchlnscm has lose about ? 10,000XK ( ) within twenty years. In 1870 ho was reported to have a fortune of SJO.OOO.OOO. Ten years ago , his son says , this had dwin dled to $10,000,000 nnd now there Is hut $1,000,00(1 ( left. It was to save this from fol- lo\Vlng the rest of his money that the family insisted upon his retirement. It Is said that Mr. Ilutehlnson's treatment of his wife in money matters also had some thing to do with the threat of put ting n conservator in ctinrgo of the K'oporty. As the story coes , Mrs. utchinson , when abroad about a year ago needed some funds and in ad a a draft on her husband for $1,000. Mr. flutchmson , however , refused to honor the draft nnd de clined to mnko nn explanation. The matter was overlooked nnd Mrs. Hiitchluson , when on a visit in the cast for a few weeks , again drew on him for nionoy. This o raft ho also refused , so it Is said , and , It > vas paid by his son. Airs. Hutchlnson returned homo she notillcd her husband that she did not nroposo to stand that kind of treatment aud thut if ; ho did not honor her calls for money aho would toke the matter into tho-courts. Hutchlnson has been the biggest and bold est .speculator on the hoard of trade over known until within the last thrco months , \vhon ho waa displaced by Mr. Pardridgo , who now cnjors the reputation of being the boss high roller. Pnrnclt llrclnrcH LONDON , Jan. 22. During a conversation in the lobby of the commons today Parncll declared tils Intention to assert his authority as leader of the national party and engage actively In the work dining the present session of parliament. It is claimed that the motion in regard to the administra tion of the crimes act made by Parncll at to day's session of the house cuts the ground from under McCarthy's feet ns obtaining precedence of McCarthy's motion concerning the trial of William O'firtcn. Hunting for a Young ; Countess. NEW YOHK , Jan. 23. It Is stated that Count George Szirmoy of Aiutro-Hungary hns been In this city three weeks iiuntfng for hjs' seventeen-year-old daughter , who waa stolen from a convent abroad by n former mistress qf ' ( ho couut , who thus sought re venge. Traces of the young countess have been found in the low duns of Thompson street , where It Is believed her abductor placed her , but the girl cannot be found. Itim on n Hunk Ended. KANSAS Cirr , Mo. , Jan. 33. The run on the Kansas City deposit and savings bank ended tnts morning. Since Monday it has paid out $ ir > 0,000 and is prepared to pay th amount of Us deposits $000,000. The Cen tral bank was absorbed today by the Merchants - chants * National bank , which will pay all claims. The Central bank went out of busi ness because tlio profits were too small to pay adequate Interest on the capital. Interviews. tyiusseu , Jan. 23. [ Special Cablegram tc Tun HKE.Tho ) Etollo Bclpo Is publishing o series of interview * with retired Belgian oniccrs and various high military authorities. including General Cnazal , chief of the royal military household , and General Liga'ro , Somnof the statements contained In these uv tervlows nro tantamount to arausatlons ol treason nnd Incapacity against members ol the ministry. Tntihonook Will In A'imlloutod. SriuNOvim.n , 111. , Jan. 23. The Taubcnecl Investigation ended tonight so far ns the tak Ing of evidence is conccr'nod , and the com nilttco will soon prepare a report vindicating Tauboneck of the charges made against htm All the evidence brought out has been hearsay say and apparently nothing but a revival o stories started by a personal enemy of TaU' bencck years n o. A Hnlldoilnii Scheme. LITTI.H Kocif , Ark , Jan. 23. In the housi of representatives today a iolnt rcsolutloi was adopted to postpone artion on the bill np propriatliiK $100,000 for a world's fair 01 ulbu until after learning the notion ot congress gross on the force bill. AVerse Thnti at first t-upposodU MAHISSU , 111. , Jan. ) . Tha mine accldon was attended with more serious consequence than at first supposed. William Uobson am William Rtrakor died toJuy and It is uati mated that at least six other men will die , a they inhaled flumes. Mill nnd Klovntor I'tirnod. MAr.crrt , Minn. , Jan. 20. The oat moa mill And elevator of G. M. Johnson of Mlnno npolls burned lost night. Loss on building (00,000 , ami 50,000 bushels of grata wcro con SUKCd. ] ) oof < lcl Ago ! M it Kvn Hamilton. NEW , YO K , Jan. 23. Surro ate Ilansot decided this afternoon that the marriage o Ev L , Hamilton to Robert Kuy Hamlltoi was void and that she U still the wlfo o Maun. WAI DUEL WITH TRAMPS. lonductor O'Ncil ' of the Northwestern Killed at Long Point , la , THE MURDERERS MAKE THEIR ESCAPE , A Jinnies * Dcnlcr nt Nevada Biilcldoi While IIIRIUIC The Io\vn "Mill ers' Association Supreme Court Dcofnloiif ) . BOOVB , la. , Jan. 22. ( Special Telegram to TIIK Urn. | Conductor James O'Ncil of this ilncowos killed hy tramps at 2 o'clock this norning on the Chicago & Northwestern at xmij Point , slxt/ miles east of here , going past fromTatna. lie had on hU train Do- cctlvo Purcell of the Northwestern. O'Noil old 1'iirccll that he had two tramp * In n box car whoso description answered that of some men whom the dotcctlvo was shadowing. When the train stopped at L6ng Point the wo went forward to dislodge the tramps. ) 'Ncll was just nbout to climb up nto the car when 0110 of the ramps discharged the contents of a shotgun nthlin , blowing the entire top of his icnd off. The gun was also snapped at Purcell - cell , hut failed to RO oft. The two tramps uraped from the car mid ran. Purcell fired , wo shots at them and broke the spring of his revolver and they got away. The dead conductor was taken to Hello Plalno and iftcrwards brought to his homo In Boono. lu was ono of tno I > cst conductors on the end nnd very popular among railroad men. It was learned later that the Northwestern depot nt La Qrando had been broken nto and it was hero the tramps had secured the gun with which the murder was : omnilttcd. An which ono of them .hrow away In his ( light also contained money nnd other articles stolen fiom the denot. After the tramps got away from the dotcctlvo they stele a horse nt Long Point nnd rode southwest across the country , leaving the animal when It became exhausted from hard tiding. The Northwestern road 1ms o tiered a reward of > 00 for the capture of the mur derer. O'Nell's father was killed in the em ploy of the Northwestern , coiup down with : ho Moiugonn bridge on the night that Kato Shelly imulo her Umous trip to the rescue. Horticultural Society Premiums. Dti MoiKca , la. , Jan. 22. - Special to Tim Bnn.l At the session of the state horticultural society last evening the awarding of premiums was announced Us follows f Best collection apples from any county In northern district , drst to Ferris Brothers , Franklin couiity , $50 ; second to M. E. Illiiksloy , Cherokee courty , $10. South ern district , first to J , W. Murphy , Mills county ; second to farmers' club , Mnhaska county. Central district ; first to A. Bronson , Codnr county. Best individual collection , first to J. W. Murphy , ? 10 : second to A. F. Collman , & 5. Best collection seedlings , first to-Mr. Thorp , | 1 ( ) ; second to A. F. Coil- man , ! . Best seedling apple , first , S. A. Porterfield , ! f5 ; second , J. J. Brady , $ .3.50. On single plates of apples J. W. Murphy of Mills county took the largest number of premiums. Secretary Van Iloutcn's report was very complete. Ho recommended that the time of meeting bo changed to the second Tuesday in November. The treasurer's report showed 97,005.83 on liaud. The election of ofllccra resulted : President , Eugene S'jcor , Forest City , reelected - elected by acclamation ; secretary , G. B. Brackett , Denmark , by M to 28 for CJcorgo Van Houtonj treasurer , Henry Strohm , by acclamation ; and the following directors" : First district , Jonathan Thatcher ; Third , L. A. Williams ; FifthH. W.Lathropo ; Seventh , Christian Steinman ; Ninth , B. F. Ferris ; Eleventh , C. O. Patten. The Supreme Court. DBS MoiNC3 , la. , Jan. 33. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ! The following supreme court dccislous were filed today : State vsV..F. . T. Murdy , appellant ; Ap- panoso dlsttlct ; affirmed. The defendant was accused and tried for the crime of mur der In the first degree and convIcTF ft mur der In the second degree. Ho was adjudged to bo Imprisoned In the Fort Madisou peni tentiary for ton years. Tbo crlmo for which lie was convicted was the shooting of Silas Tipton in October , 1889 , from the effects of which he died. State vs Kobert Harrison and Nash Harri son , appellants ; Jefferson district ; reversed ; Kothrock nnd Robinson dissenting. State v Charles 1C. Shroves , appellant ; Adnir district ; affirmed. Shreves was con victed of the murder of Louis Mlass and sentenced for thrco years. State vs W. H. Harding , appellant : Wash ington district ; reversed. The defendant was indicted for assault with Intent to com mit murder and was convicted of assault with Intent to Commit manslaughter. Blue GrnHH I nguo Officers. CiingTOtf , la. , Jan. 23. [ Special to Tun BER. | At the third annual meeting of the Blue Grass league of southwestern Iowa yesterday the following ofllccrs were elected : President , W. O. Mitchell , Adams county ; secretary , J.-T. McClcnnahnn , Page county ; treasurer , W. E. Harper , Clark county ; direc tors , 'William Scott , Union county ; N. P. Nelson , Taylor county ; vice presidents from each county belonging to the league , U. W. Perkins , Fremont county ; Will him Schrivcr , Klnggold county ; W. S. Johnson , Dccatur county ; J. D. Hasbrock , Wnyuo county ; C. A. Stanton , Appanooso county ; J. E. Wright , Lucas county ; C. O. Platter , Montgomery county ; W , L. Tubbs , Mills county ; S. W. Franklin , Cass county ; J. H. Hurlbut , Adalr county ; M. Klttlcman , Warren county ; W. J , Davenport , Chicago , Burlington & Quincv railway. An Unfounded Humor. CI.AIUNDA , la. , Jan. 2.2. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] For some time there have been ru mors current detrimental td the management of the insane asylum nt this place , alleging scandalous conduct on the part of .Superin tendent Llewellyn In relation to a certain employe and charging cruel treatment of the patients. Colonel Otis of McGregor , a mem ber of the standing visiting commltteo. has been here a couple of days making an In vestigation , and emphatically declares the nmnngomont Is perfect. On being asked vrlth a direct question If there had been any trouble by abuse of patients , Dr.Llowollyn said there was no grounds for any rumors "ol tbo kind , and ho courted the most thorough Investigation , J. H. Dunlap. a trustee , do- licences the minor of a scandal or contention In the institution us without foundation. Atlantic Notes. ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEB.J There nro a largo number of cases of diphtheria in the southern part of Cass county , with ton deaths already reported. The existing cases have been strictly ijunranlluoa and it is hoped the won is over. * The action of the railroad commissioners lu deciding that passenger trains Nos. 0 and K must be resumed by the Hock island road Is heartily In accord with the wishes of At Untie citizens. The ladles' of the Woman's Christian Tern poruncounlon have presented petition tc tha city council praying for the passage ot ai ordinance prohibiting the sale or givlin. away of cigarettes or tobacco In any form tc children under sixteen years of ago , The Prohibition Convention. Dug MOINES , la. , Jan. 23. The Iowa state prohibition convention , under the Joint nus1 pices of the state aud national committees T > cgan Its session hero today to organize fo the coming state campaign In Iowa. Th < leading speaker was ox-Oovcrnor St. John Both old parties wore roundly denounced. Suicided Whllo Inaanc. BOO.VR , la. , Jan. 33. [ Special Telegram tc TUB BRE. ] Z. Proancll , a harness dealer a Nevada , cast of hero , was found dead In hi store by his workmen this morning. Ho hac shot himself while temporarily Insane. Qniccra niootod. DKS MOISES , la. , Jan. -Thelowa millers elected the following officers : President , E A. Cooslgncy , Avoca ; secretary , J. T. Share vice president , W. 11. Morrison , Cookuk. The election otofllcers of the State Agrl- nltural socletv resulted as follows : Presl * lent , Kiigcno Sccor , Charles City ) secretary , 3. H. Bruckott , Denmark ; Treasurer , Henry Strolm. Iowa City. hncnl Travel. M MOIXK.O , In. , .Ian. 23. The railroad commissioners today filed an opinion In the case against the Chicago , Kqck Island & Pa cific for Inadequate pimengoi ? service. The commissioners hold that the service must 'M mproved to promote security , convenience and the accommodation of thopublic. . The irescnt sTvIeo Is held ns a discrimination against luy I travel. or Dcvaiujy'H Kccovery. Dpvanoy , the man who was shot by Pat rick Ford , jr. , Is still alive , nnd his condition secmi to be about the s.imo as it has been for several days , There are hopes of his recov ery. ery.A m A 8POH1 jfllA.VS FATAL SHOT. The Ocflocted 11 Ito Hall Lodges In Ml 4 ImrRon'n llrcnst. Fatal accidents' in and about Omaha have been crowding upon ear * other lu rapid suc cession since liLstS'ln.av night. Yesterday furnUncd Its full 'quota. A la- > oror named Nils Larson lies at St. Joseph's lospital with what scorns to' bo a mortal lullct wound lu his chest. Ho was coming o the Omaha ice company' ' house out on 3ut-0ff lake yesterday from Floreirco when 10 received the shot that will , In all proba bility , end his lifo. It was purely accidental and was n most remnrkablo Incident. Josluh Kent , a young1 BOH of Captain Kent of Cut-Off lslnnd\vas , out huntlugtowird the cast end ot Cut-Off lake and ho 11 rod at a goose. It was n rillo that ho had and n gun if long range aud heavily loaded. The goose vns about two hundred yards away nnd a ! ow yards beyond were some blocks of Ice above the surface. The leaden inisslo struck ono ot these cakes of ice and glanced off at almost a right iinglo from Us orlglunl course , striking Ncls Lnrscn at a distance of COO yards from tbo point of dcllcctipn. It might easily bo supposed that the force of tha bullet would bo nhnojt entirely spent by the time it baa gone SOU yards , nnd 000 of .hat distance after glancing so far out of its course , but It still had momentum enough to shatter a rib and penetrate Into the victim's lungs , where it Is now lodged . The wounded man was picked up by some ice cutters and carilcd to the Omaha Ice company's warehouse. The joung man who llred the shot roulled very soon thnt" the bullet which sped from tils gun had indicted the dangerous wound nnd ho took Larson In his buggy and brought him to St. Joseph's hospital. The bullet Is a 33 callbro and took effect In the right InciLst , splintering a rib so thnt pieces of the bone had to bo taken out. The bullet Is lodged In the right lung and cannot bo extracted. Dr. Gulhraith Is of the opinion thnt the pntlont cannot live , although ho was apparently holding hls.own lost night at a late hour. Nils Larsen has two brothers named Peter nnd Lucno Larseu. They all cams from Mo- lltio , III. , and have been In Omaha several months. The wounded man had worked ut jutting ice for tnreo weeks at Florence. Ho is thoroughly convinced that tha shooting was purely accidental. Voung Kent has not been arrested. A XI V8E31EHT3. In the list of comic opera successes of re cent years "Tho Sea King , " which was mnde known at the Boyd last evening by the W. J. Gllmoro opera company , deservedly takes high rank. Tbo composer , Mr. Richard Stahl , while not claiming any great originality for the opera , is entitled to unlimited credit for hav ing given the musical world a composition which is infinitely bettor than the "rot" which has ot late boon flooding the country to the exclusion of ttio better examples of musical construction. It is really a pleasure nowadays to find a modicum of really serious and earnest , musie introduced 'iu the rnodcrn opera comlquo" And 3 composer \vbo' possesses both the in clination and the capacity to write , If 'only once in awhile , something removed from the Innno drivel which passes current as comic opera just now , deserves nronouncod encour agement from those who feel a profound dis gust at the unmusical tendencies of the comic opera stage in this evening of the nineteenth century. "The Sea King" is muchsuporlorto thocom- poscr's first effort in the lineof comic opera , "Said Pnsha. " It Is written. upon a much higher plane and displays to excellent advan tage the good school Air. Stnhl was trained lu. It indicates too a greater facility iu the manugemcnt of tno material In hund and n somewhat moro cnroful exorcise of discrimi nation in the choice of ideas. Tv.'o distinct elements predominate , the romantic which is represented in the legend of the sea , and the grotesque , which deals with Don Bnmbouln and his canvass for a wife. Both of these elements are strongly accentuated , marking tbo return of the old order of things , which of late years has been lost sight of lu the de mand for burlesque , farce comedy and comic opera pure and simple. For those who were not present last oven- lug the story may bo outlined as follows : Don Bambouln , duke of Valencia , Is so ugly that his face , as be says himself , with almost unnecessary frequency , gives him pain , and he has therefore been unable to get any girl to marry him. Ho procures a talisman from the Sea King , which , it is promised , will cause bis personal appearance to Improve. The Sea King falls in love with Bamboula's niece and turns out to bo the long loit heir to the dukedom. Ho carries off Barnboula uad all the rest of the character to his "lair" for no other reason except that the scene painters have prepared a very gorgeous lair and It Is of course , necessary to utilize it. The tables are , how ever. turned upon the Sea Klug , and as another gorgeous interior roproaentlng a palace In Spifn has beou prepared , the action Is promptly transferred thereto , and all the entanglements of the two provlous nets are finally solved , and everyone , except the un fortunate duke , Is made happy. The music ls very reminiscent of Offen bach , Audran , Strauss , Mllloocker , Geneo , but It has been put together with a master hand. Herein lies Mr. Stubl's nrt. Ho ex cels In orchestration , for nnlhlng better has been heard In a vary long time than the duet iu the second act between the Itoro and his sweetheart. The qunrtotto entitled "Memory Bolls" Is a dainty bit of phrasing and washonorcd with a double encore. Throughout there urowalt/os In abundance , until ono almost tires of 'their' never ending tondcncv to dominate the score. But of the people who contribute to the success ol this very clover opera I The part of Don Bamboula Is the incarnation of low comedy , the best comic opera role wrlUou lu the last decade , aud Mr. Kobert K. Graham plays It with an uuctuousness that is positively delightful. Ho makes the role bristle with fun nnd humor and his mako-up U a study for a fashion pluto of stage celeb rities. Miss Elsie Warren , who plnys the role of Dolores , has a voice that Is refreshingly pure and sweet. Although UDintouHsb. In her actIng - Ing and the manner in which she uses her voice , she is so promising a prlina donna that ono can readily overlook those shortcomings -account of the perfect manner hi which her solo * were rendered. * Miss ICutlo Gilbert is a charming soubrcttc and she brought to the role of Hoslta a knowl edge of stage business qulto refreshing. Thomas H. Porssohud a smill" part which ho mndo stand out very prominently. Ho has a sweet tuner voice , remarkably clear in the upper rcfd&tcr. Mamie Corbl looked prolty the page. Tno only drawback to the performance was tie slnglug of Mr , H. Lowberry , who at the last moment was compelled to go on In Marl < Smith's pun of the Boa King , the latter bcluf ; forbidden to sing by his physician. Mr. Lowberry was overweighted. The purt Is entirely too robusto In character nnd nacdi ii : addition to a good singer a good actor. In both of these Mr. Low bony failed. , The costuming of the opera Is very prp ty and the ncenery olToctive , Tbo chorus 13 no. I largo , hut qulto nftlrlent. x The orcluatra need * two or throe more r hcaraals bo fora the entire beauty of the open will bo clearly sot forth as Mr. Stahl In tended. Death of Urnrll'H Wnr Minister , Rio Jixenio , Jon. 23. Minister of Wai Constant died today. In political circles th < belief Is expressed that tbo ministerial crlsl : Is about over. HE WAS pUCED TO MOVE ON ' - > ! A WominV'volvor Argument Proves OonTinjing to a Tramp. A PAIR Oj ENTERPRISING THIEVES , Their Career Is Ilrniiglit to nn lund hi Fnlrburjt-iv ) llurwoll Youth 1'riftii'jilcd by nn Uii- a ; uly Ilorac. 'i , NOIITII BKXD , Nob. , Jan. 22. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; DEB. ] A tramp undertook pait of town this morning , but was routed by the pluckywlfo ot the postmaster who drew a revolver on the ras cal and ordered him to travel or have his blood spilt. The police nro now searching for him. Ho did no damage , but likely would had not Mrs. Yost appeared ou tuu scene with n No. 33 ro-- volver. 1 Itlnurniit Thlovei. Ai.nioN" , Neb. , Jan. 22. [ Special Telegram to TUB DUK.I A numlwr of robes , overcoats nnd other smaller articles have been taken frotn buggies on the streets during the win ter. A search was made yesterday by ofil- clals of a bum occupied by some parties who have boon feeding a herd of horses there and a number of articles were found under the hay In the loft. The persons , three In num ber , who had charge of the place , were ar rested and locked up In jail. They are strangers and go by the names of Slimmy , Jolm tJcorgo and John Bow. Their examina tion before Justice Uourdinan began today. Trampled by a JlorHc. BUKWM.T. , Neb. , Jan. 03. [ Special to THE BKE. ] Hartly Ilentilch , n youne man of this place , was today seriously Injured by falling under the feet of nn unruly horse. Ills skull was crushed and the doctors have Just por- formea an operation on the head. They glvo some hopes of his recovery. The young uuu is n son of C. W. Ilennlch , n member of the state legislature. Ills father has been wired for. A Ulnlr Frp. ! BrAin , Neb. , Jan. 2-J. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] A fire broke out in the building owned by J. C. Angerson last night. The ilrst story was occupied by Miss Hattlo Ballurd as a " millinery store. The second story was occupied by AngcMon as a resi dence. The lire broke out In the back part of.tho millinery dep-irtment. but how it orig inated Is not known. Aiigei-aon had nn In surance of 8700 on bis building nnd &HH ) on his furniture iu the Farmers and Merchants' of Lincoln , Neb. , which will cover nil loss. Miss Ballnrd had $2,500 insurance in the Homo of New Vork. The lire department was on hand promptly after the alarm was given nnd did peed work as there nro other wooden buildings close by , and if it had not been properly handled there would have beeu a largo lire , piobably the whole block would huvo burned. Systematic Thievery. FAinnour , Neb. , Jan. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB DEH. ] The sheriff of Saline county arrived hero tonight after Arthur Sontcr nnd Fred Ayahlloy , who were lulled ate lost night orstealing , a buggy , several lairs of blankets , wo sets of double work harness , seventy-live bushels of wheat nnd i number of other articles from farmers In the north p.irt of Jefferson coanty nnd the south part of Saline county. Three thieves were arrested by City Marshal Marks , to whom they confessed to having stolen the above described property , which they had In .heir possession. , , Captain Harris Itnnqiicttoil. NcimASKA CITY , "Nob. , Jan. 33. [ Special Telegrani'toTiiEBtt ! . ! Company L of the National Quarts , tonight gave a farewell jlowqut And dahco'ift the Standard theatre , n honor of Captain liarrls , who leaves in the morrilng'fpl' Donvdr. T.hoy also gave a great exhibition of Indian relics and war memen toes. The Talmage company was in attend ance. Cnss County's Court House. PLATTSMOOTII , Neb , , Jan. 23. [ Special to TUB BUB. ] The court houao bonds have been rcgistored , nnd a number of bids for their lurclmso at a premium have been received from capitalists and brokers. Cnss county's court house will bo o thing of beauty and substance In the fair cily ot Plattsmouth this year. To Investigate the Votci. BAiiTi.isr , Nob. Jan..22. [ Special to TUB BIE. : ] Ex-Commissioner i. Bennett has filed amended accusations against C. W. Hodgkln Tor securing illegal votes at the last election , The matter will bo investigated about the middle of February. ' Flic nt liberty. Neb.Ian. , . 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bui ; . ] The residence of W. Y. York , township supervisor , caught fire and was burned to the ground today during the ibsonco of the family. The origin of the lire is unknown. Loss $1SOU , ; insurance $1,3 , JO. It Excites Various Feelings in Vari ous Ljooalltlco. Loswos , Jan. 23. f--Special Cablegram to TUB Bun. ] The liberals arc rcjolehifc over the election to parliament of Mr. t urnoas , the Glndstonlan candidate from Hnrtlepool. Mr. Gladstone has telegraphed his personal congratulations to Mr. Furnosson bU success which takes another seat from the conserva tives and assures the unity of the liberal party. Coining just ut the opening of parlia ment , the victory gives nn impulse of en couragement , whicli the liberals have badly needed and will make thorn moro aggres sive and assertive. The lories who have neon discounting defeat for some time cannot concenl their disappointment , foa the result indicates the probable result in other liberal-unionist constituencies , without whose aid the toMes cannot keep control of the government. The Times and Standard claim that the Hnrtlopool election was decided on the eight-hour and other Is sues and that homo rule had no part In it. Mr. Gladstone , in telegraphing a reply to a correspondent who had questioned him as to the significance of the Hnrtlopool election , said ! "Tho Hartlopool election is , from the time and circumstances , by far the most important since. .1SSO. The limits of a telegram preclude'the ' plving of my full meaning , but all imi see that the simple fig ures as taken off tho'poll rciiuco to dust and ashes the declaration * of Lord Salisbury , Sir Houry James , Mr. > GiHchon and the Duke of Westminster upqa. Uat they call recent events. " { „ McetlrjL "ac Trinity. There was n very.Important missionary mooting hold yesterday nt Trinity cathedral. Canon Whltmarsh Caiinn Howett of Lincoln , tilshop Worthrtigjjon/ / Canon Doherty nnd Bean Gardner were/.present. Earnest ad dresses were mudc/ifim ! a largo nnd deeply In terested attcndanco.ol ko Inlty was present. A meeting of tha cathedral chapter was held at Trinltv cafllcar.d to talk over the work of the dloceso.1 The standing committee - tee having charW of the missionary work and ot tU * Uluaucos also mot nt the deanery. * Tuoiuvork of the diocese nnd the finances wor reported to bo in ex cellent shape. At the missionary mooting lost night Canon Bohcrty nmdo a vOry earnest appeal for \ \ more zealous effort on the purt of the church , not only with relation to the work of the parish , but pertaining to the mission work all over the city. Arrcdtoil A man named B. F < Gannon was arrested yesterday upon a chnrgo of obtaining money under false pretenses. Kdward Murphy ts tha complaining witnesi , and claims that Gannon got $50 by representing to him thai ho had a farm , whereas the facts have proven that Gannon does not o\vn \ a solitary foot ol laud. A Smooth Chicago Thief. OuicAao , Jan. 23. It has just bccomi mown that yesterday attilof asked nt the xistofllca for the mall of the Northwestern National banx , nnd a package of letters was [ Ivcn him which contained from $100,000 to itr > 0,000 , mostly In checks , drafts and other non-negotiable papers. XO iV.B.1 It Kit mi ! TTtiElt. South Dakota Legislator * Still Hope- IcHMly Pnllnttliitc On. Pir.ntiKt S. D. , Jnn.23. [ Special Telegram : o THE BJ-E. ] The house met at 10 this molti ng nnd first disposed of the Lawrence county contest cases. Upon motion of Bowcll they were initito n special order for 3 o'clock to- uorrow r.ftcrnoon. The Question of allow- ng ono attorney for each side , throo-quar- .ers of nn hour each to present the case before - fore the house , the attorney for the contest ants to follow ( 'ontosteos1 attorney , camoup on motion o ! Luster. A f tor considerable dis cussion in which the republicans opposed the motion , it xvns referred to special order. Both sides claim that they Nave sufllclcnt votes to carry their point. If the republican members are unseated It will give the combine twelve additional ma- lorlty. This wotald make tha republican chances still moro doubtful. The republican * are very confident thatthcy will bo successful In retaining their members and the votes in the house would seem to glvo ground for It. The Joint committee on a memorial for seed grain for the destitute districts reported that the auditors and commissioners should pre pare n statement of the needs of their several counties nnd urco that all farmers retain their seed wheat If possible , on account of the uncertainty of'congress making an appro priation. Wheeler of Spluk , tlio homo of Treasurer Taylor , introduced n bill providing for the registration of the stnto's bonds nnd provid ing that they are Invalid until registered. It was the lack of this registration that caused the Into trouble concerning the sale of state bonds. Adjourned until U tomorrow. In tha senate bills were Introduced by Corey for refunding $ ' .13,000 of Ynnkton insane asylum bonds and § 1B,000 , of Vcrmlllton uni versity. The houses met in joint session nnd ad journed to 10 tomorrow. The vote on senator In joint session at 12 today was a llttlo of a change from yesterday. It was us follows : Moody 74 , Picklor 1 , Melville 2 , Preston 2 , McCo'rnmck 2 , Steward 2 , Lake 1 , Trlpp 24 , Harden 17 , Grose 12. Kvlo 7 , Cosand 8 , War- dall 9 , Campbell 2rVolkmar 2. There v/ero two pairs in the bouse. May of Custcr changed from Moody t < l Melville. A second ballot being taken , Mascrip of Union changed from.Moody to Melville , re ducing Moody's vote to 73 , but the changes Indicate llttlo us to the final result , Tho-sen- tlmcnt seems to bo that the contest will bo extended with chances just about oven that there will bo a choice tUU session. This sort of contention continued for an hour nnd n half , when the committee was in structed to ask the supreme court for a writ ten opinion. The independents wanted this In order to hnvo it spread on the journal as i record. Chairman Shrador then in ado nn oral report of the court's opinion. The con vention adjourned nnd the two houses took up their business where it had been dropped Tuesday morning. Thcsonato listened to the reading of a few bills and adjourned. Tlio Montana Ucndlock. Ilni.nxA , Mont. , Jan. 23. Both parties to the legislature deadlock have been caucusing all day. The democrats today made a propo sition thut the two houios como together with twenty-eight republicans and twenty- seven democrats , , the latter to have the or- gaui7ation of the houso. The republicans in accepting asked for i division of the other oRlccs and that the proceedings of tha rival houses ho expunged from the journals. This the democrats refused. It is nrobablo , however , that some agreement will bo reached by Monday , as the republican house has adjourned until Saturday. Given Over to Ilmicombr. TOPEKA , Kan , , Jan. 22. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE. ] The lower house of the legislature has given itself over to buncombe speech making. The entire day was spent in discussing a hill today , and yesterday's ses sion was equally as bad. No matter what resolutions nro presented by the republicans the alliance members think they can scosomi scheme in it to defeat the will of the people , and the dozen or moro men striving for nlll- iinco leadership at once arise to their feet. Stevens oj Franklin made a hit this after noon by Introducing a resolution Instructing the scrgcnnt-at-arms to keep a file of the po litical campaign speeches and rehearsals thereon which members may desire to make for the Information of the house. Speaker Elder pronounced the resolution Irrelevant and said it must go under the table. Another Fruitless Hnllot Takqn. tii'itiNariisLD , 111 , Jan. 22. The joint as sembly today attracted 01111631 as much public Interest ns yesterday. Tno result of the first ballot showed no change from yesterday. Im mediately upon the announcement of the re sult Taubcneck , F. M. B. A. member , , moved thut the assembly adjourn until 13 o'clock to morrow. The democrats demanded the yeas and nnys , and the roll call was ordered. It resulted : Yeas , 103 : nays , 101. Another Memorial to Congress. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan. 22. In the house this morning a joint resolution was offered memorializing congress in favor of the con struction of a canal In Now York1 at Niagara Fulls. The passage of the Payne bill for that purpose is urged in the Interest of the commercial and agricultural Interests of the west , nnd the military and industrial Interests of the whole country. No Chnluf ! in North Dakota. BISMAIICK , N. D. , Jan. 23. The legislature took nine ballots todav for United States sen ator without result. Pierce had 19 votes In the first live ballots and Hansbrough 20 on the lost two. The democrats voted steadily for McCormuck , Dpinocrnti N'niiio Vila * . WIs. , Jan. 23. The democrats ot tbo legislature in joint caucus today nomi nated for United States senator William F. Vllas. . Illinois' I'cnltantlury Commission. Si'iuxorinLD , 111. , Jan. 21 The apodal penitentiary commission appointed by the last general assembly will make a volumin ous report to the general assembly next week. Ilcgurdlug the asylum for convict insane at Chester , the contractors insisted that they could not erect for 150,000 n buildIng - Ing according to the details prescribed by the state board of puullu charities. Tbo board insisted , the contractors refused to continue work and the construction was greatly de layed. The commissioners detail visits to other ptato Institutions. Upon the nil-Im portant question of convict labor no direct recommendation is made. The report re cites - that within thrco years tlio last contract with individuals and cor porations for convict labor will have expired and under a constitutional amendment no others can bo mndo. As a re sult the convicts in the two state peniten tiaries will bo Idle and wholly a burden to tbo state. The committee leaves tbo remedy with tbo general assembly. Warning Li given that in New York and other states where extreme legislation loft the convicts in prolonged idleness insanity has claimed over 100 per cent moro victims than under the con tract labor system. 'Tho ' committee rcakos nanny recommendations for legislation concerning - corning the management of the penal institu tions of the state. Cattle Tlilevou Convicted. CIIBVESNK , Wyo. , Jan. 23. ( Special Tele gram to Tins flun.1 A noted trial ended this evening In the district court hero , a yerdlct of guilty being returned against Klneh Mc- Klnnoy , ono of n hand of Nebraskans , whu \\a\o \ been stealing Wyoming cattle for the past two yours. Win. Klngen , the loader of the band , U In Jail awaiting transportation to the penitentiary and two others are to bo tried. The cases have excited much interest lu the Nebraska and Wyoming border counties. , _ The Death Roll. BOSTON , Mass. . Jan. 22. Callxa Lavallo , ono of the loading pianists of America , Is dead. BKUU.V , Jan. 22. The . .grand ducuest of Mecklenburg-Schwerln , sister of the late Emperor William , is dead , CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS Tbo Sonato'H ' Time Taken Up In Arguing the Closure Resolution , HARRIS' APPEAL LAID ON THE TABLE , Speaker Itoed Gives Some Advice to n Gentleman from Tennessee The iJtatrlut of Columbia Bill Passed. x , Jan. ! w. In the senate this morning n quorum appeared nt 10 : Jt ) ) and the question of the approval of the Journal cnmo up. Mr. Atdrlch took the floor nnd stated that the democrats had nt hist thrown off all disguise and disclosed thnt they had decided to prevent nny legislation unless their wishes In regard tp certain measures wcro ac ceded to. Mr. Harris said If the senate proceeded to the consideration of the appropriation bill the minority would consent. Mr. Aldrich nt the conclusion of his re marks , moved that the senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution to amend the rules by the adoption of the plan of closure. Tito point of order wns mndo on the democratic side that the unfinished business was a mo tion to correct the journal of Tuesday's pro ceedings and that as It Involved the status of Mr. AldricU's ' resolution it must bo first dis posed of. The vlco president Indicated his deslro to hear argument on the point anil the po sitions ou cuch side were stated by various senators. Mr. Stewart arguing strongly In the democratic side , nnd Mr. Sherman arguing that although tlio mo tion to correct the journal wns a privileged question , It did not necessarily follow tnat It must be first considered. Any other sub ject might bo taken up iu.proferenco by a ma jority vote. The vice president ruled Mr. Aldricn's motion to proceed to consideration 'of the closure rule in order nnd overruled Mr. Harris' point of order. Mr. Harris appealed , but the chair was sustained. Messrs. Teller , Wolcott nnd Stewart voted with the demo- era uS. Mr. Aldrfch moved consideration of his resolution ( closure ) and Mr. Gorman moved totablolt. The vice president submitted the question nnd n vote was taken. It resulted yeas , ' ! 0. nays O.1 ! so the motion to table was lost and a vote was then taken on the motion to con sider the closure rule. It prevailed by a vote ofIKi to 32. Immediately , however , Mr. Harris called up his point of order made against the closure resolution on Tuesday ( that It wns not ex plicit enough to moot the rule ) The vice picsldcut rulrd against him , but Mr. Harris took nn appeal nud wns permitted to debate It. Finally , on motion of Mr. Aldrich , Mr. Harris' appeal was laid on the table M to SS. After further debates and notices of amendments by Messrs. Stuwartnnd Gibson , Mr. Cockrell , who hud the floor , yielded and the senate took a recess until tomorrow. The object of taking a recess Instead of adjourn ing Is supposed to bo to avoid questions being raised as to the correction of the journal. There will bo no journal until thor legislative day of the 22d is finished. House. WASHINGTON' , Jan , 2 . In the house this morning Mr. Ilogcrs of Arkansas raised a point of no quorum , but thus speaker counted 103 members and directed the reading of the Journal. Mr. McMillan of Tennessee Impeached the ruling of the speaker yesterday declaring dilatory Mr. McMillan's motion that the resolution elution reported by the rules committee bo committed , etc. Messrs. Springer , Bland and others sup ported him. The spcakcrsald tha debate , while nom inally upon the approval of tbo journal , had really been upon the propriety of certain rul- inft-s. lie dl'l not think the bickerings of the past few days had added to the dignity of the house. The business of a legislative body was to legislate , and not to permit its Icgl4- latlon to bo wantonly interrupted. After further dcbnta the journal was ap proved by a risiugvoto. The District of Columbia appropriation bill was then passed and the bouse went into committee of the whole on the naval appro priation bill. Mr. Boutcllc explained it , the committee rose nnd the house adjourned. 31VUDKKKUH' DAY. Four Plead Not Guilty In tljo Denver District Court. DENVER , Colo. , Jan. 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BKU. ] It was murderers' ' day In the distric.t court today. Hurley McCoy was broueht before Judge Allen , preparatory to pleading to nn indict ment for tbo murder of Police Inspector Ilawloy. Ho entered the court hand cuffed under n strong cuard. As no sat In the prisoner's dock ho waa a target for remarks of "an uncompli mentary nature , ills brief Incarceration has already told on him , the once ruddy com plexion having given place to nn unhealthy pallor and an entire absence of his usual Un-horn bravado waa noticeable , in fact , there seemed to bo no moro sub dued prisoner in tbo box than the L'atubler assassin. Ills counsel made a strong plea for delay ; which the district at torney opposed and the court overruled , fix ing Monday ns the dny on which ho should plead and an the date also when ho would hear a motion for a change of venue. nn American Pork. BKUI.IX , Jan. 22. In the rclchstag today Barth , member of the Deutsche froisinnigo party , moved the repeal ot the prohibition on American porlt and bacon. Secretary Von Boottlchcr said that despite the increased stringency of measures taken In America to suppress the trade in bad hog products there was still no guarantee that Germany will bo sufficiently protected from the danger of trichinosis. Ho assorted that li per cent of American hogs were affected with the disease - ease as ngalnst U.I ) per cent of German hogs. Schmidt of tbo froisinulge parly urged the necessity of supplying the working people of Germany with American meat , which was considerably cheannr than the Gor- iiiiui meat. Broomol of tha Deutsche frelsinnigo party held that it was unchristlan- 11 Ice ( o make tbo people's , necessities of lifo dear In this barbarous manner. Von Boottl- cbcr further said thnt tha English nnd American people did not eat raw meat , such as was consumed In Germany , The rolch- stag then adjourned , Von dcro \ Satisfied. ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE , ] Von dcr Aho arrived hero today and denies that ho will bo Inter ested In the now Chicago association team. "I am more than satisfied with the re sult of things , " ho remarked , "Tho American' association Is on a , stronger basis , financially , and in the matter of circuit , than it has been for years. Both Boston and Chicago will bo represented with good clubs , while "Philadelphia aud Washington will have better teams than either city has bad In a long time. " OtitrflRCHon. Chlnmo Laborers , PKNW.KTON , Ore. , Jan. IB. A report comes from Milton that one hundred men , supposed to bo discharged railroad hands , went to the Chinese quarters lust night and led all the Chinamen out of 'town with ropes around thulr nocks , handling some of thorn very roughly. 1'olnnned Herself nnd Children. BKOCKTOX , Mass , , Jan , S3. Mrs. Ludwlg Anderson today gava her throe children , aged live , four and two , morphine and. took a dose herself. She is dead and the children are not expected to live. Jealousy of her hus band was tbo cause. Mclsminlcr Improving. PAUIH , Jan. 23.-lSpecUl Cablegram to THE Hun. ] It is announced tonight thatM. Moljionier is improving. SMALL -EET , They Aroim Illustration of the Tendency of tha Times toward Little WnUts and Weak Bodies. Anyone who vMts tlio nrt nuiionms may bo struck with the fact thnt the foot of all tbo ancient statues ! > eoni very large , Thoydoseemfli no. but It will bo found thnt for symmetrical perfection those foot could not ho better , and yet the foot of the nvcrnso ninu or woman to day nro much sninllorthiin In nniilonttltnas. Ono tululit naturally us * . Why Is thUT ih answer Is not diniuulU Modern custom mid fashion hnvouontrncled feet to tholr nrosent small proportlonM shoos luivo taken the plnco of annual * . Indeed , It Is only ono Illustration of ninny , of wlint advanced clxlllzutlon nnd fashion do. Thuwalili of women Innnolenb ilava wcro not xoftmnll us lu thujiresont uproot rursoli. Tholionllbof women In niiuk'tit tlmct wa hotter than In our proiont day of soelnt ( loniniiilR , housuhold caresnnd hiirrlod living. Women uro wonkor tbnn they once won1. They feel di'iin-ssiHl. bliu > . weak nnd Innunld , whew they were once hrltht , strong and aetlvo. i Such tuodern troubles iciilre ( ] the most ad- ' Danced treatment and the best physician * , nnd mast nclentllla iiiitlmrUlc * of thopromml day dcoluro thnt purostliiinlnnu are n noei'i- ulty In most lives. It Is a slKUlflcnntfnclho\r ovor. In connection with thU Htutomcnt , thai only pure Mliniilnnts nro over of value , whllo Impure nronn iictttnl harm , The best and purest of nil Rtlmiihmts now Known to the public Is Duffy' * L'uro Mult Whiskey. It Is Indeed the only uiodlcliinl whiskey known to the professions or the pub- lie. Unas been tested by years of use , nnd li far mom popular to-day than ovnr before In Its history. It has many Imitators and Urn usniil jnaionulcs which merit always brlmc * . nnd lu'iiL'o whoti unsernpulou < ] dealers olfur tiny other iirllolo. they should bo Rl von to un durstand thut only Duffy't ean boused. llolnt by II1 Own I'ctnrd. E. A. Eostlaud started out on n blf ( sprco yesterday nnd persuaded miothnr man nuitiod I'ftuloy to accompany him. Knstlnnn spent \vhat money ho Imd , nbout $10 , nnd ho sug gested that I'auloy pawn his uliimond ring , which the latter had claimed \vns worth $105. They visited several pawnshops , but could not secure what they considered a proper amount. Kustland tlicn had 1'nnlcy arrested on the charge of stealing the riiitf. hut after an explanation ho was released and Kastland was locked up for carrying concealed coaled weapons. The Cliiiruh IJOHOH Nothing. NHW YOIIK , .Tun. S3. [ Special Tolocram to fun BBR. ] Among the o caught by the fall- tire of S. A. Kcan & Co. , the Chicago bank ers , was General O. O. Howard , U. S ; A. General Howard had $3 , ! X ) on dopoitt , of which ? l,000 was personal account nnd the remainder a fund which ho hold hi trust for Camp Memorial church , Clirysto street mis sion. Ucncral Howard uns assumed tno 1U- bllity for the entire amount and tbo church will lese nothing. Stpltiltz Mm CIiosH Clminplon. NKW YOKK , Jan. 22 , The match between Steinitz and Gunshorg for the chess cham pionship of the world was definitely Uccidcd In favor of Steinitz by tuft ninotcoutli game contested today. The game being n draw , It loft the score : Steinitz 0 , Gunsberg4drawn 0 , leaving no opportunity to * Gunsuorg to catch up. Placed In un ISvunUnor's Hands. MCIIICIN'R Loner , Kan. , .Tan. 22. The first National bank was placed hi the hands of a government examiner today. Thcro has been a run on the bank for the past four days , but the principal cause of the suspension was a quarrel among tti stockholders. Assets , $30,000 , ; liabilities , * T > 0,000. A HaUlmoro Wedding. BAI.TIMOIIE , Md. , .Tan. 23. Miss Virginia Schloy , daughter ot Captain Schloy , U. S. N. , was married tonlffht to Kalph Granvllle Montague Stuart Wortlcv , son of the curl ot \VarnclIff and vice president of the Atlantic & Danville road. A Diamond SnlcHinati NBW YOIIK , Jan. 22. William C. Duncan , city salesman for tbo diamond house of Lcwlsohn & Co. , Maiden Lane , has disap peared with $ ! ! 0,000 worth of diamonds nnd Inspector Bj rnes is working on the cnso. IVcntlicr Still Cold in Italy. LoNlios' , Jon. 23. Ileports of Intense cold and snow still como from Italy. In Austria the weather has somewhat moderated. Wolves rendered desperate by hunger arc committing great ravages. I Tragedy. Miss. , Jan. 22. At Galfatin , La. , today City Marshal Stout attempted to niTost a man named Story. lu the shooting which followed Story was killed and Stout mortally wounded. Ordered iholloiuls Ito'iirncd. CHICAGO , Jan. 33. Judge Scales today ordered the return to tbo city of Superior , Wis. , of $44,000 of bonds , deposited with Buukor Komi Just beloro his failure. I'H First \Vnlknitt. LONDON , Jan. 22. The strike of 200 miners ntSosnowlcc , Russia , nnd of the men In the imperial dock yards at St. Petersburg , mark the first strikes in that cm pi it ) . Tlio Prc.Hldiiit the Honored Guest. \VA8HINQTOX. Jan. 22. Tno president waV the guest of honor nt a dinner given to. Ight by General Schouold. Do CloekH top When People Die ? The sentimental aud Buporstitloim who nro given to tracing- the laws of coinci dences will find tin interesting subject for their attention in the recent douth of a jqwolor in Bupyrus , O. For ninny yours it has boon the ollico of a skillful Gorman watchman , nnmod Frank Koh- ror , to attend to the town clock. Durlnjr the pant few months the health of Mr. Kohror IIUB boon poor , nnd the clock , de prived of his careful attention , haa boon Keeping indiltorent time" . Ono Monday inoniinjj recently the timoploco struck 5 , nnd a few rninutoa later it stopped. Early risers who hoard the chime iilllnn that there was soraotlilnp indescribably weird and peculiar ahout it. Later ribors , noticing the clock hands pointing toMM commented upon thofaubjoct and itsagod guardian. 1-iator In the day the imws spread that Mr. Kohror'H condition liad suddenly become worho and thnt ho Imd died at 6:03 : that morning- . " \Vhon the late state Bonator 13. J. Smith of Hancock county , Wont Virgin ia , passed away , his'family looked uthia watch to see the tlrao. The hands pointed to 12:02. : When S. G. Smith , son of the Into senator , began house keeping in "Wheeling his father pave him n , family clock which ho hud always ut- tended to hlmsoU. After the funeral Mr. Smith returned to Wheeling , AH soon as ho saw the clock Mr. Smith turned to his mother and wlstor nud itbked thorn if anything In the room hud attracted tholr nttontion. j'Tho cloek , " Raid the Bister , and the mother nodded assent. Tlio clock hud stopped nt 112:0" : . IF YOU 'KNEW how easy it was \o rid yourself of face pimples and blotches , you would take a few bottles S. S. S. and remove thorn. HER PACK 1IBII FOIlTUNi : . "I was annoyed fora jou vlt'i pirn- ploB and blolchea on the face. I con- Milled prominent phydans anl ; mo I different kinds of wlvJrtlfod mo.ll- rlnoa without any bonollt. Finally I tried Swift s bpcclflc , and Iho amoulii- ness of nty nkln wafl completely te- blored by the HBO of n few bottles. " C HA .i.ori B ilANimvr , . Thalia Theater , Now York City. ; IDOKi Off etOOD tfD SXIf DIJlASfS f.1 C , r TIIK MrirrSrc mo Co. , Atlanta , Qa.